08-27-1991 (City Council) Agenda Packet @ 3:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1991 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 4 Conduct a Public Hearing for the Purpose of Discussing and Consider Re • - classification of Land Use for a Car Wash Establishment from B-1 Zoning District to RD - Retail District 2 Discuss and Consider an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 85-23A, Sections 16.1 and 17.2 by adding "Car Wash" as one of the allowable uses in the "R" - Retail District and deleting "Car Wash" as one of the allowable uses in the "B-1 Business District" providing a repealing clause, providing for a severability clause and providing for an effective date 3 5 - 18 Discuss and Consider Financial Report through the First Ten (10) months of FY 91 (July 31, 1991) 4 19 - 22 Discuss and Consider Compliance with Article VII City Charter, Transfer of Appropriations and Approve FY91 Department Budget Amendments for the General and Utility Fund 5 23 - 31 Discuss and Consider Agreeing to an Interlocal Governmental Agreement between City of Wylie and County Commissioners on Extension of Springcreek Parkway and Railroad Signalization 6 32 - 34 Discuss and Consider Reimbursement on Overpayment of Ad Valorem Tax to Two Taxpayers 7 35 - 38 Discuss and Consider approving Kentucky Fired Chicken location and construction and amending replat of previously submitted approved plat 8 39 - 47 Discuss and Consider approval of the preliminary Plat for Oakridge Subdivision as submitted by the Applicant which is Investors Network 9 48 - 50 Discuss and Consider Re-verification Monitoring and Testing Requirements Prior to Landfill Closure Action ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 10 51 - 70 Discuss and Consider Collection Procedure on Funds owed to the City by Southfork Mobile Home Park 11 71 - 72 Discuss and Consider Formal Recommendation on City of Wylie VS. Minyard Lawsuit Appeal 12 Citizen Participation In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the City Council will hear comments of Public interest from citizens residing within the City Limits of the City of Wylie. Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda • for future consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chambers and should limit remarks to a maximum of five (5) minutes. 13 Recess Regular Business Meeting and Convene Council into work session 14 73 - 91 Discuss proposed Contracts between the City of Wylie and The City of Murphy on Sewage Treatment for the City and Transmission Fees to be charged Murphy on Transmission of Sewage into City of Wylie Line (Discussion only - no action requested) 15 92 Discuss East Fork Water Supply Corporation converting to a Special Utility District 16 Adjourn MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager RE: Conduct a Public Hearing for the Purpose of Discussing and Considering A Reclassification of Land Use for a Car Wash Establishment from B-1 Zoning District to RD (Retail District) and Adopt An Enabling Ordinance The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Professional Staff recommend that a car wash be reclassified and be allowed in a Retail District (RD) . Previously car washes were only allowed in a B-i zoning district. This recommendation has gone through the planning process as set out in the Zoning Code. Attachment: Supporting Documentation • • • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTIONS 16.1 AND 17 .2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 85-23A, AS AMENDED, (THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE) ; BY ADDING "CAR WASH" AS ONE OF THE ALLOWABLE USES IN THE "R" - RETAIL DISTRICT AND DELETING "CAR WASH" AS ONE OF THE ALLOWABLE USES IN THE "B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT' ; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City has , after first complying with all applicable notice and hearing requirements , recommended that the City' s Zoning Ordinance be amended by allowing a car wash as one of the specific enumerated uses allowed in R-Retail Zoning Districts and removing it as one of the specific enumerated uses allowed in B-1 Business Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that such recommendations are in accordance with the stated policies of changes to the said Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt such recommendation , and pursuant to its legislative discretion amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in accordance with such recommendations . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,0 TEXAS, as follows : Section 1 . Section 16 . 1 of Ordinance No . 85-23A as heretofore amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following subsection thereto, to be designated as (53a) : " (53a) Car Wash" Section 2 . Section 17 . 1 of Ordinance No . 85-23A, as heretofore amended, is hereby further amended by deleting subsection " (8) Car Wash" therefrom, in its entirety. Section 3. That all ordinances or portions thereof, in conflict with the provision hereof be, and the same hereby are, repealed; and all other ordinances, and portions thereof, not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect . Section 4 . Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof , other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal , or unconstitutional . Section 5 . The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the caption of this ordinance in accordance with the City Charter and the V.T.C.A. , Local Government Code, Section 52 .013 and the provisions hereof shall take effective immediately upon such publication . PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this day of , 1991 . City of Wylie, Texas By John Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P. Deiter , City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Official DATE: August 20, 1991 SUBJECT: Car Wash use change from B-1 Zoning District to Retail District The City of Wylie Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission approve and recommend to the City Council , the proposed zoning amendment that would change the car wash use from zoning district B-i to zoning district Retail . We recommend this use change with respect to the following information : ( 1 ) The car wash use change fits the definition of the uses allowed in a Retail district. (2) The car wash use change would eliminate the two nonconforming car washes currently existing in the Retail district. (3) This zoning amendment would recognize changes in conditions and circumstances in that particular locality. (4) The previous concern of possible spot zoning with the proposed zoning change from Retail to B-1 would be avoided since a use change does not change zoning district boundaries ; it is merely a change in the text or zoning regulations. (5) Public, Planning and Zoning, and City Council opposition was very minimal regarding a car wash use in this particular zoning district, as well as this particular location. (6) This change will be the beginning of an attempt to identify each zoning district use in comparison with the current Comprehensive Plan of the City of Wylie. Finally, please be assured that the eventual installation of any car wash facility will be plan reviewed and constructed under the "strict" inspection procedures of the Building Inspections Department with special attention given to the proper Retail to Residential screening requirements, the proper street access conditions, and the appropriate landscaping requirements. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 14 , 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage \I RE: Discuss and Consider Financial Report through the First Ten (10) Months of FY91 (July 31, 1991) Through the first ten (10 ) months of this fiscal year the City is showing a positive balance of $183,800 . The amended budget was $6 ,029 ,076 . Through the first ten (10) months the City has received, in all revenues, $5,263,400 , during this same time frame the City has spent $5 ,079 ,600 for a positive balance of $183,800. The General Fund has collected $3,354 ,855 (93%) of budgeted revenues , the Utility Fund has collected $1 ,568,695 (78%) of budgeted revenues, the Sanitation Fund has collected $302 ,280 (84%) of budgeted revenues and the Impact Fund has collected $37,570 (83%) of budgeted revenues . Therefore, the next two (2) months the City will have to receive in revenue a total of $765 ,676 in order to meet the budget estimate of $6 ,029 .076 . I have attached the following reports: Overall Budget Summary Report Departmental Expense Reports Cash Balance of Operating Accounts & Investment Funds At this point in the budget the City has in invested funds and uninvested funds a total of $2 ,647 ,347 . The $100,000 Bond Transfer is not reflected in this report but will appear on the August report. If this were added the current positive balance is $283 ,800 . BUDGET SUMMARY 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL OPERATING FUNDS: BUDGET ELAPSED TIME: 83. 33% PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 - 10TH MONTH BUDGET REVENUES EXPENDITURES FUND AMOUNT % RECEIVED AMOUNT BUDGET RECEIVED OF BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENDED GENERAL ' 3, 620 , 596 3, 354 , 855 92. 66% 3, 237 , 620 89. 42% 101-450 UTILITY 2, 003 , 480 1 , 568, 695 78. 30% 1 , 539, 595 76. 85% 501-521 SANITATION/OP 360 , 000 302, 280 83. 97% 268, 285 74 . 52% 651 IMPACT/LIFT 45 ,000 37 , 570 83. 49% 34 , 100 75. 78% 901 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS 6,029, 076 5 , 263, 400 87 . 30% 5, 079, 600 84. 25% w *IMPACT FUND AND LIFT STATION FUND HAVE BEEN COMBINED DUE TO NEW ORDINANCE. ACCOUNT FUNDS USED FROM PREVIOUS YEAR TO ACCOUNT FOR DEFICIT FUNDING. ALSO CAUSED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW IMPACT ORDINANCE. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83. 33% - 10TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 10 GENERAL EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 101 COUNCIL 91 , 250 68, 510 75. 08% 102 CITY MANAGER 153 , 500 84, 510 55. 06% 103 ' CITY SECRETARY 92, 000 85, 950 93. 42% 104 CITY ATTORNEY 1 7 , 950 795000. 00% 105 CODE ENFORCEMENT 99, 000 87 , 275 88. 16% 107 ENGINEERING 79 , 500 66, 175 83. 24% 110 FINANCIAL SERVICES 245, 500 237 , 495 96. 74% 120 MUNICIPAL COURT 50 , 750 35, 835 70. 61% 130 DEBT SERVICE 692, 500 692, 500 100 . 00% 140 BLDG. SERV. /M. COMPLEX 182 , 350 170 , 725 93. 62% 141 BLDG. SERV. /LIBRARY 17 , 475 19, 130 109. 47% 142 BLDG. SERV. /FIRE 20 , 250 16, 660 82. 27% . 143 BLDG. SERV. /P. WORKS 26, 500 24, 850 93. 77% 144 BLDG. SERV. /PARKS 13 , 000 10 , 470 80 . 54% 201 POLICE ADMINISTRATION 80, 000 65, 965 82. 46% 202 POLICE PATROL 521 , 250 449, 465 86. 23% 203 POLICE INV. 58, 750 37 , 770 64. 29% 204 POLICE REC. /COMMO. 110 , 250 84 , 015 76. 20% 205 METRO WARRANT OFFICER 40, 250 34, 055 84. 61% 220 FIRE DEPT. 100 , 250 75, 230 75.04% 230 E.M. S. 116, 250 112, 295 96. 60% 301 LIBRARY 63, 625 60, 730 95. 45% 310 PARKS 93 , 000 87, 310 93. 88% 420 STREETS/DRAINAGE 593 , 896 547 , 775 92. 23% 440 GARAGE 41 , 500 32, 595 78. 54% 450 ANIMAL CONTROL 38 , 000 42 , 380 111 . 53% • TOTALS 3, 620, 597 3 , 237 , 620 89. 42% FIGURES ROUNDED TO NEAREST HIGHEST OR LOWEST NUMBER ON ALL SUMMARIES • DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83 . 33% - 10TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 20 UTILITY EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 501 UTILITY ADMIN . 340 , 450 218, 285 64. 12% 502 , WATER 508, 800 381 , 445 74. 97% 503 WASTEWATER 394 ,000 341 , 420 86. 65% 510 UTILITY BILLING 199, 500 162, 145 81 . 28% 515 DEBT SERVICE 519, 230 407, 340 78. 45% 520 BLDG. SERV. /M. COMPLEX 15, 500 10 , 490 67. 68% 521 BLDG. SERV. /P. WORKS 26, 000 18, 470 71 .04% TOTALS 2 ,003, 480 1 , 539, 595 76. 85% w DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83 . 33% - 10TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 1991 FUND 65 SANITATION/OP. EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 651 SANITATION 360 , 000 268 , 285 74. 52% • w � DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83 . 33% - 10TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 90 IMPACT/LIFT BUDGET EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED TO DATE *901 IMPACT/LIFT 45, 000 34 , 100 75. 78% w w FUND TOTAL AMOUNT % RECEIVED AMOUNT APPROPRIATION RECEIVED OF BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENDED 74 STREET 115, 000 114 , 910 99. 92% 112, 740 98. 03% RECONSTRUCTION 91 UTILITY CONST 650 ,000 581 , 705 89. 49% 577 , 975 88. 92% ENGINEER 92 SERVICE ' 300 , 000 315, 125 105. 04% 10, 725 3. 58% CENTER ANIMAL SHELTER TOTAL CAPITAL 1 , 065, 000 1 , 011 , 740 95. 00% 701 , 440 65. 86% PROJECT BUDGET w w • • /02, • ,. ..fit• .. DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83 . 33% - 10TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 74 STREET RECONSTRUCTION BUDGET EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED TO DATE • 741 STREET RECONSTRUCTION 115, 000 112, 740 98.03% w w . . DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 75. 00% - 9TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 91 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION BUDGET EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED & ENGINEERING TO DATE 911 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 650, 000 577 , 975 88. 92% & ENGINEERING t • w DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 83. 33% - 10TH MONTH THRU JULY 31 , 1991 FUND 92 SERVICE CENTER/ BUDGET EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED ANIMAL SHELTER TO DATE 921 yER CTR/ANIM SHELTER 300,000 10, 725 3. 58% w w /5# CITY INVESTMENTS JULY 31 , 1991 INVESTMENTS ANNUAL AMOUNT MATURED : MATURITY PER FUND INTEREST DEPOSITED AMOUNT DATE : RATE PERIMETER • STREET • CD# 017024 : 5 . 55% $96, 864 . 09 : : 8/19/91 PROVIDENT, BANK : CD# 017072 5. 55% $96, 864 . 09 : : 8/19/91 PROVIDENT BANK : • TOTAL PERIMETER: $193 , 728 . 18 : • UTILITY DEPOSIT: • RESERVE • CD# 017081 5. 55% $98, 000. 00 : : 8/28/91 PROVIDENT BANK : • TOTAL UTILITY DEPOSIT RESERVE: $98, 000 . 00 : • UTILITY BOND . . RESERVE FUND : : CD# 017080 5 . 55% $98, 367 . 63 : : 8/28/91 PROVIDENT BANK : TOTAL UTILITY BOND RESERVE $98, 367 . 63 : • • TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS $390, 095. 81 : • • • 1990 BOND FUNDS: . • 3. 5MM • • FEDERAL FARM . 5. 854% : $1 , 178, 808. 38 : 1 , 185, 000.00 : 08/13/91 CREDIT BANK . TOTAL BOND FUNDS INVESTED : $1 , 178, 808 . 38 : $1 , 185, 000 . 00 : CASH BALANCES The following is a list of the uninvested balance in each fund as of July 31 , 1991 General Fund $ 184 ,040 . 73 Utility Fund 115, 027 . 82 Utility Refund 18, 930 . 01 Municipal Court 17 , 770 . 44 Payroll 20, 947 . 88 Utility Deposit 23, 535. 98 ** General Interest & Sinking 281 , 128. 90 Utility Interest & Sinking 54 , 861 . 58 Perimeter Street 115 , 925. 14 ** Utility Bond Reserve 6, 919 . 47 ** Impact 23 , 559. 97 State Court 7 , 610 . 39 Community Room 3 , 519. 50 Sanitation Operating 34 , 507 . 48 Return Check Fund 620 . 41 Street Reconstruction 12, 668 . 37 Landfill 698 . 29 Police Drug/Crime 17 , 911 . 49 Sales Tax 2, 778. 15 Library 88. 47 Police Training 83. 53 Page--2 Park Contributions 4, 202. 58 Utility Construction 111 , 187 . 25** Landfill Closure 5, 713. 43 Service Center/Animal Shelter 1 , 273. 73 ' Partial Payments Municipal Court 6.740 . 60 UNINVESTED FUNDS AS OF 08/31/91 $ 1 ,072, 251 . 59 TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS $1, 575,095.81 TOTAL UNINVESTED FUNDS 1.072.251. 59 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,647, 347.40 ** I1 ese funds have Certificates of Deposit MEMORANDUM DATE: August 19 , 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage ``ifte..• RE: Discuss and Consider Compliance with Article VII City Charter , Transfer of Appropriations and Approve FY91 Departmental Budget Amendments for The General And Utility Fund All City Departments FY91 budgets have been revised for the months of July, August and September . This includes the General Fund and the Utility Fund. Budgets were revised for operational accounts . All departments that needed funds , funds were transferred in from other accounts to cover expenses until the end of FY91 (September 30, 1991) . I have attached this transfer report showing the plus transfer and also showing the minus transfer. These revisions do not include the Sanitation and Impact Funds. I will not make anymore projections on final revenue and expenditure amounts , but will rely on real numbers on actual activity of the City. It is now safe to say that after ten (10) months of actual numbers with a $284,000 positive balance the City will carry-over funds into FY92 , and end the year in the Black. w « /9 • GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS AND ADJUSTMENTS CURRENT PROPOSED +/- FOOTNOTES FY 1991 REVISIONS BUDGET 101 City Council 91 ,250 78 ,000 -13 ,250 2 102 City Manager 153,500 103 ,415 -50,085 3 103 City Secretary 92 ,000 102 ,190 +10 ,190 4 104 City Attorney 0 17,665 +17,665 5 105 Com. Development & Planning 99 ,000 106 ,660 + 7 ,660 6 107 Planning & Engineering 79 ,500 83 ,140 + 3,640 6 110 Finance 245,500 278,000 +32,500 6 120 Court 50 ,750 46 ,400 - 4 ,350 7 130 Debt Service 692,500 692,500 0 N/A Building Services 140 Municipal Com. 182 ,350 175 ,650 - 6,700 8 141 Library 17,475 19 ,380 + 1,905 8 142 Fire 20 ,250 19 ,000 - 1,205 8 v. w 143 Public Works 26 ,500 27,200 + 700 8 144 Parks 13 ,000 11 ,000 - 2,000 8 Police 201 Administration 80 ,000 81 ,000 + 1,000 8 202 Patrol 521,250 568,290 +47,040: 9 203 Investigation 58 ,750 38 ,680 -20 ,070 10 204 Communications & Records 110 ,250 104 ,815 - 5,435 10 205 Warrant 40,250 40,500 + 250 8 220 Fire 100 ,250 90 ,000 -10 ,250 11 230 EMS 116,250 133,700 +17,450 12 4° . 301 Library 63 ,625 69 ,270 + 5,645 6 310 Parks 93,000 106 ,635 +13,635 9 420 Streets & Drainage 593 ,896 590 ,000 - 3 ,896 8 440 Garage 41,500 39,500 - 2,000 8 450 Animal Control 38 ,000 48 ,790 +10 ,790 13 3 ,620 ,596 3 ,671 , 380* +50 ,784 Footnotes to General Fund Departmental Adjustments 2 Reduction to Unexpended Revenue 3 Mainly Distribution of Merit Pool 4 Increase in Personnel Costs 5 New Department 6 Mainly Increase in Personnel Cost and Refinements 7 Personnel Mainly/Decrease and Other Refinements 8 Refinements to Previous Estimates + w 9 Merit - longevity increases, transfer of personnel , promotions, higher insurance rates , patrol cars cost more than anticipated . 10 Reduction in Personnel From Original Estimates 11 Reduction in Personnel Costs 12 Increase in Contract not in Current Budget 13 Additional Personnel and Personnel Costs , Other Supplies and Refinements *Amended General Fund FY91 Budget (Estimate) UTILITY FUND DEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS AND ADJUSTMENTS CURRENT PROPOSED +/- FOOTNOTES FY 1991 REVISIONS BUDGET 501 Administrative 340 ,450 282 , 560 - 57 ,890 2 502 Water 508,800 495,000 - 13,800 3 503 Sewer 394 ,000 428 ,210 + 34 ,210 4 510 Utility Billing 199 ,500 196 ,495 - 3,005 3 515 Debt Service 519 ,230 425,750 - 93 ,480 5 Building Services 520 Municipal Complex 15 ,500 11 ,520 - 3 ,980 3 521 Public Works 26,000 20,545 - 5,455 3 Expense Totals $2,003 ,480 $1,860,080* -143,400 Footnotes to Utility Fund Departmental Adjustments 2 Deletion of Pool/Reserve w 3 Numerous Refinements 4 Mostly Increase in Contract Sewer Services and Labor Costs 5 Transfer to Debt Service Reduced by Capital Projects Transfer ($180 ,000 TOTAL) *Amended Utility Fund FY91 Budget (Estimates) aA MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21 , 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage 44144 RE: Discuss and Consider Agreeing to an Interlocal Governmental Agreement Between City of Wylie and County Commissioners on Extension of Springcreek Parkway and Railroad Signalization Collin County has prepared this agreement however it is recommended by the City Staff that the City Council should amend this agreement as follows: ARTICLE II ITEM 1. (Change to read) "Complete the plans and specifications to meet all City, County, and A, T & SF railroad required design criteria and advertise for construction bids ." (Add Additional paragraph) "City will concurrently review with County all Contractor pay estimates" . w w ARTICLE V Clarification of this section needs to be made in relation to the term " in excess of $150,000.00" . At this time no agreement has been made between Centennial, the Texas National Guard, Collin County, and the City of Wylie on how cost overruns are to be allocated. The City of Wylie has $10,000 .00 dedicated to the overall project . There is currently available approximately $270 ,000 to pay for water and sewer line extensions, construct railroad crossing and extend Spring Creek Parkway to the Armory building. This might not fund the project. The gas line is not included in these costs , approximate cost is $56 ,000 . I 404 ti 1v.) �, p Current Funding Package County $150 ,000 .... City $ 70 ,000 National Guard $ 50 ,000 $270 ,000 . . ) \ \ / \ 1/4 \ , s, r\c\ \ \j§ I- / . r 1/4 U Uj . . ? 1 • THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF WYLIE & COLLIN COUNTY Spring Creek Parkway Extension From the AT&SF Railroad to the St . Louis SW Railroad Texas National Guard Armory WHEREAS, the County of Collin, Texas, hereinafter called "County" , and the City of Wylie, hereinafter called "City" , want to enter into an agreement for the construction of the extension of Spring Creek Parkway, City of Wylie, from and including the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Crossing north for a total project distance of 700 feet, hereinafter called the "Project" - see attached location map; and WHEREAS, Commissioners Court , at the request of the City of Wylie, agreed to allocate $150,000 for the construc- tion of a railroad crossing for the proposed Texas National Guard Armory; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 ( 32c) Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes provides authoriza- tion for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act . NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by County and City upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein: 1 WITNESSET H: Article I City hereby requests the County provide engineering construction project management and contract administration for the construction of the project . Article II County hereby agrees to provide for the services described above in Article I as follows : 1 . Complete the plans and specifications and advertise for construction bids . 2 . Award the construction contract to the lowest qualified bidder. The City shall review the bids and approve award of the contract . 3 . Provide construction contract administration. 4 . Provide construction inspection jointly with the City. 5 . Provide for geotechnical services required for construction inspection. 2 ARTICLE III City hereby agrees to acquire all the right-of-way and easements necessary for the construction of the project . City agrees that the project shall be advertised for bids only after the right-of-way easements have been acquired. ARTICLE IV County hereby agrees to provide $150,000 for the construction of one railroad crossing. ARTICLE V City hereby agrees to provide and bear all project costs in excess of $150,000 including but not limited to construction, engineering, surveying, geotechnical inspec- tion and materials testing, and construction change orders. City hereby agrees to forward to the County all funds to cover costs exceeding $150,000 fourteen ( 14) days prior to construction bid award. ARTICLE VI City hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the County from any claims, demands, costs, or judgments against the County arising out of any negligent act or omission of the City or its, agents or contractor(s) in the performance of work and services under this Agreement . 3 Executed this day of , 19_, by the County of Collin, pursuant to Commissioners Court Order No. and by City of Wylie pursuant to City Council Resolution COUNTY OF COLLIN, TEXAS Ron Harris County Judge CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Bill Dashner City Manager w • • . 4 OV;11 fir iti ie CITY OP' WYLIHI 2000 HWY.78N.-P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 John Akin Mayor July 31 , 1991 Mr. Nick Serris Centennial Homes Jay Davis 5270 LBJ Freeway Mayor Pro-Tem Suite 610 Dallas, Texas 75240 Re: Spring Creek Parkway Extension , Armory Project , Wylie, Jim Swartz Texas City Council Dear Mr . Serris : I have received the comments from Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad in regard to the street crossing their William Martin tracks . Certain changes will need to be made to the plans City Council and specifications . Please notify me of whom at Kimberly Horn and Associates I should contact in order to accomplish the required changes. Don Hughes Also, I will need additional sets of drawings produced for City Council the railroad permit submittal . ww Please contact me as soon as possible regrading this project . ortieMessenger Thank you for your cooperation. City Council Sincerely, P &-. . Paul Beaver Percy Simmons Director of Planning & Engineering City Council cc: Bill Dashner, City Manager Bill Dixon Bill Beatty Ruben Delgado Bill Dashner City Manager I \ Santa Fe The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company III IF ONE SANTA FE PLAZA 920 Southeast Quincy Street P. O. Box 1738 Topeka. Kansas 66612-1116 Topeka. Kansas 66601.1738 July 16, 1991 05019603 Mr. ,Paul Beaver, Director Planning & Engineering City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Sir: Reference is made to previous correspondence pertaining to the construction of Spring Creek Parkway. Enclosed for your use is a copy of the plans showing some of the revisions which need to be made. Please be aware that the road profile at our track should provide for a 0.00 percent grade for a minimum of 15' each side of center line of track prior to beginning any vertical curves. Additionally, the plans should reflect that the road surface must be constructed to meet the top of rail elevations. The plans submitted do not indicate a drainage pipe on the south side of the tracks although would appear that drainage does run parallel with the tracks. You should review this item and advise. The warning devices will be located 15' from the center line of track and 4' 1" from the base of curb to the center of the device. The foundations for these devices are 3' square and 5' deep. This places the devices over the proposed sanitary sewer and water lines as indicated on your drawings. Both of these lines should be relocated so as not to interfere with the placement of the devices. Also enclosed for your use are data sheets which are to be completed for these two utility crossings. These licenses are handled separate from the roadway license. Three additional sheets of plans showing the corrected utility crossing locations should be submitted with these forms to the undersigned for handling with the Contract Department. It was noted that the plans do not reflect or show the required pavement markings and signing in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. These must be furnished and installed by the contractor and should be shown on the plans before approval can be given. A Santa Fe Pacific Company • • go • Mr. Paul Beaver, Director July 16, 1991 Previously the railway company had asked the city to review railroad crossings within their community for the possibility of closing several crossings. As of this date we have not received a response pertaining to this matter. We ask that the city please advise us as to the stage of their review. It would be appreciated if you would advise us as to the anticipated timeframes for the construction of this project. Please be aware that a minimum from the time the material is orcered until the material is received is six months and a realistic timeframe for us to move into the job site would be nine months minimum from the time authorization is given. It would also be appreciated if you would advise the anticipated timeframes for the construction of the future lanes on this project. By proposing three lanes in each direction it will be required that a median be constructed in the center to facilitate the installation of gate mechanisms because the widths are too great to handle from the outside. Additionally, cantilever devices will need to be installed. This will be a significant price consideration during future construction. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 913/357-2484. Yours truly, M. G. Stdhfill Manager — Public Services MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manag 'ammo. DATE: August 20, 1991 REF : Discuss and Consider Reimbursement on Overpyament of Ad Valorem Tax to Two Taxpayers . Section 31. 11 of the State Property Tax Code stipulates that when property owners overpay or make a mistake in paying their taxes , the taxing unit must refund the money. Alumax Corp . has overpaid by $4 , 538. 34 and the Department of Housing and Urban Development , Dallas office , has overpaid by $616. 60. According to the Tax Code , the City Council has to authorize these payments . w w • . . . MU UM DATE: 08/19/91 To: Bill .Dashner, City Manager FROM: Prudence Kling, Accounting Supervisor 0( RE: Agenda items ; Overpayments o:>' Taxes ; $4 , 538. 34 - $616 , 66 Alumax &. Hud--Dal lays Respectfully 1 ) Section 31 . 11 ( attached) of the State Property Tax Code requires the refund of excessive payments of $500 . 00 to be approved by the governing body . 2 ) Therefore, the Alumax Corp. is due a refund for excessive payment. 11UD is also due a refund for excessive payments.." 3 ) The Alumax Corp. sent a double payment for some of their propert.jes (three parcels ) within the City. Their overpayment was for $4 , 538 . 34 . 4 ) HUD likewise paid property taxes on one parcel twice. The amount of this excessive payment was $616 . 66 . • 3 : � • § 31.10 PROPERTY TAX CODE (b) The collector for a taxing unit shall prepare and submit to the governing body of the unit an annual report made under oath ac- counting for all taxes of the unit collected or delinquent on property taxed by the unit during the preceding 12-month period. Annual reports are due on the 60th day following the last day of the fiscal year. (c) At least monthly the collector for a taxing unit shall deposit in the unit's depository all taxes collected for the unit. The govern- ing body of a unit may require deposits to be made more frequently. Amended by Acts 1983, 68th Leg•, p. 5462, ch. 1027, § 1, eff. Aug. 29, 1983. § 31.11. Refunds of Overpayments or Erroneous Payments (a) I I• a taxpayer applies to the tax collector of a taxing unit for a refund of an overpayment or erroneous payment of taxes and the au- ditor for the unit determines that the payment was erroneous or ex- cessive, the tax collector shall refund the amount of the excessive or erroneous payment from available current tax collections or from funds appropriated by the unit for making refunds. However, if the amount of the refund exceeds $500, the collector may not make the refund unless the governing body of the taxing unit also determines that the payment was erroneous or excessive and approves the re- fund. (b) An application for a refund must be made within three years after the date of the payment or the taxpayer waives the right to the refund. Added by Acts 1981, 67th Leg.. 1st U.S., p. 167, ch. 13, § 126, eff. Jan. 1, 1982. w " 154 1;Far�+� MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage RE: Discuss and Consider Approving Kentucky Fried Chicken Location and Construction and Amending Replat of Previously Submitted Approved Plat According to the zoning and subdivision ordinances any change to a final approved plat must go back through the Planning and Zoning Process. This proposed business has submitted new plans which include a replat of Lots 3 and 2B. All of the replat technicalities have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission , the Consulting Engineer and the City Staff. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council approve the amendment to this plat so that a building permit can be issued to Kentucky Fried Chicken. The major changes center around inadequate design plans . Attachment: Supporting Documentation • • c MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Official DATE: August 20, 1991 SUBJECT: Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Replat Approval The Wylie Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances require that any re- subdivision (REPLAT) involving lot size changes, must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council . Kentucky Fried Chicken has submitted plans for construction which includes a Replat of lots 3 and 2B of the Moussa-Switzer Addition. Planning and Engineering reviewed the initial Plat, the submitted Replat and the Construction Drawings, with Consulting Engineer assistance. We found the submitted Replat to be significantly lacking in proper design criteria, and requested a resubmittal of the Replat with corrections. The Replat to be considered for approval on August 27th by the City Council , reflects these corrections, as well as the Planning and Zoning approval on Monday, August 19, 1991 . The Building Inspections Department is currently reviewing the Building Construction Plans and will be able to permit this facility after the City Council ' s Replat approval . 4 15 z m N 0°46'48" - 262.83' o• — —�i0 BuilAind" Lint p,' . • +ry?cal, l` Y� k'o C'P t .1:00),,..zsi 1:7 \ •:•,. 1.8. V \ A / �� ?, 2 ,\ - ' \ �, \cf.' , 1;. 005/ \ IS6.9 ___ El$ \ Nor48'00•E -: 9__ 182 4� r• • p� ,+ �z \ 'C \ 3'4. \ 15' UTILITY EASEMENT e • j`t OJT J CIS ' QiClb Jam' 29 lfl' (� / v. r r ` r fAD w --4 Il CA + n N �,• ?' IP �V \ it g O o44 ." . • • • g r \g' st / 0 .• - -- 1 ISM erildiny Lint IS• {►TIUTY EASEMENT *\. IS. UTILITY EASEMENT 250t88• SO4.22'O6 W - APA.RR' Rt plet-7- . __ _ _ _ t Qv gla'ti%' CIO' BUILDING LINE r7 P t� �• ��°/� // . TACO DELITE LOT 4 y \ /O� a 0.6806 AC. I v 1� NO �� ,I, S v• CAB."G"SLIDE 414 y `L1Q'1 0 ��/ /,� �`'�A mod'+ss'�v\ Fj���• O z L I la 1 G,SZ`' / / ` ♦, `�Z`� yl m I W • /\�KC[Sf xYU(M ` �SZ+ / cae."c' SLIDE 414 dli z V \y ♦ a'• J c9 S . / / ♦i LOT 3—R PJ \ ..ec♦;, I n / / v�2\ f 0.5730 AC. y1s\ \ \ `! ��,, II.J ZZ / ��,♦ F �`�? ,Je V * • I 7 1.0°. Z\O' 0 • J��O``' tab` A\A .\.'... N\ 1... � I Z. �Z McDONALDS \ SOS.9?���\ `N�'` •Cy„-.� \ ♦ t \t, e 0 / o•s0 a6'o6' a•` 0„,...,-670 / LOT 2AO' o i : SET !i F 2\• \ cp' Rx20.00' i�' �NZl O �y� 1.1783 AC. Q� �,a /� ♦• LxDt.63' •.f� '..• /'e 1/2'I.R. 2�o s/` o• CAB."G" SLIDE 414 �� C�29.a3' e".'i: r+�� \ `�►• 42' •x 40 MUTUAL '��i• y� • I `�, ACCESS EASEMENT si•� y‘ /���� � {' I \�/ '{t. CAB."G"SLIDE 414 S I '0 cod .00O. ♦�. �� / V. \'may+ DETLA = 90'00'00" \"' IN \b• ti ' • RADIUS = 20,00' I \I 1, 'o LENGTH = 31 ,42' E�°• 1� \9`„s�4'• CHORD ■ S 83°I4' 30" E -28.28' / I �* I^' °�� I J Fy 'e o Sys e�'1yI:; • e h 'J ��' O V'' / ^1 :TV. 1 b, ±\�1�'0 bye S�♦� �, �t� ,/ / A Z I ST/ 21 ��/ f�tt V Oa�P`3�••��►'f�' �\Iti\ I a S�� ; / (`1'2 is .N� i I x 1 wH FI. ��y '' sit .\�`' / \p ypa..G I y the t 11 'J�� �� \lti / �'Gp0' m I W I Olin DE 414 N 1 e�\ / a >- IIIEGI I ��\ �I .; 1 High 12 S 125 I/ \• / ,- for man THE! 1 �• for a MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage RE: Discuss and Consider Approval of the Preliminary Plat For Oakridge Subdivision as Submitted by the Applicant which is Investors Network. Several months ago this land was zoned PD-SF-3. The land zoning was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council and the developer' s plan was approved. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Staff have done a comprehensive review of the preliminary plat . There are four areas of concern that effect final plat approval and will have to be complied with by the applicant before the final plat is approved . These areas deal with: 1. Ingress and egress to the land 2 . Screening requirements 3 . Set backs 4 . Easements Therefore, 4'it is recommended that the City Council approve this preliminary plat so that the applicant can prepare a final plat to be approved by Planning and Zoning and the City Council at a later date. MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Official DATE: August 21, 1991 SUBJECT: Oakridge Subdivision Preliminary Plat Review Investors Network intends to develop a zero lot line subdivision, as they have already acquired the appropriate zoning district (PD-SF-3) and a City Council Developmental Plan approval . The City Staff and the Planning & Zoning Commission addressed the following items before submitting this Preliminary Plat to the Council regarding: 1 ) Dual access provisions to the subdivisions by extending the proposed Fleming Street east to existing Fleming Street near the Rustic Oaks Apartments (per Planning & Engineering and Fire Department comments ) . Planning & Zoning members discussed all aspects of dual access to this subdivision including Mr. Dwight Scott' s ( Investors Network) comments that Westgate Way and F leeming Street would eventually be completed, based on anticipated investments and growth in both tracts of land adjacent to and south of this project. Mr. Scott stated that the development would not be feasible if dual access was required per the Final Plat. The P & Z members continued the lengthy discussion on fire & safety access, comparative analysis to Point North, future guarantees of Westgate Way and Fleming Street construction, and existing provisions by the developer relating to the traffic flow in this proposed subdivision. The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Staff both concluded that the developer needs to provide some type of dual access or at least a dependable guarantee of future dual access to this subdivision. City Staff did ask the developer to provide a cost estimate of the Fleming Street extension for City Council ' s review and subsequent decision regarding dual access to this subdivision. 2) Proper zone districts screening between the PD-SF- 3 and Industrial zone. This screening is required in the Zoning Ordinance but should be added to the Plat approval with a description of the type of screening required (wood or brick fence) . This screening will also enable the subdivision to have some protection from the railroad system (per subdivision and zoning regulations) . The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Staff recommends that this screening does not need to be included on the developmental plan of the Preliminary Plat since both the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances require this screening. 3) Recognize all building line setbacks and determine if these are appropriate for this PD-SF-3 zero lot line subdivision (per subdivision and zoning regulations ) . The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Staff recommends that the setbacks indicated on all lots be accepted by the City Council . The Zoning Ordinance, Section 24, allows approval of less restrictive building lines in a Planned Development as long as the visibility triangles are not reduced to create a traffic hazard. 4) Identify all necessary easements. The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Staff recommends that the following executed permits, easements or agreements be submitted as part of the Final Plat review: % a. DART permits for drainage and utility boring; b. Offsite drainage and sanitary sewer easements at the southeast corner of the property; c. Drainage easement to the east of proposed Fleming Street; d. Storm sewer and open channel drainage easements in the future portion of Westgate Way west of the project; e. R. O. W. for Westgate Way, and Fleming Street connection if required. I have attached a brief subdivision approval procedure for the Oakridge Subdivision that I recently submitted to Investors Network to assist them in their scheduling and fee payments. This will help you better understand the Preliminary to Final Plat procedure. Also, the Preliminary Plat has been reviewed by Consulting Engineer Joe Helmberger, with corrections made by the developer, following Mr. Helmberger' s evaluation. OAKRIDOE SUBDIVISION I . SUBDIVISION APPROVAL PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Plat - submitted by 8/5/91- Fee = $317 .00 (1) Planning and Zoning meeting 8/19/91 . (2) City Council meeting 8/27/91 . Preliminary returned, with revisions , to Oakridge Engineer . B. Final Plat "Approval for construction" submitted by 9/3/91-Fee = $438 . 00 . (1) Planning and Zoning meeting - 9/16/91 only one meeting in September . ( 2 ) City Council meeting - 9/24/91 Final approval allows Mayor to sign the Signature Block "approved for construction " and subdivision owner to begin construction of the Public facilities to be dedicated to the City of Wylie upon completion and certification of acceptable construction by the City Staff . (3) Developmental fees - Paid before Mayor signs approved for construction block ( 9/25) . 1% of the cost of improvements for dedication to the City. ex: water and sewer lines , street and drainage improvements . • ( 4) Lift Station District fees - not applicable (5) The following items must also be furnished on same day that the development fee is paid: a . Labor and Materials payment bond equal to 50% of cost public improvements . b. Proof of liability insurance. C. Final Plat - Final acceptance signature by the City Council and Mayor . (1) Oakridge makes application to the City Council for final acceptance of the plat and dedications and easements . This application must be submitted 15 days prior to City Council meeting, in order for City Staff to prepare a subdivision approval letter , addressed to the City Council . (2 ) Oakridge is required to pay a parkland dedication fee prior to the signing of the final acceptance block by the Mayor . Fee = $225 .00 per unit = $21 , 600 .00 . (3) Construction water fee - Capacity of new lines times 3 times prevailing water rate determined by City Engineer and paid before final Plat approved. II . HOME CONSTRUCTION : A. Building Permit Fee (1) $50 ,000 . 00 value and up - $283 . 00 for the first $50 ,000 . 00 plus $3 . 00 for each additional $1 ,000 ,00 or fraction thereof . ( 2 ) Water meter deposit = $60 . 00 ( 3) Water tap = $20 . 00 (pre-tapped) (4) Sewer tap = $20 .00 ( pre-tapped) B. Impact fee - imposed on each permit for defrayment of the impact burden on the water and sewerage system, per the Capital Improvements Program allowed by Senate Bill 336 and adopted by the Wylie City Council . This fee is currently assessed on each permit and is as follows : (1) Sewer impact = $500 .00 (2) Water impact = $600 .00 • (3) $1 , 100 .00 per building permit This impact fee is evaluated every six months , by the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, for compliance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program. C. Each separate contractor (plumber , mechanical , Electrical ) must register their license' s with the City of Wylie and obtain their permits , after the building contractor . Permit fees and inspection procedures , for each contractor , may be obtained at the Building Inspections Department . NOTE: Please continue to follow the Subdivision Ordinances detailed requirements as provided to you during the pre- application conference on 7/26/91 . • , . . , ' t,..1 • • 'f.*• &prig° .r7-1,104. 3 •V r '7,'+'"t. .,•'' . . •' • '.'.1,-,'4.' '-6.\:',A11)111614 9.• zr,'•`;':•••..e..;•q pi •, .. „...itt', ,..41%i'.• . ' •4, '' ' ..." 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I .: • ,, 4„.. „ so 27 Offl , z3.1 I I, 9 20 \ 26 27 144 • ....1 • 1. , --,' • ‘‘ t•-10 43. _ ... a Li,_-..-:-.t., , ' -too 10 ..,• 'I ,A. •-f, V ___ -•---•• :,. - m- - 1.0U13 I . SOUTH WE3rERN IMIL/f50A6 D4.19' 55:.W ..- 7357 57. I i I 11, . .. ----- . • • , . • • - • ,• . . . . . • • • . . . . • 1/7 . . MEMORANDUM TO: City Council • FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager DATE: August 19 , 1991 REF : Discuss and Consider Re-verification Monitoring and Testing Requirements Prior to Landfill Closure Action. In a letter from the Texas Department of Health , which was very favorable to the City , the Health Department will require some re-sampling between now and September 30 , 1991 . This appears to be minor action prior to the meeting in Austin to discuss final closure of the landfill . BD/bl • u '��, Texas Department of Health Robert A.MacLean,M.D. 1100 West 49th Street Acting Commissioner Austin,Texas 78756-3199 (512)458-7111 AUG. 1 5 1091 Honorable John Akin Mayor of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject: Solid Waste - Collin County City of Wylie - Permit No. 712 Hydrogeologic Investigation Dear Mayor Akin: On July 2 , 1991, we received the report titled "Phase II Hydrogeologic Investigation" for the subject site. It was prepared by Jones and Neuse, Inc. , and dated June 20, 1991. A revised version of the report, dated August 1, 1991, was received on August 8, 1991. This investigation was undertaken in response to our letter of October 17, 1990. The w0a described in the cggvp4r fu1.ly meets all the reciuirements shown in our letter, as modified by subsequent letters and telephone calls between our staff and Mr. David Buchanan of Jones and Neuse, Inc. 'Afft�er reviewing the report, we bel'eve , . • •- - • • • • fl - • un b•.unn aries off theositelnwith the •ossib e excerrt _o, • . wa -r- ,1a •e le e • :- - - . - • an. a very ow eve o ace one in MW-13 . We do have some concerns about the levels of total organic carbon ,in all of the wells, all above our informal trigger level of 10 mg/L. Further, some of the wells have errors in their ' anion-cation balances of more than 10%, our usual upper limit for such errors. Because of these concerns, we are requiring that you set a date not later than September 30, 1991, t sample or)itor wells 2 , 5, 6, 9, 12, 13 , and 14, and piezometers'P-3 and P-4, as described below. These samples will be split with the Department, which will have the same parameters analyzed by its laboratory. Your laboratory shall supply an identical set of containers for the Department's samples, in order to eliminate container variability as a consideration in the analyses. We will supply our ice, ice-chests, and sample transportation. Samples shall be taken appropriately to analyze the following parameters: MW-2 : Volatile organic compounds (VOC) MW-5, 6, 9, 12, 13 , 14 : Groups 1-4 on our SE65 form plus VOCs P-3 , 4 : Groups 2 and 3 on our SE65 form plus VOCs Honorable John Akin Page 2 Enough field blanks shall be taken to permit analysis of all parameters. Prior to sampling, water levels shall be measured in all open wells to the nearest hundredth foot. At least three well volumes for to dryness if less) shall be bailed or purged from each well prior to sampling. For wells that are slow to recover, sampling may be postponed for up to 72 hours after bailing or purging. These samples will constitute the second of the four required quarterly background samples from MW-5, 6, 9, 12, 13 , and 14, and are for the third calendar quarter. Samples taken from MW-5, 6, and 9 on November 8, 1990, were for the fourth calendar quarter for these wells; samples taken from MW-14 on March 18, 1991, were for the first calendar quarter; and samples taken from MW-12 and 13 on April 2, 1991, were for the second quarter. Future samples must be taken within the next 12 months to ensure that each well has a quarterly background sample for each of the four calendar quarters, even though all will not have samples from the same calendar quarter in the same year. This provides an opportunity to detect any seasonal changes in the quality of the shallow ground water. As soon as you have set a tentative date for the sampling event and at least 10 days prior to it, notify Mr. A. R. Smith or Ms. Ada Lichaa here in Austin at (512) 458-7271 to allow them to make arrangements for witnessing bailing/purging and collecting the split-samples. Please arrange for copies of the enclosed Monitor Well Data Sheets to be completed for MW-5, 6, 9, 12, 13 , and 14 as soon as possible, and return them to us. y•ur y n ehge. please contact Mr. Michael p. raebe . P u. . at 12 4 7271 here in Austin to arrange a meet I . • - ---- .... .. . .. We appreciate your co-operation in the investigation of this site. Mr. David Buchanan of Jones & Neuse has been extremely responsive and helpful on your behalf throughout Phase II. If you have any questions concerning this letter, you may contact Mr. A. R. (Dick) Smith, Senior Staff Geologist, Ground Water Protection Branch, Surveillance and Enforcement Division, Bureau of Solid Waste Management, at telephone number (512) 458-7271. Sins - i` - IPP , is'alk 7C. L. C. (Chet) Safe, C.P.G. , Chief Ground Water Protection Branch Surveillance and Enforcement Division Bureau of Solid Waste Management ARS/mr Enclosure cc: Region 5, TDH, Arlington Collin County Health Department Wylie City Manager, / Jo MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage �+"' DATE: August 19 , 1991 REF : Discuss and Consider Collection Procedure on Funds owed to the City by Southfork Mobile Home Park. I have sent four collection notices to Southfork Mobile Home Park on $21 , 168. 25 which they owe to the City of Wylie. Accordingly, since I cannot collect this money , I would recommend the City Council authorize the City Attorney to pursue all means to collect this money for the taxpayers of Wylie . BD/bl '$ CITY OF' VcTYLIE 2000 HWY.78N.-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 ` John Akin Mayor August 21, 1991 Jay Davis Mr . James L. Clayton Mayor Pro-Tem P. 0. Box 15169 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 Dear Mr . Clayton, Jim Swartz City Council The City of Wylie is in receipt of your check in the amount of $11, 195.12 . This check covers utility service costs for billing period 07/29/91 through 08/13/91 . The City of Wylie accepts this check under protest and reminds you that you still owe the City $21 , 168 .25 . The City of Wylie will take William Martin appropriate collection measures to require that this money City Council be paid to the City of Wylie. Specifically this debt is owed for the master meter , the water loss due to a major le and removal of individual meters . ncer 7" -, Y, /// Don Hughes City Council %r , ') ;;- s B Da ,y er Ci , Mana.er Ostie Messen r City Coun. Percy Simmons City Council Bill Dashner City Manager Pliw/Z1rn HOMES We Build ream d" August 20, 1991 City of Wylie ATTN: Bill Dashner 2000 Hwy. 78N - P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Southfork Mobile Home Park Dear Mr. Dashner: Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $11, 195.12, which covers the water, sewer and trash service for the period of July 29, 1991, through August 13, 1991. Please note that this payment is made under protest. The issues have been previously communicated to you, at least in part. It is our intent to properly honor, as we always have, all normal charges for water, sewer and trash pickup in a very timely manner. Notice this payment is not due until August 30, 1991 . Hopefully, in consideration of our making payments in a timely manner, you will not cause any further action to be taken against us which would be inconvenient or otherwise damaging to the fine residents at Southfork. We have received information indicating, but not confirmed, that statements have been made to the effect that certain utility services may be discontinued to Southfork. If such should be the case, the potential liability of the City to Southfork management, owners, investors, and residents would be enormous. Specific information has been received that you may be about to discontinue trash pickup with BFI. A copy of this check and your statement is being forwarded to them for their information. Sincerely yours, JAMES L. CLAYTON President Enclosures JLC:kt L:\.chards\perks\wyli. P.O.BOX 15169,ALCOA HIGHWAY,KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37901 ■615/970-7200 "4 0-4 le CITY OF' NATYLIMO 2000 HWY.78N.-P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 August 16, 1991 - John Akin Mayor James L. Clayton, President Clayton Homes P. 0. Box 15169 Alcoa Highway Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 Jay Davis REF: Southfork Mobile Home Park Mayor Pro-Tern Wylie, Texas • Dear Mr. Clayton: The City of Wylie has received a check from you in the Jim Swartz amount of $8 ,364 . 82 which is only partial payment of the City Council $29 ,533.07 owed to the City for services rendered Southfork Mobile Home Park, specific billing period 7/19/91 through 7/29/91 . The City has, at this time, not received any payment on the amount you owe the City for billing period 7/29/91 through 8/13/91 . William Martin City Council As you indicated in your letter, you are making this payment under protest. The City of Wylie will accept this partial payment and will take appropriate measures to collect the remaining portion of this bill . In your letter dated August 13 , 1991 , you indicated in Don Hughes item #8 "The cost of providing billing , collection, meter City Council reading, and the other services now forced on us at Southfck could, over time, cause a rent increase. Again, this means that people who may be least able to afford a housing cost increase may be significantly impacted. " ; as far as management of this private property ortie Messenger water system, I cannot advise you other than State law City Council does regulate this area . Since you have advised officially your intent, I am sending a copy of your letter to Mr. Terry Thompson, Texas State Water Commission. Percy Simmons S ' n c e r e City Council proppr rf sa finer Manager Bill Dashner - cc: City Council Director of Finance City Mane• City Attorney City Secretary Terry Thompson Texas State Water Commission r 14121ff 1 OMES We &u.2d V4eain " August 13, 1991 Mayor John Akin City of Wylie 2000 Hwy. 78N - P.O. Box 420 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Southfork Mobile Home Park Wylie, Texas Dear Mayor: Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $8,364.82 which pays the water, sewer and sanitation bill for Southfork from July 19, 1991, to July 29, 1991. Please note that this amount is paid under protest for the following reasons: 1. The City did not provide meter reading service. 2. The City did not provide billing service. 3. The City did not provide collection service. 4. The City did not provide information as to individual customer account items. 5. The City did not incur any collection losses. 6. The Citytdid not provide for system water losses, leakage, flushes of fire • hydrants, and the like. 7. Southfork residents must now pay an average amount for sewer. This means that a single working person with a low income will have to pay the same amount(or actually part of the sewer cost) as a husband and wife with three children who use ten times as much water. 8. The cost of providing billing, collection, meter reading, and the other services now forced on us at Southfork could, over time, cause a rent increase. Again, this means that people who may be least able to afford a housing cost increase may be significantly impacted. P.O.BOX 15169,ALCOA HIGHWAY,KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37901 •615/970-7200 Mayor John Akin August 13, 1991 Page Two It is most unfortunate that the City now has water meters on hand worth $10,000 (which were removed from Southfork), that Southfork has to go out and purchase meters at $35, that one or more nearby residents are tapped onto our system, that the City had to pay $2,551 for shunts which will be worthless when Southfork meters are installed, that the City spent $6,000 in overtime, and all in a most useless, financially reckless and unnecessary ranntr. 9. The Southfork water and sewer system was significantly over-built in order to meet City requirements for providing all of the above services, including maintenance of the water and sewer system. Unfortunately, Southfork and the City of Wylie are now in a position that leaves little choice except to devote much time, energy and resources to litigating this matter over an extended period of time. Mr. Berlin for Cambridge, and I for Clayton Homes,Inc. are most desirous of ending this ill-fated, embarrassing,inconvenient,expensive, and completely unnecessary controversy. Mr. Berlin's phone number is (214) 890-1788, my office phone is (615) 970-1200, and my home number is (615) 525-2858. We would welcome any ideas anyone may have to help resolve this matter. Sincerely yours, 316-04L) JAivME i L. CLAYTOON President JLC:kt f:\edwards\holigan\wylie cc: Jay Davis, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Swartz, City Council William Martin, City Council Don Hughes, City Council Ortie Messonger, City Council Percy Simmons, City Council Bill Dashner, City Manager Ron Berlin Mike Norwood • 5 • ...,' :• -•,,,;:, ' 0''. •: :, . :'',,,,,..i,,ki,i.iitt: 't.i;ii PA ki v,• 2 D x FIRST'AMERICAN NA710 A�'BANK'� ''' c v 1,.,,t�1 t KNOXVILL TENN .37 ;���,,i�.tx.... y �-1 t �'r �+ �'' p F': Z n Z S.3 rG¢�fBJlp144 444, :f4 1 •, • r�.4 + y t rid.! ,i• ; 2 m O t v 4 + M� i,; ,d' .k W ; Jtt ,,' 11�� LA.i •• Mt .} . Oy r f:; flu ,;? , tl y r r{ n •,+ f r j•,' n ., ,';.:,,qy , 1� t,. F4 ,. ra; �}t „ !,` ,r .. V I a�4A• 7' • . .',�?�. 1 iAi " ,. Ir , � 1t4 4`i ley .a �, i ,y�4,�;. • , , >a�i a Y,.� 1 � co r , �4 �' t •■ M tly. 1. ,y 4. m - . VI C 0 !•CA 0 aln O IIIIi4m ,, 8 O t N ,iw 4 ;•a ;, i n 4�,�4^^ ®lb v day, {1, ; IT4ti t.; o ~O QC 77u" 1 i % gfii ,1 T t4 • J: YPWif Q},+,.'• * VW/ w 3 " a I ' y . ; YWM'M + rn C `, b„:, ,.};- 2 fit~ ,( , • .tom „i 51 . ', c ' ` x tf -iv(1„,, I'c.' `, co N t ', Lll, Sv7 i. }',lf4e4 ,', , trim t ,,Yl1 e 'Q {,f+ y ii + + + + + + + + + + + + + t 4 Y .ti .;y li .,• "PAID UNDE1t'?PROTEST% "PAID UNDER PROTEST" a , F . i • • • • • t. • • • • • • • • St • • CITY OF' WYLIE 2000 HWY.78N. -P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 John Akin Mayor August 15 , 1991 Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd . Jay Davis Wylie, Texas 75098 Mayor Pro-Tem • Dear Mr . Votaw: This letter shall constitute notification of the cost for Jim Swartz City services from July 29 to August 13, 1991 . City Council Additionally, a summary of previously billed charges for fees and services are included. Previous Charges Are: William Martin Installation of Master Meter $11 ,980 .10 6uiO4 City Council Water Leak on Park' s System q 1,530 .000Am, Removal of Individual Meter c ' 2,��4.._.7,658 .15 4wja Water/Sewer/Sanitation Service From 07/19/91 to 07/29/91 8,364 .82f4 Subtotal $29 ,533 .07 Don Hughes City council Water/Sewer/Sanitation Service .r„ From 07/29/91 to 08/13/91 11 , 195 .12 (See Attached Bill) TOTAL $40,728 .19 Ortie Messenger City Council Mr. Votaw, the bill for the latter part of July will soon be past due. You are encouraged to pay prior to incurring the penalty and interest charges . Also, in accordance with the applicable City ordinances your park is subject to the Percy Simmons cessation of services the same as other customers . City Council Sincerely yours , Dashner B Is'- BiN Dashner City Manager City Manager Certified No. P 669 532 864 691 ' UTILITY STATEMENT • y r '8 August 14, 1991 CITY OF WYLIH) 2000 HWY.78N.—P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 UTILITY BILLING Southfork Mobil Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, TX. 75098 L.___ SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 216 Southfork Blvd. 21-5355000 AIETERREGOINO YQUR CURRENT CONSUMPTION BILLING PERIOD PREVIOUS PRESENT 07/29 - 08/13 1,742,400 CODE DESCRIPTION CURRENT CHARGES AMOUNT DUE WCI Commerical Water $4,444.68 S55 Pro-rated sewer charges for 423 trailers/units @ 9.00 ea. 3,807.00 R55 Pro-rated residental trash pick-up for 423 trailers/units 2,284.20 @ 5.40 ea. SP5 Pro-rated sewer plant pass thru for 423 trailers/units 482.22 @ 1.14 ea. 177.02 TAX State Sales Tax PRbVIOUS SAI-ANC6 CURRBNT NET CLUE $11,195.12 'r. I IF PAID AFTER 08/30/91 11,746.02 PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR Fit((ail) CITY OF WYLI3 P.O. BOX 428 UTILITY DEPARTMENT WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 MESSAGE FROM YOUR CITY PERIOD ENDING ACCOUNT NUMBER li - 101 CUSTOMER Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, TX. 75098 SERVICE ADDRESS 216 Southfork Blvd. PREVIOUS BALANCE CURRENT CHARGES WCI 4,444.68 S55 3,807.00 NET IUE •5 12 IF PAID AFTER SP5 482.22 R55 2,284.20 TAX 177.02 08/30/91 11,746.02 PI FASF RFTIIRN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • • • • *"0-r'"‘fie i'' CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY.78N. -P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 John Akin Mayor July 30 , 1991 Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd . Jay Davis Wylie, Texas 75098 Mayor Pro-Tem Dear Mr. Votaw: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the growing debt to the City of Wylie by your organization. A summary Jim Swartz of previously billed amounts as well as current charges are City Council presented below. The City of Wylie billed by letter the charges for the master meter in January: 8" Master Meter $ 9,750 .000A1+44 William Martin City Council Meter Steel Vault 1,669.00 0140.4 Valve & Flange for Hookup 561 .10 14144 SUB TOTAL $11,980.10 6E14 Don Hughes City.Council In June Southfork had a major leak on the Park' s interior water system. Mr . Warner recently billed by letter for the water loss when the leak was not promptly repaired . Water Loss (600,000 Gallons) $ 1,530.00* Ortie Messenger City Council On July 19 , 1991, the City removed the individual meters from the Park' s interior system and placed shunts or meter idlers in the meter sites . This letter constitutes a bill for the following expenses incurred by the City: Water Idler ' s/ Shunts $ 2 ,551 .00 Percy Simmons City Council Labor for Meter Removal 5,107 .15 Water/Sewer/Sanitation 8, 364 .8241 Charges for the Period 07/19/91 to 07/29/91 Bill Dashner City Manager SUBTOTAL 16,022.97 GRAND TOTAL $29,533.07 Mr. Votaw, the water/sewer/sanitation charges for the ten days in July have been corrected for the usage by Mr. Thurman who has a tap on your system. Also, the water/sewer/sanitation charges above assume payment on or before August 16 , 1991. The City of Wylie is anticipating prompt payment of this bill. The City is depending on these funds to help support Government Operations the rest of this year . As I had indicated to you and Mr . Clayton in previous correspondence we are looking forward to a new positive relationship. Expeditious payment of this bill will certainly aid that process . Sincerely yours, • Bi 1 Dashner ill City Manager .w UTILITY STATEMENT * ' /e July 30, 1991 CITY OF WY'LI3C 2000 HWY.78N.-P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 UTILITY BILLING • Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas 75098 SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER 216 Southfork Blvd. 21-5355000 BILLING PERIOD 6ETERREAOINc YOUR CURRENT CONSUMPTION PREVIOUS PRESENT 7/19/91 - 7/29/91 1,441,800 CODE DESCRIPTION CURRENT CHARGES AMOUNT DUE WCI Commerical Water 3,684.81 S55 Pro-rated sewer charge for 423 trailers/units @ 6.00 ea. 2,538.00 R55 Pro-rated residental trash pick-up for 423 trailers/units @ 4.05 ea. 1,713.15 SP5 Pro-rated sewer plant pass thru for 423 trailers/units @ .70 ea. 296.10 TAX State Sales Tax 132.76 PREVIOUS BALANCE CURRENT NET DUE 8,364.82 '++ IF PAID AFTER 8/16/91 8,776.42 PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORD CITY OF WYLIID P.O. BOX 428 UTILITY DEPARTMENT WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 MESSAGE FROM YOUR CITY PERIOD ENDING _ • M• R 7/29/91 21-5355000 CUSTOMER Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas 75098 SERVICE ADDRESS 216 Southfork Blvd. PREVIOUS BALANCE CURRENT CHARGES 8,364.82 NET DUE 8,364.82 WCI 3,684.81 S55 2,538,100 IF PAID AFTER SP5 296. 10 R55 1,713.15 Tax 132.76 8/16/91 8,776.42 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT • • � UTILITY STATEMENT * i . 0 0 July 30, 1991 CITY OF WYLIM 2000 HWY. 78N.—P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 UTILITY BILLING Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas 75098 SERVICE ADDRESS . ACCOUNT NUMBER 216 Southfork Blvd. 21-5355000 BILLING PERIOD uinnncAD C , , , • 1, IS PnIVIOUS ummuimannommommi 7/19/91 - 7/29/91 1,441,800 CODE DESCRIPTION CURRENT CHARGES AMOUNT DUE WCI Commerical Water 3,684.81 S55 Pro-rated sewer charge for 423 trailers/units @ 6.00 ea. 2,538.00 R55 Pro-rated residental trash pick-up for 423 trailers/units @ 4.05 ea. 1,713.15 SP5 Pro-rated sewer plant pass thru for 423 trailers/units @ .70 ea. 296.10 TAX State Sales Tax 132.76 PREVIOUS BALANCE CURRENT NET DUE 8,364.82 'n I IF PAID AFTER (II 8/16/91 8,776.42 PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORD CITY OF' WYLIB3 P.O. BOX 428 UTILITY DEPARTMENT WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 MESSAGE FROM YOUR CITY PERIOD ENDING ACCOUNT NUMBER 7/29/91 21-5355000 CUSTOMER Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas 75098 SERVICE ADDRESS 216 Southfork Blvd. PREVIOUS BALANCE CURRENT CHARGES 8,364.82 NET DUE 8,364.82 WCI 3,684.81 S55 2,538t00 • IF PAID AFTER SP5 296.10 R55 1,713.15 Tax 132.76 8/16/91 8,776.42 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT CITY OF' VV.YLaIIC 2000 HWY.78N. -P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 JoLin Akin Mayor August 15 , 1991 Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd . Jay Davis Wylie, Texas 75098 Mayor Pro-Tem Dear Mr . Votaw: This letter shall constitute notification of the cost for Jim Swartz City services from July 29 to August 13, 1991. City Council Additionally, a summary of previously billed charges for fees and services are included. Previous Charges Are: William Martin Installation of Master Meter $11 ,980 .10 City Council Water Leak on Park' s System 1,530.00 Removal of Individual Meters 7 ,658 .15 Water/Sewer/Sanitation Service From 07/19/91 to 07/29/91 8,364 . 82 Subtotal $29,533.07 Don Hughes City Council • Water/Sewer/Sanitation Service ..„ From 07/29/91 to 08/13/91 11 ,195 .12 (See Attached Bill) TOTAL $40,728 .19 Ortie Messenger City Council Mr. Votaw, the bill for the latter part of July will soon be past due. You are encouraged to pay prior to incurring the penalty and interest charges . Also, in accordance with the applicable City ordinances your park is subject to the Percy Simmons cessation of services the same as other customers . City Council Sincerely yours , G� Bill Dashner Bi 1 Dashner City Manager City Manager Certified No. P 669 532 864 ORDINANCE NO. U 7- "I Y AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE #84-12, THE FEE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 1 . WATER AND SEWER RATES, SUB-SECTION A. WATER AND SEWER SERVICE DEPOSITS; SUB- SECTION b. WATER RATES, PARAGRAPH a; AND SUB-SECTION C. SEWAGE COLLECTION AND TREATMENT RATES, PARAGRAPH a . , AND PARAGRAPH b. AND ADDING PARAGRAPH c. AND DELETING PARAGRAPH d. ; AND SUB-SECTION G. LATE PAYMENT PENALTY AND SERVICE DISCONNECTION AND TAMPERING AND DESTRUCTION, PARAGRAPH a. ,PARAGRAPH b. , AND PARAGRAPH c; AND SUB-SECTION H. TEMPORARY CONNECTION CHARGE; AND SUB-SECTION I .CONNECTION OF SERVICE; AND SUB-SECTION K. WATER AND SEWER TAP FEES, PARAGRAPH a . , PARAGRAPH b. , PARAGRAPH c. , PARAGRAPH d . , AND PARAGRAPH e. ; AND ADDING SUB-SECTION 0. METER TESTING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . WATER AND SEWER RATES A. Water and Sewer Service Deposit - Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie fbr water service and sewer service in accordance with the following schedule: Residential Customers: water service $30 .00 sewer service 30.00 Commercial Customers: water service $62 .50 sewer service 62 .50 B. Water Rates a . The following monthly water rates shall apply to all customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie , Texas . Monthly minimum charge (first 1,000 $6 .50 gallons of metered water consumption) Volume charge for all consumption 1 . 82 exceeding 1 ,000 gallons per month (per 1 ,000 gallons) C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates a. The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas with a maximum charge of $23 .80 per month. Monthly minimum charge (first 1,000 $7 .00 gallons of metered water consumption) Volume charge for all consumption 1 .20 exceeding 1,000 gallons per month (per 1,000 gallons) b. A $14 .00 minimum monthly sewage collection and treatment charge for non-residential customers shall be in accordance with the above schedule, but with no maximum. Any industrial waste surcharge shall be in addition to the above schedule and in accordance with the details of the Industrial Waste Ordinance. c. Sewer Fee - A sewer fee of $13 .00 shall be charged for each apartment unit , multiple family unit or mobile home space and special areas such as washaterias, swimming pools, etc. where the apartment , multiple family development or mobile home park is on a master meter with the City of Wylie. G. Late Payment Penalty and Service Disconnection and Tampering and Destruction a. That such water and sewer rates hereby shall be mailed by the City of Wylie shall be due and payable by customers of the Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer System by the 16th day from the date of the bill . All utility bill payments are due by the 16th date of the bill except when the 16th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday under which condition they are due not later than 8 :00 A.M. local time on the next working day. Should the amount due on the 16th day not be paid in full , a ten percent (10%) penalty shall be added to the amount past due and unpaid. %. Utility customers with accounts unpaid as of the close of business on the 16th day (due date) will be notified by the issuance of a "termination notice" which will notify customers that account is past due and that City utility service is subject to termination . The customer is subject to service discontinuation on the llth day after the bill comes due (16th day or due date) . The City is not required to send additional notices other than the termination notice in order to be authorized to discontinue service. For purposes of termination of services , the termination day is calculated from the 16th day, or due date, irregardless on what day of the week it falls on. c . No customer shall have the right to tamper or alter any component of the waterworks or Sewer System including valves , meters , meter boxes and lids, hydrants , lines , pump stations , ground storage tanks , elevated storage tanks and lift stations . This shall include the direct or indirect efforts to restore water service without the approval or assistance of the City or any effort to circumvent the intent of the City to provide service without putting up a current deposit on the account or to not provide service for non-payment of charges . H. Temporary Connection Charge A fee of twenty dollars ($20 .00) shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility customer for activities such as cleaning , plumbing checks , remodeling and so forth . Such temporary service will be provided for three (3) working days, excluding the date on which the fee is paid. 67 I . Connection of Service Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits, connection of utility service shall be made by the City. if requested by the customer , and if the application and deposit are received prior to 10 : 00 A.M. , all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the same working day. If the application and deposit are received after 10: 00 A.M. , and upon payment in advance of a $25 .00 special service connection fee, service will be connected by the end of the same working day. Otherwise, all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the following working day. K. Water and Sewer Tap Fees The following represent the charges the City of Wylie shall require to be paid for tapping a water main and sanitary sewer for service and the extension of that service to the property line. All water and sewer service lines on private property are the responsibility of the individual property owner under the current Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie. a. Water Taps - The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the City water distribution system shall be: METER SIZE METER ONLY COST METER & TAP COST 3/4" X 5/8" $125 .00 $125 .00 plus cost of materials and labor 1" $280.00 $280 .00 plus cost of materials and labor 1 1/2" $560 .00 $560 .00 plus cost of materials and labor 2" & over Total cost of meter, materials and labor 3/4" X 5/8" $25 .00 per pre- (pre-tapped) tapped subdivision mains to property line - for inspection per tap unit b. Water Taps The tapping fee for master meter connections for multi-family dwellings, mobile home parks, office buildings, etc. , shall be $25 .00 per living unit plus the cost of meter, materials and labor . c. Sewer Taps The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the City sanitary' sewer collection system shall be: SIZE OF SERVICE LINE COST 4" $160 .00 plus cost of materials and labor 6" & over $220 .00 plus cost of materials and labor 4" & over $25 .00 for pre-tapped subdivision (Pre-tapped) mains to property line - for inspection per tap unit d . Sewer Taps The tapping fee for single sanitary sewer for multi-family dwellings , mobile home parks , office buildings, etc. , shall be $25 .00 per living unit or separate place of business plus the cost of materials and labor . e. Water and Sewer Connection Inspection Fees The fee for inspecting developer made water and sewer taps shall be $25 .00 per connection made. 0. Meter Testing When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly, the customer may make a request to the City for testing of the meter . At the time the request is made, a $15 .00 deposit shall be made . If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption in excess of actual flow by more than 2 percent, the meter shall be replaced with an accurate one and the $15 .00 deposit shall be returned to the customer . If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by 2 percent or less, the $15 .00 deposit shall be retained by the City. PUBLICATION The caption of this Ordinance shall be published one time in the official newspaper of the City of Wylie. SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that should the sections , paragraphs, sentences , clauses and phrases of the Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases , clauses , sentences, paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in the Ordinance of unconstitutional or invalid phrases , clauses , sentences , paragraphs , or sections . EFFECTIVE DATE The Ordinance shall become effective on the first (1st) day of October, 1987 . PASSEDAPPROVEDOF AND ON THIS THE �� /j�DAY J ,. 1987 , BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. �L c5h im uck Trb , Mayur"1,%' L. SEAL ATTEST: /0, u►uiin a Pa` Caroly one , y Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Managerif44411/4401m080.° RE: Discuss and Consider Formal Recommendation on City Of Wylie V. Minyard Lawsuit Appeal See attached City Attorney recommendation . MEMORANDUM DATE: August 13, 199� T0: City Council illik • FROM: Steve Deiter, Ci - A torney . RE: City' s Couns - . for City' s Interest in Minyard Appeal I am forwarding herewith the letter dated August 12, 1991 from John Pierce Griffin of the Nichols, Jackson, Kirk & Dillard firm. I had made an inquiry concerning that firm' s continuing its representation of the City in the ongoing Minyard appeal proceedings . The firm has declined to represent the City on a flat fee basis but will do it for its usual hourly rate of $90 per hour (which will become $100 per hour on and after October 1, 1991) . I would have preferred a flat fee basis but I believe this hourly rate is very reasonable compared to other firms . My interpretation of Section 4 of Article 4 of the City Charter is that any additional attorneys or special counsel must be retained or approved by the City Council . I am hereby soliciting such approval concerning representation of the City in the Minyard appeal by the Nichols, Jackson , Kirk & Dillard firm. If the Council would desire to solicit bids from other firms, consider representation by other firms or direct me to represent the City then the Council could certainly do so . Action taken by the Council is, as always, left to the sound discretion of the Council and I can only make recommendations. It continues to be my recommendation that the City employ the above referenced firm to continue representation of the City' s interest in the Minyard appeal proceedings. I would suggest this matter be placed on the first available agenda as certain matters in the appeal need attention on a very timely basis . cc:) Bill Dashner, City Manager • 7,' .. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 1, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manag Z� RE: Discuss and Consider Proposed Contracts Between the City of Wylie and the City of Murphy on Sewage Treatment for that City and Transmission Fees to be Charged Murphy on Transmission of Sewage in City Line. (Discussion only - no action requested) Attached are two (2) proposed contracts to be executed between the City of Wylie and the City of Murphy, one on sewage treatment and one on sewage transmission . On the sewage treatment plant the City of Wylie will make from $11 ,690 a year to $95 ,812 per year depending on the usage. On the transmission fee the City of Wylie will make between $1,642 and $16 ,420 per year depending on the usage. Attachment • • • • • • MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14 , 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager 444A RE: Discuss and Consider First Draft of a Contract Between the City of Wylie/City of Murphy/North Texas Municipal Water District to Treat City of Murphy Sewage Attached is a preliminary contract that will allow the City of Wylie to handle all of the City of Murphy' s sewage. This is a not to exceed 250,000 gallons per day contract . The City of Wylie • currently has a 1 ,000 ,000 gallon per day access capacity. The City of Murphy would tie on to the City' s transmission line. The City would charge Murphy over and above treatment cost where the City would see a reasonably and equitable profit margin . This contract is for discussion purposes only at this point . The City will make in profit from $11 ,690 to $95 ,812 per year depending on the flow from 25,000 gallons per day to 250 , 000 per day. LIAR G I`99Iera timmmimmme NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P.O.DRAWER C --- WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 REGIONAL SERVICE THROUGH UNITY PHONE NO.442.5405 March 5, 1991 Mr. Bill Dashner City Manager City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie , Texas 75098 RE: Murphy - Wylie Wastewater Treatment Contract Dear Bill : Enclosed is my first draft of a contract that could be used between the City of Wylie , City of Murphy , and NTMWD for Waste- water Treatment Services. I believe this contract does contain the provisions we have previously discussed. Please review the document from your perspective and if it does contain the provisions we discussed , I will forward it on to the City of Murphy for consideration. At that time you could forward the document to the Wylie City Council and a determination could then be made as to whether a group needs to meet for further discussions of the contract before approval . Of course it will . be necessary to prepare an agreement for the use of the Wylie Collection System for transporting Murphy ' s flow to the plant . We can discuss these matters in more detail later . Please contact my office as soon as you have the opportunity to review the contract and we will make whatever arrangements necessary for further discussion. Sincerel CARL W. R I EIIN Executive Director CWR:md Encl. ANALYSIS OF WYLIE - MURPHY CONTRACT FINANCIAL EFFECTS Unknown flows and unexpected unbudgeted expense can make projections difficult but based on reasonable assumptions projections can provide data for use in decision making. The following attempts to make such projections. FACTS WYLIE PLANT COST: 1989-90 Expenditures 0 & M $123,690 Debt Service 261 .976 TOTAL $385,666 1990-91 Expenditures Proposed 0 & M $159,942 Debt Service 257 .997 TOTAL $417 ,939 Unit cost based on 319 ,481 ,000 gallons annual flow 1989-90 $1 .21/000 1990-91 $1 . 31/000 (319 ,481 ,000 was actual Wylie flow 1989-90 year) 0 & M DEBT SERVICE TOTAL (000) (000) (000) 1989-90 $. 388 .823 $1.21 1990-91 $.500 .810 $1 . 31 ASSUMPTIONS A. Wylie flow would remain same as in 1989-90 with 319,481 ,000 gallons annually. B. Murphy in case 1 will flow only minimum of 25,000 gallons per day or 9,125,000 gallons annually and in case 2 will flow maximum of 250 ,000 gallons per day or 91 , 250,000 gallons annually. C. Cost based on 1990-91 proposed budget . D. Additional annual out-of-pocket (variable) cost for chemicals and power to treat Murphy flow has been calculated as $1 ,483 based on 25,000 gallons per day flow (Case 1) and $14 ,839 for 250,000 gallons per day flow (Case 2) . EFFECTS CURRENT: Case 1 Plant flow increases to 328,606 ,000 Budget increases to $419,422 Unit cost reduces to $1.28/000 (Reduction of 30/000) Murphy pays $11 ,680 Wylie pays $407 ,742 Case 2 Plant flow increases to 410,731 ,000 Budget increases to $432 ,778 Unit cost reduces to $1 .05/000 (Reduction of 230/000) Murphy pays $95,812 . 50 Wylie pays $336 ,965. 50 .nui ..►► ,, , ..,a► NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CITY OF WYLIE - CITY OF MURPHY SEWAGE TREATMENT SERVICES CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS S THE COUNTY OF COLLIN S WHEREAS , the North Texas Municipal Water District hereinafter referred to as the NTMWD , a conservation and reclamation district , the City of Wylie , a homerule city in Collin County , Texas , and the City of Murphy , a general law city in Collin County , Texas, desire to enter into this agreement ; WHEREAS, the NTMWD is a regional wastewater treatment plant operator that owns and operates the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Wylie and the Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Murphy ; WHEREAS, all of the capacity of two million gallons per day in the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant is pledged and contracted ' to the City of Wylie and the 250,000 gallon per day Murphy Waste- water Treatment Plant is totally pledged and contracted to the City of Murphy ; WHEREAS, the Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant is at design capacity and Murphy desires to contract to place flows above the capacity of the Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Wylie Wastewater Plant ; 800 ,000 gallons per day of the two million gallons per day avail- able in the Wylie Treatment Plant and is agreeable to the NTMWD contracting with Murphy for a portion of capacity at the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant conditioned on Murphy 's willingness to participate with Wylie in a future regional plant when the joint capacities require the construction of additional facil- ities. IT IS THEREFORE CONTRACTED AND AGREED BETWEEN THE THREE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I . Definitions - The terms and expressions used in this contract , unless the contract shows clearly otherwise, shall have meaning as follows: a. Fiscal Year - Fiscal Year means the NTMWD Fiscal Year, currently the year beginning October 1 of each calendar year and ending on September 30 of the following calendar year. b. Minimum - The minimum flow for the calculation of the annual payment by the City of Murphy shall be based on a minimum flow of 25,000 gallons per day and shall never be less than this amount ; however, the minimum shall increase any year in which Murphy flows greater than 25,000 gallons per day and shall continue at the higher amount from then on but the minimum or allowable average day flow shall never exceed an annual average of 250,000 gallons per day without the express permission of the NTMWD and Wylie . FIRST DRAFT - 2 - March 5, 1991 k . uiu. pity CO ll►UC 1.1116 interceptor shall refer to the necessary pipeline from the Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant to the appropriate Wylie Sewer Collection System Pipeline. It is not the intent of this agreement to provide for the construc- tion or contractual arrangements for service concerning the Murphy connecting interceptor to the Wylie sewer collection system. d. Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant - The Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant is to be referred to as the Murphy Plant and is a 250,000 gallon per day treatment unit constructed and owned by the NTMWD for use of the City of Murphy under a contract dated December 1976. e. Operation and Maintenance Expense - Operation and mainte- nance expense means all costs and expenses required for the successful treatment of wastewater at the Wylie plant including but not limited to the cost of utilities, cost pf personnel , engineering, legal services, supplies, contractual services , insurance premiums, repairs and replacements of equipment , and all debt service and capital expenses pertaining directly to the Wylie plant. f. Wylie Sewer Collection System - The Wylie sewer collec- tion system shall mean the pipelines constructed and owned by the City of Wylie for the collection of sewage that carries the sewage to the Wylie plant . It would - 3 - FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 interceptor to connect to the Wylie sewer collection system at an agreed point for transportation on to the Wylie Plant Site . g. Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant - The Wylie wastewater treatment plant referred to as the Wylie Plant is the modified expanded Wylie Plant after being expanded by the NTMWD under a contract with Wylie dated June 1987. The Wylie Plant has a current capacity of two million gallons per day . SECTION 2. Volume Discharge Requirements. Murphy shall have the right to discharge to the Wylie Plant up to a maximum average annual daily flow of 250,000 gallons with a max day flow not to exceed 2.5 times daily average. Murphy shall have the respon- sibility for payment on the basis of a minimum of 25,000 gallons per day commencing on the first day that flow is introduced to the Wylie plant and the minimum shall be escalated based upon the highest annual daily average utilized by Murphy during the wastewater year (August 1 through July 31) . Should Murphy max day flow exceed 2 .5 times daily average of the wastewater year the annual minimum would be increased for the next year and years thereafter based on max day flow divided by 2. 5 to establish "average" day minimum until the actual average day flow exceeds the calculated amount . SECTION 3. Metering and Point of Delivery . Murphy shall be required to build a Murphy connecting interceptor pipeline to the Wylie collection system totally at the expense of Murphy. - 4 - FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 NTMWD with a total construction expense provided by Murphy. It shall be the responsibility of the NTMWD to maintain and read the meter which would be utilized by the NTMWD for billing purposes to Murphy and credit to Wylie for services rendered and calculations on quantity flow. Should a disagreement develop over the meter reading either Wylie or Murphy could employ at their expense an outside consultant to work with the NTMWD and evaluate the accuracy of the meter. If disagreement continues over the meter reading a formal report would be prepared and submitted to the NTMWD Board of Directors whose decision would be final concerning the accuracy of the meter readings. In no case would adjustments be made for a greater period of time than six months. The location of the meter will be the point of delivery for Murphy to the Wylie collection system and all payments and billing for services will be based on this volume. SECTION 4. Discharge Quality. Murphy agrees to limit discharges into the Wylie plant system to wastewater that complies with quality requirements the NTMWD finds it necessary from time to time to establish at the Wylie plant in order to meet standards imposed by state and federal regulatory agencies having approp- riate jurisdiction or to protect the treatment capacities of the wastewater treatment plant . Quality restrictions of the NTMWD would be applicable to both Wylie or Murphy. Further, industrial pretreatment requirements of the state and federal authorities must be complied with in Wylie and Murphy to avoid penalties of the regulatory agencies. - 5 - FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 S.v • SECTION 5. Annual Budget . The NTMWD shall prepare an annual operating budget reflecting all anticipated costs in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Wylie plant in sufficient detail to justify expenditures for salaries, materials, supplies , contractual services, and debt service. The allocation between Murphy and Wylie shall be submitted in a preliminary proposed annual budget to Wylie and Murphy on or before August 1 each year. If a protest or request for additional information is not presented prior to September 1 the proposed budget , on adoption by the NTMWD Board of Directors , shall be considered the annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year. In the event either city does not agree on the annual budget prior to September 1 a hearing would be held before the NTMWD Board of Directors concerning objections to either the budget or allocation of cost . After hearing all evidence from the parties involved, the NTMWD Board of Directors shall be responsible for the allo- cation of cost between participants and establishing the budget necessary to pay all of the operation and maintenance expense including debt' service on the Wylie plant . SECTION 6. Annual Payments. Wylie is responsible under the contractual agreement between the NTMWD and Wylie for the expan- sion of the Wylie plant dated June 1987 and nothing in this agreement shall relieve Wylie from this responsibility ; however, all payments received from the City of Murphy shall be utilized as a credit from the charges to Wylie . The annual payments 6 - FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 shall be based on all operation and maintenance expense of NTMWD, including debt service , on the Wylie plant and shall be made by each city equal to its proportional flow to plant (or in the case of Murphy its contractual minimum whichever is greater) as its proportional part of the total operating budget divided by twelve , these payments to be made monthly in advance on or before the 10th day of each month . The first monthly payment due October 10 of each year shall be twice the calculated monthly payment with no payment due in September of each ensuing year except for any adjustments necessary during any fiscal year. At the end of each fiscal year any surplus balance shall be carried forward to reduce the overall cost during the next budgetary period. Emergency expenditures not budgeted may be required due to unforeseen or unexpected conditions but each city shall be notified of such emergency with the right to appeal to the NTMWD Board of Directors on any request for adjustments in the monthly payments in the same manner as the original budget . If Murphy shall fail to make any monthly payment by the 20th day of the month in which due , after notice to Murphy, the NTMWD could terminate services as of the 10th day of the following month and will be required as a condition of this contract to terminate service by the 10th day of the second month following the nonpayment . Further , the NTMWD may take legal action to acquire payments due under this agreement and shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees plus ten percent on all over due charges. SECTION 7. Regional Program. It is agreed by all parties to ? FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 this agreement that the long range goal for wastewater treatment service for Wylie and Murphy shall be a regional facility serving these two cities and others. It is understood by all parties that when the Wylie plant reaches 75% of capacity , or such other requirements as may be made by state and federal regulatory agencies , planning for an additional facility to treat the combined wastewater flows will be necessary and that construction must begin on said facility on or before the time the Wylie plant reaches 90% of design capacity . The regional program would be funded by each entity paying its fair share of the cost based on proportional flow to the system. Should a regional program not be developed Murphy and Wylie agree to pay for the necessary future facilities based on a proportional flow contract agreement . SECTION 8. Indemnity . Each party to this agreement agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each other from any and all causes for loss , liability or damages , arising out of the operation of the Wylie plant . SECTION 9. NTMWD Financial Obligation . Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as requiring the NTMWD to expend funds from any source other than the revenues received under this agreement and the Wylie - NTMWD Agreement dated June 25, 1987 . All cost required by valid rules, regulations , laws or orders passed or promulgated by the United States of America, the State of Texas, and regulatory judicial branches thereof having lawful jurisdiction shall be the responsibility of the cities of Wylie and Murphy. FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 - 8 - superseded by a regional agreement approved by all parties, or thirty years from the date of execution , whichever occurs first . Should Murphy not construct the Murphy connecting inter- ceptor system and start service within thirty-six months from the date of the execution of this agreement , then this agreement is null and void. THIS AGREEMENT APPROVED BY THE RESPECTIVE GOVERNING BODIES BY ADOPTION OF APPROPRIATE RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE UNDERSIGNED TO EXECUTE IN BEHALF OF EACH ENTITY ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1991 . JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR CITY OF WYLIE ATTEST: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY REGINALD W. GEORGE, MAYOR CITY OF MURPHY ATTEST: LINDA B. MARLEY, CITY SECRETARY NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT G. W. RANGE, PRESIDENT ATTEST: ROBERT C. ALLEN, SECRETARY - 9 - FIRST DRAFT March 5, 1991 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 30, 1991 TO: Bill Dashner , City Manager FROM: Paul Beaver, Director of Engineering and Planning .G RE: City of Wylie/City of Murphy Sewage Transportation Agreement I have discussed with NTMWD the possible parameters for an agreement to transport the excess sewage from the Murphy plant to the City of Wylie plant . Several key factors are known: 1) The City of Murphy will extend a line at their own cost from their plant to our 15" Phase II line on Hensley Lane. 2) The project will be assumed to carry a minimum of 25,000 gpd, though larger volumes could occur. 3) The 1 MGD Century Business Park Lift Station is the limiting factor in the design. The existing 15" , 18" , 36" gravity lines and 8" force main are capable of handling the proposed Murphy flow. 4) The 1 MGD Lift Station is sized to handle the following at full development : a) Southfork Mobile Home Park b) Newport Harbor Phase I c) Regency Business Park d) Presidential Estates e) 10% Flow Contingency 5) A new pump at Lift Station at a cost of $25 ,000 will be needed when an extra 40 - 50 homes above full development design come on line This contract is estimated at 30 years or until the Regional Plant is built , whichever comes first. A proposed first ten year rate calculation can be determined as such: A) Cost of facilities to be utilized : Phase i $297,993 (36" line, Lift Station , 8" Force Main) Phase II 146,000 (15" and 18" to Sanden Road) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $443,993 B) Since Lift Station Life is 20 years and pipeline lives are 40 years, use 30 years for life cycle calculation purposes . C) 20 year debt service on $443 ,993 = $44 ,000/yr or Total Overall Cost $880,000 D) The 30 year life cycle cost for the facilities is: 880,000 = $29 ,334/yr 30 yrs. E) 0 & M expense is estimated at $0 .10 per one thousand gallons . F) Therefore, $29 ,334 divided by (365 Days X 1 MGD/Thousand Gallons) = $0.08/thousand gallons 0 & M $0 .10/thousand gallons $0 .18/thousand gallons G) Annual Costs Minimum 25,000 GPD X 365 Days X $0 .18/000 gal = $1 ,642 .E-T=="rr°'{" FAIL Maximum 250 ,000 GP X 365 Days X $0 .18/000 gal = $16 ,420 E—Fe • gg �i: • H) If you add proposed annual Wylie Treatment Plant contract fees for total economic opportunity: Minimum (25,000 GPD) Transportation Fee $ 1,642 STP Annual Fee 11,690 $13 ,332 Annually Maximum (250,000 GPD) Transportation Fee $ 16 ,420 STP Annual Fee 95, 812 $112 ,232 Annually • MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14 , 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager 44/0 RE: Discuss and Consider First Draft of a Contract Between the City of Wylie/City of Murphy/North Texas Municipal Water District to Treat City of Murphy Sewage Attached is a preliminary contract that will allow the City of Wylie to handle all of the City of Murphy' s sewage. This is a not to exceed 250 ,000 gallons per day contract . The City of Wylie currently has a 1 ,000 ,000 gallon per day access capacity. The City of Murphy would tie on to the City' s transmission line. The City would charge Murphy over and above treatment cost where the City would see a reasonably and equitable profit margin. This contract is for discussion purposes only at this point . The City will make in profit from $11 , 690 to $95 ,812 per year depending on the flow from 25,000 gallons per day to 250 ,000 per day. • • • 940 r rn 73 r - < . I.L _ __ _ __ _ __ F. M. 544 I • f (... �9N WYLIE , 4_�r- ._WESTERN ' r __ ll - ___t_� _ — _�, RAILROAD '`� `, `WYLIE CITY LIMITS ALTERNATE C- I \ *"---........ INTERIM SERVICE AT EXISTING cl YELL CREEK WYLIE WASTEWATER PLANT - '-- ' J STATION r I SEWER TO - I SERVE PORTIONS I I �" �''`rr, 1 t AirVieF WYLIE 8�r• I .,...p EXISTING tillmerIN‘4...r k ..s." .":71.79--"... i LI « �X� WYLIE / TREATMENT PLANT • L_ _ - ' (ENLARGEMENT UNDE�STRUCTION) 'EEK REGIONAL • . SEWER FUTURE A !, , MUDDY CREEK ' < REGIONAL MURPHY ALTERNATE C TREAT PLAN MENT Po ANT FI RST STAGE , MUDDY CREEK Z ; d* REGIONAL SYSTEM O v. c�P„- } COL:.IN CO. . i 2 DALLAS CO. : NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MURPHY WASTEWATER TREATMENT STUDY SACHSE ALTERNATE PLANS , FOR SACHSE ROAD WASTEWATER TREATMENT .SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS Dallas,Texas JULY, 1988 PLATE NO. 1 SUMMARY OF EAST FORK WATER SUPPLY Elevated Storage 100, 000 gallons Ground Storage Booster Station #1 1 , 150, 000 gallons Booster Station #2 650, 000 gallons Supply Lines 4" Master Meter tap on NTMWD 16" line 6" Master Meter tap on NTMWD 42" line Supply lines in linear feet 12" - 5, 500' 10" - 2, 000' 8" - 8, 000' 6" - 40, 000' 4" - 44, 000' 3" - 4, 500' 2" - 12, 000' 2. 5" - 6, 500' 1 . 5" - 10,1000' 6" lines and larger 53, 700 1 . f . or 10. 60 miles (meets city specs ) 4" lines and under 77, 000 l . f . or 14. 58 miles (below city specs) 130, 700 l . f . 25. 18 miles 60% of water lines are undersized (below 6" in size) . 40% of water lines are of correct size, but do not have nearly enough hydrants for this 40% to maintain sufficient fire fighting capabilities. 95% of storage is on the ground. Problems that would occur - taste and odor, dirty color, and immediate pressure loss if power source is lost.