05-04-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning
R egular B usi ness Meeting
May 4 , 1998
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
May 4, 1998
7:00 p.m.
1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the April 20, 1998, Regular Business
2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for
Wylie Fire Station No. 1, proposed by the City of Wylie., generally located along the east side
of South Ballard just north of the Alanis and being all of a 1.502 acre tract out of the Allen
Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
3. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for
Wylie Fire Station No. 2, proposed by the City of Wylie., generally located along the west
side of FM 1378 just north of Brown Street and being all of a 7.505 acre tract out of the G.W.
Gunnel Survey, Abstract No. 351, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans
2. Review of Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected
1. Consider Report to City Council
Posted Friday, May 1, 1998, at 5:00 p.m.
.City of Wylie
Action Item No. 1
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: May 4, 1998
Action Item No. 1 RE: Approval of the Minutes from the April 20, 1998,
Regular Business Meeting.
1. Consider approval of the Minutes from the April 20, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. Please
note any changes or additions which need to be made.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in Regular Business Meeting on April 20, 1998 at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 State
Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and
manner required by law.
Richard Eckman, Steve Ahrens, Eric Hogue, Cecilia Wood, Ray Capley, Mark Clark.
Sharon Dowdy was tardy and missed Action Item 1.
Tobin Maples, Planning Director and Carrie Smith, Secretary.
1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the April 6, 1998, Regular Business
Meeting. Correction noted on page 1, Action Item 1, should read "Mark Clark" not "Ray
Clark." Correction noted on page 2, bottom paragraph should read"pump and haul" not
"pump and hall."
Motion made by Steve Ahrens to accept the Minutes with noted corrections, seconded by
Cecilia Wood. Motion carried, all in favor (6). Sharon Dowdy was tardy.
2. Discuss and Consider removing ZC. No. 98-02 from the table.
Motion made by Steve Ahrens to remove ZC. No. 98-02 from the table, seconded by
Cecilia Wood. Motion carried all in favor (7).
3. ZC. No. 98-02 - Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City
Council for a request from Pat Atkins for approval of a zone change from R(Retail), B-1
(Business), and MF (Multifamily) to PD ( Planned Development) for SF (Single Family)
residential uses for the property generally located along the east side of McCreary Road
just south of Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a 45.3768 acre tract out of the
Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples gave an update on ZC. No. 98-02. He stated, the intent of the PD (Planned
Development) is to create a new single family district. The applicant (Pat Atkins) has
proposed several variances to our zoning ordinance. Specifically, some of the variances
being proposed are minimum lot sizes of 6,000 square foot lots, with set backs of 20-foot
Minutes- Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 2
front yard, 15-foot rear yard, 10-foot side yard between structures, 100-foot lot depth and
50-foot lot width. The applicant has increased the original minimum dwelling size from
1,400 square feet to 1,600 square feet. The applicant has proposed a ten(10) acre
school site in the northwest corner of the property. Dr. Fuller (Wylie I.S.D.
Superintendent) has verified that the applicant made an offer to sell the school district a
ten(10) acre site. Staff is recommending denial due to the fact that the proposed PD does
not incorporate a mixed use concept and, therefore, does not meet the intent of the district
and ordinance.
In favor of ZC. No. 98-02, Mr. Pat Atkins of Tipton Engineering at 6330 Beltline Road,
Garland. Representing property owner, Paramount Development and builder, and Ashton
Woods Homes. Pat Atkins stated they have been working with Dr. Fuller (Wylie I.S.D.
Superintendent) to sell ten (10) acres to the school district for an elementary school.
There has been a strong desire from the school district to put a school in this subdivision.
On the original 273 acres we identified to Commission and public record we would be
bringing in this 45 acre tract of land to consolidate with the original piece they were
zoning a few months ago. The timing of ownership was different but it was our intent and
desire to make this part of an over all planned development district in Wylie known as
Lakeside Estates. The existing zoning would allow 542 units of MF (Multi-Family), over
100,000 square feet of R(Retail), and 100,000 square feet of B-1 (Business). We want to
eliminate the existing zoning by establishing a PD (Planned Development) use consistent
with the 273 acres that has already been approved by Commission. This is a community
as a whole and not pieces to be viewed separately. We have incorporated the Master
Thoroughfare Plan on the 45 acres. We have a collector roadway system that runs
through the property with an undivided 45 foot concrete section that run east to west and
north adjacent to our open space, eventually to tie into Parker Road to the north. Along
with that is a construction requirement of another collector system running south to tie
into FM 544. One commitment we made and our concern was the house size, as your
current ordinance under the 7,200 square foot district is 1,100 square feet and we had no
problem committing to 1,600 square feet. The open space commitment was made
previously, park improvements, individual maintenance areas, pool facilities and play
ground facility. This plan with a ten (10) acre school site yields 149 lots, density of 4.2
lots per acre, up sizing of housing requirements above and beyond what is required in your
7,200 square foot district. The platting in the development is providing for generally a 50-
foot by 120-foot lot, with 6,000 square foot minimum. The over all lot size average is
6,900 square foot. We are currently trying to incorporate a mix on the two phases of
construction. The intent of the developer in the first phase is to develop a PD and open
space improvements, extension of the collector system through the property and then
come back to Commission with final engineering plans on Phase III. There is a
commitment to the school district. Our traffic consultant did a preliminary study of this
Minutes- Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 3
particular plan and what is proposed in current zoning. Currently McCreary Road is a two
(2) lane concrete street with traffic volume of 1,700 vehicles per day and a maximum
capacity of 8,000 vehicles per day. Using the Thoroughfare Plan, McCreary's plan for the
future is a four (4) lane divided concrete street a capacity of 21,000 vehicles per day.
Current zoning of the property (retail, business, and multi-family) would generate an
estimated use of 11,000 trips per day. Proposed zoning (single family) has an estimated
use of 1,500 trips per day, excluding any traffic generated by the school.
David Howell with Paramount Development at 15815 Dallas Parkway spoke in favor of
ZC. No. 98-02. He arrived from an executive session with Wylie I.S.D. School Board
and discussed the offer that was made to the School Board and said they will continue
their discussions tonight. Dr. Fuller is to call David Howell tomorrow. He stated the
School Board is interested and they will continue their discussion this evening.
Pat Atkins stated Riverway Lane is planned to be a four (4) lane undivided concrete street
with a road capacity of 15,000 vehicles per day. Riverway Lane is also planned to
continue through to FM 544. Riverway Lane provides a secondary access out of the
Richard Eckman asked if Springwell comes down from Riverway Lane and Pat Atkins
said yes. Springwell will also be a four (4) lane street. Tipton is required to develop two
(2) of the lanes and the developer of the property to the west will be required to develop
the other two (2) lanes.
Cecilia Wood asked if Springwell will be two (2) lanes until the property owner to the
west develops. Pat Atkins said yes.
Richard Eckman asked how many lots were in Phase I- 179 lots, Phase II - 201 lots,
Phase III, 149 lots.
Sharon Dowdy asked what time of day and how many days was the traffic study done?
Pat Atkins replied one day, Friday, 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. They then use the numbers to
estimate the traffic flow for a 24 hour period.
Richard Eckman asked the effect on the school site plan if this plan is denied.
Sharon Dowdy asked if in your discussions with the School Board and Mr. Fuller, did you
state to them that the availability of the ten(10) acres depends on whether or not this is
passed before P & Z and City Council? Pat Atkins stated no.
Tobin Maples asked if the traffic study included Phase I and Phase II of the development?
Pat Atkins said no and stated that their only concern is the capacity of McCreary Road.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 4
This tract is about 1,000 lots which will generate 10,000 trips a day and the traffic will
distribute back to the north and the south. These collectors within themselves carry
15,000 trips per day. Tobin Maples stated we do not have a development plan or
preliminary plat for all of the original concept plan and that the four (4) lane roadway may
not be developed until 50% of the homes are constructed.
Cecilia Wood asked if we approve this with the stipulated school site and the School
Board decides not to build the school, will the ten(10) acres have to be rezoned and is
there a time limit for it to be done? Pat Atkins said yes and there is no time limit. Pat
Atkins said the School Board is looking to build this school after they finish Park
Sharon Dowdy asked Pat Atkins why they remained with 6,000 square foot lots when the
minimum requirement is 7,200 square foot lots. Pat Atkins replied, our interpretation,
again Mr. Maples is at a disadvantage, recently going through a process with Commission
and City Council of defining a PD, and we do PD's throughout the metroplex and state,
and everyone has their own interpretation. When we did the PD on this property at that
point and time the interpretation was something less than 7,200 square foot lots was
acceptable and currently we have a line item in the PD that has been interpreted since the
approval of the original plan that says, the minimum lot size is 7,200 square foot. We
disagree with that, I respect Mr. Maples position on what he is doing and the direction he
has received based on that interpretation. We can all agree that the PD is different than
most and Staff is in the process of updating ordinances and planned development districts
to bring back some consistency so we can all agree. Our position on this plan, and we
keep going back to it and I know you have to separate issues, because it is a separate
zoning change, but it was our intent to assimilate the entirety of the property which has
been done and come in and integrate this PD with the over all, because we had to have a
connection point back to McCreary. So it was our plan since we began. We know it was
MF, R, and B-1 which is not what we are trying to do adjacent to us, so we felt it was
appropriate to take the similar type land use we had done on the 273 acres. I think we are
dealing with a change of policy from the time we did the 273 acres to where we are today
and that's Staffs position and we agree to disagree based on that. We feel like 6,000
square foot lots are adequate based on our housing type, but again the average will be
higher. We think the critical issue is the product type we are proposing on this area. I
could have brought to the Commission and said 7,200 square foot minimum, straight
zoning, no PD, get rid of retail, get rid of commercial, has 1,100 square foot base. We did
not want to do that, we wanted to mix our housing type product and up the house size. It
is a timing issue for us, if we had talked about this in December or January I don't think
we would have a problem, unfortunately there has been some policy changes on
Minutes- Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 5
Tobin Maples said there has not been any policy changes. There is not a mixed use on this
45 acre tract. The original 273 acre proposal incorporated a mixed use concept and,
therefore, was recommended for approval.
Eric Hogue asked how many trailers are in South Fork Mobile Home Park. Tobin Maples
did not know for certain. He guessed there are around 500 units.
Cecilia Wood asked if approved and then you decide not to build homes, how are the cars
going to get out of the subdivision. Pat Atkins stated 50% of the development is
developed then the street must be built. There is a time limit as well, the roadway must be
built in two years. A third stipulation is if another phase is brought in for construction
they must then put in the roadway.
Steve Ahrens asked how many lots are in the two middle phases. 149
Eric Hogue asked how many lots are in the total subdivision. 1,129
Steve Ahrens made a statement about 2,400 cars a day going to FM 544. Tobin Maples
said this traffic study was faxed to him around 4:15 p.m. this afternoon. These numbers
only reflect the traffic for Phase III, not the subdivision as a whole. Pat Atkins said the
traffic study was not required, it was conducted to answer their own questions. Steve
Ahrens expressed his concern was the safety of the people in the neighborhood and the
school area. FM 544 cannot handle the traffic that will generate from this new
Billie Joe Swaner 102 Tanglewood spoke against the ZC. No. 98-02. She expressed
concern about approximately 1,000 lots on 278 acres. Four lane road - City just paved
McCreary. Traffic problems. 4 houses on 1 acre lot.
Steve Ahrens please clarify for us, wasn't the 45 acres under contract when you brought
us the original plan? Pat Atkins said yes.
Julie Shader, 1308 Anchor Drive. He changed the 1.6 acre park. Has been removed from
the plans, because he added the 10 acre school . She felt there were enough 6,000 square
foot lots in this development
Motion was made to recommend approval of ZC. No. 98-02 by Ray Capley. The motion
was not seconded and did not carry.
Motion was made to recommend denial of ZC. No. 98-02 by Steve Ahrens, seconded by
Eric Hogue. Motion carried 6 to 0. (Ray Capley abstained.)
Minutes- Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 6
4. Discuss and Consider removing a Preliminary Plat/Development Plan for Phase III of
Lakeside Estates from the table.
Motion to remove the Preliminary Plat/Development Plan for Phase III was made by
Sharon Dowdy, seconded by Steve Ahrens. Motion carried all in favor(7).
5. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary
Plat/Development Plan for Phase III of Lakeside Estates, proposed by Pat Atkins for
Paramount Development, generally located along the east side of McCreary Road just
south of Southfork Mobile Home Park and being all of a 45.3768 acre tract out of the
Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples stated this recommendation would have to be denied due to the recent
denial of ZC. No. 98-02 for Lakeside Estates Phase III.
Pat Atkins asked for an understanding of why this has been denied. Steve Ahrens has a
problem with the mixing of lot sizes. Cecilia Wood is concerned with the school and
traffic. Sharon Dowdy's concern is traffic. Steve Ahrens has concerns with traffic, lot
sizes and density of more people.
Motion to recommend denial to City Council was made by Eric Hogue, seconded by Mark
Clark. Motion carried 6 to 0. (Ray Capley abstained.)
6. ZC. No. 98-04: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council
for a request from the City of Wylie for approval of a zone change from A ( Agricultural)
to R(Retail) for a proposed addition to the fire station for the property generally located
along the east side of Ballard Avenue just north of Alanis Drive and being all of a 1.502
acre tract of land situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas.
Tobin Maples gave an update on ZC. No. 98-04 and stated the intent of the request was
to bring the property into compliance with the comprehensive plan. The Staff has
reviewed this zoning change and is recommending approval.
No response to the public hearing. Richard Eckman closed the public hearing.
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
April 20, 1998
Page 7
Motion to recommend approval of ZC. No. 98-04 was made by Cecilia Wood, seconded
by Eric Hogue. Motion carried, all in favor(7).
7. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for
Phase II of Stone ridge Farms, proposed by Douphrate &Associates, Inc., generally
located at the southwest corner of F.M. 544 and Stone Road and being all of a 37.735
acre tract out of the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23 City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas.
Tobin Maples update - Staff is recommending approval, subject to the applicant providing
written documentation verifying the City's authority to provide water service to this
Cecilia Wood expressed concern about drainage. City engineer has approved the
Sharon Dowdy asked if there was any indication if Eastfork Water would release this
property to the City of Wylie.
Dub Douphrate with Douphrate and Associates. Dub Douphrate talked to Mr. Dickerson
at Eastfork Water regarding the Utility District. An exchange of services is being
discussed. They are waiting for a correspondence from him now.
Motion was made by Steve Ahrens, to approve the Final Plat for Phase II of Stoneridge
Farms subject to the applicant providing written documentation verifying the City's
authority to water services, seconded by Cecilia Wood. Motion carried all in favor (7)
No one responded.
Ray Capley made a public note that he will not be in attendance on May 4, 1998, regular
business meeting.
Motion for adjournment made by Eric Hogue, seconded by Mark Clark. Motion carried
all in favor (7).
of Wylie
Action Item No. 2
Preliminary Plat
Wylie Fire Station No. 1
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: May 4, 1998
Owner: City of Wylie
Surveyor/Engineer: McClatchy Surveying
Location: Generally located along the east side of South Ballard just
north of Alanis and the Twin Lakes Subdivision
Existing Zoning: R(Retail)
The preliminary plat under consideration is Wylie Fire Station Number One. The applicant is
preliminary platting 1.502 acres in order to facilitate an expansion to the fire station and bring the
property into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Regulations. The
property is currently unplatted and developed with an existing fire station.
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision
Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
• The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing (ZC. No. 98-04) on April 20,
1998, and recommended to the City Council that this property should be rezoned from A
(Agricultural) to R (Retail) in order to bring the zoning of the property into compliance with
the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council public hearing for ZC. No. 98-04 will be May 12,
Department of Planning, 04/30/98
Financial Considerations:
The application and impact fees have been waived.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval, subject to City Council approval of ZC. No 98-04.
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Preliminary Plat Application
Preliminary Plat
Department of Planning, 04/30/98
:',.• - ''.'-—',• r4rr Fie 1.1r,, ' ,T , :.,.„.„,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ., .. ;,'7ftlf5,',1l'7.5.,..,
The,I,Wfichael L.McClatchy do hereby certify that I have prepeed this plat from an
WHEREAS,the City of Wylie,is the owner of a tract°find situated in the Allen actual and accurate survey of the land and that the comer monuments shown thereon were
Attetherry ,Survey,Abstract No.23,in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,and. properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules and
being all of that certain 1.502 acre tract of land,and being called al.5 acre tract described Regulations of the City of Wylie.
in a SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED to the City of Wylie,in Volume 1053,Page 876 of
the Collin County Deed Records,and is more particularly described by metes and bounds
LOCATION MAP g as follows:
Fred Kern Living Trust Michael L.McClatchy,Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.4397
Co.Clerk Na 95-0018290 BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron rod found in the east right of way line(30 feet from
• (B-2) centerline)of Ballard Street,and being the southwest comer of said 1.5.acre tract,and
being the westerly northwest comer of a 158.06 acre tract of land descnbed in a STATE TENDS
WARRANTY DEED in Volume 2991,Page 921 of the Collin County Deed Records, COUNTY OF COLLIN •'.
and being 321.6 feet,No.of a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the intersection ofthe.west line
of said Ballard Street and the North right of vvay line of Alms Dr.,and said beginmng
- 3t/4 inch ir.o n rod b ei n g th e sout hwe s t c o rn e r h e rae of;
sa i
:onErth:sdaatMeEpe,rtshoebn sualnlydeapsp gnaeredd a uMhicoliratey La nMotcaCyla tpeuhby.l,ch ni and tfoo rm eatd o boeu tnhey paen ard o sna t e
(SF2) hoaneissuefibedtotheforegoincinsrunentndalowiedgedtomethshe
THENCE Sue.andthewestlineofaid 1.5 acre extedthesmeforthepurposeanconsderaiontherenexpressedandunderoath
, _ mct,22000 feet,toa3/4inchronrodfoundinconcreteatthenorhwestcomeofd sredthtthetenentsinthefoegtrgnstrumetae.e
G.T.E.UnderrLd 1.5acretract,beingthesouthwestcomerofatractoflanddescribednaDEEDinColln
gb .
County Clerk File No.95-0018290,called the Fred Kern Living Trust Tract,for the GIVEN MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 1998.
northwest comer hereof;
i —0'hd.Power Linet--
N89°57'40"E --------__:291.4 4' ,,Set THENCE North 89 deg.57 min.40 sec.East,with the Fd. north line as.1.5 acre tract,and the south line of said Fred Kem Tract,and at 3.8 feet pass a 3/4 inch iron rod found, Notary Public for the State of Tex
100 as
TU Etectric Colt - 32.5, and continuing for a total distance of 297.44 feet,to a 1/2 inch iron rod set at the
northeast corner of said 1,5 acre tract,being the northerly northwest comer of said 158.06
acre tract,and being the northeast comer hereof;
THENCE South with the east line of said 1.5 acre tract,being a northerly west line of My conunission expires:
said 158.06 acre tract,220,00 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby c,ertifies that the
11 . said 1.5 acre tract,being a interior"ell"corner of said 158.06 acre tract,and being the
southeast comer hereof;
THENCE South 89 deg.57 min.40 sec.West,with the south line of said 1.5 acre tract,
being a westerly north line of said 158 06 acre tract,297..feet to the place of beginning fcoirtyegoonintgheWylie FirdeayStaation No.I,an additioin99tos tanhedCthitye coiftyWtyhhene wanasdsuthbemtre ttacedceptotethde
tahseshdoedwnicaatinodn so:,sftorrteehtsin,alanledytis,ppoarn ksais,deapLetmanendtss,aipdubcli ictypfulacrtehse,ranaudthwoarizteresant.hdesewmaeyrolrinteos
water m.h. and calculated to contain 1,502 acres of land. note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed.
i C ' Witness my hand this day of ,A.D.,1998.
fire hyd.+ i
ka I
w I _ii TB M 54519 Water Tower
b NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Barbara Salinas,City Secretary,City of Wylie,Texas
.R;.4..., That,the City of Wylie,acting herein by and through its duly at.Or ffi iaed Ocer,do hereby
adopt this plat designated therein above described property as Wylie Fire Station No.I,
w , tra nhe es e r vaedadseiemtdi ofe n:rttotsht.neh pedligt oyhfe..ofs fwaiv:yiainiyeds,icTsaheiw n:a ni,it hode rbdeu..i7hd.e ri nTegh:ey,;deae:dceie,nes,:e nt tertetsoessth,hosehw nr up u:bs,e,roe er.0 osne,:freoerr e vh ee ri.e b y ,
L. cv
V) -Ej improvements or growths shall be construe.or placed upon,over or across the
R LLI t-i) easements and right-of-ways as shown.Said utility easement being hereby reserved for
,_ 1, thed manuytupaul bui7 uatnidiitya cLminihowydeattihoretfuo filalnIgphutbtloicruemtiloitviees and esikrienepg troemu 7,oedr uasiiinogr spa:7s.o'fAll„....„
Lot 1,Block 1
/°8E i---,, any buildings,fences,trees,seubs or other improvements or grovvth which may in any ,.,.,,.,
,vay or
s,a'' ees. .". ,,,,,,,,,,,,t2..,,,,,,,,, 'endanger imerferowith the construct.,maMtenance or efficiency of its respective --
..... ±....,..t, EID" 2.-- 1.502 Acres ,,,..--'-- - ,_,.... the utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have the full rightmf--'''
5. ..
. it, , (R) --' isYngress and egress to or from and upon the said utility easement for the pepose of
iri constnicting,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,and adding to or
CS -,',' c'',,,,„_„_... . removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring
.--. o the pennission of anyone. '
CS /
.D ,
1400 Ballard St. / Mike Collins,City Manager,City of Wylie
Fire Station
—42"Line FF 54487
a. BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a not,public in and for said county and state,
30' w
fil Easement :inn tehifsodrattheepperurpsonoasellyanadppceoanrseidde:itkioenCtohlelrinesin,ken.opwnressteodmanedto.bdeetrhoe aptehrsstoantewdhtohsaet:erne „Recommended for`A`Ppprerliomvaiin„ary Plat for Review Purposes Only"
Lone Star Gas Co.
Vol.273,Pg.176 is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the
, statemems in the foregoing instrument are true.
•-.. 4:'
s.CO 4.-' ------- ---' Chairman,Planteig and Zoning Commission Date
/Fd. 1.,',, S89°57'40"W 29744'
II-......., ... .... 34,
'34*' Notary Public for the State of Texas
8 3"Line(30,6"deep) ' My commission expires: "Approved no Preparation of Final Plat"
A Mayor,City of Wylie Date
--6"son.sewer line
. .
LI" Thirsk,Inc.
• Owner: ' City of Wylie
2000 Hwy.78 N.
Wylie,Texas 75098 NOTICE
SeatilieltaateTtranefoths issiilVertOtY=1:17:oifsuatiTi=IL?tdr ra pe=
Wylie FireStation No.1
(972).2-8120 an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas
in the Allen Atterberry Survey,Abstract No.23
, 0 570 Zo Surveyor: McClatchy Surveying .
1537 Haven Place March 16,1998
r.20' Allen,Texas 75002
. 1 (972)359-1220 REC'D APR 23 1998
..- ,
City of Wylie
Action Item No. 3
Preliminary Plat
Wylie Fire Station No. 2
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: May 4, 1998
Owner: City of Wylie
Surveyor/Engineer: McClatchy Surveying
Location: Generally located along the west side of FM 1378 just north
of Brown Street
Existing Zoning: A(Agricultural)
The Preliminary plat under consideration is Wylie Fire Station Number Two. The applicant is
preliminary platting 7.505 Acres in order to develop the property with a fire station. The property
is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for A(Agricultural)uses.
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the
Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
Financial Considerations:
The application and impact fees have been waived.
Department of Planning, 04/30/98
Staff Recommendation:
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Preliminary Plat Application
Preliminary Plat
Department of Planning, 04/30/98
James L.Pell
Vol 1110,Pg.494 underground tete.cbt.---
(A) 1
e 20'San.Sewer Esmt. -.
o'hd.parer line
/FdVr1.R. N89°36'14"E 1647.3T setvrl.R� PO.B
:� v 30 da.conc. (
TU Electric Esmt. t li culvert
N r
54' J .a
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Q, bidgs.7 . ,I
' Lot ,Block 1 $. :_�
,- s:r 7.505 Acres
2P-----ss +-+
flowlinetn)499.65 C> (A)
S 5'Water Line Esmt.
• (out)r,99.55 Z 1S
"Lake Ranch"Addition 0 small ditch 5'RO.W.i ication O
Cab.C;Pg.193 .. \ Fd 1/r 1.RTi
(A) 1651.33'
411'1/2.I.R. S89°6'14"W
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Hampton Living Trust 'i
County Clerk No.96-0016870
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"Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only"
STATE OF TEXAS That,the City of Wylie,acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer,do hereby KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ,
COUNTY OF COLLIN. adopt this plat designated therein above described property as Wylie Fire Station No.2,
an addition to the City of Wylie,Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever That,I,Michael L.McClatchy do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an Chairman,Planning and Zoning Commission Date
WHEREAS,the City of Wylie,is the owner of a tract of land situated in the G.W. the easements and right-of-ways shown thereon.The easements shown hereon are hereby actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were
Gunnel Survey,Abstract No.351,in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,and being reserved for the purposes as indicated.No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or other properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules and
all of that certain 7.505 acre tract of land,and being a called 7.5 acre tract described in a improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon over or across the Regulations of the City of Wylie. "Approved for Preparation of Final Plat"
DEED in Volume 817,Page 558 in the Collin County Deed Records,and is more easements and right-of-ways as shown.Said utility easement being hereby reserved for
particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same.All
and any public utility shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all or parts of
BEGINNING at 1/2 inch iron rod set at a fence post in the west right of way line of Farm any buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or other improvements or growth which may in any Michael L.McClatchy,Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.4397 Mayor;City of Wylie Date
to Market Road 1378(45 ft.from centerline)being 198.37 feet,South 1 deg.08 min.49 way endanger or interfere with the construction,maintenance or efficiency of its respective
sec.East of a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northeast corner of a called 7.50 acre tract
system on the utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of
�---•-� described in a DEED in Volume 1110,Page 494 of the Collin County Deed Records,and ingress and egress to or from and upon the said utility easement for the purpose of STATE OF TEXAS
L`''� said beginning iron rod being the northeast corner of said 7.5 acre tract,and being the constructing,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,and adding to or COUNTY OF COLLIN Owner: City of Wylie
northeast comer hereof;
�-•� removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring 2000 Hwy.78 N.
0 to 30 60 the permission of anyone. BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a notary public in and for said county and state, Wylie,Texas 75098
r..60. THENCE South 1 deg.08 no 49 sec.East,with the west right of way line amid F.M. on this date personally appeared Mchael L.McClatchy,known to me to be the person (972)442-8120
1378 being the east line of said 7.5 acre tract a distance of 198.21 feet to a 1/2 inch iron whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he
rod found at the northeast corner of a called 30 acre tract described in a DEED in Collin WITNESS MY HAND AT WYLIE,TEXAS,this day of 1998. executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and under oath Surveyor: McClatchy Surveying
County Clerk File No.96-0016870,and being 268.61 feet,North 1 deg.08 min.49 sec. stated that the statements in the foregoing instrument are true. 1537 Haven Place
West of a 1 inch pipe found in the no right of way line of said F.M.1378 being the Allen,Texas 75002
southeast corner of a 10 acre remainder tract,and said I/2 inch found iron rod being the GIVEN MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 1998. (972)359-1220
southeast comer hereof; Mike Collins,City Manager,City of Wylie
THENCE South 89 deg.36 min.14 sec.West,with a fence being the south line of said
7.5 acre tract same being the north line of said 30 acre tract,at 5.00 feet a 1 inch iron pipe Notary Public for the State of Texas
set in the new west right of way of F.M.1378 as dedicated by this plat,and at 1,650.00
it feet ass over a fence corner post and continuing for total distance of 1651.33 feet to a STATE OF TEXAS p P g COUNTY OF COLLIN My commmission expires:
1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest comer of said 7.5 acre tract being the northwest
comer of said 30 acre tract and being in the east line of the Lake Ranch Addition as
described in Cabinet C,Page 193 of the Collin County Plat Records,and said 1/2 inch iron BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,a notary public in and for said county and state,
rod beingthe southwest corner hereof; on this date personally appeared Mke Collins,known to me to be the person whose name .f
The undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the
is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the foregoing Wylie Fire Station No.2,an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the ,
THENCE North,along a fence being the west line of said 7.5 acre tract,being the east same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and under oath stated that the City on the day of 1998 and the City,then and there accepted ,, ,
Mudd line of said Lake Ranch Addition fora distance of 198.20 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found statements in the foregoing instrument are true. NOTICE
Creek the dedication of streets,allays,parks,easements,public places;and water and sewer lines Se11i
at the northwest corner of said 7.5 acre tract bet the southwest comer of said 7.50 acre ng a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance
n8 as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said City further authorizes the Mayor to and State Law and is subject to fines and witholding of utilities and building permits.
tract and being the northwest comer hereof; GIVEN MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 1998. note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed.
FM. 12 Witness my hand this day of ,A.D.,1998. PRELIMINARY PLAT
THENCE North 89 deg.36 min.14 sec.East,with a fence being the north line of said 7.5
acre tract,being the south line of said 7.50 acre tract,at 1642.37 feet a 1 inch iron pipe set Notary Public for the State of Texas Wylie Fire Station No.2 ''
in the new west right of way line ofF.M.1378 and continuing fora distance of 1647.37 11
LOCATION MAP feet to the place of beginning and calculated to contain 7.505 acres of land. My commission expires: Barbara Salinas,City Secretary,City of Wylie,Texas an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas
in the G.W.Gunnell Survey,Abstract No.351 '�'
March 16,1998
F.M.544 } 'p APR 231998 ;
To: Planning & Zoning Commission
From: Mindy Manson, Assistant to the City Manager
Subject: Impact Fee Review
Date: May 1, 1998
State Law regarding the establishment of an Impact Fee Review Committee allows cities with a
planning commission to utilize that commission for the review and adoption of impact fees. The
City Council appointed an Impact Fee Advisory Committee last fall which reviewed the water and
sewer capital improvement plan and associated impact fees which were ultimately adopted by
Council in March 1997. In lieu of reconvening the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, the City
Council has requested that the Planning & Zoning Commission take up the review process. State
Law states that a report be periodically filed regarding the progress of the Capital Improvement
Plan (CIP) and report any perceived inequities in the plan or the adopted Impact Fee.
In addition to these issues, the City Council has directed staff to begin the process of evaluating
the option of creating a Street Impact Fee. The theory behind the Street Impact Fee, as with the
Water and Sewer Impact Fee, is to establish a method by which developers are assessed a fee
which is utilized to fund new street construction or expansion in order to meet the demands
generated by new development.
The process over the next four months will involve:
- Review of the Water and Sewer CIP and Impact Fees
- Report to Council regarding any perceived inequities
- Review Land Use Assumptions and Population Projections for the Street
Impact Fee Service Area
- Review of Thoroughfare Plan
- Review of Street Capital Improvement Plan
- Review of Street Impact Fees
- Recommendation to City Council regarding the adoption of the Street Impact
The City Council will hold two public hearings during the review. The first is to allow public
comment regarding the Land Use Assumptions and the second public hearing is to allow comment
on the Street CIP and the Street Impact Fees.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Summary of Council Actions at the April 28, 1998 Meeting
Stoneridge Farms Phase II: Final Plat proposed by Douphrate& Associates, Inc.
Approved for construction, subject to the applicant providing written documentation
verifying the City's authority to provide water service to the subdivision.