04-07-1997 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WYL1E MUNICIPAL COMPLEX April 7, 1997 6:30 pm CALL TO ORDER ACTION ITEM 1. Discuss and Consider approval of the Minutes from the March 3, 1997 Regular Business Meeting. 2. Discuss and Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat submitted by Goff Homes for Stoneridge Farms located at the junction of Stone road and FM 544 just south of Quail Hollow subdivision. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and Consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval of an Ordinance establishing Multi-Family Residential District Regulations; replacing current Multi-Family Residential District Regulations (Section 14, Wylie Zoning Ordinance); stating the purpose and providing standards for development. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ADJOURNMENT Post ri•ay1 pril 4, 1997 at 5:00 pm THE WYL.IE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. SIGN INTERPRETATION OR OTHER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DISABLED ATTENDEES MUST BE REQUESTED 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CONTACTING THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170. Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Action Item Re: Approval of the Minutes from the March 3, 1997 Regular Business Meeting April 7, 1997 Consider approval of the Minutes from the March 3, 1997 Regular Business Meeting. Note any changes or additions which need to be made. MINUTES The Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular Business Meeting on March 3, 1997, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, located at 2000 Hwy. 78 North, Wylie,Texas 75098. A quorum was present and a notice was posted in the time and manner required by law. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bart Peddicord,Rich Eckman, Steve Ahrens, Cecilia Wood,Jim Smith and Stuart Allison. ABSENT: Tim Owen-excused STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Planner - Kelley Shaw, Building Official - Mike Phillips and Secretary-Rebecca Rogers. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of the Minutes from the February 17, 1997 Regular Business Meeting. A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, seconded by Steve Ahrens to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried, all in favor(6). ITEM NO. 2: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request from Richard Parker for approval of a zone change from"A",Agriculture to"MF",Multi-Family Residential District for a 16.356 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of Parker Road and Ballard Avenue and further described as the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,Tracts 33 and 33-9. The Public Hearing requirement for this item was met on 2/17/97. Chairman Peddicord introduced Kelley Shaw,Planner for the City and Mike Phillips,Building Official for the City of Wylie. Mr. Shaw stated that Staff recommends approval of this zone change request. The Comprehensive Plan's housing goals are summarized as"to encourage development of a variety of housing in the City of Wylie,to increase the number and quality of multi-family housing and also to improve and maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods in Wylie." The Comprehensive Plan guidelines show to locate multi-family developments along major arterials or collectors,near convenient activity centers,dispersed so that no more than 200 units are located in any one area or within a minimum of 1000 ft.of any other development. Mr.Parker's request meets those general guidelines as well as other specified guidelines (such as being near schools, etc.) There are proposed multi-family development requirements that will be going before the Planning&Zoning Commission and City Council for approval by the end of the month. These regulations will provide for stricter quality and development standards which would apply to any future multi-family developments. Mr.Parker is aware of these proposed development regulations. A motion was made by Steve Ahrens,seconded by Rich Eckman,to remove the zone change request from the table. Motion carried,all in favor(6). Discussion followed regarding how many times an item could be brought before the board and this one had been previously discussed. A request can be resubmitted to City Council for approval as many times a person wants unless the City Council denies the request with prejudice which would require a 12 month waiting period before the request could be resubmitted. Richard Parker's request had previously been brought before the Commission and was denied. Discussion regarding the proposed Multi-Family regulations followed. The proposed regulations are in line with the majority of surrounding cities. Staff has informally discussed the proposed Multi-Family regulations with 1 Richard Parker,but no formal Conceptual plan has been submitted. A traffic study was done by the City's traffic engineer consultant, Stanton Foerster. The traffic study showed that 185 apartments (Comprehensive plan would allow 200)would result in a service level "D/E"(currently a level"D", "E" being at capacity "F"would be failure.) The level of service would drop to"E/F"(at capacity border failure of service)with left hand turns being made into the apartments without designated turn lanes. The survey did not include any variables for seasonal traffic. No traffic study was done for the proposed Woodbridge project.A school impact study was done for the Woodbridge project. W.I.S.D. already has a bond proposal set for September for a new elementary school. The schools are currently at or near capacity at this time. Stuart Allison asked why the City of Wylie should be middle of the road and be in line with Plano (who accepts a lot of Multi-Family)and be more like a bedroom community like Coppell. Kelley Shaw replied that he was directed by City Council to study surrounding areas and endeavor to be in line with the surrounding areas. The ultimate decision would be made by City Council as to what type of community that the City wants to be. Council will be meeting at the end of this month to discuss the Multi-Family development standards.The proposals will also come before the Planning&Zoning Commission. A motion was made to deny the requested zone change by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Stuart Allison. Motion denied, 3 in favor (Steve Ahrens, Stuart Allison, Jim Smith) 3 opposed (Cecilia Wood,Bart Peddicord,Tim Owen). A motion was made by Steve Ahrens to table this request until all members are present, seconded by Rich Eckman. Motion carried,all in favor(6). CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Richard Parker stated that he would prefer for his request to be denied and to move on to City Council. Ronda Berryhill, 634 N. Ballard Avenue,Wylie, Texas 75098 stated that she felt the P&Z Commission should send out a survey to all the residents of Wylie to see what direction the residents wanted Wylie to move in(ie,bedroom community,more industry,etc.) ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Cecilia Wood,to remove Item No. 2 above from the table. Motion carried,all in favor(6). Mr.Parker was questioned whether it was his intent to withdraw his request completely and Mr.Parker stated that he was not withdrawing his request,he just wanted to move it onto City Council. A motion was made by Steve Ahrens, seconded by Jim Smith,to recommend denial of the zone change request from"A",Agriculture to"MF"Multi-Family Residential District to City Council. Motion carried, all in favor(6). A motion was made to adjourn by Stuart Allison, seconded by Steve Ahrens. Motion carried, all in favor (6). Chairman Peddicord adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Bart Peddicord, Chairman Rebecca Rogers, Secretary 2 Planning & Zoning Commission #2 Action Item Re: Recommendation for Approval of Stoneridge Preliminary Plat April 7, 1997 Issue Consider approval of a Preliminary Plat submitted by Goff Homes for a 73 acre, 65 lot residential development designated as Stoneridge Farms located at the junction of Stone Road and FM 544 just south of Quail Hollow subdivision. Background Per the City of Wylie's Subdivision Regulations, an owner or developer must follow certain procedures when subdividing for development of any lot, tract or parcel of land within the Wylie City Limits (or within its jurisdiction). These procedures involve the approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) and City Council of a Land Study, Preliminary Plat and Final Plat respectively. Goff Homes has submitted and received approval of the Land Study. They are now submitting for approval the Stoneridge Farms Preliminary Plat. The purpose of the Preliminary Plat is to provide sufficient information to allow the City staff to review a general plan for the development of a property and make recommendations. The Preliminary Plat is a general plan which shows the location of the proposed development, arrangement of streets, alleys and lots, existing municipal facilities (water, sewer) and other important features. The Preliminary Plat must conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and development ordinances of the City. The Community Development Department must determine that all necessary information has been submitted and recommend approval before the Preliminary Plat is considered for approval by the P&Z Commission. After P&Z approval it will then go before the City Council for their approval. Approval of the Preliminary Plat by the P&Z and City Council constitutes authorization by the City for the developer to submit application for approval of a Final Plat subject to compliance with any conditions attached to the approval of the Preliminary Plat. This property is located at the junction of Stone Road and FM 544 just south of Quail Hollow subdivision and is zoned SF-1. The subdivision will be an estate type development with large lots. Financial Considerations All Preliminary Plats are subject to Preliminary Plat filing fees. This fee is $125.00 plus $2.00 per lot or$5.00 per acre in the subdivision (whichever is greater). Once approved, the platting procedure allows for the Final Plat to be subject to Final Plat filing fees, Impact Fees, Developmental Inspection Fees, Perimeter Street Fees, Park Land Dedication Fees, and miscellaneous related fees pertaining to that subdivision. All of these fees must be paid prior to filing the Plat with the County. Legal Considerations Per the adopted Wylie Subdivision Regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie is vested with the authority to review, approve, conditionally approve and disapprove applications for the platting or subdivision of land, including land studies, conveyance plats, preliminary plats, final plats, amended plats, replats and vacation of plats. The P&Z may grant variances from these regulations. All major subdivisions shall be subject to final approval by the City Council. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Stoneridge Farms Preliminary Plat as submitted by Goff Homes. This proposed development meets the criteria set forth by the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in regards to the location and type of residential development. The general layout (streets, lots and utilities) meets development standards as set forth by applicable ordinances. Staff has had numerous discussions with Goff Homes representatives and is satisfied that all preliminary plat requirements have been met. Staff recommends approval of the Stoneridge Farms Preliminary Plat submitted by Goff Homes so that Goff Homes may proceed with Final Plat application procedures. Goff Homes has submitted for P&Z approval a variance request relieving them from the requirement of constructing sidewalks on both sides of the streets within the development. Per Section 5.05 of the Wylie Subdivision Regulations, sidewalks are required for all lots adjoining dedicated streets and are required on both sides of said streets. Goff Homes is requesting a variance from this requirement citing that with the nature of the large lot development, sidewalks would be detrimental to the overall nature and the "country" feel of this large lot development. Staff recommends denial of the requested variance. The location of this development so close to school and park property will inevitably create pedestrian traffic. Staff recommends that sidewalks be constructed so as to give pedestrian traffic a place to walk other than the street. Attachments Preliminary Plat Application Location Map Area Zoning Map Preliminary Plat • Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST Date4-24- ` 2 ("` 7 Name of Proposed Development S!one r;of y c Name of Property Owner/Developer 5710h e r;," Address P.c. 3 x S?o 68 / Z //.s 73--33-¢ Phone '72- G 2v- o24 Owner of Record /P/.c.4.rd Jv,•,c A 4 ce Address lam///;e 7X Phone Name of Land Planner Do wa•% c' 4-soc ;Q,4s Surveyor/Engineer Address e /33 Rai e tee S%/c zoo ,Po,Ew4 // Phone ? 7e - 77/- 9.6 o i Total Acreage 73 /fie J Current Zoning Number of Lots/Units 6'5- / Signed G�, The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on,a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24"x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable 1. The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. Page 2 of 3 2. The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within and adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads, rights-of-way and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation lines and school district boundaries. 3. Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures and utilities within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated. 4. Contours with intervals of two feet (2') or less, referred to mean seal level datum, by actual field survey. 5. The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land. 6. The proposed name of the subdivision. 7. North arrow, scale, date and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision. 8. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor or planner, responsible for preparation of the plat. 9. The tract designation, zoning classification and other description according to the real estate records of the City or proper county authority; also, designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision, including the number of lots of each classification. 10. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitation of such reservations. 11. The layout, names and widths of proposed streets, alleys and easements, such as drainage easements, access easements, electrical easements and maintenance easements. 12. Provision for the connection of streets with other streets adjacent to the subdivision and for extension of streets to undeveloped property. Also a Circulation Plan indicating how continuous ingress and egress from existing residences and for City Staff will be =t maintained. • Page 3 of 3 13. The proposed base flood floodplain limits and elevations on a one-foot contour interval for all open channels. 14. A plan of the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and proposed drainage facilities, including drainage areas, location of lines, inlets, culverts, bridges, provisions for discharging onto and crossing adjacent properties and calculated runoff and points of concentration. 15. A location map of the proposed subdivision on a scale of 1" = 1000' showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one mile outside the proposed subdivision. 16. Typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width and cross slope of pavement, type of pavement and location, width and cross slope of sidewalks. Title Block shall indicate the date of the • current submittal and the revision number. 17. A notice shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). 18. An approval block/certificate shall be placed on the face of each Preliminary Plat by the subdivider (see wording). Taken File T k nby. No.: 7�7 Fee: 73 c c c�. 4e 6/0 Date: � � � Receipt No.: 6 • . . • ...........--- .--/ , 1 t....:._ t. •. . ,• •1 ,. ., ,• ,, . ............. . . • • L-----i I —I] —.... I--.T. —; i i ! i 1 . : [----1 1 i . i !I . . . o . I j .1 1 ; , m.; \•.. • ! , ! .! ! ! i • ! ! ........, ; ! 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I � ! ft E Planning & Zoning Commission #1 Public Hearing Item Re: Recommendation for Approval of Multi-Family Residential District Regulations replacing current regulations April 7, 1997 Issue Hold a Public Hearing and Consider recommendation for approval of an Ordinance establishing Multi-Family Residential District Regulations; replacing current Multi- Family Residential District Regulations (Sect. 14, Wylie Zoning Ordinance); stating the purpose and providing standards for development. Background A presentation addressing multi-family development was made during a joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) and City Council in September of 1996. Topics that were discussed included the appropriateness of multi-family development in a community, guidelines for locations of multi-family developments and the quality of development standards applied to their construction. Discussions during the September meeting centered around the issue that communities need to be able to offer residents a variety of housing types and that Wylie's own Comprehensive Plan listed that very goal. The fact that apartment units currently existing in Wylie are virtually 100% occupied with extensive waiting lists was also stated. There was a general agreement between individuals attending the workshop that not only was multi-family development a community obligation, but this specific information indicated that there is an actual market for apartment style residential housing. It was noted that projects in and around the area such as the continuation of Loop 190, the widening of State Highway 78 and FM 544 will only increase the growth of Wylie. This growth can be expected to increase demand for rental property. City Council and P&Z members recognized that the demand for multi-family housing alternatives will create the opportunity for the market to produce multi-family development. Therefore, City Council and P&Z members proposed that a review of the current multi-family development standards was needed. City Council and P&Z members realize that there are quality multi-family developments in other cities. They recommended that a review of their multi-family development standards may help in determining if, and in what manner, Wylie's standards are lacking. The product of this review process would include proposed modifications where appropriate. City Council and P&Z members determined that this review would insure the quality of multi-family developments to be constructed. It would also assure the City of Wylie and its residents that higher density type developments would not only provide a needed type of housing alternative, but be a positive attribute of Wylie's quality of life and attractiveness. At this time staff is ready to present for consideration the proposed development standards. Financial Considerations There are no financial considerations regarding this item. Legal Considerations Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and amendments regarding planning and zoning changes. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the proposed Multi-Family Development Standards which will affect the requirements of the following: • Density • Plan submittal • Height restrictions • Lot size • Open space • Lot coverage • Unit floor areas • Building setbacks • Landscaping After many hours of research and discussions with the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, staff is ready to present the proposed Multi-Family Development Standards for consideration of approval. These Regulations are designed to be strict but fair in regards to the construction of multi-family developments. Staff believes that these standards will provide an effective mechanism to allow multi-family development and assure the Wylie community of a quality development project. Attachments Current Multi-Family Development Standards Proposed Multi-Family Development Standards Reference Material from other cities standards City of Wylie Existing Multi-Family Regulations Regulations and Requirements: Density: 15 DUA or 20 DUA for multi-story configuration Height: 35 feet maximum for any building Lot Size: 25,000 sq.ft. and/or 3,000 sq.ft. per DU not to exceed 15/20 DUA *Open Space: 40% (excluding parking and roadways) Lot Coverage: 45% maximum DU Floor Area: 750 sq.ft. minimum Area Regulations: front yard depth- 25 ft. rear yard depth- 20 ft. (60 ft. from SF) side yard width- 8 ft. between buildings- 10 ft. with out windows 15 ft. with windows lot width- 80 ft. lot depth- 120 ft. Border fencing not less than 6 ft. when adjacent to any property line not abutting a public ROW landscaping Requirements: 5% of lot must be live landscaping 50% of which must be in front one 10 ft. tree or two trees with 2 inch diameter for each 1,000 sq.ft. of area required Off street parking: doesn't need to be addressed (in line with others) City of Wylie Proposed Multi-Family Regulations Regulations and Requirements Plan Requirements: Plat and Site Plan as already exists but also a Landscape Plan Density: 15 DUA Lot Size: 43,560 sq.ft. Lot Coverage: 45% maximum Lot Width: 100 ft. Lot Depth: 120 ft. Front Yard Depth: 30 ft. (SF-60 ft.) Rear Yard Depth: 25 ft. (SF-60 ft.) Side Yard Width: 20 ft. (SF-60 ft.) Height: 3 stories,40 ft. maximum DU Floor Area: efficiency- 600 sq.ft. min one bedroom- 750 sq.ft. min two bedroom- 900 sq.ft. min three bedroom- 1,000 sq.ft. min (efficiency/one bedroom not to exceed 15% of total DU) Building Separation:20 ft. separation 50 ft. if back to back or face to face Parking: 2.5 per unit (none in front) Open Space: 25% of lot (250 sq.ft. per DU as usable recreational space) Buffer Area: When MF is located adjacent to SF or lower density developed area, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent open space, all structures shall be set back a min. of 60 ft. from adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain appropriate landscape improvements, fencing berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses as approved by Director. Landscape Requirements: Landscape Plan: scale of 1 inch= 50 feet plant location plants preserved • species size spacing layout and description of irrigation maintenance provision persons responsible for landscape plan preparation Landscape: 15% of open space, 50% must be in front planting requirements: The following plants shall be required within the landscape areas at the ratios indicated. 1 large tree/600 sq.ft. 1 small tree/300 sq.ft. 1 shrub/60 sq.ft. Ground cover- 10% of required area • MULTI-FAMILY REGULATIONS COMPARISON Wylie Wylie Plano Garland Grapevine Southiake (EXISTING) (rRorOSEO) Plan Review PLAT/SITE PLAT/SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAT/SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAT/SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAT/SITE/LANDSCAPE PLAT/SITE/LANDSCAPE Density 28(DU/ACRE)OR 15 (DU/ACRE) 12/16/21.5 (DU/ACRE) 18(DU/ACRE) 12/20(DU/ACRE) 12 (DU/ACRE) 70 BEDROOMS/ACRE •25,0005Q.FT. OR Min Lot Area 3,000SO.FT./DU I ACRE 8,400FT B4O00FT 2 ACRES 1 ACRE Max Lot Coverage •45% 45% 45% 60% 50% 50% Min Lot Width •0OFT 100FT 7OFT 75FT 200FT N/A Min Lot Depth •120FT 1 2OFT 12OFT I OOFT 200FT N/A Setback/Front •25FT(SF-60) 3OFr(SF-60) 25FT(SF-60) 20Fr(SF-50) SOFT(SF-40) 30FT(SF-40) Setback/Rear •20FT(SF-60) 25FT(SF-60) 15FT(SF-60) 2OFT(5F-SO) 25FT(SF-40) 2OFT(SF-40) Setback/Side 2OFT(SF-60) 20Fr(SF-60) 15FT(SF-GO) 20Fr(SF-50) 20FT(SF-40) 15Fr(SF-40) 35FT/45FT MAX IF 100FT Max Height 2 STORIES/35FT 3 STORIES/40FT 3 STORIES/4OFT ,30FT 2 STORIES/35FT FROM SF EFFICIENCY 6005Q.FT EFFICIENCY 600 SQ.FT EFFICIENCY 500 SO.FT 1 BED 750 SO.FT EFFICIENCY 500 SO.FT 1 BED 7505Q.FT ) BED 650 SQ.FT 2 BED 900 SQ.FT 1 BED 650 SOFT 2 BED 800 SO.FT 2 BED 900 SQ.FT 850 SQ.FT MIN Min Floor Area 9005Q.FT MIN 3 BED 1,000 SQ.FT 2 BED 800 SQ.FT 3 BED 1,000 SQ.FT 15%ACCESSIBLE EACH ADD BED 150 SQ.FT EFFICIENCY& 1 BED 15% EACH ADD BED 200 SOFT EFFICIENCY 10%MAX EFFICIENCY& 1 BED MAX 1 5%MAX 20FT SEPARATION SOFT FACE/FACE 2OFT SEPARATION 1 OFT WO/WINDOWS 20FT CORNER/FACE, T BA Building Separation 15FT W/W IN DOWS SOFCK/BACK, FACE/END 2OFT 5OFT BACK/BACK, N/A FACE/FACE FRONT/FRONT 15FT CORNER/CORNER 1.5-1 BEDROOM/ Parking 1-EACH 2ND BEDROOM/ 2 5/UNIT(NONE IN FRONT) 2/UNIT 2/UNIT 2.5/UNIT 1/50OFT OF DU AREA .5-EACH ADD BEDROOM- MAX OF 3 25%or LOT (250 600 SO.FT/ONE BEDROOM 25%(250 SO.FT/DU Open Space 40% SQ.FT/DU USABLE 300 SO.FT/ADDITIONAL 25%OF SITE USABLE RECREATION 250 SQ.FT/DU (excluding paved,etc.) RECREATION AREA) BEDROOM AREA) 50%TOTAL FLOOR AREA ON ••Landscape/ 5%OF LOT/50%IN FRONT 15%OF OPEN SPACE )OFT IF NEXT TO STREET 2%OF PARKING AREA 15%OF TOTAL AREA 1ST FLOOR/75%IN FRONT Buffer Area 50%IN FRONT (AROUND PERIMETER) AND SIDE •CITED FROM MF REOS.IN ZONING ORDINANCE •• LANDSCAPE/DUFFER REGULATIONS ARE VERY COMrLCX AND CAN SC COMPLICATED. EXAMPLES LISTED HERE REPRESENT ONLY THE VERY BASIC INTENT OF EACH CITY'S REGULATIONS. ?