05-19-1992 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA CALLED WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1992 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER" o ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Discussion and Mid Year Budget Review 2 Adjourn NOTICE OF WORK SESSION Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 7 : 00 P. M. on the /9 day of C /'/? , 199_2 , in the Council Conference Room of the Mu icipal Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North in the City of Wylie, Texas , for the purpose of considering the above agenda . 6 ii, Carolyn es ,00, Secretary POSTED THIS THE AY DAY OF C';%//7, . 199,2, , AT /, 411_M. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED September 30, 1991 Prepared By: Finance Department, City of Wylie, Texas Brady Snellgrove, Director S THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. w S CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended September 30, 1991 Table of Contents Exhibit Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal 1 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting 6 Organizational Chart 7 List of Principal Officials 8 FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor's Report 11 General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups I 14 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds II 16 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - Governmental Fund Types III 18 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types IV 21 Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types V 22 Notes to the Financial Statements 24 Combining, Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules: Schedule General Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets A-1 40 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance A-2 41 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual A-3 42 Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet B-1 46 �.. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance B-2 48 Library Contribution Special Revenue Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets B-3 50 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance B-4 51 Landfill Improvement Special Revenue Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets B-5 52 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance B-6 53 mw CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended September 30, 1991 w. Table of Contents Schedule Page Park Improvement Special Revenue Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets B-7 54 ..s Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance B-8 55 Economic Development Special Revenue Fund Comparative Balance Sheets B-9 56 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance B-10 57 �. Debt Service Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets C-1 60 - Comparative Statements of Revenues Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance C-2 61 Statement of Revenues Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual C-3 62 Capital Project Funds: w. Combining Balance Sheet D-1 64 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-2 66 Public Construction Equipment Notes Capital Project Fund: Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-3 68 Street Construction Capital Project Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets D-4 69 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-5 70 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual D-6 71 Street Improvement Capital Project Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets D-7 72 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-8 73 Landfill Closure Capital Project Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets D-9 74 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-10 75 Public Safety Capital Project Fund: Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-11 76 ii CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended September 30, 1991 Table of Contents Schedule Page Service Center/Animal Shelter Capital Project Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets 0-12 77 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance D-13 78 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual D-14 79 Proprietary Fund Types: Combining Balance Sheet E-1 82 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) E-2 83 Combining Statement of Cash Flows E-3 84 Utility Enterprise Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets E-4 88 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) E-5 73 Comparative Statements of Cash Flows E-6 90 Sanitation Enterprise Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets E-7 92 Comparative Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) E-8 93 Comparative Statements of Cash Flows E-9 95 Trust and Agency Funds: Combining Balance Sheet F-1 98 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund ... Balance - Expendable Trust Fund F-2 100 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - All Agency Funds F-3 101 General Fixed Assets Account Group: Comparative Schedules of General Fixed Assets - By Source G-1 104 Schedule of General Fixed Assets - By Function and Activity G-2 105 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets - By Function and Activity G-3 106 4 iii ww CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended September 30, 1991 w Table of Contents (Continued) Table Page STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) General Governmental Expenditures by Function 1 108 w General Governmental Revenues by Source 3 109 Property Tax Levies and Collections 3 110 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property 4 111 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments 5 112 Special Assessment Billings and Collections 6 113 — Computation of Legal Debt Margin 7 114 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value w and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita 8 115 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to General Governmental Expenditures 9 116 Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt 10 117 Revenue Bond Coverage 11 118 Demographic Statistics 12 119 Property Value, Construction, and Bank Deposits 13 120 Principal Taxpayers 14 121 `" Miscellaneous Statistical Data 15 122 Largest Water Utility Customers 16 123 Schedule of Water and Sewer Rates 17 124 Schedule of Insurance in Force 18 125 w w Ow w w iv INTRODUCTORY SECTION ie CITY OF VVYLIE 2000 HWY.78N.-P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL March 10, 1992 The Honorable John W. Akin, Mayor Members of the City Council, and City Manager City of Wylie, Texas The finance department of the City Of Wylie is pleased to submit the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Wylie, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991. The purpose of the report is to provide the Council, management, staff, the public and other interested parties with detailed information reflecting the City's financial condition. Responsibility for accuracy of the data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. We believe the information, as presented, is accurate in all material respects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operation of the City as measured by the financial activity of its funds; and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial affairs have been included. This comprehensive annual financial report is presented three sections: introductory, financial, and statistical. The introductory section includes this letter of transmittal, the City's organizational chart, and a list of principal officials. The financial section includes the independent auditors' report as well as the general purpose financial statements and the individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules. The statistical section includes tables and schedules reflecting supplemental information concerning the City's financial condition and demographic data, generally presented on a multiyear basis. The City of Wylie is not required to undergo an annual single audit in conformity with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, since no Federal financial assistance was received during the year ended September 30, 1991. The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter was adopted by vote of the citizens on January 19, 1985. The City operates under a council-manager form of government, with the city council comprised of seven members including the Mayor. The City Council is responsible for adopting ordinances and regulations governing the city, adopting the budget, determining policies, and appointing the City Manager, the City Attorney, the City Engineer, and the judge of the iunicipal court, as well as members of various boards and commissions. As chief administrative officer, the city manager is responsible to the council for appointing and supervising employees of the City (except for the City Attorney, City Engineer and the City Judge which are appointed by the City Council), and for preparing and administering the annual budget and capital improvement program. THE REPORTING ENTITY AND ITS SERVICES This report includes all of the funds and account groups of the city. It includes all activities over which the City Council exercises oversight responsibility. Services provided by the City under general government functions include police and fire protection, emergency medical services, street maintenance, code enforcement services, library services, animal control services, planning and engineering activities, and operation and maintenance of parks and city-owned buildings. The city operates its own water and sewer system, with treated water purchased from the North Texas Municipal Water District under terms of a contract extending to the year 2010, and the District operates the City's wastewater treatment plant. The City also contracts with a private firm for refuse collection and disposal services. 1 The primary provider of elementary and secondary education services to the City is the Wylie Independent School District. Five campuses, three elementary schools, one middle school and one senior high school, serve the student population. A small portion of the City is located in the Community Independent School District, but there are no Community I.S.D. facilities in Wylie. The City Council has no oversight responsibility for __ education services and, accordingly, school district financial data are not included in the combined financial statements in this report. ECONOMIC CONDITION AND OUTLOOK The City of Wylie is located in the southeast corner of Collin County, approximately 25 miles northeast of downtown Dallas and is considered a part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (with a total population of over 3,700,000 people). This area ranks as one of the top growth areas in the country. The economy of the metroplex and surrounding communities is based upon diversified manufacturing and service industries, and agriculture. The eleven county Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex has been designated as one consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, and constitutes the second largest inland metropolitan area in the world. The economy of the metroplex, as well as that of the entire state, has continued to improve. Full funding is being proposed for the superconducting supercollider project which is scheduled to be built in the area just �* south of the metroplex. The Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport is continuing with expansion plans to meet the future transportation needs of the area. Alliance Airport, a large general aviation facility near Fort Worth, is now operational. Due to favorable economic conditions, corporate relocations are continuing to come to this area. The banking industry within the state is well on its way to becoming sound once again and with the current low interest rates, it is anticipated that the real estate market is at the point of beginning a strong recovery. Locally, Brookshires, a 40,000 square foot full service supermarket, employing approximately forty people, opened. This is phase one of a planned retail shopping center, commonly referred to as the Martinez addition. ..e Additionally, a preliminary plat has been approved for the Oakridge subdivision which upon completion is scheduled to consist of 96 single family homes. MAJOR INITIATIVES AMP During the year, the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. organized and hired a director and has actively been pursuing growth opportunities for the City. In conjunction with the Development Corporation, the City intends to initiate a formal study which will culminate in a thirty year plan for economic growth within the City. A new National Guard Armory which has been in the planning stage for sometime began construction at year end. When completed, the building will serve as a training facility for approximately 200 troops each weekend throughout the year. It is projected that this 28,500 square foot facility will result in increased local sales of $3,500,000 annually. MM The City of Wylie in conjunction with the State Highway department and Collin County is moving forward with the expansion plans for State Highways 544 and 78. Both of these highways will be expanded to multi-lane thoroughfares that will give Wylie quick access to Dallas and other metropolitan locations. The highway department is scheduling both of these highways to be under construction within two to three years. .. The City of Wylie has spent the past year addressing future land use plans, thoroughfare plans, capital requirements and other long range initiatives that wilt take Wylie into the 21st century. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Management of the City is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft or misuse and to ensure that adequate accounting data are compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally ... accepted accounting principles. The internal control structure is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgements by management. MM In addition, the City maintains budgetary controls. The objective of these budgetary controls is to ensure compliance with legal provisions embodied in the annual appropriated budget approved by the City council. Activities of the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Capital Projects Fund are included in the annual appropriated budget. The level of budgetary control (that is, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is established by department within individual funds. Any budgeted amounts appropriated at fiscal year end and not spent, automatically lapse. Encumbrance accounting is utilized by the governmental funds. As demonstrated by the statements and schedule included in the financial section of the report, the City continues to meet its responsibility for sound financial management. 2 • a GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS: The following schedule presents a summary of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Fund revenues for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991 and the amount and percentage of increases and decreases . . in relation to prior year revenues: Increase Percent of Percent (Decrease) Increase Revenues Amount of Total From 1990 (Decrease) ... Ad valorem taxes $2,113,500 61.87% $326,384 18.26% Sales taxes 550,121 16.11% 129,884 30.91% Franchise taxes 342,006 10.01% 29,213 9.34% ..- Licenses and permits 66,369 1.94% (20,344) -23.46% Intergovernmental 88,580 2.59% 30,347 52.11% - Service fees 50,560 1.48% 1,844 3.79% Court fees 115,006 3.37% (78,739) -40.64% Interest 37,371 1.09% (10,139) -21.34% ..- Assessments 1,971 0.06% 1,393 241.00% Miscellaneous 50,477 1.48% (7,436) -12.84% a-- $3,4� 15,961 100.00% $402,407 13.35% Total revenues increased over the prior year by $402,407 or 13.35%. Ad valorem taxes accounted for most of the increase and was a result of an increase in the total assessed value of almost ten percent coupled with an increase in of six cents per $100 valuation. Additionally, sales tax collections were up reflecting both an — increase in the sales tax rate (primarily to fund the new Wylie Development Corporation) and increased economic activity in the City. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of $78,739 in court fees. The following schedule presents a summary of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Fund expenditures for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991 and the percentages of increases and decreases in relation to prior year amounts: Increase Percent of Percent (Decrease) Increase Expenditures Amount of Total From 1990 (Decrease) — Current: General government $907,523 23.99% $40,350 4.65% Public safety 1,047,852 27.70% 140,928 15.54% Urban development 205,673 5.44% 26,164 14.58% Public works 632,298 16.71% 211,381 50.22% ..,.. Community services 199,900 5.28% 86,265 75.91% Capital outlay 124,537 3.29% 17,781 16.66% Debt service 665,517 17.59% 179,131 36.83% $3,783,300 100.00% $702,000 22.78% 3 ono Total expenditures increased from the prior year by $702,000 or 22.78%. The increase of $140,928 in the Public .. Safety area was caused by the addition of five additional police officers and a new full time fire department member. The increase of $211,381 in public works reflects an emphasis on road maintenance and a program to upgrade the City's streets. The increase in community services reflects additional personnel in the parks department and a program to upgrade the City's parks. The increase of $179,131 in debt service reflects payments on the 1990 bond issue. GENERAL FUND BALANCE The fund balance of the General Fund decreased by 53.3%. This decrease of $216,398 represents approximately 27 days of current expenditures, and leaves the City with a fund balance representing only 23 days of expenditures. ENTERPRISE OPERATIONS .� The City's enterprise operations are comprised of two separate and distinct activities, each reported in a separate fund: (1) Water and Sewer Operations, (2) Sanitation Operations. The Utility Fund (water and sewer operations) closed the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991, with a deficit of $327,056 which resulted primarily from a prior period adjustment which corrected the accounting for impact fees which are now shown as contributed capital. Operating revenues increased $222,807 (or 12%) to $2,069,812, primarily due to a rate increase. Operating expenses decreased $158,917 (or 8.5%) to $1,708,867 primarily due to a decrease in the cost of water and wastewater. �• RETIREMENT SYSTEM The City of Wylie provides pension benefits to all full-time employees through a nontraditional, joint contribution plan administered by the Texas Municipal Retirement System, an agent multi-employer public employee retirement system. Pension expense for the year ended September 30, 1991 (including prior service costs amortized over 25 years) was $63,295. This compares to an expense of $46,236 in 1990. The increase was caused by an increase in the number of employees covered by the retirement plan. DEBT ADMINISTRATION Outstanding General Obligation Bonds and Certificates of Obligation at September 30, 1991 totalled $6,625,000, of which $2,127,145 was issued for water and sewer improvements. These bonds are reported as liabilities of the respective funds. In addition, the Utility Fund has outstanding $655,000 of revenue funds, at September .. 30, 1991 with a rating of Baa for Moody's and A for Standard and Poors. CASH MANAGEMENT Cash, temporarily idle during the year, was invested on a competitive basis in Certificates of Deposit ranging in maturity from 30 to 180 days, and securities of the U.S. government and its agencies. All City demand deposits are held in interest bearing accounts. RISK MANAGEMENT Under the City's home rule charter and bylaw the City is permitted to insure itself against the various risks of liability and loss to which it is exposed. This may be done either though an insurance provider or through a defined self-insurance program. At this time, the City purchases commercial insurance to indemnify itself .. in the event of toss. OTHER INFORMATION INDEPENDENT AUDIT State statutes require an annual audit by independent certified public accountants. The accounting firm of Rutledge Crain & Company, PC, Certified Public Accountants was selected by the City Council. The auditors' report on the general purpose financial statements and combining and individual fund statements and schedules ,.. is included in the financial section of this report. AWARDS The government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Wylie for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1990. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. 4 a a In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such comprehensive annual financial report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. The City of Wylie has received a Certificate for the last two consecutive years. We believe that our current comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The preparation of the comprehensive annual financial report on a timely basis was made possible by the, dedicated service of the entire staff of the finance department. Each member of the department has our sincere appreciation for the contributions made in the preparation of this report. We are grateful to the City Council and the City Manager for their support of the Department. We will do all we can to help them realize their goals for the community. Respectfully submi ted, Brady . snellgrove Di for of Finance Prudence Kling Accounting Supervisor 5 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reportin g Presented to City of Wylie, Texas For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1990 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR's) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. w • 01 fiCF '�`4\wet f yr moao President cuuDAlCORPORAT SEA ION t+ncuo �� Executive Director 6 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 : CITY OF WYLIE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 Public Municipal City City Judge Council Attorney City Manager Municipal Parks City Finance Public Library And Secretary And Police Fire Works Engineering Recreation Budget Personnel Utility Animal Emergency Urban Planning Support Collections Control Preparedness Streets Development And Services Engineering Municipal Building Planning Special Court Services Water And Projects Zoning Code Environmental Sewer Enforcement Services Garage Inspections MA CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LIST OF PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS September 30, 1991 Title Name Elected officials: Mayor John W. Akin Mayor Pro Tem, Place 3 Jay Davis Council Member, Place 1 Jim Swartz Council Member, Place 2 William Martin Council Member, Place 4 Don Hughes Council Member, Place 5 Ortie Messenger Council Member, Place 6 Percy Simmons ,^ Appointed Officials: AM City Manager Steve Norwood City Attorney Steve Deiter City Secretary & Personnel Director Carolyn Jones Director Of Finance Brady Snettgrove Director of Engineering Paul Beaver Library Director Phyllis Floyd Director of Public Works Operations Bill Flowers _ Police Chief Harvey Hightower Building Official Rick Herzberger Fire Chief Jimmy Lynch .. Parks & Recreation Director William Nelson AM .. 8 FINANCIAL SECTION 9 011.0 SIM OWN (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) mo ws 10 .. RUTLEDGE CRAIN & COMPANY, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 160' E !Lamar. Suite 109 Arlington, Texas 76011 Metro(817)265-9989 Fax(817)861-9623 The Honorable City Council City of Wylie, Texas We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Wylie, Texas, as of September 30, 1991 and for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Wylie, Texas, as of September 30, 1991, and the results of its operations and the cash flows of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying combining, individual fund, and individual account group financial statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Wylie, Texas. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The statistical information listed in the foregoing table of contents was not audited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. 00•?) /96 December 31, 1991 G% 11 Memoers Christian A Rutledge CPA American Institute of Certified DuoIic Accountants Lewis Crain,CPA Texas Society of Certified Pions Accountants MA AM mm (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) a M .R AM MU M M w a 12 a M GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These basic financial statements provide a summary of the financial position of all funds and account groups as well as the operating results of all funds. They also serve as an introduction to the more detailed statements and schedules that follow in the next subsection. 13 EXHIBIT I OM CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET -- ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS September 30,1991 With comparative totals for 1990 Special Capital General Fund Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Project Funds .. ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 95,717 $ 194,998 $ 163,939 $ 1,499,866 Investments - - - - '" Receivables - net of allowance for uncollectibiles: Taxes 140,746 - 70,161 - Accounts 43,788 10,887 - - Assessments - - Intergovernmental - 53,377- +! Due from other funds 135,471 - 12,891 351,292 Inventories 13,562 - - - Restricted assets - - - Prepaid expenses - - - _ Fixed assets - net (where applicable) of depreciation - - - - Other debits: Amount available in debt service fund - - - - Amount to be provided - - - - .. TOTAL ASSETS $ 429,284 $ 205,885 $ 246,991 $ 1,904,535 LIABILITIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS "' Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 34,779 $ - $ - $ - Due to others - - - Accrued liabilities 82,746 - - 1,271 Due to other funds 398 - 115,531 - Deferred revenue 121,705 - 60,439 53,377 Liabilities payable from restricted assets - - - - General obligation bonds - - - - Revenue bonds - - - Capital leases payable - - - - Compensated absences payable - - - - Certificates of obligation - - - - „" TOTAL LIABILITIES 239,628 - 175,970 54,648 EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS: Investments in general fixed assets - - - - Contributed capital - - - Retained earnings - unreserved - - - - Fund balance - reserved 35,000 - - - - Fund balance - unreserved 154,656 205,885 71,021 1,849,887 TOTAL EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS 189,656 205,885 71,021 1,849,887 TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS $ 429,284 $ 205,885 $ 246,991 $ 1,904,535 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 14 _ Trust General General Memorandum Only Enterprise Funds and Agency Funds Fixed Asset Group Long-term Debt Group 1991 1990 $ 312,446 $ 30,195 $ - $ - S 2,297,161 $ 590,087 - 6,661 - - 6,661 2,632,220 - - - 210,907 210,842 269,206 - - - 323,881 284,589 - - - -27,343 _ 53,377 56,377 27,343 - 398 - - 500,052 101,144 37,911 - - - 51,473 54,491 410,594 - - - 410,594 438,781 -. 16,298 - - - 16,298 7,574,690 - 8,631,488 - 16,206,178 16,099,884 - - 71,021 71,021 7,050 - - - 4,472,019 4,472,019 4,753,139 $ 8,648,488 $ 37,254 S 8,631,488 $ 4,543,040 $ 24,646,965 $ 25,228,604 $ 64,202 $ 429 $ - $ - $ 99,410 S 368,261 24,795 - - 24,795 118,656 """ 11,069 - - - 95,086 76,996 384,123 - - - 500,052 101,144 - - - 235,521 255,089 337,853 - - - 337,853 326,930 - - 1,615,000 1,615,000 1,725,000 630,000 - - 2,882,855 3,512,855 3,665,000 1,747,750 - - 7,649 1,755,399 1,913,540 -- - 37,536 37,536 25,189 m 2,069,290 - - - 2,069,290 2,170,000 5,244,287 25,224 - 4,543,040 10,282,797 10,745,805 - - 8,631,488 - 8,631,488 8,473,100 3,734,881 - - - 3,734,881 3,782,138 (330,680) - - - (330,680) (168,529) - - - - 35,000 ""' - 12,030 - - 2,293,479 2,396,090 3,404,201 12,030 8,631,488 - 14,364,168 14,482,799 „_ $ 8,648,488 $ 37,254 $ 8,631,488 $ 4,543,040 $ 24,646,965 $ 25,228,604 15 EXHIBIT II CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "` COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-- ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS Year Ended September 30, 1991 With comparative totals for 1990 ,.. Special Capital .. General Fund Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Project Funds REVENUES Ad valorem taxes $ 1,399,137 $ - $ 714,363 $ Sales taxes 367,046 183,075 Franchise taxes 342,006 - - Licenses and permits 66 369 - - ". - Intergovernmental revenues 88,580 - - - Service fees 50,560 - - - Court fees 115,006 - Interest 23,185 5,608 8,578 107,345 ... Assessments 1,971 3,000 Miscellaneous 36,936 13,541 - TOTAL REVENUES 2,490,796 202,224 722,941 110,345 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures General Government 907,523 - - Public safety 1,047 852 - - 7,176 Urban development 197,291 8,382 - Public works 632,298 - 189,708 Community services 180,665 19,235 - Tctal Current Expenditures 2,965,629 27,617 - 196,884 Capital expenditures 117,911 6,626 - 3,550 Debt service 2,447 - 663,070 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,085,987 34,243 663,070 200,434 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (595,191) 167,981 59,871 (90,089) "" OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt 9,293 - - - Operating Transfers In 369,500 - - 53,183 w. Operating Transfers Out - (8,183) - (45,000) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 378,793 (8,183) - 8,183 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over OM expenditures and other sources (uses) (216,398) 159,798 59,871 (81,906) Fund Balances at beginning of year 406,054 46,087 11,150 1,931,793 Fund Balances at end of year $ 189,656 $ 205,885 $ 71,021 $ 1,849,887 - The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. w. .. 16 Expendable Memorandum Only Trust Funds 1991 1990 $ - $ 2,113,500 $ 1,787,116 550,121 445,080 243 342,249 312,828 -~- - 66,369 86,713 - 88,580 58,233 - 50,560 48,716 115,006 193,745 .. 1,011 145,727 177,916 4,971 809 49,500 99,977 63,674 50,754 3,577,060 3,174,830 907,523 867,174 "" 9,429 1,064,457 906,940 - 205,673 179,510 - 822,006 626,392 - 199,900 113,635 .. 9,429 3,199,559 2,693,651 30,301 158,388 152,047 - 665,517 486,386 39,730 4,023,464 3,332,084 __ 11,024 (446,404) (157,254) 9,293 1,500,000 84 422,767 295,614 '.. (84) (53,267) (141,465) - 378,793 1,654,149 11,024 (67,611) 1,496,895 1,006 2,396,090 899,195 $ 12,030 $ 2,328,479 $ 2,396,090 17 EXHIBIT III CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-- BUDGET AND ACTUAL -- GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended September 30, 1991 ... General Fund Variance Favorable .. Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUESOM Ad valorem taxes $ 1,406,360 $ 1,399,137 $ (7,223) Sales taxes 360,960 367,046 6,086 Franchise taxes 342,310 342,006 (304) Licenses and permits 65,130 66,369 1,239 Intergovernmental revenues 60,920 88,580 27,660 Service fees 51,130 50,560 (570) Court fees 95,395 115,006 19,611 Interest 21,110 23,185 2,075 Assessments 2,000 1,971 (29) - Miscellaneous 30,345 36,936 6,591 TOTAL REVENUES 2,435,660 2,490,796 55,136 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures General Government 864,078 907,523 (43,445) Public safety 1,043,940 1,047,852 (3,912) .. Urban development 188,350 197,291 (8,941) Public works 596,933 632,298 (35,365) Community services 174,685 180,665 (5,980) .. Total Current Expenditures 2,867,986 2,965,629 (97,643) Capital expenditures 108,447 117,911 (9,464) Debt service 2,447 2,447 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,978,880 3,085,987 (107,107) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (543,220) (595,191) (51,971) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt - 9,293 9,293 Operating Transfers In 369,500 369,500 - Operating Transfers Out - - - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 369,500 378,793 9,293 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over . expenditures and other sources (uses) (173,720) (216,398) (42,678) Fund Balances at beginning of year 173,720 406,054 232,334 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 189,656 $ 189,656 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 18 Capital Debt Service Funds Project Funds Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 692,500 $ 714,363 $ 21,863 $ - $ - $ _ 8,578 8,578 4,745 20,337 15,592 - _ - - - 3,000 3,000 692,500 722,941 30,441 4,745 23,337 18,592 - _ - - 1,000 7,176 (6,176) 115,000 112,738 2,262 -- - - 116,000 119,914 (3,914) - - 299,000 3,550 295,450 692,500 663,070 29,430 - _ - 692,500 663,070 29,430 415,000 123,464 291,536 - 59,871 59,871 (410,255) (100,127) 310,128 - 45,255 45,000 (255) - - 45,255 45,000 (255) °"` - 59,871 59,871 (365,000) (55,127) 309,873 - 11,150 11,150 365,000 376,703 11,703 $ - $ 71,021 $ 71,021 $ - $ 321,576 $ 321,576 19 ww mw (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) WM MW WM WM MW WM WM OM MM MM S 20 EXHIBIT IV CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Year Ended September 30, 1991 With comparative totals for 1990 Enterprise Funds 1991 1990 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales $ 1,083,080 $ 978,095 Sewer Sales 907,372 776,016 Sanitation fees 367,688 283,852 Penalty and interest 40,114 63,167 Tap and reconnect fees 20,109 21,377 Miscellaneous income 19,137 8,350 • Total Operating Revenues 2,437,500 2,130,857 OPERATING EXPENSES Utility administration 90,125 102,168 Water 548,911 647,931 Wastewater 343,503 422,646 Utility billing 190,707 208,043 Building services 30,450 38,327 - Depreciation 505,171 448,669 Sanitation 309,437 292,123 Total Operating Expenses 2,018,304 2,159,907 Operating income 419,196 (29,050) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) • Nonoperating Revenues 51,365 115,413 Nonoperating Expenses (357,685) (322,936) Total Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (306,320) (207,523) Income before operating transfers 112,876 (236,573) • OPERATING TRANSFERS Operating Transfers In 206,960 136,746 Operating Transfers Out (576,460) (290,403) Total operating transfers (369,500) (153,657) Net Income (256,625) (390,230) Add back depreciation on contributed assets 94,474 96,512 (162,151) (293,718) Retained Earnings/(Deficit) beginning of year (168,529) 125,190 • Retained Earnings/(Deficit) end of year $ (330,680) $ (168,529) The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 21 EXHIBIT V CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS -- ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES ^" Year Ended September 30, 1991 With comparative totals for 1990 Enterprise Funds 1991 1990 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers $ 2,360,127 $ 2,144,574 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (1,307,621) (1,130,405) Cash payments to employees for services (469,407) (414,598) NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 583,099 599,571 CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net borrowings (repayments) for interfund loans 319,181 23,832 Operating transfers in from other funds 206,960 32,092 Operating transfers out to other funds (576,460) (185,750) NET CASH FLOWS PROVIDED (USED) BY NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES (50,319) (129,826) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from capital lease 9,293 - Proceeds from revenue bonds - 2,000,000 �- Reduction of restricted assets 28,187 - Purchase/construction of fixed assets (453,077) (1,881,466) Principal repayments on certificates of obligation (94,733) - Principal repayments on revenue bonds (25,000) (40,000) Principal repayments on capital leases (81,397) (100,678) Interest and fiscal charges obligations, bonds and capital leases (433,151) (228,930) Capital contributions from developers 47,215 116,714 "' NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) FOR CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES (1,002,663) (134,360) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES AI- Interest earned on investments 51,366 114,760 Proceeds from investments 561,377 - Purchase of investments - (463,011) NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 612,743 (348,251) .» NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 142,860 (12,866) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 169,586 182,452 +- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 312,446 $ 169,586 .Ills The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 22 .., RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Enterprise Funds 1991 1990 Operating income (loss) $ 419,196 $ (29,050) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 505,171 448,669 Change in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable (64,099) 1,359 Intergovernmental (27,343) - Inventories (4,208) 25,107 Prepaid expense (16,300) - Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable (208,343) 141,338 Accrued liabilities (13,375) 12,148 Due to other funds 5,674 Payable from restricted assets Accrued liabilities (13,274) - Total adjustments 163,903 628,621 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ 583,099 $ 599,571 -- 23 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES The City of Wylie, Texas (City) was incorporated in 1887, and operates under a Council - Manager form of government as a duly incorporated general law city as authorized by the general taws of the State of Texas and subsequent City *� ordinances and provides the following services: public safety (police and fire), public improvements and streets, water, sewer and sanitation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. The financial statements of the City have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to government units. The governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard- setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the City's accounting policies are described below. A. Reporting Entity In evaluating how to define the government, for financial reporting purposes, management has considered all potential component units. The decision to include a potential component unit in the reporting entity was made by applying the criteria set forth in GAAP. The basic - but not the only - criterion for including a potential ."* component unit with the reporting entity is the governing body's ability to exercise oversight responsibility. The most significant manifestation of this ability is financial interdependency. Other manifestations of the ability to exercise oversight responsibility include, but are not limited to, the selection of governing authority, the designation of management, the ability to significantly influence operations, and accountability for fiscal matters. A second criterion used in evaluating potential component units is the scope of public service. Application of this criterion involves considering whether the activity benefits the government and/or its citizens, or whether the activity is conducted within the geographic boundaries of the government and is generally available to its citizens. A third criterion used to evaluate potential component units for inclusion or exclusion from the reporting entity is the existence of special financing relationships, regardless of whether the government is able to exercise oversight responsibilities. Based upon the application of these criteria, the following is a brief review of each potential component unit addressed in defining the government's reporting entity. Included within the reporting entity: Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. (Corporation) was organized in 1990 under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act to promote and develop industrial and manufacturing enterprises and employment and the public welfare within the City of Wylie, Texas. The members of the board of directors are appointed by and accountable to the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas. Excluded from the reporting entity: North Texas Municipal Water District The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), is excluded as a component unit as there exists no financial .MR interdependency between the City and NTMWD other than the contractual obligations discussed in Note 13. The City appoints one member to the NTMWD board, which consists of 17 members. The City's ability to designate management or influence operations is minimal. The City has no accountability for fiscal matters. The relationship between the NTMWD and the City is more fully discussed in Note 13. "'• Wylie Independent School District The Wylie Independent School District (District), white generally providing services within the boundary of the .., City, has a separate elected board that approves budgets and oversees management of the District. The District has authority to levy its own tax revenue. B. Basis of Presentation - Fund Accounting The City uses funds and account groups to report on its financial position and the results of its operations. Fund accounting is designed to demonstrate legal compliance and to aid financial management by segregating transactions related to certain government functions or activities. A fund is a separate accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. An account group, on the other hand, is a financial reporting device designed to provide accountability for certain assets and liabilities that are not recorded in the funds because they do not directly affect net expendable available financial resources. Funds are classified into three categories: governmental, proprietary and fiduciary. Each category, in turn, .. is divided into separate "fund types." 24 �,,, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental functions of the City are financed. The acquisition, use, and balances of the City's expendable financial resources and the related liabilities (except those accounted for in the proprietary fund types and fiduciary fund types) are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position, rather than upon net income determination. The following are the City's governmental funds: General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for an another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Debt Service Fund - A Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Capital Project Funds - Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by its Proprietary Fund types). Financing is provided primarily by the sate of general obligation bonds. PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. Proprietary Funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This •- means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or noncurrent) associated with its activity are included on its balance sheets. Its reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund types operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Trust and Agency Funds - Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent. Agency funds are custodial in nature and do not involve measurement of result of operations. The City's expendable trust funds are accounted for and reported in a manner similar to governmental funds, i.e., the measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position, rather than upon net income determination. ACCOUNT GROUPS Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the City's general fixed assets and general long-term debt. The following are the City's account groups: General Fixed Assets Account Group - This account group is established to account for all fixed assets of the City, other than those accounted for in the proprietary fund types. Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems, are capitalized along with other fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date donated. General Long-Term Debt Account Group - This account group is established to account for all long-term debt of the City except that accounted for in the proprietary fund types. C. Basis of Accounting The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds and expendable trust funds are accounted for using a current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operating statements of these funds present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. 25 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 Proprietary funds are accounted for on a flow of economic resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, all assets and all liabilities associated with the operation of these funds are included on the balance sheet. Fund equity (i.e., net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund-type operating statements present increases (e.g., revenues) and decreases (e.g., ... expenses) in net total assets. The modified accrual basis of accounting is used by all governmental fund types, expendable trust funds and agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual (i.e., when they become both measurable and available). "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available" means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. The City considers property taxes as available if they are collected within 60 days after year end. Expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred. Principal and interest on general long-term debt are recorded as fund liabilities when due or when amounts have been accumulated in the debt service fund for payments to be made early in the following year. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes and interest revenue. Sales taxes collected and held by the state at year end on behalf of the City also are recognized as revenue. Franchise taxes, ambulance ... service, fines and permits, and miscellaneous revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable until received in cash. The accrual basis of accounting is utilized by proprietary fund types. Under this method, revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred. The City reports deferred revenue on its combined balance sheet. Deferred revenues arise when a potential revenue does not meet both "measurable" and "available" criteria for recognition in the current period. Deferred revenues also arise when resources are received by the City before it has a legal claim to them, as �- when grant monies are received prior to the incurrence of qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods, when both revenue recognition criteria are met, or when the City has a legal claim to the resources, the liability for deferred revenue is removed from the combined balance sheet and revenue is recognized. D. Budgetary Data Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for the general fund, the debt service fund, and two capital project funds. All annual appropriations lapse at fiscal year end. .. The City council approves, by ordinance, total budget appropriations only. The City manager is authorized to transfer budget amounts between line items within any department. However, any revisions altering the total appropriations of any fund or department must be approved by the City Council after appropriate public notice �. and public participation. Management exercises control over budgeted expenditures by fund and department. Encumbrances represent commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services. Encumbrance accounting - under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of resources are recorded to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation - is utilized in the governmental funds. Encumbrances outstanding at year end are reported as reservations of fund balances and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments will be reappropriated during the subsequent year. E. Comparative Data .. Comparative data for the prior year have been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in the City's financial position and operations. However, complete comparative data have not been presented in all statements because their inclusion would make certain statements w, unduly complex and difficult to understand. F. Memorandum Only - Total Columns Total columns on the general purpose financial statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither are such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. G. Reclassifications Certain amounts reported in 1990 have been reclassified to conform with the 1991 presentation. 26 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 H. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of demand deposits and time deposits having a maturity of three months or less when the time deposit is made. I. Investments State statutes authorize the city to invest in (1) obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities; (2) direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies; (3) other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the State of Texas or the United States; (4) obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state having been rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm and having received a rating of not less than A or its equivalent; (5) certificates of deposit by state and national banks domiciled in this state that are (A) guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or its successor; or, (B) secured by obligations that are described by (1) - (4); or, (6) fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements having a defined termination date, secured by obligations described by (1), pledged with a third party selected or approved by the city, and placed through a primary government securities dealer. Investments are stated at cost or amortized cost, except for investments in the deferred compensation agency fund, which are reported at market value. J. Taxes and Accounts Receivable (net of allowances) Taxes receivable represent uncollected property taxes and sales taxes receivable from a third party. The allowance for uncollectible property tax is determined as the amount of delinquent personal property tax ascollection is not assured. Deferred revenue is delinquent real property tax less amounts received by the city within 60 days of year-end. Accounts receivable are amounts due for ambulance service and billed and unbilled utility services. The allowance is determined based on the age of the ambulance receivables or by closed and unpaid utility accounts. K. Short-term Interfund Receivables/Payables During the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between funds for goods provided or services rendered. These receivables and payables are classified as "due from other funds" or "due to other funds" on the balance sheet. L. Inventory Inventory is valued at cost, which approximates market, using the first-in/first-out (FIFO) method. The costs of governmental fund-type inventories are recorded as expenditures when consumed rather than when purchased. M. Restricted Assets Certain proceeds of enterprise fund revenue bonds, as well as certain resources set aside for their repayment, are classified as restricted assets on the balance sheet because their use is limited by applicable bond covenants. N. Fixed Assets/Accumulated Depreciation General fixed assets are not capitalized in the funds used to acquire or construct them. Instead, capital acquisition and construction are reflected as expenditures in governmental funds, and the related assets are reported in the general fixed assets account group. All purchased fixed assets are valued at cost where historical records are available and at estimated historical cost where no historical records exist. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date received. The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend asset lives are not capitalized. Improvements are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the related fixed assets, as applicable. ..., Public domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems and lighting systems are not capitalized, as these assets are immovable and of value only to the city. Assets in the general fixed assets account group are not depreciated. Depreciation of buildings, equipment and vehicles in the proprietary fund types is computed using the straight-line method. Depreciation of contributed assets is closed to contributed capital. .. 27 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 0. Long-term Obligations Long-term debt is recognized as a liability of a governmental fund when due, or when resources have been accumulated in the debt service fund for payment early in the following year. For other long-term obligations, only that portion expected to be financed from expendable available financial resources is reported as a fund liability of a governmental fund. The remaining portion of such obligations is reported in the general long- term debt account group. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from proprietary fund operations are accounted for in those funds. P. Fund Equity Contributed capital is recorded in proprietary funds that have received capital grants or contributions from developers, customers or other funds. Reserves represent those portions of fund equity not appropriable for expenditure or legally segregated for a specific future use. Designated fund balances represent tentative plans for future use of financial resources. Q. Interfund Transactions Quasi-external transactions are accounted for as revenues, expenditures or expenses. Transactions that constitute reimbursements to a fund for expenditures/expenses initially made from it that are properly applicable to another fund, are recorded as expenditures/expenses in the reimbursing fund and as reductions of expenditures/expenses in the fund that is reimbursed. ... All other interfund transactions, except quasi-external transactions and reimbursements, are reported as transfers. Nonrecurring or nonroutine permanent transfers of equity are reported as residual equity transfers. All other interfund transfers are reported as operating transfers. �+ R. Compensated Absences Vested or accumulated vacation leave that is expected to be Liquidated with expendable available resources is reported as an expenditure and a fund liability of the governmental fund that will pay it. Amounts of vested or accumulated vacation leave that are not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources are reported in the general long-term debt account group. No expenditure is recorded for these amounts. Vested or accumulated vacation leave of proprietary funds is recorded as an expense and liability of those funds as the benefits accrue to employees. In accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 43, Accounting for Compensated Absences, no liability is recorded for nonvesting accumulating rights to receive sick pay benefits. However, a liability is recognized for that portion of accumulating sick leave benefits that is estimated will be taken as "terminal leave" prior to retirement. 2 - LEGAL COMPLIANCE - BUDGETS The City follows these procedures in establishing budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: A. On or before June 15 of each year, all agencies of the City submit requests for appropriation to the City Manager so that a budget may be prepared. The budget is prepared by fund, function, and department, and includes information on the past year, current year estimates, and requested appropriations for the next fiscal year. B. Prior to August 1, the City Manager submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. C. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. D. Prior to September 15, the budget is legally enacted through passage of an ordinance. E. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between line items within departments; however, any revisions that alter the expenditures of any department or the total expenditures of any fund must be approved MIN by the City Council; therefore, total expenditures may not exceed appropriations at the department level. During the year, the City Council authorized several supplemental amendments to the annual budget. The were no outstanding encumbrances as year end. +� 3 - CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS At September 30, 1991, the City had petty cash of $750, cash of $1,237,600 (including restricted cash of $50,551), and cash equivalents of $1,109,362. The bank balance of cash was $1,484,503. Of the bank balance, $300,000 was covered by federal depository insurance and collateral (par value of $1,591,673 and market value of $1,525,097) held by the City depository's trust department in the City's name. Cash equivalents consisting of short term federal securities (face value of $1,115,000 and market value of $1,109,358) were held by the City's broker/dealer in the City's name. 28 .. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 4 - RECEIVABLES „„w Receivables and allowances for uncollectibility for the various fund types are as follows: Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects Enterprise Total Taxes receivable $ 201,066 $ - $ 102,659 $ - $ - $ 303,725 Less: allowance (60,320) - (32,498) - - (92,818) --- Net $ 140,746 $ - $ 70,161 $ - $ - $ 210,907 Accounts receivable $ 43,788 $ 10,877 $ - $ - $ 286,208 $ 340,873 Less: allowance - - - - (17,002) (17,002) Net $ 43,788 $ 10,877 $ - $ - $ 269,206 $ 323,871 "- Assessments receivable $ - $ - $ - $ 109,755 $ - $ 109,755 Less: allowance - - - (56,378) - (56,378) Net $ - $ - $ - $ 53,377 $ - $ 53,377 Intergovernmental receivable $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,343 $ 27,343 5 - INTERFUND RECEIVABLE/PAYABLE Interfund Interfund Fund Receivable Payable * GENERAL FUND General Obligation I & S $ 115,531 $ - Utility 14,267 - Sanitation Operating 5,673 - - State Court - 68 Municipal Appearance - 330 GENERAL OBLIGATION I & S FUND Utility 12,891 - General - 115,531 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND Utility 20,000 - LANDFILL CLOSURE FUND Utility 331,292 - „- UTILITY FUND General - 14,267 Street Improvement - 20,000 General Obligation I & S - 12,891 Landfill Closure - 331,292 -- SANITATION OPERATING FUND General - 5,673 --. STATE COURT FUND General 68 - MUNICIPAL APPEARANCE FUND General 330 - $ 500,052 $ 500,052 -... 29 .gym CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 „„ 6 - FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION The following is a summary of changes in the general fixed assets account Group during the year: Balance Balance 9/30/90 Additions Retirements 9/30/91 Land $ 655,266 $ - $ - $ 655,266 Buildings 2,076,719 - - 2,076,719 �^ Improvements 3,844,904 - - 3,844,904 Machinery and equipment 1,896,211 158,388 - 2,054,599 Total $ 8,473,100, $ 158.,388 $ - $ 8,631L488 The following is a summary of enterprise fund property and depreciation: Land $ 11,600 Buildings 19,124 Waterworks system 2,407,263 Sewer system 7,743,847 Vehicles 38,519 Equipment 208,493 ... 5,428,846 Less: accumulated depreciation (2,854,156) Fixed assets (net) $ 7,574,690 AMIN The following estimated useful lives are used to compute depreciation: Waterworks and sewer systems 20 Years Equipment 5-10 Years 7 - ACCRUED EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES Accrued expenditures consist of accrued salaries and related expenses at year end. 8 - LIABILITIES PAYABLE FROM RESTRICTED ASSETS Liabilities payable from restricted assets consist primarily of accrued interest payable on revenue bonds, amounts of tong-term debt payable within one year, and customer utility deposits. 9 - LONG-TERM DEBT OMR A. General Long-term Debt The City periodically issues general obligation bonds and certificates of obligation. Tax revenue from yearly ad valorem tax assessments is pledged as security. Detailed information on outstanding general obligations follows: 9/30/91 Date of Interest Principal Issue Rate Balance awe $400,000 Public Property Finance Contract Obligations - Series 1988 3/15/88 6.25 - 7.25% $ 185,000 $1,800,000 General Obligation Bonds - Series 1986 8/15/86 7.25 - 10.25% 1,615,000 $130,000 Park Improvement Certificates of Obligation - Series 1980 7/15/80 7.75 - 8.50% 15,000 $1,500,000 out of $3,500,000 Tax and Waterworks & Sewer System Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation - Series 1990 (57.14% allocated to Utility enterprise fund) 2/15/90 6.60 - 9.50% 1,467,855 One 30 �+ CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 $1,275,000 Waterworks & Sewer System Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation - Series 1988 (payable from receipts of ad valorem taxes) 5/15/88 7.80 - 10.75% 1,215,000 Total $ 41497�855 The requirements to amortize general tong-term debt outstanding as of September 30, 1991 are summarized below: September 30, Principal Interest Total 1992 $ 227,145 $ 346,779 $ 573,924 1993 232,860 325,691 558,551 1994 147,860 307,738 455,598 1995 162,860 291,922 454,782 1996 178,575 275,161 453,736 Thereafter 3,545,555 1,830,664 5,376,219 Total $ 4,497,855 $ 3,377,955 $ 7,875,810 B. Utility Enterprise Debt The City's water and sewer system is financed through the issuance of revenue bonds. Gross revenues of the Utility Fund, after deduction of reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance, are pledged to such funds in amounts equal to the total annual principal and interest requirements of the obligations and the amounts required to m., maintain reserve and emergency funds. A detailed summary of the Utility Fund obligations follows: 9/30/90 Date of Interest Principal Issue Rate Balance $300,000 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds - Series 1971 3/1/71 4.50 - 6.625% $ 125,000 $400,000 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds - Series 1980 3/1/80 8.50 - 9.00% 390,000 $160,000 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds - Series 1986 7/1/86 8.40% 140,000 655,000 Current portion of revenue bonds 25,000 630,000 $200,000 Tax and Waterworks & Sewer System Subordinate Lien Certificates of Obligation - Series 1989 6/15/89 7.45 - 7.65% 170,000 �.. $2,000,000 out of $3,500,000 Tax and Waterworks & Sewer System Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation - Series 1990 (42.86% allocated to General Long-term Debt) 2/15/90 6.60 - 9.50% 1,957,145 2,127,145 Current portion of certificates of obligation 57,855 2,069,290 Total long-term revenue bonds and certificates of obligation $ 2,699,290 31 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 The requirements to amortize utility enterprise long-term debt outstanding as of September 30, 1991 are summarized below: September 30, Principal Interest Total *� 1992 $ 82,855 $ 210,449 $ 293,304 1993 107,140 202,650 309,790 1994 107,140 193,656 300,796 1995 107,140 184,641 291,781 1996 126,425 174,928 301,353 Thereafter 2,251,445 1,201,271 3,452.716 Total $ 2,782,145 $ 2,167,595 $ 4,949,740 C. Obligations Under Capital Lease Obligations under capital lease are comprised of leases whose terms provide for bargain purchase options at the end .. of the lease period. The obligations are recorded in the general long-term debt group of accounts where the source of payments is the general fund, and in the enterprise fund type where the source of payment is the utility fund. General Long-term Debt Group of Accounts $9,293 due in monthly instalments of $222 including interest accruing at 7.00%, maturing in October, 1994 and secured by a copier acquired in 1990 for $9,293. $ 7,649 Future minimum lease payments are as follows: .. Year Ended September 30, 1992 $ 2,669 1993 2,669 1994 2,669 1995 222 8,229 Less: Amount representing interest 580 Principal portion $ 7,649 +� Utility Fund $199,600 due in monthly instalments of $3,410 including interest accruing at 11.25%, .. maturing in February 1992 and secured by machinery and equipment with a net book value of $48,357. 16,582 $170,000 due in instalments equaling $12,062 annually including interest accruing at 5.00%, maturing in 1996 and secured by sewer system additions with a net book value of $8,500. 52,222 $2,000,000 due in instalments equaling $200,925 annually including interest accruing at 7.51%, maturing in 2006 and secured by sewer system additions with a net book value of $1,700,000. 1,772,818 $ 1,841,622 32 ,,,, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 Future minimum tease payments are as follows: Year Ended September 30, 1992 $ 216,397 1993 216,397 1994 216,397 1995 216,397 1996 216,397 Thereafter 2,009,252 3,091,237 Less: Amount representing interest 1,249,615 Principal portion 1,841,622 Less: current portion (93,872) Long-term portion $ 1,747,750 D. Changes in General Long-term Debt During the year, the following changes in general long-term debt occurred: Balance Balance 9/30/90 Additions Retirements 9/30/91 General obligation debt $ 1,665,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 1,615,000 Certificates of obligation 3,120,378 187,145 2,882,855 Obligations under capital lease - 9,293 1,644 7,649 Accrued compensated absences 25,189 12,347 - 37,536 Total general long-term debt $ 4,76® 21,$ 640 $ 23® $ 4,54 msegeldmoma 10 — CONTINGENT LIABILITIES The City is defendant in a lawsuit pending appeal by the plaintiff. The City is also subject to an asserted claim on which no action has yet been taken. Although the outcome of these matters is not presently determinable, in the opinion of the City's attorney, their resolution will not have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of the City. 11 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all government employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. Participation in the plan is optional. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death or unforseeable emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property or rights (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) are solely the property and rights of the City subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant. It is the opinion of the City's legal counsel that the City has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the `""" duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes that it is unlikely that it will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. Investments are managed by the plan's trustee under one of seven investment options, or a combination thereof. The .aa choice of investment option(s) is made by the participants. 12 - EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM �., Plan Description - the City provides pension benefits for all of its full-time employees through a nontraditional, joint contributory, defined contribution plan in the state-wide Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), one of over 570 administered by TMRS, an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system. It is the opinion of the TMRS management that the plans in TMRS are substantially defined contribution plans, but they have elected to provide additional voluntary disclosure to help foster a better understanding of some of the nontraditional characteristics of the plan. Benefits depend upon the sum of the employee's contributions to the plan, with interest, and the City-financed monetary credits, with interest. At the date the plan began, the City granted monetary credits for service rendered before the plan began of a theoretical amount equal to two times what would have been contributed by the employee, with interest, prior to establishment of the plan. Monetary credits for service since the plan began are a percent (1000) of the 33 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 employee's accumulated contributions. In addition, the City can grant as often as annually another type of monetary credit referred to as an updated service credit, which is a theoretical amount that, when added to the employee's accumulated contributions and the monetary credits for service since the plan began, would be the total monetary credits and employee contributions accumulated with interest if the current employee contribution rate and City matching percent had always been in existence and if the employee's salary had always been the average of his salary in the last three years that are one year before the effective date. At retirement, the benefit is calculated as if the sum of the employee's accumulated contributions with interest and the employer-financed monetary credits with interest were used to purchase an annuity. Members can retire at ages 60 and above with 10 or more years of service or with 25 years of service regardless of age. The plan also provides death and disability benefits. A member is vested after 10 years, but he must leave his accumulated contributions in the plan. If a member withdraws his own money, he is not entitled to the employer-financed monetary credits, even if he was vested The plan provisions are adopted by the governing body of the City, within the "' options available in the state statutes governing TMRS and within the actuarial constraints also in the statutes. Contributions - The contribution rate for the employees is 5%, and the City matching percent is currently 200% both as adopted by the governing body of the City. Under the state law governing TMRS, the City contribution rate is annually ... determined by the actuary. This rate consists of the normal cost contribution rate and the prior service contribution rate, both of which are calculated to be a level percent of payroll from year to year. The normal cost contribution rate finances the currently accruing monetary credits due to the City matching percent, which are the obligation of the City as of an employee's retirement date, not at the time the employee's contributions are made. The normal cost contribution rate is the actuarially determined percent of payroll necessary to satisfy the obligation of the City to am each employee at the time his retirement becomes effective. The prior service contribution rate amortizes the unfunded actuarial liability over the remainder of the plan's 25-year amortization period. When the city periodically adopts updated service credits and increases in annuities in effect, the increased unfunded actuarial liability is to be amortized over a new 25-year period. Currently, the unfunded actuarial liability is being amortized over the 25-year period which began January, 1991. The unit credit actuarial cost method is used for determining the City contribution rate. Contributions are made monthly by both the employees and the City. Since the City needs to know its contribution rate in advance to budget for it, there is a one-year lag between the actuarial valuation that is the basis for the rate and the calendar year when the rate goes into effect. The City's total payroll in fiscal year 1991 was $1,729,191, and the City's contributions were based on a covered payroll of $1,695,732. Both the City and the covered employees made the required contributions, amounting to $63,295 (3.28% of covered payroll for the months in calendar year 1990, 2.76% normal cost plus 0.52% to amortize the unfunded actuarial liability, and 3.39% for the months in calendar year 1991, 3.02% normal cost plus 0.37% to amortize the unfunded actuarial liability) for the City and $84,787 (5%) for the employees. There were no related-party transactions. Funding Status and Progress - Even though the substance of the City's plan is not to provide a defined benefit in some •� form, some additional voluntary is appropriate due to the nontraditional nature of the defined contribution plan which had an initial unfunded pension benefit obligation due to the monetary credits granted by the City for services rendered before the plan began and which can have additions to the unfunded pension benefit obligation through the periodic adoption of increases in benefit credits and benefits. Statement No. 5 Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 5) defines pension benefit obligation as a standardized disclosure measure of the actuarial present value of pension ,.. benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases, estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. The measure is intended to help users assess the funding status of public employee pension plans, assess progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons among public employee pension plans. The pension benefit obligation shown below is similar in nature to the standardized disclosure measure required by GASB 5 for defined benefit plans except that there is no need to project salary increases since the benefit credits earned for service to date are not dependent upon future salaries. The calculations were made as part of the annual actuarial valuation as of December 31, 1990. Because of the money-purchase nature of the plan, the interest rate assumption, currently 8.5% per year, does not have as much impact on the results as it does for a defined benefit plan. Market value of assets is not determined for each city's plan, but the market value of assets for TMRS as a whole was 106.2% of book value as of December 31, 1990. 34 ,,,, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 Pension Benefit Obligation Annuitants currently receiving benefits $ 111,525 Terminated employees 191,304 Current employees Accumulated employee contributions including allocated invested earnings 190,320 Employer-financed vested 89 Employer-financed nonvested 138,761 Total 631,999 Net Assets Available for Benefits, at Book Value 557,200 Unfunded Pension Benefit Obligation $ 74 799) The book value of assets is amortized cost for bonds and original cost for short-term securities and stocks. The actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially determined City contribution rate are the same as those used to compute the pension benefit obligation. Analysis of Funding Progress - Ten year trend information is not available from TMRS; three year (calendar year basis) historical trend information is as follows: 1990 1989 1988 Net assets available for benefits $ 557,200 $ 457,268 $ 356,549 Pension benefit obligation $ 631,999 $ 512,293 $ 392,787 Percentage funded 88.2% 89.3% 90.8% Unfunded (assets in excess of) pension benefit obligation (UPBO) $ 74,799 $ 55,025 $ 36,238 Annual covered payroll $ 1,339,797 $ 1,354,631 $ 1,261,000 UPBO divided by payroll 5.6% 4.1% 2.9% City contribution to TMRS $ 46,089 $ 46,236 $ 39,329 Average City rate 3.4% 3.4% 3.1% -- 13 - NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT North Texas Municipal Water District (District) is a conservation and reclamation district and political subdivision of the State of Texas, created and functioning under Chapter 62, Acts of 1951, 52nd Legislature, Regular Session, as amended, originally compiled as Vernon's Article 8270-141 (the 'Act'), pursuant to Article 16, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution. The District comprises all of the territory of its member cities, viz., Garland, Princeton, Plano, Mesquite, Wylie, Rockwall, Farmersville, McKinney, Richardson, Forney and Royse City (the "Member Cities"). The District was created for the purpose of providing a source of water supply for municipal, domestic and industrial use and for the treatment, processing and transportation of such water to its Member Cities and to its other customers located in North Central Texas, all within the Dallas Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. Under the Act, including specifically Section 27 thereof, and under the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, the District has broad powers to (1) impound, control, store, preserve, treat, transmit and use storm and flood water, the water of rivers and streams and underground water, for irrigation, power and all other useful purposes and to supply water for municipal, domestic, power, industrial and commercial uses and purposes and all other beneficial uses and purposes; and (2) collect, transport, process, treat, dispose of and control all municipal, domestic, industrial or commercial waste whether in fluid, solid or composite state, including specifically the control, abatement or reduction ... of all types of pollution. The City retains no ongoing financial interest, equity investments and/or responsibilities for the District, other than the contractual arrangements discussed more fully herein. The District has long-term contracts with the City to supply treated water and sewer treatment. The City's water contract with the District provides that the City pay a predetermined annual amount for treated water in twelve monthly instalments. The amount of this annual payment is based upon an annually established rate per thousand gallons and the largest annual amount of water consumption of past years. The City owns one sewage treatment facility. In 1988, the City entered into an agreement with the District for the construction of a second facility. Under the terms of this agreement, the District would issue its own bonds in the amount of $2,000,000, bearing interest at rates of ".. approximately 7.5%, with the final payment due in 2006, to construct and operate this sewage disposal plant for the City. Under the terms of the contract, the City's payments, which began when the facilities were first utilized, are equal to the operating and maintenance expenses for the next ensuing fiscal year, as shown in the District's annual budget for the sewage treatment facility. The contract further provides the debt service payments will be equal to the principal and/or interest coming due on the bonds on the next succeeding interest payment date, plus the fees and charges of the paying agent and the registrar. These contractual obligations have been included in capital lease obligations in amounts approximating the amounts of the bonds outstanding under the related agreements. The related sewage treatment facilities are being depreciated over .,, the estimated life of the facilities. 35 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 14 - RISK MANAGEMENT The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; employee health benefits; and other claims of various nature. The City purchases -. commercial insurance to indemnify it in event of loss. 15 - PROPERTY TAX The City's property tax is levied each October 1, on the assessed value listed as of the prior January 1, for all real and certain personal property located in the City. The appraisal of property within the City is the responsibility of Collin County Central Appraisal District (District) as required by legislation passed by the Texas Legislature. The District is required under such legislation to assess all property within the District on the basis of 100% of its appraised value and is prohibited from applying any assessment ratios. The assessed value upon which the fiscal 1991 levy was based was approximately $333,109,050. The value of property within the District must be reviewed every five years; however, the City may, at its own expense, require annual reviews of appraised values. The City may challenge appraised values established by the District through various appeals and, if necessary, legal action. a„ General property taxes are limited by the Texas Constitution to $2.50 per $100 of assessed valuation. The combined tax rate to finance general governmental service and debt service for the year ended September 30, 1991 was $.61500 per $100 of assessed valuation. Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1, following the levy date. Taxes are due by January 31, following the levy date. Property taxes are recorded as receivables, net of estimated uncollectibles when levied. ... 16 - SEGMENT INFORMATION - ENTERPRISE FUNDS The City maintains two enterprise funds which are intended to be self-supporting through fees charged for services to the public. Financial segment information as of and for the year ended September 30, 1991 is presented below: Utility Sanitation Total Operating revenues $ 2,069,812 $ 367,688 $ 2,437,500 Depreciation expense 505,171 - 505,171 Operating income 360,945 58,251 419,196 Operating interfund transfers in 206,488 472 206,960 Operating interfund transfers out (516,460) (60,000) (576,460) Net income (256,364) (261) (256,625) Current capital contributions 47,215 - 47,215 Property, plant and equipment additions 452,349 728 453,077 Net working capital 208,162 (4,352) 203,810 Total assets 8,617,008 31,480 8,648,488 Revenue bonds payable 655,000 - 655,000 Obligations under capital lease 1,841,622 - 1,841,622 Certificates of obligation 2,127,145 - 2,127,145 Total equity 3,407,825 (3,624) 3,404,201 17 - CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL During the year, contributed capital increased by the following amount: Utility Fund Contributed capital - beginning of year $ 2,967,048 Adjustment for cumulative receipt of developers' fees and charges for depreciation of related improvements 815,090 Contributed capital - beginning of year (restated) 3,782,138 Developer impact fees 47,215 Depreciation (94,472) Contributed capital - end of year $ 3,734,881 36 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 18 - EXPENDITURES IN EXCESS OF APPROPRIATIONS For the year ended September 30, 1991, expenditures exceeded appropriations for the following fund: General Fund $ (107,107) 19 - RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICITS) '""" The utility fund and sanitation fund have retained deficits of $(327,056) and $(3,624) respectively. The utility fund deficit is due primarily to a restatement of contributed capital and retained earnings. Previously, impact fees had been recorded as revenues rather than as contributed capital from developers. Management intends to restore retained earnings over time through net income from operations. 20 - FUND BALANCE RESERVATIONS A portion of fund balance in the general fund has been reserved for future projects. ... 21 - COMMITMENTS Under an agreement with the State of Texas, the City is the process of awarding contracts for the closure of its landfill. Management estimates the total remaining cost (to be financed by capital project funds) will not exceed $300,000. 22 - RESTATEMENT OF PRIOR YEARS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS „,-, The following reflects corrections of prior years' financial statements: As Originally Reclassify As Stated Correction Fund Type Restated GENERAL FUND Assets $ 725,841 $ (49,540) $ (97) $ 676,204 -- Liabilities 335,416 (65,266) - 270,150 Fund balance- September 30, 1990 $ 390,425 $ 15,726 $ (97) $ 406,054 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Assets $ 39,092 $ - $ 12,055 $ 51,147 Liabilities 5,060 - - 5,060 Fund balance - September 30, 1990 $ 34,032 $ - $ 12,054 $ 46,087 ... DEBT SERVICE REVENUE FUND Assets $ 7,050 $ 71,265 $ - $ 78,315 Liabilities - 67,165 - 67,165 Fund balance - September 30, 1990 $ 7,050 $ 4,100 $ - $ 11,150 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Assets $ 2,023,479 $ - $ (12,964) $ 2,010,515 Liabilities 22,345 56,377 - 78,722 - Fund balance - September 30, 1990 $ 2,001,134 $ (56,377) $ (12,964) $ 1,931,793 37 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1991 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Utility Enterprise Fund Assets $ 7,216,115 $ 1,802,957 $ - $ 9,019,072 .. Liabilities 3,507,881 1,894,219 - 5,402,100 Contributed capital 2,967,048 815,090 - 3,782,138 Retained deficit - September 30, 1990 $ 741,186 $ (906,352) $ - $ (165,166) ,, Sanitation Operating fund Assets $ 21,998 $ - $ - $ 21,998 Liabilities 24,967 393 - 25,360 a' Retained deficit - September 30, 1990 $ (2,969) $ (393) $ - $ (3,362) TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Trust Fund Assets $ - $ - $ 1,006 $ 1,006 MOP Liabilities - - - - Fund balance - September 30, 1990 $ - $ - $ 1,006 $ 1,006 Agency Funds Assets $ 36,391 $ 100,666 $ - $ 137,057 Liabilities $ 36,391 $ 100,666 $ - $ 137,057 Corrections in the general fund were generally to correct the presentation of accounts related to property and sales tax revenues. Corrections in the debt service fund were to correct the presentation of accounts related to property taxes. WM Corrections to the capital project fund were to correct the deferral of revenue from special assessments. Corrections to the utility enterprise fund were due primarily to the recognition of a capitalized lease obligation and to reclassifying developers' capital contributions. Corrections to the agency funds were related to recognition of the fair market value of investments under the City's deferred compensation plan. Reclassifying fund types occurred from a better understanding of the nature of several funds. .. AM .. OM .. MA 38 ®, GENERAL FUND .— The General Fund is used to account for resources traditionally associated with government which are not required legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund. 39 EXHIBIT A-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 's GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 95,717 $ 153,662 ... Investments - 246,055 Taxes 140,746 139,577 Accounts Due from other funds 135,471 48,401 .. Inventories 13,562 20,788 TOTAL ASSETS $ 429,284 $ 676,204 .0 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE .... LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 34,779 $ 86,590 Accrued liabilities 82,746 51,281 .. Due to other funds 398 732 Deferred revenue 121,705 131,547 TOTAL LIABILITIES 239,628 270,150 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - reserved 35,000 Fund balance - unreserved 154,656 406,054 .. TOTAL FUND BALANCE 189,656 406,054 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 429,284 $ 676,204 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 40 EXHIBIT A-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 -. REVENUES Ad valorem taxes $ 1,399,137 $ 1,299,502 Sales taxes 367,046 420,237 Franchise taxes 342,006 312,793 Licenses and permits 66,369 86,713 Intergovernmental revenues 88,580 58,233 Service fees 50,560 48,716 Court fees 115,006 193,745 Interest 23,185 38,883 • Assessments 1,971 578 Miscellaneous 36,936 39,878 TOTAL REVENUES 2,490,796 2,499,278 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures General Government 907,523 867,166• Public safety 1,047,852 906,924 Urban development 197,291 179,509 Public works 632,298 388,189 Community services 180,665 112,747 • Total Current Expenditures 2,965,629 2,454,535 Capital Outlay General Government 20,505 7,040 - Public safety 61,140 59,699 Urban development 1,414 10,005 Public works 32,286 14,734 Community services 2,566 4,936 - Total Capital Outlay 117,911 96,414 Debt Service General Government 2,447 - Debt service - 10,602 Total Debt Service 2,447 10,602 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,085,987 2,561,551 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (595,191) (62,273) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt 9,293 - Operating Transfers In 369,500 241,524 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 378,793 241,524 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (216,398) 179,251 Fund Balances at beginning of year 406,054 226,803 Fund Balances at end of year $ 189,656 $ 406,054 • The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 41 EXHIBIT A-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended September 30, 1991 .... With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 1991 Variance-- 1990 favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) Actual REVENUES Ad valorem taxes $ 1,406,360 $ 1,399,137 $ (7,223) $ 1,299,502 •" Sales taxes 360,960 367,046 6,086 420,237 Franchise taxes 342,310 342,006 (304) 312,793 Licenses and permits 65,130 66,369 1,239 86,713 Intergovernmental revenues 60,920 88,580 27,660 58,233 .. Service fees 51,130 50,560 (570) 48,716 Court fees 95,395 115,006 19,611 193,745 Interest 21,110 23,185 2,075 38,883 Assessments 2,000 1,971 (29) 578 Miscellaneous 30,345 36,936 6,591 39,878 .. TOTAL REVENUES 2,435,660 2,490,796 55,136 2,499,278 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures General Government City council 72,985 69,072 3,913 106,502 City manager 101,915 104,397 (2,482) 123,310 City secretary 98,993 101,597 (2,604) 68,279 "•. City attorney 17,665 20,924 (3,259) - Finance 277,160 287,513 (10,353) 250,905 Municipal court 45,740 48,600 (2,860) 57,139 Bldg. ser. - municipal complex 173,040 192,912 (19,872) 186,894 Bldg. services - library 19,380 23,709 (4,329) 19,085 `" Bldg. services - fire 19,000 17,202 1,798 15,591 Bldg. services - public work 27,200 29,370 (2,170) 24,467 Bldg. services - park 11,000 12,227 (1,227) 13,771 Employee benefit expenditures - - - 1,168 .. Community room expenditures - - - 55 Total General Government 864,078 907,523 (43,445) 867,166 Public safety +.. Police administration 80,850 81,616 (766) 70,733 Police patrol 517,975 510,717 7,258 476,201 Police investigation 38,680 46,456 (7,776) 48,745 Police communications 104,625 103,468 1,157 98,995 .". Warrant officer 40,400 42,349 (1,949) 29,767 Fire 79,900 81,038 (1,138) 51,819 Emergency medical services 133,700 133,694 6 93,817 Animal control 47,810 48,514 (704) 36,847 w Total Public safety 1,043,940 1,047,852 (3,912) 906,924 Urban development Code enforcement 105,410 111,084 (5,674) 104,998 ... Planning/engineering 82,940 86,207 (3,267) 74,511 Total Urban development 188,350 197,291 (8,941) 179,509 Public works .- Streets and drainage 558,678 593,539 (34,861) 356,000 Garage 38,255 38,759 (504) 32,189 Total Public works 596,933 632,298 (35,365) 388,189 ... Community services Library 68,790 70,176 (1,386) 60,917 Parks 105,895 110,489 (4,594) 51,830 Total Community services 174,685 180,665 (5,980) 112,747 Total Current Expenditures 2,867,986 2,965,629 (97,643) 2,454,535 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. w 42 EXHIBIT A-3 (Continued) CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL -- Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 1991 Variance-- 1990 -- favorable Budget Actual (unfavorable) Actual Capital Outlay General Government City council 5,015 5,001 14 550 City manager 1,500 1,350 150 1,367 City secretary 750 10,059 (9,309) - Finance 840 835 5 1,565 Municipal court 660 655 5 610 Bldg. ser. - municipal complex 2,610 2,605 5 1,577 Bldg. services - fire - - - 1,371 Total General Government 11,375 20,505 (9,130) 7,040 Public safety 150 194 Police administration 150 Police patrol 50,315 50,079 236 42,992 .- Police communications 190 500 (310) 7,440 Warrant officer 100 - 100 1,663 Fire 10,100 9,801 299 6,978 Animal control 980 760 220 432 .- Total Public safety 61,835 61,140 695 59,699 Urban development Code enforcement 1,250 1,414 (164) 9,809 Planning/engineering 200 - 200 196 Total Urban development 1,450 1,414 36 10,005 .- Public works Streets and drainage 31,322 31,241 81 10,520 Garage 1,245 1,045 200 4,214 Total Public works 32,567 32,286 281 14,734 Community services Library 480 1,917 (1,437) 798 Parks 740 649 91 4,138 Total Community services 1,220 2,566 (1,346) 4,936 Total Capital Outlay 108,447 117,911 (9,464) 96,414 "" Total Debt Service 2,447 2,447 - 10,602 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,978,880 3,085,987 (107,107) 2,561,551 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (543,220) (595,191) (51,971) (62,273) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) .- Proceeds of capitalized lease - 9,293 9,293 - Operating transfers in 369,500 369,500 - 241,524 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 369,500 378,793 9,293 241,524 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (173,720) (216,398) (42,678) 179,251 Fund Balances at beginning of year 173,720 406,054 232,334 226,803 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 189,656 $ 189,656 $ 406,054 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 43 r ..a (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) .r S a a AIM AMI 44 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ra_ Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenues that are legally restricted to expenditures for particular purposes. Library Contribution - To account for contributions made by citizens earmarked for improving the Library. Landfill Improvement - To account for monies received from a lawsuit settlement that are specifically restricted to reclamation, engineering, and laboratory services required to close the landfill. Park Improvement - To account for contributions from individuals and businesses for use in the City's parks. Economic Development - To account for sales tax monies specifically designated for the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc., a non-profit corporation established to promote and develop industrial and manufacturing enterprises within the governments boundaries. 45 EXHIBIT B-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 ... Library Landfill Park Economic Contributions Fund Improvement Fund Improvement Fund Development Fund ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 88 $ - $ 1,170 $ 193,740 Accounts - - - 10,887 '" Due from other funds - - - - TOTAL ASSETS $ 88 $ - $ 1,170 $ 204,627 MON LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ - $ - $ Due to other funds - - - - TOTAL LIABILITIES - - - - FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved 88 1,170 204,627 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 88 - 1,170 204,627 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 88 $ - $ 1,170 $ 204,627 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 46 Totals 1991 1990 194,998 $ 27,375 ., 10,887 11,761 12,011 205,885 $ 51,147 S - $ 60 5,000 5,060 205,885 46,087 205,885 46,087 S 205,885 $ 51,147 47 EXHIBIT B-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "' SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 Library Landfill Park Economic Contributions Fund Improvement Fund Improvement Fund Development Fund REVENUES Sales taxes $ $ - $ - $ 183,075 ... Interest 18 - 500 5,090 Miscellaneous 1,313 - 12,228 - TOTAL REVENUES 1,331 - 12,728 188,165 NM EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Urban development ". Economic development - - 8,382 Total Urban development - - 8,382 Public works ... Landfill improvement - - - - Total Public works - - _ - Community services '." Library 1,340 - - - Park improvement - - 17,895 - Total Community services 1,340 - 17,895 - Total Current Expenditures 1,340 - 17,895 8,382 Capital Outlay Community services ." Library - - - - Park improvement - - 6,626 - Total Community services - - 6,626 - — Total Capital Outlay - - 6,626 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,340 - 24,521 8,382 .,, Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (9) - (11,793) 179,783 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers In - - - Operating Transfers Out - (8,183) - - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - (8,183) - - -"' Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (9) (8,183) (11,793) 179,783 Fund Balances at beginning of year 97 8,183 12,963 24,844 ," Fund Balances at end of year $ 88 $ - $ 1,170 $ 204,627 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 48 Totals 1991 1990 $ 183,075 $ 24,843 5,608 842 13,541 18,035 202,224 43,720 8,382 - 8,382 - 32,728 32,728 1,340 828 17,895 60 �- 19,235 888 27,617 33,616 3,511 6,626 6,831 6,626 10,342 6,626 10,342 34,243 43,958 167,981 (238) 31,090 (8,183) - (8,183) 31,090 159,798 30,852 46,087 15,235 $ 205,885 $ 46,087 49 EXHIBIT 6-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ... LIBRARY CONTRIBUTION SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETSm. Cash and cash equivalents $ 88 $ 97 TOTAL ASSETS $ 88 $ 97 �.. FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved $ 88 $ 97 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 88 97 w TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 88 $ 97 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 50 EXHIBIT B-4 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LIBRARY CONTRIBUTION SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ~~ REVENUES Interest $ 18 $ 6 Miscellaneous 1,313 930 TOTAL REVENUES 1,331 936 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Community services Library 1,340 828 Total Community services 1,340 828 Total Current Expenditures 1,340 828 Capital Outlay Community services ~~ Library 3,511 Total Community services - 3,511 Total Capital Outlay - 3,511 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,340 4,339 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (9) (3,403) Fund Balances at beginning of year 97 3,500 Fund Balances at end of year $ 88 $ 97 .... The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 51 EXHIBIT B-5 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LANDFILL IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ - $ 1,232 Due from other funds - 12,011 TOTAL ASSETS $ - $ 13,243 .. LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES !* Accounts payable $ - $ 60 Due to other funds - 5,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES - 5,060 w FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved - 8,183 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - 8,183 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ - $ 13,243 w w w w The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 52 EXHIBIT B-6 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LANDFILL IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest S $ 372 TOTAL REVENUES 372 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public works Landfill improvement - 32,728 Total Public works 32,728 Total Current Expenditures - 32,728 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 32,728 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures - (32,356) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers Out - 31,090 (8,183) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (8,183) 31,090 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (8,183) (1,266) Fund Balances at beginning of year 8,183 9,449 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 8,183 M` The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 53 EXHIBIT B-7 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PARK IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents S 1,170 $ 12,963 TOTAL ASSETS S 1,170 $ 12,963 WM. FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved S 1,170 $ 12,963 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 1,170 12,963 *** TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE S 1,170 $ 12,963 a w w w w r w w The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. w 54 EXHIBIT B-8 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PARK IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES • Interest $ 500 $ 462 Miscellaneous 12,228 17,106 TOTAL REVENUES 12,728 17,568 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Community services Park improvement 17,895 60 Total Community services 17,895 60 Total Current Expenditures 17,895 60 Capital Outlay Community services Park improvement 6,626 6,831 Total Community services 6,626 6,831 Total Capital Outlay 6,626 6,831 • TOTAL EXPENDITURES 24,521 6,891 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (11,793) 10,677 • Fund Balances at beginning of year 12,963 2,286 Fund Balances at end of year $ 1,170 $ 12,963 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 55 EXHIBIT 8-9 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS1111110 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 m. 1991 1990 ASSETS w` Cash and cash equivalents $ 193,740 $ 13,084 Accounts 10,887 11,761 TOTAL ASSETS $ 204,627 $ 24,845 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved $ 204,627 $ 24,845 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 204,627 24,845 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 204,627 $ 24,845 ... The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 56 EXHIBIT B-10 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Sales taxes $ 183,075 $ 24,842 Interest 5,090 2 TOTAL REVENUES 188,165 24,844 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Urban development Economic development 8,382 - Total Urban development 8,382 - Total Current Expenditures 8,382 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,382 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 179,783 24,844 Fund Balances at beginning of year 24,844 �.. Fund Balances at end of year $ 204,627 $ 24,844 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 57 w. a (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) mom a a .m a mm mom ,m w 58 DEBT SERVICE FUND The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of general obligation bond principal and interest from governmental resources. 59 EXHIBIT C-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 163,939 $ 7,050 Taxes 70,161 Due from other funds 12,891 AM 71,265 TOTAL ASSETS $ 246,991 $ 78,315 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE w LIABILITIES Due to other funds $ 115,531 $ - Deferred revenue 60,439 67,165 TOTAL LIABILITIES 175,970 67,165 FJ40 BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved 71,021 11,150 �* TOTAL FUND BALANCE 71,021 11,150 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 246,991 $ 78,315 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 60 EXHIBIT C-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 Mis REVENUES Ad valorem taxes $ 714,363 $ 487,614 Interest 8,578 7,785 TOTAL REVENUES 722,941 495,399 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Other 7 Total Current Expenditures - 7 Debt Service Principal 237,145 200,000 Interest and fiscal agent charges 425,925 275,777 Total Debt Service 663,070 475,784 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 663,070 475,791 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 59,871 19,608 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers Out - (32,093) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - (32,093) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over «.. expenditures and other sources (uses) 59,871 (12,485) Fund Balances at beginning of year 11,150 23,635 Fund Balances at end of year $ 71,021 $ 11,150 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 61 EXHIBIT C-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS �+ DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE--BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended September 30, 1991 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Ad valorem taxes $ 692,500 $ 714,363 $ 21,863 Interest - 8,578 8,578 TOTAL REVENUES 692,500 722,941 30,441 EXPENDITURES Debt Service Principal 237,145 237,145 Interest and fiscal agent charges 455,355 425,925 29,430 Total Debt Service 692,500 663,070 29,430 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 692,500 663,070 29,430 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures - 59,871 59,871 ,.. Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) - 59,871 59,871 Fund Balances at beginning of year - 11,150 11,150 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 71,021 $ 71,021 w w .. w .a The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. a 62 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Project Funds are used to account for acquisition and construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by proprietary and trust funds. Public Con. Equip. Notes - To account for the acquisition of heavy equipment. Bond funds are the primary means of financing these acquisitions. Street Construction - To account for construction and improvements made to existing streets, curbs, and gutters. Special assessments are the primary means of financing these improvements. Street Improvement - To account for construction of new streets, curbs, and gutters made when developers build new subdivisions in and around the City. Fees from developers are the primary means of financing these developments. Landfill Closure - To account for expenditures to secure, investigate, and to close the government's landfill according to the settlement reached with the State of Texas. Bond funds are the primary means of financing these expenditures. Public Safety Equipment - To account for the acquisition of public safety vehicles and equipment. Bond funds are the primary means of financing these acquisitions. Service Cen./Animal Shelter - To account for improvements and additions to the government's public works warehouse animal shelter. Bond funds are the primary means of financing these improvements. 63 EXHIBIT D-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 ... Public Con. Street Street Landfill Equip. Notes Fund Construction Fund Improvement Fund Closure Fund m. ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ - $ 12,827 $ 34,142 $ 48,297 Investments - - 293,964 800,616 Assessments - 53,377 - - Due from other funds - - 20,000 331,292 TOTAL ASSETS S - $ 66,204 $ 348,106 $ 1,180,205 .. LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ - $ - $ - Accrued liabilities - 1,271 - Due to other funds - Deferred revenue - 53,377 - �* Notes payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 54,648 - FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved - 11,556 348,106 1,180,205 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - 11,556 348,106 1,180,205 "" TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ - $ 66,204 $ 348,106 $ 1,180,205 .0 w ."" MM The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 64 Public Safety Service Totals Equipment Fund Cen./Animal Shelter 1991 1990 $ - $ 1,274 $ 96,540 $ 195,016 aka 308,746 1,403,326 1,724,122 53,377 56,377 351,292 35,000 $ - $ 310,020 $ 1,904,535 $ 2,010,515 $ - $ - $ - $ 9,063 1,271 - 12,011 53,377 56,377 1,271 54,648 78,722 310,020 1,849,887 1,931,793 310,020 1,849,887 1,931,793 $ - $ 310,020 $ 1,904,535 $ 2,010,515 moR 65 EXHIBIT D-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "` CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 ..,,, With Comparative Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 Public Con. Street Street Landfill Equip. Notes Fund Construction Fund Improvement Fund Closure Fund REVENUES Interest $ - $ 2,013 $ 19,505 $ 67,503 .. Assessments - 3,000 - - Miscellaneous - - - - TOTAL REVENUES - 5,013 19,505 67,503 OM EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public safety Public safety equipment - - - OM Animal shelter - - - - Total Public safety - - - Public works Street construction - 112,738 - - Municipal complex - - - 76,970 Total Public works - 112,738 . 76,970 ... Total Current Expenditures - 112,738 - 76,970 Capital Outlay .. Public safety Animal shelter - - - _ Total Public safety - - Public works Street construction - - _ Total Public works - - _ .. Total Capital Outlay - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 112,738 - 76,970 .. Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures - (107,725) 19,505 (9,467) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt - - _ _ Operating Transfers In - 45,000 - 8,183 ,.., Operating Transfers Out - - (45,000) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - 45,000 (45,000) 8,183 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over ... expenditures and other sources (uses) - (62,725) (25,495) (1,284) Fund Balances at beginning of year - 74,281 373,601 1,181,489 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 11,556 $ 348,106 $ 1,180,205 ,,,,, .. The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 66 Public Safety Service Totals Equipment Fund Cen./Animal Shelter 1991 1990 $ - $ 18,324 $ 107,345 $ 130,379 -- - - 3,000 231 - - - 5,760 - 18,324 110,345 136,370 ,. , - - - 15 - 7,176 7,176 - - 7,176 7,176 15 - - 112,738 162,115 - - 76,970 43,361 �""' - - 189,708 205,476 - 7,176 196,884 205,491 - 3,550 3,550 11,590 - 3,550 3,550 11,590 - - - 33,702 - - - 33,702 - 3,550 3,550 45,292 - 10,726 200,434 250,783 - 7,598 (90,089) (114,413) - - - 1,500,000 - - 53,183 23,000 - - (45,000) (109,372) - - 8,183 1,413,628 - 7,598 (81,906) 1,299,215 302,422 1,931,793 632,578 $ - $ 310,020 $ 1,849,887 $ 1,931,793 67 EXHIBIT D-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .... PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOTES CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 ..� 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest $ - $ 705 TOTAL REVENUES - 705 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures - 705 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) .� Operating Transfers Out - (23,245) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - (23,245) AIM Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) - (22,540) Fund Balances at beginning of year - 22,540 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 68 EXHIBIT D-4 .._. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS STREET CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 12,827 $ 77,175 Assessments 53,377 56,377 TOTAL ASSETS $ 66,204 $ 133,552 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ 1,623 Accrued liabilities 1,271 Deferred revenue 53,377 56,377 Notes payable - 1,271 TOTAL LIABILITIES 54,648 59,271 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved 11,556 74,281 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 11,556 74,281 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 66,204 $ 133,552 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 69 EXHIBIT D-5 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS �*+ STREET CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest $ 2,013 $ 10,729 Assessments 3,000 231 TOTAL REVENUES 5,013 10,960 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public works Street construction 112,738 162,115 Total Public works 112,738 162,115 a Total Current Expenditures 112,738 162,115 Capital Outlay Public works Street construction 33,702 Total Public works - 33,702 i Total Capital Outlay - 33,702 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 112,738 195,817 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (107,725) (184,857) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers In 45,000 23,000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 45,000 23,000 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (62,725) (161,857) Fund Balances at beginning of year 74,281 236,138 Fund Balances at end of year $ 11,556 $ 74,281 i i i i i The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. i 70 EXHIBIT D-6 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Year Ended September 30, 1991 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Interest $ 4,745 S 2,013 $ (2,732) Assessments - 3,000 3,000 TOTAL REVENUES 4,745 5,013 268 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public works 115,000 112,738 2,262 Total Current Expenditures 115,000 112,738 2,262 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 115,000 112,738 2,262 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (110,255) (107,725) 2,530 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers in 45,255 45,000 (255) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 45,255 45,000 (255) -- Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (65,000) (62,725) 2,275 Fund Balances at beginning of year 65,000 74,281 9,281 Fund Balances at end of year S - S 11,556 $ 11,556 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 71 EXHIBIT D-7 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS STREET IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents S 34,142 $ 117,841 .' Investments 293,964 220,760 Due from other funds 20,000 35,000 TOTAL ASSETS S 348,106 $ 373,601 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved $ 348,106 $ 373,601 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 348,106 373,601 IMP TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE S 348,106 $ 373,601 MO WM MO MO MO MO The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 72 EXHIBIT D-8 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS STREET IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest $ 19,505 $ 16,941 Miscellaneous - 5,760 TOTAL REVENUES 19,505 22,701 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 19,505 22,701 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfers Out (45,000) (23,000) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (45,000) (23,000) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (25,495) (299) Fund Balances at beginning of year 373,601 373,900 Fund Balances at end of year $ 348,106 $ 373,601 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 73 EXHIBIT D-9 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "" LANDFILL CLOSURE CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 48,297 $ - Investments 800,616 1,200,940 Due from other funds 331,292 TOTAL ASSETS $ 1,180,205 $ 1,200,940 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ 7,440 Due to other funds - 12,011 TOTAL LIABILITIES - 19,451 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved 1,180,205 1,181,489 �* TOTAL FUND BALANCE 1,180,205 1,181,489 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 1,180,205 $ 1,200,940 ..A The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. a 74 EXHIBIT D-10 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LANDFILL CLOSURE CAPITAL. PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest $ 67,503 $ 55,940 awars TOTAL REVENUES 67,503 55,940 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public works Municipal complex 76,970 43,361 Total Public works 76,970 43,361 Total Current Expenditures 76,970 43,361 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 76,970 43,361 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (9,467) 12,579 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt - 1,200,000 Operating Transfers In 8,183 - Operating Transfers Out - (31,090) �.. TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 8,183 1,168,910 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) (1,284) 1,181,489 Fund Balances at beginning of year 1,181,489 - Fund Balances at end of year $ 1,180,205 $ 1,181,489 .00 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 75 EXHIBIT 0-11 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS mom PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 REVENUES Interest $ - $ 32,052 TOTAL REVENUES 32,052 .. EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public safety Public safety equipment - 15 Total Public safety - 15 Total Current Expenditures - 15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 15 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over "" expenditures - 32,037 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) .., Operating Transfers Out - (32,037) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - (32,037) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) -Fund Balances at beginning of year - - Fund Balances at end of year $ - AWN AM AM AM .. a The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 76 EXHIBIT D-12 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SERVICE CENTER/ANIMAL SHELTER CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,274 $ - Investments 308,746 302,422 TOTAL ASSETS $ 310,020 $ 302,422 FUND BALANCE Fund balance - unreserved $ 310,020 $ 302,422 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 310,020 302,422 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 310,020 $ 302,422 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 77 EXHIBIT D-13 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SERVICE CENTER/ANIMAL SHELTER CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 .. 1991 1990 REVENUES ... Interest $ 18,324 $ 14,012 TOTAL REVENUES 18,324 14,012 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public safety Animal shelter 7,176 - Total Public safety 7,176 - Total Current Expenditures 7,176 - Capital Outlay Public safety Animal shelter 3,550 11,590 Total Public safety 3,550 11,590 Total Capital Outlay 3,550 11,590 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,726 11,590 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 7,598 2,422 w OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Proceeds of Long-term Debt - 300,000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - 300,000 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) 7,598 302,422 Fund Balances at beginning of year 302,422 - Fund Balances at end of year $ 310,020 $ 302,422 AM w The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. a 78 EXHIBIT D-14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SERVICE CENTER/ANIMAL SHELTER CAPITAL PROJECT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES--BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL Year Ended September 30, 1991 mm Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) - REVENUES Interest $ - $ 18,324 $ 18,324 TOTAL REVENUES - 18,324 18,324 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures Public safety 1,000 7,176 (6,176) Total Current Expenditures 1,000 7,176 (6,176) Capital Outlay Public safety 299,000 3,550 295,450 Total Capital Outlay 299,000 3,550 295,450 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 300,000 10,726 289,274 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (300,000) 7,598 307,598 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) - - - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over 4.- expenditures and other sources (uses) (300,000) 7,598 307,598 Fund Balances at beginning of year 300,000 302,422 2,422 Fund Balances at end of year $ - $ 310,020 $ 310,020 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 79 OM MOO IMP IMO (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) OM AM AM .. AM w w. .. a a AM AA 80 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises -where the intent of the government's council is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or where the government's council has decided that periodic determination of net income is appropriate for accountability purposes. Utility - To account for the operations of the Water and Sewer Department. Sanitation - To account for the operations of the garbage collection department. tmowft mAollk 81 EXHIBIT E-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "" ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 Sanitation Totals Utility Fund Operating Fund 1991 1990 ASSETS ... Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 5 297,822 $ 14,624 $ 312,446 $ 169,586 Investments - 561,377 .. Accounts receivable - net 253,078 16,128 269,206 205,107 Intergovernmental receivable 27,343 - 27,343 - Due from other funds - - - 5,732 Inventories 37,911 37,911 33,703 Prepaid expenses 16,298 - 16,298 - •,, Total Current Assets 632,452 30,752 663,204 975,505 Restricted Assets Cash and cash equivalents 50,551 - 50,551 47,070 Investments 199,148 - 199,148 281,231 Prepaid capital lease payments 160,895 - 160,895 110,480 Total Restricted Assets 410,594 - 410,594 438,781 "' Fixed Assets Fixed assets - net 7,573,962 728 7,574,690 7,626,784 Total Fixed Assets 7,573,962 728 7,574,690 7,626,784 .. TOTAL ASSETS 5 8,617,008 5 31,480 $ 8,648,488 $ 9,041,070 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ 39,192 $ 25,010 $ 64,202 $ 272,546 Accrued liabilities 6,649 4,420 11,069 24,444 Due to other funds 378,449 5,674 384,123 65,000 Total Current Liabilities 424,290 35,104 459,394 361,990 Liabilities payable from restricted assets: Customer deposits 123,159 - 123,159 136,433 Accrued interest payable 37,967 - 37,967 113,433 Capital leases - current 93,872 - 93,872 37,064 Certificates of obligation - current 57,855 - 57,855 15,000 Revenue bonds - current 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 Total liabilities payable from restricted assets 337,853 - 337,853 326,930 .A Long-Term Liabilities Revenue bonds 630,000 - 630,000 655,000 Capital leases payable 1,747,750 - 1,747,750 1,913,540 ", Certificates of obligation 2,069,290 - 2,069,290 2,170,000 Total Long-Term Liabilities 4,447,040 - 4,447,040 4,738,540 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,209,183 35,104 5,244,287 5,427,460 ..+ FUND EQUITY Contributed Capital Contributed capital $ 3,734,881 $ - 5 3,734,881 5 3,782,138 Retained Earnings Retained earnings - unreserved (327,056) (3,624) (330,680) (168,529) TOTAL FUND EQUITY 3,407,825 (3,624) 3,404,201 3,613,610 .. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 8,617,008 $ 31,480 $ 8,648,488 $ 9,041,070 .. The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 82 EXHIBIT E-2 "" CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND TYPES COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 Sanitation Totals Utility Fund Operating Fund 1991 1990 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales $ 1,083,080 $ - $ 1,083,080 $ 978,095 Sewer Sales 907,372 - 907,372 776,016 .- Sanitation fees - 367,688 367,688 283,852 Penalty and interest 40,114 - 40,114 63,167 Tap and reconnect fees 20,109 - 20,109 21,377 Miscellaneous income 19,137 - 19,137 8,350 Total Operating Revenues 2,069,812 367,688 2,437,500 2,130,857 OPERATING EXPENSES Utility administration 90,125 - 90,125 102,168 ""` Water 548,911 - 548,911 647,931 Wastewater 343,503 - 343,503 422,646 Utility billing 190,707 - 190,707 208,043 Building services 30,450 - 30,450 38,327 ,... Depreciation 505,171 - 505,171 448,669 Sanitation - 309,437 309,437 292,123 Total Operating Expenses 1,708,867 309,437 2,018,304 2,159,907 „- Operating income 360,945 58,251 419,196 (29,050) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) ,W, Nonoperating Revenues 50,349 1,016 51,365 115,413 Nonoperating Expenses (357,685) - (357,685) (322,936) Total Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (307,336) 1,016 (306,320) (207,523) Income before operating transfers 53,609 59,267 112,876 (236,573) OPERATING TRANSFERS Operating Transfers In 206,488 472 206,960 136,746 Operating Transfers Out (516,460) (60,000) (576,460) (290,403) Total operating transfers (309,972) (59,528) (369,500) (153,657) Net Income (256,364) (261) (256,625) (390,230) Add back depreciation on contributed assets 94,474 - 94,474 96,512 (161,890) (261) (162,151) (293,718) Retained Earnings/(Deficit), beginning of year (165,166) (3,363) (168,529) 125,190 Retained Earnings/(Deficit), "^ end of year $ (327,056) $ (3,624) $ (330,680) $ (168,529) The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 83 EXHIBIT E-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES "" Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 Enterprise Funds ,.. Sanitation Utility Operation CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers $ 1,992,439 $ 367,688 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (1,026,720) (280,901) Cash payments to employees for services (450,614) (18,793) NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 515,105 67,994 CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES ... Net borrowings (repayments) for interfund loans 319,181 - Operating transfers in from other funds 206,488 472 Operating transfers out to other funds (516,460) (60,000) NET CASH FLOWS PROVIDED (USED) BY NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES 9,209 (59,528) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from capital lease 9,293 - AM Proceeds from revenue bonds - - Reduction of restricted assets 28,187 - Purchase/construction of fixed assets (452,349) (728) Principal repayments on certificates of ,. obligation (94,733) - Principal repayments on revenue bonds (25,000) - Principal repayments on capital leases (81,397) - Interest and fiscal charges obligations, bonds and capital leases (433,151) - 0" Capital contributions from developers 47,215 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) FOR CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES (1,001,935) (728) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest earned on investments 50,350 1,016 Proceeds from investments 561,377 - Purchase of investments - NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 611,727 1,016 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 134,105 8,754 w CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 163,716 5,870 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 297,822 $ 14,624 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 84 ,,,. 1991 1990 $ 2,360,127 $ 2,144,574 (1,307,621) (1,130,405) (469,407) (414,598) 583,099 599,571 319,181 23,832 206,960 32,092 (576,460) (185,750) (50,319) (129,826) 9,293 - 2,000,000 28,187 - (453,077) (1,881,466) (94,733) - (25,000) (40,000) (81,397) (100,678) """ (433,151) (228,930) 47,215 116,714 (1,002,663) (134,360) 51,366 114,760 561,377 - - (463,011) 612,743 (348,251) 142,860 (12,866) 169,586 182,452 $ 312,446 $ 169,586 (Continued) 85 Aft EXHIBIT E-3 (Continued) CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES w Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO .. NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Enterprise Funds mm Sanitation Utility Operation Operating income (loss) $ 360,945 $ 58,251 Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 505,171 Change in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable (64,099) - Intergovernmental (27,343) - Inventories (4,208) - ^` Prepaid expense (16,300) - Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable (209,195) 852 Accrued liabilities (16,592) 3,217 Due to other funds - 5,674 Payable from restricted assets Customer deposits (13,274) - Total adjustments 154,160 9,743 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ 515,105 $ 67,994 w w w w w The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 86 �., 1991 1990 $ 419,196 $ (29,050) 505,171 448,669 (64,099) 1,359 (27,343) - (4,208) 25,107 (16,300) - (208,343) 141,338 (13,375) 12,148 5,674 - (13,274) - 163,930 628,621 $ 583,099 $ 599,571 87 EXHIBIT E-4 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .. UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 AND 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents S 297,822 $ 163,716 Investments - 561,377 Accounts receivable - net 253,078 188,979 - Intergovernmental receivable 27,343 - Due from other funds - 5,732 Inventories 37,911 33,703 Prepaid expenses 16,298 - Total Current Assets 632,452 953,507 Restricted Assets Cash and cash equivalents 50,551 47,070 .*. Investments 199,148 281,231 Prepaid capital lease payments 160,895 110,480 Total Restricted Assets 410,594 438,781 Fixed Assets Fixed assets - net 7,573,962 7,626,784 Total Fixed Assets 7,573,962 7,626,784 ... TOTAL ASSETS S 8,617,008 $ 9,019,072 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable S 39,192 $ 248,389 .. Accrued liabilities 6,649 23,241 Due to other funds 378,449 65,000 Total Current Liabilities 424,290 336,630 Liabilities payable from restricted assets: Customer deposits 123,159 136,433 Accrued interest payable 37,967 113,433 Capital leases - current 93,872 37,064 Certificates of obligation - current 57,855 15,000 Revenue bond - current 25,000 25,000 Total liabilities payable from restricted assets: 337,853 326,930 Long-Term Liabilities Revenue bonds 630,000 655,000 Capital teases payable 1,747,750 1,913,540 Certificates of obligation 2,069,290 2,170,000 .. Total Long-Term Liabilities 4,447,040 4,738,540 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,209,183 5,402,100 FUND EQUITY Contributed capital 3,734,881 3,782,138 Retained earnings - unreserved (327,056) (165,166) .,.. TOTAL FUND EQUITY 3,407,825 3,616,972 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY S 8,617,008 $ 9,019,072 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 88 EXHIBIT E-5 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) Year Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 OPERATING REVENUES Water sales $ 1,083,080 $ 978,095 Sewer Sales 907,372 776,016 Penalty and interest 40,114 63,167 Tap and reconnect fees 20,109 21,377 Miscellaneous income 19,137 8,350 Total Operating Revenues 2,069,812 1,847,005 Total operating revenues 2,069,812 1,847,005 OPERATING EXPENSES Utility administration 90,125 102,168 Water 548,911 647,931 Wastewater 343,503 422,646 Utility billing 190,707 208,043 Building services 30,450 38,327 Depreciation 505,171 448,669 Total Operating Expenses 1,708,867 1,867,784 Total operating expenses 1,708,867 1,867,784 Operating income 360,945 (20,779) 0.4 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Nonoperating Revenues 50,349 114,453 Nonoperating Expenses (357,685) (322,936) Total Nonoperating revenues (expenses) (307,336) (208,483) Income before operating transfers 53,609 (229,262) OPERATING TRANSFERS Operating Transfers In 206,488 136,746 .... Operating Transfers Out (516,460) (290,403) Total operating transfers (309,972) (153,657) Net Income (256,364) (382,919) Add back depreciation on contributed assets 94,474 96,512 (161,890) (286,407) Retained Earnings/(Deficit), beginning of year (165,166) 121,241 Retained Earnings/(Deficit), end of year $ (327,056) $ (165,166) The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 89 EXHIBIT E-6 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS — Years Ended September 30, 1991, and 1990 1991 1990 ww CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers $ 1,992,439 $ 1,861,498 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (1,026,720) (865,874) Cash payments to employees for services (450,614) (397,387) .. NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 515,105 598,237 CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES w Net borrowings (repayments) for interfund loans 319,181 23,832 Operating transfers in from other funds 206,488 32,092 Operating transfers out to other funds (516,460) (185,750) NET CASH FLOWS PROVIDED (USED) BY w. NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES 9,209 (129,826) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from capital lease 9,293 - — Proceeds from revenue bonds - 2,000,000 Reduction of restricted assets 28,187 - Purchase/construction of fixed assets (452,349) (881,466) Principal repayments on certificates of ..s obligation (94,733) - Principal repayments on revenue bonds (25,000) (40,000) Principal repayments on capital leases (81,397) (100,678) Interest and fiscal charges obligations, bonds w and capital leases (433,151) (228,930) Capital contributions from developers 47,215 116,714 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) FOR CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES (1,001,935) (134,360) w CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest earned on investments 50,350 113,801 Proceeds from investments 561,377 - Purchase of investments - (463,011) w NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 611,727 (349,210) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 134,105 (15,159) ww CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 163,716 (178,875) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 297,822 $ 163,716 w ww ww ww The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral of this statement. 90 „w RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1991 1990 Operating income (loss) $ 360,945 $ (20,778) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 505,171 448,669 Change in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable (64,099) (4,434) Intergovernmental (21,343) - Inventories (4,208) 25,107 Prepaid expense (16,300) - Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable (209,195) 137,525 Accrued liabilities (16,592) 12,148 Due to other funds - - Payable from restricted assets Customer deposits (13,274) - Total adjustments 154,160 619,015 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ 515,105 $ 598,237 *46 91 EXHIBIT E-7 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS w SANITATION ENTERPRISE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS September 30, 1991 AND 1990 1991 1990 ASSETS Current Assets MOMI Cash and cash equivalents $ 14,624 $ 5,870 Accounts 16,128 16,128 Total Current Assets 30,752 21,998 Fixed Assets Fixed assets - net 728 - Total Fixed Assets 728 TOTAL ASSETS $ 31,480 $ 21,998 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES .� Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ 25,010 $ 24,157 Accrued liabilities 4,420 1,203 Due to other funds 5,674 Total Current Liabilities 35,104 25,360 TOTAL LIABILITIES 35,104 25,360 FUND EQUITY Retained earnings - unreserved (3,624) (3,362) TOTAL FUND EQUITY (3,624) (3,362) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 31,480 $ 21,998 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 92 EXHIBIT E-8 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SANITATION ENTERPRISE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) Year Ended September 30, 1991 AND 1990 1991 1990 OPERATING REVENUES Sanitation fees $ 367,688 $ 283,852 • Total Operating Revenues 367,688 283,852 Total operating revenues 367,688 283,852 • OPERATING EXPENSES Sanitation 309,437 292,123 Total Operating Expenses 309,437 292,123 Total operating expenses 309,437 292,123 Operating income 58,251 (8,271) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Nonoperating Revenues 1,016 960 • Total Nonoperating revenues (expenses) 1,016 960 Income before operating transfers 59,267 (7,311) OPERATING TRANSFERS Operating Transfers In 472 - Operating Transfers Out (60,000) - Total operating transfers (59,528) - Net Income (261) (7,311) • Retained Earnings/(Deficit), beginning of year (3,363) 3,948 Retained Earnings/(Deficit), • end of year $ (3,624) $ (3,363) .„,. The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 93 am wpm ow mom (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) w S mom mom mem mmo mom moo ow 94 EXHIBIT E-9 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SANITATION ENTERPRISE FUND STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended September 30, 1991 and 1990 1991 1990 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers $ 367,688 $ 283,076 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (280,901) (264,531) Cash payments to employees for services (18,793) (17,211) NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 67,994 1,334 CASH FLOWS FROM NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Operating transfers in from other funds 472 - Operating transfers out to other funds (60,000)NET CASH FLOWS PROVIDED (USED) BY NON-CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES (59,528) - CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Purchase/construction of fixed assets (728) - - NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) FOR CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES (728) - CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest earned on investments 1,016 959 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 1,016 959 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 8,754 2,293 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 5,870 3,577 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 14,624 $ 5,870 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1991 1990 Operating income (loss) $ 58,251 $ (8,272) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Change in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in assets: Accounts receivable - 5,793 Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Accounts payable 852 3,813 Accrued liabilities 3,217 - �"' Due to other funds 5,674 Total adjustments 9,743 9,606 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ 67,994 $ 1,334 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 95 OM OM OM OM (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) .m a a mm a mm .. a mm mm mm mm mm .. 96 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Trust Funds are used to account for assets held by the government in a trustee capacity Agency funds are used to account for assets held by the government as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments and/or other funds. �,. Police Drug/Crime - To account for monies received and their related use for crime prevention in accordance with state law. Police Training - To account for monies received earmarked for police training. State Court - To account for the state's portion of court fines and fees paid by individuals. Municipal Appearance - To account for monies given as surety for the appearance of an individual at a court hearing. Muni. Court Partial - To account for partial payments of monies given as surety for the appearance of an individual at a court hearing. Deferred Compensation - To account for assets held for employees in accordance with the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 457. MAO 97 EXHIBIT F-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET September 30, 1991 With Comparative Totals for September 30, 1990 ... Police Municipal Drug/Crime Fund Police Training State Court Fund Appearance Bond Fund ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents S 12,030 S - $ 8,179 $ 9,986 Investments - - Due from other funds - - 69 329 "' TOTAL ASSETS $ 12,030 $ - $ 8,248 $ 10,315 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ - $ - $ 429 Due to others - - 8,248 9,886 Due to other funds - TOTAL LIABILITIES - 8,248 10,315 FUND BALANCE .. Fund balance - unreserved 12,030 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 12,030 - - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 12,030 $ - $ 8,248 $ 10,315 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 98 Municipal Deferred Totals Court - Partial Pay. Compensation Fund Current Year Prior Year $ - $ - S 30,195 $ 37,398 6,661 6,661 100,666 398 - S - $ 6,661 $ 37,254 $ 138,064 S - $ - $ 429 $ - 6,661 24,795 118,656 18,401 6,661 25,224 137,057 12,030 1,007 12,030 1,007 - $ 6,661 $ 37,254 $ 138,064 foubft 99 EXHIBIT F-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended September 30, 1991 With Comparative Amounts for Year Ended September 30, 1990 Police Totals +r Drug/Crime Fund Police Training 1991 1990 REVENUESNOM Franchise taxes $ 243 $ - $ 243 $ 35 Interest 1,011 - 1,011 25 Miscellaneous 49,500 - 49,500 - TOTAL REVENUES 50,754 - 50,754 60 EXPENDITURES Current Expenditures '� Public safety Police drug crime fund 9,429 - 9,429 - Total Public safety 9,429 - 9,429 - .. Total Current Expenditures 9,429 - 9,429 - Capital Outlay Public safety '� Police drug crime fund 30,301 - 30,301 - Total Public safety 30,301 - 30,301 - .. Total Capital Outlay 30,301 - 30,301 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39,730 - 39,730 - Excess (deficiency) of revenues over '"" expenditures 11,024 - 11,024 60 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) .... Operating Transfers In 84 - 84 - Operating Transfers Out - (84) (84) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 84 (84) - - ONO Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures and other sources (uses) 11,108 (84) 11,024 60 Fund Balances at beginning of year 922 84 1,006 946 Fund Balances at end of year $ 12,030 $ - $ 12,030 $ 1,006 w w The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 100 EXHIBIT F-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES - ALL AGENCY FUNDS Year Ended September 30, 1991 STATE COURT FUND 10/01/90 Additions Deductions 09/30/91 ASSETS ""°" Cash $ 26,998 $ 33,178 $ 51,997 $ 8,179 Due from other funds - 69 - 69 $ 26,998 $ 33,247 $ 51,997 $ 8,248 _______ LIABILITIES Due to other funds $ 18,401 $ - $ 18,401 $ - Due to others 8,597 33,247 33,596 8,248 $ 26,998 $ 33,247 $ 51,997 $ 8,248 MUNICIPAL APPEARANCE BOND FUND ASSETS Cash $ 9,393 $ 59,362 $ 58,769 $ 9,986 Due from other funds - 329 - 329 $ 9,393 $ 59,691 $ 58,769 $ 10,315 =_""_ LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ 429 $ - $ 429 Due to others 9,393 59,262 58,769 9,886 $ 9,393 $ 59,691 $ 58,769 $ 10,315 MUNICIPAL COURT - PARTIAL PAYMENTS FUND ASSETS Cash $ - $ 18,113 $ 18,113 $ - _LIABILITIES Due to others $ - $ 18,113 $ 18,113 $ - DEFERRED COMPENSATION FUND ASSETS .... Investments $ 100,666 $ 8,749 $ 102,754 $ 6,661 LIABILITIES Due to others $ 100,666 $ 8,749 $ 102,754 $ 6,661 TOTAL ALL AGENCY FUNDS ASSETS -- Cash $ 36,391 $ 110,653 $ 128,879 $ 18,165 Due from other funds - 398 - 398 Investments 100,666 8,749 102,754 6,661 $ 137,057 $ 119,800 $ 231,633 $ 25,224 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ 429 $ - $ 429 Due to other funds 18,401 - 18,401 - ""' Due to others 118,656 119,371 213,232 24,795 $ 137,057 $ 119,800 $ 231,633 $ 25,224 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. m 101 on mm ow .s mom (THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK) mm OM OM WM OM WM rw MM WM rw WM a 102 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP To account for fixed assets not used in proprietary fund operations. .4000 103 EXHIBIT G-1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .. SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY SOURCE September 30, 1991 and 1990 a 1991 1990 m. General fixed assets: Land $655,266 $655,266 Buildings 2,076,719 2,076,719 .„ Improvements other than buildings 3,844,904 3,844,904 Machinery and equipment 2,054,599 1,896,211 Total general fixed assets $8,631,488 $8,473,100 Investment in general fixed assets by source: General fund $1,597,540 $1,479,629 Special revenue funds 200,537 193,911 ., Capital project funds 6,803,110 6,799,560 Trust funds 30,301 - $8,631,488 $8,473,100 wm OM a a a The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. a .A. 104 EXHIBIT G-2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY September 30, 1991 General General Fixed Fixed * Assets Assets 10/01/90 Additions Deductions 09/30/91 General Government: • City council $274,230 $5,001 S- $279,231 City manager 274,940 1,350 - 276,290 • City secretary 206 10,059 - 10,265 Financial services 683,071 835 - 683,906 Municipal court 139,479 655 - 140,134 • Building services - 2,605 - 2,605 Total General Government 1,371,926 20,505 _ 1,392,431 Public Safety: Police 890,034 80,880 - 970,914 Fire 227,981 9,801 - 237,782 Animal control 1,979 4,310 - 6,289 m., Total Public Safety 1,119,994 94,991 _ 1,214,985 Public Works: -- Garage 152,590 1,045 - 153,635 Landfill 44,422 - 44,422 mm Streets and drainage 4,586,018 31,241 _ 4,617,259 Total Public Works 4,783,030 32,286 - 4,815,316 Community Services: Library 360,409 1,917 - 362,326 .„ Parks 622,056 7,275 - 629,331 Total Community Services 982,465 9,192 991,657 • Urban Development Engineering 146,792 - - 146,792 m, Code enforcement 68,893 1,414 - 70,307 Total Urban Development 215,685 1,414 217,099 -- Total General Fixed Assets $8,4�73,100 $158,388 S, $8,631,488 mmana ommm one accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 105 EXHIBIT G-3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .. SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY Year Ended September 30, 1991 .. .. Improvements Machinery Other Than and Function and Activity Land Buildings Buildings Equipment Total .. General Government: City council $50,359 $223,213 $- $5,659 $279,231 a City manager 50,359 223,213 - 2,718 276,290 City secretary - - - 10,265 10,265 Financial services 100,718 446,426 - 136,762 683,906 .., Municipal court 25,179 111,607 3,348 140,134 Building services - - - 2,605 2,605 ... Total General Government 226,615 1,004,459 161,357 1,392,431 Public Safety: ,.. Police 100,718 455,422 - 414,774 970,914 Fire 10,904 43,615 2,000 181,263 237,782 Animal control - - - 6,289 6,289 �" Total Public Safety 111,622 499,037 2,000 602,326 1,214,985 .. Public Works: Garage 25,180 123,197 - 5,258 153,635 Landfill - - - 44,422 44,422 "�"* Streets and drainage 12,589 55,803 3,388,463 1,160,404 4,617,259 Total Public Works 37,769 179,000 3,388,463 1,210,084 4,815,316 .. Community Services: Library 56,703 226,813 33,623 45,187 362,326 .... Parks 184,787 - 420,817 23,727 629,331 Total Community Services 241,490 226,813 454,440 68,914 991,657 0. • Urban Development: Engineering 25,180 111,607 - 10,005 146,792 .A Code enforcement 12,590 55,804 - 1,913 70,307 Total Urban Development 37,770 167,411 - 11,918 217,099 .. Total General Fixed Assets $655,266 $2,076,720 $3,844,903 $2,054,599 $8,631,488 .. a The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. 106 STATISTICAL SECTION Statistical information is different from financial statements in that it usually covers more than one fiscal year and may present non-accounting information. The following tables present social and economic information, financial trends and the fiscal capacity of the government necessary for complete disclosure of the City's financial activity. The information presented in these tables is not required for fair presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and is, therefore, not covered by the auditors' opinion. 107 TABLE 1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Year Ended Total General Public Public Community Urban Debt September 30, Expenditures Government Safety Works Services Development Service 1982 $695,111 $78,646 $344,185 $209,533 $32,333 $3,964 $26,450 1983 769,224 134,300 325,968 207,240 87,111 12,545 2,060 1984 977,250 194,326 352,817 294,677 62,633 44,782 28,015 1985 1,536,009 305,761 421,869 370,159 342,156 77,014 19,050 1986 1,948,803 478,768 609,996 536,930 218,940 85,894 18,275 1987 2,493,134 576,188 900,281 506,407 245,531 95,107 169,620 1988 2,169,876 535,950 826,750 598,906 92,971 90,097 25,202 1989 2,521,664 730,512 739,287 363,165 97,201 101,848 489,651 1990 3,081,300 874,213 966,623 435,651 128,913 189,514 486,386 1991 3,783,300 928,028 1,108,992 664,584 209,092 207,087 665,517 1. General Governmental expenditures include expenditures of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. Other financing uses are not included. Capital outlay expenditures are included in the above totals by functional area. 2. General Government expenditures include the following functional areas: City Council, City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance, Municipal Court, Building Services, Employee Benefit, and Community Room expenditures. 3. Public Safety expenditures include the following functional areas: Police, Warrant Officer, Fire, Emergency Medical Services, and Animal Control. 4. Public Works expenditures include the following functional areas: Streets and Drainage, Garage, and Landfill Improvement. 5. Community Services include the following functional areas: Library and Parks. 6. Urban Development expenditures include the following functional areas: Code Enforcement, Planning and Engineering, and Economic Development. 7. Debt Service includes debt service of the General Fund and Debt Service Fund. 108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I TABLE 2 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Year Ended Total Ad Valorem Sales Franchise Licenses & Intergov- September 30, Revenues Taxes Taxes Taxes Permits ernmental Fees Other 1982 $686,779 $279,486 113,901 $101,067 $10,863 $37,412 $130,905 13,145 1983 841,868 305,744 124,951 129,821 18,975 96,105 143,994 22,278 1984 1,190,089 360,958 182,937 149,007 200,305 49,497 185,830 61,555 1985 1,609,224 476,379 263,604 181,060 133,505 41,540 283,307 229,829 1986 1,676,153 716,198 286,417 225,881 198,006 50,878 166,190 32,583 1987 1,993,058 1,004,102 298,011 237,609 182,029 55,830 181,860 33,617 1988 2,262,794 1,315,912 267,163 286,652 98,144 47,188 174,304 73,431 1989 2,746,561 1,600,023 386,043 351,823 93,911 43,357 202,363 69,041 1990 3,013,554 1,787,116 420,237 312,793 86,713 58,233 242,461 106,001 1991 3,415,961 2,113,500 550,121 342,006 66,369 88,580 165,566 89,819 1. General Revenues include revenues in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. 2. Prior to 1986 Fees includes refuse collection fees. Starting in 1986 this revenue is reflected in the Sanitation Enterprise Fund. 109 TABLE 3 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Current Per Cent of Prior Years' Collections Accumulated Ratio Of Year Ended Adjusted Year Tax Current Levy Taxes Total As % Of Delinquent Delq. Taxes To September 30, Tax Levy Collections Collected Collected Collections Tax Levy Taxes (1) Current Levy 1982 $280,449 $273,269 97.44% $2,618 $275,887 98.37% $10,416 3.71% 1983 304,576 297,023 97.52% 6,742 303,765 99.73% 11,227 3.69% 1984 365,025 355,935 97.51% 2,612 358,547 98.23% 17,705 4.85% 1985 463,573 440,995 95.13% 4,902 445,897 96.19% 35,381 7.63% 1986 737,010 688,279 93.39% 11,731 700,010 94.98% 72,381 9.82% 1987 1,020,671 942,921 92.38% 40,984 983,905 96.40% 109,147 10.69% 1988 1,402,847 1,257,303 89.63% 36,654 1,293,957 92.24% 218,037 15.54% 1989 1,505,264 1,439,401 95.62% 110,163 1,549,564 102.94% 173,737 11.54% 1990 1,694,154 1,597,693 94.31% 119,827 1,717,520 101.38% 150,371 8.88% 1991 2,048,621 1,938,940 94.65% 94,650 2,033,590 99.27% 165,402 8.07% 1. Accumulated delinquent taxes does not include delinquent taxes prior to 1978. 110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I Ii i k TABLE 4 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Assessed Estimated Ratio Of Year Ended Value Actual Assessed Value September 30, Adjusted Value To Actual Value 1982 $58,201,276 $58,201,276 100.00% 1983 64,673,834 64,673,834 100.00% 1984 77,886,891 77,886,891 100.00% 1985 97,096,233 97,096,233 100.00% 1986 150,520,749 150,520,749 100.00% 1987 207,225,145 207,225,145 100.00% 1988 280,569,314 280,569,314 100.00% 1989 293,710,068 293,710,068 100.00% 1990 305,253,014 305,253,014 100.00% 1991 333,109,050 333,109,050 100.00% 1. Starting in 1982, all taxable property was assessed at 100% of actual market value, as required by the Texas Property Tax Code. 111 TABLE 5 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX RATES - DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Wylie Community County City Independent Independent Community Year Ended Of School School Collin College September 30, Wylie District District County District 1982 $0.4800 $0.5300 N/A $0.2900 - 1983 0.4700 0.5200 N/A 0.1450 - 1984 0.4900 0.5300 0.6190 0.1928 - 1985 0.4900 0.7850 0.6190 0.1806 - 1986 0.4900 0.6900 0.6190 0.1529 0.0800 1987 0.4900 0.8900 0.9400 0.1790 0.0800 1988 0.5000 1.0100 1.1000 0.1941 0.0850 1989 0.5125 1.0400 1.1000 0.1982 0.0850 1990 0.5550 1.2700 1.1000 0.2038 0.0850 1991 0.6150 1.4822 1.3422 0.2209 0.0914 1. Source of the above information is representatives of the taxing jurisdictions. 2. Tax rates for Community Independent School District were not available prior to 1984. 3. Although the Community Independent School District is included in the above presentation, less than one percent of the City of Wylie lies within this taxing jurisdiction. 4. Tax rates for County Community College District not available prior to 1986. 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 TABLE 6 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BILLINGS AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Outstanding Ratio Of Outstanding Assessments Collection Assessments Year Ended Beginning Assessments Assessments To Amount End Of September 30, Of Year Added Collected Due Year 1982 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1983 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1984 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1985 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1986 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1987 779,352 0 727,613 93.36% 51,739 1988 51,739 0 45,607 88.15% 6,132 1989 6,132 198,888 83,011 40.49% 122,009 1990 122,009 0 4,854 3.98% 117,155 1991 117,155 0 3,000 2.56% 114,155 1. Source is the City of Wylie records. Information is not available for years prior to 1987. 113 TABLE 7 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) The City of Wylie does not have a legal debt limit prescribed by state law. However, Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution applicable to cities of more than 5,000 population limits the ad valorem tax rate to $2.50 per $100 assessed valuation, for cities operating under a Home Rule Charter. Accordingly, the city's tax margin for the year ended September 30, 1991, was: Maximum rate per $100 valuation $2.500 City of Wylie's 1990-91 rate .615 Margin $1.885 114 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f TABLE 8 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Ratio Net Assessed Gross Less Debt Net General Bonded Net General Year Ended Value Bonded Service Fund Bonded Debt To Assessed Estimated Bonded Debt September 30, (Adjusted) Debt Balance Debt Value Population Per Capita 1982 $58,201,276 $130,000 $35,032 $94,968 0.16% 3,450 $28 1983 64,673,834 120,000 10,820 109,180 0.17% 3,700 30 1984 77,886,891 110,000 11,261 98,739 0.13% 4,100 24 1985 97,096,233 100,000 19,128 80,872 0.08% 5,000 16 1986 150,520,749 1,890,000 26,289 1,863,711 1.24% 7,250 257 1987 207,225,145 1,875,000 7,280 1,867,720 0.90% 8,000 233 1988 280,569,314 3,580,000 2,609 3,577,391 1.28% 8,600 416 1989 293,710,068 3,445,411 23,635 3,421,776 1.17% 8,850 387 1990 305,253,014 4,735,000 7,050 4,727,950 1.55% 9,100 520 1991 333,109,050 6,625,000 71,021 6,553,979 1.97% 9,341 702 1. Gross bonded debt includes general bonded debt in all funds. 115 TABLE 9 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Ratio Of GOB Total Debt Service Interest GOB Total To Total Year Ended Principal & Fiscal Debt Governmental Governmental September 30, Payments Charges Service (1) Expenditures (2) Expenditures 1982 $15,000 $11,450 $26,450 $695,111 3.81% 1983 10,000 10,600 20,600 769,224 2.68% 1984 10,000 9,825 19,825 977,250 2.03% 1985 10,000 9,050 19,050 1,536,009 1.24% 1986 10,000 8,275 18,275 1,948,803 0.94% 1987 15,000 154,620 169,620 2,493,134 6.80% 1988 80,000 158,934 238,934 2,169,876 11.01% 1989 145,000 328,503 473,503 2,521,664 18.78% 1990 200,000 275,792 475,792 3,081,300 15.44% 1991 237,145 422,780 659,925 3,783,300 17.44% 1. Includes only Debt Service Fund expenditures. 2. Includes expenditures of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. 116 1 I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 [ 1 i 1 I 1 t I 1 1 TABLE 10 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMPUTATION OF DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Percentage City Of Of Debt Wylie Net Applicable Share Taxing Body Bonded Debt To City Of Debt City of Wylie $6,625,000 100.00% $6,625,000 Wylie Independent School District 13,150,000 56.47% 7,425,805 Community Independent School District 2,480,000 0.42% 10,416 Collin County 71,594,682 1.57% 1,124,037 Collin County Community College District 54,500,000 1.57% 855.650 Total Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt $16 040,908 Ratio of Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt To Taxable Assessed Valuation 4.82% Per Capita Direct and Overlapping Debt $1,717 1. Sources: Texas Municipal Reports, prepared by the Municipal Advisory Council of Texas. 117 TABLE 11 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REVENUE BOND COVERAGE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Debt Service Net Revenue As Percent Of Available Operating Year Ended Operating Operating For Debt Debt Service Requirements Expense And September 30, Revenue (1) Expense (2) Service Principal Interest Total (3) Coverage Debt Service 1982 $429,982 $404,907 $25,075 $15,000 $53,719 $68,719 0.36 14.51% 1983 429,401 426,102 3,299 15,000 52,819 67,819 0.05 13.73% 1984 558,080 515,869 42,211 15,000 51,919 66,919 0.63 11.48% 1985 824,392 631,347 193,045 15,000 56,029 71,029 2.72 10.11% 1986 1,569,098 983,218 585,880 15,000 68,281 83,281 7.03 7.81% 1987 1,411,022 1,074,260 336,762 15,000 61,576 76,576 4.40 6.65% 1988 1,522,509 1,125,374 397,135 20,000 61,721 81,721 4.86 6.77% 1989 1,696,413 1,220,890 475,523 25,000 60,326 85,326 5.57 6.53% 1990 1,847,005 1,419,115 427,890 25,000 58,606 83,606 5.12 5.56% 1991 2,069,812 1,203,696 866,116 25,000 56,886 81,886 10.58 6.37% 1. Includes total operating revenue of the Utility Enterprise Fund. 2. Includes operating expenses of the Utility Enterprise Fund, less depreciation expense. 3. Debt service requirements comprised of annual principal and interest payments on 1971, 1980, and 1986 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds. 118 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 TABLE 12 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Unemployment Rate Year Ended Estimated Collin City Of Utility Connections School September 30, Population County Wylie Electric Water Gas Enrollment 1982 3,450 4.60% 4.90% N/A 1,131 N/A 1,627 1983 3,700 4.20% 4.50% N/A 1,200 N/A 1,752 1984 4,100 3.00% 3.20% 1,722 1,275 N/A 1,813 1985 5,000 3.80% 4.10% 1,982 1,506 1,578 1,936 1986 7,250 5.50% 5.90% 2,789 2,250 1,549 2,203 1987 8,000 5.80% 6.20% 3,393 2,577 2,328 2,376 1988 8,600 4.70% 5.00% 3,718 2,588 2,332 2,447 1989 8,850 4.70% 5.00% 3,693 2,666 2,300 2,511 1990 9,100 4.80% 5.20% 3,546 2,739 2,280 2,702 1991 9,341 5.80% 6.20% 4,463 3,363 2,092 2,772 1. Population estimate by North Central Texas Council of Governments, as modified by City staff estimates. 2. Unemployment rates from Texas Employment Commission. City of Wylie rates interpolated from Collin County rates based on census data. 3. Utility connections from business office of utility companies. Electric connections not available prior to 1984. Gas connections not available prior to 1985. 119 TABLE 13 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION AND BANK DEPOSITS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Estimated Assessed Building Value Of Year Ended Value Permits Percent Construction Percent Bank Percent September 30, (Adjusted) Issued Change All Permits Change Deposits Change 1982 $58,201,276 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1983 64,673,834 88 N/A N/A N/A $27,753,520 N/A 1984 77,886,891 219 N/A 15,152,481 N/A 29,932,561 7.85% 1985 97,096,233 298 36.07% 15,090,664 (0.41)% 38,039,484 27.08% 1986 150,520,749 413 38.59% 22,900,710 51.75% 40,764,425 7.16% 1987 207,225,145 315 (23.73)% 24,566,695 7.27% 45,390,293 11.35% 1988 280,569,314 110 (65.08)% 16,653,410 (32.21)% 46,276,298 1.95% 1989 293,710,068 165 50.00% 5,693,409 (65.81)% 45,245,350 (2.23)% 1990 305,253,014 208 26.06% 8,474,577 48.85% 49,268,906 8.89% 1991 333,109,050 129 (37.98)% 6,638,080 (21.67)% N/A N/A 1. Construction activity data from City of Wylie records. Not available prior to 1983. 2. Building permits in 1983 for nine months ended September 30, 1983. 3. Bank deposits from banks in Wylie. 4. As a result of takeovers, mergers, and branch banking in Texas' banking industry, bank deposit information for 1991 is not available. 120 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I i i i i 1 i s TABLE 14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Name Of Taxpayer Type Of Business 1991 Taxable Value % of Total Taxable Value 1. Sanden International Manufacturing $31,701,900 9.52% 2. Sanden International (USA) Inc Manufacturing 21,530,842 6.46% 3. Cambridge Income Fund Real Estate/Develop. 8,780,000 2.64% 4. Holland Hitch Of Texas, Inc. Manufacturing 7,403,682 2.22% 5. General Telephone Telephone Utility 4,545,852 1.36% 6. Texas Utilities Electric Electric Utility 4,342,205 1.30% 7. Extruders Div. of Fojtasek Manufacturing 4,067,416 1.22% 8. RDM Development, J.V. Land Development 3,317,500 1.00% 9. Wylie Community Hospital Hospital 3,118,198 0.94% 10. Thirsk, Inc. Land Development 2,691,335 0.81% 11. Ladylike Shop, Inc. Manufacturing 2,286,235 0.69% 12. Lyons Investment Co., Inc. Land Development 2,256,925 0.68% 13. Alumet Corporation Land Development 2,023,980 0.61% 14. Ten Gallon Land Company Land Development 1,695,526 0.51% 15. Amwest Savings Association Land Development 1,510,951 0.45% 16. Melvin K. St. John Land Development 1,380,000 0.41% 17. Karan Associates Nursing Home 1,335,458 0.40% 18. Centennial Homes, Inc. Land Development 1,279,923 0.38% 19. First State Bank Wylie Banking Services 1,449,486 0.44% 20. HCW, Inc. Health Care 1,199,592 0.36% Total Taxable Value of 20 Largest Taxpayers 107,917,006 32.40% Total Taxable Value of Other Taxpayers 225,192,044 67.60% Total Taxable Value $333,109,050 100.00% 1. Source: Central Appraisal District of Collin County. 121 TABLE 15 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Date of Incorporation: 1887 Date Home Rule Charter Adopted: January 19, 1985 Form of Government: Council-Manager Area - Square Miles 29.65 29.65 Municipal water plant: Collin City of Miles of street: Customers 3,363 Employment Data (1): County Wylie Improved 35.20 Avg. daily consumption (gal.) 961,451 Civilian labor force 121,373 2,554 Unimproved 5.00 Miles of water main 51 Employed 114,317 2,396 Fire hydrants 235 Unemployed 7,056 158 Miles of sanitary sewer 74.30 Rate of unemployment 5.80% 6.20% City employees: Building permits (1990-91): Full time 64 Education-Wylie I.S.D. (2): Permits issued 129 Part time/seasonal 11 Campuses in Wylie 5 Value S6,638,080 Classroom teachers 176 Fire protection: Students enrolled 2,772 Police protection: Stations 2 Average daily attendance 2,457 Employees (regular) 19 Employees (volunteer) 27 Employees (futltime) 1 Recreation: Registered voters (est.) 3,924 Parks 4 Estimated population 9,341 Acres 52.3 1. Employment data from Texas Employment Commission. City of Wylie data interpolated from Collin County data. 2. Education data from office of the superintendent, Wylie Independent School District. 3. All other data from City of Wylie records. 122 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 it TABLE 16 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS LARGEST WATER UTILITY CUSTOMERS SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Water Consumption Name of Customer Type of Business (In Gallons) 1. Sanden International Inc. Manufacturing 49,332,007 2. Nortex Nursery Plant, tree nursery 9,590,000 3. Rustic Oak Apartments Apartment Complex 8,050,709 4. Wylie Butane Park Mobile Home Park 7,826,750 5. Physicians Regional Hospital Community Hospital 7,204,500 6. Wylie Independent School District Educational Facilities 7,059,249 7. Glen Knoll Park Mobile Home Park 6,760,500 8. Southfork Park Mobile Home Park 5,903,300 9. Oklahoma Animal By-products Inc. Meat and Animal Processing 5,595,100 10. Lakeside Village Apartments Apartment Complex 4.205,870 Total Water Consumption - Ten Largest Customers 111,527,985 Total Water Consumption - Other Customers 239,401,727 Total Water Consumption - All Customers 350.929,712 1. Source: City of Wylie utility records. 123 TABLE 17 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF WATER AND SEWER RATES SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Rates for Water Service: For all customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas: Monthly minimum charge (first 1,000 thousand gallons of metered water consumption) $4.84 Volume charge for consumption of 1,001 to 2,000 gallons per month (per 1,000 gallons) 1.82 Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 2,000 gallons per month (per 1,000 gallons) 2.55 Rates for Sewer Service: For residential customers: Monthly minimum charge (first 1,000 thousand gallons of metered water consumption) 10.00 Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons per month (per 1,000 gallons) 1.45 Maximum monthly charge of $30.30 Plus: Wastewater treatment plant pass-through charge per month for consumption exceeding 2000 gallons 2.31 For non-residential customers: Monthly minimum charge of $14.00, with no maximum monthly charge. Plus: Wastewater treatment plant Pass-through charge per month 4.81 1. Source: City of Wylie utility records. 124 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 18 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 (Unaudited) Coverage Period Underwriter Policy No. From To Policy Type Coverage Amount Annual Premium 1. Union Ins. Co. DP0930164 05/03/91 05/03/92 Computer $90,000 $1,054 2. Tudor Ins. Co. P158538 07/11/91 07/11/92 Public Officials liability $1,000,000 $6,315 3. Hartford Ins. Co. 46SR234389 03/30/91 03/30/92 Police Reserve Accident $10,000 $310 4. Lawyers Surety Gp. POB-0819706 09/30/90 09/30/93 Tax Collector Bond $50,000 S675 5. Amer. States Ins. Co. EX-801-004 05/03/91 05/03/94 Public Officials Bond $250,000 $2,667 6. Amer. States Ins. Co. EX-707892 05/03/91 05/03/94 Employee Blanket Bond $100,000 $1,675 7. Union Ins. Co. TA232-4350 03/22/91 03/22/92 Vehicle Coverage $250,000/500,000/100,000 $22,666 8. Union Stan. Ins. Co. IM026-2682 10/01/91 10/01/92 Equipment Floater $306,750 $3,528 9. Union Stan. Ins. Co. TP170-3824 04/14/91 04/14/92 General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $21,582 $2,000,000 aggregate Fire Coverage-Buildings/Contents $3,578,000 $7,614 Valuable Papers/Records $200,000 $90 10. Hartford Ins. Co. 46UP530573 04/15/91 04/15/92 Vol. Firemen-Accident Death/Med. $100,000/$50,000 $2,991 11. National Casualty Co. PL200355 04/14/91 04/14/92 Police Professional Liability $1,000,000 $14,961 12. TML Risk A05345 10/01/91 10/01/92 Workers Compensation Meets State requirements $104,348 13. Cigna Health CHP-1021074 02/01/91 02/02/91 Employee Group Insurance Health $124,420 14. Cigna Dental TX 1197 02/01/91 02/02/91 Employee Group Insurance Dental $8,648 15. LINA GL-16245 02/01/91 02/02/91 Employee Group Insurance Life and added $17,977 125