Ordinance 2007-11 ORDINANCE NO. 2007-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2006-56, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2006-56 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 beginning October 1, 2006, and ending September 30, 2007; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations at mid-year to determined if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 200612007 Budget, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY2006/2007 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2006-56, as summarized in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY2006/2007 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY2006/2007 Budget and Ordinance No. 2006-56, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No. 2007-11 FY 2006-2007 Mid-Year Budget Amendment SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 24th day of April, 2007. \\\\\1111111111 ,\' OF Will ",\ y" ",~ ....... ( //" " .. -. ." ATTEST: ~ G.... .... ~~ ~ ... ~ ., ... ;. ~ i SEAL ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ .,: : ... . ... ... . ... ~ . .... .. .. ~ . .. ~ " ~ y ...... ~ " "'II if E T'C.'f-.. "", 111111 ,,'. \1\\\\\\ Date of publication in The Wvlie News - Mav 2. 2007 Ordinance No. 2007-11 FY 2006-2007 Mid-Year Budget Amendment All FUNDS City of Wylie COMBINED SUMMARY ~ FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS MENT 1 CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED FY2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS April 24, 2007 COMBINED SUMMARY 2006-2007 2006-2007 ALL FUNDS FIRE ALL FUNDS ORIGINAL GENERAL EMERGENCY TRAINING PARK A & I UTILITY IMPACT FLEET AMENDED BUDGET FUND COMM. FUND CENTER FUND FUND FUND FUND BUDGET (1) ESTlMT A TED FUND BALANCE 9-30-06 64.154,010 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 64,154,010 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 13,095,670 13,095,670 Non-Property Taxes 4,554,520 4,554,520 Franchise Fees 1,671 ,130 1,671,130 Licenses and Permits 1,153,000 1,153,000 Intergovernmental Revenue 390,480 53,340 122,610 217,500 783,930 Service Fees 13,396,840 225,000 13,621,840 Court Fees and Fines 541,000 541,000 Interest & Miscellaneous Income 2,188,100 181,090 2,369,190 Bond Proceeds Transfers from Other Funds 1,888,830 6,230 51,100 1,946,160 TOTAL REVENUES 38,879,570 459,430 6,230 122.610 217,500 51,100 39,736,440 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 103,033,580 103,890,450 EXPENDITURES: General Government 4,838,690 473,000 40,000 5,351,690 Public Safety 9,893,560 199,040 46,400 6,230 10,145,230 Urban Development 1,269,880 1,269,880 Streets 1,954,540 1,954,540 Community Services 3,088,220 40,960 184,500 3,313,680 Utilities 7,401,480 27,500 11,100 7,440,080 Debt Service 6,906,560 6,906,560 Capital Projects 27,649,730 217,500 27,867,230 Economic Development 1,777,700 1,777,700 Transfers to Other Funds 1,888,830 46,230 11,100 1,946,160 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 66,669,190 759,230 46,400 6,230 184,500 38,600 217,500 51,100 67,972,750 ENDING BALANCES 36,364,390 35,917,700 NET CHANGE TO ENDING FUND BALANCE (299,800) (46,400) (61,890) (38,600) (446,690) TOTAL REVENUES 39,736,440 NET DECREASE (INCREASE) IN FUND BALANCES (Original Budget) 27,789,620 Amendments to Budget 446,690 TOTAL APPROPRIABLE FUNDS 67,972,750 (1) All funds are included in the Original Budget and Amended Budget columns. However, individual fund columns include only the funds that are affected by proposed budget amendments. City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND ~ MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS A I I A~HIVIt::I'J I L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,117,770 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 19,183,030 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (19,473,980) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (299,800) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 5,527,020 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Matching Revenues to Expenditures: neutral 3,910 Donation from Walmart for K-9 neutral 2,800 Donation from Shanti homes for K-9 neutral 1,410 Dare Program remaining proceeds allocated to K-9 neutral 5,000 ETMC Medical supplies reimbursement neutral 16,000 TDSHS, Texas Trauma Fund neutral 0 2005 UASI grant funds received prior year. neutral 4,720 Lone Star Library Grant neutral 1,740 Donation from Friends of the Library neutral 6,230 Recognize Fire Department Account neutral 2,110 Bullet Proof Vest Grant neutral 8,010 Police Training Fund f State of Texas neutral 2,500 Texas Book Festival Grant New Revenue: Increase 160,000 Interest Earnings Increase 20,000 Step Wave Grant! Click it Ticket, Police Department Grant Increase 225,000 Additional Revenue in Trash service Total Revenues 459,430 Memo To: Finance Department and City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin cc: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EMS Medications and fluids A federal government restriction prohibits East Texas Medical Center from disbursing medications and IV fluids outside of its primary Medical Control. This is in conflict with the contract between ETMC and the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the City of Wylie. Wylie Fire-Rescue is now required to purchase EMS medications and fluids from a third party vendor. The new process will require ETMC to reimburse COW for medications and fluids as they are used andl or expire. WFR will Invoice ETMC on a quarterly basis for reimbursement. The expense for the medications and fluids will be taken from 52250 and deposited back in the general fund, or budget number designated by Karla Stovall. It is estimated that we will need to deposit approximately $5000 in 100-5231-52250 for the remainder of this year to cover this reimbursement process. 1 Memo To: Finance Department / City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin cc: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EMS Electronic Patient Care Report (ESO) The process to take EMS reporting to a paperless platform has started. The funds for this transition are provided to us by the Texas Department of State Health Services due to our participation in the Texas Trauma Registry database, used by participating health care providers in Texas for research and injury prevention. We expect to receive approximately $16,000 from TDSHS through the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council. We have contracted with ESO Solutions, Inc. to provide us hardware, software and support to have all EMS data gathered via electronic tablets and uploaded to the proper databases on the internet. This will improve the accuracy of our data and efficiency of billing for services. The spreadsheet below describes the costs and accounts for deposits and expenditures. Expenditures from 100-5231-58810 Software Interface with CAD (One-time fee): ($1995) Software Interface with Defibrillators: ($2995) Implementation and Department Training: ($1645) 2006-2007 Annual subscription: ($8000) Expected Deposits (2 or 3 checks per year from Texas Trauma Fund) to 100-4000-43512 $16,000 1 Memo To: Finance Department / City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin cc: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for EGC Consoles & Furniture In 2006, Wylie City Council approved a purchase of EOC console and Furniture. This purchase was part of the 2005 UASI grant EOC upgrade. We purchased the EOC furniture in September, but it was not installed until late October. The EOC cost was taken out of 2006-07 budget account 5231-58830 for the amount of $4,788. This reduction in the account will not allow us to purchase the other items in that account that were budgeted for in the current year's budget, and therefore need to add $4,788 back into 5231-58830. The grant reimbursement has already been received for this amount. 1 REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 1 TITLE OF REQUEST: Lone Star Grant DEPARTMENT: Library - If Personnel changes are a component of the request, please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level (Salary Grade) - Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To - - PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Lone Star Grant from the Texas State Library will be used for part-time hours in Fiscal Year 2007. The Library part-time hours were cut in Fiscal Year 2007. Circulation has increased 17 percent from the previous year; new borrowers have increased 11 percent from the previous year; and Library Visitors have increased 30 percent from the previous year. NOTE: Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel, office furniture, tools, equipment, etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-51112 Salaries--Part time 4,714 I TOTAL I 4,7141 PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 4,714 TOTAL 4,714 REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 3 TITLE OF REQUEST: Friends of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library--Donation DEPARTMENT: Library - If Personnel changes are a component of the request, please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level (Salary Grade) - Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To - - PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Friends of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library support the Smith Library through advocacy and fund raising. This year they are donating $1,740.00 for a Book and Cinema Club for students ages 9 - 12. NOTE: Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel, office furniture, tools, equipment, etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-56040 Tween Book and Cinema Club 1,740 ITOTAL I 1,740 I PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct ComDensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 1,740 TOTAL 1,740 Memo To: Finance Department 1 City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin cc: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Closed Checking Account The Wylie Fire Department has maintained a checking account since 2001. Deposits for this account come from public/corporate donations made specifically to the department. The finance department requested WFD close the account and incorporate the funds with the general fund. After a meeting with Larry Williamson and staff, WFD understands the funds will be set-up in a separate account/budget line and the account will be set up similar to an enterprise fund. WFD will estimate donations and expenditures each year during the budget process. A check has been cut to the City of Wylie for the full amount listed below. The following table shows the opening balance and the funds available to individual groups within the fire department. Retirement $1,298.57 Clown Program $2,200.72 AED program $ 995.06 Dive Team $1,735.54 WFD requests a mid-year budget amendment to include these funds in its budget and to allow expenditures for these programs. 1 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mindy Manson, Larry Williamson, Karla Stovall FROM: Jeff Butters, Chief of Police DATE: 04-04-2007 SUBJECT: Additional Mid-Year Budget Amendments. Bullet Proof Vests Grant $21l0.00 Acct. 10-211-52710 The U.S. Dept. of Justice reimburses the City of Wylie for approved purchases of bullet proof vests. If transferred to the uniform account the funds can be used to purchase vests for new officers yet to be hired. LEOSE Training Fund $8010.00 Acct. 10-211-56210 The State of Texas collects funds from citation revenue and distributes monies to Local law enforcement agencies to be utilized for training. The money must be transferred to our training account for expenditure. REQUEST FORM - MIDYEAR BUDGET REQUEST RANK 1 OF 2 TITLE OF REQUEST: Texas Book Festival Grant DEPARTMENT: Library - If Personnel changes are a component of the request, please complete the following: New Request Yes No New personnel? Yes No Level (Salary Grade) - Funds already expensed or received? Yes No Change Level of current personnel? From To - - PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Texas Book Festival Grant has been awarded to the Library. The grant will be used to purchase English-as-a-Second Language materials for the adult Spanish-speaking population in Wylie. NOTE: Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel, office furniture, tools, equipment, etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5551-52630 Audiovisual Materials--ESL for library collection 2,500 I TOTAL I 2,500 I PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES 2,500 TOTAL 2,500 !-\ I I !-\GnIVICI~ I L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS THOROUGHFARE IMPACT FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 217,500 Collin County Engineering Office agreement Total Revenues 217,500 neutral (217,500) Engineering Services Maxwell Creek Total Expenditures (217,500) A I I AGHIVIt:I\j I L. PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,117,770 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 19,183,030 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (19,4 73,980) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (299,800) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 5,527,020 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Matching Expenditures to Revenues: Police neutral (8,120) New K-9. Police neutral (2,110) Purchase bullet proof vests. Police neutral (8,010) Police training funds Fire neutral (5,000) Expense for Medical supplies. Fire neutral (16,000) Implementation and software to comply with TDSHS. Fire neutral (4,790) EOC console and furniture Library neutral (4,720) Part-time salaries from Lone Star Grant Funds (matching revenue) Library neutral (1,740) Allocation of donation from Friends of the Library Library neutral (2,500) Audiovisual materials for ESL Library collection Transfer neutral (6,230) Transfer from General Fund to Fire Training Center New Expenditures: Facilities increase (22,000) Mold testing, remediation, and reconstruction of Fire Station 1 & 2. Combined Services increase (10,000) Special Services costs Combined Services increase (80,000). Utilities Electric Combined Services increase (361,000) Trash service increase Police increase (12,000) Assistant Police Chief Fire increase (40,000) Increase maintenance in Heavy Equipment account. Fire increase (18,010) Full-time and Part-time Annual Physicals budget shortage Fire increase (85,000) Increase overtime. Recreation increase (12,000) Wylie Wave energy costs Recreation increase (20,000) Enterprise plan for Recreation Center Transfer neutral (40,000) Transfer remaining vehicle maintenance balance to Fleet Fund. Total Expenditures (759,230) CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director Date: March 21, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account -100-5132-54910 $22,000 Buildings Justification: This request is for the unanticipated costs to perform mold testing, remediation, and reconstruction at Fire Stations 1 and 2. 1 To: Mindy Manson From: Larry Williamson Dated: April 16, 2006 Ref: Mid-Year Adjustments Each year Allied Waste asks the Utility Billing Department for a count on trash customers. Each year for the past 3 years Utility Billing had run an Incode report to determine the count. Nothing was thought to be amiss until Allied started delivering recycle carts. They had ordered the carts they thought they needed, but were still short close to 750 carts. This prompted Trinity to question the number of customers we had reported to them. After conversations with Incode, it was determined that 3 mobile home parks were not being picked up in the total count because of the way they were originally entered into Incode. As a consequence, Allied had not billed us for these customers for 3 Years. Since the law only allows a service provider to go back two years, we owe Allied about $l50,OOO. The City was collecting the revenue, but the report that generates the trash customers was not accurate. We have adjusted the budgeted amounts for trash service revenue and expenses as a result of these findings. WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mindy Manson, City Manager FROM: Jeff Butters, Chief of Police DATE: 03-15-07 SUBJECT: Mid- Y ear Budget Amendments. The Police Department is seeking several Mid-Year Budget Adjustments due to changing circumstances since the preparation of the 06-07 budget. ASSIST ANT POLICE CHIEF Since my assignment as Asst. City Manager it has become apparent that the PD needs one person, in charge, to run day to day operations. My intent is to hire someone who can be developed and prepared to eventually assume the position of Police Chief. Both the positions of Assistant City Manager and Police Chief were funded in this budget. Because I have occupied both positions an Asst. Police Chief will not have a real salary impact. The position will require approximately $12,000 to fund as detailed in the Expanded Level of Service form. UPGRADE PART TIME RECORDS CLERK TO FULL TIME A records clerk position was added in the 06/07 budget. The position was originally requested as full time. r felt the full time position was justified as our case load and work load in records had increased almost 100% in the last 4 years while the number of employees had stayed the same (2). The salary cost for the remainder of this year is minimal, see attached Expanded Level of Service. GRANTS AND DONA TrONS Attached in a separate memo EXPANDED LEVEL OF SERVICE FORM RANK 1 1 PROGRAM TITLE: Assistant Police Chief DEPARTMENT: 211 - Police If Personnel changes are a component of the request, please complete the following: New personnel? No Level (Salary Grade) 85 New personnel? Yes No Level (Salary Grade) - - Change Level of current personnel? From To Change level of current personnel? From To - - - - PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: See Attached Memo I NOTE: Finance will calculate personnel costs from the 51000 cost category series. Use the box below to reflect apparel, office furniture, tools, equipment, etc. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100-5211-51160 Certification Pay 1800 100-5211-51210 Car Allowance 3600 100-5211-51230 Clothing Allowance 400 100-5211-52130 Tools & Equipment 2100 100-5211-52710 Uniforms 3000 100-5211 Communications 384 I TOTAL I 11,284 I PERSONNEL COST: FOR FINANCE ONLY AMOUNT Direct Compensation Other Compensation Retirement Insurance and Other Benefits TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 51000 SERIES - TOTAL EXPENDITURES FROM 52000-58000 SERIES TOTAL - Memo To: Finance Department/City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin Date: 4/20/2007 Re: Mid-year budget increase for account 54530 The 54530 account will require restoring to the levels of funding from previous years to insure that the repair and maintenance of our apparatus is achieved. I am estimating that an additional $ 40,000 dollars will be needed to complete the year. There are several reasons for the mid-year amendment request: Increased amount of vehicles maintained and decreased budqet from the previous vear 0 In 2005-2006 the department utilized two accounts for fleet maintenance (54510 and 54530) with a total amount of $100,000.00. For the 2006-2007 budget year, the accounts were broken down further to distinguish expenditures easier (54510, 54530, 54990), however, the accounts were substantially reduced for a total of $60,000.00. ACCOUNTS 2005-2006 2006-2007 54510 $75,000.00 $40,000.00 54530 $25,000.00 $15,000.00 54990 N/A $ 5,000.00 'y'.i............< "i., ':'\L.'......"..,. '" 0 Completion of vehicles built and placed in service last year. Due to shortages in the Capital Replacement Fund, we had to construct three vehicles over the last two years. We completed several miscellaneous upgrades to these vehicles. 0 Several items were budgeted and bought in the previous budget year but were not delivered until this year. Finance took them out of this year's budget which resulted in a further net loss to this year's account. This was a substantial hit to a budget that had been substantially reduced. Increased costs due to more technologically advanced apparatus, laws requiring certified technicians, and inflation and increased parts costs. 0 More Electronics that require diagnostics and aren't easy to repair. 0 We are using sub-contractors to do a majority of the work due to certifications required to work on the apparatus. 0 Costs of repairs increased 4% to 6% depending on the type of repair and the vendor. 0 Parts are more complicated. Lots of high cost electronic parts such as valve controllers have replaced manual parts. Increased call volume in summer months result in increased repairs. All maintenance, repairs, and body damage is repaired out of this account. Some typical repair costs are listed. 1 1. Set of tires for a quint or an Engine is around $2,000. Around one to one and a half sets per year, per truck. 2. CAFS System repair $2,500- $ 4,000. Anticipate 2 to 3 a year. We have had repairs as high as $ 5,770 on these systems. 3. Electronic Valve Controller for deckgun or ladderway valve $1,100. 4. Air compressor replacement $1,219.00 5. Quarterly P.M.'s (large apparatus) $380.00 x 15 6. Annual P.M. (complete PM with full inspection) $660 x 5 7. Brake replacement with rotors and seals (large trucks) $ 2,000.00. At least one set per front line truck per year. 8. Diagnostics for check engine light. $614.00 including mileage charge. 9. Quarterly PM for ambulances and grass rigs $90.00. 10. Annual Aerial Test $850 x 3. This will be multiplied by four with the addition of Quint 3. 11. Engine head repair and gasket replacement. $5,300.00 This does not account for major catastrophic pump, engine, ladder or transmission failures. The repairs handled in house are not included in these estimates as the hourly rate is calculated and paid through normal shift staffing. As of May 2007, the number of large trucks in our fleet will have increased from four to six. We are maintaining a total of 12 large vehicles through this fund. All of these vehicles are specialty vehicles such as Quints, engines, ambulances, grass rigs, and squads. All of the vehicles are front line except for 2 vehicles. Quint 5 and Engine 5 operate as reserves, but are also equipped and staffed by call back personnel. The total budget for the year will be $100,000.00 with this amendment. That averages to $ 6,667 per vehicle. The range varies greatly form vehicle to vehicle and year to year. The range so far this year is estimated at $18,429.00 for Quint 1 to $161.26 for Attack 1. The attack truck is new, under warranty and doesn't run many calls. Quint 1 is over seven years old, highly specialized, and has run a majority of calls in the city for the last several years. Even with the high maintenance costs of Quint 1, it is averaging what it cost the City of Dallas to maintain a ladder truck. The Quint is a ladder and a pumper. . Page 2 Memo To: Finance Department / City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Physicals The fiscal budget line item to cover Annual Physicals for Firefighters was not funded at level to meet the 2007 cost for the services. In the past, we were funded at $300 per full-time firefighter for a physical designed to cover the minimum requirements for Haz-Mat. This physical did not meet the minimum suggested standard in N.F.P.A. 1582 and did not provide communication with our peer fitness coordinators for "fit-far-duty" clearance statements. The provider of the services did not confer with each patient, and reporting back to the patients of any potential health problems did not occur consistently. An RFP was requested after the budget was submitted and approved. The cost of the minimum necessary physical increased from $300 to over $700. Also, a new item was added to this budget for 8 full-time employees to receive Body Scans in addition to their physical. These were submitted at a price of $450 and should have been submitted at $500, The spreadsheet below indicates the shortage needed to complete physicals for all full-time firefighters for this budget year. Also included is an estimate to complete physicals for part- time personnel, suggested by the Human Resources Director. This amendment is to special services account 131-5231-56040 Each Sub-totals: Base Physical 8 full time remaining $560.00 $4,480.00 Body Scan shortage $45.00 $360.00 Physical shortage (Already completed) $420.00 $8,820.00 Funds needed To Complete full time: $13,660.00 Add the above to part-time personnel, 6 physicals: $560.00 $3,360.00 2 Body Scans: $495.00 $990.00 Funds needed To Cover part-time: $4,350.00 Total Budget amendment to cover full and part-time: $18,010.00 1 TO: Mindy Manson FROM: Chief Randy Corbin SUBJECT: Mid-year Overtime 2006-07 DATE: April 20, 2007 2000 N. Hwy. 78 Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-8110 Wylie Fire-Rescue is requesting an additional $85,000 to supplement the support ofWFR operations for this fiscal year, and for the funding to be included in subsequent budgets. This request is being made in lieu of the planned addition of three (3) firefighters at mid-year. Further analysis of the addition of those personnel revealed that an annualized investment of approximately $250,000 for them would result in an overtime savings of only $100,000. Research revealed that current personnel are willing to work the additional hours to supplement their incomes, which gives the City the avoided costs of benefits for the new employees. Overtime costs for WFR are being used to avoid the costs associated with more full-time employees. Currently, minimum daily staffing (8 Firefighters and 2 Captains) exactly equals the number of personnel assigned to the one Squad and two Quints that are in service. Whenever anyone is off for any reason, overtime is required to keep the City adequately protected. Some unanticipated circumstances have also caused additional overtime costs during the year, like open positions and increased incidents with call- back and its associated overtime. Overtime costs are incurred whether the absence from shift is due to vacation, sick time, training, administrative meetings/work, worker's compensation, fire safety education programs, specialty team responses (swiftwater, hazmat, dive), emergency management activities, conference attendance, fire cause investigations, or any other reason. For example, the overtime costs to cover last December exceeded $37.-000 (holidays plus one vacant position). This also helps the City of Wylie to manage the liability of time off owed to existing employees, which represents real dollars. This request actually reflects a philosophy that will work to the advantage of both the City and to the employees serving the City through WFR. Currently, we have a good base of highly skilled professionals that can dedicate some of their off-duty time to covering back-up apparatus and to immediately placing apparatus in service to respond to our larger-scale incidents. By utilizing these personnel, WFR has fewer personnel to train, insure, equip, and manage as a whole, thereby giving some efficiency to the organization. It also gives the individual employee the ability to remain more involved in departmental activities, thereby developing them more for future opportunities, keeping them more involved in local activities, and an increase to their income through their primary job with WFR. As time passes and WFR members have more outside/family responsibilities, this approach may not be able to be sustainable, but this is a great opportunity for both the City and WFR employees at the current time. Besides helping with organizational size and health, this approach saves Wylie money for the time being. CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19,2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 100-5521-56040 $12,000 Energy Cost for Wave Program Justification: Staff originally requested $12,000 for these energy costs in the FY06-07 budget, but this item was cut during the budget process. This funding is necessary to reimburse WISD for energy (electrical) cost incurred when the Wave Program uses their facilities. 1 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 20, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account - To be determined $20,000 Enterprise Plan for Recreation Center Justification: The Park and Recreation Division recommends that a contract for consultant services be awarded to a firm that is capable of performing an Enterprise Plan for the proposed Recreation Center. The plan would help in identifying various fees that could be established to allow the Recreation Center to be a revenue- generating facility. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS EMERGENCY ........ COMMUNICATIONS FUND A I I AG!-lIVIt:I'l1 L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS EMERGENCY COMMUNICA liONS April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 399,474 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 950,100 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (1,075,803) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (46,400) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 227,371 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Dispatch increase (46,400) Two (2) Dispatcher positions 4 months Dispatch increase Pay grade increase for Alarm clerk from grade level 37 to 42. Transfer funds within Personnel services to cover cost. Total Expenditures (46,400) Memo To: Finance Department / City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin CC: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Additional Personnel in Dispatch Public Safety Communications requires two (2) new dispatch positions, to maintain optimum staffing for rapid growth, compensate for higher and a more lengthy call load, alleviate overtime, allow for more training, and reduce liability on a sole dispatcher. We currently have one dispatcher on shift in the momings and one on the night shift. We require two (2) dispatchers 24/7 to compensate for increasing call volumes and priority 1 (calls requiring emergency response with lights and siren activation). Call duration of priority one calls is increasing to an average of 41 minutes, not including major incidents such as the 3rd Street explosion and EOC activations. These calls are being worked by one dispatcher who is answering up to fifty (50) 911 calls per incident, plus answering radios, dispatching units, calling emergency crews, etc. The call load has continued to increase from 26,850 calls in 2005 to 32,315 calls in 2006 along with Cellular 911 phone traffic which has increased to nearly 94% over projected increases two (2) years ago, In addition to requiring additional personnel due to increases in call load and 911 traffic, the State of Texas mandates that each dispatcher hold specific certifications in Public Safety Dispatch and Emergency Response, Dispatchers have been unable to complete necessary training due to personnel shortages. Both Police and Fire have added additional personnel to their departments with no additional staffing to dispatch. Additional personnel in the field places a greater workload and more stress on one person when handling emergency calls. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS FIRE TRAINING CENTER ~ A I I AGrllVIt:I\l1 L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FIRE TRAINING CENTER April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 104,551 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 68,400 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (135,300) Mid-Year Budget Amendments 0 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 37,651 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 6,230 Fire Department auxiliary accounts. Total Revenues 6,230 Fire Training Center neutral (6,230) Budget Fire department Auxiliary accounts. This includes funds for the clowns program, Dive team, AED program and retirement. Total Expenditures (6,230) Memo To: Finance Department 1 City Manager From: Chief Randy Corbin cc: Date: 03/23/2007 Re: Budget Amendment for Closed Checking Account The Wylie Fire Department has maintained a checking account since 2001. Deposits for this account come from publici corporate donations made specifically to the department. The finance department requested WFD close the account and incorporate the funds with the general fund. After a meeting with Larry Williamson and staff, WFD understands the funds will be set-up in a separate account/budget line and the account will be set up similar to an enterprise fund. WFD will estimate donations and expenditures each year during the budget process. A check has been cut to the City of Wylie for the full amount listed below. The following table shows the opening balance and the funds available to individual groups within the fire department. Retirement $1,298.57 Clown Program $2,200.72 AED program $ 995.06 Dive Team $1,735.54 WFD requests a mid-year budget amendment to include these funds in its budget and to allow expenditures for these programs. 1 City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS PARK ACQUISITION AND ~ IMPROVEMENT FUND Al li\l,__j !hl; _IJ 1/ PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PARK ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 462,748 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 123,620 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (187,400) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (61,890) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 337,078 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Central Zone increase 50,000 a Collin County grant reimbursement for Old City Park project.This fiscal year $50,000 has already been budgeted in this revenue account. East Zone increase 72,610 Collin County grant reimbursement for Joel Scott Park project. Total Revenues 122,610 Central Zone increase (94,500) a aide City Park Grant expenses. East Zone increase (87,000) Skate Park Central Zone increase (3,000) Market appraisals for 3 parcels of land between SH78/ aide City Park. Total Expenditures (184,500) CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19,2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-4000-43514 $50,500 Intergovernmental Revenue (Olde City Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) Staff had anticipated receipt of these funds during the previous fiscal year, but due to project delays (survey and platting) the project was extended into FY06-07. Account 121-4000-43514 $72,610 Intergovernmental Revenue (Joel Scott Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) This grant is nearing completion, and funds are anticipated to be received before the end of this fiscal year. 1 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19,2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-5622- 56040 $3,000 Special Services to perform a market appraisal of three parcels of land between SH 78 and Olde City Park. Staff anticipates submitting a grant application to Collin County in July 2007 for acquisition of these parcels to enlarge the existing park. A current market appraisal is more accurate than the data on the Collin County Appraisal District website and could reduce the City's overall match in the 50-50 grant application. Account 121-5622 $94,500 Expenses related to Collin County grant for Olde City Park. Staff had anticipated this project would have been completed during the previous fiscal year, but due to project delays (survey and platting) the project was extended into FY06-07. These expenditures include the following: picnic pavilion slab and electrical, picnic pavilion installation, sidewalk installation, drinking fountain, cooking grills, tables, benches, landscaping, irrigation, signage, etc. Account 121-4000-43514 $72,610 Intergovernmental Revenue (Joel Scott Park grant reimbursement from Collin County) 1 '._-~"-'''''''''.~-------~.~,~-"",..."--,,-,,,-"- This grant is nearing completion, and funds are anticipated to be received before the end of this fiscal year. . Page 2 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Bill Nelson, Park and Recreation Superintendent Date: March 19,2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account 121-5623-58150 $30,000 Land Betterments (concrete slab, sidewalks, and signage) Account 121-5623-58840 $57,000 Outdoor Furniture and Equipment (skate park elements, freight, and installation) Justification: The Park and Recreation has recommended that staff prepare a midyear budget amendment for construction of a skate park on the west side of Westgate Way (across from Joel Scott Park). The Board noted, and staff has received numerous calls from citizens about the lack of recreational amenities for adolescents. This would be an amenity that the City currently does not have. The proposed budget amendment does not include lighting for the facility. Installation of a metal pole guard light would cost approximately $3,000. Monthly electrical charges for a metal halide light would be approximately $35. The Park Board and staff analyzed various locations throughout the City and recommended the selection of the Westgate Way location for several reasons: . The area is readily visible from the street. . The park site is newly developed and it is not a park site that already has a user group or a "dynamic" of its own. Thus, installation of the skate park would not upset current users. . The Westgate Way location is not near any already-developed residential area whereas other existing park sites are located near existing housing developments. 1 ~._."... sKcJ-e... ~()J~ Date: 3/16/2007 Fax: 940.381.0463 City of Wylie Wylie, TX RE: WYLIE SKATE SPOT Attn: Donna Larson Option 8 Page 1 of2 972-442-21l1 SUMMARY: donna(a)wvl ieorintinQ. com Texas Buyboard .Contract #204-04 Prepared by: RL/KR File No.: s/KH/WYlieOO8b.xls .' Extc.I1ded Q;ty Product Description :Unit Wt .' Unit Price p"~j5e . .". .... .. .' . Optiotr:8 ,,5::~ '. ..C..:... ....: , '$~Rli.~~l , '" $4;~J'~~1'48 ........' . '~~1'" . .. .. . ~,,1i_ ".",- d.'!':{~.;, . 'l{ft~ra'Ulf~'fi;''i $1~ig~l~ .... .~."...,..>_'".oiiJj.JB P;i1Ql:~~R~Mll. ''6~~'''''''''@1 '."~ '~':'~;d~~,::i;, ..., .,....,. ., . .'. ;j~ '. ., ".' . ", ., ,.. ",', ". ""'.,'., . , , ''''.~ .'-(./! .' '''~ " " ..',: " , . . ,'. ";:. " . /' , .., I :'''' .' ,. .." ." .... . ."fc I." .'.' ". .' .. ., .., , .' :i '$~61:~S:JO~ .,. ;;:.::"'. ,', . <~;,:. '-",~"";,:,::~:.:'..".;.;, ::' - .. 0-: Accepted by: PO#: Signature: Date: Purchase Orders and/or Checks should be made out to Solo by SouthWest Parks & Playgrounds. John E. Caldwell, President 1:13/1 o( :':I::n~ r .i.,:j: 01:1 '::I{:.!"":.!~ofb H.JLU:. Y ANJ.i HULLt:. 'I t""14\:l~ 0" - ,""'..,'.', HOLLEY&H'Q ....,... '.' ...~t'm.m~EmtlMe~NI' IMC ... '. ";'. ,." ..... '... '" .Ll;dEi~..,..Q. '1" .I! ~"I'. ,ii"' ii' ,",.""'. "/ '.". ,,~; .'.' :,: .;,:. .,'",.::,\ - _.: '." "',. 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" - - ",. 'LAa:.' -tD;X:IQ,:'e,R~,j(I};,'F~.IJ~OJ,SF $21~,iiO~1QO . '," ",,' .'_ . ',' _', . / j,....."', ,,_ "''- ,.. '-'C/";'" -";_.::'" :.J< ','".....,""i.;.,,,,~'llf"i.;:,'.; >..,,:.',...., ". ' -3;:ei-l'i'~f:~!~:'1!!;~~~t: ,: ~'~~~~~:;I.~~~ii:f(2i~';' ' . '.";'rll:\' ..,.II~~;'j,,,l!?~_P , L "iIIJ'J:;:.i i~4Mp..t<<~CK .' '~"':-}'1JI" ..", ~~i~,',- ,,;~ 11: ~;- -", iSNQ1IeSR1NGJ;Ei ~"," .....,h,;,_".' >.".'_ -"'.'.. "." ..c,-, '-''c.>.""; ./ TlOTAL,QWDTS $~'li~"~~ tM"K'fQ:U ~. Wylie Skate. Park In Joel Scott Park Extension,.offWestgafe Way and Brown Street Expens.es: =oncreteElements $56,755.04 Includes: Elements, Freight, And Installation Concrete ~qst Tension Sllil;b {8Q' x 60 ') m.cltines:Stao,S'rdew:atks, Pump truck, Eng'ineerin.g fee MetaFR.ules Sign (approx. cost) $ Total Cost of Park $84;990.64 BIR!",INGI'lI\M . ELE.rvlS:NTRR Y \ 1__._- 'B"RQu..:"....\ -~,- ,. _..-----~--."""._,-.,..,~^~'.,.._._._-" Terms & Conditions: Page 2 of2 This quotation is valid for 30 days. This quotation is for items listed. Anything not expressly listed is excluded Any deviations from this proposal may invalidate the quoted pricing and/or terms. Orders are shipped 4-6 weeks after receipt of a complete order Delivery time is approximately 7 working days after shipmen1 Ifvouare receiving: the equipment The freight carrier will be instructed to call your designated contact 24 hours befO! delivery to arrange a delivery appointment. You are responsible for unloading, checking and accepting the delivery from the Freight Company. If Sales Tax Exempl, a copy of your tax exemption form orresale certificate must accompany you order, or sales tax, if applicable, will be added to your invoice. Installation based upon a soil work site, that is freely accessible by truck, (no fencing, tree/landscaping or utility obs~cles, etc.), and level, (+/- 1-2% maximum slope). Installation prices reflect the installation activities specifically identified. Pricing for additional services are available on request. Additional charges may be necessary if subsurface rock or other unforeseen conditions are encountered. The site should be level and permit access with construction equipment. Please identify an access route, which can accommodate construction traffic. The contractor will maintain construction activities within boundaries established by the Owner and will exercise due care while on site. Location of utilities, building permits, inspections, ADA certifications and fees are the responsibility of the owner. Sprinkler system locations, reworking and repairs are excluded. The installer is not responsible for any damages or re-work resulting from after hour's events or activities during the work in progress period. The customer is responsible for maintaining the integrity of completed installation work until all components have seated and/or cured. Order'htformalion: Please provide signed quotation, billing and shipping address, shipping site contact person with phone number, and indicate color selection if required. Billto: Ship to: Contact: Contact: Tel: Fax: Tel: Fax: Address: Address: City, State Zip: City, State Zip: Sales Tax Exemption Certificate No: (Tax will be added unless number is provided) 9) @W~ilm@^ -- ---'-----~----_.._- ~--.._--- .--____..._____n_ ------ --,.------- ---- -- --- ------ - ---- '""ti'- .".~-- .----~ ,-.- r.. ,_~~_... ..._ .__~__ __. ___...._ __, ."____.. - .--. -----. ~ .- ~~"'.:;,....-.>-,;.,,......,.o'_<.~"__';7:::~- ;f- ..~~. ,r.,"", ~. -, T_~.~ , ,- ~, - =:::I~ '-.- = '. .- r\'_.,...~. - "''''''-'''-'-.'!'"--,~ " --,~. ~'.-b"" . j,,~'~~:~~::"~':-'~~<~~.:~'<"~~':'::~~::~_:~":~.~~~~":,:"r_~~~'~~~~~_,.:-:::-_.~_ _ _ -,,-_. --- ::-'...:.-l!::...- -- Durable ra m p S The design and materials used in Solo ramps offer exceptional strength and durability. . Domflex state-of-the-art concrete Designed especially for skate parks, Domflex concrete surpa!'jsesevery standard for durabilitYi and lon~life, .Ils.. highly superior strength gives it a totnpression resistance of 65 Mpa equal t~9i1QOpsi.Freeze/thawcycle resistance testsQa~e shown that not only is Domflexcontrete resistant to chipping, but it actually.... fe!?strdngerover(the .. ye~rs. thisincre~s~~.ij~i:~~il'tyinakes Oomflex a true state:df.the-arti::oncrete. ,,,',..,.1:,,6,,,,,,, . Hotdlppe~ galr~l1iz~d s~eelisused tJirdUgH6lifUi@S6ItIR8.mps range: ~g~"~~t'. .- ~t.iiid.Jails, .han~itjprip'ates, apJi.istabl~ support legs, guardrailS. stfeetel~inents... Hot. dipped galvanization is a multistep process whereby steel components are thOrbughly cleaned and then immersed in molten zinc (at about 420 degrees Celsius). ~ ~,~~'"-~_~~ ~:;.:" c ~.\:t~ ~1~~~'~ ~~i,: This protects the metal against corrosion and oxidation l;;~""'~:::1:"'~' !i 'l". ~",~i~'-';T- .. 6 , '." '-." C' ...._.._._~ -._ .>-_ --:,_,'_I..",-,_,,~,-,-,,",-- '._'_ Ma'i'n.~I1\~",,~.c.l!- · Edging .'. . 'ffee; ramps Domflexconcrete is .protected against chipping by galvanized steel edging Thanks to their super solid design and amazingly durablematerials, Solo ramps are virtually maintenance-free. No screws to replace; no panels that warp and need · Ledges '. . ch<lnging, unlike most synthetic: surfaces Ledges are made from the same high- that need to be replaced after 4 or 5 years. performance concrete as our ramps and the No weekly inspections required. Not only are edges ~re protectedaga inst chipping by bur ramps durableibut none of their components .g~lx:an)~ed angl~tJars. . If tW(Jle~ges.' are are SUbject to deterioration. plac~dendtoendja mechan,i()ally anchored steel plate makes the transition between Concrete does not absorb heat like metal and the two; asphalt that tend loget too slippery or can melt. the surface of Solo ramps is not affected by diffenint climates. Solo ramps are built to take abuse: But, should vandalism take place, our equipm.ent "~ );tip~rrs~lid..11100/0,;r~Ry~l~a,plastic , is easy to fix, contrary to the ramps ofthe i\~q~~,',(;)J.6Ur~tfeetelerri~nts are m.ade of competition. [;~otai~pedgaIY~njzeq...st~el and UltraPlast tecycl~d.piastit which will riot warp, rot, rust, split or chip. 1 Location: Vvylie, TX, USA Surface: 60' X 80' ~ I / I i ~ i I I i I I ._ ,,_,,_ _,",":,;' " . [Fi,eiiC:Lu . .' _uu_u ____~-:--:--___:_-;--~~~------u~---- ------~------------ ,'~~(~~flRltt~i~I<..-1 L~:\l3.~lT1i~lt)nS\2()~~portation\US\Te1Cas3:r~)\W~!le("TX)\0,11\YlYli~p'11'<l'N~ .... ..... .. ... .... ....... ..... .-,,---;'--~___:_- .... ......> _______ )j~l~: .... . ... I 1.___ ... _.. _ _u ___NO part of this docUm~/Jtn?ay~~.J~PrPrjiJ~e.(/!!j,ahY'fQrI1J;:W'ljjjs.O~Ker.WithPu(pfJ;j;nission,olSOlitRa,rllps. t;c1$~~ll.'.. .... I . . d ~~ .._- --- i Location: Wylie, TX, USA Surface: 60' X 80' ---- ------ ---- - -------.---.-....- ---_._-~.- --.--- .--...-- RA01S-9-12 (LO'VCl CO") ~ ) = <0 ~ ------1 OR~O:SW: ~ . <0 '----- -0 ~c---n\ ~ OJ CO").." ------- ;;:3 ll.. ~ ^ ~ ~, w ll.. a co ~. 0 ~~ ~." ~~ a POX8 -, o ( ~ ~ SCO'VCl RA07 RA05 ~ ! I - ~10",.. ",._..N=l'~ ';~~-::'<:2~--";-" '~~;>~7?-"."'~- ! I BE01-10 I I BE01-10 I .. ";""I~~U,:;Etrn"l~ 1c1~I'.'~,-,f'~;,":;':;"", ...;:;:, "~,>''''' ~ , m_ - - --. ..- - . -- - __M___ -. ..- - --- - - --- ",'~~~",'-';""c'-"~.-"-'-~-'."'f",,""r=f' ~"""'.'..'J!l. '".-;''''' I - . ranipswll'iClrh[)u'e Toll free: 1 877293-4384 E-mail: sales@so/oramps.com !Fileloci.,,_ _.._________~__ ," , rJrOcIl;reef~X:1888321-~:47.,,<,_~~b:.~.SOloramps.com 1,_ G:\SoulT)i~sions\"fl07\Exp~rt-'!H~~US\Tl3xas (l'B\'!YYI~~~)~1-~~lie011~d~9-= ,~==~~~- ---=~=--==_~ __~m ---------(/ar" a.l.'_~.ht~~:'M~j~k' ':"..4._~I,~,tCN~,.~.r~...,;S.~.:J~~r~hand jl '. ,,113.0, "_ ___'~__n_ ________, ___ _ __ ___ .J5-3-7~___. . WYLIE I _n~___"_ __~~_ -----.-..- -- , , '" ....~ ""'"~.,," . .... '":.~:'".,~:: ::,::'":'-::~'".:::~:.~::'"::-':'-~:'::::e~~:'~~~:~.-:=:::::-:,~:::~:::'" .:~:,'.~~:~:~"'W'~_"~'"''"':<:'''=~::'~:,_.;',-,, ba n ks wed eombos ,:,,; .;j~,~::',i :.l~t~ ::;i\-. ;:'L~:/; :~ r)'~:;'~':';,:L,::_. ';';,,;";.;",,;,~r.;~8:'i<'},- .~,;'::{"~ I . .:.1;'; ::::;(':;'- ;':;_~",L~.r.C,":~;"'~:1 -. - , ,_ " :;::,.:.:o,d.: ~:;.-__~.,:.' ~. '~::'~;' . ~_.. :" '::"':,'::l'~i~~~:;'- -~ t:-~""~:':"'-'--"" ..-.._,~; "C .,~ift; ,.--~-;!:' ~::.~ bank BK4 [I " bank BK5 ~ I~ wedge PY2 '-', '" ~ (~ ~-j i I H i ! I I . I .".:""6". . ". . . ,'" 7 ft. 6 In. . ."';" -'. ...: '., '. >;;~ ~ ~i: 6 in. I .wed"g~e cQmhos. , '-':i'- '';:i':' '~:r -i ;;;k~o-~' . .';;~(.~.; '_::-:,' "~h: ~ '~'" ;-"':::'0' ':'+:' i ,. ,'"",',; ~ "::.:~,i J,~~::6~:,i.:~.t.;;~~;?k::jg~L;?(~~~~:;i:{:tr:;;:!~,%~,,,:;:~L.U::,;;~y&ti~:ii~J-~f~,~~::);-q~;:!~,/: :;'1, ,. >~~~"~ ,,>.:-dE~,i.J; fe. E,~, ;t',':,:;,'i' ~' wedge FY3 II . '"wedge PYS'2 . I. we'" dge PYS3 . . ~~; wedge corner PYC2 Ii"" ~ili . ~ - . - ~~ "'-' . .. <."",,~,;_." co," ~'. .,.'.'. I I I H H I '! i i 'j' i r l~;::: ~'if"II.AI 6 ft 6 i!l. .9 ft 6ft 6 ..'1 5 ft Sft, 1:: "t.Jl~~1 .2ft. 3ft i , wedge combos wedge corner PYC3 -." !;"'o~!",_~. . !..~. ..-""'"",-,....,.,..._.7~~~""''. _~_= ~-~~ / "- k ~~ / " '\. . . ~ // .. // ~/ .. Several railing styles are available and 9 ft. adapted tothe created modules. . 7 ft. 3 ft. ., BJ~e ~ . ','::".,:,; :,1,:',_,',.,.:.. ',,' ~ . ,..; -. ~ ," ..... .,' '. -,"-. quarter pipe OP35 quarter pipe OP5 citi: spine SPOt/SP05 !:irt:~ . . . - .."..,. .':'\ (~ III .. 11II .. ~il~aft~ii . . fl.~i;ffR~1fi~~i , .tl:~'RC ._~ !lim!hilill~'-~~~ll 51\ ~*~i. "_.~~"" ..... ;lI"" 1]1' ..", ,~..i\1il ,. 'r~ ,g .~ ~i.>$i"'O 71\ Iltl.]..'....II~t~~~~";:~m~~,';. ".".~-.. )f~.".,. 'iE, ;"j~'L:it,;;;~~l~' Sit "',.""'.."-,,:.-,...:.""'...._~'_~--.:'L~,,.O.',. ra il . "' ',.',i:( , ~;,;:: ;~; :;:.,~,' rail Rl02lRl02S ~:, rail Rl03/Rl03S rail R203/R203S -::"" ;,,- """"""'" ~ ',,'~ ...~ L1 , <',> (J' Hl\~ Hd~, ..... .,' '. -" .~ '- '. ,." H 11 ""~, ."' --- R102S ',-, R103S R202S R203S It! 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CITY OF VNUB: ,. ; ~( ",- l,lI:rTl:'D levtCTIa.r..t!,\; ~ at...., ,...ITv ~ UI'& IE! t City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS UTILITY FUND ~ A I I AGHIVIt:I\l1 L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS UTILITY FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 6,181,593 FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 8,649,860 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (9,867,010) Mid-Year Budget Amendments (38,600) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 4,925,843 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Utility Administration increase (2,500) Temporary service costs while employee on family leave. Utility Administration increase (25,000) Professional Services to develop a Phase II for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer for TCEQ. Transfer increase (11,100) Transfer vehicle maintenance unencumbered balance Total Expenditures (38,600) i CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC SERVICES Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager From: Michael Sferra, Public Services Director CC: Jack Jones, Public Works Superintendent Date: March 27, 2007 Re: Midyear Budget Amendment Account . 611.5711.56040 $25,000 Professional Services to develop a Phase \I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Plan for submittal to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Justification: The TCEQ has scheduled action for April 11, 2007 meeting to finalize the rules requiring municipalities with populations greater than 10,000 to develop and submit a storm water management plant within 180 days of passing the rule. Staff recommends contracting with Freese and Nichols, Inc., a consultant that is both capable of performing the work and that has previously performed analysis regarding the City of Wylie's storm water system. On March 30, 2007, I contacted Cynthia Hooper, Environmental Permit Specialist, TCEQ San Antonio, (210-403-4080) who verified that the item is on the agenda for April 11, 2007. The Commission is expected to pass the rule and sign it into effect several days later. The date that the rule is signed starts the 180 day time period in which the city must develop and submit a storm water management plan to TCEQ. 1 ""' _._.~.._-".~--- City of Wylie FY2007 PROPOSED MIDYEAR AMENDMENTS FLEET FUND ~ A I I Al..HIVIt::I\l1 L PROPOSED FY 2007 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FLEET FUND April 24, 2007 Audited Actual Fund Balance 9-30-06 3,756,950 . FY 2007 Original Budgeted Revenues 437,220 FY 2007 Budgeted Appropriations (579,360) Mid-Year Budget Amendments 0 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 3,614,810 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMOUNT DESCRIPTION neutral 40,000 Transfer from General Fund neutral 11 ,1 00 Transfer from Utility Fund Total Revenues 51,100 General Fleet neutral (40,000) General Fund Maintenance Utility Fleet neutral (11,100) Utility Fund Maintenance Total Expenditures (51,100) Finance Department Memo To: Mindy Manson, City Manager Jeff Butters, Assistant City Manager From: Larry Williamson, Finance Director Subject: Consolidation of Vehicle Maintenance Accounts Date: March 15, 2007 Last year we implemented the city wide PO system and eliminated the use of PARs except for purchases where payment is required in advance. In doing so, some administrative problems arose. In meetings with Mike Sferra and Jack Jones it became apparent that the maintenance section of Public Works ("Maintenance") had a unique problem in using POs to procure services. Most of the services provided by Maintenance are from outside vendors. Because Maintenance does not have a city wide maintenance account, the motor vehicle maintenance accounts (#54510) of each city department is shared by both the budgeted department and Maintenance. Maintenance is authorized a dollar amount from each department's motor vehicle maintenance account at the beginning of the year. Maintenance then reallocates the funds from each department to a number of POs from various vendors. Some of these POs could have 20 separate entries. If one department's allocation on the PO is not sufficient to cover that department's cost of the service provided, the PO is rejected and Maintenance has to get a new PO number and start over recoding the remaining 19 entries, This is very cumbersome and time consuming and is the major reason that Maintenance has used PARs in the past instead of POs. POs do not work well in the bifurcated system used for motor vehicle maintenance. The best solution from an accounting and operational perspective is to set up two motor vehicle maintenance accounts (#54510) in the Fleet Fund for city wide motor vehicle maintenance. One would be established for the General Fund and another established for the Utility Fund. These accounts in the Fleet Fund would be budgeted and an annual transfer from the General Fund and Utility Fund would be made at the beginning of each fiscal year. These new accounts would make the use of POs easier for maintenance and accounting and reduce the amount of paper work considerably. ,--,_._-----,,-,,--_._-~.,,_._..,._,--,--- This solution has other benefits in addition to simplifying the current system. We believe that the city would have much better control of this city-wide expense and that active management by one department could provide real cost savings through scheduling and competitive pricing. Timely maintenance scheduling would also benefit the longevity of the equipment and having all the maintenance data in one place would assist us in determining which vehicles need to be replaced and which ones do not. Finally, we have consulted with the city auditors on these suggested changes and they have no problems with the recommendations in this report, This change could be implemented at any time. A budget amendment would be required to transfer the departments' budgeted amounts to the Fleet Fund and set up the transfers from the General Fund and Utility Fund. No additional appropriations would be needed, I have worked with Mike Sferra, Jack Jones and Leonard Garner on this issue and they support the recommendations contained in this memo. Once you have had a chance to think about what is being recommended, we would like to meet with you to answer any question you might have and work on a timetable for implementation. C8S Media, Inc. ~ ~~~je ~armersbiCCe ~Gime~ • Murphy Monitor • The Princeton Herald • The Sachse News • THE WYLIE NEWS STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ g COUNTY OF COLLIN ~ 3~- Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ordinance No. 2007-11 and Ordinance No. 2007-12 was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: May 2, 2007 Chad Engbrock, Publisher ~ r C~ Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the day of ~ , 2007 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ~,..o........~~„~.~~.~., ~ ~-~1/~ `~~~~~PY P~e MARY SWANK ~ Notary Public, State of Texas = N.~''~~,i',= My Commission Expires OtaP Public in and for yy~~, j 5;;~~ se ptember 22, 2oio The State of Texas ~s:K ~a - ~~r~ My commission expires RECEIVEp MAY 3 1 2007 FIN,~qN~~ Murphy/Sachse/Wylie Office • 110 N. Ballard • P.O. Box 369 • Wylie, TX 75098 • 972-442-5515 • fax 972-442-4318 Farmersville/Princeton Office Ol S. Main • P.O. Box 512 • Farmersville, TX 75442 • 972-784-6397 • fa~c 972-782-7023 o~~AN~~ r NO. 2007-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2Q06- 56, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED THE BUDGET F4R FISCAI. Y'EAR 20U6/200'i; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDING FOR A ~EVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFEt;TIVL' UA'!'~.