08-20-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes "Li Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE fir Meeting Minutes Monday,August 20,2012—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Board Chairman Matt Rose,called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board Members present: Jim Ward,Dan Chesnut,Jeff Harris,Emmett Jones and Jeremy White. Staff members present: Board Liaison and Superintendent,Robert Diaz and Park Board Secretary Interim,Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 23, 2012 meeting. Board Action Board Member Chesnut made a motion,seconded by Board Member Harris to approve the minutes from the July 23,2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon Wylie Youth Soccer Association vendor registration to host a fundraiser "Casino Night" event at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on November 3, 2012. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz stated that the"Casino Night"is a new fundraising event for this group wherein the hosting party will typically hire a vendor to set up a casino and sell tickets for gambling. Board Member Chesnut asked for clarification of the event plans because the applicant did not specify this on the vendor registration. Superintendent Diaz explained that from his experience with these types of events,non-monetary prizes are awarded,and the game is basically a"pay and play",which falls within the legal limits. Board Action Board member Ward made a motion,seconded by Board Member Jones,to approve the Wylie Youth Soccer Association vendor registration for Casino Night to be held on November 3,2012. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 3. Consider and act upon Wylie East High School (WEHS) vendor registration to hold a carnival fundraiser benefiting Wylie East High School scholarships at Olde City Park on September 24, 2012. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that the WEHS vendor application was submitted only a few days prior to this month's Parks Board meeting;however,it is a repeat event which is coordinated in conjunction with the WEHS homecoming parade. Wylie East High School teachers coordinate carnival events at the park in an effort to raise money for scholarships for Wylie East High School students. Board Action Board member Harris made a motion,seconded by Board Member Ward,to approve the WEHS Homecoming Carnival vendor registration to be held on September 24,2012. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discussion regarding the unnamed pavilion at Community Park and the adjacent restroom/storage building. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz informed the board that staff visited the site on Tuesday,August 7,2012 and took photos of existing conditions. It was observed that the existing plaques on the restroom/storage building list several names; however,John W.Akin's name is not included on either. The pavilion itself does not have any type of marker or plaque on it. The other storage building at the site,the one used by the baseball league,has a sign on it with the words"Akin Pavilion"and it has a plaque on it stating it was dedicated by the John W.Akin family. Board Member Chesnut inquired on how a plaque would be added to the unnamed pavilion,and Superintendent Diaz advised that it could be attached to the steel framework. Chairman Rose added that likely a bracket would be added to the middle of the steel on the center peak of the pavilion and it would hang across as a sign. Chairman Rose recommended we remove the existing plaque and not rename the storage building used by the baseball league. Board Member Ward asked if any other pavilions in the City of Wylie were designated a name,to which Superintendent Diaz responded no. Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that he would need to get direction from Public Service Director,Mike Sferra and then submit this as a work session item to the City Council at the next available meeting. 5. Discuss changes to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz indicated that staff added an item to the Board Bylaws that creates a chain of command for Board Members to follow when requesting information from staff The amended version added Item g.to Article V, Section 4 of the Bylaws. Since the Bylaws are rules specific to the Board,any changes or modifications would have to be approved by the Board as an action item at the next meeting and then ultimately approved by the City Council. Board Member Chesnut added that he thought the amendment looks fine and fits well where it has been added in the Bylaws. Superintendent Diaz stated that he would ask the City Secretary,Carole Ehrlich,to review the amendment and then bring this item back to the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting as an action item. 6. Discuss Recreation Fee options. Board Discussion Superintendent Diaz stated that at the previous meeting the Board requested staff look at the following items in regards to the recreation fees for this month's meeting: fund balance policy,peak attendance numbers and number of family memberships sold since opening day. Because the Board meeting was moved up a week,the information regarding the peak attendance numbers and family memberships could not be acquired but will be made available for the September meeting. Budget Officer Ben Petty advised Superintendent Diaz that there is not a fund balance policy for the Recreation Fund but there has been discussion of leaving approximately 10-15%of the Recreation Fund for operational emergencies,and the rest of the money would go back into the 4B fund to pay down other debt or departmental needs. Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that we are close to being in a position to decide on any changes or increases to the Recreation Center fees. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Ward and seconded by Board Member Chesnut. The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m.by unanimous consent. ATTEST: Janet, Park Board Secretary Matt Rose, Park Board Chairman (Interim) Minutes August 20, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 of 2