08-28-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 8-24-90 TIME POSTED 5:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1998 7:88 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2868 HIY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - GEORGE FOURNIER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 21 Consider approval of the minutes of July 21st, 23rd, 24th, and 30th, 1990 Council meetings 2 Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to volunteers 3 22 Consider approval of a Proclamation for September 17 as Citizenship Day and the week of September 17 - 23 as Constitution Week 4 23 Discuss and consider appointment of a City Council Member to Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Plant Steering Committee 5 24 Discuss and consider appointment of an Alternate Member to the Economic Development Board of Directors 6 25 Discuss and consider appointment of Advisory member to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee regarding Impact Fees 7 26 - 53 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Cournt i If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately ioliowiug the vote on the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of payment request from Lane & Associates in the amount of $3,100.00 for appraisal fees b. Approval of final payment request from Freeman Millican, Inc. in the amount of $4,080.30 for Impact Fees c. Approval of payment requests fran Southern mechanical Plumbing in the amount of $14,850.00 and Paco Pumps in the amount of $8,325.00 for a total of $23,175.00 for repairs to Rush Creek Lift Station ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READING OF ORDINANCES 8 54 - 57 Conduct a Public Hearing on the City of Wylie Fiscal year 1990-91 Budget 9 58 - 59 Discussion of adoption of Fiscal Year 1990/91 City of Wylie Budget Ordinance on September 11, 1990 10 60 - 65 Discuss and consider adoption of an Ordinance Establishing a maximum lawful prima facie speed limit of Twenty (20) miles per hour on various streets within the City during certain hours on School Days; establishing a maximum lawful prima facie speed limit of Twenty-five (25) miles per hour on State Highway 78 from the point of its intersection with Jackson Street to a point Five Hundred Fifty-five Feet South of the point of its intersection with Birmingham during certain hours on school days, providing for the erection of signs; providing for the repeal of Ordinances No. 87-60, 89-9 Section 1, 88-22 Section 1 and all other ordinances in conflict and providing a severability clause and penalty of fine 11 66 -68 Discuss and consider adoption of an Ordinance Establishing the City of Wylie Historic Landmark Preservation Association 12 69 - 73 Consider adoption of Resolution and approval of Interlocal Government Purchasing Agreement with the City of Rockwall NEW BUSINESS 13 74 Discuss and consider approval of Expression of Intent to Participate with NTMWD on Industrial Pretreatment Program 14 75 Discuss and consider approval of new monthly City Newsletter publication 15 76 Discuss and consider eliminatina all GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 Citizen Participation 17 Council Discussion 18 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING WORKSHOP MINUTES JULY 21, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called work session on Saturday, July 21, 1990 at 8 :00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council members Chuck Wible, Pat Stemple, Steve Wright, Percy Simmons and William Martin, City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones AND Finance Director James Johnson. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and gave and over view of all the budget meetings and stated that there was not a balanced budget and council needed to make some adjustments. Each department head will be present during the discussion of their budgets . CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $96 ,500 .00 . POLICE DEPARTMENT - POLICE ADMINISTRATION - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $78 ,750 .00 . POLICE PATROL - The total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $501 ,000 .00 . POLICE INVESTIGATION - The total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $58 ,750 .00 . POLICE COMO AND RECORDS - The total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $110 ,750 .00 . WARRANT OFFICER - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $40,250 .00 . CITY COUNCIL - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $155 ,000 .00 . CITY MANAGER - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $153 ,500 .00 . CITY SECRETARY - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $90 ,100 .00 . PARKS - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $2 ,899 ,300 .00 this includes the addition of a Parks Director and two additional laborers. STREETS AND DRAINAGE - Total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $572 , 575.00 . C 1l1U UUL 01 ?..1 ,3WW . J . _. ANIMAL CONTROL - The total p` oposed budget fo,_ 1990/91 is in the amount of $38 ,000 .00 . Each department head was present to speak on behalf of their budgets. This meeting was adjourned at 4 : 30 P.M. with the understanding that the departments not discussed today are on Monday night' s agenda . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING WORK SESSION MINUTES JULY 23, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Monday, July 23 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , Council Members Chuck Wible, Steve Wright , Pat Stemple, Percy Simmons and William Martin, City manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, and Finance Director James Johnson. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order. FIRE DEPARTMENT - The total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $73 ,200 . 00 . LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - The total proposed budget for 1990/91 is in the amount of $62 ,000 .00 . After discussion of the proposed 1990/91 budget , it was given to the City Manager to prepare a balanced budget and present back to Council . A motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY CO U YC I L MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 24 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , Council Members Chuck Wible, Percy Simmons, Pat Stemple, Steve Wright and William Martin, City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Officer Ed Richie, and Finance Director James Johnson. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and called on Mr. Allen Stroud of First Baptist Church to give the invocation and Councilman Wright to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Akin introduced Mr . Bill Dashner , City Manager. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 25TH, 26TH & 28TH AND JULY 5TH, 12TH, AND 14TH COUNCIL MEETINGS : Councilman Wright corrected the minutes of the June 25th meeting to reflect EPA approved Industrial Wastewater treatment program, not EPA approved treatment program and under approval of minutes from May 29th and June 12th meetings, I have requested that a, through the City Manager, that we a take these minutes back to the City Secretary and request that a tape be procured and that these minutes be looked at one more time if that is at all possible Mr . Mayor . Councilman Wright corrected his statement under Council Discussion as follows: Councilman Wright said we are about to enter into an agreement NTMWD and that our representative need to be setting up a meeting regarding to this, I was alluding to negotiations with NTMWD and our representative being able to initiate those negotiations. A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION BY JOANIE ZEEB ON EASTFORK PARK: Mrs . Zeeb stated that she has looked at the property around Eastfork Park for additional park land. There would be additional cost to the city for upkeep on this land. The Park Board would like to request a full time Park Director to oversee the parks . This land is available but council needs to send a letter to the Corps . of Engineers to let them know that we are interested . After some discussion , direction was given Engineer to on this land and their contract . APPROVAL OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM JIM FERGUSON , FROM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, TERM EXPIRES JULY, 1990 : Motion was made by Councilman Martin to accept the letter of resignation from Mr . Jim Ferguson. Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OR REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS: PLANNING AND ZONING, PARKS & RECREATIONS, LIBRARY AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: J PLANNING AND ZONING: Motion was made by Councilman Wright to appoint Jim Swartz to Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to appoint Kent Crane, Robert Flint and Cleo Adams to Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Wible seconded Councilman Wright' s motion to appoint Jim Swartz. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - against, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - against, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - against , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - against , and Councilman Simmons - against. This motion failed with two in favor, and five against. Councilman Simmons seconded Councilman Martin' s motion to appoint Kent Crane, Robert Flint and Cleo Adams to Planning and Zoning . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PARK BOARD: Motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to appoint Richard Brown and George Fournier . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . Councilman Wright requested Councilwoman Stemple to withdraw her motion as Mr. B. J. Upshaw wanted to remain on the Park Board and I feel we should honor his request. Councilwoman Stemple restated her motion to reflect appointments to George Fournier and B. J. Upshaw to the Park Board. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to appoint Richard Scott Brown to the Park Board . Seconded by Councilman Wible. There was no vote taken on this motion as the above motion had taken care of all vacancies. LIBRARY: Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to appoint Mary Jo Smith, Betty Stephens, Shirley Burnett and Retha Tibbals to the Library Board. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Motion was made by Councilman Wible to appoint Marilyn Herrera, Michael Cole, Robin Messer and Whitman Ward to the Zoning Board of Adjustments . Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. REPORT FROM MIKE WAGNER OF TALEM, INC. UPDATING THE STATUS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROGRAM: Mr . Wagner stated that regarding his statements on Lone Star Circuits this company is owned by BCB Partnership, and the water and other utilities are not in the property owners name, this company was first located on Kristne Lane in Wylie and then moved to Birmingham St. Lone Star stated they contacted the City of Wylie, but was not given any information on Industrial Waste Program. No one at City Hall knew that Lone Star Circuits and BCB Properties were the same. The City is currently in the process of issuing a permit to Lone Star . APPROVAL OF ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR 1989/90 FISCAL YEAR - ADAMI , LINDSEY AND CO. : Mr. John Mares , partner in Adami Lindsey Co. , stated they were engaged in an audit for the City last year . Our price is under the last audit firm you used and we have received favorable bond ratings for the City. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve Adami , Lindsey and Co. for audit services for 1989/90 Fiscal Year . Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF GARLAND CHAPTER OF MEDICAL ASSISTANTS TO SET UP CARNIVAL RIDES IN OAKS SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOT FROM AUGUST 20TH THRU AUGUST 26, 1990: There was concerns voiced by the Council on questions such as, was there enough insurance and if the merchants were aware of the carnival coming . Council requested that the merchants send in a letter stating that they are aware of the carnival and do not object to it. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to table until all information has been received . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE REQUEST OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR LOTS 13 , 14 , & 15 , BLOCK 3 BROWN & BURNS ADDITION: This property is located on the corner of N . Ballard and Jefferson Streets. Mayor Akin opened the public hearing and stated those wishing to address the Council on this matter to come forward and state their name and address for the record. Against Special Use Permit: The following citizens voiced their opinion against the special use permit stating they wanted the area to remain residential : Rita Smith, 401 N . Ballard James L. Parker , 306 N. Ballard Marie Dellihey, 307 N. Ballard In favor of the Special Use Permit: The following citizen voiced their opinion in favor of the special use permit: Bill Lewis, Executive Director Birmingham Land Board There being no other questions or comments Mayor Akin closed the Public Hearing . BROWN & BURNS ADDITION: Mayor Akin stated that at this time he would turn the chair over to Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. Mayor Akin said that he also served as the Chairman of the Land Board and felt that he should not participate in the motion or vote of this item. Mayor Hughes called on Bart Peddicord, Chairman of Planning and Zoning to report from the P & Z meeting . Mr . Peddicord said that the Special Use Permit was granted for one year period with a vote of five in favor and one against . The Planning and Zoning Board felt this permit would give the citizens a chance to see what type of meetings and the volume of traffic during this year . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to table until the Council has had a chance to talk with everyone involved . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor to table. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes turned the chair back to Mayor Akin. AWARD OF BID FOR EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: The City staff received bids for Motor Grader , Roller and Front End Loader. There were three companies that submitted bids on part or all of the above named equipment. Staff recommends the award of bid as follows : Motor Grader to Ward and Massengale Equipment $3 ,570 .00 per - month Roller to Conley-Lott-Nichols for $3 ,800 . 00 per month Loader to Mega Equipment for $3 , 180 .00 per month A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the bids as listed above . Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL FROM PARK AND RECREATION BOARD TO CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY SOCCER FIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK: Mr . B. J. Upshaw, representative from the Park Board, stated if the direction of the fields were changed to go East to West , this would better utilize the fields and will give six fields instead of four fields . Mr. Upshaw stated that there were a lot of contractors volunteering to do this work. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the construction of temporary soccer fields at the Community Park. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO REVIEW COMMUNITY RENTAL AND RULES FROM PARK AND RECREATION BOARD: The Park Board felt that the Library Board would be in a better position to handle these rules since this room is rented through the Library. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to give the rental and rules for the Community Room to the Library Board. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro mem Hughes - in in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM SHIPLEY & INHOFE IN THE AMOUNT OF $370 .15: This payment request is for the landfill closure. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the payment request from Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $370.15. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM JONES & NEUSE, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2 ,747 .49: This payment request is for 6 engineering cost related to the closing of the landfill . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the payment request from Jones & Neuse, Inc. in the amount of $2 ,747 .49. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2 ,160.00: This payment request is for construction administration on Wastewater Collection System Improvements . A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the payment request from Hunter Associates, Inc. in the amount of $2 ,160 .00 . Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM FREEMAN MILLICAN ENGINEERING IN THE AMOUNT OF $560 .00 : This payment request is for administration and engineering of the repainting of the elevated water tower. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the payment request from Freeman Millican Engineering in the amount of $560.00 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited those wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and to state their name and address for record and to keep their comments to five minutes. John Shaw - 2975 Elm Grove Rd. - wanted to thank Councilman Wright for his statements regarding the Garland landfill and to thank the Council for the two Resolutions against this landfill . The following citizens wished to address the Council regarding deannexation: Regina Boen - 709 Parker Road Glenda Lott - S. Highway. 78 Jesse Vance spoke for Linda Beard - S. Highway 78 Charles Kerin - 707 Parker Rd. Also addressing the Council were the following : hiring of an Environmentalist Mark Emard - 508 Gaston Dr . East - regarding the fire protection on his side of town COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Martin requested staff look at the older houses in Wylie that have been condemned or are unlivable, as people are trying to live in these places without utilities. Councilman Wright - handbooks for Mayor and City Council , wants the City Secretary to get these to us; also reported to Council on the Garland Landfill hearing; also wants Council to look at a 5 , 10, 15 year plan; also wanted to know about the quarterly meetings Council is to have with County Commissioner . Mayor Akin - informed the Council that he and the City Manager would be having a meeting with Judge Roberts and Jerry Hoagland regarding Brown St. and McCreary Rd. and also would be meeting with Bob Wallace Jones regarding park land on Sanden property. There being no other matters of discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John Akin , Mayor Don Hughes, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JULY 30, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Monday, July 30 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council Members Chuck Wible, Percy Simmons, Pat Stemple, Steve Wright, and William Martin, City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, and Code Enforcement Officer Ed Richie. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and called on Councilman Martin for the invocation and Councilman Simmons to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL FROM HELMBERGER AND ASSOCIATES FOR SURVEY WORK: This proposal is for the surveying final grades for Masters Street, Fifth Street, Martinez Lane, and Hilltop St. , which are the streets connected with the Summer Street Reconstruction Program. This proposal is in the amount of $1 ,200 .00 . Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the proposal from Helmberger and Associates in the amount of $1,200 .00. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF LETTER TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS FT. WORTH DISTRICT REGARDING THE CITY 'S INTEREST IN EASTFORK PARK PROJECT: This letter is stating that the City might be interested in Eastfork Park and is requesting the Corps of Engineers representative come before Council with preliminary planning documents in order for Council to decide if this project is feasible as a Corps sponsored project . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the letter to the Corps of Engineers Ft . Worth District. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stempi - it DISCUSSION WITH CITIZENS ON THE ZONING/SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR LOTS 1� 14 , & 15, BLOCK�, CK 3 , BROWN AND BURNS AUDITION (BIRMINGHAM LAND TRUST) : The following were speakers in regards to the Special Use Permit requesting the use of this house for office space, special social gatherings, receptions and if the house was sold it could only be used for residential property. Those speaking against this property had general concerns about the traffic, and wanted to keep this property residential . Speaking Against were - Rita Smith, 401 N . Ballard Mickie Russell , 308 N. Ballard James L. Parker, 306 N. Ballard Marie Dellihey, 307 N . Ballard Maxine Butler , 304 N. Ballard Speaking in Favor were - John Spillyards, 301 N. Jackson Karen Klugh, 509 N. Ballard Bill Lewis, Ex . Dir . Birmingham Land Trust Frances Stevens, 302 N. Ballard Gail Clemmons, 317 S. 4th Marvin Blakey, 400 Rushcreek Jim Klugh, 509 N. Ballard Darlene Blakey, 501 S. Foxwood Cathy Spillyards, 301 N. Jackson Mr . Bart Peddicord , Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission reported to Council that P & Z voted in favor of the Special Use permit with five in favor and one against . Mayor Akin vacated his seat as Mayor , as he is also the Chairman of the Birmingham Land Board and feels he should not set in as Mayor during the vote. Mayor Akin turned the chair over to Mayor Pro Tem Hughes and excused himself from the room. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR LOTS 13 , 14, & 15, BLOCK 3 BROWN AND BURNS ADDITION (BIRMINGHAM LAND LAND TRUST) : Motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to deny Special Use Permit for Lots 13, 14 & 15 , Block 3 , Brown and Burns Addition. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor to deny Special Use Permit . There being no other matters of discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin , Mayor Don Hughes , Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: n: {-N7 /D PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1990 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7: 00 p. m. on Monday, August 6, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bart Peddicord, Vice Chairman Cecelia Wood, Richard Eckman, new member Robert Flint and new member Kent Crane. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Ed Richie and Secretary Sandy Stevens. CITY SECRETARY TO ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEWLY APPOINTED MEMBERS. City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered the Oath of Office to new members Robert Flint and Kent Crane. New member Cleo Adams was not present due to recent knee surgery. Chairman Peddicord welcomed the new members to the Commission. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF JULY 161 1990 MINUTES. There being no corrections to the minutes, Vice Chairman Cecelia Wood made a motion to accept the minutes as they stand. Richard Eckman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Chairman Peddicord reminded the Board, that being the Advisory Commitee to the City council , they need to continually remember the Ordinance for Impact Fees for Land Use. Code Enforcement Officer Ed Richie asked how the Board wanted him to handle requests from builders and developers about changing ordinances. An example is a request recently, by two builders to adjust the rear yard set back requirement , due to people now building larger homes than in the past and 2 ' is too much. Mr. Richie stated a need to review the Zoning and Subdivision ordinances in order to make changes that would update them. He suggested starting with the Sion ordinance and Landscape ordinance. The Board agreed the Landscape ordinance should be simple. Chairman Peddicord said he would give a copy to the Chamber of Commerce Board and Economic Development Board. It was decided that the Landscape ordinance handed out by Mr. Richie would be reviewed by all members and discussed in a couple weeks. f'r:4Jl will De l f/ attending a mandated meeting in Grand Prairie in August as the representative to set forth a program for next year. Mr. Richie stated that a Comprehensive Plan, with updated thoroughfares and housing projections, for the city is needed. It was discussed that the Planning ?< Zoning Commission also needs an updated version of the Land use changes approximately every six months. In reference to the 25' rear set back, Mr. Kent Crane commented that that ordinance was written when Wylie was making the change from a small town to a growing community and people were concerned about small lots so this was to provide more space between houses. Vice Chairman Wood asked if there still is an ordinance providing for rear entry garages. Mr. Crane stated the ordinance was adopted in 1986 for rear entry garages unless something prevented an alley access. in the back. Mr. Richie told the Board that the City Council has agreed to pay the Board members' expenses to attend a. four day (October L - 6) seminar in Fort Worth being held by the Texas Chapter of American Plumbing Association. He added that it would cover updating comprehensive plans, landscape ordinances, updating zoning ordinances, an introduction to zoning, politics of planning, thoroughfare planning, annexation of ETJ' s and a course on the developer' s perspective. It was discussed whether the city would require ETJ' s to submit to all of Wylie' s development regulations or not . The Board decided to discuss it at the next meeting. Ranchette type zoning was discussed because Mr. Crane commented that this is an• important part of Wylie and what brought alot of people to Wylie. It was agreed to review the subdivision ordinances and make them more applicable to larger lots. Vice Chairman Wood welcomed Kent Crane to the Board, saving he will be a real asset to the board since he can explain why certain things are done. She also welcomed Robert Flint , adding that anyone wearing a tie to the first meeting would have to he an asset. Richard Eckman welcomed the new members. He thanked Ed Richie for following up on the Espinoza case and getting him to move his trailer from F. M. 544 at his sand and gravel storage site. 1:_ nt !^t-.r7ne t.hc-it he is lookinc -For-Li,'rri to - tti n,-, /� Robert Flint also said he is looking forward to getting involved and will be doing research to be better informed. Code Enforcement Ed Richie welcomed phone calls during the week for any questions and offered an invitation for members to come to his office to learn what ' s going on in the department. ADJOURN. Mr. Crane made a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Mr. Flint seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. Bart Peddicord, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stevens, Secertary /3 PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 2. 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session Thursday, August 2. 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bryan Glenn. B. J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler , John Burns . Karen Cain, and George Fournier. Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger, Director of Public Works/Engineer Paul Beaver, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman Zeeb called the meeting to order. ELECTION_OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE PERIOD JULY 90 THRU JUNE 91 : Chairman Zeeb opened for nominations. E. J. Upshaw nominated Bryan Glenn. No other nominations were made. Karen Cain seconded the nomination for Bryan Glenn. Nomination carried with all in favor. Joanie Zeeb relinquished Chairman duties to Bryan Glenn. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR THE PERIOD JULY 90 THRU JUNE 91 : Chairman Glenn opened for nominations. Karen Cain nominated B. J . Upshaw. No other nominations were made. John Burns seconded , the nomination for B. J . Upshaw. Nomination carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF THE_06-27 AND 07-11 MEETING MINUTES: B. J. Upshaw requested a change to page 6, second paragraph regarding park fest 1990 status report, "Karen Cain said" rather than, "B. J . Upshaw said". There being no other corrections. additions, or deletions motion was made by B. J. Upshaw to approve the minutes as changed. Joanie Zeeb seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. JUBILEE WEEK CONCESSION FUND RRAISER - FINAL REPORT: Joe Helmberger directed the board through a documented status report. A total profit of $243. 20 was made. Joe Helmberger thanked everyone for their assistance in helping to make the fund raiser a success. _. ve _ ,. were to acquire the park from the Corp of Engineers. Joanie Zeeb. based on her calculations, said that if we got a loan to complete the master plan that the park would make enough money to pay the loan off within five years. There was some discussion of acquiring the land and slowly implementing the plan, rather than trying to do it all at once. Paul Beaver suggested, if you want to pursue this I think the city needs to employ a Parks & Recreation Director. Public Works, as is, cannot give all that would be required for an acquisition such as this. Joe Helmberger said that if the city did not go ahead and commit to the park, the Corp may lease to someone else. The Corp has a ruling that if anyone ever defaults on a leased park that the land can never be leased again to anyone. If that were to happen, we would never have a chance at it again. I think we need to continue to pursue this. After some discussion the board agreed that it would be best to forward a letter of interest to the Corp of Engineers. APPROVAL OF PARK FEST 1990 T-SHIRT DESIGN: Morris Cartwright addressed the board and presented a proposed t- shirt logo for Park Fest 1990. He stated that he did not have appropriate time to draw up the proposal and suggested a few modifications that the board was in agreement with. Mr. Cartwright stated cost figures of $4. 30 per shirt plus $22. 00 for initial setup. He suggested that they could be sold easily. for $10. 00 each. Joanie Zeeb motioned to approve the proposed t-shirt logo for Park Fest 1990 to include the modifications. Karen Cain seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CHANGING MEETING SCHEDULE TO THE 1ST AND 3RD THURSDAYS OF EACH MONTH: Newly appointed member, George Fournier, pastors and is unable to attend the meetings on Wednesdays. It was therefore necessary to discuss the possibility of changing the meeting night. George Fournier said he was unaware that the board met on Wednesday nights, otherwise he would have never pursued becoming a member, and that he did not want it to change just because of him. After some discussion of what was convenient for each /5 B. J. Upshaw motioned to continue meeting on Wednesday nights. Seconded by Charles Stetler. The vote was as follows: Chairman Bryan Glenn - in favor, Vice Chairman B. J. Upshaw - in favor. Board Member Karen Cain - in favor, Board Member John Burns - abstained, Board Member Joanie Zeeb - against, Board Member George Fournier - against, and Board Member Charles Stetler - in favor. This motion carried with four (4) in favor, two (2) against, and one ( 1 ) abstained. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Earlier in the meeting Joanie Zeeb had stated she might be resigning from the board and Joe Helmberger said, I hope you don' t leave, you have done too much. You are good for the city, parks and recreation, and the board. Bryan Glenn asked if it was possible to get Joanie Zeeb a plaque of appreciation for her continued hard work. Joe Helmberger wanted to confirm that nothing had changed regarding Park Fest 1990 prior to him approaching Sanden regarding corporate sponsorship, and stated that Karen Cain had volunteered to go with him. Joe Helmberger said, it is time to get moving on the Park Fest thing. I have two entries, so far, for the craft show. and will distribute another one hundred fliers. Karen Cain suggested using flourescent posters as they seem to generate alot of attention and interest. Joe Helmberger asked if a bank account had been set up yet for fund raiser monies. Secretary Lisa Keith said that James Johnson was not .particularly fond of the Park Board setting up a separate account and that the money from Jubilee Week went in to the park improvement fund. Joe Helmberger was in disagreement regarding this and stated, we will never be able to get our hands on it for Park Fest expenditures. Joe Helmberger stated that W. S. A. had contacted the Chamber Of Commerce requesting payment of $60.00 for use of the lights at the bailfields during the softball tournament. He said that since the city gave the Chamber permission to use the fields, why was W. S. A. involved in it at all . After some discussion it was agreed that the bill should not be paid. Joanie Zeeb stated that the Womens League was not going to have a 1OK run after all , during Park Fest 1990. After figuring out that it would take 75 people to run the event, and considering that Turtle Creeks 1OK was the same weekend they decided to pull out. • -- /� When asked by John Burns if the middle school gymnasium would be available, Karen Cain said she would get with Betty Stevens and find out. John Burns said that the Karate Club was still interested in sponsoring a kickboxing tournament, and they agreed to pay all of the expenses. B.J. Upshaw asked Paul Beaver if he had found the information on the pipeline that ran through Community Park. Paul Beaver said he had not looked into the matter yet, but just from looking at it there appears to be no problem. B. J . Upshaw said, I found a business man here in town to help Philip Bounds put in the water fountain at the Pavilion area. Bryan Glenn said, there has been a volunteer program at the park, Ferrell Construction has been digging ditches, etc. and I would like for them to get some recognition, a certificate of appreciation or something. Joe Helmberger said that Philip Bounds was asking if we knew anyone who would pour the concrete sidewalk and water fountain base. Karen Cain said Mike Morris at 442-1711. Several members asked why the volleyball pit had not been installed yet. Karen Cain said she had not received a packet for the past two meetings. ADJOURN: There being ' no other business or discussion B. J . Upshaw motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Karen Cain. Motion carried with all in favor. Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary • PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1990 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Wednesday. August 8, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bryan Glenn. Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw. Board Members Joanie Zeeb. John Burns. Karen Cain, and Charles Steger , Director of Public Works/Engineer Paul Beaver, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Member George Fournier, and Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger were absent. Chairman Glenn called the meeting to order. OATH OF OFFICE TO REAPPOINTED MEMBER B. J. UPSHAW: City Secretary Carolyn Jones was not present to administer the oath of office. This business will be placed on the next available agenda. PARK FEST 90' STATUS REPORT: Karen Cain said that David Orr agreed to coordinate a golf tournament at the Plano Municipal Golf Course. The only available date is October 11th. It will cost $19. 00 per player, and David Orr suggested setting a $45. 00 player entry fee. There was some discussion of providing trophies and/or gift certificates for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, and what amount should be given in gift certificates. Joanie Zeeb said, Linda Hamar is looking into running the business part of raising money for Park Fest 90. After some discussion, the board agreed to provide trophies for the school children participating in the win a t-shirt donation contest as follows : Individual trophy for child with most donations at each school . 1 large trophy for the winner of all grade schools combined. and trophies for middle school and high school winners. Bryan Glenn said that he formed a softball tournament committee. Entry fee will be $100. 00. Tournament will start that Friday night and run through Sunday. We haven' t yet decided to have co-ed, mens, womens, or kids. . .....ar .a 61tc :+.:; :.t :J .=Y�3iaole. /? Charles Stetler said that he had spoken to Kay Waynewright with the Wylie Homemakers Club. She requested that we suggest something for them to do. They meet again on the 25th. Charles Stetler said that we need to go ahead and start advertising in the newspapers, but that we need funds to do that. Joanie Zeeb said that Patty Flint will print anything in the Wylie News, as long as it is in article format, for free. Bryan Glenn said, I talked to some radio stations, KJMC will cost $4, 000. 00 for three hours, KLUV is $2, 500. 00 for 2 hours, KPLX is $2, 000. 00 for 2 hours, and KRSR is $7, 500. 00 for two hours. There was some discussion of various companies to approach . regarding corporate sponsorship. John Burns said, I don' t see how we can do this without corporate sponsorships. Bryan Glenn said, Dominos will be setting up a pizza booth, and we will get 30% of all items sold. Joanie Zeeb said, Patty Flint asked me, since they are not going to do the 10K run, what else they can do. Does anyone have any suggestions, concessions, maybe. Bryan Glenn suggested game booths. There was some confusion of who would be operating concessions during the softball tournament, the Masonic Lodge or Dale Story. John Burns said, the Masonic Lodge may be able to set up barbeque concessions. B. J. Upshaw asked Don White if the power pole by the pavilion belonged to the electric company or the city. Don White said, I ' m sure it is probably T. U. Electric' s. Bryan Glenn asked if anyone had contacted the Wylie Opry. No comment was given. Bryan Glenn asked who they needed to contact for electricity. Don White said he had already arranged for an electrician to set the poles. Once set, the electrician will contact T. U. Electric. It is already taken care of. There was additional discussion of whether or not to pursue corporate sponsorship to create an expenditure budget for t- shirts, radio station, concession, etc. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Joanie Zeeb said, an electric company approached me in reference to them wanting to write grants for us, for free. They attended a grant writing class and would now like to assist us. Do we want them to do this or not? John Burns said, I would like to get more information from them before making a final decision. B.J. Upshaw said, I think Joanie Zeeb and John Burns should meet with them about the issue. Joanie Zeeb said, I talked to Bill Frazier, another bond issue is coming up in November, and part of it will be for parks. Maybe we can get one half of the funding from the County and the other half from the State, and get the park developed for free using both. B. J. Upshaw asked what the status was on installing the • water line by the pavilion, and stated that he had a business man waiting to install the water fountain. Don White said he would get with Philip Bounds. The board asked Don White to remind Philip Bounds about the band leading the parade at Park Fest 90' . Bryan Glenn asked, if I can get donated grass seed, can we get water to it, does the water cannon work? Don White said yes. John Burns asked, what is the status of the volleyball pit. Don White said, as soon as I get finished with the street project I will send the equipment to the park. There was some discussion of the volleyball pit placement, would it have to be moved due to the temporary soccer fields. It was decided that enough space will remain for placement at the pavilion area. Joanie Zeeb suggested to Charles Stetler to check with T. U. Electric about advertising for Park Fest 90' on their monthly statements. There was some discussion regarding the availability of monies to be used for Park Fest 90' expenditures. The board expressed their concern of the city managing the account, in that they may not have access to monies when needed. Paul Beaver said, James Johnson instructed him that the existing account for fund raisers is controlled by City Council , and that it is managements policy that the finance department handle this, you must follow the internal policies. John Burns suggested submitting a budget to City Council for 49?0 Bryan Glenn instructed each member to work up budgets for each of their events and report the information at the next meeting. ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion motion was made to adjourn, was seconded, and carried with all in favor. Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, ,Secretary 0/ Matto,' 1 1 • `1 ! jaltXttli 4 leit rottamation WHEREAS, We the People did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of America to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; and WHEREAS, it is important that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles and meaning of the Constitution so they can support, preserve and defend it against encroachment; and WHEREAS, the Bicentennial of the Constitution provides an historic opportunity for all Americans to learn about and to reflect upon the rights and privileges of citizenship and its responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the President and the Congress of the United States have designated September 17 as CITIZENSHIP DAY and the week of September 17 - 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK; and WHEREAS, the people of the City of Wylie do enjoy the blessings of liberty, the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, equal protection of the law under the Constitution, and the freedoms derived from it; NOW, THEREFORE, I , JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, in cooperation with the Commission on the Bicentennial of the united States Constitution, do hereby proclaim September 17 as CITIZENSHIP DAY and the week of September 17 - 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK, and invite every citizen and institution to join in the national commemoration. Jn witness w/c:ro f LI Luc Iz:tunto set my Land and caused this seat to tz affixed. ATTEST. Sao yn Jones, City Secretary DATE: August 28, 1990 F a W MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager • SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Appoi tment of City Council Member to Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Plant Steering Committee DATE: August 22 , 1990 Former City Councilman Jim Swartz served on this committee . The City Council needs to appoint a replacement . The member cities are Rockwall , Wylie, Garland, and Sachse. MEMORANDUM TO: The Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage1;0.114... SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider the Appointment of an alternate Member to the Economic Development Board of Directors DATE: August 22 , 1990 The City Council needs to consider appointing an alternate member to the Economic Development Board of Directors since Mr. James Blakey has now been appointed to the Board . af MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage '� 0t... SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Appointment of an alternate to Planning and Zoning Advisory Board on Impact Fees DATE: August 22, 1990 The City Council needs to appoint a replacement to Mr . Anthony Hankey who was appointed to this Board. However, I have been informed that Mr . Hankey did not attend meetings. MEMORANDUM TO: The Mayor and City Council � �/ FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manag IM""�� SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Pa ent of Appraisal Fees to Lane and Associates DATE: August 16, 1990 This is a bill for land appraisal on a proposed change to sewer line placement. It was once considered to tie on with a sewer main extension seven properties . Please see attached map. However , it was later determined that the City did not have enough money to lay the line as a change order to the existing contract. Before this information was known, $3,100 worth of appraisals were authorized . The appraisals were done to determine the cost of sewer line easements , so it ' s up to the City Council , in my opinion, to discuss whether this bill is recognized or not. The new ordinance, with the 500 foot rule, it is my understanding , according to the distance, the property owners must tie on to the new existing line. Attachment: Supporting documentation • a g MEMORANDUMViell° 414 01,1P TO: BILL DASHNER, CITY MANAGER FROM: PAUL BEAVER, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR (g� 0° SUBJECT: APPRAISAL FEES DATE: AUGUST 14 , 1990 Attached is a copy of an invoice from Lane & Associates for performing appraisals on seven properties along Hwy 78 near City Hall . My research of past correspondence indicated that the previous City Manager and/or City Engineer were initiating appraisal requests on an "as needed" basis in order to acquire easements for the city-wide sewer interceptor program. My understanding from conversations with Joe Carter of Shimek, Jacobs, and Finklea Engineers is that these property owners have requested sewer service and that the City was trying to have Pate & Pate construct the 700 ' line as a change order to the existing Phase II contract while Pate & Pate was still in the area . In late June , 1990 the effort to acquire these easements was begun and appraisal process started . The City has available a right-of-way agent but he has not contacted these seven individuals to finalize the easements . The proposed change order amount was reviewed by the consulting engineer but considered too high for the amount of work to be performed . Therefore, the construction work has not been accomplished yet . My recommendation is to approve payment to the appraiser since the cost was incurred previous to the proposed 500 ' sewer connect ordinance and that the previous city management had been in contact with these property owners . (27 LArE & AssocuTEs Professional Real Estate Appraisers&Consultants July 11, 1990 Charles Norwood, City Manager City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 RE: Additional Appraisals for Wylie Sewer Project Dear Mr. Norwood: For appraisal services rendered on the above . . . .$ 3,100 The fees are broken as follows: Additional Research and Updating of Sales . .$ 1,000 7 Parcels at $ 300 each $ 2 100 TOTAL $ 3, 100 Sincerely, i' To R. Lan , SRA/SRWA Z/!/; :71 Chad L. Campbell TRL;CLC/jv •- 1:414 South Tennessee Street e McKinnev, TX ?5069 214/546-0715 r (Metro) 214/233-1515 / ' ./ ,•74- / / / i<7, N r' East For Park f'//' 1/ 7/ (-'/ . / / // //./,,, , ,___ ,/// ,,' alKII. jr ii ( / • - -\ //////,,,/i,//, /, //// sAdere, .--..":- \I---\2 xj/---- , . __ Jolla .: 111/14i-A / , PliriA 0 r!,..104.-, , , , . . . ,. . ,./ , ,. . ... ./ A Ae LIU-- --- i ////I ' Age I r 4iff"1.1.17177J F , .74,1:6 \ Aer % 11111111101111111/1111 ,, r or ir .... • •••••-• • . • dV_- :''. P iAii!••attindlott ..."- y•y eir 61.0_,ft . . , - ...... .• ,, . , .,,,J„,„p,„A.,..„„, .. ...,..., Id or*: ... •, .. V , Fp*pri.41:7;40. - 6 4 t'Ailiq3 ... . . . .. • /1/IF• • ,_ 01400.01.•‘• -aoter ... lAt61.14AirAih.v44 - - . ,-! - / ti...\ . r4/;FP/ 1° 4:1 e A-40. i ;,?.,_ #, ,,, _ . 1 _____ _....,--- - ' _i__, ClIS e. .r' ____,_, _ fetzwardros:er 4,7 , _ 1 WC tak . • •, Aur aj/%r - � + ,;,,, _ '�i �r V-.�I", i ! � \ j9@ 'too Anderhubs „,t‘. .........• w Ap Ls-Al-i 7-..., - --;1•1'1 1 o' eN-11...., • "Addn. t�nti � - — ..:—.-.,. :I. . -----j. ...-"." Ma NO AP lama rod/KJ ..„,,,,,,,-.' . lit la . or -_74-Ak-_, : r "Aori„.....r.".1' kA..141...liiill_ iii0,10:::_.:: — • .it_t_‘; ) i.--2._ , voi loor "Fry ' -7 7.3') Or an On am "'''' / 'Firrytie 4.0 #"1" 7 .. •••• 4•• ^iif*ce //'��j .� ~� S •. � i ham t, lIli _ C r e,- / 1 tei LANE & AssociAms Pnicaaiurtal Real Estate Appraisers&Consultants JIA! 2, 1989 Mr. Charles Norwood, City Manager City of Wylie Wylie, Texas Dear Mr. Norwood • The appraisal process for this type of assignment will be in two segments. Comparable sales information includes: Grantor-Grantee, date of sale, recording information, local address, legal description of whole property and part taken, sale price and verification, condition, terms of sale, rental or lease data, land size, (improved value and unimproved value) , street or road improvements, utilities, description of improvements, (if any) , size and desirability of improvements, condition, ' current use, highest and best use, current zoning, date of inspection, and pictures of the properties. It may be necessary to search other communities for comparable sales data, due to the lack of sales in the area. These sales must first be adjusted for their respective differences in size , shape , topography, zoning, etc. in comparison to the subject properties. An adjustment will then be required for location, in order to make these sales comparable to those in the Wylie Market Place. Approximately 18 to 20 working days will be required for the research •and documentation phase of the appraisal process. The fee for this research will be S 8-400. This phase of the appraisal process is the largest portion of the work involved in • appraising these properties. This segment of our work can proceed • while other details and decisions by the city are completed. • Negotiations for the donation of parcels by some of the owners of the listed parcels can take place during the first phase of this appraisal process. We would like to start the individual appraisal work after the eighteen to twenty working day period has expired. - • • 321 N.Central Exprenway•Suite 102•McKinney,TX 75069 2M/548-0715•(Metn,) 14/235-1515 V O • t The total remaining dollar value for all parcels is $ 10,500. //f A breakdown of the appraisal fee for each parcel is also included. Any other information will be furnished individually upon request. i Sincerely, Tod R, Lane TRLt jf 1' ,i • • • 3 / MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager .` e,` T SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Payment of Final Claim to Freeman Millican, Inc. for Impact Fee Study DATE: August 22, 1990 This study was authorized by the City Council for $30 ,000 . The work has now been completed. This project is funded out of the street reconstruction fund . The amount of this claim is $4 ,080 .30. Therefore it is recommended that the City Council authorize payment of this claim. I have attached a copy of the claim and the contract . L301t) MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Director of Finance-?::, DATE: 08/17/90 RE: Impact Fee Study - Agenda Item - 08/28/90 Final Payment of $4 , 080 . 30 - Freeman Millican, Inc. Contract Amount $30 , 000 . 00 Previous Payments $25, 919. 70 Balance $ 4 , 080 . 30 Funding 74 - Street Reconstruction Fund - 74-70U-442-u2245 Impact Fee Study completed Recommend payment. Funds available . fREEmAn - mILLICAn., Inc. C s*Two-ENOINEE 9 lI I LARRY J. FREEMAN, P.E. AUG 61990 J. TERRY MILLICAN, P.E. It 11U STATEMENT August 15, 1990 Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance 2000 Hwy. 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Professional Services 336 Study 913707 Contract Amount $30,000.00 Previous Billings $25.919.70 Total Billable Amount $ 4,080.30 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 4,080.30 12001 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY SUITE 405 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214)991-1901 V FREEmA11 - mILLICAn, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LARRY J. FREEMAN. P E. J. TERRY MILLICAN, P E. November 30, 1989 Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance 2000 Hwy. 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Senate Bill 336 Study Dear Mr. Johnson: Enclosed are two (2) copies of the contract for professional services for the Senate Bill 336 Study to establish an impact fee for the City of Wylie, Texas. Please have the contracts executed and return one copy to this office. It is suggested that the City Council appoint, by majority vote, an Advisory Committee immediately. The committee must have at least five (5) members, 40% of these members being from representatives of the real estate, development or building industries and they cannot be employed by the City of Wylie. The Planning and Zoning Commission may act as the Advisory Committee provided that the commission includes at least one representative of the real estate, development or building industry and not an employee of the City of Wylie. Sincerely, Free, - i lican, Inc. -411 Larry eeman, P.E. LJF/sf cc: Reed-Stowe & Co. J.T. Dunkin & Assoc. , Inc. 12001 N. CENTRE:! EXPRESSWAY SUITE 405 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214)991-1901 JC. BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of November 29, 1989 between City of Wylie, Texas, acting through Mr. Charles Norwood, its City Manager, thereunto duly authorized so to do (OWNER) and Freeman - Millican, Inc. , a Texas Corporation (ENGINEER). OWNER intends to develop a Senate Bill 336 Study, Land Use Assumptions, a Capital Improvements Plan and an Impact Fee (hereinafter called the Project). OWNER and ENGINEER in consideration of their mutual covenants herein agree in respect of the performance of professional engineering services by ENGINEER and the payment for those services by OWNER as set forth below. ENGINEER shall provide professional engineering services for OWNER in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies, serve as OWNER'S professional engineering representative for the Project as set forth below and shall give professional engineering consultation and advice to OWNER during the performance of services hereunder. SECTION 1 - BASIC SERVICES OF ENGINEER 1.1. GENERAL ENGINEER shall perform professional services as hereinafter stated which include customary engineering services in associa- tion with J. T. Dunkin & Associates, Inc., Land Use Planning, and Reed - Stowe, Inc. , Fiscal Planning. 1.2 SB 336 and IMPACT FEE STUDY After written authorization to proceed, ENGINEER shall : 1. Meet with staff to review existing data concerning water, wastewater, land use planning, and zoning. 2. Discuss with staff the requirements of SB 336 and amendments and assist as needed to develop the various steps which must be taken to comply with this law. 3. With the assistance of city staff doing the field work, verify the existing land use in the City and review the existing Zoning Plan. Meet with the Advisory Committee, appointed by the City Council , and discuss the existing land use and zoning. Assist the advisory Committee in information necessary for them to areas of growth and determine the expected 10-year growth in the selected areas. From the Advisory Committee' s selections., rage tot9 J6 4. Using the selected land use plan and existing transportation master plan, develop the Master Water Plan and verify the existing sewer and lift station plans. The Water Master Plan will be done using Kentucky Pipe Program on an IBM PC computer. The existing sewer and lift station plans will be reviewed and modified if needed. The City staff will assist by collecting water consumption records and putting data into the computer. The City will provide a aerial photograph of the City of Wylie which shows the extent of development in each selected area. 5. From these Water and Wastewater Plans, a Capital Improvements Plan for the City of Wylie will be presented to the Advisory Committee for approval . From this approved Capital Improve- ments Plan, calculate a Impact Fee and submit it to the Ad- visory Committee for approval . 6. Assist the City in preparing for public hearings on the Land Use Assumptions and the Capital Improvements Plan. 7. Assist the City of Wylie in setting-up a bookkeeping system to keep track of the cost of projects and methods to assess the impact fees. 8. Provide the City with twenty-five (25) copies of the text of the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan. The City will provide necessary copies of all colored maps larger than 8 1/2" x 11". 9. Assist the City Attorney in drafting the Impact Fee Ordinance for City Council action. SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF ENGINEER 2.1 GENERAL If authorized in writing by OWNER, ENGINEER shall furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the following types which are not considered normal or customary Basic Services. 2.1.1 Services to make measured drawings of or to investigate existing conditions or facilities, or to verify the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished by OWNER. 2.1.2 Services resulting from significant changes in extent of the Project including, but not limited to, changes in size, com- plexity, OWNER'S schedule, method of financing; and revising previously accepted studies, reports, design documents when such revisions are due to causes beyond ENGINEER'S control . 2.1.3 Providing renderings or models for OWNER'S use. • r _ Page 2 of 9 27 2.1.4 Preparing to serve or serving as a consultant or witness for OWNER in any litigation, public hearing or other legal or administrative proceeding involving the Project (except as agreed to under Basic Services). 2.1.5 Additional services in connection with the Project, including services normally furnished by OWNER and services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 2.1.6 Additional copies of reports (over agreed number) . 2.1.7 Any other special or miscellaneous assignments specifically authorized by OWNER. SECTION 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES OWNER shall : 3.1 Provide all criteria and full information as to OWNER'S requirements for the Project. 3.2 Assist ENGINEER by placing at his disposal all available infor- mation pertinent to the Project including previous reports and any other data relative to Project. 3.3 Arrange for access to and make all provisions for ENGINEER to enter upon public and private property as required for ENGINEER to perform his services. 3.4 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, drawings, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER, obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor and other consultants as OWNER deems appropriate for such examination and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER. 3.5 Provide such accounting, independent cost estimating and insur- ance counseling services as may be required for the Project, such legal services as OWNER may require or ENGINEER may reasonably request with regard to legal issues pertaining to the Project including any that may be raised by Contractor(s) , such auditing service as OWNER may require to ascertain how or for what purpose any Contractor has used the moneys paid to him under the construction contract and such inspection services as OWNER may require to ascertain that Contractor(s) are complying with any law, rule or regulation applicable to their perfor- mance of the work. 3.6 Designate in writing a person to act as OWNER'S representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this Agree- • Page 3 of 9 OWNER'S policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to ENGINEER'S services. 3.7 Give prompt written notice to ENGINEER whenever OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of ENGINEER'S services. 3.8 Furnish, or direct ENGINEER to provide, necessary Additional Services as stipulated in Section 2 of this Agreement or other services as required. 3.9 Bear all costs incident to compliance with the requirements of this Section 3. SECTION 4 - PERIOD OF SERVICE The provisions of this Section 4 and the various rates of compensation for ENGINEER'S services provided for elsewhere in this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous progress of the Project. ENGINEER'S obligation to render services hereunder will extend for a period which may reasonably be required for the work. SECTION 5 - PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 5.1 METHODS OF PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 5 .1.1 For Basic Services OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Basic Services as invoiced to the OWNER monthly and be due within 30 days after date of invoice. The total amount to be paid shall not exceed $ 30,000.00 unless authorized in writing by the OWNER. 5.1.2 Serving as a Witness For the services rendered by principals and employees as consultants or witnesses in any litigation, hearing or procee- ding in accordance with paragraph 2.1.4, at the rate of $650.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such litigation, hearing or pro- ceeding will be on the basis of $ 80.00 per hour. 5.3 OTHER PROVISIONS CONCERNING PAYMENTS If OWNER fails to make any payment due ENGINEER for services and expenses within sixty days after receipt of ENGINEER'S bill therefor, the amounts due ENGINEER shall include a charge at the rate of 1% per month from said sixtieth day, and in addition, ENGINEER may, after giving seven days' written notice Page 4 of 9 been paid in full all amounts due him for services and expen- ses. SECTION 6 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 TERMINATION The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. 6.2 REUSE OF DOCUMENTS All documents including prepared by ENGINEER pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect of the Pro- ject. They are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by OWNER or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any reuse without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended will be at OWNER'S sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to ENGINEER; and OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER from all claims, damages, losses and expenses includ- ing attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle ENGINEER to further compensation at rates to be agreed upon by OWNER and ENGINEER. 6.3 CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 6.4 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 6.4.1 OWNER and ENGINEER each binds himself and his partners, succes- sors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representa- tives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal repre- sentatives of such other party, in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations of this Agreement. 6.4.2 Neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall assign, sublet or transfer any rights under or interest in (including, but without limitation, moneys that may become due or moneys that are due) this Agreement without the written consent of the other, except as stated in paragraph 6.4.1 and except to the extent that the effect of this limitation may be restricted by law. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to ?scinrment n' ."'"4 :^m"4. W411 1^^1 '"r, Page 5 of 9 Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing such independent consultants, associates and sub- contractors as he may deem appropriate to assist him in the performance of services hereunder. 6.4.3 Nothing herein shall be construed to give any rights or benefits hereunder to anyone other than OWNER and ENGINEER. 6.5 ARBITRATION 6.5.1 All claims, counterclaims, disputes band other matters in ques- tion between the parties hereto arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof will be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining, subject to the limitations and restrictions stated in paragraphs 6.5.3 and 6.5.4 below. This Agreement so to arbitrate and any other agreement or consent to arbitrate and any other agreement or consent to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as provided in this paragraph 6.5 will be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law of any court having jurisdiction. 6.5.2 Notice of demand for arbitration must be filed in writing with the other parties to this Agreement and with the American Arbi- tration Association. The demand must be made within a reason- able time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. In no event may the demand for arbitration be made after institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. 6.5.3 All demands for arbitration and all answering statements thereto which include any monetary claim must contain a statement that the total sum or value in controversy as alleged by the party making such demand or answering statement is not more than $ 200,000 (exclusive of interest and costs). The arbitrators will not have jurisdiction, power or authority to consider, or make findings (except in denial of their own jurisdiction) concerning, any claim, counterclaim, dispute or other matter in question where the amount in controversy thereof is more than $ 200,000 (exclusive of interest and costs) or to render a monetary award in response thereto against any party which totals more than $ 200,000 (exclusive of interest and costs) . 6.5.4 No arbitration arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement may include, by consolidation, joinder or in any other manner, any person or entity who is not a party to this Agreement. Page 6 of 9 6.5.5 By written consent signed by all the t and containing a specific reference hereto, theto imthis tiAgons and restrictions contained in limitations and waived in whole or in paragraphs 6.5.3 and 6.5.4 may be aim, dispute or other matter pspecificallyt as to a any inu such lcon- sent. No consent to arbitration in respect of a specifically described claim, counterclaim, dispute or other matter in question which is not specifically described in such consent or in which the sum or value in controversy exceeds $ 200,000 (e- xclusive of interest and costs) or which is with any party not specifically described therein. 6.5.6 The award rendered by the arbitrators will be final , not subject to appeal and judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 6.6 NOTICES All notices and statements required and provided for in this Contract shall be deemed to have been received by either party hereto when properly addressed to the party to whom directed at the addresses set forth herein and two (2) days after deposit in the United States mail with postage prepaid: Owner: City of Wylie, Texas 2000 Hwy 78 North Wylie,Texas 75089 Engineer: Freeman - Millican, Inc. 12001 N. Central Expressway, Suite 405 Dallas, Texas 75243 Attention: Mr. Larry J. Freeman President From time to time either party may designate another address for all purposes of this Contract by mailing to the other party written notice of such change of address in accordance with the provisions hereof. SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS, AGREEMENT 7.1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS This Agreement is subject to the following special provisions: 7.1.1 OWNER agrees to indemnify and hold ENGINEER harmless from any claims, costs, attorney's fees or causes of action arising out of claims or actions by landowners or residents in the vicinity of the Improvements founded or based upon the existence, expan- sion, planning de51c,n or rnnGtruct+nn -F Tmn..,,,,..-- -a,_ Page 7 of 9 unless caused by ENGINEER'S negligence, gross negligence, mal- practice or willful misconduct. The OWNER agrees, at its own cost, to defend the ENGINEER in every action or proceeding on any claim or suit arising out of the claims or actions by landlords or residents as set forth in the immediately preceding paragraph; provided that if such claim or suit results in a judgment being entered against ENGI- NEER based solely (or if not solely, to some identifiable degree) upon ENGINEER'S negligence, gross negligence, malprac- tice or willful misconduct, then ENGINEER will reimburse OWNER for the cost of ENGINEER'S defense. The ENGINEER shall , within a reasonable time after notice of a claim or commencement of any suit, and in ample time for defense therein, give the OWNER written notice of the pendency of such suit or notice of such claim and authority to defend. The ENGINEER agrees to give the OWNER reasonable aid in any such suit, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses or defending such suit; provided, however, the OWNER shall pay the ENGINEER for all time expended in connection with such suit as Special Services under the provisions of Paragraph 3 of this Contract. 7.1.2 The OWNER agrees that the ENGINEER'S liability to reimburse OWNER for payments made to others due to ENGINEER'S negligence, error, omission or breach of warranty in the preparation of designs and drawings, the designation or selection of materials and equipment, the selection and supervision of personnel or the work or the performance of any other services pursuant to this Contract shall in no event exceed in the aggregate the greater of (a) an amount equal to the total compensation received by the ENGINEER for services rendered under the Contract; or (b) an amount equal to the maximum limits and coverage under the Professional Liability Insurance of the ENGINEER then in effect. ENGINEER represents and agrees that ENGINEER currently has Professional Liability Insurance coverage of One Million ($ 1,000,000.00) Dollars and that ENGINEER will maintain Professional Liability Insurance coverage of at least One Million ($ 1,000,000.00) Dollars until this Contract has been fulfilled or terminated, whichever occurs first. ENGINEER further agrees to furnish OWNER with evidence of ENGINEER'S Professional Liability Insurance coverage annually, if and when requested by OWNER, during the period this Contract is in effect. 7.2 AGREEMENT This Agreement (consisting of pages 1 to 9, inclusive) consti- tute the entire agreement between OWNER and ENGINEER and super- sede all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or cancelled by a duly executed written instrument. Page 8 of 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. OWNER: ENGINEER: City of Wylie, Texas Freeman - M ican, Inc. Charlesaftteli, Y , ArManagerL ry J. reeman, President MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage SUBJECT: Consider Payment of Clai s on Rush Creek Lift Station Work DATE: August 23 , 1990 Attached are claims from Southern Mechanical Plumbing for $14 ,850 .00 and Paco Pumps for $8 ,325 .00 for a total of $23 ,175 .00 . It is my understanding that the City Council approved this work in June of 1990 . The work has been inspected and signed off on as satisfactory by the Public Works Department . Attachments: Supporting Documentation 4/4)1 it1 MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Director of Finance -44,502 ----'' RE: Rush Creek Lift Station Southern Mechanical Paco $14, 850 . 00 Pumps $23 , 175 . 00 DATE: August 23 , 1990 Attached are two ( 2 ) invoices for payment relating to the emergency repairs to the Rush Creek Lift Station approved by the Council in late June 1990 . One invoice is in the amount of $14 , 850 . 00 for Southern Mechanical Plumbing of Sunnyvale , Texas ; the second invoice is to Paco Pumps, Oakland, California for $8 , 325 . 00 -- total of $23, 175 . 00 . The Paco Pumps is charged (Lift Station Repairs) to account #20-500-503-03980 and will result in overspending the budgetary allocation of that account by approximately the same amount. Southern Mechanical will be charged to #20-500-503-0495, (Lift Station Improvement - Capital ) and this expenditure will also result in overspending the budgetary allocation by some $12, 300 . 00 . Budgetary appropriation shifts within the fund will bring both accounts back into line. I am recommending payment for both invoices. 1/6. CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORAN:aiM - ATE: A:-; _ . 16. 1=+9rr . . ..AM'ES J HNSON - DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 4 =..="' . {,..H . . E. - PUBLIC WO RK� = _'.F'ER , NTENt.>EN_ L-j R_ • G _S. ..i CREEK L .T STATION f f ,(S.'''•f t Southern MechanicaI and Pace Pumps have completed their contractual obligations at Rush Creek Lift_ Station. The . e... . nCe . r.f s,trjrl' to bc. .; ,r;e w7II ! be �m:- ) - city f Gem. = F . n{• F1 =,as ci: a1 t -he t� v .T.nn r.c rc cui F,,_ _ I z3 t 1t_'.. fcr - a"!?1c nf to f7 , poico INVOICE SHIPMENT ID NUMBER : 1157970 P.Q. BOX 12924, 845 92nd Avenue INVOICE NO RVSN DATE PA ® Oakland, California 94604.2924 REMIT TO 25521 8 0 7/27/90 . ,:e U M PS (415)639-3200 Oap1.1478,P.O.BOX•1000 CUSTOMER ORDER NO SALES ORDER NO. TAXAR& INC. San Francisco.CA 941At �' G SHIP To *SEE BELOW 90E00564 NO BILL OF LADING NO DATE OF SHIPMENT e - 90E00564 7/26/90 ,TY OF WYLIE CITY OF WY �i= r-1—��7"r" SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. PPD. JBL I C WORKS 108 S. JAC R Eill:::::1 u '�.0 . BOX 428 I 1 SERVICE TRUCK 3 REP7LIE, TX T5098 �: E121 WYLIE, TE 10TERMS Net 30 Days t• Anti BILL TO CUSTOMER►499511 SHIP TO CUSTOMER 0 *P.O. : 012868 Emir .-RODUCT NUMBER DESCRIPTION KM QTY.SHIPPED OTY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION �' r +, , :,y BACK ORD. -�•^,� 1 F'' 30 FIELD REPAIR PACO GENERAL "�reN �'... •, 1 . 0 0 8325. 000 8325 . 00 Yy-,, -'!„-f•_; PULLED PUMP AND BROUGHT TO + * 4,t SHOP . SENT MOTORS TO MOTOR '' '^1� . �'` SHOP INSTALLED MOTORS ON -+:;• 'c#; �`1 PUMPS AND DELIVERED TO JOBSITE , V,`/-: :. .- r ., Ni 832s . 00 "Y;1* ' :• ;� SHIP FROM DALLAS BRANCH ., i:i'Z.:' !' ••*•••••*•••••••***•••••**••*• = 1� '� '"•'`' L i !f': �•. tq WORK PERFORMED BY C WILLIAMS Zit( ..l, , 4 BR39 E 121/JL f � •_'r k ~‘NJ i1f- \ : FREIGHT TERMS: FOB FACTORY, SEE NOTE "` ' t !I',f!. , I;III''I !HANK YOU FOR YOUII OR!)I If �' Acceptance of this order Is expressly conditional ,III yunl .1!,r,0,ni to the terms and conditions stated above .Ind On Ihr Ii•V II ,II hi', .uf. PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF WYLIE �MATIONONLY WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 00��.,] (ft I.�cb , VENDOR NUMBER .FINAL ORDER 012868 .cVISED P.O. NUMBER Phone v F'ACO PUMPS THIS P.O. NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL E 46 MINT WAY INVOICES BILLS OF LADING PACKING USTS, Salesperson PACKAGES AND CORRESPONDENCE. N DALLAS _ (� TEXAS ALL FREIGHT F.O.B. Ft75236 WYLIE, PREPAY AND ADD TO INVOICE. 503-03980 2000.00 ACCT.d INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE TO: CITY OF WYLIE PURCHASING I P.O. BOX 428 Date Required 2000 N. HWY 78 Ship Date WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 TAX EXEMPTION 1 1-756000719 PLEASE SHIP THE FOLLOWING MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS (GATE REOUISITION NO. ND NO. DATE REQUIRED TERMS 06/26/90 17436 [ 00/00/00 NET 30 DAYS "ma QUANTITY I, lax CATALOG OR PART S DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT SUB TOTAL/NET PRICE 1 REPAIR 40 HP PtJt1P 2e8.e-.e -2oett-Tot MOTOR RUSH CREEK I NOT TO EXCEED ,Yr,,.>._., ._.0 - l-6I- _ i Ce « ,' t{ I V/ 9/1 9 z5 :, SHIPPING COSTS TOTAL J PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE IMMEDIATELY AND STATE WHEN SHIPMENT �ncr':.rri 1 c 1 BY: ekoicw,siNG ekkil iCRIGED SIGNATURE-: 0 ,46 Awn- APPROVED TITLE: -_ DATE: BY: � , � CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 1990 TO : JIM HOLCOMB - PURCHASING AGENT FROM: DON WHITE - PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT RE: BID CHANGE AUTHORIZATION v i v Q i a $11 , 000. 00 of the repairs to Rush Creek Lift Station have been pulled from the Southern Mechanical purchase order, therefore the Paco Pumps P. O. # 12868 has increased to a total of $8, 325. 00. Please make the necessary changes and a notify Paco Pumps of the change authorization. DW/ lk xc: Paul Beaver . Director of Public Works/Engineer m V D f ( TrpR.rnt(��s*o s 6t c I a (L I •r�o a►� s a....aui latter Melt Au Rel t.smsat Food at >I to nt m wawa EnNwpD r SOUTHERN MECHANICAL D L c PLUMBING, INC. SUNNES TEXAS 75182 1 '��� 1362 (214) 226-2460 TO City of Wylie Purchasing GATE 07/20/90 318 JOB NO. P.O. Box 428 JOB NAME _ Rush Creek Lift Station Wylie, Texas 75098 - Jos LOCATION TERMS DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT P.O. NUMBER 1 '012867 Repairs at Rush Creek Lift Station 18,300.00 18,300 00 Less credits and extras ( 3,450.00)( 3,450 00) TOTAL DUE $14,850 00 • ' 1 Y ' Lc/ PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF WYLIE WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 n''0t�1022 t .4 ONLY Q - VENDOR NUMBER ADER ❑ P.O. NUMBER Phone N THIS P.O. NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON AU. SOUTHERN MECHANICAL PLBG INVOICES BILLS OF LADING PACKING USTS. 400 S. ASTON Salesperson PACKAGES AND CORRESPONDENCE. SUNNYVALE,TX. 75182 ALL FREIGHT F.O.B. WYLIE, PREPAY AND ADD TO INVOICE. S03-04951 18300.00 INVOICE IN ACCT./ TRIPLICATE TO: CITY OF WYLIE PURCHASING P.O. BOX 428 II Date Required 2000 N. HWY 78 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Ship Date 214-442-2236 TAX EXEMPTION# 1-756000719 PLEASE SHIP THE FOLLOWING MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS DATE REQUISITION NO. 1810 NO. DATE REQUIRED TERMS 06/26/90 17435 00/00/00 NET 30 DAYS QUANTITY _ CATALOG OR PART al -"'DE _ UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT SUB TOTAL/NET PMCE 1 REPAIRS AT RUSH 1783 .-O0 -'-1f?3-0-0-,-Qia_ CREEK LIFT STATION NOT TO EXCEED �) re-� F'0 AMOUNT CIE.--/c --eft e L,,,, e_e_7-yG f.t" �I 'Q-lc-.:..cc I 6,, c ,-,_, //s/,0 i<' /S; kS c SHIPPING COSTS :1 TOTAL 'T f—y=- 1 PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE IMMEDIATELY AND STATE WHEN SHIPMENT — / SHIP DATE: BY: PURCHASING AUTHOR ZED -lG.'!A±'URE:.__� TITLE: I = PURCHASING.CENT Rom. - - V - • CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 1990 TO: JIM HOLCOMB - PURCHASING AGENT FROM: DON WHITE - PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT RE: BID CHANGE AUTHORIZATION $11 , 000.00 of the repairs to Rush Creek Lift Station have been pulled from the Southern Mechanical purchase order, therefore the Paco Pumps P. O. *12868 has increased to a total of $8, 325. 00. Please make the necessary changes and notify Paco Pumps of the change authorization. DW/ Ik xc: Paul Beaver, Director of Public Works/Engineer L MEMORANDUM TO: The Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage 11. SUBJECT: Conduct a Public Hearing on the City of Wylie Fiscal Year 1991 Budget DATE: August 22 , 1990 Attached is the budget message with the budgetary revisions made by the City Council at a special meeting on August 21 , 1990 . You have been provided under separate cover a detailed copy of the Budget. The next item on the agenda is an ordinance to adopt the Budget as presented . The Budget , by City Charter, cannot be adopted until after public notice requirements , therefore I would recommend that the Budget be adopted at the September 11 , 1990 meeting. V f 41141.1;10 CITY OF WYIIIIC 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 August 5 , 1990 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Mayor John Akin Mayor Pro-Tem Don Hughes Councilmember Chuck Wible Councilmember William Martin Councilmember Steve Wright Councilmember Patricia Stemple Councilmember Percy Simmons Dear Mayor and City Council , In compliance with the City Charter , Article 4 , Section 1 , Subsection E, the City Manager shall prepare and submit to the City Council the annual budget and capital program and administer the budget as adopted by the City Council . Impacting the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget is the increase in debt service. The city debt now takes 22% of all revenue to service. In FY ' 90 debt service total was $852 ,000 . In FY ' 91 debt service will total $1 , 300,000; an increase in one year of $448 ,000 . The appropriation level is recommended at $5,930 ,000 . I have recommended several revenue enhancement measures . Without these new revenue generators the Budget will have to be set at $5,346, 125. Of this $5,346,125 , $1,300,000 is for debt service. With no revenue enhancers and after debt service the spendable Budget would be $4 ,046, 125 . Also impacting the budget is an $85 ,000 increase in sewer plant operation costs. Therefore, a total of $1,385,000 contract costs with NTMWD total (water purchases and sewer plant operations) will have to be generated to pay these entitlement costs. Add debt service in the Utility Fund of $605 ,750 and total contract and debt service in the Utility Fund amount to approximately 51% of the proposed Utility Budget of $2 ,090 ,000 . Presented to you is the proposed budget for FY 1991 . The budget is outlined in the following manner : List of all revenues by source T.;st of �i ? a -��n t::rt c ''t; r'a,:z-srf-mr+^:t aura V All departments budget. The departmental budgets include the following specific data : o Personnel costs--list of personnel by position o M & 0 and contractual commitment costs-- identified by item and classification o Capital budgets-- identified by capital item You have before you a budget that totals $5, 930,000. This includes the general fund, utility fund, sanitation operating fund, and Impact fund as a total budget . In order to finance this "bareboned" , "standstill" budget the following revenue enhancement measures are required . The property tax rate will be set at .6150 rate which will generate an additional $188,875 over the .555 rate. Sanitation rates will be set at $10 . 80 per account which will generate $60, 000 for debt service and balance the fund. Interest income will generate $80 , 000 . Water and sewer rates will be increased by at least $7 .50 per account which will generate an additional $240 ,000 . The City Council reserve fund will be reduced by $15,000 to $73,000 . All these measures totaled together will generate approximately $583,875; of this amount $448,000 will go for additional debt service over last year . The $583, 875 will balance the budget which will allow spending authorization at $5, 930,000. This budget includes seven new personnel : 1 - City Secretary 4 - Street Department 1 - Professional Fire Chief 1 - Professional Parks and Recreation Director Also recommendea is a 3% cost of living increase for all full time City employees . The 3% cost of living increase will be applied to the base of the City' s Pay Plan and will be funded as a part of the City Manager ' s Merit Evaluation Program. The Budget will fully fund all current fringe benefit programs currently in place. The pay raise is across the board and effective October 1, 1990. The 3% pay increase will cost approximately $40,000 per year . The only capital items included in this budget is three new loolirse C T'S .ilnr? C�? f4(10 for Tradg,- 1 1 r.onta.I -r . operation levels are consistent with last year' s level , not significantly up or down. The sanitation rate increase is primarily based on state and *BFI mandated charges and customer fee service for landfill debt bond payments . Water and sewer rate increases are mandated by bonds that have been issued in order to retire debt. The proposed property tax rate will only generate income levels to keep us even with last year' s rate and income levels in order to meet additional debt service requirements. Without these revenue measures that have been recommended the City Council will have to consider additional budget reductions that will have to come out of personnel and maintenance operations or capital improvements . Further reductions in these two areas will have significant impact on city services . Therefore, I would recommend that the City Council hold appropriate public hearings and consider the adoption of this proposed budget or change the budget as the City Council may deem appropriate and necessary. If approved, necessary enabling ordinances will have to be prepared and approved in order to put the Budget into force and effect on or before September 27, 1990 . ill Dashner City Manager Note to City Manager ' s Budget Message: All capital projects funded by Municipal Bond Fund accounts are not a part of this Budget since all funds are earmarked for specific projects , i .e. landfill , public works relocation, pump and haul elimination, and animal shelter . 5-7 MEMORANDUM TO: The Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage r Mom'" SUBJECT: Dis cuss and Consider Adoption of Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Ordinance DATE: August 22 , 1990 Attached is an ordinance adopting the FY 91 City of Wylie Budget . This ordinance will have to be adopted sometime after the public hearing . I would recommend that the City Council consider adoption on September 11 , 1990 , after the public hearing on August 28 , 1990 in order to comply with the City Charter on public notice requirements. ORDINANCE NO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas , has developed a budget for Fiscal Year 1991 in compliance with the City Charter , Article 7 . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . The City Manager has submitted a budget to the City Council in compliance with Article 4 , Section E, Subsection 6 . SECTION 2 . The City Council has reviewed this budget for FY 91 and has determined the appropriation and expenditure levels. SECTION 3 . The City Council has determined that the City Secretary shall cause to be published a summary of the budget in compliance with Article 7 , Section 3 of the City Charter . SECTION 4 . The City Council has determined that a public hearing will be conducted on the FY 91 budget on August 28, 1990 . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager 4111#L"..- SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Adoption of School Zone Ordinances DATE: August 22 , 1990 Attached are School Zone Ordinances that have been recodified and updated. The City Attorney has reviewed these ordinances which will bring the city into compliance with State law. D ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A MAXIMUM LAWFUL PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR ON VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE CITY DURING CERTAIN HOURS ON SCHOOL DAYS; ESTABLISHING A MAXIMUM LAWFUL PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) MILES PER HOUR ON STATE HIGHWAY 78 FROM THE POINT OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH JACKSON STREET TO A POINT FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (555) FEET SOUTH OF THE POINT OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH BIRMINGHAM DURING CERTAIN HOURS ON SCHOOL DAYS; PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES NO. 87-60 , 89-9 SECTION 1 , 88-22 SECTION 1 , AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200 .00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation , the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined that the prima facie maximum speed limit in certain areas is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist thereat due the location of public or private schools in the vicinity, taking into consideration the width and condition of the street and other circumstances , as well as the usual traffic thereon; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to declare a reasonable and prudent prima facie maximum speed limit during certain hours on school days and to direct the City Manager to markings ; NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . The following prima facie maximum speed limits hereafter indicated for motor vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe, and such maximum speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for motor vehicles traveling upon the main street or highway, or parts thereof , and 6/ no motor vehicle shall be operated along or upon said portions of said named streets or highway within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie in excess of the speeds set forth as follows : A. Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7 : 30 a.m. to 8 : 30 a.m. and 3 : 30 p.m. to 4 :00 p .m. on school days on the following streets : (1) On Stone Road from a point two hundred twenty (220) feet east of the point of its intersection with Ballard Street to point one hundred fifty (150) feet east of the point of its intesection with Hilltop Street . (2) On Pirate Drive from the point of its intersection with Hilltop Street to a point two hundred (200) feet east of the point of its intersection with Ballard Street . (3) On Hilltop Street from the point of its intersection with Pirate Drive to a point two hundred twenty-five (225) feet south of the point of its intersection with Stone Road . (4) On Ballard Street from the point of its intersection with Pirate Drive to a point three hundred twenty-five (325) feet south of the point of it intersection with Birmingham Street . B. Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7 : 30 a .m. to 8 : 30 a .m. , 11 : 00 a .m. to 12 : 30 p.m. , and 2 : 30 p.m. to 4 : 00 p.m. on school days on the following (1 ) On Brown Street from a point one hundred fifty ADO 'feet west of the :>o nt of its intersection with Rustic Trail to a point three hundred sixty (360) feet east of the point of its intersection with Westgate Way. (2) On Birmingham Street from the point of its intersection with Williams Street to the point of its intersection with Stone Road . (3) On Kirby Street from a point two hundred (200) feet east of the point of its intersection with Memorial Drive to the point of its intersection with Birmingham Street. C. Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7: 30 a.m. to 8: 30 a.m. , 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. , and 2: 30 p.m. to 4 :00 p.m. on school days, on the following streets: (1) On Springwood Lane from the point of its intersection with Lanwood Drive to the point of its intersection with W. A. Allen Boulevard. (2) On W. A. Allen Boulevard from a point five hundred fifty (550) feet north of the point of its intersection with Springwood Lane to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet south of the point of its intersection with Springwood Lane. (3) On Brown Street from a point four hundred fifty (450) feet west of the point of its intersection with W. A. Allen Boulevard to a point four hundred eighty-five (485) feet east of the point of its intersection with W. A. Allen Boulevard. (4) On Stone Road from a point four hundred (400) feet west of the point of its intersection with Allen Road to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet east of the point of its intersection with Allen Road. D. Twenty-five (25) miles per hour between the hours of 7: 30 p - ln ? . 11 . ff ? m to 17 • '2n r' . 41_ tnt3 p.m. LL : uu p.w. u: st.nuus days, uu the ioliowing street: (1) On State Highway 78 from the point of its intersection with Jackson Street to a point five hundred fifty-five (555) feet south of the point of its intersection with Birmingham Street. SECTION 2. The speed limits contained herein shall not be effective until signs giving notice of such regulations are posted upon or at the entrances to those portions of the street or highway affected as may be most appropriate in accordance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices promulgated by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation of the State of Texas, and the City Manager or his duly authorized representative is authorized and directed to cause to be erected such appropriate signs. SECTION 3. That Ordinance No. 87-60, Section 1 of Ordinance No. 89-9, Section 1 of Ordinance No. 88-22, and all other ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the speed limits established hereby shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum ne Fun' reci nr.,1.1 Zrc ($7 . !?(11 Frtr na�'1 f{c•r �� 7t,� l l ii tt. This ordinance shall takz ffect immediately from aid after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY AP ROVED AS TO tO?M, - CITY ATTORNEY RLD/sb 8/8/90 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager ...II/— SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider an Ordinance Establishing the City of Wylie Historic Landmark Preservation Association DATE: August 23 , 1990 Attached is an Ordinance setting up and recognizing this organization referenced above. With the adoption of this ordinance, the City Community Development Department can start the application process for Wylie to become a Texas Main Street City. Attachment: Ordinance 4;4 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ESTABLISHING A WYLIE HISTORIC LANDMARK PRESERVATION PROGRAM WHEREAS: Population growth, land development and indiscriminate refurbishing of structures and neighborhoods through much of the last few decades has brought with it a continuing loss of Wylie' s physical and historical legacy; WHEREAS: Citizens recognize the ample evidence of enhanced civic awareness, community pride, cooperation and friendship between neighbors in communities which respect and preserve their historic legacy; WHEREAS: Studies demonstrate that an increasing number of are looking for a quality life away from the problemsle of a large metropolitan area and that communities with a defined attractive town center and defined attractive neighborhoods promote shopping, tourism, new business investment and development and the attendant enhanced tax revenues; Now, Therefore Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas SECTION 1: On a monthly basis in perpetuity historic landmarks be they edifices or locations which are distinctive and important elements of the City' s cultural , social , economic, political , archaeological and architectural history shall be designated as Historical Landmarks , City of Wylie, Texas SECTION 2: Designation of these landmarks will be made by the City Council . Designations may be initiated by a property owner, the Historical Society of Wylie, City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. SECTION 3: Designated landmarks will be awarded markers based on category of selection. SECTION 3A: Historical edifices and similarly small sites shall be designated with a marker detailing the historical significance of the edifice or site. SECTION 3B: Historical zones, areas and residential neighborhoods shall , WhPtra nnccihlp in r•nnr»r�t : n 67 with a conspicuous and attractive landscaped area with a marker detailing the historical significance of the zone, area or residential neighborhood SECTION 4 : The City Council when considering normal city improvements such as lighting, pavement or landscaping shall where designated historic landmarks exist make every effort to ensure that said improvements are in keeping with and enhance the appearance of the landmark edifice or site. SECTION 5: The City Council in recognition of the need to protect, preserve and promote the existing Town Center , i .e. , North Ballard Street Business District, declares official desire to participate in the Texas Main Street Center Program. To begin the process the City Council instructs the City Manager to contact and cooperate with the Wylie Chamber of Commerce and the Historical Society of Wylie in presenting a plan to the Texas Main Street Center for consideration in inclusion in the Texas Main Street Program Duly passed by the City Council , City of Wylie, Texas, on August 28, 1990 . ATTEST: Carolyn Jones John Akin City Secretary Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL DASHNER , CITY MANAGER 444°4 � . SUBJECT: CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOL TION AND APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ROCKWALL DATE: AUGUST 16 , 1990 If the City purchases vehicles through the City of Rockwall , the City Council needs to adopt the attached resolution and also approve the Interlocal Government Resolution and the Interlocal Government Agreement. Both documents are attached. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF AN INTERLOCAL PURCHASING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas, pursuant to the authority granted by, Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 ( 32c ) V.C. S . , desires to participate in an Interlocal Purchasing agreement; and WHEREAS, the said City Council is of the opinion that participation in this program will be highly beneficial to the taxpayers of this City, through the antiicipated savings to be realized through the interlocal purchase of police patrol vehicles, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Wylie does hereby approve the use of an interlocal purchasing agreement to purchase police patrol vehicles for the fiscal year 1990-1991 and authorize the City Manager to enter into said agreement with participating entities . PASSED AND APPROVED, this day of 1990 . APPROVED : Mayor ATTEST : City 'Secretary ?62 CITY OF ROCKWALL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT POLICE VEHICLES THE STATE OF TEXAS • COUNTY OF ROCKWALL THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1990, by and between the City of Rockwall and each participating government acting by and through its respective executive officer hereunto duty authorized by resolution of the governing body. WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, the respective participating governments are authorized by the Interlocal Cooperative Act, Article 4413 (32c) V.C.S. to enter into joint contracts and agreements of the performance of governmental functions and services including administrative functions normally associated with the operation of government such as purchasing of necessary materials and supplies; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the aforesaid participating governments to comply with and further the polices and purposes of the Interlocal Cooperation Act; and WHEREAS, the participating governments cannot normally obtain the best possible purchase price for police vehicles acting individually and without cooperation; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of all participating governments that said governments do enter into a mutually satisfactory agreement for the purchase of police vehicles for the fiscal year 1990-91 . NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, promise and agree as to each of the other parties and as to all of the parties as follows: 1 . It is understood and agreed by the parties to this agreement that police vehicles may be purchased jointly for the fiscal year 1990-91 . Each participating government at the time agreed upon shall designate, in writing, the quantities desired and the location for delivery. 7 2. Specifications for purchase of police vehicles covered under this agreement or by supplementary written agreement of the participating governments shall be prepared by the City of Rockwall and all participating governments shall agree in writing to these specifications prior to bid advertisement. 3. The City of Rockwall shall be responsible for advertisement of bids and such other administrative duties as may be necessary to facilitate processing and preparation of joint bid requests. 4. The City of Rockwall will be responsible for receiving and opening the bids. 5. The cost of advertising and any other cost incidental to the bidding shall be divided equally among the participating governments, and shall be paid to the City of Rockwall within (30) days following the submission of statements by the City of Rockwall to each participating government. 6. It is understood and agreed by all participating governments that after the receipt of the bids from prospective vendors, the bids will be examined by the City of Rockwall and it shall submit to the administrative head of each participating government a complete tabulation of all bids received and shall certify as to the lowest responsible bidder. If the City of Rockwall finds that the lowest bidder is not responsible and accordingly certifies that some other bidder is the lowest responsible bidder, it shall include an explanation and report on its findings when it transmits its tabulations and certifications. The City of Rockwall shall not certify as the lowest responsible bid any bid which indicates a specifications differing from the specifications advertised. 7. The participating governments hereto agree that if they shall award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder as certified by the City of Rockwall, it will be for items which they had previously designed for purchase. 8. The participating governments hereto agree that the ordering of police vehicles purchased through this agreement shall be their individual responsibility and that the successful bidder or bidders shall invoice each participating municipality directly for the vehicles ordered by it. 9. Each participating government shall be liable to the successful bidder only for police vehicles ordered by and received by it, and shall not by the execution of this agreement assume any additional liability. 10. Nothing in this agreement shall prevent any participating government from accepting and awarding bids for vehicles subject to this agreement individually and in its own behalf, provided however that invitations for such individual bids shall not be advertised, nor shall bids be received individually during the period in which the ;k nrivertisina for and receiving bids for police vehicles. 11. The participating governments hereto agree that once the specifications have been prepared and approved by the City of Rockwall that no changes will be made during the period of advertising except in the case of error or omission. No change may be made without the approval of the City of Rockwall. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent changes in specifications in subsequent purchases. The City of Rockwall assumes no financial responsibility for errors in the specifications or in publication. 12. Specifications shall require bidder to bid patrol vehicles F.O.B. delivery points for each participating government. 13. In the event that any dispute arises between individual participating governments and a successful bidder, the same shall be handled by and between the municipality and the bidder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their authorized officers thereon the day and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY City Secretary Mayor, City of ATTEST: CITY City Secretary City Manager, City of Rockwall MEMORANDUM ID: MAYOR & CITY Q1NCIL FAN: BILL DASHNER, CITYNMAGERIVI DATE: AUGUST 21, 1990 REF: DISCi7SS and Q21SIIEt EXPRESSICN OF INThNT TD PARTICIPATE WITH NiM O tN INGUSIRIAL PREIREADm PROGRAM. The City Council should consider informing WTh1 ) that the City of Wylie is very interested in participating in the industrial pre-treatment program now being fonrulated by North Texas Municipal Water District. NIMiE) needs to know that the City of Wylie will join this organization pending negotiating an equitable contract. North Texas Municipal Water District needs to know if enough cities are interested prior to setting up the program. With your approval , I will formally notify North Texas Municipal Water District. MEMORANDUM TO: The Mayor and City Council 44140.-- FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider New Monthly City Newsletter Publication DATE: August 22 , 1990 I have met with Mr . Truett Smith and he has agreed at no cost to the City to publish a full page of City news and features using the same format as the original City Newsletter . This will reach a broader audience and will have a full page the first week of each month exclusively dedicated to City business . Therefore the City will save labor and publication costs. 7' MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Managerilail4/40 SUBJECT: Discuss and Consider Eliminating All Alley Garbage Pickup -- Residential Only DATE: August 17, 1990 At the present time in residential areas , approximately 50 per cent of all locations is done by garbage trucks using the alleys . Alleys were not made for the huge trucks used now a days by BFI . In order to standardize the operation, you may want to consider requiring all residential locations to place their garbage at curbside or roadside, in front of the location, or in some cases , side streets . Since there is no ordinance regulating this subject , a majority vote of the City Council is all that is needed . If the City Council decides to do this , I would recommend the effective date be set for October 1 , 1990. This will give the City and BFI time to notify all affected households. I have attached a BFI route map showing the current street/alley pick up routes . Attachment : BFI Route Map InfoRmAL REpoRrs tM E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: .James Johnson, Finance Director RE: Litigation Report - Delinquent and Bankruptcy Cases DATE: August 13 , 1990 Attached is the list as of 07/25/90 of active delinquent tax suits by our tax collection law firm, Sallinger, Nichols , Jackson. Kirk and Dillard. A total of 132 accounts on 71 separate cases have a base tax amount ( excludes penalty, interest and legal collection cost assessments ) of $66 , 035 . 48 . Likewise. there were 43 accounts involviag 21 cases totaling $21 , 075. 23 were active bankruptcy cases at this same time. TYPE OF ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS CASES BASE AMOUNT Delinquent Tax 132 71 $ 66, 035. 48 Bankruptcy 43 21 21 , 075. 23 TOTALS 175 92 $ 87 , 110 . 71 CITY OF WYLIE DELINQUENT TAX INFC ".< ,ATION LITIGATION STATUS REPORT 7-27-90 DEFENDANT C . 7 ACCOUNT NO. CASE NO. BASE AMOUNT STATJS �. . _ ARMSTRONG, GARY (-',c; 900003701 366-2448-89 PAID Suit filed 1 ; /19/89 . Defendant served 1989-$1, 646 . 52 1/11/90 . Amended petition to include 1989 taxes only. Letter to collect taxes and ccu;rt costs . Set for hearing August 24 . RAKER, KEVIN 41 - 200011201 296-981-90 1987-$174 . 78 Suit filed 6-12-90 . Def. called re pay 1988-$147 . 29 will pay all. by August 1990. 1989-$135. 86 No payments received as of 7-90. BAMBICO, EDWARD D. S )00041801 366-1442-89 1988-$71 . 52 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. ` ` BAUGHMAN, VINSON & ASSOC. , INC . 9:i 128727621 199-237-89 1987-$428 . 80 Plea of Intervention 7-90 . 1410 1988-$410 . 15 Hearing July 31 . 1989-$405 . 52 BUCKLEY, CAROL GAMBOTH ` 9 ;00002301 366-150-90 1983-$31. 31 Suit filed 1/"31/90 . Defendant located i, 1984-$30 . 71 and in process of being served. Land 1985-$38 . 49 lord called e : location of Def. 1986-$35. 00 1987-$30 . 36 1988-$25. 36 1989-$18 . 12 C B A ENTERPRISES R .. 2200000601 219-2312-89 1988-$1, 936 . 18 Suit filed 11/29/89. Amended petition INCORPORATED 1989-$2, 092 . 84 filed to include second account. Morrow R:" 200000691 1988-$15 . 60 served. Ser . :ice defective. Petition 1989-$16 . 89 amended sect-.ci time to serve Bobby Abbott . Mr. Abbott contacted by phone; he will make payment in full in June. 3 CHILDS, JEFFREY 14!" 2000085A1 219-491-90 1988-$150 . 31 Interventiior -90 . Hearing Aug. 1 . CLARK, GERALD r4 ; 3200(300401 296-2313-89 PAID fiuit. filed 1 ' /29/89 , Defendant served 1989-$588. 46 12/16/89 . Auwer filed. Letter sent to collect court costs and 1989 taxes . Paid except atty fees and cc. Hearing August 3 . DANIELS, KEVIN N _000007121 219-825-89 1985-$109 . 25 Intervention filed 12/19/89. Trying to locate . DONIHOO, JERRY 4 : ?000013A1 199-983-90 1988-$215 . 10 Suit filed 6 -1.2-90 . 1989-$198 . 81 Def . called e : payment 7-13-90. FORRESTER, RICK 4l, .?00O01101 366-1382-89 1986-$120 . 05 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90 . 1987-$110 . 25 Hearing Aug. L . cssFRANK, RAYMOND L. R 8100001401 219-2316-89 1988-$801 . 92 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served 0 12/16/89 . Lct.ter to collect court costs and taxes . Hearing Aug. 2 . FUSLER, ROBERT Al, A00057401 219-872-89 1987-$83 . 08$ Intervention filed 12/28/89. Letter 1988-$81 . 19 to collect court costs and taxes. 1989-$83 . 64 Cannot locat ')ef. Close out 7-90. JACOBSON, RAY 500034201 366-1446-89 1987-$133 . 47 Intervention filed 4/2/90. / /90. Letter sent o, 1988-$118 . 34 for court cc.1 and taxes. Paid all 1989-$121 . 91 except atty f �e and court costs. JOHNSON, LINDA 5: 00010301 219-00148-90 1985-$94 . 67 5... . OR034701 Snit filed 1 -90 , Amended Pet. 7-90. 1986-$88 . 99 KANE, STEPHEN 5(L 00068701 366-1486-89 1987-$93 . 37 Intervention filed 4/2/90. 1988-$90 . 79 Hearing Aug. 2 . 1989-$93 . 01 } KREYMER, DONALD P. R . 9005009B1 219-123-89 PAID Statements sf: lt to American Title Co. 1987-$66 . 96 Sale not closd. Amended petition to 1988-$83 . 01 include Banc '?ne, Inwood National Bank, 1989-$87 . 62 and Willow Beni National Bank. Bank One served 4/6/90 . R "±600800901 1984-$67 . 35 Title search ordered. Statements sent t 1987-$64 . 93 American Title . Sale not closed and 1988-$87 . 05 petition amended to include lienholders , 1989-$92 . 75 Bank One and :entennial . R . "'500100401 PAID Paid by TCR. 1989-$1 , 087 . 07 R 500200401 1987-$322 . 15 Petition amen-led to include Willow 1988-$330. 20 Bend National r3ank, lienholder. 1989-$357 . 59 KREYMER, DONALD P. RIB# 100301401 296-102-89 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 366-1904-89 1988-$92 . 25 Inc . , StancrFt Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 . 90 Inc . , and Willow Bend National Bank . Z4:1141:t Set for hearing 6/19/90. R 100301601 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc . , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 . 90 Inc . , and Willow Bend National Bank. RLi3100301701 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc . , Stancr.'ft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc . , and Willow Bend National Bank. R199100301801 1987-$90 . 00 Petition amerded to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc . , Stancr :ft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 . 90 Inc . and Willow Bend National Bank. R_.^`9100301901 1987-$90 . 00 Petition amcded to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc . , Stancr. - t Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc. , and Wi__; low Bend National Bank. Hearing August 24 . KREYMER, DONALD P. R -.0100100401 219-100-89 9 1987- 0 . 00 $ Amended Peti' ion filed to include D. 1988-$92 . 25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments 1989-P$99 . 90 Inc . , Willow Rend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. Willow Bend served. F '. -)100100701 1987-$90 . 00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92 . 25 Kreymer, Inc . , James Stanley Investments 1989-$99 . 90 Tnc . , Willow Rend National Bank, and Stancraft Horr:=:s Inc. P . 100100801 1987-$90 . 00 Amended Petici.�n filed to include D. 1988-$92 . 25 Kreymer, Inc . , James Stanley Investments 1989-$99. 90 Inc . , Willow Rend National Bank, and Stancraft ITcr: inc. D. KREYMER INC. R _ 60020R101 219-120-89 1986-$35. 20 Amended petin to include Phillip 1987-$540 . 47 Holtwick, Fist State Bank Wylie, Bank 1988-$635. 98 one, and Willo'.' Bend National Bank on 1989-$688 . 72 3/27/90. Willow Bend served. R 28200101101 PAID Paid by Firs: State Bank, Wylie, 1989-$111 . 00 on 1/31/90. R . 500200101 1988-$382 . 48 Stewart Titic_ paid 1986 and 1987 . 1989-$414 . 20 Petition amenAed to include Bank One. Bank One servd 4/4/90. RLH6012070A1 PAID- Paid by First State Bank, Wylie 1989 $111 . 00 on 1/31/90. DON KREYMER INTEREST INC. R6 800419701 199-119-89 1984-$17 . 15 Petition amenied to include onl on 1987 $17 . 50 property. Y e 1988-$17 . 94 1.989-$19 . 43 DONALD P. KREYMER R6 A00002191 219-1995-89 1988-$482 . 47 Willow Bend :Lat. Bank foreclosed and a statement ha3 5een sent for taxes. R ^ : ;500002101 1983-$45. 47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a 1984-$272 . 56 statement ha3 been sent for taxes. 1986-$57 . 40 1988-$223 . 25 1989-$2, 315. 50 R -v 100001001 PAID Singletary Corn. current owner. Taxes 1989-PAID paid 4/2/90. F; 6008039D1 1988-$125. 15 1989-$131 . 61 R . .9200103501 1988-$82 . 00 1989-$88. 80 Rl 5400201201 1985-$230 . 31 1986-$238 . 42 1987-$272 . 58 1988-$276 . 62 1989-$269 . 95 LANTING, JERRY J. R 400A00101 366-2314-89 PAID Suit filed . Defendant served 12/18/89. PAID Petition amen-led to include 1989. 1989 ' s paid - 90 . Court costs paid 7-90 . File Dsrn. 7-90. LITTLE, WAYNE 4 00010801 366-1546-89 1986-$152 . 1n In ter.v. 3-90 , C.tr sent re: paying 5-90. 1987-$139 . 68 Hearing Aug. L . 1988-$124 . 12 1989-$128 . 16 MAR-PAM I INC. 662 .00000801 296-42-90 1986-$3 , 146 . 19 Suit filed 1l11/90 . Defendant served 1987-$3 , 210. 40 2/22/90 . Statement to Dale McCullough, 1988-$3 , 290 . 66 current owner . Petition amended to 1989-$3, 118 . 10 include two other accounts. 900000101. 1986-$734 . 61 Collin Co. Interv. 5-90 . 1987-$749 . 60 1988-$713 . 48 1989-$579 . 49 E,: 5500001701 1986-$1 . 49 1987-$152 . 00 1988-$113 . 90 1989-$92 . 51 MARTIN, CLYDE R. ( 6, 300206101 P.A. MYCO READY MIX INC. , DBA F )200000501 219-132-89 1987-$1, 836 . 41 Intervention filed 12/28/89 . MYCO CONCRETE ET AL 1988-$2, 125. 42 City of Wylie re-filed Pet. 7-25-90 . F `> )028600181 1987-$2, 740. 00 1988-$2, 808 . 50 1989-$2, 418. 69 MYRAN CORPORATION F . ;700000501 366-2306-89 1987-$80 . 53 Suit filed . ., 29/89 . Defendant served 1988-$82 . 54 12/27/89 , rjffendant filed answer Cbc qsk R .< 1700000601 1987-$76 . 50 12/28/89. !fl2_ 1988-$78 , 41,� ;700000701 1987-$76 . 50 1988-$78 . 41 R2H >700000801 1987-$76 . 50 1988-$78 . 41 R 700000901 1987-$78 . 41 R. 7700001001 1988-$82 . 25 R ) o57000011A1 1988-$128 . 13 MYRAN CORPORATION R ' : J700002501 219-2300-89 1988-$82 . 00 Suit filed 11/29/89 . Defendant served R,: " 1::700002601 1988-$82 . 00 12/18/89 . R.' 7700002701 1988-$82 . 00 R": : 700002801 1988-$82 . 00 R: ' :)700002901 1988-$82 . 00 R2 ;700003001 1988-$82 . 00 R2 "J700003101 1988-$82 . 00 1 ? 5700003201 1988-$82 . 00 R 570000.3301 1988-$84 . 38 F ' 3700003401 PAID MYRAN CORPORATION F2 57000012A1 199-2307-89 1988-$128 . 13 Suit filed 11/29/89 . Defendant R ' 5700001401 1988-$128 . 13 12/18/89 . served R . 3700001501 1988-$128 . 13 R2 3700001601 1988-$76. 88 Fit 3700001901 1988-$82 . 00 R' 700002001 1988-$82 . 00 R? 5700002101 1988-$82 . 00 MYRAN CORPORATION T`iEi J800219201 219-2308-89 .PAID R6 ;800219301 121 filed 11/29/89. Defendant served PAIn 12/18/89 . R , ' '800200201 1988-$2, 504 . 81 MYRAN CORPORATION R :: , 40011022H1 296-2301-89 1988-$61 . 50 Suit filed 11/29/89 . Defendant served R ; ''9400H023A1 1988-$61. 50 12/18/89 . R: '34001002A1 1988-$61 . 50 R ' ,84001002111 1988-$61 , 50 R2 R400003A1 1988-$61 . 50 R f34001005A1 1988-$61 . 50 R2 84001005111 1988-$61. 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R =400E01701 199-2303-89 1988-$82 . 50 Suit filed 11/29/89 . Defendant served R2 '400H012A1 1988-$61 . 50 12/18/89. R 3400H012111 1988-$61 . 50 R2 ..i400H014A1 1988-$61. 50 R20 400H014I31 1988-$61 . 50 R20 ::400H015A1 1988-$61. 50 R }' 400H015131 1988-$61. 50 R 4 0011017D1 1988-$61 . 50 R 400}1018A1 1988-$61 . 50 P. 400H018D1 1988-$61 . 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R 400H019A1 219-2304-89 1988-$61 . 50 61 . 50 R . <4001i019I31 Suit filed 1:1/29/89 . Defendant served 1988-$61 . 50 12/27/89 . Defendant filed answer R, :400H020A1 1988-$61. 50 12/28/89 . P ? 400H020131 1988-$61. 50 R. t - 40011021A1 1988-$61 . 50 R2t 3400H021B1 1988-$61 . 50 ROSE, JOHNNY 5 )00007911 199-147-90 1985-$66 . 35 Suit filed 1 /31/90 . 1986-$62 . 07 Submitted Jug. 6-21-90. 1987-$56 . 79 Hearing Auq. 24 . Judgment to include WISD SILVA, ANTONIO 5 ' 000047801 219-614-90 1988-$87 . 81 Int . 7-90 . hearing Aug. l. 1989-$91 . 05 SMITH, JOHN 5:`) ")00009101 199-151-90 1985-$103 . 93 Suit filed 1 /31/90 . 1986-$97 . 69 Hearing Aug. 24 . STEDNER, ROBERT 500003801 366-982-90 1988-$155 . 35 Suit filed 6-12-90 . 1989-$142 . 67 SUTTON, DOROTHY 5 .2, 000028A1 366-979-90 1988-$94 . 35 Suit filed 6- 12-90 . 1989-$84 . 35 TAYLOR, GLORIA 4 00007501 219-152-90 1987-$111. 75 Suit filed 1/31/90. Defendant served eVk 1988-$99 . 29 3/2/90 . Payn nt agreement to begin 4/15/90 . First and second payments cps, received. TAYLOR, JOHNNY 5i' '.00058501 219-980-90 1987-$107 . 16 Suit filed 6-12-90. Def. called 1988-$104 . 72 re payment. Cannot pay in less than 6 mo 1989-$107 . 88 Will proceed with Judgment. THIRTEEN SEVENTY-FIGHT R2 ' 301502501 366-2310-89 PAID Suit filed 11,/29/89 . Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R22301502601 PAID 1-5-90 . Court costs to be paid 6-90. R22'"301502701 PAID R:,'"'" 3.01502801 PAID R22' 301502901 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R22'301201001 199-2311-89 PAID Suit filed 11,/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R ; '301201101 PAID 1-5-90 . Court costs to he paid 6-90. R2 2':301201201 PAID R22 "`301201301 PAID R22 301201401 PAID 4 fi 7301201501 PAID R.:: 7301201601 PAID THIRTF,EN SEVENTY-EIGHT R2� 7301100101 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R 296-2309-89 PAID 15t filed 1_ !29/89 . Defendant served 2� 73011.00201 PAID ►�5f .�900001301 1988-$65. 60 1/5/90 . Beckham says this property sold to 1989-$99 , 54 Stanley Mousa . C.C.A.D. shows 1989 in name of Dale McCullough. Statement to McCullough 3/26/90. Court costs _o be paid 6-90. THOMAS, ,TORN _: •00066301 366-1484-89 1987-$140. 15 Intervention filed 3/28/90 . Hearing Auq. 2 . THOMPSON, CHARLES 5 : ' '00059601 366-1483-89 1987-$88 . 62 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. 1988 $86 . 61 / tocr[)NNELL, MARTHA 5 00044301 366-1444-89 PAID Ill Intervention filed 3/28/90. Mortgage company paid. Motion for Nsuit submitted U-NAME-IT FLOORS 9 "28507411 296-149-90 1985-$171 . 50 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1986-$49. 00 Waiting on service by Const. Barton. UPTHAGROVE, KEITH 44200004501 366-1729-89 1987-$117 . 45 Intervention 3-28-90. Hearing 8-2 . 1988-$115 . 03 1989-$118 . 78 WAKEFIELD, JOE IND. 9 :: 2.8400761 366-01816-89 1989-$330 . 23 Intervention & DEA KCH VARIETY STORE 7-90. Hearing 8-1-90. WALKER, GREG 443 00011501 219-915-89 1986-$132 . 43 Suit filed 6•-22-89. Brother will pay 1987-$121 . 62 taxes. Will submit judg. 8-90 against Greg Walker. WESTRUP, LARRY 5 :, 000615A1 366-620-90 19$9-$96 , 51 Intervention 7-90. Hearing 8-2-90. WILSON, JACK M5. 3000016101 219-831-89 1987-$107 . 16 Intervention filed. 1988-$104 . 72 WILSON, RONNIE 44 00012101 296-811-89 1986-$131. 08 Intervention 7-90 . Hearing 8-2-90. 1987-$120 . 39 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 1 6<°:.. )00002401 366-1736-89 1986-$1, 696 . 88 Intervention filed 4-2-90. 1987-$1, 805 . 56 1988-$1, 850. 70 1989-$1, 150 . 24 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 2 6 )00002301 366-1420-89 1986-$1, 897 . 52 Intervention filed 4-2-90. 1987-$1 , 790. 32 1988-$1, 835 . 07 1989-$1, 140. 53 JUDGMENTS ACC..'UNT NO. CASE NO. BASE AMOUNT STATUS CITY OF WYILE . am***************************, ***** ************************************************************************************** ClIqk EHRICH, TOM DBA WYLIE TV & CP P 028332951 296-185-88 1983-$196 . 00 Judgment sice-1 4-25-89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5-19-89. Judgment Nunc Pro Tune sinned. Sent A.J. recorded and Writ ser_+ to Constable. FLORENCE, MICHAEL D. INC. P4, Ai27032961 219-105-89 1985-$110 . 25 Judgment signed 4-25-89 . A.J. filed DBA WYLIE SPORTS CENTER 5-19-89 . Reclisted corrected A.J. and Writ of Execution . HAND, BARRY 50: - 00011701 366-1946-89 1987-$86 . 95 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. 1988-84 . 55 KENNEDY, MARCI 5 . ?"00029101 366-1425-89 1987-$104 . 79 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. 1988-$102. 84 ' 1989-$106 . 42 KITTS, LAWRENCE s000009301 366-1737-89 1987-$98 . 80 Judgment suh,.itted 5-16-90. KREYMER, DONALD DBA DON P` ; 0027032221 296-118-89 1987-$15. 00 Judgment submitted 1-29-90. A.J. and KREYMER REAL ESTATE, INC. 1988-29 . 21 Writ ordered . Writ sent to Constable and A.J. filed 3-22-90. KREYMER, DONALD P. >> ;100200901 296-121-89 1987-$90. 00 Judgment subq-Atted 7-23-90. ?; = )100201401 1988-$92 . 25 1989-$99 . 90 1987-$90. 00 1988-$92 . 25 1989-$99 . 90 00 MEEK, LARRY 5 : '100061701 296-1013-89 1987-$97 . 19 Int . filed 7- 5-90 . Judgment submitted 1988-$94 . 51 7-23-90. 1989-$96 . 81 MOOREHEAD, CHARLES 5i3i00064201 366-1485-89 1987-$121 . 37 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. MURPHY, ROBERT 5 �000039401 366-1441-89 1987-$104 . 79 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. NARLOCK, TOD 500026201 366-1994-89 _ 1987-$76 . 60 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. 1988-$74 . 27 PAYNE, BILLY JACK DBA BILLY P .` )027031711 296-190-88 1983-$122 . 50 Judgment s1qwc1 4-25-89 . A.J. filed JACK AUTO SALES 5-25-89 . f POWELL, HAROLD = 100044101 366-1747-89 1987-$126 . 56 Judgment suf- i .i.tted 5-16-90. 1988-$112 . 91 1989-$116 . 84 RODRIGUEZ, TONY r' .. ' 2000003601 296-1003-88 1986-$74 . 29$ Judgment sia ;ed. A.J. recorded. Writ to 1987-$67 . 14 Constable 6-s,)0 . Defendant to pay out amounts due (-90. STATEN, RONNIE R . M5 . 2000003011 199-1007-88 1983-$60 . 94 Judgment siqr:ed 7-28-89 . A.J. 1984-$62 . 05 Writ sent to Constable. Payment lled 1985-$81 . 41 agreement for Staten. Payments current. 1986-$77. 63 1987-$56 . 03 TUCKER, DAVID 4=' 200006101. 199-911-89 1986-$132 . 43 Judgment submitted 5-16-90. 366-1458-89 1987-$121 . 62 1988-$108. 29 1989-$111 . 82 WUERZ, MARTHA 5 " i00005001 296-823-89 1987- 97 . 19 NV\ $ Intervention i -90. Judgment submitted 1988-$94 . 51 7-23-90. CS 1989-$85. 75 WYLIE OPRY, GEORGE RILEY & P90"028509831 199-104-89 1985-$24 . 50 CLARA RILEY Judgment Nunn Pro Tunc 9-17-89 . A.J. 1986-$24 . 50 and Writ of I,Kecution received. Writ 1987-$25 . 00 sent to Sheriff. Defendant request 1988-$25 . 63 payment plan . 111 payments rec 'd. Court costs r .") be paid 9-90. CITY OF WYLIE BANKRUPTCY CAS77 7-25-90 DEBTOR CASE NC, . ACCOUNT NO. COMMENTS CHARLES S . & DEBRA K. 389-379O RCM-13 229100000101 1988-$505. 40 Proof of Claim - 1/31/90 . ANDERHUB 1989-$802 . 39 THOMAS & THERESA BURRIS 88-4027e 3 502000008711 1986-$94 . 93 Amended Proof cf Claim - 8/24 88 1987-$87 . 42 Installment pa ,Ini nts being made 1988-$84 . 76 by debtor directly to city. CONNER HOME SALES 87-0170 +04 503000027801 1987-$92 . 74 Proof of Claim - 5/4/89 . CORPORATION Chapter ; 503000034901 1987-PAID No discharge as of 3/1/90. 1988-$104 . 72 \�CUSTOM BUILDING 89-4031 900028506171 1987-$375. 00 Proof of Claim - 3/22/89. UPPLY INC. 1988-$384 . 38 No discharge a Df 3/1/90. KICHARD MAX DUNCAN, II 386-364 , HCA-7 205200E01601 D/B/A MACKEY/DUNCAN HOMES 1987-$125. 00 Proof of Claim - 3/16/89 . AND 205200F00901 19£37-$120. 00 Bankruptcy closed. DEANNA LAVONNE DUNCAN A/K/A DEANNA LAVONNE WICKHAM A/K/A DEANNA LAVONNE ROBSON EDWARD ELLIOTT AND 387-364 : ' SAF-13 503000053501 1987-$161 . 82 Claim for Administrative Expense LOU ANN ELLIOTT 1988-$126 . 75$ filed 3/22/89 . 1 ROGER C. FINHOLT 90-4098. . 440600000101 1989-$102 . 56 Proof of Claim 7/17/90. JOSEPH L GEORGE 87-0129 127500200701 PAID Discharge lettc r sent 4/24/89 for three outstanding accounts. JOHNSTON, INC. , DBA 89-41131 116900700601 1988-$3, 248 . 00 Proof of Claim - 8/21/89 JOHNSTON'S FASHION FOR 116900700101 1988-$192 . 19 CHILDREN KREYMER, DONALD P. 90-40885)k R1169005009111 PAID ( 219-1?. t- 9 ) 1987-$66. 96 1988-$83 . 01 1989-$87 . 62 R116600800901 1984-$67 . 35 1987-$64 . 93 1988-$87. 05 1989-$92 . 75 R167500100401 PAID 1989-$1 , 087. 07 R167500200401 1987-$322 . 15 1988-$330 . 20 14 1989-$357 . 59 KREYMER, DONALD P. 90-4088 ; ( 219-19 . 89 ) KREYMER, DONALD P. 90-4088 668800419701 Proof of Claim filed 7-19-90. ( 199-11' 9 ) THE LIGHTING CENTER, INC. 388-313Q. •HCA-11 P900028421781 1986-$375. 79 Proof of Claim - 5/5/88 1987-$383 . 46 Converted to Chapter 7 . ELLIS MERWORTH AND WIFE 388-33025-HCA-7 P900028507541 PAID SUSAN MERWORTH Debts have bee ri discharged. MINERAL WOOL INSULATION 385-307W - -11 MANUFACTURING CO Sales & U proof of claim. 4/16/86 . STANLEY A MOUSSA 387•-318_ ' HCA-11 662900000101 1986-$734 . 61 Proof of claim 8/19/87. 1987-$749 . 60 Claim for Administrative Expense 1988-$713 . 48 filed 5/8/89 fcr 1988 taxes. 1169011001C1 1986-$117 . 65 1169011001A1 1986-$721 . 38 Amended Proof of Claim 6-90. 116600500901 PAID Amended Claim :_o - Expense 6-90. 115600200501 1986-$1 , 380 .84 PAID 605600001701 1986-$1 . 49 1987-$152 . 00 1988-$113 . 90 MURRY BUILDING CO INC 87---0030 , ",KC-HA No discharge as of 1/1/90 . Chapter 150301101701 1985-$22 . 05 Account now listed Larry Seal . 1986-$73 . 50 150301101501 PAID 150300401601 PAID 150300401501 PAID 150300401401 PAID 150300401301 PAID 150300401201 PAID 150200601601 PAID , iy 150200601401 187801300401 1985-$73 . 50 PAID Account now listed Leonard E. Muller Inc. 187801301101 PAID 187801300301 1986-PAID Account now listed Robert J. Nix. 1987-PAID 187801300201 1986-PAID 187801300101 PAID 187801202801 PAID 187801202401 PAID 187801202201 PAID 187801202001 PAID 187801201901 PAID 187801201801 PAID 187801201601 PAID 187800902801 PAID 187800902601 PAID 187800902301 PAID 187800902201 PAID 187800901701 PAID 187800801001 PAID 187800202501 PAID MICHAEL MURRY 88-421s3 7 187800903001 1987-$90. 00 Proof of Claim 3/24/89 . 1988-$92 .25 No discharge a: of 3/1/90. OTT, DENNIS LEE & LEANNE 690-01G7,' 5030000721A1 1989-$123 .87 Proof of Claim 7-20-90. JOAN E. REYNOLDS 388-36404 - RCM-13 503000049201 1987-$132 . 66 No Proof of C1im filed 1988-$112 . 91 Account included in Chapter 13 Plan. $59 . 93 received 1987 paid and proof of Claim submitt $118 . 64 due for balance of 1988 taxes. Proof of Claim - 9/28/89 GARY LEIGHTON RODDY D/B/A 383--37S RCM-11 127500100901 PAID Proof of Claim - 2/28/89. RODDY REALTORS AND RWM Case closed. PROPERTIES AND JUDITH ANNE RODDY D/B/A RODDY & WHIT INVESTMENTS 116200003001 1987-$106 . 26 AND RM INVESTMENTS 1988-$107 . 49 1275001009R1 PAID "ND 115400202401 1987-$270 . 66 ��//.�` 900027032571 1987-$20. 00 1�1 1988-$20. 50 602300003301 PAID SAN ANTONIO SAVINGS ASSOC. 669500000401 Proof of Claim 6-90 HAROLD SPENCE, GLORIA 88-41706' 7 P900028503381 1986-$1, 225. 00 Proof of Claim - 10/14/88 SPENCE DBA SUPER FRESH 1987-$1, 250 . 00 Amended Proof cf. Claim - 5/5/89 FOODS, DBA SPENCE 1988-$1, 383 . 75 CONSTRUCTION, DBA HAROLD R146700200201 PAID Claim for Administrative Expense - 5 SPENCE BUILDING CORP. P900028601891 1987-$30 . 78 No discharge a& of 3/1/90. 1988-$31. 54 R143600200901 1987-$85 . 00 1988-$87 . 13 R143600300101 1987-$67 . 50 1988-$69 . 19 R143600300201 1987-$85. 00 1988-$87 . 13 R143600300301 1987-$85. 00 1988-$87 . 13 R143600300401 1987-$85 . 00 1988-$87 . 13 R1239000001C1 1987-$12 . 50 1988-$12 . 81 ROBERT V. THURMOND, JR. 90-401f, 658900000691 1989-$43 . 66 Proof of Claim -• 5/21/90. 658900000801 1989-$46 . 13 658900000791 1989-$150 . 62 JOHN CLINTON WORLEY 8'3 4005 7 187801000701 PAID Proof of Claim - 3/29/89