06-03-2002 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet AGENDA
Zoning Board of Adjustment
City Council Chambers - Wylie Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Monday, June 3, 2002
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the February 25, 2002 Meeting.
1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Matt Holland of
Ashton Custer, LLC for a variance to the Development Standards of the Planned
Development District (PD 99-09) in order to decrease the corner side yard from the
required fifteen feet to nine and seven tenths feet, this property being located at
3001 Kingsbrook Drive and being Lot 24, Block C of the Sage Creek Phase VI
Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2002-05)
2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Todd Watkins for
a variance to Sections 11.3)1)(a) and 11.3(b) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to
decrease the front yard from the required twenty-five feet to twenty-one feet and the
street side yard from the required twenty feet to sixteen feet, this property being
located at 200 South Cottonbelt Avenue and being Lot 10, Block 12 of the Keller's
Second Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2002-06)
1. Review by Mr. Capehart and Mr. Gibbons of the recent NCTCOG training session
and discussion of various procedural matters of the Board.
Posted Friday, May 31, 2002 at 5:00 p.m.
AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170.
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June 3 , 2002
Regular Business Meeting
Zoning Board of Adjustment
City Council Chambers - Wylie Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Monday, June 3, 2002
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the February 25, 2002 Meeting.
1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Matt Holland of
Ashton Custer, LLC for a variance to the Development Standards of the Planned
Development District (PD 99-09) in order to decrease the corner side yard from the
required fifteen feet to nine and seven tenths feet, this property being located at
3001 Kingsbrook Drive and being Lot 24, Block C of the Sage Creek Phase VI
Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2002-05)
2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Gary Todd Watkins for
a variance to Sections 11.3)1)(a) and 11.3(b) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to
decrease the front yard from the required twenty-five feet to twenty-one feet and the
street side yard from the required twenty feet to sixteen feet, this property being
located at 200 South Cottonbelt Avenue and being Lot 10, Block 12 of the Keller's
Second Addition. (ZBOA Case No. 2002-06)
1. Review by Mr. Capehart and Mr. Gibbons of the recent NCTCOG training session
and discussion of various procedural matters of the Board.
Posted Friday, May 31, 2002 at 5:00 p.m.
AT 442-8100 OR TDD AT 442-8170.
` rif_Wylie
Public Hearing Item No. 1
ZBOA No. 200205
Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: June 3, 2002
Owner/Applicant: Matt Holland
For Ashton Custer, LLC
Location: 3001 Kingsbrook Drive, Lot 24, Block C, of the Sage
Creek VI Addition
Request: Variance of Development Standards of the Planned
Development District (PD 99-09) to decrease the
street side yard from the required 15 feet to 9.7 feet.
The zoning requirements governing the subject property were established by the
Planned Development District (PD 99-09), approved by the City Council in December of
1999. The property was platted as the Sage Creek Phase VI Addition and residential
construction initiated in November of 2001.
The Development Standards approved with the PD that internal side yards be provided
that will maintain a separation of ten feet between structures. A side yard adjacent to a
street shall not be less than fifteen feet, even when that side yard is across from a front
When the foundation of the residence was construction, the form survey, intended to
verify such required dimensions, erroneously indicated that the building was placed
15.3 feet from the street side property line and 5.5 feet from the interior side property
line. These reported dimensions comply with the PD requirements. However, the final
survey, after construction had been completed, indicates that the house is actually
roughly centered on the lot, 9.7 feet from the street side property line and 10.9 feet
from the interior property line. The street side yard, therefore, does not comply.
ZBOA 2002-05
Section 32.3(3) of the previous Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of
Adjustment may permit a variance to the requirements of the development code where
there are unusual and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the carrying out
of these provisions due to an irregular shape of the tot, topographical or other
conditions, provided such variance will not seriously affect any adjoining property or the
general welfare. However, said section does specifically state that in order to grant a
variance, the following conditions shalt be documented:
a) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land,
structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands,
structures, or buildings in the same district.
b) That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the
applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under
the terms of this ordinance.
c) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
d) That granting the variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that
is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same
e) No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same
district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or building in other districts shall
be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
f) Financial hardship shall not be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
1. Public Comment Forms were mailed as required by State Law to thirty-four (34) property
owners within 200 feet of this request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of
this posting.
2. The subject lot is complies with all requirements of the Planned Development
District except for the street side yard. The requested variance will provide a street
side yard of 9.7 feet, rather than the required 15 feet. This is a variance of 5.3 feet
or 35.3 percent.
3. The erroneous form survey was made and sealed for accuracy by a registered
surveyor as required. Neither the applicant's on-site construction manager nor the
City of Wylie Building Inspection staff realized that the street side yard dimensions
were mistaken and not in compliance with the PD.
ZBOA 2002-06
Financial Considerations:
Application fee - Paid
Location Map
Site Plan
Notification List and Map
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ZBA CASE #2002-05
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13800 Montfort Drive #100 Dallas, Tx. 75240
Applicant 13800 Montfort Drive #100
1 Matt Holland Dallas, Texas 75240
3838 Oak Lawn #1212
2 Abst 849 Tract 20 R-6849-000-0200-1 Wooded Creek Estates Ltd. Dallas, Texas 75219
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
3 Blk C Lot 24 R-4921-00C-0240-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
4 BIk C 25 R-4921-00C-0250-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
5 Blk C 26 R-4921-00C-0260-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
6 Blk C 27 R-4921-00C-0270-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
7 Blk C 28 R-4921-00C-0280-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
8 BIk D 19 R-4921-00D-0190-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
9 BIk D 20 R-4921-00D-0200-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
10 Blk D 21 R-4921-00D-0210-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
11 BIk D 22 R-4921-00D-0220-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
12 BIk D 23 R-4921-00D-0230-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
13 Blk B 45 R-4921-00B-0450-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
14 BIk B 46 R-4921-00B-0460-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
15 BIk B 47 R-4921-00B-0470-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
16 BIk B 48 R-4921-00B-0480-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
17 BIk B 49 R-4921-00B-0490-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
18 BIk B 50 R-4921-00B-0500-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
19 BIk B 51 R-4921-00B-0510-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 6 13800 Montfort Drive #100
20 BIk B 52 R-4921-00B-0520-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
21 BIk C Lot 18 R-4530-00C-0180-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
22 BIk C 19 R-4530-00C-0190-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
23 Blk C 20 R-4530-00C-0200-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 3004 Candlebrook Drive
24 BIk C 21 R-4530-00C-0210-1 Matthew Murphy Wylie, Texas 75098
Sage Creek 5 3002 Candlebrook Drive
25 BIk C 22 R-4530-00C-0220-1 Gina Grace Wylie, Texas 75098
Sage Creek 5 3000 Candlebrook Drive
26 Blk C 23 R-4530-00C-0230-1 Debbie Mertel Wylie, Texas 75098
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
27 Blk A 23 R-4530-00A-0230-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
28 Blk A 24 R-4530-00A-0240-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
29 BIk A 25 R-4530-00A-0250-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
30 BIk A 26 R-4530-00A-0260-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
31 BIk B 41 R-4530-00B-0410-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
32 BIk B 42 R-4530-00B-0420-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
33 BIk B 43 R-4530-00B-0430-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
Sage Creek 5 13800 Montfort Drive #100
34 BIk B 44 R-4530-00B-0440-1 Ashton Custer, LLC Dallas, Texas 75240
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Public Hearing Item No. 2
ZBOA No. 2002-06
Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing: June 3, 2002
Owner/Applicant: Gary Todd Watkins
Location: 200 Cottonbelt Avenue, Lot 10, Block 12, of the
Keller's Second Addition
Request: Variance of Section 11.3(1)(a) of the 1985 Zoning
Ordinance in order to decrease the front building line
from the required 25 feet to 21 feet, and
Variance of Section 11.3(1)(b) of the 1985 Zoning
Ordinance in order to decrease the street side
building line from the required 20 feet to 16 feet.
The subject property was platted and a single-family residence was constructed on the
lot at an undetermined time some years ago, and apparently in compliance with code
requirements in force at that time. The residence has recently been demolished, and
the applicant desires to construct a new single-family residence of approximately 1,600
square feet. Two mature trees exist on the lot, and the applicant is requesting
adjustment of the required setbacks for the front and side yard in order to save the
trees and complete the new construction.
State legislation and case law dictate that developments are primarily subject to the
local codes in effect at the time of initial platting. Section 11.3(1)(a) of the Single
Family-3 (SF-3) District of the 1985 Zoning Ordinance requires a front yard having a
depth of not less than 25 feet. Section 11.3(1)(b) of that Ordinance requires that side
yards adjacent to a street be not less than 20 feet. The lot was rezoned to Single
Family 8.5 in December of 2001, and the current Ordinance requires a front yard of 25
feet and a street side yard of 25 feet.
ZBOA 2002-06
Section 32.3(3) of the previous Zoning Ordinance provides that the Zoning Board of
Adjustment may permit a variance to the requirements of the development code where
there are unusual and practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the carrying out
of these provisions due to an irregular shape of the lot, topographical or other
conditions, provided such variance will not seriously affect any adjoining property or the
general welfare. However, said section does specifically state that in order to grant a
variance, the following conditions shall be documented:
a) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land,
structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands,
structures, or buildings in the same district.
b) That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the
applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under
the terms of this ordinance.
c) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
d) That granting the variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that
is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same
e) No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same
district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or building in other districts shall
be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
f) Financial hardship shall not be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
1. Public Comment Fauns were mailed as required by State Law to thirty (30) property owners
within 200 fret of this request. No Comment Forms have been returned at the time of this
2. The subject lot is 11,850 square feet in size, complying with the current zoning
requiring lots of at least 8,500 square feet. The proposed residence is 1,600 square
feet, compared with the 1,700 square feet minimum required by the current zoning.
3. There is a 37-inch diameter Pecan tree within the interior side yard, and a 45-inch
Oak tree within the street side yard. The variances are requested in order to locate
the residence in such a way that these trees are saved.
ZBOA 2002-06
4. The requested front yard variance will allow the residence to be constructed 21 feet
from the front property line rather than the required 25 feet, a variance of 4 feet or
16 percent. The requested side yard variance will allow the residence to be
constructed 16 feet from the side property line rather than the required 20 feet, a
variance of 4 feet or 20 percent.
5. The subject property is located within one of the oldest, originally platted
subdivisions of Wylie. The surrounding area is a stable but redeveloping residential
neighborhood of older/smaller and newer/larger homes. The proposed residence is
complimentary to the transitioning residential redevelopment. In October of 2000,
the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied a request by the previous owner of the
subject lot to construct an accessory building on the subject lot to be used
temporarily as a storage building while remodeling an adjacent residence and later
as the permanent garage for a new residence on the subject lot.
Financial Considerations:
Application fee - Paid
Location Map
Site Plan
Notification List and Map
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ZBA CASE #2002-06
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Exhibit A - Setback Variances - Lot 1 Block 10
Keller's 2nd Addition (200 S. Cottonbelt Road)
202 S. Cottonbelt Ave Wylie, Texas 75098
Applicant 202 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
1 Gary Todd Watkins Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.O. Box 232
2 Blk 10 Lot 5 R-2130-010-0040-1 Mark Feagin Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.O. Box 1115
3 Blk 10 6 R-2130-010-0060-1 Martin Esquivel Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.O. Box 1115
4 BIk 10 7 R-2130-010-0070-1 Martin Esquivel Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 103 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
5 Blk 10 8 R-2130-010-0080-1 Cecil Hall Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 1101 Surrey Circle
6 Blk 11 1 R-2130-011-0010-1 Mickey Foster Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.O. Box 1386
7 BIk 11 2 R-2130-011-0020-1 Eduardo Alfaro Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.P. Box 822
8 Blk 11 5 R-2130-011-0050-1 Connie Gracy Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 205 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
9 BIk 11 6 R-2130-011-0060-1 Haskel Gracy Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 203 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
10 Blk 11 7 R-2130-011-0070-1 James Taylor Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 201 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
11 BIk 11 8A R-2130-011-008A-1 Luis Hernandez Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 7832 C.R. 2580
12 BIk 11 8B R-2130-011-008B-1 Joe Davis Royse City, Texas 75189
Keller's 2nd Addn Wylie Woodlands 4209 Country Club Drive
13 BIk 12 7 R-2130-012-0070-1 Apts., Ltd. Plano, Texas 75074
Keller's 2nd Addn 204 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
14 BIk 12 8 R-2130-012-0080-1 Stephanie Bailey Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 202 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
15 BIk 12 9 R-2130-012-0090-1 Gary Watkins Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 1473 Lakeview Drive
16 BIk 12 10 R-2130-012-0100-1 Jesse Watkins St. Paul, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 106 S. Cottonbelt Avenue
17 Blk 12 11 R-2130-012-0110-1 Dee Potter Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn P.O. Box 130
18 Blk 12 12 R-2130-012-0120-1 Victor Varnadoe Wylie, Texas 75098
Keller's 2nd Addn 3200 Langley Drive
19 BIk 12 13 R-2130-012-0130-1 Daniel O'Hara Plano, Texas 75025
Rustic Oaks II 400 Elliot Street
20 Blk K Lot 15 R-1503-011-0150-1 Beth Grubbs Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks II 402 Elliot Street
21 Blk K 16 R-1503-011-0160-1 Waylan Langford Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks ll 404 Elliot Street
22 Blk K 17 R-1503-011-0170-1 Scott Ruth Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks II 405 Elliot Street
23 Blk L 13 R-1503-012-0130-1 Gary Landford Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks II 403 Elliot Street
24 Blk L 14 R-1503-012-0140-1 Jay Salzgeber Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks II 401 Elliot Street
25 Blk L 15 R-1503-012-0150-1 L.C. Thompson Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks IV 402 Fleming Street
26 Blk L Lot 16A R-2207-00L-016A-1 Juan Ruiz Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks IV 400 Fleming Street
27 Blk L 16B R-2207-00L-016E-1 Julia Pickens Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks IV 406 Fleming Street
28 Blk L 17A R-2207-00L-017A-1 Peggy Higgins Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks IV 404 Fleming Street
29 Blk L 17B R-2207-00L-017B-1 Chuong Lien Wylie, Texas 75098
Rustic Oaks IV 408 Fleming Street
30 Blk L 18 R-2207-00L-0180-1 Kenneth Johnson Wylie, Texas 75098
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