09-11-2012 (City Council) Agenda Packet ,c OF f wyt G1 4 At ` TAIMI, e; Wylie City Council NOTICE F MEETING 1887. 4 .STATE'ai TEX�4 Regular Meeting Agenda September 11, 2012 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Kathy Spillyards Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Nathan Scott Place 2 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Diane Culver Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Randy Hill, Summit Church PRESENTATIONS • Presentation of Proclamation declaring September 10, 2012 through September 15, 2012 as Telecommunicate Week in the City of Wylie. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. September 11,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the August 28, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Annual Report as sent to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition No. 2, Lot 1, Block A, generally located north of East Brown Street and east of North Ballard Avenue. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-30(R) ratifying expenditure to Capco Communications, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $96,200 for the purchase and installation of OSP SM fiber cable between the Municipal Complex and the Public Works Facility. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-31(R) adopting the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for public works; and providing for an effective date. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) RECESS CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER THE PARKS & RECREATION 4B BOARD 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the September 13, 2011 Special Called Meeting of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B). 2. Consider, and act upon, the appointment and/or reappointment of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) Officers and appoint a Chair and Vice Chairman from its board members for a term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY 2012-2013 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2012-2013 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. ADJOURN RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL September 11,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-27 adopting a budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, beginning October 1, 2012, and ending September 30, 2013. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Executive Summary The tax rate being proposed for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 is $0.8889 per $100 of assessed valuation. The adoption of the FY 2012-2013 tax rate is presented as a separate agenda item. 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-28 fixing the tax rate/levy for Tax Year 2012 and Budget Year FY 2012-2013 at $0.88890 per $100 of assessed valuation. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Executive Summary The tax rate needed to fund the FY 2012-2013 budget is $0.88890 per$100 of assessed valuation. The tax rate is broken down with$0.59062 being used for operations and maintenance and$0.29828 being used to fund the General Debt Service Fund. This tax ordinance will generate levies of $13,409,788 for the General Fund and$6,772,381 for the I& S Fund. The adopted Fiscal Year 2012-2013 budget requires the support of this ordinance for funding. READING OF ORDINANCES WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the repealing of the associated ordinances for the 2006 International Residential Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, International Building Code and then adopting the 2012 International Residential Code, International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, Existing Building Code, 2011 National Electric Code and the 2012 American wood Council corrected Span Tables without regional or local. (D. Lancaster, Building Official) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney from the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with the attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. September 11,2012 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 7th day of September 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT q Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: Presentation Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Randy Corbin Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: July 2, 2012 Budgeted Amount: $ N/A Exhibits: Subject Presentation of Proclamation declaring September 10, 2012 through September 15, 2012 as Telecommunicator Week in the City of Wylie. Recommendation Motion to declare September 10, 2012 through September 15, 2012 as Telecommunicator Week in the City of Wylie. Discussion When a citizen thinks of 9-1-1 they usually think of police, fire trucks and ambulances with lights and sirens blaring. But the initial first responder is the 9-1-1 dispatcher answering the emergency call. Dispatchers are often overlooked as an emergency responder, but the reality is, they are first responders too. They work long hours, holidays and weekends, with poise under pressure, aid and compassion in times of distress, all while making critical decisions under pressure. They are first responders to the general public, as well as being first responders to fire and police personnel. They are the voice, giving medical direction to a parent, whose infant is no longer breathing, or contacting other emergency agencies for assistance, when local fire and police personnel are overwhelmed. Many people do not stop to think about these individuals until they are faced with an emergency themselves, but these professionals often make the difference between life and death in many instances. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RC 07/02/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 The Wylie Public Safety Communications Center will be celebrating National Telecommunicators Week September 10-15, 2012. Last year, the center's nine (9) Public Safety Dispatchers handled 80,180 emergency 911 and non-emergency telephone calls while dispatching and coordinating responses for Wylie Police and Wylie Fire Rescue Personnel as well as personnel for the Branch and Fate Fire Departments. They provided EMD instruction on approximately 1,419 calls and dispatched approximately 32,381 incidents. c„cothiovivois r, it % o m i i 9-1-1 .' 2417 We are proud to honor our employees for their dedication to the City of Wylie and years of experience saving lives and protecting property. Albert Allen- 14 years Lisa Laird- 12 years Aaron Oleson—4 years Tristian Whittle—3 years Barbie Morrow—2 years Robin Livingston—2 years Paula Feld— 1 year Brenna Stevenson— 1 year Allyson Frederick—7 years Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE iv Minutes Wylie City Council Meeting Tuesday August 28, 2012 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. City Secretary Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tern Kathy Spillyards, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman Nathan Scott, Councilman Rick White, and Councilman David Goss. Councilman Bennie Jones was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Police Chief, John Duscio; Planning Director, Renae 011ie; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Ray Miranda, The Story Church Ray Miranda, representing The Story Church, gave the invocation and Wylie Economic Development Board member Todd Wintters led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Evelyn Lopez Junior Mayor for the Day Mayor Hogue introduced Junior Mayor for the Day Evelyn Lopez. Mayor Hogue explained Evelyn won the silent auction for Birmingham Elementary where she is a student. The winner receives the designation as "Mayor for the Day." Mayor Hogue administered the student oath of office and Evelyn presided along with the Mayor during the council meeting. All funds raised from the silent auction go to the local campus PTA. • Emergency Preparedness Month Proclamation Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation designating September as Emergency Preparedness Month in the City of Wylie. Emergency Management Specialist Debbie Buccino was present to accept the proclamation. Buccino spoke about emergency preparedness whether it be for inclement weather or the current concern regarding West Nile Virus. She explained the Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page I 1 precautions to be used to protect against the virus, noting that city wide spraying had also been completed as an additional precaution. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No citizens were present to address council during citizen's comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the August 14, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for July 31, 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for July 31, 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the WEDC Financial Report for July 31, 2012. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Wylie East High School vendor registration to hold a carnival fundraiser benefiting Wylie East High School scholarships at Olde City Park on September 24, 2012. (R. Diaz, Parks & Recreation Superintendent) F. Consider, and act upon, Wylie Youth Soccer Association vendor registration to host a fundraiser "Casino Night" event at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on November 3, 2012. (R. Diaz, Parks &Recreation Superintendent) Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman White to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Jones absent. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-26 amending Subsection B (Water Rates) and Subsection C (Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates) of Section 1 (Water and Sewer Fees) of the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page 12 Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that on December 14, 2010 council held a work session to discuss the water and sewer rate study prepared by McLain Decision Support Systems. The study incorporates the water and sewer capital improvements plan (CIP), outstanding debt service, the proposed wholesale water rate increases from the North Texas Municipal Water District, the transfer to the general fund, and the expansion of the Public Works Service Center. The report was updated in June 2011 based on information contained in the Indirect Cost Study which identified personnel expenses attributable to the utility fund. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Spillyards to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-26 amending Subsection B (Water Rates) and Subsection C (Sewage Fees) Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates) of Section 1 (Water and Sewer Fees) of the Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Jones absent. Public Hearing 2. Hold a Public Hearing on the fiscal year 2012-2013 Proposed Budget and provide all interested persons an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item in the proposed budget; and set and announce the date, time and place of the meeting at which Council will vote on the final proposed budget. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Bantz addressed council stating that a Public Hearing is required to be held on the fiscal year 2012-2013 Proposed Budget. In addition the time, date, and place that the vote will be taken on the final proposed budget must also be scheduled. Bantz noted any changes made to the proposed tax rate or proposed budget could affect required publications and steps in the tax rate and budget approval process. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget at 6:30 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address council on the item to come forward and keep their comments to three minutes. No one was present to address council during this public hearing. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Goss to set September 11, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the Wylie City Council Chambers as the place, date, and time for the vote to be taken on the FY 2012-2013 Budget. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Jones absent. READING OF ORDINANCES City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2012-26 into the official record. Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page 13 Mayor Hogue convened into the joint work session with the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board and Sanden International at 7:50 p.m. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD Call to Order the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors WEDC Board Chair Marvin Fuller called the WEDC Board of Directors to order at 7:50 p.m. with the following board members present: John Yeager, Todd Wintters, and Mitch Herzog. Demond Dawkins was absent. Sanden representatives in attendance included: Mark Ulfig, Jimmye Phaup, and Kumar Coimbatore. • Hold a joint work session between the Wylie City Council, Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors to receive an update from Sanden officials on matters pertaining to strategic partnerships and future investment in the Wylie community in addition to an update on commercial activity in the Wylie community provided by the Wylie City Council and WEDC. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Mayor Hogue welcomed Sanden and WEDC officials to the special called work session. Mayor Hogue continued by complimenting Sanden for its significant impact throughout the Wylie community and expressed optimism toward the ability of Sanden, the City Council, and WEDC to partner together for the benefit of the Wylie community and its local economy. Sanden officials presented an overview of Sanden's global operations with an emphasis on their Wylie plant which employs 572 full-time and approximately 300 part-time personnel. Sanden Chairman/CEO Mark Ulfig briefed the council on Sanden's intention of developing a new manufacturing line which will produce pistons for their PX Compressor. Mr. Ulfig commented that the new line will be operational by the first quarter of 2013 at a cost of$24.215 million. The two locations being considered by Sanden's leadership are existing plants in Wylie and Mexico. Mr. Ulfig also stated that while local representatives are pressing for the new investment to be made in Wylie, many factors are involved in this decision making process. Sanden's General Manager of Plant Operations Kumar Coimbatore commented that it will cost Sanden $1 million more each year to operate the new piston line in Wylie. Council member Goss commented that all the decision makers were present that could address any financial assistance necessary to offset the $1 million gap. WEDC Director Satterwhite commented that the WEDC had presented Sanden with an incentive package which is a combination of grants and a tax abatement but the estimated value of the package can in no way offset the gap in operating costs. Mr. Ulfig suggested that Mr. Satterwhite, Mr. Coimbatore, and Mr. Jimmye Phaup, Sanden Sr. Vice President, meet in the near future to discuss what additional assistance may be available to secure the location of the piston line in Wylie. Adjourn the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors With no further business before the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, WEDC Board Chair Marvin Fuller adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 8:06 p.m. Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page 14 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR WORK SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Work Session at 8:07 p.m. WORK SESSION • Discuss issues surrounding joint funding with the WEDC for the extension of Woodbridge Parkway. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite addressed council stating that several months ago WEDC took the lead in the extension of Woodbridge Parkway which is a joint project between the City of Wylie, WEDC and the City of Sachse totaling $8 million. In doing so the WEDC committed funding of up to $2 million toward the project. Satterwhite explained that WEDC had secured funding of up to $2 million from American National Bank, which was approved by the WEDC board. Satterwhite explained that during a previous work session there was some conversation regarding the use of a portion of future thoroughfare impact fees toward the project. In estimating those future funds from impact fees for that zone, it was estimated the fees would total close to $1 million. In evaluating the fees generated along Woodbridge Parkway, including the repayment of Mr. Herzog for Woodbridge Parkway and the remaining properties to be developed in that zone, it would take in access of 15 years to equal the $1 million. Satterwhite reported he, the City Manager, and City Engineer had met to discuss the use of a portion of the thoroughfare impact fees. During the meeting, City Engineer Hoisted had also identified access funding from previous bond projects that, once all bond projects were completed, could be used for other projects within the CIP for which Woodbridge Parkway was included. Satterwhite explained WEDC does want to take the lead on this project as it is a very important project for the City. Satterwhite asked council to consider utilizing up to $800,000 from access bond funding toward the $2 million commitment by the WEDC board. Mayor Hogue asked why this amount was chosen. Mr. Satterwhite stated in discussion with board members, the board wanted to take the greater share of the commitment by WEDC. City Engineer Hoisted addressed council and reported funding totals, including county funding for the past bond projects would be in excess of approximately $3,885,563. Hoisted noted that this number could go up or down depending on the completion of projects currently in progress. Councilwoman Culver asked if funding for public art and median improvements were included in these access fund. Hoisted stated that funding would be available for these projects. Councilwoman Culver asked Mr. Hoisted if he was comfortable with releasing the requested $800,000. Hoisted stated the funding was there if council chose to utilize it for the project. Direction from council was for staff to further review funding a portion of the access bond proceeds toward the WEDC portion of the commitment for Woodbridge Parkway extension and bring back for consideration by council at a later date. Mayor Hogue convened into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. reading the caption below. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page 15 Section 551.087 Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting: • Deliberate an Amended and Restated Retail Development Agreement between Woodbridge Crossing, L.P. and the City of Wylie. Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Session at 8:32 p.m. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result of Executive Session There was no action taken as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, seconded by Councilman Goss to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Jones absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes August 28, 2012 Wylie City Council Page 16 off Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT wn, TT Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: B. Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: August 20, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Annual Report as sent to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Recommendation A motion to accept, and place on file the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Annual Report as sent to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Discussion In August 2011, the Public Works staff completed implementation of goals identified in Year 4 of the City's Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). Staff submitted an annual report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in January 2012. The report contains information about the progress of implementation regarding the 33 Best Management Practices outlined in the SWMP. The TCEQ requires that an annual update be presented to elected officials and to the general public to satisfy criteria for public education and public participation which are specifically identified as key components of the legislation. This update fulfills that obligation. There are six Minimum Control Measures (MCM) that the City must address each year. Below are the major accomplishments for each MCM in Year 4: Public Education and Outreach Approximately 15,000 copies of storm water educational material were inserted into the water utility bills and mailed to residential and commercial customers. Also, Public Works Staff provided a storm water presentation to the first, second and third grade classes at Hartman and Smith Elementary Schools. Public Involvement/Participation Staff recruited forty-nine volunteers from Firewheel Church to mark 240 curb inlets in the following subdivisions: Twin Lakes, Southbrook, South Place, and Westwind Meadows. Parks staff and volunteers also participated in a park cleanup event in Founders Park and in the Premiere Business Park area. A total of 400 pounds of trash and 200 pounds of recyclables were collected. The cleanup event was successful and had positive response from the public. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination During the year, the Water Quality Specialist inspected the storm sewer system outfalls throughout the City. No illicit discharges were detected. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Throughout the year, the Public Services Department worked with the Planning and Engineering Departments reviewing various site plans to guard against undesirable runoff. Building Inspections and the Engineering Departments performed routine construction site inspections to ensure contractor compliance with runoff regulations (installation of silt fence, tracking mud on streets, concrete washout areas, etc.). A construction site inspection check list is posted on the City website. Post Construction Storm Water Management The Engineering Department continues the existing review process of planned construction projects of at least one acre in size to verify compliance with long-term protective maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The City continued its established street sweeping program throughout the year. Also, the Fire Department follows its standard operating procedures regarding hazardous materials incidents and enters all hazardous materials events (spills) into the Texas Incident Reporting and the National Fire Incident Reporting Systems data bases. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 08/20/2012 City Manager CITY OF WYLIE City of Wylie Phase II (Small) MS4 Annual Report FY 2010-2011 Storm Water Management Plan Our \i:ssion.,, t ht responsible °tc u zrds of the public trust, / ro stilt t:for escellence in public service, and to cxint3nce the quality for aa OF i"LIE January 3, 2012 Jaya Zyman-Ponebshek, Team Leader Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water and Pretreatment Team (MC-148) P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Re: Phase II MS4 Annual Report Transmittal for the City of Wylie TPDES Permit Number: TXR040075 Dear Ms. Zyman-Ponebshek: This letter serves to transmit the Year 4 Annual Report for the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit, Authorization Number TXR040075 for the City of Wylie. A separate Notice of Change (NOC) has not been submitted based on the fact that changes have not been proposed for Year 5. As required by the general permit, a copy of this submittal has also been mailed to the TCEQ's regional office in Ft. Worth, Texas. Sincerely, R � f ift lj I / Mindy Manson City Manager City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 300 cc uotr) Club Road,.'d;'`y e,I tr,,rm n i9 S 9 4_5 -638 Table of Contents Phase II (Small) MS4 Annual Report Form . B. SWMP Modifications and Additional D. Storm Water Management Program ..... Table 2 - Year 4 Measurable Goal F. Storm Water Management Plan— Annual Report Permit No.: STW / TXR040075 RP Phase II (Small) MS4 Annual Report Form TPDES General Permit No. TXR040000 A. General information 1. Permit No. TYR040075 Annual Report Period:August 13, 2010-august 12,2011 Name of MS4/Pennittee; Telephone Number: City Of Wylie (972)442"7588 Contact Name:Albert Garza Mailing Address:949 Hensley Lane,Wylie, Texas 75098 E-Mail Address:Albert.ydrza wyuetexas.gov 2. Is the name permittee relying on another entFty/ies to satisfy some of its permit obligation? Yes No X If yes,provide the name(s)of other entity/les and explanation of their responsibilities(add more spaces or pages ,r needed): Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Is the named permittee sharing a SWMP with other entities? Yes NO If"yes,"list all associated permit numbers and permittee names(add additional spaces or pages if needed): _.. Permit Number: Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number _ Permit Number Permit Number 4. Is this a system wide annual report including information for all permittees? Yes No Explanation, if any: 5 Office? [Has a copy of this annual report been submitted to the TCEQ Regional Yes No B. SWMP Modifications and Additional Information. Include a brief explanation if you check "yes" to any of the following statements. 1. a. Changes have been made or are proposed to the SWMP since the NOl of last annual report including changes in Yes No response to TCEQ's review? X b. If yes to the above, has the TCEQ already approved the original SWMP? Yes No c. If yes to the above, indicate whether an NOC(or letter)has been submitted to document the changes to the Yes No approved SWMP as required by the general permit. (Note that if an NOC is required, it must be submitted to the address shown on the NOC. Do not attach the original NOC form to this report) 2' The MS4 has annexed lands since obtaining permit coverage. ------- —~—~ '`� --- 140 A receiving water body is newly listed as impaired of a � TMIDL has been established. -- ----` ----` — ---^ ---- ---` The MS4 has conducted analytical monitoring of storm water quality. ain below or attach a summary to submit along with any monitoring data used to evaluate the success of the SWMO ai­--""­ reducing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Be sure to include a discussion of results. ' C. Narrative Provisions. - 1, Provide information on the status of complying with permit conditions: Yes No Explain Per-m ittee is currently in compliance with the SWMP as submitted to and approved by the TCEQ. X Aquifer limitations, compliance history,etc.) 2, Provide a general assessment of the appropriateness of the selected BMPs: ittee determined that any of the selected BMPs are not Has h- appropriate for reducing Provide Explanation: The City of Wylie believes that all --' --- ---- the storm water? eBnoPsuswdinixsSVVMPoneapprophotumndcnnmdbutw discharged pollutants. 3, Describe progress towards reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), Summarize any information used (such an monitoring data)hx evaluate reductions in the discharge ofpollutants, Use a narrative description or table anmppmpheka: MCM BMP Parameter Quantity Units Does BMP Demonstrate a Direct Reduction in Pollutants? ' Oh. provide explanation below: � `n��nyovvxy/o /nsnWinQmonaducwt-hau/suh,--argmmf pollutants tm the maximum extent practicable through implementation of BMP ndin our--- SW-P. wo water quality information in available at this time tudemonstrate o direct reduction in pollutants. 4, Provide ageneral evaluation of the proOnam's pro8neno, including any obstacles or challenges encountered in impdomenth?gBK4Ps. meeting the prograrn's schedule, etc.: 5. _ _vv_ ___ ____ Provide the number of construction activities (other than those m/herethe pmrnnitteeasthe opmr within the regulated area as indicated e notices of intent or site notices: 6 Does the permittee utilize the 7 MCM related to construction? Yes NO If yes, then provide the following information: X a. The number of municipal construction activities authorized under this permit: b. Total number of acres disturbed for municipal constructions projects: Though the 7fh MCM is optional, this must be requested on the NOI or on a NOC and approved by the TCEQ. 7 Requirements for Specific Minimum Control Measures (MCM): For MCM 1- Public Education and Outreach, provide documentation of activities conducted and material used to fulfill the requirements of this MCM. b, Also for MCM 1, provide documentation of the amount of resources used to address each group(e.g., visitors, businesses, etc.). c. For MCM 3-Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE), indicate whether you have developed a list of allowable non-storm water discharges, other than those already listed in the permit. If you have developed a list and have made any changes to the local controls, conditions and/or programs being established for discharges, include this information below. If you do not have any changes for this permit year, indicate that this item Is not applicable. N/A 8, Describe any proposed changes to the SWMP in the coming reporting year. 9 Describe any activities planned for the next permit year/reporting cycle. D. Storm Water Management Program Status. Provide the status of every BMP and measurable goal listed in the SWMP, as described in the instructions, Each MCK4. but not necessarily each DMP. must include the measurable goals described in the SVVMP. For a shared SYVK4P. include the name oy the responsible MS4uperaNr(o) in the^B&0P~ column, (Though onMD4is not required to implement BMPs until the initial S»»MPis approved uy the TCEO, the M3fs initial annual reportshould include a - description ofwhat has been done ro date, even if SW MP The M84 will receive credit for a8B�Mos implemented prior n/ nd dv�nVthe �s/ponnd year if � d � they are - Table 1 — BAMPStatus ------ ---- ^ ---�-- --- -- ----- — r ----- — ----- � McM(q)Bwpm BMp � Milestones of Permit Year New or Start Date � ----- t��us/cwnp{vhqnoee � mp"iaom � (completed,� inou`Vnwss. mu started) 15.000 copies ofstorm water educational material were � Utility Bill Insert inserted into the water utility bills and mailed\oresidential None �2O 11 � Completedi Educational Flyer � �dcommem�|uuu�mm�, f ' . � | � PE-2 1 Web Site � Public Works staff inserted storm water related contents on / None ) 2_��2UVg � Completed � �eCbywebnbe. xp*w/wy|��,angov / ' ! � � Educational information was displayed at the following locations: Utility Billing, Public Library, Community Center, � PE-3 Public Reference and Wylie Independence School District Administration � None ! 5-20'11 Completed � � � Building, Fnrty��ovo|un�e�fmmFimVVhmo| �hu�hma�ed24O | � PE-4 Storm Drain Marking curb-inlets in the following subdivisions:Twin Lak»». None 5-29_11 � Completed � Sou�bmok South aodVYesh�nd �nadowx � , . � � � . � Public Works Staff gave a storm water presentation tothe ���---- ---- 1"'.2� and 3m graders ut Hartman and Smith Elementary � � October ; PE-5 Classroom Education (See Attachment Flyer' "Take aDip^. "Prevent Storm Water None | 27-28- Completed | � � Pol|uhon^and"Know Where it Goes" 800kmarkn). | 2010 | l ��- --------- -- -- ---- � -------�--------�--------- -~-- --------''� Water Quality Specialist gave the Public Works Department " Gonera| EducabonofChy � apr«nen�donon the Cby�Storm VVgarManagement Plan, � pE'O Employees � and two educational videos were watch on Storm Water None� �25-11 � Completed Preventing�anagemontandPreventingVY�nQ ShnnnerPn||ud �un ` �� ` � � | City staff presented the City Council the current progress Education ofElected | and effort being made by the City personnel that would 1 1 � PE-7 Officials and the Public � count toward compliance un the Phase UMS4permit None | Completed � ^ requirement. / PE-8 Business, Commercial Storm water educational material was inserted into the None � 5��'11 an4 |ndunma! Educuhon ' � Completed - wa�ruU|�ybU|san� nmi��Vocommom�|oun�mmn �'-- ~ ^` ' ' ____� � . l ���--- ------ ------ ---------' ^ . Developer/Builder/Engine The City Engineer provides inf ormation ' � � PE-9 � nrEduo^hon and Training amn�ncon�n|a"dnenou�es0oVhmoonha�om. dovenpn� � None � 8-�Z'11 Completed � ! and builders during pnaonnstmoUonmooUng > � � � � Public Works Personnel attended the Storm Water Pollution PmvenUunduhngCons�uoUonand aS�nnwmosrPonnk � \ PE-1O Ciiy |nspec�rTre�ing | G'2��10 VVodh�hopdaos. whichioo#orod�hmuyh �o�hCan�na| i Wnne Completed | � � Texas Council qf Government Regional Training Center in i 3'3'11 The Water Quality Specialist is in the process of inspecting Illicit Discharge the storm sewer system and identifying the outfalls ID-16 Inspections throughout the City, Any maintenance that is needed in the None 8-13-10 Completed storm sewer system or outfalls has been conducted and documented by the Street.Division. The Wastewater Division is the responsible party for Sanitary Sewer Line conducting inspection and maintenance of the sanitary ID-17 Maintenance and sewer system, also all documentation of inspections and None 8-13-10 Completed Inspection maintenance of the sanitary sewer system is being maintained by the Wastewater Division. Erosion Control Ordinance City staff and the City's Attorney are still in the process of and Requirements for evaluating and reviewing the final draft for the erosion CS-18 Construction Site control ordinance and the requirements for construction site None 8-13-10 In Progress Contractors contractors. Ordinance will be presented to council during 2011-2012 Stormwater reporting year. The Public Services Department worked together with CS-°19 Site Plan Review Planning and Engineering Departments on reviewing site None 8-13-10 Completed plans. The Building Inspection and the Engineering Departments Construction Site are currently performing construction site inspections. The CS-20 Inspection and Water Quality Specialist will keep all inspection forms filed None 8-13-10 Completed Enforcement that were performed by the Building Inspection and Engineering Departments. The construction site inspection check list is posted on the City website. CS 21 Receipt and Consideration All stormwater related calls are being entered into the Asist None 8-13-10 In Progress of Information from Public Data base for future reference. City staff and the City's Attorney are still in the process of Post Construction Storm evaluating and reviewing the final draft for the Post- PC 22 Water Ordinance Construction Storm Water Ordinance. Ordinance will be None 8-13-10 In Progress presented to council during 2011-2012 Stormwater reporting year. The Engineering Department will continue with the existing review process of planned construction projects at least one PC `�3 Engineering Design acre in size to verify compliance with long-term protective None 8-13 q9 Completed Review maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality. (See Attachment-Site Plan Review Projects). PC 24 Land Use Plan Five proposed zoning changes were made in permit year None 8-13-10 Completed four. Below are the existing licensed personnel in the City of Wylie: GH-25 Chemical Applications Kevin England,Buddy McGuire, None 8-13-10 Completed Management Archie Whitt, Dennis Sewell, Ron Thompson, Ricardo Govea, and Jimmy England. Storm Sewer System The Street Division Crew performs and schedules all GH-26 maintenance conducted on the Storm Sewer System, and None 8-13.07 Completed Maintenance the Water Quality Specialist enters documentation into the Asist data base. Approximately Fifty-four miles of street sweeping area were GH-27 Street Sweeping maintained by Mr. Dirt of Texas every quarter. Areas have None 8-13-10 Completed been separated into two different routes. An earth berm perimeter was constructed around stock pile None 8 13-10 Completed GH 28 Safe Material Storage material to help control erosion and sedimentation. The Street Division will be the responsible party for GH-2 Structural Control conducting inspection and maintenance of City structural 8-13-10 Completed Maintenance controls. Staff is currently in the process of identifying City None and private structural controls throughout the City. The City of Wylie Fire Department will continue following its standard operating procedures on hazardous material GH 30 Spill Response incidents. The Fire Department uses electronic record None 8-13-10 completed keeping of all hazardous material activities on the Texas Incident Reporting and the National Fire Incident Reporting Systems data base. Each municipal operation that was identified in year one to have potential impact on storm water,will continue to None 8-13-10 completed GH-31 Employee Training implement and document their existing training programs for p their employees. Disposal of Collected Continue methods of handling and disposal of storm water GH 32 Storm Sewer System materials as outlined in year one actions. None 8-13-10 completed Waste The Water Quality Specialist,with the aid of the City's GH 33 Municipal Operations and consultant, conducted site visits and performed a storm None 8 13 g8 completed Industrial Activity water audit of the municipal facilities and operations that have the potential to impact storm water quality. , Table 2 — Measurable Goals Status ' KACyN(m) AOeasurmb|mGoa|(m) � �u�oee� � Proposed Changes � � / � it NOC as needed) / PE-1 Utility Bill Insert/ ` � | � Educational Flyer | Distribute educationalinformation as utility bill insert one time per year. Met Goal � | � 1 yy�b3�e p�_2 , � Develop storm«��onnepm|a� co ntent on�mCdy�web nhewkh �«onnaUpn. 0 -links, � ^ i references for additional information, — Met Goal � � ?— ------ �--�-- -- -- - --- --------^ -- ---- --------� Acquire, develop and provide copies of educational matedals at the Public Library and other � PE-3 Public Reference 1 public access locations, such ao City Hall, uoappropriate, ^ Met Goal � __—_ �--- i | � | Forty-nine volunteers from Fire Wheel Church marked 240 curb-inlets in the following � subdivisions: Twin Lakes, Snu¢hbmok South andYVosk�|n��oagown � PE-4 �|nnnDrain ��rkinQ ' ' � | Met Goal i / | � � Provide storm water education curriculum and material as determined by coordination � PE-5 Classroom Education meetings with the School District in Year 1 / Met Goal � Provide appropriate construction site erosion control training to inspection personnel at least once every three years. Provide appropriate training for new inspectors poor to their conductingunassisted site inspections. Met Goal PEu10 City Inspector Training Require COG training for site inspectors. Storm Water Reporting Establish the storm water reporting line and educate the public about its availability through Pl 11 Line various Public Education BMPs. Document each call and dispatch to appropriate department Met Goal for proper response, as necessary. Bulk Waste Cleanup The City of Wylie currently provides brush and bulk collection service to the Citizens of Wylie, Met Goal PI-12 and illegal dump sites are monitored by camera surveillance. Parks staff and volunteers participated in a park cleanup event. The event was took place in Founders Park and the Premiere Business Park area. A total of 400 lbs. of trash and 200 lbs. PI-13 Park Cleanup of recyclables were collected, The cleanup event was successful and had positive response Met Goal from the public. ID 14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/ On July 13, 2010 the City of Wylie Council adopted an Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination Met Goal Elimination Ordinance Ordinance Number 2010-09. Ll 15 Storm Sewer System Map Still in process of identifying regulated storm water outfalls in the City and identifying the Met Goal names and locations of any waters of the U.S. receiving discharges from the MS4. Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures. Begin conducting illicit discharge 1D•1a3 Illicit Discharge Inspections inspections for the City's regulated outfalls. Establish procedure to eliminate detected illicit Met Goal discharges. Identify budget requirements for illicit discharge inspections. Sanitary Sewer Line Conduct sanitary sewer inspections. ID-17 Maintenance and Met Goal Inspection Erosion Control Ordinance City staff and the City's Attorney are still in the process of evaluating and reviewing the final CS-18 and Requirements for draft for the erosion control ordinance and the requirements for construction site contractors. Met Goal Construction Site Ordinance will be presented to council during 2011-2012 Stormwater reporting year. __m... Contractors CS-19 Site Plan Review Reviewed fourteen site plans in the fourth year of the Phase II MS4 reporting period. Met Goal --|� --------- -- - --- -- -- '--- 7— -------- --� ---�/ Construction Site i Revise site inspection proxmdumo, if necessary, to include documented inspection of erosion | CS-20 Inspection and control measures. Educate the public about new site inspection procedures. ! Met Goal � E."v.w=...o.x �----- --- 1 --' --�---- -- -- ------- - __ _____-- Implement procedures to receive and consider public comments, Document comments CS_21 Receipt and Consideration received and consideration made for each set of comments, Educate the public about the � � of Information from Public mechanisms needed to make comments nrsubmittals. Met Goal � � � --�- --- ---7--------- —~— /--- -- __- __- __ City staff and the ChY'n Attorney are still in the process of evaluating and reviewing the final pC_22 � Punt-ConshocU Sto rm draft for the Pont- Wat er � � Water Ordinance during 2O11'2012S\onnwotor reporting year. Met Goal � 1--- -- ---�--------- ------ � --'------- — --- '__ pC_23 � Engineering Design � Conh»«ee�ad»gdes�» mvowpmceoncf�| P|nnnodcono�uc8unpn�ec�at|*auionoaon . Review / m N size com pliance v�ththe|nng�omnpm<ecUvnmaimonmncemqu�ommntak/rnew | Met Goal ' and redeveloped areas tu protect storm water qua|hy � _.�`__ Continue the existing process of assessing proposed zoning changes in relation to the City's � /| n�sbng |andunop|a Five d i � � i p�-�4 Land n� »ePmPo»e zoning an0«mwmmm* n n the fourth year o(the � Phase || MS4 reporting porimd' � Met Goal ' � Chemical Applications | Continue implementation ufVVyUe's existing uhmmic '-=�—�- Evaluate E |~ate / BH-25 Management � appropriateness uf program every two years. Provide and document refresher training for Met Goal � � chemical applicators at least every three years. � Sto System Sewer � Implement the inspection schedule. Perform maintenance as necessary, Clean oyo�mas Maintenance | ' un-�n i � nea�e� inresponve m comp|aintnorrepn�o� pmb|amo ' � Continue emn$ny street sweeping program and begin implementation of any needed � GH'27 Street Sweeping adjustments identified |n the evaluation. ! Met Goal ' Continue protective practices of existing material storage for mad materials stockpiles, and begin implementation of any identified improvements, if necessary. Evaluate effectiveness of | � GH_28 i Safe MmVa�a| Sk�rage � pecbceseach year, document mnu|tsofnv�ua8on. and igendfy'uommendeUonnfor Met Gnm| | improvements, if necessary. Develop material management pmomdumx for the identified � municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw noateda|u� l Structural Control . The S�ooD�is�n=U|ma���n�wn��woo�u� control areas throughout ` � GH- 9 � Maintenance an»uaUy, Met Goal � 1 � ` Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training through Wylie Fire Department. GH-30 Spill Response Met Goal ---------- ------ --------- Identify effort and method necessary to properly train affected employees. Develop budget GH-31 Employee Training requirements for employee training program, Met Goal Disposal of Collected Identify sources of waste requiring disposal as part of storm water management program GH-32 Storm Sewer System activities. Identify proper methods for handling and disposal of waste matedals. Develop Waste budget requirements for waste handling and disposal. Met Goal GH-33 Municipal Operations and Conduct assessments of municipal operations and develop recommendations for BMPs, Industrial Activity Met Goal A. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who marl Je the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. i (printed): �tuW ��V�. Title: �� Name ,(1-t4 � c1 -�1.1 - } i Signature: ,Aa �--~- Date: (` - t Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date. Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Add pages as needed F. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT WREPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Utility Bill Insert/Educational Flyer BMP-1 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Distribute educational material to residents via utility bill inserts. The Implemented? inserts will include storm water education in general per the TCEQ general permit guidelines. Various inserts will also include information specifically relating to fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide usage, proper v YES disposal of household hazardous waste and oils, and other educational and participatory opportunities. E NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Distribute educational information as a utility bill insert one time per year. • Document the amount of information distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13,2010 -AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Web Site BMP-2 i- BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Develop storm water-related content for the City's web site. The web site will include storm water education information. The web site will provide Implemented? specific information regarding the City's TPDES Phase II program, educational and participatory opportunities, and links to other local, state, r� YES and national storm water-related web sites. rNO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Revise and update the storm water website as needed. • Solicit input and feedback from the public for storm water quality issues and opportunities in the City. • Maintain an accessible website. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 -AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE, Public Reference BMP-3 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Provide educational material for reference at the Public Library.City Hall, and other appropriate public places. Materials to be provided will include Implemented, copies of educational materials used for other educational BMPs, access to Wylie's storm water website, information regarding Wylie's storm water -%? Y• ES program, and other miscellaneous storm water educational material as deemed appropriate. IrN• O ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Acquire, develop and provide copies of educational materials at the Public Library and other public access locations, such as City Hall, as appropriate. • Document the amount of information distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Drain Marking BMP-4 ----- ------------------- T-. BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Utilize volunteer effort to place storm drain markers on local storm drains Implemented? in an effort to increase awareness and to prevent dumping into the storm drain system. Solicit assistance from the public to place storm drain markers. r YES E NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Recruit volunteers for the placement of storm drain markers. • Track the location of placed markers and use of volunteer effort. • Document the marked storm drain inlets. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 C LFY OF W Y L IE Classroom Education BNIP-5 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Provide classroom education and curriculum materials to the School District. Materials and curriculum will be assessed and selected from Implemented? existing, readily available programs, and through discussions with the School District staff. YES i c � - NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide storm water education curriculum and material as determined by coordination meetings with the School District in Year 1. • Document the amount of materials provide. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE � 1 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: 4 AU GUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR CITY OF WYLIE General Education of City Employees UMP - 6 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully City employees will receive- storm water education on general storm water protection topics. Employees with job responsibilities with potential storm Implemented? water impacts will receive additional job-specific training, as appropriate, for storm water protection. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct employee education a minimum of once per year. • Document the number of educational meetings PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 7/ AUGUST 13, 2010-AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Education for Elected Officials and Public BMP- 7 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully City elected officials and the public will receive storm water education on Implemented? general storm water topics, as well as an overview of the Phase II MS4 permit requirements. • YES • NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide overview of Phase II MS4 permit requirements and annual updates of implementation progress. • Conduct a minimum of 1 public meeting per year. • Document the number of meetings per year. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 17 it, AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 - Business, Commercial and Industrial CITY OF WYLIL BMP- 8 Education BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Develop a partnership program for providing educational material to Implemented? Wylie's businesses, including commercial and industrial facilities. 'd YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Distribute educational information to local businesses a minimum of one time by the method(s) determined in Year 1. • Solicit feedback once per year and revise program if appropriate. • Document the number of businesses receiving educational information PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and CITY OF WYLIE BMP- 9 Training BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Provide educational material to the development community and Implemented? encourage training opportunities about methods to minimize the impact of construction activity on storm water quality. V YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide educational material and/or training during at least once per year for builders, developers, and engineers that are active in Wylie. • Document the number of educational materials distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 -------- - - - ---- I TY OF W Y L I E City Inspector Training BMP- 10 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Continue to train City construction site inspectors for erosion control Implemented? protection. Ri YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide appropriate construction site erosion control training to inspection personnel at least once every three years. • Provide appropriate training for new inspectors prior to their conducting unassisted site inspections. • Require COG training for site inspectors. • Document the number of individuals trained. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR 4 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Water Reporting Line ! BMP - 11 { BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Developand advertise a storm water reporting line to solicit information Successfully ! p g related to illicit discharges and illegal dumping. complaints, and general Implemented? comments regarding Wylie's storm water management program. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue to educate the public about the existence of the storm water reporting line through various Public Education BMPs. • Continue documenting each call, dispatching to appropriate department for proper response. • Conduct annual review of calls to identify trends (i.e., repeated reports of illegal dumping in certain areas of the City), general needs for reporting line improvement, and areas requiring additional educational or enforcement effort to protect storm water quality. 3 a • Document the number of calls received. } PROPOSED CHANGES I j NONE a � STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT 5 [[ I REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF W YLIE Bulk Waste Cleanup BMP - 12 BNIP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Continue Wylie's existing volunteer trash cleanup program to reduce tloatables and other debris that pollute the storm water system and Implemented? receiving waters. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue existing trash cleanup activities. • Document the number of cleanup events taken place. I k PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Park Cleanup j BNIP - 13 B11,IP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Continue Wylie's existing volunteer trash cleanup program to reduce tloatables and other debris that pollute the storm water system and Implemented? receiving waters. W YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct cleaning once per year for selected parks. • Document the number of cleaning events. f j I ' 4 E PROPOSED CHANGES NONE � t STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination CITY OF WYLIE BMP- 14 111 Ordinance BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Ordinance that prohibits and requires elimination of non-storm water Implemented? discharges that significantly contribute pollutants to the municipal storm sewer system. • YES • NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Begin penalty-based enforcement of illicit discharge ordinance. • Document instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF- WYLIE Storm Sewer System Map BMP - 15 qr BNIP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop a storm sewer map in accordance with TCEQ requirements, Successfully Update the Citys storm sewer systern map as needed to record new Implemented? pipes,sy stems created by new development. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue development of a map of storm water outfalls drainage areas in the City. • Document the percent mapped. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 i k � EI CITY OF \V l"L I E Illicit Discharge Inspections BMP- 16 I r � BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Conduct inspections of the storm sewer system to identify the presence and sources of illicit connections and illegal dumping activities, and other Implemented? unauthorized discharges that can adversely impact water quality. f � YES t NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures. • Continue conducting illicit discharge inspections for the City's regulated outfalls. • Document outfalls screened, observations made, and corrective actions taken, if any. fi PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL. REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR 4 Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and CITY OF WYLIE BNIP - 17 Inspection BMP DESCRIPTION 1 Measurable Goal Conduct smoke testing of sanitary sewers in order to identify potential Successfully cross-connections with the City's storm sewer system. Implemented? w' YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct sanitary sewer inspections. • Document the number and location of lines inspected each year. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR CITY` OF WYLIL Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements for Construction Site B IP 18 Contractors BMP DESCRIPTION _ r 1 Measurable Goal Successfully Ordinance prohibiting the unauthorized discharge of polluted storm water to the MS4 from construction sites one acre or greater in size. Implemented? Construction site contractors are required to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control waste, such as YES discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste that may adversely affect storm water quality. N© ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD 1 fi • Issue final ordinance. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. I � • Begin education-focused enforcement of ordinance. • Document the number of education activities and instance of enforcement and action taken to eliminate unauthorized discharge. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 ,,,, CITY OF WYLIE. i i 1 Site Plan Review 1 BMP - 19 1 W 1 1 1 1 1 , i 1 BMP DESCRIPTION I i 1 , 1 Measurable Goal 1 ! Procedure to review erosion control plans for construction projects that SuccessfullyI II may discharge runoff to the storm sewer system.Implemented? 1 i 1 1 i 1 ' YES , 1 I I E 1 NO ! ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD j I I • Continue to conduct plan reviews. • Document the number of site plans reNiewed. i I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 [ i 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 i I 1 1 — ) PROPOSED CHANGES i1 NONE 1 ' i 1 I , 1 I i STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010-AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WY LIE Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement BMP-20 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Procedures to conduct construction site inspections and maintain Implemented? enforcement of control measures to protect storm water quality. YES E NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue to conduct erosion control site inspections. • Document inspections, instances of enforcement activity, and reason(s)for non-compliance. • Document corrective action taken to protect storm water quality. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 -------71' -- --- CITY OF WYLIE Receipt and Consideration of Information BMP- 21 from Public BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Develop and implement a program for the receipt and consideration of Implemented? public comments regarding erosion control. 9- YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of the procedures. • Document comments received and consideration made for each set of comments. • Educate the public about the mechanisms needed to make comments or submittals. • Document comments received and methods of educating public. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR 4 CITY OF WYLIE Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance BMP- 22 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Review and update the City's ordinance requirements to require adequate long-term maintenance and protection of storm water quality in new and Implemented? redeveloped areas. Y• ES N• 0 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Issue final ordianace ( if revised ). • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. • Begin education—enforcement of ordinance. j • Document the number of education activities, instances of enforcement, and action taken to eliminate unauthorize discharges, I ' PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: j YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 s � E CITY OF WYL E Engineering Design Review F BMP- 23 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Evaluate plans for adequate protection of storm water through the , Successfully development of erosion control plans. Implemented? I � YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue existing design review process of all planned construction projects at least one acre in size to verify compliance with the long-term protective maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality. k � • Document the number of sites reviewed. ! I � � I PROPOSED CHANGES I � NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF' WYLIE w Land Use Plan : BMP - 24 i I 1 1 , i 1 1 I ! BMP DESCRIPTION i1 Measurable Goal I Consider water quality protection in the development or update of the Successfully i ! City's land use plan and in proposed variances to zoning. i Implemented? 1 1 I ! 1 i , ! I 1 YES 1 I I NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue the existing process of assessing proposed zoning [ changes in relation to the City's existing land use plan. • Document the number of assessed zoning change proposals. i 1 1 I I I I ! ! 1 i 1 1 1 i r [ i PROPOSED CHANGES t i 1 NONE 1 1 I 1 I i [ ! i STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 7/ AUGUST 13,2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Chemical Applications Management BMP- 25 T pp � g BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Continue existing herbicide,pesticide and fertilizer management program. Implemented? YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of Wylie's existing chemical management program. • Evaluate appropriateness of program every two years. • Provide and document refresher training for chemical applicators at least every three years. • Document the number of individuals trained. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 7/ CITY OF WYLIE Storm Sewer System Maintenance BMP-26 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Remove floatables, sediment, and other debris from the storm sewer Implemented? system to reduce storm water pollution and minimize drainage impediments. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Implement the inspection schedule. • Perfoi iu maintenance as necessary. • Clean system as needed in response to complaints or reported problems. • Document areas inspected, observations made, problems reported, and maintenance performed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 7 , ( i , , CITY OF WYLIE I `... Street Sweeping [ BMP- 27 1 i 1 # E j BMP DESCRIPTION 1 Measurable Goal i Successfully : Sweep City streets to collect road debris, trash, and other wastes prior to 1 Implemented? their entry into creeks, lakes, or other water bodies. 1 3 '+e YES £v NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD i { , • Continue street sweeping program. I 1 • Document schedule for street sweeping activities, volume of waste collected, and method of waste disposal. 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 r 1 I 1 j PROPOSED CHANGES NONE I i 1 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR CITY OF WYLIE Safe Material Storage BMP - 28 t r BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Continue existing material storage management program. Implemented? W YES ND ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles, and continue implementation of any identified improvements, if necessary. • Continue implementation of material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. • Evaluate and update materials management procedures as needed. { s • Document the implemented material management procedures and list any updated procedures. F { i I j ; 3 PROPOSED CHANGES 3 � NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: 7 AUGUST 13,2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 YEAR 4 CITY OF WYLIE Structural Control Maintenance BMP- 29 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully No structural controls have been identified under the current SWMP. Implemented? However, some structural controls may be identified during the permit term. Maintenance activities, schedules, and inspection procedures will be identified and incorporated into the SWMP at that time as appropriate. r YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Monitor private industry structural control maintenance (documentation records) and monitor public maintenance of structural controls through documented inspection. • Inspect and maintain City-maintained structural controls. • Document the evaluation, inspection, and maintenance activities related to structural controls. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WY LI E SpillResponse BMP- 30 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Respond to spills of chemicals or other materials in public areas of the Implemented2 City in a manner that remains protective of water quality to the extent safely possible. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training through Wylie Fire Department. • Document spill response events. • Document training for spill response personnel. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF VWY L I E Employee Training BMP- 31 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Conduct good housekeeping and pollution prevention training as part of Implemented? existing employee training programs. Tailor training to practices of employees that have the potential to impact storm water quality • YES • NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue BMP training for the municipal employees responsible for activties that may impact stormwater quality • Document the training of city personnel. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 AUGUST 13, 2010 - AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System { t Waste ? BMP - 32 i � F I I BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully Dredge soil, accumulated sediment. and floatables collected through the implementation of storm sewer maintenance activities, street sweeping Implemented' activities, and other routine City operations will be disposed of properly. Disposal of such materials will be tracked in conjunction with tracking v YES efforts for the implementation of the individual BMPs. NO i 4 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Perform proper disposal of waste materials. • Document the proper disposal of waste materials. F ' I f j � t I € PROPOSED CHANGES I i NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 4 74/I: AUGUST 13, 2010- AUGUST 12, 2011 CITY OF WYLIE Municipal Operations and Industrial BMP MP- 33 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Successfully General evaluation of the municipal operations that have a potential to Implemented? adversely impact storm water quality. YES NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Begin implementation of the BMPs identified through municipal operations assessments. • Document the recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP modifications and/or additions. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE ,.4. OF Irk,. (:_ _ iirr7* Wylie City Council Iii ` t AGENDA REPORT 8•rss7- 'ATE OP'tt..- Meeting Date: September 11,2012 Item Number: C. (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 22, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition No. 2, Lot 1, Block A, generally located north of East Brown Street and east of North Ballard Avenue. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition No. 2, Lot 1, Block A, generally located north of East Brown Street and east of North Ballard Avenue. Discussion The applicant is proposing to combine three (3) tracts and three (3) lots into a single lot &block under common ownership for future development and/or expansion. This combination of lots also includes the recently annexed 2.208 acres to the north of the exiting worship center. The Replat establishes fire lane and access easements as well as utility easements. This Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Replat subject to additions and/or alterations by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 09/22/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 t 1 t North Texas Municipal Lot 10 I Water District Vol. 4476, Pg. 2225, g h D.R.C.C.T. - 81-, t State Plane Coord. t N=7,058,689.14 Second Street E=2,570,249.60 I (80' Right-of-Way) 1\ 453.74' /2' I.R.S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - a - - - -S00°52134"W 1700.74' _ - - - 447.24' 1/2" I.R.S. 1/2" LR.F. 124.96' - 1- - - t I (C.M.) \ \ / 25' Building Line M I I ` / / (By This Plat) 25' Line (Vol. I, Pg. n `,`r' o- I en o p9 of \ ° d r.' ry•`, .--I ._ 15 w 20' Sanitary a E ° �u�c r te'/oQtstt``2225 Sewer Easement C a w m ; , ' zw ,;?` I lot 1 I Lot coo n Ic on to P9' o ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC m r1 t vyO�A�6.c�t.' \ / (By This Plat) J ,•• lin Jot' pR \ / / c ° ' CHURCH ADDITION _ dam M.R.CC.T. =v Vol. 1, Pg. 439, m c' •;r+ fV a� h m n j o° 2 ? I h N _y. \ \ v n >° v° 24' Fire Lone N U O. y 1I _ _ _ \ \ a o (Vol. I, Pg. 439)- ¢ Z _o° ••' 00 - C'j .- \ / / I 5/8" I.R.F. 20' Alley \ rjt Tract (C.M.) _ _ -, c P.K. Nall tP' O ° - - J'iJ'O1QS4PO2DE 125.47' Fnd. (C.M.) f V� \ i the „f r%eve;er.d.•ep .:es 'irahrnann \ I Cat ', \ \ / / ----) • O pp j '�` I F } w° ;to ... Remainder of r� �P, '\\ 37° ' �� \ / /* y � . Bill Kreymer 'fi Q <W I I r/1 o 1714174 00 Vol, 523, P9. 194, M FA Lot 10 \ \ Oa` O. t1` 37. \ ro ti I to I ' e 75 > 01 `-1D.R.C.C.T, En I �_ CD O I I Lot 9 't `fly N. 7 //i " " w �\ `�� �� ry �- - r _ S01°39'S6"W 127.83' DITION ill \ en Of 00 � I' L �� �� � L.:..... 1/2" LR.S. ^ I RAIoLIRO'D �.T494. �f'LI' Lot 1 Block A :R.F. � s°°54'37"W / ,�- - / /cT / / (`M) _ _ _ °� :::: ; w1-0 First Street Q+ \ 20' Sanitary 1 / / / '( NO1°39'S6"E244.69otfl \ \ / / Sewer Eosement871 698 Sq. Ft. 20.011 Acres //// M ' (70' Right-of-way)\ �+ (By This Plat) / c_oi d 1 ' - o Q I r° // // / " a O O The Estate of �I �! \ SOt o2'57"w / / v;11- o // / an _ , y O Estelle McCormick Kreymer v 9� ,�/� 90,77 - _i_ 6 - \ -r� Soro2'57"w 816,93' y I,p / o Crf C le 5371, ick 518, ri _ _ _ / pp D.R.C.C.T. I" I o _ No1'o2's7"E 18z 13' _ \ U 15' San. Sew. Easement ° I+I z o > o p 1/2" I.R.S. O 1 11 - `n NO1 02 57 E 334.66' /2" I.R.S. - - - - i - - - - -- - - h (Vol. I, Pg. 439) Z ° „ '1✓ �� S01'02'S7"W 438.84' -1c - Y`]f� 1Ga.56 - - - -- - � -/ SO1 39 56 W 246.80' 1 a1.1a' \ 5fote. Plane Coord. 0.1.R.F. t o /z" LRs. - - - \ \ RPLB 3691"Trees N 7,060,182.31 I /2" C.LR.F. "RHODES" y d 258.0T I Lot 1 I Y,tl• \ E=2,569,882.87 Bears; S70'08'59"W 0.67' N I c c In \ N J ~ ST. ANTNONY CATHOLIC 20' Building Line o I s �O� N. O I r n I ,6 a m Vol CHURCH A, M R•C.C.T. 15' Electric and " I c I T (Vol. I, Pg, 439) H N 3 3 - p 439, Gas Easement o " a moo (Vol. I, Pg. 439) J N NO1 38 47 E N01 - -h� m� m��4s N .. n , "' or `.: „- m !r ( •r I N 01 N N v a 24' Fire Lane °' Q 20' Alley \ n 4 ♦0 I. l AA Assured Storage, Ltd. I Called 2.2(:c acres 70.42 IT. °° „ I_ o a a_ .-- ho 00 °ehpdafl Voll. 5532, Pg. 3858, ILO. F3ist••• cf the M ri z y . _ {Vol. I, Pg. 439) 5 _ I \O - Ndst Re.c.E7: Kevin Z 0 d2 ys°s`'oy' D.R.C.C.T. 1 •. • •y co ....'t::i. ,�.!�..�,..Y...,.`..^ I/2" Iron ':: 'i. ', 9 u:2�•a W :.:.. ...........,..,.::::::f:•:::: Pipe Fnd. t l �:� a ii 24 Fire Lane I N \9��OsS .............. (C.M.) _ t/2., Iron : a .!:.r:•:i ' :,u .. (By This Plat) . - Nv ' 1 g \ O: Bolt Fnd. Cu .. �- -'- I C.- X ' F• N leln :A.) ` •rr .0 I 0 n / .../ _ --.- I liar' BLOC \ HI N � ,� QAN' r-10 , \ 1• V O O I Lot 10 ( Lc! g \ Deed Line per I 1/2" c.I.R.F. "RHODES" 25' Building Line .~-I c�� p o 15' Water Easement 15' Water Easement tol f-I \ \ AA Assured Storage, Ltd. Bears; N89.32'27"E 1.53' (By This Plat) I p 1 ~ 25' Building Line I F' (Vol. I, P 439 1/2" C-1.RF. - Voll. 5532. Pg. 3858, a 00 9 r--�- (Vol. I, Pg. 439) 30' x 30' M� Z (By This-PI ) 25' Building Line N.T.M.W.D. Eosement I RPLS 3949" D.R.C.C.T. l I (Vol. I, Pg, 439) (Vol. 508, Pg, 15) l NOt'37'11"E l �,' 1E1 NO1'37'11"E Monumented Existing 340.84' - _ _ _ I I 73,0f I 1 k i \ \ 0 t is Right-of-Way Line t/2" I.R.S. _ - 70.00' 105.02' :4.67' U 29.76' j/-Y' NO 1°3T 11"E 365.6T /2" I.R.F. 1/2" I.R.F. - _ - 2 25' 43.26' 88.00' (CAI.) _ - _ - �J�V.� _ _ 213.001 (0'M') N01°31'06"E 720.48' - - ,/2' I.R.S. North Ballrd Avenue (variable widthRight-of-Way) Point of - - - - - - _ Beginning \ a O - - - - - - a' \ \ I Oy 0°j�• I I o d O co N cs I o.rn I c:. a3 1/2" C.LR.F.� .%'• Fad. \ 0Cx\O' 17 y zc L. d.l- m~ZO `.ZOI yO I oc yoc I ,•BHcJ. Ketih Anderson and wife, ao Q151t °os c o c� o c c o o~ oc Dzc��� I Jennifer Anderson Qi(c' C' Joe V. Green 0 I T E o ci o E co EcN co ' a,o cj ice 0c L I \ \ C.C,F,# 93 0057053, h p I O I o r, n��, a`� o I 3 2 ,3 CD o I . 'u I�d °01 f �� Q G�' Most RD.D. Bishop h Pe f the Farrell, D.R.C.C.T. ( o' o Cl-o°Q o 0 00 o Io I Goo��co. I Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas lh oN a o w o e., •o h 9' Doc. No. 20081231001465730, I 2514 ti ¢' N cv m ci (Qs(' G °1-P. D.R.C.C.T. I F WILSON CUT OFF \�+' FAIRMONT /1 s WINDSOR u ON PACIFIC n a Easement Curve Data Curve Na. Radius Arc Length Delta Chrd. Brng. Chrd. Dist. N 1.4 2 a o °' Cl 20.50' 11.65' 32'33'19" 574'27'44"E 11.49' rn o tt " z Y / C2 20.50' 10.26' 28'40'59" S74'55'07"W 10.16' / C3 20.50' 2.34' 06'32'32" N87'28'08"W 2.34' SITE ��� C4 44.50' 5.08' 06'32'32" S87'28'08"E 5.08' 3412 CS 20.50' 1.75' 04'53'30" S86'38'37"E 1.75' F ? ! BROWN C6 20.50' 30.45' 85'06'30" N41'38'37"W 27.73' o 3 Y SO. m N JEFFER$ON Hu C7 34.00' 53.41' 90'00'00" S45'54'37"W 48.08' a�, Hughes w ? g. MARBLE Cemeter OAK 34,2 it OF,, owner, FINAL PLAT 6 r7 ELLIOT o I r/ ' 4 �fWASTera Roman Catholic Diocese LOT BLOCK WYLIE LEMING ► Z ��em� Notes: of Dallas ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC Pop 8,716 • i�/f�/ w 3UT ER P.O. Box 190507 Dallas, Texas 75219 CHURCH ADDITION NO 2 _ a _ 1.) Bearings are based on the City of Wylie Coordinate System (HAD-83 TX STATE PLAIN, NORTH CENTRAL ¢ cp� a y z M a o o - ZONE). Control Monument(s) CM 1, CM 2 and CM 4, were used. R g 1 -?\ a = I Bein a Re lot of 5441 c� 0O KIRBY�'nSENS m PARK o° - p P 9 p y GRAPHIC SCALE En sneer. p= 2.) The pur ose of this lot is to create one lot from all of the cants uous orcels owned b St. g St. Anthony Church Addition and N J m o Anthony Catholic Church. 60 fa,0 30 60 120 240 Helmberger Associates, Inc. V F iTHOMAS 3 1525 Bozmon Road Lots 4B and 5, Block 1 of the c� ° rn ca a IN 3.) All lots comply with the minimum zoning requirements for the City of Wyile, Collin County, Texas. Wylie, Texas 75098 a o< w z DUNCEN WAY ° a IfJ S W J g _ 972-442-7459 Russell #1 Addition .d, �4`,SP g z wit- CALDWELL = r 4.) According to the Flood Insurance Rote Map of Collin County, Texas, Map Number 48085C0420J, revised0.2 on June 02, 2009, the herein described property is located in Zone "X", described by said map to be, ( IN FEET ) in the o WILLOW WAY is' "areas outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain". 1 inch = 60 ft. Surveyor; James Truett Survey Abstract No. 920 0 z TONE BROOK y .-. I I 5.) Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of city ordinance and state law, North Texas Surveying, LLC in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas o� z and is subject to withholding of utilities and building permits. 1515 5. McDonald Street, Suite 110 Mckinney, Texas 75069 d 469-424-2074 Z Date: March, 2012 Scale: 1" = 60' OWNER'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF COLLIN )( STATE OF TEXAS )( WHEREAS, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas is the owner of a tract of land situated in the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, said tract being all of that tract of land described by deed to Charles V. Grahman, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Dallas, as recorded under County Clerk's File No. 96-0059039, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T.) and those tracts known as Tracts I and II, described by deed to Most Reverened Charles V. Grahman, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Dallas, as recorded in Volume 5427, Page 1720, D.R.C.C.T., and that called "APPROVED" 2.208 acre tract of land, described by deed to Most Reverence Kevin J. Farrell, D.D. Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas, as recorded under Document No. 2 0091 21 8001 51 634 0, D.R.C.C.T., and all of that called 0.513 acre tract of land described by deed to Most Reverence Kevin J. Farrell, D.D. Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Dallas, as recorded under Document No. 20101220001393720, D.R.C.C.T., and also all of ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION, as recorded in Volume I, Page 439, Map Records, Collin County, Texas (M.R.C.C.T.), said tract being more Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date: particulalry described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped "RPLS 5686" set (herein after referred to as o capped iron rod set) at the APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: intersection of the northerly monumented line of Brown Street with the easterly monumented line of Ballard Avenue, same being the southwesterly corner of said ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION; THENCE North 01'31'06" East, along said easterly monumented line of Ballard Avenue, a distance of 720.48' to a 1/2" iron rod found at the "APPROVED" southwesterly corner of a tract of land described by deed to Glenis K. Dixon, as recorded in Volume 2777, Page 565, D.R.C.C.T., same being the northwesterly corner of said 0.513 acre tract; Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date: THENCE South 89'45'18" Eost, along the common line between said 0.513 acre and Dixon tracts, a distance of 115.00' to a 1/2" iron bolt found for City of Wylie, Texas the southeasterly corner of said Dixon tract, same being the most southerly southwesterly corner of said 2.208 acre tract; THENCE North 01'38'47" East, along the common line between said 2.208 acre and Dixon tracts, a distance of 70.42' to a 1/2" iron pipe found for 2514 I "ACCEPTED" the northeasterly corner of said Dixon tract, same being an "ell" corner of said 2.208 acre tract; WILSON CUT OFF THENCE North 89'57'51" West, along the common line between said 2.208 acre and Dixon tracts, a distance of 115.04' to a 1/2" iron rod found in FAIRMONT the aforementioned easterly monumented line of Ballard Avenue, same being the northwesterly corner of said Dixon Tract, said corner also being the Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date: most westerly southwest corner of said 2.208 acre tract; 0 ce WINDSOR pAClfla UN10N THENCE North 01'37'11" East, along said easterly monumented line of Ballard Avenue, a distance of 365.67' to a capped iron rod set, from which a c m n E J< .-------- 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "RHODES" found bears, North 89'32'27" East, a distance of 1.53', said set corner being the northwesterly corner of said N _ z 2 m 2.208 acre tract; 0 U x z Y The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final 3 plat of the ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION NO. 2, to the City of Wylie was submitted to THENCE North 89'32'27" East, along the northerly line of said 2.208 acre tract, passing at a distance of 12.53', the called southwesterly corner of a SITE tract of land described by deed to AA Assured Storage, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 5532, Page 3858, D.R.C.C.T. and continuing in all a total distance {34121 �� `�cS� thenthe Oity andOtherell on the accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, eal2,sement, the Council, places, and walterction, and of 241.07' to a capped iron rod set from which a a 1/2" copped iron rod stamped "RHODES" found bears, South 70'08'59" West, a distance of 0.67', w 1 \ BROWN sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor said set iron being in the westerly line of aforementioned Tract I (5427/1720), same being the southeasterly corner of said AA Assured Storage, Ltd. W S' - to note the acceptance thereof bysigning his name as hereinabove subscribed. tract and the northeasterly corner of said 2.208 acre tract; sisosow JEfx 1� o JEF"ER30Np ggf2 3s M RBLE emeter Witness my hand this day of A.D., 2012. THENCE North 01'02'57" East, along the common line between said Tract I (5427/1720) and AA Assured Storage, Ltd. tract, a distance of 334.66' to W' • :1�� a y a copped iron rod set for the northwesterly corner of said Tract I (5427/1720), said corner being at the beginning of a curve to the right, having a I �c OAK 1 ' 3412 - On radius of 1739.44', a central angle of 14'40'08" and a chord which bears, North 62'09'53" East, a chord distance of 444.12'; ... 6 a� ELLIOT o.� �ASTBS a WYLIE Q LEMINO r ,ER Thence along said curve to the right, in a northeasterly direction, on arc length of 445.33' to a capped iron rod set at the northeasterly corner of Pop 8,715 • n2i$ULIR said Tract I (5427/1720); fr, o. _ City Secretory City of Wylie, Texas South " West, 27/1720), '41 THENCEte northeasterly oflong sodthe ST.northerly ANTHONYne of said CATHOLICTract I CHURCH$4ADDITION, ataaslng the dstoncesoft1128t53'rner of ldctthe5 easterly line of e ,Scec " M a B__ 0 0 being Y continuing along • 50 LLIAMS PARK 0 0J - said addition, passing a 1/2" iron rod found far the most easterly southeast corner of said addition, same being the northeasterly corner of Tract II 544 0 o KIRBY ciii ENS m a o (5427/1720), at a distance of 1575.77', and continuing along the easterly line of said Tract II (5427/1720), a total distance of 1700.74' to a capped y -' tr 3 m a iron rod set at the southeasterly corner of said Tract II (5427/1720), same being in the aforementioned northerly monumented line of Brown Street; < tE F i THOMAS o w z DUNcm WAY a. I< THENCE North 89'32'25' West, along said northerly monumented line of Brown Street, a distance of 149.31' to a p.k. nail found at the southwesterly / LL a -� cALDwELLcorner of said Tract II (5427/1720), same being the southeasterly corner of the remainder of that tract of land described by deed to Bill Kreymer, i in recorded in Volume 523, Page 194, D.R.C.C.T.; Nwlo` WAY La z THENCE North 01'54'02" East, along the common line between said Tract II (5427/1720) and Kreymer remainder tract, a distance of 125.47' to a TONE BRooK �I 5/8" iron rod found at the northwesterly corner of said Tract II (5427/1720), same being the norhteasterly corner of said remainder of the Kryemer a tract, said corner also being in the most easterly south line of said ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION; THENCE North 89'21'26" West, along the common line between said addition and remainder of Kreymer tract, a distance of 100.33' to a capped iron rod set at the northwesterly corner of said remainder of Kreymer tract; SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: THENCE South 01'39'56" West, continuing along a common line between said addition and remainder of Kreymer tract, a distance of 127.83' to a capped iron rod set in the aforementioned northerly monumented line of Brown Street; KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THENCE North 89'51'35" West, along said northerly monumented line of Brown Street, a distance of 60.02' to a capped iron rod set at the THAT I, Michael B. Arthur, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual on-the-ground survey southeasterly corner of a tract of land described by deed to The Estate of Estelle McCormick Kreymer, as recorded in Volume 5371, Page 518, of the above described property, and that the corner monuments shown hereon were found or were properly D.R.C.C.T.; placed under my personal supervision in accordence with the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City of THENCE along the common line between said addition and Kreymer (5371/518) tract, the following courses and distances: McKinney, Collin County, Texas. North 01'39'56" East, a distance of 244.69' to a 1/2" iron rod found at the northeasterly corner of said Kreymer (5371/518) tract; ' � '' ,�',SF, OF T�`�+ Dote: North 88'31'00" West, a distance of 90.00' to a capped iron rod set at the northwesterly corner of said Kreymer (5371/518) tract; Michael B. Arthur Q> ��1STgR { Registered Professional Land Surveyor 0 {4+ * �d 9 + South 01'39'56" West, a distance of 246.80' to o 1/2"' iron rod found at the southwesterly corner of said Kreymer (5371/518) tract, some being in Texas Na. 5686 /,,.,...t"..."".".»."".."..�..4. the aforementioned northerly monumented line of Brown Street; MICH_A_EL B. ARTHUR THENCE North 89'51'35" West, along said northerly monumented line of Brown Street, passing a 1/2" iron rod found at a distance of 59.02' and '' e`,, „ 5886 lyw cs rr continuing in all a total distance of 246.10' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 871,698 square feet or 20.011 acres of land, more or lesser 1�rj� cESSIOy�± ' of of - SUR COUNTY OF COLLIN )( v. STATE OF TEXAS )( BEFORE ME, the undersigned, o Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared MICHAEL B. ARTHUR, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. COUNTY OF COLLIN)( STATE OF TEXAS )( WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this, the day of , 2012. NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That WE, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH ADDITION NO. 2, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and do hereby dedicate in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements shown hereon. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lone easements shall be open to the public fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for mutual use and accommodation of all Notes: public utilities using or desiring to use the same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way may edonger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and all public utilities 1.) Bearings are based on the City of Wylie Coordinate System (NAD-83 TX STATE PLAIN, NORTH CENTRAL shall at all times have full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said easements for the purpose of ZONE). Control Monument(s) CM 1, CM 2 and CM 4, were used. constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right of 2.) The purpose of this plat is to create one lot from all of the contiguous parcels owned by St. ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or Anthony Catholic Church. ordinarily performed by the utility). Water main and wastewater easements shall also include additional area of working spoce for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of 3.) All lots comply with the minimum zoning requirements for the City of Wyile, Collin County, Texas. manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or improvement line and description of such addition easements herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. 4.) According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map of Collin County, Texas, Map Number 48085C0420J, revised on June 02, 2009, the herein described property is located in Zone "X", described by said map to be, This plot is approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. "areas outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain". Witness my hand, this the day of 2012. 5.) Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of city ordinance and state law, and is subject to withholding of utilities and building permits. By: Kevin J. Farrell FINAL PLAT Owner; LOT 1, BLOCK A Roman Catholic Diocese COUNTY OF COLLIN x P.O.of Dallas a1190507 ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC STATE OF TEXAS x Dallas, Texas 75219 CHURCH ADDITION NO. 2 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Kevin J. Farrell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and Being a Replat of acknowledged to me that the same is his act and deed in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes Engineer: therein expressed. St. Anthony Church Addition and Helmberger Associates, Inc. 1525 Bozman Road Lots 4B and 5, Block 1 of the WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this, the day of , 2012. Wylie, Texas 75098 to 972-442-7459 Russell #1 Addition d, in the o Surveyor: James Truett Survey - Abstract No. 920 o NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas North Texas Surveying, LLC in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas co 1515 S. McDonald Street, Suite 110 Mckinney, Texas 75069 O 469-424-2074 Z .a Date: March, 2012 Scale: 1" = 60' o Wylie City Council - AGENDA REPORT 8•rasp Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: D. Department: Finance/Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: Date Prepared: September 4, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2012-30(R) ratifying expenditure to Capco Communications, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $96,200 for the purchase and installation of OSP SM fiber cable between the Municipal Complex and the Public Works Facility. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2012-31(R) ratifying expenditure to Capco Communications, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $96,200 for the purchase and installation of OSP SM fiber cable between the Municipal Complex and the Public Works Facility. Discussion A mid-year budget amendment was approved by the City Council on April 24, 2012 for the purchase and installation of an OSP SM fiber cable between the Municipal Complex and the newly constructed Public Works building. The purchase is through an interlocal agreement with the Wylie Independent School District approved through Resolution 2007-23-R. Due to an administrative oversight, an agenda item requesting the approval of the purchase was not presented to the City Council in conjunction with the budget amendment. Purchase order # 44200 was issued and a notice to proceed given to the vendor. Staff recommends the approval of this resolution to ratify an expenditure to Capco Communications Inc. in an amount not to exceed$96,200. Approved By J Initial Date Department Director GH 9/4/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-30(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO RATIFY AN EXPENDITURE TO CAPCO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $96,200 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF OSP SM FIBER CABLE BETWEEN THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX AND PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie Texas entered into an interlocal agreement with the Wylie Independent School District(Resolution No. 2007-23-R); and WHEREAS, this interlocal agreement was for the construction, installation, and operation of a fiber optic telecommunications network provided by Capco Communications Incorporated; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie City Council approved a mid-year budget amendment in the amount of$96,200 on April 24, 2012 for the installation of a new OSP SM Fiber Cable to be installed between the Municipal Complex and the Public Works facility for an amount not to exceed $96,200; and WHEREAS, due to an administrative oversight, a purchase order and notice to proceed were issued to Capco Communications Incorporated, and work has been completed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: Section I. The terms and conditions of the purchase are in accordance with Resolution No. 2007-23-R, and are in the best interests of the City of Wylie and its citizens, is hereby in all things ratified and execution by the Mayor, or in his absence, the City Manager, on behalf of the City of Wylie is hereby approved. Section II. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this the 11 day of September, 2012. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution 2012-30(R) Ratification of Purchase Capco Communications Inc. r r. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: E. Department: Finance (L. Bantz) (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: Date Prepared: September 4, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2012-31(R) adopting the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for public works; and providing for an effective date. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution 2012-31(R) adopting the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for public works; and providing for an effective date. Discussion The city is required by Section 2258.022 of the Texas Government Code to adopt a prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for public works awarded by the city. Staff recommends the adoption of the National Compensation Survey — Wages compiled and published the United States Department of Labor, bureau of Labor Statistics for the Dallas — Fort Worth, TX as outlined in this resolution. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 09/04/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-31(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE PREVAILING WAGE RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES FOR REGULAR, LEGAL HOLIDAY AND OVERTIME WORK FOR ALL CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City Council"), has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") to adopt the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for Public Works awarded by the City; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of§2258.022, Texas Government Code, the City Council hereby adopts as the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for public works awarded by the City those wages shown as the mean in the National Compensation Survey — Wages compiled and published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the Dallas —Fort Worth, TX CSA for the second month preceding the month in which any such contract for public work is awarded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Adoption of the Prevailing Wage Rate of Per Diem Wages. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby adopts the prevailing wage rate of per diem wages for regular, legal holiday and overtime work for all contracts for Public Works awarded by the City, in accordance with the provisions of§2258.022, of the Texas Government Code. SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending matters of the repealed resolution. Any remaining portions of conflicting resolutions shall remain in full force an effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. Frisco hereby declares that it would have passed this Resolution, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. Resolution No.2012-31(R) Adoption of the Prevailing Wage Rate of Per Diem Wages 614697.1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS this l lth day of September, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2012-31(R) Adoption of the Prevailing Wage Rate of Per Diem Wages 614697.1 1'S`IOF17 �' " r4N Wylie Parks and Recreation -'.,. : fit i eiteye'- '• Facilities Development Corporation (4B) sT,101 xis NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda September 11, 2012 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road Eric Hogue Chairman Rick White Member David Goss Member Kathy Spillyards Member Anne Hiney Member Cristine Price Member Dan Chesnut Member Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020 CALL TO ORDER PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Announce the presence of a Quorum. 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the September 13, 2011 Special Called Meeting of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B). 2. Consider, and act upon, the appointment and/or reappointment of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) Officers and appoint a Chair and Vice Chairman from its board members for a term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. September 11,2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Page 2 of 2 (4B)Meeting Agenda 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY 2012-2013 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2012-2013 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 7th day of September, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development _9(1 Corporation (4B) CITY OF WYLIE t Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 13, 2011— 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Chair Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. Board members present included: Anne Hiney, Cristine Price, Dan Chestnut, Councilman Rick White, and Councilman David Goss. Board member Kathy Spillyards was absent. 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the September 14, 2010 Special Called Meeting of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B). (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Board Action A motion was made by board member Anne Hiney, seconded by board member David Goss to approve the 4B minutes from September 14, 2010 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spillyards absent. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY 2011-2012 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2011-2012 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Board Action A motion was made by board member Dan Chestnut, seconded by board member Rick White to approve the FY 2011-2012 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2011-2012 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spillyards absent. September 13,2011 Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation(4B) Page 2 of 2 ADJOURN Board Action A motion was made by board member Rick White, seconded by board member David Goss to adjourn the Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) meeting at 6:15 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spillyards absent. Eric Hogue, Interim Chair ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary 44 OF t, �R~ Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 7, 2012 Item Number: 2 —4B Agenda Department: City Secretary-4B Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: September 11, 2012 Budgeted Amount: 4B Bylaws and Amendments Exhibits: (12-05) Subject Consider, and act upon, the appointment and/or reappointment of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) Officers and appoint a Chair and Vice Chairman from its board members for a term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. Recommendation A motion to appoint as Chairman and as Vice Chairman; and Mindy Manson as President; Jeff Butters as Vice-President; Linda Bantz as Treasurer, and Carole Ehrlich as Secretary of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) for a term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. (2 year term) Discussion Article II, Section 1. (d) states; "The Corporation Board will chose from among its members a Chairman of the Board and a Vice Chairman of the Board. The Chairman will preside at all board meetings and the Vice Chairman will serve in the absence of the Chairman". Currently, Mayor Hogue holds the position of 4B Chair and Anne Hiney services as Vice Chair. Article III, Section 1. (a) The amended states that the officers of the Corporation shall appoint a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer and such other officers as the Board may from time to time elect or appoint. One person may hold more than one office, except that the President shall not hold the office of Vice President or Secretary. Terms of the office shall be two years with the right of an officer to be reappointed. Section 2 of Article III explains the duties of the officers and designates that the president shall be the chief operating executive officer of the corporation, and subject to the authority of the Board, the president shall be in general charge of the properties and affairs of the corporation and execute all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds, deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes and other instruments in the name of the Corporation. The City Manager of the City of Wylie shall be president. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Section 3 designates the Asst. City Manager as the first vice president Section 4 designates the Finance Director as Treasurer Section 5 designates the City Secretary as the Secretary. Current officers serving are: Mindy Manson, President; Jeff Butters, Vice President; Linda Bantz, Treasurer, and Carole Ehrlich, Secretary. Pursuant to this article, the board should appoint all officers for a 2 year term. A copy of the 4B Bylaws and amendments thereto are attached for your review. All new appointments will begin January 2, 2013 and end December 31, 2014. Current Wylie Parks and Recreation 4B Board members include: Cristine Price, Dan Chesnut, Anne Hiney, Mayor Pro Tern Kathy Spillyards, Mayor Eric Hogue, Councilman David Goss, and Councilman Rick White. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 8/26/2012 City Manager ll. BYLAWS OF WYLIE PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ARTICLE I PURPOSE AND POWER Section 1. Purpose. The Corporation is incorporated for the purposes set forth in Article Four if its Articles of Incorporation, the same to be accomplished on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas (the 'City') as its duly constituted authority and instrumentality in accordance with the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, Article 5190.6, Vernon's Ann. Civ. St., as amended, (the 'Act"), and other applicable laws. Section 2. Powers. In the fulfillment of its corporate purpose, the Corporation shall be governed by Section 4B of the Act, and shall have all powers set forth and conferred in its Articles of Incorporation, in the Act, and in other applicable law, subject to the limitations prescribed therein and herein and to the provisions thereof and hereof. ARTICLE II BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Section 1. Powers, Numbers and Term of Office (a) The property and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors (the 'Board") under the guidance and direction of the Wylie City Council and, subject to the restrictions imposed by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, and by these Bylaws, the Board shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. (b) The Board shall consist of seven (7) directors, each of whom shall be appointed by the City Council (the 'City Council') of the City and must be residents of the City of Wylie. Each director shall occupy a place (individually, the "Place' and collectively, the 'Places') as designated herein. Places 1-4 are designated for the City Page 1 of 9 Councilmember Directors and Places 5-7 are designated for Citizen Boardmembers, of which at least one of the members will be appointed from the Park Board, and one member appointed from the Library Board. These appointments will be classified as citizenmember directors. (c) The directors constituting the first Board shall be those directors named in the Articles of Incorporation. Successor directors shall have the qualifications, shall be of the classes of directors, and shall be appointed to the terms set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. (d) The Corporation Board will chose from among its members a Chairman of the Board and a Vice Chairman of the Board. The Chairman will preside at all board meetings and the Vice Chairman will serve in its absence of the Chairman. (e) Any director may be removed from office by the City Council at will. Section 2. Meetings of Directors. The directors may hold their meetings at such place or places in the City as the Board may from time to time determine; provided, however, in the absence of any such determination by the Board, the meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Corporation as specified in Article V of these Bylaws. Section 3. Notice of Meetings. (a) Regular meetings of the Board shall be held without the necessity of notice to the directors at such times and places as shall be designated from time to time by the Board. Special meetings of the Board shall be held whenever called by the Chairman of the Board, a majority of the directors, or by a majority of the City Council. (b) The secretary shall give notice to each director of each special meeting in person or by mail, telephone or by facsimile, at least two (2) hours before the meeting. Unless otherwise indicated in the notice thereof, any and all matters pertaining to the purposes of the Corporation may be considered and acted upon at a special meeting. At any meeting at which every director shall be present, even though without any notice, any matter pertaining to the purpose of the Corporation may be considered and acted upon consistent with applicable law. (c) Whenever any notice is required to be given to the Board, said notice shall be deemed to be sufficient if delivered to their home address in a sealed wrapper addressed to the person entitled thereto or by depositing same in a post office box in a sealed post-paid wrapper addressed to his or her post office address as it appears on the books of the Corporation, and such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the day of such mailing or delivery. Attendance of a director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the grounds Page 2 of 9 that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting need be specified in the notice of such meeting, unless required by the Board. A waiver of notice in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to said notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Section 4. Open Meetings Act. All meetings and deliberations of the Board shall be called, convened, held, and conducted, and notice shall be given to the public, in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Article 6252-17, Vernon's Ann. Civ. St., as amended. Section 5. Quorum. A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum to conduct official business of the Corporation. The act of a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is in attendance shall constitute the act of the Board and of the Corporation, unless the act of a greater number is required by law. Section 6. Conduct of Business. (a) At the meetings of the Board, matters pertaining to the business of the Corporation shall be considered in accordance with rules of procedure as from time to time prescribed by the Board. (b) At all meetings of the Board, the Chairman of the Board shall preside. In the absence of the Chairman, the Board Vice Chairman shall preside. (c) The chairman will be a voting member of the board. (d) The secretary of the Corporation shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Board, but in the absence of the secretary, the presiding officer may appoint any person to act as secretary of the meeting. Section 7.' Committees of the Board. The Board mayto exercise designate tsWo .(2) h or more directors to constitute an official committee of the authority of the Board. It is provided, however, that all final, official actions of the Corporation may be exercised only by the Board. Each committee so designated shall keep regular minutes of the transactions of its meetings and shall cause such minutes to be recorded in books kept for that purpose in the principal office of the Corporation. Section 8. Compensation of Directors. Directors shall not receive any salary or compensation for their sinrcureeds an thes directors. performance of their officiandll be ut es reimbursed for their actual expensesP as directors. Page 3 of 9 ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 1 . Titles and Terms of Office (a) The officers of the Corporation shall be a chairman and vice-chairman of the board of directors, a president, a first vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time elect or appoint. Terms of office shall be two (2) years with the righta be Ped. The Bard shall select from its members a Chairman of the Boardnd a Vice-Chairman ofthe Board (b) All officers shall be subject to removal from office at any time by vote of a majority of the City Council. (c) A vacancy in the office of any officer shall be filed by a vote of a majority of the directors and the City Council. Section 2. Powers and Duties of the President. The president shall be the chief operating executive officer of the Corporation, and, subject to the authority of the Board, the president shall be in general charge of the properties and affairs of the Corporation, and execute all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds, deeds, assignments, mortgages, notes and other instruments in the name of the Corporation. The City Manager of the City of Wylie shall be president. Section 3. Vice President. The vice president shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board and shall exercise the powers of the president during that officer's absence or inability to act, in their respective order. Any action taken by the vice president in the performance of the duties of the president shall be 'conclusive evidence of the absence or inability to act of the president at the time such action was taken. The Assistant to the City Manager shall be the first vice- president. Section 4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall have the responsibility to see to the handling, custody, and security of all funds and securities of the Corporation in accordance with these bylaws. when necessary or proper, the treasurer may endorse and sign, on behalf of the Corporation, for collection or issuance, checks, notes and other obligations in or drawn upon such bank, banks or depositories a shall be designated by the Board consistent with these Bylaws. ate accountreasurer shall see to the s of all monies received andry in the paid out books of the Corporation full an d c on account of the Corporation. The treasurer shall, at the expense of the Corporation, give such bond for the faithful discharge of his/her duties in such form and amount as the Board or the City Council may require. The Director of Finance of the City shall be Page 4 of 9 treasurer. All check writing authority will follow applicable City policies concerning authorizations, signatures and disbursements. Section 5. Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board in books provided for that purpose, shall give and serve all notices, may sign with the president in the name of the Corporation, and/or attest the signature thereto, all contracts, conveyances, franchises, bonds, deeds, assignments, mortgages,notes and other documents and instruments, except the books of account and financial records, securities, and such other books and appears as the Board may direct, all of which shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection upon application at the office of the Corporation during business hours, and shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of secretary subject to the control of the Board. The City Secretary shall be the secretary. Section 6. Any assistant treasurer and any assistant secretaries may, at the option of the Board, be employees of the City and the legal counsel shall be the attorney for the City and he shall designate any other attorney needed by the Corporation. Section 7. Compensation. Officers who are members of the Board shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services, except that they shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as officers. ARTICLE IV FUNCTIONAL CORPORATE DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS Section 1. Facilities Capital Improvement Plan (a) It shall be the duty and obligation Improvementoard Plan to finance ladopted by theement the Wylie City 'Community Services Facilities Capitalprovemen Council. (b) In carrying out its obligations under section (a), the Corporation shall be authorized to exercise all rights and powers granted under the act, including, but not limited to Section 4B thereof. (c) The Board shall periodically submit reports to the City Council as to the status of its activities in carrying out its obligations under this Section. Page 5 of 9 (d) Any and all agreements between the Corporation and other parties shall be authorized, executed, approved, and delivered in accordance with applicable law. Section 2. Multi-Year Financial Plan (the 'Plan'). Prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year, the president will submit a Multi-Year Financial Plan to the City Council for approval. The Plan will detail the utilization, investment and expenditure of funds and Debt scheduling for the Corporation. The Plan will serve as the financial guide for the corporation. The Board will approve the plan prior to the adoption of the Corporation's fiscal budget. Section 3. Annual Corporate Budget. Prior to the commencement of each Fiscal Year of the Corporation, the Board shall adopt a proposed budget of expected revenues from sources set out in Section 6 of this article and proposed expenditures for the next ensuing fiscal year. The budget shall contain such classifications and shall be in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the City Council. The president shall submit the budget to the City Council for approval prior to submittal to the Board for final adoption. The projection of revenues and all expenditures in the annual corporate budget will follow the guidelines outlined in the Multi-Year Financial Plan as adopted by the Board and the City Council. The budget will include administrative overhead, expenses and debt service. Section 4. Books, Records, Audits. (a) The Corporation shall keep and properly maintain, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals, complete books, records, accounts, and financial statements pertaining to its corporate funds, activities, and affairs. (b) At the direction of the City Council, the books, records, accounts, and financial statements of the Corporation may be maintained for the Corporation by the accountants, staff and personnel of the City. (c) The Corporation, or the City if the option described in subsection (b) is selected, shall cause its books, records, accounts, and financial statements to be audited at least once each fiscal year by an outside, independent, auditing and accounting firm selected by the City Council and approved by the Board. Such an audit shall be at the expense of the Corporation. Section 5. Deposit and Investment of Corporation Funds. (a) All proceeds from loans or from the issuance of bonds, notes, or other debt instruments ('Obligations') issued by the Corporation shall be deposited and invested as provided in the resolution, order, indenture, or other documents authorizing or relating to their execution or issuance. (b) Subject to the requirements of contracts, loan agreements, indentures or other agreements securing Obligations, all other monies of the Corporation, if any, shall be Page 6 of 9 deposited, secured, and/or invested in the manner provided for the deposit, security, and/or investment of the public funds of the City. The Board, with City Council approval, shall designate the accounts and depositories to be created and designated for such purposes, and the methods of withdrawal of funds there from for use by and for the purposes of the corporation upon the signature of its treasurer and such other persons as the Board designates. The accounts, reconciliation, and investment of such funds and accounts shall be performed by the Department of Finance of the City. Section 6. Expenditures of Corporate Money. The sales and use taxes collected pursuant to Section 4B of the Act and proceeds from the investment of funds of the Corporation, the proceeds from the sale of property, and the proceeds derived from the sale of Obligations, may be expended by the Corporation for any of the purposes authorized by the Act, subject to the following limitations: (i) Expenditures from the proceeds of Obligations shall be identified and described in the orders, resolutions, indentures, or other agreements submitted for the approval by the City Council prior to the execution of loan or financing agreements or the sale and delivery of the Obligations to the purchasers thereof required by Section 7 of this Article; (ii) Expenditures that may be made from a fund created with the proceeds of Obligations, and expenditures of monies derived from sources other than the proceeds of Obligations may be used for the purpose of financing-or, otherwise providing one or more "Projects', as defined in Section 4B of the act. Expenditures shall be detailed in the Corporation's annual budget as approved by City Council and Board resolutions; (iii) All proposed expenditures shall be made in accordance with and shall be set forth in the Corporation's annual budget required by Section 3 of this Article or in contracts meeting the requirements of Section 1(d) of this Article. Section 7. Issuance of Obligations. No obligations, including refunding obligations, shall be authorized or sold and delivered by the Corporation unless the City Council shall approve such Obligations by action taken prior to the date of sale of the obligations. Page 7 of 9 ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 1. Principal Office. (a) The principal office and the registered office of the Corporation shall be the registered office of the Corporation specified in the Articles of Incorporation. (b) The Corporation shall have and shall continually designate a registered agent at its office, as required by the Act. Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be the same as the fiscal year of the City. Section 3. Seal. The Seal of the corporation shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Section 4. Resignations. Any director or officer may resign at any time. Such resignation shall be amended in writing and shall take effect at the time specified therein, or, if no time is specified, at the time of its receipt by the Secretary. The acceptance of resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective, unless expressly so provided in the resignation. Section 5. Approval or Advice and Consent of the City Council. To the extent that these Bylaws refer to any approval by the City or refer to advice and consent by the City Council, such advice and consent shall be evidenced by one for the following; resolution, minute order or motion duly adopted by the City Council. Section 6. Services of City Staff and Officers. Subject to the authority of the City Manager under the Charter of the City, the Corporation shall utilize the services and the staff employees of the City. All requests for staff time or inquiries of Staff will be requested through the City Manager's Office. The Corporation shall pay reasonable compensation to the City for such services, and the performance of such services does not materially interfere with the other duties of such personnel of the City. Section 7. Indemnification of Directors, Officers and Employees. (a) As provided in the Act and the Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation is, for the purposes of the Texas Tort Claims Act (Subchapter A, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code), a governmental unit and its actions are governmental functions. Page 8 of 9 (b) The Corporation shall indemnify each and every member of the Board, its Officers and its employees, and each member of the City Council and each employee of the City, to the fullest extent permitted by law, against any and all liability or expense, including attorneys fees, incurred by any of such persons by reason of any actions or omissions that may arise out of the functions and activities of the Corporation. The attorney for the Corporation is authorized to provide a defense for members of the Board, officers, and employees of the Corporation. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE, AMENDMENTS Section 1. Effective Date. These Bylaws shall become effective upon the occurrence of the following events: (1) the approval of these Bylaws by the City Council; and (2) the adoption of these Bylaws by,the Corporation Board. Section 2. Amendments to Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation and these Bylaws may be amended only in the manner provided in the Articles of Incorporation and the Act. Page 9 of 9 AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS OF WYLIE PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The following Sections of the Bylaws of Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation adopted by Resolution 95-01 are amended as set forth below: Article II — Board of Directors, Section 1 — Powers, Numbers and Term of Office, Subsections (b) and (c) are amended to read as follows: (b) The Board shall consist of seven (7) directors, each of whom shall be appointed by the City Council (the "City Council") of the City and must be residents of the City of Wylie. Each director shall occupy a place (individually, the "Place" and collectively, the "Places") as designated herein. Places 1-4 are designated for the City Councilmember Directors and Places 5-7 are designated for Citizen Board members, of which at least one of the members will be appointed from the Park Board. These appointments will be classified as citizen member directors. (c) Each member of the Board shall be appointed by the City Council for a two (2) year term. Any vacancy occurring before a term is completed shall be filled by appointment by the City Council as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation. All directors shall have the qualifications set forth herein and in the Articles of Incorporation. Article II — Board of Directors, Section 3 — Notice of Meetings is amended to read as follows: Section 3. Notice of Meetings. To the extent that the Open Meetings Act conflicts with the provisions of this section, the Open Meetings Act shall govern. (a) Regular meetings and Special meetings of the Board shall be held, following written notice to the Directors by the City Secretary, at such times and places as shall be designated from time to time by the Board. Written notice to each Director may be provided by first class mail, electronic mail or hand delivery and shall be considered provided on the day it is sent and the written notice shall be sent on or before the date the notice of the meeting is posted at City Hall in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Special Meetings of the Board shall be held whenever called by the Chair of the Board, by a majority of the directors, by the Mayor of the City, or by a majority of the City Council. Nothing contained in this Section 3 shall vitiate the notice requirements contained in Section 4 hereafter. (b) The City Secretary shall give notice to each director of each Special Meeting in person, by mail, by electronic mail, or telephone, at least seventy two (72) hours before the meeting, unless deemed an emergency meeting by Section 551.045 of the Open Meetings Act. Such notice shall be considered provided on the day it is sent or on the day it is verbally conveyed or on the day a voice message is left with the notice information. Unless otherwise indicated in the notice thereof, any and all matters Resolution No.2005-37(R) Amendment to Wylie 4B Bylaws 2005 Page 2 of 6 pertaining to the purposes of the Corporation may be considered as acted upon at a Special Meeting. At any meeting at which every director shall be present, even though without notice, any matter pertaining to the purpose of the Corporation may be considered and acted upon consistent with applicable law. Whenever any notice is required to be given to the Board, said notice shall be deemed to be sufficient if given by depositing the same in a post office box in a sealed postpaid wrapper addressed to the person entitled thereto at his or her post office address as it appears on the books of the Corporation or said notice shall be deemed sufficient if sent by electronic mail to the person entitled thereto at his or her electronic mail address as it appears on the books of the Corporation. Attendance of a director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Article II — Board of Directors, Section 4 — Open Meetings Act is amended to read as follows: Section 4. Open Meetings Act. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, all meetings and deliberations of the Board shall be called, convened, held and conducted, and notice shall be given to the public, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code (Vernon's) Chapter 551, as amended (herein referred to as the "Open Meetings Act"). Article II — Board of Directors, Section 9 — Powers and Duties of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board is added to read as follows: Section 9. Powers and Duties of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board (the "Chair") shall be the presiding officer of the Board with the following authority: (a) Shall preside over all meetings of the Board. (b) Shall vote on all matters coming before the Board. (c) Shall have the authority, upon notice to the members of the Board as set forth herein, to call a special meeting of the Board when in his or her judgment such a meeting is required. (d) Shall have the authority to appoint, with Board approval, standing committees to aid and assist in its business undertakings or other matters incidental to the operations and functions of the Board. Resolution No.2005-37(R) Amendment to Wylie 4B Bylaws 2005 Page 3 of 6 (e) Shall have the authority to appoint, with Board approval, ad hoc committees which may address issues of a temporary nature of concern or which have a temporary affect on the business of the Board. In addition to the above mentioned duties, the Chair shall perform all duties incidental to the office, and such other duties as shall be prescribed from time to time by the Board. The Vice Chair shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board and shall exercise the powers of the Chair of the Board during that officer's absence or inability to act. Any action taken by the Vice Chair in the performance of the duties of the Chair of the Board shall be conclusive evidence of the Chair's absence or inability to act as Chair at the time such action was taken. Article III — Officers, Section 1 — Titles and Terms of Office and Section 3 — Vice President is amended to read as follows: Section 1. Titles and Terms of Office. (a) The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board may from time to time elect or appoint. One person may hold more than one office, except that the President shall not hold the office of Vice President or Secretary. Terms of office shall be two (2) years, with the right of an officer to be reappointed. (b) All officers shall be elected by and be subject to removal from office at any time by a vote of a majority of the entire Board. (c) A vacancy in the office of any officer shall be filled for the remaining term by a vote of a majority of the entire Board. (d) All officers shall be subject to removal from office at any time by a vote of the majority of the City Council. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board and shall exercise the powers of the president during that officer's absence or inability to act. Any action taken by the Vice President in performance of the duties of the President shall be conclusive evidence of the absence or inability to act of the president at the time such action was taken. The Assistant City Manager shall be the Vice President. Article IV — Functional Corporate Duties and Requirements, Section 1 — Facilities Capital Improvement Plan and Section 2 — Multi-Year Financial Plan are hereby amended to read as follows: Resolution No.2005-37(R) Amendment to Wylie 4B Bylaws 2005 Page 4 of 6 Section 1. Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. (a) It shall be the duty and obligation of the Board to finance and implement the Facilities Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by the Wylie City Council. (b) In carrying out its obligations under Section (a), the Corporation shall be authorized to exercise all rights and powers granted under the Act, including, but not limited to Section 4B thereof. (c) The President shall periodically submit reports to the City Council as to the status of its activities in carrying out its obligations under this Section. (d) Any and all agreements between the Corporation and other parties shall be authorized, executed, approved, and delivered in accordance with applicable law. Section 2. Multi-Year Financial Plan (the "Plan'). Prior to the beginning of the Fiscal Year, the President will submit a Multi-Year Financial Plan to the City Council for approval. The Plan will detail the utilization, investment and expenditure of funds and Debt scheduling for the Corporation. The Plan will serve as the financial guide for the corporation. The Board will approve the plan prior to or contemporaneously with the adoption of the Corporation's fiscal budget. Article V — Miscellaneous Provisions, Section 4 — Resignations and Section 7 — Indemnification of Directors, Officers and Employees are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Resignations. Any director or officer may resign at any time. Such resignation shall be tendered in writing and shall take effect at the time specified therein, or, if no time is specified, at the time of its receipt by the Secretary. The acceptance of resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective, unless expressly so provided in the resignation. Any director no longer serving in the capacity for which he was appointed will be deemed resigned and a qualified replacement will be appointed by the City Council. Section 7. Indemnification of Directors, Officers and Employees. (a) As provided in the Act and the Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation is, for the purposes of the Texas Tort Claims Act (Subchapter A, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, as it exists or may be amended), a governmental unit and its actions are governmental functions. (b) The Corporation shall indemnify each and every member of the Board, its officers and its employees, and each member of the City Council and each employee of the City, to the fullest extent permitted by law, against any and all liability or expense, including attorneys fees, incurred by any of such persons by reason of any actions or omissions that may arise out of the functions and activities of the Corporation. The Resolution No. 2005-37(R) Amendment to Wylie 4B Bylaws 2005 Page 5 of 6 attorney for the Corporation is authorized to provide a defense for members of the Board, officers, and employees of the Corporation. Adopted this 6th day of December, 2005. Cha' an of the Board Print Name: John Mondy Attest: Secretary of the orporation Print Name: Carole Ehrlich APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE BY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2005-37(R) ON THE 6th DAY OF DECEMBER,2005. Ma r of the ity Wylie, Texas ,®`. ,E Brink ame: John Mondy Attest: _ a City ecretary r;^®�.�• Print Name: Carole Ehrlich to- Resolution No.2005-37(R) Amendment to Wylie 4B Bylaws 2005 Page 6 of 6 4.4 OF1V <t ld %.. -' "" Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: 3 —4B Agenda Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Linda Bantz Account Code: Date Prepared: August 29, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4B Budget Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY 2012-2013 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2012- 2013 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. Recommendation Motion to approve FY 2012-2013 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY 2012-2013 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. Discussion The Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation was established in accordance with State law as a result of the January 15, 1994 election approving the Y2 cent sales tax for parks, recreation and library projects. The Board of Directors of the Corporation are: Mayor Eric Hogue Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Spillyards Councilmember David Goss Councilmember Rick White Cristine Price—Parks Board Member Daniel Chesnut—Parks Board Member Anne Hiney—Parks Board Member As set out in the Articles of Incorporation, the Board has the power to authorize the expenditure of sales tax receipts for projects approved by the City Council. Further, the Bylaws state that," It shall be the duty and obligation of the Board to finance and implement the Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by the Wylie City Council." A A. •roved B Initial Date Department Director LB 8/29/12 City Manager City Of Wylie Fund Summary 46 Sales Tax Fund Audited 4B Fund Ending Balance 09/30/11 $ 1,630,357 Projected '12 Revenues 808,684 Available Funds 2,439,041 Projected '12 Expenditures (1,078,464) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/12 $ 1,360,577 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance- 10/01/12 $ 1,360,577 Proposed Revenue '13 1,047,394 Proposed Expenditures '13 (1,230,917) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/13 $ 1,177,054 * * Policy requirement is 25%of budgeted sales tax revenue ($1,046,394x 25% = $261,599) 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND The Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (the 4B Corporation) was established to promote economic development with the City of Wylie. The activities of the 4B Corporation are accounted for in two fund types. The two funds are titles the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund and the 4B Debt Service Fund. The special revenue fund accounts for the use of the 4B Corporation sales tax revenue and is restricted by State legislation to improve the appeal of the City as a place to live, work, visit and to promote economic development. Sales taxes are levied in Wylie at 8.25% of goods and services sold within the City's boundaries. Of this 8.25% tax, 60% of the 0.5% of the City's share goes to the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund. CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND REVENUES 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,523,401 806,184 806,184 1,046,394 TOTAL TAXES 1,523,401 806,184 806,184 1,046,394 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 2,262 2,500 2,500 1,000 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0 0 0 0 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 2,262 2,500 2,500 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48120 COMMUNITY ROOM FEES 0 0 0 0 4000-48310 RECOVERY- PRIOR YEAR EXPEND 0 0 0 0 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 62 0 0 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 62 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 1,525,724 808,684 808,684 1,047,394 4B PARKS The 4B Parks is responsible for the development and maintenance of parks. This is a division of the Public Services Department. The 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund, 4B Parks, is a supplemental cost-center to the General Fund's Parks Department. The sales tax revenue is restricted by State legislation to improving the appeal of the City as a place to live, work, and visit and promoting economic development. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Asst. Parks Superintendent 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Field Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Maintenance Worker 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 TOTAL 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND 4B PARKS 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED PERSONNEL SERVICES 5614-51110 SALARIES 121,967 123,901 123,901 195,675 5614-51130 OVERTIME 7,152 10,000 10,000 12,000 5614-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,096 1,093 1,093 1,284 5614-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0 0 0 0 5614-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1,827 1,825 1,825 1,500 5614-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5614-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5614-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,205 1,350 1,350 1,200 5614-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,880 5614-51310 TMRS 16,173 15,649 15,649 27,549 5614-51410 HOSPITAL& LIFE INSURANCE 26,428 30,618 30,618 57,337 5614-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 185 696 696 696 5614-51440 FICA 8,150 9,041 9,041 13,494 5614-51450 MEDICARE 1,906 2,114 2,114 3,178 5614-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,256 1,810 1,810 1,810 5614-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 216 810 810 810 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 189,721 201,067 201,067 319,414 SUPPLIES 5614-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP - UNDER $1000 0 0 0 75 5614-52250 MEDICAL&SURGICAL 0 0 0 75 5614-52310 FUEL& LUBRICANTS 2,038 2,500 2,500 0 5614-52710 WEARING APPAREL& UNIFORMS 0 0 0 150 5614-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 0 0 0 50 TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,038 2,500 2,500 350 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5614-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 18,435 55,000 55,000 0 5614-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 0 0 0 0 5614-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 786 2,470 2,470 2,420 5614-56250 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 200 200 200 300 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,421 57,670 57,670 2,720 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5614-58110 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 0 0 0 0 5614-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5614-58530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 32,840 0 0 0 5614-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5614-58840 OUTDOOR FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5614-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 18,345 0 0 0 5614-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 51,185 0 0 0 TOTAL 4B PARKS 262,365 261,237 261,237 322,484 4B RECREATION As a division of the Public Services Department, this division supports the overall recreation programming functions administered by the Recreation Division. The division is funded by 4B Sales Tax revenue and is used as a supplemental cost-center to the General Fund Recreation (5521)budget. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Recreation Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Recreation Superintendant 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Recreation Monitor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Recreation Manager 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fitness Programmer 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Recreation Programmer 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Recreation Attendant 1.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 TOTAL 6.00 4.75 4.75 4.75 CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND 4B RECREATION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED PERSONNEL SERVICES 5615-51110 SALARIES 46,504 46,443 46,443 46,443 5615-51112 SALARIES- PART TIME 57,771 82,758 82,758 100,693 5615-51130 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 5615-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 48 81 81 81 5615-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0 0 0 0 5615-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 1 0 0 163 5615-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 5615-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 5615-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,220 1,200 1,200 1,350 5615-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 800 300 300 550 5615-51310 TMRS 5,739 6,070 6,070 5,856 5615-51410 HOSPITAL& LIFE INSURANCE 12,375 12,502 12,502 13,065 5615-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 213 260 260 260 5615-51440 FICA 6,592 8,032 8,032 9,540 5615-51450 MEDICARE 1,542 1,846 1,846 2,126 5615-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 1,049 1,888 1,888 1,888 5615-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 636 2,430 2,430 2,430 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 134,490 163,809 163,809 184,445 SUPPLIES 5615-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,966 2,900 2,900 2,569 5615-52070 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5615-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP - UNDER $1000 3,658 3,800 3,800 16,895 5615-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP - $100-$999.99 0 0 0 0 5615-52210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 2,925 5615-52310 FUEL& LUBRICANTS 4,187 7,683 7,683 7,683 5615-52610 RECREATIONAL SUPPLIES 2,927 3,000 3,000 6,082 5615-52650 RECREATION MERCHANDISE 0 0 0 240 5615-52710 WEARING APPAREL& UNIFORMS 0 500 500 150 5615-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,752 6,000 6,000 7,440 5615-52990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 19,491 23,883 23,883 43,984 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5615-54210 STREETS &ALLEYS 0 0 0 12,000 5615-54510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5615-54530 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 2,381 3,000 3,000 5,000 5615-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 7 500 500 1,000 5615-54650 COMMUNICATIONS 0 200 200 100 5615-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5615-54910 BUILDINGS 3,555 6,800 6,800 12,800 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE 5,943 10,500 10,500 30,900 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5615-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 2,469 15,855 15,855 12,645 5615-56080 ADVERTISING 1,362 2,000 2,000 1,785 5615-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 533 1,200 1,200 600 5615-56140 REC CLASS EXPENSES (COMM CTR) 2,788 11,000 11,000 11,000 5615-56180 RENTAL 1,542 3,120 3,120 15,000 5615-56210 TRAVEL&TRAINING 815 2,500 2,500 3,500 5615-56250 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS 869 1,240 1,240 800 5615-56360 ACTIVENET ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 0 0 0 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,378 36,915 36,915 45,830 CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND 4B RECREATION 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED CAPITAL OUTLAY 5615-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0 0 0 0 5615-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 5615-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 1,400 1,400 35,275 5615-58850 MAJOR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 10,000 10,000 0 5615-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 11,400 11,400 35,275 TOTAL 4B RECREATION 170,302 246,507 246,507 340,434 46 SALES TAX REVENUE COMBINED SERVICES This department reflects expenditures incurred by the City's 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund, as a single entity, in the conduct of its operations. These expenditures include debt service payments, etc. CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED BUDGET-FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5000-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 720 720 0 5000-56990 OTHER 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 720 720 0 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5000-59125 TRANSFER TO RECREATION FUND 510,775 0 0 0 5000-59132 TRANSFER TO 4B DEBT SERVICE 565,000 570,000 570,000 568,000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 1,075,775 570,000 570,000 568,000 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,075,775 570,720 570,720 568,000 N. p,-I 't ( - -ii Wylie City Council , - AGENDA REPORT ;e Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: 1. Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: August 29, 2012 Budgeted Amount: All Funds Summary, Budget Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-27 adopting a budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, beginning October 1, 2012, and ending September 30, 2013. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2012-27 adopting the budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, beginning October 1, 2012, and ending September 30, 2013. Discussion The tax rate being proposed for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 is $0.8889 per $100 of assessed valuation. The attached summary of all operating and capital funds includes the budget for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The adoption of the FY 2012-2013 tax rate is presented as a separate agenda item. A•proved B Initial Date Department Director LB 8/29/12 City Manager Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING RESOURCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2012, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILTIY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have prepared and filed with the City Secretary a proposed budget for operation of the City during Fiscal Year 2012-2013; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget appears to be in form and substance which fully complies with all applicable provisions of the City Charter and State law; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget has been available for public inspection and review; and WHEREAS, the City Council on August 28, 2012, conducted a public hearing to receive input from the citizens of the City concerning the content of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Council having considered the proposed budget at length, and having provided input into its preparation, has determined that the proposed budget and the revenues and expenditures contained therein is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal action; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the proposed budget of the revenues of the City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof, as summarized in the attached Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby is, completely adopted and approved as the Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. Section 2. That the sum of sixty-one million, six hundred forty-five thousand, and nine hundred ninety-two dollars, $61,645,992 is hereby appropriated for the City's FY 2012-2013 Budget. These funds are for payment of operating, capital, and debt service expenses associated with the operation and administration of the City according to the various purposes and intents described in the FY 2012-2013 budget document. Section 3. That an allocation of$0.002 of the $0.005 4B sales tax rate be made for FY2012-2013 for activities of the Recreation Fund. Section 4. The specific authority is hereby given to the City Manager to transfer appropriations budgeted from an account classification or activity to another within any individual department or activity; and to transfer appropriations from designated appropriations to any individual department or activity as provided in the City Charter. Ordinance No.2012-27 Approval of Budget FY2012-2013 1 Section 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council pursuant to the law and the City Charter. Section 7. That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the l la' day of September, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News- September 19,2012 Ordinance No.2012-27 Approval of Budget FY2012-2013 2 SUMMARY OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL OPERATING AND CAPITAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 BUDGET DEBT SERVICE FUNDS SPECIAL GENERAL REVENUE G 0 DEBT 4B DEBT FUND FUNDS SERVICE SERVICE ESTIMATED BEGINNING BALANCES $ 9,302,857 $ 4,698,309 $ 823,224 $ 196,582 REVENUES: - Ad Valorem Taxes 14,110,402 - 7,125,759 - Non-Property Taxes 3,496,478 3,532,978 - - Franchise Fees 2,421,700 - - - Licenses &Permits 442,000 40,000 - - Intergovernmental 650,500 - - - Service Fees 2,805,000 699,000 - - Court Fees 307,000 17,000 - - Interest&Misc. Income 295,500 620,349 3,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 24,528,580 4,909,327 7,128,759 - Transfers from Other Funds 1,772,297 20,000 566,632 568,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 35,603,734 9,627,636 8,518,615 764,582 EXPENDITURES: General Government 7,800,736 160,200 - - Public Safety 13,420,548 52,425 - - Development Services 1,312,536 - - - Streets 1,725,016 - - - Community Services 3,075,569 2,117,338 - - Utilities - - - - Debt Service - 568,000 7,946,184 567,283 Capital Projects - - - - Economic Development - 2,858,747 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 27,334,405 5,756,710 7,946,184 567,283 Transfers to Other Funds - 5,000 - - ENDING FUND BALANCE * $ 8,269,329 $ 3,865,926 $ 572,431 $ 197,299 *Budgeted Use of Fund Balance for one time purchases of fleet and equipment. SUMMARY OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL OPERATING AND CAPITAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 BUDGET PROPRIETARY FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL ALL FUNDS UTILITY FUND FUNDS ESTIMATED BEGINNING BALANCES $ 21,668,405 $ 7,374,841 $ 44,064,218 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 21,236,161 Non-Property Taxes 7,029,456 Franchise Fees 2,421,700 Licenses &Permits 482,000 Intergovernmental 650,500 Service Fees 13,670,000 17,174,000 Court Fees 324,000 Interest&Misc. Income 3,000 50,000 971,849 TOTAL REVENUES 3,000 13,720,000 50,289,666 Transfers from Other Funds - - 2,926,929 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 21,671,405 21,094,841 97,280,813 EXPENDITURES: General Government 7,960,936 Public Safety 13,472,973 Development Services 1,312,536 Streets 1,725,016 Community Services 5,192,907 Utilities 12,036,251 12,036,251 Debt Service 1,320,330 10,401,797 Capital Projects 4,506,533 406,000 4,912,533 Economic Development 2,858,747 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,506,533 13,762,581 59,873,696 Transfers to Other Funds - 1,767,296 1,772,296 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 17,164,872 $ 7,332,260 $ 35,634,821 TOTAL REVENUES $ 53,216,595 NET DECREASE (INCREASE) IN FUND BALANCE 8,429,397 TOTAL APPROPRIABLE FUNDS $ 61,645,992 Wylie City Council " ��� - AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 11, 2012 Item Number: 1. Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Linda Bantz Account Code: Date Prepared: August 29, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2012-28 fixing the tax rate/levy for Tax Year 2012 and Budget Year FY 2012-2013 at $0.88890 per$100 of assessed valuation. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2012-28 fixing the tax rate/levy for Tax Year 2012 and Budget Year FY 2012-2013 at $0.88890 per$100 of assessed valuation. Discussion The tax rate needed to fund the FY 2012-2013 budget is $0.88890 per $100 of assessed valuation. The tax rate is broken down with $0.59062 being used for operations and maintenance and $0.29828 being used to fund the General Debt Service Fund. This tax ordinance will generate levies of$13,409,788 for the General Fund and $6,772,381 for the I & S Fund. The adopted Fiscal Year 2012-2013 budget requires the support of this ordinance for funding. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 08/29/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2012-28 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND LEVY FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013, AND FOR THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF CREATING A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR A LIEN ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SECURE PAYMENT OF TAXES DUE THEREON; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council has this date, by way of Ordinance duly passed, adopted a Budget of operation for the City for fiscal year 2012-2013; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Ordinance anticipates and requires the levy of an ad valorem tax all taxable property in the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to levy such an ad valorem tax at a given rate to generate revenues sufficient to meet projected expenses; and WHEREAS, the City has fully and timely complied with all notice and other requirements relative to the adoption of a tax rate for fiscal year 2012-2013; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed tax rate, as well as the effective tax rate, has been published as required by law and the City has received no formal protest thereof. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 2012-2013 upon all real property situated within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, and upon all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, on the first day of January, A.D. 2012, except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, a total tax of $0.8889 on each $100 of assessed valuation on all said property which said total tax herein so levied shall consist and be comprised of the following components: a) An ad valorem tax rate of $0.59062 on each $100 of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for general city purposes and to pay the current operating expenses of said City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, which tax, when Ordinance 2012-28 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2012 and Budget Year FY2012-2013 1 collected shall be appropriated to and for the credit of the General Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas. b) An ad valorem tax rate of $0.29828 on each $100 of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the purpose of creating an Interest and Sinking Fund with which to pay the interest and principal of the valid bonded indebtedness, and related fees of the City of Wylie, now outstanding and such tax when collected shall be appropriated and deposited in and to the credit of the General Debt Service Fund of the City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013. Section 2. The City of Wylie shall have a lien on all taxable property located in the City of Wylie to secure the payment of taxes, penalty and interest, and all costs of collection, assessed and levied hereby. Section 3. Taxes are payable in McKinney, Texas, at the Office of the Tax-Assessor Collector of Collin County. The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. Section 4. That the tax roll presented to the City Council, together with any supplements thereto,be and same are hereby accepted and approved. Section 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Section 7. That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8. The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue,nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. Ordinance 2012-28 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2012 and Budget Year FY2012-2013 2 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the l lth day of September, 2012. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News—September 19,2012 Ordinance 2012-28 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2012 and Budget Year FY2012-2013 3