11-03-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning and Zoning Commi ssion • , • . c�rvotv+vue R egular B usiness Meeting November 3 , 1997 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX November 3, 1997 7:00 pm CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the October 20, 1997 Regular Business Meeting. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider making a recommendation to the City Council on a request from Tipton Engineering, Inc. for approval of a proposed zone change from"A",Agriculture to"PD", Planned Development District on a 228.102 acre tract of land located southeast of the South Fork Mobile Home Park, east of McCreary Road, and north of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit(DART) Railroad line and FM 544, and further described as the M. Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Tracts 8-9, 10, 11, 24, 25, and 34. • 2. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider making a recommendation to the City Council for an "SUP", Specific Use Permit for a concrete batch plant (permanent) made by Metrodeck &Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, Lots 11A, 12A, 14 and 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT Posted Friday October 31, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. THE WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQLESIED 48 HOURS N ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARYS OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Action Item Re: Approval of the Minutes from the October 20, 1997, Regular Business Meeting November 3, 1997 Consider approval of the Minutes from the October 20, 1997 Regular Business Meeting. Note any changes or additions which need to be made. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on October 20, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rich Eckman, Cecilia Wood,Mark Clark, Tim Owen and Steve Ahrens. ABSENT: Bart Peddicord - excused, Ray Capley- un-excused STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Phillips- Building Official and Rebecca Rogers - Secretary. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and consider approval of the Minutes from the September 8, 1997 Called Business Meeting. Correction noted on page 2. Motion made to accept Minutes as corrected, seconded by Mark Clark. Motion carried, all in favor (5). 2. Discuss and consider making a recommendation to the City Council a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat submitted by Charles Lester for a 7.342 acre, 17 lot residential development designated as Heatherwood Estates, located northwest of the intersection of Heatherwood Drive and Lanwood Drive just north of the Mill Creek Estates subdivision. Building Official Mike Phillips stated that this is a simple preliminary plat. Did not originally have Foxwood Lane going through, but it was decided it was needed to improve Foxwood Lane all the way through it's original configuration and to improve traffic flow around Akin Elementary. Questions from the Commission covered the manhole on Lot 14,15, & 16,culvert between Lots 4 & 5, lack of an alley , cost of homes to the city, and existing utilities around Heatherwood Estates. Motion made by Tim Owen, seconded by Steve Ahrens, to recommend to City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat for Heatherwood Estates. Motion carried, all in favor (5). PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider making a recommendation to the City Council on a request made by D.R. Horton for a zone change from"MF", Multi-Family and`B-1", Business-1 to "SF-3", Single Family-3 for a 56.287 acre tract of land, located directly north of the Newport Harbor subdivision, east of FM 1378, and further described as the James McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, Tract 5. Mike Phillips stated this request for "SF-3", Single Family zoning complies with the City's Comprehensive Plan with low density residential. It is currently a mixed use zoning (Multi-Family and Business-1)which does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of the zone change. Chairman Eckman opened the Public Hearing. Steve Topletz, of D. R. Horton was in attendance to speak for the zone change. D. R. Horton is looking to build a high quality product, will be bringing water, sewer and a park site to the property. D. R. Horton is speaking with St. Paul and area neighbors regarding obtaining drainage easements. If the zone change is approved, D. R. Horton is looking to get a preliminary plat for approx. 150-200 homes as soon as possible. Bret Voltare of 1511 Anchor Drive, Don Naggs of 1518 Schooner Bay Drive, Paul Jones of 1307 Anchor Drive, Julie Schmader of 1308 Anchor Drive,Bill Howard of 1408 Anchor Drive, Mike Pates of 1311 Anchor Drive, Gillian Kelby of 1307 Anchor Drive, Dan Fox of 1222 Anchor Drive, Jim Pierce of 1503 Schooner Bay Drive, Lance Winger of 1304 Anchor Drive, Steven VanGee of 2210 Country Club Road and Billy Jo Swaner of 102 Tanglewood Circle were present to voice their 1 opposition to the zone change for the following reasons: poor water pressure, want to avoid a decrease in property values caused by lower quality and smaller homes, need larger and better quality homes(not like Fox&Jacobs), same zoning requirements as other cities (min. SF-2 zoning), poor condition of FM 1378, will chase all the wildlife away, and the schools are already overburdened. The citizens of Newport Harbor I would like for SF-3 zoning to be done away with and have zoning similar to surrounding cities. Chairman Eckman closed the Public Hearing. Discussion/questions by the Commission members followed regarding Woodbridge PD house size requirements and similar developments with SF-3 zoning. It was clarified that this request was strictly for a zone change, not for changes in the building codes, preliminary plat or anything else. Motion made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood, to make a recommendation to City Council to deny the request for a zone change from"MF", Multi-Family and `B-1", Business-1 to "SF-3", Single Family 3 for a 56.287 acre tract of land, located directly north of the Newport Harbor subdivision, east of FM 1378, and further described as the James McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, Tract 5. Motion carried, all in favor (5). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Paul Heil, 211 Yorkshire,had questions regarding the batch plant mentioned in the Wylie News. No information has been given to the Commission at this time, it is not on the agenda yet. Bret Voltare, 1511 Anchor Drive, wanted to know what the City is doing about the water pressure in Newport Harbor. Mike Phillips stated that a Capital Improvement Project was approved to extend the 12" water line, no date of completion at this time. Paul Kelly, 1307 Anchor Drive, is there a mediator between City Council and D. R. Horton? The developer presents the request to Mike Phillips, Building Official. A request is then prepared to be brought before the P & Z, who then makes a recommendation to the City Council. Dan Fox, 1222 Anchor Drive, questioned ownership of land formally owned by City. It is still owned by the City and planned for future water storage. Has the 60" water main been reviewed? There are actually two water mains and they have been thoroughly reviewed by the North Texas Municipal Water District. • Cecilia Wood encourage the citizens to attend more P & Z meetings, not just when it directly affects them. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn by Cecilia Wood, seconded by Tim Owen. Motion carried, all in favor (5). Respectfully submitted, Richard Eckman, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Secretary 2 / Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Public Hearing Item Zone Change Request from "A", Agriculture to "PD", Planned Development November 3, 1997 Issue Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council on a request from Tipton Engineering, Inc. for approval of a proposed zone change from "A", Agriculture to "PD", Planned Development District on a 228.102 acre tract of land located southeast of the South Fork Mobile Home Park, east of McCreary Road, and north of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Railroad line and FM 544, and further described as The M. Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Tracts 8-9, 10, 11, 24, 25, and 34. Background Tipton Engineering, Inc., representing Paramount Development, initiated discussions with Staff several weeks ago to discuss the possibility of re-zoning a 228.102 acre tract of"A", Agriculture land in the western portion of the City of Wylie to a mixed use residential "PD", Planned Development. This proposed development is to be located southeast of the South Fork Mobile Home Park and north of the DART rail line and FM 544, east of McCreary Road. The "PD" would contain 330 lots which would be 7,200 sq. ft. minimum lots and the remainder of the lots, totaling 656, would be 6,000 sq. ft. minimum lots. Approximately 986 residential lots will be built within the subdivision. The residential lot types of 7,200 sq. ft. will have a minimum dwelling size of 1,600 sq. ft., and the 6,000 sq. ft lots will have a minimum dwelling size of 1,400 sq. ft. Regarding residential development, there will also be a City Council approved set of Development Standards, protective covenants, as well as a Homeowners Association. Construction of both types of lots will begin in Phase I. The development, known as Lakeside Estates, will consist of several amenities. Located in the southern entrance to the subdivision beside Marshall Lane would be a 6.5 acre- improved park containing courts, fields, and other improvements. These amenities would be dedicated to the City. A 4.47 acre landscaped berm is proposed to act as a buffer along the DART rail line on the south. A 3.0 acre park is also proposed for the northern portion of the development and will contain a community center, pool and playground improvements. A 10.3 acre greenbelt will also be developed in the northeast portion of the development with an 8' hike and bike trail which will parallel Muddy Creek. These last three amenities will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Tipton Engineering, Inc. is requesting this development to be established as a Planned Development District. According to the City of Wylie's adopted Zoning Ordinance, a Planned Development District's general purpose and description is as follows: A Planned Development district is intended to provide for the combining and mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate regulations, and to permit growth flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings in situations where modification of specific provisions of this ordinance (Zoning Ordinance) is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based, and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. A"PD" district may be used to permit new and innovative concepts in land utilization. In order to establish a Planned Development District (PD), the developer must follow basically a two-step process which includes submitting for approval a Conceptual Plan and a Developmental Plan. The developer must first submit for approval a Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan must show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed development in a graphic manner and as required by Staff, be supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. The Conceptual Plan must also show thoroughfares, preliminary lotting arrangements and other pertinent development data deemed necessary. Once Staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, a Public Hearing must be held at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider recommending approval or denial of the Conceptual Plan to the City Council. Once the Planning and Zoning Commission has taken action, the City Council will call a Public Hearing at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted for approval. The second phase of establishing a PD District is submitting for approval a Development Plan. The initial Development Plan must be submitted for approval within 6 months from the approval of the Conceptual Plan. If the Development Plan is not submitted within 6 months, the Concept Plan is subject to re-approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The Development Plan shall set forth the final plans for the PD District and needs to conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. The Development Plan is a complete site inventory analysis of what is to be developed. This plan will include, but not be limited to, detailed lot information, existing and proposed public infrastructure and utilities, all public right-of-ways and easements, screening and landscaping and other pertinent data as required by Staff. The Planning and Zoning Commission will again meet and consider a recommendation of approval or denial to the City Council for the Development Plan. Once the Planning and Zoning Commission has take action, the Development Plan will be submitted for approval to the City Council. The ordinance establishing the PD District will not be approved until a Development Plan has been approved. The Development Plan may be approved in phases. If phasing is proposed, separate approvals by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for the initial and subsequent sections will be required. Approval of the Development Plan shall be the basis for the issuance of any building permits. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and amendments regarding planning and zoning changes. Staff Recommendations The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map shows the majority of this area to be low density residential. Within the low density residential, a small park or open space is indicated in what would be the northwest portion of the property under consideration. The Land Use Map indicates a strip of industrial land use, parallel to the DART rail line, in the southern portion of the property under consideration. There is also shown, west of Marshall Lane, a strip of multifamily on the north side of the industrial use to act as a buffer between the industrial and low density residential uses. The proponent's desire to place single family dwellings in these areas indicated for industrial and multifamily, though contrary to the Land Use Map, is more desirable because it provides the City with a quality residential neighborhood so close to one of the main entrances to the community. This proposal replaces the very intensive use of industrial and the high density use of multifamily with a varied low density residential use and several parks and open spaces. One of those open spaces will act as a buffer between the DART rail line and the single family residences. The Lakeside Estates project conforms to Comprehensive Plan goals such as producing a variety of housing alternatives, providing quality neighborhoods and meeting varying recreational needs of Wylie citizens. Amenities offered by Lakeside Estates address goals which are listed in the Comprehensive Plan by providing a linear greenbelt along the creek for connection to future parks and greenbelts in the area, neighborhood parks and a community center. Specific development standards have been put in place that will ensure quality in the development of the residential areas of this project. Staff is satisfied that the proposed Lakeside Estates Subdivision meets the criteria set forth by the adopted Comprehensive Plan developmental guidelines and its associated regulating ordinances (Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances) and the standards and intent expressed therein. Attachments Development Standards Site Plan Map Zone Change Application Location Map Area Zoning Map LAKESIDE ESTATES WYLIE, TEXAS • PROPOSED LAND USE DATA LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LAKESIDE ESTATES RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: TRACT ACRE ZONING NO. OF UNITS DENSITY S.F. A 133.90 Single Family 656 4.90 (4.47 acres open space and 6.5 acres community park) B 94.10Single Family 330 3.50 (10.3 acres open space and 3.00 acres community center) TOTAL ACRES: 228.102 986 4.30 I. SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT A 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 6,000 SF. 2. FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building line 20' (Twenty Feet). 3. REAR YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 15' (Fifteen Feet) with a minimum of 20' (Twenty Feet) for garage setbacks. 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard. shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH There shall be a minimum lot width of 50' (Fifty Feet) measured at the front building line. 6. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall be a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at Cul-de-Sac. 7. USE REGULATIONS Single family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to the use. Churches and church related uses as permitted by specific use permit. 8. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty Five Feet) or two an one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling size shall be 1,400 (One Thousand Foud Hundred Feet) . 10. LOT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. r1LC NO. CU( 1V/CO 'r 1O.CV ill• I ir IUIV Li ui' .CR1IVV O(C CCU 1O.4u rniaL •r 11. BUILDING REGULATIONS All main buildings•shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy Five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. II. SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TRACT B 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 7,200 SF. 2. FRONT YARDS Minimum front yard building line 25' (Twenty-five Feet). 3. REAR YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 20' (Twenty Feet) with a minimum of 20' (Twenty Feet) for garage setbacks. 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH There shall be a minimum lot width of 60' (Sixty Feet) measured at the front building line. 6. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall he a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at Cut-de-Sac, 7. USE REGULATIONS Single family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to the use. Churches and church related uses as permitted by specific use permit. 8. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty Five Feet) or two an one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling size shall he 1,600 (One Thousand Six Hundred Feet). 10. LOT COVERAGE In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 11. BUILDING REGULATIONS All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy Five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. Dedication of 24.27 acres of open space for a Linear Park System, Community Center, Community Park and landscape buffer adjacent to the existing railroad, to be maintained by the Master Homeowners Association. 2. Provisions for a divided entry into F.M. 544 to allow for additional access along with landscape identify features for the Master Planned Subdivision. 3. Open space will include the extension of an 8' Hike and Bike Trail consistent with the City of Wylie's Master Planned Parks. 44. Provisions for the Master Thoroughfare Plan for the Collector Systems. 5. Provisions for Master Homeowners Association and Deed Restrictions ‘ .e-----, 1 ----- ..i.„'-'--' -r•,..- MALMO*ma w •amrwr✓e.ovo..a. stria LAAvor -f I ..a.ee..r I e..RR A iy es'R o. IT(I-ITT --- - = - - - - ->�l I f' IIIITIII VII riiiii � r - , __, Ii 11J_111 _1�f; Ir.�`'` Iaft itii,a 4 r ... . MAIO Tsar ,„ mon _i il: ... -1 2 III RBI se 317 e. 111111M N!-de ----------. cs, 1 1.. 1 it 'V AP mall .....f- ___4 Milill , cr I; -4 Ili ,„1,0 ini ,i____Ima am 1,,,,...vii. hill- N I i OPt ��,�� st II I I '�' 1 rmma 1�., 1 I--"!1 ifilliN)101°16 ' ' \ 1 n�• r r I .....�w...s-a+ 1 1 _I , I .�. Irar,Aw I ®r.. I ee-a r.o.wa .0 si ti w ....> I1'1 t 1 1 I ili I I 10a-r%ive ,% �� \ z r,.�l r' I 71.7.•a o. tl \TRACT 8 Lcil �"1 l LPP D TRACT A SO' x 120' Pyp W Li r lr 50' x 120' Typ 7,200 S.F. Yin L:. 1 I —' 50 D/U/P/Ac. • I e.00n S.F.s.F Min. w 17+ l 11111 ti 'I 1 4.90 8/U/P/Ac. 8�0 Acres • 133.90 Arms (, O j1i I 11 n 1 1, 1 iMINI LEM. 656 fats I G cp Wl Q 11iRRIiII CON � � I I 11 11 "M Q ab�• ;� Loma 1 , 1 � I I 1 ti I ZONING EXHIBIT 07) 1 / � 11 ti Ij ;;IIIIMIS =.=' -gLAKESIDEM- c) r 1 i - OE,'ELOPER - I I I I —T� JAN.VA:It VT flr etopser\T CO I U I ! I ' .m �..�...- .m• v. ESTATES N lilt I 1 - E,CI,E'£R - 228. 102 ACRES Dr It Rir.!'0T' :P-ro, E\CINCERI,C. I,C. z " - 1 ' WYLIE TEXAS LU Page 1 of 2 (5/93) CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. Filing Fee $250.00 Date September 22 , 1997 Applicant PAT ATKINS/TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. Phone No. 972-226-2967 Mailing Address: Work No. 972-226-2967 6330 Broadway Blvd. , Suite C Garland , Texas 75043 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1 See Attached Sheet I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which is Ag District Classification to PD-SF District Classification for the following reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) To provide for upscale Master Planned , Single Family Community There 4 (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. Status of Applicant OX0hURepresentatiye Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat sh 'ng the property whi is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the foll 'ng concerning the imp rtance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. igned Page 2 of 2 Note: 1 The legal description is used to publish notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of the final ordinance granting the zoning change. The description must be sufficient so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal description. 2 If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner of the zoning request must also be submitted. 09/19/1937 13:49 972-6615683 GOODSTEIN/STARR,SHAN PAGE 01 • LAW .OFFICES QE BARNETT M- GOODSTEIN, P.C. AREA CODE M, 311 3 42i0 LBJ FREEWAY stint 121 FAX TRANSMITTAL Cuuas.TEw►BTs2+4-awl FAX(111N 4614443 NEW FAX A. 072 DATE: 9-19-97 TO: Barb= Trible, Tipton Engineering FAX NO. : 226-1996 FROM: Barnett Goodstein PHONE NO. : (972) 387-4303 FAX NO. :: (972) 661-5683 TRANSMITTAL CONSISTS OF THIS COVER SHEET, PLUS-.O_ PAGES COMMENTS: Mr. Ralph Pinkus has contracted to sell a parcel of land now owned by him;:: and zoned Agricultural Use, to parties who are blocking up a large tract to rezone for residential use. Mr. Pinkus is out of the country at the present time; however, I am his attprney, and I believe I can speak on his behalf in this matter. The said Contract of Sale gives the Buyer the ri;T4ht toapply for the rezoning of the subject tract, and change the agricultural use to residential use and zoning. Therefore, Mr. Pinkus already has agreed to this change in zoning, if the Zoning Board agrees to change the said zoning and use of the subject property. This, however, is subject to and contingent upon the understanding and agreement of all concerned that, in the event the subject property is not so rezoned, the use will remain as agricultural use (as Mr. Pinkus now uses it) , and the tax base will not be changed. If, on the other hand, the n is changed so that the rezoning allows resi- dential t1ge,s then it be understood that the Buyer, and not Mr. Pinkus, shall be liable for any ad valorem taxes -- past or future -- that may be assessed as a result of the zoning to allow residential use. Mr. Pinkus does not desire such rezoning for himself, and if this rezoning is not approved, Mr. Pinkus fully intends to continue to use the subject property for agricultural uses, and for no other. With this proviso, Mr. Pinkus would have no pro- hibition against the Buyer making application on the Pinkus tract for any zoning other than agricultural, with the knowledte and belief that, if such zoning is not granted, Mr. Pinkus will continue to have agricultural use and taxes based on such uses; and that the Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Mr. Pinkus if any other . result is made from a request for a re- zoning that is not granted. " If you have any questions, or did not receive this te.lecopy clearly, please call our office immediately. cc; Mr. Con Shirley - 214-691-0682 cc; Dick Johnson cc- Ralph Pincus ********* *****A*******A************************** *�A** ******** THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IM THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE 1S ATTORnEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER Of THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPICNT. OR THE ERALOTEE OR AGENT RE3PONSIOLE FOR OGLIV[RIRe IT TO THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANT DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBVTIOM, OR COPYING of THIS COMMUNICATION 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAYS RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IM ERROR. PLEASE 1MMEDIATELY MoTIFY US BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE V.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. September 19, 1997 Re: 27.2413 Acres Wylie, Texas TO WHOM IT CONCERN: I hereby authorize Tipton Engineering,Inc. to proceed with zoning on the above referenced property. 46)-7-7L&A) 1,0--Ce-eti-i•-c-01 Thomas Williams, Administrator of the Estate of Kathleen E. Williams SEP-22-97 MON 11 :56 RICHARD PARKER. INC. 2144423125 P. 01 9/22/97 City Of Wylie Zoning Dept. Wylie, Texas Re: 38 acres out of the Moses Sparks Survey Abst. 849 and the G.W. Gunnells Survet Abst. 351 Sir: We authorize Tipton Engineering Inc. to proceed with the zoning request on the above referenced property. Thank you, CP46 PS Ida Pearl Scho 09-22-97 05: 16PM FROM CAMPBELL COMPANIES P01 a►m pbe1I Company or aa>>a+; ste&ItoRB 500 BENT TREE TOWER • 16475 DALLAS PARKWAY • DALLAS,TEXAS 75248 REALiORm FAX(214)2 8-0230 MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE SOAROS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE ERORERS SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL ANO O►IICE R CALTON, September 22, 1997 Ms,Barbara Tribble Tipton Engineering 6330 Broadway Blvd., Suite C Garland,Texas 75043 Dear Ms, Tribble: I hereby approve Tipton Engineering to move forward with procedures to rezone the Murphy Limited Partnership and Reservoir Limited Partnership from Agricultural to Single Family Residential. It is understood that Paramount Land Development has authorized Tipton to do this work at the sole cost and expense of Paramount Land Development. It is further understood the zoning changes will not be completed until all of the provisions of the pending Contract of Sale have been completed. Sincerely, Murphy Limited Partnership and Reservoir Limited Partnership fA. m E. Campbef74i WEC:rju cc: Con Shirley '—� r•_ .= U I / • ' I �\\ \ ..,..1...ill \ 7 „ . . I gi \, \ (9.9 y .-1 VA WOW pi-7 .. , n - • 4 --„,, , ,,, , \ ,..„ .. ,, ,, L._2, -- ) , . \ ■ ___1__ --e i . , t ri .—....".• \1.0 Igi 1161 111111 1111111 01111 111 IU/ _ 1 Oil1a 1Ill i�ltrialll � ' -11 , � 11111 �•��i i tt:f�ir�.� rami- \ 1. 1 1110i . 0 i \ ' p � � ��MOW 1 CC 111/1/0 • /111111111111 a C�=1111p/I//nrI \l _`_ 111IIIll-�lr Nit 11111111%/I/ 111 111a ..111/I //111�/llllij sa -.- .11 /►/;�'/Ittltl. - IIIIE / ►111111111 ;,�111111,111\r24121►I/Cl i i5}rwi.1 ?(I!J I i J -86 1 City iimita /11 still�■aD _— i. r 1 1111 1 • — In fl i,.._ ep 41 —q 1 1111 .1 • --- ---- .8 �i- - D ` ` otalaWlLw.-3 _ - A (' _ OM_ _ • - ,. • .... ....,...: �II[[��I 8 5 2 I •�sr-� 93- 10 AlII 1111'—de (/ III I I•t - . • ------,---- .,,,, 1:- I. _ ' 86-69 .' (( >77.<.- /7\ ;' :Ns 61111 y ------ '• I . '! • ' i, • _. 'J / 1 . 1 . i! . 55 ! -- II •„.. .. ,. , _ . • i! . ,. ..,. .. . i . . ... . .. , i. . .. . . . . : i! . . . . . . . ,, • • . . .. . • - ii, . , . . . . , .• ,. B . . . . . . . .... ,. . . , . • . . . , . il . .... ,.,! . .________.____.___, . , . .., , . ... . • ,. ., . _ . . . .. i! , 86 4 I. — ipso - ► -111111111 2 ., // .., • , 111111" . 11'.----------,....., MI - -A . ______ - - - - 94_9 - w - .M544. - - A ,� . 1 3 8 , � l • 1 ,� ! A '. - e' Planning & Zoning Commission #2 Public Hearing Item "SUP", Specific Use Permit Request for Concrete Batch Plant November 3, 1997 Issue Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council for a request for an "SUP", Specific Use Permit for a concrete batch plant (permanent) made by Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, lots 11A, 12A, 14 and 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III. Background Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company is requesting to construct and operate a permanent concrete batch plant at 220 Windco Circle. The property on which the "SUP" is being requested is currently zoned Industrial. The City of Wylie's Zoning Ordinance allows a batch plant (permanent) to be located on an Industrial zoned property with the granting of an "SUP". The site under consideration comprises the four lots on the north end of Windco Circle. The property to the west is zoned "I", Industrial, and north of the site is currently zoned "A", Agricultural. The property immediately to the east is zoned "SF-3", Single Family and is the Wyndham Estates subdivision which is built out with single family dwellings. The property to the south is the remainder of Wyndham Estates, Phase III which is currently zoned "I", Industrial. Three of the lots have buildings constructed on them which are office/warehouse type uses and the remaining lots are vacant. The proponent plans to construct an office and a concrete batch facility. The proponent plans to build the facilities in phases with the office and a portion of the yard in the initial phase. A site plan is included to show the layout of the facilities. Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company has made application with the Texas Natural Resource and Conservation Commission (TNRCC) for a Standard Exemption for a permanent concrete batch plant and is passed the notification phase of that process. Enclosed is a list of conditions which must be met to obtain the Standard Exemption. On March 26, 1996, the Planning and Zoning and the City Council considered a request from Bodin Concrete for an "SUP" for a concrete batch plant at 1502 W. Kirby (FM 544). The site was formally a batch plant and was located approximately 1200' from the nearest single family development. The zoning in this location is "I", Industrial to the east and west and "SF-A", Single Family-Attached to the north. Given the fact that the site was located on a major thoroughfare, had previously contained a batch plant, and was separated by the rail right-of-way and some distance from single family development, the Council approved the "SUP" with the condition that all restrictions imposed by the TNRCC be met. City Staff sent out Public Hearing Notifications to property owners within 200' of the proposed site and to date six have been returned, all opposed to the Specific Use Permit. Included also is all other correspondence that has been received regarding this proposal. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and amendments regarding planning and zoning changes. Staff Recommendations The Planning and Zoning Commission must determine that the use is in general compliance with the Master Plan of the City. It must also determine the use to be harmonious and adaptable to building structures and uses of abutting properties and other properties in the vicinity of the premises under consideration. The Commission may attach, as necessary, any requirements and safe guards to protect those properties. The property on which this"SUP" is proposed was zoned "I", Industrial in August 1983. The Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1994, shows this area is to be developed primarily for low density residential. Industrial zoning is not recommended adjacent to single family residential zoning in the Comprehensive Plan and limiting the types of uses allowed in this area is desirable. The use of batch plant (permanent) is a more intensive use of Industrial zoning and should not be permitted adjacent to single family zoning. Therefore, Staff recommends denying this "SUP" request. Attachments Zone Change Application Public Hearing Notices and Responses Other Responses Site Plan Map Location Map Area Zoning Map TNRCC Standard Exemption List Page 1 of 2 CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TX 75098 APPLICATION FOR SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Case No. SUP Date Submitted Filing Fee S 225 . 00 Applicant Phil Richard Tito Address 2813 Forest Park Phone No. (972) 530-9721 Garland, TX 75040 Work No. (972) 272-6050 V('63-b-t-H1/ 1 1 �,jgy_3(�G� Owner P.R. Tito Tenant Prospective Purchaser Legal description of property for which Specific Use Permit is requested (if additional space is needed,the description may be typed legibly on a separate sheet and attached hereto)2 Please See Attached Sheet. • I hereby request that a Specific.Use Permit be issued for the above described property for: The current zoning on this property is Industrial District ("I" ) These are/are not deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of this property. I have attached hereto as Exhibit A a plat showing the property which is the subject of this requested Specific Use Permit and have read the following note concerning the importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. Page 2 of 2 1 If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner of the request must also be submitted. 2 The legal description is used to publish the notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of the final ordinance granting the Conditional Use Permit. The description must be sufficient so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal description. • • 2S • PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 0 I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below El I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. - '.��_ 2. 1 '« G� ` lL (1,L4 L l l G c_/_ ' 3. ` � � �Ltry •:r- �l �v��c �. j / -)yr; % r Signature J d /-1-''.• `, j I';' ,, � /1✓ 4 O /14 i -C 41_ tti Printed Name i e.) r}� Address \, if v 2000 Highway 78 North •Wylie.Texas 75098 • (2141 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 , TO 0 is PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase Ill As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. • RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below XI am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below • 6-2%.,:r_, „ _..,-,e 646,._,--f-e- '�L� „,; .;r i i !!,,, ,• cG�Lu �` �%GGa.c-£ L. . �� -_-- ./).sue i 2. /� ` . 3. /2 ate - (-//e --'7 Signature L'( at C.},, -2-- Printed Name ke.., iCc L 6. /Yei 1__ Address // (164id--n.-6/W X )-t-ems 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(214) 442-8100•Fax (214)442-4302 Paul E. Heil 211 Yorkshire Lane Wylie,TX 75098 • October 17, 1997 Mayor Jim Swartz City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78 Wylie,TX 75098 Mr. Swartz, My name is Paul E. Heil Sr. My family and I live at 211 Yorkshire Lane located in the Wyndam Estates phase 2. This was going to be a letter of statistics and anger in reference to the proposal of a concrete batch plant on Windco Circle. Instead, please let me appeal to you as Parents, Grandparents, and Neighbors. The next time you drive on our city streets, kiss your children goodnight, or visit with your grandchildren. I ask you, No I beg you to stop and ask yourself"How much air contamination is too much for their fragile little bodies to absorb". We are morally obligated to care for all of these children. If we as their caretakers and rolemodels do not protect and look out for these babies who will? Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, Paul E. Heil Sr. Cc: City Manager Mike Collins Building Official Mike Phillips Bart Peddicord Rich Eckman Cecilia Wood Steve Ahem Tim Owen Ray Copley Mark Clark RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck I ) J 'j / Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. _Y6.1-o_gfrz/ 'j 7 12/I.L - V ICd/-e 2. . -C 0-' ..ECc 6 1"Yu t e--2Z aCt/C/ 'ite..11 c ' 3. 4- Li c Lye C-eLel/ e- Signature ,t)-6G"uy_- Printed Name E; .e.C) /9-/5e? 012 y Address t i D U 5 ir D LL ,1v' 2000 Highway 78 North •Wylie.Texas 75098•(2141 442-8100 • Fax(214)442-4302 RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below I bm opposed to the request for the reasons listed below. .);?‹ 1. *IT w��i. � Rs�rl caLa_ R����� m+� PROPF21 VALuE.�.� 2. LI- (,-%(LL -tRZE./neA.) 0occ .4GcE,u-K 4ZE' My P.E_5PI2A-r QRo L.F' 3 LA)IT H Ail- THE.E. A 0 0E o po L-L-(-L T t 01J!.� 3. (Y WILL TAKE 1k)1e& Qut-re, NFEG t3o2HCo.0 c#- -ruirw IT rtiro R NvC--1tT Nvt%E 4- 0•,,0c-E-loct IUDLISTRIAL TRAFFIC!! Signature Printed Name S Address ick) l-ie,PPAn �av� 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098• (2141 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 E 1 _t 7IvL wi1' . • -'_ 1Le- 77-1 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase Ill As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below XI am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. E L., ,4 i 7-9 car //�i� 2. 3. I i i Signature Printed Name ��-��i 2�1 W. /i' 7J, 1,) ( c� Add ress ,)-// Cam; - ';�Cam; (,r2C' / 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(214) 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 BRENTWOOD INDUSTRIES October 21, 1997 Mike Phillips, Building Official City of Wylie 2000 Hwy. 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Re: Special Use Permit for Metrodeck and Affiliated Concrete Company Lots 11 A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III I am writing in opposition to the special use permit requested by Metrodeck and Affiliated Concrete Company for a batch plant on Windco Circle. In my view this type of business is unacceptable for the following reasons: 1. High levels of noise and air pollution. 2. High levels of heavy truck traffic in a small restricted area, creating high noise levels and diesel fumes. 3. This type of business is not compatible with surrounding single family residences and other existing light industrial businesses. We can see nothing positive about having this plant located at the end of Windco Circle. The major objectives in purchasing our building at 211 Windco Circle, were to obtain a quiet environment with clean air. The emission of concrete dust:and toxic pollution into the air is a concern for our business, which is a wholesale industrial parts distribution warehouse. Most of the parts we have in inventory are used in the internal works of Engines and Transmissions. It would be very costly for us to clean every part in order to remove the concrete dust prior to shipment. On a personal level, I have many allergies and consider concrete dust, toxic pollution and truck emissions as a health hazard. I urge you to consider all the children that live in the neighboring Wyndam Estates and others that may be affected by this pollution and vote against issuing this special use permit for the concrete batch plant. Sincerely, Sandra K. Maddox cc: File Tel: (972) 429-0990 • 211 Windco Circle • Wylie, TX 75098 • Fax: (972) 429-1459 City of-Wylie . PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase Ill As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below fr-c-- 1. / C'Ci/7_� CAS?CC�r1.f .UCC�crS� _1- S44Afc 1„ +- a 4.7i / / l / tQ /J"l�cisife-W C� 2. 1�e✓c..l�s�i��j o{ /7,-- < /.) !J c c a ac s e I1-A/J Gv.l/ c/�,cz 3. s��� �E��cJ ��e--a we // f%/ 4v�s• c e_ 9u/c-71 ,��,y�,46e: c cl o � - a y C? 0 /Juf „,„ c4iirce-y/ Signature ( n'/ �C-�- •-�� �r-�i lj�iG J /-7 L/S l Printed Name Co% < t /c .7 c/0 7 e7c, . t /;i/ /C1Ny M4. f- Address a0 % �c� -stir-G L N L/7 �. 1✓y/, 72 75-O r c 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(214) 442-8100• Fax (214)442-4302 ME HRITT •EMERGENCY _illa 193 AC MEDICAL MGHi ...7 ../ V AC I 4 • Az° ` I I ALPHA/OMECA DOYLE R. FLOORS INC. STATE HWY. 70 MITCHELL/ / —I.)AC RAY MILLER ARCHIE RAY ARTHUfl ARCHIE WALTER WALTER MILLER RTHU EUBANKS PATH PAIR tO4 aC. EU9ANK5 9d AC I.O AC. I AC. 1.It AC. 10 Af, 10 AC WYL11 RANCH EAST I ILM4 ERC5L fAHKA HlY MIII[R L 104 IC. WALTER PAIR 20 AC ARCHIE EUBANKS / _. 13.92`.AC ARCHIE EUBANKS • '13 925 A�: ��iarigai© ®;®;gigq, 12 la9evons ire Lane d 3 t 2 3 EXAS UTILITIES NOLAN EUBANKS LLE':TRIC CO NOIAND EURANNS j131211I10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Il 6 4 . M64 AC. 124 AC. /`,2 14 64 AS m Collie Co 28 `1415II617I8 19202122232.125 26 Oil: WYLIE RA1 CH EA' w Sd Ea �yiidham rr X. A D RDYn 1 IJ AC 30 r Q©O •1 O 9 8 •.H 04 AC 1 I 3I 11817116(15 14 13 12 11 10 v8 17 1 .• IIA 12 /IF131 3• �� - �' 2tI11�L4252 2L' •�• 3- ©®TACO Iy FATR INC � A / ® ® z nOe AC �9 C. L—Shea and one 3 2 I = II 12 t? 1� all lm`/ _N1817161514131211 10 9 8 4 ) : 2 3 4 Efek0109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Y "`'a 25 N II 1213 14 15 1617181911 I9g7 21 2223242526 27g3293031 32 3536:3 0 Donna I •dire � 24 � 5 •r� 5 3 pl Old lino rive 4 3 2 1 2 Ve 22 I / O9 . 2 2212GIC18 1716 15114 13112111098765432 I ,0765 20 19 1t / ii� _'ii"I • Onion 24 TEMBAR CORP. 613 II[MI:.FIA111:111111. 34 50 AC. 7B AC .��:, 21 22 2 KATIERINE \ �J1, MiNr / HVMMf.LI. h 'E'a•I O I NP �!G=��K'�: � r�G!ix` I \ '0 AC 2A. •�e�T•geto iti.19:' EgEd • O. 79 / --� •xA ,•A •OLD HWY. re. _ , .. E. . Brown 111 _AMY TAYLOR IB33PC • nLy--„xos P GC.KREYMERJ—�i . 5 13 339 AC. ,en �0 3 BILL CREAMER '�.I'>Y; .0 I' 35.d AC. 7 • `t'• Ell eaA•i air ill sum-_,`',-.7 . . I -- x x — EAST OAK 2 SIRE LI G� {1 • • I. • I,AC = _ ! x I�eilao ..d was RUSH / --flrnr ur e CIRCLE_- -. .- :- ' 4, ..-----"------------___ --- ),,/,‹ \a, ' .-, _,_-__, \ , ,... 87 - 39 �( �,� \ - v m 8 86- 881 � CO 0 86 F - A - 1 K12 • � - z � � 5ss_as 86-88 85- 104 1536 ' 834 8 6 75 flibs I p AS F -3 i; 1.111 IY1>\) RA-- - A0 :, 6 "7 A ,,„ A U __ _ 1 lif.`[ _ • � __ L_ - ;; 3 * A- / v •iib-/ - rrr n fi iLir[n �r----- 86 7/' !_1[1 r J_i —_-Easy Brown _-- 2; • z _ N F SF A ; ; P D -s2 70 „ �! , . 85 -7 83 -4 " 86 -84A A86 - 8 F - **I . -I83 -2 ' • m4 1 P - -* 84--30' ! D • '1 84-3 0 e a " [ ` • � 5r - 3 -4111► �4-3 0 /17\ -- ---------_ _---_ _---- 7; -------Stone Road---- ---------- _---- -------------------- �\\ C I ty-Limits ------------------------ r `\\ �,y. 85 -37 L(mita • 01 p 14 October 1997 Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Chief Clerks Office MC-105 TNRCC P.O. Box 13087 Austin,TX 78711-3087 re: permit# 36376, dated 8/29/97 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter in concern of a Dry Concrete Batch plant to be built in Wylie. I am in absolute disbelief that this company, Affiliated Concrete wants to build a pollution-causing plant next to this residential neighborhood. There are approximately 125-140 homes in this immediate area, with an average of 2 children in each household. The area of this proposed site is between 2 residential neighborhoods that will be effected north and south from any down-wind dust and pollutants. In closing, this permit does not need to be issued due to circumstances mentioned above. I would like to add that we do not have a problem with businesses coming to Wylie, but not of this type next to our precious children. • /71(/ e ennis Williams 1206 Devonshire Lane Wylie, Tx. 75098-5283 972.442.2283 October 14, 1997 To: Mayor Jim Swartz City Manager Mike Collins Bldg. Inspector Mike Phillips I am writing to you in regards of the possibility of a Concrete plant moving into our neighborhood. We do not want this type of facility in our neighborhood. We moved to Wylie in 1989 to raise a family . We have three children now and continue to enjoy living in a small town with many friends and neighbors. We specifically moved to Wyndham Estates to be in the country" , but still be close to town. With the possibility of a concrete plant on one side of us and KCS on the other, we suddenly find ourselves living in a potential "industrial area " and not the small; country town of Wylie. Please do not allow this concrete facility to build in our neighborhood. We are in the process of getting a brand new Kreymer Lane, and l can only imagine what heavy truck traffic will do to the road as well as ruin our neighborhood ! Please consider our wishes and do not allow Wyndham Estates to become an industrial wasteland!!! ettJa- Patricia Choate 1405 Devonshire Wylie, Texas 75098 October 14, 1997 To: Mayor Jim Swartz City Manager Mike Collins Bldg. Inspector Mike Phillips I am writing to you in regards of the possibility of a Concrete plant moving into our neighborhood. We do not want this-type of facility in our neighborhood. We moved to Wylie in 1989 to raise a family . We have three children now and continue to enjoy living in a small town with many friends and neighbors. We specifically moved to Wyndham Estates to be in " the country" , but still be close to town. With the possibility of a concrete plant on one side of us and KCS on the other, we suddenly find ourselves living in a potential "industrial area " and not the small, country town of Wylie. Please do not allow this concrete facility to build in our neighborhood. We are in the process of getting a brand new Kreymer Lane, and I can only imagine what heavy truck traffic will do to the road as well as ruin our neighborhood ! Please consider our wishes and do not allow Wyndham Estates to become an industrial wasteland!!! ab%4.- Patricia Choate 1405 Devonshire Wylie, Texas 75098 October 20, 1997 Mr. Mike Phillips 2000 Hwy 78 Wylie, Tx 75098 Dear Sir, I am writing to you in response to a permit requested by Affiliated Concrete Co. to build a plant in Wylie. This location is basically in the"backyard" of our neighborhood. My residence is located at 209 Yorkshire Lane. I plead to you to protect the future of our neighborhood and the health of our families. I suffer from asthma and recently spent time in the hospital suffering from pneumonia. The condition of the air I breathe is especially important to me. Please consider the health implications of approving this site. Our neighborhood is well kept and nicely maintained. There are children everywhere. I believe that our property values and neighborhood atmosphere will deteriorate if the plant goes in. I would like to raise my two year old son in a safe, healthy community like we have now. I feel like you are our"salvation"because we feel powerless as a neighborhood. There is no one looking out for our interests. Again, this site is right behind residential homes now established. Please help us by denying the permit. Certainly, there are other places in Wylie more appropriate for this plant. Thank you once again for your time. Sincerely, Cole McClendon 209 Yorkshire Ln Wylie, TX 75098 . City_of Wjie PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE • The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wyiie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. meo,cat-. CowS10eR- r4-71WS C S/NV3iTu5 A41.e45si To busT . 2. Coif-kJ Cc ltt.35 Pi- our ConfTAmtn,eNrS ReLeP D INro T'hc ?col, 3. O Am,A Se T c AND ,5CFN, Pc , AND TRPrg Fnaw, CoNet2ere OUST y• ?lRoPe&i i `l7evALuAi tor' Signature 771, Printed Name 1-•Y o G'. n?V k ht e Address �O 7 yvi4K,5h1l/?,° Lt ie wILK; 7 < .e. ?r o y o s-e c •e,,Y-e,a S Q.,vv} �-t\ o s YNNo..A -fro Nr 4-4s Ty P e o b ws-im Itit s-5 n tor 4.0 c4u$e S:er\ eu5 a. e make_ 0:+i• r 1n-0 42-z 0nNn5. ‘,/,Q.AtAkAnt Ok �k� ,4 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(21 41 442-81 00• Fax,214)442-4302 �" 1 eS • 0 o k.owyeS u/ -}v 1to0oI o4- ye,- ck - •: t • Cifiy of�Wylie PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase Ill As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 • ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below )( I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below tea.u.K.A -o�:da.e� a a.c�.��1+.e, o-,� ✓r- e'-,c_per r ¢�.�.,,u, �ssi�t..�:a,,j"o g,sa 1., w.0. a.. a....A L JIp t��9.a e. d►e t fro I t-ep—,""1 9.4r"` 4$Ca."1-5-1Y gLak-4 t t..•-iiin,Lialk,terati.gt, 11.4.4.o.919at c 8 a,h, 2. ,,, , .t 18^".k tkn2.3 S6-1.LL &WO F frok v`�Ir ;�, o_c,. auw o w ce- w,.: q�-+,. 11 t yam,to tom. 0.o.,+ ce. .,�3 Q d c{ �reS;.-� 1 '(u�m..t P/`4e�Q.4-tes- • - 3. V t.0w Y1h a„n_ , .t„, LY--• 9.Q,p LAAA-k--6-4 E�, -t 'L�•�-0...o y,+VtA,d•CAA.Aerr.0..w4„'-!4-�` i wLQQ t e ZILQ 'Q►a, i o ., adiLtt&I;-waD a 44,4"6"t a a Signature 1 - Printed Name Kok rer Murray �> Address 2.o 1 �or�'5�.��, Lawe, t t.L1 l �2 7So�Y 103jhc,066,44 �.�„a,a�' "�-a�a. �„vt><, .,..�.a41�ekL_Q-4u-$auQ Ce-"�-v51cL cb 000 High North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(2141 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 b-c, Qd L ccS2 So ' '' to 94-C.ho 1�e-+-.p,fl (,� 4¢ - se_oc, ^ 4 etcn.o a � , _a,� a. a.J o -' / �- v3Y„C-`-` C,e.w uLa aizt `it�t'ri --� "fo • S �`� __T ,} ...... :...�.:.-....tom77.1 Cifil p -Y�(ylje . PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 1. flir- 5___0R-C/I1../ 10/// fr'ers 2. � v 1,-%i// e c c c s 3. /tip s Svc(C %/� l/ c �' � S 'a" �J lCc�t T— �✓Uf Signature ; Ira--- . �/•uM� Printed Name ?Miiltct. p w L(c.tf Address 3t7;) rlc.s4'.trL L 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098 •(214) 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 i ....:...., .A : .: , , , .._1 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given; the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase Ill As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. • RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below Y I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below • 1/L • ✓J\ 1. /9//2 � Jr4-Li ry G�i !/ c CT- Woissc- (7)0Ho r7aA 2. /-/ol s l 6-5/7 t..S , fa vs 77, /rii/ IA/, /7o,) 3. 4 , -Pr Dr el- -ki 114r1 t)L? pill 01C (rrcjs --(, Signature L it-)c, Printed Name -SC/t //L y /G W& I-6A Address / r/ iAire: L—'4—'1/4-- 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098• (2141 442-8100 • Fax(214)442-4302 e j Shelley and Patrick D. Welch: 203 Yorkshire Lane Wylie, TX. 75098 972-442-1782 Affiliated Concrete Company #36376 WE REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING! ! ! Dear Sir: They might as well tear down our fence at 203 Yorkshire Lane and put the concrete plant in our backyard. That is how close we are to the location site. My husband and I have a seven month old son. We spent the past eight years going through in-vitro fertilization and I spent six months of my pregnancy on bed rest. I had home health care and monitoring machines throughout the entire pregnancy. This is relative because after all the precautions we took to have a safe delivery, we are now faced with a health hazard due to this concrete mixing plant. We already run air purifiers all day and there is no way we can get rid of all the air pollutants as it is. The both of us already have allergies and sinus problems to deal with. If this facility goes in this close to our house, we ' ll have to move - no ifs ands or buts about it! We have made a home for us here in Wylie. Please stop this. This will be tragic for all of our neighborhood. It is too close to our homes. The air quality will get worse! Surely you cannot argue this . Please know that myself and other citizens of Wylie will not let their neighborhood become polluted. Not now - not ever. Not as long as we reside here - and we are here to stay. Thank you, Shelley Welch As I stated before 203 Yorkshire Lane is about as close as one can get to the proposed plant. My house will back up directly to the site. • j Shelley and Patrick D. Welch: 203 Yorkshire Lane Wylie, TX. 75098 972-442-1782 Affiliated Concrete Company #36376 WE REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING! ! ! Dear Sir: They might as well tear down our fence at 203 Yorkshire Lane and put the concrete plant in our backyard. That is how close we are to the location site. My husband and I have a seven month old son. We spent the past eight years going through in-vitro fertilization and I spent six months of my pregnancy on bed rest. I had home health care and monitoring machines throughout the entire pregnancy. This is relative because after all the precautions we took to have a safe delivery, we are now faced with a health hazard due to this concrete mixing plant . We already run air purifiers all day and there is no way we can get rid of all the air pollutants as it is. The both of us already have allergies and sinus problems to deal with. If this facility goes in this close to our house, we ' ll have to move - no ifs ands or buts about it! we tave made a home for us here in Wylie. Please stop this. This will be tragic for all of our neighborhood. It is too close to our homes. The air quality will get worse! Surely you cannot argue this. Please know that myself and other citizens of Wylie will not let their neighborhood become polluted. Not now - not ever. Not as long as we reside here - and we are here to stay. Thank you,• helley Welch As I stated before 203 Yorkshire Lane is about as close as one can get to the proposed plant. My house will back up directly to the site. bf Wirt PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and if approval is given, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North, to consider approval of an "SUP" Special Use Permit for Metrodeck & Affiliated Concrete Company for Industrial zoned property located at the north end of Windco Circle, east of Eubanks Lane and west of Yorkshire Lane, and further described as: Lots 11A, 12A, 14 & 15 of Wyndham Estates, Phase III As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form below. RE: PZ/CC - Metrodeck Return this form to : Mike Phillips, Building Official 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 ❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below VI am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below 2. \RS3--6)-k, out41_-,-‘4,L) A 1-4.ctrfc—) • ,z(c) c6,-Tk turwt.) 3. Signatur Printed Name Address 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(2141 442-8100• Fax(214)442-4302 11 October 1997 The Honorable Mayor Swartz, We wanted to write and let you know of our dissatisfaction with the City's considering letting Affiliated Concrete Co.build a plant on Squire Ct. Our concern is not with the business itself. We realize Wylie needs new businesses to ensure continued growth. We are more concerned with the location and the documented acknowledgement that this business will pollute the air in the immediate vicinity. Our home is within 200 yards of where this plant would be located. We both experience sinus and allergy problems and this will most likely make them worse. Furthermore,we have a newborn baby in our home. The thought of not being able to take our child outside to enjoy clean air frustrates us. We feel the city's top priority has to be the quality of life it offers its citizens. We believe this business in its current planned location stands to hurt far more people than it will help.Please consider finding another location for this business. Sincerely, Darryl and Melinda Close. • 11 October 1997 Mr. Collins, We wanted to write and let you know of our dissatisfaction with the City's considering letting Affiliated Concrete Co.build a plant on Squire Ct. Our concern is not with the business itself. We realize Wylie needs new businesses to ensure continued growth. We are more concerned with the location and the documented acknowledgement that this business will pollute the air in the immediate vicinity. Our home is within 200 yards of where this plant would be located. We both experience sinus and allergy problems and this will most likely make them worse. Furthermore,we have a newborn baby in our home. The thought of not being able to take our child outside to enjoy clean air frustrates us. We feel the city's top priority has to be the quality of life it offers its citizens. We believe this business in its current planned location stands to hurt far more people than it will help. Please consider finding another location for this business. Sincerely, Darryl and Melinda Close. 10/4 i 019?-2-- • aC�� • 11 October 1997. Mr.Phillips, We wanted to write and let you know of our dissatisfaction with the City's considering letting Affiliated Concrete Co.build a plant on Squire Ct. Our concern is not with the business itself. We realize Wylie needs new businesses to ensure continued growth. We are more concerned with the location and the documented acknowledgement that this business will pollute the air in the immediate vicinity. Our home is within 200 yards of where this plant would be located. We both experience sinus and allergy problems and this will most likely make them worse. Furthermore,we have a newborn baby in our home. The thought of not being able to take our child outside to enjoy clean air frustrates us. We feel the city's top priority has to be the quality of life it offers its citizens. We believe this business in its current planned location stands to hurt far more people than it will help.Please consider finding another location for this business. Sincerely, Darryl and Melinda Close. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Standard Exemption List 71. Any permanently or temporarily located concrete plant* that accomplishes wet batching, dry batching, or central mixing, and operates in compliance with the following conditions: (a) All stockpiles shall be sprinkled with water and/or dust-suppressant chemicals as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions. The stockpile sprinkler system shall be operable at all times. (b) A mechanism shall be installed on each bulk storage silo to warn operators when the silo is full. (c) All permanent in-plant roads (batch truck and material delivery truck roads) shall be paved with a cohesive hard surface that can be repeatedly swept, washed, and maintained intact and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions. All batch trucks and material delivery trucks shall remain on a paved surface when entering, conducting primary function, and leaving the property. Other areas on the property subject to vehicle traffic shall be watered, treated with dust- suppressant chemicals, oiled, or paved and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions. (d) The cement weigh hopper shall be vented to its own fabric filter or the central collection system specified in condition (f). (e) All bulk storage silos shall be equipped with fabric filter(s) having a maximum filtering velocity of 4.0 feet per minute (ft/min) with mechanical cleaning or 7.0 ft/min with automatic air cleaning or shall be vented to the central collection system specified in condition (f). (f) The dust emissions at the batch drop point (drum feed for central mix plants) shall be controlled by a shroud or other pickup device delivering a minimum of 4,000 actual cubic feet per minute of air to a fabric filter with automatic air cleaning and a 7.0 ftlmin maximum filtering velocity, or automatic sequenced mechanical cleaning (not manually activated) and a 5.25 ftlmin maximum filtering velocity. (g) Unless the facility is to be located temporarily in or contiguous to the right-of-way of a public works project, public notice and opportunity for public hearing, as specified in Section 116.10(a) (3) and (4) and (b), must be published and documentation provided to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). A temporarily located plant exempt from public notice may provide concrete for the same contractor for project segments with the same governmental entity, but may not produce ' concrete for other unrelated projects or other governmental entities. (h) Spillage of cement and fly ash used in the batch shall be cleaned up immediately and contained or dampened so that dust emissions from wind erosion and/or vehicle traffic are minimized. (i) All open-bodied vehicles transporting material from a dry batch plant to the paving mixer(s) shall be loaded with a final layer of wet sand and/or the truck shall be covered with a tarp to reduce the emissions of dust to • the minimum level possible under existing conditions. (j) Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval shall be received from the Executive Director of the TNRCC, and the facility shall be registered with the TNRCC Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7, including a current TNRCC table 20. • A temporarily located concrete facility occupies a designated site for not more than 180 consecutive days or supplies concrete for a single public works project or for the same contractor for related project segments, but not other unrelated projects.