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04-24-2007 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 24, 2007 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor Carter Porter Mayor Pro Tern Earl Newsom Place 1 M. G. "Red" Byboth Place 2 Eric Hogue Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Recognition of 5th Six Weeks Star Students—Character Trait"Fairness" • Proclamation for"Wylie ISD Health Fair Day" CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. April 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of Minutes from the April 4, 2007 Joint Meeting between the Wylie City Council and Wylie Economic Development Corporation and the April 10,2007 Regular City Council Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for right-of-way dedication for Kirby-Stone Connector and five out-parcels on 3.0 acres, generally located east of Birmingham Street extending east to S. Ballard Avenue. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat creating one (1) lot on 4.863 acres for a commercial development. The property is generally located north of SH 78 and approximately 1,150 feet east of Skyview Court. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider and place on file,the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the City of Wylie for the month ending March 31, 2007 and the Quarterly City of Wylie Grant Report. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) E. Consider and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of March 31, 2007. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-11 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget) for proposed mid-year budget amendments for fiscal year 2006- 2007. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary The mid-year budget amendments are generally intended to cover unanticipated and/or unavoidable revenue and expenditure adjustments to the adopted budget. The detail is attached for the requested items which are categorized within the individual funds of General Fund, Emergency Communications, Fire Training Center, Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund, and Utility Fund. The requests are further defined as neutral(matching revenues to expenditures),revenue increases,or expenditure increases. 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-12 establishing fees for the purpose of enabling the City to construct new fire stations; establishing fees for the purpose of purchasing new fire fighting equipment; establishing procedures to allocate fees collected; establishing procedures for appeals; providing for a penalty for the violation of this Ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (S. Seddig, Fire Marshall) Executive Summary The City of Wylie,Fire Rescue Department,has previously provided fire protection at minimum standards for a given population. The ability to maintain service levels is negatively affected by rapid growth and April 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 development. By passing this ordinance for fire development fees, fire protection service levels and a portion of the associated capital cost can then be supplemented by continued economic development, and the costs for future maintenance of the level of service and improvements to fire protection will be shared by all those who benefit. 3. Consider, and act upon, reimbursement, in the amount of $1,779,761.60, to Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. for the construction of the Twin Lakes Outfall Sewer Line. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary On February 14,2006 Council approved a development agreement with Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. The agreement specifies that the City shall reimburse the developer for the cost of the offsite sewer line. The project is identified in the Capital Program, Sewer Impact Fees, and the Water and Sewer Rate Study. The sewer line is necessary to connect the Braddock Place development to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (MCRWWTP). In the future, the line will be extended further north to eliminate the Twin Lakes Lift Station and transfer the sewer flow from the eastern portion of the City to the MCRWWTP. 4. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Jamie Gregg and the appointment of a new member to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the unexpired term of April 2007 to July 2007. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary Article VIII, Section 2A of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to establish a planning and zoning commission. Ordinance 84-11, establishing the Planning and Zoning Commission, stipulates that the Planning and Zoning Commission shall: 1) Consist of seven(7) citizens of the City of Wylie; 2) Shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two (2) years; 3) Members of the planning and zoning commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; 4) Be knowledgeable in the affairs of the city and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in Article IX of the City Code of Ordinances; 5) Make and recommend to the city council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering ordinances for the orderly development of the city; 6) The commission shall, not less than every five years, review and recommend to the city council amendments to the master plan of the city; 7) Recommend to the city council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and amendments proposed by the city council relative to the city council's planning and zoning function; and 8) Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to the city council for appropriate action. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. WORK SESSION • Budget work session for long range financial planning. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) ADJOURNMENT April 24,2007 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20"'day of April, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. ottilitisiiii Owy y ., F . , 4(: �, ,., ,- V; L;. L = 51L 101 Ca ole Ehrlic ,City Secretary DaSTO Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Joint Meeting Wylie City Council & Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board (WEDC) Wednesday, April 4, 2007 —6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Mayor Mondy called the City Council to order at 6:10 p.m. Council members present were: Mayor Pro Tern Carter Porter, Councilman Red Byboth, Councilman Merrill Young, and Councilman Rick White. Councilman Eric Hogue and Councilman Earl Newsom were absent. City Staff present were: Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters, Finance Director Larry Williamson, Public Information Officer Mark Witter, and City Secretary Carole Ehrlich. WEDC Chairman Marvin Fuller called the WEDC Board to order at 6:10 p.m. Board members present were: Councilman Merrill Young, John Yeager, and Chris Seely. WEDC Staff present were: Executive Director Sam Satterwhite and Administrative Assistant Gerry Harris. PRESENTATIONS & DISCUSSION • Presentation by T.I.P. Strategies,Incorporation of assessment findings and to receive direction from City Council and/or Wylie Economic Development Board of Directors. WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite thanked everyone for coming and introduced Mr. Tom Stellman, President and CEO of T.I.P. Strategies, Inc. Mr. Stellman reviewed some of the statistics and analysis that had been completed since the January 18, 2007 Joint Meeting. He explained the trend in manufacturing vs. services and stated that since 1970 the trend has been toward service oriented business and that manufacturing has leveled out for the most part. He Minutes—April 4, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 1 also noted that employment vs. services was trending toward more services with fewer employees. He explained that technology had a part in the decline. He displayed a graph showing the top areas in job opportunities for the next decade. At the top of this list were: health care, services such as food service, administrative and support services, and the arts. He showed the approaching job shortage which the U.S. Census and U. S. Labor has forecasted; starting in 2010 and ending in 2025 as a very significant shortage in employees due to the retirement of many "baby boomers". He explained again that the firm was still in the discovery stage of the analysis which included benchmarking and input. The firm would then move to the "opportunity" and "implementation" stages to complete the services. He stated that all projections for Collin County showed large influxes of population in the next 10- 30 years. He also reported that Wylie was currently in the top 35 cities in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in population and second only to Frisco in percentage of increase in population over the past five years. He displayed some trends regarding services that cities offered in the area and level of education achieved for the populace of various cities. He provided net property values and tax rates for various cities and sales tax revenues and outstanding debt analysis. He stated that residential ad valorem tax was the largest portion of revenue, with around 21% currently collected from commercial and industrial. He commented that robust job growth would continue in the metroplex in the coming years. He reported that 21 residents had replied to the survey that was available on the City webpage and noted that he would like to see more comments in the near future. He also reported that interviews had been conducted with City staff, WISD officials, businesses in Wylie, and focus groups to complete this portion of the analysis. He reported that some of the strengths of Wylie included a younger population, average income, cost of living, access to 190, low crime rate, and consumer base. He noted among the weaknesses the high percentage of land not on the tax roles, lack of lodging, lack of senior facilities, and the availability of raw land. He explained some of the opportunities being a corridor to S.H. 78, S.H. 205 and I.H. 30, higher education, future town center, additional retail and redevelopment areas. Mr. Stellman introduced C. Kelly Cofer, CCIM, and a specialist in retail analysis. Mr. Cofer displayed a retail trade area map for Wylie. He explained that the focused retail trade area had a population of 61,818 with a $78,700 average household income. He noted some of the gaps in Wylie retail and explained that annual growth was projected at 7% per year. He explained that Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway was an emerging sub-market that would be reaching residents of Lavon, Farmersville, Josephine, and Nevada. Mr. Stellman summarized by explaining the next steps in the process: • Additional research in markets • Enhance Strategies • Implementation Plans (Actions and Timeline) • Vision and Strategies Presentation (April 2007) • Implementation Plan (May 2007) Minutes—April 4,2007 Wylie City Council Page 2 ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Mayor Mondy adjourned the City Council at 8:45 p.m. WEDC President Marvin Fuller adjourned the WEDC Board at 8:46 p.m. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—April 4, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 3 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, April 10, 2007 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tern Carter Porter, Councilman Eric Hogue, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Rick White and Councilman Earl Newsom. Councilman Red Byboth was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Public Library Director, Rachel Orozco; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Mike Frick pastor of the Faith Lutheran Church, Wylie, Texas gave the Invocation and Councilman White led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION • Presentation of historic railroad map executed in 1896 and accepted by Collin County in 1897. (Louis C. Miller and W.C. Dowdy, Jr. of McKinney Title) Mr. Louis C. Miller and Mr. W. C Dowdy, Jr. owners of the McKinney Title Company presented a framed plat/map of Wylie showing the original plat outlines and original layout of the City of Wylie in 1896, which was used to develop the City of Wylie. Mr. Miller explained to Council that the originals compiled in 1896 on linen were made in triplicate and it was unknown where the other two originals were. The plat map was completed by a surveyor for the Gulf Colorado and Sante Fe Railroad (GCSF) and was signed by the President of the GCSF at that time. The acknowledgement and dedication was performed in Galveston, Texas in 1897. Galveston, Texas is where the head offices of GCSF were located. Minutes—April 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Presentation and update on Public Safety Emergency Operations for March 30, 2007 Tornado. (R. Corbin, Fire Chie,f) Fire Chief Randy Corbin gave an overview of the March 30, 2007 Tornado incident in Wylie. He pointed out some of the cooperative efforts that many departments shared in and pointed out some of the issues that would need to be resolved and resolutions for those issues. He thanked the EOC staff and departments for their assistance during the incident. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Mr. Kurt Strange residing at 7900 E Parker, Allen, Texas addressed Council requesting to be placed on the agenda for an upcoming meeting to consider de-annexation of his property and that of the other owners within the original annexation. City Manager Manson stated that no action regarding placement of this item on the agenda could be taken under Citizens Comments, but noted that any Council member wishing to request placement of this item on a future agenda can contact either the City Manager's Office or the City Secretary. Friends of the Library member Jerri Smith residing at 106 N. Carriagehouse Way, Wylie, Texas addressed Council with a report of current grants that have been procured for the Library. She asked members to visit their local Barnes and Noble during April 21 St thru April 22nd to purchase books during the "Friends of the Smith Public Library Bookfair". She explained that a portion of the revenues collected from book sales would go to the library during this time. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of Minutes from the March 27, 2007 Regular City Council Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, award of bid, in the amount of $33,383.00, to Tackett Concrete for the construction of a concrete driveway at Fire Station No. 2. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) C. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-12 authorizing the appointment of Sydney Robison as Municipal Court Judge for the City of Wylie effective April 1, 2007, setting terms and stipend of service. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-13 authorizing the appointment of Richard Faulkner as Associate Municipal Court Judge for the City of Wylie effective April 1, 2007, setting terms and stipend of service. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Minutes—April 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 2 E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-14 authorizing the appointment of Terry Douglas as Associate Municipal Court Judge for the City of Wylie effective April 1, 2007, setting terms and stipend of service. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2007-15 authorizing the appointment of Don High as Municipal Prosecutor, for the City of Wylie effective April 1, 2007, setting terms and stipend of service. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) G. Consider and act upon an amendment to the May 12, 2007 Joint Election Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District to include "Exhibit D" adding Collin County and the City of Sachse to the Joint Agreement. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Mayor Mondy announced that staff had requested that Item#D be withdrawn from consideration by staff for further review. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to approve Items A, B, C, E, F and G of the Consent Agenda. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Councilman Byboth absent. No action was taken on Item #D. Mayor Mondy convened into Executive Session at 6:33 p.m. reading the exceptions below into the official record. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§ 551.087 Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations between the City of Wylie, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, and the following: (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) • Direct Development; • Regency Centers; and • Greenway Investment Company. §§ 551.072 Deliberations regarding the purchase of real property by the Wylie Economic Development Corporation generally located near the intersection of Sanden Boulevard and Hensley Lane. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Mayor Mondy reconvened into Open Session at 7:26 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: There was no action taken as a result of Executive Session. Minutes—April 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 3 Mayor Mondy convened into Work Session at 7:31 p.m. with all Council present with the exception of Councilman Red Byboth. WORK SESSION • Budget work session for long range financial planning. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Finance Director Larry Williamson gave an overview of long range financing options for funding the new Library, Recreation Center and City Hall; to include initial staffing requirements. He explained several options which included a Base Financial Plan with Phases I and II with the Recreation Center funding a revenue steam to cover staff funding for that facility. Also included was an option that left the 0 & M Tax Rate at the current rate for the next 9 years. Future tax rate scenarios were also included for each option. City Manager Manson asked Council to give some direction on the time line for the construction of the buildings and comparative tax rates. Direction from Council was to further investigate the option of building both Phase I and Phase II of all the buildings at the same time and on the same schedule as originally planned. Council also asked to see a little less conservative sales tax and ad valorum tax forecast and the corresponding tax rates. An additional Work Session is scheduled for the Regular Council Meeting of the 24th of April to further discuss the options. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Mayor Pro Tem Porter made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 p.m., with Councilman Newsom seconding the motion. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—April 10, 2007 Wylie City Council Page 4 Long Range Model with Initial Results FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Base Financial Plan Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5636 0.5929 0.6128 0.6661 0.6819 0.7681 0.8456 0.9154 0.9975 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1678 0.2264 0.2276 0.2155 0.2049 0.1947 0.1807 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7506 0.7558 0.7806 0.8925 0.9095 0.9837 1.0505 1.1102 1.1782 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0558 0.0528 0.0507 0.0488 0.0505 0.0519 0.0531 0.0542 Add City Hall (Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0328 0.0149 0.0292 0.0276 0.0262 0.0249 0.0237 Add Recreation Center and Staff Phase I 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0399 0.0462 0.0336 0.0444 0.0446 0.0447 0.0448 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0561 0.1255 0.1118 0.1116 0.1225 0.1227 0.1228 0.1228 Total 0.7068 0.7725 0.8119 0.9061 1.0043 1.0211 1.1062 1.1732 1.2330 1.3010 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0685 0.0646 0.0538 0.0593 0.0604 0.0613 0.0621 0.0627 Add City Hall (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0447 0.0261 0.0398 0.0377 0.0358 0.0340 0.0324 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0513 0.0570 0.0438 0.0541 0.0538 0.0535 0.0531 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0688 0.1606 0.1369 0.1429 0.1522 0.1508 0.1495 0.1482 Total 0.7068 0.7725 0.8246 0.9412 1.0294 1.0524 1.1358 1.2013 1.2597 1.3264 t Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Base Financial Plan Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1678 0.2264 0.2276 0.2155 0.2049 0.1947 0.1807 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7490 0.7248 0.7298 0.7883 0.7895 0.7775 0.7668 0.7567 0.7427 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0558 0.0528 0.0507 0.0488 0.0505 0.0519 0.0531 0.0542 Add City Hall (Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0328 0.0149 0.0292 0.0276 0.0262 0.0249 0.0237 Add Recreation Center and Staff Phase I 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0399 0.0462 0.0336 0.0444 0.0446 0.0447 0.0448 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0561 0.1255 0.1118 0.1116 0.1225 0.1227 0.1228 0.1228 Total 0.7068 0.7709 0.7809 0.8552 0.9001 0.9012 0.9000 0.8895 0.8795 0.8654 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0685 0.0646 0.0538 0.0593 0.0604 0.0613 0.0621 0.0627 Add City Hall (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0447 0.0261 0.0398 0.0377 0.0358 0.0340 0.0324 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0513 0.0570 0.0438 0.0541 0.0538 0.0535 0.0531 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0688 0.1606 0.1369 0.1429 0.1522 0.1508 0.1495 0.1482 Total 0.7068 0.7709 0.7936 0.8904 0.9252 0.9325 0.9296 0.9177 0.9062 0.8909 a i Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Base Financial Plan Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1678 0.2264 0.2276 0.2155 0.2049 0.1947 0.1807 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7490 0.7248 0.7298 0.7883 0.7895 0.7775 0.7668 0.7567 0.7427 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0558 0.0528 0.0507 0.0488 0.0505 0.0519 0.0531 0.0542 Add City Hall (Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0328 0.0149 0.0292 0.0276 0.0262 0.0249 0.0237 Add Recreation Center and Staff Phase I 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0027 0.0232 0.0297 0.0174 0.0260 0.0242 0.0226 0.0211 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0532 0.1087 0.0953 0.0954 0.1041 0.1024 0.1007 0.0991 Total 0.7068 0.7709 0.7780 0.8385 0.8837 0.8850 0.8816 0.8692 0.8573 0.8417 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0685 0.0646 0.0538 0.0593 0.0604 0.0613 0.0621 0.0627 Add City Hall (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0447 0.0261 0.0398 0.0377 0.0358 0.0340 0.0324 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0027 -0.0153 0.0245 0.0193 0.0357 0.0334, 0.0313 0.0294 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0658 0.0939 0.1044 0.1184 0.1338 0.1305 0.1274 0.1245 Total 0.7068 0.7709 0.7906 0.8237 0.8928 0.9079 0.9113 0.8973 0.8841 0.8672 Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Library Phase 1, City Hall Phase 1 and Recreation Center Phase 1&2 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Base Financial Plan Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1678 0.2264 0.2276 0.2155 0.2049 0.1947 0.1807 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7490 0.7248 0.7298 0.7883 0.7895 0.7775 0.7668 0.7567 0.7427 Add Library and Staff(Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0219 0.0558 0.0528 0.0507 0.0488 0.0505 0.0519 0.0531 0.0542 Add City Hall(Phase 1) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0328 0.0149 0.0292 0.0276 0.0262 0.0249 0.0237 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0027 -0.0153 0.0245 0.0193 0.0357 0.0334 0.0313 0.0294 Total Library,City Hall,Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0219 0.0532 0.0702 0.0901 0.0973 0.1138 0.1115 0.1094 0.1074 Total 0.7068 0.7709 0.7780 0.8000 0.8785 0.8869 0.8913 0.8783 0.8661 0.8500 Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Recreation Center and City Hall and Library Built in 2008 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.2591 0.2571 0.3106 0.3071 0.2909 0.2763 0.2627 0.2454 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7491 0.8211 0.8191 0.8726 0.8691 0.8529 0.8383 0.8247 0.8074 Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Recreation Center and City Hall and Library Built in 2009 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I&S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1950 0.2415 0.3118 0.3084 0.2920 0.2774 0.2637 0.2464 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068- 0.7491 0.7570 0.8035- 0.8738 0.8704 0.8540 0.8394 0.8257 0.8084 (Net Difference 0.0000 0.0000 0.0641 0.0156 -0.0013 -0.0012 -0.0011 -0.0011 -0.0010 -0.00101 Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/26/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for right-of-way dedication for Kirby-Stone Connector and five out-parcels on 3.0 acres, generally located east of Birmingham Street extending east to S. Ballard Avenue. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Kirby-Stone Addition, Lots 1-5, located between Birmingham Street and S. Ballard Avenue. Discussion This plat is a final step associated with an item on the City's 1999 Bond Program, providing for transportation infrastructure improvements accommodating an efficient east-west vehicular & pedestrian link from S. Ballard Avenue to S. Birmingham Street. The plat dedicates 1.65 acres of right-of-way, approximately 820 linear feet of roadway, with widths ranging from (40' to 100') forty to one-hundred feet. Properties were acquired between 1999 and 2003; construction began in May 2003 and was completed in February 2004. The completed four-lane divided thoroughfare with raised median and four feet sidewalks provides vehicular and pedestrian links form surrounding residential neighborhoods to the elementary school and neighborhood service uses along FM 544/SH 78 corridor. In acquiring property for this project several out parcels were created and these lots are being established at this time. (Lots 1-5) Some of the adjacent property owners have shown an interest in purchasing the out parcels and this may be a possibility in the future. The Final plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 3/26/07 City Manager Mtn 4 f 4-7 Page 1 of 1 0.1.3 CERTEKAre L{- L- STATE Of TEXAS Now THEREFORE,RNOW•l4 YEN BY MESC PRESENTS: ► COUNTY OF COL. WHEREAS.TM CITY of WADI..acxn0 by and fxreugh Mel,duly.1.1 ed 0wnl Chas NN.foa P.E.,City WOYN WNEl.%TM Cloy el wyNe la 1M r.nw p i. .l rah.1 lol slhMed In Me 5.5.S.M.2 Sunry.EmNHw,duo hwohy adwW MI.per. Mo h001 strew of 4d W.... AOIGN WM/20,M WM C1ry N WyNe.Cahn Cm•ry.Trove GM hMN l N Lds•,S,9,Tod],Tod I�/-AOIIE MINIM 20 1 TIRO 0 a 1Wrr 00116102 an"NHn to Nu City of Wylie. JEWERSDN Mina M So.21 Its el M I.and Ma Seslh I Mel l•1 1•I.d trig a PeoNon N 4N 3 of EWE.C°°^h.Tur and b Mropy leNNaH,M 1«tlmple,H Its puplN ow lanror Its bowls and 'MOM' r4IJ10.L I �' J.Y.W.M.ADDITION,w aedl5a.o M S.i N S.W...0.C•wry,Twos,a•r.*w H M Yap 9Nen...e IM..•n.TM Nr.N..nd T.4 an..... t...,puryom.TM Ellaemenls end uR00D ST•iEYEmu Met*•werbd M...me 385,Page 413.Sop Nebo,Collin C.udb.Twos,rod b..all of Lids 11110 ur ems,o Mw.n.. ..leaf.Iw Me CM,11 use lover.1.Imo 0$0.11 a AIM...w I 33 Mco N,•1 red N.N NIEIIIINAII DEVELOPMENT COYPANYS SOLIDI SIDE AODITIO0,an abet.fa ,lee plat...M WMMte.Imbn.Mea..n 0040 w NMr ImpmromwN w moths shell Co eanalrucled. PILTTND 1NK PROPERTY I.'" M R000 IMMIRAI4C[R4R YYS MUNERFD•9093 CN.1 o M Cloy•1 wbM,Cc*n.v.6 Tw•....7.7............leaarbd M VNun.,,P00o N .w New.upw,a.o.w aarou Me weomwN as Ne.n,•mwl MN HMoa•e A� WRx w EEr2CTIV[MR 10 JYWRT f0.1aN SIlOWS TNO"4"7Y TO of M M Y N,YN Rowb,b2n C""'T".. Tome"1 ewvoy.d.Mw CIty N TO;YY do.s o•dwdM..wovrmml.mY M pond in HM47.......... eq«r..;'11."'" M Cloy al 2.M abNfen. • V '•"' �� I V:m- UN-'""a All[A Oer,PT""20m Y(ADC"c'""IIED r0 A OUISDE T1C M Yalum 031ri,Py 02.13.VNwm•/1•,=I(69 YNume 0Tome Pogo III],VNulne N2., [ar'nmH. Mae..'. Iw muhml ur w vaw.be.:.'W eN... 1.'1 dui..W.,Iwo 0344,and Vells. fe 100 Y[AD ROW PLYMJ Page III,Y•IIIn.o let•.P•Oe I1Q).YNum O5 1t tern OSSI T,valem»7A,Iep•S5S0.YNmw witXin W.•Me Tom unIT xw women ........wrlleuM NYXMo,Me ur try wp0 �/ p•r11eMMT N .A.N melds wend Yeun s.1.Paw awaNe.Co.Cwnfr.Two.and being men pXXI�M.0 W. iW hWprommords.1, wW CM of wyFa uwan orwl i CXMN d pp /, r101d ro renwve a New or orris e b MIIdims�Iwwe.. Es F'3 I Rm..N w 1/•Ina I«wr.ler,and M.M M EeM Tim of MMplwm SNM(G SD Its W cona Nerd pules allele.enell l lN al 1.1r Ma MwrM lei TMn �In�wN[ewnrnH.TM City of ,.�5��'.d '. _ C ry xuellon,maO...ce,w oak.. GRAPHIC SCALE �•li r. 2 M.3 NICN P011 MC rOINO CRY N 0IO��Ce�Nn Co..'To Ira.9cbardi^P w Mlle IINap n..m1 w M VN.w , P.p.in. .km el+nwee.end y...a9, sal';and M be ws.l•b le.,bomb N babinininX,mowers. M p Rms.Ce2n Cwmh.Foam: mainlail.Troo and•dOn9 b w mlwlrq.or Pvrfe a/ rwpMM systems...II Me meow.N any lime of promrlw M.pmmisolen N enyom. -. In TxaY•a I/O xW.I/O RIM IRON 000ROO P00010 I1•m.Ne 4.4 boa...N N•Nfe•SS l.a.nb EM.M•R9 M 3.m..Ne N1 Md 11 2XI a TY.Po apwerw a.laloal of NI piaro.g odinowu.roles.rwuoiena and owl,...of the CIty of FOUND j ' , I 4 disla ee of I1.N Its to•1/2 In.inn M IrWk For armor,Tod Mhg 0..SN.n11 cameo s1 ea. TAMe.*ears. I J/1 Mf.1/9 MN role ROD FowO M 24: ,,1,1 (••Mb Its VICINITY GLAP 1/2 IRS N.1/2 W.IRON R00 AT WNx 0* Sm.N Own.10 o.o N Seewk.EM,Woo Mr Se..We N se.SOWN SIDE NTMESS, 1.1.......a.,lhio M./(l day oI r1Wz.A. RUOR'CAP STAINED(OC•A PIO ADOTION(Wu.P.Page 351I•*slabs N 215.92 fed•t 1/2 Ml hen rod M and blew //r ,�' (/1y.(� [r e Y FOOND N CONCRETE 074 Nang.WC.1IOA and MNg M the NoiSh Ins 1 Male.EtnM C.50 led MW2-N-way), N: VNAAL iF}p�Z7[05 end bib M Its Sob Dm N lel N N•led SOWN SIDE ADDITION(Volume 7.Pole SAD5 saki poke Chris DMA. E.,City Engine., ,• YS•X SR N CONCKI[ µY1nuN3 •t Swmd• allnd MN reamer 5eN11 uN».30/M.and a deNe N W O.9rao CNY e1 Wblle I UTILITY EASEMENT °wn.34 Wou.a Srrak•W.I.• dHbam.N al.»Its; STAR Of TX.. UNE TABLE _la elm MD an_ _ COUNTY.COLON Tbemo bog sob I I SOUTH S10I:AOOT NI LXt AM., IOKIN ANA,,Top N•o.ped COCOA NC).and MM9 M M ypX.eat Son of midJaMmon CY,N•Md ptlnl ....YE,1.undwaia1N••XNw7 Re..M and for a=M C.M.O.31.w Ai.by appear•r Y•J J VOL.7,LIPG.309 L. N1314500[ 110.52 Mon/M a•a•-M/•N wr.e H Me rghi h•o..a . N 5..1M.wk a dl•N 00 Owrw.ems seem lag*le m le M x.•person whew em*v a.haarihed to Me Iwwaln9.1,. t } LOT LOT LOT„ LOT�J LOT J LW SIf3110% 4146 u 2..4 W AwMo.and•OW MN Me.•South N Dram.59 bbas Al Swats.Ea.• and eaMwwIMW ro ono MN M/.M wwalod Me Town/w Me brow.and mbibraxon.IMMn E r 25 r26 r--17 r20 29T 0 31 L. STT]TAY SL]t' Ds*.al 57.I3 Its: bonnets. LL yam- SIPI2'OTw rill' t11 �L I L» 23211110.E T3.02• Thaw Grow Me S - Its N bid bison Circle wok sale earn le WW Moh1 w are 1 1.0 o1 MIEN FINDER Yb XAND MD SEAL Or OFFICE,Ms Its de.el .3007. la I I I I L21 132.41.20•w /1.13• 57.17 Its I.•I/O2 MY M re M.M y.Ne. W..(Ocu MCI weld pets MM M a �{.�.�..... L. IOF19'WE »il' •an-len9o•f cow H Its TAN h.1.a Wes N» fed,elk•Ws of 31 Desrees 31 ln0.. �,.4,�]tY':1Mw .' I I I I 24 Sow.wN a dab MN Man NrM 51 OOMees 35 Mmbs»Sew.EM,a Nolen.•/ (1��5���pW L33 MOC10'00•W ».Ol' 11.N M. .Nary MANc M and Iw Mr$Flee N r.aw. r` FONT Oi •In N 69D19'y'E 233.92' I :rn m u• N3f»'07•[ Io.u' pj , .`'. �' -EITgAt-12Eir-MP r I LSS S»'»'00.E it]Ol' Th..New«ld burn le...•rc 1•nn111 of21.71 fed H•1/2 Ml Inn rod.1 oph "Er."STARYEM: r own JACKSON CIRCLE t» »P53•N.E »ri• bMN•w Nwmed(De.RIO).••N pNM MYy M.Hrp«.l eanw a low Npd hMny.naa.N 111 /T�0.0e • ...").7, LS] 7109 04 OS•E 10.»' 20.00 1M.and•d.11e N N O0.r•»WRnuleo»SewMs.old•le.MN he.n.lerM 6• I,Mpn Cw.wRy.•Repislw.Pn/ obnN land Sure.yw.Iluna.M 1M SMe el Texas.aWllrm Mal ♦ L20 300.2A•N•W 19,71' De1rco 55 Wu.N Swats.EM.a diet we N 11.01 MI PM Tom prdep•M super. .Worn rem..dwumwHMn,am.celloNM ^•• SN'19'21•E M.70• 129 N0P24•»•E 32.31• w round during held omen.and from NM.1eaal0N bc4mw1000.1:end MN Ws OW Timor Wowil.•I•ewe.I.1M A1111 w w.WNW N IAN/M o a I/O M0 N«M... ....0171 belnpM.M M•RuN.GM........al Its Twn Marl N PoeHoNee1 land W.KI.6 I STREET w KIAY,917.0 J4DDIIKIN w In r yellow awe Namwd(OGu McA and MLg M M SW Re al sold NW.ales.: >K 9.0.w. 139.917.W p.R. A•LOT 2 Survewn9. 'g.. 3.01172 D.Ia9 .n . N 1.N..»pie. F Dal"Xda M. /H6J1 day e/V/LAAG!✓ bottle we TMmr Sound N D•Or.rs 19 1RI.uM 29 Swale•[ale,slaw Its Selrlh lee of said J•aY.en CNclr.a .2007 I n SR r 04 00e of 12.78 AM H•I/O MM M.M M with yle•ern.Hmpod(D.AA MC)•and be. ...7„,..,.„ C�-,� .$ srcrEN w N > Nw Mrlllwl ewer N•hap N land eon..N Ant.w.WI..M dud.reeled In Co. wlxouAnD cY Crumb Glories FM No.9h003NW.Deed R...CaIM CouNb.Team: Bryan `' pin fy_ Iu�$i vM.sons. - ` row 0. .aD IA 1MufN ere Y.eena.Tow.o40.g M•W.II.N said Tense rcd Pre'«NwLI Land Sunww be.5513 LOT a ° r l a ak+a Fo.uN d 1iGyw 1. distance•/124.0 laol N an R M for mmr: GapPMaw IoaN.G STAR OF RNAS f S 11O76 ow •M FM T•.(}„Ir4 1". Y; "' 1�PNj�,r�w�x�Ms9 $ ff' Wee Sa4M Al Dw•w 32 N7N.30 Suns Easy eland Mr Sou..Its N sold 0000H9w COUNTY OF COLON Y i0,`�_TOY, trr�] ' Q [/ MM.a*Mama N 50.19 Its M en 1 M Iw wt. AFORE YE,Its unduag el.•X•Iwb Pugh M OM far Me sad Ct..and Soo,w Ms day i rndN-- nx."' 1RCO,(. (0 a g00'ID•00`E Z03.{6 rn Too/ P por«e5Y•ope4M Bryan cabby Lwwn te not N M Me person when mono Is msw.Md to Its 7y n a> xx lnalu SwM.»owrws»YMNr M SmrM•[m'.slog Me mml SwMem Me N Md 1 YnorNdpod Is ono MN M meat.Me«me Iw Its moor MweM NO9'1{'23'W NN'S{'111Y '(.� ` _ w Iv r -CepPNlOr M. •diN•nae N,.53 Its le•I/2 MM Y.n M M•M yl•.'cw a4•mpd(ocA• ro0n.•"and uMw nets slid"MM Mo NalemMo In Me to,welb9yl True. 19..222•_.e 1 200.00' S"f,P -•---L_.b. ly 1p MCA w MM9 Me lwx.M on...N wN CeMM9or h.N: WEN uNaR MT wxD Sul a ancE ma nu, M *a1f 001a.. �' sa n sacra IOr 3 eW m Y [ Th..Nets.00 Dwrw•11 YMUNe 13 SwM.Ew,Nag 1M in.WMem Fa.One N saki 2 > '� ,,,,r��4O J 1 Na.o.ave p '=•a pier,war, ? Ge.n.W.a dWawe N 2.19 1M M•1/2 WI Non I"M NM ryNe.ewe smogee I' ,0N'".Tpt 001 S ...}t! . hvoM 1x.fY.l un V s4 Nc): Z N ap°',5 N' .l 11�1 1O>a Tn.ue seats»D.9rm.»Ynpw N S•wnd•WO.mnMwMy GHp M.mM NwMwn smin Rm °h' M Tod/w f r.ma ��I" E. 9 5•J5� 1,110.7MM rF2 �y wN Coml.,M.N WN Me SrvM in N a hW N Ink convoyed H Sto.SuMwleM ley 3S Ned ,.IM1 ND' $ y *'.. 7 . 8 lone ewe.Iki Orb Mde.recorded in V..5685.Po. wde:d ro.n.In Vale.VaiellM.e 3115.Page l•u O.R.ee of a lra. All ,dp, ti 1 D .•w= ut Si C Fh.Tow,W•NM 9M IAA.Mn N•Awn N IAA amuw•H on.O.Mr M de" ....An....E.E iffS' non. _ VeNmo N>a.Io90 SOr).Owed Nee.on.CMF County.Tww.a dMww.N 2W.N/M R•eanmuq"/w ApwmM en lea 3/1 Mh Iron M Arend No denier,•In 1.1.M SW..N woof el said NY L on r sm.. N01'Sf19'W {2p.S7• a M wed lino N•N t N Mod conveyed la Ed.wb Pam b a n«w4ed•VF alums.n10.Mw i E.STONE ROAD . 1•. .,.Pogo•N,bole AA*ORA CwMy.Tema Dale: K R6w. Thew.bite 00 Doaw.53 Nn0M 41 Socak•EON,wog low WI One of and Pam fr.ark .201 WIl4,Terns Y Zminp Cowls., STONE ROAD .wit*1 WM Its el•NM N H..wowed la WI.F.00,0•an and h...WA Worsen 1 I •wvN9it VIM RM, M bed record.M VpMne 3»t.Pa.1N,OW Reewb,CWn CwNy,T.n.,a db..of N.N THE MEADOWS OF WYIIE j Its H a 2 inch Vol pm leak for owe.red MMg M 5.1.1 ewer a wN OA*Mabl: '0'.................. VOL.F,PC.166 LOT 3Y. LOT Then NMn N o.g, 10 YMwM 03 71 ., 04.4 W.I.Sarin Ihn N wN Ylbnm tract,a Mle: LOT LOT LOT LOT yy "I. 30 > di.MN•N 130.91 Its le NI 1 M 1.c•ua4,and mn9 me Seu-I- awnor N mid MM•en Yryar,CXy 0(7ONe,Twoe. I 2 3 1 • u: _D W MaA..M NMI M Me wed M N Word 52.1(G N Its,tots-N-ary): LOT J 0. LOT 3 �,714} Therm Se.00 Dome 05 Wt.»Swmb WI.Nog Mo Woad Ile N said MYa2 SW.a Wooded a 3 � R X` ''+• �•r SMNO.M Its ANAA its NIor torner.51em AAA(.Misr No•49iNfo.0IM-GIN TOO WM M N wN Oleo LOT LOT /0.,' Tmm.xwXl N O.Sno N worts 10 Wends WM.Nm9 Mr He.RM N Ma Slone Rana.wk YOY°r.Cxy N wbM.rods. 10'ALLEY 7 W 28 f/ •'Jinal Y •law Iho We.A Ono N E.low Rod to N fed lead-N-.0,•dillolc.el 420.37 Its to a I/2 ate el worts,Texas Meet'ewxlM Mal I.Iwwoi `T' .L� o Mh N.n r"o1.M woo cop slumped(OCOA NCI saki 9.4M NW M a mn-lang.eun7 H The uk.rapmd.Nn CN 5.bla y N Its Y 0Mrd Mlbe h.. 11•Nh N of 40.00 fed,and•bed N nt boom•02 Mmles 41 Seconds,end a pot el ItIROY-STONE ADDITION,an Alton HIM C.N Wylie.was•upNNed o Its CXy Cmngl for i. Do9nw u YMit••11 S«ak•WM,a*Nam of 51.116 feet Me __ _ _ d....N.red.,a 3.o and its public byfamed«Man,d s end Mori scoop.Its SO.Its le1/2 Man inn M.1 olle wRe.cop two.COCOA MC):Mo MP on sn NnoM of Woofby si9nIno 1.nam•po M1o.MaMve d..10.. MXed Wes M r wN wrw None as shorn and nays,fe mid won.. Than.N012 N O.r...54 Milano to Wends WM.Nog the 1M1M line N mid E.Woe Rood.a *Ma j w•01 21.47 Its toa 1/2 MINI Yw M MM TA yellow dap Wm.(COMA MC),and Ming W..mY nets Mia_dry of AO..2007 11..S•vMwN cow N•fr.o1 of led omry.N Nand F.IIMa•,lid.,a Tow Wiled �,ENERAL NOTES PM10*17 M dud ro word In W.Sus,row•let Ned Reno..Ce*n Camry.W. OASIS Of AAI11IO5 IS 4SE0 UPON CI.or wRN rAWNO PWR 05* .........0,Dal,...N 00.4*52 Se..[M.Nwp the EM Its of mid Wk.r•0Mw.. CN Sem.fam - WE R21Y/SIDIR CDINKCI9N. • UNE TABLE lid.1*.a disbar.N 130.10 Its le en S sN ter owner.and be.Its Nee..owner of saki 037•w4M,Tow.. 2)000 REASON FOR Tits PLAT R TO CREW 5 LOTS AND INE NA0ING II11G1N Old rowed•,W.1m1; 1•81/STMK C0M*C IO. LI 13*N13Y MI6 Theme NMh N Ow.34 YMNO I1 Soaks W.Nag.Math Reel.led Word FwMw., �EC�Iy5�fl1 3)NO LOT TO Lon 0000440E TALL 1E ALLOWED L3 3463630•E 0011 W.N•N,•*Nan.N 200.00 its H•I/2 Inch Xan r.Iwk Ter•omen.sad be.M. •0) FINAL PUT Pfl 2041[RIYS Kta�KW a EMT.WAY NOT MEND KgOsS W[w Cu1yE T L3 u233.0I•[ 1.A• MM...ewer N sale MOM Nlmdwa Ltd.WI.awl OMn5...4.1 corm.N a WI N ME 14 223) 4.00 4 WP29•T3.E mar INnd aal.rwd le 1.l We.Own.by de.record.In Volume u]3.ra90 1»z,Deed Records. w 5)5EWransI AD a 011 OF1.ANY LOTPROMPTED.wD wY E SuaJECT OW avu',•• ..... 53.55' m»'a3111 UM' L. 1335'axit 11 mar �R^cwm7.re...: KIRBY-STONE ADDRI e. 9)No not DOIMD00DN OR TOP00RANNCK Su1VET WAS PREFORM° CI or»'N• 300A0' 27.1]' sq'»'•1•[ 37.I6 L] NT29'».E 31,ri' �e11i•• N boa«..7 YewM v 5•wNo wed.Nag Its Nash Am N.as erwnn..N NaN.w CS 3113114• N.'JO' 2LZ2' N31'S3'».E 31.N' NMww N».23 Its M w Y lalo•d Iw ewr.er.red•r•IY Its MorMwl owner N orb Ommm.x LOT I 7MRU 5 S KMBY/STONE CONNECTER ON SDIIECT P110PERR AS M WAS WAIYEO A TIE UK CITY OP WRIE. C• 3T3PA• 31.50' 11.N' N/135'».E 10.01• 19 swsrso.E 103 W.Top MMg M Mr Ewe M•f sold N.N.M.•m 31.. 134,917.07 SOJT./3.0972 ACRES 7)ors COORDI2T[S ON Y40 YPOM 1NE CRT O WILE YOMIYEm - IS W»'0mZ 123' SA.SNOOP SURVEr,AMMAR NO,920 CY 2•.WON XONN m STAR IMDIIWAY N0.)1 YID NEST K C5 81112:41• N.00• 5L»• NM54'11•W 51116 L10 would., 0.N• Tune.NcrlA 01 boas«»WAM 31 tee.M 3..No,Its Fee NO N old Nt _Mon 5NM. CITY Of WY1E,COUOI COUNTY,TEXAS oWTN 9YLYD STREET MAR ILK 1oulNutr OOMER.TIM MILLING C1 3P10'I]• 500.00' 1]f.bo' 3,33114.E 1,0.t•' Lil' SMo'u.E »LO' .slMan.N N.M red le w%M for awn,: LOCATED AT 1N SNRN BAItAN STREET C> 11•1010" 500.00' v.»' 14TN•o0 E 17.34• 112 NMIS•n•E ».N• DM»COMIYLY•AnOtlA1P1,M.p sP»'31• •OOlo' .91 swarm.' ri0.13' L13 N•P»'a01y i».N' Thence.. 01 Dea.w 32 Wei 34 Soros tee.no.1 I O Nag Me[•N One N said altous OFT Oi WILE NrmMaMln SIAN,•down•N IN.37 1M M Its Point N 1•9•l,win**lb 13•,N,.07 9.w.•540 N Wm C��11 DORON.rLMMI•.04034 // WORM.o tNT,344.TN p 09•N•N• 500.00' N,51• M»•»•1•. N.N' L14 M710'»•w »AS' Its et 3.0972 sore N MM. WOK.LSTO N L2 Fer.h .ors.r 2•�a1�0]ATi UST. •1,!»,521.0» CIO N»'S5• 4040' 257.N' NN•A'OYw 293.50' LI5 swains N.»' �Vw..w ELEVATION.5».2»' 1 wLW1wl YN4 1 • •2O'/DAM II.PN N Hon/AO w w0Nl-1/•wow w.m Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/26/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat creating one (1) lot on 4.863 acres for a commercial development. The property is generally located north of SH 78 and approximately 1,150 feet east of Skyview Court. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for BVSDB Addition creating one (1) commercial lot, generally located north of SH 78 and approximately 1,150 feet east of Skyview Court. Discussion The property totals 4.863 acres and will create one (1) commercial lot. The rectangle shaped property has approximately 252 feet of frontage along SH 78, and approximately 900 feet of depth, due north. Access to the property is provided for by an existing drive located along the property's south boundary and SH 78. The property is not zoned and it is outside the City of Wylie's municipal boundary, but lies within the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdictional Area. (ETJ) Site Plan Review & Building Permits are not required for development of properties outside the City of Wylie's municipal boundary. Further, the Zoning Ordinance (use, area, yard and bulk) is not regulated and/or enforced beyond the City's municipal boundary. However, State Law (Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 212) provides municipalities with rights regarding the control and approval of the subdivision of land within the City's ETJ. For the purpose of promoting safe, orderly and healthy development of properties within the City's ETJ; conformity to the City's Subdivision Ordinance is applicable to the plat. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie including the Subdivision Ordinance. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 3/26/07 City Manager l►!17)(1 cf/ U-7 Page 1 of 1 e - N ir. a o.1 STATE OF TEXAS i •� ��RR®� COUNTY OF COLLIN COON OF DAU CODIFY..or DAUAs ' .PR TFJ:L..D'Eeo. 4.I MIME'S CERTIFICATE Mo,RFORY CQIRNATE I.amT�i,rw I/P u. SN9T'rrE 1H.0T ••i. xx2« E/EAS RVSOS OEVEl0REw.ILL IS TIE OWNER 0r A TRACT Or WE LOCATED M THE I.JOHN S.TURNER.A MUSTERED PROFESSION..NANO SURVEYOR M THE STATE Or TEXAS. f 11CWIM1WI W.C.TETTE SURVEY.AISIRAI.E NO.91a.COUR GGMEY.TEXAS,COUR COUNTY.TEXAS. 00 HERE.CERTIFY THAT I HAVE ROARED THIS PUT FROM AN ACTUAL ON THE GROUND ANAaCD 11M A1DT r0aGWE 1h•L6 EW1 tR HP I RIND BONG All Or A CA0EO Rama ACE TRACT Cl RAE DESCRIBED M A DEED TO WEE SURVEY OF THE WID.AND Eli YONUIENT5.OWN HEREON WERE FOUTID AM/DR PLACED r ITSn I C xMM1.H DEVELOPMENT.W,REWIRED AS MSTRUNENT No.SOM11OBWi9E3510.OCED ECODS. UINOm w rER5Or1Al SUERVISDx E ADaOO OFT WTEH TE ruRMc MINLs AND COLIN COUNTY.TOPS.AW KMO MOE PARTICHARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: REGULATE.OF THE CITY PLAN cOMWIS510N NE CRY OF WYIIE.TEXAS. KDMNMI AT A 1/x•TRW ROD MONO FOR CORNER IN THE NGITHERLT LIFE DE N.HATE WIRE.NY WED Al AROUND.TEXAS. N HIGHWAY N0.10 AT THE SOUTHEAST COMER OF A TRACE OF LYE UESCMEO M KED AS _ TRACT I TO EVE L.ARETT WO MR,TERM D.ARNETT,RECOPIED ED E VOLUME 5R0), AT W PAGE 1985.DEED RECORDS.COUM COUNTY.TEXAS,r110Y MACH THE CITY Or WEE CPS RELEASED OS-0-0 FOE REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. PIIFl1MWARY, • MONUMENT NO.1 BARS SOUTH E•u'12•WEST,A DISTANCE Of E,115.78 FEE: TES REORIENT SHALL NOT K RECORDED FOR Aw PURPOSE. THENCE rOMC 00A2'1E•FAST.A MTMICE OF 010.Za FEET TO A I/O•IRON ROO FOUND JGM S.TURNER.RP.LS.I531O N FOR WINNER E THE WESTOEY SOUTH UE E A 11ECr OF LAND DESERM[D M DEW TO NEDON0.a..AND TWI STNEOGIr.EC0E(D M VOLUME 5856.PADE 22,KED ---E;S:1)1- RECORDS.COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AT TOE NORTHEAST COOCO Or TRACE 2 OP SAE MEET TRACT: CO TEXAS, EEEF SOUTH vzx'1)•ASf.AIDNc SAD SOUTH TINE,A INSTANCEar 241.07 FEET 10 KFAE LIE.TIE UNDERBRED,A NOTARY PINUC IN AND Mt SAID COUNTY AND STATE W N A 1/2•NW ROD M1II A YELLOW PLASTIC W STAEEO'EMS 3310•SET AT TEE WESTERLY ELL CORER DE suD sEMFDEU TRACT.FROM WHICH A 1/2•EON DOD FOUND T ,NM'ro PERSONALLY T M[EPERSGN MNOSF TURNER. 2 SUBSCRIBED T01 TXETfMEGONICATE OF TE INSTRUMENT FOR REFERENCE EARS 110111 OCAO'Ix•EAST,A OISrT 00 0.42 FEET; AND K000004DGED TO ME THAT ME EXECUTED ME SAME FOR THE N1M'OSES AND TEND SOUR 00'40.22•WEST.ALONG TIE SO TENT MIST UNE Or WI STIED 1 CONSIDERATIONS 0EEM CEaESSED. N TRACT.A DISTANCE OF aH.91 FEET TO A I/O•ROIL ROD FOUND roe COMER M THE LIEN UNDER WT HAND A0O SEAL Or OFFICE THE_DAY Or 2W). MOHENT LINE DE SAD N.STATE HENWAY PE.20.Cl THE 5o0TIKRLT,SOUTH/EST CORNER OF SAD STM00RF TRACT.SAID row KING IN A CR.TO THE LEFT HAVRE A RAOUS Of 2.392.00 FEET.A CENTRAL ANGLE of OCW'AI•.ARO A CHORD BENUE AND OISTAEE Of SOUTH)C10'p•MIST.0.47 FELT: ROTA- NM)[M AND FOR THE STAR OF TEXAS b 0 SO b THENCE WESER.ENM.0 CURE TO THE LEFT AND SAE N RTNEEY UE.AN ARC DISTANCE K 0.17 FEET TO A 1/2•■ON ROD MIN A YELLOW RUSTIC CAP STAMPED-rms OO.o��l I 5110•SET FOR COINER: GRAPHIC SCALE f DO' THENCE SOUTH 75.51'10•W-5T.EC.SAD NORTEMr./A DISTANCE E 252..FEET $ M ruHAE AN TO T PLACE OF BEG.. D CONTAININGN E 211, 1 SWALE FEET OR A.ae3 ACRES S. R MONTI LEA PENNON OIONT MASON VOLLINENNIANDE DNGCT. NA OWNER'S DEDICATION W NEW THEREFORE.KNOW ALL EY THESE PRESENTS: 8 di H.THAT PE.OFwI0PWENT.ACTM MC EY AND THROUGH ITS AUTHORIZED.ENT.WILL. WATSON,DOES EBY E ADOPT TES PAT.DESIGNATING NE EEM AEEE RI DESCED PROPERTY AS M I ABD111011.AN ADGl10N TO TE CITYWR Or IT.TEXAS, N ONO ROES EERY KEAR.MI FEE SWPLE,TO THE WEE USE FOREVER.THE 2 STREETS ANO AIEYS SHOWN THEREON.ENE EASEMENTS EC PURE USE AREAS.AS SHOWN IRE DEOICARD,FOR THE PUSIIL USE FOREVER.FOR THE PURPOSE INDICATED ywNT2 P • 1;1,' THIS RAT..S 9002XN05.FENCES,REEL SERE OR OTHER MPEOVELHNES OR _ - GROWHS SHALL E commerce e A PLACED HEW.OVER OR ACROSS TEE Tll,d(i SQUARE FEET MEMOIR A5 SHOWN.EXCEPT TNT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS WISE.0 WY K PLACED IN UNDSCAE EAENE TS.T APPROVED CT TIE CITY OF MIX.E Aoanom.UTILITY .....T. OR 4865 ACRES EASEMENTS WY ALSO K USED Pax THE MEWL USE AND ACCONI (PREEN Of PUDIC UN ESMNG UTILITIES O TO USE OE USING THEME SA UNLESS THE O.K.UNITS PART OF THE W.C. TWITTY SURVEY TIE USE TO PARTNO 01 s.SAID UTImEs D RISE ST PUBLIC EEG SLIBMGNATE Mart ABSTRACT NO.9/Q NY TRACT TO THE PURACE AND C CITYT DE WRITE USE TEREOF. C01LIN COUNTY, TEXAS THE CITY or TRUE AND PINUC OLEIEIES FELL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE AND .55 REIP ME IS WHOA A DIN PANTS Or ANY ENDINGS.FENCES.TEES,SHRUBS OR OTHER 'INIC09D�EDED FOR APPROVAL" IYMDONEwl OR GROWTHS MM WT IMAM A MAY ROAMER OR INTERFERE MTH PE CONSTRUCTION,NANIEMNCE.OR EFFICIENCY OF TEE RESPECTIVE Hsu.N SAD EASEMENTS.THE CT Of WRIT AND WEIL UTILITY RETIESP00OM SHALL AT ALL Chairman.Planning and Zoning Commission Dale TIMES NAVE T FULL RENT OF ROHESS MID EGRESS TO O 0R FR TEE RESPECTIVE VD'of WO,Texas EASEMENTS FOR TE PIS MO.OF CONSTRUCTING,RECONSTRUCTING.ESPECHNO. PATROL/MG.IWNTANNG,EAOEG METERS.MD ADENG TO w REMOVING ALL OR 'APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" PARTS PERK SOH.WITHOUT 111E NECESSITYCENECESSITYM AT ANY, E LOT I PR00000MG BLOCK I TES PUT APPROVED REJECT TO ALL PLATTING ORDINANCES,M.S.EGRATIOMS W m,Ely el WT..T.n« Doll A.ESOLUTENS OF TIE CITY 01 WRAE.TEXAS. WITNESS.w HAND.lies THE_AT DE 2007. •ACCRPTEII• Moyer.Cily or WT..Texas N. AUTHORED SONAURE Of OWNER ® N IA•IA Y.. WRAAM N.WATSON.PRESIDE..ERN DEVELOPMENT.LLC �lane..miler.'^.Me CHIT SeEeTan of MN CITY of Will,T..«.hereby«Mil«En I.i�awer .MMaaET Aa WI 01 nM BMW AsaNbn to Me City a RYPA W""•"" /I•u. M CRY Cowell en M. Pay al 2007,od IPRN,.Council.by s n.21Ev �r:<,•.• •�• a.na ramial ewe/mete 100,-«« a`a1.�..E the me...awNal.n erN :me'..R'lode In end S9Of119JM O'W T¢ g:io 5,��.'N*4F6:4r� wan Lae 1N.1.d said..ell AM.au... Meyer m m.t.1N. 7 M IK\ S a STATE O►TEXAS .aawlWa.WEAN M Miming M.flaw as N.mlaaa..subscribed. E y LVSS'I Wi ILLY - c- r COUNTY OF DASAAS VIEW..w WH NE_eay of n peglF« M qX.Y:OF Y,,10,78 WOE E.RE UNDERSIGNED.A NOTARY PUDIC IN AND FOR SAE COUNTY AND STATE W THIS AT ERSGNALY APPEARED ELL WATSON,.0.EY E TO My S«r., /17 p.1 BEO'NI N�jl'M1NA K THE r[RsoN WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO TILE FOREGOING nsEnuWENr Ely al Wyk.leas N gTAIAVG '� AAN .1010.E0DE0 TOE THAT E EXECUTED THE SAME FOR RC PURPOSES O CGKIKRATENS TEEM EXPRESSED. t 9 GIVEN 111101i w NANO AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS_AT Of r: S NOTARY PUKE M ARE FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS s2 a w COMMISSION EXPIRES: gg 9m '14 R •A�r w =Iw ! I iyiy:: ICOGOE19FO1®NIWDrINNOi000YETESMN® AL ww W ® =� i/1 PTNl1l FIAT T P OF..OPE WMITIOSSIONLEB(TEH01 NO[ _ Analytical Surveys,Inc. RE DAYO I"MT DKArwNEwmaNarvaFwnNa,aooxIELWGMLaNM y ,MI«� BVSDB ADDITION NO. 4-m�iMs� r�.Yg TSr0M9NWOPIaIrMbNILNIa BINwYW.• AIRET9IDE23 _� gERIaEAPORE MOFIN9AWGWNS0LWIHAwMGRONEA -o-esew T-a, .4aNN MaaAmWsu LOT T•BLOCK 1 VOIAEONWGiVGOWRMOSATELAVM IBMAG TONRB lial..19N2 ITAnwR. ,N. mowroommeor UTEmeememommeera 1 SEW°A RAT OF ALMS ACRES pL�LJE91'JIS E'- EEL IPEGEI�KT FOR OMER.SIONN 1MN NEIEA mowarsreemo Pa.0.99w. 1 JMNR � w.c.TINT,'SURVEY.TMABSTRACT NO.*00 I EAR EI NN 14 gmNTmETY.0.116EW DOFAAM0f 1EMTMTE 105 045 .�rry... NNrNY.W CRT OF WYLE.CpAM COUNTY.TEXAS IyC d ANECREARDNEB -MIEAEI®MFAILI meorawIenwat.0.16. low emee.Ww«a0c-sra«.......��mN p.m.- Y g CSIEND r IEOmNTOLLM0MMR6NT R 2J 00 I^"• E-'-_ 4\ Owb. 1 ,•,_ W ya.rw..r OR Plan NW No.- - - Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: D Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: April 13, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Grant Report, Revenue and Exhibits: Budget Report Subject Consider and place on file, the Grant Report and Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending March 31, 2007. Recommendation Consider and place on file, the Grant Report and Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending March 31, 2007. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LW 04/13/07 City Manager ii((zg D i Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF:MARCH 31,2007 CURRENT YTD EXPECTED BUDGET YTD EXPECTED YTD ACTUAL OVER/(UNDER) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 YTD ACTUAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 12,696,160 10,895,512.33 10,365,719.96 -529,792 FRANCHISE FEES 1,671,130 613,074.00 461,129.22 -151,945 LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,153,000 472,369.40 478,965.40 6,596 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 300,480 137,825.31 234,094.86 96,270 SERVICE FEES 1,838,400 794,796.24 850,937.22 56,141 FINES AND FORFEITURES 541,000 270,391.80 277,191.69 6,800 INTEREST INCOME 100,000 49,980.00 190,610.36 140,630 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 55,000 27,489.00 36,340.62 8,852 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 827,860 827860 827,860.00 0 TOTAL REVENUES 19,183,030 14,089,298 13,722,849 -366,449 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 129,500 64,749.98 66,745.46 1,995 CITY MANAGER 438,900 219,449.94 208,212.33 -11,238 CITY SECRETARY 234,220 117,110.02 108,112.18 -8,998 CITY ATTORNEY 133,000 66,500.02 42,212.56 -24,287 FINANCE 653,930 326,964.92 285,281.32 -41,684 FLEET&FACILITIES SVC 164,150 82,074.98 73,276.97 -8,798 MUNICIPAL COURT 272,660 136,329.98 132,013.67 -4,316 HUMAN RESOURCES 191,070 95,535.12 90,572.04 -4,963 PURCHASING 104,340 52,169.82 50,225.70 -1,944 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 234,020 117,009.98 113,338.59 -3,671 POLICE 4,480,780 2,240,390.02 2,187,997.52 -52,393 FIRE 4,179,640 2,089,820.14 1,968,563.80 -121,256 ANIMAL CONTROL 268,140 134,070.12 152,753.55 18,683 PLANNING 424,610 212,485.04 131,183.95 -81,301 BUILDING INSPECTION 681,580 340,790.14 318,885.71 -21,904 CODE ENFORCEMENT 148,690 74,344.96 63,742.14 -10,603 STREETS 1,954,540 977,270.14 786,631.04 -190,639 PARKS 1,326,440 663,219.86 598,511.60 -64,708 RECREATION 275,540 137,769.98 92,669.08 -45,101 LIBRARY 660,470 330,234.98 322,389.27 -7,846 COMBINED SERVICES 2,517,760 1,258,879.96 1,539,165.54 280,286 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 19,473,980 9,737,170 9,332,484 -404,686 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -290,950 4,352,128 4,390,365 38,237 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF:MARCH 31,2007 CURRENT YTD EXPECTED BUDGET YTD EXPECTED YTD ACTUAL OVER/(UNDER) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 YTD ACTUAL UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 8,463,000 3,901,500.00 3,182,450.62 -719,049 INTEREST INCOME 50,000 24,999.98 162,824.22 137,824 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 136,860 68,430.00 13,722.50 -54,708 TOTAL REVENUES 8,649,860 3,994,930 3,358,997 -635,933 UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 337,650 168,824.94 156,701.80 -12,123 UTILITIES-WATER 1,091,690 545,845.10 517,072.06 -28,773 CITY ENGINEER 440,490 220,245.00 194,364.42 -25,881 UTILITIES-SEWER 600,360 300,180.12 205,816.58 -94,364 UTILITY BILLING 921,330 460,665.12 392,080.48 -68,585 COMBINED SERVICES 6,475,490 3,237,744.98 3,265,927.31 28,182 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,867,010 4,933,505 4,731,963 -201,543 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -1,217,150 -938,575 -1,372,965 -434,390 City of Wylie Grant Reporting For the Quarter Ended March 31,2007 Funds received to date this fiscal Department Description Total Grant year Library County Library Grant 23,480 11,740 Annual grant from Collin County Library NETLS Project Support Grant 2,400 - Spot consultant grant Matching funds required.These are budgeted with the Park Acquisition and Improvement Parks Collin County Grant-Olde City Park 150,115 49,619 Fund. Interlocal agreement approved by council and authorized by the Mayor on November Parks Collin County Grant-Joel Scott Park 118,800 - 17,2005.It will require matching funds to complete. This software will allow communications between the different functioning sites within the Fire UASI 2005 139,600 30,043 EOC. NCTCOG -Capability of different agencies and jurisdiction in our 1+6 county region to Dispatch Radio Interoperability Grant 132,500 - communicate via radio. Police TXDOT-STEP Wave Grant 15,000 5,170 Matching funds required. Wylie City Council CITY O F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 04-24-07 Item Number: E Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 03-12-07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of March 31, 2007. Recommendation Accept, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of March 31, 2007. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on April 18,2007. Approved By Initial Date Department Director SS O4-13-07 City Manager Page 1 of 1 4-13-2007 01:03 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 1,136,130.00 83,172.31 0.00 374,310.77 0.00 761,819.23 32.95 INTEREST INCOME 22,500.00 1,530.18 0.00 9,818.15 0.00 12,681.85 43.64 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 63,840.00 166,881.94 0.00 200,028.69 0.00 ( 136,188.69) 313.33 TOTAL REVENUES 1,222,470.00 251,584.43 0.00 584,157.61 0.00 638,312.39 47.79 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,777,700.00 79,245.27 0.00 586,874.57 659.34 1,190,166.09 33.05 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,777,700.00 79,245.27 0.00 586,874.57 659.34 1,190,166.09 33.05 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 555,230.00) 172,339.16 0.00 ( 2,716.96) ( 659.34) ( 551,853.70) 0.61 4-13-2007 01:03 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,136,130.00 83,172.31 0.00 374,310.77 0.00 761,819.23 32.95 TOTAL TAXES 1,136,130.00 83,172.31 0.00 374,310.77 0.00 761,819.23 32.95 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 22,500.00 1,530.18 0.00 9,816.15 0.00 12,681.85 43.64 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 22,500.00 1,530.18 0.00 9,818.15 0.00 12,681.85 43.64 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 63,840.00 5,932.15 0.00 31,792.90 0.00 32,047.10 49.80 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,486.00 0.00 ( 5,486.00) 0.00 4000-48410 MISC INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 ( 1,800.00) 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN ON SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 160,949.79 0.00 160,949.79 0.00 ( 160,949.79) 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 63,840.00 166,881.94 0.00 200,028.69 0.00 ( 136,188.69) 313.33 TOTAL REVENUES 1,222,470.00 251,584.43 0.00 584,157.61 0.00 638,312.39 47.79 4-13-2007 01:03 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 157,050.00 11,437.06 0.00 71,395.66 0.00 85,654.34 45.46 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 570.00 0.00 0.00 580.00 0.00 ( 10.00) 101.75 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,710.00 0.00 0.00 1,180.52 0.00 529.48 69.04 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 8,400.00 646.16 0.00 4,038.50 0.00 4,361.50 48.08 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 14,930.00 1,075.40 0.00 6,814.46 0.00 8,115.54 45.64 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 14,340.00 1,423.47 0.00 8,279.40 0.00 6,060.60 57.74 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 880.00 35.82 0.00 250.74 0.00 629.26 28.49 5611-51440 FICA 10,400.00 1,103.54 0.00 3,170.49 0.00 7,229.51 30.49 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,430.00 258.08 0.00 1,087.70 0.00 1,342.30 44.76 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 850.00 0.00 0.00 ( 8.42) 0.00 858.42 0.99- 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 540.00 0.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 212,100.00 15,979.53 0.00 96,789.05 0.00 115,310.95 45.63 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,000.00 101.50 0.00 1,773.14 0.00 5,226.86 25.33 5611-52040 POSTAGE 1,720.00 12.86 0.00 260.25 0.00 1,459.75 15.13 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 3,200.00 358.05 0.00 1,316.91 0.00 1,883.09 41.15 5611-52990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,920.00 472.41 0.00 3,350.30 0.00 8,569.70 28.11 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,519.91 0.00 1,480.09 50.66 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,519.91 0.00 1,480.09 50.66 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 485,110.00 0.00 0.00 125,105.25 0.00 360,004.75 25.79 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 124,950.00 868.15 0.00 78,547.31 0.00 46,402.69 62.86 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 50,500.00 2,549.00 0.00 24,296.90 340.00 25,863.10 48.79 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 51,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 22,851.77 0.00 28,648.23 44.37 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 6,020.00 705.61 0.00 2,655.99 0.00 3,364.01 44.12 5611-56180 RENTAL 17,100.00 1,486.63 0.00 9,127.54 319.34 7,653.12 55.24 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 31,350.00 2,378.71 0.00 6,951.30 0.00 24,398.70 22.17 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,380.00 321.95 0.00 3,541.95 0.00 2,838.05 55.52 5611-56310 INSURANCE 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES 12,500.00 1,661.25 0.00 4,757.25 0.00 7,742.75 38.06 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVC 67,950.00 3,606.78 0.00 41,191.73 0.00 26,758.27 60.62 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 3,000.00 816.29 0.00 1,996.68 0.00 1,003.32 66.56 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 858,860.00 16,394.37 0.00 321,023.67 659.34 537,176.99 37.45 4-13-2007 01:03 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 294,250.00 20,478.96 0.00 129,154.18 0.00 165,095.82 43.89 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 294,250.00 20,478.96 0.00 129,154.18 0.00 165,095.82 43.89 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND 205,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 205,000.00 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 150,070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,070.00 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 10,000.00 920.00 0.00 5,037.46 0.00 4,962.54 50.37 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 391,570.00 25,920.00 0.00 30,037.46 0.00 361,532.54 7.67 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 83.33 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 83.33 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,777,700.00 79,245.27 0.00 586,874.57 659.34 1,190,166.09 33.05 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,777,700.00 79,245.27 0.00 586,874.57 659.34 1,190,166.09 33.05 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 555,230.00) 172,339.16 0.00 ( 2,716.96) ( 659.34) ( 551,853.70) 0.61 *** END OF REPORT *** 4-13-2007 01:09 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 503,733.92 1000-10115 CASH-WEDC-INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK-ESCROW 0.00 1000-10198 OTHER-MISC CLEARING 0.00 TOTAL CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS 503,733.92 INVESTMENTS 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 0.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RECEIV 1000-12996 LOAN REC - JACOBY 147,648.48 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 166,850.00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL RECEIV 314,498.48 INVENTORIES 1000-14112 INVENTORIES - MATERIAL/SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND 1,863,033.7E 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO - SANDEN BLV 0.00 TOTAL INVENTORIES 1,863,033.78 PREPAID ITEMS 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES 59,956.56 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGE 0.00 TOTAL PREPAID ITEMS 59,956.56 2,741,222.74 TOTAL ASSETS 2,741,222 74 LIABILITIES PAYROLL DEDUCT. PAYABLE 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE ( 343.79) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE ( 280.93) 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 4-13-2007 01:09 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2007 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY ( 303.70) 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 TOTAL PAYROLL DEDUCT. PAYABLE ( 928.42) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2000-20201 AP PENDING 2,881.83 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2,881.83 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 1,200,287.81 TOTAL CONTRACTS PAYABLE 1,200,287.81 DEFERRED REVENUE 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 147,648.48 TOTAL DEFERRED REVENUE 147,648.48 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,349,889.70 FUND BALANCE/EQUITY FUND BALANCE 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 1,394,050.00 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 1,394,050.00 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 1,394,050.00 TOTAL REVENUE 584,157.61 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 586,874.57 TOTAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ( 2,716.96) TOTAL EQUITY & SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 1,391,333.04 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & SURPLUS/DEFICIT 2,741,222.74 4-13-2007 1:09 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 1 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Mar-2007 THRU Mar-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-59111 POST DATE TRAM # REFERENCE PACKET======DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE --AMOUNT-- -===BALANCE-=== 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES BEGINNING BALANCE 1,671.64 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 10.24 1,681.88 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 3.00 1,684.88 3/07/07 3/07 A82176 CHK: 021559 09245 INVOICE # 14896 000392 14896 77.07 1,761.95 3/13/07 3/13 A82719 CHK: 021661 09362 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001899 030107 REIMBURS 11.19 1,773.14 _________$__= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 101.50 CR: 0.00 101.50 5611-52040 POSTAGE BEGINNING BALANCE 247.39 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 7.23 254.62 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 5.63 260.25 ==a= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 12.86 CR: 0.00 12.86 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT BEGINNING B A LAN C E 0.00 5611-52160 TOOLS/EQUIP- $100-$999.99 BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES BEGINNING B A LAN C E 958.86 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 11.10 969.96 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 9.74 979.70 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 16.94 996.64 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 28.67 1,025.31 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CHK: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 20.90 1,046.21 3/07/07 3/07 A82262 CUE: 021575 09252 22707 REIMBURSEMENT 001899 22707 REIMBURSE 24.56 1,070.77 3/09/07 3/09 A82589 CHK: 021654 09306 FOOD SERVICE 000468 10166 106018 160.00 1,230.77 3/13/07 3/13 A82719 CHK: 021661 09362 FOOD SERVICE 001899 030107 REIMBURS 5.06 1,235.83 3/19/07 3/19 A83268 CHK: 021882 09458 AMEX FEB 07 000035 87002 FEB07 81.08 1,316.91 ___= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 358.05 CR: 0.00 358.05 5611-52990 OTHER 4-13-2007 1:09 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 2 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Mar-2007 THRU Mar-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-59111 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION== VEND INV/JE # NOTE ---- AMOUNT--- =- =BALANCE=-== BEGINNING B A LAN C E 0.00 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT BEGINNING B A LAN C E 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE BEGINNING BALANCE 1,519.91 5611-54990 OTHER BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-56030 INCENTIVES BEGINNING BALANCE 125,105.25 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES BEGINNING BALANCE 77,679.16 3/06/07 3/06 A81993 CHK: 021516 09189 WINDOW CLEANING-2/06/07 002049 109 FEB07 36.00 77,715.16 3/06/07 3/06 A81993 CHK: 021516 09189 WINDOW CLEANING-2/27/07 002049 109 FEB07 36.00 77,751.16 3/14/07 3/14 A82792 CHK: 021679 09367 MARCH CLEANING 002093 031207 MARCH07 200.00 77,951.16 3/19/07 3/19 A83268 CHK: 021882 09458 AMEX FEB 07 000035 87002 FEB07 388.00 78,339.16 3/20/07 3/20 A83429 CHK: 021909 09486 PLAT FILING FEES 001899 031607 29.00 78,368.16 3/20/07 3/20 A83430 CHK: 021909 09486 PLAT FILING FEES 001899 828719 20.00 78,388.16 3/22/07 3/22 A83729 CHK: 021971 09529 WINDOW CLEANING 002049 120 72.00 78,460.16 3/23/07 3/23 A83956 CHK: 022024 09548 WATER FOR 706 COOPER 000101 126-0290-02 FEB07 12.15 78,472.31 3/23/07 3/23 A83907 CHK: 022019 09546 ROW MOWING 001173 030807 75.00 78,547.31 ____________= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 868.15 CR: 0.00 868.15 5611-56080 ADVERTISING BEGINNING BALANCE 21,747.90 3/07/07 3/07 A82118 CHK: 021547 09229 CONNECTION MAG. AD. 000468 105993 10166 495.00 22,242.90 3/14/07 3/14 A82829 CHK: 021683 09373 P0B0X369WYLIETX750 1 021607 1030 1,959.00 24,201.90 3/30/07 3/30 A84487 CHK: 022109 09654 EMAIL IMAGE 001336 612160 95.00 24,296.90 MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 2,549.00 CR: 0.00 2,549.00 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4-13-2007 1:09 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 3 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Mar-2007 THRU Mar-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-59111 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE =====AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== BEGINNING BALANCE 20,851.77 3/20/07 3/20 A83368 CHK: 021898 09461 31907 STALLION SPONSORSH 000379 31907 1,000.00 21,851.77 3/21/07 3/21 A83513 CHK: 021929 09494 100 031507 PLATINUM SPON 000384 100 031507 1,000.00 22,851.77 ____= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 2,000.00 CR: 0.00 2,000.00 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS BEGINNING BALANCE 1,950.38 3/09/07 3/09 A82589 CHK: 021654 09306 PHONE SERVICE 000468 10166 106018 206.23 2,156.61 3/20/07 3/20 A83413 CHK: 021921 09486 PHONE SERVICE 000192 972-442-7901MAR07 155.31 2,311.92 3/21/07 3/21 A83529 CHK: 021941 09498 CELL PHONES 000298 199891 2/25-3/24 212.65 2,524.57 3/21/07 3/21 A83584 CHK: 021959 09504 PHONE SERVICE-CLOSEOUT 000192 972-442-7901 FEB 36.42 2,560.99 3/22/07 3/22 A83730 CHK: 021981 09529 INTERNET 002052 0190169 MAR18 95.00 2,655.99 _______= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 705.61 CR: 0.00 705.61 5611-56180 RENTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 7,640.91 3/07/07 3/07 A82125 CHK: 021545 09229 COPIER RENTAL 002075 6745073822 FEB13 319.34 7,960.25 3/20/07 3/20 A83435 CHK: 021902 09486 B/W COPIES 002051 099651 58.57 8,018.82 3/20/07 3/20 A83436 CHK: 021902 09486 COLOR COPIES 002051 099654 208.72 8,227.54 3/23/07 3/23 A83826 CHK: 021984 09535 032007 APR07 RENT 002050 032007 APR07 900.00 9,127.54 ______====-e- MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 1,486.63 CR: 0.00 1,486.63 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING BEGINNING BALANCE 4,572.59 3/07/07 3/07 A82255 CHK: 021581 09252 030107 MILEAGE 2/18-2/20 000317 030107 MILEAGE 206.55 4,779.14 3/07/07 3/07 A82261 CHK: 021575 09252 030107 MILEAGE 12/14-2/2 001899 030107 MILEAGE 131.53 4,910.67 3/19/07 3/19 A83268 CHK: 021882 09458 AMEX FEB 07 000035 87002 FEB07 2,040.63 6,951.30 ____________= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 2,378.71 CR: 0.00 2,378.71 5611-56220 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING BEGINNING BALAN C E 0.00 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4-13-2007 1:09 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 4 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Mar-2007 THRU Mar-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-59111 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET= DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE =====AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== BEGINNING BALANCE 3,220.00 3/19/07 3/19 A83268 CHK: 021882 09458 AMEX FEB 07 000035 87002 FEB07 175.00 3,395.00 3/30/07 3/30 A84491 CHK: 022112 09654 DALLAS BUSINESS JOURNAL 002207 032907 146.95 3,541.95 MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 321.95 CR: 0.00 321.95 5611-56310 INSURANCE BEGINNING B A LAN C E 0.00 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES BEGINNING BALANCE 3,096.00 3/19/07 3/20 A83364 CHK: 021890 09461 2 2793-0026M FEB07 000023 2 2793-0026M 536.25 3,632.25 3/19/07 3/20 A83365 CHK: 021890 09461 38 2793-0001M FEB07 000023 38 2793-0001M 1,125.00 4,757.25 = MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 1,661.25 CR: 0.00 1,661.25 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVCS BEGINNING BALANCE 37,584.95 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 ENGR. SERVICES 000196 0551E 300.00 37,884.95 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 BOUNDARY FOR CLOSING 000196 0551E 529.07 38,414.02 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 PLATTING 000196 0551E 2,614.24 41,028.26 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 POSTAGE 000196 0551E 19.47 41,047.73 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 PLOTTING 000196 0551E 75.00 41,122.73 3/23/07 3/23 A83894 CHK: 022013 09546 PRINTING 000196 0551E 69.00 41,191.73 _____= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 3,606.78 CR: 0.00 3,606.78 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC BEGINNING BALANCE 1,180.39 3/07/07 3/07 A82065 CHK: 021531 09209 WATER 002091 124-0020-00 JAN07 8.87 1,189.26 3/07/07 3/07 A82066 CHK: 021531 09209 ELECTRIC 002091 301-1901-98-4 JANO 469.58 1,658.84 3/28/07 3/28 A84382 CHK: 022103 09635 ELECTRIC 002091 032207 328.75 1,987.59 3/28/07 3/28 A84382 CHK: 022103 09635 WATER 002091 032207 9.09 1,996.68 __= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 816.29 CR: 0.00 816.29 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 4-13-2007 1:09 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: 5 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Mar-2007 THRU Mar-2007 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-59111 POST DATE TRAM # REFERENCE PACKET======DESCRIPTION=====_= VEND INV/JE # NOTE =====AMOUNT==== ====BALANCE==== B E G I N N I N G B A LAN C E 108,675.22 3/20/07 3/20 A83373 CHK: 021895 09461 31407 MARCH 07 PAY #8 002048 31407 MARCH07 3,774.70 112,449.92 3/21/07 3/21 A83515 CHK: 021927 09494 17 032607 MARCH07 001792 17 032607 10,962.78 123,412.70 3/23/07 3/23 A83817 CHK: 021985 09535 37 APR07 PAYMENT 000891 37 APR 07 5,741.48 129,154.18 = MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 20,478.96 CR: 0.00 20,478.96 5611-58110 LAND BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 3/21/07 4/10 B10104 parkland 01267 je2861-parkland ded-premier pl JE# 002861 25,000.00 25,000.00 _= MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 25,000.00 CR: 0.00 25,000.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE BEGINNING BALAN C E 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES BEGINNING BALANCE 4,117.46 3/09/07 3/09 A82445 CHK: 021619 09278 5793 LAMP FIXTURES & INS 002185 5793 920.00 5,037.46 - MARCH ACTIVITY DB: 920.00 CR: 0.00 920.00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE 5,000.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REPORT TOTALS ** --- DEBITS --- --- CREDITS --- BEGINNING BALANCES: 426,819.78 0.00 REPORTED ACTIVITY: 63,265.74 0.00 ENDING BALANCES: 490,085.52 0.00 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger March 31, 2007 Notes Payable Payment Principal Interest Principal Balance February 28, 2007 $1,214,749.42 March Inwood(#17 of 120) $10,962.78 $7,319.77 $3,643.01 $753,935.90 Birmingham(#37 of 60) 5,741.48 4,993.43 748.05 123,242.87 Hughes(#8 of 120) 3,774.70 2,148.41 1,326.29 323,109.04 March 31, 2007 $1,200,287.81 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Subledger March 31, 2007 Inventory-Land Address Acreage Improvements(sq.ft.) Cost Basis McMasters 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Martinez Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a 639,000 Hughes 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 10,000 425,000 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585 Ferrell 2806 F.M. 544 1.00 6,500 239,372 Sale of R.O.W.to County -20,094 Heath 706 Cooper 0.46 3,625 186,934 Perry 707 Cooper 0.491 4,800 200,224 Total 28.35 $1,914,066 Wylie City Council CITY O F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: 1 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: April 18, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-11 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget) for proposed mid-year budget amendments for fiscal year 2006-2007. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2007-11 amending Ordinance No. 2006-56 (2006-2007 Budget) for proposed mid-year budget amendments for fiscal year 2006-2007. Discussion The mid-year budget amendments are generally intended to cover unanticipated and/or unavoidable revenue and expenditure adjustments to the adopted budget. The detail is attached for the requested items which are categorized within the individual funds of General Fund, Emergency Communications, Fire Training Center, Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund, and Utility Fund. The requests are further defined as neutral (matching revenues to expenditures), revenue increases, or expenditure increases. Proposed new expenditures in the General Fund include a net $136,000 increase in order to reconcile revenue and expenditures on trash service with Allied Waste. Each year Allied Waste receives a count of trash customers from the City based on reports run on the Incode system of sewer customers. No issues had been identified until Allied began delivering the recycle carts. They had ordered the carts based on the information provided, but were short close to 750 carts. After a review, it was determined that 3 mobile home parks were not being picked up in the total customer count because the parks were entered into Incode as a single account. As a consequence, the City had been collecting revenue, but Allied had not billed us for these customers. The revenue owed Allied Waste is $150,000 which we propose to pay in two equal payments of the course of this and the next budget year. An additional item to note is the proposed increase in overtime in the Fire Department of $85,000. During budget discussions at the staff level last year, the original intent was to add 3 firefighters to cover Station 3 at mid-year. In the attached memo, Chief Corbin outlines the proposed alternative of adding to the overtime budget to allow existing employees to staff the Station. The amounts budgeted for electric utilities, heavy equipment maintenance in the Fire Department, and the Wylie Wave energy costs were under funded necessitating adjustments at mid-year. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Although the mid-year budget is not the preferred time to address staffing issues, 3 personnel requests are also included. Two new Dispatcher positions are request in order to have 2 Dispatchers on duty 24 hours a day, which will also enable the Supervisor to function in that capacity. The level of activity has increased such that it is outpacing the ability of a single Dispatcher to cover the call load. Additional information is provided in the attached memo from Chief Corbin. The third staffing request is to create an Assistant Police Chief position, with the intent to bring in someone who can be developed and prepared to eventually assume the Chief's position. Included within the Utility Fund is a proposal to hire a consultant to prepare a Storm Water Management Plan. Staff believes that a mandate is eminent from TCEQ to require cities over 10,000 in population to develop a plan. The overall effect on Fund Balance is $229,800 which still leaves a very healthy Fund Balance of 29.27%. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager MM 04/18/07 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2006-56, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2006-56 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 beginning October 1, 2006, and ending September 30, 2007; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations at mid-year to determined if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 2006/2007 Budget,with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY2006/2007 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2006-56, as summarized in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY2006/2007 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY2006/2007 Budget and Ordinance No. 2006-56, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No.2007-11 FY 2006-2007 Mid-Year Budget Amendment SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 24th day of April, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carol Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News—May 2, 2007 Ordinance No.2007-11 FY 2006-2007 Mid-Year Budget Amendment All FUNDS City of Wylie COMBINED SUMMARY FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS ATTACHMENT I CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED FY2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS April 24,2007 COMBINED SUMMARY 2006-2007 2006-2007 ALL FUNDS FIRE ALL FUNDS ORIGINAL GENERAL EMERGENCY TRAINING PARKA&I UTILITY IMPACT FLEET AMENDED BUDGET FUND COMM.FUND CENTER FUND FUND FUND FUND BUDGET(1) ESTIMTATED FUND BALANCE 9-30-06 64,154,010 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 64,154,010 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 13,095,670 - - - - - - 13,095,670 Non-Property Taxes 4,554,520 - - - - - - - 4,554,520 Franchise Fees 1,671,130 - - - - - - - 1,671,130 Licenses and Permits 1,153,000 - - - - - - - 1,153,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 390,480 53,340 - - 122,610 - 217,500 - 783,930 Service Fees 13,396,840 225,000 - - - - - - 13,621,840 Court Fees and Fines 541,000 - - - - - - - 541,000 Interest&Miscellaneous Income 2,188,100 181,090 - - - - - - 2,369,190 - - - Bond Proceeds - Transfers from Other Funds 1,888,830 - - 6,230 - - - 51,100 1,946,160 TOTAL REVENUES 38,879,570 459,430 - 6,230 122,610 - 217,500 51,100 39,736,440 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 103,033,580 103,890,450 EXPENDITURES: General Government 4,838,690 473,000 - - - - - 40,000 5,351,690 Public Safety 9,893,560 199,040 46,400 6,230 - - - - 10,145,230 Urban Development 1,269,880 - - - - - - - 1,269,880 Streets 1,954,540 - -- - 1,954,540 - Community Services 3,088,220 40,960 - - 184,500 - - - 3,313,680 Utilities 7,401,480 - - - - 27,500 - 11,100 7,440,080 Debt Service 6,906,560 - - - - - - - 6,906,560 Capital Projects 27,649,730 - - - - - 217,500 - 27,867,230 Economic Development 1,777,700 - - - - - - - 1,777,700 Transfers to Other Funds 1,888,830 46,230 - - - 11,100 - - 1,946,160 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 66,669,190 759,230 46,400 6,230 184,500 38,600 217,500 51,100 67,972,750 ENDING BALANCES 36,364,390 35,917,700 NET CHANGE TO ENDING FUND BALANCE (299,800) (46,400) - (61,890) (38,600) - - (446,690) TOTAL REVENUES 39,736,440 NET DECREASE(INCREASE)IN FUND BALANCES(Original Budget) 27,789,620 Amendments to Budget 446,690 TOTAL APPROPRIABLE FUNDS 67,972,750 (1)All funds are included in the Original Budget and Amended Budget columns. However,individual fund columns include only the funds that are affected by proposed budget amendments. City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND April 24,2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,117,770 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 19,183,030 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (19,473,980) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (299,800) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 5,527,020 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Matching Revenues to Expenditures: neutral 3,910 Donation from Walmart for K-9 neutral 2,800 Donation from Shanti homes for K-9 neutral 1,410 Dare Program remaining proceeds allocated to K-9 neutral 5,000 ETMC Medical supplies reimbursement neutral 16,000 TDSHS,Texas Trauma Fund neutral 0 2005 UASI grant funds received prior year. neutral 4,720 Lone Star Library Grant neutral 1,740 Donation from Friends of the Library neutral 6,230 Recognize Fire Department Account neutral 2,110 Bullet Proof Vest Grant neutral 8,010 Police Training Fund/State of Texas neutral 2,500 Texas Book Festival Grant New Revenue: Increase 160,000 Interest Earnings Increase 20,000 Step Wave Grant/Click it Ticket, Police Department Grant Increase 225,000 Additional Revenue in Trash service Total Revenues 459,430 • Memo � To: Finance Department and City Manager - O From: Chief Randy CorbinW '., CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EMS Medications and fluids A federal government restriction prohibits East Texas Medical Center from disbursing medications and IV fluids outside of its primary Medical Control. This is in conflict with the contract between ETMC and the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the City of Wylie.Wylie Fire-Rescue is now required to purchase EMS medications and fluids from a third party vendor.The new process will require ETMC to reimburse COW for medications and fluids as they are used and/or expire. WFR will Invoice ETMC on a quarterly basis for reimbursement. The expense for the medications and fluids will be taken from 52250 and deposited back in the general fund,or budget number designated by Karla Stovall. It is estimated that we will need to deposit approximately$5000 in 100-5231-52250 for the remainder of this year to cover this reimbursement process. 1 ,:,.:+a.... 4p4, , Memo P, • JJ �f YR' To: Finance Department/City Manager 4 5 From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EMS Electronic Patient Care Report(ESO) The process to take EMS reporting to a paperless platform has started.The funds for this transition are provided to us by the Texas Department of State Health Services due to our participation in the Texas Trauma Registry database, used by participating health care providers in Texas for research and injury prevention. We expect to receive approximately$16,000 from TDSHS through the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council. We have contracted with ESO Solutions, Inc.to provide us hardware, software and support to have all EMS data gathered via electronic tablets and uploaded to the proper databases on the internet.This will improve the accuracy of our data and efficiency of billing for services. The spreadsheet below describes the costs and accounts for deposits and expenditures. Expenditures from 100-5231-58810 Software Interface with CAD (One-time fee): ($1995) Software Interface with Defibrillators: ($2995) Implementation and Department Training: ($1645) 2006-2007 Annual subscription: ($8000) Expected Deposits (2 or 3 checks per year from Texas Trauma Fund)to 100-4000-43512 $16,000 1 ram' Memo a M � ,., ^. a�nd To: Finance Department 1 City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EOC Consoles&Furniture In 2006, Wylie City Council approved a purchase of EOC console and Furniture. This purchase was part of the 2005 UASI grant EOC upgrade. We purchased the EOC furniture in September, but it was not installed until late October. The EOC cost was taken out of 2006-07 budget account 5231-58830 for the amount of$4,788. This reduction in the account will not allow us to purchase the other items in that account that were budgeted for in the current year's budget, and therefore need to add $4,788 back into 5231-58830. The grant reimbursement has already been received for this amount. 1 REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 1 TITLE OF REQUEST: Lone Star Grant DEPARTMENT: Library If Personnel changes are a component of the request,please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level(Salary Grade) _ Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Lone Star Grant from the Texas State Library will be used for part-time hours in Fiscal Year 2007. The Library part-time hours were cut in Fiscal Year 2007. Circulation has increased 17 percent from the previous year;new borrowers have increased 11 percent from the previous year;and Library Visitors have increased 30 percent from the previous year. NOTE:Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel,office furniture,tools,equipment,etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-51112 Salaries--Part time 4,714 TOTAL 4,714 PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 4,714 TOTAL 4,714 REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 3 TITLE OF REQUEST: Friends of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library--Donation DEPARTMENT: Library If Personnel changes are a component of the request,please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level(Salary Grade) _ Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Friends of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library support the Smith Library through advocacy and fund raising. This year they are donating$1,740.00 for a Book and Cinema Club for students ages 9-12. NOTE:Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel,office furniture,tools,equipment,etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-56040 Tween Book and Cinema Club 1,740 TOTAL 1,740 PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 1,740 TOTAL 1,740 krr Dos" Memo -rizaz To: Finance Department/City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Closed Checking Account The Wylie Fire Department has maintained a checking account since 2001. Deposits for this account come from public/corporate donations made specifically to the department. The finance department requested WFD close the account and incorporate the funds with the general fund. After a meeting with Larry Williamson and staff, WFD understands the funds will be set-up in a separate account/budget line and the account will be set up similar to an enterprise fund. WFD will estimate donations and expenditures each year during the budget process. A check has been cut to the City of Wylie for the full amount listed below. The following table shows the opening balance and the funds available to individual groups within the fire department. Retirement $1,298.57 Clown Program $2,200.72 AED program $ 995.06 Dive Team $1,735.54 Opening'Balance $6,229,89' WFD requests a mid-year budget amendment to include these funds in its budget and to allow expenditures for these programs. 1 .v...m..i....mmimmmimmmmnmmmnmimmlWYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mindy Manson, Larry Williamson, Karla Stovall FROM: Jeff Butters, Chief of Police DATE: 04-04-2007 SUBJECT: Additional Mid-Year Budget Amendments. Bullet Proof Vests Grant $2110.00 Acct. 10-211-52710 The U.S. Dept. of Justice reimburses the City of Wylie for approved purchases of bullet proof vests. If transferred to the uniform account the funds can be used to purchase vests for new officers yet to be hired. LEOSE Training Fund $8010.00 Acct. 10-211-56210 The State of Texas collects funds from citation revenue and distributes monies to Local law enforcement agencies to be utilized for training. The money must be transferred to our training account for expenditure. REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 2 TITLE OF REQUEST: Texas Book Festival Grant DEPARTMENT: Library If Personnel changes are a component of the request,please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level(Salary Grade) Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Texas Book Festival Grant has been awarded to the Library. The grant will be used to purchase English-as-a-Second Language materials for the adult Spanish-speaking population in Wylie. NOTE:Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel,office furniture,tools,equipment,etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-52630 Audiovisual Materials--ESL for library collection 2,500 TOTAL 2,500 PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 2,500 TOTAL 2,500 ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS THOROUGHFARE IMPACT FUND April 24,2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 217,500 Collin County Engineering Office agreement Total Revenues 217,500 neutral (217,500) Engineering Services Maxwell Creek Total Expenditures (217,500) ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND April 24,2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,117,770 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 19,183,030 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (19,473,980) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (299,800) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 5,527,020 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Matching Expenditures to Revenues: Police neutral (8,120) New K-9. Police neutral (2,110) Purchase bullet proof vests. Police neutral (8,010) Police training funds Fire neutral (5,000) Expense for Medical supplies. Fire neutral (16,000) Implementation and software to comply with TDSHS. Fire neutral (4,790) EOC console and furniture Library neutral (4,720) Part-time salaries from Lone Star Grant Funds (matching revenue) Library neutral (1,740) Allocation of donation from Friends of the Library Library neutral (2,500) Audiovisual materials for ESL Library collection Transfer neutral (6,230) Transfer from General Fund to Fire Training Center New Expenditures: Facilities increase (22,000) Mold testing, remediation,and reconstruction of Fire Station 1 &2. Combined Services increase (10,000) Special Services costs Combined Services increase (80,000). Utilities Electric Combined Services increase (361,000) Trash service increase Police increase (12,000) Assistant Police Chief Fire increase (40,000) Increase maintenance in Heavy Equipment account. Fire increase (18,010) Full-time and Part-time Annual Physicals budget shortage Fire increase (85,000) Increase overtime. Recreation increase (12,000) Wylie Wave energy costs Recreation increase (20,000) Enterprise plan for Recreation Center Transfer neutral (40,000) Transfer remaining vehicle maintenance balance to Fleet Fund. Total Expenditures (759,230) CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director Date: March 21, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account - 100-5132-54910 $22,000 Buildings Justification: This request is for the unanticipated costs to perform mold testing, remediation, and reconstruction at Fire Stations 1 and 2. 1 To: Mindy Manson From: Larry Williamson Dated: April 16, 2006 Ref: Mid-Year Adjustments Each year Allied Waste asks the Utility Billing Department for a count on trash customers. Each year for the past 3 years Utility Billing had run an Incode report to deteiinine the count. Nothing was thought to be amiss until Allied started delivering recycle carts. They had ordered the carts they thought they needed, but were still short close to 750 carts. This prompted Trinity to question the number of customers we had reported to them. After conversations with Incode, it was determined that 3 mobile home parks were not being picked up in the total count because of the way they were originally entered into Incode. As a consequence, Allied had not billed us for these customers for 3 Years. Since the law only allows a service provider to go back two years, we owe Allied about $150,000. The City was collecting the revenue, but the report that generates the trash customers was not accurate. We have adjusted the budgeted amounts for trash service revenue and expenses as a result of these findings. WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mindy Manson, City Manager FROM: Jeff Butters, Chief of Police DATE: 03-15-07 SUBJECT: Mid-Year Budget Amendments. The Police Department is seeking several Mid-Year Budget Adjustments due to changing circumstances since the preparation of the 06-07 budget. ASSISTANT POLICE CHIEF Since my assignment as Asst. City Manager it has become apparent that the PD needs one person, in charge,to run day to day operations. My intent is to hire someone who can be developed and prepared to eventually assume the position of Police Chief. Both the positions of Assistant City Manager and Police Chief were funded in this budget. Because I have occupied both positions an Asst. Police Chief will not have a real salary impact. The position will require approximately $12,000 to fund as detailed in the Expanded Level of Service form. UPGRADE PART TIME RECORDS CLERK TO FULL TIME A records clerk position was added in the 06/07 budget. The position was originally requested as full time. I felt the full time position was justified as our case load and work load in records had increased almost 100% in the last 4 years while the number of employees had stayed the same (2). The salary cost for the remainder of this year is minimal, see attached Expanded Level of Service. GRANTS AND DONATIONS Attached in a separate memo EXPANDED LEVEL OF SERVICE FORM RANK 1 1 PROGRAM TITLE: Assistant Police Chief DEPARTMENT: 211 -Police If Personnel changes are a component of the request,please complete the following: New personnel? I Yes I No Level(Salary Grade) 85 New personnel? Yes No Level(Salary Grade) Change Level of current personnel? From To Change Level of current personnel? From To PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: See Attached Memo NOTE:Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel,office furniture,tools,equipment,etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5211-51160 Certification Pay 1800 100-5211-51210 Car Allowance 3600 100-5211-51230 Clothing Allowance 400 100-5211-52130 Tools&Equipment 2100 100-5211-52710 Uniforms 3000 100-5211 Communications 384 TOTAL 11,284 PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT _ Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES TOTAL - (1/iik EST.1909"r. •r 4z' Memo App To: Finance Department/City Manager ISO ., -}td���'' From: Chief Randy Corbin Date: 4/20/2007 Re: Mid-year budget increase for account 54530 The 54530 account will require restoring to the levels of funding from previous years to insure that the repair and maintenance of our apparatus is achieved. I am estimating that an additional$40,000 dollars will be needed to complete the year.There are several reasons for the mid-year amendment request: Increased amount of vehicles maintained and decreased budget from the previous year ❑ In 2005-2006 the department utilized two accounts for fleet maintenance(54510 and 54530)with a total amount of$100,000.00. For the 2006-2007 budget year,the accounts were broken down further to distinguish expenditures easier(54510, 54530, 54990), however,the accounts were substantially reduced for a total of$60,000.00. ACCOUNTS 2005-2006 2006-2007 54510 $75,000.00 $40,000.00 54530 $25,000.00 $15,000.00 54990 N/A $5,000.00 5,$ ,OO O0 0 1 y emu- " 6O OV0fl60Vaf t't• ❑ Completion of vehicles built and placed in service last year. Due to shortages in the Capital Replacement Fund,we had to construct three vehicles over the last two years.We completed several miscellaneous upgrades to these vehicles. ❑ Several items were budgeted and bought in the previous budget year but were not delivered until this year. Finance took them out of this year's budget which resulted in a further net loss to this year's account.This was a substantial hit to a budget that had been substantially reduced. Increased costs due to more technologically advanced apparatus, laws requiring certified technicians, and inflation and increased parts costs. ❑ More Electronics that require diagnostics and aren't easy to repair. ❑ We are using sub-contractors to do a majority of the work due to certifications required to work on the apparatus. ❑ Costs of repairs increased 4%to 6%depending on the type of repair and the vendor. ❑ Parts are more complicated. Lots of high cost electronic parts such as valve controllers have replaced manual parts. Increased call volume in summer months result in increased repairs.All maintenance, repairs,and body damage is repaired out of this account. Some typical repair costs are listed. 1 1. Set of tires for a quint or an Engine is around $2,000. Around one to one and a half sets per year, per truck. 2. CAFS System repair$2,500-$4,000.Anticipate 2 to 3 a year.We have had repairs as high as$ 5,770 on these systems. 3. Electronic Valve Controller for deckgun or ladderway valve$1,100. 4. Air compressor replacement$1,219.00 5. Quarterly P.M.'s(large apparatus)$380.00 x 15 6. Annual P.M. (complete PM with full inspection)$660 x 5 7. Brake replacement with rotors and seals(large trucks)$2,000.00.At least one set per front line truck per year. 8. Diagnostics for check engine light.$614.00 including mileage charge. 9. Quarterly PM for ambulances and grass rigs$90.00. 10. Annual Aerial Test$850 x 3.This will be multiplied by four with the addition of Quint 3. 11. Engine head repair and gasket replacement. $5,300.00 This does not account for major catastrophic pump,engine, ladder or transmission failures.The repairs handled in house are not included in these estimates as the hourly rate is calculated and paid through normal shift staffing. As of May 2007,the number of large trucks in our fleet will have increased from four to six. We are maintaining a total of 12 large vehicles through this fund.All of these vehicles are specialty vehicles such as Quints, engines,ambulances,grass rigs, and squads.All of the vehicles are front line except for 2 vehicles. Quint 5 and Engine 5 operate as reserves, but are also equipped and staffed by call back personnel. The total budget for the year will be$100,000.00 with this amendment.That averages to$6,667 per vehicle.The range varies greatly form vehicle to vehicle and year to year. The range so far this year is estimated at$18,429.00 for Quint 1 to$161.26 for Attack 1. The attack truck is new, under warranty and doesn't run many calls. Quint 1 is over seven years old, highly specialized,and has run a majority of calls in the city for the last several years. Even with the high maintenance costs of Quint 1, it is averaging what it cost the City of Dallas to maintain a ladder truck.The Quint is a ladder and a pumper. •Page 2 , Memo • A a 14, To: Finance Department/City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Physicals The fiscal budget line item to cover Annual Physicals for Firefighters was not funded at level to meet the 2007 cost for the services. In the past,we were funded at$300 per full-time firefighter for a physical designed to cover the minimum requirements for Haz-Mat. This physical did not meet the minimum suggested standard in N.F.P.A. 1582 and did not provide communication with our peer fitness coordinators for"fit-for-duty" clearance statements. The provider of the services did not confer with each patient, and reporting back to the patients of any potential health problems did not occur consistently. An RFP was requested after the budget was submitted and approved. The cost of the minimum necessary physical increased from$300 to over$700. Also, a new item was added to this budget for 8 full-time employees to receive Body Scans in addition to their physical. These were submitted at a price of$450 and should have been submitted at$500. The spreadsheet below indicates the shortage needed to complete physicals for all full-time firefighters for this budget year. Also included is an estimate to complete physicals for part- time personnel, suggested by the Human Resources Director. This amendment is to special services account 131-5231-56040 Each Sub-totals: Base Physical 8 full time remaining $560.00 $4,480.00 Body Scan shortage $45.00 $360.00 Physical shortage (Already completed) $420.00 $8,820.00 Funds needed To Complete full time: $13,660.00 Add the above to part-time personnel, 6 physicals: $560.00 $3,360.00 2 Body Scans: $495.00 $990.00 Funds needed To Cover part-time: $4,350.00 Total Budget amendment to cover full and part-time: $18,010.00 1 TO: Mindy Manson FROM: Chief Randy Corbin ',4 1 SUBJECT: Mid-year Overtime 2006-07 �'.,. DATE: April 20, 2007 ` 1 2000 N. Hwy. 78 Wylie,TX 75098 972-442-8110 Wylie Fire-Rescue is requesting an additional$85,000 to supplement the support of WFR operations for this fiscal year,and for the funding to be included in subsequent budgets. This request is being made in lieu of the planned addition of three(3) firefighters at mid-year. Further analysis of the addition of those personnel revealed that an annualized investment of approximately$250,000 for them would result in an overtime savings of only$100,000. Research revealed that current personnel are willing to work the additional hours to supplement their incomes,which gives the City the avoided costs of benefits for the new employees. Overtime costs for WFR are being used to avoid the costs associated with more full-time employees. Currently,minimum daily staffing(8 Firefighters and 2 Captains)exactly equals the number of personnel assigned to the one Squad and two Quints that are in service. Whenever anyone is off for any reason,overtime is required to keep the City adequately protected. Some unanticipated circumstances have also caused additional overtime costs during the year, like open positions and increased incidents with call- back and its associated overtime. Overtime costs are incurred whether the absence from shift is due to vacation, sick time, training,administrative meetings/work, worker's compensation, fire safety education programs, specialty team responses (swiftwater,hazmat, dive),emergency management activities,conference attendance, fire cause investigations,or any other reason. For example,the overtime costs to cover last December exceeded$37.-000(holidays plus one vacant position). This also helps the City of Wylie to manage the liability of time off owed to existing employees,which represents real dollars. This request actually reflects a philosophy that will work to the advantage of both the City and to the employees serving the City through WFR. Currently,we have a good base of highly skilled professionals that can dedicate some of their off-duty time to covering back-up apparatus and to immediately placing apparatus in service to respond to our larger-scale incidents. By utilizing these personnel,WFR has fewer personnel to train,insure,equip, and manage as a whole,thereby giving some efficiency to the organization. It also gives the individual employee the ability to remain more involved in depaitniental activities,thereby developing them more for future opportunities,keeping them more involved in local activities, and an increase to their income through their primary job with WFR. As time passes and WFR members have more outside/family responsibilities,this approach may not be able to be sustainable,but this is a great opportunity for both the City and WFR employees at the current time. Besides helping with organizational size and health,this approach saves Wylie money for the time being. CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 100-5521-56040 $12,000 Energy Cost for Wave Program Justification: Staff originally requested $12,000 for these energy costs in the FY06-07 budget, but this item was cut during the budget process. This funding is necessary to reimburse WISD for energy (electrical) cost incurred when the Wave Program uses their facilities. 1 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 20, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account -To be determined $20,000 Enterprise Plan for Recreation Center Justification: The Park and Recreation Division recommends that a contract for consultant services be awarded to a firm that is capable of performing an Enterprise Plan for the proposed Recreation Center. The plan would help in identifying various fees that could be established to allow the Recreation Center to be a revenue- generating facility. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS FUND ATTACHMENT 2 f PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 399,474 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 950,100 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (1,075,803) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (46,400) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 227,371 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Dispatch increase (46,400) Two (2) Dispatcher positions 4 months Dispatch increase - Pay grade increase for Alarm clerk from grade level 37 to 42. Transfer funds within Personnel services to cover cost. Total Expenditures (46,400) r( y,•. 9 tie:skie 4f . M e mo To: Finance Department/City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin 04 k ' CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Additional Personnel in Dispatch Public Safety Communications requires two (2)new dispatch positions,to maintain optimum staffing for rapid growth, compensate for higher and a more lengthy call load, alleviate overtime, allow for more training, and reduce liability on a sole dispatcher. We currently have one dispatcher on shift in the mornings and one on the night shift. We require two(2)dispatchers 24/7 to compensate for increasing call volumes and priority 1 (calls requiring emergency response with lights and siren activation). Call duration of priority one calls is increasing to an average of 41 minutes,not including major incidents such as the 3`d Street explosion and EOC activations. These calls are being worked by one dispatcher who is answering up to fifty(50) 911 calls per incident,plus answering radios, dispatching units, calling emergency crews, etc. The call load has continued to increase from 26,850 calls in 2005 to 32,315 calls in 2006 along with Cellular 911 phone traffic which has increased to nearly 94%over projected increases two (2)years ago. In addition to requiring additional personnel due to increases in call load and 911 traffic,the State of Texas mandates that each dispatcher hold specific certifications in Public Safety Dispatch and Emergency Response. Dispatchers have been unable to complete necessary training due to personnel shortages. Both Police and Fire have added additional personnel to their departments with no additional staffing to dispatch. Additional personnel in the field places a greater workload and more stress on one person when handling emergency calls. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS FIRE TRAINING CENTER ' ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FIRE TRAINING CENTER April•24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 104,551 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 68,400 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (135,300) Mid-Year Budget Amendments 0 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 37,651 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 6,230 Fire Department auxiliary accounts. Total Revenues 6,230 Fire Training Center neutral (6,230) Budget Fire department Auxiliary accounts. This includes funds for the clowns program, Dive team,AED program and retirement. Total Expenditures (6,230) o yr Memo To: Finance Department/City Manager s "'/ From: Chief Randy Corbin awn E, CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Closed Checking Account The Wylie Fire Department has maintained a checking account since 2001. Deposits for this account come from public/corporate donations made specifically to the department. The finance department requested WFD close the account and incorporate the funds with the general fund. After a meeting with Larry Williamson and staff, WFD understands the funds will be set-up in a separate account/budget line and the account will be set up similar to an enterprise fund. WFD will estimate donations and expenditures each year during the budget process. A check has been cut to the City of Wylie for the full amount listed below. The following table shows the opening balance and the funds available to individual groups within the fire department. Retirement $1,298.57 Clown Program $2,200.72 AED program $ 995.06 Dive Team $1,735.54 Opening.Balance $6,22989 WFD requests a mid-year budget amendment to include these funds in its budget and to allow expenditures for these programs. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS PARK ACQUISITION AND ' IMPROVEMENT FUND ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PARK ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT FUND April 24,2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 462,748 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 123,620 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (187,400) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (61,890) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 337,078 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Central Zone increase 50,000 a Collin County grant reimbursement for Old City Park project.This fiscal year$50,000 has already been budgeted in this revenue account. East Zone increase 72,610 Collin County grant reimbursement for Joel Scott Park project. Total Revenues 122,610 Central Zone increase (94,500) a Olde City Park Grant expenses. East Zone increase (87,000) Skate Park Central Zone increase (3,000) Market appraisals for 3 parcels of land between SH78/Olde City Park. Total Expenditures (184,500) CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-4000-43514 $50,500 Intergovernmental Revenue (Olde City Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) Staff had anticipated receipt of these funds during the previous fiscal year, but due to project delays (survey and platting)the project was extended into FY06-07. Account 121-4000-43514 $72,610 Intergovernmental Revenue (Joel Scott Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) This grant is nearing completion, and funds are anticipated to be received before the end of this fiscal year. CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-5622-56040 $3,000 Special Services to perform a market appraisal of three parcels of land between SH 78 and Olde City Park. Staff anticipates submitting a grant application to Collin County in July 2007 for acquisition of these parcels to enlarge the existing park. A current market appraisal is more accurate than the data on the Collin County Appraisal District website and could reduce the City's overall match in the 50-50 grant application. Account 121-5622 $94,500 Expenses related to Collin County grant for Olde City Park. Staff had anticipated this project would have been completed during the previous fiscal year, but due to project delays (survey and platting) the project was extended into FY06-07. These expenditures include the following: picnic pavilion slab and electrical, picnic pavilion installation, sidewalk installation, drinking fountain, cooking grills, tables, benches, landscaping, irrigation, signage, etc. Account 121-4000-43514 $72,610 Intergovernmental Revenue (Joel Scott Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) 1 This grant is nearing completion, and funds are anticipated to be received before the end of this fiscal year. • Page 2 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-5623-58150 $30,000 Land Betterments (concrete slab, sidewalks, and signage) Account 121-5623-58840 $57,000 Outdoor Furniture and Equipment (skate park elements, freight, and installation) Justification: The Park and Recreation has recommended that staff prepare a midyear budget amendment for construction of a skate park on the west side of Westgate Way (across from Joel Scott Park). The Board noted, and staff has received numerous calls from citizens about the lack of recreational amenities for adolescents. This would be an amenity that the City currently does not have. The proposed budget amendment does not include lighting for the facility. Installation of a metal pole guard light would cost approximately $3,000. Monthly electrical charges for a metal halide light would be approximately$35. The Park Board and staff analyzed various locations throughout the City and recommended the selection of the Westgate Way location for several reasons: • The area is readily visible from the street. • The park site is newly developed and it is not a park site that already has a user group or a "dynamic" of its own. Thus, installation of the skate park would not upset current users. • The Westgate Way location is not near any already-developed residential area whereas other existing park sites are located near existing housing developments. 1 5tKo-�- cam L � SlA/PP BY. rail w ithattitude Southwest Parks & Playgrounds SouthWest Parks & Playgrounds, L. P. P.O.Box 50048 Date: 3/16/2007 Denton,Texas 76206-0048 1.800.433.5347 940.380.9038 Fax: 940.381.0463 City of Wylie Wylie, TX RE: WYLIE SKATE SPOT Attn:Donna Larson Option 8 Page 1 of 2 972-442-2111 SUMMARY: donna(a wvlieprintino.com Texas BuyboardContract#204-04 Prepared by: RL/KH File No.: s/KH/Wylie008b.xls Extended Qty Product Description Unit Wt Unit Price Pt-ice Option SOLO Tfltat $ 46,,19;9'48 Inst `Ylatron� $ 1 � 55 r56 Project'T®.T I. :. $ '56'imaJu4: $ 56,7550:4' Accepted by: PO #: Signature: Date: Purchase Orders and/or Checks should be made out to Solo by SouthWest Parks&Playgrounds. John E. Caldwell,President b3/lb/LOW l 1J:btt y/1441bb/b HULLtY MNU HLL.LtY h'Fiat LIZ • HOLLEY_& HOLLEY.C0' . ; . TE COMPANY., INC 2327 STONE ROAD VVYLIE TEXAS 75098 PHONE,912442 7Q$4 FAX 97242 067C QUOTATION f -1 CITY OF= uE 2000 HIOI+ 1m 7B WYLIE', r 8� t ;�. mar 077.4�42� 7 7FAX: 972 12-8198 I . . Alt DONNA IARSQN PH: 972-442-2.111 .F c: 972-442-1882 DATE ; 3 3/16120.07. RE: WYLIEPARK SLAB: 60 X 80, OR F4,800:SFr tt$5 Q5_SF $24,2401 00 { SIDEIIVALK 4804F,_ $3422 SF $1415 F5:60 Rye PUMP TRUCK $1021)0100 ENGINEERING FEE 50.00 TOTAL QUOTE $27,535.60 THANK YCl1 a QUQTfATI0Nit REItAREa?4BY.C,,HOLLEY. • Wylie Skate Park In Joel Scott Park Extension„off Westgate Way and Brown Street L t ,p,' r, — r 'b Z ° 7 Ci '`f t e{.µla 44�tN R o . 1 .a 1` _ j ___�._..e,_ 1 I J53< .t11.�. t € s. ...,,z... i<m>; 0..�t 1 w,� 'seta x{�rc- s ....,..� v -. 1 €.ia"w 1lr t� � a a . K ,,TT " ', s z):A , ,t ''44.1� " ,41 /4 s.` � "4p).:41:4 c41 ty F���s s:n, yuxSr }e k � g vtt »� t � a • vt 4 ., A � 'o-M e :Pgw ya, _ .. : .elk� .. , b > �13 , § i y 4.1 " 1 4i ' n. y 'i k,`ii' .�v'ai 4. '¢ yx..y 35 2"7.:" „' ik ,w " F vF",k.k t� N ..✓ { .{PS ,AaBi,, 3.a.�''f C 1"I. 'v - ', ' ,. C ..w�aa...+�..,..,a. gp,@ 'xey., ,s A " *.. ,-*,, ? JI x ,,, T" T- kw+' a, "" ".:t.. ;..r+..x . `4 x+,1`rt 'x 'x `r • '.e i r<74 a, `Sn w y" Example of park and sign from.Mt: Pleasant � ��� p��I��� ;�t,�,f ,,i I ,i" ,�� ,j �w ��. T,+ "S I >u=� tl -'rye j( ir., i*')1t aklli� . 'I �)','d �� `[�n .r ys p r Expenses: t•i t, , � ' -�{ �1}, . IR z�'lt.0.1.,j'i.4•0 r),t k.4 4.P,,,u,R,�. irfl.t ,df,y„,!0.dt... LFi4A.t x i.7' ch evenin„. Ztdty,Liio-141, i--44; -,.vak'r i 1 J' :d aril yk.I a" sx 5 ,iA i" � - Concrete Elements $56 755.04 'F +-i h ,I,FS,t� ,,4 ,tftlll ., R ,1�4t,` `g 0 ' ' Includes: Elements, Freight, .,,s� t-,r f,x>r, , tr,xrell , ),4t,;�1 t4',,4i417,� '�iJ,.,,vf 'I> ,� f ,-, isfr ,l, < iJi t r;.,,--r,4 r ¢is¢dril s",r: a} 1y ' z.!\' `f .A` �I And Installation FF t ,+'E � 't, I v jii 4 S-' ,fp s.r d { S aol itl1,li ,1 a fIt ":1.' 7 k liv r Concrete Post Tension Slab (80'x 60') $27,535.60 't' ' '''°'r "' �' '' t ` ' "`` 2 'tivr" , 1 p 7 rd,,M1r ,k J.bl ! t I t t R.-4 I 8t, a , 3er r� Includes: Slab, Sidewalks, z' ,� ,' r 1iril ttR � I<IMFrt x a ti,, Pump truck, Engineering fee t s 4 ' t t 7 0 t " 1 t t I i i L ':j,s'"t'S.-f'I�1 tQC6K y'� \ Metal Rules Sign(approx. cost) $ 700:00 ' k `" 01,o,'� , ,d f J , al di , SL ir,lii r,. f , s1 }la -; r 1 rt El lat , :, �tF it I `1 Il x1 $A iri.. s'��' 4 tt,!-'-'-''' Ill'„ f;'44'( ''' 7 'I Fl _ s t,F t s 1 hilt^#. e,rik !,r [iF ls!ra•A ! 3 ,1 sd Fiii. i) *'L fq F f.«,t,jJ'nF4+x Total Cost of Park $84,990.64 ` ajfi1erk,�,a,trs 1, ",„si S I 1 tt�t {li „��tr, F�Y�J14vi - �4 kg ¢.rA+wad ,'A*C"ar! i-' /„-.0.a0:9A1 §_k t�i,Iy0a' 4101: Ax, "` dy .. .. _ uwlb,.x max,..�{li' Y - : ".1 s „eI s s!'s 5 aw, -t „s ;,, ro ys s-.> - 3 oe.S code Icated xS kIan Park a ' ThistB acres,gf dAdtcated Parklen�effd WylielSD pmperry Is located at Brows Street and Westgate Way, •�• lL Y /, r adtacentta,Birmmgham^Element .. �( 7=YS DV g . mil, Y Uc. o •`C) - x :�'� h . . 131RMINyRM C ELE N1E NTA'P V iii ---- • 3 $RO W NI Terms& Conditions: Page 2 of 2 This quotation is valid for 30 days. This quotation is for items listed.Anything not expressly listed is excluded Any deviations from this proposal may invalidate the quoted pricing and/or terms. Orders are shipped 4-6 weeks after receipt of a complete order Delivery time is approximately 7 working days after shipment If you are receiving the equipment The freight carrier will be instructed to call your designated contact 24 hours befor delivery to arrange a delivery appointment. You are responsible for unloading,checking and accepting the delivery from the Freight Company. If Sales Tax Exempt,a copy of your tax exemption form or resale certificate must accompany you order,or sales tax,if applicable,will be added to your invoice. Installation based upon a soil work site,that is freely accessible by truck,(no fencing,tree/landscaping or utility obstacles,etc.),and level,(+/- 1-2%maximum slope). Installation prices reflect the installation activities specifically identified. Pricing for additional services are available on request.Additional charges may be necessary if subsurface rock or other unforeseen conditions are encountered. The site should be level and permit access with construction equipment. Please identify an access route,which can accommodate construction traffic. The contractor will maintain construction activities within boundaries established by the Owner and will exercise due care while on site. Location of utilities, building permits,inspections,ADA certifications and fees are the responsibility of the owner. Sprinkler system locations, reworking and repairs are excluded.The installer is not responsible for any damages or re-work resulting from after hour's events or activities during the work in progress period. The customer is responsible for maintaining the integrity of completed installation work until all components have seated and/or cured. Order Information: Please provide signed quotation,billing and shipping address,shipping site contact person with phone number,and indicate color selection if required. -- Bill to: Ship to: Contact: Contact: Tel: Fax: Tel: Fax: Address: Address: City, State Zip: City, State Zip: Sales Tax Exemption Certificate No: (Tax will be added unless number is provided) • j: fix 3Ltr.cr np"a._' it ,,- ,,'a�"} r v, i *a t°�6 �9. Y ssw.s .,rv,di,E#: • :.I 1 t Durable ramp s The design and materials used in Solo ramps offer exceptional strength and durability. • Domflex state-of-the-art concrete Designed especially for skate parks,Domflex concrete surpasses every standard for durability:and long life. Its highly superior strength gives it a compression resistance of 65 Mpa equal to 9,400 psi.Freeze/thaw cycle ` . 1 resistance tests have shown that not only is Domflex concrete resistant to chipping,but it L_ actually gets stronger over the years. This increased durability makes Domflex a i true state-of-the-art concrete. ,T i CDC111111 VUEiK • Hot dipped galvanized steel is used The advanced concrete throughout the Solo Ramps ranger " ,,m..na•.xaE.€s d,.4s.a Y..n:'..... .'w'.21stvwx'.( h v_a,>vn-<„x4 ....w...rG�.. .. :.._.-.N.�tr,.,.¢ '>...,_h+w .2.+.z .i.0 y.v.:_:G Characteristics of Domflex concrete boxes, l- grind rails, ��F -eA,xq.r4> , , s:� :q _ s�� .=' -, rL ar.t r. transition plates, r p;;, _ 2 v ! fiR o 01. �` adjustable support legs, guardrails, ;r s$'tilli:o'',A:J-Z af- 4.11,-.� P,42 .,r...17;—,U'.: #'ry--;'�„ F F.e..4 ?;'.4 '2:.- ;4 11,` .y 's-tT,,re2 street elements... k. 0!1 J : 4" ' . r z�,�„, µ Fr-I ry Hot dipped galvanization is a multistep process whereby steel components are `�`r thoroughly cleaned and then immersed in - 4 a &�.fit- _,� 1- ,-t � ,, � , molten zinc (at about 420 degrees Celsius). i ,y,t F , ;; This protects the metal against corrosion and ' } �, u4 � �, `'e s-y 1¢4 t1*—, - �:_-y'y-�--:-2r oxidation ". .:PYS�+_�Pi rAW e!�4-" ,'�...»- -2-; Tti_E E f�',-5 1 3r.-'—k .:t,,,.. la' ._ - ..._` wwwsolora., s, . .. U.S.and Canadian patent:6875116 6 :•rampsWifhattitude " E f i • Edging Maintenance- Domflex concrete is ,protected against free ramps chipping by galvanized steel edging Thanks to their super solid design and amazingly durable materials,Solo ramps are i l virtually maintenance free. No screws to{ I • Ledges replace, no panels that warp and need Ledges are made from the same high- changing, unlike most synthetic surfaces that need to be replaced after 4 or 5 years. performance concrete as our ramps and the No weekly inspections required.Not only are edges are protected against chipping by our ramps durable,but none galvanized angle bars. If two ledges are placed end to end,a mechanically anchored are subject to deterioration. steel plate makes the transition between xyConcrete does not absorb heat like metal and the two: --- asphalt that tend to get too slippery or can f melt.The surface of Solo ramps is not affected by different climates. Solo ramps are built to take abuse. • Super-solid,100%recycled plastic But,should vandalism take place,our equipment Some of our street elements are made of is easy to fix, contrary to the ramps of the competition. I hot dipped galvanized steel and UltraPlast recycled plastic which will not warp,rot,rust, -, split or chip. E • Tamperproof hardware All our ramps are put together using tamper Location: Vvylie, TX, USA Surface: 60' x 80' 4isii,11/-•] A . , , , __,„• ,4-.. ,---, 11 ,... 1 tk*.-,..,%•-• 1%1'44414•*11--4-- '4411111111, • J. 1 al, , ....... N„---..... ..„... ....*. , liar , .....„,i ,.• ..,. 1 _ 0 rO c. rampswith attitude 111141441:1144111;.n riE 1- l'Ill111111 Toll free:1 877 293-4384 E-mail:sales@soloramps.com 1 , Toll free fax: 1 888 321-8947 Web:www.soloramps.com F File loc 1 Drawn by: Approved by: Yannick Malek Nicolas Marchand i G:\Soumissions\20O7\Exportation\US\Texas(TX)\Wylie(TX)10111wyiieoi1.awg Date: File No. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without permission of Solo Ramps 15-3-7 VVYLIE011 } - Location: Wylie, TX, USA Surface: 60' x 80' 1 RAO 1 S-9-12 <LOV2i m \ I in a R202-SW-14 I ) �— �— CO d `� N d CaI 1 I 0 I i 1 I I I 1 I II 1 CO - -) w I —� 10X8 I I 1 I I <SZOb21 I I I I e RA07> RAO5 j I I I BEO1 10 BEO1-10 E r - --- , L7L0 rampswithattitude Toll free:1877293-4384 E-mail::sales@soloramps.com Toll free fax: 1 888 321-8947 Web:www.soloramps.com File ice: Drawn by:!, Approved by: Yannick'Malek Nicolas Marchand i G1Soumissions"n07\Exportation\US\Texas(TX)\Wylie(TX)\0111wylie011.dwg Date: File No. — - 15-3-7 WYLIE011 ' _ •• . _ . _ . —-. -. .....-- , , _. . . .., . _ __. . . banks wede o os ., -,. .,.....,....,...---.. ,- .. ._ bank BK3 i".-P,',, bank BK4 ',vs bank BKS .,:.;.: wedge PY2 (7 _....— , - --,........--__ 1. ..,>•,. _ .... -.- V i • Li ,-.:.:',',vdiiiht, t H ., , .. 1 IH ''. . 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'8 su3 L n *- 3 ft. -'- adapts to one PY2 adapts to one PY3 1112 t r 7ft. 10ft. ;11 Jp � ru -� • r: 2 e h ;-'i K-it $t: :1.' 1-gel 8 ft.-10 ft .. ;... �) '�_=t °R ;r. . - , Ce,$t�, � �Y�+�°�'�� Sit � .—;����; ;� e � ��« :8 ft. �: � �" 5 ft. �. � � �1��t �'1 ;"�- {�8 ft: r ' ,� r .hz , R -,� a = , tea �•- g - z s' z A t 5 1 ft. v-,. h 1 ft: 1 ft. 1s 1 ft. � �� W '' l ft. bin. . r 7 • e M s � rs '2 h., _ 1 h.6 in s :, ._ 2 ft. I} e` ' (II :i�: S s 1.9in i917 j EsY {a 1.9in. 1.9in.' ' : iTrr G - 1.9in. rl �er K • 2in.X2in.; t .' 2in.X2in. x 2in.X2in. te a? , ��,�r .. .'ar �. ,.� ,;� 4n `��1 -4n'� tin:X2in. t k rail combos wall rail RA00rail R122/R122S i rail R133/R133Smanual pad Hz .,. sty " H 1L R122S ' Is R33S_, (square) (square) L HI R122 L I R133 H3 "- ,i \ (round) H 3 (round) L L adapts to two PY2 adapts to two PY3 Ietf. 'x w: tt is ft.in in. s.,, " ,W'21 A. 61n t, 'ems i;A _ „ra, qZ +.. .7 ram' s�,;- �H s a 1 ft.6 in �0 ., �� 2 ft. f t 1• �„,� w •" e:1��pp+ R 1-1",1 �' 8 ft. t ;' . �',` - -e "` ra-:9. .3, `e . ; �x;',A"...6 ft.8 in. _ eO iq i:,' t �,. j. gAkir �.. .v c-i 4 ft.a - p: 1 ft. k3tT i 1ft. � i a r u-z 'tit�_ �•: : $ 3 a 7 ft.6 in. x �F < _ t� 1 ft. ' • 2 ft. i N8,g .:{ 2 ft. .Y� ,,€ .4 s • _ � ,s � > ... §.,�;. t -`_ . •.,.. _ n%,e '�§.�',X., � :�° _ 9 ft. -gyp� _, .rs,.r. fir° + J i ` s-°;. 8 i . e.± ' i IC to 7; 1.9 in. A ., .g z . 1:9-in ,t' 1,, 'z.,.. iF ° .. 6 in. f r i,A s G ; 2in.X2in. 5 1 21n:X2m. '� w _ fj www,s oI Ora m ps.Co trt The ramps made by Solo Ramps are patented In order to ma t improvements,Solo Ramps reserves the right to change the features or size of its products without prior notice and withou Y ;any obligation. To- ,., . ;_,-;7 , ', _ ' . ._ city .44.1 :_-.'..;:,i' : z,-Fig.,:.,1 -. Street elements ..:',,:::::i-,ilL,,,, ., ._. , , , , :,,,•,,:: .,aliak ,, ..., 0 , :,,,,L.:-.,-.;,•:,L1-.1 i. ,... .. manual pad BX02 :,,-:-.,:: manual pa-1 BX04 .--. -,-, ,.. - :. - '.' •:- __.-=j-r; :.'--..-7, -::', 1 it 1: J . ,::, 11 -<,-,',Q, „„„:,,,,,,„„,..,,,-•-:-L. ::„._:„,.„,,: :::;,-; ,. :-_ ,::::_::::: . ....., . ... _...._,,._. ..,,,,, .,...,„„_„....„...., , ,„:„ „., ,,...,,::,,FJ2-, -;,:,,:: .,:,,,,,•:-,.,,,,, H ' '', '':' : ..,,,,,,''''-' — '''''''-r..,..:,r.':';',.:-'.'" N: skate Park '--.4•,:-.W1,-,-,,1_,-;',,,-'.1,4.-0 ;:i.-1Pirg.4-015t6tillee$41W1*--tv-e-'''-'1114,0i's-':-:""': -'''-- ,"•--',':',::',,,:]-' ;, '':,'Y.,f't.,`.,1-,,,,:7 ,;,-.14. 7„*,.:;,.`4,,,7,.'71i...t0,,. I : I: -.;'';-;-:'-•. '''':".'4' -!14'' ';'''''',.':-'''''';F:*'.:::'-'7 77'i:' '71?::::,:-,f':„ ,._;4-,-_::,,-: ,,---: ii-.,i,:!;:•7,.z:A-T:= -trillo,,,::,:kt--7;:i''.4f,.441 ,:r w . : - , „.::•• w _. _ , . . .• . ., ,,,:,.. .. 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'7 •, : -0,141, • in' ,,,,,,';-;,4 - "xi ''., :',7•--;''ge:7t...t-a,-rATgqi ,1,,,,4-v,,.1.'t?w.-4-7..7,-,*,:-77-fi -,,:4:7:71:',:c.',1„.',11.railgOgeo4 -, ..;,, ,,,.$th,,,;i.,41t2:41,?:•.:, :e i',J---,,r,,,-:"74,• ..4 4,---- 7 - .,,- .:,.'..-..4,-.---.. ., 04. t _,- , .. q.4-'=2,-.1,1•.,:-.:=4Stqg'i titc.1._...„.p..-,,:,,,,..4',11F.4,..,,-.4. , V.,.4'....,:fft...M. ' ' The ramps made by Solo Ramps are patented.In order to make constant improvpments,Solo Ramps reserves the right to change the features or size of its pro-. '-,without rior notice and without incurrin anyobligation. P g www.50oramps.com .,S. 71-- 09-.. . . . .,. i s eet elements table TA03 jersey quarter J0408 _u. . _.. . jersey quarter JQ 59 kicker JU03 )/\--.L. ® H H3 H H i \H2 L � I W L W w W i 6ft:-loft. _ € 3; 1ft. a 4ft.8tn x 's " -;`. l ft.4 in. k{ r�1 '_ + 9 ft- >M1 4 � -� �t Tt$•'y s in. '':a xr • I49In 4 ft.6' '' tom' `� 2 ft. '� �^ �,a�.� � r 5 ft. �."��_` � Kam in. '�`-`j`��`- x� i INT- 3 ft.1 in ue( ;a74 r x f, 11A : : 4k6in � }ft.21n• P street . rilam.., ,. s e eme. RAO1S//RAO1V kink fiat bar RA02, RA02S flat bar RA01/ TAg curved flat bar ar RA03 .3. ('''' ') • "� RAO1V RAO1S H l l RAO2S " -,. . \ ovalI - ` �—� (oval) (square) RAO3S (square) (square) RA01 L - � 1 (round) W (round)RA02 �� L a RA03 I"Z (round) ��� a } 7 ft. i�52 rt 1 3 z t �eat th- �W yf 3 ,mac x•-15ft:: ,y , 3 ,. 5 f k. >_$ -W-T "n 15. 4& �' r .�` 1 ft.4 in. b. -`" t''`,'3... .,- }sue",.i c 'v�"� $�: 1 ft.4 in. a - c. t� .ngt w., - - W-- �r 1 ft. � ,ate M i b 1 r Width ; In 6 in. } t g �~! _r 1 ft.6 in. - s 15 ft. , c �fYE` n4 ' '�a.S-? H:.i $�, =,-a ,.A..'` .. ,� �.a w^ y+.'' a£^ tli:met'[ 1 f in: 'Y 4 m' xr a -- -8 ` "• '. ,i �,. n . 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OF WYLFE ` cVP 0 I � _ F f/2' / • f � A ti° 3 • 3 • • 3 4. r j 3/ �, t.' �/ Z to . e• .t/`j` " t 1/4' w , i< - CI N J / / , 4` E. �' ill 1 EXISTING ,Y OTY OF WYLIE Tn _ ..--7Jo — • 1e'" — i13244t1 f' st 3lit.1 ♦ J/4€ • i5�i.�- - •. • • • 0, APPROX.WATEFCF NTAIN LOCATION :=' — i� 1f '.i r \ t/8', A I 2 t/r t tt 4 , _ t 3/4 1 fist 5/ _y s/ 34 }i It ve via ftf ttvtoz - >! cr i., is 9 ••t x' » �� 41 ° • • ••• 3r AVEMENi LtC. • t "—_El CITY of wYuE i �,� .1. cirTeD 1r -n vie .j.-}I'WV W r•',wry n w.a:r ... . n c flY L.E.C. PE CT? v v T�+ vvr ;t,, new nc uew lc ' -_ City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS UTILITY FUND ' ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS UTILITY FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,181,593 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 8,649,860 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (9,867,010) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (38,600) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 4,925,843 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Utility Administration increase (2,500) Temporary service costs while employee on family leave. Utility Administration increase (25,000) Professional Services to develop a Phase II for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer for TCEQ. Transfer increase (11,100) Transfer vehicle maintenance unencumbered balance Total Expenditures (38,600) CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Jack Jones, Public Works Superintendent Date: March 27, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account -611-5711-56040 $25,000 Professional Services to develop a Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Plan for submittal to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ) Justification: The TCEQ has scheduled action for April 11, 2007 meeting to finalize the rules requiring municipalities with populations greater than 10,000 to develop and submit a storm water management plant within 180 days of passing the rule. Staff recommends contracting with Freese and Nichols, Inc., a consultant that is both capable of performing the work and that has previously performed analysis regarding the City of Wylie's storm water system. On March 30, 2007, I contacted Cynthia Hooper, Environmental Permit Specialist, TCEQ San Antonio, (210-403-4080) who verified that the item is on the agenda for April 11, 2007. The Commission is expected to pass the rule and sign it into effect several days later. The date that the rule is signed starts the 180 day time period in which the city must develop and submit a storm water management plan to TCEQ. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS FLEET FUND ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FLEET FUND April 24,2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 3,756,950 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 437,220 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (579,360) Mid-Year Budget Amendments 0 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 3,614,810 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 40,000 Transfer from General Fund neutral 11,100 Transfer from Utility Fund Total Revenues 51,100 General Fleet neutral (40,000) General Fund Maintenance Utility Fleet neutral (11,100) Utility Fund Maintenance Total Expenditures (51,100) Finance Department Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager Jeff Butters, Assistant City Manager From: Larry Williamson, Finance Director Subject: Consolidation of Vehicle Maintenance Accounts Date: March 15, 2007 Last year we implemented the city wide PO system and eliminated the use of PARs except for purchases where payment is required in advance. In doing so, some administrative problems arose. In meetings with Mike Sferra and Jack Jones it became apparent that the maintenance section of Public Works ("Maintenance") had a unique problem in using POs to procure services. Most of the services provided by Maintenance are from outside vendors. Because Maintenance does not have a city wide maintenance account, the motor vehicle maintenance accounts (#54510) of each city department is shared by both the budgeted department and Maintenance. Maintenance is authorized a dollar amount from each department's motor vehicle maintenance account at the beginning of the year. Maintenance then reallocates the funds from each department to a number of POs from various vendors. Some of these POs could have 20 separate entries. If one department's allocation on the PO is not sufficient to cover that department's cost of the service provided, the PO is rejected and Maintenance has to get a new PO number and start over recoding the remaining 19 entries. This is very cumbersome and time consuming and is the major reason that Maintenance has used PARs in the past instead of POs. POs do not work well in the bifurcated system used for motor vehicle maintenance. The best solution from an accounting and operational perspective is to set up two motor vehicle maintenance accounts (#54510) in the Fleet Fund for city wide motor vehicle maintenance. One would be established for the General Fund and another established for the Utility Fund. These accounts in the Fleet Fund would be budgeted and an annual transfer from the General Fund and Utility Fund would be made at the beginning of each fiscal year. These new accounts would make the use of POs easier for maintenance and accounting and reduce the amount of paper work considerably. This solution has other benefits in addition to simplifying the current system. We believe that the city would have much better control of this city-wide expense and that active management by one department could provide real cost savings through scheduling and competitive pricing. Timely maintenance scheduling would also benefit the longevity of the equipment and having all the maintenance data in one place would assist us in determining which vehicles need to be replaced and which ones do not. Finally, we have consulted with the city auditors on these suggested changes and they have no problems with the recommendations in this report. This change could be implemented at any time. A budget amendment would be required to transfer the departments' budgeted amounts to the Fleet Fund and set up the transfers from the General Fund and Utility Fund. No additional appropriations would be needed. I have worked with Mike Sferra, Jack Jones and Leonard Garner on this issue and they support the recommendations contained in this memo. Once you have had a chance to think about what is being recommended, we would like to meet with you to answer any question you might have and work on a timetable for implementation. Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 4/24/2007 Item Number: 2 Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Steve Seddig Account Code: Date Prepared: 4/10/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2007-12 establishing fees for the purpose of enabling the City of Wylie to construct new Fire Stations; establishing fees for the purpose of purchasing new fire fighting equipment; establishing procedures to allocate fees collected; establishing procedures for appeals; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2007-12 establishing fees for the purpose of enabling the City of Wylie to construct new Fire Stations; establishing fees for the purpose of purchasing new fire fighting equipment; establishing procedures to allocate fees collected; establishing procedures for appeals; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Discussion The City of Wylie, Fire Rescue Department, has previously provided fire protection at minimum standards for a given population. The ability to maintain service levels is negatively affected by rapid growth and development. By passing this ordinance for fire development fees, fire protection service levels and a portion of the associated capital cost can then be supplemented by continued economic development, and the costs for future maintenance of the level of service and improvements to fire protection will be shared by all those who benefit. • Tax rate increases based on increasing development needed capital to maintain fire protection service levels could be reduced by this Fire Development Fee. • Growth of a municipality in the long run will produce revenue. However, during growth only estimates on revenue can be assessed. During this gap, citizens that previously received adequate fire protection service levels are negatively affected. • This Fire Development Fee will benefit the City of Wylie by providing a portion of the capital expenditure money to maintain fire protection service levels caused by increases in growth and population. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • The City of Wylie's economic growth places continued responsibility on the municipality to maintain fire protection service levels. Without continued fire protection capital to maintain service levels the citizens already living in Wylie are negatively affected by growth and the municipality's ability to maintain fire protection service levels. The Texas Municipal League (TML) Resolution Committee commented on October 25, 2005, in reference to a City of Wylie Resolution requesting fire impact fees be authorized by State legislation, that the law.currently allows Home Rule Cities like Wylie the ability to enact such fees to address development and capital expenditures to maintain services. Specific case law See City of College Station v. Turtle Rock Corp.,(Tex.1984). The City Attorney's office has provided written opinions regarding this issue. Approved By Initial Date Department Director SD 4/11/07 City Manager 41 YY I q IN (o7 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENABLING THE CITY TO CONSTRUCT NEW FIRE STATIONS; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING NEW FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES TO ALLOCATE FEES COLLECTED; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR APPEALS;PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas("City Council")has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas("Wylie")to establish fees for the construction of new fire stations and the purchasing of new firefighting equipment; and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that it is safer for citizens and visitors to the City of Wylie to provide funding for the construction of new fire stations and new firefighting equipment necessitated by new development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that to the extent that new development creates demands for public Fire Department facilities and equipment, those demands should be satisfied by shifting the responsibility for financing such public facilities and equipment from the public to the development creating the demands; and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the methodologies and analysis used by City staff in determining the amount to be imposed herein as a Fire Development Fee are reasonable and proportionate to the need created by the new development and to the benefit received by the new development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Fire Department's capital infrastructure is designed to be mutually reinforcing for safety in that fire stations and firefighting equipment provide back-up and coverage throughout the Fire Department's service area regardless of the physical location of a call for service within that area. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance,the following terms are defined as follows: Ordinance No.2007-12 Fire Development Fee Page 1 Dwelling Unit-Any residential unit having one(1)or more rooms,either as a free standing building or a portion of a building,designed or intended to be used,for occupancy by one(1)family for living and sleeping quarters, including but not limited to a house, duplex, quad-plex, town home, manufactured home, mobile home or apartment unit, but excluding hotel or motel units. Fire Department-The City of Wylie, Texas fire department. Fire Development Fee- The fee established by Section 3 below. Property-Any real property that is the subject of any development activity, subdivision or permit application. SECTION 3: Fire Development Fees Established. Property owners shall be assessed a fire development fee("Fire Development Fee")at the time an application for a building permit for new construction is submitted or at the time an application for a building permit to increase the total square footage of an existing structure by more than fifty percent(50%)is submitted in the following amounts: Type of Use Fee Amount Residential $626.00 per Dwelling Unit Non-residential $0.3000 per square foot Mixed-use developments shall pay the residential fee amount for each dwelling unit in the development and pay the non-residential per square foot fee amount for all remaining square footage in the development for which the residential fee amount for each Dwelling Unit is not paid. Following any fiscal year in which an update of the Wylie Fire Department Development Fee Study is not conducted by the City, the Fire Development Fee amount set forth herein shall be increased effective on October 1st for the following fiscal year by an amount that reflects the percentage increase in inflationary costs reported in the Engineering News Record's construction cost index that was most recently published prior to the effective date of any increase (the "Index"), if the Index indicates an increase. SECTION 4: Payment of Fire Development Fee. The Fire Development Fee assessed in accordance with Section 3 must be paid in full prior to the issuance of a building permit by the City for the Property. SECTION 5: Account to be Established for Fire Department Fees and Expenditures. All Fire Development Fees collected shall be placed in an account clearly separate from the City's general fund. Ordinance No.2007-12 Fire Development Fee Page 2 Funds contained in the Fire Department Fee account shall be used to pay for property on which to build Fire Department facilities,the purchasing of new firefighting equipment,and the construction or expansion of fire stations and fire training facilities, including but not limited to design, engineering, construction, and obtaining construction easements and right-of-way, and other costs reasonably associated therewith as may be approved by the City Council. The City shall determine the location of the Fire Stations and related facilities and when the construction will begin based upon factors such as, the amount of development that has occurred, the amount of and timing of development still expected to occur, the location of existing Fire Stations, information received regarding future plans for additional Fire Stations, including the amount of time necessary to construct said stations, and response times to incidents within the Fire Department service area. SECTION 6: Credits. 1. A property owner who dedicates land,which is accepted by the City,for a Fire Department facility may be eligible for a credit for such contribution against the Fire Development Fee, as set forth in this Section 6. 2. The City Engineer shall determine: A. The value of the owner's contribution; B. Whether the contribution meets capital improvement needs for which the Fire Development Fee has been imposed; and C. Whether the contribution will substitute or otherwise reduce the need for improvements anticipated to be provided with Fire Development Fee funds. In no event shall the credit exceed the amount of the Fire Development Fee assessed pursuant to this Ordinance. 3. Any application for credit must be submitted on forms provided by the City before a building permit is issued for the Property. The application shall contain a declaration under oath of those facts which qualify the property owner for the credit, accompanied by the relevant documentary evidence. SECTION 7: Appeal Procedures. 1. Applicability. A request for an appeal to the manner of the application of this Ordinance to Property maybe filed by the owner,or the owner's authorized agent,of the Property pursuant to this Section. However,the appeal process provided by this Section shall not be available for criminal violations of this Ordinance. 2. Appeal to City Manager. A Property owner may appeal decisions made by the City staff pursuant to this Ordinance by filing a written appeal with the City Manager within ten(10) business days of being notified of the decision of the City staff. An appeal filed pursuant to this Section shall specifically state the basis for the aggrieved party's challenge to the City staffs decision and the basis for such assertion. All information that the requestor desires to Ordinance No.2007-12 Fire Development Fee Page 3 be considered by the City Manager, or his/her designee, in reviewing the appeal should be submitted with the written appeal. 3. Issuance of Decision by City Manager. Decisions of the City Manager shall be issued within fourteen(14)business days of receipt of the written appeal. 4. Appeal to City Council. A Property owner may appeal a decision of the City Manager regarding an appeal to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the City Manager within ten (10) business days of the date of the City Manager's decision is issued. If reasonably possible, and to the extent allowed by law,an appeal to the City Council will be placed on the City Council's next regularly scheduled meeting for determination. A decision made by the City Council is final. 5. Factors to be Considered by City Manager and City Council. The following factors,among others,may be considered by the City Manager or his/her designee, and the City Council in hearing an appeal: A. Whether literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in materially different treatment of the Property owner compared to similarly situated property owners in the City or extreme non-financial hardship; B. Information considered by the City staff in making an assessment of the amount of Fire Development Fee; C. Whether the Property owner is a political subdivision of the State of Texas funded by tax dollars; and/or D. Any other information deemed relevant to the request or necessary to make a decision by the City Manager, or his/her designee, or the City Council. SECTION 8: Penalty Provision. Any person,firm,corporation,or business entity violating this Ordinance,as amended,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00),unless the violation relates to fire safety, zoning or public health and sanitation, including dumping and refuse,in which the fine shall not exceed the sum of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense.The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal right and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state, and federal law. SECTION 9: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance,nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 10: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is Ordinance No.2007-12 Fire Development Fee Page 4 expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence,clause,or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 11: Effective Date.This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, on this 24th day of April, 2007. John Mondy, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News—May 2, 2007 Ordinance No.2007-12 Fire Development Fee Page 5 CITY OF WYLIE Our Mission... ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust, to strive for excellence in public service and to enhance the quality of life for all. April 9,2007 Mr. Steve Seddig Fire Marshal City of Wylie 2000 SH 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 RE: Fire Department Development Fee Study Dear Mr. Seddig: The engineering department has reviewed the Fire Department Development Fee Study prepared by BBC Research&Consulting. We believe that the fee set forth in the ordinance is roughly proportionate to the impact of new development upon the Fire Department. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. • Sincerely, Ajo.„,..4)1/ Chris Hoisted,P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie cc: File 2000 Highway 78 North • Wylie,Texas 75098 • 972.442.8100 • www.wylietexas.gov B B © RESEARCH & CONSULTING 3773 Cherry Creek North Drive Suite 850 Denver,Colorado 80209-3827 303.321.2547 fax 303.399.0448 www.bbcresearch.com bbc@bbcresearch.com March 29, 2007 Mr. Steve Seddig Fire Marshall City of Wylie 801A South Highway 78, Suite 204 Wylie,TX 75089 Re: Wylie Fire Department Development Fee Study—Final Report Dear Mr. Seddig: The Wylie Fire Department hired BBC Research&Consulting in November,2006 to calculate fire development fees for the Department. We will do so by answering the following seven questions: 1. Who is currently served by the Wylie Fire Department?This includes the number of residential and nonresidential land-uses. 2. 'What is the current level of service provided by the Wylie Fire Department?Since the primary purpose of fire development fees is to help the Wylie Fire Department maintain the current level of service in the future,it is necessary to know the level of service the Wylie Fire Department is currently providing to the community. 3. What current assets allow the Wylie Fire Department to maintain the current level of service? This provides a current inventory of assets used by the Wylie Fire Department, such as Fire Stations,vehicles and equipment. In addition,each asset's replacement value will be calculated and summed to determine the total value of the Wylie Fire Department's current assets. 4. What is the current investment per residential and nonresidential land-use building? In other words,how much of the current assets'total value is needed to serve residential households or nonresidential square feet? This per unit value will be used comparatively with our later calculations. Final Report-Page 2 5. What future growth is expected in Wylie? How many residential households and nonresidential square feet will the Wylie Fire Department need to serve ten years from today? 6. What new infrastructure is required to serve future growth while maintaining the current level of service? For example,how many new fire trucks will be needed in ten years to maintain the current level of service? 7. What fire development fee is required to pay for the new infrastructure? Here we calculate an apportionment of new infrastructure costs to future residential and nonresidential land-uses. Then, using this distribution, the applicable fire development fees are determined. Addressing these seven questions,in order,provides the most effective and logical way to calculate fire development fees for the Wylie Fire Department. 1) Who is currently served by the Wylie Fire Department? The Wylie Fire Department service population includes approximately 11,400 residential households found in an area of roughly 43 square miles. Exhibit 1 below details the current service population of the Wylie Fire Department. Exhibit 1. Current Land Uses by Type-2006 Average Squareii, Squalre 'Category . Units Footage.per Unit" 1 e , 'ib on Residential 11,399 2,110 24,054,170 81% Nonresidential(2) 5,642,336 19% Total 29,696,506 100% Note. (1)The National Association of Homebuilders,Facts,Figures and Trends(1987-2006)estimates an average residential unit size of 2,100 square feet. (2)Nonresidential includes Retail,Office,Industrial and Institutional land-uses. Source. Water&Wastewater Impact Fee Report(see Table 9 on page 21),Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,LLP,2005,National Association of Homebuilders, Facts,Figures and Trends(1987-2006)and 88C Research&Consulting. Based on a recent study utility study performed for the City of Wylie Engineer, 81 percent of Wylie wastewater taps are used for residential purposes,while the remaining 19 percent is for nonresidential use. This results in 24,054,170 square feet of residential land use and 5,642,336 square feet of nonresidential land use.The wastewater tap distribution was chosen because the boundaries of the wastewater service area are congruous with the Fire Department service area. Final Report-Page 3 2) What is the current level of service provided by the Wylie Fire Department? When determining the current level of service for a fire department, average response time is the most logical measure. The Wylie Fire Department aims to"to deliver emergency services in a safe and efficient manner,with an average response time of 4 minutes or less from dispatch to arrival."' In addition, "For 90 percent of priority 1 incidents, the first-due unit shall arrive within 6 minutes total reflex time.The first-due unit shall be capable of advancing the first line for fire control or starting rescue or providing advanced life support for medical incidents." The rapidly increasing service population of the Department has lead to a 16.0 percent increase in calls for service per year,reaching an estimated 2,450 calls in 2006. Additional infrastructure and personnel will be needed to maintain the current level of service as growth occurs. 3) What current assets allow the Wylie Fire Department to maintain the current level of service? Exhibit 2 lists the current assets of the Wylie Fire Department. 1 Wylie Fire Department:2003-2009 Strategic Plan—Section 5. Final Report-Page 4 Exhibit 2. Wylie Fire Department Current Assets-2006 Portion to l4C CI-,i �� s Coca . =TY 'otcptta�ras#rpCtu( Value £ '. *h f Buildings Fire Station#1 (8,600 sf,est.1984)(1) $2,236,000 100% $2,236,000 Fire Station#2(8,600 sf,est.1998)(1) $2,236,000 100% $2,236,000 Temporary Fire Station#3(2) $850,000 100% $850,000 Subtotal Buildings $5,322,000 Vehicles Quint#1(3) $738,619 100% $738,619 Quint#2(3) $718,000 100% $718,000 Quint#3(3) $738,619 100% $738,619 Engine#5 $738,619 100% $738,619 Attack#1 $85,000 100% $85,000 Attack#2 $85,000 100% $85,000 Medic#1 $155,000 100% $155,000 Medic#2 $155,000 100% $155,000 Hazmat#5 $25,000 100% $25,000 Command#1 $38,350 100% $38,350 Marine#1 $12,000 100% $12,000 Squad#3 $500,000 100% $500,000 Fire Prevention#2 $35,000 100% $35,000 Subtotal Vehicles $4,024,207 Equipment GIS Software/Hardware $25,000 0% $0 Wireless 911 Upgrade Phase 1 868,000 0% $0 Wireless 911 Upgrade Phase 2 $200,000 100% $200,000 Station 2 Multi-media Classroom $150,000 100% $150,000 2005-06 AVL Technology Upgrade $25,000 10096 $25,000 Subtotal Equipment $375,000 Development Fee Study $7,500 100% $7,500 Grand Total: $9,728,707 Note: These existing assets allow the Wylie Fire Department to maintain their current average response time. (1)Based on price per square foot of Fire Station#3(81,500,000/11,500 square feet=$260/square foot). (2)As indicated in City of Wylie 2006-2007 fiscal budget. (3)As indicated in City Purchase records provided by Wylie Fire Department on November 9,2006. Source: Wylie Fire Department and BBC Research&Consulting. Final Report-Page 5 Current assets of the Wylie Fire Department include three fire stations (one of which is temporary), two medical vehicles,as well as an assortment of computers and other electronics. Front-line fire vehicles are evaluated for replacement after seven years of service2. One important aspect to notice about Exhibit 2 is the replacement value of each asset. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of fire development fees is to maintain the current level of service. Therefore,the value of each asset should be assessed by its current functionality,not its dollar value. For example, even if a fire truck was purchased in 1985 and its present resale value is less than$200,000, the replacement value for that truck would be equal to the market rate of a new unit that performs the same function as the'85. Our goal is to replace the functionality of the asset, not the actual unit. 4) What is the current investment per residential and nonresidential land-use? After calculating the total value of current assets in Exhibit 2, it is logical to see a distribution of those assets for each square foot of residential and nonresidential land-use. As shown in Exhibit 3,current investment is$691 per residential unit and is$0.33 per nonresidential square foot. In some states, this figure(current investment per unit) is used to calculate the fire development fees owed by new development by simply multiplying the current investment per unit with future growth. Exhibit 3. Current Investment per Current Investment per Unit Residential and Nonresidential Unit Value of Current Assets(1) $9,728,707 Note: Current Land Use Percentage(2) (1)See Exhibit 2. Residential 81 q% (2)See Exhibit 1 Nonresidential 19% (3)See Exhibit 1. Value by Land Use Category Source: BBC Research&Consulting. Residential $7,880,253 Nonresidential $1,848,454 Current Development(3) Residential (in dwelling units) 11,399 Nonresidential(in square feet) 5,642,336 Current Investment per Unit(rounded) Residential (per dwelling units) $691 Nonresidential (per square foot) $0.33 For our purposes,we can use the current investment per unit as a comparable baseline. We will compare our final fire development fee calculation with this figure to determine if the two results will be similar. 2 Wylie Fire Department:2003-2009 Strategic Plan-Section 11. Final Report-Page 6 5) What future growth is expected in Wylie? Exhibit 4 below details forecasted growth for the City of Wylie. The City is expected to grow by nearly 9,100 residential units and over 23.6 million square feet of combined residential and nonresidential square feet. This data is used in Question#7 to distribute the appropriate proportion of new infrastructure to residential and nonresidential growth. Exhibit 4. Future Growth-2006-2015 Total Square , Tata!Units Feet a -0 category 2006 2015 2006-2015 D trlbution Residential Units(/) 11,399 20,477 19,154,580 81% Nonresidential Sqaure Feet 5,642,336 10,134,851 4,492,515 19% Total 23,647,095 100% Note: (1)Nonresidential includes Retail,Office,Industrial and Institutional land-uses. Source: Water&Wastewater Impact Fee Report,Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway(see Table 9 on page 21),LIP,2005,National Association of Homebuilders, Facts,Figures and Trends(1987-2006)and BBC Research&Consulting. Our residential growth projections are based on the conclusions of the wastewater portion of an earlier utility study performed by Birkhoff, Hendricks&Conway,LLP,for the City Engineer in 2005. Based on input from the City Engineer,we chose this portion of the study because the wastewater department's service boundaries are congruous with those of the Wylie Fire Department. The wastewater portion of the utility study provided data projections from 2005 to 2015, from which we interpolated 2006 figures. 6) What new infrastructure is required to maintain the current level of service for future growth? Exhibit 5 below includes all new infrastructure(including purchases, repair and upgrades)listed in the latest version of the Wylie Fire Department Strategic Plan. Final Report-Page 7 Exhibit 5. Future Infrastructure Needs-2007.2015 ,, f! it i a s Pnl cOafs 10#-, a 'S e. TYPe 9f; ap.Stal,lnfrastructure ' Value n- Impact Fees `„N; Buildings Replacement Fire Station#3(11,948 sf)(t) $3,106,480 0% $0 Fire Administration/EOC/Public Safety Building $2,400,000 44% $1,063,960 Training Simulator Phase I Construction $120,000 44% $53,198 Phase II Construction $1,400,000 44% $620,643 Phase 3 Construction $1,500,000 44% $664,975 Fire Station#4 $3,106,480 100% $3,106,480 Subtotal Buildings $5,509,256 Vehicles Quint 4(2) $ 628,619 100% $628,619 Marine 2 $ 220,000 44% $97,530 Batillion Chief's Vehicle $58,960 100% $58,960 Subtotal Vehicles S785,109 Equipment 4-5 Console Radio $56,000 100% $56,000 5 Position Phone System $341,000 100% $341,000 5 Position CAD System $322,000 100% $322,000 Subtotal Equipment S719,000 Impact Fee Study $7,500 100% $7,500 Grand Total: S7,020,865 Note: These new assets will allow the Wylie Fire Department to continue to maintain their current average response time. (1)As indicated in Wylie Fire-Rescue:"Annual Report-2005". (2)As indicated in City Purchase records provided by Wylie Fire Department on November 9,2006. Source: Wylie Fire Department 2003-2009 Strategic Plan and BBC Research&Consulting. In Wylie,as in any local government,not all capital costs are associated with growth. Some capital costs are for repair and replacement of facilities e.g.,standard periodic investment in existing facilities such as paving and roofing.These costs are not being used to calculate the fire development fee. Some capital costs are for betterment of facilities,or implementation of new services (e.g., development of a fire training facility for the first time).These costs are not being used to calculate the fire development fee. Some costs are for expansion of facilities to accommodate new development at the current level of service(e.g.,purchase of new fire truck to accommodate expanding population).These costs are being used to calculate the fire development fee. Because there are different reasons why Wylie invests in capital projects, BBC conducted a"GRUM" Analysis on all projects listed in the Strategic Plan: • Growth.The"G"in GRUM stands for growth.To determine if a project is solely related to growth,we ask"Is this project designed to maintain the current level of service as growth occurs? "and"Would the Fire Department still need this capital project if it weren't growing at all?" "G"projects are only necessary to maintain the Final Report-Page 8 Department's current level of service as growth occurs.It is thus appropriate to include 100 percent of their cost in the fire development fee calculations. • Repair& Replacement.The"R"in GRUM stands for repair&replacement.We ask, "Is this project related only to fixing existing infrastructure?"and"Would the Fire Department still need it if it weren't growing at all?" "R"projects have nothing to do with growth.It is thus not appropriate to include any of their cost in the fire development fee calculations. • Upgrade.The"U"in GRUM stands for upgrade.We ask, "Would this project improve the Fire Department's current level of service?"and"Would the Department still do it even if it weren't growing at all?" "U"projects have nothing to do with growth. It is thus not appropriate to include any of their cost in the fire development fee calculations. • Mixed. The"M" in GRUM stands for mixed. It is reserved for capital projects that have some combination of G,R and U. "M"projects by their very definition are partially necessitated by growth, but also include an element of repair,replacement and/or upgrade. In this instance,a cost amount between 0 and 100 percent should be included in the fee calculations.Although the need for these projects is triggered by new development, they will also benefit existing residents. Projects that are 100 percent growth-related were determined by our study to be necessitated solely by growth.Alternatively,some projects were determined to be"mixed"in that they had elements of growth,repair and replacement and/or upgrade. The Training Facility and Marine 2 vehicle(found in Exhibit 5)are both examples of such projects. In these situations,only a portion of the total cost of each project was included in the final fire development fee calculation.3 The remainder of the cost of each"mixed"project should be paid by the City of Wylie. 7) What fire development fee is required to pay for future infrastructure? Here we calculate how much of the new fee-eligible infrastructure will be paid by new development. Using the distribution of future land-use,we can assign future infrastructure costs to the appropriate development category and calculate the applicable fees. Our results are shown in Exhibit 6. 3 As a proxy for the"M"percent,we used a ratio of total incremental square footage from 2006-2016 to total current square footage. This ratio equaled about 44 percent. Final Report-Page 9 Exhibit 6. Calculation of Fire Dew i mer#fee,Calcuiatiwt Development Fees Allocated Value for Future Fire Infrastructure(1) $7,020,865 NO1e Future Land Use Percentage(2) (1)See Exhibit 5. (2)See Exhibit 4. Residential 81% (3)See Exhibit 4. Commercial 19% source: Future Allocated Value by Land Use Category Wylie Fire Department and BBC Research& Residential $ 5,687,029 Consulting. Nonresidential $ 1,333,836 Future Development(3) Residential(in dwelling units) 9,078 Nonresidential(in square feet) 4,492,515 Development Fee by Land Use(rounded) Residential(per dwelling units) $626 Nonresidential(per square foot) $0.30 As indicated above,we have calculated fire development fees at$626 per residential dwelling unit and $0.30 per nonresidential square foot. A fee not to exceed this amount is recommended for the Wylie Fire Department. The study team is pleased to report that these amounts are slightly less than, but similar to,Wylie's current investment per unit and square foot in fire infrastructure.This is a conservative finding which ensures that new development is not paying more than its pro rata share of future infrastructure. Conclusions and Recommendations We offer the following recommendations for your consideration: • The fees calculated in Exhibit 6 should be considered as the maximum defensible amounts,and can be lowered if there are economic development concerns. • The Department should promptly create and maintain a"Fire Development Fee Fund" separate and apart from the General Fund.All current and future fire development fee revenue should be immediately deposited into this account,and withdrawn only to pay for growth-related infrastructure.The Department's General Fund should be reserved solely for the receipt of tax revenues and associated interest earnings,and ongoing operational expenses including the repair and replacement of existing infrastructure not related to growth. • The fees calculated in this study should be updated periodically as the Department invests in additional fire protection infrastructure beyond what is listed in Exhibit 3, and/or the Department's population or inventory of commercial square footage change significantly. Final Report-Page 10 • The fees should be updated annually based on the Engineering News Record construction cost index or other inflation indices. • Finally,for projects listed in the Strategic Plan that are not 100 percent growth-related ("mixed"projects), the City of Wylie should assume the responsibility of paying their share from existing fund balances and/or ongoing revenue sources not tied directly to growth. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about our conclusions. Our toll-free telephone number is 800-748-3222,x236 for Tom Pippin and x252 for Scott Kitchens. Sincerely, // ???P) Thomas A. Pippin Managing Director Scott Kitchens Research Associate Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: 3 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 4/17/07 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, reimbursement, in the amount of$1,779,761.60, to Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. for the construction of the Twin Lakes Outfall Sewer Line. Recommendation Motion to approve the reimbursement to Braddock Place Estates, Ltd., in the amount of$1,779,761.60, for the construction of the Twin Lakes Outfall Sewer Line. Discussion On February 14, 2006 Council approved a development agreement with Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. The agreement specifies that the City shall reimburse the developer for the cost of the offsite sewer line. The project is identified in the Capital Program, Sewer Impact Fees, and the Water and Sewer Rate Study. The sewer line is necessary to connect the Braddock Place development to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (MCRWWTP). In the future, the line will be extended further north to eliminate the Twin Lakes Lift Station and transfer the sewer flow from the eastern portion of the City to the MCRWWTP. The sewer impact fee report identified $3,977,200 for the construction of the Twin Lakes Sewer Line. The proposal submitted by Four D Construction includes approximately 8,300 linear feet of 48-inch gravity sewer line, nine manholes and related appurtenances at a cost of $1,779,761.00. The current sewer impact fund balance is approximately$4,800,000. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 04/17/07 City Manager V 1 (f ((ccJol Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES,LTD. THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Braddock Place Estates, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership and Braddock Place Holdings, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership (collectively the "Developer"), and the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City"). The Developer and the City are hereinafter collectively called the "Parties". WHEREAS, Developer desires to and shall develop the Property as a Planned Development in accordance with the City's Ordinance No. 2005-24, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48 (the "Zoning Ordinance"), the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance No. 2003-03 (the "Subdivision Regulations") and any other applicable City ordinance, as they all currently exist, including amendments, or may be amended; To the extent there is any conflict between Planned Development Ordinance No. 2005-24 and the Zoning Ordinance, the terms of Planned Development Ordinance No. 2005-24 shall prevail; and WHEREAS, Subchapter C, Chapter 212, Local Government Code,provides, in pertinent part, that City and Developer may, among other things, contract to allow the Developer to construct public improvements; and WHEREAS, the Developer desires to defer a portion of the dedication of approximately 28 acres of park to the City required by Chapter 78, Article IV of the City's Code of Ordinances (the"Parkland Dedication Ordinance");and WHEREAS, a lift station and a sanitary sewer main line within Twin Lakes Outfall are needed to serve all or some of the residential lots reflected on Exhibit "B" to be developed by Developer(said residential lots hereinafter referred to as the"Project"); and WHEREAS,the Developer and Wylie have agreed that this Agreement is the best way to proportionately share in costs of the necessary infrastructure to serve the Project in accordance with the terms set forth below; and WHEREAS, City is entitled to collect impact fees for sewer utilities, as described in City Ordinance No. 90-10, as amended or supplemented by City Ordinance Nos. 93-4 and 97-4,2001- 19, 2001-42, and 2001-56 and any other Ordinances amending or supplementing impact fees, whether now existing or in the future arising, including but not limited to any ordinance adopted to establish roadway impact fees after execution of this Agreement(collectively,the"Impact Fee Ordinances");and NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement,the Parties agree as follows: 1. Land Subject to Agreement. The land that is the subject of this Agreement is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated as if fully set forth herein (the Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 1 442854.v3 final "Property"). Developer represents it will be the sole owner of the Property. 2. Off-site Sanitary Sewer Line. Developer acknowledges that the construction of a sanitary sewer main from the Twin Lakes Lift Station to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant is necessary to serve all or a portion of the Project(the"Sewer Line"). A. Easements for Sewer Line. The City shall secure all easements or other right of access determined by City to be necessary for the Sewer Line(the "Easements"). B. Construction of Sewer Line. To facilitate the development of the Sewer Line, Developer shall obtain a detailed quote or offer of costs for Developer to construct the Sewer Line ("Developer's Quote"). Developer's Quote shall be obtained by Developer and submitted to the City upon receipt, but not later than sixty (60) days after Developer receives from the City the information and documents necessary to obtain the quote or offer. City shall review Developer's Quote and may compare it with bids received by the City. If City does not award a contract to one of its bidders, then Developer shall construct the Sewer Line in accordance with Developer's Quote and dedicate it to the City. City shall notify Developer that it has awarded a contract or that it has rejected all bids within three(3)business days of making such decision. If City notifies Developer that it has rejected all bids, Developer shall submit its final contract for construction to City for approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Developer shall cause construction of the Sewer Line to begin within forty-five (45) days of receipt of notice from the City that it approves of the contract and will actively continue construction until the Sewer Line is complete and accepted by the City. In the event that the Developer fails to comply with its obligations in this paragraph, City may continue with its own plans and timeline for construction of the Sewer Line that it had prior to this Agreement. C. Reimbursement of Sewer Line Costs. If Developer constructs the Sewer Line in accordance with paragraph 2.B. above, Developer will be entitled to reimbursement by the City of One Hundred Percent (100%) of the amount of Developer's Quote or Developer's actual costs, whichever is less. The City agrees to reimburse Developer on a monthly basis for costs incurred within twenty (20) days of receipt of invoice for the portion of the Sewer Line that is constructed. Developer shall not cause work to be performed, or approve any contract amendments(or series or group of amendments),which will result in an aggregate increase in the contract price in an amount greater than twenty percent (20%) of Developer's Quote, or which will result in an extension of the time for completion of the Sewer Line or change in types of materials or methods of construction being used under the contract, unless the Developer shall have received City's prior written approval of such amendment. In the event that the Developer fails to secure such approval, the contract shall be deemed not to have been modified by such amendment and Developer shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any amounts contained in the amendment. The City represents to Developer that sufficient funds are available to fully reimburse Developer for the cost of the Project. 3. Capital Improvement Plan. City acknowledges and represents to Developer that the Sewer Line is included in the City's Capital Improvements Plan. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 2 442854.v3 final I*5 4. Water and Sewer Impact Fees. Developer acknowledges that the Property is subject to the Impact Fee Ordinances. Developer is not receiving any credit towards water or sewer impact fees under this Agreement and this Agreement does not alter the City's right to assess and collect water and sewer impact fees against the Property pursuant to the Impact Fee Ordinances. 5. Road Improvements and Impact Fees. A. Developer shall not be required to widen FM 544 or Vinson Road. The home builders within the portion of the Property platted as Phase 1, containing eighty-five (85) lots shown on the approved Preliminary Plat attached hereto as Exhibit`B", will pay a fee to the City for every lot at the time of building permit issuance in an amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per lot ("Lot Fee"), for a total of eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00). The City shall not issue a building permit for a lot until the Lot Fee is paid. All future phases shall be subject to the Impact Fee Ordinances, including but not limited to any ordinances adopting roadway impact fees. Developer acknowledges the City was in the process of adopting a roadway impact fee ordinance at the time of execution of this Agreement. B. In the event the Lot Fee is less than the roadway impact fees adopted by the City, the Developer shall pay City the difference between the amount of roadway impact fees adopted multiplied by eighty-five lots and eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00). For demonstration purposes only, if roadway impact fees are subsequently adopted in the amount of$1,250.00 per single-family residential lot then Developer would owe City $21,250.00, which is $250.00 multiplied by 85. In the event the Lot Fee is greater than the roadway impact fees adopted by the City, the City shall pay Developer the difference between eighty-five thousand dollars ($85,000.00) and the amount of the Lot Fee subtracted from the roadway impact fees adopted. For demonstration purposes only,if roadway impact fees are subsequently adopted in the amount of$800.00 per single-family residential lot then City would owe Developer$17,000.00,which is $200.00 multiplied by 85. Any amount owed by either party pursuant to this paragraph 5.B. shall be paid to the other party upon release by the City of the final plat for filing of the second phase. If Developer owes money to the City pursuant to this paragraph 5.B., the City shall not release the final plat for the second phase for filing until full payment is received. C. All phases of the Project, except for Phase 1, shall be assessed and shall pay roadway impact fees in accordance with the Impact Fee Ordinances. 6. Parkland Dedication. To satisfy its obligations under the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, the Developer shall dedicate approximately twenty-eight (28) acres to satisfy the park dedication requirements for the Project as more particularly depicted as Tract 1 and Tract 2 being approximately fourteen (14) acres each on Exhibit "C", attached hereto and incorporated as if fully set forth herein (the "Park"). The Park land shall be dedicated to the City in three (3) phases as follows: A. The final plat for Phase 1 of the Project shall dedicate the western half of Tract 1, being approximately five (5) acres, as parkland to the City, free and clear of any liens and encumbrances,other than existing utility easements;and Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 3 442854.v3 final 6 B. The final plat for Phase 2 of the Project shall dedicate the eastern half of Tract 1, being approximately nine (9) acres, as parkland to the City, free and clear of any liens and encumbrances, other than existing utility easements; and C. The final plat for Phase 3 of the Project shall dedicate all of Tract 2, being approximately fourteen (14) acres, as parkland to the City, free and clear of any liens and encumbrances, other than existing utility easements. 7. Construction of North-South Road Connection between Elm Drive and Phase I. The street labeled "Street AF" on Exhibit "B" shall be constructed by Developer, at Developer's sole cost and expense, as a concrete residential street with the same street section as Phase 1 (the "AF Street Improvements"). The City shall not issue any building permits for the second phase of the Property until the AF Street Improvements are completed by Developer and accepted by the City. The right of way for Street AF shall be dedicated to City by Developer on the Phase 1 final plat. Developer, at Developer's sole cost and expense, shall construct(and remove if temporary) any other improvements, whether temporary or permanent, necessary to allow safe and continuous vehicle access across the Property from Elm Road to FM 544. For purposes of this paragraph 7., "continuous" shall mean that Developer shall use its best efforts to maintain continuous access and in no case shall access be unavailable for more than twenty-four (24) hours in a seven (7) day period. After removing temporary improvements, Developer shall restore the surface of the Property to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior to the temporary improvements being constructed. 8. Formation of Homeowner's Association and Landscaping along FM 544. Developer shall provide for the formation of a homeowners' association. The homeowners' association shall own and be responsible for the maintenance of the common areas and greenbelts located within the boundaries of the Property (to be described on the subject plats), including any and all respective appurtenances (such as, without limitation, landscaping, screening walls irrigation, equipment, related structures, other homeowners' association infrastructure, etc.) (the "HOA Property"). Every owner of a lot within the Property shall be a member of the homeowners' association. The homeowners' association shall provide for the payment of dues and assessments required to maintain the HOA Property. The homeowners' association documents must be filed for record with the county concurrently with the filing of each final plat for the Property. City hereby grants the homeowners' association a revocable and non-assignable license for right-of-entry to install and maintain landscaping and irrigation equipment in the City's right-of-way along FM 544, with such right-of-way being depicted on Exhibit"D", which is attached hereto and incorporated as is fully set forth herein. This license may be revoked by the City providing thirty (30) days notice to the homeowner's association, if determined necessary by the City's Engineer for the City to fully enjoy or protect its right-of-way. 9. Continuity. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the Developer, its officers, directors, partners, employees, representatives, agents, successors, assignees, vendors, grantees and/or trustees. In addition, the parties shall cause this Agreement to be filed in the Land Records of Dallas County and Collin County. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 4 3/(51Gb 442854.v3 final IP'M6 10. Sovereign Immunity. Except for the obligations set forth in this Agreement, Developer and City agree that City has not waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing its obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement is only for the benefit of the parties and the City has not waived its sovereign immunity as to any third parties. The parties do not intend to create any third party beneficiaries by entering into this Agreement. 11. Notices. Any notice provided or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and may be served by depositing same in the United State Mail, addressed to the party to be notified, postage pre-paid and registered or verified with return receipt requested, or by delivering the same in person to such party via a hand-delivery service, Federal Express or any courier service that provides a return receipt showing the date factual delivery of same to the addressee thereof. Notice given in accordance herewith shall be effective upon receipt at the address of the addressee. For purposes of notice,the addresses of the parties shall be as follows: If to Developer to: Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. 3838 Oak Lawn, Suite 1212 Dallas,Texas 75219 Attention: Richard M. Skorburg With a copy to: Art Anderson. Winstead Sechriest&Minick 5400 Rennaisance Tower Dallas,Texas 75201 If to City,to: Mark B. Roath City Manager 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 With a copy to: Julie Y. Fort Abernathy,Roeder,Boyd&Joplin,P.C. 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney,TX 75069 12. PARTIES' ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CITY'S COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE CONSTITUTIONS, STATUTES AND CASE LAW AND FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES! RULES AND REGULATIONS/DEVELOPER'S WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS FOR OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED BY THIS AGREEMENT. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 5 442854.v3 final .V/5-A A. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT: 1. THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND/OR PAID FOR BY THE DEVELOPER AND/OR THE FEES TO BE IMPOSED BY THE CITY REGARDING THE PROPERTY DO NOT CONSTITUTE A: (a) TAKING UNDER THE TEXAS OR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION; (b) VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS WATER CODE, AS IT EXISTS OR MAY BE AMENDED; (c) NUISANCE;AND/OR (d) CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AND/OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST THE CITY FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL AND/OR STATE CONSTITUTION, STATUTE AND/OR CASE LAW AND/OR FEDERAL, STATE AND/OR LOCAL ORDINANCE,RULE AND/OR REGULATION. 2. THE AMOUNT OF DEVELOPER'S FINANCIAL OR INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRIBUTION (AFTER RECEIVING ALL CONTRACTUAL OFFSETS, CREDITS AND REIMBURSEMENTS, IF ANY) AGREED TO IN THIS AGREEMENT IS ROUGHLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEMAND THAT DEVELOPER'S DEVELOPMENT PLACES ON THE ROADWAY, WATER AND/OR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY. 3. DEVELOPER SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY FROM ANY CLAIMS AND SUITS OF THIRD PARTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DEVELOPER'S PARTNERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES, VENDORS, GRANTEES, AND/OR TRUSTEES, BROUGHT PURSUANT TO THIS PARAGRAPH. B. DEVELOPER RELEASES THE CITY FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION BASED ON EXCESSIVE OR ILLEGAL EXACTIONS. C. DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AND/OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST THE CITY FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL AND/OR STATE CONSTITUTION,STATUTE AND/OR CASE LAW AND/OR FEDERAL,STATE AND/OR LOCAL ORDINANCE,RULE AND/OR REGULATION. THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 13. Vested Rights/Chapter 245 Waiver. Nothing in this Agreement shall be implied to vest any rights in the parties. In addition, nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute a "permit" as defined in Chapter 245, Texas Local Government Code. DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY STATUTORY CLAIM UNDER CHAPTER 245 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT,EXCEPT FOR CLAIMS UNDER CHAPTER 245 BASED UPON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PHASE 1 OF THE PROPERTY THAT WAS APPROVED PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 6 (01 442854.v3 final S 3/(�r 3/$�'° s/ _ 14. Attorney's Fees. In any legal proceeding brought to enforce the terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to a proceeding brought pursuant to ¶ 12 or 13 above, the prevailing party may recover its reasonable and necessary attorneys' fees from the non-prevailing party as permitted by Section 271.159 of the Texas Local Government Code, effective on September 1, 2005 or as it may subsequently be amended. 15. Construction. All construction will be in accordance with applicable Ordinances and Codes of City. Evidence of any bonds required by Section 212.073 of the Texas Local Government Code,or other applicable law, shall be provided by Developer to the City. 16. Compliance with Ordinances. The parties hereto acknowledge this Agreement is limited to setting forth the obligations created by the Parkland Dedication Ordinance and that the Property shall be subject to the Impact Fee Ordinances. City ordinances covering on-site improvements, property taxes, tap fees, utility rates, subdivision regulations and the like are not affected by this Agreement. Unless expressly stated herein, this Agreement does not waive or limit the obligations of Developer to City under any other ordinance, whether now existing or in the future arising. 17. Miscellaneous. a. Assignment. This Agreement is assignable upon the following conditions: i. the assignment of the Agreement must be evidenced by a recordable document. The recordable document referred to in this paragraph is subject to the approval of City; ii. at the time of any assignment, Developer must give the assignee written notice that any and all obligations, covenants and/or conditions contained in the Agreement will be assumed solely and completely by the assignee; iii. Developer will file any approved, executed assignment in the Land Records of Collin County,Texas; and iv. Developer shall provide City with the name, address, phone number, fax number and the name of a contact person for the assignee. b. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters contained herein and may not be modified or terminated except upon the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. c. Venue. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be performable in Collin County,Texas. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 7 442854.v3 final %t°7 4 itk* 3/(016 d. Consideration. This Agreement is executed by the parties hereto without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration, the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. e. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. f. Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date hereof. g. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,successors and assigns. h. Savings/Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect nay other provision thereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. i. Representations. Each signatory represents this Agreement has been read by the party for which this Agreement is executed and that such party has had an opportunity to confer with its counsel. j. Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. k. Waiver. Waiver by either party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time, shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance. 1. Force Majeure. If performance by either party of any term, condition or covenant in this Agreement is delayed or prevented by an act of God, strike, lockout, shortage of material or labor, any federal or state law or any order, rule or regulation or governmental authority, civil riot, flood, or any other cause not within the control of the party, the period for Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 8 442854.v3 final 3/i�/O performance of the term, condition or covenant shall be extended for a period equal to the period said party is so delayed or prevented. m. Reference to Developer. When referring to "Developer" herein, this Agreement shall refer to and be binding upon the Developer, and its respective, officers, directors, partners, employees, representatives, contractors, agents, successors, assignees, vendors,grantees and/or trustees. n. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals set forth above are incorporated as if set forth herein and the parties relied upon the accuracy of the recitals when entering into this Agreement. o. Exhibits Incorporated. Each exhibit attached to this Agreement and referenced above is incorporated into this Agreement for all purposes as if fully set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective on the last date written below. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES,LTD., a municipal corporation a Texas limited partnership By: Braddock Place Estates GP Corporation, its general partner By: ye '� By: � ,.i Mark B. oath, City Manager Richard M. kor ur esid t Date: 3/B. Date: 3 S aG BRADDOCK PLACE HOLDINGS,LTD. a Texas limited partnership By: Braddock Place Holdings GP Corporation, its general partner By: Richard M. oDate: 9j4t C Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 9 442854.v3 final � 1 Q.. 07 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mark B. Roath, the City Manager of the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a municipal corporation, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me he is the duly authorized representative for the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS and he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. /I GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS /7 ' day of /l//Reil ,2006. / a)able91) Notary Publi/n and for the State of Texas %\ GAYLE WALTON 0 My Commission Expires: /y /(�/AV? My Commission Expires ,,�V July 16.2009 ` STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF .DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Richard M. Skorburg, the President of BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES GP CORPORATION, general partner of BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES LTD., a Texas limited partnership, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument;he acknowledged to me he is the duly authorized representative for BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES, LTD., and he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS / day of mgQ44 ,2006. • ti dirt.'517r.li in and r e tate of Texas '•`'ir'Y�: Notary PPub • hcc.State of Texas My Commission Expires: Oe'o&-!9,200,6 q...E My Commission Expires 42t,,,,e iia� ,,,,,� October 19.2008 Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 10 442854.v3 final Mai la, STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF Dial- -S § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Richard M. Skorburg, the President of BRADDOCK PLACE HOLDINGS GP Corporation, general partner of BRADDOCK PLACE HOLDINGS,LTD, a Texas limited partnership,known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me he is the duly authorized representative for BRADDOCK PLACE HOLDINGS, LTD., and he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS j ? day of f1?RP4q ,2006. 1 `1..st""y:4 KACIE E. HEINZE i(�h/L ;Y "s Notary Public,State of Texas N. ` P_.-�c ' and fq� tate of Texas ' ;� :} My Commission Expires I 4,11 4�'a+ October l 9,2008 My Commission Expires: Ikr08eL) vot> Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 11 442854.v3 final $4 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a 184.8951 acre tract of land situated in the E. M. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 725, the D. W. WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 980, the NATHANIEL ATTERBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1099, and the WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 860, Collin County,Texas, and the E. M. PRICE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 1114, Dallas County, Texas, said tract being all of a 53.42 acre tract of land and a 134.33 acre tract of land conveyed by deed to Mrs. Thelma Rice by Lone Star Boat Co.,recorded in Volume 561, Page 266 Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, (D.R.C.C.T.) save and except parcels take for road rights of way and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner and being the intersection of the westerly line of said 134.33 acre tract of land with the northerly line of Vinson Road (a 60' ROW) said intersection point being at the most easterly corner of Twin Creek Estates, an addition to the City of Wylie,recorded in Volume 72,Page 808,Map Records,Dallas County,Texas; THENCE North 47 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West, along an old fence line, and on the easterly line of said Twin Creek Estates, a distance of 1276.47 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 47 degrees 43 minutes 58 seconds West, continuing along said old fence line and on said Twin Creek Estates easterly line, a distance of 360.95 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE northwesterly,along an old fence line,the following three(3)calls: (1) THENCE North 47 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds West, a distance of 218.23 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; (2) THENCE North 47 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 404.96 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; (3) THENCE North 47 degrees 18 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 327.40 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner and being the most northerly corner of a tract of land conveyed by deed to Larry Morgan, recorded in Volume 1449,Page 264 D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE South 48 degrees 28 minutes 56 seconds West, along a new fence and remains of old fence, and the northwesterly line of said Larry Morgan tract of land, a distance of 262.83 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 34 degrees 24 minutes 05 seconds West, continuing on a new fence line and the northwesterly line of said Larry Morgan tract of land to a point in an old fence line, a distance of 115.79 feet a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 12 442854.v3 final ItsI THENCE northerly, along an old fence line and along the meanderings of a creek bluff the following nine(9)calls: (1) THENCE North 16 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 184.51 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (2)THENCE North 10 degrees 56 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 60.71 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (3) THENCE North 14 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 37.08 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (4) THENCE North 26 degrees 15 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 200.07 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (5) THENCE North 23 degrees 31 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 56.70 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (6) THENCE South 79 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of 98.71 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (7) THENCE North 14 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds West, a distance of 228.87 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (8) THENCE North 03 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds West, a distance of 77.26 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (9) THENCE North 01 degrees 22 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 120.14 feet to an 18 inch Elm tree found for corner also serving as fence corner and being a point on the southerly line of said D.W. Williams Survey; THENCE easterly, along an old fence line, along the south line of said D. W. Williams Survey, the following four(4): (1) THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of 659.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (2) THENCE South 89 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 212.12 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; (3) THENCE South 89 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 1135.88 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner; (4) THENCE South 89 degrees 56 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 168.67 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North, a distance of 532.51 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 01 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 19.78 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner and being a point in a public road; THENCE North, along the east line of the Wolfe Tract recorded under C.C.F.N. 92-0002420 D.R.C.C.T.,32.50 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 19 Minutes 12 Seconds East, with the south line of the East Fork Special Utility Tract recorded under C.C.F.N. 93-0045690 D.R.C.C.T., 16.76 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe found for corner; Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 13 442854.v3 final tAgQ 31'a,6c' THENCE North 00 degrees 44 minutes 34 seconds West, along the east line of the Ceilly tract recorded in Volume 2898,Page 783 D.R.C.C.T.,passing a 3/4 inch iron rod found at 147.58 feet and continuing for a total distance of 662.06 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 43 minutes 47 seconds West,with the east line of said Ceilley Tract, 641.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner and being the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Darlene Ceilley recorded in Volume 5020, page 2287, D.R.C.C.T., and being a point on the south line of the A. ATTERBERRY SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 23, said point also being the northeast corner of said Ceilley Tract and also being in a tract of land conveyed by deed to Michael Hood,recorded in County Clerk's File No. 95-0056731, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE East, along the south line of said A. ATTERBERRY SURVEY, and along the of the south line of said Hood tract of land, a distance of 1220.11 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner,and being a point on the westerly line of Farm to Market Road 544(a 90'R.O.W.); THENCE along the westerly line of said Farm to Market Road 544 the following eight(8)calls: (1) THENCE South 04 degrees 31 minutes 19 seconds East, passing a wooden right of way marker at a distance of 208.24 feet and continuing for a total distance of 211.90 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner and being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 04 degrees 57 minutes 44 seconds, a radius of 2819.79 feet and a chord which bears South 02 degrees 02 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 244.14 feet for corner; (2) THENCE southeasterly, along the said curve to the right, a distance of 244.21 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner and being the end of said curve; (3) THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 1217.75 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (4) THENCE South 00 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 108.89 feet to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner and being the beginning of a cutback line in said Farm to Market 544 westerly line; (5) THENCE South 44 degrees 16 minutes 48 minutes West, a distance of 37.41 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (6)THENCE South 00 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds East,passing the common property line of said 134.33 acre and 53.42 acre at a distance of 20.00 feet and continuing for a total distance of 40.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (7)THENCE South 44 degrees 27 minutes 55 seconds East,a distance of 38.48 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; (8) THENCE South 00 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 1926.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 48 degrees 20 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 65.70 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 30 minutes 46 seconds East,a distance of 133.60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner and being a point on a County Public Access Road; Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 14 442854.v3 final it THENCE South 47 degrees 02 minutes 55 seconds East, along said County Public Road, a distance of 136.82 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds West, along the North line of a tract of land conveyed by deed to Bill Kreymer in Volume 222, Page 423 of the Deed Records, Dallas County,Texas, a distance of 372.73 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 36 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds West, along the northwesterly line of a dedicated portion of Vinson Road and the northwesterly line of said Kreymer tract of land, a distance of 1094.11 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner and being the northwesterly corner of said Bill Kreymer tract of land and the southwesterly corner of said 134.33 acre tract of land; THENCE North 46 degrees 12 minutes 49 seconds West, crossing Vinson Road, a distance of 175.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8,054,028.6735 sq. ft. or 184.8951 acres of land. SAVE AND EXCEPT: BEING A 13.2455 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE D.W. WILLIAMS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 980, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING A PART OF A 53.42 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY DEED TO MRS. THELMA RICE BY LONE STAR BOAT CO., RECORDED IN VOLUME 561 PAGE 266 DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ( D.R.C.C.T.), SAVE AND EXCEPT PARCELS TAKEN FOR ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND IN THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD 544 ( A 90' R.O.W.) AND BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY DEED TO MICHAEL HOOD,RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NO. 95-0056731,D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID FARM TO MARKET ROAD 544 THE FOLLOWING; THENCE SOUTH 04 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST, PASSING AT A DISTANCE OF 208.24 FEET, A WOODEN RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKER AND CONTINUING FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 211.90 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND AT THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECONDS, A RADIUS OF 2,819.79 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 02 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 28 SECONDS EAST,244.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG THE SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 244.21 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND AT THE END OF SAID CURVE; Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 15 442854.v3 final p 3/! THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, PASSING A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND AT 158.58 FEET, IN THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF A 170 FOOT WIDE TEXAS MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY EASEMENT, RECORDED IN VOLUME 1320, PAGE 464,D.R.C.C.T. AND CONTINUING FOR A TOTAL OF 193.48 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER MARKING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD 544, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, 110.30 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE DEPARTING THE WESTERLY LINE OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD, NORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST, 50.00 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER AND BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 66 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 53 SECONDS, A RADIUS OF 467.50 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 57 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST, 515.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT, AN ARC LENGTH OF 545.44 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER, BEING THE END OF SAID CURVE AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 76 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 09 SECONDS, A RADIUS OF 532.50 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 62 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 22 SECONDS WEST, 661.90 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT,AN ARC LENGTH OF 714.26 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER, BEING THE END OF SAID CURVE AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 57 SECONDS,A RADIUS OF 967.50 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 84 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 32 SECONDS WEST, 176.76 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER AND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT BEING DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE WOLFE TRACT RECORDED UNDER C.C.F.N. 92-0002420 D.R.C.C.T.,32.50 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EAST FORK SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT PROPERTY RECORDED UNDER C.C.F.N. 93-0045690 D.R.C.C.T., 16.76 FEET TO A 3/4 INCH PIPE FOUND FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST FORK SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT TRACT AND THE EAST LINE OF THE CEILLY TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2898, PAGE 783 D.R.C.C.T.,PASSING A 3/4 INCH IRON ROD FOUND AT 147.58 FEET, CONTINUING A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 662.06 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 16 442854.v3 final THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST, 1235.74 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 576,972 GROSS SQUARE FEET OR 13.2455 GROSS ACRES OF LAND. Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 17 442854.v3 final O� L Exhibit"B" Preliminary Plat os H .i t ?-7,: 44-f ar �j f , rsjisi: ▪ 1 - , „... , .... %.ail r-•r ,---1; czn (1/1 �,asa▪ ssa:._1fT ii . A.._. _ :" k Iiir,. -,,--c. —; r li \,. �.v. . 1 �i1 HI _irs c � `1: —�• \ R �-"�.;.* , C.rigi M . 1,.E _ sz \mow 4? - ' '' 'Cl 1 sus N� r 71 744:tfirgitit �i �k � r y ,,W?? III ri • Sa 1 M▪ .a.. ""kP,9S1`SY " =5 's ...-4.1 s%ads �ww_ _. _ Err,' 'a" ,,}}�� U1"'.. ,� u. < --, Ail.i.puillia --_ ,..._ , , ,,,„*.% f!•.K..!..-. K r.... ' k -.T..^1 yam• yyy ! IlliT"" ' ,t roiliiiiii.01-74tii a .. TIO, Oil' ni,*id* --from • i ILlorr-r riti----...4iii:ersiletle ,„1 .... ,. ,:... re jr 44, . .f.„, t1v14mie,,,...,:eg,_,':,kik"0 ...0! It rorrorar•-••••••. ...--- wI" ! 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Page 18 442854.v3 final Oa id, 3/t2 Exhibit "C" Parka L 1 1 SO.OPEN SPACE WITH 11i CEDARS 0 SO.0.C. ,!j - IOR OTHER EVERGEENSI i j pusamm!I1111t '; • � �1?.Ir ��`i p •'I 51111111110011111 11 POTENTIAL OP SCCHOOLNOOL SUE ;t �►-611417i'-- a 1 ,`bra ; �.t,,,. f� ,- !, yam♦•V411147 `. 441111 Ili Ill i, A , ..., ... „ .N.,-€ 4, .., II ' ♦`4‘, , , a���;��I ,44., ‘,.. j�I\Ij%�141,7.,.. s F ..,_ Alt) ._,p_ ..,,, ., , .,..,_ (...__. ,./... -..., 'd a t) t/**/T ---_:. \,, /,.7, \ . .., ,,,, ,, \ ,, , 1 Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 19 442854.v3 final 14'i,1 J , Exhibit "D" Landscape in ROW Vtatel:;141114aiti r rmrrs 'I1IpIiiuIiiu : .,,,...„.,_.. .......... .„-.7-947.703 at r ? i? i ' II iliiii _. ., ;in Zli.jib, MB: r Ail 4 CLIMESTASIPf l sirei 4 i t -. 1 3°''6\ Allikr1011011611 al!:' t ill, - '&1111,111t111461)1*.A‘dis ;Ili 1 iiii.4 .4"/Pikleli TO:: lk .."45-,,A,„„iii, pow, IC ; -"jitilkillim filillil ow. • # .11 ii 10 $ .sgacini 4111740/14#411.11!POOP II 1 IIII: sit joil.:40,81116:41411:1,-,11:1:1:mill 1;01.1: 4i % so ,4ips,'Nzz- 4011#40,11,#A bi 1 MI: 4c4( 'w4F4OP Villl°841170riVriOr'" 1 Development Agreement Between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates,Ltd. Page 20 mot Ii, 442854.v3 finalgill Birkhoff Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. (2/14/2006) Table No. 15 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES Opinion of Construction Total Project Year Project Size Cost(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2007 Twin Lakes Relief Sewer 30"&42" $ 2,608,000 $ 1,369,200 $ 3,977,200 $ - $ - $ - Subtotal: Wastewater Collection Lines $ 2,608,000 $ 1,369,200 $ 3,977,200 TREATMENT FACILITIES Opinion of Construction Total Project Year Project Capacity Cost(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2006 Treatment Plant Expansion#2 5 MGD _ $ 5,000,000 - $ 3,150,000 $ 8,150,000 $ - $ - $ - I I Subtotal: Treatment Facilities $ 5,000,000 $ 3,150,00011 8,150,000 i MUDDY CREEK WASTEWATER INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM&PREVIOUS BOND SALES Utilized Amount of Total Project Year Project Capacity Bond Sale(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2004 -NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System(Bond 1) 95% $ 2,039,840 $ 1,111,089 $ 3,150,929 2004 NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System(Bond 2) 95% $ 9,416,875 $ 4,589,260 $ 14,006,135 2002 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 95% $ 491,625 $ 209,050 $ 700,675 2000 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 80%of Total 95% $ 1,117,200 $ 520,448 $ 1,637,648 1999 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 95% $ 527,250 $ 225,212 $ 752,462 1997 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 22.225%of Total 95% $ 429,617 $ 152,652 $ 582,268 1988 NTMWD Contract Revenue Bonds @100%of Total 100% $ 355,000 $ 43,924 $ 398,924 Subtotal: Treatment Facilities $ 14,377,407 $ 6,851,635 $ 21,229,041 PLANNING EXPENSES Opinion of Cost Total Project Year Project Capacity (1)(b) Debt Service(2) Cost Wastewater Master Plan - $ 20,600 $ - $ 20,600 Wastewater Impact Fee Calculation $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 Subtotal: Planning and Operations $ 40,600 $ - $ 40,600 Wastewater Collection System CIP Grand Total: $ 22,026,007 $ 11,370,835 $ 33,396,841 Notes: (1)Opinion of Cost includes: a) Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost b) Professional Services Fees(Survey,Engineering,Testing,Legal) c) Cost of Easement at$15/L.f.of Open Cut Installation (2)Debt Service based on 20-year simple interest bonds at 5% Report W-WW cIp.xl, -36- u, IGo/cuul 11.LO r:A.& 0r440o01.10 l>ZJUU1/UU3 FIJ 1111 II Date: Monday, March 26,2007 CONSTRUCTION To: JedDolson Company: Skorburg Company From: Jason J.Daniels www.FourDConstruction.com Fax Number. 214-522-7244 3 Including Cover Sheet Subject Job#06-185-445 Message: Please accept our bid for Twin Lakes Outfall Sanitary Sewer-Phase I. 11200 Old Seagoville Rd. - Belch Springs. TX 75180 ■ Phone 072-288-0094 111 Fax 972-286-9178 UJ/ZU/ZUUt il:ZJ VA.& UtZ 5b`Jltd 1JOU2/003 FOUR D Four D Construction,Inc. 11200 Seagoville Road CONSTRUCTION Balch Springs,TX 75180 Phone: 214.393.5440 FAX: 214.393.5441 www.FourD Conetru cUon.eom Date: 3/26/2007 To: Jed Dotson Skorburg Company 3838 Oak Lawn,Suite 1212 Dallas,Texas 75219 Project Twin Lakes Outfall Sanitary Sewer-Phase I Location: Wylie Four D Construction,Inc.is pleased to provide a quote for the above referenced project.Please review the following bid items and associated costs.This quote Is based on plans provided by: TRC Hunter&Associates BID ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UafM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 1 CLEARING&GRUBBING EASEMENT 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 48"PVC PRO 21(0'-20'DEEP) 3627 LF $156.95 $569,257.65 3 48"PVC PRO 21 (20'-40'DEEP) 4669 LF $179.15 $836,451.35 4 7'MANHOLE(0'-20'DEEP) 6 EA $8,456.00 $50,736.00 5 7'MANHOLE(20'-40'DEEP) 7 EA $12,065.00 $84,455.00 6 7'MANHOLE WI DIP DROP CONN. 2 EA $80,832.00 $161,664.00 7 REM.48"PLUG&CONN.48"TO EX.48"LINE 1 EA $4,840.00 $4,840.00 8 TRENCH SAFETY 8300 •LF $0.55 $4,565.00 9 BORE W/66"STEEL CASING 100 LF $988.00 $98,800.00 10 REM.&REPLACE EX.CONC.ROAD 77 LF $135.00 $10,395.00 11 REM.&REPLACE EX.ASPHALT ROAD 48 IF $99.20 $4,761.60 12 SWPPP 1 LS $1,450.00 $1,450.00 13 BROADCAST SEEDING 8300 LF $3.35 $27,805.00 14 CLAY CAP&CONC.COLLARS 1 LS $1,215.00 $1,215.00 SUB TOTAL $1,866,395.60 71 PAYMENT,PERFORMANCE,&MAINT.BOND 1 LS $28,650.00 $28,650.00 SUB-TOTAL $28,650.00 TOTAL $1,895,045.60 ALTERNATE 81 7'MANHOLE W/PVC DROP CONN. 2 EA $23,190.00 $46.380.00 TOTAL W/ALTERNATE $1,779,761.60 We have allowed 60 working days for this project. PROVISIONS: 1.Erosion control for stage one inlet protection(inlet bottoms only)is included and all other erosion control and maintenance by others. 2.All underground utility conflicts to be relocated by others. 3.Proposal based on utility work being installed prior to any new gas,electric,cable or other utilities. 4.Utility spoils will be stockpiled onsite at a location approved by owner. 5.Exclusions: a.Tree Protection and Clearing e. Lab Cost and Water Meters u3/2o/zuui 11:Z4 MA NYzzribllia IQ003/003 b.Landscaping and Sprinklers c.Traffic Control d. inspection Fees and Permits f.Additional Mobilization 6.Roadway sub-grade must be+/-0.20 of a foot prior to construction and will be returned to like condition upon completion. 7.Due to uncertain pipe prices,this pricing is valid For 21 days from date above. Signed: Name: Jaso J.Dani Title: Exe .P. CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR TWIN LAKES OUTFALL SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED 48" SEWER FROM MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WWTP TO TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION PHASE 1 GENERAI.NOTES 1. TE 10W10N AND E)PIUKN OF 1u EA MA o6awal0 MUSES 1K PARK TO 1M KSl OF OUR 1n0NFKE as N 1CCO10N E 11N EOMO KCVOS. U1KNEA.T P1LL K 00 COITRSOTM'1 NESPOLSKU 10 LOCATE MO TEARY 11E Eva 1).1101 00 111 CRAVING 11amKOU11 MITES PRIOR TO E1(•W/a1. NE COIJSc101 9111 UMW nu 1e3POKOLOY 1011M 0O Pat K AM TO COSTING M ES. I. 101NTM1 1110 1.OI0(0 =ADC S mi,TEU ON PER300 0 GOOD O K 9ML K TKU,1 C M SAS 1O. NO ON N 1 OPARTK AS 0000 IS 0*C0 TA ORd R FOR OO1 1EX E00 0. 0 Of FENCES. 911E K 0SE11 A K CONTACTOR f61 N0AR111110 KPIAOEKII a ttKlS. 3. G MOW 111Nro 1111E0S COMET K 1ESS 1-1K-0E-lEY Y I10U1S n00P ro ESONNaN it. 1. C0011 C10R 0*4.UMOK W01 E1,0 SMt 010.0E TO u MUG 1 OOIECOKI Al ILL 1110 OVINE,035100a5ON. CONTACTOR 9111 KEINIE 1N[FACT 1aGNaN a u EMING tONNECil016.Km OAS.AO SL(EA 11p N RE rc1n S. 11[0ARKEA 11.KTCU PA KC 0►r 1RC5 T110 111 K WOW P11T1 ro C4000.1 N CO11Nn01 Nu 1E M10 1PS1 roll nN11s 10 NE 1K1s NNE 111E W1 11p1 KS101Oro 1N1 NOO11. S. ONLY MOSE ADA KM PI PC SO MUNK Su Ilt MO AND 100 Al 5*Uf 0*6. Mi OIMR SOM 1q 16ND 0. D10000 00100 K AC1U01D N TIE UN PUQ OD 1M M KKK 10 ME. 1. 11E NOK1M P1E COUT Kg11ED 5N01 K ADUK0 7000 1K MONKS G110ES N01 M Pana G10[. 1 1. COpaNAR NLL wOPOa[0 MAR.MAN PAO STOOK SEKS 11U1 MAYOR COMM uol 0mu T 100 LAM 1ARRKTs. JOHN MONDY 1. u 760*51(1TP1P11 01 TSPREID ar111 K SN1C11 a NrcwT[O 10 TK TE1Ks1.141. IC. *6 1LL NY1r P0.A 1S K0011E0 10 0111w 51MUM1 a 1K N010 MAYOR PRO-TEM CITY OF WYLIE CARTER PORTER IT. NlT11r RYE an a TM[KPPATEM a rlwc 1MNs TNY[c101 M NN0116 T111oe to ulTnlolo 1GN1 IL 111*K6)01.WOW PO6.111111E Ofl*0S.ETC.RCN 1M O10w1t OO PRODC1000 OF TRAM KO KKSP1w5 NARK COA01N A 1K CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TUCKASTAL AS K°"'.11111E M AMASAA(NTT a tNr 11N 11rrc COMA OENKS.IC tN ORA A RNA M1.AAA KP1O1[M a TLwS00171) M.G. "RED" BYBOTH la. THE(OOTO PR E FAX OF 11Ol O CONS DIE OOMACCTPK6 11xcEN1 TO PROJECT 111E a 11a 1rAR/aws FICA 11E mallNnaN. EARL NEWSOM " OK LANE Cr DATIon�er MOAK 49 8001C MUST OE NADDNAD AT 0 07*0MO N.9m,s "PROGRESS RICK WHITE WM PCOMIE WML,.All SE CCEPN-E 9`E`1 TO POO11.P1aK 07 ME EIIKER MERRILL YOUNG TS. C0NN11101 D1E1 NOT P1x*101 a 1..s11 WEAK ON on PUKE ERIC HOGUE noon.Maul MCA Nona Ed1EEMM Na no P10EA11 0*EE J A N U ARY 2007 . NNUM.CALNKE Do.O MSS 1 WN*DK6 00 SE MKS 0 a O A CITY MANAGER 17. 1 TE CONNwETOR PLUS CEEK WOK IN PADS A NOW NNTa MINDY MANSON No K09w1MUROK AC A RESPONSKE l ND aKNmST SUMAC ME or or,50 KECK 11 STEP SOS T11 K 1ROGm N THE COMTKIK. R. KPOK MM.COWED.a TK PIOK PFO ROM Al POLO.,WOES.CITY SECRETARY DOCKS MO KKK USA K FUMED 10 00 MOM 4964 1. CAROLE EHRLICH K. and CLUNG OF 1O0O1R aA OM,K P1000.60 WK.MC.01E a am AK TO 490 P.O. NO 01121 PITS AK 1110N0 1E N.A. CITY ENGINEER INC J. CHRIS HOLSTED, P.E. CusIomeE-Focused Solutions TT6 WANDS 6 1OdSW MC KAMM - SUPERINTENDENT OF PURI IC WORKS 2P20a111 KKR I101a1NE DALLAS•FORT WORTH- FRISCO• AUSTIN-HOUSTON A1TONn OF AWN N. JACK JONES K Eon.' 6 NUKA TAR .TO KOKO OR P[1AT n)0D00. - p 1-4/ I"3 (*Leas 1 INDEX OF SHEETS ^Mr / I 'III11I ' 'I� 1 . 'I I C-1 COVER I C-2 LOCATION MAP&INDEX OF SHEETS s Y 1 _ ;� 1 C-3 PROPOSED 48'SEWER - STA 0+00 TO 5+50 C-4 PROPOSED 48'SEWER - STA 5+50 TO 10+75 5 —,�� 1 I C-S PROPOSED 48-SEWER - STA 10+75 TO 16+00 _ rmnIMI/4 milk.. a�. `` «� ,,�.� C-6 PROPOSED 48-SEWER - STA 16+00 TO 21+50 lbw '■,'., J '' I C-7 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 21+50 TO 27+00 11 —I■,�„i -6�'� C-8 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 27+00 TO 32+00 i ,� ,,,jr " C-9 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 32+00 TO 37+50 __ d G C-10 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 37+50 TO 43+00 I _ _ -a _jam C-11 PROPOSED 48" SEWER - STA 43+00 TO 48+25 g C-12 PROPOSED 48' SEWER - STA 48+25 TO 53+50 f°`"" EXISTING THAN LAKES ❑ C-13 PROPOSED 48' SEWER - STA 53+50 TO 59+00 l_ A C-14 PROPOSED 48" SEWER - STA 59+00 TO 64+50 0 • C7 LIFT STATION C-15 PROPOSED 48' SEWER - STA 64+50 TO 70+00 �b C-16 PROPOSED 48" SEWER - STA 70+00 TO 74+00 ys iE^r 1 e— -i. �!� Street ❑ I I I �l C-17 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 74+00 TO 79+50 = +�w_ p C-I8 PROPOSED 48"SEWER - STA 79+50 TO END " x g FUTURE L C-I9 STANDARD DETAILS 1 0415 R 7 ('�� - C-20 STANDARD OETA0.5 2 mpOilliP 446 t l‘ik 1 ialml �o� END PROPOSED 48' SEWER /� i 411*"1111 PHASE 1 COLLIN COUNTYId 1 DALLAS COUNT ♦, N g /4 e-i 4°' . Ba / \/4•10., ,,.. :. s xm4 8 s 1 . • ,' ......4.—.4....—...., - • Nii 1 ..„ :\ 4" \ --\ , q+/:./:.:(,/ . : c:................_,*40; I44( i / ;1 N cr id it ...i 03 2 NORTH TEXAS �` ♦� k P / MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT �I`� O i REGIONAL MUDDY CREEK S11:44or 8 N zf� REGIONAL WWTP O asBEGIN PROPOSED � d4$ SEWER ,�v. �`PHASE 1 'N 07 +. \ 12 ,. s LOCATION MAP iiE ¢L ;2; MIS. 3R%t ri8i, C-2 0 8 wA t Si g R g S o i g 0TA0K0 i1 M'N„AOUT AT LIFT PAWN ii!'iOl w.p / _P 1. Ft TALLTD OU*0.41 ^ a0 1 neunw.N I' I( R O NSA>4 I STA 1.00 g li k I — III g PLOW*/ — fi L I Yy E I4 fi o orn SI r C.8 ,I � . • ay 8TA1KY 77 pLL11 8 n.w.Tr 1 8 iti44 1 ,3/11 1+13176404.'NOLLOnr400 q IF Q \ EXIST.4'OV1fALL .i LNAST.W**MIL a Al!:, , , 8' N..KI.w . Y II • \T I' I I E-13 11,i, I I ,...1.1 . j ii ifir i II II miwa V3NOLL0fIM19N0.1 III 1aa PI: S 1 1 :I MATCHLINE STA 5+50 MATCHLINE STA 5+50 t Ei o I Kt I MS aNNb�i/00/OT I..�°' CITY Di WYLIE, TEXAS �p ��°0ruaoiFud�rxc . C7 JI:" no" PROPOSED 48. SEWER MC TEXASINFI4ICTURE ■ 1M[YlwuaNK AVM06TY Or AIM N. W '�N30 q »% PROM NTMxO WWTP TO ° ,""'""„ WALTON.PL.17061 NON OT MC II*i*w.NcT AMMI'30.100T.II 6 NOT TO TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION ,,,�,,,•,�, • ret MCI FOR CONSINUCS°N, NE5'°A'N �— STA 0+00 TO STA 5+50 �� ....o w.w � a PONT rNxra>r I MATCHLIN STA k+50 MATCHLINE STA 5+50 7 /'W ... " ' // m i / 1TAfrY yP 741. / / qr�A. M / / iIPc• yyr� /I a a 1 ;•1i IrlWja..a[of a •iI I( : T n sArYAmi iS .:r I -i • +,. r� .--- `.a'`•—wear 1.1 •-•-N)__. ;RIP' ..4r✓b ro.oc• > to D (22 O ..A TALL W. / ',N., •V O 1Rr{ _ figg Pleasant Valley 91 I 5 • STA uwu95 � arum 41'1111;8 + S s 1111!!lel Xlix al till'ili MATCHLINE STA 0+751111 s iiwro) .w CITY Oi NnLIE. 7FxA5 "0. °R n.s Door.)n Awe.:o WSW K w..�nM M.won or K� PROPOSED 48" SEWER Z TE%A81NFRRUCTURE ./(.fMr°O`nc M11110MF/Oi Alf x. ••ai of(0 Wis-0100 FROM NTMWO WWTP TO o„r`�'•�'"'Or• faTax,r.[.f7n7 tw p wYwenlCf�.r,Isl ,WWMY 70.2007.IT Ii NOT TO TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION o�-• a into Fa cannartnon, s�fffRM7E.a STA 5+50 TO STA 10+75 )� .. Met. .yA.r Nrw.ow SWIG et Kbr1lAME& (A� (NA� QA1 A A A �I�QfI A 40 O , S O c0ii O !n 'O N 1 MATCHLINE STA 0+75 MATCHLINE STA 10+75 f Ill 11 R.11.tt h ' ! Ill a ,o�g fu el I I :. 0 1 1 A III l •,-24 G STA WOO. i v,t3 k :0 •1 I, i '' ILA i Il f ; I IC� x4Yaia I T,i' I a � I '1a[a pa I• ��STA 340 i"� l¢ '8RNpM !li' a {ltri , i Y li:Li I , Z.' 1 / 1 1 1 I \ o 5 '1 :I I f Ill ' :1 ' . RA ItNC II , O mu: l 4 :' \ ii! I' 'i i, a MAT' HLINE STA 6+00 MATCHLINE STA 16+00 o i R. SA. AA CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS r wrt 1 aorwl ./30 N: .r r O. ue5 00L1MEIIr IS alIcr0 0 PROPOSED 48" SEWER �WIg TEXASINFR RucTORE ` .JIiW KC wI0M1 VOW u0[n M[ FROM NTUWO WNTP TO . 5el 20 4011S.20100 A'"" 1.0 eT00 tyw.004 MNuwl) )OR.rt a WOr r0 wa1" TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION „ K 1nN�a101K�"• 4' 'tASE. tom,. STA 10+75 TO STA 16+00 MATCHLINE STA 16+00 MATCHLINE STA 16+00 .7A w-ro Rw1a 1 p .ul 1r j I. E• If , \ I, .' i {�r$3' F 4q1�i I I '- , ..„1 V 16In111. :� OII01W II- Il0lrtwi>� ,� : \ /1MI,F11 1 Iil I)I r , i , if 1ii I a. % i l "litt i !ri 1g 2 I ,. ' i ; P M NN c 8 CO CI TR'MOO 1LMN M O I L'' \ ilk W CCl • V" I .I5 ; if4J ' r i r riiii il , , , , i'F , , , , j s,\N r Al , , , , 110 I i i ': : 1 tli il I / i 1 1! I I I1i • Z Z Tee Tees11 a \\IIIP gif! i g I I I'$141 • gyp _ 9 I N X 4II P. II� I It 41 MATCHLINE STA 21+50 MATCHLINE STA 21+50 g A o N g A g 1 § 1]0/07 1 o' (STY OF WYUE, TEXAS M° °'' °ai1i1 na 000rolr a 1cu.ao 0 Wl"R. Aw 1E a Ip 1K O :T „a PROPOSED 48 SEWER TEXASINFA FRUCTURE ..211 Kamtj *t 6) w 1 Y0. O I3-0t111M P O N{M K /N � _ate FROM NTMWp WWTP TO 1.11 3.200 nut Co TT1MN LAKES LIFT STATION a«...r�e.y....w rz u��0rai°°e7d1t'11:icmil.'o .are 9:01 01 I F1w0R{, a 010�0u�ag� STA 16+00 TO STA 21+50 "'""tO11r..o.r�.s1•.00 wnr•al.row 4p.r A A A mA pV. Ala IA Xi • MATCHLINE STA 21+50 MATCHLINE STA 21+50 • - I • N Au00 ill jA� arr.e k L• I /1 ... Iii ., I ). i 4 N PI Z a Z:Ti: 8 >•Jr 'iI I < 0 II 1 o 5.6, .w cn I I 5v1gN i '•If' l I ' ` m a. S ` F tt I ii g f 2 e e § . I ? A 8 R.1nop T li i PI illiii j it • 9 1 1 lt.+, ,�i'';t , ' ' ,....1 / \‘‘., {TA O.W i''t It' RynAr Iii 0 i 1 t 1t','t ...-- d, lif o €lig 3Yi .7. k 1§1,!p ig Rgiti I \,,j I % w5 "Y4A 3X I I,� • 'l) ;TX sppwu+ I, MKYLLLiW �1I 7 I 2....4 rn.u\ R s+rn.n ;t 't .r.V. ' I I RMn.rt I ;•♦ j i I i •• 1 MATCHLINE STA 27+00 MATCHLINE STA 27+00 i o a i a a A ip0/0r i..w' OTY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "' r� flrj pOQMpf K MRUfO C7 !gr Tr" Tr" PROPOSED 48" SEWER �'' C Twwiow4tuciuRe w"• ^� •�'"r ..... FROM NTMWp WWTP TO rlALTolt Pt-smT a" Ta so ..us-moo �' MµwMTIC Oq.r.l".I K IMO O CONSKIKTTIIOK,10 TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION • •...`"...,,•,.".......•,,,,•,,.•„",",•„ nsosw a IOW nrrorn. .ws211En STA 21+50 TO STA 27+00 • gO N a 8 8 ti ' , ti MATCHLINE STA 27+00 8 .". 40 A 2Ir ' MATCHLINE STA 27+00 7•iinr w E ! t.I ; `l r 7 df I1 'R wMTn7a V a71, x.noN I • ,• R etA nwpg 51,477.. r xrA MOO g!4� .o,gk ii aI I� , / j 1 fyi. J,IP / II /I/• I 8 RyX� , �. u I' f / ///,/ f i nNNOP.(5/ I W TEMPOE Mr M I LE77E ENIEMIN11 CONSTRUCTION 8 } o ' 1/ f •; I, o /f- ovg-, eta Ir!'/ p 1 AA 1 8 rs, .,___ \. 21552055 yg$x if I y :l 1 [ i i ti iPhil gig- I Av xxaiai4 I 1T 111 SS1x 1 'e I eilR gi A 1 I F " 1 r w .RANg f I ; ;_ I • 9 o ;taus I'I A g MATCHLINE STA 32+00 MATCHLINE STA 32+00 OF WY LIE.I. 'ni w' CITY OF TEXAS ova n< m••n� AMC rw r 000WOrt n•EU.= _.... C) Zr" Zr" PROPOSED 48" SEWER rTR6 TE%ASINFI4RUCTURE MOWASK ' I ..w..oi 7o •Au•C0 FROM NTMYA MWTP TO ......2 "w.Nl"rr•e v LICx.PL n if 1 M. (M••.KI JIMMY 70.7007.IT 6 NOT r0 Am.1k TNIN LAKES LIFT STATION x UM ra CONOTIIOCTNM. i•_1s-A,SEft„_„a.. STA 27+00 TO STA 32+00 WO"". .µ" ""�""�"�`" M°°"°°"'tIN"r rurortx • • 0 • CO 8 § E • . . m MATCHLINE STA 32+00 MATCHLINE STA 32+00 S.M. Is1.111.25 t i I •/: i I / j 1 , ,,,, 4 s I 5 1 j II : • ".... " h.Ovr.stet • • 1 1 ' I 1 I ! i II ; i • I iI 1 14 iOrl i IS . T STA 33.0 '• • • I :' , r • • , 1 i ! fp, T 1 I , 4 i i • -. ( 1 / i . ITO SOLO . „ V • 1 TS.11.1. I g I i , \ • IL.PROP.50.....1 60.TEMPORmy MEM CONSIROC11011CASESIENT • , •\.1 . i 1 •• ,I• • .• • . 1 13 • • , • • 1 Ut FE:- g; o P 0 3 w p TAOS T I . 8 'c 1 ilE3 I o ., 11'7:1 , iis- .• -, a . 1.•• g ,,, 8 ISMMA i • • Fig§ : , - 111ii . . . X , li XxXATIe ., . i Vfmr,t! . : ilA lgi I ! . 41: . • ,, , f .111; , . IIIIi!li i: * I : 1;14.X l: II i I A T, Xiil *I !UN./ ! ' Id ATS11110 , • i. 1 . . ...,1 , , t . • I ( I MATCI-LINE STA 37+50 MATCHLINE STA 37+50 t t 8 r" § 8 22 0 08 (J, 0 0 UK .T. oo. WS SOMA 1/30/07 I.lOo.40 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS norefgargm 0 V."" sin"" PROPOSED 48" SEWER TIK YMCAS iNrmipmucrumE ....-it.......c... 1 ,.....,'"&nr.agroli (.0 ...,..1...O AS IsseTo FROM NuAwo WWTP TO 1 Z 449115-0100 ...." 0*ell.&S.W./ JAIILISIIT JO 3007.IT IS NOT TO N TVAN LAKES UFT STATION BE WAD Fa COSSOOK1101/, *OCT a ....6.••.....T.T.^..•.....V.•I.."'•OITIATO" KONG is Pawn 14111POSIS. 4.9115-13ASCO, STA 32+00 TO STA 37+50 1...... .....L.m... o . t1 g g g g § § o . . MATCHLINE STA 37+50 MATCHLINE STA 37+50 gfirlig 8 AWA" I 3gafgly• gIA 0 IX 1111!1. • x:,. R'i a STAM.TO Eid^ "1 tout TMI' L 11^^ 17W—HI K OOTWI.M Y 0.MFNTiS I ' hit Tty)P. YY RA]MW • hW7A7 • 8 It b Fb- i <g 2 a .m Ii ga RA.. Q • I r" g RrTi11 t 1 b� • '.` .` I a c • • -—_,7 '' II ►ROP.50'`. 50 TEMPORARY 'J pEN'ER EAEEM0 CONSTRUCTION RAWNIMT1 g STA . 'I'I : 11 n irl 6 1 • i1 I o O. ITS tl.EO 1 p( 8 KWZI. / i ii 4• i 1 f.. f: 4. ATAq"0 67 KWS.D I ' I I ¢ i MATCHLINE STA 43+00 MATCHLINE STA 43+00 o ^ 710/o7 Imo.W CITY Of WriIE:TEXAS .o wx a".a. :tr.rt: Wr.Pf. ma I MOCK MMINENTOS. :t LS PROPOSED 48" SEWER �y "... E[MR. .TK wl a p+:wxTA ■ TEXAS Ali UCTUR! T«arlr or M.N. __, T X m ••...woo FROM NTMWO WWTP TO ..,.,. NNW N WSW a RIA".IITIIC MOM.Ix1 ANION 54 MO R"ICI TO O SC!0 TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION ,, �� IC USED TOR CONSTRUCTION S-'A STA J7+50 TO STA 4+00 newnew a/(NIIT PYV0653. '9' ' • o �N . . t MATCHLINE STA 43+00 MATCHLINE STA 43+00 g aAu.m .'I� 18 I RMY30 I. I t I RRQf.w 6CCTION RARV EASEMENT CONSTRUCTgN lASiNENT I'll .-''r''' (8 R-NI.S I _ 1 a o. t 'roilq cb I.a Q a,g`" A02020.130 ry- g 01.4,11.31 gi F t I 0 STA 20.00 73 ,. ,,, t ‘•:. 7/ \ Pgig: R zN2 bg3& rim 2 ca A il rd' 6 OND 2A Rr¢i 2yapk e �.i F*V ql: R I!,vRw.W wte"roRARV Pi la51 ri�msR wow/CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S1 Agi1 1 i 3y €ill;: f I '� II• g II t �$ : +' 1 I RlQE 44:14. if I PreIli f RI 1 rtA.6.ao �, 8 R.002.1 Ail I' I sr I qS MATCHLINE STA 4E+25 MATCHLINE STA 48+25 N:K: !NO. OAt comma00. 1%00/0T I'.a' OITY OF WXLIE. TEXAS al 000NeeT a Miesw OM.OE Y...M Me IUNT R DC elea0IC Cf 9 La PROPOSED 48" SEWER Teen Teas INFI RUCTURE N.MIV 0. r I .aar w. FROM NTNWO WWTP TO Ta....T_say{ a .i tier 30 10S{5.0100 '•'•'• La .el MC tA.001.0 ANUART I0.IODT.rT nT Not m m.a TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION .w...o.a....a ..... w.".u0..m. OIII M fee c01n1RUCroa DOOM q e CON FlEERIYS r ria g,,,M STA 43+QO TO STA 48+25 s o u 8 8 0 QI N — .. MATCHLINE STA 48+25 MATCHLINE STA 48+25 o I I 1 I STAN•Ir lit MSTN. R MRr•.a Iti RWWS.M RI I PyR linwn R I I : R • Y o • cT T I cr. 2 lir STA50•00 / I !�N3 N R.Miu 1 S 0 N pVp o WA I R PROP.W 50 PORPRY PASPMRN1I cON61RTLMicnoII PARMRNT Q SIO th STA 61.50 Fit } 8 FtwasS 1+9 i R II •1- if I R 1 8 RWSM 11 R %a ITiif e • 4R gg;a I 4 STA URN q 1R9 1 P�MM.n aft/ T I R MATCHLINE STApp 53�+pp50 �j tp� MATCHLINE STA 53+50 al alO O El S iJi o 01 �/3( 07 i'..0' CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS w rR /''� T"f TerrT IS RUZASEO J f011 MS P11RPa55 V Ma" Ram r" PROPOSED 48" SEWER TEXA•RIFP RucTuri. M.7.,.R5v5.NND,RR "II':Da`"a NP"rTP� FROM NTMWD WWTP TO ...,, 1MlTC Pi S0K0 HO 70 �NIS-MOD NMib�IRC SnSYw.M1e� WYMT 5007.R B NOi TO rV .,i TwN LAKES UFT STATION w,PD„T,.WM•Pam,„ Wo•NOW. K Drro a caNSpomm a• llE STA 48+25 TO STA 53+50 w T 4 0 C 0 th 0 O N 5 � p N T MATCHLINE STA S3+50 MATCHLINE STA 53+50 I f R I ETAM.w I $ nwsn 1 R I}li 25 I IR g IE a 111i01 � l;e i www ao a TEMPORARY R EMEND/ TRUCTIONEAREM ENTI Q � I 14,011.61 ETA WOE }g4cy 1g 1 a LA Y1 la Ilix di i1 I al <w I -17d 0 6 I PT4N ErAwwE Q 1 p r RAw[.w I n'O m ti D W� o I 8. t; I II I,' I a i I IT 1 I ETA V.OE 1 E 415 tkeilii,j I �R I W ETA PRO Z [; I 1!:* g 'AmassBpt?€SI O ETA Ww. ERTAu r N ft iR , I I i Ert= jj I T RWtN 1 • 8 MATCHLINE STA 59+00 MATCHLINE STA 59+00 a $ `A6 g § § o - p +1x/or oat CITY OF WYUE, TEXAS MO aR � t"E oonN[Rr n RELEASED n 0.,..E" :tr.' PROPOSED 48" SEWER �VIC TCXAs INF4RUCTuRI 7. E[ M ! NR —1 NII 0W m AA...mtm-o: FROM NTMWD WWTP TO ruw+ awA.wmcEy..AYu wMNI iouTE iEiTs t m CA) my P_s E� y TWIN LAKES UFT STATION a„�w RIP'WORTH •A"ao Awry.m•Ew. x�� a W"W i[1°.E,4A/Lam, ,.• • STA 53+50 TO STA 59+00 SCOW [ " • OA A A �g a Up Np f7, c UI . U UI O 00A 0 fT 0 a • Cil MATCHLINE STA 59+00 MATCHLINE STA 59+00 8 .7AWa..... . 1 e car.: lI 2Q I Y I lifeqt 8 a.uan €idell t 1 �1;1q /ire Ii • `' t 11 .11. a t£A RI 3 1 T .7A.IN0 �uI 1 I? 8 NAM"' / y 11 I I A I7a 0 Q ee" ea rwerwamauea g RA n I. R.i. R 1 O .w. T$ 2 Ozi_ d Q) I v{{pp R I A N N O ny ij m l HI I NZ R �Z sua.00 nMpa p jjjj 7 I i R I � A I xt A T 1.M.07 1 p nw i - I.71 g i I ~ 6 A 1 I MATCHLINE STA 64+50 MATCHLINE STA 64+50 °j7Op7 'w• aria WYLIE. TEXAS Mn oaoa�.sr .[PURPOSEIAam n ;;'" $r'° PROPOSED 48" SEWER YRg TEXASINFR RUCTURE w yr Y,yyNO{.w nx.7 7.u... ..rw Ia7�.......17.7.M . •.e 7O AS imas 00 FROM NTMWD WWTP TO .... M.bwr7.0..M...W lir 7 7007.rt n I ro 0.c7 TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION yy1,�...�.ro....r,wco.n,.•..,,0..,0„ "uY0 M exnsnprCnoM. FOO MC OR PDM7 PURPOSES. 01053-o.st.0.. STA 59+00 TO STA 64+50 . O' „ ..1; 8 8 8 8 o ,,, . • • MATCHLINE STA f 4+50 MATCHLINE STA 64+50 P . 0 I I .- ...-.4----------- A .1....... 91 \ I I gs I-13 1 ,I I: (t) ,, tt R•103.% I (I) @. ;,:' •IEZ. ,-,... imm,t. • •'' t I0 , T i I / I VC' SUM. / II i I1 1 i I IMERPRECA=11 Kt TEMPORARY coasnitienowiAtiaita I li . I g. g F 2 I Psmk 41 ?)g114, g g 0 I. • 4 ,,,,--- , HI-- ' i. 1.3 ° I i E2 ./ 10‘01•00 \ 11) 00113.0 tWr 1, , \ er I \ 4 111111P 1 1110 i 0 ill 14 KOUT 41 4 111V ,t 0 igP1 ii"1 • 11q11: \ ; a ------- - -- --- -- 8 a , ,, -,., ` glaX "f • i 11 itiii1.7".-.' 4:1"*"\:\ ..„ ------------------- --).- \ i. •, $ , ,,, . -40% " ; ., ) Plec o '-,...., • .• . -- ...-- ,..-- ........... ,,,;... --•...... __........ . , (__.-r-' .--d-8,-. I m ; I \ \ i-si MATCHLINE STA 701+00 MATCHLINE STA 70+00 ) , . CA 10. 001 00001, 731//O7 0 OTY OF VFILIE, TEXAS Soo:0400 0 M.= , C.) 1.0,V. Zr. PROPOSED 48" SEWER TM TEXAS R4FRIPERUCTURE alrItarl umonerT01 i JAW . WWTP FROM NIUWO TO 4444 WorW00001.00.mm0 JNOMIIT.24/,NY,IT IS...A 70 liol 20 4•165-0100 01 OL UStO FOR C00111VC001.TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION Nut a autm•Peouvocran,mace 0000•moterox KCMG 01 PC*111 FUMES. :41013-r,F.OFLa_ STA 64+50 TO STA 70+00 t `•., 54 :;` ': ' Called 13.25 Acres P I e° . ,/- stave c«�le . ' Volume 5445,Page 483Q jam. , '' D.R.C.G„. • ' JI• N3 aitrurovr�lnc • 1\ \\ 4 ES�P10 —— —�—— - - -- - ii- mEn eeenine+cH `, i a e.■■■n tN.N.,. �GN�‘'' raon.wes�,—�— '+ `�, c4r..rai- , : ' "-' ; ' ' r'' '•! zff \ J a+2wna \ . 3.; / . ii WON MANHOLE E 1■■201 Called 19.42 Acres ', '. N�SIN Michael R.Campbell et ux - ' - :'••`, op. Volume 5726 Page 651 Z x i n a x r1d1 W s•oN a wez FUNS.<tac ua. D.R.C.C.T. i i 9F .w emaoN v w t mo um oNa•T IMAM 20 10 0 20 +0 ■ • uwnc oar a OW e.YWSSCC No N Aocmwat3 ■ecnW ccao: .ocelot a sN.0 s nE ca.nuclue Nnroeeurt W roue AND ewY aE SCALE FEET �! •....1 UICAlmo a NA.[ YN001aww VT.. mot TO0CS e1 we THE C01111CIp1■ull.15}Itlt NLL NerON.9gJ1Y MO AM MO N\MINNS W WE S a i510 510 505 e # I 505 ct 500 Z s`NoF : $Y • 490 I :. ,ill rc°�J o� .r;.�'?? �. u-::.:•y jra`�5� in490 'Q W z I$ Q 4= r• 3.rti'c r«t w,^wi i-- W I O n 485 MORO.SS•■aYN nE:.rss0N.rx MOO.YSS�SN* J 485 re 8 if _ 2 480 � 4 s� .outtoawaauM 4 I- 4 aHee $4e acoErwt aNaecro-a $i. 480 it 2 $fdd 82 §E is f 475 3 ■ 475 i•'it II: =.; R tl, 470 470 .E ¢_.' Al, it 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 C-1 6 GM 20 10 0 20 b _ E 1011102 // // .�C/.V—.�—_ aEvin.y SCALE FEET ST Caled — —— /, Steve Conlde a `————— - a / ., / 4-.t.7.----- —.--..... ' .......471...."E".--;* ---___._.--- —7. VoJurtie 5445,Page 4830 — — S D.R.C.C.T. i'�y . J i. hg■ � • 1-rA Y OINMIgE 1411511 �Yy Called 19.42 Acres i111/ n O nc.10a'OS."0$"K n.4 O(..Os Michael R.Campbell et uXgg # PRO 11110•1011 Of. c40K �0E0Ks Volume 5726.Page 651 UO[SVI O<OIOI 10ORSOKMO MK K RE _- MN O6SK:KOOK MOKKS If SxML K K __ 000100 K90KOS.n 10 LOU IS PRO MITT 1K D.R.C.C.T. ...... - OOOTwumsv.umlrc.10*10 0004 5045 n1O0 TO[CAKK11$MO ME NO000101 5 KAM hlll KSYOOKIn N.In 4O MS O.1IY,SS TO SAC 41 ' 510 510 505 oaslAOionOIRO a s c.rE 500 505 500 0 0 495 vCC 495 Fa L.Wo$� 490 CO "in 1.2 N N co Z + 490 f tin 1 O 485 aAOv.wseA«s _ nnr..rse0w11 h 485 N= $ g # TOE 480 ?4 f8 Fa $ geiln # = 480 aCZ `C 4! ill :C t Kit: C U d 475 1 475 s 2_ § [ 470 470 Y_1gv3 ..1 a 4a 34 l; 1 465 - - 465 sR{a � S3i 74+00 75+00 76+00 77+00 78+00 79t00 C-1 7 ppp Y pppp �p ((pp n a O Li O a O VI a 1n O MATCHLINE STA 79+50 MATCHLINE STA 79+50 • STAID. ll.1M.i0 ,' t ill C. E7 4) • iF. • co rAIIWO J� 8 • .1M.11 iI • it • l I I1 `. .N . 1' •11 1 B' 4 ' * Mr,: • jar' II • i l CWO WrTMCT10x , ,•,•,•`' `�,• • + nortrrwl 1 _._ 7 I g mow_ __ ` i '') ,., ----'\ < ..:•;::f.:?:;:k•::7--i"0" .i,•,.... •••••:.1,..\-. nIpa § :•••••••• I • ' • • . illil , :1, � , aIr / (// 1acgo.0ye cgiili ¢ •, Oli 1 N O N g g O N p p O lbx I ^ i%wfo I'•�.4o• CITY OF WYUE. TEXAS w.s ooculnwr n W IV0 I", SAX I IM TIE AM'OSS 11 40,'^ Ko'" PROPOSED 48- SEWER 7RC TEXASINFRlkiRucrum „rye;;TMZE I sat N m .p 63-'�i0o FROM NTMWD WWTP TO cm*x�, Wei.F.C.Mm7 a x.*OTAC behm.4.1 YIWM11O.SOOT.n IS NOT TO TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION o..w ro„� S�coMo!0v Mai . STA 79+50 TO END TM � � IMOI MOM PCLTEMTUNC CAMS s.No vans • • (� ID a .J 1 _ CASING LASS NwYAE—��e a .E CC iTNYdR 4MS[n at N.0 •." MOM mow s Km GNAT'NOE1EMIUN Wan AS NwMm AC PIM SCOM ST RIO YC MM. MISTNL•TIOM AI IX Y SMCT M• MCE M YNN/A.CASERS•CCUEM MATOMS. 'i 2 MGM TO DE MIMED•la"OM OYasa• AAO no i r YN. H9SAY YES••SAO•P Z.0O OEC 0 ' MOTS MOWN DUKE 1 .• + moon On YAIII4M vMR S[1mOI M Mt MO INC GCAW91m11 I• • S IC OACaLLEO all SNO IS SO a M M TIE ION O M MC TINCNO , 1 N•61 TIDE w1C IOOE.M 4*0*0 00NUMMiI vAO LIT 1*04*.Nw TTinm. "dY w•Pot w•%w•01 RE ` C SON AND sCTAwLo%SIM STOWS 01 omG.roam Y[ilm. EYNUEmTJ •'•"' R- �;�, SEWER CONNECTION DETAIL PIPE ENCASEMENT DETAIL InciaAlOED � . NIS NTS yxly � w•no nsYRa Y $ _yC■ CLASS Y COKIIER ' `:Ya: 8Y So'Dl r.c ,�_.. 5`hc■ a • !r D.4 PMc ---1 1--• avowal wino r too coo WIY.AC fOWfY 31eil r u'MC8 I M I 3SS 3 �JY z•sD-WEND ",.1 I_ MUST BASE SECTION! CLASS 5-COMERNWIT \ • \ .. • NOR:NS1N1 Waal MI MILS NO ME MI DMv MN..ODYECMa .O. MOAomMS me DnI10YtS \ -_-, R t MANHOLE DROP CONNECTION MOWN O M cONRMCSOR nor nOD/LEIRIR Ms C - 101 �� NMir anYx alO Mc MS J.Y[wusOiR NO OP to A ammo NOM O Dana MOOR SMARM a M ONDY Dom N M YNYAN uYMs.w NOI[D most. Y \ ..� • O•• RIl S[O M MOM O M CUNEmCOA Y. 3 m _ #f A C V.oa. i \\vp. •\vo\ .N.L MN .. opotserrt SMl St.SCAM. ...n MCA a AM . DAOE.MINED ROMiMSWAMA A p CLASS H CLASS G ASPHALT STREET mdOl�nI I h" :OaMYmiEO SIE.POST EMBEDMENT EMBEDMENT OR DRIVEWAY REPAIR CEAIER MIN MI OA i ••/CM.CwOS AD.SEN[R YSYAurom 4000R *0_JO MOAN ar GREATER DON PIPE on or CONOS) an Ms TM s•YEMIa0 CD.00 S'••• 1 r CM.sna P.O \ 1 1=1 dl, i cNmYc XANL oMO i VC i... I CMCNEIE OD MT OJT n0111oIICvO --....• x MOM, MT _ N I.M. t I IIT ° II- I 1 :�— M41t O O I x I l• gw i - O 7/1111NOM a • nCOMM • •w••o MST. .— — i •- L Alva i• R'Yx --+ j fRE1Y C CROWD war y^ fBe .8 { ReffiI .Sm•••- Comae( - I •••,• sElEsl7e :Ro-O D AN SECTION A—A L T • CONCRETE STREET i�ol� o-a :!f Q MANHOLE VENT OR DRIVEWAY REPAIR 11 - T s :.s. NNOO.Na an • sss-100 rONCQETE COI IAR nETAIL R Ms v}} 1:E Dtll • 1. Si I- ice• 1C-19 oz-0 I kx�t x !f a A ^O S� ;a.. 31B d 3M ISSO31u1 .d. AM 3dld MA3M1Sdf1 g9 N 3M M 1 30 On , 1g _ mats an310111M1 O gF a d0151131YM HJJM AVMA3)I t''`:';:y;';.� 3lOHNYW 313i13N0� 15V]31Jd 1 4i 1 loownJ w�u 3xas 3 Z rJ : 1 3M•1 3f1O No av Ir. 1uu>fausAt3 1M a. ,.•n SAW sow, v •;:% ;:�`: v Txe um AM3x.•3M1Oae n xx<...a al csm ••.�!" ,,.i AZ,i 0 73 tarns in 0 VOW OWE Own. 0110UNIAZWI 01 MY MO 111001041 j O o� xN143M•.L OsbME •O IIfL={■ _ ar$ . pY1dl•�0 OO-11/1101 O0* f J .4MrA .......b• f•CoImmo � ^ - �-� ��'� _ W lYppyy SS��iW//,�''.fIOI.f y7 03U1010 DI10-%lS-a-113x OAOOM. MOON IOW TIM Om.4 Z y .0 aM.S M03 7v330 MOUISA11at x7TO.L•Std ' w�:a u: ,- N A IM01 MMITY6W3 % VIVO OW 3MM1 1 N> 3b1Mtw Mu Lnssu. �A M m� t x. to 113A03 OW 3M VSJ 31OHNYM 3dA1 3l111SS38d ,,� - M. a lig ��` gi3a M336}um - :l v v ha,�3s l®' -. w acn las all IMOD 3111•MM GO NV Ia133 3w Ill.•A1n1 .L t-slw MINI MOM TMwM _ _ - I "97Wrt 1] I .1—�3 L 3AM3 01 OIMO 2 -- Malin r TOM II II—'100 Y MO swwa wwon "'30.Io 3uo10 "'is73nd a 413.03 jibIIPM •nw D3Lt-•00.1 3bN KI 3�1•1431u 1110I 9 3 J On 3111�� f 0 L/i�Y MOl}-M-I •IIS W 03103 OW ON T61nrw Mom.10/IA'J Onow13 c ' MI . _N1 •I I.e1°r1r1-r .at 1 1 WOOS , ■ -fl O ( 1 Iyfl -01 y YIN MOS I Iw . 1-11.11 SIN OM I'll I 310HNYY1 33Y1d—NI—1SY0 0 VONYLS 11V130 3WY24 ONV 31VNO NONM 1SV0 rt.J.99'13 MOMS 13111100 T 01010w•_O-.•~ION SAWN T•nOI MINIM.05 131111'30Y'L "Iwo 000.110¢Y03 A 00f 0iM10311 SOON'I TWAIN On maxi INSRiFgra Moan 113011/1•030 J id_ a I / 3•TAO an'0.,.•52l On I .A/LLLL l fiLFJ: Q. �$ I LM)d.0-f I211NW03L1f1M13Slya T _:o''aa00 040 M pYtQ sm s J%LK"-Ai • aM 3nau NO ONO t3.M '' :;.:.:.. ;• 31n' IO-"tl 1 ,r[o 1 Z Kam ' .� 3Mu0 IoaAn 3gHD 3(bYf Ran ±,�' q al am/. r 31a a. Mn O.01.S 10 f S" -/ 1•IAwI v 30 O1 SA100flti a _ lc a_ 7.01111: i11�0'!1�e,`\\'JJ1/11\1I,1"I' I... w•1.. ;Ti .L N�-I� t3YD3 MO-f/'Ly OXI On GOO,40 ..•110A1SM0.O O 1AYM1 3 A} MOO.+ SI•M A01IyAp mown swim 110p�'am J9'ISIW AI 11•••11• tin. 3Mv0 Mwb 7M�1•35 vq AYga or Woo ••1S....W./ OOOp I 113 1311AJ a3O1O3.N I v IO1q 3 Y_1 3Y1 ova 00.]0 0..7 1q3 011.1]tOM • I+ Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 3, 2007 Budgeted Amount: Letter of Exhibits: Resignation/Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Jamie Gregg and to appoint a new member to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the unexpired term of April 2007 to July 2007. Recommendation A motion to accept the resignation of Jamie Gregg and appoint to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of April 2007 to July 2007. Discussion Article VIII, Section 2A of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to establish a planning and zoning commission. Ordinance No.1956, establishing the Planning and Zoning Commission, stipulates that the Planning and Zoning Commission shall: 1. Consist of seven(7)citizens of the City of Wylie 2. Shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two (2) years. 3. Members of the planning and zoning commission shall be residents of the City of Wylie for at least 12 months preceding the date of appointment; 4. Be knowledgeable in the affairs of the city and be knowledgeable in the functions and activities provided for in Article IX of the City Code of Ordinances; 5. Make and recommend to the city council a master plan to be used as a guide in considering ordinances for the orderly development of the city. 6. The commission shall, not less than every five years, review and recommend to the city council amendments to the master plan of the city. 7. Recommend to the city council proposed ordinances and amendments to ordinances regarding planning, zoning and environmental quality and review ordinances and amendments proposed by the city council relative to the city council's planning and zoning function. 8. Receive and review all platting and subdivision proposals and make recommendations to the city council for appropriate action. Jamie Gregg was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission in 2005. Ms. Gregg, who has served very faithfully on the Commission, has recently submitted her resignation from her appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission effective immediately. (See attached letter) Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 04/03/07 City Manager in 111477 / Page 1 of 1 April 2,2007 Renae' 011ie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Renae', I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board effective April 2, 2007. Due to a recent events, I have had to rethink my outside time commitments and I will no longer to serve the city of Wylie. It has been a pleasure to serve on the Planning and Zoning Board and I appreciate the opportunity that was given to me. Fondly, Jamie Gregg Rait / , - AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PLANATING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND PRESCRIBING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS : That Section 1 , of Ordinance 11 1956 , titled "An Ordinance Creating A Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas and Prescribing Their Powers and Duties" be amended to read as follows : Section 1 . That there is hereby created and established for the City of Wylie , Texas , a Planning and Zoning Commission , which shall be composed of 7 members . The members shall be resi- dent citizens , taxpayers and qualified voters of the City, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Governing body, to serve for terms of 2 years . All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as provided for the original appointments . All expired terms shall be filled for terms as provided for the original ap- pointments and in the same manners . Members of the Commission may be removed by the Mayor, with the consent of the Governing Body, after public hearing and for cause assigned in writing . The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. ) Section• 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from its membership and shall have power. to employ such qualified persons as may be necessary for the proper conduct and undertakings of the Commission and to pay for their services and such other necessary expenses, provided that the cost or such services and expenses shall not exceed the amount appropriated by the governing body for the use of the Commission. It shall also have the power to make rules, regulations and bar-laws for its own government, which shall conform .as nearly as Z, As atneode by Ordinance #79-26 November 13, 1979. possible with those governing the City Council and same shall be subject to approval by such Council. Such by- laws shall include, among other items, provisions for: ( a) regular and special meetings , open to the public; (b) records of its proceedings, to be open for inspection by the public; ( c ) reporting to the governing body and the public, from time to time and annually; and (d) for the holding of public hearings on its recommendations. Section 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty to make and recommend for adoption a master plan, as a whole or in parts , for the future development and redevelopment of the municipality and its environs and shall have power and it shall be its duty to prepare a comprehensive plan and ordinance for zoning the city in accordance with Chapter 283, Acts of the Regular Session of the Legislature, 1927, (Arts. 1011a to 1011j, R.C.S. ) . The Commission shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance of State Law. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 26th day of _ April , 1956. APPROVED: A. D. Boyd Mayor Pro-Tem Mayor, City of Wylie ATTEST: W. W. ousewright City Secretary ORDINANCE 79-26 gyp, AN ORDINANCE AA1PhANG PLANNING AND ZONING COAISSION ORIDNANCE # 1956 AS AMENDED SECTION 1 . ; SEVERABILITY ; EFFECTIVE DATE : November 13 , 1979 . TO ADD SECTION 4 : TO WIT; VALIDITY Should any section or provision of this ordinance be declared invalid, such decision shall not affect the ordinance ,as a whole or any part there- of except the section or provision so declared to be invalid. TO ADD SECTION 5 ; The effective date of this amendment to Ordinance # 1956 shall take effect on the 13th day of November , 1979. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 13th day of November , 1979 . ohn W. Akin, Mayor ATT T: arah A. Connelly City Secretary ,} ?' i) `r lA j a.udS 1��� )'ZR.__ C� dw �u e �P.-cQ -)to Off d�`ti►�,e,vt.( �o F A f _ cr, t o C•^�.1 Yt v l/tom :n "V&A,,,i2 ( qt /�`l up l / ) C-(M� fess Co 90 RriA e - -ti Gayle Walton From: Matthew Alan Kirk[mkirk©gra-ce.net] Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 3:00 PM To: City of Wylie Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME-Matthew Alan Kirk DATE_OF_APPLICATION - 13 May 2005 FIRST CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission SECOND CHOICE - Zoning Board of Adjustment THIRD_ CHOICE -Wyle Economic Develoment Corp. Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME ADDRESS - 710 Claiborn Lane HOME_PHONE -214-876-7902 HOME FAX-972-864-2334 HOME_EMAIL- mkirk@gra-ce.net RESIDENT_YEARS - 2 CONTACT METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER- Yes BUSINESS Grantham&Associates, Inc. OCCUPATION -Registered Professional Land Surveyor BUSINESS_ADDRESS - 1919 South Shiloh Road BUSINESS PHONE - 972-864-2333 BUSINESS FAX- 972-864-2334 BUSINESS EMAIL-mkirk@gra- ce.net WHY_INTERESTED - I would like to participate in Wylie's growth process by helping to insure that it grows at a sensible, realistic rate. Submit- Submit End of form information V Board & Commission Application Spring 2006 Please return your completed application to the City Secretary's Office at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie, Texas 75098. Name:awN e s R. 6--—i Please indicate your first, second and third preference below. Construction Code Board I/Planning&Zoning Board t,/ Library Board Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board z/ Parks&Recreation Board V2oning Board of Adjustments Animal Shelter Advisory Board ublic Arts Advisory Board I? Yes, I would be interested in serving on subcommittees that may be formed. Personal Information Occupational Information Home Address:5 j•1 bj, Kl�(,,ys.L Id Business Owner? E Yes )o No ,, Telephone:91,2-1.1&/-173V Fax: Business Name: sfA E-mail: J w J -;,,1„,y(i e_f ,.yGt 4.<,C t r wev‘. Occupation: i _Set.iios I have been a Wylie Resident for 3 years Business Address:/0/0 (,v, ',Ad)"t , —1•1/4r %,- Registered voter? i-Yes ❑No Telephone:PA-Za7.V2 Fax: Have you ever or do you currently serve on any city boards? ;WYes ❑ No If so, what board/city and dates? ,^V,0;-4.ce,,r.ili C t Ad J ki c 4,,, 4 ,.\L / 7 sq Are you involved in any community activities? (Civic or Hobbies) ,(es ❑ No lyrit-Gk` ,,ki.z.v- 4- Covv,t,,„Q.",,c.C. /( )yfi0 l -1,44-ZL`ems5,(e, Please indicate briefly why you would like to be appointed to a Board or Commission: ___1- ��0 IA l i k- .b' a 10(,e v-e :.1 e CO v,,,,,�.Iy ,.,r- LQ LA ft() t_ c€ w e �-ti,.� b i V I l.�� CAS t f..t� J t. - a t,-e.cot- p lace_ /t,4 vi:- v--(4, , I am aware of the meeting dates and times of the board/commission I have applied and if appointed,I agree to serve on the Board/Commission which I have applied,o ld consid rnate appointment to a second or third service preference. igna ure Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Received New Applicant?❑Yes ONo If no,applicant previously served on Board Via: ❑website❑mail Din person❑referral❑newspaper Attended Applicant's Reception?❑Yes❑No (dates) Applicant Interview Scheduled: Appointment made to Term Expires ❑Statement&Oath Completed ❑No appointment made at this time,retain application for one year. Gayle Walton From: Jimmy Lee Hanks (jlhanks2005@verizon.net] Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 11:31 AM To: City of Wylie Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Jimmy Lee Hanks DATE OF APPLICATION - May 1, 2005 FIRST_CHOICE - Wyle Economic Develoment Corp. Board SECOND_CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission THIRD CHOICE - Construction Code Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME_ADDRESS - 902 Carlton Road HOME_PHONE - 972-429-5877 HOME_FAX - HOME_EMAIL - jlhanks2005@verizon.net RESIDENT_YEARS - 2 CONTACT METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS_OWNER - Yes BUSINESS_NAME - Advocare OCCUPATION - Self employeed/student BUSINESS_ADDRESS 902 Carlton Road BUSINESS PHONE - 972-571-7714 BUSINESS_FAX - BUSINESS_EMAIL - jlhanks2005 Qverizon.net WHY_INTERESTED - I want to see Wylie grow in a postive way. I want to see our tax dollars spent on the right things and I want to help make the WEDC what is was meant to be. Submit - Submit End of form information 1 Gayle Walton From: Ramona Kopchenko [rako3@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:10 PM To: City of Wylie Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Ramona Kopchenko DATE_OF APPLICATION - 05/16/2006 FIRST_CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission SECOND_CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board THIRD CHOICE - Library Board SUBCOMMITTEE - No HOME_ADDRESS - 1201 Lake Ranch Lane HOME_PHONE - 469-348-4943 HOME_FAX - HOME_EMAIL - rako3@hotmail.com RESIDENT_YEARS - 19 CONTACT_METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS_OWNER - No BUSINESS_NAME - OCCUPATION - Stay at home mom/student BUSINESS_ADDRESS - BUSINESS_PHONE - 469-348-4943 BUSINESS_FAX - BUSINESS_EMAIL - rako3@hotmail.com WHY_INTERESTED The city of Wylie will be facing numerous challenges in the near future. The community needs citizens who are dedicated, responsible, and committed to the long term growth of the city. I have lived here for over 19 years, and in the Dallas area for my entire life. We just built our dream home, so we will be here for a while. I know I have all of the above quailifications. I believe teamwork and cooperation are needed to successfully meet the challenges facing our city. Submit - Submit End of form information 1 Long Range Financial Model Timing Analysis of Building all Facilities in 2008 verses 2009 Build All Facilities in 2008 REVENUES&EXPENDITURES PRESENT VALUE NOMINAL VALUE FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 _ FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Total General Fund Revenues $197,991,534.78 $261,834,513.41 19,826,895 21,358,071 22,784,285 24,552,246 25,601,233 26,915,960 28,263,248 29,637,792 31,040,032 31,854,752 Total l&S Fund Revenues $54,846,220.61 $73,795,344.97 2,583,054 3,748,954 6,665,102 6,881,968 9,308,708 8,945,206 8,945,324 8,956,168 8,956,421 8,804,442 Total Gerneal Fund Expenditures ($224,310,957.77) ($300,976,364.97) -19,815,749 -21,205,768 -23,672,579 -25,522,508 -27,840,208 -29,613,997--33,065,772 -36,550,235 -40,068,368 -43,621,181 Total Debt Service ($54,846,220.61), ($73,795,344.97) -2,583,054 -3,748,954 -6,665,102 -6,881,968 -9,308,708 -8,945,206 -8,945,324 -8,956,168 -8,956,421 -8,804,442 TOTAL ($26,319,422.99L ($39,141,851.56) 11,146 152,302 (888,2942. (970,261) (2,238,975) (2,698,037) (4,802,524) (6,912,443) (9,028,336) (11,766,429) Build All Facilities in 2009 REVENUES& EXPENDITURES PRESENT VALUE NOMINAL VALUE FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Total General Fund Revenues $197,991,534.78' $261,834,513.41 19,826,895 21,358,071 22,784,285 24,552,246 25,601,233 26,915,960 28,263,248 29,637,792 31,040,032 31,854,752 Total l&S Fund Revenues $52,831,298.13 $71,481,971.15 2,583,054 3,748,954 4,536,484 6,506,717 9,340,457 8,976,955 8,977,073 8,987,917 8,988,170 8,836,191 Total Gerneal Fund Expenditures ($223,807,933.00) ($300,394,050.18) -19,815,749 -21,205,768 -23,090,268 -25,522,507 -27,840,208 -29,613,996 -33,065,771 -36,550,235 -40,068,367 -43,621,180 Total Debt Service ($52,831,298.13) ($71,481,971.15) -2,583,054 -3,748,954 -4,536,484 -6,506,717 -9,340,457 -8,976,955 -8,977,073 -8,987,917 -8,988.170 -8.836.101 TOTAL ($25,816,398.22) ($38,559,536.771. 11,146 152,302 (305.983) (970,261) (2,238,974) (2,698.037) (4,802,524) (6,912,443) (9.028 ` NET DIFFERENCE ($503,024.78) ($582,314.79) 0 0 -582,310 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 Long Range Financial Model Tax Rate Analysis of Building all Facilities in 2008 verses 2009 Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Recreation Center and City Hall and Library (Phase 1&2) Built in 2008 With Big Box FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I &S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1668 0.2539 0.2263 0.2144 0.2038 0.1938 0.1799 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7491 0.7249 0.7288 0.8159 0.7883 0.7764 0.7658 0.7558 0.7419 Add Library and Staff (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0685 0.0486 0.0460 0.0442 0.0457 0.0470 0.0482 0.0492 Add City Hall (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0390 0.0203 0.0264 0.0248 0.0231 0.0216 0.0202 0.0189 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0352 0.0346 0.0325 0.0276 0.0357 0.0334 0.0313 0.0294 Total Library, City Hall, Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0000 0.1426 0.1035 0.1050 0.0966 0.1044 0.1020 0.0997 0.0975 Total 0.7068 0.7491 0.8675 0.8323 0.9208 0.8849 0.8808 0.8678 0.8555 0.8394 Base Financial Plan Tax Rate Constant and Salaries of Recreation Center Covered By Fees Recreation Center and City Hall and Library (Phase 1&2) Built in 2009 With Big BOY FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 Required I &S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0.1448 0.1871 0.1629 0.1668 0.2539 0.2263 0.2144 0.2038 0.1938 0.1799 Required Total Tax Rate 0.7068 0.7491 0.7249 0.7288 0.8159 0.7883 0.7764 0.7658 0.7558 0.7419 Add Library and Staff (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0303 0.0317 0.0460 0.0442 0.0457 0.0470 0.0482 0.0492 Add City Hall (Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0161 0.0224 0.0248 0.0231 0.0216 0.0202 0.0189 Add Recreation Center and Staff(Phase 1&2) 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0141, 0.0346 0.0325 0.0276 0.0357 0.0334 0.0313 0.0294 Total Library, City Hall, Recreation Center 0.0000 0.0000 0.0162 0.0824 0.1010 0.0966 0.1044 0.1020 0.0997 0.0975 Total 0.7068 0.7491 0.7410 0.8112 0.9168 0.8849 0.8808 0.8678 0.8555 0.8394 Difference 0.0000 0.0000 0.1265 0.0211 0.0040 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 %Increase I FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 I FY 09-10 FY 10-11 _ FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0.5620 0 Annual Surplus or Deficit 0.00% $11,146 $152,302 -$305,983 -$970,261 -$2,238,974 -$2,698,037 -$4,802,524 -$6,912,443 -$9,028,335 -$11,766,428 Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000_ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5676 0.5732 0.5790 0.5848 0.5906 0.5965 0.6025 0.6085 0.6146 0.0526 Annual Surplus or Deficit 1.00% $11,146 $264,916 -$56,383 -$560,513 -$1,655,422 -$1,921,517 -$3,813,015 -$5,689,169 -$7,549,753 -$10,010,216 -$30,979,926 Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0056 0.0057_ 0.0057 0.0058 0.0058 0.0059 0.0060 0.0060 0.0061 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5732 0.5847 0.5963 0.6083 0.6204 0.6328 0.6455 0.6584 0.6716 0.1096 Annual Surplus or Deficit 2.00% $11,146 $377,530 $195,672 $142,634 -$1,054,382 -$1,113,780 -$2,773,495 -$4,391,290 -$5,965,394 -$8,109,650 -$22,966,27, Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0112 0.0115 0.0117 0.0119 0.0122 0.0124 0.0127 0.0129 0.0132 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5788 0.5962 0.6141 0.6325 0.6515 0.6710 0.6911 0.7119 0.7332 0.1713 Annual Surplus or Deficit 3.00% $11,146 $490,144 $450,183 $283,456 -$435,508 -$273,893 -$1,681,960 -$3,015,051 -$4,268,838 -$6,054,452 Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0169 0.0174 0.0179 0.0184 0.0190 0.0195 0.0201_ 0.0207 0.0214 $24,064,764 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5844 0.6078 0.6321 0.6574 0.6837 0.7110 0.7395 0.7691 0.7998 0.2379 Annual Surplus or Deficit 4.00% $11,146 $602,758 $707,149 $717,837 $201,548 $599,094 -$536,349 -$1,556,550 -$2,453,341 -$3,833,725 -$5,540,432 Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0225 0.0234 0.0243 0.0253 0.0263 0.0273 0.0284 0.0296 0.0308 Annual Tax Rate 0.5620 0.5900 0.6195 0.6505 0.6831 0.7172 0.7531 0.7907 0.8303 0.8718 0.3098 Annual Surplus or Deficit 5.00% $11,146 $715,372 $966,571 51,160,589 $857,140 $1,506,150 $665,460 -$11,729 $511,826 -$1,435,918 $3,922,957 Annual Tax Rate Increase 0.0281 0.0295 0.0310 0.0325 0.0342 0.0359 0.0377 0.0395 0.0415 3" City of Wylie Long Range Financial Model Fiscal Years 2007 through 2016 All Projects (Phases 1 &2) Starting in December 2009 With Big Box Store and Fire Development Fees Prepared By: Finance Department April 16,2007 Table of Contents SECTION PAGE Assumptions 3 Long Range Financial Model 4-8 Revenue History 9 Revenue Analysis 10 Expenditure History 11 Expenditure Analysis 12 5 Year Payroll Performa 13-20 Property Tax Analysis 23 Assumptions REVENUES HOUSING STARTS EXPENDITURES Base Year 2005-2006 FY 2005-2006 1.000 Operating Costs Nominal Value of Residential House (Base Year) $132,000 FY 2006-2007 1,000 Salary Raises 4.00% Number of Person Per Household 3 FY 2007-2008 800 Benefits & Other Costs 3.00% Inflation Factor 3.00% FY 2008-2009 700 Non- Personnel Operating Costs 3.00% New Commercial Construction Per Year $20,000,000 FY 2009-2010 600 Health Insurance Cost Per Hire $7,200.00 Growth In Over 65 Exemption 10.00% FY 2010-2011 500 Sales Tax Revenues Per Household $190 FY 2011-2012 500 Capital Costs Franchise Fees Per Household $150 FY 2012-2013 500 Fire station additional funds $2,000,000 Licenses & Permit Fees Per Building Permit $1,153 FY 2013-2014 500 Library additional funds $3,884,327 Intergovernmental Revenues ( Base Year) $300,000 FY 2014-2015 500 City Hall $12,928,684 Service Fees Per Household $153 FY 2015-2016 500 Recreation Center $13,234,280 Court Fees Per Person $17 50 Combine All Projects Savings -$2,506,200 Interest Earnings 5.00% Streets $19,180,000 Fire Development Fees Residential $626.00 Sidewalks $250,000 Construction Price Per Square Foot for Commercial $150.00 Parks & Recreation $1,495,000 Fire Development Fees Commercail $0.30 New Quint $850,000 New Quint $950,000 $52,266,091 3 Long Range Financial Model Growth FISCAL YEARS Revenue/Expenditures Rate FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Assumptions New Residences 1,000 1,000 800 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 Population(1) 36,000 39,000 41,400 43,500 45,000 46,500 48,000 49,500 51,000 52,500 Residences 12,000 13,000 13,800 14,500 15,000 15,500 16,000 16,500 17,000 17,500 Inflation Factor 3.00% 6.00% 9.00% 12.00% 15.00% 18.00% 21.00% 24.00% 27.00% 30.00% REVENUES Property Taxes Residential Properties Existing Residential Properties $1,140,240,199 $1,173,451,078 $1,206,661,958 $1,239,872,837 $1,273,083,717 $1,306,294,596 $1,339,505,476 $1,372,716,356 $1,405,927,235 $1,439,138,115 Annual New Residential Properties $135,960,000 $139,920,000 $115,104,000 $103,488,000 $75,900,000 $77,880,000 $79,860,000 $81,840,000 $83,820,000 $85,800,000 Cumulative New Residential Properties $248,610,317 $388,530,317 $503,634,317 $607,122,317 $683,022,317 $760,902,317 $840,762,317 $922,602,317 $1,006,422,317 $1,092,222,317 Total Residential Properties $1,388,850,516 $1,561,981,395 $1,710,296,275 $1,846,995,154 $1,956,106,034 $2,067,196,913 $2,180,267,793 $2,295,318,673 $2,412,349,552 $2,531,360,432 Commercial&Industrial Properties Existing Com. &Indus. Properties $369,444,208 $380,204,719 $390,965,230 $401,725,741 $412,486,252 $423,246,762 $434,007,273 $444,767,784 $455,528,295 $466,288,806 Annual New Corn.&Indus. Properties $20,600,000 $21,200,000 $21,800,000 $37,400,000 $23,000,000 $23,600,000 $24,200,000 $24,800,000 $25,400,000 $26,000,000 Cumulative New Corn.&Indus. Properties $40,600,000 $61,800,000 $83,600,000 $121,000,000 $144,000,000 $167,600,000 $191,800,000 $216,600,000 $242,000,000 $268,000,000 Total Commercial& Industrial Properties $410,044,208 $442,004,719 $474,565,230 $522,725,741 $556,486,252 $590,846,762 $625,807,273 $661,367,784 $697,528,295 $734,288,806 Total Assessed Valuation $1,798,894,723 $2,003,986,114 $2,184,861,504 $2,369,720,895 $2,512,592,285 $2,658,043,676 $2,806,075,066 $2,956,686,457 $3,109,877,847 $3,265,649,238 Constant Tax Rate 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 0.561950 Ad Valorum Tax at Constant Rate $10,108,889 $11,261,400 $12,277,829 $13,316,647 $14,119,512 $14,936,876 $15,768,739 $16,615,100 $17,475,959 $18,351,316 Tax Freeze Revenues $335,000 $368,500 $405,350 $445,885 $490,474 $539,521 $593,473 $652,820 $718,102 $789,912 Total O&M Tax Revenues $10,443,889 $11,629,900 $12,683,179 $13,762,532 $14,609,986 $15,476,397 $16,362,212 $17,267,920 $18,194,061 $19,141,228 Percentage Change 7.76% 14.716% 11.356% 9.057% 8.510% 6.158%, 5.930% 5.724% 5.535% 5.363% 5.206% Sales Taxes Sales Taxes Per Household $195.90 $201.60 $207.31 $213.01 $218.72 $224.42 $230.13 $235.84 $241.54 $247.25 Sales Tax Revenues 2,350,748 2,620,818 2,860,838 3,338,686 3,530,778 3,728,575 3,932,078 4,141,287 4,356,202 4,576,823 Percentage Change 8.21% 12.364% 11.489% 9.158% 16.703% 5.754% 5.602% 5.458% 5.321% 5.190% 5.065% Franchise Fees Franchise Fees Revenues $1,800,000 $1,950,000 $2,070,000 $2,175,000 $2,250,000 $2,325,000 $2,400,000 $2,475,000 $2,550,000 $2,625,000 Percentage Change 4.52% 8.333% 7.692% 5.797% 4.828% 3.333% 3.226% 3.125% 3.030% 2.941% 2.857% Licenses & Permits Number of Building Permits 1,000 1,000 800 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 Average Revenue of NDU Permit $1,188 $1,222 $1,257 $1,291 $1,326 $1,361 $1,395 $1,430 $1,464 $1,499 Licenses&Permits Revenues 1,187,590 1,222,180 1,005,416 903,952 662,975 680,270 697,565 714,860 732,155 749,450 Percentage Change 3.000% 2.913% -17.736% -10.092% -26.658% 2.609% 2.542% 2.479% 2.419% 2.362% 4 Long Range Financial Model Growth FISCAL YEARS Revenue/Expenditures Rate FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Revenues 309,000 318,000 327,000 336,000 345:000 354,000 363,000 372,000 381,000 390,000 Percentage Change 2.66% 3.000% 2.913% 2.830% 2.752% 2.679% 2.609% 2.542% 2.479% 2.419% 2.362% Service Fees Average Revenue Per Household 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 153.00 Service Fee Revenues 1,836,000 1,989,000 2,111,400 2,218,500 2,295,000 2,371,500 2,448,000 2,524,500 2,601,000 2,677,500 Percentage Change 4.78% 9.091% 8.333% 6.154% 5.072% 3.448% 3.333% 3.226% 3.125% 3.030% 2.941% Court Fees Court fee Revenues 630,000 682,500 724,500 761,250 787,500 813,750 840,000 866,250 892,500 918,750 Percentage Change 4.78% 9.091% 8.333% 6.154% 5.072% 3.448% 3.333% 3.226% 3.125% 3.030% 2.941% Interest Interest Earnings Revenues 442,668 495,672 533,952 569,607 613,806 640,031 672,899 706,581 740,945 776,001 Percentage Change 9.65% 38.334% 11.974% 7.723% 6.678% 7.760% 4.272% 5.135% 5.006% 4.863% 4.731% Transfers from Other Funds Interfund Transfers 4.00% 827,000 450,000 468,000 486,720 506,189 526,436 547,494 569,394 592,169 Total General Fund Revenues 19,826,895 21,358,071 22,784,285 24,552,246 25,601,233 26,915,960 28,263,248 29,637,792 31,040,032 31,854,752 Percentage Change 6.08% 11.974% 7.723% 6.678% 7.760% 4.272% 5.135% 5.006% 4.863% 4.731% 2.625% EXPENDITURES General Government City Council-Total Costs 3.00% 129,500 133,385 137,387 141,508 145,753 150,126 154,630 159,269 164,047 168,968 City Mangers Department Salaries 388,748 404,298 419,848 435,398 450,948 466,498 544,247 621,997 699,746 777,496 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 148,223 152,670 157,250 161,967 166,826 171,831 176,986 182,296 187,764 193,397 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 42,890 44,177 45,502 46,867 48,273 49,721 51,213 52,749 54,332 55,962 Percentage Change 3.670% 3.569% 3.475% 3.386% 3.304% 12.266% 10.952% 9.895% 9.026% City Secretary's Office Salaries 136,813 142,285 147,758 153,230 158,703 164,175 191,538 218,900 246,263 273,625 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 52,314 53,883 55,500 57,165 58,880 60,646 62,466 64,340 66,270 68,258 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 55,370 57,031 58,742 60,504 62,319 64,189 66,115 68,098 70,141 72,245 Percentage Change 3.560% 3.475% 3.397% 3.323% 3.254% 10.763% 9.753% 8.919% 8.220% City Attorney-Total Costs 3.00% 133,000 136,990 141,100 145,333 149,693 154,183 158,809 163,573 168,480 173,535 Finance Department Salaries 339,788 353,380 400,423 415,253 430,084 444,914 519,067 593,219 667,372 741,524 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 128,716 132,577 136,555 147,851 159,487 171,472 183,816 196,530 209,626 223,115 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 228,540 235,396 242,458 249,732 257,224 264,940 272,889 281,075 289,508 298,193 Percentage Change 3.487% 8.052% 4.285% 4.178% 4.078% 10.716% 9.741% 8.935% 8.258% Facilities & Fleet Services-Total Coats 3.00% 164,150 169,075 174,147 179,371 184,752 190,295 196,004 201,884 207,940 214,179 5 Long Range Financial Model Growth FISCAL YEARS Revenue/Expenditures Rate FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Municipal Court Division Salaries 140,980 177,280 184,098 190,917 197,735 204,554 238,646 272,738 306,831 340,923 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 66,514 68,509 70,565 72,682 82,062 91,724 101,676 111,926 122,484 133,358 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 74,810 77,054 79,366 81,747 84,199 86,725 89,327 92,007 94,767 97,610 Percentage Change 14.360% 3.465% 3.388% 5.401% 5.222% 12.179% 10.944% 9.946% 9.123% Human Resources Division Salaries 101,642 175,087 181,821 188,556 195,290 202,024 235,694 269,365 303,036 336,706 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 27,152 27,967 43,206 58,902 75,069 91,721 108,872 126,539 144,735 163,477 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 38,600 39,758 40,951 42,179 43,445 44,748 46,090 47,473 48,897 50,364 Percentage Change 45.054% 9.541% 8.895% 8.344% 7.868% 15.411% 13.495% 12.019% 10.848% Purchasing Division Salaries 71,672 74,539 77,406 80,273 83,140 86,006 100,341 114,675 129,010 143,344 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 28,038 28,879 29,746 30,638 31,557 32,504 33,479 34,483 35,518 36,583 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 7,850 8,086 8,328 8,578 8,835 9,100 9,373 9,655 9,944 10,242 Percentage Change 3.666% 3.566% • 3.472% 3.384% 3.302% 12.211% 10.908% 9.860% 8.998% Information Technology Division Salaries 51,992 157,066 163,107 169,148 175,189 181,230 211,435 241,640 271,845 302,050 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 38,223 39,370 47,751 56,383 65,275 74,433 83,866 93,582 103,589 113,897 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 152,460 157,034 161,745 166,597 171,595 176,743 182,045 187,507 193,132 198,926 Percentage Change 45.656% 5.413% 5.240% 5.083% 4.938% 10.393% 9.507% 8.769% 8.144% Animal Control Department Salaries 126,460 131,518 136,577 141,635 183,396 189,720 221,339 252,959 284,579 316,199 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 105,906 109,083 126,756 144,958 163,707 183,018 202,909 223,396 244,498 266,233 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 51,160 52,695 54,276 55,904 57,581 59,308 61,088 62,920 64,808 66,752 Percentage Change 3.446% 8.289% 7.836% 18.157% 6.761% 12.334% 11.114% 10.126% 9.311% Non- Departmental 3.00% 2,517,760 2,593,293 2,671,092 2,751,224 2,833,761 2,918,774 3,006,337 3,096,527 3,189,423 3,285,106 Total General Government 5,549,271 5,932,365 6,193,457 6,434,501 6,724,778 6,985,324 7,510,297 8,041,324 8,578,585 9,122,269 Public Safety Police Department Salaries 2,308,742 2,707,760 3,098,996 3,565,299 3,949,760 4,251,490 4,960,072 5,668,654 6,377,235 7,085,817 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 1,379,154 1,420,529 1,506,344 1,637,935 1,816,673 2,036,773 2,285,076 2,540,829 2,804,253 3,075,581 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 926,820 954,625 983,263 1,012,761 1,043,144 1,074,438 1,106,672 1,139,872 1,174,068 1,209,290 Percentage Change 10.146% 9.949% 11.226% 9.549% 8.123% 13.434% 11.944% 10.762% 9.803% Fire Department Salaries 1,944,697 2,184,797 2,808,215 3,216,881 4,080,568 4,260,327 4,970,382 5,680,436 6,390,491 7,100,546 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 1,412,282 1,454,650 1,519,890 1,644,687 1,802,027 2,050,488 2,313,603 2,584,611 2,863,749 3,151,262 Fire Development Fees -667,200 -668,400 -544,400 -513,000 -359,000 -360,200 -361,400 -362,600 -363,800 -365,000 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 715,950 737,429 759,551 782,338 805,808 829,982 854,882 880,528 906,944 934,152 Percentage Change 7.463% 16.239% 10.933% 18.507% 6.764% 13.977% 12.369% 11.105% 10.085% Total Public Safety 8,020,444 8,791,390 10,131,860 11,346,900 13,138,980 14,143,299 16,129,286 18,132,329 20,152,941 22,191,647 6 Long Range Financial Model Growth FISCAL YEARS Revenue/Expenditures Rate FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Development Services Planning Department Salaries 161,036 167,478 173,919 180,360 186,802 193,243 225,450 257,658 289,865 322,072 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 108,392 111,644 114,993 118,443 121,996 132,856 144,042 155,563 167,430 179,653 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 72,190 74,356 76,586 78,884 81,250 83,688 86,199 88,785 91,448 94,192 Percentage Change 3.471% 3.401% 3.335% 3.273% 5.061% 11.202% 10.164% 9.310% 8.597% Building Department Salaries 499,860 519,854 539,848 559,843 579,837 599,832 699,803 799,775 899,747 999,719 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 224,343 231,073 238,005 252,346 281,516 311,562 349,708 389,000 429,470 471,154 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 58,820 60,585 62,402 64,274 66,202 68,189 70,234 72,341 74,511 76,747 Percentage Change 3.638% 3.542% 4.309% 5.829% 5.609% 14.309% 12.625% 11.308% 10.251% Code Enforcement Division Salaries 81,281 131,026 136,065 141,105 146,144 151,184 176,381 201,578 226,776 251,973 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 46,410 47,802 49,236 50,713 52,235 53,802 55,416 57,078 58,791 60,555 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 21,950 22,609 23,287 23,985 24,705 25,446 26,209 26,996 27,806 28,640 Percentage Change 34.613% 3.550% 3.459% 3.374% 3.294% 11.967% 10.715% 9.704% 8.870% Total Development Services 1,274,282 1,366,426 1,414,343 1,469,954 1,540,688 1,619,801 1,833,444 2,048,774 2,265,844 2,484,704 Streets Streets Department Salaries 511,246 531,696 580,991 670,715 694,669 750,674 875,786 1,000,898 1,126,011 1,251,123 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 253,525 261,131 268,965 277,034 285,345 293,905 302,722 311,804 321,158 330,793 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 1,261,770 1,299,623 1,338,612 1,378,770 1,420,133 1,462,737 1,506,619 1,551,818 1,598,372 1,646,324 Percentage Change 3.252% 4.594% 6.303% 3.165% 4.465% 7.092% 6.681% 6.319% 5.999% Total Streets 2,026,541 2,092,450 2,188,567 2,326,519 2,400,147 2,507,316 2,685,128 2,864,520 3,045,541 3,228,239 Community Services Parks Department Salaries 457,243 475,532 687,008 778,815 837,612 939,572 1,096,167 1,252,762 1,409,358 1,565,953 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 257,174 264,889 280,036 295,637 311,706 328,257 345,305 362,864 380,950 399,579 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 641,430 660,673 680,493 700,908 721,935 743,593 765,901 788,878 812,544 836,921 Percentage Change 3.337% 17.589% 7.758% 5.401% 7.491% 9.742% 8.931% 8.249% 7.669% Recreation Department Salaries 70,121 72,926 75,731 78,536 81,340 84,145 98,169 112,194 126,218 140,242 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 15,576 16,043 16,525 38,620 90,179 164,884 249,031 335,702 424,973 516,922 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 190,950 196,679 202,579 208,656 214,916 221,363 228,004 234,844 241,890 249,146 Percentage Change 3.253% 3.216% 10.507%, 18.607% 21.726%, 22.282% 18.695% 16.161% 14.277% Library Department Salaries 311,221 323,670 320,614 936,366 969,808 1,003,249 1,170,458 1,337,666 1,504,874 1,672,082 Other Personnel Costs 3.00% 159,197 163,973 168,892 202,759 252,042 310,003 384,103 460,426 539,039 620,010 Non-Payroll Operating Costs 3.00% 175,100 180,353 185,764 191,336 197,077 202,989 209,079 215,351 221,811 228,466 Percentage Change 3.482% 1.089% 97.027% 6.649% 6.858% 16.317% 14.164% 12.530% 11.247% 7 Long Range Financial Model Growth FISCAL YEARS Revenue/Expenditures Rate FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Total Community Services 2,278,012 2,354,738 2,617,641 3,431,633 3,676,615 3,998,057 4,546,217 5,100,687 5,661,657 6,229,321 Total Expenditures 19,148,549 20,537,368 22,545,868 25,009,507 27,481,208 29,253,796 32,704,371 36,187,635 39,704,567 43,256,180 Percentage Change 7.25% 9.78% 10.93% 9.88% 6.45% 11.80% 10.65% 9.72% 8.95% Funding Provided by Ad Valorum Tax I 678,3461 820,7021 238,4171 -457,2611 -1,879,9741 -2,337,8371 -4,441,1241 -6,549,8431 -8,664,5351 -11,401,428 Debt Service Existing Debt Service 4,319,054 4,004,234 3,975,735 3,467,103 4,477,509 4,638,694 4,638,812 4,649,656 4,649,909 4,497,930 Fire station additional funds 2,000,000 0 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 162,720 Library additional funds 3,884,327 0 " 0 316,029 316,029 316,029 316,029 316,029 316,029 316,029 316,029 City Hall 12,928,684 0 0 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 1,051,878 Recreation Center 13,234,280 0 0 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 1,076,741 Combined All Projects Savings -2,506,200 0 0 0 -203,904 -203,904 -203,904 -203,904 -203,904 -203,904 -203,904 Streets 19,180,000 0 0 0 1,560,485 1,560,485 1,560,485 1,560,485 1,560,485 1,560,485 1,560,485 Sidewalks 250,000 0 0 0 20,340 20,340 20,340 20,340 20,340 20,340 20,340 Community Park 1,495,000 0 0 0 121,633 121,633 121,633 121,633 121,633 121,633 121,633 New Quint 850,000 0 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 New Quint 950,000 0 0 0 0 91,647 91,647 91,647 91,647 91,647 91,647 Less. Interest earning from delay of Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Less: Interest Earning -1,736,000 -500,000 0 -800,000 524,687 0 0 0 0 0 Total Debt Service $52,266,091 2,583,054 3,748,954 6,665,102 6,855,024 9,281,763 8,918,261 8,918,379 8,929,223 8,929,476 8,777,497 Tax Rate Data Ad Valorum Tax Base $1,798,894,723 $2,003,986,114 $2,184,861,504 $2,369,720,895 $2,512,592,285 $2,658,043,676 $2,806,075,066 $2,956,686,457 $3,109,877,847 $3,265,649,238 Required O&M Tax Rate to Fund Expenditures 0.561950 0.520997 0.551038 0.581246 0.636772 0.649903 0.720218 0 783476 0 840563 0.911082 Required I & S Tax Rate to Fund Debt Service 0 144830 0.187075 0.305058 0.289276 0 369410 0.335520 0.317824 0.302001 0.287133 0.268783 Required Total Tax Rate $7.22 0.706780 0.708071 0.856096 0.870522 1.006182, 0.985423 1.038042 1.085477 1.127696 1.179865 8 Revenue History 2000- 2001- % 2002- % 2003- % 2004- % 2005- % 2006- % Avg.Annual Revenues 2001 2002 Change 2003 Change 2004 Change 2005 Change 2006 Change 2007 Change Change Ad Valorum Taxes 3,239,790 3,773,837 16.48% 4,782,759 26.73% 6,189,562 29.41% 7,792,002 25.89% 8,984,680 15.31% 10,560,670 17.54% 21.89% Sales Taxes 844,284 951,371 12.68% 1,010,235 6.19% 1,423,446 40.90% 1,783,376 25.29% 2,065,700 15.83% 2,282,260 10.48% 18.56% Franchise Taxes 816,944 958,066 17.27% 1,062,766 10.93% 1,382,731 30.11% 1,407,351 1.78% 1,757,850 24.90% 1,671,130 -4.93% 13.34% Licenses and Permits 739,570 1,131,544 53.00% 1,708,903 51.02% 1,522,039 -10.93% 1,260,963 17.15% 1,262,500 0.12% 1,153,000 -8.67% 11.23% Intergovernmental Revenues 263,330 365,316 38.73% 283,482 -22.40% 407,751 43.84% 773,875 89.79% 376,860 -51.30% 300,480 -20.27% 13.06% Service Fees 1,043,551 1,386,398 32.85% 1,240,798 -10.50% 1,480,130 19.29% 1,596,694 7.88% 1,667,000 4.40% 1,838,400 10.28% 10.70% Court Fees 492,549 484,920 -1.55% 426,637 -12.02% 419,272 -1.73% 427,892 2.06% 575,000 34.38% 541,000 5.91% 2.54% Interest& Miscellanous 170,353 222,989 30.90% 119,987 -46 19% 133,494 11.26% 319,519 139.35% 338,140 5.83% 350,000 3.51% 24 11% Totals 7,610,371 9,274,441 21.87% 10,635,567 14.68% 12,958,425 21.84% 15,361,672 18.55% 17,027,730 10.85% 18,696,940 9.80% 16.26% 9 Revenue Analysis Ad Valorum Tax Sales Tax Revenues Revenues Revenuesl Revenuesl Percentage Revenues Revenues/ Revenuesl Percentage Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change 2000 2001 3,239,790 16,711 $193.87 5,570 $581 62 2000 - 2001 844,284 16,711 50 52 5,570 151 57 2001 2002 3,773,837 18,350 $205.66 6,117 $616.98 6.08% 2001 - 2002 951,371 18,350 51 85 6,117 155.54 2.62% 2002 - 2003 4,782,759 21,350 $224 02 7,117 $672 05 8.93% 2002 - 2003 1,010,235 21,350 47 32 7,117 141.95 -8.73% 2003 - 2004 6,189,562 26,150 $236.69 8,717 $710.08 566% 2003 - 2004 1,423,446 26,150 54.43 8,717 163.30 15.04% 2004 - 2005 7,792,002 29,800 $261 48 9,933 $784 43 10.47% 2004 - 2005 1,783,376 29,800 59 84 9,933 179.53 9 94% 2005 - 2006 8,984,680 33,000 $272 26 11,000 $816 79 4.13% 2005 - 2006 2,065,700 33,000 62 60 11,000 187 79 4.60% 2006 - 2007 10,560,670 36,000 $293 35 12,000 $880 06 7.75% 2006 - 2007 2,282,260 36,000 63.40 12,000 190 19 1 28% Average $241 05 $723 14 7 17% Average $55 71 $167 12 4 12% Franchise Fee Revenues Intergovernmental Revenues Revenues Revenuesl Revenuesl Percentage Revenues Revenuesl Revenuesl Percentage Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change 2000 - 2001 816,944 16,711 $48 89 5,570 $146.66 2000 - 2001 263,330 16,711 $15 76 5,570 $47 27 2001 - 2002 958,066 18,350 $52.21 6,117 $156.63 6-80% 2001 - 2002 365,316 18,350 $19.91 6,117 $59 72 26.34% 2002 - 2003 1,062,766 21,350 $49 78 7,117 $149.33 -4.66% 2002 - 2003 283,482 21,350 $13.28 7,117 $39.83 -33.30% 2003 - 2004 1,382,731 26,150 $52 88 8,717 $158 63 6.22% 2003 - 2004 407,751 26,150 $15.59 8,717 $46 78 17 43% 2004 - 2005 1,407,351 29,800 $47 23 9,933 $141 68 10.69% 2004 - 2005 773,875 29,800 $25 97 9,933 $77.91 66.54% 2005 - 2006 1,757,850 33,000 $53 27 11,000 $159 80 12 79% 2005 - 2006 376,860 33,000 $11.42 11,000 $34.26 -56.02% 2006 - 2007 1,671,130 36,000 $46.42 12,000 $13926 -12.86% 2006 - _2007 300,480 36,000 $8.35 12,000 $25.04 -26.91% Average $50.10 $150 29 -0.40% Average $15.75 $47.26 -0 99% Service Fees Court Fees Fees Trash Fees/ Trash Fees/ Percentage Fees Court Fees/ Court Fees/ Percentage Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Collected Population Population Households Household Change 2000 2001 1,043,551 16,711 $62.45 5,570 $187 34 2000 2001 492,549 16,711 $29.47 5,570 $88.42 2001 2002 1,386,398 18,350 $75.55 6,117 $226.66 20.99% 2001 2002 484,920 18,350 $26.43 6,117 $79 28 10.34% 2002 - 2003 1,240,798 21,350 $58 12 7,117 $17435 -2308% 2002 - 2003 426,637 21,350 $1998 7,117 $59.95 -24.38% 2003 - 2004 1,480,130 26,150 $56 60 8,717 $169 80 -2 61% 2003 - 2004 419,272 26,150 $16 03 8,717 $48 10 -19.77% 2004 - 2005 1,596,694 29,800 $53 58 9,933 $160 74 -5 34% 2004 - 2005 427,892 29,800 $14 36 9,933 $43.08 -10.44% 2005 - 2006 1,667,000 33,000 $50.52 11,000 $151.55 -5 72% 2005 - 2006 575,000 33,000 $17 42 11,000 $52 27 21 35% 2006 - 2007 1,838,400 36,000 $51.07 12,000 $153 20 1 09% 2006 - 2007 541,000 36,000 $15.03 12,000 $45.08 -13 75% Average $58 27 $174 81 -2.44% Average $19 82 $59.45 -9.56% 10 Expenditure History % % % % % Overall Departments 2001-2002 2002-2003 Change 2003-2004 Change 2005-2006 Change 2006-2005 Change 2005-2006 Change Change General Government City Council 46,099 83,050 80.16% 62,323 -24.96% 47,402 -23.94% 96,150 102.84% 129,500 34.69% 33 76% City Manager 406,859 468,250 15.09% 670,941 43.29% 722,798 7.73% 321,880 -55.47% 438,900 36.36% 9.40% City Secretary 126,814 136,300 7 48% 156,622 14.91% 192,166 22.69% 184,210 -4 14% 234,220 27 15% 13.62% City Attorney 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 117,000 0 00% 133,000 13.68% 2.74% Finance 399,356 528,110 32.24% 515,362 -2.41% 510,588 -0.93% 528,450 3.50% 653,930 23.74% 11.23% Facilities & Fleet Services 178,639 402,000 125.03% 366,581 -8.81% 389,009 6 12% 124,000 -68 12% 164,150 32.38% 17.32% Support Services 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 144,660 0 00% 0 -100.00%. -20.00% Municipal Court 133,467 168,930 26.57% 145,662 13.77% 193,125 32.58% 237,520 22.99% 272,660 14.79% 16.63% Human Resources 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 158,410 0 00% 191,070 20.62% 4.12% Purchasing 0 0 0.00% 0 0 00% 0 0.00% 96,870 0.00% 104,340 7.71% 1 54% Information Technology 0 0 0.00% 0 0 00% 0 0.00% 111,590 0.00% 234,020 109.71% 21.94% Animal Control 66,130 114,040 72.45% 148,306 30 05% 156,413 5.47% 643,280 311 27% 268,140 -58.32% 72.18% Non- Departmental 1,655,671 1,413,120 14 65% 1,565,541 10 79% 1,999,747 27.74% 1,854,670 -7.25% 2,014,760 8.63% 5.05% Total General Government 3,013,035 3,313,800 9.98% 3,631,338 9.58% 4,211,248 15.97% 4,618,690 9.68% 4,838,690 4.76% 9.99% Public Safety Police 1,885,599 2,288,300 21.36% 2,594,268 13.37% 3,290,854 26.85% 3,698,150 12 38% 4,480,780 21.16% 19.02% Fire 1,709,603 1,940,180 13.49% 2,427,790 25.13% 3,550,605 46.25% 3,371,070 -5.06% 4,179,640 23.99% 20.76% Total Public Safety 3,595,202 4,228,480 17.61% 5,022,058 18.77% 6,841,459 36.23% 7,069,220 3.33% 8,660,420 22.51% 19.69% Development Services Planning 201,987 223,770 10 78% 216,927 -3 06% 243,666 12.33% 254,740 4 54% 424,610 66.68% 18 26% Building 457,981 477,180 4 19% 540,796 1333% 641,357 18.59°l0 690,920 773% 681,580 -1.35% 8.50% Code Enforcement 51,227 64,850 26.59% 69,558 7 26% 68,547 -1.45% 92,060 34.30% 148,690 61,51% 25.64% Total Development Services 711,195 765,800 7.68% 827,281 8.03% 953,570 15.27% 1,037,720 8.82% 1,254,880 20.93% 12.14% Streets 934,866 1,213,454 29.80% 1,213,454 0.00% 1,345,498 10.88% 1,501,740 11.61% 1,954,540 30.15% 10.53% Community Services Parks 554,503 719,050 29.67% 895,401 24 53% 1,224,254 36.73% 1,147,420 -6 28% 1,326,440 15.60% 20.05% Recreation 89,943 109,260 21.48% 127,796 16.97% 315,593 146.95% 265,870 -15 76% 275,540 3.64% 34.65% Library 322,719 355,440 10 14% 471,798 32 74% 749,718 58 91% 576,460 -23.11% 660,470 14.57% 18.65% Total Community Services 967,165 1,183,750 22.39% 1,494,995 26.29% 2,289,565 53.15% 1,989,750 -13.09% 2,262,450 13.71% 20.49% Totals 9,221,463 10,705,284' 16.09% 12,189,126 13.86% 15,641,340 28.32% 16,217,120 3.68% 18,970,980 16.98% 15.79% 11 Expenditures Analysis Total Expenditures Development Services Expenditures Expend.I Expend./ Percentage Expend.I Expend.I Percentage Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change 2000 2001 7,522,228 16,711 $450.14 5,570 $1,350.41 2000 2001 550,994 16,711 $32.97 5,570 $98 92 2001 2002 9,221,463 18,350 $502 53 6,117 $1,507 60 11.64% 2001 2002 711,195 18,350 $38 76 6,117 $116.27 17.55% 2002 - 2003 10,705,284 21,350 $501.42 7,117 $1,504.26 -0.22% 2002 - 2003 765,800 21,350 $35.87 7,117 $107.61 -7.45% 2003 - 2004 12,189,126 26,150 $466 12 8,717 $1,398 37 -7 04% 2003 - 2004 827,281 26,150 $31.64 8,717 $94.91 -11.80% 2004 - 2005 15,641,340 29,800 $524 88 9,933 $1,574 63 12 60% 2004 - 2005 953,570 29,800 $32 00 9,933 $96.00 1.15% 2005 - 2006 16,217,120 33,000 $491.43 11,000 $1,474 28 -6.37% 2005 - 2006 1,037,720 33,000 $31 45 11,000 $94 34 -1.73% 2006 - 2007 18,970,980 36,000 $526.97 12,000 $1,580.92 7.23% 2006 - 2007 1,254,880 36,000 $34.86 12,000 $104 57 10.85% $494.78 $1,484 35 2 97% $33 93 $101 80 1.43% General Government Expenditures Street Expenditures Expend.I Expend./ Percentage Expend.I Expend.I Percentage Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change 2000 - 2001 2,553,293 16,711 152 79 5,570 458 37 2000 2001 445,148 16,711 $26 64 5,570 $79.91 2001 - 2002 3,013,035 18,350 164.20 6,117 492 59 7.47% 2001 2002 934,866 18,350 $50.95 6,117 $152.84 91,25% 2002 - 2003 3,313,800 21,350 155.21 7,117 465.64 -5.47% 2002 - 2003 1,213,454 21,350 $56.84 7,117 $170.51 11 56% 2003 - 2004 3,631,338 26,150 138.87 8,717 416,60 -10.53% 2003 - 2004 1,213,454 26,150 $46.40 8,717 $139.21 -18.36% 2004 - 2005 4,211,248 29,800 141.32 9,933 423.95 1.77% 2004 - 2005 953,570 29,800 $32 00 9,933 $96.00 -31.04% 2005 - 2006 4,618,690 33,000 139.96 11,000 419.88 -0.96% 2005 - 2006 1,501,740 33,000 $45 51 11,000 $136 52 42.21 2006,- 2007 4,838,690 36,000 134.41 12,000 403.22 -3.97% 2006 - 2007 1,954,540 36,000 $54.29 12,000 $162.88 19.31% $146.68 $440 04 -1.95% $44.66 $133 98 19.16% Public Safety Expenditures Community Services Expenditures Expend. I Expend./ Percentage Expend. l Expend.I Percentage Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change Fiscal Year Expenditures Population Population Households Household Change 2000 - 2001 3,139,746 16,711 $187 88 5,570 $563.65 2000 2001 833,047 16,711 $49.85 5,570 $149 55 2001 - 2002 3,595,202 18,350 $195.92 6,117 $587 77 4 28% 2001 2002 967,165 18,350 $52 71 6,117 $158.12 5.73% 2002 - 2003 4,228,480 21,350 $198.06 7,117 $594 17 1 09% 2002 - 2003 1,183,750 21,350 $55.44 7,117 $166.33 5.20% 2003 - 2004 5,022,058 26,150 $192 05 8,717 $576 14 3 03% 2003 - 2004 1,494,995 26,150 $57 17 8,717 $171 51 3.11% 2004 - 2005 6,841,459 29,800 $229.58 9,933 $688 74 19.54% 2004 - 2005 2,289,565 29,800 $76.83 9,933 $230.49 34.39% 2005 - 2006 7,069,220 33,000 $214 22 11,000 $642 66 -6.69% 2005 - 2006 1,989,750 33,000 $60.30 11,000 $180.89 -21 52% 2006 - 2007 8,660,420 36,000 $240 57 12,000 $721 70 12 30% 2006 - 2007 2,262,450 36,000 $62.85 12,000 $188 54 4.23% 38,556,585 $208 33 $624.98 4.58% $59.31 $177.92 5 19% 12 5 Year Payroll Performa Salary Raises 4.00% - i li S .,ssri u,.. il.Qfi`" 0 16ris--`-._�„ 4.006/ l-St Q.Y^•, ".i y «1W`"- o ti' Department 1_ Position GPay rade Base Salary FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 City Mgr's Office GF City Manager 94 $136,280 $136,280 $141,731 $147,182 $152,634 $158,085 $163.536 $190.792 $218.048 $245,304 $272,560 Public Information Officer 6/ $58,860 $58,860 $61,214 $63,569 $65,923 $68,278 $70.632 $82 404 $94.176 $105,946 $117.720 ACM 94 $120,450 $120450 $125,268 $130,086 $134,904 $139,722 $144,540 $168.630 $192,720 $216,810 $240.900 Part-Time Admin.Secretary 46 $32,542 $32,542 $33,844 $35,145 $36,447 $37,749 $39.050 $45,559 $52 067 $58.576 $65,084 Executive Secretary 50 $40.616 $40,616 $42,241 $43,865 $45,490 $47,115 $48,739 $56,862 $64,986 $73,109 $81,232 Totals $388,748 $388,748 $404,298 $419,848 $436,398 $460,948 $466,498 $644,247 $621,997 $699,746 $777,496 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 City Secretary GF City Secretary 73 $66,555 S66,555 $69.217 $71,879 $74,541 $77,203 $79,866 $93,176 $106,487 $119,798 $133,109 Part-Time Admin.Secretary 4E S32.542 $32.542 $33.844 $35,145 $36,447 $37,749 $39,050 $45.559 $52,067 $58,576 $65,084 Administrative Secretary 46 $37,716 S37,716 $39,225 S40,733 $42,242 $43,751 $45,259 $52,802 $60.346 S67,889 $76.432 Totals $136,813 $136,813 $142,286 S147,768 8163,230 $168,703 $164,176 $191,638 $218,900 8246,263 $273,626 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Finance GF Finance Director 89 $101,323 $101,323 $105,376 $109,429 $113,482 $117,535 $121,588 $141,852 $162,117 $182,381 $202,646 Sr.Accountant 68 $60,295 $60,295 $62,707 $65,119 $67,530 $69,942 $72,354 $84,413 $96,472 $108,531 $120,590 Budget Officer 60 $54,624 $54,624 $56,809 $58,994 $61,179 $63,364 $65,549 $76,474 $87,398 $98,323 $109,248 Accountant 58 $44,860 $44,860 $46,654 $48,449 $50,243 $52,038 $53,832 $62,804 $71,776 $80,748 $89,720 Accountant 58 $43,765 $43,765 $45,516 $47,266 $49,017 $50,767 $52,518 $61,271 $70,024 $78,777 $87,530 Budget Assistant 44 $30,974 $33,452 $34,691 - $35,930 $37,169 $43 364 $49,558 $55,753 $61,948 Accounting Assistant-PR 44 $34,921 $34,921 $36,318 $37,715 $39,112 $40,508 $41,905 $48,889 $55,874 $62,858 $69,842 Totals $370,762 $339,788 $363,380 $400,423 $416,263 $430,084 $444,914 $619,067 $693,219 $667,372 $741,624 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Utility Billing Uf Utitity Billing Supervisor 50 $41,657 $41,657 S43,323 $44,989 $46,655 $48,322 $49.988 $58,319 S66,650 $74,982 $83,313 Meter Sery Crew leader 46 $37,742 $37,742 $39,252 $40,761 $42,271 S43,781 $46,290 S52,839 $60,387 $67,936 875,484 Finance Department Administrative Secretary 46 $36,023 $35,023 $36,424 $37,826 $39,226 S40,627 $42,028 $49.032 $56,037 $63,041 $70,046 Finance Department Accounts Payable Clerk 40 $26,057 S26,057 $27,099 $28,142 $29,184 $30,226 $31,268 $36,480 $41 691 $46,903 $52,114 Utility Billing Clerk 40 $29,606 $29,606 $30,790 S31.974 $33,158 $34,342 $35,527 $41,448 $47,369 $53,290 $59,211 Utility Billing Clerk 40 $28,762 $28,762 $29,913 $31,063 $32 214 $33,364 $34.515 $40,267 $46,020 $51,772 $57,526 Meter Reader 40 $30,219 $30,219 $31,427 $32,636 $33,845 $35,053 $36,262 $42.306 S48,350 S54,393 S60.437 Meter Reader 40 $29,061 $29,061 $30,224 $31,386 $32.549 $33.711 $34,874 $40,686 $46,498 S52,310 S58,123 Utility Billing Clerk 40 $29.606 S29,606 $30,790 $31.974 $33,158 $34,342 $35.527 $41,448 S47,369 $53,290 $59,211 Utility Billing Clerk 40 $29.606 $33,159 $34,343 $35.527 $41,448 $47,370 $53,291 $59,212 Totals $317,338 $287,732 $299,241 $310,760 $366,418 $368,112 $380,806 $444,273 $607,741 $671,208 $634,676 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Human Resources GF Hr Manager 71 166,594 S66 594 $69,258 $71,922 $74.585 $77,249 $79,913 $93,232 $106,550 $119,869 $133,188 Hr Assistant 46 $35,048 $35,048 $36 450 $37,852 $39,254 $40,656 $42.058 $49,067 $56 077 $63.086 $70,096 Hr Assistant 46 $33,356 $34,690 $36,024 $37.358 $38,692 $40,027 $46,698 $53.369 $60,040 $66.711 Hr Assistant 46 $33,356 $34,690 $36,024 $37,358 $38,692 $40,027 S46,698 $53,369 $60.040 $66,711 Totals $168,363 $101,642 $176,087 $181,821 $188,666 $196,290 $202,024 $236,694 $269,366 $303,036 _ $336,706 r 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (Purchasing GF Purchasing Agent 68 $71,672 $71,672 $74,639 $77,406 $80,273 $83,140 $86,006 $100,341 $114,676 $129,010 $143,344 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Pay Base FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08 09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 T FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 l- Department 1 Position Grade Sala Municipal Court OF Court Administrator 64 $58,825 $58,825 $61,178 S63,531 $65,884 $68,237 $70 590 $82,355 $94,120 $105.885 $117,650 WarrantOfficer/Bailiff 60 $47,132 $47.132 $49,017 $50,903 $52,788 S54,673 $56,558 S65,985 $75,411 $84,838 $94,264 Court Clerk 42 $35,023 $35.023 $36 424 $37,825 $39,226 $40,627 $42,028 S49,032 556,037 $63,041 $70,046 Totals $170,461 $140,980 $177,280 $184,098 1190,917 6197,736 $204,664 6238,646 $272,738 $306,831 $340,923 - - -_ _ 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Information Technology GF 11 Technlclan $51,992 $51,992 $54.072 $56.151 $58,231 $60.311 $62,390 $72,789 $83,187 $93,586 $103,984 Totals $161,026 _ $61,992 $167,066 $163,107 $169,148 $176,189 _ $181,230 $211,436 $241,640 $271,846 $302,06Q. _ 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Police GF Lieutenant 80 $83 158 $83,158 886,484 $89,811 S93.137 $96.463 $99.790 $116,421 $133,053 $149,684 $166.316 lieutenant 80 $75.345 $75.345 $78,359 $81,373 584,386 $87,400 $90,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135,621 $150,690 Sergeant 70 564.969 $72 765 S75.364 $77 963 $90,957 $103,950 $116,944 $129,938 Sergeant 70 $64,969 $72 765 $75 364 577,963 590,957 5103,950 $116,944 $129,938 Sergeant 70 $64,969 567 568 $70.167 $72.765 $75.364 $77.963 $90.957 $103,950 $116,944 S129,938 Sergeant 70 564,969 $64,969 $67,568 $70,167 $72 765 $75,364 $77,963 590.957 $103,950 $116,944 $129,938 Sergeant 70 $58.860 $58.860 561,214 $63.568 S65,923 $68,277 $70,632 $82 403 194.175 $105.947 5117719 Sergeant 70 558,860 $58,860 $61,214 S63,568 S65,923 $68,277 $70,632 S82,403 $94,175 $105.947 S117,719 Sergeant 71 $58.860 $58 860 $61,214 563.568 S65,923 S68,277 S70,632 $82 403 S94,175 $105,947 $117,719 Sergeant 70 $57,424 S57.424 $59,721 $62,018 564,315 $66,612 S68.909 $80,394 $91,878 $103.363 S114,848 Patrol Officer 60 $57,424 $57,424 $59.721 $62,018 $64.315 S66,612 $68,909 $80,394 $91,878 S103.363 $114,846 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 147,820 $49,659 $51,499 S53,338 555,177 $64.373 $73,570 $82,786 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 S47,820 $49,659 551499 $53,338 $55,177 $64.373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $47,820 $49,659 $51.499 $53.338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 S82.766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 545,981 $47.820 549659 $51,499 S53,338 555.177 $64,373 $73,570 $82766 591,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $49,659 $51,499 S53.338 $55,177 $64.373 $73.570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 645,981 549,659 $51499 553,338 $55.177 564,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 80 S45,981 $49,659 551,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 549,659 $51,499 $53.338 $55,177 $64,373 S73,570 S82.766 $91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45.981 549,659 $51.499 $53,338 555,177 $64.373 $73.570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $47.820 $49,659 $51.499 S53,338 S55.177 $64.373 573,570 $82.766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 545,981 $51.499 $53.338 $55.177 S64.373 873,570 $82.766 $91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $51 499 $53,338 $55,177 $64.373 $73,570 582.766 S91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 551.499 $53.338 $55,177 $64.373 S73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $48,309 $48,309 S50,241 $52,174 $54,106 556,038 $57,971 $67,632 $77,294 $86,956 $96,618 Patrol Officer 60 554,657 $54,657 $56,843 $59,030 561,216 S63.402 S65,588 $76,520 887,451 S98,383 8109,314 Petrol Officer 80 S50,754 550,754 $52,7135 $54,815 $56,845 $58,875 $60,905 $71,056 $81,207 $91,358 $101,509 Patrol Officer 60 $52,023 $52,023 S54,104 $56,185 $58266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 583,237 $93,642 $104,047 Patrol Officer 60 S52,023 $52,023 854.104 S56,185 $58,266 S60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83237 $93,642 $104,047 Patrol Officer 60 $48,309 $48,309 $50,241 $52,174 $54.106 $56,038 S57.971 $67,632 577.294 $86,956 596,618 Detective 60 549,517 $49,517 $51,497 $53,478 $55,459 $57,439 559,420 $69.323 $79,226 $89,130 $99.033 Petrol Officer/Sro 60 $48,309 $46,309 S50,241 $52,174 $54,106 $56,038 557,971 $67,632 $77,294 $86,956 596618 Patrol Officer 60 $51.192 $51,192 $53.239 S55,287 $57.335 $59,382 $61,430 $71,668 S81,907 $92,145 $102,383 Patrol Officer 60 $51,192 $51 192 $53,239 $55,287 S57,335 $59,382 S61.430 $71,668 $81,907 $92,145 $102,383 Detective 60 $52 023 $52,023 S54,104 $56.185 $58,266 860,347 $62,428 $72.833 S83.237 593,642 $104,047 Detective 60 548,280 $48,280 550,211 552.142 $4,074 $56,006 $67.936 $67,592 $77,248 $86.904 $96,560 14 r Department I----1 Position PayGe Ba Salary FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 T FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 j FY 14-1n FY 15-161 Detective 60 $50,754 $50,754 152.785 854.815 $56,845 $58.875 $60,905 $71,056 $81,207 $91,358 $101,509 Patrol Officer/Sro 60 550,754 S50.754 552.785 S54,815 $56,845 $58,875 S60,905 $71,056 681,207 S91.358 $101,509 Patrol Officer/Sro 60 $52.023 S52,023 $54 104 $56.165 $58,266 $60.347 $62,428 $72,833 S83.237 $93,642 $104,047 Patrol Officer 60 543.873 S43,873 $45,628 $47.382 $49,137 550,892 S52.647 $61,422 $70,196 878,971 $87,745 Patrol Officer 60 145981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 S64,373 $73,570 $82.766 S91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45.981 $47,820 $49,660 551.499 S53.338 S55,177 S64,373 $73,570 $82,766 S91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45.981 S47,820 $49,660 S51.499 $53.338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 S51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64.373 S73,570 $82,766 S91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47.820 $49,660 $51.499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 173,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45.981 $47,820 $49 660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45 981 $47,820 $49.660 $51,499 $53.338 S55,177 $64,373 $73.570 $82,766 591,962 Patrol Officer/Sro 60 $44.001 $44,001 S45,761 $47,521 $49,281 $51,041 S52,801 S61,602 $70,402 $79,202 588.002 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 S45,981 $47,820 $49,660 551,499 $53,338 $55.177 S64,373 $73,570 $82,766 S91,962 Patrol Officer 80 $45 981 $45,981 S47,620 $49,660 $51.499 $53,338 $55,177 564,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47.820 $49,660 $51.499 $53,338 $55.177 $64.373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 80 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 649,660 S51.499 $53,338 S55,177 S64.373 873,570 $82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 S51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 S82,766 591,962 Patrol Officer 60 647,270 $47,270 $49,160 S51,051 $52 942 $54.833 $56,723 $66,177 $75,631 $85,085 $94,539 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 $51.499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91 962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,982 $45,982 $47.821 849,661 $51,500 S53,339 $55,178 $64,375 $73,571 $82,768 S91964 Patrol Officer 60 $45,983 S45,983 $47,622 $49.662 $51,501 $53,340 855,180 $64,376 573,573 $82,769 $91,966 Patrol Officer 60 $45,984 S45,984 847823 $49.663 $51,502 $53,341 $55,181 $64,378 $73,574 $82,771 $91,968 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $51.499 $53.338 $55.177 $64 373 $73.570 $82,786 $91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 S53,338 $55,177 $64,373 S73,570 $82,766 $91.962 Patrol Officer 60 $45.981 S53,338 S55,177 564,373 $73,570 $82,766 S91,962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 $53,338 S55,177 $64,373 $73.570 $82,766 $91962 Patrol Officer 60 $45.981 $53.338 S55,177 S64,373 573.570 $82,766 $91 962 Patrol Officer 60 $45,981 S55.177 $64.373 $73.570 S82,766 $91,962 Patrol Officer 80 $45,981 S55,177 $64,373 $73.570 $82,786 $91 962 Patrol Officer 60 $45.981 S55,177 $64,373 $73,570 S82,766 $91,962 Civilian 50 S35,920 $38 794 $40,230 $41.667 $43,104 $50.288 157 472 864,856 $71 840 Cid Secretary 46 $39,626 $39,626 $41,211 $42,796 $44,381 $45,966 $47,551 $55,476 $63,402 S71,327 S79.252 Administrative Secretary 46 $39,626 $39,626 $41,211 $42,796 $44,381 $45,966 $47,551 $55,476 S63,402 $71,327 S79,252 Administrative Secretary 46 $37,739 $43,777 $45287 $52,834 $60.382 $67,930 $75.478 Records Clerk 40 135,023 $35,023 $36,424 S37,825 139 226 $40.627 642.028 $49,032 $56,037 $63,041 $70,046 School Crossing Guard 24 $6,905 $6,905 $7,181 $7,457 $7,734 $8,010 $8,286 $9,667 $11,048 $12,429 813.810 School Crossing Guard 24 $6,412 $6,412 $6,668 56,925 $7.181 $7,438 $7,694 $8,977 $10,259 $11,542 S12.824 School Crossing Guard 24 $6,103 $6,103 $6,347 $6.591 $6,835 $7,079 $7,324 $8.544 $9,765 $10,985 $12,206 School Crossing Guard 24 $6,103 $6 103 $6,347 $6,591 $6,835 $7,079 $7,324 $8.544 $9765 $10,985 $12,206 School Crossing Guard 24 $5,813 $5.813 $6,046 $6,278 $6,511 $6,743 S6.976 $8,138 $9,301 S10,463 $11,626 School Crossing Guard 24 $5,924 $5,924 $6,161 $6,398 $6,635 $6.872 $7.109 $8,294 $9,478 $10,663 $11,848 School Crossing Guard 24 $5,671 $5,671 85,898 $6,125 $6.352 $6,578 S6,805 $7,939 $9,074 S10,208 $11,342 School Crossing Guard 24 $5,671 $5,671 $5,898 $6,125 $6,352 $6.578 $6,805 $7,939 $9,074 $10,208 $11,342 Totals $3,642,908 $2,308,742 $2,707,760 63,098,896 $3,666,299 $3,949,760 $4,261,490 14,960,072 $6,668,664 $6,377,236 67,086,817 63 69 66 71 76 79 79 79 79 79 15 Pay Base FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Department Position Grade Salary Fire GF Fire Chief 88 $100,000 $100,000 $104,000 $108,000 $112,000 $116,000 $120,000 $140,000 $160,000 $180,000 $200,000 Battalion Chief 80 $75,345 $84,386 $87,400 $90,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135,621 $150,690 Battalion Chief 80 $75,345 $84,386 $87,400 $90,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135.621 5150,690 Battalion Chief 80 $75,345 $84,386 $87,400 590,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135,621 $150,690 Assistant Chief 80 $83,167 $83,167 $86,494 $89,820 $93,147 $96,474 $99,800 $116,434 $133,067 $149,701 $166,334 Captain 75 $77,229 $83,407 $86,496 $89,586 $92,675 $108,120 $123,566 $139,012 $154.458 Captain 75 $77,229 $83,407 $86,496 $89,586 $92,675 $108,120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $77,229 $83,407 $86,496 $89,586 $92,675 $108.120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $77,229 $89,586 $92,675 $108.120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $77,229 $89,586 $92,675 $108,120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $77,229 $77,229 $80,318 $83,407 $86,496 $89,586 $92,675 $108,120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $75,333 $75,333 $78,347 $81,360 $84,373 $87,387 $90,400 $105,467 $120,534 $135,600 $150,667 Captain 75 $77,229 $77,229 $80,318 $83,407 $86,496 $89,586 $92,675 $108,120 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 Captain 75 $73,254 $73,254 $76,184 $79,114 $82,044 $84,974 $87,904 $102,555 $117,206 $131,857 $146,507 Captain 75 $68,259 $68,259 $70,989 $73,720 $76,450 $79,181 $81,911 $95,563 $109,215 $122,866 $136,518 Captain 75 $73,508 $73,508 $76,448 $79,388 $82,328 $85,269 $88,209 $102,911 $117,612 $132,314 $147,015 Fire Marshal 75 $76,583 $76,583 $79,647 $82,710 $85,773 $88,837 $91,900 $107,217 $122,533 $137,850 $153,167 Captain 75 $77,229 $89,586 $92,675 $108,121 $123,566 $139,012 $154,458 LT Fire Inspector 70 $58.859 $63,568 $65,922 $68,276 $70,631 $82,403 $94,174 $105,946 $117,718 Plans Examiner 70 $58,859 $63,568 $65,922 $68,276 $70,631 $82,403 $94 174 $105,946 $117,718 Fire Fighters 60 $52,023 $54.104 $56.185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Fire Fighters 60 $52,023 $54 104 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83.237 $93,642 $104,047 Fire Fighters 60 $52,023 $54,104 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Fire Fighters 60 $52,023 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Fire Fighters 60 $52,023 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104.047 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $52,023 $52,023 $54,104 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Fire Inspector 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $52,053 $52,053 $54,135 $56,217 $58,299 $60,381 $62,463 $72,874 $83,285 $93,695 $104,106 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $52,023 $52,023 $54,104 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $49,517 $49,517 $51,497 $53,478 $55,459 $57,439 $59,420 $69,323 $79,226 $89,130 $99,033 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $52,023 $52,023 $54,104 $56,185 $58,266 $60,347 $62,428 $72,833 $83,237 $93,642 $104,047 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $49,517 $49,517 $51,497 $53,478 $55,459 $57,439 $59,420 $69,323 $79,226 $89,130 $99,033 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $49,517 $49,517 $51,497 $53,478 $55,459 $57,439 $59,420 $69,323 $79,226 $89,130 $99,033 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $49,517 $49,517 $51,497 $53,478 $55,459 $57,439 $59,420 $69,323 $79,226 $89,130 $99,033 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $50,754 $50,754 $52,785 $54,815 $56,845 $58,875 $60,905 $71,056 $81,207 $91,358 $101,509 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $48,309 $48,309 $50,241 $52,174 $54,106 $56,038 $57,971 $67,632 $77,294 $86,956 $96,618 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $49,664 $49,664 $51,651 $53,637 $55,624 $57,610 $59,597 $69,530 $79,462 $89,395 $99,328 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $18,409 $18,409 $19,146 $19,882 $20,618 $21,355 $22,091 $25,773 $29,455 $33,136 $36,818 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $47,131 $47,131 $49,016 $50,901 $52,786 $54,671 $56,557 $65,983 $75,409 $84,835 $94,261 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $45,981 $45,981 $47,820 $49,660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Firefighter/Paramedic 60 $48,309 $48,309 $50,241 $52,174 $54,106 $56,038 $57,971 $67,632 $77,294 $86,956 $96,618 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $49,660 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73.570 $82,766 $91,962 16 Pay Base FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 r-- Department Position Grade Salary Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53.338 $55.177 $64,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55.177 $64,373 $73.570 $82,766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 E45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82.766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 E73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Fire Fighters 60 $45,981 $53,338 $55,177 $64.373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Public Educator 60 $45,981 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 $73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $20,205 $20,205 $21,013 $21,822 $22,630 $23,438 $24,246 $28,287 $32,328 $36,369 $40,410 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $18,858 $18,858 $19,612 $20,367 $21,121 $21,875 $22,630 $26,401 $30,173 $33,945 $37,716 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $18,858 $18,858 $19,612 $20,367 $21,121 $21,875 $22,630 $26,401 $30,173 $33,945 $37,716 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $20,654 $20,654 $21,480 $22,307 $23,133 $23,959 $24,785 $28,916 $33,047 $37,178 $41,308 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $18,409 $18,409 $19,146 $19,882 $20,618 $21,355 $22,091 $25,773 $29,455 $33,136 $36,818 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $18,409 $18,409 $19,146 $19,882 $20,618 $21,355 $22,091 $25,773 $29,455 $33,136 $36,818 Part-Time Firefighter 49 $17,960 $17,960 $18,679 $19,397 $20,115 $20,834 $21,552 $25,144 $28,736 $32,328 $35,920 Administrative Clerk 46 $32,542 $39,050 $45,559 $52,067 $58,576 $65,084 Administrative Secretary 46 $39,626 $39,626 $41,211 $42,796 $44,381 $45,966 $47,551 $55,476 $63,402 $71,327 $79,252 Fire Dept Clerk 30 $24,794 $24,794 $25,786 $26,778 $27,769 $28,761 $29,753 $34,712 $39,670 $44,629 $49,588 Totals $3,660,273 $1,944,697 $2,184,797 $2,808,216 $3,216,881 $4,080,668 $4,260,327 $4,970,382 $6,680,436 $6,390,491 $7,100,646 40 43 61 66 67 68 68 68 68 68 Police/Animal Control GF Animal Control Supervisor 54 $39 649 $39,649 $41,235 $42.821 $44 407 $45,993 $47,579 $55,509 $63,439 $71.369 $79,299 Animal Control Officer 44 $30,974 $30,974 $32,213 $33,452 $34,691 $35,930 837,169 $43,364 $49,558 $55,753 $61,948 Animal Control Officer 44 $31,640 $31,640 $32,905 $34,171 $35.437 $36.702 $37,968 $44,296 $50,624 1156,952 $63.280 Kennel Attendant 34 $24.197 $24,197 $25,165 $26.133 $27.100 $28,068 $29,036 $33,876 $38,715 643,554 $48,394 Animal Control Officer _ 44 $31,640 $36,702 $37,968 $44,296 $50,624 __ $56,952 $63,280 Totals $168,100 $126,460 $131,618 $136,677 $141,636 E183,386 E188,720 $221,339 $262,965 6284,679 8316,199 _ - r 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 Streets GF Director of PublicServioes 86 $98,860 $98,860 $102.814 $106,768 $110,723 $114,677 $118,631 $138 403 $158,175 $177,947 $197,719 Pw Superintendent 76 $80,996 $80,996 $84,236 $87,476 $90,716 $93.956 $97,195 $113 395 $129,594 $145,793 $161,992 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 50 $41,657 $41,657 $43,323 $44989 $46,655 $48,322 $49.986 $58,319 $66,650 $74,982 $83,313 Street Crew leader 48 $39,649 $39,649 $41,235 $42,821 $44,407 $45,993 $47,579 $55,509 $63,439 $71,369 $79,299 Street Crew leader 48 $37 739 $37.739 $39,248 $40,758 $42.267 543.777 $45,287 $52,834 $60,382 $67,930 $75,478 Streets Equip Operator 44 $34,189 $34,189 $35,557 $36,925 R38,292 $39.660 $41,027 $47,865 $54,703 $61,541 $68,379 Streets Equip Operator 44 f,sr,,.189 <.:.,. ,39,650 $11 021 247&S' 954;0'_ $01.2r 1 $69,379 Street Maint Worker 38 $30,219 $30,219 531 427 $32,636 $33,845 $35,053 $36,262 $42,306 $48,350 $54,393 $60,437 Street Moist Worker 38 $30,219 $30,219 $31,427 $32,636 $33,845 $35,053 $36,262 $42,306 $46,350 $54.393 $60,437 Street Moist Worker 38 $29.430 $29,430 $30,607 $31,784 $32,961 $34,138 $35.316 $41,202 $47,088 $52 973 $58.859 Street Maint Worker 38 $29 430 $29.430 $30,607 $31,784 $32 961 $34.138 $35,316 $41,202 $47,088 $52,973 $58,859 Street Maint Worker 39 $29,430 $29,430 530,607 $31,784 $32,961 $34,138 $35,316 $41,202 $47,088 $52.973 $58,859 Seasonal Worker 39 $29,430 $29,430 $30,607 $31,784 $32,962 $34,139 $35,316 $41,202 $47 086 $52,974 $58.860 Street Maint Worker 39 $26,709 $28,845 529,914 S30,982 $32,05 1 537,392 542,734 511,076 553.418 Street Maint Worker 38 $26,709 $29,914 $30,982 $32,051 $37,392 $12,734 $48.076 $53,418 Streets Maint Worker 38 $26,709 $32.051 $37,392 742,134 $48,978 553,418 Totals $625,562 _ $511,246 $531,696 $580,991 $670,715 $694.669 $750,674 $875,786 $1,000,898 $1,126,011 $1,251.123 12 12 13 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 Pay Base FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Department Position Grade Salary Planning&Zoning GF Planning Director 86 $87,377 $87,377 $90.872 $94,367 $97,862 $101,357 $104,852 $122,328 $139,803 $157.279 $174 754 Planner I 50 $35,920 $35.920 $37,357 $38.794 $40,231 $41,868 S43,104 $50.288 $57 472 $64,657 $71,841 Administrative Secretary 46 $37,739 $37,739 $39,248 $40.758 $42.267 $43,777 $45.287 $52.834 $60,382 $67.930 $75,478 Totals $161,036 $161,036 $167,478 $173,919 $180,360 $186,802 $193,243 $226,460 $267,668 $289,866 $322,072 _ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Building Building Official/Director 80 $75,345 S75,345 $78,359 $81,373 $84,387 $87.401 $90,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135.621 $150,691 Sr.Building Inspector 60 $55,990 $55.990 $58,230 $60,469 $62,709 $64,948 $67,188 $78,386 $89,584 $100,782 $111,980 Plans Examiner 54 $48.280 $48,280 $50,211 $52,142 $54,074 $56,005 $57,936 $67.592 $77,248 $86,904 $96,560 Building Inspector 54 $48,280 $48.280 $50.211 $52,142 $54,074 $56,005 $57 936 $67,592 $77,248 $86,904 $96,560 Building Inspector 54 $48,280 $48,280 $50,211 $52,142 $54,074 $56,005 $57,936 $67,592 $77,248 $86,904 $96,560 Building Inspector 54 $48,280 $48,280 $50,211 $52,142 $54,074 $56.005 $57,936 $67 592 $77,248 $86,904 $96,560 Building Inspector 54 $43,739 $43,739 S45,489 $47,238 $48,988 $50.737 $52,487 $61,235 $69,982 $78,730 $87,478 Permit Technician 44 $30.974 $30,974 $32,213 $33,452 $34,691 $35,930 $37 169 $43,364 $49,558 $55,753 $61,948 Permit Technician 45 $30,974 $30,974 $32,213 $33,452 $34,691 $35,930 $37,169 $43,364 $49,558 $55,753 $61,948 40 Totals $499,860 $499,860 $619,864 $639,848 $669,843 $679,837 8699,832 $699,803 $799,776 6899,747 $999,719 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Code Enforcement GE Code Inspector 52 $42 673 $40,641 $44,380 $46,087 S47,794 $49,501 $51,208 $59,742 $68,277 $76.811 $85,346 OF Code Inspector 53 $42,673 $40,641 $44 380 $46,087 547,794 549,501 $51.208 $59,742 $66,277 $76,611 $85,346 Totals $126,987 $81,281 6131,026 $136,066 $141,106 $146,144 $161,184 $176,381 $201,678 $226,776 8261,973 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Public Services OF Community Services Dir 86 $98,300 $98,300 $102.232 $106,164 $110,096 $114,028 $117.959 $137,619 $157,279 $176,939 $196,599 Ast Pw Superintendent 66 $63,026 $63 026 $65,547 $68,068 $70 589 $73,111 $75,632 $88,237 $100,842 $113,447 $126,053 Water Supervisor 58 $53,199 $53,199 $55,327 $57,455 $59,583 $61,711 $63,839 $74,479 $85,118 $95,758 $106,398 Water Crew leader 50 $39,626 $39,626 $41,211 $42,796 $44,381 $45.966 $47,551 $55 476 $63,402 $71,327 $79,252 Water Crew leader 50 $41,632 $41,632 $43,297 $44,963 $46,628 $48.293 $49,958 $58,285 $66,611 $74,938 $83,264 Sewer Crew leader 50 $41,632 $41,632 S43.297 $44 963 $46,628 $48,293 $49,958 $58,285 $66,611 $74,938 $83,264 Planning Assistant 52 $48,280 $45,981 $50,211 $52,142 $54.074 $56,005 $57,936 $67,592 $77,248 $86 904 $96,560 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 50 $35,920 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 50 $35,920 Secretary 1 40 $28,061 $28.061 $29,183 $30,306 $31,428 $32,551 $33,673 $39,285 $44,897 $50,510 $56,122 Clerk 40 $28,061 $28.061 $29,183 $30 306 $31,428 $32 551 $33,673 $39,285 $44,897 $50,510 $56,122 Water Equip Operator 44 $35,899 $35,899 $37,335 $38,771 $40,207 $41,643 $43,079 $50,259 $57,438 $64,618 $71,798 Water Equipment Oper 44 $35,899 $35,899 $37,335 $38,771 $40,207 $41,643 $43,079 $50,259 $57,438 $64,618 $71,798 WW Equipment Operator 40 $30,556 $30,556 $31,778 $33,000 $34,223 $35,445 $36,667 $42,778 $48,890 $55,001 $61,112 WW Maint Worker 2 40 $28,061 $28,051 $29,183 $30,306 $31,428 $32,551 $33,673 $39,285 $44,897 $50,510 $56,122 Water Maint Worker 3a $27,376 $27 376 $28,472 $29,567 S30,662 $31_.757 $32,852 $38,327 $43,802 $49,278 $54,753 18 Pay Department 1 L. Position Grade Salary FY 06-07 I FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 1 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 16-16 J Water Maint Worker 36 $30,219 $30,219 $31,427 $32,636 $33,845 $35,053 $36,262 $42,306 $46,350 $54,393 $60,437 Water Maint Worker 38 $31,748 $31,748 $33,018 $34.288 $35,558 $36 828 $38.098 $44,448 $50,797 $57,147 $63,497 Water Maint Worker 38 $26,709 $26.709 $27,777 $28,845 $29 914 $30,982 $32,051 $37,392 $42,734 $48,076 $53,418 Sewer Maint Worker 38 $26,709 $26,709 $27,777 $28,845 $29,914 $30,982 $32 051 $37.392 $42,734 $48,076 $53.418 Sewer Major Worker 38 $27,333 $27,333 $28,426 $29,519 $30,613 $31,706 $32,799 $38,266 $43,732 $49,199 $54,666 Totals $1,068,908 $740,026 $772,018 $898,196 $1,062,428 $1,204,004 $1,282,690 $1,496,471 $1,710,263 S1,924,036 $2,137,816 19 19 22 26 29 30 30 30 30 30 Parks OF Parks Director 75 $86,594 $71,922 $74.585 $77,249 S79,913 $9. ,32 $106,550 $119.869 $133.188 Parks Superintendent 70 $79.113 $79.113 $82,278 S85,442 S88,607 S91,771 $94,936 S110,758 S126,581 $142,403 $158,226 Assistant Park Superintendent 70 $58,859 $63,568 $65.922 $68,276 $70,831 $82 403 $94,174 $105,846 5117.718 Parks Field Supervisor 56 $54,624 $54,624 $56,809 $58,994 S61,179 S63,364 $65,549 $76,474 $87,398 $98,323 $109,246 Parks Crew leader 48 $39,626 S39,626 $41,211 $42,796 $44,381 $45,966 $47,551 $55 476 $63 402 $71,327 $79,252 Crew Leader 48 $34.189 $41.027 $47,865 $54 702 S61 540 E68.378 Administrative Assistant 46 $32,542 $36,447 $37.749 $39.050 S45,559 S52,067 $58.576 S65,084 Service Technician 40 $31,740 $31,740 S33,010 $34,279 $35,549 S36,818 $38,088 $44,436 S50,784 $57.132 $63,480 Lead Chemical Applicator 40 $35,023 $35,023 $36,424 $37825 $39,226 $40,627 $42,028 $49,032 $56,037 $63,041 $70,046 Parks Maint Worker 38 S27,376 $27,376 $28,471 $29,566 $30,661 $31,756 $32.851 $38,326 $43.802 $49,277 $54,752 Parks Maint Worker 38 $26,587 $26,587 $27.650 S28,714 $29,777 $30,841 $31,904 $37,222 $42,539 $47,657 S53,174 Parks Maint Worker 38 S26,587 $26,587 S27,650 $28,714 $29,777 $30,841 $31,904 $37,222 $42,539 $47,857 $53,174 Parks Maint Worker 38 $26,587 S26,587 $27,650 $28,714 $29,777 $30,841 $31.904 $37,222 $42,539 $47,857 $53,174 Parks Maint Worker 38 $26,587 $26,587 $27,650 $28,714 $29,777 $30,841 131.904 $37,222 142,539 $47,857 $53,174 Parks Maint Worker 38 $26,587 $26,587 $27,650 $28,714 S29,777 S30,841 $31,904 $37,222 S42.539 $47,857 $53,174 Parks Maint Worker 38 $30,219 $30,219 $31,427 S32,636 S33,845 $35 053 $36,262 $42,306 S48,350 S54.393 $60,437 Seasonal Worker 38 $26,587 $26,587 $27,650 S28,714 $29.777 $30,841 $31,904 S37,222 S42,539 S47.857 S53,174 Maintenance Worker 38 $26,712 $28.849 $29,917 $30,966 S32,054 S37.397 $42,739 $48,082 $53 424 Maintenance Worker 38 S26,711 S28,848 $29.916 S30,985 $32,053 S37,395 S42.738 S48,080 S53,422 Maintenance Worker 38 $26,710 $29 915 S30.984 S32,052 $37.394 $42,736 $48.078 S53,420 Maintenance Worker 38 $26,709 S30,982 S32,051 S37,393 $42 734 S48.076 $53.418 Maintenance Worker 38 $26,708 $32.050 $37.391 $42 733 $48,074 $53,416 Totals $782,977 $467,243 8476,632 $687,008 $778,816 $837,612 $939,672 $1,096,167 $1,262,762 $1,409,368 $1,666,963 13 13 17 19 20 22 22 22 22 22 Recreation GF Recreation Superintendent 70 $58,860 Recreation Manager 66 $53,324 Recreation Supervisor 56 $47,103 $47,103 $48,987 $50,871 $52,755 $54,639 $56,524 $65,944 $75,365 $84,785 $94,206 Recreation Center Manager 56 S41,657 Asst.Recreation Center Manag' 50 $35,920 Recreation Programs Coordinat 48 $34,189 Fitness Program Coordinator 48 $34,189 Recreation Administrative Staff 40 $28,063 Recreation Administrative Staff 40 $28,062 Recreation Administrative Staff 40 $28,061 Community Center Monitor 26 $11,509 $11,509 $11,969 $12,430 $12,890 $13,350 $13,811 $16,113 $18,414 $20,716 $23,018 Community Center Monitor 26 $11,509 $11,509 $11,969 $12430 $12,890 $13,350 $13,811 $16,113 $18,414 $20,716 $23,018 Totals $412,446 $70,121 $72,926 $75,731 $78,636 $81,340 $84,146 $98,169 $112,194 $126,218 $140,242 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Library OF library Director 80 $75,345 $75,345 S78,359 $81,373 S84.387 187 401 S90,414 $105,483 $120,552 $135.621 $150,691 Public Services Librarian 59 $45,981 S46,981 S47,820 $49,658 $51,499 $53,338 $55,177 $64,373 S73,570 $82,766 $91,962 Children's Librarian 59 $45,879 $45,879 $47,714 $49,549 851,384 $53,219 $55.054 $64,230 173.406 $82,582 $91,757 Technical Librarian 59 $55,673 $55,673 S57,900 $60,127 $62.354 $64,581 $66,808 $77.942 $89,077 $100,211 $111.346 Reference Libranan 59 $45,879 $51,384 $53,220 $55,055 $64.231 $73,406 $82,582 $91,758 Reference Librarian 59 $45.880 $51.386 $53,221 $55,056 $64,232 $73,408 $82,584 $91.760 Reference Assistant 38 $50.241 $56,270 $58,280 $60,289 S70,337 $80,386 $90,434 $100,482 Reference Assistant 38 $50,242 $56,271 $58,281 $60,290 $70,339 $80,387 $90,436 $100.484 1 FTE Part-Time 38 $50,241 $56,270 $58.280 $60,289 S70,337 $80,386 $90,434 $100,482 1 FTE Part-Time 38 $50,242 $56,271 $58.281 $60,290 $70,339 $80,387 $90,436 $100.484 19 Pay Base FY 06-07 FY 07.08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Department • Position Grade Salary Children's Reference Assistant 50 $35,920 $40.230 $41 667 $43.104 $50,288 $57.472 $64,656 $71,840 Adult Reference Assistant 50 $35,920 $40,230 $41,667 $43,104 $50,288 $57,472 $64.656 $71,840 Library Technician 38 $26.711 $29.916 $30,985 $32.053 $37.395 $42 738 $48,080 $53 422 Library Technician 38 $26,710 $29 915 $30,984 $32,052 $37,394 $42,736 $48,078 $53.420 Library Technician 38 $26.709 $29,914 $30,982 $32.051 S37,393 $42 734 $48.076 $53 418 Automation Technician 38 $26 709 $29 914 $30,982 $32,051 $37,393 $42 734 $48,076 $53 418 Part-Time Library Clerk 38 $14,356 $14,356 $14.930 $16,079 $16,653 $17,227 S20.098 $22,970 $25.841 $28,712 Library Technician 38 $30,219 $30.219 $31.427 $32,636 $33,845 $35,053 $36,262 $42.306 S48.350 $54,393 $60 437 Part-Time Library Clerk 38 $15,024 $15,024 $15,625 $16.226 $16,827 817 427 $18,028 $21,033 $24,038 $27,043 $30,047 Library Technician 38 $28,745 $28 745 $29,895 $31,045 $32.194 $33,344 $34,494 $40.243 $45 992 $51,741 857.490 Library Technician 38 $26.708 $29,913 $30,981 $32.050 $37.391 $42 733 $48.074 $53,416 Automation Technician 38 S26.708 $29,913 $30.981 $32,050 $37,391 $42,733 $48,074 $53.416 Totals $836,041 $311,221I $323,670 $320,614 $936,366 8969,808 $1,003,249 $1,170,468 $1,337,666 $1,604,874 $1,672,082 8 8 7 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Communication/Fire CF Dispatch Supervisor 57 $48,280 $48.280 $50,211 $52.142 $54,074 $66,005 $57 936 667,592 $77,248 $86.904 $96.560 Shift Supervisor 48 $34,189 $35,557 $36.924 S38,292 $39.659 $41.027 $47.865 $54 702 $61,540 $68.378 Dispatcher 47 $43,377 $43,377 $45,112 $46,847 $48,582 $50,317 S52,052 $60,728 669,403 S78,079 $86,754 Dispatcher 47 843.377 $43,377 $45,112 $46,847 $48,582 $50,317 $52.052 $60.728 $69,403 $78,079 $86,754 Dispatcher 47 $39,588 $39,588 $41,172 642,755 S44.339 $45,922 $47,506 $55,423 $63,341 671,258 S79,176 Dispatcher 47 $38,262 $38,262 $39,792 $41,323 $42,853 $44,384 $45,914 $53,567 $61,219 $68,872 $76,524 Dispatcher 47 $36,808 $36,808 $38,280 $39.753 $41,225 542,697 $44,170 $51,531 $58,893 $66,254 $73,616 Dispatcher 47 $41.312 $42,964 $44,617 S46,269 $47.922 $49.574 $57,837 $66,099 $74,361 $82,624 Dispatcher 47 $41,312 $44,617 $46,269 $47,922 $49,574 $57,837 $66,099 $74,361 $82.624 Alarm Permit Clerk 37 $42,995 $42,995 $44,714 $46,434 $48,154 $49,874 $51,593 $60,192 S68,791 $77,390 $85,989 Totals $409,499 $292,6871 $382,916 $442,269 $468,639 $476,019 S491,399 $673,299 $666,199 $737,099 $818,999 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Engineering OF City Engineei 88 $103,682 $103,682 $107829 $111,976 $116,124 $120,271 $124,418 $145,155 $165,891 $186,627 $207,364 Pru;ecl Manage. 75 S36,594 565.594 ., 1,7'Sa 7377,249 $79 7 13 $93,232 5,I09,651 $i -13..188 Engineering Technician 55 $49,487 $49,487 $51,466 $53,446 $55,425 $57,405 $59.384 $69,282 $79,179 $89 077 $98,974 Utilities Inspector 46 $43,739 $43 739 $45,489 $47,238 $48,988 $50,737 $52,487 $61,236 $69,982 $78,730 $87,478 Utilities Inspector 46 $43,739 $43,739 $45,489 $47,238 $48,988 $50,737 $52 487 $61,235 $69,982 $78,730 $87,478 Totals $307,241 $307,241 $319,631 $331,820 $344,110 $366,400 $368,689 $430,138 $491,686 $663,034 $614,482 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Salary Totals $8.819,980 $9,972:201 $11,534,460 $13,452,209 $15,109,889 $15,945,747 $18,603,371 $21,260,598 $23,918,620 $26,576,245 198 215 237 269 291 298 298 298 298 298 20 5 Year Payroll Performa Salary Raises FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 Department City Mgr's Office 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Secretary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Utility Billing 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Human Resources 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Purchasing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Court 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Information Technology 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Police 0 6 12 18 23 26 26 26 26 Fire 0 3 11 15 27 28 28 28 28 Police/Animal Control 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Streets 0 0 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 Planning & Zoning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code Enforcement 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Public Services 0 0 3 7 10 11 11 11 11 Parks 0 0 4 6 7 9 9 9 9 Recreation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 -1 14 14 14 14 14 14 Communication/Fire 0 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 17 40 74 96 104 104 104 104 Property Tax Analysis Property Tax Analysis 2005 Assessed Valuation New %of Total Market %of Average Assessed Assessed Residential Units Construction Market Value Value Total Value Assessed Valuation/ Number of Valuation/ Percentage Single Family Residence 8,237 117,252,004 10 82% 1,084,049,368 63 15% 131,607 Fiscal Year Valuation Population Population Households Household Change Multifamily Residence 141 2,133,292 6.49% 32,851,890 1 91% 232,992 Vacant lot 316 0 0 00% 25,566,833 1.49% 80,908 2000 - 2001 616,206,518 16,711 36,874 31 5,570 110,622 92 Qualified Ag Land 160 0 0.00% 66,228,487 3 86% 413,928 2001 - 2002 753,797,959 18,350 41,078 91 6,117 123,236 72 11.40% Non- Qualified Land 70 0 0.00% 32,164,386 1.87% 459,491 2002 - 2003 929,246,605 21,350 43,524 43 7,117 130,573 29 5.95% Farm and Ranch Improvements 66 200,630 3.83% 5,236,780 0.31% 79,345 2003 - 2004 1,130,974,581 26,150 43,249 51 8,717 129,748 52 -0.63% Mobile Homes 1,036 2,355,829 11 10% 21,232,917 1 24% 20,495 2004 - 2005 1,395,316,995 29,800 46,822.72 9,933 140,468 15 8.26% Residential Inventory 1,529 20,980,478 29.76% 70,494,049 411% 46,105 2005 - 2006 1,566,656,876 33,000 47,474 45 11,000 142,423.35 1.39% Sub-total 11,555 142,922,233 10.68% 1,337,824,710 77 94% 115,779 2006 - 2007 1,785,589,736 36,000 49,599 71 12,000 148,799.14 4.48% Average $44,089 15 $132,267 44 5 14% Commercial and Industrial Commercial real estate 290 15,616,157 9 00% 173,582,080 10.11% 598,559 Building Permit Revenues Industrial Real Estate 22 25,380 0.06% 42,113,187 2.45% 1,914,236 Gas Distribution System 2 0 0.00% 1,127,370 0.07% 563,685 Permit Permits Permit Electric company 11 0 0.00% 11,702,275 0 68% 1,063,843 Fiscal Year Revenues Issued Price Telephone Company 4 0 0.00% 229,453 0.01% 57,363 Pipeline Company 2 0 0.00% 283,686 0 02% 141,843 2000 - 2001 550,484 634 868.27 Cable Television Company 10 0 0.00% 740,149 0.04% 74,015 2001 - 2002 765,245 974 785.67 Commercial Personal Property 556 4,630,379 3.19% 145,037,269 8.45% 260,858 2002 - 2003 1,501,161 1,430 1,049.76 Industrial Personal Property 9 0 0,00% 3,444,676 0.20% 382,742 2003 - 2004 1,285,611 1,262 1,018.71 Special Inventory Tax 10 0 0 00% 423,552 0.02% 42,355 2004 - 2005 1,113,672 1,020 1,091.84 Sub-total 916 20,271,916 5.35% 378,683,697 22.06% 413,410 2005 - 2006 1,100,000 1,000 1,100.00 Total 12,471 163,194,149 9 51% 1,716,508,407 100 00% 137,640 2006 - 2007 1,000,000 1,000 1,000.00 22