03-26-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes I/ Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, March 26, 2007 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Board Members present
were: Anne Hiney, Donna Larson and Brandi Lafleur. Board Members Frankie Delgado,
Benny Jones and David Willey were absent.
Staff present was: Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent
Robert Diaz and Board Secretary Gayle Walton.
No one was present for citizens' participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the February 26, 2007
Board Action
Board Secretary Gayle Walton noted a correction to the Minutes to reflect that the date in Item #4
should read March 26, 2007. Bill Nelson also made a correction to the last sentence of the
discussion item on page 8 to reflect that irrigation at Joel Scott Park is 98°A) complete and once
completed, "dirt" work will start.
Board Member Hiney a motion and seconded by Board Member Lafleur to approve the Minutes of
the February 26, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting with corrections as noted. A vote was
taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Willey, Board Member Jones and Board Member
Delgado absent.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Tabled from January 22, 2007
2. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider and act upon the proposed
parkland dedication in the Conceptual Plan for the Planned Development Premier
South Business Park.
Board Action
Board Member Hiney made a motion and seconded by Board Member Lafleur to remove this item
from the table. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Willey, Board Member Jones
and Board Member Delgado absent.
Staff/Board Discussion
Robert Diaz informed the Board that Mr. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC presented staff
with written withdrawal of this item.
Board Action
Board Member Hiney made a motion and seconded by Board Member Lafleur to accept the
withdrawal of this item. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Willey, Board
Member Jones and Board Member Delgado absent.
3. Consider and act upon recommending the location of the proposed skatepark in
Joel Scott Park.
Board Member Delgado arrived at 6:50 p.m.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz noted that the drawing of Option 1 of the proposed skatepark in Joel Scott Park was
favored by the Board Members at the February 26, 2007 board meeting. Mr. Nelson stated that
the Option 1 drawing dimension was changed to reflect 60 feet x 80 feet which was a change from
60 feet x 90 feet as first proposed. Board Member Hiney asked for clarification of the change.
Board Member Larson stated that it was not necessary to have the skatepark at the first proposed
size of 60 feet x 90 feet and that with the reduction of 10 feet; additional skatepark elements can
be added. Elements of the equipment needed for the skatepark was provided to the Board and Mr.
Diaz stated that the cost will be included in the midyear budget amendments that will be presented
to Council April 24, 2007. Board members reviewed the skatepark elements including installation
as proposed by Southwest Parks & Playgrounds, L.P. and concrete cost analysis by Holley &
Holley Concrete Company, Inc.
Chairman Chesnut asked if there were two different charges, one for the construction company
and one for the concrete company. Board Member Larson stated that this was correct and that the
total and final price of the installation of Option 1 skatepark at Joel Scott Park as presented
includes the cost of utilizing a concrete pump truck and an engineering fee which ensures that
cable dimensions are placed accurately. The cost also includes a metal rules sign to be posted.
Board Member Hiney asked for clarification of the location of the Water Fountain. Mr. Nelson
stated that the Water Fountain would be located near the corner of the pavilion. Board Member
Hiney also asked, once approved by Council, what is the time frame of completion. Board Member
Larson stated gave a time frame of six weeks. However, Mr. Nelson outlined the steps necessary
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for the construction of the skatepark which may lengthen the estimated time of six weeks by a few
days. Mr. Nelson gave the outline of the steps that will be taken:
• A Purchase order will need to be issued to purchase the parts/equipment.
• A Purchase order is also needed for the concrete work to start.
• The construction company will need to submit engineering drawings to obtain a permit.
• Once permit is obtained, Holley Concrete Construction can then begin.
Board Member Hiney asked if the construction of the skatepark will need to go through the bidding
process. Mr. Diaz stated that the City of Wylie has a contract with Holley Concrete Construction for
professional services and that a purchase order would suffice. It was noted that equipment for the
skateboard park is specialized equipment. Board Member Larson stated that if approved by City
Council on April 24, 2007, the third week of June is the estimated completion of the skatepark.
Board Action
Board Member Hiney made a motion and seconded by Board Member Delgado recommending
Option 1 as the location of the proposed skatepark in Joel Scott Park Phase II. A vote was taken
and passed 5-0 with Board Member Willey and Board Member Jones absent.
4. Staff updates:
• Meeting format changes.
Staff/Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut noted that the Board was informed of changes suggested by staff in regards to
the Park Board Meetings. Board Member Hiney asked for the proper steps needed for items to be
placed on the agenda. Mr. Diaz stated that staff will be in contact with the Board every two weeks
which will give the board opportunity to inform staff of items they would like to place on the agenda.
Mr. Diaz stated that staff will make every effort to keep the Board informed and to have any items
that need to be addressed placed on the agenda.
Staff/Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut asked Mr. Diaz of the location of the April 9, 2007 meeting with HaIff
Associates, Inc. regarding Founders Park Bond Project Phase II. Mr. Diaz stated that he would
post the agenda for this meeting noting the presentation by the architect and the meeting will be
open to the public. It was noted that this presentation is mainly for input from the Board.
Chairman Chesnut asked if any of the Board members will be able to attend the City Council
meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2007. It was noted that several of the Board members will be in
Chairman Chesnut asked Mr. Nelson if he was able to meet with Lisa Price, City of Wylie Planner
Technician, to compile maps for the Board to review parks and open space. Proposed and
existing trails and existing parks were outlined on the map. Discussion followed regarding trails.
Further discussion followed after Mr. Nelson outlined future potential property for
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Chairman Chesnut asked for an update on the use of WISD facilities. Mr. Diaz stated that he met
with Mr. Joe Pierce, Facilities Coordinator, WISD. Mr. Pierce informed Mr. Diaz of the junior high
school and high school areas that can be used and also areas that are "hands off'. Mr. Diaz stated
that he would like to prepare an inventory of the areas that were discussed and provide this
inventory for Mr. Pierce's review and approval.
It was noted that Mr. Pierce stated that the principal of each elementary school will need to be
contacted to discuss what areas of the school will be available for public use. Board Member
Delgado asked if this is the responsibility of Mr. Pierce as Facilities Coordinator of WISD. Mr. Diaz
stated that Mr. Pierce oversees the intermediate, junior high and high school as a unit; whereas
elementary school principals oversee the areas of their particular school. Mr. Diaz informed the
Board that he will provide feedback to the Board after meeting the elementary school principals. It
was also noted that use of the school facilities/areas are on a case by case basis.
A motion was made by Board Member Hiney and seconded by Board Member Larson to adjourn.
The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Dan Chesnut, Chairman
(z1Y ' 1Wk
Gayle Wal " n,Secretary
Minutes—March 26, 2007
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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