06-09-1998 (City Council) Agenda Packet WYLIE CITY COUNCIL
Tuesday, June 9 1998
7:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Consent Agenda
1. Consider and Act Upon Approval for Work Order No. WYL-26 Authorizing the Hogan
Corporation to Proceed with Paving Improvements Along Mardi Gras, Valentine, Memorial,
South Jackson, Calloway, College, Citizens and West Kirby and Interim Drainage
Improvements Along Valentine Park Creek.
2. Consider and Act Upon Approval for Work Order No. WY-27 Authorizing the Hogan
Corporation to Proceed with Engineering Services to Prepare the Necessary Information to
Assist the City in Developing a Street Impact Fee Analysis and Ordinance.
3. Consider and Act Upon Authorization for the Chief of Police to Submit Application to the
United Stated Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for the
Approval of a Grant Under the COPS MORE 1998.
4. Consider and Act Upon Approval of the Semi-Annual Report from the Planning and Zoning
Commission Regarding the 10-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and the Water and
Sewer Impact Fees.
5. Consider and Act Upon Approval of Standard 9-1-1 Service Agreements and Consider
Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Such Agreements, as Needed.
6. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition, Proposed
by Carter & Burgess, Inc., for Centex Homes, Generally Located Along the East Side of
FM1378 Just South of Anchor Drive and being all of 19.103 Acre Tract out of the N.
McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
City Council Agenda
Page 1
Consent Agenda-continued
7. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Wylie High School Addition, Proposed by
Brockette,Davis, Drake Inc. for Wylie Independent School District, Generally Located at the
Southwest Corner of FM544 and Country Club Road and being all of a 22.1984 Acre Tract
out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, and the J.W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196,
and all of a 43.8013 Acre Tract out of the I, Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas.
8. Consider and Act upon a Final Plat for the Dollar General Addition, proposed by Jackson &
Associates Land Surveyors, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of State Highway 78
and Marble Street and being all of Lots 1-5, Block 15, of the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas.
Public Hearings
9. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider Amending Section 27 - Sign Regulations, of the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the Addition of a Definition of Weekend Signs and Rules
for the Regulations of Such Signs.
10. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of an Ordinance to Continue the Collection of
911 Fees.
11. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider and Act Upon a Request to Rezone 768 Acres from A
(Agricultural)to B-2 (Business), Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23 A.
The tract is situated in the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No 196, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas and Generally Located Along the North Side of FM544 Between FM 1378 and
Sanden Blvd. ZC No. 98-03.
Action Agenda
12. Consider and Act Upon a Development Plan/Site Plan for the Woodbridge Golf Club,
Proposed by Don Herzog for Woodbridge Golf Club, Ltd, Generally Located Along the East
Side of State Highway 78 between Sachse Road and State Highway 78 and being all of a
145.6831 Tract and all of a 78.8387 Acre Tract out of the Richard Newman Survey, Abstract
No. 660 and Abstract No. 1072, City of Wylie, Collin County and Dallas County, Texas.
13. Consider and Act upon the Adoption of Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance.
14. Consider and Act Upon Authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate a Contract with a
Consulting Firm, as Needed to Prepare a Comprehensive Plan Update.
City Council Agenda
Page 2
Staff Reports
Citizen Participation
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this the day of , 1998 at 5:00 p.m. as required by
law in accordance to Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.
Office of the City Secretary
The Wylie Municipal:Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees. Must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972/442-8100 or TDD
City Council Agenda
Page 3
June 9, 1998
Consider and act upon approval for Work Order No. WYL-26 authorizing The Hogan
Corporation to proceed with paving improvements along Mardi Gras, Valentine, Memorial,
S. Jackson, Calloway, College, Citizens, and W. Kirby and interim drainage improvements
along Valentine Park Creek.
The Hogan Corporation will perform the Preliminary Planning Phase, Design Phase and
Construction Phase services and such other related additional services that may be
authorized by the City for the proposed street paving improvements in association with the
proposed improvements to Mardi Gras Lane. In addition, The Hogan Corporation will
provide engineering services to assist the City in preparing specifications, bidding, and
contract documents for the paving improvements program to improve Valentine, Memorial,
S. Jackson, Calloway, College, Citizens, and W. Kirby Streets.
This project will consist of approximately 1,250 feet of pavement improvements including
new concrete curbs and gutters, and a new asphalt driving surface for Mardi Gras Lane.
The remainder of the streets will include approximately 10,000 linear feet of concrete curbs
and gutters and over 30,000 square feet of sidewalks. The asphalt driving surface will be
installed as part of the City's existing contract for asphalt overlay improvements.
As part of this work order, the Engineer will recommend interim improvements to the
Valentine Park Creek between Ballard Ave. and Muddy Creek. The proposed improvements
are intended to stabilize the existing channel banks and increase the capacity of the creek
until permanent channel improvements can be funded.
Board Recommendations
Financial Considerations
The total estimated cost for this work order is $17,750, which is composed of $15,500 for
various street improvements and $2,250 for interim drainage improvements to Valentine
Park Creek.
Consent Agenda
Work Order No. WYL-26
Page 1
The street improvements are funded as part of the 1995 Bond Program.
• The engineering design fee for Mardi Gras - $10,500.
• The engineering design fee for miscellaneous streets - $1,000.
• Advertise and receive bids - $1,500.
• General review of construction - $2,500.
• No cost estimates have been furnished by Hogan Corporation for services
outside of engineering design. Additional costs could include engineering
consultant hours, survey work, procurement of easements, and lab testing.
The interim improvements to the Valentine Park Creek associated design fees are budgeted
in the current Street Department budget.
• Engineering design fee - $2,250.
• No cost estimates have been furnished by Hogan Corporation for services
outside of engineering design. Additional costs could include engineering
consultant hours, survey work, procurement of easements, and lab testing.
Other Considerations
The services described herein are to be performed in accordance with the applicable
sections of the Agreement for Engineering Services by and between the City of Wylie,
Texas (Owner), and The Hogan Corporation (Engineer), as approved on July 27, 1993._
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends approval of Work Order No. WYL-26.
Work Order No. WYL-26
7r.:(itc e.19eietil4Y-
Prep ed y Rev' ed by Fina ce City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Work Order No. WYL-26
Page 2
05/29/98 11:04 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION WYLIE-PRICE V]002
This will constitute authorization by the City of Wylie, Texas (Owner), for The Hogan Corporation,
Engineers-Planners-Consultants, Dallas, Texas (Engineer), to proceed with the following described
engineering services.
Mardi Gras Lane, Valentine, Memorial, S. Jackson
Calloway, and College Streets
The Engineer shall perform the Preliminary Planning Phase, Design Phase, and Construction
Phase Services and such other related Additional Services that may be authorized by the
Owner for the proposed street paving improvements in association with the proposed
improvements to Mardi Gras Lane.
This project includes the repaving of approximately 1,250 linear feet of roadway along Mardi
Gras St. including approximately 2,500 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter, new driveway
approaches as well as sidewalk repair. The street surface will be patched and overlayed with
It is projected that the cost of construction for this project will be approximately $150,000.
This cost projection was prepared for budget purposes only and is not guaranteed as the exact
amount which will be bid for furnishing and installing the proposed improvements. A map is
attached to show the general location and limits of the proposed project.
The engineer will also assist the City in preparing bidding documents for miscellaneous street
rehabilitation. This bid package will include Contract Documents,Bid Form, and specifications
As part of this work order, the Engineer will recommend interim improvements to the
Valentine Park Creek between Ballard St. and Muddy Creek. The proposed improvements are
intended to stabilize the existing channel banks and increase the capacity of the creek until
permanent channel improvements can be funded.
The services described herein are to be performed in accordance with the applicable sections of
the Agreement for Engineering Services by and between the City of Wylie,Texas(Owner), and
The Hogan Corporation(Engineer), as approved on July 27, 1993.
05/28/98 15:30 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION 4 WYLIE-PRICE L1003
The Engineer will meet with the Owner and other appropriate entities to discuss the design
criteria, work program and schedule, procedures of communication, additional surveys,
assignments of personnel, and any other matters that may have a direct or indirect effect upon
the completion and results of these street paving and drainage improvements projects. Other
work and review conferences will be scheduled throughout the progress of developing the
1 Preliminary Planning
a. Confirm the design criteria requirements, funding, and schedules with the
b_ Take additional photographs of the existing conditions along the route of the
project site to identify areas of special concern in design and possible problems
to resolve.
c. Perform pre-design study of the proposed street and drainage improvements.
d. Present recommended schematic layout, typical sections, alternatives for street
construction, drainage systems design, and plan for the proposed initial phase
of improvements.
e. Prepare alternate layouts, where it may be needed during construction, for
traffic flow and control,detours,turning movements, etc.
f. Determine right-of-way and/or construction easement requirements and
procedures for acquisition, where required. Establish limits of off-site drainage
g. Identify potential areas requiring landscape restoration along the proposed
alignment for the new curb and gutter and storm drainage improvements.
h. Establish priorities for construction and scheduling for coordination with other
projects in the area.
Schedule, as needed, meeting(s) with representatives of the City of Wylie and
property owners.
j, Review previous field work completed, and determine additional surveys
required. Establish the benchmark datum.
05/28/98 15:30 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION WYLIE-PRICE 01004
k. Review subsurface conditions from soils investigation reports, and identify
areas for additional study,where required.
1. Address other considerations of the project, such as utility relocation,
adjustments,replacements, etc.,and note locations where conflicts may occur.
m. Prepare update on construction cost projection.
n. Proceed, upon written direction of the Owner, with the Design Phase services
of the selected plan.
2. Preliminary Drafting
a. Prepare preliminary work on plan sheets to include:
Cover sheet;
- Location Map;
Title blocks,north arrows, scales,benchmarks, etc.; and,
Miscellaneous paving and storm drainage details, prepared per the City
of Wylie Standards and Ordinances.
b. Prepare preliminary work on specifications to include:
Standard specifications;
- Special conditions;
- Cover sheet;and,
- Proposal, bid schedule, and contract documents. The construction
documents will conform to the City of Wylie Standards.
3. Preliminary Design
a. Reduce and plot field notes of profile, cross-sections, and topography. If
weather conditions and scheduling of the Owner permit, aerial photographs
may be considered in preparing the construction drawings.
b. Confirm existing utility (water, sewer, drainage, gas, cable, TV, telephone,
electric)locations, depths.
05/28/98 15:30 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION µYLIE-PRICE WI 005
c. Set preliminary alignments and locations for the proposed centerline, pavement
transitions, and curb/gutters.
d. Prepare preliminary layout of storm drainage system and water and sanitary
sewer mains.
e. Coordinate preliminary layout of improvements with the City of Wylie, Collin
County, property owners, and utility companies.
f. Field-check preliminary design.
g. Present four (4) sets of preliminary design drawings and specifications with
preliminary cost projections to the Owner for review and comment.
4. Final Plans and Specifications
a. Draft plan and profile sheets to conform with final comments of the Owner
from preliminary design review.
b. Prepare final details.
c. Prepare quantity of materials.
d. Prepare final bid schedule, special conditions, specifications, proposal, and
contract documents.
e. Prepare projected cost of construction.
f. Submit one (1) set of prints of the final plans and specifications to the utility
companies for review and comment.
g. Present two (2) copies of plans and specifications to the Owner for final
approval and authorization to proceed with the Construction Phase.
05/28/98 15:31 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION 4 WYLIE-PRICE Vl006
5. Additional Services for Design Phase
Coordinate Field Surveys with Owner's Surveyor:
- Prepare documents for right-of-way and/or easement acquisition.
Assist the City in negotiating with private property owners for right-of-way
and/or easement acquisition.
- Locate existing structures and related facilities pertinent to design of the street
paving, drainage,and utility improvements.
Establish benchmark data for vertical control.
Establish baseline and grid system for horizontal ground controls.
- Obtain additional field data,cross-sections, etc.,as necessary_
Obtain additional information of locations and depths of aU existing
underground utilities.
1. Advertise and Receive Bids
a. • Coordinate the final printing of the construction plans and specifications for
distribution to the proposed bidders.
b. Notify individual qualified contractors of the project, and contact the Texas
Contractor and Dodge Reports for publishing the description of the project and
date for receiving bids.
c. Assist the Owner in securing, opening, tabulating, and analyzing of bids. The
Engineer will furnish recommendations on the award of the contract based on
the lowest qualified bidder.
d. Assist in the engineering phases of the preparation of the formal contract
documents between the contractor and the Owner.
05/28/98 15:31 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION a WYLIE-PRICE 1 007
2, General Review of Construction
a. Meet (Pie-Construction Conference) with the Owner and the contractor to
discuss the total work program and schedule, procedures of communication,
additional surveys, field testing and inspection, assignment of personnel, and
any other matters that may have a direct or indirect effect upon the completion
and results of this improvement program.
b. Make two (2) visits to the project site per month (as distinguished from
continuous services of Resident Project Representatives).
c. Consult and advise with the Owner during construction.
d. Review shop and working drawings.
e. Review tests of materials and equipment operation.
f. Prepare monthly and final estimates for payment to contractor.
g. Conduct final review of the project in the accompaniment of the Owner.
3. Additional Services for Construction Phase
a. Arrange for and coordinate the services for printing the construction plans and
specifications to be used in the distribution to prospective bidders.
b. Perform on-site observations of construction performance on an as-called basis.
This service will be performed as an addition to the two (2) routine site visits
provided for in the General Review of Construction services(Item D.2.b.).
c. Prepare record drawings of the completed project from information furnished
by the Contractor and Owner's project representative.
05/28/98 15:31 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION a WYLIE-PRICE Z 008
Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Owner for the Engineer to perform such other
additional or special services, the Owner shall be responsible for the following services:
1. Provide the Engineer the assistance needed for collecting data from Owner's records
for the design of the street paving, drainage, water, and sanitary sewerage system
improvements. The acceptance and use of the data furnished by the Owner to the
Engineer shall not operate to impose any obligation upon the Engineer to determine
that the data is true,accurate,complete, or correct.
2. Provide the services of a qualified surveyor to furnish the necessary field data for the
design of the proposed improvements.
3. Prepare field note descriptions for right-of-way acquisition where it may be required
for revisions in street alignment, drainage structures, and utility improvements.
4. Prepare applications for routine permits required by Collin County or TxDOT.
5. Arrange for and coordinate the subcontract services of a Geotechnical Consultant for
the soils investigation, as may be required. Also, the Geotechnical Consultant will
investigate the soil conditions and recommend the requirements for preparing a trench
safety program.
6. Authorize the Engineer to print, collate, and assemble an agreed number of plans,
specifications, and bidding documents for distribution to prospective bidders.
7_ Provide qualified personnel for daily observation of construction.
8. Furnish and coordinate qualified personnel to perform the field layout and staking for
construction in accordance with the contractor's sequence of work to be accomplished.
9. Prepare daily reports of construction activities, with copies of reports furnished to the
Engineer. If needed, daily report forms will be furnished to the Owner by the Engineer.
10. Advise Engineer by telephone, on a weekly basis, of the progress of work, problems
encountered in construction, quality of work performed, and other matters concerning
the project status.
11. Confirm the percentage of completion for work performed, as submitted by the
contractor, during each month.
12. Furnish the local news media with Notice to Bidders and coordinate the appropriate
times that the notice is to appear prior to the bid opening date.
05/29/98 11:04 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION WYLIE-PRICE 003
1. Availability of Funds
The Owner agrees that funds, to the extent required, are currently available and
sufficient to complete all phases of the proposed engineering services authorized under
this Proposal.
All invoices submitted by the Engineer and approved by the Owner shall be paid within
thirty(30)days of the invoice date.
For any payments not made within thirty (30) days, a charge will be made monthly in
the amount of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the unpaid balance, beginning
thirty(30)days from the date of the statement.
2. Design Phase
a. Engineering
The Owner shall make payments to the Engineer for performing the
engineering services described in the Design Phase, Section C, on a monthly
billing basis in proportion to that part of the services proposed herein which has
been accomplished, as evidenced by monthly statements submitted by the
Engineer and approved by the Owner. Final payment shall be due upon
completion of these services.
The compensation for the engineering design services performed shall be based
on the following lump sum amounts:
Mardi Gras Lane $10,500
Misc. Streets 1,000
Valentine Park Creek 2250
Total $13,750
b. Additional Services For Design Phase
For performing the Additional Services For the Design Phase as described
under Section C,5.,the Engineer will assist the Owner, as directed, and is to be
paid on a monthly billing basis at a per diem rate of the personnel's salary cost
times a multiplier of 2.5. The Engineer is to be reimbursed for all direct non-
labor, field surveys, and other subcontract expenses at the invoice cost plus 10
per cent for coordination and handling.
Additional Services on this project may include the preparation of right-of-way
acquisition documents and related work.
05/28/98 15:32 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION WYLIE-PRICE Z 010
3 Construction Phase
a. Advertise and Receive Bids
For performing the Construction Phase services, as described in Section D.1_,
the Engineer is to be paid on a monthly billing basis in proportion to the
services proposed herein which has been accomplished, as evidence by the
monthly statements submitted by the Engineer and approved by the Owner.
Final payment shall be due upon completion of these services.
The total compensation for the services performed shall be based on the lump
sum amount of Si,500.00.
b. General Review of Construction
For performing the General Review of Construction, as described in Section
D.2., the Engineer is to be paid on a monthly billing basis at a per diem rate of
the personnel's salary cost times a multiplier of 2.5, with reimbursement of all
direct non-labor and subcontract expenses at the invoice cost plus 10 per cent
for coordination and handling.
Total compensation for the above services will not exceed S2,500.00.
c. Additional Services For Construction Phase
For performing the Additional Services For Construction Phase, as described in
Section D.3., the Engineer is to be paid on a monthly billing basis at a per diem
rate of the personnel's salary cost times a multiplier of 2.5,with reimbursement
of all direct non-labor and subcontract expenses at the invoice cost plus 10 per
cent for coordination and handling.
4. Other Special Services-(As Directed ley The Owner)
If authorized in writing by the Owner, the Engineer shall furnish other services or tasks
in addition to the scope of services proposed herein. For performing these special
services, the Engineer shall be paid on a monthly billing basis at a per diem rate of the
personnel's Salary Cost times a multiplier of 2.5, with the reimbursement of all direct
non-labor and subcontract expenses at the invoice cost plus 10 per cent for
coordination and handling.
05/28/98 15:32 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION i WYLIE-PRICE V]011
The design work to be performed, as authorized herein, is projected to be completed within
thirty(30)calendar days after receipt of field survey information.
By By
Mike Collins Gregory S.MacLean,P.E.
City Manager Vice President
Attest _ Attest
Date Date
June 9, 1998
Consider and act upon approval for Work Order No. WYL-27 authorizing The Hogan
Corporation to proceed with engineering services to prepare the necessary information to
assist the City in developing a Street Impact Fee analysis and ordinance.
The Hogan Corporation will perform all engineering services necessary to assist the City
of Wylie in performing an analysis of the Thoroughfare System to determine future
improvements and extensions of City streets for the purpose of preparing a Street Impact
Fee analysis, 10-Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP), and Street Impact Fee
Ordinance. In order to adopt an Impact Fee Ordinance, a Capital Improvements program
for streets must be developed based on the City's current and projected needs and
conforming with the Thoroughfare Plan. This analysis will be done in conjunction with City
Staff and, if appropriate, coincide with the proposed amendments and adjustments to the
current Thoroughfare Plan.
The Hogan Corporation will attend scheduled meetings with Staff and the Impact Fee
Advisory Committee to present data and displays, answer questions, and assist in the
development of the Street Impact Fee Ordinance.
Board Recommendations
Financial Considerations
This work order WYL-27 will be on a per diem basis, not to exceed $9,500, without written
authorization. The engineering costs necessary to assist the City in developing a Street
Impact Fee analysis and ordinance has not been budgeted and will require a $9,500 budget
amendment to the General Fund.
Consent Agenda
Work Order No. WYL-27
Page 1
Other Considerations
The services described herein are to be performed in accordance with the applicable
sections of the Agreement for Engineering Services by and between the City of Wylie,
Texas (Owner), and The Hogan Corporation (Engineer), as approved on July 27, 1993._
The Street Impact Fee adoption process and related services will be performed in
compliance with the Local Government Code.
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends approval of Work Order No. WYL-27.
Work Order No. WYL-27
Prepared y Revi ed by Fina e City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Work Order No. WYL-27
Page 2
05/28/98 16:37 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION i WYLIE-PRICE al002
This will constitute authorization by the City of Wylie (Owner), for The Hogan
Corporation, Engineers • Planners • Consultants, Dallas, Texas (Engineer), to proceed
with the following described engineering services.
The Owner hereby authorizes the Engineer to perform the necessary engineering
consulting services as described below in conjunction with preparation of a Street
Impact Fee analysis, Capital Improvements Program(CIP), and Ordinance.
The Engineer will perform all engineering services necessary to assist the Owner in
performing an analysis of the Thoroughfare System to determine future
improvements and extensions of City Streets for the purpose of preparing Street
Impact Fee Ordinance. This analysis will be done in conjunction with City Staff
and, if appropriate, coincide with the proposed amendments and adjustments to the
current Thoroughfare Plan.
When the plan has been finalized, the Engineer will develop a projected schedule
of improvements to be incorporated into a new 10-year C.I.P. Approximate
project costs will be projected and included in the analysis for use in calculating
maximum allowable Impact Fees
The Engineer will attend scheduled meetings with Staff and with the appointed
Impact Fee Advisory Committee Of AC)to assist and facilitate the process.
05/28/98 15:02 FAX 972 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORPORATION 4 WYLIE-PRICE Z1003
The compensation for the services described above shall be on a per diem basis,
with all labor invoiced at salary cost of personnel times a multiplier of 2.5, and
reimbursement for direct non-labor and subcontract expenses at invoice cost,
subject to the terms and conditions of said Contract between the Owner and
Board. The projected cost for these services shall be an amount not to exceed
$9,500 without additional authorization by Owner.
The Engineer will complete these services in accordance within the shortest time
frame possible_ The Engineer will endeavor to meet the schedule established for
the IFAC and to that end, will proceed immediately upon authorization to prepare
the necessary analysis and cost projections.
By By Mike Collins Gregory S.MacLean,P.E.
City Manager Vice President
Attest Attest
Date Date
June 9, 1998
Discuss and consider authorizing the Chief of Police to make application to the United
States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for the
approval of a grant under the COPS MORE '98!(Making Officer Redeployment Effective).
COPS MORE is one of several grant programs developed by the United States Department
of Justice under the 1994 Crime Act to increase the deployment of community policing
officers to America's streets. These grants may be used to purchase technology and
equipment and to hire support staff, including civilian personnel such as dispatchers and
jailers. This particular grant can be used to purchase technology and equipment such as
Computer Aided Dispatch Systems, mobile data computers and mapping systems.
This program has been designed and is intended to expand the time available for
community policing by current law enforcement officers, rather than fund the hiring of
additional law enforcement officers. Any technology and equipment obtained under such a
grant creates more effective dispatch systems and records keeping for all public safety
communications administered by the Police Department. It also provides more efficient
patrol and jail book-in services for patrol personnel, thus allowing officers to spend more
time on the street involved in community policing activities. This allows law enforcement
agencies to redeploy officers so more of their time is spent on the streets in community
policing activities instead of remaining at the police station to fill out paperwork. The most
important requirement in this application is a demonstration of how COPS MORE '98 funds
will result in actual increases in the number of officers deployed. All policing agencies are
eligible to apply for grants under COPS MORE '98.
This request is only to authorize the Chief of Police to make application to the U.S.
Department of Justice to obtain the grant funding. The City of Wylie is, in no way, committed
to accepting the grant even if approval is obtained. An award under the COPS MORE '98
will not affect the eligibility of an agency for other COPS programs. However, any prior
award may be considered in the assessment of the agency's need for additional resources
under COPS MORE '98.
Consent Agenda
Authorization for Grant Submittal COPS MORE `98
Page 1
Financial Considerations
Grants under COPS MORE `98 cover up to 75 percent of the total cost of the technology,
equipment or civilian salaries for one year. Therefore, agencies receiving grants are
required to provide a minimum 25 percent local cash match. The Police Department will be
requesting approximately $300,000.00 for the purchase of a Computer Aided Dispatch
System and four (4) mobile data computers. The required cash match by the City of Wylie
would be approximately $82,125.00. Waivers of the local cash match requirement will be
granted only in cases of extreme local fiscal hardship.
Funds received under this grant must not be used to replace local funds that agencies
otherwise would have devoted to technology, equipment or civilian hiring. Use of COPS
MORE `98 funds must be in addition to, not in lieu of, previous funding commitments for law
enforcement. The applicant must specify a plan within the COPS MORE '98 application for
continuing the proposed activity after the grant funding has ended. Over $200 million is
available in funding under COPS MORE `98. Applications, due by June 12, 1998, will be
competitively reviewed.
Other Consideration
Upon entering into a Cooperative Agreement, both parties agree to the terms and conditions
as set forth in 42 U.S.C. Section 3711, et al. (1994), therefore, binding the City of Wylie and
the United States Department of Justice.
Board / Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
Staff requests authorization to make application to the United States Department of Justice,
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services for a grant under COPS MORE `98 to aid
in the purchase of a Computer Aided Dispatch System and mobile data computers.
Cover Letter from U.S. Department of Justice
COPS Facts Bulletin
r pared by� Revi d by Financ City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Authorization for Grant Submittal COPS MORE `98
Page 2
U.S. Department of Justice
07 40
_, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Office of the Director
1100 Vermont Ave.N.W.
Dear Colleague:
I am pleased to announce the availability of funds under the COPS MORE(Making Officer
Redeployment Effective)98 program. Up to $200 million is available for the purchase of technology and
equipment,and to procure support resources(including civilian personnel). Funds for overtime are not
allowable under COPS MORE 98. COPS MORE 98 will enable interested law enforcement agencies to
expand the time available for community policing by current law enforcement officers, rather than fund the
hiring or rehiring of additional law enforcement officers. COPS MORE 98 grants are for one year.
This is the third year that the COPS Office has offered this grant program. Under last year's
program,the COPS Office received more than 1700 applications for funding. We expect COPS MORE
98 to be an extremely competitive program. The COPS Office will only accept applications for COPS
MORE 98 that are postmarked no later than May 29, 1998.
The Crime Act requires that local jurisdictions provide a 25 percent cash match of the total project
cost under a COPS grant. Waivers of the local cash match requirement will be authorized only in cases of
severe local fiscal distress. Some innovative and appropriate strategies for meeting the local cash match
include: using funds under the Assets/Forfeiture Equitable Sharing Program; Housing and Community
Development Act funds, or any other federal funds authorized to be used as a local match; State
government funds, as well as donations from the private sector and non-profit organizations. Indian tribes
may also use funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs or other programs for the match.
If you have any questions about the COPS MORE 98 application, please contact the U.S.
Department of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770 or your grant advisor.
J eph E. Brann
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Cops MORE 1
COPS MORE'98(Making Officer Redeployment Effective) Grants cover up to 75 percent of the total cost of the technol-
is one of several grant programs developed by the U.S. ogy,equipment or civilian salaries for one year.Therefore,
Department of Justice under the 1994 Crime Act to increase agencies receiving grants are required to provide a minimum
the deployment of community policing officers to America's 25 percent local cash match.Waivers of the local cash match
streets. This program, which is open to all qualified law requirement will be granted only in cases of extreme local
enforcement agencies,is designed to expand the time avail- fiscal hardship.It may be possible,pending congressional
able for community policing by current law enforcement appropriations,to renew grants for civilian hiring for two
officers, rather than fund the hiring of additional law additional years.
enforcement officers.
COPS MORE '98 funds must not be used to replace funds
These grants may be used to purchase technology and that agencies otherwise would have devoted to technology,
equipment and to hire support staff, including civilian equipment or civilian hiring. In other words,any use of
personnel.This allows law enforcement agencies to redeploy COPS MORE'98 funds must be in addition to,and not in
officers so more of their time is spent on the streets in commu- lieu of,previous funding commitments for law enforcement.
nity policing activities instead of filling out paperwork. In addition, the applicant must specify a plan within the
COPS MORE'98 application for continuing the proposed
Funding Provisions activity after the COPS MORE'98 grant has ended.
Agencies requiring help with the development of community
State,local and other public law enforcement agencies are policing plans can request technical assistance from the
eligible for grants under COPS MORE '98.Applications COPS Office.
will be reviewed competitively.Over$200 million is available
in funding under COPS MORE '98. An award under COPS MORE'98 will not affect the eligibility
of an agency for other COPS programs. Similarly,agencies
The most important requirement in this application is a that have received funding under other COPS programs are
demonstration of how COPS MORE'98 funds will result eligible to apply under COPS MORE'98.However,any prior
in actual increases in the number of officers deployed in award may be considered in the assessment of the agency's
community policing equal to,or greater than,the number need for additional resources under COPS MORE'98.
of officers that would result from grants of the same amount
for hiring new officers.A more detailed explanation of Application Deadlines
these terms is provided in the COPS MORE'98 Application
Kit,available in April 1998.
All applications must be postmarked by May 29,1998.
Some examples of items that can be funded under COPS
MORE '98 include mobile data computers,mapping For more information or to obtain an application,please
software,computer aided dispatch systems,booking call the U.S. Department of Justice Response Center at
clerks, dispatchers or civilian jailers. Please refer to the 1-800-421-6770.
Application Kit for more examples.
Updated:March 4, 1998
The application deadline for COPS MORE '98 has
been changed to:
June 12, 1998
Applications must be postmarked by June 12, 1998.
The deadline date of May 29 that is listed in the
enclosed application is incorrect. You may still use the
same forms to apply under the new June 12 deadline.
However, we encourage you to submit your applica-
tion as early as possible.
If you have any questions, please call 1-800-421-6770.
June 9, 1998
Consider and act upon a semi-annual report from the Planning & Zoning Commission
regarding the 10 Year Capital Improvement Program and the water and sewer impact fees.
The City Council appointed an Impact Fee Advisory Committee in 1996 for the purpose of
reviewing the water and sewer capital improvement plan and associated impact fees. The
Ten Year Capital Improvement Plan, 1997 - 2006 and the present impact fees were
ultimately adopted by Council in March 1997. The Advisory Committee has the ongoing
responsibility of periodically filing a report regarding the progress of the Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) and to report any perceived inequities in the plan or the adopted
impact fee. In lieu of reconvening the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, the City Council
requested that the Planning & Zoning Commission take up the review process. State Law
regarding the establishment of an Impact Fee Review Committee allows cities with a
planning commission to utilize that commission for the review and adoption of impact fees.
During meetings held March 16, May 4, and May 18, the Planning & Zoning Commission
discussed and reviewed the status of projects within the CIP. Attached is a summary of the
CIP which identifies the status of the projects. Also reviewed were the water and sewer
impact fees, particularly in comparison to those charged by neighboring communities.
Attached is a Water and Sewer Impact Fee Comparison which was compiled utilizing a
survey completed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). The
survey indicates that the water impact fee for the City of Wylie is below the average, while
the sewer impact fee is above average. In cities of high growth, the fees tend to be higher
due to the demand that growth places on the community's water and sewer infrastructure.
The sewer rate reflects the demand being placed on the capacity of Wylie's existing
wastewater treatment system and a portion of the costs associated with the construction
of a new plant.
Financial Considerations
Since 1993, $1,504,035 has been collected through Impact Fees, with expenditures to date
of$1,307,642. Attached is a breakdown of revenues and expenditures per budget year from
1993 through the present.
Consent Agenda
Semi-Annual Report- CIP/Water& Sewer Impact Fees
Page 1
Other Considerations
Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code establishes the authority of municipalities to
assess impact fees, as well as the process by which those fees are adopted and reviewed.
The law requires the semi-annual review but does not specify the amount of progress to be
made on the CIP nor does it define "perceived inequities". A detailed review of the land
use assumptions, the infrastructure needs (CIP), and the fees is required every three years.
Board/Commission Recommendation
The Planning &Zoning Commission has completed the semi-annual review and report that
sufficient progress is being made with the completion of projects on the CIP and that no
perceived inequities were found in the CIP or the adopted impact fees.
Staff Recommendation
10 Water/Sewer CIP Table
Impact Fee Revenues and Expenditures
Impact Fee Comparison
Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes
repare y Rev. ed by Fina ce City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Semi-Annual Report- CIP/Water& Sewer Impact Fees
Page 2
1997 THROUGH 2006
CIP Project# Water Utility Protects - Phase 1 Bond Status Funding Util. Cnnst Grant Total Marginal % Impact Fee c uhs total
1 750,000 -gal. Elevated Tank Complete 95 Bond 985,000 985,000 100 985,000
2 Future Westgate: Complete 95 Bond 402,500 402,500 .100 402,500
3 FM544 Westgate to Hooper Complete 95 Bond 402,500 402,500 100 402,500
4 FM544 WHS to new Tank Complete 95 Bond 115,000 115,000 100 115,000
5 Util Reloc / SH 78 Complete 95 Bond 360,000 360,000 100 360,000
6 Birmingham (78 to Marble) Work Order 95 Bond 74,750 74,750 100 74,750
7 Cedar Ridge to Lanwood dead end Work Order/Public Works 95 Bond 18,579 18,579 100 33,350
8 Cottonbelt to Elliott 95 Bond 13,800 13,800 100 13,800
9 Second St
95 Bond 37950 37,950 100 37,950
10 Masters 95 Bond 5,750 5,750 100 5,750
11 West Brown Work Order/Public Works 95 Bond 36,285 36,285 100 46,000
12 Alanis Complete 95 Bond 75,900 75,900 100 75,900
13 US78 near Motor Bank Work Order 95 Bond 5,750 5,750 100 5,750
14: Elliott from dead end to Cottonbelt 95 Bond 5,750 5,750 100 5,750
15 Oak from dead end to Cottonbelt 95 Bond 5,750 5,750 100 5,750
16 Masters from First St, to Second St. Complete 95 Bond 5,183 5,183 100 5,183
17 Masters from Second St. to Fourth Complete Bond/TCDP 2,360 9,990 12,350 100 12,350
18 Second from Masters to Butler Complete Bond/TCDP 2,360 9,990 12,350 100 12,350
19 Third from Masters to Butler Complete Bond/TCDP 2,360 9,990 12,350 100 12,350
20 Keefer/Cottonbelt Alley;,Marble to Jefferson Cgnstr, Bond/TCDP 2,360 9,990 12,350 i 100 12,350
21 Oak from Cottonbelt to Birmingham Const. Bond/TCDP 2,730 12,830 15,560 100 15,560
22 Jackson from Marble to dead end Bond/TCDP 5,540 34,230 39,770 100 39,770
23 Second from Marble to Brown Complete Bond/TCDP 2,360 9,990 12,350 100 10,150
24 Vicki to N. Ballard Work Order/Public Works 95 Bond 23,945 23,945 100 36,800
25 Park to Martin dead end Work Order/Public Works 95 Bond 58,415 58,415 100 110,400
26 Downtown: Oak, Jackson, Ballard . Work Order 95 Bond 63,250 63,250 100 63;250
27 First St. from Brown to Marble Work Order 95 Bond 20,125 20,125 100 20,125
28 Behind Nursing Home to Second Work Order/Public Works 95 Bond 4,936 4,936 100 6,325
29 Fifth (SH78 to Oak) & Marble (SH78 to Fifth) Work Order 95 Bond 28,750 28,750 100 28,750 .
30 First St. from Masters to 320 S. First St. 95 Bond 28,750 28,750 100 28,750
31 Ballard from Stone to creek 95 Bond 36,800 36,800 100 36,800
32 Briarwood from Park to Dogwood Complete 95 Bond 26,450 26,450 100 26,450
33 Stone Road from Quail Hollow to Stone Grove Work Order 95 Bond 10,0..00. 10,000 100 10,000
34 Southfork MHP.to McMillen Farms Complete 95>Bond 220,300 220,300 100 220,300
35 Newport Harbor south to Pointe North Addition 95 Bond 335,000 _ 335,000 100 335,000 . ..
35 Sanden51vd, 76,000 76,000 100 76.000
CIP Project# Water Utility Projects, coot Status Funding Util. Const_ Grant Total Marginal % Impact Fee Subtotal
37 Hensley Lane 90,000 90,000 100 90000
38 Kirby Street Complete 40 000 40;000 100 40;000
39 Relocate.Steel Rd. Pump Station to Newport Harbor 80,000 80,000 50 40,000
40 Oversize through Woodbridge Addition 360 000 3.60,000 30: . 108,000
TCDP S. First from Butler to 300' south Complete Bond/TCDP 2,170 8,550 10,720 n/a n/a
TOTAL 4,180,968
CIP Erooj ct# Sewer Utility Projects Status Funding Util. Const Grant Total MarginaL% lrppacLFEee Subtotal
1 Newport'Harbor'to Muddy Creek Complete Developer 583800 583,800 37 216,006
2 From Muddy Creek, South 375,439 375,439 21 78,842
2 From Existing WWTP, South 360,288 360,288 21 75,660
2 To future WWTP (part. Woodbridge) 40% Complete Imp. Fee 840,634 840,634 21 176,533
3 Future 4'MGD WWTP 6,984750 6,984,750 100 6,984,750
4 Ballard & Jackson from Oak to RR Complete Bond/TCDP 36,870 18,320 55,190 100 55,190
4 First & Ballard from ditch to Butler Complete Bond/TCDP 22,050 10,740 32,790 100 32,790
4 Jackson & Birmingham from Marble to RR Complete Bond/TCDP 41,990 20,940 62,930 100 62,930
4 Keefer& Cottonbelt-from Marble to RR 'I Complete Bond/TCDP 42,180 21,040 63,220 100 63,220
4 Kirby & Stone from Birmingham to Ballard Bond/TCDP 23,650 11,560 35,210 100 35,210
4 Easter&'Memorial from Valentine to Kirby Complete Bond/TCDP 23,370 11,420 34,790 100 34790
4 Memorial & Mardi Gras from Valentine to Kirby Complete Bond/TCDP 39,350 19,590 58,940 100 58,940
4 Second & Third from Oak to Masters Complete Bond/TCDP 15,040 7,160 22,200 100 22,200
4 First & Second from Brown to Marble Complete Bond/TCDP 26,690 12,090 36,780 100 36,780
5 Ballard&Jackson from Citizens to Stone Complete 95 Bond 34,867 34,867 100 34,867
6 Butler& Masters from Ballard to Second Complete Bond/TCDP 22,050 10,740 34,790 100 34,790
TCDP Ballard& Jackson in Brown Complete Bond/TCDP 2,690 840 3,530 n/a n/a
TOTAL 9,620,148
May 1998
City of Wylie, Texas
Fees Collected
FY93 @ $1,100 LUE $73,190
FY94 @ $1,100 LUE 168,554
FY95 @ $1,100 LUE 208,043
FY96 @ $1,100 LUE 168,240
FY97 @ $1,100 LUE 204,340
FY97 @ $2,112 LUE 205,964
Total FY97 410,304
FY98 @ $1,100 LUE 91,300
FY98 @ $2,112 LUE 383,404
Total FY98 thru 5/28/98 474,704
*In FY90, Ordinance#90-10 established a rate of$1,100 per LUE.
** Ordinance#97-4 established a new rate of$2,112 per LUE for new subdivisions
FY93 $0
FY94 0
FY95 - Water Tower (Engineering, etc...) 103,365
FY96 0
FY97 - Land, Site for Sewer Plant 334,305
FY98 thru 5/28/98 869,972
Muddy Creek Est.-$924,500 (Spent 869,972 to date-Includes final constr. pmt.)
05/28/98 (02:35 PM) IMPACT.WK4
ADDISON 10,150 none none none none none
ALLEN 30,119 5/8" meter $547.00 $92.00 $639.00
CARROLLTON 92,514 acre $920.00 $310.00 $1,230.00 $2,502.00
CEDAR HILL 24,150 5/8" meter $769.00 $231.00 $1,000.00
COLLEYVILLE 16,000 per lot $815.00 $51.00 $866.00
COPPELL 25,700 5/8" meter $450.00 $450.00 $900.00
CORINTH 6,100 5/8" meter $1,960.00 $375.00 $2,335.00 $2,335.00
DESOTO 35,650 5/8" meter $325.00 $75.00 $400.00
DUNCANVILLE 35,100 none none none none none
FLOWER MOUND 33,800 3/4" meter $674.00 $1,396.00 $2,070.00 $5,000.00
FRISCO 20,000 acre $1,589.00 $1,589.00 $3,178.00
GARLAND 192,200 5/8" meter $238.00 $0.00 $238.00 $953.00
GEORGETOWN 18,500 3/4" meter $825.00 $600.00 $1,425.00
GRAND PRAIRIE 110,000 5/8" meter $290.00 $145.00 $435.00 $637.00
GRAPEVINE 33,358 per lot $764.00 $140.00 $904.00
HEATH 2,800 5/8" meter $2,250.00 $5,000.00 $7,250.00
KELLER 18,850 5/8" meter $750.00 $750.00 $1,500.00
KERRVILLE 17,384 3/4" meter $500.00 $475.00 $975.00
LANCASTER 22,500 3/4" meter $615.00 $606.00 $1,221.00 $3,306.00
LEWISVILLE 57,500 3/4" meter $900.00 $1,103.00 $2,003.00
MANSFIELD 18,250 3/4" meter $680.00 $350.00 $1,030.00 $2,476.52
MCKINNEY 34,000 3/4" meter $385.00 $490.00 $875.00 $1,365.00
MESQUITE 111,550 5/8" meter $408.00 $286.00 $694.00
PLANO 176,408 3/4" meter $758.00 $378.00 $1,136.00
RICHARDSON 79,800 none none none none none
ROCKWALL 14,000 5/8" meter $412.00 $1,640.00 $2,052.00 $4,189.00
ROWLETT 31,800 acre $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00
SACHSE 7,200 per lot $693.00 $418.00 $1,111.00 $4,648.00
SCHERTZ 13,500 5/8" meter $750.00 $1,300.00 $2,050.00
SOUTHLAKE 14,950 1" meter $1,250.00 $1,000.00 $2,250.00
SUNNYVALE 2,232 $2,995.00 $834.00 $3,829.00
THE COLONY 24,300 per lot $125.00 $450.00 $575.00
WYLIE 11,698 5/8" meter $700.00 $1,412.00 $2,112.00 $2,112.00
Ray Capley brought it to Commissions attention that they are selling plants to the
public out of this building.
Richard Parker, applicant and owner of the property spoke of Bluebonnet Nursery
that is leasing the property from him. He stated he was unaware of any retail sales.
The property was leased as a contractor storage. He made a request for approval of
ZC. No. 98-03, so he can become legal with the City of Wylie. His property was
involuntarily annexed in 1995. This property is rented from month to month.
Richard Parker spoke in favor of ZC. No. 98-03.
No one spoke in opposition.
Billie Joe Swaner at 102 Tanglewood expressed concerns regarding the proximity to
the high school and the uses allowed within the B-2 (Business) zoning.
Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood , Seconded by Mark Clark, to approve ZC. No.
98-03 for recommendation to City Council. Motion carried, all in favor (7).
1. Review of the Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Plans.
2. Review of the Water and Sewer Impact Fees Collected.
• Mindy Manson,Assistant City Manager gave the Commission reports on Impact Fee
Comparison's, Action Agenda from March 11, 1997, City Ordinance 90-10
Amendment, Minutes from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, January 16, 1997,
Minutes from City Council, March 11, 1997. This review is a semi-annual review,
required by State Law.
1. Consider Report to City Council.
Motion: Motion made by Sharon Dowdy, Seconded by Steve Ahrens, to approve reports for City
Council. Motion carried, all in favor (7).
No one responded.
Motion: A motion was made by Cecilia Wood, Seconded by Eric Hogue for adjournment.
Motion carried, all in favor (7).
Minutes-Planning and Zoning Commission
May 18, 1998, Regular business Meeting
Page 2
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon Approval of Standard 9-1-1 Service Agreements for
Telecommunications Service Providers other than the Incumbent Local Exchange Company,
and Consider Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Sign Such Agreements, as
As a result of the deregulation mandated by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, any
provider of telecommunications service certified by the PUC can offer telephone service in
areas which were once served exclusively by the local exchange company holding the
Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for that service region. GTE is the incumbent local
exchange company holding a CCN for the Wylie service area.
Companies providing land line telephone service are divided into two categories. These are
Switch-Based providers who use their own network facilities and Non-Switch Based
providers who "resell" phone service provided by others. Whenever one of these service
providers enters a new market, they must execute an agreement with the local government
entities in order to interconnect with the 9-1-1 emergency network serving that area.
The City has received requests from several service providers to furnish copies of the City's
standard 9-1-1 Service Agreement. The 9-1-1 Service Agreements for Switch-Based
providers establish standards for the routing of 9-1-1 calls from the company switch to the
9-1-1 tandem or selective router provided by the local exchange company. The agreement
also authorizes the company to collect 9-1-1 service fees and remit the net revenue from
such fees to the City. The 9-1-1 Service Agreement for Non-Switch Based resellers
primarily addresses the collection and remittance of the service fees. Staff has drafted
standard forms of agreement for both types of service and the City Attorney has reviewed.
The agreements are based on model agreements developed and recommended by the
State Advisory Commission on Emergency Communications.
Financial Considerations
Consent Agenda
Standard 9-1-1 Service Agreement
Page 1
Other Considerations
Board/Commission Recommendations
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends that Council approve the proposed standard 9-1-1 Service Agreements
and authorize the City Manager to execute and sign such agreements, as needed.
9-1-1 Service Agreements
for Switch-Based Providers and
for Non-Switch Based Resale.
')/(YI jAli, CAA/a)
Prepared y Rev. ed by Fina ce City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Standard 9-1-1 Service Agreement
Page 2
This 9-1-1 Emergency Service Agreement ("Agreement") establishes the rates, terms, and
conditions for 9-1-1 emergency service interconnection by
("Company") with the City of Wylie 9-1-1 Emergency Network ("the City") (collectively
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress have authorized the
provision of telecommunications service in the local marketplace by service suppliers other
than the holders of certificates of convenience and necessity("CCN"), and,
WHEREAS a CCN holder is the incumbent local exchange company that holds a certificate of
convenience and necessity granted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas ("PUC") on
September 1, 1995, for each service area(s)within the territory of the City; and„
WHEREAS, Company is a holder of either a certificate of operating authority or a service
provider certificate of operating authority that has received certificate number from the
PUC on Docket , dated , and, therefore, is a service supplier and a service
provider of local telecommunications service ("service supplier') pursuant to Chapter 771 or
Chapter 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, §§_771.001 et seq., or §§ 772.001 et seq.,
or other applicable law pertaining to home rule cities (collectively "the Applicable Laws"), as
amended, that must provide 9-1-1 emergency service to that portion of the Company's service
area located within the territory of the City; and,
WHEREAS, the City is a home-rule municipality of the State of Texas established pursuant to
the Applicable Laws and must interconnect service suppliers into the 9-1-1 emergency service
area served by the City; and,
WHEREAS, this 9-1-1 emergency service interconnection must protect, maintain, and further
the high quality, standards-based 9-1-1 emergency service and not inappropriately and
unreasonably increase the costs of 9-1-1 emergency service to the City;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the listed mutual promises and benefits, the Parties
agree as follows:
1 . Company shall comply with all provisions of the Applicable Laws and any requirements
implementing or interpreting_the Applicable Laws promulgated by the City pursuant to the
authority vested in the City. -
2. Company shall submit for the City's approval a plan for the Company's Provision of 9-1-1
emergency service within the territory covered by the City. The plan is provided as
Attachment No. 1. The plan shall consist of an explanation with sufficient specificity for
the City to determine Company's compliance with the requirements of this Agreement.
Company may submit the plan, or any part of the plan, that it considers trade secret,
confidential, and/or proprietary or that would give another service supplier a competitive
advantages under seal and subject to a confidentiality agreement. The City shall keep the plan
or any part of the plan confidential to the extent permitted by law. Upon receiving a request for
Company's plan or any part of Company's plan that Company submitted under seal and subject
to a confidentiality agreement, the City shall request an Attorney General Open Records
Decision pursuant to the Texas Open Records Act, Chapter 552, Texas Government Code [the
Texas Public Information Act, and the Texas Government Code Annotated §§ 552.001 et seq.
(Vernon 1994 and Vernon Supplement 1997)1 as amended, and shall notify Company
concurrently with its request for the Attorney General Open Records Decision. The City shall
not release any information that is subject to a confidentiality agreement executed between the
Parties until the Attorney General issues an Attorney General Open Records Decision resolving
the request for Company's plan or any part of the plan. The City is not required to request an
open records decision ruling regarding information for which there has been an open records
ruling that such identical information is public information.
3. Company's interconnection arrangements for 9-1-1 emergency service shall meet the
minimum standards in:
a. PUC Substantive Rule 23.97, as amended. The current copy is provided as
Attachment No. 2 for the convenience of the Parties;
b. the Applicable Laws addressingg, including, or interpreting_. standards or
features for 9-1-1 emergency service applicable to Company;
c. and any requirements promulgated in the future by the City pursuant to the
authority vested in the City by the Applicable Laws and the applicable
provisions of this Agreement.
Where possible, Company may exceed the above standards.
4. Company shall provide to the City an eQual or, where possible, a greater level of service
and functionality from the Company switch to the tandem, also known as the 9-1-1 selective
router, as is currently provided by the incumbent local exchange company. Incumbent local
exchange company is a local exchange company that has a certificate of convenience and
necessity on September 1, 1995. The City may amend its 9-1-1 emergency service requirements.
Unless a shorter time period is necessary to protect the public safety, the City shall permit
Company one-hundred-eighty (180) days to comply with the City's amendments. Where a
shorter time period is necessary to protect the public safety, the Cilty shall permit Company the
greatest length of time possible, without jeopardizing the public safety, and where possible the
Parties. shall negotiate the shorter time period.
5. Company proposes to commence local service in its authorized service area on
, ("Service Establishment Date"). Before cutover on the Service Establishment
Date, both Company and the City will test the Company's 9-1-1 emergency service as set forth
in Attachment No. 3. The testing requirements and procedures shall be mutually agreed upon
by the Company and the City. Final approval as to the adequacy of installation of 9-1-1
emergency service shall rest with the City, which approval shall not be unreasonalbly withheld.
Adequacy of installation shall be the working provision of the 9-1-1 emergency service required
by the Agreement and provided by Company to interconnection with the incumbent local
exchange company CCN holder, but not including the incumbent local exchange company CCN
holder's 9-1-1 emergency service. The City shall provide Company with final approval in
writing within three (3)working days of successful testing.
6. Unless a shorter time period is necessary to protect the public safety, Company shall
notify the City of any changes or expansion in its facilities, service area(s), or other changes
affecting the routing or completion of all calls which are affected by or which affect the
provision of 9-1-1 emergency service, no later than forty-five (45) days in advance of such
change or expansion. Such notice shall include a reference to this section of this Agreement,
specifying the responsibility of the City to respond within twenty (20) days. The City shall
notify Company, no later than twenty (20) days following receipt of Company's notice, if the
City has concerns with Company's proposed changes or expansion, and shall provide specificity
regarding such concerns. Changes to the plan shall be deemed approved on the proposed
implementation date if the City does not comply with this twenty (20) day response
requirement. If the City notifies Company that the proposed changes or expansion raise
concerns, the City shall work in good faith with Company to resolve such concerns as soon as
possible; in no event shall the City notify Company of its decision later than five (5) days before
the proposed implementation date. Any proposed changes in the plan shall not affect approval
for Company's current plan to which the 9-1-1 Entity had granted prior approval. Company
shall provide to the City within twenty (20) days the revisions to the plan, in the form of a
modified Attachment No. 1, upon the City's approval of the changes or expansion. Where a
shorter time period is necessary to protect the public safety, the City shall permit Company the
greatest length of time possible,without 1eopardizing_the public safety, and where possible the
Parties shall negotiate a shorter time period.
7. Unless negotiated and agreed to by the Parties in advance, Company shall use the tandem,
also known as the 9-1-1 selective router, designated and approved by the City and shall not
directly trunk to any Public Safety Answering_Point C'PSAP"), as reflected on Attachment No.
1, illustrating Company's tandem arrangements. Unless Company uses a tandem
negotiated and agreed to by the Parties in advance, the tandem designated and approved by
the City shall provide 9-1-1 emergency service required by the City pursuant to this
8. Company shall bill, collect, and remit monthly the appropriate 9-1-1 emergency service
fee to the City, as provided in the Applicable Laws and in Attachment No. 4. The payment is
due no later than the sixtieth (60th) day after the. last day of the calendar month in which the
fees were collected. Remittances shall be made by direct deposit to the City's bank or by
check, the procedure to be designated by mutual agreement of the Parties. A report shall be
sent by U.S. mail by Company or Company's designated agent, to 9-1-1 Administrator, City of
Wylie, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. That report, to be made monthly, shall
state the number of subscriber lines, designating the number of residential lines, business lines,
and trunks, for which fees have been collected and are being_transmitted. A sample of the
report is found in Attachment No. 4. At all times Company shall be responsible for the accuracy
of the report. From time to time, the governing, body of the City may change the 9-1-1
emergency service fee. Such changes shall be communicated to Company for changes in
Company's collection and remittance of 9-1-1 emergency service fee, according_ to the
provisions of the Applicable Laws. The City shall notify Company of any change Company
must make in Company's collection and remittance of 9-1-1 emergency service fee with
sufficient advance time,but not to exceed ninety-one (91) days before the date the change takes
effect, to permit Company's billing_system to comply timely with the change. Furthermore, also
pursuant to the Applicable Laws, Company may retain an administrative fee equal to two
percent (2%) of the fees collected.
9. All Company Network Service Charges billed to the City for 9-1-1 emergency service by
Company shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws and rules, including PUC
Substantive Rule 23.97. The Company's Schedule of Network Service Charges to be billed the
City shall be provided with this Agreement as Attachment No. 5. Subject to the Parties'
negotiation and agreement, Company may revise Company's Schedule of Network Service
Charges from time to time in order to recover the reasonable costs that Company incurs
for 9-1-1 emergency service. Unless the Parties agree to a different remittance schedule, the
City shall remit the Network Service Charges monthly. The City shall make payment as
directed by state law.
10. Company and the City agree that it is in the public interest for interim number portability
to be as seamless and transparent as possible to persons seeking emergency assistance by calling
the number 9-1-1 and to PSAP personnel answering_those 9-1-1 emergency service calls.
Company shall cooperate and coordinate with the City to the fullest extent possible regarding
the implementation and effect of interim number portability on the 9-1-1 emergency service and
shall assist the City with educating PSAP personnel. The Parties agree that the City shall bear
the cost of any PSAP modifications and Company shall bear its costs of implementing the
above-described interim number portability solution.
11. Company shall coordinate and cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the
City regarding all 9-1-1 database activities necessary to provide accurate, efficient, seamless,
and transparent 9-1-1 emergency service. Company agrees to comply with current National
Emergency Number Association standards and any current requirements of the City
addressing 9-1-1 database activities or future requirements promulgated pursuant to the terms
of this Agreement,
12. All notices required by or relating_to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
made upon receipt and confirmation via facsimile mail and by deposit of the original facsimile
mail in the U.S. mail. All notices required by or relating to this agreement shall be addressed
to the respective Parties as follows:
9-1-1 Administrator
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Facsimile: (972)442-4302
9-1-1 Coordinator
Company Name
Mailing Address
City, State Zip
Facsimile: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
13. Company's Disaster Recovery Plan, as required by PUC Substantive Rule 23.97, is found
on Attachment No. 6. The plan shall consist of an explanation with sufficient specificity for the
City to determine Company's compliance with the requirements of this Agreement, but shall not
require the Company to reveal any information that the Company considers trade secret,
confidential, and/or proprietary or that would give another service supplier a competitive
advantage. Company's plan shall be a stand-alone plan that addresses solely Company's 9-1-1
disaster recovery procedures. The City shall not withhold approval of Company's plan because
the City asserts that Company's plan does not include the disaster recovery plan of the incumbent
local exchange company CCN holder. Company may submit the plan, or any part of the plan,
that it considers trade secret, confidential, and/or proprietary or that would give another service
supplier a competitive advantage, under seal and subject to a confidentiality agreement. The
City shall keep the plan, or any part of the plan, confidential to the extent permitted by law.
Upon receiving a request for Company's plan or any part of Company's plan that Company
submitted under seal and subject to a confidentiality agreement, the City shall request an
Attorney General Open Records Decision pursuant to the Texas Open Records Act, Chapter
552, Texas Government Code [the Texas Public Information Act, and the Texas Government
Code Annotated §§ 552-001 et seq. (Vernon 1994 and Vernon Supplement 1997)], as
amended, and shall notify Company concurrently with its request for the Attorney General
Open Records Decision. The City shall not release any information that is subject to a
confidentiality agreement executed between the Parties until the Attorney General issues an
Attorney General Open Records Decision resolving the request for Company's plan or any part
of the plan. The City is not required to request an open records decision ruling regarding
information for which there has been an open records ruling that such identical information is
public information.
14. Pursuant to Applicable Laws and all other applicable federal and state laws, Company,
Company officers, and Company employees are not liable for any claim, damage, or loss arising
from Company's direct provision of 9-1-1 emergency service unless the act or omission
proximately causing the claim, damage, or loss constitutes gross negligence, recklessness, or
intentional misconduct. Nothing in this provision limits the right of Company, Company
officers, and Company employees to appeal the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction.
15. In a Company service area covered by a single NXX and multiple PSAPS, the 9-1-1
Entity shall designate one of the PSAPs as the default PSAP that will be used by Company as
the default route in the occurrence of a failure condition or emergency calls to Operator
Services. If more than one City is involved, the City that is party to this contract will work with
any other City in Company's service area to establish a single default PSAP. The City shall
require that such designated PSAP be assigned a 10-digit number and that the 10-digit number
be provided to the Company for use in the occurrence of a failure condition or emergency calls
to Operator Services. NXX is the three-digit switch entity indicator which is defined by the
"D," "E," and "F" digits of a 10-digit telephone number within the North American Numbering
Plan. The designated default information is contained in Attachment No. 7.
16. The Company and the City will exchange and periodically update, at least yearly, a
contact and escalation list. The contact and escalation lists are found in Attachments No. 8a
Rnd 8b.
17. The City shall not impose on Company any requirement, service, feature, standard, or
rate that is not required of the incumbent local exchange company CCN holder.
18. The Company shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from all claims,
demands,liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs of defense) incurred by the
City as a result of the performance of Company's obligations under this agreement or as a result
of any negligent act on the part of the Company or any of its officers, employees, agents or
19. This agreement and all of the transactions contemplated herein shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The provisions and obligations of
this agreement are performable in Collin County, Texas such that exclusive venue for any action
arising out of this agreement shall be in Collin County, Texas.
20. This agreement, together with all attachments, sets forth the entire understanding of the
Parties. No representation, promise, or statement of intention has been made by either Party
EXECUTED in Duplicate Originals this Day of ,
Attachment No. 2
Texas PUC Substantive Rule 23.97
Interconnection (partial)
(A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to ensure that all providers of
telecommunications services which are certificated to provide local exchange service, basic local
telecommunication service,or switched access service within the state interconnect and maintain
interoperable networks such that the benefits of local exchange competition are realized as
envisioned under the provisions of the Public Utility Regulator Act of 1995. The Commission
finds that interconnections are necessary to achieve competition in the local exchange market and
are, therefore, in the public interest.
(B) Minimum Interconnection Arrangements.
(1) Pursuant to mutual agreements, interconnecting CTUs shall provide each other non-
discriminatory access to ancillary services such as repair services, E-9-1-1, operator services,
white pages telephone directory listing, publication and distribution and directory assistance. The
following minimum terms and conditions shall apply:
(a) Repair Services.
(b) E-9-1-1 services. E-9-1-1 services include Automatic Number Identification
(ANI) and Automatic Location Identification (ALI), ANI and /or ALI and selective
routine, and/or any other combination of enhanced 9-1-1 features required by the regional
planning conunission or the 9-1-1 emergency communication district responsible for the
geographic area involved. This requirement is in accordance with Health and Safety
Code, Chapter 771, and the applicable regional plan approved by the Advisory
Commission on State Emergency Communications or b), the emergency communication
district, defined in Health and Safety Code Chapter 772, responsible for the geographic
area involved, or other local authority responsible for the geographic area involved.
(i) As a prerequisite to providing, local exchange telephone ser-vice to any customer
and thereafter, a CTU must meet the following requirements:
(I) The CTU is responsible for ordering or provisioning, the trunkgroups
necessary to provide E-9-1 -1 services.
(II) The CTU is responsible for enabling all its customers to dial the three
digits 9, 1, 1, and only these numbers, to access 9-1 -1 service.
(III) The CTU is responsible for providing the telephone number of the
9-1-1 calling customer to the appropriate CTU's E-9-1-1 tandems or appropriate 9-1 -1
Public Safety Answering Point, as applicable. This number must include both the
numbering plan area (NPA) code, or numbering plan digit (NPD), as appropriate and
necessary, and the local telephone number of the 9-1-1 calling, customer, that can be
used to successfully complete a return call to the customer. ANI represents this
(IV) The CTU is responsible for selectively routing a 9-1 -1 customer call, as well as
interconnecting traffic on its network, to the appropriate CTU's E-9-1-1 tandems or
appropriate 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point, as applicable, based on the ANI
and/or location of the calling party. The appropriate CTU and/or appropriate 9-1-1
entity, as applicable, shall provide routine, infon-nation to the CTU for routing
(V) The CTU is responsible for providing appropriate information describing the location
from which a CTU customer is placing a 91-1 call. This information shall consist of the
calling customer name, physical location, appropriate emergency service providers, and
other similar data. For purposes of this subclause, appropriate or other similar data shall
be determined by the Regional Planning Commission responsible for the geographic area
involved, in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 771, and the applicable
regional plan approved by the Advisory Commission on State Emergency Comm-
unications or by the emergency communication district, defined in Health and Safety
Code Chapter 772, responsible for the geographic area involved, or other local authority
responsible for the geographic area involved.
Each interconnecting CTU is responsible for providing to the local authority and the
appropriate CTU, accurate and timely current information for all published, nonpublished, and
nonlisted information associated with its customers for the purposes of emergency or E-9-1 -1
(I) For purposes of this clause, the appropriate CTU refers to the CTU designated by the
local authority for purposes of maintainin-the 9-1 -1 database.
(II) For purposes of this clause, the information is considered timely if within 24 hours of
receipt of the information, it is delivered by the CTU to the appropriate CTU and the
local authority, and/or placed into the database by the appropriate CTU.
(III) For purposes of this clause, the information sent by a CTU to the appropriate CTU or
the information used by the appropriate CTU shall be maintained in a fashion to ensure
that it is accurate at a percentage as close to 100% as possible. "Accurate" means a
record that correctly routes a 9-1-1 call, and/or provides correct location information
relating to the origination of such call. "Percentage" means the total number
of accurate records in that database divided by the total number of records in
that database. In determining the accuracy of records, a CTU shall not be
held responsible for erroneous information provided to it by a customer or
another CTU.
(IV) Interconnecting CTUs shall execute confidentiality agreements with each
other, as necessary, to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of non-
published/non-listed numbers. Interconnecting CTUs shall be allowed access
to the ALI database by the appropriate CTU for verification purposes. The
local 9-1-1 entity shall provide non-discriminatory access to the Master Street
Address Guide.
(iii) Each CTU is responsible for developing a 9-1-1 disaster recovery, service restoration
plan with input from the applicable Reaional Planning Commission or emergency
conununication district and the Advisory Commission on State Emergency
Communications. This plan shall identify the actions to be taken in the event of a
network-based 9-1-1 service failure. The goal of such actions shall be the efficient and
timely restoration of the 9-1-1 service. CTUs shall notify the applicable Regional
Planning Commission or emergency communications district of any changes in CTU
network based services and other services that may require changes to the plan.
(iv) Interconnecting CTUs shall provide each other and the appropriate 9-1-1 entity
notification of scheduled outages for 9-1-1 trunks at least 48 hours prior tosuch
outages. In the event of unscheduled outages for 9-1-1 trunks, interconnecting
CTUs shall provide each other and the appropriate 9-1-1 entity immediate notification
of such outages.
(v) Each NCTU's rates for 9-1-1 service to a Public Safety Answering Point shall be
presumed to be reasonable if they do not exceed the rates charged by the ILEC for
similar service.
(C) Operator Services. Interconnecting CTUs shall negotiate to ensure the interoperability
of operator services between networks, including but not limited to the ability of operators on
each network to perform such operator functions as reverse billing, line verification, call
screening, and call interrupt.
Attachment No. 3
9- 1 -1 Cutover -- Operational Tests
E9-1-1 Trunk Group & Emergency Calls to an Operator
The test calls, except default routine,must have the calling address and
telephone number in the designated 9-1-1 Database.
Test calls will be made for each Company NXX.
Carrier will notify each PSAP associated with a test call prior to be the scheduled test date.
•Isolate the trunk-under test
•Place a 9-1 -1 call using a number built in the 9-1 -1 database
•Tester will advise the call taker that this is a test call bein-made by (carrier)
•Tester will verify the PSAP contacted
•Tester will request the 9-1 -1 Call Taker to verify the ANI and ALI received
•Tester will request 9-1 -1 Call Taker call back to the test number
•Repeat test for all 9-1 -1 trunks
ALI Failure
• Place a 9-1 -1 call using a number not built in the 9-1 -1 database
•Tester will advise the 9- 1 -1 Call Taker that this is a test call being made by (Company)
•Tester will verify that the call was answered by the default PSAP
•Fail all 9-1-1 trunks
•Verify failure alarms are received locally and at the Switching Control Center
•Activate alternate routing to default PSAP IO digit emergency number
•Tester will advise the 9-1-1 Call Taker that this is a test call being made by(Company)
•Tester will verify that the call was answered by the default PSAP
Operator Services
*Place a call to the 0 (operator) from the NXX under test
•Identify to the operator that this is as an emergency test call to 9-1-1 and ask the operator to
connect tester to the emergency agency
•The Operator should connect the call to the default PSAP
•Tester will advise the 9-1 -1 Call Taker that this is a test call being made by
Tester will verify that the call was completed to the default PSAP
Attachment No. 4
9-1-1 Fee To Be Billed By Company
The 911 Emergency Service Fee shall be charged pursuant to Chapter 771 or
Chapter 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, §§ 771.071 et seq.,
772.114, 772.214, 772.314, and 772.403 or other applicable law pertaining to
home rule cities, as amended, and the fee is:
Residential $.93 flat fee
Line $.93 flat fee
Trunk $.93 flat fee
Section 771, single fee applied per line or equivalent
local exchange access line as defined by the Advisory
Commission on State Emergency Communications.
X Section 772, fee applied per entity, per location, to a
maximum of 1 00 lines
Home Rule City, fee applied per entity, per location, maximum
information obtained from the particular city
Payable to: CITY OF WYLIE
Send to: 9-1-1 ADMINISTRATOR
Attachment No. 5
Network Service Charges
1. Company switch to 9- 1 -1 tandem facilities $xxx/mo
2. Interconnect company pass-through charges: $xxx/mo
$xxx/1000 lines
3. Database Input System charges $xxx/line/mo
Attachment No. 6
9-1-1 Disaster Recovery / Service Restoration Plan
(Example of minimum requirements)
E9-1-1 Trunk Group Failure or 9-1-1 Tandem Failure
In the event of an all trunks to the 9-1-1 tandem failure or a 9-1-1 tandem failure occurs, the
following procedure will be used:
Before Company switch turn-up, a local default PSAP 10 digit emergency telephone number,
provided by local 9-1-1 agency, will be route index assigned and translated for forwarding 9-1 -1
calls to the default PSAP.
Upon notification (alarms or human report) of a tandem or trunking failure the Network
Management Center, the associated Switching Control Center or local personnel wfll redirect the
9-1-1 calls from the route index of the 9-1-1 trunks to the route index of the local default PSAP
10-digit emergency telephone number.
This will allow these rerouted 9-1 -1 calls to complete over the Public Switched Network.
Notification of failure conditions and restoration will be made to the local 9-1-1 agency
designated notification point.
All efforts will be made. to restore the failure quickly and return to regular 9-1 -1 call routing.
Company Switch Isolation
In the unlikely event of complete company switch isolation from the 9-1 -1 and Public Switched
networks, no calls will be completed outside the Company switch. The following procedure will
be followed:
Upon notification (alarms or human report) of a complete Office isolation, the Network
Management Center and associated Switching Control Center and local service personnel will
undertake prearranged emergency procedures to restore normal switch operation.
Notification of failure conditions and restoration will be made to the local 9-1-1 agency
designated notification point.
All efforts will be made to restore the failure Quickly and return to regular 9-1 -1 call routing.
Attachment No. 7
City Default Routing Designation
For Use By Company
City Provided Information
Default PSAP for:
A. ANI/ALI Failure:
1. PSAP Name
B. Company 9-1-1 Trunk Group Failure:
1. PSAP Name -
10 Digit Public Switched Network Emergency for PSAP access:
C. Emergency Calls to an Operator (0-):
1. PSAP Name
2. 1 0 Digit Public Switched Network Emergency # for PSAP
Attachment No. 8(a)
Company 9-1-1 Escalation & Contact List
Database & Billing
(name) (telephone #)
SCC-Operations Supervisor
SCC-Operations Manager
91 1 Coordinator
Director, Provisioning Systems
Director, Customer Billing Services
VP Customer Care
Network Operations
24hr Network Management Center (NMC)
NMC Trouble Reporting Number 800-xxx-xxxx
(name) (telephone #)
Supervisor - NMC Office
Sr. Supervisor - NMC Office
Manager - NMC Office
VP - NMC Office
Installation & Operations Management
(name) (telephone #)
Switch Cutover Supervisor
Switch Cutover Coordinator
VP Switch Installation
Switching Control Center Coordinator
VP Switch Engineering & Operations
Location General Manager
(name - title - telephone #)
9-1-1 Entity Coordination
(name - title - telephone #)
Attachment No. 8(b)
City Escalation & Contact List
Database & Billing
Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director- ((72)442-8141
PSAP Operations
Susie Ellison, Communications Supervisor- (972)442-8186
City Management
Mike Collins, City Manager-(972)442-8120
This 9-1-1 Emergency Service Agreement (Agreement) establishes the rates, terms and
conditions for 9-1-1 emergency service inter connection by
("Company")with the City of Wylie 9-1-1 Emergency Network("the City")
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress have authorized the
provision of telecommunications service in the local marketplace by service suppliers other
than the holders of certificates of convenience and necessity ("CCN"); and,
WHEREAS a CCN holder is the incumbent local exchange company that holds a certificate of
convenience and necessity granted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas CPUC') on
September 1, 1995, for each service area(s)witlin the territory of the City; and,
WHEREAS, Company is holder of a service provider certificate of operating authority that
has received certificate number from the PUC and, therefore, a service supplier and service
provider of local telecommunications service ("service supplier") pursuant to Chapter 771 or
Chapter 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, §§ 771,001 et seq., 772.001 et seq., or
other applicable law pertaining to home rule cities (collectively "the Applicable Laws"), as
amended, that must provide 9-1 -1 emergency service to that portion of the Company's
service area located within the territory of the City; and,
WHEREAS, the City is a home-rule municipality of the State of Texas established pursuant to
the Applicable Laws and must interconnect service suppliers into the 9-1-1 emergency service
area served by the City; and,
WHEREAS, this 9-1-1 emergency service interconnection must protect, maintain and further
the high quality, standards-based 9-1-1 emergency service and not inappropriately and
unreasonably increase the costs of 9-1 -1 emergency service to the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the listed mutual promises and benefits, the Parties
agree as follows:
1. Company must comply with all provisions of the Applicable Laws and any requirements
implementing or interpreting the Applicable Laws promulgated by the City pursuant to the
authority vested in the City.
2. Company shall bill, collect, and remit the appropriate 9-1-1 emergency service fee to the
City, as provided in the Applicable Laws and reflected in Attachment No. 1.
The payment is due no later than the 60th day after the last day of the calendar month in
which the fees were collected. Remittance shall be made by direct deposit to the City's bank
or by check, the procedure to be designated by mutual agreement of the Parties. A report
shall be sent by U.S. mail by Company or Company's designated agent, to 9-1-1
Administrator, City of Wylie, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. That report, to
be made monthly or quarterly, shall state the number of subscriber lines, designating the
number of both residential and business lines, for which fees have been collected and are
being remitted. At all times Company shall be responsible for the accuracy of the report.
From time to time, the governing body of the City may change the 9-1-1 emergency service
fee. Such changes shall be communicated to Company for changes in Company's collection
and remittance of 9-1-1 emergency service fee, according to the provisions of the Applicable
Laws. The City shall notify Company of any change Company must make in Company's
collection and remittance of 9-1 -1 emergency service fee with sufficient advance time, but
not to exceed 91 days before the date the change takes effect to permit Company's billing
system to comply timely with the change. Furthermore, also pursuant to the Applicable Laws,
Company may retain an administrative fee equal to two percent (2%) of the fees Company
3. This service agreement shall be in full force and effect so long as Company's status is
strictly that of a reseller and the Company does not use any of its own facilities. Company
shall inform the City of any changes or expansion of its service, or in the use of its own
facilities, in its calling area or service territory 60 days in advance of such change_or
4. All notices required by or relating to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been made
upon receipt and confirmation via facsimile mail and by deposit of the original facsimile mail
in the U.S. mail. All notices required by or relating to this agreement shall be addressed to the
respective Parties as follows:
9-1-1 Administrator
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Facsimile: (972)442-4302
9-1-1 Coordinator
Company Name
Mailing Address
City, State zip
Facsimile: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
5. The Company shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims,
demands, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs of defense) incurred by
the City as a result of the performance of Company's obligations under this agreement or as a
result of any negligent act on the part of the Company or any of its officers, employees,
agents or representatives.
6. This agreement and all of the transactions contemplated herein shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The provisions and obligations
of this agreement are performable in Collin County,Texas such that exclusive venue for any
action arising out of this agreement shall be in Collin County, Texas.
7. The Company and the City will provide and periodically update a contact list. The contact
list is found in Attachment No. 2.
8. The City shall not impose on Company any requirement, service, feature, standard, or
rate that is not required of the incumbent local exchange company CCN holder.
9. This agreement, together with all attachments, sets forth the entire understanding of the
Parties. No representation, promise, or statement of intention has been made by either Party
which is not embodied herein.
EXECUTED in Duplicate Originals this Day of ,
Attachment No. 1
9-1-1 Fee To Be Billed By Company
The 911 Emergency Service Fee shall be charged pursuant to
Chapter 771 or Chapter 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code,
§§ 771.071 et seq., 772.114, 772.214, 772.314 and 772.403 or other
applicable law pertaining to home rule cities, as amended, and the
fee is:
Residential: $ .93 flat fee
Line $ .93 flat fee
Trunk $ .93 flat fee
Section 77 1, single fee applied per access line or equivalent
local exchange access line as defined by the
Advisory Commission on State Emergency
X Section 772, fee applied per entity, per location, to a maximum
of 100 lines
Home Rule City, fee applied per entity, per location, maximun
information obtained from the particular city
Payable To: City of Wylie
Send To: 911 Administrator
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition, proposed
by Carter& Burgess, Inc. for Centex Homes, generally located along the east side of FM
1378 just south of Anchor Drive and being',all of a 19.103 acre tract out of the N. McUlmurry
Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The final plat under consideration is for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition. The
applicant is platting 19.103 acres in order to develop the property with eighty-one (81) single
family residential lots. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-3
(Single Family Residential) uses.
Financial Considerations:
Impact fees for 81 lots in Phase IV amount to $171,072.00
Other Considerations:
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for Phase IV of the Newport Harbor Addition
and found it to be in compliance with Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent
ordinances of the City of Wylie.
Commission Recommendation:
At the June 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case.
Staff Recommendation:
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Consent Agenda
Final Plat-Newport Harbor Phase IV
Page 1
Final Plat Application
Final Plat
'TY\ 26V'
Prepared byRev' ed byFinan e City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Final Plat-Newport Harbor Phase IV
Page 2
, Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95)
Date April 10, 1998
Name of Proposed Development Newport Harbor,_ Phase IV
Name of Property Owner/Developer Centex Homes
Address 2800 Surveyor Blvd. Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone (972) 417-3562
Owner of Record Same as above
Address Phone
Name of Land Planner Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Address 7950 Elmbrook Dr. 1250 Dallas, Tx 75247 Phone (214) 638-0145
• Total Acreage 19.103 acres Current Zoning SF-3
Number of Lots/Units 81
The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the.City Council
and shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100' with a graphic
scale provided.. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals, plus one on Mylar to be
17-1/2" x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided
design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City.
The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision
Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those
Page 2 of 3
REC'D APR 2 01998
Page 2of3
Provided or Not
Shown on Plat Applicable
1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale,
north point, date of plat and key map.
2. Location of the development by City, County and State.
3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas
Highway monument or other approved benchmark.
X 4. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract
boundary lines indicated by heavy lines.
X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot
6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information
necessary to reproduce plat on the ground.
7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both
within and adjacent to the development.
X 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or
other rights-of-way.
9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and
number and building lines.
X 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land,
names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions, approved
Concept Plans, reference recorded subdivision plats or
adjoining platted land by volume and page.
X 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open
spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the
12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and
other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording).
X 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and
maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver
. releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the
City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see
X14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage
improvements (see wording).
X 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or
owners (see wording).
16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see
17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer
responsible for surveying the development and/or the
preparation of the plat (see wording).
18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in
preliminary plat review.
. X
19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all
public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording).
20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the
area of each lot.
21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed
• subdivision.
..(Aa . .
Taken by: File No.:
Date: REC'D APR 2 0 1998 Fee:
Receipt No.: I-Roca
1 9,455 SQ. FT. 1 9,221 SQ. FT.
2 7,958 SQ. FT. 2 7,489 SQ. FT.
3 8,210 SQ. FT. 3 7,489 SQ. FT.
4 8,589 SQ. FT. 4 7,489 SQ. FT.
5 8,445 SQ. FT. 5 7,489 SQ. FT.
6 7,720 S0. FT. 6 7,489 SQ. FT.
7 7,701 SQ. FT. 7 7,489 SQ. FT.
8 7,617 SQ. FT. 8 7,489 SQ. FT.
9 7,532 SQ. FT. 9 7,489 SQ. FT.
1 0 7,650 S0. FT. 10 7,489 SQ. FT.
1 1 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 1 7,489 SQ. FT.
1 2 7,342 SQ. FT. 12 7,489 SQ. FT.
13 7,342 SQ. FT. 13 7,477 SQ. FT.
14 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 4 7,579 SQ. FT.
15 7,342 SQ. FT. 15 7,579 SQ. FT.
1 6 7,342 SQ. FT. 1 6 7,579 SQ. FT.
17 • 7,342 SQ. FT. 17 7,579 SQ. FT.
18 7,358 SQ. FT. 1 8 7,579 SQ. FT.
19 8,938 SQ. FT. 119 9,456 SQ. FT.
12/9/97 ci: Carter :: Burgess
JOB #96-2316-050 CARTER & BURGESS, INC.
l:\SLD\96231601\GRA\LOTAREA4.DWG DALLAS, Tx 75247-4961
1 BLOCK '6' BLOCK '7'
18 8,928 SQ. FT. 22 9,347 SQ. FT.
19 7,307 SQ. FT. 23 7,881 SQ. FT.
20 7,247 SQ. FT. 24 7,796 SQ. FT.
21 7,247 SQ. FT. 25 7,796 SQ. FT.
22 7,247 SQ. FT. 26 7,796 SQ. FT.
23 7,247 SQ. FT. 27 7,796 SQ. FT. ,
24 7,247 SQ. FT. 28 7,796 SQ. FT.
25 7,247 SQ. FT. 29 7,796 SQ. FT.
26 7,247 SQ. FT. 30 7,796 SQ. FT.
27 7,252 SQ. FT. 31 7,750 SQ. FT.
28 7,625 SQ. FT. 32 7,614 SQ. FT.
29 7,668 SO. FT. 33 7,614 SQ. FT.
30 7,698 SQ. FT. 34 7,614 SQ. FT.
31 7,739 SQ. FT. 35 7,614 SQ. FT.
32 7,790 SQ. FT. 36 7,614 SQ. FT.
33 9,365 SQ. FT. 37 7,614 SQ. FT. 1
38 7,614 SQ. FT.
BLOCK ' 1 1 ' 39 7,614 SQ. FT.
40 7,614 SQ. FT. 1
15 7,200 SQ. FT. 41 7,614 SQ. FT.
16 7,608 SQ. FT. 42 7,614 SQ. FT.
17 7,647 SQ. FT. 43 9,285 SQ. FT.
18 7,221 SQ. FT.
19 7,210 SQ. FT.
JOB #96-2316-050 i Carter _: : -INZ-Z 1
DALLAS, TX 75247-4961
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Wylie High School Addition, proposed by
Brockette, Davis, Drake Inc. for Wylie Independent School District, generally located at the
southeast corner of FM 544 and Country Club Road and being all of a 22.1984 acre tract
out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, and the J.W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196,
and all of a 43.8013 acre tract out of the I. Clifton Survey, Abstract No.. 193,;,City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas.
The final plat under consideration is for the Wylie High School Addition. The applicant is
platting 63.1564 acres in order to facilitate an expansion to the high school facilities. The
property is currently unplatted, zoned A (Agricultural), and partially developed with a high
school (Lot 1, Block A).
Financial Considerations:
• The final plat application fees have been waived.
• Impact fees for the high school campus were paid in 1995 and amount to $28,065.00
Other Considerations:
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and found it to be in compliance with the
Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
• A Final Plat was approved and authorization of construction of the improvements for
this property was obtained in 1995. However, for one reason or another, construction
elements were never finalized and the plat was never accepted by the city. As a
result, and due to the fact that the Subdivision Regulations extend a maximum of two
years from the time of approval before the approval expires, this subdivision's Final
Plat and Construction plans had to be resubmitted for approval.
Consent Agenda
Final Plat- WHS Addition
Page 1
Commission Recommendation:
At the June 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case.
Staff Recommendation:
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Final Plat Application
Final Plat
Prepared by Revi ed by Finan e City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Final Plat- WHS Addition
Page 2
r�I I,. UU L�_v J.,-•✓I L.U..fLI IL Lf�- i✓ +/�:I 11•-. il,� G1� UG�� IUUti 1 UG
,ar 02 98 10:20a Rebecca Rogers 972-442-8154 p. l
Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie
Date 61-'(o - 98
Name of Proposed Development W YL 1 E 14 lb 11 5 1400 I hen, -t'/oti/
Name of Property Owner/Developer w Y L 1 Iw J. S. i D.
Address 'PO. tar '/5b yJVLi TX I 0 M Phone(lye S9gZ -5' eji
Owner of Record
Address Phone
Name of Land Planner 'gigQ6A„-TTE ??iuKE -
Address y/ /yam G��lrgAl_ xPNy. "ram/Phhoonne 1 /)fj29 56V7
Total Acreage 43. !5(Q'l Current Zoning A6gJL u l #vgL..
Number of Lots/Units z-
$ "77 fV 76 / f71a09,04 -
The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the City Council and
shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100'with a graphic scale
provided. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals, plus one on Mylar to be 17-112"
x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design
techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City.
The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision
Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those
Page 2 of 3
r-n i, c�+ 1 i 6— .,....• ...1..v.1—. .i w �a-+•u�-a i C....), i .c..�
ei ur_ .au au. quo � i�a+5cr ••• r-• s_
Page 2 of 3
Provided or Not
Shown on Plat Applicable
1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale,
north point, date of plat and key map.
l` 2. Location of the development by City, County and State.
3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas
Highway monument or other approved benchmark.
X 4.Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract
boundary lines indicated by heavy lines.
X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot
_ 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information
necessary to reproduce plat on the ground.
7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both
within and adjacent to the development.
8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or
other rights-of-way.
9, Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and
number and building lines.
10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land,
names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions. approved
Concept Plans, reference recorded subdivision plats or
adjoining platted land by volume and page.
, 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open
spaces to be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the
J\' 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and
other public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording).
Page 3 of 3
1-1rrt-U0-i 7'O ie•a r ORUI.f�C l I GLI-1�'1 JL'R11hCV•_ Gl'-1TOG4T �O'i r.uti
13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and
maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver
releasing the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the
City for damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see
14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage
improvements (see wording).
15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or
owners (see wording).
16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat (see
17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer
g eer
responsible for surveying the development and/or the
preparation of the plat(see wording).
18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in
preliminary plat review.
19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all
public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording).
• 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the
area of each lot.
21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed
Taken by: _ File No.:
Date: Fee:
Receipt No.:
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Dollar General Addition, proposed by Jackson
& Associates Land Surveyors, generally located at the southeast corner of SH 78 and
Marble Street and being all of Lots 1-5, Block 15, of the Railroad Addition, City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas.
The final plat under consideration is for the Dollar General Addition. The applicant is
replatting five (5) lots into one (1) in order to develop the property with a dollar general retail
store. The property is currently vacant, zoned R (Retail), and platted as Lots 1 through 5,
Block 15, of the Railroad Addition (.918 acres).
Financial Considerations:
Impact fees for .918 acres amount to $2,484.00
Other Considerations:
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for the Dollar General Addition and found it to be
in compliance with Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City
of Wylie.
• The applicant is aware that a fire hydrant will have to be installed per the fire
departments request prior to the issuance of a C.O (Certificate of Occupancy).
Commission Recommendation:
At the June 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur
with this recommendation.
Consent Agenda
Final Plat-Dollar General Addition
Page 1
Final Plat Application
Final Plat
G')'/6// — WJAk.
Prepared by Revi ed by Finan a City Manager Approval
Consent Agenda
Final Plat-Dollar General Addition
Page 2
REC'D APR 24 1998
Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie
Date: April 24, 1998
Name of Proposed Development Dollar General Addition
Name of Property Owner/Developer R. Richard Parker
Address 2555 W. FM 544 Phone (972) 442-5114
Owner of Record R. Richard Parker
Address 255 W. FM 544 Phone (972) 442-5114
Name of Land Planner Jackson& Associates Land Surveyors
Address 2600 W. F.M. Highway No. 544 Phone (972) 442-4045
Total Acreage 0.946 acres Current Zoning Retail
Numbers of Lots/Units 1
Signed dn-
The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat,as approved by the City Council and
shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100' with a graphic scale
provided. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals,plus one on Mylar to be 17-1/2"
x 23-3/4" shall be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design
techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City.
The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision
Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those
Page 2 of 3
Provided or Not
Shown on Plat Applicable
X 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north
point, date of plat and key map.
X 2. Location of the development by City, County and State.
X 3. Location of development tied to a USGS monument, Texas
Highway monument or other approved benchmark.
X 4. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract
boundary lines indicated by heavy lines.
X 5. If no engineering is provided, show contours of 5 foot intervals.
X 6. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information
necessary to reproduce plat on the ground.
X 7. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within
and adjacent to the development.
X 8. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other
X 9. Identification of each lot or site and block by letter and number
and building lines.
X 10. Record owners of contiguous parcel of unsubdivided land, names
and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions,approved Concept Plans,
reference recorded subdivision plats or adjoining platted land by
volume and page.
X 11. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to
be dedicated for public use of the inhabitants of the development.
X 12. Certificate of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other
public uses signed by the owner or owners (see wording).
Page 3 of 3
X 13. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and
maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing
the City of such responsibility, a waiver releasing the City for
damages in establishment or alteration of graded (see wording).
X 14. Statement of developer responsibility for storm drainage
improvements (see wording).
X 15. Instrument of dedication or adoption signed by the owner or
owners (see wording).
X 16. Space for signatures attesting approval of the plat(see wording).
X 17. Seal and signature of the surveyor and/or engineer responsible for
surveying the development and/or the preparation of the plat (see
X 18. Compliance with all special requirements developed in
preliminary plat review.
X 19. Statements indicating building permits will be issued until all
public improvements are accepted by the City (see wording).
X 20. Submit along with plat a calculation sheet indicating the area of
each lot.
X 21. Attach copy of any proposed deed restrictions for proposed
Taken by: File No.:
Date: Fee:
Receipt No.:
User Name: Don Jackson, Jackson & Assoc. Date: 04-24-98
Project: 2621010 Time: 12:24:01
Map Check Report Page: 1
Map Check Report
Mapcheck of: DOLGEN
Northing Easting
Beginning Point 5633.0038 5547.0591
Direction Distance Northing Easting
S 90° 00' 00" W 126.00 5633.0038 5421.0591
Direction Distance Northing Easting
N 00° 00' 00" E 281.73 5914.7338 5421.0591
Direction Distance Northing Easting
N 51° 18' 17" E 109.20 5983.0033 5506.2877
Direction Distance Northing Easting
N 90° 00' 00" E 40.77 5983.0033 5547.0577
Direction Distance Northing Easting
S 00° 00' 00" E 350.00 5633.0033 5547.0577
Closure: N 69° 01' 43" E 0.001 0.0005 N 0.0014 E
Perimeter: 907.70 Closure Ratio: 617506
Area: 41190.5229 Square Feet
Public Hearing
June 9, 1998
Hold a public hearing and consider an amendment to Section 27. Sign Regulations of the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie with the addition of 'a definition of Weekend
Directional Signs and rules for the regulation of such signs.
The increase in development and the addition of several subdivisions with new builders will
bring an anticipated increase in weekend directional signs. A charge for such signs is
currently in the Fee Schedule, but there are no regulations in Section 27, Sign Regulations,
of the Zoning Ordinance, or in the Code of Ordinances which regulate weekend directional
signs. The process to change or amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance is very similar to
the process for a zone change request. A public hearing is required in this process to
amend, change or add to the text of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing at their June 1, 1998 meeting
and after that hearing considered the item. They decided to have staff provide other
information from other cities and tabled the item until the June 15, 1998 meeting. The City
Council cannot take action on this item since the Planning and Zoning Commission did not
make a recommendation. A public hearing should be opened so that anyone present for that
purpose may have an opportunity to speak. Staff will advertise for an additional public
hearing to be held by City Council after the Planning and Zoning Commission's next
Board Recommendations
The Planning and Zoning Commission tabled the item until the June 15, 1998 meeting.
Financial Considerations
A fee of $75 per sign per year is already in the Fee Schedule and will be charged at the
beginning of the next calendar year.
Public Hearing
Amendment to Sign Ordinance Section 27-Adding Weekend Signs Definition
Page 1
Other Considerations
Section 35 of the Zoning Ordinance grants the City Council the authority to amend,
supplement, or change the regulations in the Zoning Ordinance after receiving a report from
the Planning and Zoning Commission and after public hearings required by law.
Staff Recommendations
C7aA—ik '1\(\j`A.Q— (,t91&7
Prepared by Revi d by Finan City Manager Approval
Public Hearing
Amendment to Sign Ordinance Section 27-Adding Weekend Signs Definition
Page 2
Public Hearing
June 9, 1998
Hold a Public Hearing to solicit public comments on the continuation of the Wylie 9-1-1
emergency service district and the 9-1-1 emergency service fee.
According to the provisions of Chapter 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code which
governs Local Administration of Emergency Communications, the governing board of an
Emergency Communications District shall periodically hold a public review hearing and
solicit public comments on the continuation of the district and the 9-1-1 emergency service
fee. These hearings are to be held every three years. In the absence of any other applicable
statutes, staff has been operating under the assumption that the City's administration of the
9-1-1 emergency service system falls under the provisions of Chapter 772.
Sources at the State Advisory Commission on Emergency Communications have recently
stated that the City of Wylie, as a home rule municipality, does not fit the definition of an
"Emergency Communications District" and is not bound by the provisions contained in
Chapter 772. The City Attorney's office has been unable to confirm or deny this opinion. For
the present, lacking a definitive answer on the subject, the Attorney's office advised that it
would be prudent to continue to comply with this chapter of the code. Consequently, this
public hearing has been placed on the agenda and public notice has been published as
required by Chapter 772.
Notice of Public Hearing has been published as required by Chapter 772 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code.
Public Hearing
9-1-1 Fees
Page 1
Prepared by ev. ed by Fina ce City Manager Approval
Public Hearing
9-1-1 Fees
Page 2
Public Hearing
June 9, 1998
Consider and act upon a request to rezone .768 acres from A (Agricultural) to B-2
(Business), Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A. The tract is
situated in the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas
and generally located along the north side of FM 544 between FM 1378 and Sanden Blvd.
Requested by the R. Richard Parker. ZC. No. 98-03
The applicant is requesting rezoning on .768 acres in order to develop the property with
business uses. Currently, the property is being utilized as a legal non-conforming use
(storage for landscape contractor with minor accessory office use). The surrounding
properties are vacant and zoned for A (Agricultural) uses.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to six (6) property owners within 200 feet of this
request. One (1) Public Comment Form in support of the request has been returned.
Financial Considerations:
Zoning application fee - $225.00
Other Considerations:
• The Comprehensive Plan recommends industrial uses for the property. The proposed
zoning and land use are compatible with Comprehensive Plan as uses permitted within
the B-2 (Business) zoning district are less intensive than those permitted within the I
(Industrial) district.
• The applicant is aware that the existing C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy) on this property
is for a non-conforming use (storage for landscape contractor with minor accessory
office use) and prohibits retail sales of any sort. City Council approval of a rezoning
request does not change the status of an existing C.O. or establish compliance with
applicable city codes.
Public Hearing
Zoning Case 98-03
Page 1
Other Considerations: -continued
• The applicant is aware that if it is his desire to change the use of the property, including
adding retail sales activity at this location, application for a new C.O. must be made prior
to the occurrence of said change.
The applicant is aware that the property will have to be brought up to code prior to the
issuance of a new C.O. or any building permits for future development.
• The B-2 (Business) zoning district requires a 10' minimum side yard. The existing
structure on the property encroaches the 10' side yard requirement by 7'. The applicant
is aware that the Board of Adjustment would have to approve a variance to the side yard
requirement before staff could issue a new C.O. on this property.
Commission Recommendation:
At the May 18, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case.
Staff Recommendation:
The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Public Comment Form
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Property Owner Notification Map
Property Owner Notification Report
Public Hearing Notice
Site Survey
Zoning Change Application
Prepared by Rev' ed by Fina a City M ger Approval
Public Hearing
Zoning Case 98-03
Page 2
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
x I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-03.
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-03.
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Monday,May 18, 1998,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 9, 1998, 7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: Frances Bates Wells
(please print)
Address: 6800 Coit Road
Plano, Texas 75023-1003
Wylie Tax Account Number
(if shown on enclosed map): R—6 5 6 3—0 0 0—0 0 2 0—1
Signature: t" ex/Nits,` u e.`\�
Date: May 12 , 1998
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ZONING CASE #98-0003
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ZONING CASE #98-0003
Frances Bates Wells 1 "=200'
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Richard Parker - .•
:70 ji IA , • - ------- • •,. .
R-6196-000-0050 1 —.. Q' _ . _
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,R=6563-000-J010-1 R-6563-000-0030-1
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_ . _ . _ .. _ .. _. . _ . ._ .. _. 7ZONING CASE #98-03
APPLICANT: Richard Parker APPLICATION FILE # 98-0003
P.O. Box 307 Wylie, Texas 75098 .
TU Electric P.O. Box 219071
1 Abst. 563 Tract 1 R-6563-000-0010-1 State & Local Tax Department Dallas, Texas 75221-9071
6800 Coit Road
2 Abst. 563 Tract 2 R-6563-000-0020-1 Frances Bates Wells Plano, Texas 75023-1003
1001 S. Ballard
3 Abst. 563 Tract 3 R-6563-000-0030-1 Wylie I.S.D. Wylie, Texas 75098
601 Pacific Avenue
4 Abst. 563 Tract 4 DART Railway Dallas, Texas 75202-3356
P.O. Box 307
5 Abst 196 Tract 5 R-6196-000-0050-1 Richard Parker (Applicant) Wylie, Texas 75098
210 S. McDonald Street
6 Abst 196 Collin County Commissioners Court McKinney, Texas 75069
An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a:
Zoning Case Number: 98-03
Applicant: R.Richard Parker
Location: Generally located across the street from the high shool along the north side of FM 544 between FM
1378 and Sanden Blvd.
Property Description: Being all of a .768 acre tract out of the John W. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196, Collin County,
Texas(See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description)
Present Zoning: A(Agricultural)
Requested Zoning: B-2 (Business)
Landscape Contractor's Yard
This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows:
Planning and Zoning Commission: Monday,May 18,1998,7:00 PM
City Council: Tuesday,June 9,1998,7:00 PM
Each public hearing will be held at the following location:
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request, as such ownership appears on the last
approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is
not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial, a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall
be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the
City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If
you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record, please complete the enclosed form and
return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if
applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address:
City of Wylie
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public
hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of
the City Council.
The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas. For
additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when
requesting information.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or
assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,
or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance.
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P.O. BOX 428
Case No. /J �J Filg Fee •
Date �/ � '
Applicant f j / / ,�Ie� �,e
Phone No.
Mailing Address: Work No. 54/z•.S�//
,oX 3a f
( V 7- 9e
needed for de ri tion, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1
I hereby equest that the above described property b hanged from its present zoning which
is /6 District Classification to 7 District Classification
for the following reasons:
(attach separate sheet if necessary) wile") The Pao p ee r Y WAS r4irVc 6c /
1 cl9S it L— s -i,vc, E'D , i A 044,u4/6-rz w i r,(4, wo.)LrD izervoul, j3-Z ?cvw t
There (are) (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property.
2 /
Status of Applicant Owner t/ Tenant
Prospective Purchaser
I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this
requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting
to the City a sufficient legal description.
-- Signed
REC'D MAR 311998
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the
City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to
the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices
by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair
hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the
governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance and Map should be amended;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas,be, and the
same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the
hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of B-2, Business District
Classification, said property being described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a
part hereof for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be,
and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with
the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the
purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended
herein by the granting of this zoning classification.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and
shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance,
as the same now exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this
ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not
affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than
the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the
validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the
City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance,
shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such
ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any
penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any
section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 1998.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara Salinas, City Secretary
Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the John I{'. Curtis Survey.Abstract No.
196, Collin County, Texas. and being a part of a tract of land convened to R. Richard Parker by
deed recorded by County Clerks No. 93-0094964, Collin County, Texas and heing more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the northeast right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544
and being the southeast corner of a 191.4 acre tract of land conveyed to M.F. Mathews by deed
recorded in I'olume 165. Page 556, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas:
Thence, ,\' 70' S'00" II", along said right-of-way line. a distance of 202.93 feet to a 112 inch iron
rod set for corner:
Thence. A. 16° 24' 06'. E, a distance of 201.74 feet to a metal fence post for corner:
Thence. N 27' 34' 31" W. a distance of 68.26 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set frnr corner in the .
southeast line of a tract of land conveyed to Texas forcer fi Light Company by deed recorded in
I uhune 575. Page 224. Deed Records. Collin County, Texas:
Thence. . 49' 53'41" E. along the southeast line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract
of(curd. a distance of 74.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner in the west line of
aforementioned Mathews tract of land:
Thence. .S 16' .I-l'l.l" L. along the west line of said Mathews tract of land. a distance of 384.44
feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.768 acres of land.
All of the above property lies within Zone"At:- (Buse flood elevation determined)according to the
Flood Insru•ance Rate.flap Community Panel Number 48085(.0.165 G dated Junruhr e 19. 1996.
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon a Development Plan/Site Plan for the Woodbridge Golf Club,
proposed by Don Herzog for Woodbridge Golf Club, Ltd., generally located along the east
side of SH 78 between Sachse Road and SH 78 and being all of a 145.6831 tract and all of
a 78.8387 acre tract out of the Richard Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660 and Abstract No.
1072, City of Wylie, Collin County and Dallas County, Texas.
The development plan/site plan under consideration is for the Woodbridge Golf Club. The
applicant is filing this development plan/site plan on 224.5218 acres in order to develop the
property with a master planned golf course, clubhouse, and maintenance facility. The
development plan aspect of this case is the final step associated with establishing the PD
(Planned Development) zoning for the golf course and related uses. The site plan aspect of
this case is the final step associated with developing a nonresidential use within a planned
development zoning district. In order to establish a nonresidential PD (Planned
Development), the developer must follow a three-step process which includes submitting for
approval a Conceptual Plan, a Development Plan, and a Site Plan.
The developer must first submit for approval a Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan must
show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed development in a
graphic manner as required by Staff, and be supported by written documentation of proposals
and standards for development. The Conceptual Plan must also show thoroughfares,
preliminary lotting arrangements and other pertinent development data deemed necessary.
Once Staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, a Public
Hearing must be held at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted to the Planning and
Zoning Commission to consider recommending approval or denial of the Conceptual Plan to
the City Council. Once the Planning and Zoning Commission has taken action, the City
Council will call a Public Hearing at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted for approval.
Action Agenda Communication
Development Plan/Site Plan- Woodbridge Gof Club
Page 1
Background: -continued
The second phase of establishing a nonresidential PD District is submitting for approval a
Development Plan. The Development Plan shall set forth the final plans for the PD District
and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. The
Development Plan is a complete site inventory analysis of what is to be developed. The
ordinance establishing the PD District will not be approved until a Development Plan has
been approved.
The third phase of establishing a nonresidential PD District is submitting for approval a Site
Plan. The Site Plan shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations
and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Development Plan. The
purpose of the Site Plan is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use
of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and
pedestrian circulation, and other utilities and services.
Financial Considerations:
Not applicable
Other Considerations:
• The Conceptual Plan for the Woodbridge PD (Planned Development) was
approved by City Council on February 24, 1997. Staff has reviewed the proposed
development plan/site plan and found it to be in compliance with the approved
Woodbridge Conceptual Plan and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
• The applicant is filing this development plan/site plan in order to establish the PD
(Planned Development) zoning for the golf course, clubhouse, maintenance facility,
and accessory uses. Specifically, the applicant is proposing an 18 hole
championship golf course, clubhouse, maintenance facility, neighborhood hiking
trail, restroom facilities, signage, and a community swimming pool. Detailed
development standards applicable for each element are attached for your review.
• The applicant has proposed to utilize the existing pond behind the maintenance
facility for fire protection purposes. Staff recommends that the applicant submit a
fire protection plan detailing applicable information (pump with standby generator,
available capacity of pond, etc...) prior to the issuance of a C.O (Certificate of
• The applicant has proposed a detailed landscaping plan for the clubhouse and
maintenance facility that incorporates various elements. Specifically, the plan calls
out selected 3" caliper trees, 1" caliper ornamentals, 5 gallon shrubs, and 4" potted
planter beds. (See attached Details).
Action Agenda Communication
Development Plan/Site Plan- Woodbridge Golf Club
Page 2
Other Considerations: -continued
• The applicant has proposed a meandering community hiking trail that traverses the
golf course. Said trail system is being proposed as part of the Collin County
Master Trail and Park System. Staff recommends that the trail system element be
approved subject to the applicant indicating who will be responsible for
constructing and maintaining the trail system. The applicant has provided said
information and indicated that he will construct and maintain the trail system (see
attached memo from Don Herzog).
Outstanding issues to be addressed and resolved prior to approval of a final plat
are as follows:
1. Documentation of water service provider;
2. Documentation of fire hydrant specifications (type, adapters, etc...);
3. Exact location and dimensions for all proposed sanitary sewer easements;
4. Designate a water line easements or private fire protection line for the clubhouse.
Commission Recommendation:
At the June 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case.
Staff Recommendation:
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Site Plan Application
Development Plan/Site Plan
Detailed Development standards
Applicant's Memo
Prepared by Re ' ed by Fina e City M ger Approval
Action Agenda Communication
Development Plan/Site Plan- Woodbridge Golf Club
Page 3
DevelopmentHerzog Development Corporation Phone: (214)348-1300
9696 Skillman Street,Suite 210 Fax: (214)348-1720
Corporation Dallas,Texas 75243 E-mail: herzog@gte.net
To: Tobin Maples,/
From: Don Herzog,�
cc: file
Date: June 03 1998
Subject: Woodbridge Golf Club
Enclosed please find eight(8) sets of the Woodbridge Golf Club-Development Plan/Site Plan with
accompanying sheets as requested. In response to the question of the maintenance of the park trail by
P&Z, we are constructing the trail with the golf course. In the conceptual plan approval, it was
determined the amount of open space in the development exceeded the minimum park requirements for the
City of Wylie. There was no discussion on the dedication of the park trails or if matching funds would
be available for construction. It was understood there was a Muddy Creek trail shown on the park
masterplan. The park trails will remain in the developers ownership until such time as a determination
is made on their inclusion into the overall park trail plan. In the interim we will maintain the trail
system as part of our amenity package for the development.
If any additional information is required, please contact our office.
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of
Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and
otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property
owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the
opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;
(A) That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the
same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the
hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of PD, Planned Development District
Classification, said property being described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part
hereof for all purposes.
(b) The use of all property in such area being limited to an 18 hole championship golf
course, clubhouse, maintenance facility, neighborhood hiking trail, restroom facilities, signage,
community swimming pool, and related accessory uses and governed by the detailed development
standards being described in Exhibits"A, B, C,D, E,F, G, H, and I".
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the
same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the
granting of this zoning classification.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be
subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now
exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be
adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of
this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be
invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance as a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City
Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof,by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not
be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor
shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to
accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any
ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 1998.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara Salinas, City Secretary
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act upon the Adoption of a Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance.
A committee consisting of representatives from all departmental areas was assembled in
November 1997 to evaluate all licenses and permits, service fees, and miscellaneous fees
of the City.
The primary goal of the committee was to determine the suitability of fees in effect and
recommend changes where necessary. The committee compiled a comprehensive list of all
the fees currently in effect. Then eleven area cities were surveyed to help determine whether
Wylie's fees were consistent with the metroplex average. Two "Fee Schedule" workshops
were held to obtain the Council's guidance with regard to the fees.
The departments made preliminary recommendations for changes (increases and decreases)
to the current fee structure. The changes were presented at the March 10 Council Workshop.
The Library Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Park Board also made
recommendations for changes. The resulting recommendations are presented in the
attached ordinance.
A secondary goal of the committee was to consolidate the fees into one comprehensive fee
ordinance. This goal is being achieved by combining all existing fees into the ordinance
being presented to Council at this time. Attachment A shows all other changes (ie: those not
yet adopted by council action).
Financial Considerations
These recommendations are estimated to result in an overall increase in revenues of$28,000
to $29,000. (The revenue change does not include increases due to population related
Other Considerations
Action Agenda Communication
Fee Ordinance
Page 1
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends the approval of the proposed ordinance to consolidate the fee schedule
and to revise certain fees.
Attachment A: Summary of Proposed Rate Changes
Attachment B: Proposed Ordinance
Prepared by Revi ed by Fina e City Ma r pproval
Action Agenda Communication
Fee Ordinance
Page 2
Attachment A
City of Wylie,Texas
Summary of Proposed Changes to Fee Schedule
May 26,1998
Ordinance Fee Description Current Proposed
1.04 Returned Check Charge 15.00 20.00
1.10 Water Tap Fees 3/4"&5/8" $125+cost
1" 280+cost <= 1" $750
1 1/Zee 560+cost > 1" Total cost
2"&over Total cost
3/4"&5/8"pretapped $25 insp.
1.14 Replace Meter Box 15.00 55.00
2.01 Project Permits New dwellings $420 New dwellings $420+ 10¢
per square foot
Pool or spa 80 Pool or spa 125
2.02 Special Permits Building $35 Building $50
Electrical 35 Electrical Add Comm. 50
Fire sprinlder 35 Fire sprinkler Add Comm. 50
House moving 35 House moving 50
Lawn sprinlder 35 Lawn sprinkler Add Comm.50
Mechanical 35 Mechanical Add Comm.50
Plumbing 35 Plumbing Add Comm. 50
Sign 35 Sign 50
2.03 Inspection,service fees Reinspection $35 Reinspection $50
Temporary service 35 Temporary Service Add Comm.50
8.00 Zoning&Platting fees Zoning: $200+$25 per type Zonin :
0-25 acres
26-50 acres
51 -75 acres
76- 100 acres
> 100 acres
Site Plan review $75+$10/acre
Plat Fees: Plat Fees:
Land Study Fee n/a Land Study Fee $50
Amended Plat $50
Application for appeals,etc... Application for appeals,etc...
Zoning Board $100 n/a
Sign Board 100
Construction Advisory 35
All others 100
10.00 Peddler's&Solicitor's Agent First agent $20 First agent $30
Fees Each additional 10 Each additional 15
Attachment A
Ordinance Fee Description Current Prc sed
11.00 Copying Charges 29 copy/map formats with charges ranging 18"x 24"--24"x 36" $3
from 100 to$50 Map Scale 1"=1000' 6
Map Scale 1"=500'(2 shseets) 15
Map Scale 1"=500'(4 sheets) 20
Map Scale 1"=200'per sheet 15
Computer Generated Color Maps,
1"=1000' 12
Computer Generated Color Maps,
1"=500'(4 sheets) 48
12.00 Fingerprinting Fee No charge $5 per card,adult only
13.00 Taxicab Fees 2%of the gross receipts per annum $25 per permit per year
14.00 Fire Code Permit Fees All of the permits have been adopted(as Per Job/Event:
part of the Universal Fire Code). No Underground Tank $50
ordinance provides for charging fees for Fireworks event 500
these permits. Annual:
Hazardous Materials Storage 50
All others $25
16.02 Residential Alarm Permit Fee No charge $20 annual fee
17.01 Dog/Cat Registration Spayed/Neutered $3 Spayed/Neutered $2
Non-Spayed/Neutered 10 Non-Spayed/Neutered 5
17.03 Impoundment/Adoption Dog/Cat-Impound Shelter(Impound) All Animals
Shelter $20+$2/day board First Offense $20
Other Animal-Impound Second Offense 30
Shelter $20+$4/day board Third Offense 40
Boarding Daily Rates
Dog/Cat 5
Other Animals 10
Dog/Cat-Adoption Dog/Cat-Adoption
No less than$20 No less than$10
17.04 Trap Deposits $40 $60
18.00 Library Fees Encyclopedias 500/day Encyclopedias 100/day
(Same as other materials)
Lost Books n/c Lost Books
Damaged Book n/c $3+processing&cost of book
Lost Library Cards n/c Damaged Book
Laminating Fee new item $3 +processing&cost of book
Lost Library Cards $1
Laminating Fee 500/day
20.00 Community(Room)Center All"current"fees are for old facilities at New Community Center:
the Library. Non-business groups& Individuals
Non-business groups (Wylie res.) $10/hr
&Individuals $6/hr Business use&Non Wylie
Deposit(w/Food) 50 Residents $15/hr
Deposit(w/o Food) 100 Deposit(all) $100
22.00 Sidewalk and Driveway $4 $35
Approach Permit Fees
WHEREAS,The City Council of the City of Wylie,has determined a need to have a consolidated fees and charges
ordinance for the City of Wylie,Texas;and,
WHEREAS,The City of Wylie does not have such a consolidated fees and charges ordinance;and,
The following fees and charges are adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas for the City and outside
the City limits where applicable.
§1.01 Water and sewer service deposit.
Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie for water service and sewerage service in accordance
with the following schedule:
(a) Residential customers:
(1) Water service $30.00
(2) Sewer service 30.00
(b)Commercial customers:
(1) Water service 62.50
(2) Sewer service 62.50
(Ord.No.87-48,§ 1-A,9-22-87)
§1.02 Water rates.
(a) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all residential customers within the corporate limits of the City
of Wylie.Texas:
(1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption $8.90
(2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons):
1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.92
Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 2.65
(b)The following monthly water rates shall apply to all commercial customers,(other than apartments,mobile home
parks and other multi-unit dwellings not individually metered)within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas:
(1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption $12.15
(2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons):
1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.02
Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.65
(c) The following water rates shall apply to all apartments,mobile home parks,and other multi-unit dwellings,not
individually metered,within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas:
(1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption . . . . . . . . . . . .. $12.15
(2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons):
1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons). . . . . .. 2.02
Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.65
(3) An additional charge of$4.00 per occupied unit,with occupancy being determined as of the fifth day of the
month preceding the billing.
(d) The monthly water charge for any customers(residential,commercial,apartment,mobile home park,or other
multi-unit dwelling not individually metered)located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas,shall be at
the rate of 115 percent of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the city.
(e) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other source,not metered and charged
directly to them,shall fill out a water application form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer.
Bulk water rate charges are to be charged in 25-gallon increments at the same rates as the commercial customers.
> > > >
Old No.9G-2,§I,1-23-9G)
§1.03 Sewage collection and treatment rates.
(a) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all residential customers of the City
of Wylie,Texas:
(1) Monthly minimum charge(first 1,000 gallons of metered consumption) $10.00
(2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.45
(3) The total charge for any month shall be subject to maximum of 29.57
(b) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply for all nonresidential customers of the
City of Wylie,Texas:
(1) Monthly minimum charge(first 1,000[gallons]of metered consumption) $14.00
(2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.45
(3) The total chargc for any month shall be subject to maximum per month of 29.57
(c) A sewer fee of$18.00 shall be charged for each apartment unit,multiple-family unit,or mobile home space and
special areas such as washateria,swimming pools,etc.,where the apartment,multiple-family development or mobile home
park is on a master meter for water consumption with the City of Wylie.
(d) In addition to the charges listed above for sewage collection and treatment service,a flat rate pass-through charge
shall be applied monthly to each customer account in order to recover the projected annual increase in costs related to debt
service requirements for expansion of the city's wastewater treatment plant,as follows:
(1) For residential customers the fee shall be$2.00 for the first 1,999 gallons and$5.00 for all amounts
thereafter for maximum of$5.00 per month.
(2) For commercial customers the fee shall be$7.50 per month.
(3) For apartments and mobile home parks,and other multi-unit dwellings the fee shall be$5.00 per month
per occupied unit,with occupancy being determined as of the fifth of the month preceding the billing.
(e) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial customers located outside the corporate
limits of the City of Wylie,Texas,shall be at the rate of 115 percent of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits
of the city,including sewer pass-through fees.
(f) All references to gallons and consumption in this section shall mean water usage,which shall be used to determine
the sewer rates herein imposed.
(Ord.No.90+84-1 13("1-)71-9.-90,Ord.No.91-7,3-12-91;Ord.No.93-5,§II,1-26-93;Ord.No.93-18,§II,3-23-93)
§1.04 Returned check charge.
Each and every check or bank draft,used as payment to the city for services,which is returned for insufficient funds,
shall have a charge of$15700$20.00 assessed against the account.
(Ord.No. 84-12,§ 1-E,3-13-84)
§1.05 Utility account establishment charge.
Each time a customer changes his place of occupancy and requests water service or a change in billing address or a
new account is established,a charge of$5.00 shall be made.
§1.06 Past due account penalty;restoration charges.
(a) The charges for water and/or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a utility charge payable to the
City of Wylie.All charges not paid within 16 days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent,except when
the 16th day falls on Saturday,Sunday,or a legal holiday under which condition such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m.Central
Time,on the next working day following such Saturday,Sunday,or legal holiday.
(b) All payments made after the 16th day will bear a late charge or penalty of$1:00 or five percent,whichever is
larger,on such monthly charge.
(c) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred payment agreement
entered into within 26 days from the date of issuance of a bill and if proper notice has been given.Proper notice shall consist
of a separate mailing or hand delivery at least ten days prior to a stated date of disconnection,with the words"termination
notice"or similar language prominently displayed on the notice.The information included in the notice shall be provided
in English and Spanish as necessary to adequately inform the customer.Attached to or on the face of the termination notice
shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with payment of their bill,they may
be eligible for alternative payment programs,such as deferred payment plans,and to contact the water department of the
City of Wylie for more information.If mailed,the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend,but will be on the next
working day after the tenth day. ' utial-,,usto nei pc,thaueutly�.s11;�cg
Service may not be discontinued for
non payment of a residential account if a permanent occupant of the residence will become seriously ill as a result of
discontinued service.If a customer seeks to avoid termination on this basis,the customer must have the attending physician
call or contact the water department within 16 days of the issuance of the bill.A written statement must be received by the
water department from the physician within 26 days of the issuance of the bill.The limit on termination shall last 63 days
ftotn the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties.The customer who makes such request shall enter
into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment of the bill.
(d) If it is nissary to terminate water service for nonpayment,a charge of$30.00 shall be paid prior to restoration
of the service if the service is restored between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,Central Time,on weekdays. At other
times,the restoration charge shall be$45.00.
(e) If water and sewer service are terminated by customer request,the charge for restoring the service shall be$10.00
which will be added to the next month's bill.
§1.07 Temporary connection charge.
A fee of$20.00 shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility customer for activities such as cleaning,
plumbing checks,remodeling and so forth.This service will be for three working days,excluding the date the fee is paid.
(Ord.No. 87-48,§ 1-II,9-22-87)
§1.08 Special service connection fee.
Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits,connection of utility service shall be
made by the city.If requested by the customer,and if the application and deposit are received prior to 10:00 a..o.noon,all
reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the same working day.If the application and deposit are
received after 10:00 a..i..noon,and upon payment in advance of a$25.00 special service connection fee,service will be
connected by the end of the same working day.Otherwise,all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end
of the following day.
(0.d.No. 87-48,§ 1-I,9-22-87)
§1.09 Special meter reading charge.
A special meter reading charge of$10.00 shall be charged on the existing water bill when requested by a customer
if the reading is determined to be correct.No reading charge will be made if it is determined the original reading was not
(Ord.No.84-12,§ 1-I,3-13-84)
§1.10 Water and sewer tap fees.
The following represent the charges the City of Wylie shall require to be paid for tapping a water main and sanitary
sewer for service and the extension of that service to the property line.All water and sewer service lines on private property
are the responsibility of the individual property owner under the current Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the city
council of the City of Wylie.
(a) Water taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city water distribution
system shall be:
Meter Size(inches) Meter-Only Cost Meter and Tap Cost
3 1"or Smaller $125 -plus cost-of mat rials a..d lath. $750
}'r $2:80 $280 plus cost of raatcriah,- id-lobo.
1 '//' $560 $560 plus cost of.natuials a,.c-laL...
2"and m el Greater than 1" Total cost of meter,materials and labor
$25 pc.pr. tapped sutdivisiun..iai.istx,p.cpc.ty hoc,fi.. ,.r,rGcti.,..}..4-tag
(b) Water taps. The tapping fee for master meter connections for multifamily dwellings,mobile home parks,office
buildings,etc,shall be$25.00 per living unit plus the cost of meter,materials and labor.
(c) Seiner taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city sanitary sewer
collection system shall be:
Size of Service Line(inches) Cost
4" $160.00,plus cost of materials and labor
(ritsrc T MAT-FT)FVFC ANT)crrAriapc ORTITNANC:R-nary&4
6" and over $220.00,plus cost of materials and labor
Ail -._ -
�![ISQ'V VCir )
iu61.n...l;v..pal tafr Qiut
(d) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single sanitary sewer for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, office
buildings,etc.,shall be$20.00 per living unit or separate place of business plus the cost of materials and labor.
(e) Water and sewer connection inspection fees. The fee for inspecting developer made water and sewer taps shall
be$25.00 per connection made.
§1.11 Resetting meter charge.
The charge for resetting a water meter at the request of the customer shall be the rate shown in section 1.10(a)
(Ord.No. 84-12,§ 1-K,3-13-84)
§1.12 Pro rata water and sewer charges.
(a)The city may extend water and sanitary sewer mains in the streets,alleys and utility easements in the City of Wylie
in order to permit connections for those persons desiring water and sewer service.The individual,corporation or partnership
requesting the service shall pay the city an amount equal to the cost of all materials,labor,equipment and other costs to
provide the requested extension.At anytime additional connections are made to the water and/or sewer mains,the city shall
collect from the individual connecting to the main(s) an amount equal to the proportional amount of footage of the
connectors land abutting the sewer and repay the same to the original"requesters of service or designated recipients.
(b)Existing mains adjacent to property other than subdivisions.
(+)Where an area,lot or tract of land abuts any existing water or sanitary sewer main,and when such water or
sanitary sewer main spans the complete frontage of the area,lot or tract of land,the following charges,known as
pro rata shall be made against the owner of the area,lot or tract of land seeking a connection to the water or
sanitary sewer main. The charge shall be 50 percent of the total cost for the installation of the water or sanitary
sewer main at the time the main was constructed,as'determined by the city engineer,based upon the greater
amount determined by the front foot method and the acreage method The cost assessment is to be determined from
existing cost records maintained by the city with the total cost (construction, engineering and inspection)
distributed for the total length of the project on a linear footage basis and the total service area on an acreage basis.
Front foot cost is defined as the total cost of the project divided by the total length of the main extension(i.e.
vice divided byfthe 1,000 L.F._$10.00/L.F.).Acreage cost is defined as the total cost of the project divided
by fire ser area o maih extension(i.e. $100,000.00 divided by 100 acreage).In no instance shall the front
foot cost be less than$7.50 per front foot nor shall the acreage cost be less than$500.00 per acre.
(O,d No:84-12,§ 1-L,3-13-84;(Xd No.90-5,§2.01,3-8-88)
§1.13 Development/subdivision water charges.
All developers or subdivider who are tying into the water and sewer system of the City of Wylie shall pay an initial fee
equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system distribution lines multiplied by a factor of three at the prevailing rate
per 1,000 gallons of the lowest rate per 1,000 currently in effect at the time actual usage occurs.The final determination
of the amount of gallons to be charged shall be determined by the city engineer.Any water used subsequent to the initial
loam and flushing of the installed lines shall be accomplished by the developer or subdivider securing a meter attachment
to a fire hydrant.This fee shall be due and payable prior to approval of the final plat.
(O.d-No7-86-87,§ 1-M,9-23-86)
§1.14 Charge for replacing meter box.
The cost for replacement of any plastic water meter box is$15..09$55.00.
(Ord.No. 86-87,§ 12(1),9-23-86)
§1.15 Charge for replacing sewer clean out caps.
The cost for replacement of property line sewer clean out caps is$5.00.
(O.d.No. 86-87,§ 12(2),9-23-86)
§1.16 Meter testing fee.
When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly,the customer may make a
request to the city for testing of the meter.A field test will be provided for the customer's meter without charge once every
two years.If the customer desires a calibration and certification test,then at the time such request is made,the customer
shall make a$20.00 deposit with the city.lithe test shows that the meter is registering consume Lion in excess of actual flow
by more than two percent,the meter shall be replaced with an accurate one at t he expense of die city,and the$20.00 deposit
shall be returned to the customer.If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at less than actual flow or in
excess of actual flow by two percent or less,the$20.00 deposit shall be retained by the city to defer the cost of such test.
§2.01 Project permits.
(a) For the purposes of this section a project fee shall mean a permit that encompasses all phases and subphases of
construction of a new structure(including single-family,multifamily, commercial and industrial installations), and is
inclusive of all building,plumbing,mechanical and electrical installations that are usual and customary to new building
erection;but shall not include signage,fences,irrigation systems,fire sprinklers or other installations not customary and
usual to typical new structure construction.A project permit for reconstruction and/or extensive remodel or add-on may
be issued only with the prior approval of the building official.
(b) A non-refundable application processing fee of$50.00 per project shall be paid at the time of submittal.
(c) In addition to the application processing fee the following permit fees shall be imposed:
(1) New dwellings,up to four units(per unit) . . $420.00+$0.10 per square foot
(2) Pool or spa $9709125.00
(3) Temporary buildings 80.00
(4) New commercial,apartments,accessory,additions,remodels,and finish outs/per 1,000 3.00
($50.00 minimum)
(d) A determination of value or valuation under any provision of this section shall be made by the building official.
The value to be used in computing the permit fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is
issued as' well as all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire
extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment.
§2.02 Special permits.
Special permit fees are as follows:
(a) Annualz lc...h Teal $200.00
(b)(a) Building(minor) 3&00 50.00
(e)(b) Certificate of occupancy 50.00
(d)(c) Demolition 35.00
(e)(d) Electrical fixtures:
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
(ft(e) Fence 20.00
(g)(f) Fire sprinkler
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
(h)(g) House moving 35:00 50.00
(I-)(h) Lawn sprinkler
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
(Y)(f) Mechanical
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
(k)0) Plumbing
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
(1)(k) Sign 35:00 50.00
(m)(1) Banner(temporary,30 day) 35.00
(ir)(m) Clean and show 35.00
(e)(n) Weekend directional signs(per sign per year) 75.00
(Ord Ne.93-17,§I(2.02),3-9-93)
§2.03 Inspection,service fees.
Service fees for inspections are as follows:
(a) Reinspection $35.00 50.00
(b) Pre-brick inspection 35.00
(c) Temporary service/construction heat
Residential 35.00
Commercial 50.00
§2.04 License and registration fees.
License and registration fees are follows:
(a) Plumbing contractor(annual registration) $75.00
(b) Electrical contractor(annual registration) 75.00
(c) Fire sprinkler contractor(annual registration) 75.00
(d) Lawn sprinkler contractor(annual registration) 75.00
(e) Mechanical contractor(annual registration) 75.00
(f) Electrical cxamination . . . 25.00
(g)(f} Master electrician:
New license $100.00
Annual license 75.00
(r)(g) Journeyman electrician(annual license) 25.00
§2.05 LRv vrved}
Editor's note-R.11mi§§2.01-2.05.NN,4edxivedfiemOrd.No. 84-12,§§2-A-
2-E;-3-13 84;-9 AIe-87 6;§-2-I?,
1-13-87;Ord.No. 88-3,§ 1,2-9-887
§2706 2.05 Subdivision development inspection fee.
A subdivision fee shall be charged each subdivision for inspection in the amount of one percent of the city's estimates
of the costs of the public works utilities and streets of new construction which are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie. Such
items shall include,but not be limited to,examples such as,street paving,storm drainage,water and sewer mains and other
items designated for conveyance to the city after completion of improvements through the process of public dedication.
These fees shall be paid prior to the start of construction.
Whenever any such water meter or sewer tap is installed,in addition to the above and foregoing water meter installation
or sewer tap charge,there is also imposed an impact fee for all future water and sewerage connections to the city water and
sewerage system,in order to defray the impact burden thereof on said water and sewerage system of producing,treating,
distributing,transmitting or collecting such water and sewerag , .The
impact charge imposed shall be calculated on the basis of equivalent residential units,as outlined below.
(a) Defmitions. For the purpose of this section,the following words shall have the meaning indicated unless their
context clearly requires otherwise.
230 gallons pur Clay p r ERU shall uacd or,act ce..w.ctn ns add 220 gallons clay p.ERU sh.114 ,
used-for-wastewater eomseetions7
Living Innt equivalent (LUE). .4 unit that consumes the amount of water or discharges the amount of
wastewater that a standard low density (3 2 13 U. per acre) residential unit would (1.00 LUE per
(b) For the purpose of calculating impact charges,the following guidelines apply:
(1) Each single-family residence served by the city through a single service and/or master connection shall be
considered an ERU L UE.
(2) The number of CRU's LUE corresponding to a given commercial,industrial,multifamily,mobile home,
hospital,nursing home or extended care facility or other establishment,shall be determined on the basis of
anticipated annual average daily flow.A.ztieiyated-flevf-shall-lw:tk.tt r 11 Ill d lry-evala..t en of,bat wet
fish an ERU,thc pc.son,fl..n a,�,as
atiyulatc and a0..,c with thc city oha..ag.r,.e.hee..h:.ig the—MU whi...-herald-LA,applied;n r fe.cncc thcrcto,
(c); For each ERi3 LUE to be served by the water system there shall be a water impact fee of$700.00.For each ERU
L UE to be,served by the sewerage system,there shall be a sewerage impact fee of$1,412.
(d) In developments or lots platted prior to March 19,1997,these impact fees shall be due and payable not later than,
or at the time of, the issuance of a building permit,water and/or sewer tap requests,or the request for the
provisions for water or sewer service and the actual connection to the existing system according to Section(i).
Developments platted afterMarrh 19. 1997 will pm-impact fees designated in Section(c)above. These fees may
be paid on individual construction projects or by development or phases of development. In the case of
extraordinary increased water use or sewer production as determined by a review of the city's consumption
records,such calculations shall be referred to as subsequent impact fees and shall be due and payable 30 days after
written notification is received from the City of Wylie that said fees are due and an explanation provided to the
affected customer.
(e) There shall be at least one primary water meter at each site to measure the flow of water,which is delivered to
such site that is being serviced by the municipal water system in this city;provided,however,if additional meters
are installed at any such site at the request of the person,firm or corporation whose water corresponds with such
site and if such additional meters are installed to measure the flow of water at said site for irrigational or swimming
pool purposes,only one impact fee,based on the total flow from all meters shall be charged but such person,firm
or corporation shall be required to pay a separate water meter charge for each such meter in accordance with the
fee schedule hereinabove set forth.
(f) Water meter installation rates and charges as provided herein shall be reimposed in the event of the discontinuance
of the water account where such water meter is located and where the water meter has been removed from the
premises.However,an impact fee shall be imposed once only,at the time of the initial connection onto the water
and sewerage system of the city,subject to the following qualifications:
(1) An additional water impact fee in the amount of$700.00 and an additional sewerage impact fee in the amount
of$1,412 shall be imposed against any commercial,industrial,hotel,motel,multifamily dwelling complex,
mobile home park,travel trailer or recreational vehicle park,hospital,nursing home,extended care facility,
professional office facility, clinic or similar establishment where the same are expanded or otherwise
increased in capacity so that the number of ERthLUE.'s therein are increased beyond the immediately
preexisting E LUE capacity thereof, as determined by the ER13 LUE definition that is set forth in §
3.00(aX1)hereinabove,and in accordance with the calculation procedure that is stipulated in§3.00(bX2).
(2) Such additional fees shall be referred to as subsequent impact fees,and shall be paid prior to the issuance of
a building permit/sewerage connection permit for any additions to the size and capacity of such building(s),
development,park or complex.
(3) Subsequent impact fees shall be imposed whether or not a new or replacement water meter is installed due
to such expansion,capacity or addition;provided,however,in the event that the customer shall request the
replacement of a water meter which shall increase the size of the meter which measures the flow of water into
any such building(s),development,park or complex,the cost of such additional or replacement water meter
shall be in accordance with the cost schedule that is set forth in this section.
(g) All funds receivedfrom the impact fee for all future water and sewerage connections,as aforesaid,and all charges
thus imposed,heretofore,shall be deposited into the water and sewer system impact fund and shall be expended
from that fund only for the purpose of providing for major improvements,debt service,expansion,emergency
repairs and extending or constructing new additions or replacements to the water and sewer system of this city
which are required and needed because of the impact upon said water and sewer system due to such additional
connections or any other lawful purpose authorized by state statute or city Charter.
(h) Any person,firm or corporation that is subject to the assessment of a water and sewer impact fee may request that
the city consider the award of credits toward the impact fee for improvements,land or etc.which the person,firm
or corporation dedicates to the city without charge,for the purposes of improving the overall water distribution
and treatment system and/or the sewerage collection and treatment system. In such cases,the person,firm or
corporation shall submit for consideration,such proposal in advance of the approval for the preliminary plat and
such dedication for credit of impact fees shall have an agreed upon value which is negotiated by the person,firm
or corporation and the city staff in advance.Following preliminary agreement between the parties,such proposal
will be submitted to the city council of the City of Wylie for their approval,amendment or rejection.
(i) An impact fee of$600.00 per service unit or ERU LUE for water supply,treatment and distribution facility is
hereby imposed in accordance with the ERU LUE for water set out in Table 10,Exhibit B,and an impact fee of
$500.00 per service unit or ERU L UE of new development for wastewater collection and treatment facilities is
hereby imposed in accordance with the ER-I4 LUE for wastewater set out in Table 18,Exhibit B.These exhibits
are on file in the office of the city secretary. The amount of each impact fee due shall be determined by multiplying
the number of ERU L UE generated by the new development by the impact fee due per ERU L UE. If a new
developments water or wastewater uses will exceed the ERULUE's set out in Exhibit B by more than ten percent
consumption or flow,the city engineer shall calculate the amount of impact fees for each category based on actual
In addition to all other fees,the city council may designate by ordinance,certain special districts.These districts shall
be formed in order to collect pro rata fees to offset the cost of capital improvements to the water and sewer system that
benefit only a particular section of the city.
When such action is deemed appropriate by the city council,said area shall be defined by clearly understood
boundaries.Then the fee per unit shall be determined by using the following formula:
No.of Units per Total Cost of Project
Acres x Acre = No.of Shares — Special District Fee
Units existing within the special district prior to the establishment by the city council shall not be charged the
determined special district fee unless the parties involved request such service be provided.
Rush Creek Lift Station District No. 1 $110.00 per equivalent residential unit.
(No less than four units per acre.)
Muddy Creek Lift Station District $165.00 per equivalent residential unit.
(No less than four units per acre.)
For specific details,see Lift Station District Ordinance(section 114-181 et seq.of the Code of Ordinances).
(Ord.No. 84-12,§4,3-13-84)
The fee per square foot for reconstruction materials accomplished by city crews and equipment under the provisions
of the city's reconstruction ordinance shall be:
(a) For streets which have been improved,i.e.,some base and/or asphalt regardless of existing condition $0.40
per square foot
(b) For streets which are completely unimproved,i.e.,no asphalt or oil base material and little or no rock or
paving material $0.50
per square foot
(c) Financing costs for repayment by adjacent property owners of their portion of the materials for projects done under
provisions of the street reconstruction ordinance,the following interest rates shall apply and shall be calculated
on a simple interest basis and billed on the monthly water bill. Said payments shall be subject to the normal
provisions for late charge penalties,etc.
(1)Ninety-day payout No interest
(2)One-year payout Ten percent interest
(3)Two-year payout Ten percent interest
(4)Three-year payout Ten percent interest
As referenced in the City of Wylie Subdivision Ordinance Regulations, developers may in certain approved
circumstances make a payment to the City of Wylie of funds in an appropriate amount to provide for the cost of construction
of the required perimeter streets in association with their development The fee for such payment in lieu of construction shall
be as follows:
(a) Six-inch thick required street construction(regular and collector streets):
$2.00 per square foot x frontage x %width of street pavement, including
the integral curb
(b) Eight-inch thick required street construction(thoroughfares, State and Federal roads):
$2.25 per square foot x frontage x one lane of traffic or 12 feet of street
paving, including the integral curb
(Ord.No. 85-8,§6,3-12-85)
The maintenance bonds required by Wylie's subdivision ordinance to cover the cost of any repairs that may be required
during the one-year warranty period to public works improvements and facilities dedicated to the City of Wylie at the time
of final plat acceptance shall be in the amount of 100 percent of the total value of all improvements dedicated and shall be
delivered to the City of Wylie prior to the council's consideration of final acceptance.
. ,
(1) Th.,preliminary'plat fee hall be S125.00,plus$2.00 per lot ia-thc-at*t,.iiNision or$5.00 nm is
(2) Thefmal plat fec shad be$150.00,plus$3.00 pc.l.,ti,n the-ate 41vision or$7.00 pc. ae,c,:whi.Leoe. �sg.eat is
tl.,city,l1all pay th.,fi,H.,w;.ng applitafio n f.cs pc,rz,e naideration.
(1) Zoa;,ig board of adjustment $100.00
(2) Sign board of appeals 100.00
(3) Construction advisory and appeals board 35.00
(4) All others 100.00
(a)Zoning Fees. The following fees shall be paid at the time application for rezoning is made:
0-25 acres = $200,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land.
$350 if PD(Planned Development).
26-50 acres = $250,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land.
$400 if PD(Planned Development).
51-75 acres = $300,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land.
$450 if PD(Planned Development).
76-100 acres = $350,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land.
$500 if PD(Planned Development).
> 100 acres = $400,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land.
$550 if PD(Planned Development).
(b) Site Plan Fees. The following fees shall be paid at the time of submission of a site plan in accordance with the
zoning ordinance:
The Site Plan review fee shall be$75.00,plus$10.00 per acre or any part of an acre.
(c) Plat Fees. The followingfees shall be paid at the time of s ubmiss ion of plats in accordance with the subdivision
(1) The land study fee shall be$50.00.
(2) The preliminary platfee shall be$125.00,plus$2.00 per lot in the subdivision or$5.00 per acre or any part
of an acre, whichever is greater.
(3) The final plat fee shall be$150.00,plus$3.00 per lot in the subdivision or$7.00 per acre or any part of an
acre, whichever is greater.
(4) The replat fee shall be$125.00,plus$2.00 per lot in the subdivision or$5.00 per acre or any part of an
acre, whichever is greater.
(5) The amended plat fee shall be$50.00.
§9.01 Residential fee;deposits.
(a) The collection and removal of garbage,rubbish and brush in disposable-bags or approved containers(30-gallon
cans)one polvcart container from residential premises,two one times per week shall be made for a fee charge of$9.64
per residential unit for each calendar month.
(b) Nonresidential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three months'charges,or a minimum
(c) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex(not master metered)either curbside or alley side
service,shall be$9.64 per month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill.
(d) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or collection,to wit:
Type Charge per Month
Duplex,per unit $9.64 per unit
Multifamily 9.64 per unit
Trailer park 9.64 per unit
. ,
§9.02 Commercial hand collection fees.
NOTE: Commercial rates are approved by Council but commercial activity is handled
exclusively by BFL No billing or collection is done by the City staff.
Fee charges for commercial hand potycart collection wli....,i.,...k.utiaHy pc bores,,, app.,o.1 vv„ta;ue,sa..,aH.,.,•at, :
(a) One 90-gallon polycart twice per week $11.20
(b) Each additional polycart collected twice per week 3.92
, . -42,§I,9-14-93;Ord.No.95-25,§I,9-26-95)
§9.03 Commercial dumpster charges.
Commercial dumpsters shall be provided by lease to customers requiring them and shall be subject to the following
2 cubic yards- 1 x $41.44/month;2 x$88.48/month;3 x $117.60/month
3 cubic yards- 1 x 57.12/month;2 x 106.40/month;3 x 164.64/month
4 cubic yards- 1 x 85.12/month;2 x 135.52/month;3 x 191.52/month
6 cubic yards- 1 x 99.68/month;2 x 162.40/month;3 x 240.80/month
8 cubic yards- 1 x 122.08/month;2 x 209.44/month;3 x 278.88/month
Extra pickups/dumpster,each request
Upon request,extra pickups shall be made of commercial dumpsters and a fee charge made for each request in
accordance with the following schedule,to wit:
2 to 4 cubic yards. . . .$31.36
6 to 10 cubic yards. . . .35.84
§9.04 Special Charges:
Compactor containers(42 cubic yards),per haul .; . . . .. . $280.00
Roll-off containers(30 cubic yards),per haul 252.00
Per day rent of roll-off containers 7.00
Delivery and exchange of roll-off containers 75.00
Delivery and exchange of front-end containers 50.00
Return check charge 20.00
Past due service charge
(over 25 days from statement due date,commercial dumpsters only),per month 1.5 percent
Polycatt purchase,each . . .. . .`. . . . . . . . .:.... . .'.. 60.00
Tire collection/disposal,each 5.00
Additional residential cart,per month 2.52
Ord.No.92-4,§ 1(9 03),4-14-92;Ord No.93 -93;O.d.No.95-25,§I,9-26-95)
§9:04 9.05 Fees for special collection of brush and bulky waste items.
Special collection of brush and bulky items will be made available to residents at the rate of$1.50 per minute for time
spent on collection,with a minimum charge of$15.00 per collection.
a, nwts-),all-,cqueat the
> >
§9.06 Denial of service.
In the event of nonpayment of charges for the above services,the city shall have the right to deny further service to such
nonpaying person or customer.
(O.d.N.,.95-25;§ 9 26 95)
(a) Each itinerant merchant,peddler,itinerant vendor or solicitor taking orders for sale or offering of any items or
service must comply with the conditions of chapter 82,article II,of the Code of Ordinances,City of Wylie,Texas,and will
pay the fee or fees indicated below and also submit an acceptable surety bond
(b) The fee shall be as follows:
(1) An agent fee of$29:00 30.00.
(2) Each additional agent fee of$i 43015.00.
(c) The surety bond to be a minimum of$1,000.00.
(Ord.No. 84-12,§8,3-13-84)
(-a) $150.00,plus,ililcagc charges(sec
(-b) ST25700
(-e) NN,nx i c1geuey-ha tafi r service fo,uolua.aid..ut $100.00,plus tileagn.,(s..e othe lia.��a
pieked-up-outside-the-eorporate-limits-of the-city below)
(d) N.,n-e.uergeaeylsai.afe.s.,rvh,c f.,r.w:J,.ul.,f tL. $75.00,plus mileage(sec other gVa
Other charges.
Mileage $2.00 p.r b1ik
Oxygen-use-base;-plus 91-10-per-roinuttfor-each-minute-overtetr minutes
$25.00 pen pc1 s..t
Triangle-bandages $04
(0.d.No. 87-31,6-23-87)
The following fees shall be charged for copies made using the City of Wylie machine and paper for any purpose other
than City of Wylie business.No discount is allowed for quantity copies.
18"x 24" --24"x 36" $3.00
Map Scale 1 1000' 6.00
Map Scale I"=500'(2 sheets) 15.00
Map Scale I"=500'(4 sheets) 20.00
Map Scale 1"=200'per sheet 15.00
Computer Generated ColorMaps, 1"=1000' 12.00
Computer Generated Color Maps, 1"=500'(4 sheets) 48.00
Size(Inches) Co
50 pages or-f ssti,f icadilravailalL $ .10 each
CnNsnT.TDATFT)MI+.N.0 Arm CHAR a-pc(IRTNNANCF-nacre 14
50-Frages-or-more-ofreadilr available
First pa5., 0 8-5
Add;tit,nal pag. 0.15 each
For-any-quantity-of-informatiotr deemed-to
First-Page 9.79
Ades 071-5
14 x 18 040
Cannon copies:
18 x 24 $4.00 eavh pc.
24 x 24 5.00 ea..11 pca stall
30 x 24 -6 -each-perside
36 x 24 7.59-each;per-side
42 x 24 -9.00-each-persidc
48 x 24 40.00-each-per.side
Blue line prints:
18 x 24 $3-80-each
24 x 24 3•00each
24 x 36 3700 each
36 x 36 5.00 caul
36 x 42
36 x 48
42 x 48 6.00 each
inch- nnn feet -6.00 each
1 i _L-n nnn f
1 ___h 200 c-_t _3 f__t _ c c feet each
•. t � V..31�a.
Largt.ZOkta.,Map. ". �nA�����y
inch 500fe " sheet_ each 3 fe ___ 5 feet ��e-eaeh
S sbdifisiun $r20. 0-each
Ze hie a a, 15.00 ca..li
11 i ichcs x 17 inch etNq 0.50 ca.di
.OT TTi�1 t Tv i V_hit ED r TL ING i OTC STREETC ETC.
The fee for fingerprinting an adult shall be$5.00 per fingerprinting card.
The .l3u iHg fa shall be chaat+,val y..a-svVwyuig o..vh.aviaw. >
Taxicab fees are as follows:
Street rental charge 2 pciccnt of the gross n,ee:pts pc. a w mi$25.00 per permit per year
> , .
The following fees shall be charged for fire code permits for the time period specified:
(a) Aerosol products storage(annual) $25.00
(b) Flammable and combustible liquids storage(annual) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .'. . .. 25.00
(c) Underground tank-install or remove(perjob) 50.00
(d) Burn permit(14 days) .. 25.00
(e) Fruit ripening(annual) 25.00
O Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging(annual). .. 25.00
(g) Hazardous materials storage(annual) 50.00
(h) Hazardous production materials (annual) 25.00
(i) High piled combustible storage(annual) 25.00
0Liquefied petroleum gasses (annual) 25.00
(k) Places of assembly(annual) 25.00
(1) Pyrotechnical special effects material(annual or per event) 25.00
(m) Radioactive material(annual) 25.00
(n) Refrigeration materials (annual) 25.00
(o) Spraying or dipping(annual) . . . . . . . . .. . . :: . . .. . 25.00
(p) Tents and temporary membrane structures (annual) . : .. .. ... .. . . 25.00
(q) Tire storage(annual) 25.00
(r) Welding and cutting operations (annual) 25.00
(s) Liquid or gas fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings (annual or event) 25.00
(t) Lumber yards (annual) 25.00
(u) Magnesium working(annual) 25.00
(v) Mall,covered(annual or per event) ... . . 25.00
(w) Organic coatings(annual) 25.00
(x) Ovens, industrial baking and drying(annual) 25.00
(y) Aircraft refueling vehicles(annual) 25.00
(z) Aircraft repair hangar(annual) 25.00
(aa) Asbestos removal(perjob) 25.00
(ab) Automobile wrecking yard(annual) 25.00
(ac) Bowling pin or alley refinishing(perjob) 25.00
(ad) Candles and open flames in assembly areas (annual) 25.00
(ae) Carnivals and fairs(duration of event) 25.00
(at Cellulose nitrate film(annual) 25.00
(ag) Cellulose nitrate storage(annual) 25.00
(ah) Combustible fiber storage(annual) 25.00
(ai) Combustible material storage(annual) 25.00
(icy) Compressed gasses(annual) 25.00
(ak) Commercial rubbish handling operation(annual) 25.00
(al) Cryogen (annual) 25.00
(am) Dry cleaning plants (annual) 25.00
(an) Dust producing operations (annual) 25.00
(ao) Explosives and blasting agents (annual or perjob permit) 25.00
(ap) Fire hydrants and water control valves (perjob) 25.00
(aq) Fireworks event(per event) 500.00
(a) The city may,from time to time,decide to purchase land for parks in or near the area of actual or potential
development If the city does purchase parkland in a park zone,subsequent parkland dedications for that zone shall be in
cash only,and calculated to reimburse the city's actual cost of acquisition and development of such land for parks.The fee
amount shall be equal to the sum of(1)the average price per acre of such land,and(2)the actual cost of adjacent streets
and onsite utilities,or an estimate of such actual cost provided by the city engineer. Once the city has been reimbursed
entirely for all such parkland within a park zone,this section shall cease to apply,and the other subsections of this section
shall again be applicable.
(b)To the extent that paragraph(a)hereinabove is not applicable,the dedication requirement shall be met by a payment
in lieu of land at a per acre price set from time to time by resolution by the city council,sufficient to acquire land and
provide for adjacent streets and utilities for a neighborhood park to serve the park zone in which such development is
located.Unless changed by the city council,such per acre price shall be computed on the basis of$225.00 per dwelling
unit Cash payments may be used only for acquisition or improvement of a neighborhood park located within the same zone
as the development.
(Ord.No. 87-15,§3,1-27-87)
§ M 01 Commercial permit fee.
The commercial alarm system permit fee shall be in the amount of$20.00 per year.
> >
§16.02 Residential permit fee.
The residential alarm permit fee shall be$20.00 per year.
§17.02 16.03 Service charge on false alarms.
(a)If after five false burglar alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false burglar alarm,the permit
holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm.
(b)If after two false fire alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false robbery alarm,the permit
holder shall be assessed a service fee of$100.00 for such false alarm.
(c) If after two false medical assistance alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false medical
assistance alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm.
(d)If after two false emergency assistance alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false emergency
assistance alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm.
§+7703 16.04 Charge for direct alarm systems for financial institutions.
A signal line directly to the Wylie police department for the purpose of reporting burglaries and robberies shall be
limited to financial institutions and an annual,non-refundable fee of$20.00 for each indicator installed shall be charged.
§1i 17.01 Registration permit fee.
(e)For each spayed or neutered canine or feline the registration permit shall be$3700 2.00 per year.Proof of spay or
neutering shall rest with the owner of said animal,and for non-spayed or non-neutered canines or felines the registration
permit shall be$19:90 5.00.
§38$a 17.02 Fee for lost permit tag.
(t3 If a permit tag issued under this section is lost or stolen,it may be replaced by payment of a fee of$1.00 and
presentation of the registration permit.
(Ord.Ne. 87-57,§7,10-13-87)
§+8:9317.03 Impoundment and adoption fees.
(b)The owner,keeper or harborer of any animal impounded under this section may redeem same within three days
by payment of this impounding fee and boarding fee as follows:
Shelter(Impound)Fees All animals
First offense $20.00
Second Offense 30.00
Third Offense 40.00
Boarding Fees Daily Rates
Dog or Cat $5.00
Other Animals 10.00
Adoption fees shall be no less than$10.00 for all canines and felines.
§i$0417.04 Trap deposits.
(b)The deposit fee for traps shall be$40790 60.00.
§+8:85 17.05 Dangerous dogs.
The annual registration fee for a dangerous dog shall be$50.00.The fee for a dangerous dog at a new address shall
(O.d.No.92-5,§ 1(15.03),3-10-92)
Fines for overdue items shall be assessed as follows:
(a) Beet s;auditrvassettcs;-i taE,azi.n.s duel" . hit, Materials $0.10/day
(b) Lncyclopcelias 0.50/day
(c)(b) Video cassettes,overhead projectors,and film projectors 1.00/day
(c) Lost Books 3.00 processing fee
and the cost of the book
(d) Damaged Books 3.00 processing fee
and the cost of the book
(e) Lost Library Cards 1.00 each
(f) Copies 0.10 per page
(g) Laminating Fee 0.50 per inch
(Old No. 85-7,§§5.8,5.12,2-26-85,O.d No.9-3-17,§VI(19.00),3-9-93)
Fees for permits to open or excavate any street within the city shall be as follows:
(1) Paved streets:Concrete$2.00;asphalt$1.00 per linear foot of paving cut for a standard trench,with a minimum
charge of$5.00 per trench.
(2) Dirt or gravel streets:Fifty cents per linear foot of street cut,measured from the property line for a standard trench,
with a minimum charge of$5.00 per trench.If the excavation involves both paving and dirt or gravel shoulder,
the total cost of the permit will be figured by adding the cost of cutting the pavement and the cost of cutting the
dirt or gravel shoulder.
Usage charges for the Bart Peddicord Community Center shall be as follows:
Rental Fees Deposit Required
Civic groups no charge none
Individuals and nonbusiness groups-Wylie Residents $670010.00/hour $100.00
Business Uses and Non-Wylie Residents 15.00/hour $100.00
With-food-or beverage 400.00
(Ord.No.85-34A,div. 1,§3,5-14-85;Ord.No.93-17,§VII(21.00),3-9-93)
§22 0+21.01 Manufactured home permit fee.
All applications shall be accompanied by the deposits of a fee of$300.00,plus$50.00 for each manufactured home
(Ord.N,. 83-18A,§2,8-22-83)
§22.02 21.02 Manufactured home park annual inspection fee.
Ten dollars per occupied space is payable by the licensee or his or her agent.
§22.03 21.03 Manufactured home park license fee.
All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied by a fee of$500.00.
Any person desiring a permit required by this section shall at the time of filing an application therefore,pay a fee of
An annual fee of$100.00 per calendar year shall be paid by all persons,firms or entities required to pay such fee under
the city's pretreatment ordinance,as amended.
(ad No. 78-15,§II,4-18-78;Ord.No.93-17,§VIII(24.00),3-9-93)
CC)N0C)T.TT)ATFT)1.h.h.0 ANT)CT4AR(TF0 ORT)TNANC:F._naor 19
As a condition and requirement of the licensing of any carnival to show in the city,the applicant for such license shall
pay to the city secretary a license fee in the sum of$250.00.
There is hereby levied an annual occupation tax of$7.50 for each and every coin-operated machine as defined herein.
The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a Dance hall within the city shall be$100.00.
The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a pool hall within the city shall be$100.00.
(Ord.No. 84-16,art.IV,§5,3-28-84)
The fee for a garage sale permit shall be$5.00.
§30:0f 29.01 Wrecker rotation list fee;renewal fee.
(a)An application fee of$10.00 for each wrecker to be operated on the rotation list by the applicant shall accompany
each application.
(b)Each applicant shall,if he or she desires to continue his or her placement on the wrecker rotation list,make a
renewal application and pay a renewal fee of$5.00.
(Old No.82-23,§1,11.22-82)
§30:02 29.02 Wrecker service rate schedule.
No applicant,whose application has been approved hereunder and who has been placed on the wrecker rotation list,
shall charge any sum in excess of the rates specified in the following schedule:
(a) Towing of non-accident vehicles during regular business hours(8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.) $40.00
(b) Nights and weekends 50.00
(c) Vehicles requiring a dolly for reasons other than automatic transmission,additional charge 40.00
(d) Extra time in excess of one hour(not including time spent waiting for officer to complete
investigation)per hour 25.00
(e) Charge for diesel right or other heavy equipment per hour with one-hour minimum 175.00
(f) Storage of vehicle per day or fraction thereof 15.00
(g) Wrecked vehicles 60.00
(h) If drive line must be dropped to tow vehicle(additional) 11.00
(i) If necessary to change wheel and tire(additional) 11.00
(j) Rolled over or upset vehicle 60.00
(k) Roll over with dolly tow 70.00
(1) If winch required,additional for each 50 feet of pull 23.00
(O.d No.93-17,§IX(30.02),3-9 93;Ord.No.95-26,§ 1, 10-10-95)
§3{:04 30.01 Massage establishment permit fee.
Any person desiring to obtain a license or permit to operate a massage establishment shall make application to the chief
of police and pay a non-refundable application fee of$75.00,which said fee shall be used to defray,in part,the costs of the
investigation and report.
(Ord.No. 74-9,§4,9-10-74;Ord.No.93-17,§X(31.01),3-9-93)
§31.02 30.02 Fee for sale,transfer or change of name.
A fee of$200.00 shall be payable for each such application involving the sale,transfer of any interest in,or the name
change of an existing massage establishment.
Before any license is issued under the provisions of this section,the applicant shall pay an annual fee of$250.00.
(O 4o. 84-27,5-22-84;Ord.No.93-17,§XI(32.00),3-9 93)
An annual tax of$15.00 is hereby levied against every auctioneer selling anything of value for profit within the
corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas.
(Ord.of 9-16-35,§ 1)
A permit fee of$150.00 shall accompany each application,and the permit so issued shall thereafter be renewed by
payment of an additional annual fee of$150.00 and meeting any and all other Code provisions applicable to said business.
> >
A fee of$5.00 shall accompany the report of the garage keeper to the police department.
The special expense for serving a warrant of arrest shall be in the amount of$25.00.
(Ord. 87-45,§ 1,9-8-87)
The municipal court shall also collect a special expense of$10.00 for services performed in cases in which the
defendant is discharged by virtue of having attended,subsequent to the date of the alleged offense,a defensive driving
course in compliance with the provisions of V.T.C.A.,Transportation Code§543.101 et seq.This special expense shall
apply only to offenses committed after September 1,1987.
> 73
An impounding fee of$5.00 and a storage fee of$0.50 per day is hereby assessed against,and shall be collected from,
the owner or driver of any vehicle impounded by virtue of the provisions of this section before the release of any such
Waste hauling permits shall be issued by the city upon pope'application and payment of a$10.00 permit fee.All such
permits shall be valid for one year.
Major industrial/commercial users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit shall complete and file with the
director,an application in the form prescribed by the city.A permit fee of$25.00 shall accompany the application.New
major industrial/commercial users shall apply at least 90 days prior to connecting to the sewage system.In support of the
application,the major industrial/commercial user shall submit the information requested by the application form.
(Ord.No. 86-80,§ 16.9,10-14-86)
SECTION 4i.60 40.00 Charges For Mowing and Removing Brush and Unsightly Matter.
The expense incurred by the City of Wylie,pursuant to the correcting of conditions as set forth in this section,shall
be charged to and become a lien on the platted real estate or lot or lots upon which such expense is incurred Such charges
to be levied shall be as follows:
(a) A charge of$37.50,plus the city's cost per hour of mowing on per lot basis for each cutting of said weeds and
brush shall be levied,assessed and collected against such property each time such cutting of said weeds shall be
performed where the area does not exceed 44,000 square feet.On tracts and lots of land exceeding 44,000 square
feet,an additional charge of$37.50 shall be levied,assessed and collected for each additional 44,000 square feet
or the major portion thereof. In the event that there are obstructions such as rocks, trees, shrubs, bushes,
excavations,foundations of demolished structures or other impediments,an additional charge can be levied,
assessed and collected from such premises for the actual cost resulting from the additional expenses incurred
(b) In the event that it becomes necessary for the City of Wylie,Texas,to go upon property and do or cause to be done
the work necessary to seek compliance with section 54-114 of the Code of Ordinances,the actual expenses
incurred shall be charged,levied,assessed and collected against such property.
(-0.d.No. 79-16,§6 7-24 79)
c, d,s;g iatcd[42.041.
§4; 41.01Athletic field reservation usage fee.
A fee of$2.00 per person,per sport season,for individuals,organizations or groups will be charged for the use of
reserved athletic fields.This fee shall be paid to the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department by the responsible
individual,organization or group within 30 days after the start of game play. If field usage fees are not paid within 30 days
of the start of game play,an additional charge of ten percent of the original balance due will also be levied If the original
balance due plus the ten percent additional charge is not paid within 45 days of the start of game play,field use privileges
are subject to being denied until all monies due are paid in full.Those using fields on a one-time basis shall pay field usage
fees before field use.
(Ord.of 2-27-96)
§42.02 41.02 Use of athletic fields for tournaments.
(a)The price per field reservation fees are as follows:
Saturday and Saturday nights/Sunday mornings,8:00 a.m.--1:00 a.m.
includes light fee and field marking $100.00
Saturday and Saturday night/Sunday morning,8:00 a.m. Saturday--6:00 a.m. Sunday
includes light fee and field marking 130.00
Saturday,Saturday night/Sunday morning,8:00 a.m.--1:00 a.m.,and Sunday,
Sunday night,9:00 a.m.--11:00 p.m.,includes light fee and field marking . . .. . .. .! 160.00
(b) A security deposit of$50.00 per field reserved shall be paid at least seven days in advance of the scheduled
tournament. The deposits shall be credited toward any monies due for said tournament,with any remaining monies due
payable before scheduled tournament begins.All monies paid will not be refundable unless a field or fields are not playable
due to weather conditions,wet field conditions or for necessary maintenance.If a field or fields are not playable due to said
conditions,a refund or credit will be given.The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will be the final authority
as to athletic field use.
(ad.No.93-17,§XIII(42.02),3-9-93;Ord.of 2-27-96)
§4103 41.03 Athletic field light usage fee.
A fee of$4.00 per hour per field will be charged for reservation in which lights are utilized.Reservation sessions vary
through the course of a calendar year to coincide with sunset.The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department shall
determine the reservation sessions.
(Ord.No.91-2,2-12-91;Ord.of 2-27-96)
§42:04 41.04 Athletic field marking/chalk usage fees.
All fees for athletic marking/chalk usage on any athletic field(s)(except baseball/softball tournament use)will be split
50/50 between the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department and those reserving a field(s).The 1996 fee for standard
field marking is as follows:
Baseball/softball,per field/per marking. . . .. ....'. .. . *$4.00
Soccer,per field/per marking. . . . *5.00
Football None
(Football marks their field at this time.If they choose for the city to contract out this
marking,a price will need to be agreed upon at that time.)
Chalk cost,per bag. . . .. ., . . * 1.50
* All above fees already take into account the 40/50 split between the City of Wylie
Parks and Recreation Department and those reserving a field(s). Any special
markings above and beyond accepted standard markings will be subject to an
additional charge due to extra labor/chalk costs and will need to be agreed upon
between the city and those requesting special markings. The 50/50 split will also
apply in these instances.
(6t 2 -96)
§-43: HJ6ae-Muo;i.g Iti bat I� .
(Ord.No. 85-34A,div. 1,§3,5-14-85)
§-44.00 Feh..c Pe wit Foes.
be paid-prior to the issuance of thy.permit.
(Ord.No. 78-15,§II,4-18-78)
Under state law,cities are precluded from giving property away.Cities must,under V.T.C.A.,Local Government Code
§272.001,obtain an appraisal to establish fair market value.The city is then not allowed to convey,sell or exchange that
land and those interests for less than the fair market value of the land or interest.
(Ord.No.96-25,§ 1,6-25-96)
The annual fee for a sexually oriented business license shall be$500.00.
§47.00 Welds,
The amount of the municipal court building security fee shall be$3.00.
SECTION 49:00 45.00 PENALTY.
Any person violating the provisions of this fee schedule,or any part hereof,commits an unlawful act and shall be
subject to the general penalty provisions of the Wylie City Code as set forth in section 1-9,therein,as the same now exists
or is hereafter amended and shall not be allowed the permit,privilege or license to which the fee pertains.
, >
OF 1998.
John Mondy,Mayor
Barbara Salinas,City Secretary
June 9, 1998
Consider and Act Upon Authorizing The City Manager To Negotiate A Contract With A
Consulting Firm, As Needed To Prepare A Comprehensive Plan Update,
On June 4, 1998, the City Council heard presentations from three (3) consulting firms
concerning their proposals to update the city's Comprehensive Plan. Per Council direction,
the first step associated with initiating the formal procedures required to retain the necessary
consulting services is authorization by the City Council for the City Manager to negotiate a
service contract. Staff anticipates bringing forward a final contract for City Council approval
on June 23, 1998.
Financial Considerations:
Not Applicable
Other Considerations:
Not Applicable
Staff Recommendation:
City Council authorization for the City Manager to negotiate a contract with a Consulting Firm,
As Needed To Prepare A Comprehensive Plan Update.
• (-
Prepared by Re i e y Fin ce City Ma er Approval
Action Agenda Communication
Authorization for City Manager- Comprehensive Plan Consultants
Page 1