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07-14-1992 (City Council) Agenda Packet
DATE: July 10, 1992 TIME POSTED: 3:30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1992 7 : 00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - DON YEAGER, PASTOR WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Consider approval of minutes of the June 23, 1992 Council meeting 2 Consider taking appropriate action on the Butler Street Alley 3 Consider authorization to sell Bomag recycler 4 Consider appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission to replace Marvin Blakey 5 Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract with CPS for the new financial system 6 Consider financial contract for financing of the new financial system PUBLIC HEARINGS/ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 7 Consider approval of a Resolution expressing the City's desire to have the right to regulate consumption and possession of alcohol in public places . 8 Conduct First Public Hearing on the submission of of an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for a Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grant . ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 9 Consider approval of contract for professional services between the City of Wylie and Southwest Consultants to perform all necessary adminis- trative functions to acquire a utility replace- ment grant from the Texas Community Development Program and to administer the grant - Conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of discussing and considering proposed zoning change and zoning map amendment : Lots 13 , 14, 15 Block 3 of Brown & Burns Addition (301 N. Ballard) from SF3 to R 10 Consider Planning and Zoning Commission and City Staff recommendation of a zoning change and zoning map amendment to Lots 13 , 14, 15 Block 3 of Brown & Burns Addition (301 N. Ballard) from SF3 to R STAFF REPORTS 11 City Manager's Report 12 City Engineer's Report 13 City Attorney's Report 14 Citizen Participation In accordance with the Open Meeting Act , the City Council will hear comments of Public Interest from citizens residing within the City Limits of Wylie . Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before the Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chambers and will limit their remarks to a maximum of five ( 5) minutes . ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 15 Recess Open Meeting 16 Executive Session 17 Convene Council into Executive Session under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A .C .S . , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - Review appli- cations for Municipal Judge . 18 Reconvene into Open Session 19 Consider any action necessary from Executive Session 20 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 23, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 23 , 1992 at 7 : 00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz , Council Members Steve Wright, Bud Naish, Reta Allen and Jay Davis, City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Engineer Paul Beaver, City Attorney Steve Deiter, and Finance Director Brady Snellgrove. Councilman Ortie Messenger was out of town. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Mr . Steve Deiter, City Attorney gave the invocation which was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Naish. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 1992 COUNCIL MEETING: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, a motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY GLENDA LOTT OF 2501 S. HWY 78 CONCERNING CITY SERVICES OR DIS-ANNEXATION: Mrs. Lott stated to Council had her property was annexed in May, 1986 and as of this date she has no services. Mrs . Lott also stated that she has received copies of Senate Bills which relate to annexation of involuntary property owners . Mrs . Lott stated that according to this material, services are to be extended to my property within two to four years . Mrs . Lott stated that she has been paying taxes for six years and no services. Mrs . Lott asked to be dis-annexed or for the City to provide services . Mayor Akin asked if she was getting fire protection and police protection. Mrs . Lott said neither could not come through the cattle gate she has up. City Engineer, Paul Beaver, stated that her property was within 400 to 500 feet of the City services . City Attorney, Steve Deiter stated that proper procedure would be for Mrs. Lott to file a written request for dis-annexation. There are certain things that have to be done in this written request. Mrs . Lott thanked the Council for their time and stated that she would send in her request. AUTHORIZATION TO CITY STAFF TO SEEK APPLICATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE: The City' s Municipal Judge , Pam Eudaric, has resigned effective July 24 , 1992 , as she has taken a full time position with the City of Grand Prairie . Staff would like to seek applications for this position. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz to grant authorization to staff to seek applications for Municipal Judge . Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AMENDED PLAT - EASTGATE ADDITION, BLOCK D, LOT 25 AND 26: The building contractor inadvertently used the wrong front (N.W. ) property marker during the foundation investigation and the error was not discovered until the Final Survey Plat and house construction. The error placed the N.W. corner of the home only 1 ' 6" from the property line instead of the Building Code requirement of 3 ' and the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 6' . The amended plat has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Code , Chapter 212.016 , with the West property lot line relocated to accommodate the the existing house "required" setback on Lot 25 and to still allow the proper placement of any future structure on Lot 26. A motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the amended Plat for Eastgate Addition, Block D, Lot 25 and 26. Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 5 TO RANDALL & BLAKE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,351 . 12 FOR LANDFILL CLOSURE: A motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the Payment Request No. 5 to Randall & Blake , Inc. in the amount of $22, 351 . 12. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AWARD OF BID FOR A NEW FINANCE SOFTWARE/COMPUTER SYSTEM: The City Staff has reviewed the bids for the new finance software/computer system and recommends to Council the bid be awarded to CPS under option Cl. This option includes the IBM RS6000 as the computer hardware platform with a cost of $81 ,360 for hardware and software. Staff has negotiated with CPS to include Municipal Court software at no additional cost to the City. Staff has reviewed and evaluated all six bids and have eliminated the selection down to three vendors . A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz to approve the bid award to CPS under option Cl with final contract being brought back to council for approval. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGNATION OF THE INTERSECTIONS OF THIRD AND OAK STREETS AND FOURTH AND OAK STREETS AS STOP INTERSECTIONS : These stop signs would be replacing existing yield signs . City Engineer, Paul Beaver requested that Council give him some time to review this, as Oak is part of the Thoroughfare Plan for the City and staff may not be able to erect these stop signs. A motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the Resolution for designating the intersections of Third and Oak Streets and Fourth and Oak Streets as stop intersections . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - against, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with five ( 5) in favor, and one ( 1 ) against. APPROVAL OF ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE (EPA REQUIRED) AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 86-90 , UTILITIES, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE AND THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS, REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES INTO THE SANITARY SEWER OF THE CITY; REGULATING UNSEWERED AND MISCELLANEOUS DISCHARGES, PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT SYSTEM WITH DENIAL, SUSPENSION, REVOCATION AND AN APPEALS PROCESS: This is a revised Pretreatment Ordinance which has been reviewed by the EPA and North Texas Municipal Water District. Along with this ordinance is the required Enforcement Response Plan which designates responsibilities of both the City of Wylie and NTMWD. The City Attorney and City Engineer have reviewed these documents and approved of the intent of the ordinance . Approval of this Ordinance and related Enforcement Response Plan is necessary to meet EPA requirements for re-submittal at the earliest date . Mr. Dolan McKnight of NTMWD was present and stated that it has taken two years to compile this ordinance , and this program has been approved by EPA. There will be a quarterly report to the City. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the adoption of the ordinance amending Ordinance No. 86-90 as listed above. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW, AMENDING EXISTING BUILDING SITE REQUIREMENTS, REPEALING SECTION 29 OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: This is the ordinance that Council approved at the meeting of June 9th. Council stated that this ordinance was approved with the stipulation that the site plan would go to Planning and Zoning and then come to Council . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to adopt the Ordinance for the Site Plan Review with stipulation that Council will also review the plan after Planning and Zoning. City Attorney Steve Deiter said if Council wants to add this stipulation, then Council needs to table this item until the next meeting . Can not adopt the ordinance and add to it. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to resend his first motion and made a motion to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Naish. After further discussion, another motion was made by Councilman Wright to resend his second motion and made a motion to approve Ordinance as is and for a policy to be set by City Manager to see that copies of the Site Plan Reviews are sent to Council . Seconded by Councilman Davis. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - against, Councilwoman Allen - against, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with four (4 ) in favor, and two (2) against. FINANCIAL REPORT: Finance Director Brady Snellgrove gave the following financial report: Revenues: General Fund $2,477,647 through May 31 , 1992 Utility Fund $1 , 204, 192 . through May 31, 1992 Sanitation Fund $261,020. through May 31, 1992 Impact Fund $ 44, 250. through May 31, 1992 Expenditures: General Fund $1 ,720,805 . through May 31 , 1992 Utility Fund $1 , 282 , 278 . through May 31, 1992 Sanitation Fund $212,367 through May 31 , 1992 Impact Fund $ 13, 641 through May 31, 1992 . CITIZENS PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited those wishing to speak to come forward at this time, to state their name and address for record and to keep their comments within five minutes. Mayor Akin also said that any discussion will be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. There were no speakers at this time . Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting at 9:00 P.M. and convened Council into Executive Session under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A. C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "e" consultation with City Attorney concerning contemplated litigation from former Police Officers B. Naylor and F. Mauri. Mayor Akin called the Council back into open session at 10: 15 P.M. and stated there was no action necessary from the Executive Session. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: STEVEN P. DEITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT/ 06/30/92 2 BUTLER STREET ALLEY SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The subject is already rich in background information therefore I am not providing any further summary here . I would refer the Council to my June 19 , 1992 memorandum for the latest update on the subject . As indicated in the memorandum staff needs further direction from the Council as to what if any further actions should be taken in regard to this issue . ALTERNATIVES: A. Do nothing and leave alley open as the barricade is currently down. B. Leave alley open but place speed bumps and step up enforcement of speed restrictions . C . Put up removable barricade in the alley (would require additional public hearing and ordinance ) . D. Any other action deemed appropriate by the Council ACTION REQUESTED: The staff is not recommending any one of the specified alternatives . As noted above , the action requested is merely that the Council provide direction, pursuant to one of the alternatives , or otherwise , as to what , if any, further action the Council desires to be taken in regard to this issue . I would suggest that the Council take whatever action it decides on by passing a motion authorizing the City Manager to take the action. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ PERSONNEL ElOVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME El $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: X CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF X CITY ATTORNEY _ PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER 9t, ( +V MEMORANDUM DATE : June 19 , 1992 1911111FP TO: City Council FROM: Steve Deiter , Ci Attorney RE : Butler Street A' ley Barricade The purpose of this communication is to reiterate my legal position concerning the above referenced matter and to solicit further direction from the Council . As the Council is well aware the last time this matter was addressed was at the May 26 , 1992 Council meeting . The consideration at such meeting was a continuation of the public hearing , neighborhood meeting which have recently been conducted in regard to the closure/opening of the alley. At the May 12, 1992 meeting the Council had determined , in principle , that it was going to close the alley. Based upon this agreement I prepared an ordinance closing the alley. When the closure ordinance was considered at the May 26th meeting the Council decided that it did not want to have the alley closed and voted six to one to not pass the closure ordinance . It is my understanding from the conversations and discussions of the May 26 , 1992 meeting that the alley would be left open and the traffic be controlled by speed bumps and enforcement of the speed limits . The matter was then brought up, as an informal item not on the agenda , at the June 9 , 1992 Council meeting . The discussion at the June 9 Council meeting centered around placing a removable barricade back in the alley which was different from the discussion in the previous meeting . I would like to point out to the Council that it continues to my opinion, as I have previously stated in written communications to the Council that if a barricade is placed in the alley this amounts to a "closing" of the alley whether the Council actually calls it a closing or not . I am of the further opinion that an alley cannot be closed without appropriate notice and eventually an ordinance which actually closes it . Therefore , it is my strong recommendation that if the Council desires to have the barricade put in place it needs to pass an ordinance which closes the alley, after giving notice and conducting a public hearing . If the barricade is put up without such a closure ordinance , I believe the City may very well be placing an authorized structure in what is otherwise a public right-of-way. From a strictly legal perspective I have concern over the City's placing such a structure in an open alley. Given all of the above , I am recommending that speed bumps be used/ as a preferable alternate to placing a barricade . cc : J /Steve Norwood , City Manager City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION P4 SUBMITTED BY: Rick Herzberger DIRECTOR: Paul Beaver, Planning and Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT July 7, 1992 Planning and Zoning Commission - Appointment of person to 4 replace Marvin Blakey. SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Marvin Blakey has verbally indicated that he no longer desires to serve as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner. Within the last twelve months, Mr. Blakey has three excused absences, and four unexcused absences with the last three unexcused absences occuring consecutively. Mr. Blakey has been asked several times to submit in writing his desire to be replaced, with no response. This Commissioner term expires on July 1, 1993. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Appointment of a person to replace Marvin Blakey on the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2) Non-appointment of a person to replace Marvin Blakey on the Planning and Zoning Commi- ssion pending City Council further consideration of this action. ACTION REQUESTED: Replacement of Marivn Blakey on the Planning and Zoning Commission. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE x DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC x BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMI SION TO CITY COUNCIL s--&Le ITY MANAGER City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: B. E. Snellgrove DIRECTOR: Finance DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT July 8, 1992 5 Contract for New Financial System SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The contract and purchase price of the software/hardware system awarded to CPS on June 23, 1992 has been reviewed. The costs will include $1,989 for the first twelve months for hardware/software support and: $39,370 for software 36,363 for hardware 4,880 for training 387 for miscellaneous $81,360 ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended since Council has already awarded this contract. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with CPS. The contract price will be $81,360 with $4000 to be held for retainage. The remaining amount of $77,360 will be lease purchased over a period of sixty months. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: 10-100-110-04570 - 70% GENERAL FUND 10-100-510-04570 - 30% UTILITY FUND BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): $4,000 FY 93 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $18,660 per fiscal year $ 81,360 for lease payments PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME Cl • $ CAPITAL © RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: xx BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: XX CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY xx DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE: July 8, 1992 TO: Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director SUBJECT: Review of Contract for the New Financial Software System The City Attorney and I have finished our review of the contract with CPS. Steve is recommending some minor changes in language and some clarification in the purchase terms . The amount awarded by previous City Council action ($81 , 360) has been verified in the contract . The cost for the first twelve months for hardware and software support for this system will be $1 , 989, the cost for subsequent years will be $11 ,072 . It is my recommendation that the City withhold five percent ($4 ,000) of the contract price to be paid upon successful completion/installation of the system. The target date for acceptance of the system will be six months after the initial delivery of the hardware and software. The amount to be lease purchased for five years would be $77 , 360 and the retainage amount of $4,000 would be budgeted in Fiscal Year 1992/93 . City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: B. E. Snellgrove DIRECTOR: Finance DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT July 10, 1992 6 Lease purchase contract for CPS system. SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The amount being financed on the software/hardware system awarded to CPS will be $77,360. The staff is recommending that the amount of $77,360 be financed by lease purchase for a period of sixty (60) months, starting approximately on December 1, 1992. ALTERNATIVES: INTEREST MONTHLY MONTHLY ANNUAL VENDOR AMOUNT RATE FACTOR PAYMENT AMOUNT 1. ASCI $77,360 7.625% .020097 $1,554.70 $18,656.40 This is the vendor that CPS has chosen to provide financing under the terms of the City's RFP. 2. CFRI $77,360 7.625% .020097 $1,554.74 $18,656.88 ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the City Manager to sign a lease purchase contract with ASCI, which is the vendor who usually works with CPS. The contract price will be $77,360 with monthly payments of $1,554.70 for period of sixty (60) months. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: 10-100-110-04570 - 70% General Fund 20-500-510-04570 - 30% Utility Fund BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): $15,547.40 FY 93 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 1,554.70 FY 92 $ Issuance Costs PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS El ONE-TIME El • $ CAPITAL © RECURRING © OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: xx BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION xx OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: XX CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY XX DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY M NAGER MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10 , 1992 TO: ,Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director SUBJECT: Lease Purchase Contract for CPS System Affiliated Corporate Services , Inc. (ASCI ) of Dallas is the vendor CPS has chosen to provide financing for the new software system under the terms of the Request For Proposal that the City issued. I did shop the contract with another vendor, Consolidated Financial Resources , Inc. (CFRI ) of Greenville Texas . Consolidated Financial Resources did bid a better rate than ACSI . However, due to the relationship ASCI has with CPS, ASCI has chosen to match the rate of CFRI . It is my recommendation that we chose ASCI as the lease purchase vendor since the rate bid is a good one and to avoid having to go out for formal bids for this financing . The terms of the contract will specify that the monthly payments will start three months after the initial installation of hardware and software. September 1 , 1992 is the estimated date for installation and that the payments would start on December 1 , 1992 . The amount being financed is $77 , 360 on a five year or sixty month contract . The interest rate is 7 . 625%, the monthly lease factor is 0 .020097 , and the monthly payments would be $1 , 554. 70 . Under the initial bid from ASCI the monthly payments would have been $1 , 582 . 79 . The annual total for this contract will be $18 , 656 . 40 . Enclosed are copies of the bids received from both vendors and a lease purchase contract from Affiliated Corporate Services , Inc . JUL 10 '92 11:25 ACSI 214 953 1326 P. 1/2 MI AFFILIATED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. 3030 LBJ • Suite 810 • Dallas, Texas 75234 • 214/406-9600 FACBXMXLE COVER 8111ET DELIVER ASAP DATE: 7-10-92 TO: City of Wylie ATTN: Brady Snel lgrove NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 (including cover sheet) :RE: Lease Proposal Please find enclosed a corrected lease proposal. I had the $77,360 figure but as discussed I just matched the CFR quote. Call me if I can be of further assistance. PROM: James R. Lahti PAX-2I4-406-8187 Finance and Leasing Specialists JUL 10 '92 11:25 AC51 214 95; 1325 P.2/2 5 Hi ae. AFFILIATED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. 3030 LB. J Suite 810 • Dallas, Texas 75234 • 214/406-9600 New 6 i D July 10, 1992 Mr. Brady Snellgrave Finance Director City of Wylie Fax# (214) 442-4302 Dear Mr. Snellgrove: The information below is relative to the proposed financing for the City of Wylie for the acquisition of a computer system and accessories. The transaction would be as follows: LESSOR: Affiliated Corporate Services, Inc. VENDOR: CPS Systems, Inc. FINANCED AMOUNT: $77,360.00 TERM: 60 Monthly Payments Interest Rate: 7.625% Monthly Lease Factor: .020097 Monthly Payment Amount: $1,554.70 Issuance costs equal to one payment will be charged. This may be paid at closing or added to the financed amount. The above proposal is subject to an audit analysis and assumes closing will occur on, or before September 1, 1992. The above rates may be adjusted to equal maturity Treasuries thereafter. If you have any questions regarding other payment terms, frequencies, or conditions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, `: es R. Lahti President Finance and Leasing Specialists Jut_ iS 'y2 1S: 11 PCSI 214 953 132E P.2/11 MSC j eV II CAN AFFILIATED CORPORATE SERVICES, INC. a-- 3030 LBJ • Suite 810 • Dallas, Texas 75234 • 214/406-9600 ( G (A,41 c_ 0 July 8, 1992 Mr. Brady Snellgrove Finance Director • City of Wylie Dear Mr. Snellgrove: The information below is relative to the proposed financing for the city of Wylie for the acquisition of a computer system and accessories. The transaction would be as follows: LESSOR: Affiliated Corporate Services, Inc. VENDOR: CPS Systems, Inc. FINANCED AMOUNT: $77,360.00 TERM: 60 months Interest Rate: 8.69% Monthly Lease Factor: .020460 Monthly Payment Amount: $1,582.79 Annual Lease Factor: .203205 Annual Payment Amount: $15,719.93 The above proposal is subject to an audit analysis and assumes closing will occur on, or before September 1, 1992. The above rates may be adjusted to equal maturity Treasuries thereafter. If you have any questions regarding other payment terms, frequencies, or conditions, please feel free to call me. sincerely, es R. Lahti President • Finance and Leasing Specialists Jul 09 , 92 09 : 40 P . 02 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESOURCES,INC. PUBLIC PINANCI(rR3 ROUTE 4 BOX 2A • P.O. BOX 962 DAVld TROMPS SHIIICY, JR. GREENV1LLB. TEXAS 75403-0962 PRttIDCNt 5T SHIREY vier PRESIDENT EWART E.lD SUE MIM4ITCH 903.454.4000 KILN JOYCE ADMINISTRATOR PAX 903-434-2320 VICc ►RC IOLNT July 8, 1992 Brady $nellgrove Finance Director City of Wylie Fax* (214) 442-4302 Dear: Mr, $nellgrove The information below is relative to the proposed financing for the City of Wylie for the acquisition of a computer system. The transaction would be as follows: LESSOR: Consolidated Financial Resources, Inc. FINANCED AMOUNT: $77,360.00 OPTION 1: STRUCTURE—Municipal Lease Purchase Term: 60 Monthly Payments Interest Rate: 7.625% Lease Factor: .020097 Payment Amount: $1,554,74* OPTION 2: STRUCTURE—Lease with Tax Pledge as authorized by the Public Property Finance Act Term: 60 Monthly Payments Interest Rate: 6.925% Lease Factor: .019766 Payment Amount: $1,529.09* * The first payment will be due one month after delivery and acceptance. Issuance costs equal to one monthly payment will be charged. This may be paid at closing or added to the financed amount. The above proposal is subject to an audit analysis and assumes that closing will occur on, or before August 15, 1992. The above rates may be adjusted to equal maturity Treasuries thereafter. If you have any questions regarding other payment terms, frequencies, or conditions, please feel free to call ma. Sinter ly, Kevin Lerner Financial Consultant City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: STEVEN P . DEITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SU JECT 07/01/92 7 LOCAL REGULATION OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Local units of government are concerned , and I think appropriately so , that state law appears to preempt local authorities right to regulate possession and consumption of alcohol . The concern is that the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) appears to have the exclusive authority to do so . There is an organized effort to get the law changed , or clarified , at the state level so that the local units of government could undertake this regulation. The proposed resolution merely expresses the City's intent that it does desire to have the right to regulate consumption and possession of alcohol in public places . ALTERNATIVES: A. Pass resolution as presented . B. Decline to pass a resolution. ACTION REQUESTED: I would strongly recommend the Council pass the resolution as I think this is an important matter in which the City should have control of and therefore should pass a resolution expressing its' intent . REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. X ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: X CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF X CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CIT MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE : June 22 , 1992 7111pppT0: City Council FROM: Steve Deiter , Cit Attorney RE : Local Regulatiot of Alcohol Consumption in Public Places I am forwarding herewith for your consideration a resolution which expresses the Council's position on local regulation of alcohol . The background for the motion is set out in the June 15 , 1992 letter from the City of Dallas Councilman Max Wells . From a legal perspective I wholeheartedly agree that the cities should have the right to regulate the consumption of alcohol in public places . If the city does not have the right it will not be done as the TACB will not be getting involved in the consumption of alcohol in local areas . As noted in the above referenced letter there is a hearing in Austin on June 25th concerning this issue . If the Council or Manager feel strongly enough about this issue that the feel a representative from the City should attend please let me know. The resolution came in too late to be placed on the agenda for the June 23rd Council meeting . However , it will be in the packet for the July 14th meeting for your consideration. I believe that this is still a significant expression of intent even though the hearing on the 25th will have already occurred at that time . cc : Steve Norwood , City Manager RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE CITY'S POSITION ON LOCAL REGULATION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN PUBLIC PLACES TO THE 73RD SESSION OF THE TEXAS STATE LEGISLATURE . WHEREAS, the regular session of the 73rd Texas Legislature will convene on January 12 , 1993 ; and WHEREAS, many legislative issues affecting local government will be considered ; and WHEREAS, many cities across the state are plagued by problems of public safety and diminished economic development because of the inability to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places ; and WHEREAS, state law, pursuant to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code , preempts local regulation of possession of open alcoholic beverage containers ; WHEREAS, municipalities are better able to address alcohol-related problems of a local nature than the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie would prefer that municipalities be allowed to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places within certain designated areas of the municipality ; and NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THAT SECTION 1 . That the City Council of the City of Wylie supports passage of legislation in the Texas Legislature which would allow home rule municipalities to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places within designated portions of a city. SECTION 2 . That the City Manager/City Attorney is directed to communicate the purpose of this resolution to members of the Sunset Advisory Commission, the Texas Legislature , the Governor , Lt . Governor and Speaker of the House . SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Wylie and it is accordingly so resolved . PASSED AND APPROVE THIS DAY OF , 1992 . ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P. Deiter , City Attorney f E.50 of OA) ,Nd, - Sample City Council Resolution WHEREAS, the regular session of the 73rd Texas Legislature will convene on January 12 , 1993 ; and WHEREAS, many legislative issues affecting local government will be considered; and WHEREAS, many cities across the state are plagued by problems of public safety and diminished economic development because of the inability to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places; and WHEREAS, state law, pursuant to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, preempts local regulation of possession of open alcoholic beverage containers; WHEREAS, municipalities are better able to address alcohol-related problems of a local nature than the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; and WHEREAS, the City of •T\1-c would prefer that municipalities be allowed to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places within certain designated areas of the municipality; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'vim t."..r • • SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of fe t. support passage of legislation in the Texas Legislatu which would allow home rule municipalities to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places within designated portions of a city. SECTION 2 . That the City Manager/City Attorney is directed to communicate the purpose of this resolution to members of the Sunset Advisory Commission, the Texas Legislature, the Governor, Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House. SECTION 3 . That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of (.✓ (r-r and it is accordingly so resolved. V(54N W. ,I ,,� SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION APPOINTEES AND TERMS ON COMMISSION REMAINING MAMI ADDRESS PHONE TERM OP OFFICE Rep. David Cat*.Chair 4310 Gaeta Ave., Suit*200* (214)1260160 2 Years Aides: (Lynda Roder)* Dallas,Texas 73246 (Sham'= Swan) Room 351.Capitol Building (512)463-0476 (L►sa Bdmaadaoo) Rep. Ashley Smith 2630 Fowuaiavi er. Suite 300a (713) 973.7933 2 Years Aides: (Patti Ram)' Houston:Texas 77057 (C ppy Rider) Room 403-D,Capitol Building (512) 463-0696 Rep. David Carats P.O.Bost 334• ($17)6311-3012 4 Y.en Aides: (Pew Goias)* Kees City.Tessa 7932929 ($17)638-3802 PAX (K iseia Bodasamait) Roam 337-C.Capitol g (312)463.06110 (Deasy Crider) Rep.Nicolas Pbws 1551 Maaesaa' (913)332-6914 4 Yeats Aid..: (Lola SipanaiY El Paso.Tiatae 79902 (Xis Wost) Room 346. 38I Boiling (312)463.0654 (Pfy18s ow Rap.Urea 81atk Ez.O85eaa P.O.Bme.226 (512)3364934 Aides: (Dm*mar) Lampasas,Taw 76550 1420-1351(Tas An) Room 404-C,Capitol Baiddiag (312)463-0684 (Sexy Pawns) (Detodty Ban)' atadas Edamods 721 C3nsa River Trail (817)496-1990 2 Yams Hans Pub&M.mbte Pea Wm*.Tams 76103 s oaae Cad Pedlar.Viol=sir 490 Pelt,Soils 221+ (409) 32-294 4 YearsAides: < ay Conway)* Bso■aac,Ts 77701 (409)333.2944 FAX (Carp Caper-PUC/Osewal) Roos 329,Oda Capitol Nosy (312)463-0104 (CJ.'Midway-Lamm_) S.aatat Stave Cw*u, P.O.Door 317* (913)776-23311 2 Yaws Aides: (1by mow)' Roby.Tiaras 79543 (Janis Wiwi* Wier dis Pulls,Taxes 017)3224400 (Cindy Robse e Sb.asa..Tau (214)$92-4212 (Ludt laid) Room 3241.Oes Capitol Sgasse (312)463-0130 Senator Gass Glen 11930 Aidias.Soils 210e (713)447-2122* 2 Yeats Aida*: (Maeda kabala)* Hoasoaa,Tam 77037 3-130.1387(Tax An) (Joe Cam* Room 320.Om Capital Squaw (312)463-0106 Senator Mike klitm dot 1701 River Rua Road.Stilts 302* (117) 339-9420 4 Years AA,lea (luck Mettaar Poet Wants.Texas 76107 iGios Mania) Roes 313,Oa. Capital 3gtwn (512)463-0112 (Sivas Moaagaatt ry) Paul N.PWassmaslts � Wiasnsd.Saimaa. Wait* (214)745-5173 2 Yearsau 5400 Rea.iesence TIM Mss, 1201 Re Stews Dana.Taw 73270 -ol.e..die 4.Is.a A 1.41/ CITY OF DALLAS MAXW.WELLS COMMITTEES: MAX W.CILMAN Finance,Chairman COULegislative,Co-Chairman June 15, 1992 Business&Commerce The Honorable John Akin City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098-0428 Dear Mayor Akin: The Sunset Advisory Commission review of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is underway, and one of the sunset review issues concerns whether municipalities or the state should be responsible for regulation of consumption of alcoholic beverages. Some Texas cities, including Dallas, have passed ordinances regulating consumption of alcoholic beverages on city streets and sidewalks and on city-owned property. According to past Texas Attorney General opinions, only the TABC has the exclusive authority to regulate all aspects of possession of alcoholic beverages, including consumption. If your City Council has or would like to pass an ordinance controlling consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places such as city parks, it may be ruled invalid under present state law. Control over consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas of downtowns, entertainment areas and special districts should be in the hands of the cities. Local governments are more able to manage these areas and provide for continued growth and vitality. The Sunset Advisory Commission will hold a public hearing at the State Capitol in Austin on Thursday, June 25, 1992 at 9:00 a.m. At that time the commission will hear testimony from the public on proposed changes to the TABC as recommended by the Sunset Commission staff. The staff made no recommendation concerning whether municipalities should be allowed to regulate consumption in public areas, so this issue needs to be .raised by witnesses representing cities. "The Only Reason We Are Here Is To Serve The Citizens Of Dallas" OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL DALLAS,TEXAS 75201 TELEPHONE 214/670-4067 Please join us in making Texas municipalities' voices heard in Austin. Contact the members of the Sunset Advisory Commission, your state representatives and your state senators to tell them that you want cities to be able to regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages in designated districts of your city. Make plans to attend the hearing in Austin on June 25th. If your council is not able to pass a resolution similar to the attached one, then write a letter or make a phone call to your legislators. Sincerely Max Wells City Councilman Co-Chair L.4g c-1 at_mm. c: Texas Municipal League 0728V/1-2wh City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: past Raavar DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 7/7/92 8 Notice of First Public Hearing Wylie Municipal Complex Tiuclrlay, July 14, 1992 SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The City Council of the City of Wylie will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 14, 1992 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North for the purpose of the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for a Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grant. The purpose of this hearing is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TCDP funding available, and all eligible TCDP activities. ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended. ACTION REQUESTED: Hold a Public Hearing REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: N/A PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • $ N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE _X__ DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF )( CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL P/ CITY MANAGER • INSTRUCTIONS TO NEWSPAPER: Please publish this advertisement one time. It must be published a minimum of three (3) days (72 hours) before the date specified below. In addition, please provide 1) an Affidavit of Publication and 2) a full page copy of advertisement(tear sheet)and return to the City. These must be placed in the grant application. NOTICE OF FIRST PUBLIC HEARING The City of Wylie will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 14, 1992, at 7:-00 P.M.in the Council Chamber of the Wylie Municipal Complex at 2000 Highway 78 North in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs for a Texas Community Development Program(TCDP) grant. The purpose of the hearing is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TCDP funding available, and all eligible TCDP activities." The City encourages citizens to participate in the development of this TCDP application and to make their views known at this public hearing. Citizens unable to attend this hearing may submit their comments to Steve Norwood, City Manager, at the Wylie Municipal Complex. The Wylie Municipal Complex is accessible to the handicapped. Should any non-English speaking citizen(s) desire to address City officials during such hearing and need the assistance of an interpreter; the City will attempt to provide one if sufficient notice is provided. Also, should any citizen(s) desire assistance in submitting , proposals for City Council consideration or need interpreter assistance,please call Mr. Paul Beaver,City Engineer,at 442-2236. Carolyn • City ti ' INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY: Please obtain 1)an Affidavit of Publication and 2)a full page copy of advertisement (tear sheet) and return to Southwest Consultants. The originals must be placed in the grant aaplication. i • City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 7/7/92 9 Southwest Consultants Personal Service Contract TCDP Grant Application SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a proposed professional services contract between the City of Wylie and Southwest Consultants to perform all necessary administrative functions to acquire a utility replacement grant from the Texas Community Development Program and to administer the grant in order to meet all Federal and State guidelines. Estimated grant amount is $250, 000 with a $50, 000 City matching fund. The total contract is estimated at $20, 000 consisting of zero dollars for the grant application and $20, 000 for the twelve month administration period. ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of contract so that the economic/minority census survey may begin, justification of applicable utility lines, and formal submittal of application to the State of Texas by September 10, 1992 may be properly accomplished. • REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ $20, 000 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME El • $ N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: 13(500 F�'�°D� W/�'L �[: [1SCr • C/i)' WILL s T/GLa /1Ilc 1 0,006 p 4 /OS 6EP4N y`" SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS >C OTHER MINUTES LEGAL Goh-i-eac ' REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE )X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMI SION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 7/7/92 9 Southwest Consultants Personal Service Contract TCDP Grant Application SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a proposed professional services contract between the City of Wylie and Southwest Consultants to perform all necessary administrative functions to acquire a utility replacement grant from the Texas Community Development Program and to administer the grant in order to meet all Federal and State guidelines. Estimated grant amount is $250, 000 with a $50, 000 City matching fund. The total contract is estimated at $20, 000 consisting of zero dollars for the grant application and $20, 000 for the twelve month administration period. ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of contract so that the economic/minority census survey may begin, justification of applicable utility lines, and formal submittal of application to the State of Texas by September 10, 1992 may be properly accomplished. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ $20, 000 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: - OPERATIONS 0 ONE-TIME ❑ S N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 0 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: /3C/0 D Lc C 1 Ty r vi c.L s 77 -L ljrf vc #3O,ce,e, SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS >C OTHER MINUTES LEGAL �'Dta ` ir REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS _. APPROVED FOR SUBMI SION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBLIC HEARING The City Council of the City of Wylie will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, ,fig /� , at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Wyl e Municipal Complex at 2000 Highway 78 North for the purpose of considering a zoning change of the following property: Lots 13 - 14 - & 15 of Block 3 of Brown and Burns Addition ( 301 N. Ballard) . The request for zoning is Retail . Carolyn Jones City Secretary Please furnish publishers affidavit. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie will conduct a public hearing on Monday, JUNE,15 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas for the purpose of considering the re-zoning of the following property: Lots 13 - 14 - & 15 of Block 3 of Brown and Burns Addition (301 N. Ballard) . The request for zoning is Retail . Carolyn Jones City Secretary Please furnish publishers affidavit.