09-09-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning and Zoning
c� �tveyue
Called B usiness Meeting
September 9 , 1997
September 8, 1997
6:30 p.m.
1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the August 18, 1997 Regular
Business Meeting held jointly with City Council.
2. Consider approval of a Land Study submitted and Eric and Anne Parker for a
14.5143 acre residential development designated as Fox Hollow Estates located
south of Beaver Creek Road and west of the Beaver Creek Subdivision. This
property is outside the City Limits but is within the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction
(ETJ) of the City.
Posted Friday, September 5, 1997 at 5:00 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Commission
#1 Action Item Re: Approval of the Minutes from the August 18, 1997, Regular
Business Meeting
September 8, 1997
Consider approval of the Minutes from the August 18, 1997 Regular Business Meeting.
Note any changes or additions which need to be made.
The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting joint with City Council on
August 18, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at
2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the
time and manner required by law.
CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jim Swartz, Cleo Adams, Joel Scott, John
Mondy, Reta Allen, J. C. Worley and Wanda Sparks.
COMIVIISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rich Eckman, Ray Capley, Cecilia Wood, Tim Owen,
Steve Ahrens and Mark Clark(late).
ABSENT: Bart Peddicord- excused
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Collins- City Manager, Mindy Manson -Assistant to the
City Manager, Mike Phillips-Building Official, and Rebecca Rogers- Secretary.
1. Presentation by Kansas City Southern on proposed Wylie Development Project. Warren
Erdman,Vice President of Kansas City Southern was introduced by Rich Eckman, Chairman
of Planning&Zoning Commission. Mr. Erdman stated a "vision" of what the City of Wylie
could look like if we plan for the future. They are here to receive input, the community's
ideas and modifications will be made. Mr. Erdman introduced Dick Sparlin- MC Centennial,
Dick Holdaway - Planning &Development for KCS, Mike Berry - Alliance Development
Company,Bill Gallaghan-Corporate Communications/KCS, Mike Carpenter-Environmental
& Safety Planning/KCS, and Glenn Ebling-Property Acquisition/KCS.
Mr. Erdman began the presentation. Wylie is strategically located in a evolving world
economy. To the west,the west coast and trade coming from Asia and to the east you have
a evolving transportation network that will soon be trade headed for Mexico through the
NAFTA Agreement. Westport was developed in Fort Worth by the Alliance Development
Corp. This is an intermodal facility located at the intersection of the Union Pacific and
Burlington Northern railways. A study was done by Insight Research Corporation with
preliminary information provided by KCS as to the magnitude of the program proposed for
this community. That initial study estimates that by the year 2006 over 1,200 direct/mdirect
jobs would be created, over 315 million in cumulative economic impact and est. 15 million
in cumulative tax impact. KCS believes that the actual figures could actually be more
significant than those quoted by Insight.
Existing problems can be solved while creating opportunities for the future at the same time.
This proposal would allow for the closing of 10 grade crossings in the central business district
of Wylie. In addition to these ten, there are four others that have been identified that could
be closed that would enhance safety and provide for more expeditious flow of traffic through
the community. By closing the mainline through the heart of the community, the opportunity
will be created to develop a four-lane scenic parkway through what is essentially the main
street of the community. As a result of this,new highway frontages will be made available
for new businesses and new development along the right-of-way. This "Planned
Development" could be done through a joint venture with the City of Wylie,Wylie Economic
Development Corporation, the Alliance Development Company and the Kansas City
Southern Railway. KCS could essentially be the landholder and bank of the property,making
it available to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as sites and tenants become
available as the prime developer and the Alliance Development Company would be the world
wide marketer of the business park A three-way partnership, land already acquired by KCS,
a world class marketing agent in Alliance and the local economic development corporation
as the lead developer. This would assure you local decision making and local direction in the
development of the park. Mr. Erdman turned the second part of the presentation over to
Mike Berry of Alliance Development Company.
Mr. Berry stated that Alliance Development Company has worked with KCS on several
projects in the past. The marketing strategy of the Eastport Business Park is to create a very
high quality, high image, rail oriented business park that will become an economic
development for the City of Wylie and more importantly, it will become a very strategic and
logistics transportation center for certain kinds of industry. The key to this type of
development would be the rail infrastructure that would be built adjacent to the site. Alliance
proposes to develop a large scale, mixed use (manufacturing, distribution, retail, flex-tech
non-rail related, restaurants, retail support, high amenity projects, possible recreational
facility)business park that would cater to the needs of a wide variety of users. Breakdown:
2.2 mil. sq. ft. distribution, 192k sq. ft. of flex-tech, 88k sq. ft. tied to railway, 7k for
transportation, and 41k sq. ft. retail/commercial. Masterplans are intended to be flexible.
Marketing strategy as the newest, state of the art,high quality transportation industry. Focus
on logistics industry,target the users and build on the strategic link of the entire continental
rail system and the new corridor to Mexico. Quality companies(Fortune 500)want to be in
quality business parks. Many large companies (Michaels' Stores, General Mills, J.C.
Penney's)have moved into the Westport Business Park in Fort Worth.
Dick Sparlin of MK Centennial presented the sequence/timing of how this project would
happen. Phase I would provide for the construction of 10,000 feet of new mainline track
between Eubanks Lane and Skyview Drive. At Eubanks Lane, mainline traffic would be
relocated to the existing track(old Cottonbelt line)to a point west of Wylie Industrial Park
where a new spur connection would be made connecting the relocated track back to the
existing mainline track.
A new rail switchyard for commercial traffic would be constructed north of the new mainline.
This facility would replace the Garland (Zacha Yard) relocating 30 employees to the new
Wylie facility. When the construction is completed, the existing track along the old KCS
mainline would be removed(approximately 3.3 miles)making an additional 50 feet of right-
of-way available to the Texas DOT which would eliminate the interference of rail facilities.
Phase II and III would be a coordinated effort of Wylie Economic Development Corporation
and Alliance/KCS to develop the proposed Eastport Industrial Park and to provide incentives
to the Texas DOT to expedite the planned(but currently unfunded)widening of SH-78. The
Eastport Industrial Park would be phased to coincide with the marketing plan developed by
a joint venture/partnership of the Wylie Economic Development Corp.,Alliance Development
Company and the KCS Railroad. Initial construction would be to provide utilities, rail spur
service and internal access road, and a landscaped "signature" entrance.
Phase N is scheduled to be completed after SH-78 is widened and improved. The plan is for
an initial facility capable of handling 150,000 lifts. When open, this facility would replace the
Zacha Yard in Garland, TX. Construction of the intermodal facility would consist of two
6,400 foot ramp tracks, 6 storage tracks,parking for 460 trailers/containers, concrete paving
for the ramp tracks and asphalt paving for the parking areas, 4-lane entrance road, gate with
2 inbound and 2 outbound stations.
The design of the facility will provide state-of-the-art facilities, comparable to a new facility
recently opened at Jackson, Mississippi. Intermodal operations will be integrated with the
rail operations of the industrial park. An AVI gate will allow incoming trailers to be
delivered to manufacturers and warehousing within Eastport, and rail car deliveries will be
spotted by the intermodal operations contractor.
Current train traffic is 8 trains daily to the Zacha Yard and 4 trains daily to Alliance. With
the new facilities,there would be a reduction to 10 trains daily. Once the intermodal facility
is built, this would possibly be reduced to 7 trains daily. A study was also conducted of
truckers "Where did you come from?" Origin/Destination Study. This study showed that
70%came from 635, 30%locally. Based on this information,it is projected that 30%+local
traffic would use SH-78 and 70%would use Rockwall IH-30 to SH-205.
2. Discussion and Questions for Kansas City Southern by Planning & Zoning and City
Council. Questions from the City Council and Planning & Zoning members included the
following: Hazardous materials spills, what is KCS's record - 2 minor , 0 catastrophic
incidents in the last 10 years, 3000 car loads per year; Safety record nationwide- extremely
good record in hazardous materials; can any railway company guarantee no hazardous
material spills-no one can;does KCS have the authority to condemn and develop where ever
they want to per the federal government- yes, but the last time that was used was over 20
years ago; has a study on the noise been done - yes, a preliminary study was conducted.
Background sound is rated at 52-55 db, Skyview area rated at 92 db (high) and 65 - 70 db
at various distances, KCS is operating under federal guidelines. Who would be liable for a
spill/accident-it is the responsibility of the railroad, it City provided services-they would be
reimbursed.Not responsible for the trucking industry. Would an airport be built here-no;
Aren't all the good companies already in Alliance, why build here - the market shows the
need for this type of development, not all companies want to locate in the same park. Will
the industrial park be built in unison with the intermodal facility-manifest railyard built first
and first phase of infrastructure to open the industrial park and begin one or two sites. Who
is responsible for emergency facilities to be built-not needed for several years, not planning
on site facility at this time,but would be working with the police and fire. How would the
Cottonbelt line tie into the Santa Fe at 544 -the intersection would possibly located further
up 544 than where it is now,possible grade separation(the amount of train traffic does not
qualify the city for the funds from DOT for a grade separation at this time) and upgrade
signal protection. Would the remaining intersections be reconstructed to be smooth - yes,
new materials are available for better crossings. Any interest in the abandoned building next
to the Annex Service Center for purchase-no, does not impact railroad. Will there be a spur
to the Premier Business Park -no. Will there be a fire department on site?Or will there be
a requirement of reinvestment of the community for a new fire department? - possible
addition of fire hydrants, no special requirements for an additional fire house. What does 2
I/2 foot candles mean-a baseball field is lit by 50 foot candles. 2 1/2 foot candles means there
is enough light so that a person who is working can see what they are doing, much more
lighting in the Council Chambers. How tall are the light poles- over the intermodal facility
will be 100 ft.high, and 40 ft.high in the parking area, shielded/screened. How will 2 Y2 foot
candles affect the surrounding neighborhood -only 4 columns, 400 ft. apart. Is it like having
a headlight in your bedroom window all night-it is a bright light. Will berms be built as a
noise suppressor - feels that it is not necessary, the switchyard will be screened by the
industrial park and screening. Some areas will be better cushioned,train whistle is the loudest
thing,not much can be done about it. Alliance is different from the residential area, what are
plans to defeat the noise problem- study shows that these is not a problem. Will there be a
schedule for the trains-not always,bulk of trains will run from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. (Like
it is today). What was the effect on the quality of life in Jackson. Mississippi-more jobs and
growth in the city. What about the property values-unknown at this time, will check into
A motion to adjourn City Council was made by Joel Scott, seconded by Cleo Adams. Motion
carried, all in favor(7).
1. Discuss and consider approval of the Minutes from the July 7, 1997 Regular Business
Meeting. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Ray Capley. Motion carried, all
in favor(6).
2. Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request for approval of a Final
Plat (Approved for Construction) for the Westgate Phase III Subdivision submitted by
Wylie/1997,L.L.C.Mike Phillips,Building Official, gave an overview of Westgate Phase III
subdivision. This final plat contains 66 of the 113 total lots. Tipton Engineering, City Staff
and Hogan Corporation(consulting engineer)have reviewed the plat and it meets all of the
City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations and Staff recommends approval for construction.
Questions were raised regarding the retention pond, Mr. Phillips stated that Phase III is not
affected by the retention pond and before Phase IV will be developed that issue will have to
be addressed. Motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood to recommend
approval of the Final Plat (approved for construction ) for Westgate Phase III. Motion
carried, all in favor(6).
Sharon Dowdy-325 Callie Court, Wylie, Texas. Apologized for citizens in the room who didn't
show the same professionalism, courtesy and respect that KCS has shown us. Ms. Dowdy feels that
the KCS Railroad project is a good opportunity for Wylie.
Roz Garland - 4131 Skyview Lane, is against the railroad but not against growth. Had several
questions regarding the next step of process after proposal, the public vote, responsibility for
payment for widening of SH-78.
Craig Swaner-511 Jefferson Street, is against the railroad. States that the CCRG will continue to
research projects,not just KCS, that want to come into the City.
Brenda Rhinebarger-603 Burchshire Lane,feels that the city government doesn't listen to the citizens
of Wylie. In her opinion,the railroad is not the vision for Wylie,no thank you to Alliance.
Larry Neighbors - 603 Butler, is against railroad and feels there is no comparison with Wylie to
Alliance. Be more selective.
Paul Bridges-503 Silverleaf Court,feels that railroads do not help a community and that emergency
situations could not be handled by the City's emergency services.
Joe Baker - 114 S. Carriage House Way, against the railroad and feels that the citizens would be
paying for all improvements with the tax abatement incentives for businesses.
Henry Garland-Skyview Lane,lives outside of the city limits and is unable to vote in the upcoming
Brett Volture- 1511 Anchor Drive,what steps are necessary to rezone land, current zoning.
Reta Allen- 401 N. Ballard Avenue, feels that the City needs the additional industry.
A motion was made to adjourn by Tim Owen, seconded by Steve Ahrens. Motion carried, all in
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Eckman, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Secretary
Planning & Zoning Commission
#2 Action Item
Re: Approval of Land Study
September 8, 1997
Consider approval of a Land Study submitted by Eric and Anne Parker for a 14.5143 acre
residential development designated as Fox Hollow Estates located south of Beaver Creek Road
and west of the Beaver Creek Subdivision. This property is outside the City Limits but is within
the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City.
The Fox Hollow Estates Land Study will contain seven lots ranging in area from three one acre
lots, one lot that is approximately two and one half acre, and three that are approximately three
acre lots. Water will be provided by the Eastfork Utility District.
Per the City of Wylie's Subdivision Regulations, an owner or developer must follow certain
procedures when subdividing for development of any lot, tract or parcel of land within the Wylie
City Limits (or within its extra territorial jurisdiction). The first step of the subdivision/platting
process is the submittal of a Land Study for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The purpose of the Land Study is to provide sufficient information to allow the City staff to review
a general plan for the development of a property and make recommendations. The Land Study
is a general plan which shows the location of the proposed development, arrangement of streets,
alleys and lots, existing facilities (water, sewer) and other important features.
The Land Study must conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and development ordinances
of the City. The Community Development Department must determine that all necessary
information has been submitted and recommend approval before the Land Study is considered
for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Approval of the Land Study by the Planning and Zoning Commission constitutes authorization by
the City for the developer to submit application for approval of a preliminary plat subject to
compliance with any conditions attached to the approval of the Land Study.
Eric and Anne Parker will be seeking variances from the Subdivision Regulations which require:
"On-site waste water treatment systems will not be permitted, except for the pretreatment
of industrial waste." (Sec. 5.01 C (3) (b)).
The proponent wishes to use septic systems in lieu of constructing sanitary sewer lines.
Approval of this variance is required for the approval of the Preliminary Plat. However, the
proponent would seek approval of a conditional variance so that he may proceed with the
development of the Preliminary Plat with the knowledge that the variance had been tentatively
approved. The variance would receive final approval along with a Preliminary Plat provided that
the Preliminary Plat conforms to the Land Study and no new information exists per the
Subdivision Regulations.
The City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission held a joint work session on
development issues on May 27, 1997. It was determined at that meeting that, after the lessons
learned from dealing with the Wylie Ranch East Subdivision, the additional future cost to the City
of Wylie for variances to the Subdivision Regulations which had been granted to developments
in the ETJ, made it very difficult for the P&Z and Council to be able to approve variances to the
Subdivision Regulations. Developers should bear these costs or should wait until the time is more
appropriate for development, such as a time when utilities are more available. This does not,
however, preclude the P&Z from approving variances which may result from a true hardship
which might be unique to a particular parcel of land.
Financial Considerations
No fees are associated with the submittal of a Land Study.
Legal Considerations
Per the adopted Wylie Subdivision Regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City
of Wylie is vested with the authority to review, approve, conditionally approve and disapprove
applications for the platting or subdivision of land, including land studies, conveyance plats,
preliminary plats, final plats, amended plats, replats and vacation of plats. The Planning and
Zoning Commission may grant variances from these regulations pursuant to the provisions of
Section 1.08 of the Subdivision Regulations as follows:
A. General. Where the Commission finds that unreasonable hardships or difficulties
may result from strict compliance with these regulations and/or the purpose of these
regulations may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal, it may
approve variances to these subdivision regulations so that substantial justice may
be done and the public interest secured; provided that the variance shall not have
the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of theses regulations; and further
provided the Commission shall not approve variances unless it shall make findings
based upon the evidence presented to it in each specific case that:
1) The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public safety,
health, or welfare or injurious to other property, and;
2) The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique
to the property for which the variance is sought and are not applicable
generally to other property, and;
3) Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical
conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the
owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict
letter of these regulations is carried out, and;
4) The variance will not in any manner vary the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan, except that those documents may be
amended in the manner prescribed by law.
B. Criteria for Variances From Development Exactions. Where the commission
finds that the imposition of any development exaction pursuant to the regulations
exceeds reasonable benefit to the property owner or is so excessive as to
constitute confiscation of the tract to be platted, it may approve variances to such
requirements, so as to prevent such excess.
C. Conditions. In approving variances, the Commission may require such conditions
as will, in its judgement, secure substantially the purposes described in Section 1.3.
D. Procedures.
1) A petition for a variance shall be submitted in writing by the property owner
at the time when the conveyance plat, preliminary plat or final plat is filed for
the consideration of the Commission. The petition shall state fully the
grounds for the application and all of the facts relied upon by the petitioner.
2) Where a hardship is identified in a land study which will result in a request
for a variance, the Commission may grant a conditional variance. A
conditional variance shall receive final approval along with a preliminary plat
provided that the preliminary plat conforms to the land study and no new
information or a reasonable alternative plan exists which, at the
determination of the Commission, voids the need for a variance.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the Fox Hollow Estates Land Study submitted by Eric and Anne
Parker. Staff does not recommend approval of the variance requested.
A similar variance was granted when the Wylie Ranch East Subdivision was developed and
constructed. At that time, it was believed that no problems would develop in the future. Today,
the property is within the City Limits and the City Council has recently considered and approved
participation for costs relating to sewer system improvements. Staffs recommendation to deny
the variance is in part, based on the experience with Wylie Ranch East Subdivision. Further,
there is no compelling reason to develop properties that do not meet minimum requirements.
Land Study Application
Location Map
Land Study Plan
Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95)
Date 8/1 /9 7
Name of Proposed Development Fox Hollow Estates
Name of Property Owner/Developer Erie and Anne Parker
Address 600 Andersonville Lane, Wylie, TX Phone 972-442-9217
Owner of Record Eric and Anne Parker
Address 600 Andersonville Lane, Wylie, TX Phone 972-442-9217
Name of Land Planner Delta Land Surveying
Address P . 0. Box 239 , Princeton, TX 75407 Phone 214-534-5118
Total Acreage 14 . 5143 Current Zoning N/A
Number of Lots/Units 7
Following is a checklist of items that may be required as a part of the Land Study. All information should
be provided on a scaled drawing of 1" = 200' or larger not exceeding 24" x 36" with three complete sets
Provided or Shown Not
On Site Plan Applicable
x 1. The Study shall include all contiguous holdings of the property
owner with an indication of the portion proposed for development, for
sale, or lease. An affidavit of ownership shall be attached which
includes the name, address and telephone number of an agent for the
developer who shall be authorized to receive all notices required by
these regulations.
Page 2 of 3
x 2. 'The lower right hand corner shall contain a title block clearly
showing the following information:
(a) Proposed name of subdivision or addition.
(b) Name and address of the Owner and the Engineer or
Surveyor who prepared the study.
(c) Scale of the drawing and an indication of true north, to the
top or left.
(d) Date the drawing was prepared, and the date of revisions.
(e) The location of the tract according to the abstract and
survey records of the county in which the tract resides.
x 3. All limits of the tract with scale distances.
x 4. The names of all adjacent subdivisions or additions or the name of
record owners of adjoining parcels of unplatted land.
N/A 5. The existing zoning classification of the subject property and
adjoining land.
x 6. The location, width and names of all existing or platted streets or
other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, along with existing
buildings, railroad rights-of-way, and existing topography including
creeks, drainage channels and other important features.
x 7. Political subdivisions or corporate limits and school district
x 8. Preliminary layout with names and width of proposed
thoroughfares, collector streets, and intersections along with a
general configuration of proposed streets and alleys.
x 9. A general arrangement of all types of land uses considered,
including but not limited to existing easements and indication of
conformance with the thoroughfare plan including right-of-ways, park
and school sites, municipal facilities, private open space, floodplains
and drainage ways, phasing plans, and proposed non-residential and
residential densities.
Page 3 of 3
x 10. Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lots
and all building lines.
N/A 11. Screening and/or Landscaping Plan which comply with the City's
landscaping or screening standards.
x 12. Existing sewer lines, water mains, culverts or other underground
structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with sizes
and locations indicated.
Taken by: C•!.kVi'' `�• File No.:
Date: c .`4Ck l Fee: Nf I k
Receipt No.: (p,‘
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IIiiIHL i_�n q
P. O. Box 239
Princeton, Texas 75407
Phone(214) 534-5118
Fax(972) 734-8421
August 4,1997
City of Wylie
Wylie, Texas 75098
RE: Request for a Sanitary Sewer Variance for the Proposed Fox Hollow Estates.
I would like to request a variance, on the behalf of my clients Mr. and Mrs. Parker, that will
allow each of the 7 lots within the proposed Fox Hollow Estates to install and operate an
Aerobic On-Site Sewage Collection and Processing Plant.
The purpose of this request is to allow my client to develop their property at a reasonable cost.
The nearest existing sanitary sewer line, a 6" force main located in F. M. Rd. 544 to the West of
this site and is over 6,300 feet away along a path which follows the existing roads of Beaver
Creek Road to Troy Road to Bozman Road to F. M. 544 or 7,100 feet away from the Rush Creek
Lift Station along a path which follows the existing roads of Beaver Creek Road to Troy Road to
Stone Street. Each of these paths would require the installation of a lift station in addition to the
sanitary sewer line at an estimated cost of$16.00 to,$18.00 per linear foot. This cost can simply
not be prorated across the price of seven lots and a remain feasible project. Please also note that
Beaver Creek Road, Troy Road, Bozman Road and Stone Street lying East of the Rush Creek
Lift Station are prescriptive right-of-way easements and as such the title within the roadway
remains private property and an easement would have to be negotiated and purchased,between
my client and all of the land owners along these paths, in order to place a sanitary sewer line
along these roads. Collin County will not grant this easement because it does not want to incur
the expense of moving a sewer line when these roads are upgraded and possibly widened in the
I would also like to bring to your attention that Beaver Creek Estates, Section One and Two,
subdivisions containing 47 lots and lying immediately to the East of this site are currently using
standard septic tanks, and the subdivisions of Creekside South Estates (11 lots), Butler Estates(8
lots), Westlake Hills, Section 1 and 2 (57 lots), all of which are closer to existing sewer lines are
currently using septic tanks. Further Hillside Bay Addition(82 lots) to the North of this site is
also using septic tanks.
Therefore, for the above reasons I would like to respectfully request approval of this variance so
that my clients can exercise their right to develop their property.
Larry W. Busby
TX RPLS #4967
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