06-01-1998 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning z • ng Commission G1y 'Wylie R egular B usi ness Meeting June 1 , 1998 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 June 1, 1998 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Minutes from the May 18, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. 2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Park Road Elementary School Addition, proposed by Glenn Engineering Corporation for Wylie Independent School District, generally located at the northeast corner of FM 1378 and McMillen Road and being all of a 10.799 acre tract and all of a .574 acre tract out of the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Wylie High School Addition, proposed by Brockette,Davis, Drake Inc. for Wylie Independent School District, generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Country Club Road and being all of a 22.1984 acre tract out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, and the J.W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196, and all of a 43.8013 acre tract out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Dollar General Addition, proposed by Jackson& Associates Land Surveyors, generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Marble Street and being all of Lots 1-5, Block 15, of the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 3. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition, proposed by Carter&Burgess, Inc. for Centex Homes, generally located along the east side of FM 1378 just south of Anchor Drive and being all of a 19.103 acre tract out of the N. McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 4. Consider an Act Upon a Land Study for Southfield Estates, proposed by Southfork Development, Ltd., generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1114, City of Wylie, Dallas County, Texas. 5. Discuss and Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Development Plan/Site Plan for the Woodbridge Golf Club, proposed by Don Herzog for Woodbridge Golf Club, Ltd., generally located along the east side of SH 78 between Sachse Road and SH 78 and being all of a 145.6831 tract and all of a 78.8387 acre tract out of the Richard Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660 and Abstract No. 1072, City of Wylie, Collin County and Dallas County, Texas. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZC. No. 98-05: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council for a request from Robert H. Sandlin for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to SF-2 (Single Family Residential) for the property generally located along the south side of Brown Street between W.A. Allen Boulevard and Kreymer Lane and being all of a 34.66 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. 2. Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council to amend Section 27, Sign Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the addition of a definition of Weekend Directional Signs and rules for the regulation of such signs. DISCUSSION ITEM 1. Discuss and Consider Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT aVYYkiza-1\11/YINIA— Posted Friday, May 29, 1998, at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. rill ,- -' 1-+- - t . - fi I __1 '=I---i_ _t • --C of- yfie �#ir W1 Consent Agenda Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: June 1, 1998 Consent Item No. 1 RE: Approval of the Minutes from the May 18, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. 1. Consider approval of the Minutes from the May 18, 1998, Regular Business Meeting. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 Regular Business Meeting May 18, 1998 7:00 P.M. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present: Staff Present: Richard Eckman, Chairman Tobin Maples, Planning Director Steve Ahrens, Vice Chairman Carrie Smith, Secretary Ray Capley Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager Mark Clark Greg MacLean, Hogan Corporation Sharon Dowdy Eric Hogue Cecilia Wood CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Eckman. ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of May 4, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. Motion: A motion was made by Eric Hogue, Seconded by Cecilia Wood to approve the May 4, 1998, Regular Business Meeting Minutes. Motion carried, all in favor (7). 2. ZC. No. 98-03: Public hearing and recommendation to the City Council for a request from R. Parker for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural) to B-2 (Business) for the property generally located along the north side of FM 544 between FM 1378 and Sanden Boulevard and being all of a .768 acre tract out of the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. • Tobin Maples update: Public Comment Forms were mailed to six(6) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1) Public Comment Form in support of the request has been returned. The proposed zoning and land use are compatible with Comprehensive Plan as uses permitted within the B-2 (Business) zoning district are less intensive than those permitted withing the I (Industrial) district. The applicant is aware that the existing C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy) on this property is for a legal non- conforming use (storage for landscape contractor with minor accessory office use) and prohibits retail sales of any sort. The applicant will have to bring the property up to code prior to the issuance of a new C.O. or any building permits for future development. Staff is recommending approval of ZC. No. 98-03. Ray Capley brought it to Commissions attention that they are selling plants to the public out of this building. Richard Parker, applicant and owner of the property spoke of Bluebonnet Nursery that is leasing the property from him. He stated he was unaware of any retail sales. The property was leased as a contractor storage. He made a request for approval of ZC. No. 98-03, so he can become legal with the City of Wylie. His property was involuntarily annexed in 1995. This property is rented from month to month. PUBLIC HEARING... Richard Parker spoke in favor of ZC. No. 98-03. No one spoke in opposition. Billie Joe Swaner at 102 Tanglewood expressed concerns regarding the proximity to the high school and the uses allowed within the B-2 (Business) zoning. Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood , Seconded by Mark Clark, to approve ZC. No. 98-03 for recommendation to City Council. Motion carried, all in favor (7). DISCUSSION 1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans. 2. Review of the Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected. • Mindy Manson,Assistant City Manager gave the Commission reports on Impact Fee Comparison's, Action Agenda from March 11, 1997, City Ordinance 90-10 Amendment, Minutes from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, January 16, 1997, Minutes from City Council, March 11, 1997. This review is a semi-annual review, required by State Law. ACTION ITEM 1. Consider Report to City Council. Motion: Motion made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Steve Ahrens, to approve reports for City Council. Motion carried, all in favor(7). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one responded. ADJOURNMENT Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Eric Hogue for adjournment. Motion carried, all in favor(7). Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission May 18, 1998,Regular business Meeting Page 2 r • fCI#y 'Wylie Consent Agenda Item No. 2 Preliminary Plat Park Road Elementary School Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1998 Owner: Wylie Independent School District Surveyor/Engineer: Glenn Engineering Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of FM 1378 and McMillen Road Existing Zoning: SF-A(Single Family Attached) Summary: The preliminary plat under consideration is for the Park Road Elementary School Addition. The applicant is preliminary platting 11.373 acres in order to develop the property with an elementary school. The property is currently vacant,unplatted, and zoned for SF-A(Single Family Attached) uses. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: The preliminary plat application fees have been waived. Department of Planning, 05/27/98 Staff Recommendation: Approval The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat Application Preliminary Plat Department of Planning, 05/27/98 Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) REC'D APR 151998 APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST 1 Date 4--1 15\ a Name of Proposed Development 'PArt-K F.-Le MerJ1-4,AL1 c Name of Property Owner/Developer W��t E 1 J pe Address c . � 4=L o 1,3y1;c Tc xco Phone 11 S•-c s Owner of Record L.0 LA t= S 'p. Address "Q . ' ( p Phone Name of Land Planner .e.n161.1 tJf.E 2_ JCS Surveyor/Engineer b, .**. milz. - 422. ct Address ‘cc:::. ecxxarrt�' Phone g-12 in SI Sl Total Acreage \ O . '-�C31 Current Zoning 1><1t xep Number of Lots/Units Sign The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to excccd 1" = 100'with a graphic scale provided. Thrco sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. "Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. -1-1? /IV s15" orJ CAPS ID Page 2 of 3 2. The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within and adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads, rights-of-way and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation lines and school district boundaries. 14A- 3. Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures and utilities within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated. 4. Contours with intervals of two fcct (2') or less, referred to mean sec , level datum, by actual field survey. 5. The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land. ✓ b. The proposed name of the subdivision, 7. North arrow, scale, date and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision. ✓ 8. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor or planner, responsible for preparation of the plat. 9. The tract desig nation, zoning classification and other description according to the real estate records of the City or proper county authority; also, designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision, including the number of lots of each classification, • ✓ 10. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitation of such reservations, ✓ 1 1 . The layout, names and widths of proposed streets, alleys and easements, such as drainage easements, access easements, electrical easements and maintenance easements. O' I Q 12. Provision for the connection of streets with other streets adjacent to the subdivision and for extension of streets to undeveloped property. Also a Circulation Plan indicating how continuous ingress and egress from existing residences and for City Staff will be maintained. Page 3 of 3 13. The proposed base flood floodplain limits and elevations on a one-foot contour interval for all open channels. ✓ 14. A plan of the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and proposed drainage facilities, including drainage areas, location of fou. 5ETs lines, inlets, culverts, bridges, provisions for discharging onto and or- Git J i c., N2Usas crossing adjacent properties and calculated runoff and points of concentration. 15. A location map of the proposed subdivision on a scale of 1" _ 1000' showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one mile outside the proposed subdivision. 16. Typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width and cross slope of pavement, type of pavement and location, width and cross slope of sidewalks. Title Block shall indicate the date of the current submittal and the revision number, 17. A notice shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). 18. An approval block/certificate shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). Taken by: File No.: • Date: Fee: Receipt No.: • { r 7 I i OfVi,* Action Item No. 1 Final Plat Wylie High School Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1998 Owner: Wylie Independent School District Surveyor/Engineer: Brockette/Davis/Drake Location: Generally located at the southwest corner of F.M. 544 and Country Club Road Existing Zoning: A(Agricultural) Summary: The final plat under consideration is for the Wylie High School Addition. The applicant is platting 63.1564 acres in order to facilitate an expansion to the high school facilities. The property is currently unplatted, zoned A (Agricultural), and partially developed with a high school (Lot 1, Block A). Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for right-of-way dedication. Section 5.04 C. (1) of the Subdivision Regulations state that the property owner shall provide all right-of-way required for existing or future streets. The redesign of the FM 544 and Country Club Road intersection incorporates a turning lane for northbound traffic turning right onto FM 544 from Country Club Road and,therefore, requires that an additional ten feet (10')be dedicated along the westerly property line of Lot 1, Block A. The applicant is aware and has agreed. Department of Planning, 05/27/98 • A Final Plat was approved and authorization of construction of the improvements for this property was obtained in 1995. However, for one reason or another, construction elements were never finalized and the plat was never accepted by the city. As a result, and due to the fact that the Subdivision Regulations extend a maximum of two years from the time of approval before the approval expires, this subdivision's Final Plat and Construction plans had to be resubmitted for approval. Financial Considerations: • The final plat application fees have been waived. • Impact fees for the high school campus were paid in 1995 and amount to $28,065.00 Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the plat being revised to include the right-of-way dedication required by the Subdivision Ordinance. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat Application Final Plat Department of Planning, 05/27/98 .ar 02 98 10:20a Rebecca Rogers 972-442-8154 p. i • Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATIOJV AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date /- - 9$ Name of Proposed Development W IL 1 E 14 t dS J1oo I 17d ) -ri o/./ Name of Property Owner/Developer w IL) a J. S. ID. Address '?O. tar 4/5t9 W VL/ 7 ISO 94g Phone(T Jy) yyz -5 wry Owner of Record Address Phone Name of Land Planner ' 45A '-re-I 9J14 )AJ - Surveyor/Engineer Address '1/�/ /Yt-Ae G 41474 '_ xproy. �T''P e f�x11 Bey 56 V7 Total Acreage 6;3. (y 649 Current Zoning 4g/e u/ �v e. • Number of Lots/Units _ Signed 24 ' ' &-77- /t7n / 127a 9,4 • The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the City Council and shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1"= 100'with a graphic scale provided. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals, plus one on Mylar to be 17-112" x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Page 2 of 3 I"11 I• VV 1JJV 1G•JI . 111� �1Y VY IVVY I .VJ .a1 VL JlJ lU• L1.!O 1\ 1\SIGCI V !L 11L li V1 r• L Page 2 of 3 Provided or Not Shown on Plat Aoolicable ._ � 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of plat and key map. 2. Location of the development by City, County and State. 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas Highway monument or other approved benchmark. X. 4.Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract boundary lines indicated by heavy lines. X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot intervals. 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce plat on the ground. 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within and adjacent to the development. 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other rights-of-way. 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number and building lines. 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions. approved Concept Plans, reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by volume and page. 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development. 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording). Page 3 of 3 nrR-UO-1 770 1 C•J f O(SlJI.fG I I G-Lnv f)-L'r 1r. l IY\., G14TOG4T(YJO4 f.YJ4 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording). 14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage improvements (see wording). 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or owners (see wording). 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see wording). • 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or eer responsible for surveying the development and/or ln the preparation of the plat(see wording). ---- 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in preliminary plat review. 19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording). 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of each lot. • XI 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed subdivision. Taken by: File No.: Date: Fee: Receipt No.: TOTAL P.04 Tr l 7.1 F ;City elf, ylie Action Item No. 2 Final Plat Dollar General Addition Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1998 Owner: R. Richard Parker Surveyor/Engineer: Jackson& Associates Land Surveyors Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and Marble Street Existing Zoning: R(Retail) Summary: The final plat under consideration is for the Dollar General Addition. The applicant is replatting five (5) lots into one (1) in order to develop the property with a dollar general retail store. The property is currently vacant, zoned R (Retail), and platted as Lots 1 through 5, Block 15, of the Railroad Addition(.918 acres). Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for the Dollar General Addition and found it to be in compliance with Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for the signature block. Specifically, the plat under consideration does not incorporate an"Approved for Construction" signature block. • The applicant is aware that all impact fees must be paid prior to a request for the final plat to be placed on the City Council agenda for "Approved for Construction". The impact fee for new retail construction is $700 X $.88 per acre for water and $1,412 X $1.48 per acre for sewer. Department of Planning, 05/27/98 • The applicant is aware that a fire hydrant will have to be installed per the fire departments request prior to the issuance of a C.O (Certificate of Occupancy). Financial Considerations: Impact fees for .918 acres amount to $2,484.00 Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the plat being revised to include all signature blocks required by the Subdivision Regulations. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat Application Final Plat Department of Planning, 05/27/98 REC'D APR 2 41998 Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date: April 24, 1998 Name of Proposed Development Dollar General Addition Name of Property Owner/Developer R. Richard Parker Address 2555 W. FM 544 Phone (972) 442-5114 Owner of Record R. Richard Parker Address 255 W. FM 544 Phone (972) 442-5114 Name of Land Planner Jackson& Associates Land Surveyors Surveyor/Engineer Address 2600 W. F.M. Highway No. 544 Phone (972) 442-4045 Total Acreage 0.946 acres Current Zoning Retail Numbers of Lots/Units 1 r Signed The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat,as approved by the City Council and shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals,plus one on Mylar to be 17-1/2" x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using .AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Page 2 of 3 Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable X 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of plat and key map. X 2. Location of the development by City, County and State. X 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas Highway monument or other approved benchmark. X 4. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract boundary lines indicated by heavy lines. X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot intervals. X 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce plat on the ground. X 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within and adjacent to the development. X 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other rights-of-way. X 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number and building lines. X 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions,approved Concept Plans, reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by volume and page. X 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development. X 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording). Page 3 of 3 X 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording). X 14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage improvements (see wording). X 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or owners (see wording). X 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see wording). X 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer responsible for surveying the development and/or the preparation of the plat (see wording). X 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in preliminary plat review. X 19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording). X 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of each lot. X 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed subdivision. Taken by: File No.: Date: Fee: Receipt No.: User Name: Don Jackson, Jackson & Assoc. Date: 04-24-98 Project: 2621010 Time: 12:24:01 Map Check Report Page: 1 Map Check Report Mapcheck of: DOLGEN Description: Northing Easting Beginning Point 5633.0038 5547.0591 Direction Distance Northing Easting S 90° 00' 00" W 126.00 5633.0038 5421.0591 Direction Distance Northing Easting N 00° 00' 00" E 281.73 5914.7338 5421.0591 Direction Distance Northing Easting N 51° 18' 17" E 109.20 5983.0033 5506.2877 Direction Distance Northing Easting N 90° 00' 00" E 40.77 5983.0033 5547.0577 Direction Distance Northing Easting S 00° 00' 00" E 350.00 5633.0033 5547.0577 Closure: N 69° 01' 43" E 0.001 0.0005 N 0.0014 E Perimeter: 907.70 Closure Ratio: 617506 Area: 41190.5229 Square Feet 11 i ; _th fr of Wylie Action Item No. 3 Final Plat Newport Harbor Addition Phase IV Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1998 Owner: Centex Homes Surveyor/Engineer: Carter& Burgess, Inc. Location: Generally located along the west side of FM 1378 directly south of Phase III of Newport Harbor Existing Zoning: SF-3 (Single Family Residential) Summary: The final plat under consideration is for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition. The applicant is platting 19.103 acres in order to develop the property with eighty-one (81) single family residential lots. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-3 (Single Family Residential)uses. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition and found it to be in compliance with Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for notarized signatures. Specifically, the final plat does not incorporate an original notarized signature for Centex Homes. • The applicant is aware that all impact fees must be paid prior to a request for the final plat to be placed on the City Council agenda for "Approved for Construction". The impact fee for new residential construction is $700 for water and $1,412 for sewer or a total of$2,112 per dwelling unit or lot. Department of Planning, 05/27/98 • The applicant is aware that all developmental inspection fees must be paid prior to a request for the final plat to be placed on the City Council agenda for "Approved for Construction". The developmental inspection fee for new residential construction is equivalent to 1% of the City Engineer's estimated cost of improvements intended for dedication to the City for water, sewer, streets, and drainage improvements. Financial Considerations: Impact fees for 81 lots in Phase IV amount to $171,072.00 Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the applicant providing one (1) copy of the plat bearing the required original notarized signatures. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat Application Final Plat Department of Planning, 05/27/98 Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) • APPLICATION AND FINAL PLAT CHECKLIST Date April 10, 1998 Name of Proposed Development Newport Harbor, Phase IV Name of Property Owner/Developer Centex Homes Address 2800 Surveyor Blvd. Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone (972) 417-3562 Owner of Record Same as above Address Phone Name of Land Planner Carter & Burgess, Inc. Surveyor/Engineer Address 7950 Elmbrook Dr. #250 Dallas, Tx 75247 Phone (214) 638-0145 • Total Acreage 19.103 acres Current Zoning SF-3 Number of Lots/Units 81 Signed The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the.City Council and shall be drawn legibly to show all data_ on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided.. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals, plus one on Mylar to be 17-1/2" x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Final .Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended. only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Page 2 of 3 • REC'D APR 2 01998 Page 2 of 3 Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of plat and key map. 2. Location of the development by City, County and State. 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas Highway monument or other approved benchmark. X 4. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract boundary lines indicated by heavy lines. X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot intervals. 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce plat on the ground. 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within and adjacent to the development. X 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other rights-of-way. �1 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number and building lines. X 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, • names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions, approved Concept Plans,, reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by volume and page. X 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development. 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording). Page3of3 • X 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver - releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording). X • : :14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage improvements (see wording). X 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or owners (see wording). ` 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see wording). 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer responsible for surveying the development and/or the preparation of the plat (see wording). 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in preliminary plat review. X 19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording). 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of each lot. 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed subdivision. . . Taken by: A.tL File No.: OD Date: REC'D APR 2 0 1998 Fee: Receipt No.: / Roc NEWPORT HARBOR PHASE IV LOT AREA TABLE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNY, TEXAS BLOCK '4' BLOCK I '5' LOT NUMBER AREA LOT NUMBER AREA I 1 9,455 SQ. FT. I 1 9,221 SQ. FT. 2 7,958 SO. FT. 2 7,489 SQ. FT. 3 8,210 SQ. FT. 3 7,489 SQ. FT. 4 8,589 SQ. FT. 4 7,489 SO. FT. 5 8,445 SQ. FT. 5 7,489 SQ. FT. 6 7,720 SO. FT. 6 7,489 SQ. FT. 7 7,701 SQ. FT. 7 7,489 SQ. FT. 8 7,617 SQ. FT. 8 7,489 SQ. FT. 9 7,532 SQ. FT. 9 7,489 SQ. FT. 10 7,650 SQ. FT. 10 7,489 SQ. FT. 1 1 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 1 7,489 SQ. FT. 12 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 2 7,489 SQ. FT. 13 7,342 SQ. FT. 13 7,477 SQ. FT. 1 4 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 4 7,579 SQ. FT. 15 7,342 SQ. FT. 15 7,579 SQ. FT. 1 6 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 6 7,579 SQ. FT. 17 7,342 SQ. FT. 17 7,579 SQ. FT. 18 7,358 SQ. FT. 18 7,579 SQ. FT. 19 ' 8,938 SQ. FT. 1 9 9,456 SQ. FT. 12/9/9 7 A. Carter :: Burgess JOB #96-2316-050 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. PAGE 1 OF 2 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 DALLAS; TX 75247-4961 I:\SLD\96231601\GRA\LOTAREA4.DWG NEWPORT HARBOR PHASE IV LOT AREA TABLE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNY, TEXAS BLOCK '6' BLOCK '7' LOT NUMBER AREA LOT NUMBER1 AREA - 18 8,928 SQ. FT. 22 9,347 SQ. FT. I I 19 7,307 SQ. FT. 23 7,881 SQ. FT. 20 7,247 SQ. FL 24 7,796 SQ. FT. 21 7,247 SQ. FT. 25 7,796 SQ. FT. 22 7,247 SQ. FT. 26 7,796 SQ. FT. 23 7,247 SQ. FT. 27 7,796 SQ. FT. 24 7,247 SQ. FT. 28 7,796 SQ. FT. 25 7,247 SQ. FT. 29 7,796 SQ. FT. 26 7,247 SQ. FT. 30 7,796 SQ. FT. 27 7,252 SQ. FT. 31 7,750 SQ. FT. 28 7,625 SQ. FT. 32 7,614 SQ. FT. 29 7,668 so. FT. 33 7,614 SQ. FT. 30 7,698 SQ. FT. 34 7,614 SQ. FT. 31 7,739 SQ. FT. 35 7,614 SQ. FT. 32 7,790 SQ. FT. 36 7,614 SQ. FT. 33 9,365 SQ. FT. 37 7,614 SQ. FT. 38 7,614 SQ. FT. BLOCK ' 1 1 ' 39 7,614 SQ. FT. 40 7,614 SQ. FT. 15 7,200 SQ. FT. 41 7,614 SQ. FT. 16 7,608 SQ. FT. 42 7,614 SQ. FT. 17 7,647 SQ. FT. 43 9,285 SQ. FT. 18 7,221 S0. FT. 19 7.210 SQ. FT. 12/9/9 7 � JOB #96-2316-050 C�O Carte :. "-� v�r PAGE 2 OF 2 CARTER & BURGESS, TIC. I:\SLD\96231601\GRA\LOTAREA4.DWG 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 DALLAS, TX 75247-4961 f_r_L • t VtcIWf Wylie Action Item No. 4 Land Study Southfield Estates Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: June 1, 1998 Owner: Southfork Development, LTD Surveyor/Engineer: Graphic Engineering Location: Generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road Existing Zoning: ME (Mobile Home) Summary: The land study under consideration is for the southfield estates manufactured home subdivision. The applicant intends to plat 34.5528 acres of land in order to develop the property with a manufactured home subdivision. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for MIT (Mobile Home) and R(Retail) uses. A land study is the first step associated with developing raw unplatted property within the city's jurisdiction. In order to plat property, the developer must follow a three step process which includes submitting for approval a Land Study, a Preliminary Plat, and a Final Plat. • The developer must first submit a Land Study for Planning and Zoning Commission approval. The Land Study must show the applicant's intent for the use of the land with the proposed development in a graphic manner as required by the Subdivision Regulations, and be supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. The Land Study must also show thoroughfares, preliminary lotting arrangements and other pertinent development data deemed necessary. Department of Planning, 05/29/98 Once staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, the Land Study is submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their approval. Approval of the Land Study by the Commission constitutes authorization by the City for the developer to submit application for approval of a preliminary plat subject to compliance with any conditions attached to approval of the land study. The second and third steps associated with developing property is submitting for approval a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. The Final Plat, once approved and accepted, establishes the subdivision and serves as the basis for issuance of building permits. Issues: • Staff has reviewed the proposed land study and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. • The minimum development standards permitted within an MH zoning district are 7,200 square foot lots and 1,000 square foot manufactured homes. All of the 135 residential lots being proposed meet the minimum standards. • The proposed development may be encompassed by the Eastfork Special Utility District. The applicant is aware that it is their responsibility to secure water service should the property be within the Eastfork Special Utility District (Note# 10). • The development is being proposed as a mobile home subdivision with all improvements being dedicated to the city. As a result, all improvements must meet the city's minimum design standards. Greg MacLean, our consulting engineer with the Hogan Corporation, has met with the applicant and his engineer regarding said improvements for this subdivision. Attached is a memo addressing his concerns. • Lots 4-6, Block A, are double frontage lots. Staff recommends that the applicant add a note to the Land Study establishing the Emerald Lane frontage as the front yard. Financial Considerations: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the consulting engineer's conditions being met and the Land Study being corrected as follows: 1. Add a note to the Land Study establishing the Emerald Lane frontage as the front yard for Lots 4-6, Block A.. 2. Number the common lots (Lot A and Lot B) and the retail lot accordingly(lot and block number). Department of Planning, 05/29/98 3. Add retail zoning classification to note 2. 4. Add the word residential to note 4. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Memo from Consulting Engineer Land Study Application Land Study Department of Planning, 05/29/98 THE HOGAN CORPORATION Engineers • Planners • Consultants MEMORANDUM To: Tobin Maples From: Greg MacLean Re: Southfield Mobile Home Subdivision Land Study Tobin, I have met with Mr. Bob Taylor(Developer) and his engineer, Ms. Sedi Toumani, P.E. with Dal-Tech regarding the offsite sanitary sewer requirements. As you may know,the existing lift station in Redwood on the Lake was never actually accepted by the City and all of the onsite utilities in that mobile home park are privately owned. This memo addresses only the offsite sewer issue. Following is a listing of the items discussed. • The City will investigate the condition of the 8"sewer main along the west edge of the mobile home park to determine if it can be accepted as a City main. • The Developer will perform an engineering analysis on the drainage basin, lift station, and force main to determine what improvements will be needed to bring the facilities into compliance with state and local standards. • If the developer performs the needed improvements,the City will accept ownership and maintenance of the lift station. • The developer will negotiate with the owner of the mobile home park to obtain an easement across private property to install a gravity sewer connecting the proposed Southfield Addition sewer with the improved lift station. • If the above conditions are met, the City will allow the Southfield Addition sewer to connect to the lift station. Please give me a call if you.have any questions or need additional information. Gregory S. MacLean, P.E. �ilt Member, Consulting Engineers Council of Texas 12900 Preston Road at LBJ, Suite 620 • Member, American Consulting Engineers Council North Dallas Bank Tower Dallas, Texas 75230 TEL: (972) 392-4600 FAX: (972) 490-7163 Page 1 of 3 RECD APR 1 5 1998 City of Wylie (1/95) LAND STUDY APPLICATION Date 4 - - `Da Name of Proposed Development 5 FI-LID c.s-r-�,--r E. Name of Property Owner/Developer s00-r1•-1.E0 .1<-. i7-E-v�l/7)PvAC�IT� Address G oo' 6E 1 LINE RD 5T- o0 Phone 9-12-1b1-8485 pAL�P. s�--t✓x -1s2 -O Owner of Record No I FA../AI L11/ ►N VEST"/ TS , IN Address c009 BELT L11NJt R..0 s t oO Phone12' 101- 648S -5240 Name of Land Planner K) Surveyor/Engineer Address Phone - 335- 24a Cc, TD.A LI..A S) TX -I ' '5 Total Acreage 4- ► c- Current Zoning M H Number of Lots/Units t34 RE) I RE"7;6-I L- Signed Following is a checklist of items that may be required as a part of the Land Study. All information should be provided on a scaled drawing of 1" = 200' or larger not.exceeding 24" x 36" with three complete sets provided. Provided or Shown Not On Site Plan Applicable 1. The Study shall include all contiguous holdings of the property owner with an indication of the portion proposed for development, for sale, or lease. An affidavit of ownership shall be attached which includes the name, address and telephone number of an agent for the developer who shall be authorized to receive all notices required by these regulations. Page 2 of 3 2. The lower right hand corner shall contain a title block clearly showing the following information: "(a) Proposed name of subdivision or addition. (b) Name and address of the Owner and the Engineer or Surveyor who prepared the study. (c) Scale of the drawing and an indication of true north, to the top or left. (d) Date the drawing was prepared, and the date of revisions. (e) The location of the tract according to the abstract and survey records of the county in which the tract resides. • 3. All limits of the tract with scale distances. 4. The names of all adjacent subdivisions or additions or the name of • record owners of adjoining parcels of unplatted land. 5. The existing zoning classification of the subject property and adjoining land. 6. The location, width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, along with existing buildings, railroad rights-of-way, and existing topography including creeks, drainage channels and other important features. 7. Political subdivisions or corporate limits and school district boundaries. 8. Preliminary layout with names and width of proposed thoroughfares, collector streets, and intersections along with a general configuration of proposed streets and alleys. 9. A general arrangement of all types of land uses considered, including but not limited to existing easements and indication of_ conformance with the thoroughfare plan including right-of-ways, park and school sites, municipal facilities, private open space, floodplains • and drainage ways, phasing plans, and proposed non-residential and residential densities. Page 3 of 3 10. Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lot and all building lines. 11. Screening and/or Landscaping Plan which comply with the City'. landscaping or screening standards. 12. Existing sewer lines, water mains, culverts or other undergroun; structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with size and locations indicated. Taken by: File No.: Date: Fee: • Receipt No.: • • Affidavit of Ownership Whereas Holigan Family Investments, Inc is the owner of record of that certain 34.55 acre parcel in the southeast corner of the intersection of Vinson Rd and Highway FM 544 in the City of Wylie, Texas, and whereas this parcel is planed for development in the near future, Be it known that at the time of origination of the development loan, title to said parcel will be transferred to Southfork Development, Ltd., who will do the actual development under Holigan Family Investments, Inc general management. Holigan Family Investments, Inc hereby appoints Graphic Engineering as it agent in regards to such actions are necessary to the platting of the referenced Wylie property. Graphic Engineerings's address is 6904 Napa Valley Drive, Frisco, Texas, 75035. Attested to by: 11' /1//CP. .. Smith fo Da C. Holigan Family Investments, Inc 1- } I • • City of_, ,ylie Action Item No. 4 Development Plan/Site Plan Woodbridge Golf Club Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: June 1, 1998 Owner: Woodbridge Golf Club, Ltd. Surveyor/Engineer: Post, Buckley, Schuh& Jernigan, Inc. Location: Generally located along the east side of SH 78 between Sachse Road and SH 78 Existing Zoning: PD (Planned Development) for single family residential and a golf course and accessory uses Summary: The development plan/site plan under consideration is for the Woodbridge Golf Club. The applicant is filing this development plan/site plan on 224.5218 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned golf course, clubhouse, and maintenance facility. The development plan aspect of this case is the final step associated with establishing the PD (Planned Development) zoning for the golf course and related uses. The site plan aspect of this case is the final step associated with developing a nonresidential use within a planned development zoning district. In order to establish a nonresidential PD (Planned Development), the developer must follow a three-step process which includes submitting for approval a Conceptual Plan, a Development Plan, and a Site Plan. The developer must first submit for approval a Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan must show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed development in a graphic manner as required by Staff, and be supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. The Conceptual Plan must also show thoroughfares, preliminary lotting arrangements and other pertinent development data deemed necessary. Department of Planning, 05/29/98 Once Staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, a Public Hearing must be held at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider recommending approval or denial of the Conceptual Plan to the City Council. Once the Planning and Zoning Commission has taken action, the City Council will call a Public Hearing at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted for approval. The second phase of establishing a nonresidential PD District is submitting for approval a Development Plan. The Development Plan shall set forth the final plans for the PD District and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. The Development Plan is a complete site inventory analysis of what is to be developed. The ordinance establishing the PD District will not be approved until a Development Plan has been approved. The third phase of establishing a nonresidential PD District is submitting for approval a Site Plan. The Site Plan shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Development Plan. The purpose of the Site Plan is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and other utilities and services. Issues: • The Conceptual Plan for the Woodbridge PD (Planned Development) was approved by City Council on February 24, 1997. Staff has reviewed the proposed development plan/site plan and found it to be in compliance with the approved Woodbridge Conceptual Plan and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. • The applicant is filing this development plan/site plan in order to establish the PD (Planned Development) zoning for the golf course, clubhouse, maintenance facility, and accessory uses. Specifically, the applicant is proposing an 18 hole championship golf course, clubhouse, maintenance facility, neighborhood hiking trail, restroom facilities, signage, and a community swimming pool. Detailed development standards applicable for each element are attached for your review. • The applicant has proposed to utilize the existing pond behind the maintenance facility for fire protection purposes. Staff recommends that the applicant submit a fire protection plan detailing applicable information (pump with standby generator, available capacity of pond, etc...) prior to the issuance of a C.O (Certificate of Occupancy). • The applicant has proposed a detailed landscaping plan for the clubhouse and maintenance facility that incorporates various elements. Specifically, the plan calls out selected 3" caliper trees, 1" caliper ornamentals, 5 gallon shrubs, and 4" potted planter beds. (See attached Details). Department of Planning, 05/29/98 • • The applicant has proposed a meandering community hiking trail that traverses the golf course. Said trail system is being proposed as part of the Collin County Master Trail and Park System. Staff recommends that the trail system element be approved subject to the applicant indicating who will be responsible for constructing and maintaining the trail system. • Outstanding issues to be addressed and resolved prior to approval of a final plat are as follows: 1. Documentation of water service provider; 2. Documentation of fire hydrant specifications (type, adapters, etc...); 3. Exact location and dimensions for all proposed sanitary sewer easements; and 4. Designate a water line easements or private fire protection line for the clubhouse. Financial Considerations: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the applicant providing the following information: 1. Detailed fire protection plan for the maintenance facility. 2. Construction and maintenance responsibility for the trail system. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Site Plan Application Development Plan/Site Plan Detailed Development standards Department of Planning, 05/29/98 Pagel of 3 REC'D APR 161999 City of Wylie (5/93) SITE PLAN APPLICATION Date 4/16/98 Name of Proposed Development Woodbridge Golf Club Name of Property Owner/Developer Woodbridge Golf Club, Ltd. 9696 Skillman, Ste. 210 Address TiRllas, TX 75243 (214) 348-1600 Phone Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Name of Land Planner/Engineer 5999 Sunnerside, Ste. 202 Address Tb11as, IX 75252 Phone (972) 380-2605 PD Total Acreage 224.5218 Current Zoning 2 Number of Lots/Units Signed / 7 Following is a checklist of items that may he required as a part of the site plan. In addition, other information may be required if it is necessary for an adequate review of a specific development proposal. All information should be provided on a scaled drawing generally not exceeding 18" x 24". Provided or Shown Not • On Site Plan Applicable X 1. Total lot or site area - if the site is part of a larger tract include a key map showing entire tract and location of site being planned. X 2. Location, dimensions, and size of all existing and planned structures on the subject property and approximate locations of structures adjoining property within 100 ft. X 3. Location and type of landscaping, lighting, fencing and/or screening of yards and setback areas. X 4. Calculation of landscaped area provided. X 5. Location and dimensions of ingress and egress. • Page 2 of 3 X 6. Location, number and dimensions of off-street parking and loading facilities. X 7. Height of all structures. X 8. Proposed uses of all structures. X 9. Location and types of all signs, including lighting and heights. X 10. Elevation drawings citing proposed exterior finish materials and proposed structural materials. X 11. Location and screening of trash facilities. X 12. Location of nearest fire hydrant within 500 ft. X 13. Street names on proposed streets. 14. The following additional information: Page 3 of 3 If the site plan is required as a preliminary or development plan under a Planned Development Zoning Classification, the attached applicable items specified for preliminary plans or development plans must be included. Taken by File No. Date Fee FL rt L• _ ; ORy of Wylie Public Hearing Item No. 1 98-05 Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: June 1, 1998 Owner: Sunstone Capital Partners Applicant: Robert H. Sandlin Location: Generally located along the south side of Brown Street between W.A. Allen Blvd. and Kreymer Ln. Existing Zoning: A (Agricultural) Requested Zoning: SF-2 (Single Family Residential) Summary: The applicant is requesting rezoning on 34.66 acres in order to develop the property with single family residential uses. The property to the northwest is zoned I (Industrial) and developed with a nonconforming single family home. The property to the northeast is vacant and zoned for MF (Multifamily) uses. The property to the east is vacant and zoned A (Agricultural). The property to the west is zoned SF-3 (Single Family Residential) and developed with single family homes. The properties to the south and southwest are zoned PD (Planned Development) and developed with single family homes. The property to the southeast is not within the City of Wylie proper. Public Comment Forms were mailed to forty-eight (48) property owners within 200 feet of this request. Two (2) Public Comment Forms in support and four (4) Public Comment Forms in opposition to this request have been returned. Department of Planning, 05/29/98 98-05 Issues: • The Comprehensive Plan recommends single family uses for the property. The proposed zoning and land use are consistent with Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the residential development to the west and southwest. • The applicant will be required to plat the property prior to the issuance of any building permits. Financial Considerations: Zoning application fee- $225.00 Staff Recommendation: Approval The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Public Comment Forms Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Department of Planning, 05/27/98 • PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ..�O :e& 4' .s%�/Vie/�%l.U'c (please print) c� Address: /dS� C�i��/�li��� G�!Y�"' Wylie Tax Account Number sZ (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: Date. /� COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 ✓ I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex;2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Zoi y G. 7/er 14l.e, (please print) / Address: 59LI-41 S r JAML 12 5 y ?6€1/43, -rx Wylie Tax Account Number // a (if shown on enclosed map): /\ — G,0s 4 --00 z --/9 2 —/ Signature: Date: 476-r- COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please tjpe or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday, June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: CP A 3 C.1'& v C Liu 4(j (please print) Address: nit S Cr y C 12 c Wys,,� T 750919 Wylie Tax Account Number U I I I _ Do ` `©RYO (if shown on enclosed map): K ,y Signature: X•s-te-A Date: S/Z S,1 19 q 8 COMMENTS: F2o?et -r Y S .d- Nv 6 E w4-Tt2 Rut"- ti i D /Tc I PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of .JLO h (1 MaiSi D [,n S k} Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday.June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas —Z.-- Name: h n I7)oltsk, (please print) / 1p Address: 0,03 �Wf �f l I'y/�r X 7569g Wylie Tax Account Number / (if shown on enclosed map): Signatur Date: -025-9 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. �m AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday, June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: 61mo aric e ,4/Qrcy . te_)e 1I L roc (please print) / ( Address: (( �3 V'urr-e rC // , Ty. r1 o ?2 Wylie Tax Account Number _ (if shown on enclosed map): - (27/4 O o i O, S - l Signature: .�r u /t0�/kL ZC/k l_( OCI Date: ay ?� /�9O COMMENTS: iMet-2 try ZaS ilcQ 3 ra/2S4rrc4. (L)`/)Ci vzor-S C1✓o ze9eJ C/oS /i4 /ie anl,ie_ c iS to I4(4 Court t)tr Q-/-/1 ospA e rep [.v4 /o r VAL, Coun t-ry‘ , 1 i2 c o wS( 21-11 eito/ 64 ow- remzury / 01-h l VA)s /rin 0< , ai/re c-ems ��/in G� �(S, /)QS ,/12 j c, lOO (fie or F/ooce_ an evu lce/t '�- be cue vL lode e . (��/'� i� prmv lice igour _, Q (Coca;n, soh._ " co(vi,/ " I SL% k)y 1�� 9�0 e.J ire eae b� �vd op rS �vh o carte opt l cZho u )L do llczr eQue. V-4e CoJ7 COLA) 1)1-0 uS Gvh choSew /1,Q /?ere. .7e)z Q4/-- rea.Sof) , /arts 3orl)n PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,June 1, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 23, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: Cheryl L • CCLrr rOLic�- (please print) Address: I O LF S Sur r e y C i rc e Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): (2\- a 1 l y - o 0 0 - 01CPO - 1 Signature: Lluu . 01 dAID Date: ;� •�; - q COMMENTS: Pr O ribiL. ,.51- P . J1 ., /�pPP" �� i�;" State Hi . hway Noy, 78 11110 P c _______ pR `1,< - Eft i _ in �o • ., ;Willia L _\fir .��� i�� i D ,c'' Ilk , `f=.e. ' hi k:r. wn Streit —` �ii i_i���IL I! if IP • - ,C . �'� �.1 ®.I� Alt i'd a�-i :M l E 111111 .0 0 is ,„ .:::„„,.,,,, ,, .:::,....„::,. � ... .. .... .. CD MID IF 114 ital _ 11 1_ ro-MM. • ..,....... r� ���� 111rti 1Fri _;�' 1QII11�III' Y ♦ �4' 4Iu1111r11111 *ma Hamm l= 1JifilH111111 0 co Li i• *mom irk 0111111111111 � U[P�•=�� *Mkmet+ .�i L. f_____L_ ____,_ gi, Ur.1 . AIM&.. At So - a MEM 0 1 . . =T. : 1 -\__ CI II P. _ , _-_:- st--- ••k---, 'INN 1 \evil., _ ---- . __, : I ii. _ ........ ...._ ) , PROJECT LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #98-05 tHHIHii f9 1H HIII (1.----)K She pard s an o , rH... .. ij S•Uire 11111111 c o QI id Ku iir.7. _ S "0 •- 1 V I 1 . F - ...._,A / i V ! iif U .brown Street 1 i .:.. ::_ (Coun.y i i i i i i i ... ' , ,, _ ..:._. ' -SU_ _B•JE_:•: ......CT- I : I t •,•..---L,PROPE f. . .. ... -• .._. _. _.._: Lie U: [ � - - J 12 _° I lur6] R'D BE R ' °'�ast ak �treet co ci : , . . .. . . . a) i r 1 . R 6688 005 3.;1 10 :1 .-z, PIP! . .. . • _ • :.,.: ' V l ... , : . _: . IF ......... .. . ... .: .. . . _ 0 A• ... ....... _:•r:.: . . .. . . . •I Surrey Circle - /N Hi : my ____ 3 "=400' 111111".41111. ! • i i a \ ! ! i :` �.._.._.._.. i -5:[1:)\11111 i : m , i ! _ _ ! i ZONING AREA MAP 7CMNIN( ( ASP . QR_n5 . . I , 1 ri)HiliiiiLril .. ) T.) i=5 ri) , 0 t (!) Drive i Z Qs1 Kr ol 'v_ Dr( 1 i ii_Cirry i •( r-,„- ., wvii , \T,./ NIE)Ison i BcpicILDY Wyl i I rivastrrierit i 1311u i 7C5 R-2057- i i 1 rl‘fsil-ir- ras >, , / i 000-02-40+1 ( j R-2057-000f ' 8 ! R-6688-002- 0340-1 i i.11\-7 i R-668 - 002-1 920 .-1i 1 930-1 I i E ( J. Brown Street tExi-Fity J LtantIng ; - . . R-21 1 4-00A- 0010-1 .-...-1 .-f. .-.:•• -: ..- .- , WyhE ISID : -.-- . ,• ;': ::- -::.:... .; 2a - 5 ::---: ,H !-. ,:i.:..- - . -- . , -,-.•_,-.- ...::: R-66.88- oo.5-2o943-1 ,-;-: ---.-- _-: .:-. --- - -- :;-;:' '.1--:;::: 2 ., W / " ' 6) 7 ::: SUBJE .T:.. ( 1 1 Ri izikili Eajrview D ivead,9 1 3:101 0 NI ‘fczi Lou -.FRC). BE RT- ,-.:.-• Kreym r °East Uak Street— ..- . Los....1 , . '5 o 1 co[roN '0 10 :::SAINic) - .- .:: . 12-6888-1:)05-1 2-40-1 r- r- •.-.. , . . :-. - ..--•---• :: '• ;.: SLjrreC' c I r-C6 izit 88AD05-1 11 4211 :: 22 - - ---i•mmicl 22,3 --:-:: . : .. --- -.. i::-,c,----- Jcpi-ln KryrrIr • 'Se " Si ' - *,0 2 - R-6688-005-1 240-1 (f) ' Eilli EE 30 . urre Ira e men 111111115111 .. ._.._.. , ".400' -I St StC:it Bcink R-6688-005-20460-i f--*--- - i • i \ i. , . . • _.. i i i ........________________ aScRdl \\ PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #98-05 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Robert Sandlin APPLICATION FILE # 98-0005 5225 Village Creek Dr. Plano, Tx. 75093 . # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Eastridge Addition 1059 Fairview Drive 1 A 10 R-2114-00A-0100-1 Thomas Tschetter Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 2 A 11 R-2114-00A-0110-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 208 Eastridge Court 2a A 12 R-2114-00A-0120-1 Vincent Quick Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 206 Eastridge Court 3 A 13 R-2114-00A-0130-1 Oscar Perkins Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 4 A 14 R-2114-00A-0140-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 202 Eastridge Court 5 A 15 R-21 14-00A-0150-1 Eric Myers Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1901 Ascension, Ste 100 6 A 16 R-2114-00A-0160-1 D R Horton Ltd. Arlington, Texas 76006 Eastridge Addition 110 Eastridge Court 7 A 17 R-2114-00A-0170-1 Kenneth Gibson Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 108 Eastridge Court 8 A 18 R-2114-00A-0180-1 Glenda Walker Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 106 Eastridge Court 9 A 19 R-2114-00A-0190-1 Randal Chambers Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 104 Eastridge Court 10 A 20 R-2114-00A-0200-1 Steven Peacock Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 11 A 21 R-2114-00A-0210-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 12 A 22 R-2114-00A-0220-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 1058 Fairview 13 C 5 R-211.4-00C-0050-1 Kenneth Ray Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 14 C 6 R-2114-00C-0060-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 15 D 1 R-2114-00D-0010-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 16 D 2 R-2114-00D-0020-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road - 17 D 3 R-2114-00D-0030-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 18 D 4 R-2114-00D-0040-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 1059 Surrey Circle 19 D 13 R-2114-00D-0130-1 Stephen Schnoebelen Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 20 D 14 R-2114-00D-0140-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 15240 Eastridge Addition 1063 Surrey Circle 21 D 15 R-2114-00D-0150-1 Richard Falcetti Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1065 Surrey Circle 22 D 16 R-2114-00D-0160-1 Cheryl Carr Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1067 Surrey Circle 23 D 17 R-2114-00D-0170-1 Joseph Prock Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 24 D 18 R-2114-00D-0180-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 1101 Surrey Circle 25 D 19 R-2114-00D-0190-1 Mickey Foster Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1103 Surrey Circle 26 D 20 R-21 14-00D-0200-1 Larry Tippin Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1 105 Surrey Circle 27 D 21 R-2114-00D-0210-1 Thomas Mohan Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1107 Surrey Circle 28 D 22 R-2114-00D-0220-1 Brian Buesking Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition Provident Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 29 D 23 R-2114-00D-0230-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 Eastridge Addition 1111 Surrey Circle 30 D 24 R-2114-00D-0240-1 Kenneth Schwab Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1113 Surrey Circle 31 D 25 R-2114-00D-025R-1 Glenn Wellbrock Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1203 Surrey Circle 32 D 26R R-2114-00D-026R-1 John Maslowski Wylie, Texas 75098 _ Eastridge Addition 1205 Surrey Circle 33 D 27 R-2114-00D-0270-1 David Bertrand Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1901 Ascension, Ste 100 34 F 6 R-2114-00E-0060-1 D R Horton Ltd. Arlington, Texas 76006 Eastridge Addition 1059 Carriage Lane 35 F 7 R-2114-00E-0070-1 Joseph Stankiewicz Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 1058 Carriage Lane 36 G 5 R2114-00G-0050-1 Alan Mason, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 Eastridge Addition 200 Wilson Bridge Road - 37 G 6 R-2114-00G-0060-1 Chase Manhattan Bank Worthington, Ohio 43085 Eastridge Addition P.O. Box 1957 38 A 1 R-2114-00A-0010-1 Jerry Lanting Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Wyndham Estates Ill Wylie Investments 8080 N. Central LB 61 39 Lot 34 R-2050-000-0340-1 c/o Scott Long Dallas, Texas 75206 Wyndham Estates Ill 2709 Pinewood 40 Lot 24 R-2057-000-0240-1 Larry Nelson Garland, Texas 75044 5949 Sherry Lane #1225 41 688-2 Tract 192 R-6688-002-1920-1 Bobby Beilue Dallas, Texas 75225 Wylie Investments 8080 N. Central LB 61 42 688-2 Tract 193 R-6688-002-1930-1 c/o Scott Long Dallas, Texas 75206 1001 S. Ballard Avenue 43 688-5 Tract 209 R-6688-005-2090-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098 Neva Lou Kreymer 2605 Stone Road 44 688-5 Tract 124-9 R-6688-005-1240-1 c/o Robert Kreymer Wylie, Texas 75098 1030 Bridlewreath Trail 45 688-5 Tract 211 R-6688-005-2110-1 John W. Kreymer Shreveport, LA 71118 _ First State Bank Wylie 13655 Preston Road 46 688-5 Tract 206 R-6688-005-2060-1 Attn: REMM/Provident Bank Dallas, Texas 75240 210 S. McDonald Street 47 Collin County Commissioners Court McKinney, Texas 75069 5225 Village Creek Drive 48 688-5 Tract 111 R-6688-005-1110-1 Robert Sandlin Plano, Texas 75093 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 98-05 Applicant: Robert H. Sandlin Location: Generally located along the south side of Brown Street between W.A. Allen Blvd. and Kreymer Ln. Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A" for full legal description) Present Zoning: A(Agricultural) Requested Zoning: SF-2 (Single Family Residential) Proposed Single Family Residential. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Monday,June 1, 1998,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,June 23, 1998,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial, a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts, amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(J applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing.state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103, or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance. ft •X4; ,rf 4 Being a .tract of land situated in the Francisco De Le Pa Survey, Abet:act No. 633. City of Wytie. Collin County. Texas. betag a part of a 147.025 acre tractof Ia. conveyed to G.C. K.eymer. Archie Kre .: fton Kre er and by partition deed recorded in volume 949. Pa 634. Deed Record �,"County. y`• d Billy e same: rfro^ Orville nd conveyer: e: to l,:e r Inv page s. Collin. Co_.._y. Texas e:,_ being the same tract of land conveyed y' a Investments. L.P. by deed recorded under County Cie:<'s rile Number 93-0050733• Land Records. Collin County. Texas and being more particularly described es follows Begin-,-g at a P.I Nail found in the center of East Brow: Street or the north line of said Pena Survey for the northeast corner of said 147.025 acre tract, Thence. S 00'52'22-E, at a distance of 3205 feet, the northwest corner of a 10.00 acre tract of land conveyed to the Wylie Independent School District by deed recorded it Volume 2447, Page 673. Land P.eco;ds. Collin County. Texas end along the vest line of a 62.522 acre tract of land conveyed to Neva Lou K.- y:.er by deed recorded is Volume 2737, Page 255. Land 'Records. Collin County, Texas and the vest line of a 40.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Joh.. X. Krey:ner by deed recorded in Volume 2737, Page 245. Land Records. Collin County, Texas. In ell a distance of 1230.63 feet to a 1/2 Inch Ivon rod set for corner; • Thence, S 74'15'33' W along the north line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 233.41 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land end the northeast corner of a tract of lend conveyed to )fei••ia St. John, end described Ir. instrument recorded in Volume 945. Page 455. Land Records, Collin County. Texas; • Thence, S 2749'25 A', along the north lire of said St. John tract, a distance of 337.70 feet to a 1/2 inch Ircr. rod found for corner: Thence. S 2709'53" A', a distance of 359.43 feet to a 1/2 Inch iron rod set on the south line of said 147.025 acre tract; • Thence. S 63'13'20' W. along the south line of said 147.025 acre tract, a distance of 311.57 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of. Eastridge Addition. an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded In.Volume F. Page 715. \!ap Records, Collin County. Texas: , Thence, N 00'O1'22" W. along the east line of said.Eastridge Addition, at a distance of 1953.69 feet a 3/8 inch Iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Addition end is all a 'distance of 2020.73 feet to a P.K. Nail found for corner in the center of East Brown Street and being or. the north lire of said Pins Survey and the north l:r.e of said 147.025 acre tract; Thence. N 63'30'53" E. along the center of East Brow,-, Street. said north line of the Ptr.e Survey end the north line of said .147.025 acre tract, a distance of 687.25 feet to the Point of Eeb'^^'Zg and containing 1,509.658 s;uere feet or 34.65 acres of land. Page 1 of 2 (5/S CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Ep APR 2 71998 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. SS Filing Fee .°o Date j__L-21-:51e„) Applicant IJ DI,I Phone No. a1 Lt ;r,0 J2.0-7 Mailing Address: fi �/1�1 • Work No. • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached d hereto).1 4- 4a Cl,vim,uu(- I hereby request that the above described propert be cha �JIJ -�N�1� y nged from its present zoning which is for the following reasons: District Classification to � District Classification (attach separate sheet if necessary) There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. 2 P Party. Status of Applicant Owner_41124c._as GA)� Tenant Want Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property •ch is the su ect of this requested zoning change and have read the following concerning e i ortance of mybsubm t ing to the City a sufficient legal description. Signe At 4 SUNSTONE CAPITAL PARTNERS P.O. BOX 551614 DALLAS, TX 75355 (214) 207-7227 April 27 , 1998 Planning & Zoning City of Wylie Sunstone Capital Partners (Karol Kreymer) has approved the zoning application process of .Bob Sandlin .on the following property: 34 . 95 acres of vacant land located along the south line of Old Highway 78 (Brown Street) , west of Kreymer Lane, being Tract III, Sheet 5 , Pina Del Rey Survey, A-688 , Wylie, Collin County, Texas . It is our understanding that he is applying for SF-2 zoning. Thank you. Sunstone Capital Partners /0/L/04--- Andrew V. Nevitt Partner 1_4 _ _ Lj;; - =f= CrtjF-oWWlie Public Hearing Item No. 2 Weekend Directional Signs Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing: June 1, 1998 Public Hearing Item No. 2 RE: Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council to amend Section 27, Sign Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the addition of a definition of Weekend Directional Signs and rules for the regulation of such signs See attached communication Issue Hold a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council to amend Section 27. Sign Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the addition of a definition of Weekend Directional Signs and rules for the regulation of such signs. Background The increase in development and the addition of several subdivisions with new builders will bring an anticipated increase in weekend directional signs. A charge for such signs is currently in the Fee Schedule, but there are no regulations in Section 27, Sign Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance, or in the Code of Ordinances which regulate weekend directional signs. The process to change or amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance is very similar to the process for a zone change request. A public hearing is required in this process to amend, change or add to the text of the Zoning Ordinance. Several area cities have similar ordinances that vary greatly in the way that they deal with weekend directional signs. Some are very abbreviated and deal with only times the signs will be out and some are very lengthy and deal with every aspect, from times allowed, to a description of the vehicle that places the signs. Below is a summary of various examples. The complete section of the ordinance of the City of Frisco that deals with directional signs is included because it is so brief. The ordinances of the City of Sachse and the City of Mansfield are summarized and compared side by side because of their length. Frisco: Temporary real estate directional signs. Permission is granted as a special privilege to home builders to erect temporary, non-illuminated directional signs for weekend advertising. Signs shall not be placed earlier than 1:00 p.m. Friday and shall be removed no later than 1:00 p.m. the following Monday. Such signs and their placement must be approved by the building inspector. Any signs in place prior to or after the appointed times will be removed and impounded by the city. Sachse Mansfield Proposed Permit: Required Required Required Size: Four (4) sq. ft. Four (4) sq. ft. Four (4) sq. Ft. Thirty-six (36") inches Thirty-six (36") inches Thirty-six (36") inches max. height max. Height max. height Time period: 12:OOn Friday though 12:OOn Friday though 12:OOn Friday through 12:OOn Monday 12:OOm Sunday 12:OOm Sunday Sachse Mansfield Proposed Location: Prohibited in medians Prohibited in medians Prohibited in medians Location: Cannot project over Two feet from edge of Two feet from edge of street or curb pavement or sidewalk pavement or sidewalk 50' from street 40' from street 50' from street intersections intersections intersections 25' from alley and 10' from any other 25' from alley and curb cuts directional sign Curb cuts Separation of like signs: 1,000' in a straight line One per street, 1000' in a straight line block or within 500' of unless signs offer different other like signs, direction whichever is less Both ordinances require the signs to be made of durable,_weatherproof material and do not allow signs to be placed within any visibility triangle or where traffic and pedestrian visibility will be blocked or obstructed. The Mansfield ordinance does not allow safety signs or signals to be blocked. The ordinance from the City of Sachse even covers details regulating the vehicles and personnel that place and pick up the signs. These details include lights, signs on the vehicles, and vests worn by the personnel. Included are copies of the specific requirements of both of the ordinances the above summary has been taken from. A definition will need to added to Section 27.1 Definitions. A suitable definition would be, "Sign, Weekend Directional. Temporary, non-illuminated signs erected within the City right-of-way for the sole purpose of providing directional instructions to the locations of developments or subdivisions." The other requirements will be added to Section 27. 20 Temporary Signs as an added section "g) Weekend Directional Signs:..." Other proposed regulations would include: a) Signs must be made of durable, weatherproof material and must be kept in good repair. b) Signs shall not block or obscure visibility of any traffic, pedestrian, safety sign or signal, or be in any visibility triangle. c) Owner of any directional sign shall be responsible for obtaining a permit for each sign. d) Any sign in violation of any provision of the ordinance will be impounded by the City of Wylie. e) Vehicles installing signs shall have a flashing yellow light, a reflective sign warning of frequent stops, and a standard reflective slow moving triangle displayed to the rear. The vehicle must use only the right-hand lane. The persons installing or removing the signs must wear reflective vests. Financial Considerations A fee of$75 per sign per year is already in the Fee Schedule and will be charged at the beginning of the next calendar year. Other Considerations Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and amendments regarding planning and zoning changes. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends that the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance be amended to include a definition and regulations for the control of weekend directional signs. Attachments Requirements of the City of Sachse and the City of Mansfield City of Mansfield Excerpt Directional Signs: Temporary signs erected within the City right-of-way for the sole purpose of providing directional instructions to the locations of developments, subdivisions, model homes, garage sales, or businesses provided that the following regulations are met: a. No directional signs shall be erected for a period of time exceeding 60 hours, beginning at noon on each and every Friday and terminating at midnight the following Sunday. b. A holiday falling on Friday or Monday will be considered part of the weekend and an additional day will be granted before or after the weekend as applicable. c. No directional signs shall be located: 1. In the median of any public right-of-way; 2. Closer than 2 feet to the edge of the pavement or the back of the curb, whichever is greater; 3. Closer than 40 feet to the intersection of two intersecting streets as measured from the end of the curb return; 4. Within a visibility triangle or in such a way as to block or obscure from vision any traffic or safety sign or signal; 5. Within 10 feet from another directional sign; or 6. On private property without the permission of the property owner. d. No more than one directional sign for each person or company displaying the same or related information is permitted along any one street, block or within five hundred (500') feet one from another, whichever is lesser. e. No directional sign shall exceed the following dimensions: 1. Height - thirty-six(36") inches, as measured from the ground level. 2. Size of sign facing - four(4) square feet. f Directional signs shall be made of durable, weatherproof material. Dirty, torn, faded, dented or otherwise poorly maintained signs shall be removed. g. Directional signs may display name identification and phone numbers of the development, subdivision, builder or business that places the sign, plus directional arrows, words or other symbols to indicate directions. Signs advertising goods or services that do not provide information to direct vehicular or pedestrian traffic to events or facilities within the city limits of Mansfield are prohibited. h. No lighting shall be allowed. i. Registration - anyone placing directional signs for hire must register with the City listing all companies for whom they are contacting. Anyone placing his or her own signs shall also register with the City. j. Permit: 1. Before erecting a directional sign, a permit must be obtained as required in Section 7100.J.; 2. Applicants will be required to pay an annual permit fee of$5 per sign; 3. All permitted signs will receive a sticker of authorization which shall be placed on the front of each sign; k. This section does not grant unlimited access and use of the City right-of-way. A sign permit holder must remove his or her directional signs if the adjacent property owner objects to the existence of the signs. Also, the City may designate certain no sign zones for the purpose of protecting the public's health, safety and welfare. 1. If three (3) violations occur within a 90 day period by the same permit holder, the permit may be revoked for up to a maximum of 6 months. No more than 1 violation will be counted against a permit holder in a single weekend. m. Repeat violations, after a suspension, may result in up to a 12 month ban for sign placement within the City. n. Signs found in violation of any of the above requirements will be impounded. A fee up to $5 per sign shall be paid to the City at the time the signs are returned to the owner. Signs not claimed after 10 days will be disposed of. o. Any person who relocates, removes or defaces any legal directional signs of another shall pay a fine of $10 per occurrence and be subject to any other penalties as prescribed by law. Requirements of the City of Sachse Builder Directional Signs are allowed in the street right-of-ways of the City subject to the following regulations: a. Temporary home builder directional signs located off the premises shall not exceed four (4) square feet in the area and must contain the name of the subdivision or the name of the builder or the name of the building corporation and may contain the corporation logo and directional indicator. Such signs shall not contain advertisement and shall not be used as such. Directional signs may only direct traffic to home builders and developments in the City of Sachse. Signs directing traffic outside the City of Sachse are prohibited. b. Such signs may not obstruct vision of traffic or pedestrians and may not be constructed of cardboard and must be kept well painted and in good condition. They may be utilized only from Friday at twelve (12:00) noon until the following Monday at twelve (12:00) noon. c. These signs are allowed in the parkway between the sidewalk and the back of the curb. The face of the sign must not protrude onto the sidewalk or the street. In cases where no sidewalk exists, or the sidewalk is adjacent to the back of the curb, sign faces shall not protrude past the right-of-way line onto private property. d. These signs are prohibited in any street median, or on parkway along or adjacent to a single family residential front yard. e. Off-site temporary home builder directional signs will be allowed on major and secondary thoroughfares only, except they may be placed on collector and residential streets in subdivisions under development and less than 70% built out, and not adjacent to an occupied single family residence. f. Signs shall be setback a minimum of fifty(50') feet from an intersection and twenty five (25') feet from any alley or curb cut. Like signs shall be separated at least one thousand(1000)feet measured in a straight line, except that two like signs directing home buyers in two different directions to separate subdivisions would be allowed at critical intersections. - g. Vehicles installing signs must have a flashing yellow strobe light mounted on top of the cab, and a reflectorized sign warning of frequent stops; and the standard reflectorized slow moving vehicle triangular sign must be mounted on the trailer or installation vehicle if trailer in not used. Vehicles installing signs must do so only from the right-hand lane. Persons installing signs must wear reflectorized vests. Three (3) violations in a 12-month period constitutes ground for revocation of the permit. If a number of violations occur in one weekend, that shall constitute only one violation. h. It shall be a violation of this code to drive any vehicle on the right-of-way, median or parkway. i. A permit is required to display all builder directional signs. The permit shall be renewed annually from the date of its issuance and each group of identical signs shall require only one (1) permit. The fee for the permit shall be established by the City Council. The builder advertised shall be the responsible party. I R! i_f_._.._ ..i. __ - 1 vii Discussion Item No. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Business Meeting: June 1, 1998 Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Discuss and Consider Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure Please find attached a draft copy of Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure. This draft is provided in order to facilitate a discussion concerning the manner in which the Commission desires to conduct its business. Please note any changes or additions which need to be made. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ry i RULES OF PROCEDURE 44, 1.0 Statement It is hereby declared that appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission is a distinct honor and the trust imposed in the appointee involves the corresponding obligation of the appointee to serve the community by regular attendance and participation in the proceedings of the body. 2.0 Creation and Membership 2.1 The Commission is created by Wylie Ordinance 79-26 and serves at the will of the City Council. 2.2 The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of seven(7) regular members who will serve for terms of two (2)years. The members will be resident citizens, taxpayers and qualified voters of the City. ., 2.3 Staff should develop orientation sessions at the beginning of new terms of office for new and other interested Commission members. 3.0 Officers 3.1 The Commission shall select from among its members in the first meeting in June (and at such other times as these offices may become vacant), a Chairperson and Vice- chairperson to serve for a period of one (1) year. 3.2 In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson, the Commission shall elect an Acting Chairperson. 4.0 Officers Duties 4.1 The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings and briefing sessions, and perform all duties as required by law. 4.2 The Vice-chairperson shall assume all duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. 5.0 Powers and Duties of the Commission 5.1 The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council on all questions concerning the overall development and environment of the City, Comprehensive Plan amendments, Thoroughfare Plan amendments, Zoning, Specific Use Permits, and Planned Developments. 5.2 The Commission shall perform all duties as prescribed by State statutes and the City's Subdivision Ordinance concerning plats. The City Council has final authority in these matters,but should seek recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to making final decisions. 5.3 The Commissidn shall create and recommend to the City Council for adoption of a Master Plan as a whole or in parts, for the future development and redevelopment of )1,) the City and its environs, and will be expected to recommend changes in the Master q a: Plan from time to time, which will facilitate the movement of people and goods, promote the health, recreation, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Wylie. 5.4 The Commission should study and make recommendations to the City Council as to the location, extension, and planning of public rights-of-way, parks, and other public places, and on the vacating or closing of these same places. 5.5 The Commission should study and make recommendations to the City Council as to the general design and location of public buildings, bridges, viaducts, street fixtures, and other structures and appurtenances. 5.6 The Commission should initiate, in the name of the City, all proposals for consideration at Public Hearings involving the opening or closing of public rights-of- way,parks, and other public places, both existing and planned; the permanent zoning of annexed areas; the changing of zoning district boundaries on an area-wide basis. 5.7 The Commission shall perform all other duties as the City Council may direct. 6.0 Rules of Order 6.1 The Chairperson shall rule on all points of order. A46.2 The Commission may overrule the Chairperson on points of order by a two-thirds ° (2/3)vote of members present. (\ ,. 6.3 Roberts Rules of Order, latest revision, shall be the Commission's final authority on all questions of procedure and parliamentary law not covered by these Rules of Procedure. 6.4 Any provision of these rules not governed by City Ordinance may be temporarily suspended by a favorable two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Commission, which vote shall be entered upon the minutes. 7.0 Quorum 7.1 A quorum shall consist of four(4) members. 7.2 No matters may be handled without the presence of a quorum. 7.3 All votes shall be by a majority of members present, except as otherwise stated in these rules of procedure. 8.0 Agendas 8.1 An agenda shall be prepared by the Director of Planning for each meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. There shall be attached to each agenda, a report of matters pending further action by the Commission. A copy of the agenda shall be posted in the Municipal Complex as required by law for a period of seventy-two (72) hours. 8.2 All regular and special meetings shall follow, as closely as possible, the printed agenda. 8.3 Agendas may be amended by the Chairperson as to order of items, but not as to content, unless overruled by a majority of the members present. 9.0 Minutes of Meetings 9.1 Minutes of all regular and special meetings shall be kept by the Secretary, designated by the Director of Planning, and are subject to amendment and ratification by the Commission at a regular meeting. .� 9.2 The minutes of the Commission's proceeding shall show the vote of each member, .� or if absent or failing to vote, shall reflect that fact. ��`1' 9.3 Minutes need not be kept of committee meetings unless directed byso the City Attorney or Chairperson. 10.0 Regular Meetings 10.1 The Commission shall meet on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex. All meetings shall be open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend. 10.2 Any Commission member missing three(3)consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without a valid excuse which includes illness, death in the family, or emergency shall be subjected to dismissal from the Commission. 10.3 Under special circumstances the Commission may reschedule regular meeting dates subject to ratification by the City Council. The new dates should be announced at a regularly scheduled meeting, and agendas posted accordingly. *10.4 All regular meetings shall, as closely as possible, follow the posted agenda. The agenda should include, but is not limited to the following: A. Ratification of Minutes; Uiu_ n in7 B. Consent agenda(routine items); h C. Items for individual consideration; ‘1 101 D. Two fifteen minute breaks at 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm, depending on the length of the meeting; E. Citizens' participation on items not on the agenda (5 minutes maximum); F. Commissioners' comments on items not on the agenda. 10.5 Any consent agenda item may be removed by any member and brought up for individual consideration. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Commission is required to deny a request for an item to be removed from the consent agenda. 10.6 City Staff will make a recommendation on appropriate agenda items and may present evidence or information as needed or as requested by the Commission. 11.0 Special Meetings 11.1 Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, or at the request of two (2) or more members, or may be scheduled by a majority of the Commission at any previous meeting. The time and place of the special meeting shall be determined by the convening authority. 11.2 All members must be notified of any special meeting by giving written notice to all members deposited in the mail at least ninety-six (96) hours before the meeting, and the notice must specify the purpose of the meeting. 11.3 Special meetings must be posted in accordance with the open meetings act. 12.0 Planning Sessions 12.1 The Commission may be convened as a committee of the whole in the same manner as prescribed for the calling of a special meeting for the purpose of holding a planning session,provided that no official business shall be conducted thereat and no quorum shall be required. 13.0 Public Hearings 13.1 Conduct of public hearings will follow the general guidelines listed below and as outlined in Section 14 Addressing the Commission: A. Introduction of agenda item and opening of public hearing by the Chairperson; B. Report by the Director of Planning or designee; C. A maximum 30 minute presentation including rebuttal by the applicant; D. A maximum of 30 minutes for comments from organized groups and individuals favoring the issue of the public hearing; E. A maximum of 30 minutes for comments from organized groups and individuals in opposition to the issue of the public hearing; F. Rebuttal by the applicant; G. Questioning by the Commissioners of the applicant and audience members who addressed the Commission. The time used to answer Commission questions will not deduct from the 30 minute allotment; H. Close public hearing. I. Commission query of Staff; J. Commission action pertaining to the issue of the public hearing. • titZ..2 During a public hearing, speakers comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless additional minutes from audience are allotted to that person as a representative of a group,but the overall allotted time length shall not exceed 30 minutes as set forth inSection 13.1. 13.3 All meetings shall be held in full compliance with the provision of state law, ordinances of the City and these rules of procedure. 14.0 Addressing the Commission 14.1 Persons desiring to address the Commission shall complete "Request to Speak"cards and submit the cards to a Staff member. 14.2 Staff will sort the speaker cards by agenda item and deliver them to the Chairperson. 14.3 The Chairperson will refer to the speaker cards for individual agenda item comments, public hearing comments and comments on items not on the printed agenda. 14.4 Persons who note on a speaker card their desire to address the Commission will be called to the podium by the Chairperson at the appropriate time and will follow the guidelines below when addressing the Commission: A. Approach the podium, state their name and address and whether or not they are representing a person or organization; B. Speak so that all present in the room may hear clearly; C. Address all statements and questions to the Chairperson; D. Be courteous in language and deportment; E. Limit their comments to 5 minutes. 14.5 Persons addressing the Commission during a public hearing will follow the public hearing guidelines noted in Section 13. 14.6 The Chairperson will read into the record the names of persons who filled out a speaker card in support of or in opposition to an agenda item but did not wish to address the Commission. 14.7 The Chairperson may interrupt an individual to redirect or terminate remarks when they are not relevant to the matter before the Commission, or when the Chairperson determines the remarks to be out of order. 15.0 Evidence 15.1 Only relevant evidence and testimony will be received. 15.2 Petitions and other physical evidence should be submitted to the Chairman of the Commission. Normally petitions will not be read in full into the record, but will be noted into the record. 15.3 Ex Parte Communications A. Any Commissioner having new factual information regarding regular meeting or briefing session agenda items shall make that information known to all Commission members. B. Commissioners shall not make voting commitments prior to hearing all submitted evidence regarding regular meeting agenda items. 16.0 City Staff Responsibilities 16.1 The Planning Director or designee shall be responsible for providing the Commission with the necessary professional, technical, and clerical services, among which, shall be the following: A. Prepare and submit agenda, Staff reports from various departments, and any special projects as directed by the Chairperson; B. Administrative duties; C. To the extent necessary, introduce and factually explain each item on the agenda; D. Coordinate the services of all City Staff and other sources of public information for and on behalf of the Commission; E. Keep a true copy of all Commission proceedings; F. Have custody and maintain all Commission records; G. Give and serve all notices required for public hearings; H. Attend to all official correspondence and communications to and of the Commission. 17.0 Written Request Required 17.1 Every proposal submitted for Commission action shall be made in writing. Where appropriate, application forms are provided by the City. The proposal shall be filed on said forms, shall be accompanied by all prescribed fees, and shall be complete in all respects before being accepted for filing. 18.0 Conflict of Interest Rules 18.1 Any Commission member who concludes after consulting with the City Attorney that a matter before the Commission might include a conflict of interest on their part shall: A. File an Affidavit of Interest stating the nature and extent of the conflict of interest in accordance with Chapter 171.004 V.T.C.S. with the City Attorney, if required by law. B. Disclose that fact and excuse themselves from the room during all discussion on the matter. 18.2 Any member who concludes that he/she may have a substantial interest in a matter before the Commission shall follow Section 18.1 above. 18.3 Any member found to have violated Sections 18.1 or 18.2 of these by-laws shall have their vote on the matter in question stricken from the record, and this fact shall be submitted to the City Council for further action. 18.4 If a Commission member owns property within 200 feet of a regular meeting agenda item and no conflict of interest exists, he/she may abstain from voting on that item except in the case of a tie. 19.0 Motions 19.1 A motion may be made by any member. 19.2 A motion to approve any matter before the Commission or to recommend approval of any request requiring Council action shall require a majority favorable vote of the members present. When fewer than all the members are present for the voting and when all motions to recommend on a given application fail to carry by a majority vote, consideration of the application shall be continued to the next regular meeting only upon motion carried by a majority of those present. Further,no request or application shall be continued under this rule beyond the next regular meeting. Failure of the Commission to secure a majority concurring vote to approve or recommend approval at said next regular meeting shall be recorded in the minutes as a denial of the proposal under this rule. 20.0 Decorum 20.1 All Commissioners must treat each other, City Staff, applicants, agents, and all others coming before the Commission with professionalism, respect, and dignity. �' 20.2 Business attire is encouraged. IN n � � yo' 20.3 Eating will not be permitted in the Council Chambers. Commission members )t S requiring liquid refreshment mayhave a small, unobtrusive cup containing the \ beverage of their choice at the dais. n \ 21.0 Miscellaneous 21.1 Abstaining from a vote is not allowed except as in accordance with Section 18.0 Conflict of Interest Rules. 21.2 All members of the Commission are encouraged to obtain as much factual information on all cases as possible, including inspection of affected properties. 22.0 File Retention 22.1 All matters coming before the Commission shall be filed in the City's records. Original papers of all requests and proposals shall be retained as a part of the permanent record. 23.0 Public Record 23.1 The official records and citizen requests filed for Commission action in regular or special meetings shall be on file in the Municipal Complex and shall be open to public inspection during customary working hours. 24.0 Certified Copy 24.1 A certified copy of these Rules of Procedure and of any amendments thereto shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary within ten (10) days following their date of adoption. 25.0 Repealing Clause 25.1 All previously adopted Rules of Procedure of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. 26.0 Amendments 26.1 This document may be amended, in whole or in part, by a majority vote of members present at regular scheduled meetings, provided that all proposed amendments are presented at least thirty (30) days prior to any vote on said amendments. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE this the day of , 1998. Richard Eckman, Chairman Steve Ahrens, Vice-Chairman Filed in the Office of the City Secretary this day of 1998. Barbara Salinas, City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas Summary of Council Actions at the May 26, 1998 Meeting NO ACTION TAKEN