06-09-1992 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 6-05-92 TIME POSTED 8:30 AM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1992 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - STEVE DEITER Pr.FrnE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Consider approval of the minutes of the Council meetings of May 19th, 26th and June 2, 1992 PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READING OF ORDINANCES 2 Conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 12, Section 29 - Site Plan Review 3 Consider approval of the amendment to the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 12, Section 29, Site Plan Review 4 Consider approval of a Necessary Condemnation Ordinance for three Alanis R.O.W. Properties NEW BUSINESS 5 Consider approval of an ETJ Agreement between the City of Lavon and the City of Wylie 6 Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Royse City and City of Wylie for exchange of equipment 7 Consider approval of an Agreement between North Texas Municipal Water District and the City of Wylie for Instrument & Process Control Systems, Inc. Distributive Water Control System (Telemetry), Utilizing NThIWD Radio Wave System 8 Consider approval of Change Order #1 with Randall & Blake regarding Landfill Closure ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS (OONT. ) 9 Consider approval of Pay Request #4 fran Randall & Blake in the amount of $30,421.85 for landfill closure 10 Consider approval of Invoice #03-028907-001 fran Jones & Neuse in the amount of $4,756.72 for Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling - 1st Quarter STAFF REPORTS 11 City Manager's Report 12 City Engineer's Report 13 City Attorney's Report CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 14 In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the City Council will hear comments of Public Interest fran citizens residing within the City limits of Wylie. Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before the Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chambers and will limit their remarks to a maximum of five (5) minutes. 15 Recess Open Meeting EXECUTIVE SESSION 16 Convene Council into Executive Session under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2, paragraph "e" Consultation with City Attorney regarding settlement negotiations with W.N.E.W.S. Corp; and paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - re- appointment or appointment of Board Members whose terms expire July 1, 1992 17 Reconvene Council into open session 18 Consider any action necessary fran Executive Session 19 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 P. M. on the 9 day of c1./ , 199Z in the Council Chambers of the icipal Camplex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. Carolyn s, C. ecretary POSTED THIS THE DAY OF . 199. , AT $ ?]i . M. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called work session on Tuesday , May 19, 1992 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz , Council Members Jay Davis, Reta Allen, Steve Wright, Bud Naish and Ortie Messenger, City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter and Finance Director Brady Snellgrove. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order. City Manager Steve Norwood presented an over view of the last three budget years as follows : Reveneus 88-89 $2,315,048. 89-90 $2 , 468 ,977 90-91 $2,489 ,228. Expenditures 88-89 $1 , 996,744 89-90 $2,540,264 90-91 $3 , 085,987 Departmental Staffing Summary Full time positions only 1989 57 . 3 1990 68. 8 1991 72. 35 1992 75.6 With the recent budget cut backs, staffing has dropped to 71 , this is the results of four positions being eliminated. The total revenues and expenditures for the 91-92 budget year are as follows: Revenues Expenditures General Fund $3,234 ,516 $3,692, 913 Utility Fund $2, 140, 503 $1 ,835, 503 Impact Fund $ 105,000 $ 70,000 Sanitation Fund $ 392 ,000 $ 323,920 Total for the mid year 91-92 budget year with amendments to the General Fund are $3 , 214 ,432 in revenues and $3 ,083,659. There has also been a debt service fund set up which took funds from General and Utility to use for debt payments. This is a better tracking of our debt payments . City Manager Steve Norwood state that in June the Department Heads will be coming before Council to present their request for 92/93 budget projects and programs. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES MAY 26, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in a work session at 6: 30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 26, 1992 in the Council Conference Room at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz , Council Members Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger, Reta Allen, Steve Wright (arrived late) and Jay Davis (arrived late) , City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter, City Engineer Paul Beaver, Finance Director Brady Snellgrove and Code Enforcement Officer Rick Hertzberger. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and state that the work session was for discussion of items on the regular agenda for later tonight. Mr. Rick Hertzberger, Code Enforcement Officer stated that the item on tonight' s agenda regarding the revision of the Zoning Map is being recommend by Staff to follow the Comprehensive Plan of 1980 , this will result in the rezoning of several area in our City. One being the downtown area from Highway 78 to Brown St. on Ballard. This according to the Comprehensive Plan of 1980 is to be a Central Business District and today it has several zonings , such as Retail , Business 2 and etc . The downtown area is one of three major problems, another one is the area at Highway 78 and FM 544 and also the inter-city has no compatible zoning districts. Another item on the agenda for tonight is the Oak Ridge Plat, the developer is requesting a 90 day extension in order to get his final plat on the agenda. The developer is given six months to go from the preliminary plat to the final plat and this developer has been working on the final plat, but the time frame is almost up and they are requesting this extension. Staff has no problem with the extension. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 26, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz, Council Members Jay Davis, Reta Allen, Bud Naish, Steve Wright and Ortie Messenger, City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter, City Engineer Paul Beaver, Finance Director Brady Snellgrove and Code Enforcement Officer Rick Hertzberger. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Scott Brown of the First Baptist Church gave the invocation with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Naish. Mayor Akin welcomed everyone and announced a meeting with the Highway Department will be held on June 2nd at 7: 00 P.M. regarding the improvements to Highway 78 and FM 544. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 12, 1992 MEETING: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of the May 12th City Council meeting, a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE FIRST ALLEY EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF HILLTOP AND BUTLER STREETS: This ordinance would provide for a portion of such vacated alley to revert to the adjacent property owners, reserving and excepting from such vacation certain rights for sidewalk and utility easements. City Attorney Steve Deiter said the portion of the alley being vacated would be approximately 110 feet from Butler Street to the east turn in the alley . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to install speed bumps at the north end of the alley and install speed limit signs . City Attorney Steve Deiter said the Council should not take any type of action other than accepting or denying the Ordinance vacating a section of this alley. A motion amending the first motion was then made by Councilman Wright to deny the Ordinance vacating a portion of the first alley east of the intersection of Hilltop and Butler Streets. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - against, Councilman Wright -in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with a six in favor and one against. APPROVAL OF ORDER ADOPTING THE EIGHT (8 ) CHARTER AMENDMENTS APPROVED ON MAY 2 , 1992 BY THE VOTERS: City Attorney Steve Deiter said in reference to the adoption of the charter amendments these were done in compliance with Code/law and the charter. Mr. Deiter stated that he worked with the Charter Review Committee and helped them to meet all requirements . Mr. Deiter said he does not feel there is a problem with constitutional rights on any of these amendments. You can limit a person' s rights to run for office if he/she is indebted to the City. Mr. Deiter suggested to the Council to consider passing the order and if further study shows there is a problem with the constitutional rights, then it can be corrected or table the item until further study is done. Mayor Akin stated that legally since the citizens have voted, then Council should adopt the order. Mr. Deiter said yes, if Council chooses not to adopt this then citizens could come back on the Council. A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the Order but to also request these be sent to the State for review. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF INVOICES FROM HELMBERGER ASSOC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE LAND FILL CLOSURE: This payment request is for invoice 9188-2 in the amount of $600.00; invoice 9190-3 in the amount of $4,569.78; invoice 9207-4 in the amount of $2, 751 .82 ; and invoice 9221 in the amount of $4,149 .86. A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the above named invoices to Helmberger Assoc. in connection with the land fill closure . Seconded by Councilwoman Allen. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT EXTENSION FOR 90 DAYS FOR OAK RIDGE ADDITION: The developers of Oak Ridge Addition have requested this 90 day extension in order to complete and present their final plat for approval . Councilman Wright voiced his concern of having these homes next to an industrial area. A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the 90 day extension. Seconded by Councilman Davis. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - against, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with six in favor, and one against. APPROVAL OF BID AWARD FOR WATER/SEWER UTILITY SUPPLIES: This is the annual contact for supplies in water/sewer utility departments . Staff received bids from four bidders and bids were broken down into seven groups. Staff recommends the following award of bid: Ferguson Enterprises No. 1 cooper pipe/fittings $1 , 806. 20 No. 2 pvc pipe/fittings $1 ,775. 40 Industrial Intern' l. No. 3 tapping saddles $1 , 076. 33 No. 5 bronze fittings $3 ,798 .80 No. 6 miscellaneous $1 ,783 . 09 No. 7 meter boxes/locks $2,860.30 Bowles and Edens No. 4 repair clamps $1 , 792 .94 A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the bids as recommended by staff and stated above. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF THE REVISION OF THE ZONING MAP IN PREPARATION FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Mr. Rick Hertzberger, Code Enforcement Officer, stated that in August, 1991 the City Council approved a new official Zoning May. The staff has begun the evaluation of the 1980 Comprehensive Plan, as related to this zoning map and have found several incompatible land uses that need immediate attention and are as follows: 1 . Downtown zoning and boundaries 2 . Highway 78 and FM 544 corridors 3. Numerous inter-city non-compatible zoning districts. Staff is requesting Council to consider zoning the Downtown area as Central Business District, to give staff instructions to continue the study and present to Planning and Zoning and then come back to Council . To date the downtown area has several zonings, such as Retail , B-1 and B-2 , rezoning this area and putting all lots on Ballard St . from Highway 78 to Brown Street under Central Business District Zoning , would bring all lots compatible and not look like spot zoning. This would not affect any of the residents living there today, they would be able to remain in their homes. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Swartz to have staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission to begin working on the Central Business District for the downtown area. Seconded by Councilman Naish, but also to not hold up any other pending zonings that have been requested in this area . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE 1991-92 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: Finance Director Brady Snellgrove stated the Technical Amendments being requested for consideration are: the budgeting G.O. Bond Debt in the Debt Service Fund, deletion of the council Reserve as an expenditure item, reducing the Worker' s Comp . budget, allocating the City Manager' s Reserve and reducing Debt Service in the Utility Fund. The Budget Amendments being requested for approval are to reduce the Sales Tax Revenue , the Delinquent and Penalty/Interest Taxes, and budgeting Interest Income in the Debt Service Fund. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the Technical and Budget amendments as listed above in the 1991-92 Budget. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Swartz - in favor, Councilwoman Allen - in favor, Councilman Davis - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited citizens wishing to addressed the Council to come forward at this time and state their name and address and to limit their comments to five minutes. Mayor Akin stated that any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. There were no speakers at this time . There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday , June 2 , 1992 at 8: 30 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Swartz , Council Members Reta Allen, Jay Davis, Ortie Messenger, Bud Naish and Steve Wright, City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter and City Engineer Paul Beaver. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and recessed the open meeting at 8: 35 P.M. to convene Council into Executive Session under the Authority of 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2, paragraph "e" Consultation with Attorney regarding settlement negotiations with W.N.E.W.S. Corp. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION Paul Beaver SUBMITTED BY: Rick Herzberger DIRECTOR• Planning/Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 Public Hearing for the purpose of considering 2 an amendment to the Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 29 - Site Plan Review SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached are the existing Site Plan requirements, Wylie Code of Ordinances Chpt. 12, Section 29, and the proposed Site Plan amendment. In November of 1991, the City Attorney and I reviewed the existing Section 29 Site Plan requirements and determined that this section does not provide for a proper site plan review process. In order to correct this problem, the P & Z conducted a workshop on March 3, and April 20 and then conducted a Public Hearing on May 18, 1992. In addition to fulfilling the purpose (Section 29. 1 ) , an effective Site Plan Review Ordinance is needed to allow the City to review and approve development on certain designated land areas which have already been platted or subdivided. ALTERNATIVES: 1 . Recommend and approve changes and/or additions 2. Deny City Staff and P & Z recommendations ACTION REQUESTED: Planning and Engineering and the P & Z recommend approval of the Site Plan Review Ordinance amendment to Chapter 12, Section 29 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances (Zoning Ordinance 85-23A) . • REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ N/A PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: N/A OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. X ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET X WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE _ DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE-CHIEF - . CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR.: FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC - X BUILDING OFFICIAL " WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER ascertained,the same process outlined in the district in which such use or structure paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above shall is located was in existence and lawfully be followed. operating prior to the adoption of the previous zoning ordinance and has been operating since without discontinuance. SECTION 29 CREATION OF BUILDING SITE (2) When on the effective date of this ordinance, the use or structure was in existence and lawfully constructed, § 29.1 No permit for the construction of a located and operating in accordance with building or buildings upon any tract or plot shall the provisions of the previous zoning be issued until a building site, building tract, or ordinance or which was a non- building lot has been created by compliance with conforming use thereunder and which use one of the following conditions: or structure does not now conform to the regulations herein prescribed for the (1) The lot or tract is part of a plat of record, district in which the use or structure is properly approved by the planning and located. zoning commission,and filed in the plat records of Collin County,Texas. § 30.2 No non-conforming use or structure may be expanded or increased beyond the lot or tract (2) The plot, tract or lot faces upon a upon which such non-conforming use is located as dedicated street and was separately owned of the effective date of this ordinance except to .--1 i STt ✓ e,J prior to the effective date of this provide off-street loading or off-street parking space ordinance or prior to annexation to the upon approval of the board of adjustment. D Mi'inct IA C.to City of Wylie whichever is applicable, in which event a building permit for § 30.3 Repairs and normal maintenance may be only one main building conforming to made to a non-conforming building provided that all the requirements of this ordinance no structural alterations or extensions shall be may be issued on each such original made except those required by law or ordinance, separately owned parcel without first unless the building is changed to a conforming complying with paragraph(1)preceding. use. (3) The plot or tract is all or part of a site § 30.4 Any non-conforming use may be plan officially approved by the planning changed to a conforming use and once such change and zoning commission and compliance is made, the use shall not thereafter be changed has been made with provisions and back to a nonconforming use. improvements approved on such site plan for all utility and drainage § 30.5 Where a conforming use is located in a easements, dedication of streets, alleys nonconforming structure, the use may be changed and other public improvements required to another conforming use by securing a certificate to meet the standards established for the of occupancy from the building official. platting of land. § 30.6 Whenever a non-conforming use is (4) Any and all plots, tracts or lots must be abandoned, all non-conforming rights shall cease provided access via a public street or and the use of the premises shall thenceforth be in drive. conformity with this ordinance. Abandonment shall involve the intent of the user or owner to discontinue a non-conforming operation and the SECTION 30 actual act of discontinuance. Discontinuance of a NON-CONFORMING USES business or the vacancy of a building or premises AND STRUCTIIRE,S occupied by a non-conforming use for a period of six (6) months shall be construed as conclusive proof of intent to abandon the non-conforming use. § 30.1 A non-conforming status shall exist Any non-conforming use which, not involving a under the following provisions of this ordinance: permanent type of structure, is moved from the premises shall be considered to have been (1) When a use or structure which does not abandoned. conform to the regulations prescribed in Page 40 ro �OSe Q ( C.,i/1a,nc e. - SECTION 29 — SITE PLAN REVIEW - 29. 1 PURPOSE This section establishes a Site Plan review process by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Staff for any proposed development within the City of Wylie. The purpose of the review is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking and loading, and adequate water supply, drainage and storm water management, sanitary facilities, and other utilities and services. 29. 2 APPLICABILITY Site Plan review and approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be required for the following: 1 ) Any shopping center. 2) Any apartment development. 3) Any Planned Development and Specific Use Permit. 4) Any Retail , B-1 , B-2 or Industrial Zone development, unless such development is located within an approved Industrial or Commercial subdivision. 5) Any development where more than one main building or use is proposed on a single lot or tract. 29. 3 No building permit shall be issued for any of the above developments, unless a Site Plan is first submitted to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless all construction and development conform to the plan as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 29. 4 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance or its amendments, the Director of Planning & Engineering may at his discretion require a Site Plan for any development to be submitted for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission if in his opinion it is in the best interest of the City to do so. 29. 5 EXEMPTION AND EXCEPTIONS 1 ) Site Plan approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall not be required for any detached one or two dwelling unit buildings or any accessory uses incidental thereto. City Site Plan requirements for these buildings and uses may be acquired by contacting the Building Official . 2) The Planning & Zoning Commission may, at the request of the applicant, waive any of the various requirements of maps and submissions hereinafter set forth. 29.6 SITE PLAN DETAILS The Site Plan shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations, including but not limited to the following : 1 ) Location and orientation of proposed building(s) and structures 2) On and off-site circulation 3) Parking 4) Grading 5) Landscaping 6) Placement of utilities 7) Screening 8) Engineering for streets and utilities Provision of the above items shall conform to the principles and standards of this ordinance. To ensure the submission of adequate Site Plan information, the Planning and Engineering Department is hereby empowered to maintain and distribute a list of specific requirements for Site Plan review applications. Any Site Plan detail or requirement updates, deemed necessary by the Planning and Engineering Department, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for zoning amendment consideration. 29.7 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1 ) The Planning & Zoning Commission and/or Director of Planning & Engineering may require other information and data for specific Site Plans. This data may include but is not limited to geologic information, water yields, flood data, environmental information, traffic analysis, road capabilities, market information, economic data for the proposed development, hours of operation, elevations and perspective drawings, lighting, and similar information. Conditional approval of a Site Plan may establish conditions for construction based on such information. 2) The Planning Director may require that the Site Plan be prepared by an architect or licensed engineer or both if applicable to the specific requirements of the Site Plan. 3) Before submittal of the Site Plan to the P & Z, the Planning Director must insure that all applicable City staff personnel provide technical input relating to the Site Plan details. 29. 8 PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW The following criteria have been set forth as a guide for evaluating the adequacy of proposed development in the City of Wylie. The Planning & Zoning Commission shall review the Site Plan for compliance with all applicable Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan; for harmony with surrounding uses and the overall plan for development of the City of Wylie; for the promotion of the health, safety, order, efficiency and economy of the City; and for the maintenance of property values and the general welfare. Based upon its review, the Commission may approve, conditionally approve, request modifications or deny approval of the Site Plan based on evaluation of the Site Plan details with respect to: 1 ) The Site Plan' s compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Wylie including but not limited to off-street parking and loading, lighting, open space and the generation of objectionable smoke, fumes, noise, odors, dust, glare, vibration or heat. 2) The environmental impact of the development relating to the preservation of existing natural resources on the site and the impact on the natural resources of the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 3) The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious design, setbacks, maintenance of property values and negative impacts. 4) The provision of a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. 5) The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces are usable and are safely and conveniently arranged. 6) The sufficient width and suitable grade and location of streets designed to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide access for fire-fighting and emergency equipment to buildings. 7) The coordination of streets so as to compose a convenient system consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Wylie. 8) The use of landscaping and screening ( 1 ) to provide adequate buffers to shield lights, noise, movement or activities from adjacent properties when necessary, and (2) to complement the design and location of buildings and be integrated into the overall site design. 9) Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent properties. 10) The location, size and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses. 11 ) Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading. 12) Protection and conservation of water courses and areas subject to flooding. 13) The adequacy of water, drainage, sewerage facilities, garbage disposal and other utilities necessary for essential services to residents and occupants. The decision of the Planning & Zoning Commission to approve or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding unless an appeal of said decision is made to the City Council . The appeal shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department not more than seven days after the date of the action taken by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The appeal shall state all reasons for dissatisfaction with the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission. If the City Council , by majority vote, deems the appeal to be without merit, it may refuse to accept the appeal , and the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission shall stand. If the City Council , by majority vote, accepts the appeal , the decision by the City Council to approve, conditionally approve, request modifications, or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding. In cases where Site Plan approval included provisions which must be approved by the City Council , Planning & Zoning Commission approval of the Site Plan shall be referred to the City Council for this action. 29.9 EFFECT OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1 ) If development of a lot with an approved Site Plan has not commenced within two years of the date of final approval of the Site Plan, the Site Plan shall be deemed to have expired, and a review and re-approval of the approved Site Plan by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be required before a building permit may be issued. Said review and approval shall be evaluated according to the standards of Section 29. 8, taking into account all changes to applicable ordinances which have occurred subsequent to the prior approval of the Site Plan. 2) It is recognized that final architectural and engineering design may necessitate minor changes in the approved Site Plan. In such cases, the Planning Director shall have the authority to approve minor modifications of an approved Site Plan, provided that such modifications do not materially change the circulation and building location on the site. City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION Paul Beaver SUBMITTEDBY: Rick Herzberger DIRECTOR• Planning/Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 Public Hearing for the purpose of considering 3 an amendment to the Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 29 - Site Plan Review SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached are the existing Site Plan requirements, Wylie Code of Ordinances Chpt. 12, Section 29, and the proposed Site Plan amendment. In November of 1991, the City Attorney and I reviewed the existing Section 29 Site Plan requirements and determined that this section does not provide for a proper site plan review process. In order to correct this problem, the P & Z conducted a workshop on March 3, and April 20 and then conducted a Public Hearing on May 18, 1992. In addition to fulfilling the purpose (Section 29. 1 ) , an effective Site Plan Review Ordinance is needed to allow the City to review and approve development on certain designated land areas which have already been platted or subdivided. ALTERNATIVES: 1 . Recommend and approve changes and/or additions 2. Deny City Staff and P & Z recommendations ACTION REQUESTED: Planning and Engineering and the P & Z recommend approval of the Site Plan Review Ordinance amendment to Chapter 12, Section 29 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances (Zoning Ordinance 85-23A) . I REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ N/A PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS 0 ONE-TIME ❑ • $ N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 0 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. X ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET X WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE _X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE-CHIEF - CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC - X BUILDING OFFICIAL " WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL itew �!k //�// tir CITY MANAGER ascertained,the same process outlined in the district in which such use or structure paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above shall is located was in existence and lawfully be followed. operating prior to the adoption of the previous zoning ordinance and has been operating since without discontinuance. SECTION 29 CR .ATION OF B IILDING SITE_ (2) When on the effective date of this ordinance, the use or structure was in existence and lawfully constructed, § 29.1 No permit for the construction of a located and operating in accordance with building or buildings upon any tract or plot shall the provisions of the previous zoning be issued until a building site, building tract, or ordinance or which was a non- building lot has been created by compliance with conforming use thereunder and which use one of the following conditions: or structure does not now conform to the regulations herein prescribed for the (1) The lot or tract is part of a plat of record, district in which the use or structure is properly approved by the planning and located. zoning commission,and filed in the plat records of Collin County,Texas. § 30.2 No non-conforming use or structure may be expanded or increased beyond the lot or tract (2) The plot, tract or lot faces upon a upon which such non-conforming use is located as dedicated street and was separately owned of the effective date of this ordinance except to -:i TiS red prior to the effective date of this provide off-street loading or off-street parking space ordinance or prior to annexation to the upon approval of the board of adjustment. 0 r81.06 tA e.p City of Wylie whichever is applicable, in which event a building permit for § 30.3 Repairs and normal maintenance may be only one main building conforming to made to a non-conforming building provided that all the requirements of this ordinance no structural alterations or extensions shall be may be issued on each such original made except those required by law or ordinance, separately owned parcel without first unless the building is changed to a conforming complying with paragraph(1)preceding. use. (3) The plot or tract is all or part of a site § 30.4 Any non-conforming use may be plan officially approved by the planning changed to a conforming use and once such change and zoning commission and compliance is made, the use shall not thereafter be changed has been made with provisions and back to a nonconforming use. improvements approved on such site plan for all utility and drainage § 30.5 Where a conforming use is located in a easements, dedication of streets, alleys nonconforming structure, the use may be changed and other public improvements required to another conforming use by securing a certificate to meet the standards established for the of occupancy from the building official. platting of land. § 30.6 Whenever a non-conforming use is (4) Any and all plots, tracts or lots must be abandoned, all non-conforming rights shall cease provided access via a public street or and the use of the premises shall thenceforth be in drive. conformity with this ordinance. Abandonment shall involve the intent of the user or owner to discontinue a non-conforming operation and the SECTION 30 actual act of discontinuance. Discontinuance of a NON-CONFORMING USES business or the vacancy of a building or premises AND STRUCTURES occupied by a non-conforming use for a period of six (6) months shall be construed as conclusive proof of intent to abandon the non-conforming use. § 30.1 A non-conforming status shall exist Any non-conforming use which, not involving a under the following provisions of this ordinance: permanent type of structure, is moved from the premises shall be considered to have been (1) When a use or structure which does not abandoned. conform to the regulations prescribed in Page 40 pr. ,rsei p � �� �a �c er - SECTION 29 — SITE PLAN REVIEW - 29. 1 PURPOSE This section establishes a Site Plan review process by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Staff for any proposed development within the City of Wylie. The purpose of the review is to ensure efficient and safe land development, harmonious use of land, compliance with appropriate design standards, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking and loading, and adequate water supply, drainage and storm water management, sanitary facilities, and other utilities and services. 29. 2 APPLICABILITY Site Plan review and approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be required for the following: 1 ) Any shopping center. 2) Any apartment development. 3) Any Planned Development and Specific Use Permit. 4) Any Retail , B-1, B-2 or Industrial Zone development, unless such development is located within an approved Industrial or Commercial subdivision. 5) Any development where more than one main building or use is proposed on a single lot or tract. 29. 3 No building permit shall be issued for any of the above developments, unless a Site Plan is first submitted to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless all construction and development conform to the plan as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 29. 4 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance or its amendments, the Director of Planning & Engineering may at his discretion require a Site Plan for any development to be submitted for approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission if in his opinion it is in the best interest of the City to do so. 29. 5 EXEMPTION AND EXCEPTIONS 1 ) Site Plan approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall not be required for any detached one or two dwelling unit buildings or any accessory uses incidental thereto. City Site Plan requirements for these buildings and uses may be acquired by contacting the Building Official . 2) The Planning & Zoning Commission may, at the request of the applicant, waive any of the various requirements of maps and submissions hereinafter set forth. 29. 6 SITE PLAN DETAILS The Site Plan shall contain sufficient information relative to site design considerations, including but not limited to the following: 1 ) Location and orientation of proposed building(s) and structures 2) On and off-site circulation 3) Parking 4) Grading 5) Landscaping 6) Placement of utilities 7) Screening 8) Engineering for streets and utilities Provision of the above items shall conform to the principles and standards of this ordinance. To ensure the submission of adequate Site Plan information, the Planning and Engineering Department is hereby empowered to maintain and distribute a list of specific requirements for Site Plan review applications. Any Site Plan detail or requirement updates, deemed necessary by the Planning and Engineering Department, shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for zoning amendment consideration. 29.7 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1 ) The Planning & Zoning Commission and/or Director of Planning & Engineering may require other information and data for specific Site Plans. This data may include but is not limited to geologic information, water yields, flood data, environmental information, traffic analysis, road capabilities, market information, economic data for the proposed development, hours of operation, elevations and perspective drawings, lighting, and similar information. Conditional approval of a Site Plan may establish conditions for construction based on such information. 2) The Planning Director may require that the Site Plan be prepared by an architect or licensed engineer or both if applicable to the specific requirements of the Site Plan. 3) Before submittal of the Site Plan to the P & Z, the Planning Director must insure that all applicable City staff personnel provide technical input relating to the Site Plan details. 29. 8 PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW The following criteria have been set forth as a guide for evaluating the adequacy of proposed development in the City of Wylie. The Planning & Zoning Commission shall review the Site Plan for compliance with all applicable Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan; for harmony with surrounding uses and the overall plan for development of the City of Wylie; for the promotion of the health, safety, order, efficiency and economy of the City; and for the maintenance of property values and the general welfare. Based upon its review, the Commission may approve, conditionally approve, request modifications or deny approval of the Site Plan based on evaluation of the Site Plan details with respect to: 1 ) The Site Plan' s compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Wylie including but not limited to off-street parking and loading, lighting, open space and the generation of objectionable smoke, fumes, noise, odors, dust, glare, vibration or heat. 2) The environmental impact of the development relating to the preservation of existing natural resources on the site and the impact on the natural resources of the surrounding properties and neighborhood. 3) The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious design, setbacks, maintenance of property values and negative impacts. 4) The provision of a safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system. 5) The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces are usable and are safely and conveniently arranged. 6) The sufficient width and suitable grade and location of streets designed to accommodate prospective traffic and to provide access for fire-fighting and emergency equipment to buildings. 7) The coordination of streets so as to compose a convenient system consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan of the City of Wylie. 8) The use of landscaping and screening ( 1 ) to provide adequate buffers to shield lights, noise, movement or activities from adjacent properties when necessary, and (2) to complement the design and location of buildings and be integrated into the overall site design. 9) Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged so as to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent properties. 10) The location, size and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses. 11 ) Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading. 12) Protection and conservation of water courses and areas subject to flooding. 13) The adequacy of water, drainage, sewerage facilities, garbage disposal and other utilities necessary for essential services to residents and occupants. The decision of the Planning & Zoning Commission to approve or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding unless an appeal of said decision is made to the City Council . The appeal shall be filed in writing with the Planning Department not more than seven days after the date of the action taken by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The appeal shall state all reasons for dissatisfaction with the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission. If the City Council , by majority vote, deems the appeal to be without merit, it may refuse to accept the appeal , and the action of the Planning & Zoning Commission shall stand. If the City Council , by majority vote, accepts the appeal , the decision by the City Council to approve, conditionally approve, request modifications, or deny a Site Plan shall be final and binding. In cases where Site Plan approval included provisions which must be approved by the City Council , Planning & Zoning Commission approval of the Site Plan shall be referred to the City Council for this action. 29.9 EFFECT OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1 ) If development of a lot with an approved Site Plan has not commenced within two years of the date of final approval of the Site Plan, the Site Plan shall be deemed to have expired, and a review and re-approval of the approved Site Plan by the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be required before a building permit may be issued. Said review and approval shall be evaluated according to the standards of Section 29. 8, taking into account all changes to applicable ordinances which have occurred subsequent to the prior approval of the Site Plan. 2) It is recognized that final architectural and engineering design may necessitate minor changes in the approved Site Plan. In such cases, the Planning Director shall have the authority to approve minor modifications of an approved Site Plan, provided that such modifications do not materially change the circulation and building location on the site. City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTEDBY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 Necessary Condemnation Ordinance 4 Three Alanis R. O. W. Properties SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a proposed Condemnation Ordinance which will allow the acquisition of the final three remaining properties to provide access from the west to the City of Wylie landfill which is in the process of being closed. Previous efforts were made both verbally and in writing to contact the owners in order to reach an equitable agreement on the value of their property ( 1/10/92, 2/21/92 & 4/29/92) . To date, no favorable response has been forthcoming from the three owners. In order to complete the Alanis upgrade (west end) this R. O. W. must be acquired. • ALTERNATIVES: None. Negotiations appear to be unresolvable. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Ordinance. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Lakelai ti BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 29.) SOO Plus lex41 Vees b1ecessary PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ S N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. )C ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE x . DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER EXHIBIT A -I BEING a 0. 288 acre tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas and the City of Wylie , Texas , being part of the E. C. Davidson Survey , Abstract No . 267 , and being the easterly portion of a tract of land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626 , Page 54 of the Collin County Deed Records, and a called 1. 64 acre tract of land as described in Volume 2242 , Page 204 of the Collin County Deed Records, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for a corner in Alanis Road (an unpaved roadway) , said corner being the southeast corner of the said Martinez tract; THENCE North 89°18 ' 14 " West, along the south line of said Marti- nez tract, a distance of 418 . 30 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod for corner; THENCE North 00°48 ' 28" East, a distance of 30. 00 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89°18 ' 14" East, a distance of 418 . 58 feet to a point for corner, said point being on the east line of the said Marti- nez tract; THENCE South 01°21 ' 02" West, along said east line, a distance of 30 . 00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 12 , 553 square feet or 0 . 288 acres of land more or less. Revised 4/30/92 . , , CREEKBEND INDUSTRIAL PARK 419. 91 S89° 18' 14"E I �, . �' 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT >.'"; o w Q;; �� VOL 1989. PAGE 661 I o P 0��� PROPOSED ROW P ROBERT MART I NEZ 12 , 553 S F o VOLUME 2242. PAGE 204 Z W' 0 . 288 ACRES ! 3 NI N O co _, is\i 418.58 S89. 18' 14"E 1 )1f1; OI N Zo 30.00 30.00 418.30 N89 18= 14'rW - - M. ST. JOHN, H. F. TIBBALS. E. COLLINS POINT OF BEGINNING ill = 60' EXHIBIT A - I EXHIBIT A- BEING a 0 . 072 acre tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas and the City of Wylie , Texas , being part of the E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267 , and being the westerly portion of a tract of land conveyed to Henry Martinez by deed recorded in Volume 626, Page 54 of the Collin County Deed Records, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for a corner in Alanis Road (an unpaved roadway) , said corner being the southwest corner of the said Martinez tract; THENCE North 03°36 ' 27" East, along the west line of said Martinez tract, a distance of 30. 04 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89°18 ' 14" East, a distance of 103 . 96 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00°48 ' 28" West, a distance of 30. 00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 ° 18 ' 14 " West , a distance of 105 . 42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 3 , 141 square feet or 0. 072 acres of land more or less. Revised 4/30/92 (1 N CREEKBEND INDUSTRIAL PARK LOT 2 97. 12 S89° 18' 1 4 "E 1 I I I I I I I I I f_' I RONALD MARTINEZ i 1" I PART OF MARTINEZ TRACT �� zw VOLUME 626. PAGE 54 �P<J I Q I c., 1m --I N. Q•� :0 Ni N 01 1cn• z z '- PROPOSED ROW cc I 3 , 141 SF cc i' l i 0 . 072 ACRES • w S o cr I 1 1 I I I I 1 • s I I tiI 103. 96 J S89° 18' 14"E 1 a N ao , N •":'pi0 01 Q �10 010 . fnj in \----12P-L1L------14-@2:113:-13:11---------4 AL AN I S ROAD POINT OF BEGINNING M. ST. JOHN, H. F. TIBBALS. E. COLLINS 1 " = 30' EXHIBIT 4 - 2 EXHIBIT A-3 BEING a 0 . 700 acre tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas and the City of Wylie, Texas, being part of the Richard D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660, and being part of a called 43 .401 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 1675 , Page 749 of the Collin County Deed Records, being more particularly described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for a corner in Alanis Road (an unpaved roadway) , said corner being the northeast corner of the said 43 . 401 acre tract, said point also being the north- west corner of a called 39 . 76 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 753 , Page 444 , Collin County Deed Records; THENCE South 02 ° 11 ' 30" West, along the east line of said 43 . 401 acre tract, a distance of 30. 00 feet to a point for a corner; • THENCE North 88 °32 ' 37" West, departing said east line, a distance of 441 . 40 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 89°18 ' 14" West, a distance of 575. 12 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 03 °36 ' 27" East, a distance of 31. 12 feet to a point for a corner , said point being on the north line of the said 43 . 401 acre tract; THENCE South 88°03 ' 51" East, along said north line, a distance of 50 . 02 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 89°18 ' 14" East, along said north line, a distance of 523 . 73 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 88°32 ' 37" East, along said north line, a distance of 441 . 98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 30 , 512 square feet or 0. 700 acres of land more or less. Revised 4/30/92 N LaN z W Q .Z J H N _ ROBERT MARTINEZ POINT OF BEGINNING S85.15'O0"E S88.O3'S1'E Z I 188.00 50.02 4 fi CC W � o ^----�.._.._.._.._.._--_� - _ �,�� ��©_523.T3 589.18'14'E 441.98 588.32'37'E • -�._.._.._.._..--- •--------•-•-- s N NO3.36'27'E --- 71,_• 30.00_ c 31.12 575.12 N89.18'14"W —o- 441.40 N88.32'37'W 1 0 z 1 PROPOSED ROW M. ST. JOHN. H.F. TIBBALS. E. COLLINSo on ,� I CDCO 30.512 SF PART OF A 43.401 ACRE TRACT I N il 0• . 700 ACRES VOLUME 1675. PAGE 749 I • N I--..-----_____-.__ ±± I" %^ G 1343.44 N. N89.00'O0"W 21.06 0� S17.44'27"M P • ip • EXHI3IT A - 3 . ..�:J t• :•.IK.r- wb....w•v.M. to. i .R..�}• I lr :71^n! :..•�.. ,t: .. .. ^.,.. n.. .,. .. .i .n i 1 •.�: i •i• • :'-.i ., ia._., •.nL .y;,� •\ ..� ' 7�•-e•• .ir'1^1•• '•dfa.:. ✓At::.'H.�...�:..w�.yr..-1�"•�-• ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DETERMINE A PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO CERTAIN TRACTS OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 267, AND LOCATED 1N RICHARD D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 660, BOTH BEING IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING AND WIDENING ALANIS ROAD AND FOR FURTHER MUNICIPAL PURPOSES ASSOCIATED THEREWITH; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INSTITUTE A PROCEEDING IN EMINENT DOMAIN TO ACQUIRE THE NEEDED PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , having considered the matter has determined that there is a public necessity for the welfare of the City of Wylie and the public at large to acquire certain real property for right-of- way, utility easements , road relocation, associated with the improvement and widening of Alanis Lane; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the above the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , hereby finds that it is in the public interest to acquire the fee simple title to the real estate hereafter described for the above stated Municipal purposes ; and WHEREAS, the real property to be acquired for such purposes consists of three separate tracts , located in the E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, and located in Richard D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660, both being in the City of Wylie , Collin County, Texas, consists of approximately acres and is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference ( the "property"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows : Section 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that it is necessary for the welfare of the City and its citizens and is in the public interest to acquire the fee simple title to the property for road improvement and widening, right-of-way, utility, and associated Municipal purposes . Section 2. The City Manager, Acting City Manager , or their designee is hereby authorized on behalf of the City to attempt to agree to damages and compensation to be paid to the owners of the property. If the City Manager or their designee determines that an agreement for damages and compensation cannot be reached then the City Attorney, or his designee, is hereby authorized to file or cause to be filed against the owners and interested parties of the property, a proceeding in eminent domain to acquire the fee simple title to the property. Section 3. • It is the expressed intent of the City Council that this ordinance shall authorize the condemnation for all property required for the City to completely and satisfactorily widen and improve Alanis Lane from Martinez Lane, Easterly to the site of required for the City to completely and satisfactorily widen and improve Alanis Lane from Martinez Lane, Easterly to the site of the City's property formerly operated as a landfill , specifically including, without limitation the expressed purposes incident thereto as hereinabove enumerated. If is later determined that there are any errors or discrepancies contained in the description of the property effected hereby or if later surveys contain more accurate revised descriptions, the City Attorney or his designee, is authorized to have such errors corrected and revisions made without the necessity of obtaining a new City Council ordinance authorizing the condemnation of the corrected or revised property. Section 4. The findings of fact or recitations and provisions as set forth in the preamble of this ordinance are adopted and fully made a part of the body of this ordinance , as if the same were fully set forth herein. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its approval. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas , this 10th day of June, 1992. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P. Deiter, City Attorney City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPT. DIRECTOR: STEVEN P. DEITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6-3-92 5 Consideration of ETJ Agreement With City of Lavon SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The Cities of Wylie and Lavon have areas of overlapping ETJ. These overlapping areas create a problem in enforcement of the fireworks ordinances and in other jurisdictional issues. Generally speaking it is preferrbale to have an agreement defining the ETJ boundaries when then? is overlapp. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Adopt agreement as presented 2) Adopt agreement with amendments as deemed appropriate by council 3) Decline to adopt ETJ agreement (in any form) with Lavon ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve ETJ agreement as prsented--Alternative 1) REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: NONE REQUIRED NONE REQUIRED BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 13 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: XX BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS %X OTHER MINUTES XX LEGAL (agreement) REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE : May 27 , 1992 .�` �� TO : City Council FROM: Steve Deiter , City Attorney RE : City of Lavon ETJ Agreement As the Council is well aware the City of Wylie has ETJ which overlaps with the City of Lavon ETJ. In the past there has been no agreement specifically setting forth whose ETJ would control in the overlapping area and setting out boundaries as to where each of the City's ETJ' s would end . Not having an ETJ agreement with the City of Lavon created problems in determining whether or not Wylie's Fireworks Nuisance Ordinance was enforceable in certain areas where Wylie's ETJ overlapped with Lavon's . It was the fireworks issue which was the stimulus for obtaining agreement at this time . The issue came up again this Spring with fireworks persons were making plans to locate their stands . I drafted an interlocal agreement defining the boundaries of Wylie's and Lavon's ETJ in the overlapping areas . In very simple terms the agreement merely states that in any areas where Lavon' s and Wylie' s ETJ overlap the overlapping area shall now be deemed to be Wylie's ETJ . The agreement has been approved by Lavon's City Council and is now being returned for consideration by Wylie's City Council . I am forwarding herewith a copy of the agreement as well as a map which generally indicates Lavon's existing City Limits and the ETJ area which Wylie will be acquiring . I am requesting that the Council consider passage of this agreement at its June 9 , 1992 meeting . Should any of you have any questions on the same please do not hesitate to contact me . cc : Steve Norwood , City Manager INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS AND THE CITY OF LAVON , TEXAS AGREEMENT , made and entered into this v q day of rn�, 1992 , by and between the City of Wylie , Texas herein referred to as Wylie and the City of Lavon , Texas , herein referred to as Lavon . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , Wylie is a Home Rule Charter City organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas having a population in excess of 5 , 000 and as such has a statutory extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ ) of one mile ; and WHEREAS , Lavon is a type B General Law City organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas , having a population of less than 5 , 000 and as such has a statutory ETJ of one-half mile ; and WHEREAS , the ETJ of Wylie and the ETJ of Lavon overlap each other in certain areas ; and WHEREAS , the parties have reached an agreement concerning responsiblity and right for ETJ in the overlapping areas and desire to enter into a written agreement , by the authority of Article 4413 ( 32c) of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes , defining which City's ETJ will be recognized in the overlapping area ; NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the above stated premises and the further consideration of the promises and 1 / ' conditions hereinafter set forth the parties do hereby agree as follows : 0 Lavon agrees and gives its consent to reduction of its statutory ETJ of one-half mile in all of those areas in the such ETJ overlaps with the ETJ of Wylie which is statutorily set at one mile . 0 The areas of overlapping ETJ which are affected by this agreement being generally indicated on the map which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by reference ; said area being referred to herein as the effected area or relinquished area . 3. Wylie accepts the relinquished area as port of its ETJ and will assume enforcement of its laws and ordinances therein as provided by law. 4 The parties acknowledge that the enforcement rights referenced in the preceding paragraph shall specifically include , without limitation , Wylie' s right to enforce its fireworks Ordinance No . 72-20 ( as Codified in Sections 4 . 01 through 4 .06 , of Chapter 5 of the Wylie City Code ) , which , in conjunction with Section 217 . 042 of the Local Government Code , declares the presence of fireworks with the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , or within 5 , 000 feet thereof , to be a common and public nuisance . 5 . In the event Lavon shall hereafter cause appropriate action to be taken to expand its City Limits to / . include a portion , portions , or all of the affected areas , Wylie shall , in such event , relinquish their ETJ rights to such areas at such times ; provided , that this agreement shall still apply and remain in full force and effect as to the effected areas not so annexed . 6 . This agreement may be modified only by subsequent written agreement which is executed by both Cities with appropriate authority from their respective governing bodies . 7 . Each City represents that it has been duly authorized to enter into this agreement by appropriate resolution or majority vote of their respective governing bodies taken in open meeting . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned officials have fixed their hands to this agreement on behalf of the respective Cities on the day and year first above written . CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS CITY OF LAVON, TEXAS A2Se4C-44.- John W. Akin hn Smith Mayor ayor ATTEST: ATTEST: eikilltcticetk,kak) Carolyn Jones City Sectetary City Secretary 3 4T-•' : / � f f,i 'l :�11 / /� / • • .• V� ,, �i • ) ‘) et- lo. pp vt\,1,.. A; rel ... . //// • :00011111r• i; II / 56J DAM / 4 / _ 11 . _ • -' ��/ ��. 11 aka • u Creek _ r ._ . ............er--- . ,: . . ham'• ' _ _Oar : ar'S n • . ....,,---77 ..... 40.. 524,, __:._...._____ _______ .1. :.: : 1 • 7 • • Owpoe A I / • u • :,„..vili,' 7•, . ' / - '1 II .... ____ _ t/i, aaiier.' .* ; ,11 46'NIX' .. 4 • 1 _ . _ _•_ _.........•.. _ ,._ . • .•__ ...,.. ,. . , , ,.... _ .: supst,:_.•_ . ..___ . ..„..,,-, , , , __ ....•___• . . ___. __• ,: : • ,, „ . , . r dri. _ .. • 'easy / ' •I ' s,y - - 1 Moores :sas:sasa 7—: � '' t (, - , rRls� k-$�i • ✓aBe�.'e Sub+-===` * _ - 1� SP,w -ciEt, _ City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: STEVEN P. DEITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6-3-92 6 Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with Royse City, for exchange of equipment SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The City of Royse City owns certain items of equipment which Wylie could use in its public works department and Wylie has items which Royse City would like to use. The agreement defines the terms under which the equipment will be loaned and used by the respective CIties. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve agreement as presented 2) Approve agreement with amendments as deemed appropriate by Council 3) Decline agreement for exhange of equipment with Royse City ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve interlocal agreement with Royse City for exchange of of equipment (alternative 1) REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: NONE REQUIRFD NONE. RF.QITTRRT) BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME 0 • $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: XX BACKGROUND MEMO XXX MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE xxx OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL Proposed Agreement REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Xxxx DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF xxxx CITY ATTORNEY xxxx. PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL A 'rILLJ CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE : June 3 , 1992 TO : City Council C` FROM: Steve Deiter , City Att . ney RE: Royse City Interloc Agreement for Exchange of Equipment The Council previously authorized (at its 2/ 11/92 meeting ) the staff to negotiate an agreement with Royse City for the exchange of equipment between Royse City and the City of Wylie . I prepared an agreement which has been approved and signed by Royse City . I am forwarding with this communication a copy of the agreement for the Council' s consideration. It is my understanding that this agreement is of mutual benefit for both cities and therefore I would suggest passage of the agreement by the Council . Should you have any questions concerning its effect please do not hesitate to contact me . Jack Jones would also have information concerning the practical aspects of this agreement . cc : Steve Norwood , City Manager Paul Beaver , Director of Planning and Engineering INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, made and entered into this llth Day of May, 1992, by and between the City of Wylie, Texas, herein referred to as Wylie and the City of Royse City, Texas, herein referred to as Royse City and pursuant to and under the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Royse City and Wylie each have various items of equipment which they make use of in the conduct of their municipal functions, with each owning certain equipment which the other does not own but which the other may, from time to time, have a need for; and, WHEREAS, an exchange between the cities, from time to time, of certain pieces of equipment would help facilitate efficient operations of their respective municipalities without the necessity of additional equipment purchase or lease payments, by resulting in a mutual benefit to each of the cities; and, WHEREAS, each city has expressed its desire and intention to enter into such an agreement by affirmative vote of their respective governing bodies; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above stated premises and in further consideration of the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Each City agrees that it will use all reasonable and good faith efforts to make available for use by the other city, in accordance with the terms hereof, such equipment as the other city may from time to time request. 2. The parties acknowledge that the equipment subject to exchange and use under this agreement shall be principally those required for and associated with the public works functions of each City such as streets, roads, water, sewer, and drainage facilities. 3. The period of this agreement shall be for an initial term of one year commencing April 1, 1992 through March 31, 1993 and such additional subsequent one year terms as may be mutually approved by the governing bodies of each city. 4. During the term of this agreement either city may request of the other city the furnishing of equipment, including but not limited to motorgraders, bomag machines, street sweepers, backhoes, dozers, water trucks, and the like for temporary use by such requesting city for performance of necessary public works in the requesting city. 5. Neither City shall have an absolute duty or obligation to grant any request which may be so received but each city shall attempt in good faith to grant such request if, in the subjective opinion of the supplying city, such request can be complied with without substantially impairing or hampering any projects being performed or reasonably expected to be performed during the requested period. Such determination shall also include the availability of the manpower which would be required in delivery and training for equipment. 6. The supplying city shall furnish a qualified trainer/operator for all equipment supplied hereunder for a period not to exceed one day and shall be responsible for all wages earned by such operator in the operating of the supplied equipment for the requesting city. Provided, however, that the requesting city shall be responsible for the direction of the work undertaken by the operator and supplied equipment. 7. No employee or operator of the requesting city, who is not experienced and capable on such equipment, shall be authorized to operate the supplied equipment. 8. This agreement shall not create a duty or liability on either city to continue to have any of the equipment which it owns as of the date of the inception of the agreement, and each city may sell or transfer, without replacement, any of its equipment, notwithstanding this agreement. 9. The supplying city shall provide workers compensation and pay any claims levied against it arising out of the work performed by an operator in the requesting city; and each city shall furnish, upon receipt of a request from the other city, a copy of its insurance policy stating that the personnel and equipment are covered for the operations to be undertaken in the requesting city even though such operations are outside the city limits of the supplying city. 10. The operator and equipment furnished by the supplying city shall perform the requested work in the requesting city subject to the rules, regulations, and ordinances of the requesting city. The carrying out of the terms of this agreement shall be the responsibility of the respective public works directors of each city. 11. The requesting city shall be responsible for repair and maintenance reasonably required to the equipment which is necessary during the period of use and agrees to what the overall conditions of the property shall be substantially the same on its return to the supplying city. The requesting city shall also perform routine operating maintenance on supplied equipment such as greasing, keeping oil and other fluids at safe levels. 12. This agreement shall not constitute a contract for the joint payment of any expenses of road construction or other improvements and shall not bind each city to the other except as herein specifically set forth. 13. This agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, by giving written notice of termination to the other thirty days in advance of the anticipated termination date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties have hereunto set their hand, as by the appropriate official, on the dates indicated by such signatures. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY OF ROYSE CITY By' Don Becknell, Mayor 75T: /61/7(49t— Tommie McBrayer, City Secr ary board had approved the suggestion and had approves arivv JUL the construction of the office . Acting City Manager , Cnrolyn Jonen ntnted thnt entfmnten hnd been given by two different contractors . Staff recommendation was to award the enntrnet to Chnpmnn Remodeling . This item was not subject to the bid requirement because It is under $5000.00. Councilman Don Hughes made a motion to accept the estimate of Chapman Remodeling . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davis . Vote as follows : Mayor Akin - yes ; Mayor Pro Tem Davis - yes ; Councilman Swartz - yes ; Councilman Martin - yes ; Councilman Hughes - yes ; Councilman Messenger - yes . Motion carried - all in favor . ITEM NO. 11 - CONSIDER RENEWAL OF CONTRACT WITH ALLEN WEISS ENTERPRISES FOR OPERATION OF CONCESSIONS AT COMMUNITY PARK: Parks Director , Bill Nelson stated that Allen Weiss Enterprises had provided good quality service last season. The City will receive 21% of the gross concession sales . Councilman Messenger noted that he had received favorable comments regarding this concessionaire . Councilman Messenger made the motion to approve renewal of the contract with Allen Weiss Enterprises for operation of concessions at Community Park. Seconded Councilman Swartz. Vote as follows : Mayor Akin - yes ; Mayor Pro Tem Davis - yes ; Councilman Swartz - yes ; Councilman Martin - yes ; Councilman Hughes - yes ; Councilman Messenger - yes . Motion carried - Iall in favor . ITEM NO. 12 - CONSIDER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH ROYSE - CITY FOR USE OF CITY OF WYLIE'S BOMAG WITH OPERATOR: Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones stated that this agreement would be similar in content with others the City has entered into in • that there would be an exchange of equipment i .e . , our BOMAG with operator for a piece of equipment from Royse City that 11 Wylie would need . Mayor Pro Tem Davis made a motion to have staff work out an agreement with Royse City and present it to Council for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Martin . Vote as follows : Mayor Akin - yes ; Mayor Pro Tem Davis - yes ; Councilman Swartz - yes ; Councilman Martin - yes ; Councilman Hughes - yes ; Councilman Messenger - yes . Motion carried - all in favor . ITEM NO. 13 - CONSIDER REQUEST FROM SENATOR TED LYON FOR USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO CONDUCT PUBLIC FORUM: The requester , Senator Lyon asked that this item be pulled from the agenda . ITEM NO. 14 - DISCUSS SUMMER STREET PROGRAM: Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones stated that there was not any budget money designated for street reconstruction during this budget year . Councilman Hughes asked if there was any money in the budget for any "chip and seal" projects . Ms . Jones stated that there was money for street maintenance/repairs . ITEM NO. 15 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There being no participation from the floor , the Mayor closed this item. ITEM NO. 16 - ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Hughes made the motion to adjourn, seconded . Mayor Akin declared the meeting adjourned . im 14v1-eS 6V -4 - k k- 1/4.-A-1.11 CA-/ye-Z'"2-/L./ `'` John Akin, Mayor City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION ("a) SUBMITTEDBY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 Instrument & Process Control Systems, Inc. 7 Distributive Water Control System (Telemetry) Agreement Utilizing NTMWD Radio Wave System SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a proposed agreement with PCS ( Instrumentation & Process Control Systems, Inc. ) for a distributive water control system (telemetry) . This system will utilize NTMWD' s telemetry system radio waves to coordinate and monitor flows at the City of Wylie' s elevated tank, the City of Wylie' s Nortex ground storage facility, and the City of Wylie' s control system located on the NTMWD' s water treatment site. The Council has been continually briefed on the importance of this addition to the existing system which will alleviate overflows at the elevated tank, provide continual monitoring of the storage status within the main water distribution system, and provide additional pressure and flow reliability to Newport Harbor Phase I . ** ALTERNATIVES: No alternative recommended. Failure to enact some form of coordinated telemetry system will cause continued water overflows and inefficient operations in the far reaches of the water system. **Due to urgency of installing this system and uniqueness and requirements of NTMWD regarding their equipment, it is not necessary to solicit bids on the project. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and sign agreement. 1 REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: Utility Fund Utility Fund BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): 1991-1992 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $10, 500. 00 $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: N/A OPERATIONS ONE-TIME ❑ • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION X OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: X CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF X CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER DISTRIBUTIVE WATER CONTROL SYSTEM AGREEMENT PCS ( Instrumentation and Process Control System, Inc. ) proposes the following system to be installed and made operational at a total cost of $10, 500 ( including equipment and service) as follows : 1 . System will utilize NTMWD telemetry system. A. Perform the following at the Elevated Storage Tank. 1. Install a NEMA 4 enclosure inside the base of the tank, with the listed components. a. 952 Mhz Telemetry radio with 4800 baud modem internal . b. Modicon 984-120 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller ) with 1 digital input board. c. Space heater with integral thermostat. d. Internal light and service outlet. e. Interposing relay to interface to the existing Pulse Duration Transmitter (PDR) . 2. Mount a yagi antenna at 10' on the Upside of the structure. 3. Connect existing PDR to the system. 4. Start-up and calibrate the system to communicate with the NTMWD central system. B. Perform the following at the Pump Station. 1 . Remove old control equipment. 2. Install a 984-145 plc with 1 digital input board and digital output board. 3. Interface unit to existing Chart Recorder. 4. Interface PLC to the 4 pumps. 5. Program the unit to control the pumps based on the control theory approved by the City of Wylie. 6. Interface the unit to NTMWD master system. 7. Reprogram the NTMWD master unit to transfer the control data from the two remotes to the main PLC. C. Supply drawings of the master PLC and the PLC at the two remote sites. D. Additions to the North Texas Ground Storage Tank. 1 . Install a NEMA 4 enclosure inside the base of the tank. with the listed components. a. Modicon 984-145 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller ) with 1 digital input board, 1 digital output board, and 1 analog input board. b. Space heater with integral thermostat. c. Internal light and service outlet. d. Interposing relay to interface to the existing pumps. 2. Connect the system to the existing pumps. 3. Start-up and calibrate the system to communicate with the NTMWD central system. 4. Write site specific program to maintain a set pressure. 5. Supply a Pressure Transducer to mount on the piping at a customer supplied valve. 6. Interface the transducer, through customer supplied conduit, to the analog board on the CPU. PCS shall provide a one year warranty on all materials and labor. ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION: AUGUST ' 92 State of Texas County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on (DATE) by (SIGNATURE) CITY OF WYLIE ATTEST (SIGNATURE) P. C. S. ATTEST City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 8 Randall & Blake Change Order $1 l.anrif i l l CI ncure SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is proposed Change Order #1 in the amount of $73, 760. 50 to the original landfill contract. The revised contract amount is $246, 453. 00 which should include all line items required to close the landfill . This C. O. will also address any concerns that the TWC stated during their preliminary inspection. Additional clay material was imported due to revised grading plans to cover the trash and establish a TWC approved 2' cap. Also, a 10, 000 cubic yards of topsoil line item was added to establish the grass cover. Additional nominal changes included revised fencing requirements and type of seeding due to summer weather. A final topo mapping will be done to confirm final topsoil amount. ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval is recoimended. Please note that the project is still below the original engineer' s estimate of $260, 000. Project completion assuming dry weather is 7/1/92. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Landfill Account BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ $73, 760. 50 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • $ N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 0 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION X OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF . - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL Q CITY ANAGER HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING June 3 , 1992 PR#9171 Mr. Paul Beaver, P. E. City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Wylie Municipal Landfill Closure Dear Paul: Please find attached Change Order No. 1 and Pay Request No. 4 for the Wylie Landfill Closure. Change Order No. 1 is based upon estimated quantities. Final quantities will be field measured and paid for as specified in the contract documents. The intent of the change order was to include all items for completion of Randall and Blake, Inc. 's contract with the City of Wylie. We have completed review of Randall and Blake, Inc. 's Pay Re- quest No . 4 and have recommended payment in the amount of $30, 421. 85. We recommend payment for all items that they have submitted except for Pay Item No. 11A - Loading, Hauling and Spreading of Topsoil . They have asked for payment of 10, 000 cubic yards but per our discussion and the fact that they still do not have the site sufficiently graded, we do not recommend payment in full for that pay item at this time. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. St p en A. Helmberger, P.E. Vice President 19171-28 124 HOOPER ROAD • WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 • 214/442-7459 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Old Wylie Municipal Landfill, Excavation, Grading, Fencing and Monitoring Well Adjustment, Alanis Road, Wylie, Texas. OWNER: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS CONTRACTOR: RANDALL AND BLAKE, INC. Delete the following Unit Price Pay Items from the Base Bid: ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 3 . 40 Acres Bermuda Grassing, to include sprigging and $575. 00 $23, 000. 00 overseeding, Complete in Place Five Hundred Seventy Five Dollars and No Cents per Acre. 5. 6000 L.F. 6 ' Heavy Duty Chain Link Fence including 12 ' Gate, $7 .39 $44, 340.00 Complete in Place Seven Dollars and Thirty-nine Cents per Linear Foot. 6. 650 Ea. Erosion Control Hay Bales, Complete in Place $7.35 $4,777.50 Seven Dollars and Thirty-five Cents per Each. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 1 ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 7. 5000 C.Y. Loading, Hauling, Spreading and compaction of off-site $2. 35 $11,750.00 clay fill as required to fill the site as indicated on the Drawings, Complete in Place Two Dollars and Thirty-five Cents per Cubic Yard. SUBTOTAL DELETIONS $8 3 ,8 6 7.5 0 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 2 Add the following Unit Price Pay Items: ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 3A. 40 Acres Bermuda Grassing, to include sprigging and $505. 00 $20,200. 00 overseeding, Complete in Place Five Hundred Five Dollars and No Cents per Acre. 5A. 1120 L.F. 6 ' 9 Gauge Chain Link Fence including 12 ' Gate, $9. 50 $10, 640. 00 with posts concreted 3 ' deep in ground on 10' centers, 3" sch 40 terminal posts, 2-3/8" sch 20 line posts sch 40 top rail, Complete in Place Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents per Linear Foot. 7A. 28,900 C.Y. Loading, Hauling, Spreading and compaction of off-site $2. 35 $67,915.00 clay fill as required to fill the site as indicated on the Drawings, Complete in Place Two Dollars and Thirty-five Cents per Cubic Yard. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 3 ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 8A. 1450 L. F. 4 Strand Barbed Wire with 6 ' T-Post, $3 . 10 $4 ,495.00 Complete in Place Three Dollars and Ten Cents per Linear Foot. 9A. 120 L.F. 8 ' 9 Gauge Chain Link Fence including Walk in $12. 65 $1, 518.00 Gate with 4" Posts Concreted 3 ' deep in ground on 10 ' centers, 2-3/8" sch 20 line posts sch 40 top rail, Complete in Place Twelve Dollars and Sixty-five Cents per Linear Foot. 10A. 1 L.S. Remove and Dispose of Existing Trees and $2,860. 00 $2,860. 00 debris located in the northwest corner of the landfill as directed by the Engineer, Complete in Place Two thousand eight hundred sixty Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 4 ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 11A. 10, 000 C.Y. Loading, Hauling and Spreading of Off-site $5. 00 $50, 000.00 Topsoil as directed by the Engineer, Complete in Place Five Dollars and No Cents per Cubic Yard. SUBTOTAL ADDITIONS $157, 628. 00 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 5 NET ADDITION OR (DELETION) $ 73,760. 50 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TOTAL $172, 692. 50 NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $ 73,760.50 TOTAL CONTRACT SUM TO DATE $246, 453 . 00 OWNER: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DATE: CONTRACTOR: RANDALL AND BLAKE, INC. DATE: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 6 City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/03/92 Randall & Blake Pay Estimate 9 Pay Request #4 Landfill Closure SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a payment request from Randall & Blake in the net amount of $30, 421 . 85 for work accomplished through June 3, 1992. Due to inclement weather during the Month of May, the contractor has been unable to make significant progress to finalize the landfill closure. The consulting engineer has analyzed the request and approved the work that has been done to date. The sub-contractors for Randall & Blake are now requesting payment and non-payment by the City of Wylie for approved work would not be proper. ** ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended. **Also, Change Order No. 1 is being processed which will include all required clay cap materials and additonal topsoil plus contract adjustments. A revised contract amount is now $246, 453 of which $180, 150. 44 has been approved. A final topographic fly-over will be conducted to confirm final grades on the 6" of topsoil . ACTION REQUESTED: Payment is recommended. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Landfill Account BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $30, 421 . 85 S PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: S OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • N/A CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION X OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL / ,/ OP • , CITY MANAGER 1 n, r APPLICATION AMO CERTIFICATE ;.'OR PAYMENT PROJECT: Closure of the Old Municipal .Jytie Lanafiii DISTRIBUTION TO: Page I of To: City cr Wylie PERICJ TO: JUNE 3, 1992 APPLICATION N0: 4 Owner FROM: 3anaail and Blake via iEnoineer) c___ Engineer APPLICATION GATE: JUNE 3, 1992 CONTRACT DATE: Decemoer 30, 1791 � Contractor A ; 3 C i 0 E F G H [ - PAY ; ARK COMPLETED ; :ORU COMPLETED THIS PER103 :'AiERiALS TOTAL COMPLETED; ; BALANCE :0 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS CONTRACT ; UNIT UNIT PRICE SCHEGULEO FROM PREVIOUS TESENTL'i STORED; 4 :1uvt0 T3 • FIT S9 N0. ; ; QUANTITY ; ; VALUE APPLICATION ; QUANTITY 5 AMOUNT (NOT :N G DR H) ; 0A1E t3tH+[1 ; COMPLETE i IF - :1 1 ;CLEARING AND GRUBBING 40.00 AC ; $45.00 $1,300.00 $1,800.00 0.00 AC $0.00 50.00 s1,300.00 100.001E 50.00 2 EXCAVATION AND GRADING 57000.00 ; CY 51.52 586,040.00 581,1:0.24 0.00 CY 50.20 50.00 381,110.21 93.621: $5,:29.74 3A ;4ERMI.OA GRASSING 40.00 AC 3505.30 ; 520,200.00 30.00 ; 0.00 ,C ; 50.:0 $0.30 ' 30.00 0.00% 520,220.00 ,JEMOYE, DISPOSE, INSTALL o'Y6' '.ELL 5ASE 1.00 EAC,A 3385.00 5385.00 50.00 0.00 EACH; 30.:0 50.00 50.20 0.001 3335.:3 - PA ;9 GA 3' HEAVY SUTY CHAIN LINK FENCE 1120.00 LF $9.50 $10,640.00 i 30.00 i000.00 $9,500.00 50.00 $9,200.00 39.29% $1,140.00 6 ;+tCELETEDna 0.00 ; EACH i $7.35 30.00 50.00 0.00 EACH; $0.00 50.00 50.30 ; $0.00 7A !LOAD, RAUL, SPREAD OFF-SITE CLAY FILL 28900.00 CY 32.35 567,715.60 i 365,217.20 0.00 :7 ; 30.30 50.30 565,217.20 ; 96.03%1 $2,097 S0 3A i4 STRAND BARBED DIRE FENCE 1450.00 LF 33.10 54,495.00 i 50.00 ':400.00 $4,340.C3 30.20 ' 54,340.00 96.55%: SI55.00 ; 9A ,4 GAUGE 3' CHAIN LINK PENCE 120.00 LF 312.65 , $1,518.03 50.00 120.00 31,518.00 30.00 31,213.30 :00.00%; 30.00 10A EMOVE, CISPCSE OF EXISTING TREES NU COR 1.30 ; LS 32,260.00 ; 52,260.00 ; $0.30 0.00 -3 50.20 50.00 50.00 , 0.005E 32,360.00 - i :IA .LOAD, HAUL, SPREAO OFF-SITE TOPSOIL 10000.00 CY $5.00 ; 350,030.00 $0.00 4-e393C_l :Y ; 5.6-7t17:7 . $0.00 ; 55 '.7 I 100.0G% .� -:.T s i 41,,saCoo, Ii/4y 33 335a);SAtl ,, TOTALS : 5246,453.00 5148,127.44 c+,5-�^"; $0.00 ' 3:1::- er+ i , (3z1o23.0o gISO/M.0 41,43o2.s-4 SQ/1 SAW S4H TOTAL CONTRACT CALENDAR GAYS 60 Page 2 or 2 CONTRACT CALENDAR DAYS TO DATE :39 (CALCULATED -'"M 1-16-921 0 COMPLETE 231.67 1 NOTICE TO PROCEED 1-06-92 CONTRACT START CATE 1-16-92 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to :ne. best _r the Contractor': CHANGE ORDERS: knowledge, :nfornation ana belief the Bork coverea by :vis Acptioation for Payment has been coopleted in accordance with the Contract Cocunents, coat 1 I. CHANGE ORDER NO. I 373,760.50 all amounts have been paid by the Contractor or Nark for anich previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payment3 recep,ed iron the Owner, ana that ccrrent payment onown h,aretn is low Due. CONTRACTOR: By: • _.. -. ,;poi:cation :a aaee .':r Payment, as snown oelow, in connection with the Contract. EN6INEE3'S.CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT :n acccrcance with the Contract Documents, `-ased an on-site :user.ations and I. ORIGINAL :ONT?.ACT CUM sl12,692.50 ..,a oata comprising the nova application, :he Engineer cert it las to the 2. let :hanoe 5y Ctae9e Orders $73,760.50 :wner :.not :o the test or the Engineers •ncwiec:a, .,rcrnat:,a aria tail_; 3. •:DIIT5ncT :UM TO w;TE ;Line I +,- ') S24o,453.00(0 .A a. :.e Ark has progressed as inaicatee, she ;gouty .;r the .:ort :a accorcanca a. TOTAL COMPLETED S STCGED TO DATE s?-r%':— 1$C) t SO.t}q' 0,4(1 4tth the Contract Cocuments, and the Contractor is entit;ec .o ;a;nent .r (Colgan : Above) ` ;MOUNT CERTIriEO. 5. RETAIMAGE T'= s 3�/ lIL 2/, 7 a. 5 1 oT Completed Work ;`°'z'•f'4e/ oc975. 1.- Ste( -MN' -" :ED (5 % of Caivan O+H) :ttacn ::ap1anatt•.tn .r amount cert:riea aiuors iron ' b. 5 % of Stored Material $0.00 :he amount apPliea :,r.l let5 : cr Calucn II ��+ �p?,SZ S ENGINEER: Total eainaye (Ea + 5bl y eta 6. 'TOTAL EARNED LESS 'r,ETAINAGE 5::"I•et:7761 Zt)t`f2.5 Z "1'i :y ` 41 r G, 5 Z (Linea less Line 5 Total) 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $140,721.07 (Line o from pr:ar Certificate) 1�. 5" This C t.ficate is not negotiable. The 0MCUNT CER IFIED is rataoie only3. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $6:.? '4 'p3 di 2-1.0 the Co. rector named herein. Issuance, payment ana acceptance or parent are 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINA6E $ " o ?S'! 3!O. O g +ithout mreJadice to any rignts of the Owner or Contractor onset :nis Contract. ;Line Less Line al • ,f 4 4110 Viie CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 June 3, 1992 Mr. Don C. Eubank Hazardous and Solid Waste Program Manager Texas Water Commission 1019. N. Duncanville Road, District 4 Duncanville, Texas 75116-2201 Re: 5/5/92 Landfill Inspection Dear Mr. Eubank : On May 5, 1992, Mr. Boyd Cole of the TWC performed a preliminary inspection of the Wylie Municipal Landfill which is currently under closure by an approved TWC closure plan. Mr. Cole was accompanied by city personnel and listed five items which needed correction to meet State approval . We appreciate the professional manner in which the inspection was conducted. Please be aware that the City is diligently attempting to correct the inspection items, but due to incessant rainfall during the month of May (averaging one rainfall per three days) the contractor has been unable to make additional corrections. The landfill is virtually complete lacking the final grading and seeding. The City will initiate the final necessary construction _ as soon as dry weather is available. I will notify you as soon as possible regarding a reinspection date. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Paul D. Beaver, P. E. Director of Planning & Engineering PDB/ lp xc: Steve Norwood, City Manager TWC Austin, Texas John Hall, Chairman `' ~ Pam Reed, Commissioner '=R' c ' Peggy Garner,Commissioner TEXAS WATER COMMISSION PROTECTING TEXANS'HEAL77I AND SAFETY BY PREVENTING AND REDUCING POLLUTION May 18, 1992 The Honorable John Akin Mayor of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject: Solid Waste - Collin County City of Wylie - Permit No. 712 1 mile SW of Wylie, South of SH-78 Dear Mayor Akin: On May 5, 1992, Mr. Boyd M. Cole, P.E. , inspected the subject Type II municipal solid waste disposal site for closure. The inspection report revealed that the site needed some additional closure work and was being operated in violation of the Commission's "Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations" (IrS4dMR) . The rules violated and the corrective actions required are as indicated: 1. 325.150(c) (2) : "The final cover for the top portion of a landfill shall have a mininne,m gradient of 2.0% and shall not exceed 6.0%, but shall possess a sufficient minimum grade to preclude ponding of surface water." 2. 325.150(c)(3) : "Final cover shall be applied in accordance with the. approved site closure/completion plan required by subsection (b) of 325.152 of this title l(relating to Site Completion and Closure Procedures) ." 3. 325.150(d) : "The on-site ponding of water upgradient of deposited waste shall be prevented." The south portion of landfill needs additional work. The area in front of the monitor well (closest to creek) was wet and water standing in ruts. Please insure that this area drains and water does not flow to the well or pond. Please number the monitor wells. It is requested that the closure work be completed by June 22, 1992 and send a letter by this date to confirm completion. If the growing season is not favorable for the start of vegetation, this may be delayed to the appropriate time. REPLY TO: DISTRICT 4 / 1019 N.DUNCANVILLE ROAD / DUNCANVILLE,TEXAS 75116-2201 / AREA CODE 214/298.6171 / METRO 299-6951 P.O.Box 13087 • 1700 North Congress Avenue • Austin,Texas 78711-3087 • 512/463-7830 The Honorable John Akin Mayor of Wylie, Permit No. 712 May 18, 1992 Page 2 Should you have any questions concerning this letter or if we may be of any assistance to you regarding solid waste management, you may contact W. Cole, P.E. at the District 4 office at 214/298-6171. cerely, C. Eubank Hazardous and Solid Waste Program Manager BMC:bb cc: Texas Water Commission, Austin Wylie City Manager./ TWC, District 4 City -of Wylie • AGENDA COMMUNICATION Pa SUBMITTEDBY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Engineering DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 6/02/92 10 Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice #03-028907-001 Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling 1st Quarter SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a payment request from Jones & Neuse in the amount of $4, 756. 72 for the First Calendar Quarter monitor well testing required by the Texas Department of Health. This testing provides confirmation of the data which the landfill closure plan was approved upon. The $4, 756. 72 payment is for the First Calendar Quarter and is included within the $10, 725 approved contract amount. The Second Calendar Quarter monitoring will be accomplished under this contract amount also. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: Payment is recommended. • REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Landfill Account BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S $4, 756. 72 OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: PERSONNEL ❑ N/A OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS - OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE $ DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY . PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER May 15, 1992 Invoice No. 03-028907-001 • J r JONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 450 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 3 3t & 2nd Quarter Sampling TE@IEOWEPaul Beaver Director of Planning & EngineeJUO I2City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78 North P.O. Box 428 ._ PM146 Period of Service: April 1, 1992 through April 30, 1992 Complete report for 1st calendar quarter 1992 sampling. Analytical costs for sampling. Labor Engineer VI 5 .000 hr @ $ 90. 00/hr = 450. 00 Env. Specialist VII 1.500 hr @ $ 95 .00/hr = 142 . 50 Technician VII 25 .500 hr C $ 55 . 00/hr = 1402 .50 Technician V 1.500 hr @ $ 43 .00/hr = 64 .50 Clerk III 3 .500 hr @ $ 33 .00/hr = 115 .50 2175.00 Expenses Material 119 .90 Subcontracts 1918 .20 Telecommunications 4 .35 Travel 539 .27 2581.72 Amount Due This Invoice $ 4756 .72 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston.Harris County.Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT.