10-22-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Minutes Monday,October 22,2012—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum, Board Chairman Matt Rose, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut, Emmett Jones, Lisa Ulmer, Jim Ward and Jeremy White. Absent from the meeting was Jeff Harris. Staff members present: Board Liaison and Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and Park Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 24, 2012 meeting. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones to approve the minutes from the September 24, 2012 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discussion regarding the unnamed pavilion at Community Park and the adjacent restroom/storage building. Board Discussion: Superintendent Diaz summarized previous Board action whereby staff recommended and the Board approved of naming the unnamed pavilion on the east side of the park as the Akin Pavilion thus removing that designation from the current Akin Pavilion located on the west side of the park. After further review, staff proposes to perform a general clean- up of the Akin Pavilion exterior storage area and landscaping and paint the building's trim to approve its overall appearance. The Park Division would relocate some of the existing fencing to the north and create a smaller enclosed area at the site. Clean-up efforts are estimated to be completed around the first of the year. Board Chairman Rose inquired about the existing rock parking area next to the Akin Pavilion, and Superintendent Diaz advised that at this time that area will remain as is but could be asphalted in the future. Wylie Baseball/Softball Association will continue to use this building for storage and umpire meeting space. 3. Discussion regarding expenditure of remaining contingency funds from the 2011 Community Park Improvements Project. Board Discussion: Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that staff came up with three possible locations for the bathroom/storage building at Founders Park. Areas were chosen because of existing sewer, water and electric lines running to all three possible locations, all are located at the interior of the south trail, the ground is more level there and two of the three possibilities will be screened by existing trees from Hensley Lane. Utility costs are not yet available but should be by the November or December Parks Board meeting. Chairman Rose stated that the price for a smaller unit with one bathroom and a small storage closet with no concession area (less than 12'x12') should be well below the original $48,000 cost per building. Chairman Rose also stated that he likes the Founders Park far east location for the bathroom/storage unit because it is still somewhat away from the trail and has good tree screening. He felt that the middle option is too open due to few trees there. Superintendent Diaz advised that the water, sewer and electric lines will likely connect to those near Hensley lane (bore under the trail) and not to the soccer fields due to the fact that this field area has a lot of existing utility and irrigation lines to contend with. The plan is to have our City crews route the new bathroom/storage building's utility lines. In regards to the possible location for the bathroom/storage building at Community Park, Board Member White noted that the estimated location appears to be located over a storm sewer. Superintendent Diaz stated that it was possible but that any utility issues will be investigated, and the building will be put where it is most advantageous. Sewer, water and electric lines are located all over the Community Park which will allow more flexibility of location for the new bathroom/storage building. Superintendent Diaz stated that there is $10,000 approved funding for this fiscal year in the Park Acquisition and Improvement (A & I) fund for minor irrigation and landscaping improvements at Community Park. Staff recommended that irrigation and landscaping be installed in the plaza area of Community Park. Superintendent Diaz also noted that this year's Park budget has $150,000 for completing the Community Park parking lot. Chairman Rose asked if irrigating the t-ball area was in the plans to which Superintendent Diaz advised not at this time as that will be a separate future project. Board Member Chesnut asked how many vehicle spaces the $150,000 will create. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that he does not know how many spaces can be funded at this time, but he can provide the number of spaces at a future meeting. Superintendent Diaz told the Board that there is $30,000 allotted for bleacher and/or bleacher covers in the A & I fund and that the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association (WBSA) is acquiring preliminary costs for the bleacher covers. It is still unknown if any money from the contingency fund of the Community Park Project will be available to put toward the bleachers and/or bleacher covers, but that should be determined within two or three months. Board Chairman Rose said he understood that the parking lot may require completion to be done in stages; however, he would like the other projects to be finalized by the spring as to avoid any construction conflicts during the next baseball/softball Minutes October 22, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 season. Superintendent Diaz advised that the contingency fund projects (bathroom/storage buildings at Founders and Community) might not be completed by Spring 2013, but that should not prevent any conflicts for use of either park. 4. Discuss Recreation Fee options. Board Discussion: Superintendent Diaz advised that he met with the Finance Department, and based on that and the last Parks Board meeting, staff came up with an overall analysis of the Recreation Center's financial outlook. He noted that the Finance Department typically projects out a maximum of three years from the current date. The compilation is a draft, not final document and should be considered more as a"State of the 4B Fund"rather than a "State of the Recreation Center." The analysis indicates the possibility that the 4B Fund balance could be depleted within five or six years if money continues to be distributed as is currently. Superintendent Diaz reminded the Board that the 4B Fund funds several areas in the Parks and Recreation Divisions: the Recreation Center, the Senior Center, Parks Division employee salaries and the Municipal Complex land debt service. A positive is that in 2017 there will be a reduction in debt service in the 4B Fund by approximately $150,000. Superintendent Diaz reviewed with the Board a detailed chart compiled by staff showing Recreation Center membership sales through the 2011/2012 fiscal year. He noted that less passes were sold in fiscal year 2011/2012 but that is due to the amount of pre-sale passes sold prior to the initial opening. Family passes show to be fewer in 2011/2012; however, the adult one-month and three-month passes are up. Board Member White asked Superintendent Diaz to present a more detailed expenditure budget for review at the next PARB meeting. Board Chairman Rose suggested a goal of budgeting for an aquatic center within the next five years or so. After reviewing all the ways to generate revenues and reduce expenditures in the 4B Fund and Recreation Fund with the Board, the Board directed staff to further incorporate any suggestions and review with the Board at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member White. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: t Pit iti2r� Janet Hawkes, Park Board Secretary Matt Rose, Park Board Chairman Minutes October 22, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 of 3