12-18-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, December 18, 2006 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board Members present
were: David Willey, Anne Hiney, Donna Larson, Frankie Delgado, and Brandi Lafleur.
Board Member Benny Jones was absent.
Staff present was: Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz.
No one was present for citizen's participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the November 27, 2006
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion and Board Member Hiney seconded to approve the Minutes
of the November 27, 2006 Board Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member
Jones absent.
2. Staff updates:
• Draft Agenda for Board Retreat in 2007.
Staff/Board Discussion
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board members reviewed the draft agenda for the 2007 Board Retreat as presented by staff. It
was noted that the City Manager will be able to be present for the Retreat. Board Member Larson
asked if the City Council will be attendance as well. Robert Diaz stated that the City Manager
asked if staff would get with her after the first of the year to confirm if any of the City Council will be
able to attend.
Board Member Hiney asked if the Board Retreat is considered as a special called meeting. It was
noted that the Board Retreat Agenda will be posted as all board meetings are. The Board had no
changes to the draft agenda/schedule. The Board Retreat will include a roundtable discussion with
the City Manager. The Board Retreat will also address the following:
o Budget Priorities
o Updated account balances
- Acquisition and Improvement fund (includes dedication amounts),
4B and general funds
o Parks to be developed
o Staff Priorities
o Build-Out of Founders Park and Community Park
It was noted that at the January 22, 2007 meeting, budget priority suggestions for the Board
Retreat will be presented by staff. Robert Diaz noted that a list of projects that were presented to
the Board in 2004 will be reviewed again to identify completed projects and projects to be modified
or added. Chairman Chesnut stated that he would like to see addressed the development of
unfinished Park Land. It was noted that Avalon and Wylie Lakes Park land are ones to be
addressed as to their development. Board Member Hiney asked about the development of the
pond near Birmingham Farms Park. Mr. Diaz stated that dredging the pond was discussed earlier
but this is a costly procedure. This issue will be discussed with the Public Works Director on what
can be done.
• Land near Olde City Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Staff updated the Board on the plan for acquiring property near Olde City Park. A plat of the land
was presented to the Board for their review. It was noted that the county property and the Kansas
City Railroad (KCS) property will have to be purchased. For the KCS property, it was noted that
$171,000 is the appraised value, not the market value. It was also noted that what is needed is the
Caldwell right-of-way property, KCS and the County property. Mr. Diaz mentioned to the Board
that First Baptist Church already had the adjacent Wylie Feed Store property and they purchased
the railroad property and the County property; and is currently in the process of building a parking
lot. Mr. Diaz stated that the city do not have the Caldwell property which is needed. Mr. Diaz also
stated that Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, received a call from Staubach Realty, who is
representing the rail road, asking the city to make them an offer on the property. Mr. Diaz noted
that an appraisal will have to be completed before an offer can be made and it is estimated that the
appraisal will cost $1500-3000.00 for the property which was not budgeted. A mid-year budget
amendment is anticipated and will include the cost of the appraisal. It was noted that once the
appraisals are completed that staff could submit a grant application this summer for the purchase
of the property. It was noted that this is an item that can be discussed at the Park Board Retreat.
Mr. Diaz stated discussion of available funds would be a topic for the upcoming Park Board
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• Construction Status on Basketball Courts, Olde City Park, and Joel Scott
Staff/Board Discussion
Staff updated the Board on the completion of projects. Basketball courts have been poured at
Eureka Park, Community Park and Friendship Park. Lakeside Park is the site the next court will be
poured and once all of the courts are completed, goals will be installed and stripped/painted. This
project should be completed before the first of next year.
Irrigation bids for Olde City Park has been scheduled to be received by staff and it was noted that
irrigation of the parking lot across from the Community Center will be completed in-house which will
be at a significant saving. Bids for irrigation of Joel Scott Park have also been scheduled and to be
received by staff. Staff noted that trees are ready for installation.
Board Member Willey asked about the trees planted along FM 544. Mr. Diaz stated that TxDOT is
responsible for the trees along FM 544 and SH78. This is a part of the TxDOT Beautification
Program which has been in the works for about a year. Board Member Hiney asked if the planting
included shrubs. Mr. Diaz stated that there were no shrubs planted but in actuality Holly Trees
were planted. It was noted that the Holly Trees will get larger but they will not be a huge tree.
Board Member Hiney was concerned with view obstruction. Mr. Diaz assured the Board that this
would not be a problem and that TxDOT is also providing irrigation for the trees and for the trees
that were planted earlier as well. The City will mulch the trees and provide maintenance of tree
wells. Board Member Delgado asked staff who was funding the cost of this project. Mr. Diaz
stated that this project is funded from the TxDOT Beautification Program which is a great deal for
the city and that this project provides the installation of boring and conduits which are needed for
anticipated lighting along these areas. Staff noted that trees along certain parts of SH78 were not
planted due to street cut throughs.
• Update from the November 28, 2006 architect meeting with City Council.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz received from the Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, a framed drawing of the new
sites of City Hall, Library and Recreation Center. Mr. Diaz outlined the location of the new sites as
approved by Council. It was noted that a lot of property is left untouched and that less than 15
acres will be utilized to build the new facilities. Mr. Diaz stated that the facilities are designed to
allow for expansion. Board Member Hiney stated that in regards to FM 1378, the City Engineer
has stated that bids will be submitted Fall of 2007 and at the end of 2007 or beginning of 2008
construction will start. It was noted that emphasis has been placed on early construction of the
facilities. Council and staff are considering public meetings to outline options of the new facilities.
Board Member Hiney stated that during the meeting with the architects, it was noted that there is a
cost of $60,000 per month per facility for each month of delay. Mr. Diaz stated that the architects
has noted that a reduction of space from the Recreation Center would not be cost effective for the
city due to the fact that this facility would be a revenue generating facility and a reduction in space
would not generate enough revenue to keep it afloat. The size of the Library would remain around
30,000 square feet. Board Member Delgado asked about the use of allocated funds if corners are
anticipated to be cut for the Recreation Center. It was noted that between several funds —
Acquisition and Improvement Fund and 4B Fund, money could be available to furnish the
Recreation Center if needed. Staff also noted that an enterprise plan can be prepared for the
Recreation Center which will include staffing levels, anticipated revenue, etc. which can be
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presented to Council and the Park Board which also can be utilized to determine an amount to
charge to recoup cost. It was noted that maintenance of the new 40,000-45,000 sq. foot facility will
be costly.
• Founders Park Bond Project.
Staff/Board Discussion
Staff noted the contract for this project was approved by Council at the December 12, 2006 Council
meeting. Wylie Soccer Association wanted information regarding scheduling information which
staff will provide as soon they receive it. It is anticipate that this project will go to bid fall of 2007
and with construction to start by the end of 2007. Staff also noted that meetings regarding this
project may begin in January or February 2007.
Board Member Willey asked about hike and bike trails and if staff has received any feedback from
Wylie ISD and Birmingham Land. Staff responded that they have not received any feedback but
will check on this. Discussion followed regarding hike and bike trails. Board Member Willey also
stated that he would like to see the trails extend and tie into the Wells Property which he don't
believe can be done at this time. Mr. Diaz noted that accessibility is a problem to be addressed
regarding Founders Park. Board Member Hiney asked about the Hensley property. It was noted
that Mr. Hensley has property for sell a price that is greater than the appraised price.
Board Member Willey asked if staff anticipates any budgeting problems associated with this
project. It was noted by staff that no problems are anticipated although the price of steel has risen
and has a bearing, in that a lot of fencing will be utilized in this project; however, enough funds has
been budgeted to cover this increase.
In regards to a skate park, Board Member Delgado noted that there is land for sale by Joel Scott
Park. Staff was asked for clarification on the zoning of this property which is located east of Joel
Scott Park. It was noted that this property is zoned as retail and is owned by Birmingham Trust.
Board Member Larson stated that plans for a skate park has been discussed and feasibility
reviewed. Mr. Diaz stated that once pricing has been received for budget purposes, meetings can
be scheduled between staff and the Park Board to receive input from the Board and to review what
is needed for this project. It was noted that it would be good to include this project in April 2007
Budget amendments.
Board members also requested a map that outlines every City park and HOA which will reflect
accessibility of parks to the residents and also outline what land is available.
A motion was made by Board Member Hiney and seconded by Board Member Willey to adjourn.
The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board a ' urned at 8:10 p.m.
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an Chesnut, Chairman
Gay e Iton,Acting Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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