01-22-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, January 22, 2007 —6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board Members present
were: Anne Hiney, Donna Larson, Frankie Delgado and Benny Jones. Board Members
Brandi LaFleur and David Willey were absent.
Staff present was: Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson; and Assistant Parks Superintendent
Robert Diaz, and Gayle Walton, Acting Secretary.
No one was present for citizen's participation.
Board Members Brandi LaFleur and David Willey arrived at 6:38 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the December 18, 2006
Board Action
Board Member Hiney made a correction on page 3 of the Minutes regarding road construction of
FM 1378. Chairman Chesnut made a correction on page 2 of the Minutes regarding development
of unfinished park land.
Board Member Hiney made a motion and Board Member Willey seconded to table approval of the
December 18, 2006 Minutes till the February 26, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to
allow staff time to review and make the noted changes to the minutes. A vote was taken and
passed 7-0.
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2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual
Plan for the Planned Development-Premier South Business Park.
Presentation will be made by Sam Satterwhite of the Wylie Economic
Development Corporation.
Presentation to the Board was made regarding parkland dedication by Sam Satterwhite, Executive
Director of Wylie Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Satterwhite stated that dedication of
5.959 acres of open space is being considered in lieu of $25,000.00 parkland dedication fees. Mr.
Satterwhite noted that the property is heavily wooded and that WEDC has had this property for two
(2) years with no maintenance cost of the property.
Staff/Board Comments
Board Member Hiney asked if the 39.8 acres is the landfill. Mr. Satterwhite stated that it is and that
it is not required to be a park and the typical use is a treatment plant once it is closed as open
space. Board Member Hiney stated that if we are able to make the landfill into a dog park this will
form a connection from the back of the neighborhood to the west. Board members reviewed the
plans of the property as presented by Mr. Satterwhite. Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent, asked
Mr. Satterwhite if Bariatric Center owned property adjacent to the proposed 5.959 acres. Mr.
Satterwhite stated that they do own property to the corner of the proposed property.
Board Member Hiney stated that even if the Bariatric Center does own this and we are looking at
long term projected use of the property, that there could be a trail that connects north-south
through there to tie in all of the different housing areas together. Board Member Willey questioned
the value of the property which was estimated to be at or over $80,000.00. Mr. Satterwhite stated
that a local company will be at the northwestern corner of the property (right on Martinez Lane)
conveying 2 acre tract of land to them and they are planning to build a 21,000 square foot facility.
It was also noted that this local company already occupies four facilities within the city and they will
be combining all of these and expanding.
Board Member Hiney asked about the depth WEDC will build on this property. Mr. Satterwhite
stated that overhead utility lines will be moved to the eastern most part of the property and that
after discussion with Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, actual language on the plat will reflect
open space and utility; and 150 to 200 feet west of the creek is where they will be building to.
Board Member Delgado asked if there is a cost associated with the moving of utility lines because
he is concerned if trails could be used underneath the lines and that there may be caveat there.
Mr. Satterwhite stated that the movement of the utility lines will be included in the dedication. The
dedication will include the centerline of the creek and east.
Discussion followed regarding this floodplain on this property and also the question was raised
regarding property owned by Edna J. Pockrus.
Board Action
Board Member Delgado made a motion and Board Member Hiney seconded to accept the
dedication for potential trails and future usage of the property. Mr. Nelson asked when this will be
presented to Council. Mr. Satterwhite stated that this is anticipated to be presented to Council
within the next fourteen (14) days. Mr. Nelson stated that it might behoove staff and the Board to
review the property. Mr. Nelson stated that we need to be careful if this property is in the flood
plain. Board Member Delgado questioned the time frame of reviewing this property if this is to be
brought to Council with fourteen (14) days. Mr. Satterwhite stated that this is a long process and
that staff/Board will have time to review the property. Board Member Larson also stated that this
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will provide an opportunity to look at other property as well. Mr. Satterwhite stated that he can
show the exact location of the flood plain and areas noted on the maps presented to the Board.
Board Member Delgado withdrew his motion and the consensus of the Board was to accept the
Board Member Delgado made a motion and seconded by Board Member Hiney to table this item
pending Mr. Satterwhite update to the Board regarding the property of Edna J. Pockrus and
inspection of the property by staff/board members and an update regarding the flood plain of the
property. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Staff updates:
• Playground options at Joel Scott Park.
• Restroom options at Olde City Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz stated that Birmingham PTA had issues regarding playground options at Joel Scott Park.
Board Member Hiney stated that school play equipment needs repairs and the PTA wanted to
solve this problem which led to the discussion that during school days, the public is asked not to
use the playground while school is in session because school children are utilizing the equipment.
It was noted that this is from Dr. Fuller through administration. It was noted that when teachers are
outside and when a family arrives to use the playground, the families are asked to leave. Board
Member Hiney stated she was asked if there are any plans for another playground in another area
of Joel Scott Park. Upon inquiry about the location of a pavilion, Ms. Hiney was informed that the
pavilion will be placed on the other side of Westgate. Ms. Hiney posed a question as to whether a
small playground could be placed along with the pavilion since typically a family gathering would
utilize the pavilion as well as playground equipment.
The other question that Board Member Hiney received was in regards to the reservation of a
pavilion at Pirate Cove. Ms. Hiney informed the resident that at this time there was not a pavilion
at Pirate Cove and recommended the reservation of the pavilion at Community Park or Olde City
Park. When inquiring about restrooms at the park, it was noted that Olde City Park does not have
restroom facilities. Board Member Hiney asked if there were any plans to have restroom facilities
at Olde City Park since the use of the pavilion at this park will draw family gatherings. Dan
Chesnut asked why the pavilion was being built on the other side of Westgate. Bill Nelson stated
that Dr. Fuller did not want the pavilion close to the existing playground in regard of school
purposes. Chairman Chesnut stated that in regards to school usage of the land and equipment
during school hours, the school came first and that after school hours the public can utilize the
equipment. Mr. Chesnut also stated that he agrees with the school usage and wanted to know
why we are putting in more equipment close to the existing equipment that was put in by the
school. Board Member Hiney noted that the playground equipment was put in by the school.
Because of the problems, Mr. Chesnut questioned if separate apparatus is the answer.
Mr. Diaz stated that he received a similar call from a resident wishing to use playground equipment
during school hours. It was noted that several years ago, the public could use the equipment while
school is in session if the school wasn't utilizing the equipment at that time. Board Member
Delgado responded to Mr. Chesnut question regarding separate apparatus for public use in that he
questioned the building of a playground due to this exception. Discussion followed regarding
utilizing informative signage regarding playground usage during school hours. The question was
asked about playground equipment alongside the pavilion on Westgate. Board Member Larson
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asked if a skate park could go there. Discussion followed regarding the feasibility of this and the
feasibility of having some type of playground equipment close to the pavilion. Mr. Diaz stated that
there are options to relocating playground equipment and staff will review this.
Mr. Nelson addressed the issue of restroom facilities at Olde City Park in that until adjacent
property is acquired for a parking lot and permanent restrooms installed, that portable restrooms
could be put in place. Board Member Delgado stated that we don't want to have portable
restrooms forever. It was noted that community gatherings are held at Olde City Park and portable
restrooms are better than nothing. Chairman Chesnut noted that we need to explore the school
and city roles before there is any further development around the school and that signage and
other options need to be reviewed. Mr. Diaz was asked if the City still hold meetings with school
officials. Mr. Diaz stated that he will check with the City Manager and inform the Board at the
• Construction status on basketball courts, Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson stated that all five basketball concrete slabs are in. This week or next week, the goals
will be installed. Staff was informed of a company, Masterpiece Resurfacing, that can do court
striping. After staff reviewed existing courts completed by this company, staff is considering having
the new courts painted and striped and the existing court at Community Park painted also. Mr.
Nelson stated that it is an acrylic paint with a little sand which adds texture and it comes with a one
year warranty and that an average basketball court is estimated to last 10 years. Mr. Nelson
stated that the court at the north end of Community Park needs repair and that there is a company
that can jack up the court and repair it.
Bid irrigation for Olde City Park will be going out on January 31, 2007. A few trees will need to be
planted; dirt work and seeding will be completed for Olde City Park. For Joel Scott Park, Mr.
Nelson stated that all new trees are in and the irrigation is about 30% complete due to the weather.
Forming for the picnic pavilion slab and the sidewalk going to it is all formed but is halted at this
time due to the weather. Board Member Larson asked about irrigation in the park by the pavilion
and also about irrigation if skateboard park or playground equipment is installed. Mr. Nelson
stated that staff is proceeding as planned with the irrigation. Board Member Hiney asked about the
gazebo at Olde City Park. Board members were informed that staff has requested a price quote
for the copper roof of the gazebo and is waiting on this information. The gazebo will be painted
green like the pavilion and the ceiling inside of the gazebo white and further landscaping will be
added to the park. When asked about benches, Mr. Nelson stated that benches have been
• Update from January 10, 2007 architect meeting with City Council.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz stated that the Architect for the new facilities met with Council and presented options and
the Recreation Center rendering was provided. Direction was given to the architects regarding
cost, material, etc. from Council. Mr. Diaz stated that the facility will be a shared roof facility,
shared parking and what the voters voted on will cost about 3-4 million dollars more. It was noted
that the Library construction will start first which makes it less costly than the other facilities. Mr.
Nelson stated that when staff meet with the architects, for the money budgeted some items were
cut but it was also noted by the Architects to Council that certain aspects of the Recreation Center
can not be cut.
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• Founders Park Bond Project.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz stated that at the Retreat, the Board will be updated on the Founders Park Bond Project.
• Review packet for Board Retreat, February 3, 2007.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz gave an overview of the agenda for the Board Retreat which will be held on February 3,
2007 at Bart Peddicord Community Center, Wylie, Texas. Staff also reviewed packets for the
Board Retreat. Maps were also provided which highlighted existing facilities.
A motion was made by Board Member Willey and seconded by Board Member Jones to adjourn.
The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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