02-11-1992 (City Council) Agenda Packet POSTED: Friday, Feb. 7, 1992 AT: 4:00 PM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 7:00 PM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 , 1992 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 SH 78 N CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Rev. Jerry North, Assembley of God Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . 1-8 Consider approval of minutes for meetings held on December 28, 1991, January 14, January 21 and January 25, 1992. 2. 9-17 Consider approval of Ordinance Presenting Amendments to Home Rule Charter; and Notice and Order calling for May 2, 1992 Election for Mayor and Council Place 2, Place 4 and Place 6. 3. 18 Consider approval of Memorandum of • Employment agreement with Steven P. Norwood. • 4. 19-21 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on barricade located in first alley east of the intersection of Hilltop and Butler Streets . 5. Consider action regarding barricade located in first alley east of the intersection of Hilltop and Butler Streets . 6. 22-24 Consider approval of pay estimate No. 1, in the amount of $29,735.00 directly related to the approved contract for the closure of the landfill . 7. 25-26 Consider approval of Invoice NO. 03- 028906-001 in the amount of $2,314.27 for December 1991 services , Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling. 8. 27-28 Consider approval of refund for overpayment of taxes by Franklin First Federal Savings Bank in the amount of S1 .551 .64 and to Chevy Chase FadPral ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 12. 45 Consider interlocal agreement with the City of Royse City with regard to the use of the City of Wylie's BOMAG Bituminous Grinder with operator. 13. Consider request from Senator Ted Lyons for use of the Council Chambers to hold a public forum. 14. Discuss street program for Summer 1992 . 15. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION In accordance with the Open Meeting Act , the City Council will hear comments of Public Interest from citizens residing within the City limits of the City of Wylie . Any discussion must be limited to placing an item on a future agenda for consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before the Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chamber and will limit their remarks to no more than five (5) minutes . 16. ADJOURN NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 PM on the //7.L day of\„� j/ 7 e, ' 199 2, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N in the City of Wylie, Texas , for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. 1 (-11) Car yn J nes , City Secretary � � POSTED THIS THE DAY OF , 1994 AT SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 28 , 1991 The City of Wylie City Council met in special session on Saturday , December 28 , 1991 at 8 : 00 A.M . in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Jim Swartz , Don Hughes , Ortie Messenger , and William Martin . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones , City Attorney Steve Deiter , City Engineer Paul Beaver , and Secretary Barbara LeCocq . CONSIDER AWARD OF BID FOR CONTRACT TO CLOSE WYLIE MUNICIPAL LANDFILL: The bid from Randall and Blake had a calculation error which was in our favor . $ 172 , 692 . 50 is the actual amount of the bid . Councilman Hughes made a motion that we accept the City Engineer' s recommendation and approve the bid from Randall and Blake for $ 172 , 692 . 50 . Seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Davis . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , and Councilman Messenger - in favor . The motion carried with six in favor . DISCUSS DRAINAGE CHANNEL IN RUSTIC OAKS SUBDIVISION: This item was for discussion only. Council asked the City Engineer to bring back possible solutions to this problem at the next council meeting . RECESS OPEN MEETING RECESSED REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AND CONVENED COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE 6252-17 V .A.C.S , SECTION 2 , PARAGRAPH "G" PERSONNEL MATTERS - FIRST INTERVIEW SESSION WITH APPLICANTS FOR CITY MANAGER POSITION AND EVALUATION OF CITY ATTORNEY : RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Action from the executive session is as follows : Jim Swartz made a motion that four applicants be selected to come back for a second interview after thorough background investigations . They are Ken Evans , Don Taylor , Jack Cummings and Steve Norwood . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , and Councilman Messenger - in favor . The motion carried with six in favor . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn . CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , January 14 , 1992 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger and William Martin . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones , City Attorney Steve Deiter , City Engineer Paul Beaver , Finance Director Brady Snellgrove , and Secretary Barbara LeCocq . Reverend Don Yeager from the Wylie United Methodist Church delivered the invocation . Councilman Jim Swartz led the Pledge of Allegiance . The Mayor announced that a memorial fund had been set up for Miranda Gartman , the 5 1/2 year old Wylie girl who was killed in a car accident . Anyone wishing to donate could do so at this time . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 28 , 1991 : There being no additions or deletions Councilman Hughes made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSENT AGENDA Consider approval of payment of Invoice No . 9188 in the amount of $5 , 940 . 72 to Helmberger Associates for services rendered through 12/ 16/91 in connection with closure plan for the Wylie Municipal Landfill . Consider approval of payment of Invoice NO . 03-028905- 003 in the amount of $3 , 856 . 80 to Jones & Neuse for November 1991 services - Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling . Consider approval of payment request in the amount of $4 , 000 to Lane & Associates for appraisal services for R. O.W. for Alanis Road . Consider approval of Computer Software Request for Proposal (RFP) . Consider authorization to seek bids for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal . Consider award of hid fnr Annual Mnt . r A„o � r .,*. It was recommended that Staff negotiate with BFI for a one year contract extension , with a pilot recycling program, and a rate reduction . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS, AS SUBMITTED BY THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE TO BE PLACED ON THE MAY ELECTION BALLOT. EACH AMENDMENT TO BE VOTED ON SEPARATELY IF PLACED ON THE BALLOT: The Charter Review Committee presented the proposed charter amendments ( see attached pages at back of minutes) . Steve Wright , 406 E. Stone St , Wylie , Texas addressed the Council on this issue . Councilman Hughes made a motion that the proposed amendments be placed on the May 1992 ballot predicated upon the fact that there are not conflicts when a thorough review is done by the City Attorney . Mayor Pro-Tem Davis seconded the motion . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AMENDED ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN PUBLIC PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES: Mayor Akin stated that the City Attorney had prepared this ordinance . Councilman Simmons made a motion that we adopt this ordinance , seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Davis . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER CITY'S OPTIONS FOR SPRINGCREEK WATER LINE EXTENSION (ARMORY PROJECT) : City Engineer Paul Beaver presented the facts and options on this issue . John Fitzpatrick objects to our supplying water in their area , Northeast Wylie Water Supply Corporation . Northeast Wylie Water Supply does not provide any sewer service and will require the Armory to run a line to their last point of service for water . Council Hughes asked if we were obligated to provide service to them since this was in our ETJ . The Armory desires the City of Wylie to provide their water and sewer service . This was a discussion item only , no action taken . CONSIDER ANY ACTION TO BE TAKEN WITH REGARD TO THE BRIDGE ON THOMAS STREET, AND THE EXTENSION OF PIRATE DRIVE: Council discussed with the Public Works Director and the Public Works Superintendent the various options for this item . Councilman Simmons made a motion that we go with the extension of Pirate Drive between Hilltop and Thomas , and that we go with the asphalt overlay proposal . Councilman Messenger seconded the motion . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER OPTIONS REGARDING REPAIR TO RUSH CREEK DRAINAGE DITCH: The drainage ditch in discussion is the one in Rustic Oaks . There was a typo on the agenda . Councilman Messenger made a motion that we go with Option 1 which is sodding at an approximate cost of $20 , 000 . 00_ which includes bringing in dirt . Councilman Swartz seconded the motion . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS NOVEMBER, 1991 CITY OF WYLIE FINANCIAL REPORT, AS PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPT: Finance Director gave the financial report . The Mayor asked to see what kind of CD' s we have . Councilman Simmons asked how much trouble to see what checks we issue each month . This was a discussion item only - no action taken . DISCUSS UPDATE ON REVENUES RECEIVED FROM COMMUNITY PARK ACTIVITIES FOR 1991 : The Park and Recreation Director answered questions on this report . Councilman Swartz wanted to know where the money went that we collected . This was a discussion item only - no action taken . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin stated those wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and state their name and address for the records and to keep their comments within five minutes . In accordance with the Open Meeting Act , the Council will hear comments of public interest , but any discussion shall be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration . No Participation RECESS OPEN MEETING: CONVENE COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE 6252-17 V .A.C.S . , SECTION 2 , PARAGRAPH "e" FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONFERRING WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING THE CLOSURE OF THE MUNICIPAL LANDFILL AND ACQUISITION OF R. O.W. FOR ALANIS ROAD. RECONVENE COUNCIL INTO OPEN SESSION: No action was taken . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn . John W. Akin , Mayor CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 21 , 1992 • The City of Wylie City Council met in called session on Tuesday , January 21 , 1992 at 6 : 30 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger and William Martin . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones , City Attorney Steve Defter , Brady Snellgrove , and Secretary Barbara LeCocq . RECESS OPEN MEETING CONVENE COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE 6252-17 V.A.C.S . , SECTION 2 , PARAGRAPH "g" PERSONNEL MATTERS — "REVIEW APPLICANTS BACKGROUND REPORTS FOR POSITION OF CITY MANAGER" . RECONVENE COUNCIL INTO OPEN SESSION: No action was taken . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Barbara LeCocq , Secretary CALLED JOINT WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL , PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC. MINUTES January 21 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in a joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . on Tuesday , January 21 , 1992 at 7 : 30 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger and William Martin . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones , City Attorney Steve Deiter , City Engineer Paul Beaver , Building Official Rick Herzberger , and Secretary Barbara LeCocq . Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and members of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . PRESENTATION AND REVIEW BY CITY ATTORNEY ON WORDING OF PROPOSED HOME RULE CHARTER AMENDMENTS: City Attorney , Steve Deiter gave his presentation . This was a discussion item only - no action taken . DISCUSS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND ENHANCEMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WYLIE: Jim Smith , President of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . made a presentation on how far they have come in developing their plan for economic development . Mr . Smith told the Council that he felt they had progressed enough that they needed a part time Executive Director and that they had received three unsolicited resumes for this position . He felt that they needed to be able to tell a prospective client what they could do/what the City could do for them as far as tax abatements , impact fees , etc . We need to tell the prospect why he should come to Wylie . Our base tax rate is the highest in Collin County . Councilman Simmons made a presentation on tax rate comparisons and water and sewer rate comparisons . Robert Flint , Planning and Zoning Chairman pointed an observation he had made about the Duncan Area Development Corporation . Councilman Simmons talked about the referrals from the Small Business Administration ( SBA) . Building Official Rick Herzberger presented his view that Impact fees were important to the infrastructure of the City and other pros and cons of the Impact fee . Councilman Simmons presented copies of "Not In My Backyard" that he had received from Washington . City Attorney Deiter made a presentation on the legality of a moratorium on impact fees . Gilbert Welch gave his view on the moratorium on impact fees . Brady Snellgrove presented some views . Councilman Simmonb presented his ideals on Leadership Awards , Citizen Awards and Employee Awards . Jim Smith , President of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . invited the Council to attend their called meeting on February 28 , 1992 . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Barbara LeCocq , Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 25 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in special session on Saturday, January 25 , 1992 at 9 : 00 A.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Jim Swartz , Don Hughes , Ortie Messenger , and William Martin . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones , and City Attorney Steve Deiter , RECESS OPEN MEETING RECESSED REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AND CONVENED COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF ARTICLE 6252-17 V.A.C.S , SECTION 2 , PARAGRAPH "G" PERSONNEL MATTERS - " INTERVIEW APPLICANTS FOR POSITION OF CITY MANAGER" : RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Open meeting was reconvened at 2 : 20 p .m . Mayor Pro-Tem Davis made a motion to offer City Manager job to Steven P . Norwood for $50 , 000 salary, $300 . 00 a month car allowance , and standard employee benefits . Motion was seconded by Ortie Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro-Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger in favor and Councilman Simmons in favor . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn . Meeting adjourned at 2: 30 p .m . on January 25 , 1992 . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Barbara LeCocq , Secretary ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , ORDERING THAT PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY'S QUALIFIED VOTERS ; ORDERING AN ELECTION FOR SUCH PURPOSES TO BE HELD ON THE SECOND DAY OF MAY , 1992 , IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S ANNUAL ELECTION, TO DECIDE WHICH OF SAID AMENDMENTS SHALL BE APPROVED; WITH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS BEING SET FORTH IN TEN SEPARATE PROPOSITIONS TO SECTIONS OF THE WYLIE CITY CHARTER; SECTIONS 8 AND 15 OF ARTICLE 3 , SECTION 1 PARAGRAPH D OF ARTICLE 4 , SECTION 1 PARAGRAPH E IN SECTION 7 OF ARTICLE 4 , SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE 5 , AND TWO SEPARATE PORTIONS OF SECTION 2 IN ARTICLE 5 , TWO SEPARATE PORTIONS OF SECTION 8 OF ARTICLE 7 , SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE 8 AND SECTION 14 OF ARTICLE 11 ; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES FOR THE ELECTION ; AND ORDERING NOTICES OF ELECTIONS TO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . WHEREAS , the City Council has received recommendations from its Charter Review Committee requesting certain amendments to the Wylie City Charter ; and , WHEREAS , the Wylie City Charter in Section 26 of Article 11 allows for such amendments as does Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code ; and , WHEREAS , the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments should be submitted to the qualified voters for approval at the time of the May 2 , 1992 General City Election ; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS , as follows : 1 . An election is hereby ordered to be held in conjunction with the City' s annual General Election , in and throughout the City of Wylie , Texas , on Saturday , the 2nd day of May , 1992 , between the hours of 7 : 00 a .m . and 7 : 00 p .m . , said date being the first authorized uniform election date prescribed by the Texas Election Code that allows sufficient time to comply with other requirements of law occurring on or after 30 days subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance ; at which time there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Wylie the following propositions for amendment to the Charter of the City of Wylie , Texas : Proposition No . 1 : Shall Article 3 , Sections 8 and 15 of the City Charter be amended to prevent. the City Council , or its members , from making inquiry of City Officers and emnlnvaac mhn n,. - - Proposition No . 4 : Shall Article 5 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide regular city elections will be held annually in accordance with the Texas Election Code? Proposition No . 5 : Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be amended to prevent a person from holding an elective office with the City from filing for another elective office without resigning their current office? Proposition No . 6 : Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be further amended to require a candidate for elective office to file a petition signed by the greater of twenty-five persons or the number of persons equal to one- half of one percent of the votes cast for the Mayor in the Mayoral general election? Proposition No . 7 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 , paragraph "B" of the City Charter be amended to specifically provide for the authority to issue Certificates of Obligations and provide notice and procedure therefore in accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code? Proposition No . 8 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 of the City Charter be amended to provide that no bonds , or in the event sufficient protest is received certificates of obligation shall be issued without an election? Proposition No . 9 : Shall Article 8 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide a limitation against an individual simultaneously serving on more than two appointive boards or one appointive board if it is the Planning and Zoning Commission? Proposition No . 10 : Shall Article 11 , Section 14 of the City Charter be amended to provide the words "in arrears " , as used in this section to have the same meaning as defined in Article 5 , Section 2 of the Charter ? 2 . The ballots for said election shall be prepared by the City Secretary in conformity with the requirements of the Texas Election Code , shall be substantial as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference . 3 . The location of the polling places for such elections shall be the first United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall and the Southfork Mobile Home Park, Clubhouse . 4 . Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each week day at 2000 Highway 78 North , Wylie , Texas in the City Secretary' s office of the Municipal Complex , between the hours of 8 : 00 a .m. and 5 : 00 p .m . beginning on the 13th day of April , 1992 and ending on the 28th day of April , 1992 , and such additional early voting as the City Secretary may hereafter prescribe in accordance with the Texas Election Code . Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to : Carolyn Jones_ City Sprratary DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , this day of February , 1992 . City of Wylie , Texas BY John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P . Deiter , City Attorney NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION To the Registered Voters of the City of Wylie, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7 : 00 A. M. to 7 : 00 P . M. on May 2 , 1992 for voting in a general election for Mayor and Three Council Members ,-- Place 2 , Place 4 , and Place 6 and Ten (10) Propositions as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 : Shall Article 3 , Sections 8 and 15 of the City Charter be amended to prevent the City Council , or its members , from making inquiry of City Officers and employees who are under the direction of the City Manager , except for the purposes of investigation as otherwise provided in the Charter? PROPOSITION NO. 2 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "D" of the City Charter be amended to provide that no member of the City Council shall serve as Acting City Manager? PROPOSITION NO. 3 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "E" and Article 4 , Section 7 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the City Manager has the power to appoint and remove all City employees not appointed by the City Council including department heads , without the approval or review of the City Council? PROPOSITON NO. 4 : Shall Article 5 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide regular city elections will be held annually in accordance with teh Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION NO. 5: Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be amended to prevent a person from holding an elective office with the City from filing for another • elective office without resigning their current office? PROPOSITION NO. 6 : Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be further amended to require a candidate for elective office to file a petition signed by the greater of twenty-five persons or the number of persons equal to one- half of one percent of the votes cast for the Mayor in the Mayoral general election? PROPOSITION NO. 7 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 , paragraph "B" of the City Charter be amended to specifically provide for the authority to issue Certificates of Obligations and provide notice and procedure thereforein accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code? PROPOSITION NO. 8 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 of the City Charter be amended to provide that no bonds, or in the event sufficient protest is received, certificates of obligation shall be issued without an election? PROPOSITION NO. 9 : Shall Article 8 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide a limitation against an individual simultaneously serving on more than two annnintiuo hnarric nr nnc r 2 _ al Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 2000 Highway 78 North, City Hall in the City Secretary' s Office between the hours of 8 :00 A. M. and 5 :00 P. M. beginning on April 13 , 1992 and ending on April 28 , 1992 . Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary Early Voting Clerk P 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 24 , 1992 . Issued this the llth day of February, 1992 . John W. Akin , Mayor ORDER OF ELECTION FOR MUNICIPALITIES An election is hereby ordered to be held on May 2 , 1992 for the purpose of : ELECTION OF A MAYOR AND THREE (3 ) COUNCIL MEMBERS; PLACE 2 , PLACE 4 AND PLACE 6 AND TEN (10 ) PROPOSITION AS FOLLOWS : PROPOSITION NO. 1 : Shall Article 3 , Sections 8 and 15 of the City Charter be amended to prevent the City Council , or its members, from making inquiry of City Officers and employees who are under the direction of the City Manager , except for the purposes of investigation as otherwise provided in the Charter? PROPOSITION NO. 2 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "D" of the City Charter be amended to provide that no member of the City Council shall serve as Acting City Manager? PROPOSITION NO. 3 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "E" and Article 4 , Section 7 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the City Manager has the power to appoint and remove all City employees not appointed by the City Council including department heads , without the approval or review of the City Council? PROPOSITON NO. 4 : Shall Article 5 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide regular city elections will be held annually in accordance with teh Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION NO. 5: Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be amended to prevent a person from holding an elective office with the City from filing for another elective office without resigning their current office? PROPOSITION NO. 6 : Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be further amended to require a candidate for elective office to file a petition signed by the greater of twenty-five persons or the number of persons equal to one- half of one percent of the votes cast for the Mayor in the Mayoral general election? PROPOSITION NO. 7 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 , paragraph "B" of the City Charter be amended to specifically provide for the authority to issue Certificates of Obligations and provide notice and procedure thereforein accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code? PROPOSITION NO. 8 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 of the City Charter be amended to provide that no bonds , or in the event sufficient protest is received , certificates of obligation shall be issued without an election? Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas, between the hours of 8: 00 A . M. and 5 : 00 P . M. beginning on April 13 , 1992 and ending on April 28 , 1992 . Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Early Voting Clerk P 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 24 , 1992 . Issued this the llth day of February 1992 . John W. Akin , Mayor ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL EARLY VOTING • For the General Election for Mayor and Three Council Members , Place 2 , Place 4 and Place 6 and Ten (10) Proposition as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 : Shall Article 3 , Sections 8 and 15 of the City Charter be amended to prevent the City Council , or its members, from making inquiry of City Officers and employees who are under the direction of the City Manager, except for the purposes of investigation as otherwise provided in the Charter? PROPOSITION NO. 2 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "D" of the City Charter be amended to provide that no member of the City Council shall serve as Acting City Manager? PROPOSITION NO. 3 : Shall Article 4 , Section 1 , paragraph "E" and Article 4 , Section 7 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the City Manager has the power to appoint and remove all City employees not appointed by the City Council including department heads , without the approval or review of the City Council? PROPOSITON NO. 4 : Shall Article 5 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide regular city elections will be held annually in accordance with teh Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION NO. 5 : Shall Article 5 , Section 2 of the City Charter be amended to prevent a person from holding an elective office with the City from filing for another elective office without resigning their current office? PROPOSITION NO. 6 : Shall Article 5, Section 2 of the City Charter be further amended to require a candidate for elective office to file a petition signed by the greater of twenty-five persons or the number of persons equal to one- half of one percent of the votes cast for the Mayor in the Mayoral general election? PROPOSITION NO. 7 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 , paragraph "B" of the City Charter be amended to specifically provide for the authority to issue Certificates of Obligations and provide notice and procedure thereforein accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code? PROPOSITION NO. 8 : Shall Article 7 , Section 8 of the City Charter be amended to provide that no bonds, or in the event sufficient protest is received, certificates of obligation shall be issued without an election? PROPOSITION NO. 9 : Shall Article 8 , Section 1 of the City Charter be amended to provide a limitation against an individual simultaneously serving on more than two appointive boards or one appointive board if it is the Planning and Zoning Commission? PROPOSITION NO. 10 : Shall Article 11 , Section 14 of the City Charter be amended to provide the words " in arrears" , as used in this section to have the same meading as defined in Article 5 , Section 2 of the Charter? to be held on May 2 , 1992 additional Early Voting will be held as follows : Location Date Hours Municipal Complex April 20 , 1992 5 P M - 8 P M and 2000 Hwy. 78 N. April 27 , 1992 5 P M - 8 P M Issued this the 11th day of February, 1992 . Carolyn Jones , City Secretary Election Administrator MEMORANDUM OF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT , of employment between Steven P. Norwood , herein referred to as Manager and the City of Wylie , Texas , herein referred to as City . WITNESSETH : WHEREAS , the City has extended a job offer to Manager and Manager has accepted the said offer of employment ; and WHEREAS , parties desire to make a written memorandum evidencing the primary terms of the employment agreement ; NOW, THEREFORE , the parties acknowledge and agree that that City has hired Manager as its City Manager and Manager has accepted such employment on the following general terms and conditions : 1 . Manager' s annual base salary shall be $ 50 , 000 per year . In addition to the base salary the Manager shall receive deferred compensation in the amount of 5% of such annual base salary . 2 . In addition to the compensation provided in the preceding paragraph Manager shall receive a car allowance in the amount of $ 300 . 00 per month and all other standard benefits for City employees . 3 . City shall pay Manager the sum of $ 1 , 000 dollars for moving expenses which shall be payable subsequent to actual commencement of employment with the City . I . Manager will begin full time employment duties on or before the 17th day of February , 1992 . 5 . The City will evaluate Manager' s job performance on or about the 17th day of August , 1992 ; provided , however that such evaluation shall be for performance review only and Manager shall not receive consideration for salary or benefit increase until the first anniversary date of his employment . 6 . Manager shall be entitled to five ( 5 ) additional personal leave days per year over the standard 22 days as currently provided to new employees in the Personnel Regulations . This shall have the effect of Manager' s accruing personal leave days at the rate of 8 . 31 days per pay period ; and he shall not be prohibited from using any personal leave days , as earned , within his initial ninety ( 90) days of employment . 7 . In the event the City shall terminate Manager' s employment he shall receive severance pay equal to one—fourth of his then annual base salary . 8 . This agreement is not meant to be a comprehensive employment agreement between the parties and therefore it does not necessarily speak to all details of the positions such as job description and related matters but is strictly limited to the matters hereinabove expressed . i e CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY. 78N. -P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 TO : The Addressed Residents or Property Owners NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Wylie City of Council will hold a public hearing at 7 : 00 p .m . on the 11th day of February , 1991 , to receive comments and input concerning the closure of approximately 110 feet of that certain alley described as follows : First alley east of the intersection of Hilltop and Butler Streets extending South from Butler Street , being more specifically described as lying between the West edge of Lot 11 in Wylwood Addition #14 and the East edge of Lots 20 and 21 in Block 3 of Bostic addition , all in the City of Wylie , Collin County , Texas . Immediately following the hearing the Council will consider taking formal action to close the described portion of the aforesaid alley or opening the alley by removing the existing barricade . This notice is being sent to you as a resident and/or property owner who may be affected by the Council' s action concerning the alley . It does not require any response or action on your part . However , should you desire to address the Council on this matter you should appear at the meeting or submit comments to the City Secretary at the above address prior to the time and date of the hearing . Anyone desiring to address the Council at the meeting should sign the appropriate sheet located in the rear of the Council Chambers and present the signed sheet to the City Secretary prior to the commencing of the meeting . You will receive no further notices concerning this issue . All interested persons should govern themselves accordingly . Dated this 24th day of January , 1991 . Carol n s , ity Secretary from the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association requesting the Council to accept dedication of the ornamental downtown street lamps . Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to approve dedication of ornamental downtown street lamps . Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion - carries with all in favor . DECISION TQ NOT SEND OUT TAX STATEMENTS IN AMOUNTS LESSTHAN . $5 .00: This request is to not send out tax statements for amounts less than $5 .00 , because the cost of postage , handling, etc. is generally considered to be more than the actual revenue gained . Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to grant authority to the city staff not to send out tax statements in amounts less than $5. 00 . Seconded by Councilman Westerhof. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION OF DELETION OF PROPERTY OWNERS OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS FROM TAX ROLL: Each year there are property owners outside the City limits who are inadvertently included in the City' s tax rolls . The City Tax Assessor/Collector needs 1 your authorization to delete these names from the roll . Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to delete the property l}}�}owners outside the City Limits from the tax roll . Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor q\) Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor ,- \ Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR ALLEY BETWEEN WOODHOLLOW CT. AND BUTLER7.1c-- CIRCLE : When the city staff sent out questionnaires to the adjacent property owners , the City was thinking in terms of � speed limits, speed bumps , or a one way designation. The majority of the replies wanted the alley barricaded at one _ end to eliminate through traffic. The city staff has written to the City Attorney asking if that is legally an c• c- option, he has advised us that there are certain steps and C1 procedures that must be followed . If it is the Councils --%-"K 30 • decision to solve the problem in that manner, then the staff will proceed with whatever steps are necessary. Councilman Westerhof does not believe that speed bumps would sloI- the traffic down. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to block off the alley way at Butler Circle. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. • CONSIDER SETTING DATE FOR JOINT WORKSHOP WITH ST. PAUL RELATIVE TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT AGREEMENT: For some time there have been discussions between the cities of Wylie and St. Paul for a wastewater treatment agreement . This week, ALLEYWAY: This barricade was put in place in 1986 as a temporary solution to thru traffic in this alleyway and to control speeders. Mr. Joe Davis 304 Briarwood said he had the residents sign the map that staff sent out in the letters to each home owner. These citizens are wanting to leave the barricade up. Out of thirty-three residents affected, the poll of (' _ those contacted there were 19 to leave up the barricade and 3 to take it down. The amount of traffic and the speed is _ unbelievable. This serves as an access road when it is open, it also serves for high school students to beat the- C'+ ,c:›Q traffic on Hilltop Street. The Council did vote on closing this alley and it has made it a safer place. The Council can choose to be convenient or safe for the citizens. Mr. Brian Chaney 306 Briarwood, stated some of his concerns were when this was originally brought up for development Butler Circle was to go through to Akin Lane, when it started development, Butler Circle became a cul-de-sac not a thru street. The traffic involved is great and you can not see around the fences. Mr. Kerry Weeks 308 Briarwood, said it was a very bias survey, as no one asked me my opinion. At lot 7, the alley ends and becomes a dirt alley. I feel Council does not send out letters on every item on the agendas. When I go out to Park Street, I have a Frito Lay truck or a boat in the way of traffic. All I want is a way to come and go without being inconvenience. This is over kill with putting a barricade up. Alley on Woodhollow Ct. is in very bad condition. When I go to sell my house and the property value is down the City will find themselves in litigation. Mr. Collinsworth 508 Woodhollow, we moved in 1988 and the barricade was already up, I believe it should remain up. Mrs. Debbie Gove 304 Woodhollow stated we moved in after the barricade and we moved in because it was there. I feel secure with the barricade there and letting my children out to play. I feel very strongly about leaving the barricade up and not place it on the agenda unless 50% of the people want it down. Mr. Bobby Skipwith 315 Hilltop, said he lives on Hilltop and • his power poll is in the alley and I have a problem with keeping it from getting hit. If you have not seen the traffic you can not believe what we have when the barricade is down. There is no way I would like to see the barricade removed. Mr. Weeks fence comes out so far you can not see, I feel if the barricade is removed, there will be an accident. I ask that the Council leave the barricade up. Mr. David Stevens 303 Woodhollow, I am the person who asked for the barricade to go up. The people who live on Dogwood Court and Woodhollow feel there is not a way you can understand about the traffic and the reason for the barricade being put in place unless you have been there. The other thing, Mr. Weeks did not tell you was the City put gravel in the alley that he was talking about being a dirt alley. Councilman Messenger said he drove down the alley, I feel the barricade should stay up. The upmost importance is the safety of our children. Councilman Swartz said he agrees, the way it is set up, it is not a safe situation, and I feel the barricade should stay. Councilman Akin said it is a bad situation. When it went up there was a lot of traffic and we have grown so there is more traffic today_ MEMORANDUM TO : Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver , Director of Planning & Engineering (/_ E3) DATE: February 4, 1992 SUBJECT: Randall & Blake Pay Estimate No. 1 Landfill Closure Attached is Pay Estimate No. 1 from Randall & Blake in the amount of $29, 735. 00 for expenses directly related to the $172, 692. 50 approved contract for the closure of the landfill . This represents 18% completion by dollar amount, or 23% by calendar days. Please place this on the next City Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. _;CATION AND CERTIFICATE FC3 1Y.YENT = :csure e' .._ •.'ic �u.,i a1 , . ::.?:_ .:V "]1 :a,e . of City of i+y:•e _3 O3 :and- =:, ::22 1 fP,GI L G :,.,T: l o : -v- C.ner •-_<:-_,:anoail-anb-3;axe via-i na neeri --- I - - --- -'--- •-°_.rme -•�. .tams - : 92 (/*L.. "_. ....c: :a._. .:eceacer r;. :391 -- __1_ .,rtrac:or __=.4 ---_-- -- _- -- -- . utl O w < -cJ i3 ] J ! w 3 !TOTAL C3 i - I=rim\C :J _--- ---_ -EM 1 DF 31rTICN _" ITEYS I CONTACT ! V.. I UNIT :RICE 3LLED 1 FRCY, !7crc S ;-- —!,hzttN.LYo L3^• S STORED J t- \ i ,. I ! ;t.>;.NT.TY I 1 ! VALL- 1 A7}t.:L....u.: ! GL.,c;.:! s =.•DL\, !NOT :7 a C3r) : CAT_ 1C-.-,.) i COY.L- : (r - 1 }c:CLEAR INS D GILE3IVG ! a.2J C 145..d s; ?d J sz ca t a " •-- a9t1 52 J 13et.,a 53.Z7% 551 'a ! X VAT CN ND GRADING 1 '*Y :'i 41. sd6 a J ' Sal j , `_c' d f s" . J 50 a so3,75J. J 35.C1 ! 547.,-' :a I5_ _i:A 31ASSI w - 4a.2J -C a575.2a , Sc2 ..2.. :J 1 sd..J ? 'J aJ '4 t3 .,a SZ.J.d U.2!i1L' s22,M.ad .. i 4--•-)n_iiVcr-JISAGSE.-;NSTAro,4GL-wc`__GASGi I.et7-;-_,-,4-, ;SOS:•,A .--a3c5.cd i-------ta.:•J•-;--e.-:d_1.r,----::;.:,J-;--- :d.:tl.. i4.'0 J :`%. %ii- .d 5 19 Chi 6' F•ECVY DUTY CP;fAIN LINA FENCE I 6.L•'d.aJ ! = 57.39 1 $44,34A.'J'a 1 sd.Ja i a.:a sa.Jd i sl.C7 ; sa.Jd I :LUX: 144,'ic'.2O l 6 !EROSION CONTROL r'AY BALES 1 6=d..'e ! c CN i $7.35 1 54,777,5a 1 SO.va 1 Z•ia EACH! sd.:B . 3d.1O sd.1d 1 J.JZXi sa,-777-9 1 7 ILCi•D. r4P_, SORZ.•AD OF-S;T_MAY=II_ 1 unidd ' Cy i s2.3.5 1 311,75.10j 1 MAR 1 a•Yd CY i 0 s2.2a i :a.ha : S0.30 , d•47tX; s11.7`a.a'J I F - 1 I i --1---- -4 3 ¢, • ' t - . -- - - ---1-- - --- --- - 11.--632.50 i -sOla . '- '.;_;=r?it ; aa. Si3,00a.lJ �::rl''dJ�a�I • -:TPL CONTRACT CALENDAR DAYS C00 id' Pa;e 2 of 2 :3N474Ci-C4E444-DAYS- -:.ATE •4 C(A(..CLicA-rev .'••o..-% (1 1,1l/1 L- - _ 23,33 AWS -- - - • • The uccersl;red Contractor certifies :'at to :.^.e test of :he Contractor's r r r-r E,Ida— enowteaye. :nformattan aro oeilef' the ..ort covered Oy this AoP.ieation for v caywent-Painbeen-cczaletac-in-accoccarca-wit^ tna Cortrac-.^,acumen's- Loa. i all amounts ve been :a10 dr :ne Contractor fcrt dark for rn1CD orev:cus 1992 Certificate for Payee^; were issues arc eaysents recetvec fr:.a :he Owner, JAN 3 0 and that c rrent payment shown herein :s row cue. 1 :»F-catiert-ts-,ade-for Rayxnt.-armnov--elow.-in-cw,reet!on--»r=bn '.ne Contract. :u1; i1S-Ce"RTi:IC.^-T,Z-r-EL7-AAVAEti- i In accorcance with t'e Contract :c .rents. oaseo on on-site o;;ervat:ens anc' ORIGINAL CONTRACT S1' S172,632.52 :ne cata comar:stn9 ;;e anove aanlicaticn, the En9:neer cert!f:es :o :Coe E. Net Change oy Change Orders sd.aa Owner :.ta; :o the :est of tie Enesneer's znow',ecse, tnforeat:on anc :eitef -.--C6trT,;ACT 604O-DAi=-it-srri--+-2) 5172,6 -5d----.2--- --;nc-,.or,rRas-ww9ressee-as-tnaicateor-t;,e-4ualt-ty-of-t*-44o•+-:-n--accorcance TOTAL Ct:"PLETED t STO TO DATE too.==.t'lr 7j( 300 w�•+to the Contract Documents, anc the Contractor is entitled to Payment or (Co umn J Above) i 4� AR4.'NT CERTIFIED. ,Z (�' C. RETAINAE` a--5 k o Crn!?trd(ivr t s rr Ti�l -6 5(e5 Ol i`r a+b:i E9 -- -*-- - ---;_ 755- - (5 C of Column G+y) s (Attach exoiaration if amount certif:ec ciffers from I b. 5 t of Stares Yaterial sO.t!D op :he mount amoitea for.) (5 t of Column I) Tnia: s.aiy:a;e t=t- -So) $±,;33.1*- I-S7 c Et+G' iq E. TOTAL EARte LESS RETAINAGE $tiro?$0r'tC73 j1' zf� 2-(Line 4 less Line 5 Total) V ey' LESS PVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT fO.TO :ire 6-fror3ricriert.ficate) .�! �O This icate-snott resotia3!e:-The-POI �Cc"3:IFicD--is-Payable-only-to • - 3. CURRENT 7AYvEN CUE Cf-rm 7a r-/r�3s -0 the ;ontrac:or named herein. Issuance. Payment aro acceotarce of Payment are 3. BALANCE TO FINIS'^•, r IS RETAINAGE $4:='41i 1,/Z�,S7-- without rejuc:ce to any rights of the :carer or Contractor uncer this Contract. i (Line 3 less Line 6) C • 1 . .J I L l .i-.'"r"'"- - - _.�._._-�- _ -- - _ --• ,. . ;. -....-�..- _. -. .'-a., . _^ ... - .., - .. ... .., �- �;"•-_ �� �a`L.._tiS'u. _.---'=�_.—._� .--' --.:F�iL=....tit:.e..�1`r. .`U~ t -1Y 1 ,TION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: Closure of the Old Municipal Vylie Landfill DISTRIBUTION TO: Page I of ' City of Vylie . PERIOD TO:. _ January 30, 1992 _ APPLICATION NO: I r Owner Randall and Blake via(Engineer) r Engineer APPLICATION DATE: January 30, 1992 CONTRACT DATE: December 30, 1991 : Contractor l B C 0 E F -G H I J - -- - - - K um COMPLETED PORK COMPLETED THIS PERIOD MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS CONTRACT UNIT UNIT PRICE SCHEDN ED FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY STORED 1 STORED TO I FINISH QUANTITY VALUE APPLICATION QUANTITY S AMOUNT (NOT IN G OR H) DATE(GfHaT) COMPLETE (F -J) -- _._-__ - ---- ------ ------ CLEARING AND GRUBBING 40.00 AC 1/5.00 s1,aoo.00 $0.00 20.00 AC 1900.00 $0.00 S900.00 50.001 0900.00 EXCAVATION AND GRADING 57000.00 CT $1.52 $86,610.00 S0.00 20000.00 CY S30,400.00 f0.00 130,400.00 35.09% $56,240.00 BERMUDA GRASSING 40.00 AC 1575.00 S23,000.00 10.00 0.00 AC 10.00 S0.00 10.00 - 0.001 _ $23,000.00 REMOVE. DISPOSE. INSTALL 6'46' YELL BASE 1.00 EACH 1385.00 s385.00 10.00 0.00 EACH $0.00 50.00 s0.00 0.001 1305.00 ' 9 GA 6' HEAVY QUIT CHAIN LINK FENCE 6000.00 LF $7.39 111,340.00 $0.00 0.00 LF 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 844.340.00 ' EROSION CONTROL HAT BALES 650.00 EACH 17.35 $4,777.50 _10.00 ____0.00 EACH 10.00 10.00 $0.00 0.005 14,177.50 LOAD,HAUL,SPREAD OFF-SITE CLAY FILL 5000.00 CY $2.35 111,150.00 S0.00 0.00 CT 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 111,750.00 • TOTALS 1172,692.50 $0.00 $31,300.00 $0.00 $31,300.00 S141,392.50 IC'T CONTRACT CALENDAR DAYS 60 Page 2 of 2 CI CALENDAR DAYS TO DATE It (CALCULATED FROM 1-16-92) LETE 23.33 S TO PROCEED 1-6-92 ISTART DATE 92 1 I6 - - The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief the York covered by this Application for _ -Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for York for which previous .::)- Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: R. - y --- - - co i 'il_ on is Bade for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. - - ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and ANAL CONTRACT SUM $172,692.50 the data comprising the above application, the Engineer certifies to the Change be Change Orders $0.00 Owner that.to the best of the Engineer's knowledge, information and belief -37. 'OACT SUM TO OAKS(Line I I/- 2) 8172,692.50 the Vork has progressed as indicated, the quality of the York in accordance I COMPLETED 1 STORED TO DATE S31,300.00 with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of O Column J Above) AMOUNT CERTIFIED. (HARE . 5 S of Completed York _ _ $1.565.00 AMOUNT CERTIFIED . , $ 7�S (5 i of Column 6iH) Attach explanation if amount certified differs from .. 5 S of Stored Material $0.00 the amount applied for.) (5 I of Column I) otal Retainage(5a N 5b) 11,565.00 ENGINEER: •L EARNED LESS RElA1NAGE 129,135.00 /J 1 Line 1 less Rine 5 Total) Br: �Tf 1�--/' J/(/ (� Z • PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $0.00 - C^ '.(4 ,,_l_,+ 7---f -1- ..M Line 6 from prior Certificate) This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to ENT PAYMENT DUE S27,735.00 the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are !ICE TD FINISH, PLUS REYAINAGE $142,957.50 without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. !ine 3 less Line Al MEMORANDUM TO : Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM : Paul D. Beaver , Director of Planning & Engineering (g) DATE: January 29, 1992 SUBJECT: Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice No. 03-028906-001 December 1991 Services Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling Attached is a payment request from Jones & Neuse in the amount of $2, 314. 27 for the fourth calendar quarter monitor well testing required by the Texas Department of Health. This testing provides conformation of the data which the landfill closure plan was approved upon. This represents 41% completion by dollar amount of the 11-15-91 approved $5, 700 contract. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. JONESANDNEUSE, INC. January 15, 1992 Invoice No. 03-028906-001 11811 III-10 East, Suite 450 Houston, Texas 77029 713-45(1-1882 Fourth Cal . Quart . Mon. • Paul Beaver t ' Director of Planning & Enginee °{"'' 1 _ -- O__1 City of Wylie 1 l � P J 2000 Hwy 78N !_�__.__ Wylie. Texas 75098 PM14 b Period of Service: December 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991 Labor Env Specialist VI 3 . 750 hr @ $ 90 . 00/hr = 337 . 50 Technician VII 25 . 500 hr @ $ 55 . 00/hr = 1402 . 50 1740 . 00 Expenses Mail/Shipping 33 . 06 Material 29 .50 Telecommunications 52 . 77 Travel 458 .94 574 .27 Amount Due This Invoice $ 2314 .27 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS . AFTER 3r DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. • TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. 4 •. Vitte CITY OP' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 214-442.2236 MEMORANDUM DATE: 01/25/92 TO: Carolyn Jones , Acting City Manager FROM: Brady Snellgrove, Finance I>irect.or 6?* /-------- RE: Agenda Item; Overpayment of Taxes ; $5 , 611 . 40 - $1 , 551 . 64 Franklin First Federal Savings Bank 1 ) Section 31 . 11 (attached) of the State Property Tax Code requires the refund of excessive payments of $500 . 00 to be approved by the governing body . 2) Therefore, Franklin 1st Federal Savings Bank is due a refund for excessive payment . 3 ) Franklin 1st Federal Savings Bank sent a double payment for 1989 Delinquent taxes on some of their properties (R6820-000-0390-1 ) within the City . Their overpayment was for $5 , 611 . 40 . 4 ) The 1991 City of Wylie taxes were due in the amount of $4 , 059. 76 on the ' same parcel of property. The overpayment was then applied leaving a refund of $1 , 551 . 64 . /2 CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 MEMORANDUM WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 214.442.2236 DATE: 01/25/92 TO: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director AV.-- RE: Agenda Items ; Overpayments of Taxes; $742 . 12 Check# 412$40 Chevy Chase Please place the refund of $742 . 12 to Chevy Chase Federal Savings Bank on the next council agenda. Section 31 . 11 of the State Property Tax Code requires refunds in the access of $500 . 00 to be approved by the governing body. The reason for the refund is because duplicate payment was received on three City tax accounts (R1275-001-002A-1 ,R1275-001-002B-1 & R.1275-001-0070-1 ) MEMORANDUM DATE : January 21 , 1992 TO : Carolyn Jones , Acting City Manager FROM: Anita Collins RE : Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . On behalf of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . I am submitting their annual report which is due on or before January 31 , 1992 . Please place this on the January 28 , 1992 agenda . I have asked Jim Smith to be there to make the presentation . DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . JIM SMITH, PRESIDENT ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1992 Since our July 30 , 1991 semi-annual report the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . has conducted six regularly scheduled meetings and one called meeting . We have also participated in the quarterly planning meetings with the City Government , the School System and Chamber of Commerce . Our economic development plan has been completed and approved by the City Council ( see attachment "A" ) . The annual budget was submitted and approved ( attachment "B" ) . We have had one formal request for financial assistance from SIMI Corporation , a clothing manufacturer interested in the Johnston building . This corporation is headed by Richard Johnston and was asking us to co-sign his note for $ 1 . 5 Million for the purchase and renovation of the building , retirement of existing debt , and $250 , 000 of operating capital . We saw no way the Development Corporation could justify such action . There has been informal contact with three small motel chains to see if there is any interest in a new location in Wylie . At this time there has been none . A complete accounting of all expenditures made by the board is as follows : /7 . / r 2f_ yz TOTAL RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURES JULY 1990 - DECEMBER 31 , 1991 RECEIPTS Sales Tax Receipts $249 , 017 . 57 Interest 7 , 146 . 03 TOTAL RECEIPTS $256 , 163 . 60 EXPENDITURES Reimburse City $ 452 . 17 ( City overpaid sales tax) Rent 600 . 00 Promotions 6 , 000 . 00 ( $5 , 000 Chamber , $ 1 , 000 Sign ) Office Supplies and Equipment 281 . 10 Legal Expenses 894 . 37 insurance 1 , 669 . 00 Postage 14 . 50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9 , 911 . 14 BALANCE $246 , 252 . 46 !;XH; BIT "A" THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION: The citizens of Wylie are interested in economic development and voted a one-half percent sales tax in order to fund such development. A Development Corporation of Wylie organizational meeting was held on December 10, 1990. The charter and by-laws determines the use of funds entrusted to the Corporation. The Corporation will take actions necessary and prudent to create and retain jobs, increase business activity, and to increase investment in Wylie. PURPOSE: The primary economic development strategy will be to permanently bolster a business climate throughout the city by creating a harmonious working relationship among the city government, the school system, and the chamber of commerce and the Development Corporation of Wylie. A program of action which will create and retain jobs, increase business activity, and increase investment in Wylie will be our objective. The economic development plan will be used to develope the annual budget of the Corporation. To fully utilize the assets of the city, it will be necessary to determine the assets and their availability. This will require the compiling of all available information from the city, school , and county governmental bodies as well as TU Electric, Lone Star Gas, GTE, Council of Goverments, and The North Texas Municipal Water District. All money received by this corporation will be accounted for in an annual budget approved by the city council. An annual audit of funds received and spent will show complete accountability. All funds will be expended for direct economic development according to State law and the by-laws of the Development Corporation of Wylie. SCOPE: The scope of this plan covers the planned actions of this Corporation to be taken in the next few years in the area of: EXHIBIT "A" business retention and expansion; new business location and start up; retiree attraction; tourism and recreation attraction; community development; financial assistance; governmental action; and regional cooperation. The actions to be taken in the first year are more detailed than those of subsequent years. EXISTING BASE: The business base of Wylie is composed of small retail stores, home based businesses, and both small and large manufacturing firms. The 1990 adjusted ad valorem tax valuation for the City was $331,127 , 549.00 . The 1991 tax valuation (not adjusted) is $334 ,715,926.00. PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS: This plan was developed after consulting with and receiving existing operating plans of 40 cities with similar development organizations. The results fell into the following eight categories: Business Retention and Expansion Program; New Business Location and Startup Program; Retiree Attraction Program; Tourism and Recreation Attraction Program; Community Development Program; Financial Assistance Program; Governmental Action Program; and Regional Cooperation Program. The first five categories are basic economic development actions. The last three categories were included because of the uniqueness of Wylie. BUSINESS RETENTION AND NEW BUSINESS EXPANSION PROGRAM Form a business support team to assist existing businesses. Prepare and administer a business survey to identify business needs of Wylie. Conduct a shop in Wylie campaign. ie,(conduct a slogan contest for shopping Wylie first) . Develop and conduct an advertising program to reach the Wylie area. Develop and conduct a "labor" survey. Develop a financial assistance team to provide information and assistance to the small businesses in Wylie. Conduct quarterly meetings with business to present timely subjects for consideration. Develop site and building information sheets. Develop community video. Develop and update community profile. Develop a presentation folder. Develop a fact book. Develop a quality of life magazine. Pursue the FORTE' statistical program. Develop a direct mail campaign to target industries in the cross match study. Review economic development tools annually and update as needed. Train and get training for all involved. RETIREE ATTRACTION PROGRAM Establish a retiree assistance team to oversee the retiree attraction program and to provide assistance to retirees interested in Wylie. Develop appropriate brochures for attracting retirees . Develop newspaper and magazine advertising. EXH-Rrr "A" Develop a retiree welcome packet containing information needed by a retiree to make the decision to settle in and around Wylie. Develop and organize day activities for retirees in the area such as shopping trips, sports events, fishing and golf trips, trips to Dallas for plays and musical events. Monitor the progress of the senior citizens , ARP, VFW, etc. TOURISM AND RECREATION ATTRACTION PROGRAM Take steps to develop relationships with the Corps of Engineers to better utilize the park area on Lake Lavon. Advertise to Winter Texans and other potential visitors in periodicals and piggy back on ads by the Department of Commerce. Advertise where necessary to get the weekend business back to Lake Lavon. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Determine priorities for beautification and physical image improvements. Develop a "Pride in Wylie" advertising campaign. Develop an "Adopt-a-Street" program for litter control, beautification and landscaping. Develop a veterans memorial "Plant a Tree" project. Support Wylie Sports Association to improve availability of recreation for those interested (all ages) Develop program to include the ETJ as a part of Wylie in beautification. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Investigate establishing a loan assistance fund to help start up small businesses. Contact local financial institutions, educators, accountants, and attorneys to join the Financial Assistance Task Force. " Organize a list of banks with specific lending areas, legal loan limits, officer to contact, types of loans available, etc. Develop directory updated quarterly detailing sources of funds and availability. GOVERNMENTAL ACTION PROGRAM Form a team to plan strategy for getting Highways 78 and 544 widened. Plan strategy to make sure Wylie gets its share of County Bridge Funds. Plan strategy to assist WISD where needed to keep quality education in Wylie. Get county offices located in Wylie to serve the 20 ,000 or so citizens in area. EXHIBIT "B" DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF W Y L I E , I N C. FY92 BUDGET 1?;:Hllil'I' "B" REVENUES $403 , 800 EXPENDITURES 59 , 100 CAPITAL 5 , 000 RESERVES 339 , 700 EXHIBIT "B" REVENUES 101 1/2 % Sales Tax 220 , 000 102 Interest 7 , 000 103 Carryforward from FY91 176 , 800 TOTAL REVENUES $403 , 800 EXPENDITURES 211 Brochures 7 , 500 212 Contract Labor 10 , 000 213 Legal Expenses 2 , 500 214 Miscellaneous 2 , 500 215 Postage 600 216 Printing & Office Supplies 300 217 Promotions 22 , 000 218 Publications & Subscriptions 300 219 Office Space Rental 600 220 Surveys/ Studies 5 , 000 221 Telephone 1 , 000 222 Travel 5 , 000 223 Insurance 500 224 Dues & Membership 300 225 Auditing 1 , 000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS $59 , 100 CAPITAL 223 Equipment 5 , 000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $5 , 000 RESERVES 300 Carryforward from Previous Year 176 , 800 301 Reserve 162 , 900 TOTAL RESERVES $339 , 700 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 22 , 1992 TO : City Council FROM: Carolyn Jones , Acting City Manager / ()) 111 RE : Office for Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . In order to help the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . and the City Staff to have better working relations , the Staff proposes that an area can be enclosed in front of the City Attorney' s office for the Executive Director of the Wylie Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . Once this area is enclosed and the Executive Director starts using it we would discontinue charging the Development Corporation the $ 50 . 00 we now charge them for rent . I believe location of this office in the City Manager' s area would allow the City Manager and the Director for the Development Corporation to work closely for the future of Wylie . I will try to have cost factors on this by Tuesday . MEMORANDUM DATE : February 3 , 1992 TO : Carolyn Jones , Acting City Manager FROM: Bill Nelson , Park and Recreation Director Z N RE : Concession Stand at Community Park In March of 1991 , the city sought proposals for Concessionaire Services at Community Park. This proposal stated that the contract would commence on or about April 1 , 1991 and continue for a twelve ( 12 ) month period , with an option to renew at the discretion of the City . In April of 1991 , a lease/contract was signed between the City and Allen Weiss Enterprises . The lease commenced on April 1 , 1991 and terminated on December 31 , 1991 . Even though the time frame of the lease/contract probably takes precedent over the proposal dates , the fact is the City needs a new lease/contract for a concessionaire for the upcoming year . Below is listed the menu and prices for 1991 : Hamburger $ 1 . 75 Cheeseburger $2 . 00 Nachos $ 1 . 75 Corny Dog $ 1 . 25 Hot Dog $ 1 . 00 Smoked Sausage $2 . 25 Chopped Barbecue $2 . 75 French Fries $ . 75 Popcorn $ . 75 Peanuts $ . 75 Snow Cone $ . 75 Chips $ . 50 Candy Bars $ . 25 $ . 50 $ . 75 Soft Drinks $ . 75 Regular $ 1 . 00 Large Lemonade $ . 75 Regular $ 1 . 00 Large Punch $ . 75 Regular $ 1 . 00 Large Iced Tea $ . 75 Regular $ 1 . 00 Large Hot Chocolate $ . 75 Regular $ 1 . 00 large Coffee $ . 50 Attached is the menu and prices for 1992 . Smoked Sausage and Chopped Barbecue were dropped because of poor sales . Ice cream on a stick, large pickle , sunflower seeds , and bubble gum were added due to demand . Except for candy , all the items that were available in 1991 and again in 1992 , are the same price . In addition , Allan Weiss has agreed to set up a satellite stand ( s ) on an experimental basis , to help service the soccer/football fields better . This stand ( s ) would be open when the soccer/football fields are in use . It would also be open along with the regular concession stand when soccer , softball and football are all playing at the same time . Therefore , based on last year ' s service , quality of food and reasonable prices , I think the City should renew it' s lease/contract with Allan Weiss Enterprises for 21 % of the gross sales after the deduction of 7 . 75% sales tax . A decision needs to be made very soon since the Soccer Season begins the second week of February , 1992 . kVj ; ALLAN WEISS ENTERPRISES CONCESSIONS&CATERING January 23 , 1992 Mr . Bill Nelson City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie , Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Nelson: Enclosed please find our proposal for Concession Services for Wylie Community Park for the 1992 season. We would also like to be able to set up satellite stands such as a portable trailer when there are soccer games . We appreciate the opportunity to submit our bid to you for this contract . Please advise if additional information is needed . Yours very truly, Allan Weiss , President Allan Weiss Enterprises , Inc. AW/sw P.O.BOX 150009/DALLAS,TEXAS 75315/(214)565-1511 111E1XX: ALLAN WEISS ENTERPRISES CONCESSIONS&CATERING MENU HAMBURGER 1 . 75 COLD DRINKS LG . 1 . 00 REG . .75 CHEESEBURGER 2 . 00 DR . PEPPER NACHOS 1 . 75 7UP R.C . COLA CORNY DOG 1 . 25 BIG RED FRUIT PUNCH HOT DOG 1 . 00 LEMONADE ICED TEA ICE CREAM ON A STICK 1 . 00 HOT CHOCOLATE FRENCH FRIES . 75 COFFEE . 50 POP CORN . 75 HOT PEANUTS LARGE PICKLE SNOW CONE SUNFLOWER SEEDS CHIPS . 50 CANDY . 75 BUBBLE GUM ( 3 pc. ) . 25 P.O.BOX 150009/DALLAS,TEXAS 75315/(214)565.1511 ns� CITY OF ROYSE CITY ROCKWAII (214)635-2250 • (214) 771-1515 • P.O. Box 638 • Royse City,Texas 75089 �1(�a �f - „t , fi January 27 , 1992 Ms . Carolyn Jones City Manager City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Ms . Jones : Per our conversation last week I am writing this letter to ask if the City of Wylie and the City of Royse City could enter into a interlocal agreement in regards to the use of your Bomag Bituminous Grinder . This Spring, we are going to repair as many of our streets as possible. We have a limited amount of money in our budget , but we feel if we do the work with our own employees we can accomplish much more. We are intending to grind the old black top surface add more material and re-lay after Lime stabilizing the existing crush-rock base . I would appreciate any help the City of Wylie could give to this request . e , ‘g-/j----------- ar and L. Walker City Administrator