05-18-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning zoning Commission a,,, Wylie R egular Busi ness Meeting May 18 , 1998 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 May 18, 1998 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the May 4, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. 2. ZC. No. 98-03: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a request from R. Parker for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to B-2 (Business) for the property generally located along the north side of FM 544 between FM 1378 and Sanden Boulevard and being all of a .768 acre tract out of the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. DISCUSSION ITEM 1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans 2. Review of Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected ACTION ITEM 1. Consider Report to City Council CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT GAM'AUL:1\4"N‘A-.L0 Posted Friday, May 15, 1998, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. itit, i of Wylie Action Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: May 18, 1998 Action Item No. 1 RE: Approval of the Minutes from the May 4, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. 1. Consider approval of the Minutes from the May 4, 1998,Regular Business Meeting. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINU tES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting May 4, 1998 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present: Staff Present: Richard Eckman, Chairman Tobin Maples, Planning Director Steve Ahrens, Vice Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Mark Clark Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager Sharon Dowdy Eric Hogue Cecilia Wood Members Absent: Ray Capley CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Eckman. ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of April 20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to approve the April 20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. Motion carried all in favor (6). 2. Recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No.!, proposed by the City of Wylie, generally located along the east side of South Ballard just north of Alanis and being all of a 1.502 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. • Tobin Maples gave the Commission an update: The applicant is platting this property to facilitate an expansion to the fire station and to bring the property into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations. A public hearing was held on April 20, 1998 regarding a zoning change (ZC. No.98-04) for this property. The zoning change was recommended to the City Council. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulation. Staff is recommending approval, subject to City Council Approval of ZC. No. 98-04. • Cecilia Wood asked about sidewalks, drives, and screening. Tobin Maples said no screening in required. Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Mark Clark to recommend approval of Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No. 1 to City Council. Motion carried all in favor (6). 3. Recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat of Wylie Fire Station No. 2, proposed by the City of Wylie, generally located along the west side of FM 1378 just north of Brown Street and being all of a 7.505 acre tract out of the G.W. Gunnel Survey, Abstract No. 351, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. • Tobin Maples gave the Commission an update: The applicant is platting this property to facilitate the construction of Wylie Fire Station No. 2. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for A (Agricultural) uses. Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Staff is recommending approval. • Cecilia Wood asked Fire Chief Shan English, the projected time for completion. Chief English said they will go out to bid next week, accept a bid by the end of the month, and have complete construction by October 1998. The department will start as a volunteer station with 24 hour ambulance service and trucks. In two to four years, Station No. 2 will be fully staffed. • Cecilia Wood asked Tobin Maples about the zoning change. Tobin Maples explained, the A (Agricultural) does allow for a Fire Station and it is not necessary to do a zoning change on this property. Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Sharon Dowdy to approve recommendation of the Preliminary Plat for Wylie Fire Station No. 2 to City Council. Motion carried all in favor(6). Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission May 4, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 2 DISCUSSION ITEM 1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans 2. Review of Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected • Mindy Manson handed out a Capital Improvement Program Funding Summary and a 10-Year Capital Improvement Program Cost Projection Water System Table 3. Mindy Manson will provide the Commission with a survey of the different cities water system and street impact fees. ACTION ITEM 1. Consider report to City Council. Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Cecilia Wood, to table this report until the surveys requested have been provided. Motion carried, all in favor(6). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one responded. ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, Seconded by Eric Hogue for adjounment. Motion carried, all in favor (6). Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission May 4, 1998,Regular Business Meeting Page 3 • - :City of Wylie Action Item No. 2 98-03 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: May 18, 1998 Owner/Applicant: R. Richard Parker Location: Generally located along the north side of FM 544 between FM 1378 and Sanden Blvd. Existing Zoning: A (Agricultural) Requested Zoning: B-2 (Business) Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on .768 acres in order to develop the property with business uses. Currently, the property is being utilized as a legal non-conforming use (storage for landscape contractor with minor accessory office use). The surrounding properties are vacant and zoned for A(Agricultural) uses. Public Comment Forms were mailed to six (6) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1)Public Comment Forms in support of the request has been returned. Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends industrial uses for the property. The proposed zoning and land use are compatible with Comprehensive Plan as uses permitted within the B-2 (Business) zoning district are less intensive than those permitted within the I (Industrial) district. Department of Planning, 05/15/98 98-03 • The applicant is aware that the existing C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy) on this property is for a non-conforming use (storage for landscape contractor with minor accessory office use) and prohibits retail sales of any sort. City Council approval of a rezoning request does not change the status of an existing C.O. or establish compliance with applicable city codes. • The applicant is aware that if it is his desire to change the use of the property, including adding retail sales activity at this location, application for a new C.O. must be made prior to the occurrence of said change. • The applicant is aware that the property will have to be brought up to code prior to the issuance of a new C.O. or any building permits for future development. • The B-2 (Business) zoning district requires a 10' minimum side yard. The existing structure on the property encroaches the 10' side yard requirement by 7'. The applicant is aware that the Board of Adjustment would have to approve a variance to the side yard requirement before staff could issue a new C.O. on this property. Financial Considerations: Zoning application fee - $225 Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Public Comment Form Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Site Survey Zoning Change Application Department of Planning, 05/15/98 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 x I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-03. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,May 18, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 9, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: Frances Bates Wells (please print) Address: 6800 Coit Road Plano, Texas 75023-1003 Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): R-6563-000-0020-1 Signature: 'C mo Q. e►'y\_, LUG\\, Date: May 12 , 1998 COMMENTS: l McMillen f J Road 'i rimiummu- MN Lu1 e t. PooEJ L�.n City Lt) .. bpi1_13 Nick---/iii fi IiTiui*II mg. .....-.. -- .Mimunlannul B —I— in la - - .O F. FIT =I==i==__� rnmommansm tumult int emits'aft II ►.unsi uil 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iAIMrMIIIMMINIMINImm ilMIE I MN'RI1M M.t SS,1 .... r-ilIMINV —.-. / Wes' Brown Stre- rt: III1 I,,+ rnnD� !_ 00,.zilartras,84.1,..e. muuunni es �wu •rMe ►►i:• ui�0• ':::is-_- virtu 4 torrid Ilk iik IMp2 _��_._suunnn °� ,-.. 4b ":� 0`�i ii111UM e ?S,III�O 1 111 ' •4 1.11f illMinuu.►►a l i= i n11U► i 11I111111111111�� 4. 11,111UIIIUIIIIUII U <c-4161111bi s^w. .111111111119 LIVIIRIllair 1111— Luta% ill ik - 4 les iiiiiiiiiii II Is le Immo Ida A SIPA pp _i;........0 Or Wria ilIVIIIMMT777 in r.L.i. V Me 1.1.11111 Ar ' ' 1; I' ..... ,,,,ed * v E fie •• ••i t'l_ PIIIIII1111111ulttiti t • .," ivniali II nw: ®uQWW111 /' ' 111®1WIIIlnl - 1111 1111'Utltlti .1.-- • a in 1 . I "esimml=1"1-A21.16e -Ts 14iiiih, impLomill _...... III MMMIEMP, Ail ~ 1111161111,:\ III 1MINE INEnulll_n= !. 4 mw BMW viuIIuu uu»r ♦ _ 'MUM Ill/// \ _ I Illlllllllll ) • PROJECT LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #98-0003 ..- ../ „-- _:- 1 . ..„ .7---- 7 SUBJECT . 7/ . ..., 7 // ' PROPERTY ... / 7/ .,..,. / / i / ., / ,.... / „,._„/ .../. / I\ / , ./. , / 1•=500' i i i . / ... i / / A , _ 7/ „/ „„ , / ../ _ __,.„ ,,,, . _ ,_ ,,,,,,_ __ ......„ , , , ..______ , 1 ________1 I ----,... _______________. / A / ....,.. \ ...„. , / / /-_-7'-- -------_______ . / / C---t ------ . ." (-01 1 >1 1 / / A A /-_,„ ../ _._ ,--- ,./ / / , a, Cl) , ,..,,, v A, ‘,„..... , Ns, , . . A , • .• f ' i r 1 ZONING AREA MAP ZONING CASE #98-0003 i N NW Frances Bates Wells 1 "=200' R-6563-000-0020-1 __ __ _ _ ______ _ ____ _ _____. . ,. T _ q. R T . — . _ y Richard Parker ,' R 0 � 'R-6196-000-0050-1 _ vV O y • — •— •. • • _ • �S bj-ct • - . P'O• =dy Frances Bates Wells — — • • _ _ _ / , . Park=r R-6563-000-0020-1 �� -• '6-000-a 050-1 ./ ./ a/z / ,••TU Electric,•• Wylie I.S.D.,R=6563-000 QO 10-1 R-6563-000-0030- 1 /' \. /* . PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP _ . . _ . _ . _ .. _. . _ _. ._ . . _. T-ZONING CASE #98-03 i i NOTIFICATION REPORT , APPLICANT: Richard Parker APPLICATION FILE # 98-0003 P.O. Box 307 Wylie, Texas 75098 . # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS TU Electric P.O. Box 219071 1 Abst. 563 Tract 1 R-6563-000-0010-1 State & Local Tax Department Dallas, Texas 75221-9071 6800 Coit Road 2 Abst. 563 Tract 2 R-6563-000-0020-1 Frances Bates Wells Plano, Texas 75023-1003 1001 S. Ballard 3 Abst. 563 Tract 3 R-6563-000-0030-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 601 Pacific Avenue 4 Abst. 563 Tract 4 DART Railway Dallas, Texas 75202-3356 P.O. Box 307 5 Abst 196 Tract 5 R-6196-000-0050-1 Richard Parker (Applicant) Wylie, Texas 75098 210 S. McDonald Street 6 Abst 196 Collin County Commissioners Court McKinney, Texas 75069 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING``�� PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 98-03 Applicant: R. Richard Parker Location: Generally located across the street from the high shool along the north side of FM 544 between FM 1378 and Sanden Blvd. Property Description: Being all of a .768 acre tract out of the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196,Collin County, Texas(See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agricultural) Requested Zoning: B-2 (Business) Landscape Contractor's Yard This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Monday,May 18,1998,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,June 9,1998,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request, as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts, amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable)on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: • City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103, or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance. Ds ,,,\.'<z's. -<•D /(0 —.----- --' . , • v (� 1/7 LR. 3E1 I ► - ` `? �A. •1 C, T -i or bti I, e -7/10 P.A. yy GD` \ / y FENCE POSE N /r) (�`/� \ , 1 / 4I \3_ i w= ,,)� V 191.4 ACRE'/ ?.3.5.S L � M.F. MATH ,/� oicki l a F S"4 VOLUME 165, ) 0.70 ACRES Ipc6t'-` If.e , R. RICHARD PARKER 1 ,\ CCU 93-0094964 ► w.4 w ------\A-,_ o I ; 0.766 AC RES — pg 9 ca i /s' ---: IL---, P.P. y"` ! ------.. --.___. i i .. \ NY- I J 1/2 l.R. 3ET i { l� N 7p 48 0 ` \ \ \ READ t P.P. k ` POIN1 �`'� � ,2p,e 93 BEGIr, No. lit 1.R. MD. , 544 J iv �WirreR /S I/1aihocs� f.. , i Cr7 Y ,c- 'JAI f I. e. Page 1 of 2 5/y CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. Fili Fee • Date A/ i Applicant fe cc-1.Q,eO eE2 �� Phone No. Mailing Address: Work No. �'f 72 -Wz•,S"// eX- 3a ZA 7- 9r LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for de ri tion, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1 I hereby,request that the above described property • changed from its present zoning which is /f6 District Classificati b on to /� • ,1 Dis for the following reasons: tact Classification (attach separate sheet if necessary) uAi e,i) The P o p crz,Ty c..%s Avviv e-a ElD /•✓ 1995 /T r d is ",.1)4 v s Fo ,.,i f3 "0 44/ivErt c,c.i rt 'c L r� ae-r t,; 13-Z There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 / Status of Applicant Owner ✓ Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. A@ - Signed — RECD MAR 3 l 1998 RECD MAR 311998 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the John Jr'. Curtis Survey.Abstract No. 196. Collin County, Texas. and being a part of a tract of land conveyed to R. Richard Parker by deed recorded by County Clerks No. 93-0094964, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the northeast right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544 and being the southeast corner of a 191.4 acre tract of laird conveyed to rtl.F. Mathews by deed . recorded in Volume 165, Page 556, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; 36 Thence, A' 76'43'00" I3', along said right-of-way line,a distance of 202.93 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for corner; Thence. A' 16' 24'06" E, a distance of 201.74 feet to a metal fence post for corner; Thence, :S' 27' ,3.1' 31" I3', a distance of 65.26 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set fbr corner in the • southeast line of a tract of land conveyed to Texas Power Light Company by deed recorded in 3 olrrnre 575. Page 224, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence. 49' 53'41" li, along the southeast line of said Texas Power R Light Company tract of land, a distance of 7-1.05 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for corner in the west line of aforementioned Mathews tract of land: Thence. S 16' 34'l,3" E. along the west line of said Mathews tract of land, a distance of 384.44 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.768 acres of land. All of the above property lies within Zone".•11i' (Base flood elevation determined)according to the ['load Insurance Rate clap Community Panel;Vumber 48085(.0465 G dated January /9, 1996. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Donald J. Jackson do hereby certify that this .survey was made on tire ground and correctly P.P. shorts the boundary lines with dimensions of the land indicated hereon, correctly shows the location of cr1l structures and other noticeable improvements and visible items on the subject property. correctly shows the location of all rollers, streets. eersernenh. and other matters of record of which 1 have been advised affecting the subject property, and except trs .how ry. there are no visible easements. partyrrulls. or conflicts on subject property. MEMO To: Planning & Zoning Commission �,M From: Mindy Manson, Assistant to the City Manager (��� Subject: Water and Sewer Impact Fee Review • Date: May 15, 1998 During the May 4 Planning Commission meeting, staff presented information pertaining to the status of the projects listed within the water and sewer Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). In addition, staff presented information regarding the collection of the water and sewer impact fee. State Law states that a report be filed semi-annually with the City Council regarding the progress of the CIP and any perceived inequities in the plan or the adopted Impact Fee. During the meeting, the Commission requested additional information which is included. Attached you will find a Water and Sewer Impact Fee Comparison which was compiled by staff utilizing a survey completed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). The survey indicates that the water impact fee for the City of Wylie is below the average, while the sewer impact fee is above average. In cities of high growth, the fees tend to be higher due to the demand that growth places on the community's water and sewer infrastructure. The sewer rate reflects the demand being placed on the capacity of Wylie's existing wastewater treatment system and a portion of the costs associated with the construction of a new plant. State law requires that the land use assumptions, the infrastructure needs, and the fees be reviewed in detail every three years. Also included for the Commissions review is the background information submitted to the City Council on the adoption of the current fees on March 11, 1997. This packet is a comprehensive review of the information considered by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee and the City Council, including a review of alternate options for funding the necessary infrastructure expansion required by new development. The minutes from the March 11 Council meeting are attached to include the comments received from developers. Finally, additional information requested by the Commission on various fees associated with water and sewer connections is included. The source of this data is also from the NCTCOG. The City of Wylie did not participate in the survey at the time it was distributed, however, where pertinent, City of Wylie fees are indicated at the bottom of the survey page. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know. IMPACT FEE COMPARISON • EST. SERVICE WATER SEWER TOTAL CITY TOTAL MAXIMUM POPULATION UNIT FEE FEE ALLOWED ADDISON 10,150 none none none none none ALLEN 30,119 5/8" meter $547.00 $92.00 $639.00 CARROLLTON 92,514 acre $920.00 $310.00 $1,230.00 $2,502.00 CEDAR HILL 24,150 5/8" meter $769.00 $231.00 $1,000.00 COLLEYVILLE 16,000 per lot $815.00 $51.00 $866.00 COPPELL 25,700 5/8" meter $450.00 $450.00 $900.00 CORINTH 6,100 5/8" meter $1,960.00 $375.00 $2,335.00 $2,335.00 DESOTO 35,650 5/8" meter $325.00 $75.00 $400.00 DUNCANVILLE 35,100 none none none none none FLOWER MOUND 33,800 3/4" meter $674.00 $1,396.00 $2,070.00 $5,000.00 FRISCO 20,000 acre $1,589.00 $1,589.00 $3,178.00 GARLAND 192,200 5/8" meter $238.00 $0.00 $238.00 $953.00 GEORGETOWN 18,500 3/4" meter $825.00 $600.00 $1,425.00 GRAND PRAIRIE 110,000 5/8" meter $290.00 $145.00 $435.00 $637.00 GRAPEVINE 33,358 per lot $764.00 $140.00 $904.00 HEATH 2,800 5/8" meter $2,250.00 $5,000.00 $7,250.00 KELLER 18,850 5/8" meter $750.00 $750.00 $1,500.00 KERRVILLE 17,384 3/4" meter $500.00 $475.00 $975.00 LANCASTER 22,500 3/4" meter $615.00 $606.00 $1,221.00 $3,306.00 LEWISVILLE 57,500 3/4" meter $900.00 $1,103.00 $2,003.00 MANSFIELD 18,250 3/4" meter $680.00 $350.00 $1,030.00 $2,476.52 MCKINNEY 34,000 3/4" meter $385.00 $490.00 $875.00 $1,365.00 MESQUITE 111,550 5/8" meter $408.00 $286.00 $694.00 PLANO 176,408 3/4" meter $758.00 $378.00 $1,136.00 RICHARDSON 79,800 none none none none none ROCKWALL 14,000 5/8" meter $412.00 $1,640.00 $2,052.00 $4,189.00 ROWLETT 31,800 acre $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 SACHSE 7,200 per lot $693.00 $418.00 $1,111.00 $4,648.00 SCHERTZ 13,500 5/8" meter $750.00 $1,300.00 $2,050.00 SOUTHLAKE 14,950 1" meter $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $2,250.00 SUNNYVALE 2,232 $2,995.00 $834.00 $3,829.00 THE COLONY 24,300 per lot $125.00 $450.00 $575.00 IWYLIE 11,698 5/8" meter $700.00 $1,412.00 $2,112.00 $2,112.00 I • WYLIE CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA COMMUNICATION ITEM NO 4 • March 11, 1997 Issue Hold a Public Hearing to receive public input regarding the 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) and Maximum Calculated Impact Fees recommended by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee and consider adoption of the 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) and consider adopting or amending the Impact Fees. Back: send The review process for updating the Impact Fees by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee is now complete. The committee has reviewed and made a recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Land Use Assumptions, 1997-2006. A Public Hearing was held at the January 28, 1997 City Council meeting on the recommendation of the Land Use Assumptions by the Advisory Committee. The Council agreed with that recommendation and adopted those Assumptions by resolution that evening. The adoption of the resolution approving the Land Use Assumptions, 1997-2006 allowed the City Council to set a Public Hearing on the 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) (CIP) and the Impact Fees calculated from that CIP. The Notice of the Public Hearing to consider the CIP and the Impact Fees was published more than 30 days prior to the Hearing and was published for three consecutive weeks. The final meeting of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC) was held on January 16, 1997. At that meeting, the IFAC reviewed the CIP and determined that all of the projects on the CIP were appropriate infrastructure improvements for the estimated growth of development in the upcoming ten years. The IFAC made a recommendation to City Council to adopt the CIP. The City Council must evaluate the projects listed on the CIP and, if they agree with the IFAC, should adopt the CIP. The 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) (CIP)'outlines the Capital projects required to support the future development in the City based on the Land Use Assumptions, 1997-2006 and the Water and Waste Water Master Plan Update. This CIP, prepared by The Hogan Corporation, outlines six water projects and four sewer projects. The water projects include current water system improvements being built under the 1995 Bond Program, a future 12" main along Sanden Blvd., a future 8" line along Hensley Lane, a 12" main along Kirby St., a future 12" main along future Park Blvd., and a future oversized 12" main through the Woodbridge Addition. The sewer projects include a future sewer main from Newport Harbor to the Muddy Creek Interceptor. Also included are a group of sewer mains: A future 48" sewer from Muddy Creek south, a future 30" sewer from the existing waste water treatment plant, and a future 54" sewer to a proposed, future waste water treatment plant south on Muddy Creek. The current Capital projects in the 1995 Bond program are also included. Action Agenda Item No 4 Page 1 11ackground - Continued We have an existing plant capacity of almost two million gallons per day that will be fully utilized very soon. During the next ten year period, new growth will create a requirement for an additional two to four million gallon capacity. We are unable to determine today if the capacity of the existing/current facility can be utilized in the future until the city completes a permitting process through the TNRCC. Therefore, for planning purposes in the ten year CIP, we must plan for a worst case scenario in which none of the capacity of the current plant can be used. We must budget for a four or six million gallon per day plant. A detailed explanation is provided as an attachment regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant issues. The new plant will be required as a direct result of development within the City and as a result of Discharge Permit quality standards. Therefore, 100% of the projected $6,984,750 is eligible for Impact Fee consideration. The IFAC also recognized the Maximum Calculated Impact Fees allowable for adoption. These Impact Fees were calculated from the estimated costs of the CIP projects and may, by State Law, "be imposed against new development to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs for capital improvements or facility expansions". State Law also requires that the published Impact Fees in the advertising for the Public Hearing be the Maximum Calculated Impact Fee. Council must determine whether the actual Impact Fee will be established at or below the Maximum Calculated Impact Fee. If the cost of the Capital projects is not recouped through Impact Fee assessment, then alternate funding for those infrastructure requirements will have to be realized. Additional funding requirements would have to be met by issuing bonds that will be paid for by increasing water and sewer rates. Those additional burdens will be shared by all the residential and commercial customers. Board Recommendations The Impact Fee Advisory Committee recommends adopting the 10-year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) and recognizes the maximum Calculated Impact Fees at $1,412 for sewer and $700 for water with a total of $2,112 maximum. Financial Considerations Impact Fee means "a charge of assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development". It does not include "the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing development". The current Impact Fees charged by the City of Wylie are $600 per LUE for water and $500 per LUE for sewer. The Maximum Calculated Impact Fees at that time were $1267 per LUE for water and $957 per LUE for sewer. Action Agenda Item No 4 Page 2 Financial Considerations - coat/west The total cost of the capital improvements to the water system is an estimated $4,246,000. The amount eligible for inclusion in the Impact Fee calculation is $3,954,000. The reduced number is a result of the capacity of the system being calculated and attributed to future development. Over sizing and existing capacity are not allowed to be included in the computations for Impact Fees. Using the 10-year Marginal Living Unit Equivalents (LUEs) of 5646, the Maximum Calculated Water Impact Fee would be $700 per LUE or 3,954,000 divided by 5,646. (The LUE is a unit that consumes the amount of water or discharges the amount of waste water equal to that of a standard low density residential unit). The total cost of the capital improvements to the waste water system is $12,585,160. The amount eligible for inclusion in the Impact Fee calculation is $7,969,712. Once again using the 10-year Marginal LUEs, the Maximum Calculated Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee for water and wastewater is $1,412 or 7,969,712 divided by 5646. The total Maximum Allowable Impact Fees would be $2,112. Attached is a draft of the 10-Year Capital Improvements Plan (1997-2006) which will detail all of the specific water projects (Table 3) and the sanitary sewer projects(Table 4). The Tables give a description of the projects, their estimated costs, and the percentages of the projects which will be directly attributable to new development and therefore eligible to be included in the calculation of the impact fees. City Council has been provided with supplemental financial information included in the March 4, 1997 Work Session packet. A matrix has been provided showing Impact Fee reconciliation and how optional funding in lieu of Impact Fees will affect bond purchases or other funding. A comparison of the water and sewer rates of area cities is also included attached herein. A comparison of Impact Fees charged by other cities was also made available. A thorough understanding of where a city is in its development cycle must be appreciated when trying to make any relevant comparisons. Each city has its own infrastructure needs, amount of developable property remaining and financial resources. Wylie is young city with major infrastructure requirements necessary to compete in the future. Development assumptions regarding the number of new dwellings calculated are available in the new Land Use Assumptions adopted by the City Council at the January 28, 1997 Council meeting. Legal Considerations The Texas Local Government Code, Section 395 establishes the City's authority to establish or amend Impact Fees. Notice of the Public Hearing must be published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a paper of general circulation in the counties where the City lies. The first notice will appear before the 30th day but on or after the 60th day before the date set for the hearing. The notice of public hearing may not be in the part of the paper in which legal notices and classified ads appear and may not be smaller than on-quarter page of a standard size or tabloid size newspaper, and the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type. The notice must contain: (1) A headline to read as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES; (2) the time, date, and location of the hearing; (3) a statement that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the adoption of an impact fee; (4) an easily understandable map Action Agenda Item No 4 Page 3 Legal Considerations - Continued of the service area on which the proposed fee will be levied; (5) the amount of the proposed impact fee per LUE; (6) a statement that any member of the public has the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the plan and the proposed fee. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends adopting the 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) and the Maximum Calculated Impact Fees of $1,412 for sewer and $700 for water. Attachments 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (1997-2006) Draft. Impact Fee Matrix. Minutes from the final Impact Fee Advisory Committee meeting. Comparison of area cities Impact Fees. Comparison of water and sewer rates. Ordinance approving CIP and amending Impact Fees for water and sewer. Detailed Explanation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues ik(k Prepared by Revi ed by Financ ity Manager Approval Action Agenda Item No 4 Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORD. 90-10 OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, ADOPTING IMPACT FEES; AMENDING DEFINITION "ADVISORY COMMITTEE"; APPROVING AN UPDATED 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (1997-2006); AMENDING THE IMPACT FEES; REPEALING CONFLICTING PORTIONS OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas has given notices and held the public hearings required by Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code for the imposition of impact fees for the financing of capital improvements required by new developments in the City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas has heretofore adopted land use assumptions within the designated service area, and such assumptions have been used to develop the capital improvements plan; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the City has complied with Chapter 395 in all respects necessary to amend impact fees; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I Section 1.a. of Ord. 90-10 be amended to add to the definition of "Advisory Committee" the wording "or a committee of not less than five members that contains not less than 40 percent membership from representatives of the real estate, development, or building industries who shall be appointed by a majority vote of the City Council" after the wording ". . . Planning or Zoning Commission". SECTION II The "Land Use Assumptions, 1997-2006" heretofore approved by resolution by the City Council on January 28,1997 and is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is approved hereby and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. SECTION III A capital improvement plan styled "10-Year Capital Improvements Plan (1997- 2006)" is hereby adopted and is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B" for all purposes. SECTION IV An impact fee of$ per service unit or Living Unit Equivalent(LUE) for water supply, treatment, and distribution facility is hereby imposed in accordance with the LUE for water set out in Table 3, Exhibit"B". An impact fee of$ per service unit or LUE of new development for sanitary sewer collection and treatment facilities is hereby imposed in accordance with the LUE for sanitary sewer set out in Table 4, Exhibit "B". SECTION V Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION VI This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from March 19, 1997 after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION VII That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VIII The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this day of , 1996. By James D. Swartz Mayor ATTEST Susan Shuler City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Minutes of Impact Fee Advisory Committee Meeting January 16, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Richard Parker, Chairman called the Impact Fee Advisory Committee Meeting to order, January 16, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. with the following committee members present: James Blakey, Rita Smith, Tom Pritzkau and Don Raburn. Richard Eckman, Merrill Young and Beth Fultz came after the minutes were approved. Bart Peddicord was absent. Staff members present were: Susan Shuler, Mike Phillips, Mike Collins, Jim Jenks, Greg MacLean and Brady Snellgrove. APPROVAL OF MINUTES With no corrections to the minutes, Smith made the motion to approve the minutes and Pritzkau seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (C.I.P.) AND IMPACT FEES MacLean gave an overview of the City's Master Plan. He stated that he had made a presentation to Council to update the City's overall Water and Sewer Master Plans. These are used as guidelines when developers and others that come into the city to make sure the infrastructure that is already installed is part of the new development and to make sure the current citizens and service connections are not compromised. He said in order to update the Capital Improvements Plan, a review of the Comprehensive Plan and Master Plan were studied. MacLean stated that growth with the proposed Woodbridge Development and Newport Harbor Development was used in the planning process. He also said the Capital Improvements Plan is developed from the Master Plan. MacLean then displayed a current map of the Sewer System and identified future development. He stated that there was a proposed interceptor plan for Newport Harbor. He also stated that a new wastewater treatment plan will be needed. MacLean then gave an overview of the Water Master Plan. He said that lines have been completed to the new water storage tank. He also said that this plan does not take into consideration areas served by Wylie Northeast and East Fork Water Supply Corporation. Smith asked if one day the City would take over these corporation. MacLean said that if the provider could not provide a development water, it may require steps to ensure that the area is being adequately handled. He also went over the summary of the projected cost for water services. MacLean said that the two main areas of growth have been identified, one being the Woodbridge Development and the Newport Harbor Development. He stated that the new development would require a new wastewater treatment plant down stream. He said a site has been recommended off of Elm Grove Road and Pleasant Valley. The Century Park Lift Station would be eliminated. He said a 54" sewer would serve the lower half of the City. Phase II of Newport Harbor will use the existing lift station and at some point they would need to either build a bigger lift station Minutes from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee,January 16,1997,Page 1 or tie on to the new wastewater treatment plant. MacLean stated that projects eligible for impact fees were a future sewer from Newport Harbor, future 48" sewer from Muddy Creek South, future 30" sewer from existing WWTP South, future 54" sewer to future WWTP, future 6" MGD WWTP, and current capital projects(1995 bond program). He stated that the construction and engineering make up the Sewer System total projected cost and the per cent eligible for impact fees which are proportioned out because you can not charge new development the full cost since others in the City are using these services. He said these amounts are carried forward to represent the amount of dollars that are eligible for impact fees. MacLean said that the total maximum calculated sanitary sewer impact fees would be $1,412. MacLean then explained the services eligible for the charge of impact fees concerning the Water System. He described the projects as current water system improvements projects (1995 bond program), future 12" water main along Sanden Blvd., future 8" line along Hensley Lane, 12" water main along Kirby St., future 12" water main along future Park Blvd. Ext., and future oversize 12" water main through Woodbridge Development. He said the maximum calculated water impact fee would be $700. He then described the 10 year living unit equivalents summary. He stated as part of the summary was based on land use category, 10 year marginal acres, number of living unit equivalents per acre and the 10 year marginal LUE's. He said listed under the land use category was residential; public and semi-public, schools, library etc.; parks and open space; retail and office; commercial; railroad; industrial and street/alley rights of way and parking. He said in calculating the total for water and sewer connections you use the 10 year marginal acres multiply by the#LUE's per acre for a total of the 10 year marginal LUE's. He said total LUE's for the next ten years are 5,646 which could equate to the number of water/sewer connections. MacLean explained to figure the projected impact fee the 10 year marginal LUE's are divided into the total 10 year Capital Improvement Plan Project and in the case of water is $700 and $1,412 which would be the maximum the City could charge. He emphasized that this was the maximum. Parker asked for an explanation of the new wastewater treatment plant and what determines the need and the time frame for the treatment plant. MacLean explained that there is a law of the 75- 90 rule which is when a wastewater plant has a MPDS permit and when the plant exceeds the 90% capacity for 10% of the time, then the City is required by law to begin planning for improvements, either expansion or new facility. He said the current plant has been expanded a couple of times and it is not feasible to expand to due to its physical size. He also stated there is a new development that would not be able to use the current plant. He said that the current plant is 3 MGD and the new plant would be planned to be 6 MGD. Parker wanted to know when would Wylie need to think about expansion. MacLean stated that the current plant has been notified they are close to capacity. Collins stated that whatever development is using the current facility and is paying their share. He said that from this day forward any new development that comes on line would take up additional capacity from the existing sewer plant, then you are all ready creating the need today for capacity that is needed in the new plant. He said if you don't start paying for the sewer plant until it is actually built in two to three years when a bond election is passed, then the impact fee in four years would be higher because you did not start paying for it today. He stated that do you agree with the capital Minutes from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee,January 16,1997,Page 2 projects in the 10 year plan identified and do you agree that the cost are reasonable and whether you think it is too high or too low for the developer, do you believe the number has creditability. Pritzkau wanted to know why two plants can't be used and divide the sewer lines with 3 MGD going to each and phase out one plant a little at a time. MacLean said that this could be done but the old plant would be operating off of old equipment and in need of consistent repair. He said you would need to operate off of two permits, and NTMWD may not want to operate two plants. He said if the plant was dropped off to a 4 MGD plant the new plant would be about $7 million and would only drop the impact fees to $1,000 which only be a savings of about $400. MacLean stated that it was his understanding that the committee would like to see a smaller plant built initially and use the existing plant but then phase the old plant out and add to the new plant. Young asked if the impact fees could be graduated. Phillips stated that the graduated fees would be a bookkeeping nightmare due to the different fees that would be charged. Parker stated that he would like the committee to pull together and make a decision on whether the figures are accurate and instruct MacLean on the direction to take. Young asked that if the committee accepts the capital improvements plan would that be close to $18 million. Parker stated that it would be the maximum. Young made the motion to accept the figures for the capital improvement plan and Pritzkau seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Eckman made the motion to recommend to Council the Capital Improvements Plan. Pritzkau seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Pritzkau made the motion to recognize the maximum of$700 for water and $1412 for sewer. Eckman seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Collins asked if the committee wanted to make a specific amount recommendation for impact fees and Parker stated that they did not. Parker said he felt like it was up to the elected officials to make the final decision. ADJOURNMENT With no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Richard Parker, Chairman Susan Shuler, City Secretary Minutes from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee,January 16,1997,Page 3 Memorandum DATE: February 28, 1997 TO: Mike Collins, City Manager FROM: Brady Snellgrove, Director of Finance RE: IMPACT FEE MATRIX Attached to this memo is the Impact Fee Matrix that has been prepared for the City Council. Also included with the memo are debt schedules that have been used in the preparation of the matrix and the assumptions used in the development of the impact fee matrix. A table of contents is listed below Impact Fee Matrix 1. $6,000,000 Sewer Bonds - 10 Year Pay 2. $6,000,000 Sewer Bonds - 20 Year Pay 3. $2,000,000 Water Bonds - 10 Year Pay 4. $2,000,000 Water Bonds - 20 Year Pay 5. Matrix Development Assumptions 6. IMPACT FEE MATRIX- 1997 IMPACT FEE versus MARGINAL LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENT (MLUE) $6,000,000 in BONDS MONTHLY 10 YR DEBT 20 YR DEBT MLUE MLUE MLUE REVENUE SEWER BILL MONTHLY MONTHLY FEE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SHORTFALL INCREASE SEWER BILL SEWER BILL AMOUNT (MLUE x FEE) REQUIRED SHORTFALL PER MLUE (10 YEARS) INCREASE INCREASE SEWER 200 1,129,200 7,972,152 (6,842,952) 1,212 5.66 5.87 3.85 300' 1 693 800 7 972152 (6 278 352) 1,112 5 20 5 39 3 62 400 2,258,400 7,972,152 (5,713,752) 1,012 4.73 4.92 3.38 500_,. 2,823,000 7,972,152 15,149,152), 91.2... 4.26 4 44.. 3'15 600 3,387,600 7,972,152 (4,584,552) 812 3.79 3.97 2.92 700 ...3,952,200... ._..7,972152 (4,019,952)` 712. .. .3.33 3 48 800 4,516,800 7,972,152 (3,455,352) 612 2.86 3.02 2.45 ,900 z. 5,081. 400. . . 7,972152... ,(2,890,752) 1,000 5,646,000 7,972,152 (2,326,152) 412 1.93 2.07 1.98 100 6 2,10 600 k 7 972'152. 1 761 552) =a M 312 1 46 a 1600 ` 1 a 5' � �t a..d.�'`, 1 ..5 1.:..„xa�.,". � <,...a�.. caura...��;,.;L< e.+e':a 1,200 6,775,20'0 7,972,152 (1,196,952) 212 0.99 1.12 1.51 7,339,800 7,972 152 .4., (632,352) . .,0.65 1 28 $1,412 $7,972,152 $7,972,152 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.12 $1.02 TOTAL BOND COSTS $8,111,300 $10,434,875 $2,000,000 in BONDS MONTHLY 10 YR DEBT 20 YR DEBT MLUE MLUE MLUE REVENUE SEWER BILL MONTHLY MONTHLY FEE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE SHORTFALL INCREASE SEWER BILL SEWER BILL AMOUNT (MLUE x FEE) REQUIRED SHORTFALL PER MLUE (10 YEARS) INCREASE INCREASE WATER $100;, $564,600 $3,952 200 y($3,387,600) $600 $2 85 $1.80 , z $1 21 200 $1,129,200 3,952,200 (2,823,000) 500 2.37 1.32 .300 ,$1,693,800 ,.. 3,952200 `. 4da. ...,. ._ . 90 400 $2,258,400 3,952,200 (1,693,800) 300 '1.42 0.37 0.50 50t1 $2$23 000 3 952 00,r (t, f 29,200) 200 0 95 010 0 27 600 $3,387,600 3,952,200 (564,600) 100 0.47 -0.57 0.04 20) TOTAL BOND COSTS $2,703,767 $3,478,292 PROPOSED SEWER FEE $1,412 CURRENT CUSTOMER BASE: PROPOSED WATER FEE $700 SEWER 4,422 MLUE 5,646 WATER 4,272 03/11/974V1ARGLEUS.WK4(07:38 AM) 1 $6,000,000- 10 YEAR PAY CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SEWER BONDS REVENUE CERTIFCATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST TOTAL P& I - - 134,000.00 134,000.00 9/30/1999 450,000.00 6.000% 346,500.00 796,500.00 9/30/2000 480,000.00 6.000% 318,600.00 798,600.00 9/30/2001 510,000.00 6.000% 288,900.00 798,900.00 9/30/2002 540,000.00 6.000% 257,400.00 797,400.00 9/30/2003 573,750.00 6.000% 223,987.50 797,737.50 9/30/2004 607,500.00 6.000% 188,550.00 796,050.00 9/30/2005 648,750.00 6.000% 150,862.50 799,612.50 9/30/2006 686,250.00 6.000% 110,812.50 797,062.50 9/30/2007 727,500.00 6.000% 68,400.00 795,900.00 9/30/2008 776,250.00 6.000% 23,287.50 799,537.50 9/30/2009 6,000,000.00 2,111,300.00 8,111,300.00 2. $6,000,000-20 YEAR PAY CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SEWER BONDS REVENUE CERTIFCATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST TOTAL P & I 9/30/1999 - - 134,000.00 134,000.00 9/30/2000 161,250.00 6.000% 355,162.50 516,412.50 9/30/2001 168,750.00 6.000% 345,262.50 514,012.50 9/30/2002 180,000.00 6.000% 334,050.00 514,050.00 9/30/2003 191,250.00 6.000% 323,662.50 514,912.50 9/30/2004 202,500.00 6.000% 311,850.00 514,350.00 9/30/2005 217,500.00 6.000% 299,250.00 516,750.00 9/30/2006 228,750.00 6.000% 285,862.50 514,612.50 9/30/2007 243,750.00 6.000% 271,687.50 515,437.50 9/30/2008 258,750.00 6.000% 256,612.50 515,362.50 9/30/2009 273,750.00 6.000% 240,637.50 514,387.50 9/30/2010 292,500.00 6.000% 223,650.00 516,150.00 9/30/2011 f 307,500.00 6.000% 205,650.00 513,150.00 9/30/2012 330,000.00 6.000% 186,525.00 516,525.00 9/30/2013 348,750.00 6.000% 166,162.50 514,912.50 9/30/2014 371,250.00 6.000% 144,562.50 515,812.50 9/30/2015 393,750.00 6.000% 121,612.50 515,362.50 9/30/2016 416,250.00 6.000% 97,312.50 513,562.50 9/30/2017 442,500.00 6.000% 72,300.00 514,800.00 9/30/2018 472,500.00 6.000% 44,100.00 516,600.00 9/30/2019 498,750.00 6.000% 14,962.50 513,712.50 TOTAL 6,000,000.00 4,434,875.00 10,434,875.00 3. $2,000,000- 10 YEAR PAY CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER BONDS REVENUE CERTIFCATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST TOTAL P & I - - 44,666.67 44,666.67 9/30/1999 150,000.00 6.000% 115,500.00 265,500.00 9/30/2000 160,000.00 6.000% 106,200.00 266,200.00 9/30/2001 170,000.00 6.000% 96,300.00 266,300.00 9/30/2002 180,000.00 6.000% 85,800.00 265,800.00 9/30/2003 191,250.00 6.000% 74,662.50 265,912.50 9/30/2004 202,500.00 6.000% 62,850.00 265,350.00 9/30/2005 216,250.00 6.000% 50,287.50 266,537.50 9/30/2006 228,750.00 6.000% 36,937.50 265,687.50 9/30/2007 242,500.00 6.000% 22,800.00 265,300.00 9/30/2008 258,750.00 6.000% 7,762.50 266,512.50 9/30/2009 2,000,000.00 703,766.67 2,703,766.67 4. $2,000,000-20 YEAR PAY CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER BONDS REVENUE CERTIFCATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1999 DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST TOTAL P & I 9/30/1999 - - 44,666.67 44,666.67 9/30/2000 53,750.00 6.000% 118,387.50 172,137.50 9/30/2001 56,250.00 6.000% 115,087.50 171,337.50 9/30/2002 60,000.00 6.000% 111,350.00 171,350.00 9/30/2003 63,750.00 6.000% 107,887.50 171,637.50 9/30/2004 67,500.00 6.000% 103,950.00 171,450.00 9/30/2005 72,500.00 6.000% 99,750.00 172,250.00 9/30/2006 76,250.00 6.000% 95,287.50 171,537.50 9/30/2007 81,250.00 6.000% 90,562.50 171,812.50 9/30/2008 86,250.00 6.000% 85,537.50 171,787.50 9/30/2009 91,250.00 6.000% 80,212.50 171,462.50 9/30/2010 97,500.00 6.000% 74,550.00 172,050.00 9/30/2011 102,500.00 6.000% 68,550.00 171,050.00 9/30/2012 110,000.00 6.000% 62,175.00 172,175.00 9/30/2013 116,250.00 6.000% 55,387.50 171,637.50 9/30/2014 123,750.00 6.000% 48,187.50 171,937.50 9/30/2015 131,250.00 6.000% 40,537.50 171,787.50 9/30/2016 138,750.00 6.000% 32,437.50 171,187.50 9/30/2017 147,500.00 6.000% 24,100.00 171,600.00 9/30/2018 157,500.00 6.000% 14,700.00 172,200.00 9/30/2019 166,250.00 6.000% 4,987.50 171,237.50 TOTAL 2,000,000.00 1,478,291.67 3,478,291.67 5. IMPACT FEE ASSUMPTIONS 1. MLUE -Marginal Living Unit Equivalent as defined in the Hogan Corporation calculations. The MLUE calculations were used as the basis for developing the matrix. 2. It was assumed that the impact fee revenues/growth would be even over a ten year period. 3. The monthly sewer/water bill increase assumes a period of ten years. 4. The bond schedules were prepared on a level payment basis for ten and twenty years. The bond interest rate used was six percent. 5. The customer base used in the calculations was a combination of current customers plus the number of MLEU's identified in the study. 6 IMPACT FEE COMPARISON • EST. SERVICE WATER SEWER TOTAL CITY TOTAL MAXIMUM POPULATION UNIT FEE FEE ALLOWED ADDISON 10,150 none none none none none ALLEN 30,119 5/8" meter $547.00 $92.00 $639.00 CARROLLTON 92,514 acre $920.00 $310.00 $1,230.00 $2,502.00 CEDAR HILL 24,150 5/8" meter $769.00 $231.00 $1,000.00 COLLEYVILLE 16,000 per lot $815.00 $51.00 $866.00 COPPELL 25,700 5/8" meter $450.00 $450.00 $900.00 CORINTH 6,100 5/8" meter $896.00 $368.00 $1,264.00 $2,335.00 DESOTO 35,650 5/8" meter $325.00 $75.00 $400.00 DUNCANVILLE 35,100 none none none none none FLOWER MOUND 33,800 3/4" meter $674.00 $1,396.00 $2,070.00 $5,000.00 FRISCO 20,000 acre $3,178.00 $3,178.00 GARLAND 192,200 5/8" meter $238.00 $0.00 $238.00 $953.00 GEORGETOWN 18,500 3/4" meter $825.00 $600.00 $1,425.00 GRAND PRAIRIE 110,000 5/8" meter $290.00 $145.00 $435.00 $637.00 GRAPEVINE 33,358 per lot $764.00 $140.00 $904.00 HEATH 2,800 5/8" meter $2,250.00 $5,000.00 $7,250.00 KELLER 18,850 5/8" meter $750.00 $750.00 $1,500.00 KERRVILLE 17,384 3/4" meter $500.00 $475.00 $975.00 LANCASTER 22,500 3/4" meter $615.00 $606.00 $1,221.00 $3,306.00 LEWISVILLE 57,500 3/4" meter $900.00 $1,103.00 $2,003.00 MANSFIELD 18,250 3/4" meter $680.00 $350.00 $1,030.00 $2,476.52 MCKINNEY 34,000 3/4" meter $385.00 $490.00 $875.00 • $1,365.00 MESQUITE 111,550 5/8" meter $408.00 $286.00 $694.00 PLANO 176,408 3/4" meter $758.00 $378.00 $1,136.00 RICHARDSON 79,800 none none none none none ROCKWALL 14,000 5/8" meter $412.00 $1,640.00 $2,052.00 $4,189.00 ROWLETT 31,800 5/8" meter $525.00 $270.00 $795.00 $1,596.00 SACHSE 7,200 per lot $693.00 $372.00 $1,065.00 $4,648.00 SCHERTZ 13,500 5/8" meter $750.00 $1,300.00 $2,050.00 SOUTHLAKE 14,950 1" meter $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $2,250.00 SUNNYVALE 2,232 $2,995.00 $834.00 $3,829.00 THE COLONY 24,300 per lot $125.00 $450.00 $575.00 CURRENT WYLIE 11,698 5/8" meter $600.00 $500.00 $1,100.00 $2,224.00 PROPOSED WYLIE 11,698 5/8" meter $700.00 $1,412.00 $2,112.00 $2,192.00 Comparison of Monthly Bills for Water & Sewer Service Selected Area Cities March 3, 1997 8,000 GALLON CONSUMPTION RESIDENTIAL 80 tft 70 60 m 50 fi . . . c 40 0 2 30 20 10 Wylie Plano-Winter Rockwall Sachse Allen Plano-Summer Rowlett Winter averages are used by Rockwall&Sachse for Sewer Billing. COMMERCIAL 80 70 60 �_ y 50 �� . 40 ` s A srtm t' r rx -x. s C � " use I � ,� 2 30 z 20 fi { 10 , 'Ali Wylie Plano-Winter Rockwall Sachse Allen Plano Summer Rowlett No Commercial rates are based on Winter averages. 03/04/97 04:51 PM UTILRATE.WK4 Comparison of Monthly Bills for Water & Sewer Service , Selected Area Cities March 3, 1997 15,000 GALLON CONSUMPTION RESIDENTIAL 110 41 ..a 100 I'm 90 80 m 70 ti _ y; >, 60 3 0 50 44 40 30 20 10 0 I =I = Wylie Plano Winter Rockwall Sachse Allen Plano Summer Rowlett Winter averages are used by Rockwall&Sachse for Sewer Billing. COMMERCIAL 110 iil 100 X fi S'm 50 fie <! ,, t � 640 � 1 of g a, �,r � , .30 � '' � f 20 A Wylie Plano-Winter Rockwall Sachse Allen Piano-Summer Rowlett No Commercial rates are based on Winter averages. 03/04/97 04:51 PM UTILRATE.WK4 Comparison of Monthly Bills for Water & Sewer Service Selected Area Cities March 3, 1997 RESIDENTIAL RATES for WATER & SEWER COMBINED Consumption (Gallons) Wylie Allen Piano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 22.27 19.34 19.66 19.80 17.20 18.82 26.52 4,000 30.47 25.14 27.88 28.30 24.90 28.00 38.36 6,000 38.67 30.94 36.10 36.80 32.60 37.18 50.20 8,000 46.87 36.74 44.32 45.30 40.30 46.36 62.04 10,000 55.07 42.54 49.39 50.65 48.00 55.54 73.88 12,000 63.27 47.26 51.31 52.85 55.70 59.72 85.72 15,000 74.84 54.34 54.19 56.15 67.25 65.99 94.50 20,000 88.09 66.14 58.99 62.75 86.50 76.44 107.00 25,000 101.34 77.94 63.79 69.35 105.75 86.89 119.50 30,000 114.59 89.74 68.59 77.10 125.00 97.34 132.00 40,000 141.09 113.34 78.19 92.60 163.50 118.24 157.00 , 50,000 167.59 136.94 88.79 109.20 202.00 139.14 182.00 75,000 233.84 195.94 115.29 150.70 298.25 191.39 244.50 100,000 300.09 254.94 141.79 192.20 394.50 243.64 307.00 COMMERCIAL RATES for WATER & SEWER COMBINED Consumption (Gallons) Wylie Allen Plano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 29.62 19.34 20.10 20.13 20.95 18.82 26.52 4,000 37.82 25.14 29.20 29.29 28.65 28.00 38.36 6,000 46.02 30.94 38.30 38.45 36.35 37.18 50.20 8,000 54.22 36.74 47.40 47.61 44.05 46.36 62.04 10,000 62.42 42.54 56.50 56.77 51.75 55.54 73.88 12,000 70.62 48.34 65.60 65.93 59.45 64.72 85.72 15,000 82.92 57.04 79.25 79.67 71.00 78.49 103.48 20,000 103.42 71.54 102.00 103.87 90.25 101.44 133.08 25,000 123.92 86.04 124.75 128.07 109.50 124.39 162.68 30,000 144.42 100.54 147.50 152.27 128.75 147.34 192.28 40,000 185.42 129.54 193.00 200.67 167.25 193.24 251.481 50,000 226.42 158.54 239.80 249.07 205.75 239.14 310.68 75,000 328.92 231.04 356.80 370.07 302.00 353.89 458.68 1 100,000 431.42 303.54 473.80 491.07 398.25 468.64 606.68 03/04/97 04:49 PM UTILRATE.WK4 Comparison of Monthly Bills for Water & Sewer Service Selected Area Cities March 3, 1997 WATER RESIDENTIAL RATES Consumption (Gallons) Wylie Allen Plano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 10.82 8.93 9.36 9.50 7.40 11.11 12.00 4,000 16.12 13.65 11.28 11.70 12.70 15.29 17.00 6,000 21.42 18.37 13.20 13.90 18.00 19.47 22.00 8,000 26.72 23.09 15.12 16.10 23.30 23.65 27.00 10,000 32.02 27.81 17.04 18.30 28.60 27.83 32.00 12,000 37.32 32.53 18.96 20.50 33.90 32.01 37.00 15,000 45.27 39.61 21.84 23.80 41.85 38.28 44.50 20,000 58.52 51.41 26.64 30.40 55.10 48.73 57.00 25,000 71.77 63.21 31.44 37.00 68.35 59.18 69.50 30,000 85.02 75.01 36.24 44.75 81.60 69.63 82.00 40,000 111.52 98.61 45.84 60.25 108.10 90.53 107.00 50,000 138.02 122.21 56.44 76.85 134.60 111.43 132.00 75,000 204.27 181.21 82.94 118.35 200.85 163.68 194.50 100,000 270.52 240.21 109.44 159.85 267.10 215.93 257.00 SEWER ' RESIDENTIAL RATES Based on Water 1 Consumption I (Gallons) Wylie Allen Plano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 11.45 10.41 10.30 10.30 9.80 7.71 14.52 4,000 14.35 11.49 16.60 16.60 12.20 12.71 21.36 6,000 17.25 12.57 22.90 22.90 14.60 17.71 28.20 8,000 20.15 13.65 29.20 29.20 17.00 22.71 35.04 10,000 23.05 14.73 32.35 32.35 19.40 27.71 41.88 12,000 25.95 14.73 32.35 32.35 21.80 27.71 48.72 15,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 25.40 27.71 50.00 20,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 31.40 27.71 50.00 25,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 37.40 27.71 50.00 30,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 43.40 27.71 50.00 40,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 55.40 27.71 50.00 50,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 67.40 27.71 50.00 75,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 97.40 27.71 50.00 100,000 29.57 14.73 32.35 32.35 127.40 27.71 50.00 03/04/97 04:49 PM UTILRATE.WK4 Comparison of Monthly Bills for Water & Sewer Service Selected Area Cities March 3, 1997 WATER COMMERCIAL RATES Consumption (Gallons) Wylie Allen Plano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 14.17 8.93 9.65 9.68 7.40 11.11 12.00 4,000 19.47 13.65 12.15 12.24 12.70 15.29 17.00 6,000 24.77 18.37 14.65 14.80 18.00 19.47 22.00 8,000 30.07 23.09 17.15 17.36 23.30 23.65 27.00 10,000 35.37 27.81 19.65 19.92 28.60 27.83 32.00 12,000 40.67 32.53 22.15 22.48 33.90 32.01 37.00 15,000 48.62 39.61 25.90 26.32 41.85 38.28 44.50 20,000 61.87 51.41 32.15 34.02 55.10 48.73 57.00 25,000 75.12 63.21 38.40 41.72 68.35 59.18 69.50 30,000 88.37 75.01 44.65 49.42 81.60 69.63 82.00 40,000 114.87 98.61 57.15 64.82 108.10 90.53 107.00 50,000 141.37 122.21 70.95 80.22 134.60 111.43 132.00 75,000 207.62 181.21 105.45 118.72 200.85 163.68 194.50 100,000 273.87 240.21 139.95 157.22 267.10 215.93 257.00 SEWER COMMERCIAL RATES Based on Water Consumption (Gallons) Wylie Allen Plano-Winter Plano-Summer Rockwall Rowlett Sachse 2,000 15.45 10.41 10.45 10.45 13.55 7.71 14.52 4,000 18.35 11.49 17.05 17.05 15.95 12.71 21.36 6,000 21.25 12.57 23.65 23.65 18.35 17.71 28.20 8,000 24.15 13.65 30.25 30.25 20.75 22.71 35.04 10,000 27.05 14.73 36.85 36.85 23.15 27.71 41.88 12,000 29.95 15.81 43.45 43.45 25.55 32.71 48.72 15,000 34.30 17.43 53.35 53.35 29.15 40.21 58.98 20,000 41.55 20.13 69.85 69.85 35.15 52.71 76.08 25,000 48.80 22.83 86.35 86.35 41.15 65.21 93.18 30,000 56.05 25.53 102.85 102.85 47.15 77.71 110.28 40,000 70.55 30.93 135.85 135,85 59.15 102.71 144.48 50,000 85.05 36.33 168.85 168.85 71.15 127.71 178.68 75,000 121.30 49.83 251.35 251.35 101.15 190.21 264.18 100,000 157.55 63.33 333.85 333.85 131.15 252.71 349.68 03/04/97 04:49 PM UTILRATE.WK4 Waste Water Treatment Plant Detailed Summary The highlight of the sewer system summary is the proposed, future four million gallons a day waste water treatment plant, located on our southern boundary on Muddy Creek. The proposed plant will be necessary because the current plant is beginning to approach its design limits. The current waste water treatment plant is permitted by the State to treat 2 million gallons per day (mgd). State regulations require that an owner/permittee of a waste water treatment plant must begin planning a new facility, or improvements to an existing plant, if the monthly average flow through the current facility exceeds 75% of its permitted average daily flow capacity for three consecutive months. The owner/permittee of a facility must have construction under way if that facility reaches 90% of its capacity. The current facility has reached the 75% range on two or more occasions over the last several years, and the TNRCC is aware of and has notified North Texas Municipal Water District of this condition. The permit application process, according to NTMWD in a recent case, could take three years for approval. Application for a permit may begin after the acquisition of the real estate. The design phase for a new facility could run concurrently with the permit process and would take approximately six months to a year to complete. The actual construction, depending on topography and design, would take an estimated one to one and a half years to finish. The existing plant capacity will be reached with the addition of approximately 700 LUE's within the City's service area. Using the projected growth rate in the recently adopted Land Use Assumptions, the new plant should be under construction within the next three to four years. In addition, existing Discharge Permits must be periodically renewed and a new Discharge Permit must be obtained to continue to operate the current plant. Effluent water quality standards defined in the Discharge Permit are set when the permit is obtained and can be made more stringent when permits are up for renewal. If the effluent quality standards of the Discharge Permit for the existing plant are made more stringent when the permit is up for renewal, the viability of the existing plant may be in doubt altogether. If not, the City may be able to rely on the available capacity in the plant today (approximately 1.7 mgd according to NTMWD) for the ten year planning period. Regardless of whether the current facility's capacity can be depended upon through the ten year period, a new plant will be required. Attachment Action Item No 3 for the property? Mr. Lenarduzzi replied by stating that he wants to buy one of th- - -e lots for a boat sale and manufacturing shop. George Jackmon - He owns the property adjace. • e proposed zone change. He has his property listed and has had inquirie : F-2 and SF-3. He ask that the B-1 classifications be read. Shaw replied • -ading the definition for B-1. With no other ..• is comment, the public hearing was closed. Mondy made the motion to de. - request with a request for the City Staff to re-evaluate the B-1 and B-2 def• *ins. Sparks seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF IMPACT FEES AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN MacLean gave an overview of the impact fees and the citywide benefit. He said what was prepared is the current water rates and the 10 year CIP's which is the basis for the Impact Fees due to the LUE's. He said that Council may decide that the maximum rate is too high and you may not want to charge this amount. MacLean gave an overview of the 10 year CIP cost projection of water system. He said when calculating the sewer cost projection for the next 10 year CIP cost. He said the big ticket item for sewer projections would be the wastewater treatment plant, which would be a 4 million gallon a day capacity plant. He stated that within 10 years the City of Wylie the estimated population would be increased by 7,500. MacLean said a 10 year Capital Improvement was done for Impact Fee purposes but the Impact Fee Committee should meet on a regular basis. MacLean stated that the Impact Advisory Committee recognized the maximum amount for sewer to be $1,412 and $700 for water. Mayor Swartz opened the public hearing to receive public comment. Stephen Stolte, 700 Highlander Blvd., Suite 160, Arlington, Texas - He stated that he is a developer with Centex Homes in the Newport Harbor area. He stated that they will be paying for the future and some of the past if the proposed impact fees are approved. He said he would like the fees collected at the time of the building permit.stage and not the developer stage. Paul Canduro - He stated he represented home owner developers. He would like impact fees held as low as possible. He asked if the impact fees being imposed would bring the whole system up to date or would it be for future use. He said new homes are built with water saving features. He thinks the charges for the sewer treatment plant should only be collected in 5 years when the facility is needed. He also said that the home buyer is ultimately going to have to pay the impact fee. Don Herzog, Herzog Development Corporation - He said he would like to see the fees paid at building permit time and not up-front from the developer. He suggested that Minutes of the Wylie City Council, March 11, 1997, Page 3 the developer use a letter of credit to be used in the event the development does not get built out. With no other public comment, the public hearing was closed. Scott stated he would like the calculations looked at very closely. Collins stated that the cost is passed on to the homeowner when purchases the house. He asked MacLean to again explain the process for reaching the calculations. MacLean stated that in two years the wastewater treatment plant would need to obtain a permit and that the existing facility would not be able to handle the treatment. He stated that a plan must be submitted to correct the problem. He said as part of the permit a new treatment plant site will need to be determined, designed, and interceptor collection lines in place. He said as soon as land is acquired the process to receive a permit is about three years. MacLean explained that -the cost of constructing a 5/5/2 plant has almost doubled. He said currently there is a debt service of$2million that has about another two years to pay. Mondy made a motion based on the recommendation of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee recommended the maximum of $700 for water and $1,412 for sewer. Collins noted that for the record, the Impact Fee Advisory Committee did not make the recommendation for the proposed amount but recognized the maximum amount and stated that it was up to Council to decide on the amount. Mondy restated his motion based on the recommendation of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee recognizing the maximum of $700 for water and $1,412 for sewer be adopted as the maximum amount to charge for impact fees. Adams seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS Collins stated that Westgate Way would soon be opened. He said the fi improvements to the railroad crossing and striping were being completed. Adams asked that the street lights near the Tannella Clinic light i ill burned out and he has also noticed street lights burning during the day. Manson stated that tremendous progress had bee ade to the parking situation at Community Park. She also stated that the gaz=•o in Olde City Park was almost completed. Collins stated that a meeting wit e homeowners at Wylie Ranch East Estates will be held on March 27, 1997 at 7:00 •.m. to discuss the drainage study for that area. CITIZEN PARTICIPATI• Sharo %owdy, 325 Callie Court - Wanted to know what the next step would be for the ar-- at the Neely's requested a zone change. She asked if they could refile for the ing? She also wanted to know what was the latest news on the railroad proposal. Minutes of the Wylie City Council,March 11, 1997, Page 4 WATER/WASTEWATER FEES AFTERMOURSTURNONTEENEm.... ............... CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ROWLETT 30.00 Turn on A F I 69,804 Total service connect fees SACHSE 20.00 SOUTHLAKE $40-$60-$80 1st-2nd-3rd A 0 E 2,000 STEPHENVILLE 20.00 Call 0 L E 6,612 TERRELL 15.00 4,431 TROPHY CLUB 25.00 WAXAHACHIE 10.00 Each 1,874 Included in Misc. Rev. WEATHERFORD 35.00 A F I WYLIE - AFTER HOURS RESTORATION FEE - $45.00 O Utility Fe- Water/Wastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES MCIOKOWANSREPTIONIFEEPON CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ARLINGTON 25.00 BENBROOK 25.00 BLUE RIDGE 20.00 COPPELL $20-$40 Residential/Non-residential A 0 I DALLAS $12.50- $30.00 Each A F I FERRIS 0.00 • PANTEGO 25.00 RED OAK 50.00 Each 0 0 E 0 7 CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES FERRIS 0.00 ry MCKINNEY 80%water vol. x 8.34x.08 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 1.53 Class 1 per 100 cubic feet 0 F I 97¢ Class 2 per 100 cubic feet 87¢ Class 3 per 100 cubic feet 85¢ Class 4 per 100 cubic feet 68¢ Class 5 per 100 cubic feet • Utility Fees-WaterNVastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ADDISON 2 times monthly average ALLEN 50.00 ARLINGTON $50-$80 Apartment per unit-Residential $80 comm. min. or 2 mos bill BENBROOK $50- $100 Owner- Renter BLUE RIDGE 130.00 BURLESON 75.00 Customer A F I 69,984 904 CARROLLTON $50- $100 Resident.-Comm. or 1/6 annual CEDAR HILL 40.00 CELESTE $100- $150 Residential-Business 0 2,550 THE COLONY 65.00 Residential, New resident A 0 I COPPELL $50- $30 Inspection-Reinspection A 0 I 28,050 CORINTH 50.00 0 F C 16,885 CORSICANA 40.00 Customer A Does not cover 2 bills DALLAS $40-$100 Each A L I rn DE SOTO 40.00 Residential A L I Commercial $80.00 minimum 2x average bill DUNCANVILLE $50- $100 Residential - Business A ENNIS $50 and up A F I 19,695 Based on average usage • EULESS • 75.00 Unit A 0 I Minimum FARMERS BRANCH 50.00 + FARMERSVILLE 0.00 With letter of credit Based on prior usage $10- $51 Homeowner, Renter, Comm. A F Based on prior usage FERRIS 100.00 FLOWER MOUND $60-$75 Residential-Commercial _ FT. WORTH 35.00 Residence 0 L E Commercial is variable FRISCO 75.00 Per residence GARLAND Varies Equal to 60 day service E GLENN HEIGHTS 75.00 0 _ GRANBURY 50.00 Account 0 0 2,278 GRAND PRAIRIE Varies $50 minimum for residential 0 A, Utility Fees-Water/Wastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS • FEE NOTES GRAPEVINE $40- $50 Commercial-Residential, Unit HURST $70-$80 Varies w/commercial, 2 x bill IRVING $50- $100 min. Residential - commercial A 0 I KAUFMAN $50- $75 Residential -commercial , KEENE 60.00 Residential - commercial 0 F I KENNEDALE 60.00 Based on 1/6 of annual bill KERENS 70.00 0 0 I MANSFIELD 100.00 Meter 0 F I 386,309 Resid. &comm. combined MCKINNEY 40.00 Residential A All other based on 1 mo avg MILFORD 75.00, MINERAL WELLS 85.00 Minimum, up to 1/8 annual avg. A F I NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 55.00 '/," meter 0 0 C OVILLA $25- $75 Buyer- Renter c.,, PANTEGO 75.00 Unit, Residential a PALMER 100.00 A F I PILOT POINT 90.00 PROSPER 60.00 I QUINLAN 110.00 Connection 0 F E RED OAK 100.00 Each account 0 • 0 I Water RICHARDSON $45-$50-$100 Yardsprinkler-Res.-Comm. A F I No rev.-debit & credit daily RICHLAND HILLS $25- $35 Owner- Renter, Location 0 0 I RIVER OAKS $60 - $110 Owner- Renter, Account 0 F I Residential ROCKWALL $40- $50 Residential-Commercial, Meter 0 ROWLETT $45 - $100 Residence- Business A 0 I SACHSE 50.00 SOUTHLAKE 50.00 • Account A 0 E 14,385 STEPHENVILLE 30.00 Connection A L E 25,442 SUNNYVALE $35 to $135 . TERRELL 125.00 TROPHY CLUB $40-$75-$100 Owner/Realtor-Tenant-Builder Utility Fees-WateriWastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES :BUST liRgi :: >•< > {>::::::>;<::><::><<::>»:>:: ::::.:.....::.:>:t�lVl .�I��.:,.: SST'.::<:::::.:::<�><:�<::_�::>:::::.;;� .:<::: ; CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES UNIVERSITY PARK $35- $65 Own- Lease WAXAHACHIE 50.00 Each 10,505 210 WEATHERFORD 1/6 annual bill A F I WYLIE RESIDENTIAL WATER DEPOSIT - $30.00 CDRESIDENTIAL SEWER DEPOSIT - $30.00 COMMERCIAL WATER DEPOSIT - $62.50 COMMERCIAL SEWER DEPOSIT - $62.50 Utility Fee^"Vater/Wastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES p9pINEERINGAINSITMONIEEPRI CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES BENBROOK 7.5% BLUE RIDGE 20.00 CORSICANA None DALLAS $100-$200 Each A L I FLOWER MOUND 3% FRISCO 2.5% Of construction costs GARLAND 10.00 Each GLENN HEIGHTS $20-$35 Inside city- Outside city 0 GRAPEVINE 15.00 HURST 4% Construction costs IRVING $250-$40-$50 A F I KENNEDALE 1% bid price w/s, 2% drainage KERENS 25.00 0 0 I PROSPER 25.00 $1.00/$1,000 value I QUINLAN 15.00 Hour 0 L E ROWLETT 30.00 Occurrence A F I 21,937 SOUTHLAKE 5% Actual construction cost A 0 E 225,000 SUNNYVALE Actual cost TROPHY CLUB 5% WYLIE SUBDIVISION INSPECTION FEE IS EQUAL TO 1 % OF THE CONSTRUCTION COSTS OF THE STREETS AND UTILITIES THAT ARE TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE Utility Fees-Water/Wastewater Fees III WATER/WASTEWATER FEES 7E.tC1 1l "C1N ...# Vt 1 :...1. CITY V CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ARLINGTON 25.00 BENBROOK Actual cost- Sent out BURLESON 120.00 Customer A F I ' 0 0 COPPELL $60 to $150 Test A 0 I Depends on meter size DALLAS 5.50 Each A L DE SOTO 55.00 A F EULESS 150.00 A 0 FERRIS $100-$125 1/="-2" FLOWER MOUND $15-$20 '/2'-2" meter, calibration 0 L I FRISCO At cost 1" GRANBURY 25.00 Meter Pass thru GRAPEVINE Cost Plus HURST 25.00 Or actual cost,whichever is greater Free if City is wrong IRVING N/C co KENNEDALE Actual charge-$5 V MCKINNEY 25.00 A QUINLAN 35.00 0 L E RED OAK 7.00 Each meter 0 F I RICHARDSON 65.00 Test A L I RICHLAND HILLS 10.00 Request 0 0 I RIVER OAKS 25.00 Meter 0 F I Revenue not tracked ROWLETT 37.00 Meter A F I SUNNYVALE 54.00 TROPHY CLUB Cost UNIVERSITY PARK 15.00 Meter Utility Fees-Water/Wastewater Fees .11 WATER/WASTEWATER FEES CITY CHARGE ($) PER . REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ARLINGTON 25.00 BENBROOK Actual cost-Sent out 120.00 Customer A F I 0 0 BURLESON COPPELL $60 to 550 Test A 0 I Depends on meter size DALLAS .50 Each A L DE SOTO 55.00 A F EULESS 150.00 A 0 FERRIS $100-$125 '/Z'-2" FLOWER MOUND $15-$20 '/2'-2" meter, calibration 0 L FRISCO At cost 1" Pass thru 25.00 Meter GRANBURY GRAPEVINE Cost Plus Free if City is wrong HURST 25.00 Or actual cost, whichever is greater IRVING N/C KENNEDALE Actual charge-$5 A V MCKINNEY 25.00 35.00 0 L E QUINLAN Each meter 0 F I RED OAK 7.00 RICHARDSON 65.00 Test A L I RICHLAND HILLS . 10.00 Request 0 0 I Revenue not tracked RIVER OAKS- 25.00 Meter 0 F I ROWLETT 37.00 Meter A F I SUNNYVALE 54.00 TROPHY CLUB Cost UNIVERSITY PARK 15.00 Meter WYLIE METER CALIBRATION FEE - $20.00 Utility Fees-Water/Wastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES ............................................................................................................. CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES BURLESON 20.00 Customer A F I 780 39 CEDAR HILL 10.00 48 hours only DE SOTO 20.00 A F E ENNIS 10.00 Base + any extra usage A F I EULESS 10.00 48 hours only FLOWER MOUND 24.54 Request F I GRAPEVINE $750 deposit $2.10 per 1,000 gallons KAUFMAN 20.00 KENNEDALE 10.00 Day 80 8 MCKINNEY 15.00 RED OAK 25.00 STEPHENVILLE $20 + Cost 1,000 gallons A F C UNIVERSITY PARK 35.00 0 tt :SpWEg:.REGE3N Cd Ea�:.�EE::::::::::::.�:::::::.:::..::. CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ARLINGTON $500 repair resid. sewer line DALLAS $7.50 + 20.00 Each A L I Charge plus unplug GRAPEVINE Cost Plus OVILLA 15.00 PANTEGO 15.00 QUINLAN 25.00 RED OAK 40.00 ROWLETT 17.50 Occurrence A F I TERRELL 20.00 UNIVERSITY PARK _ 20.00 _ Incl. sewer&water reconn. WYLIE TEMPORARY SERVICE FEE - $20.00 Utility F 'tater/Wastewater Fees , WATER/WASTEWATER FEES SWERMAKEEEMBE CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ADDISON $110-$120-$160 4"-6"-8" ARGYLE 1,300.00 Tap 0 F I 182,000 182 $1,000 at installation ARLINGTON 1,000.00 4" line: dep. up to 6', len. up to 25' 1,150.00 6" line: dep. up to 6', len. up to 25' BLUE RIDGE 125.00 CEDAR HILL 375.00 4", each _ CELESTE 250.00 0 0 3,275 CLEBURNE 150.00 4"tap 160.00 6"tap 170.00 8" tap 10.00 Sewer tie on THE COLONY Material+ Labor Connection A F COPPELL $400-$600 + Cost w DALLAS 300.00 Each new line A F I $100 existing line 4" DUNCANVILLE 325.00 Connection 12,378 ENNIS $250 and up Each 4"tap A F I 3,400 FARMERS BRANCH 100.00 4"tap FARMERSVILLE $300- $350 4"tap-6"tap A F FERRIS 375.00 FLOWER MOUND Cost Tap F I FT. WORTH 600.00 Dep. on size and paved st/easement FRISCO $380- $450 4"-6" 5,960 GARLAND $326 to $1,480 Dep. on size, excavation, repair, etc. GLENN HEIGHTS $250-$1,000 Inside city, outside city Meter set fee—$50 GRAPEVINE 400.00 HURST 4% Construction costs IRVING $1,325 - $2,550 Residential-commercial A F I KEENE 350.00 4" A 0 I Inside city limits i4 KENNEDALE 275.00 1,375 5 KERENS 125.00 ? _:. Utility F- 'Nater/Wastewater Fees , WATER/WASTEWATER FEES CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES BLUE RIDGE 12.50 CEDAR HILL 9.25 Foot CLEBURNE • 5.00 DALLAS 0.018¢ Square foot of tract A F I Or$785 per acre DUNCANVILLE $2 to $8 Linear foot 3,662 GARLAND 9.79 GRAPEVINE 140.00 IRVING $2.00 frt foot 0 L I 1,011 MCKINNEY 450.00 4", if pavement is replaced 140.00 4", if pavement not disturbed 500.00 6", if pavement is replaced 140.00 6", if pavement not disturbed Cost > 6" in diameter, cost of labor, equip. time, overhead PANTEGO 5.10 Linear front foot QUINLAN 500.00 + Cost ROWLETT 1,000.00 Acreage A F I 51,699 Incl.water& impact fees SOUTHLAKE 1,300.00 0 0 C AgYVggiaMOREMERNMEME CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES BENBROOK 25.00 DALLAS Actual cost A F I GRAPEVINE Cost Plus PANTEGO 35.00 QUINLAN 25.00 TERRELL 15.00 . TROPHY CLUB 10.00 UNIVERSITY PARK 15.00 WYLIE PRO RATA - SEE ATTACHED Utility Fr Water/Wastewater Fees • 1.10 WYLIE CODE Meter § 1.12 Pro rata water and sewer charges. Meter Size Only Meter and [(inches)] Cast Tap Cost (a) The city may extend water and sanitary l 280.00 280.00,pluscostofma- sewer mains in the streets, alleys and utility terials and labor easements in the City of Wylie in order to permit Y2 560.00 560.00,plus cost of ma- connections for those persons desiring water and terials and labor sewer service.The individual,corporation or part- 2 and over Total costof meter,ma- nership requesting the service shall pay the city terials and labor an amount equal to the cost of all materials,labor, 44 x s/B 25.00 per pre-tapped equipment and other costs to provide the re- (pre-tapped) subdivision mains to property line; for in- quested extension.At any time additional connec- spection per tap unit. tions are made to the water and/or sewer mains, (b) Water taps. The tapping fee for master the city shall collect from the individual connect- meter connections for multifamily dwell- ing to the main(s) an amount equal to the propor- ings, mobile home parks, office buildings, tional amount of footage of the connectors land etc.,shall be$25.00 per living unit plus the abutting the sewer and repay the same to the cost of meter, materials and labor. original requestors of service or designated recip- ients. (c) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with (b) Existing mains adjacent to property other the city sanitary sewer collection system than subdivisions. shall be: (1) Where an area, lot or tract of land abuts Size of any existing water or sanitary sewer main, Service Line and when such water or sanitary sewer [(inches)] Cost main spans the complete frontage of the 4 $160.00, plus cost of materials and area, lot or tract of land, the following labor charges, known as pro rata shall be made 6 and over $220.00, plus cost of materials and against the owner of the area,lot or tract of labor land seeking a connection to the water or 4 and over $25.00 for pre-tapped subdivision sanitary sewer main. The charge shall be mains to property line;for inspection 50 percent of the total cost for the installa- per tap unit tion of the water or sanitary sewer main at (d) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single san- the time the main was constructed, as itary sewer for multifamily dwellings, mo- determined by the city engineer,based upon bile home parks,office buildings,etc.,shall the greater amount determined by the front be$20.00 per living unit or separate place foot method and the acreage method. The of business plus the cost of materials and cost assessment is to be determined from labor. existing cost records maintained by the city (e) Water and sewer connection inspection fees. with the total cost (construction, engineer- The fee for inspecting developer made wa- ing and inspection)distributed for the total ter and sewer taps shall be $25.00 per length of the project on a linear footage connection made. basis and the total service area on an (Ord. No. 87-48, § 1-K, 9-22-87) acreage basis. Front foot cost is defined as the total cost of the project divided by the § 1.11 Resetting meter charge. total length of the main extension (i.e. $100,000.00 divided by 1,000 L.F.=$10.00/ The charge for resetting a water meter at the L.F.). Acreage cost is defined as the total request of the customer shall be the rate shown in cost of the project divided by the service section 1.10(a) hereinabove. area of the main extension(i.e.$100,000.00 (Ord. No. 84-12, § 1-K, 3-13-84) divided by 100 acreage). In no instance CDC:6 APPENDIX C-FEE SCHEDULE 2.01 shall the front foot cost be less than $7.50 replaced with an accurate one at the expense of per front foot nor shall the acreage cost be the city, and the $20.00 deposit shall be returned less than $500.00 per acre. to the customer.If the test shows that the meter is (Ord. No. 84-12, § 1-L, 3-13-84; Ord. No. 90-5, § registering consumption at less than actual flow 2.01, 3-8-88) or in excess of actual flow by two percent or less, the$20.00 deposit shall be retained by the city to § 1.13 Development/subdivision water defer the cost of such test. charges. (Ord. No. 90-18, § 4, 10-9-90) All developers or subdividers who are tieing into the water and sewer system of the City of § 2.00 Construction Permits and Fees. Wylie shall pay an initial fee equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system distribution § 2.01 Project permits. lines multiplied by a factor of three at the prevail- ing rate per 1,000 gallons of the lowest rate per (a) For the purposes of this section a project fee 1,000 currently in effect at the time actual usage shall mean a permit that encompasses all phases occurs. The final determination of the amount of and subphases of construction of a new structure gallons to be charged shall be determined by the (including single-family, multifamily, commercial city engineer.Any water used subsequent to the and industrial installations), and is inclusive of initial loading and flushing of the installed lines all building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical shall be accomplished by the developer or subdi- installations that are usual and customary to new vider securing a meter attachment to a fire hy- building erection; but shall not include signage, drant. This fee shall be due and payable prior to fences,irrigation systems,fire sprinklers or other approval of the final plat. installations not customary and usual to typical (Ord. No. 86-87, § 1-M, 9-23-86) new structure construction. A project permit for reconstruction and/or extensive remodel or addon § 1.14 Charge for replacing meter box. may be issued only with the prior approval of the building official. The cost for replacement of any plastic water meter box is $15.00. (b) A nonrefundable application processing fee (Ord. No. 86-87, § 12(1), 9-23-86) of$50.00 per project shall be paid at the time of submittal. § 1.15 Charge for replacing sewer cleanout caps. (c) In addition to the application processing fee the following permit fees shall be imposed: The cost for replacement of property line sewer (1) New dwellings,up to four units cleanout caps is $5.00. (Ord. No. 86-87, § 12(2), 9-23-86) (per unit) $420.00 (2) Pool or spa 80.00 § 1.16 Meter testing fee. (3) Temporary buildings 80.00 When any utility customer is of the opinion that (4) New commercial,apartments, a water meter is registering incorrectly, the cus- , accessory, additions, remod- tomer may make a request to the city for testing els, and finish outs/per 1,000 of the meter.A field test will be provided for the ($50.00 minimum) 3.00 customer's meter without charge once every two years. If the customer desires a calibration and (d) A determination of value or valuation under certification test, then at the time such request is any provision of this section shall be made by the made, the customer shall make a $20.00 deposit building official. The value to be used in comput- with the city. If the test shows that the meter is ing the permit fees shall be the total value of all registering consumption in excess of actual flow construction work for which the permit is issued by more than two percent, the meter shall be as well as all finish work, painting, roofing, elec- CDC:7 WATER/WASTEWATER FEES SEW..................................REEMBION ................................:. CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES MANSFIELD 600.00 Tap 0 F 6,600 MCKINNEY 450.00 4", if pavement is replaced 140.00 4", if pavement not disturbed 500.00 6", if pavement is replaced 140.00 6", if pavement not disturbed Cost > 6" in diameter, cost of labor, equip. time, overhead MILFORD 350.00 MINERAL WELLS 190.69 4"tap A F I NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 305.00 ' ", 1", 2", 3", 4", Undeveloped A F I 50.00 '/.", 1", 2", 3", 4", Undeveloped OVILLA 300.00 PALMER 350.00 Each PANTEGO 175.00 • w PILOT POINT 350.00 PROSPER 400.00 QUINLAN 500.00 RED OAK 300.00 Each tap RICHARDSON $280- $350 4"- 6"+ $70 paving cut fee A F I 1,850 Sewer&water rev. comb. RICHLAND HILLS 350.00 Tap 0 0 I 2,100 ROCKWALL 40.00 Tap 16,167 ROWLETT 278.35 Tap A F I SACHSE 150.00 SOUTHLAKE 75.00 Tap A 0 E 47,850 STEPHENVILLE $100- $125 4"-6", Per tap 0 F E 100 TERRELL 100.00 UNIVERSITY PARK 900.00 $1,300 for water& sewer at same time $1,300 wat &sew comb. WAXAHACHIE $465 to Act. Cost 4"to all above 4" 11,863 WEATHERFORD 635.00 4" A F WYLIE 4" - $160.00, 6" + - $220.00 (BOTH PLUS COST OF LABOR AND MATERIALS) Utility Fer WaterlWastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES :woe RITAKEREiiiiiiiiM CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES ALLEN 400.00 5/8 and' 0 F I 109,000 273 • ARLINGTON 450.00 w 500.00 1" 625.00 11/2 800.00 2" BENBROOK 150.00 Up to 1" meter Cost + 30% Meter larger than 1" BLUE RIDGE 125.00 BURLESON 611.00 ' " A F I 5,044 4 690.00 1" 945.00 11/2" 1,050.00 2" CEDAR HILL 300.00 3/4", each CELESTE 250.00 0 3,275 c 1 CLEBURNE 110.00 3/4"tie-on 190.00 ' "tap 265.00 1"tap 365.00 1"tap 535.00 2"tap THE COLONY Material + Labor Connection A F I COPPELL $250 to $325 +Costs A 0 I 56,770 DALLAS $175-$1,050 Each A F I Based on size DUNCANVILLE $250 to $410 Tap 21,730 ENNIS $300 and up Each short tap A F I 26,148 EULESS 470.00 Minimum FARMERS BRANCH 325.00 Each tap Stand. '/4"tap & meter FARMERSVILLE $300-$350-$400 ' "-1"-2" FERRIS 300.00 w FLOWER MOUND 275.00 Tap A F I FT. WORTH 550.00 Dep. on size and paved/impry street Utility FP Water/Wastewater Fees WATER/WASTEWATER FEES WATEMMIREEMEN CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES FRISCO 162,210 GARLAND $326 to $1,480 Dep. on size, excavation, repair, etc. GLENN HEIGHTS $375-$1,000 Inside city, outside city GRANBURY $325-$400-$285 '/."- 1"-2" 2,840 8 GRAPEVINE 500.00 5/8"x 1" HURST 4% Construction costs IRVING $160- $1,650 A F I KEENE 350.00 '/,"tap inside city limits KENNEDALE 200.00 3/11 275.00 1" 1,950 6 450.00 11/2" 575.00 2" KERENS - 125.00 0 0 I MANSFIELD $560- $655 '/,"- 1", Tap 0 F I 17,768 N.) MCKINNEY 373.00 '/."service, 5/8" meter set 112.00 sib"x 'A" meter set w/meter box 82.00 5/8"X%" meter set w/o meter box 406.00 1"service, 1" meter set • 218.00 1" meter set w/meter box 188.00 1" meter set w/o meter box 875.00 1'/2'service and 1'/2" meter set 500.00 11/2"meter set w/meter box 432.00 11/" meter set w/o meter box 968.00 2"service , 2" meter set 687.00 2" meter set with w/meter box 573.00 2" meter set w/o meter box MILFORD 350.00 MINERAL WELLS 299.10 '/."tap A F I NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 305.00 '/,", 1", 2", 3", 4", Undeveloped A F I 50.00 '/.", 1", 2", 3", 4", Undeveloped Utility F- 'Vater astewater Fees N WATER/WASTEWATER FEES :WATERITAKEERNER CITY CHARGE ($) PER REV COST METH REVENUE USERS FEE NOTES PALMER 350.00 Each PANTEGO $10- $100 PILOT POINT 300.00 PROSPER 400.00 I QUINLAN 500.00 RED OAK 300.00 Each tap RICHARDSON 350.00 Each '/."tap A L I 410.00 Each 1"tap 800.00 Each 1'/:"tap 1,020.00 Each 2"tap+ paving cut fee of$70 Cost + 15% Each 4"tap RICHLAND HILLS $235-$720 Tap 0 0 I 2,286 ROCKWALL 154.28 Tap Not inc. impact ROWLETT Act. cost+ 25% Acreage A F I cn SACHSE $165-$200-$245 '/,"-1"-2" • `"' SOUTHLAKE $360 - $600 1"-2" A 0 E 234,000 STEPHENVILLE $210- $890 Tap 0 F E 1,068 SUNNYVALE $200 to $500 12,620 TERRELL 200.00 TROPHY CLUB 350.00 + $350 impact fee UNIVERSITY PARK 900.00 $1,300 for water&sewer at same time WAXAHACHIE $445 to $1204 '/."to 8"tap, Each 72,171 WEATHERFORD 733.00 1" A F I WYLIE 5/8" - $125.00; 1" - $280.00; 1 1/2" - $560.00 (PLUS MATERIALS AND LABOR) Utility Fr Vater/Wastewater Fees Summary of Council Actions at the May 12, 1998 Meeting Southplace Estates Phase I: Final Plat proposed by Ballpen Venture II, L.P. Approved for construction ZC. No. 98-02: Zoning change form R(Retail), B-1 (Business), and MF (Multifamily)to PD (Planned Development)by Pat Atkins for Lakeside Estates Phase III. Denied ZC. No. 98-04: Zoning change form A(Agricultural to R(Retail)by City of Wylie for Fire Station No. 1. Approved Lakeside Estates Phase III: Preliminary Plat/Development Plan from Pat Atkins. Denied Fire Station No. 1: Preliminary Plat proposed by City of Wylie. Approved Fire Station No. 2: Preliminary Plat proposed by City of Wylie. Approved