04-14-1998 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Agenda . Tuesday, April 14, 1998 7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers • 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Call to Order Invocation by Rev Kirk Taylor, First Baptist Church of Murphy Pledge of Allegiance Proclamation Proclamation declaring the week of April 19-25, 1998 as National Library Week. Action Agenda 1. Approval of the Minutes from the March 10, 1998 and March 24, 1998 Council Meetings. 2. Consider and Act Upon Acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report after Presentation by the Audit Firm of Pattillo, Brown&Hill. 3. Consider and Act Upon the Award of Bid for Phase I of the New Park/Athletic Field Complex. Public Hearing 4. Hold a Public Hearing to Consider and Act Upon a Request to Rezone 45.3768 Acres from R (Retail),B-1 (Business), and MF(Multifamily)to PD(Planned Development) for Single Family Residential Uses, Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 85-23A. The Tract is Situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No 849, Collin County, Texas and Generally Located Along the East Side of McCreary Road just South of Southfork Mobile Home Park. Zoning Case No 98-02. Presentations Presentation by Byrd Forbes on the Inflow and Infiltration Study. Presentation by Police Chief Jeff Butters on the Communication Committees Progress. Presentation by Public Works Superintendent, Jack Jones on Water Main Saddle Replacement. City Council Agenda Page 1 Staff Reports Citizen Participation Adjournment Posted on this the 10th day of April, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance to Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees Must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972/442-8100 or TDD 972/442-8170. City Council Agenda Page 2 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA April 14, 1998 Appproval of the Minutes Approval of the Minutes from the March 10 and March 24, 1998 Council Meetings. Action Agenda -Approval of the Minutes- Page 1 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL . ACTION AGENDA COMMUNICATION April 14, 1998 issue Consider acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report after presentation by the audit firm of Pattillo, Brown & Hill. Background The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year which ended September 30, 1997, including the Independent Auditors' Report, has been completed and will be presented to the council by the City's outside audit firm, Pattillo, Brown & Hill. The auditors will briefly discuss some of the year's highlights and will answer questions the City Council might have regarding the report. The FY 1996-97 CAFR will be submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association for review in the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program. This award has been received for the past seven consecutive years. We believe the FY1996-97 reports continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement program standards. Other Considerations The City's Charter in Article VII Municipal Finance, Section 13: Independent Audit, requires that at the end of the fiscal year an independent audit be made of all accounts of the city by a certified public accountant. Financial Considerations The audit of the 1999-97 fiscal year has been completed for the $14,195 estimated in the audit engagement letter dated February 2, 1998. No further audit costs will be incurred for the 1996-97 fiscal year. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Action Agenda - CAFR Presentation&Acceptance- Page I Staff Recommendation The staff is recommending that the City Council accept the 1996-97 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. • Attachments 1996-97 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report z- fotk (4204 Prepared by Rev a ed by Fina e City Manager Approval Action Agenda - CAFR Presentation &Acceptance- Page 2 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL rt/ ACTION AGENDA COMMUNICATION April 14, 1998 Issue Consider and act upon;the award of bid for Phase I of the new park/athletic field corn )lex. Background During the September 22 Park Board meeting, the Board voted to proceed with Phase I of the construction of the new park/athletic field complex. Phase I contains the following elements: the construction of two unlighted baseball/softball fields with irrigation, the development of approximately 20 acres of irrigated land for soccer fields, and the construction of acces 3 road and parking lot. The 20 acres for soccer will accommodate approximately either 4 large fields, 7 medium fields, or 10 small fields. The design of the soccer fields will be such that the entire area will be graded and irrigated. By doing so, there will be complete flexibility in the layout of the fields so that the age groups with the greatest need for fields can be accommcdated. The Wylie Independent School District (WISD) will fund one-half the cost of construction of the parking lot, which will also serve as parking for the future football stadium. The WISD Board of Trustees voted to accept the joint use plan for the park during the March 16, 1998 Board meeting, by a vote of 6 to 1. Competitive bids were solicited and on Friday, February 27, 1998 four (4) bids were cpened. The apparent low bidder was Randall & Blake, Inc. at an amount of $921,865. The bid includes four items which are to be deducted from the base bid. The first deduction is a quantity of concrete, which was included in the bid, but is beyond the scope of the parking to be built by the City and the WISD in Phase I. Based on the unit price provided by the contractor, the amount of reduction in the concrete is $93,278. In addition, the contractor bid an allowance for the cost of construction for an extension of an access road to the parking lot. Due to the construction plans of the WISD this extension will not be necessary, resulting in a deduction of$25,000. The third deduction will be to eliminate from the contract the cost of the construction of a 6" and 12"water line. This element of the project will be constructed by the City's Public Works staff creating a deduction from the contract of$6,656 for the 6" line and $30,394 for the 12" line. Public Works staff will be able to complete the two water lines for approximately $20,000, creating a reduction of over $17,000. The fourth deducts on is the elimination of a portion of the drainage pipe in the amount of $9,000. In summary, the deductions from the base bid are: Concrete $93,278 Road Allowance $25,000 Water Lines $37,050 Drainage Pipe $9.000 TOTAL $164,328 Ac+ion Agenda Award of Bid-New Park/Athletic Fit Id Complex Page 1 Background -continued The deductions taken from the base bid result in an amount of$757,537. A reserve amount is recommended by the Consultant to be set aside for contingencies. Financial Considerations The City of Wylie received notice in September 1997 that the grant request before the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in the amount of $500,000 had not been funded. Out of the 56 grant requests statewide, only 18 were funded. In anticipation of this possibility, the Park & Recreation Advisory Board began discussion in June 1997 of the options available for proceeding with construction in the park in the event that the grant was not approved. The theory on the part of the Board being that, while the construction of the park had been delayed by two (2) years in anticipation of obtaining a grant, the participation levels in the various sports continued to increase, placing a strain on the existing facilities. The elements of Phase I were identified as a minimum needed in order to affect this situation. A consequence of not receiving the grant at an earlier time, and proceeding with construction at this time is that the total amount of funding that will be available for the grant match is affected. The City will be notified in September 1998 if the most recent grant request will be funded. At that time, the combination of the over $200,000 currently in the Revenue Fund, interest income, the continued accrual of sales tax revenue at a rate of$180,000 per year, and the pledge of revenue accumulated in 1999 and 2000 will serve to provide the match required by the State The source of funding for the park is primarily from the issuance of $1.7 million in bonds in January 1996, which also provided the funding for the renovation of the Smith Public Library and the Bart Peddicord Community Center. Attached is an analysis of the original budget and project to date costs for the $1.7 million in bonds placed in the 4B Capital Projects and 4B Debt Service Funds. In addition to the $1,710,000 received in bond proceeds, the 4B Capital Project Fund has earned $86,616 in interest income through January 1998. The 4B Sales Tax operating fund has provided $85,000 towards the Library expansion and Community Center Renovation projects. The bond covenants required that $149,148 be set aside as a Revenue Bond Reserve in the 4B Debt Service Fund. Another factor in selling the revenue bonds is the issuance costs of$47,500. The total project to date amount spent on the listed capital projects amounts to $950,660. When the bond proceeds and other revenues are netted against the project and bond costs, there is a net of $734,308 available in the 4B Capital Project Fund to finance the award of the proposed bid. Additional funding will be provided by the WISD in the amount of approximately $150,000 to fund one-half of the cost of construction for the parking lot. The City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with the consultant, Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. in October, 1996. The fees for the professional services, approximately $93,000, are based on the total construction amount and include serving as grant advisor, the preparation of the construction documents and specifications, overseeing the bidding process, and construction management. Action Agenda Award of Bid-New Park/Athletic Field Complex Page 2 Financial Considerations -continued In summary, the funding scenario is as follows: 4B Amount Currently Available $734,308 Reimbursement from WISD $150,000 Total $884,308 Bid Amount Less Deductions $770,000 Consultant Fees $93,000 Balance $21,308 Other Considerations Approximately two years ago, the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District (WISD) adopted a joint Resolution, Action Plan, and a joint Use Agreement for the development of the new park. These agreements acknowledge the fact that a cooperative effort between the two entities will provide higher quality services at lower costs to the taxpayer. To that end, the Joint Use Agreement states: In the case of joint development of facilities, such as parking lots, each entity will pay its own proportionate share of the costs consistent with applicable State law and local policies. The respective shares will be mutually agreed upon in advance by the respective governing bodies, based on the proportionate benefit to each entity. The bid solicitation for this project was conducted in accordance with Chapter 252.021 of the Local Government Code which governs the procedural requirements for certain capital expenditures. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the award of bid to Randall & Blake Inc. in an amount not to exceed $770,000. Action Agenda Award of Bid-New Park/Athletic Field Complex Page 3 Attachments 4B Capital Projects Fund Letter, Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. Bid Tabulation Sheet jkoi eititAtt Prepar by Rev' ed by Fin ce City Manager Approval Action Agenda Award of Bid-New Park/Athletic Field Complex Page 4 CITY OF WYLIE 4B CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND MARCH 20, 1998 ANALYSIS OF $1,710,000 IN 4B REVENUE BONDS ORIGINAL ACTUAL DESCRIPTION BUDGET PROJECT TO DATE Revenues: Bond Proceeds $1,710,000 $1,710,000 Interest Income - 4B Capital Project Fund 0 86,616 Transfer From 4B Sales Tax Fund 0 85,000 Total Revenues 1,710,000 1,881,616 Expenditures: New Park/Athletic Complex 1,000,000 318,549 Community Center Renovation 175,000 248,482 Library Expansion 225,000 285,005 Park Projects 50,000 48,540 Library Projects 50,000 50,084 Revenue Bond Reserve Fund 150,000 149,148 Bond Issuance Costs 47,500 47,500 Unbudgeted 12,500 0 Total Expenditures 1,710,000 1,147,308 Amount Available for New Park $0 $734,308 (Revenues Less Expenditures) CENTPARK.WK4/03/20/98 (02:45 PM) 03/20/1998 15:17 2145535781 DUNKIN. . . (DSS & DSA) PAGE 02/02 Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. Landscape Architects/Planners Ms. Mindy Manson Assistant to City Manager City Of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Ms. Manson: On February 11, 1998 bids were opened for the Wylie Central Park. There were a total of four bids received for the project. The apparent low base bid for the park was Randal & Blake, Inc. Randal & Blake has built several parks throughout the Metroplex and is qualified to implement the plans and specifications for the Wylie Central Park . We can recommend that the City of Wylie consider awarding the Wylie Central Park construction contract to Randal & Blake Inc. I will be in attendance at the March 24, 1998 Council Meeting to answer any questions the Council may have regarding this project. incerely, ennis Sims ASLA Principal 9876 Plana Road Dallas, Texas 75238 214-553-5778 , Bid Tabulation Sheet CENTRAL PARK Wylie, Texas February 27, 1998 BIDDER BASE BID ADD. ADD. ADD. BID BOND CONSTR. ALT#1 ALT#2 ALT#3 #1 #2 #3 TIME DEDUCT ADD ADD WATER ELEC. VALVE LINE POWER BOXES IN GRAVEL IrraCon $1,361,503.00 X X X X 240 days $30,000 $5,000 $1,000 Big Sky Constr. $1,094,000.00 X X X X 240 days $5,850 - - RBI $921,865.08 X X X X 180 days $13,455 $3,303 $2,550 Dean Constr. $999,990.00 X X X X 180 days $11,363 $2,788 $1,023 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA COMMUNICATION April 14, 1998 Issues Hold a Public Hearing to Consider and Act upon a Request to Rezone 45.3768 Acres from R (Retail), B 1 (Business), and MF (Multifamily) to PD (Planned Development) for Single Family Residential Uses, Amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A. The Tract is Situated in the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No, 849, Collin County, Texas and Generally Located Along the East Side of McCreary Road just South of Southfork Mobile Home Park. ZC No. 98-02 Background The applicant is requesting rezoning on 45.3768 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single family residential community. The property to the north is zoned MH (Mobile Home) and developed with a mobile home park. The property to the south is vacant and zoned A(Agricultural). The property to the east is zoned PD (Planned Development) for single family residential uses. The property to the southeast is vacant and zoned A (Agricultural) with an approved PD (Planned Development) concept plan for single family residential uses. The property to the west is not within the City of Wylie proper. Public Comment Forms were mailed to sixty-three (63) property owners within 200 feet of this request. One (1) Public Comment Form in support of the request has been received. Other Considerations • The Comprehensive Plan recommends Single Family Residential uses for the property. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan only in terms of the single family residential aspect. The minimum single family residential lot size permitted by zoning is 7,200 sq. ft. • The applicant is filing this PD in order to request several variances to the single family residential requirements. Specifically, the applicant is proposing a master planned single family residential community with approximately 192 lots. The minimum lot size being proposed is 6,000 sq. ft. Action Agenda -Public Hearing-Zoning Case No. 98-02- Page 1 • Additional reductions to the single family residential area regulations being requested are as follows: �rll.f.20 ft. 25 ft. 15 ft.for principle structure and 25 ft. 20 ft. garage e 9 MiiMmtwyordinim 10 ft. between str uctures es and No t le ss than Eft. on each side tto a of the lot and 2 0 ft.for side yards yardsipiiippiENEMEM adj acent side ft.for sid 1 side stree t. adjacent t to a sid e stree t. jy jiDetteffiDepth 100 ft. and 90 ft.for cul-de-sac. 100 ft. Minimum>Lot Widthg 50 ft. 60 ft. 35 ft. or 21/stories 2 stories .:::::..... • The applicant has proposed a minimum dwelling size of 1,400 sq. ft. The minimum dwelling size permitted within the SF-3 district is 1,100 sq. ft. • The applicant has proposed a 1.6 acre park to be dedicated to the City. • Section 21 of the City of Wylie Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A states that the PD (Planned Development) district is intended to provide for combining and mixing of uses allowed in various districts. The proposed PD does not incorporate a mixed use concept and, therefore, does not meet the intent of the district and ordinance. • The applicant is aware that staff may be able to support a PD request incorporating a mixed use concept encompassing both 6,000 and 7,200 (SF-3) sq. ft. lots. Specifically, 6,000 sq. ft. lots may be appropriate within the northern portion of this property along the southern edge of the mobile home park to the north. • The applicant will be required to plat the property prior to the issuance of any building permits. Financial Considerations Not Applicable Board/Commission Recommendation At the March 16, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table this zoning case to April 6, 1998, so that staff could review changes to the Conceptual Plan proposed by the applicant during the meeting. On March 31, 1998, staff received a letter from the applicant requesting that this case be tabled and rescheduled for the April 20, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The applicant indicated that he needed extra time in order to coordinate proposed changes with Wylie Independent School District (see enclosed letter). Action Agenda -Public Hearing-Zoning Case No. 98-02- Page 2 Board/Commission Recommendation -continued At the April 6, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to table this zoning case to April 20, 1998, per the applicants request. The applicant is aware that this case will have to be re-advertised for Public Hearing at the May 12, 1998, City Council meeting. • Staff Recommendation Due to the fact that the Planning and Zoning Commission has not issued a final report/recommendation and per the applicant's request, staff recommends that this case be indefinitely postponed and re-advertised for Public Hearing at the May 12, 1998, City Council meeting. Attachments Applicant's Letter Proposed Land Data Public Comment Form Location Map Area Zoning Map Property Owner Notification Map Property Owner Notification Report Public Hearing Notice Zoning Change Application Concept Plan to_aftxtriz— Tfl 0-4044. Prepared by Re ' ed by Fin ce City Manager Approval Action Agenda -Public Hearing-Zoning Case No. 98-02- Page 3 ® TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. rAl .— Aimmin ENGINEERING• SURVEYING• PLANNING 6330 Broadway Bled. • Suite C • Garland. Texas 75043 • (972) 226-2967 • FAX (972)226.1946 4341 March 31, 1998 Mr.Tobin Maples Director of Planning CITY OF WYLIE 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 RE: LAKESIDE ESTATES PI-LASE III WYLIE, TEXAS Dear Mr. Maples: As authorized agent for Paramount Land Development, we are hereby requesting our zoning case and development plan for the above referenced project scheduled for April 6, 1998,to be tabled and rescheduled for the April 20, 1998 meeting. The extra time will allow us to coordinate with Wylie Independent School District based on final location of a proposed elementary school site. If you have any questions, or if we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. • Sincerely, PTON ENGINEERING,INC. (--\ &,_)\....,, ,..,;,. .. _ c t) Pat Atkins President PA/ce Cc: David Howell LAKESIDE ESTATES WYLIE, TEXAS PROPOSED LAND USE DATA LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LAKESIDE ESTATES RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED ZONING: ACRE ZONING NO. OF UNITS DENSITY S.F. -45.37 Single Family 200 4.41 I. SINGLE FAMILY - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. PURPOSE This district is intended for low density residential uses. Planning techniques will involve traditional single family detached, residential designs with a minimum lot size of 6,000 SF. 2. FRONT-YARDS Minimum front yard building line 20' (Twenty Feet). 3. REAR YARDS There shall be a rear yard having a depth being not less than 15' (Fifteen Feet) with a minimum of 20'•(Twenty Feet) for garage setbacks. 4. SIDE YARDS A side yard provided whereas a separation of 10' (Ten Feet) is always maintained between structures. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than 15' (Fifteen Feet), even when a side yard is across from a front yard, the side yard shall be 15' (Fifteen Feet). 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH There shall be a minimum lot width of 50' (Fifty Feet) measured at the front building line. RECD FEB 111998 6. MINIMUM LOT DEPTH There shall be a minimum lot depth of 100' (One Hundred Feet) and 90' (Ninety Feet) at cul-de-sac. 7. USE REGULATIONS Single family detached units and accessory uses customarily incidental to the use. Churches and church related uses as permitted by specific use permit. 8. HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building shall exceed 35' (Thirty-Five Feet) or two and one-half(2-1/2) stories in height. 9. MINIMUM DWELLING SIZE Minimum dwelling size shall be 1,400 (One Thousand Four Hundred Feet) . 10. LOT COVERAGE '. In no case shall more than 60% (Sixty Percent) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. 11. BUILDING REGULATIONS All main buildings shall have exterior construction of a minimum of 75% (Seventy Five Percent) brick, tiles, cement, concrete, stone or similar materials. II. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. Provisions for a divided entry off of McCreary Road to allow for additional access along with landscape identifying features for the Master Planned Subdivision. 2. Provisions for the Master Thoroughfare Plan for the Collector Systems. 3. Provisions for Master Homeowners Association and Deed Restrictions. 4. Paving design to adhere to the City of Wylie's standards allowing for 4" crowns. RED FEB 111998 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM MAR 1 2 19,9a (Please type or use black ink) • Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 x I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-02. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-02. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,March 16, 1998,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 14, 199S,7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 7S North, Wylie,Texas Nacre: illiam Markarian (please print) Address: 254 Valeen Ln. S .M .H .Park iylie , Tex ; 75098 Wylie Tax Account Number (if shown on enclosed map): Signature: :l L- G-'f9 r .Kr✓Z _� Date: 9/ / // j 0 ' • COMMENTS: I have no objections to the zoning request . I just hope that , between the adjoining property owners , the security fence separating the two plots is properly repaired and made to look decent . Right now it ' s an eyesore and does nothing to restrain field varmints from entering our yards . I 1 1 4 , r— , , _ j cty u,r:s4.1 ii. 1 i PARKER MYLAI1 1 010_. `��t1��� Onallir 11 1t111pItUl1 ,t �tVu►► gniun—wamu unlit � • -- Gb Limits e E E 7, 1, U U SU BJIE TT ,____ PFi.OPERT r ,un,Mmm.� 1muumWtutu. - -_WD 111*.: 14:" . 1,_ft...„4. 1 rt.-z i..r:..1""ttlt 177__'.--luuraimn,,;:: III . • w u..e vt,1)1P,b.,, n►J•• Wit: '7 :M • 4 4,uu „ ,....7,43,41---4; onum,..i- famturnarmarmir -.nit Ism v uiuuupuWs.., iii _ : j iii,elliiii ....rousall IWIII/!//irO/m ii PP' ..„-, IIIIINIMIIIIIII in !rim, illinumn. % i 11;11111 Oa ME illailL PROJECT LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #98-0002 - <--- ...,,,.. _y , _- — ` — M c M l n e n rc o o c �� IiI I � I � IIIIJ II I III i.. I�, . rt--,..: rII ' ,A$1,..„ 1 1 I . ; ' ,1 soi,a� I :V� ITiI '�,,'`-v" , a. I i I..�L I l I 1 1 i ,1 ;) /\ v' i • _ .LI.1.M 1.1.1 i i 1\� \y 17.—. II f� 7 .:\ � l imis1 =500 III 1, ...\ i I NM: 1 / ,ii1 . ./ I i It. t mkt _____ E Sep Fnt I ,*11,_ III _ �%�� �t . • rail kill :-H — I Wg* ktill ww-wi ass iiiirms-oh, :.! PilMiti taittAtitaittresar, ,,,,,v... .....%111r i . t 10:41/114i- aft VA r141%04101414ki,ljelainkS • um --r= ~ I I I II i ! —~ —,414t;l 11 1 iIlI Iiillllll l i I / ► III III \ ..- - > %I — , J --- : SUEJECT If /�PROPER'Y 1 -D -G% .i TEXAS PRESBYTERIAN FOUNDATION ;, R 6849-000-0020-1 / .....- D ii, •i R;6849-000-0030-1 t C' !I — —._. .. .. .. ._ _ (1/ 5 A ef 6 A. .._.._.._.._ 2 S ' .A. - , , ., 4 I ZONING AREA MAP .. ZONING CASE #98-0002 1 g ,,-.4.----------4 Road ,tilea=csmilw McMillen • 1 emr.n. • i I H111 1• 1 1 I I lit .. Elii: 1 I - AIIMII i*. 814-virmeti. , . 41111111 /11111111LMINII Emma• =imam —- — , 1 ma !imiliPPI1I: -10 ;L 1114001110 „6,11=-„opre w .. i /---- 7 ' °. [I MIR i .., .-...:.. i 1 i -Trni I : l=a- INN MI • - ■11111-mEll , i i"vairmiso”4- 1 : MUIR . i fN ! - • - I I 1 IA L i I .._•• ra kali Il 1 13 3 =500) i-- IIII AO& ' 1 ''. 4 :--- -1-- U. iml. .4%11 //I H 1 r 1- 1-- ....„.M. i EN viiip______ _I• :......... . ,ostmr.."szcr illammallji . 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ZONING CASE #98-0002 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Pat Atkins, Tipton Engineering APPLICATION FILE # 98-0002 6630 Belt Line Garland, Tx 75043 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS 252 252 Valeen Lane 1 SFMHP M-5030-000-252D-1 Robert J. Cooper Wylie, Texas 75098 253 253 Valeen Lane 2 SFMHP M-5030-000-253C-1 Trinidad Stadleberger Wylie, Texas 75098 254 254 Valeen Lane 3 SFMHP M-5030-000-2540-1 William Markarian Wylie, Texas 75098 746 746 Valeen Lane 4 SFMHP M-5030-000-746E-1 Steven T. Johnson Wylie, Texas 75098 745 745 Valeen Lane 5 SFMHP M-5030-000-745-1 Orlando Fonseca Wylie, Texas 75098 255 255 Valeen Lane 6 SFMHP M-5030-000-255B-1 Jeanette Nutt Wylie, Texas 75098 256 256 Valeen Lane 7 SFMHP M-5030-000-256F-1 Larry E.Williamson Wylie, Texas 75098 257 257 Valeen Lane 8 SFMHP M-5030-000-257C-1 James K. Nations Wylie, Texas 75098 258 258 Valeen Lane 9 SFMHP M-5030-000-258E-1 Raymond Brill Wylie, Texas 75098 259 259 Valeen Lane 10 SFMHP M-5030-000-259A-1 Steven Bogart Wylie, Texas 75098 260 260 Valeen Lane 11 SFMHP M-5030-000-260E-1 Mary Spurlin Wylie, Texas 75098 261 261 Valeen Lane 12 SFMHP M-5030-000-261 E-1 Timothy Birdwell Wylie, Texas 75098 262 262 Valeen Lane 13 SFMHP M-5030-000-262A-1 Rebecca L. Holt Wylie, Texas 75098 263 263 Valeen Lane 14 SFMHP M-5030-000-263E-1 Daniel McCarley Wylie, Texas 75098 264 264 Valeen Lane 15 SFMHP M-5030-000-264B-1 Sergio Fallad Wylie, Texas 75098 265 324 2nd Street W. 16 SFMHP M-5030-000-265E-1 John A. Rauch III Baird, Texas 79504-6216 266 266 Valeen Lane 17 SFMHP M-5030-000-266D-1 Don Hestand Wylie, Texas 75098 267 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 18 SFMHP M-5030-000-267C-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 268 P.O. Box 1 749 19 SFMHP M-5030-000-2680-1 Randy Hamlin Wylie, Texas 75098 269 269 Valeen Lane 20 SFMHP M-5030-000-2690-1 James Kane Wylie, Texas 75098 557 21 SFMHP No Listing 556 556 John Ross Lane 22 SFMHP M-5030-000-556D-1 John Profitt Wylie, Texas 75098 363 P.O. Box 861454 23 SFMHP M-5030-000-363A-1 Marie Sawyer Plano, Texas 75086-1454 362 362 Sue Ellen Lane 24 SFMHP M-5030-000-362A-i John Tyson Wylie, Texas 75098 360 360 Bobby Avenue 25 SFMHP M-5030-000-360G-1 Henry Kaminski Wylie, Texas 75098 361 361 Bobby Avenue 26 SFMHP M-5030-000-361 D-1 Charlotte Tassan Wylie, Texas 75098 316 316 Bobby Avenue 27 SFMHP M-5030-000-316F-i Glen Schrier Wylie, Texas 75098 315 315 Bobby Avenue 28 SFMHP M-5030-000-315D-1 Mark Malone Wylie, Texas 75098 313 29 SFMHP No Listing 314 4013 Windy Crest Drive 30 SFMHP M-5030-000-314A-1 Steven Williams Carrollton, Texas 75007-1513 271 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 31 SFMHP M-5030-000-271 B-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 270 270 Jena Lane 32 SFMHP M-5030-000-270B-1 Michael Neel Wylie, Texas 75098 559 33 SFMHP No Listing 558 558 Valeen Lane 34 SFMHP M-5030-000-558C-1 Joe L. Bergin, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098 551 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 35 SFMHP M-5030-000-551 B-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 552 552 John Ross Lane 36 SFMHP M-5030-000-5520-1 Leonard Dox Wylie, Texas 75098 553 553 John Ross Lane 37 SFMHP M-5030-000-5530-1 Lorraine Walter Wylie, Texas 75098 554 554 John Ross Lane 38 SFMHP M-5030-000-554B-1 Melody Turnbull Wylie, Texas 75098 555 555 John Ross Lane 39 SFMHP M-5030-000-555C-1 Glen Hodge Wylie, Texas 75098 513 513 Ellie Court 46 SFMHP M-5030-000-513E-1 John W. Sanders Wylie, Texas 75098 514 514 Ellie Court 45 SFMHP M-5030-000-514D-1 George Dawson Wylie, Texas 75098 515 515 Miss Ellie Court 44 SFMHP M-5030-000-515C-1 Archie Smith Wylie, Texas 75098 516 516 Ellie Court 43 SFMHP M-5030-000-516E-1 Alfonso Perez Wylie, Texas 75098 517 517 Ellie Court 42 SFMHP M-5030-000-517E-i Virginia Huyer Wylie, Texas 75098 518 518 Miss Ellie Circle 40 SFMHP M-5030-000-518B-1 Terry Bahe Wylie, Texas 75098 519 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 41 SFMHP M-5030-000-519C-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 505 505 Miss Ellie Circle 54 SFMHP M-5030-000-505E-1 Oscar Douglas Wylie, Texas 75098 506 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 53 SFMHP M-5030-000-506B-1 • Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 507 507 Miss Ellie Circle 52 SFMHP M-5030-000-507B-1 Annie Dafft Wylie, Texas 75098 508 51 SFMHP No Listing 509 509 Miss Ellie Circle 50 SFMHP M-5030-000-509A-1 Mana Hudson Wylie, Texas 75098 510 510 Miss Ellie Circle 49 SFMHP M-5030-000-5100-1 Stephen D. Swinnea Wylie, Texas 75098 511 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 qg SFMHP M-5030-000-511 D-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 512 521 Miss Ellie Circle 47 SFMHP M-5030-000-512C-1 Phyllis Swentik Wylie, Texas 75098 709 709 Miss Ellie Circle 58 SFMHP M-5030-000-709E-1 Raymond Reynolds Wylie, Texas 75098 710 710 Miss Ellie Circle 57 SFMHP M-5030-000-710C-1 Brad Lundberg Wylie, Texas 75098 711 56 SFMHP No Listing 712 712 Miss Ellie Circle 55 SFMHP M-5030-000-712A-1 Tracey McNichol Wylie, Texas 75098 3500 Oak Lawn LB 14 56 Abst 849 Tract 2 M-6849-000-0020-1 The Texas Presbyterian Foundation Dallas, Texas 75219-4371 3500 Oak Lawn LB 14 57 Abst 849 Tract 3 M-6849-000-0030-1 The Texas Presbyterian Foundation Dallas, Texas 75219-4371 Parker International Corporation 2556 Morning Glory Drive 58 Abst 849 Tract 4 M-6849-000-0040-1 Chiu Chen Richardson, Texas 75082-2316 William E. Campbell, Jr. 16475 Dallas Parkway, #500 59 Abst 849 Tract 11 M-6849-000-0110-1 Reservoir Limited Partnership Dallas, Texas 75248-2639 504 CMH Parks Inc. #402 P.O. Box 15169 60 SFMHP M-5030-000-504A-1 Attn: Chris Lockhart Knoxville, TN 37901-5169 708 708 Miss Ellie Circle 61 SFMHP M-5030-000-708A-1 Nancy Gore Wylie, Texas 75098 713 62 SFMHP No Listing 520 520 Miss Ellie Circle 63 SFMHP M-5030-000-520B-1 Jeffrey Stoker Wylie, Texas 75098 Pat Atkins 6330 Broadway, Suite C 64 Tipton Engineering, Inc. Garland, Texas 75043 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: • PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 98-02 Applicant: Pat Atkins Location: Generally located along the east side of McCreary Road just south of Southfork Mobile Ifome Park Property Description: Tract 2&3 of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849 (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description) Present Zoning: MF(Multifamily), R(Retail), and B-1 (Business) Requested Zoning: PD(Planned Development)for single family residential uses Proposed Master Planned Single Family Community. This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: Planning and Zoning Commission: Monday,March 16,1998,7:00 PM City Council: Tuesday,April 14, 1998,7:00 PM Each public hearing will be held at the following location: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request, as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial, a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice. • All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address: • City of Wylie Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public hearing, state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of the City Council. The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when requesting information. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at (972)442-8103, or(TDD) (972)442-8170 for assistance. 98 - 02 FIELD NOTES EXHIBIT "A" 4341(a).fld BEING all of that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Wylie,Texas, out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Collin County,Texas, and being the property conveyed to The Texas Presbyterian Foundation, a Texas non-profit corporation, by deed as recorded in Volume 2278 at Page 155 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod for the Northwest corner of said Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract, said point being in the center of McCreary Road (100 foot right of way) and also being the Northwest corner of a 50 foot permanent roadway and utility easement conveyed to the City of Wylie, Texas as recorded in Volume 2245 at Page 29 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE, N 89° 56' 39" E, and passing the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Clayton/Cambridge Joint Venture as recorded in County Clerk File No. 92-0045237 at 55.03 feet and continuing along the common line of said Clayton/Cambridge tract and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1333.54 feet (1334.17 feet deed) to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner, said point also being the Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell Jr., Trustee by deed as recorded in Volume 872 at Page 153 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE, S 02° 21' 37" W, along the common line of said Campbell tract and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1499.60 feet (1502.41 feet deed ) to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; THENCE, N 86° 13' 20" W, and continuing along the common line of said Campbell and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 17.31 feet to a 2" iron pipe found for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Parker International Corporation by deed as recorded in County Clerk File No. 94- 0076703 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE, N 89° 20' 39" W, and following the north line of said Parker International Corporation tract for a distance of 1302.27 feet to a 5/8"iron rod set for corner, said point being in the center of the aforesaid McCreary Road (100 foot right-of-way); THENCE,N 01° 50' 33" E, along the center of said McCreary Road and the West line of The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1482.91 feet (1499.64 feet deed) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 45.3768 acres of land more or less. REC'D FEB 11 1998 io — l )Z Page 1 of 2 (5/93) CITY OF WYLIE P.O. BOX 428 WYLI E, TEXAS 75098 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Case No. q- Filing Fee $225 . 00 Date Applicant PAT ATKINS/TIPTON ENGINEERING , INC . Phone No. 972-226-2967 Mailing Address: Work No. 972-226-2967 6330 Broadway , Suite C • Garland . Texas 75043 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE REZONED: (If additional space is needed for description, the description may be put on a.separate sheet and attached hereto).1 See attached sheet I pe:e1i3v6ree es eh a i'le above described property be changed from its present zoning which is and B 1 86 69 District Classification to P-D Single Family District Classification for the following reasons: (attach separate sheet if necessary) To provide for upscale Master Planned Single Family Community . There (a* (are not) deed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property. Status of Applicant Qw c Engineer Tenant Prospective Purchaser I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showy the property ' .ch is the subject of this requested zoning change and have read the follov7g concerning the imp rtance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description. Signed CD FEB 111998 d O 11 L Page 2 of 2 Note: 1 • The legal description is used to publish notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of the final ordinance granting the zoning change. The description must be sufficient so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal description. 2 If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner of the zoning request must also be submitted. f • • • ftCD FEB 11 1998 -o__ _ c_ a.-r.., r::,:c el 98 - 0 • l�AW OFFICES 01• HARNETT Isl. GOODSTEIN,P.C. cocQr,. ,t,O LBJ FREEWAY SUTE 121 FAX TRAd:SHITTAL 7344-+-++47 FAX Riot 1.114.6+1 HEW FAX I.0 0/2 DATE: 9-19-97 • TO: Barb x Trible, Tipton Engineering • FAX NO. : 226-1946 FROM: p,R -nett Goodstein PHONE NO. : (972) 387-4.303 • FAX NO. :. (972) 661-5683 TF.ANSHITTAT, CONSISTS OF THIS COVER SHEET, PLUS-O_ PAGES COMMENTS: Mr. Rahn Pinkus has contracted to sell a prcc1 of land,rzrw awned by him;:: and zoned Agricultural Use, to parties who are blocking up a large tract to rezone for resi�dentiel use. Mr. Pinkus is out of the country at the present titre; however, I am his attorney, and I believe I can sceak on his behalf in this matter. The said Contract of Sale gives the Buyer the ri;t}ht toavply for the rc.?.zoning of the subject tract, and change the agricultural use to residential Tie and zoning. Therefore, Mr. Pinkus already has agreed to this change in zoning, if the Zoning Board agrees to change the said zoning and use of the subject upert_y. This, however„ is subject to and contingent upon the understanding and • agreerent of all concerned that, in the event the subject prorY=vrty is not so rezoned, the use will remain as agricultural use (as Mr. Pin'..--us now uses it) , and the tax base will not be changed. If, on the other hand, the use is changed so that the rezoning allows resi- dential 1TSP;: tin it be unrtrstmri that the Buyer, and not t• . Pinkus, shall be liable for any ad valorem '.axes — past or future — that :.ay be assessed as a result of the zoning to allow residential use. Mr. Pinkus does not desire such rezoning for himself, and if this rezoning is not ar rovE'd, Mr. Pinkus fully intends to continue to use the subject property for agricultural uses, and for no other. With this proviso, Mr. Pinkuus vnuld have no pro- • h bition against the .lyer making applica.tich on the Pinkus tract for any zoning other than agricultural, with -the k:rx:ledte and hel ref th':.t, if such zoning is not granted, Mr. Pinkus will continue to have agricultural use and to,?.s based on str._h uses; and that the Buyer s'of l indemnify and hold harmless Mr. Pinkus if any other . result is Trade faun a request for a re- zoning that is not gran'.,2ri. • If you have any questions, cr did not receive this te.lecopy clearly, please call our office immediately. cc: Mr. Con Shirley - 214-691-0682 cc: Dick Johnson or: Ralth Pinkus ******Utz*/**********X1k1k* *****y'********************-*****X******** THE 1?7CRY.ATIOH CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSA:E IS ATTOP.1EY PRLYILE9ED AHD CONFIDENTIAL INFO.R.^.ATIOH INTENDED DN.T FOR THE VSE OF THE IH'D1YIDUAL CA EXTI?T NAHEO ABOVE. IF THE AEADER Of THIS MESSAGE IS NOT TH'E INTCHDEO ALCIPIC.T• ON TM ER.PLOTIE OA AAO?f7 RE3P-EH:ITLE FOR PCLIKAIMR IT TO THE THTEROto REC:P1EJIT• You AAE HIRES/ NOTIFIED THAT ANT DISSEMINATION. DISTRI5VTIc , OA CCPYIHl Of THIS COH:SVWICATI:x IS STRICTLY /ROHISITEO. IF YOU HAYS AECEIYEC THIS c:Pxvn:EATIcR IN ERAOR, r.EASE 1NREDIATELT NOTIFY VS DT TELEPH:RE AND RETURN THE CRIGINAL ISESSASE TO VS AT TH: A90YE ACDAESS Y:A THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAWS YOU. REC'D F E B 111998 98 - 02 .i • September 19, 1997 Re: 27.2413 Acres Wylie,Texas TO WHOM IT CONCERN: I hereby authorize Tipton Engineering,Inc.to proceed with zoning on the above referenced property. u_e_L;4-,." Thomas Williams,Administrator of the Estate of Kathleen E. Williams • ED FEB 111998 SEP -97 ttCN t t :5 , CHARD PARKER, !N._. :1 t2. _ (l P, 91 9/22/97 • City Of Wylie Zoning Dept. Wylie, Texas Re: 38 acres out of the Moses Sparks Survey Abst. 849 and the G.W. •Gunnells Survet Abst. 351 Sir: • We authorize Tipton .`Engineering Inc. to proceed with the zoning request on the above referenced property. Thank you, C%()4 P52446/:- • Ida Pearl Scho6 • CD FEB 11 1998 B - 000 rU am pbell C oC balks REaltoas 300 BENT TREE TOWER • 16473 CALLAS PARKWAY • DALLAS,TEXA5 75245 14 REALTOSaCE1 (2 )243.8988 FAX(214)248.0230 NtN OtA: h ATIONA.A i iOC,ATlON Of ALAI.CSTATC 110Aa O1 h A::O4A.Il.ITITUTi Of ptAl CaTATC 1104 CR! - iCCttTT Of IN:U3 LAl1NO Off1Ci✓I CAlXON1• ` September 22, 1997 Ms.Barbara Tribble Tipton Engineering 6330 Broadway Blvd., Suite C Garland,Texas 75043 Dear Ms.Tribble: I hereby approve Tipton Engineering to move forward with procedures to rezone the Murphy Limited Partnership and Reservoir Limited Partnership from Agricultural to Single Family Residential. It is tlncjerstood that Paramount Land Development has authorized Tipton to do this work at the sole cost and expense of Paramount Land Development. It is further understood the zoning changes will not be completed until all of the provisions of the pending Contract of Sale have been completed. Sincerely, Murphy Limited Partnership and Reservoir Limited Partnership PIA s f .1/'"(- 1 William E.Campbe ,Jr. WEC:rju cc: Con Shirley • RECD FEB 11 1998 L) UL FIELD NOTES 4341(a).fld BEING all of that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Wylie, Texas, out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, Collin County,Texas, and being the property conveyed to The Texas Presbyterian Foundation, a Texas non-profit corporation, by deed as recorded in Volume 2278 at Page 155 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod for the Northwest corner of said Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract, said point being in the center of McCreary Road (100 foot right of way) and also being the Northwest corner of a 50 foot permanent roadway and utility easement conveyed to the City of Wylie, Texas as recorded in Volume 2245 at Page 29 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE,N 89° 56' 39" E, and passing the Southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to Clayton/Cambridge Joint Venture as recorded in County Clerk File No. 92-0045237 at 55.03 feet and continuing along the common line of said Clayton/Cambridge .tract and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1333.54 feet (1334.17 feet deed) to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner, said point also being the Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell Jr., Trustee by deed as recorded in Volume 872 at Page 153 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE, S 02° 21' 37".W, along the common line of said Campbell tract and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1499.60 feet (1502.41 feet deed ) to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; THENCE,N 86° 13' 20" W, and continuing along the common line of said Campbell and The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 17.31 feet to a 2" iron pipe found for corner, said point being the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Parker International Corporation by deed as recorded in County Clerk File No. 94- 0076703 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE, N 89° 20' 39" W, and following the north line of said Parker International Corporation tract for a distance of 1302.27 feet to a 5/8"iron rod set for corner, said point being in the center of the aforesaid McCreary Road (100 foot right-of-way); THENCE,N 01° 50' 33" E, along the center of said McCreary Road and the West line of The Texas Presbyterian Foundation tract for a distance of 1482.91 feet (1499.64 feet deed) to the PLACE.OF BEGINNING and containing 45.3768 acres of land more or less. REC'D F E B 11 199E WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA COMMUNICATION Presentation April 14, 1998 Issue. Presentation by Mr. Jack Jones of the Inflow and Infiltration Project Report Completed by Byrd/Forbes Associates, Inc. Background City of Wylie for years has experienced an Inflow and Infiltration problem during moderate to heavy rain periods. These periods have impacted our treatment plant with excessive affluents to process, thus surpassing the capacity of the treatment plant to operate correctly. This has in turn prompted a letter from T.N.R.C.C. to City of Wylie to institute a study of our collection system for maintenance repairs and replacement of aged collection system lines. City of Wylie engaged ADS Enviromental Services Inc. of Dallas, Texas, in 1995 (Phase I) to monitor rate of flow during peak times and rain falls of strategic sites (manholes) in our collection system. This enabled staff to define critical areas in our system of potential Inflow and Infiltration problems. Cost for Phase I flow monitoring tests by ADS was $30,000.00. This led to Phase II for smoke testing of lines, inspection and cameraing of manholes. Hogan Corporation recommended Byrd/Forbes Associates, Inc. of Dallas, Texas, to perform Phase II of Inflow and Infiltration Project Study. To date, Byrd/Forbes has completed the Project Study of the critical area of Inflow and Infiltration. The critical area was chosen to inspect from data collected from Phase I study. Phase II study represents a 1/3 of our collection system at a cost of$50,000.00 Board Recommendations N/A Financial Considerations Phase II Project Study was budgeted for $50,000.00 in the 1997 budget. Agenda Communication Presentation-I&I Report Page I Other Consideration To consider Byrd/Forbes Associates, Inc. of Dallas, Texas, to proceed for Phase III Inflow and Infiltration Project Study in 1999 Budget year. Staff Recommendation To institute further study (Phase III) of our collection system for Inflow and Infiltration Project Study. Attachments Summary of Findings List of Projects Priorty List by 1, 2, 3 Assciated Cost Repairs Agenda Communication Presentation-I&I Report Page 2 -- MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Collins, City Manager FROM: Jack Jones, Public Works Superintendent DATE: April 1, 1998 RE: Replacement of Water Main Saddles It appears Choice Homes, D.R. Horton and other home developers have staked out most of the vacant lots in various areas of Wylie. Affected areas are Twin Lakes, Rush Creek, Stone Grove and Eastridge subdivisions. A situation has arisen from no water supply through services to several empty lots being prepared for development. Years past when these subdivisions were developed, the contractor used steel components that have deteriorated from rust and are not serviceable. The steel bands have evaporated. Thus, letting the saddle move away from the water main or rust build up inside the saddle and 1" service has restricted water flow. Water Department replaced an estimate of 15 last year in the Stoneybrook area and 15 in other areas. This year we estimate replacing around 50 in various undeveloped lots in various subdivisions. We are replacing steel components with brass to eliminate this type situation. I can only assume cost was a factor when steel components were used versus brass components. Costs associated are as follow on material only: Estimate on 50 change outs all brass components. $115.00 per unit $ 5,750.00 Estimate on 50 change outs all steel components. $ 75.00 per unit $ 3,750.00 Estimate on 50 change outs, all brass component. $635.00 per unit $31,750.00 including labor and equipment.