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10-22-1991 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Date Posted: Friday, Time Posted: 4:30 PM AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 7:00 PM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1991 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 SH 78 N. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - FATHER ANTHONY PONDANT ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INTRODUCTION OF BRADY SNELLGROVE, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 . 1-11 Consider approval of minutes from meetings held on July 30, 1991, August 13, 23, and 27, 1991. 2. 12 Presentation of Proclamation for Texas Pharmacy Week - October 20-26, 1991 . 3. 13-14 Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Collin County Support Group. 4. ---- Consider appointment to fill vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board . 5. 15-37 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made , those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. a. Seek competitive bids for annual motor fuel contract . b. Seek competitive bids for water and sewer supplies . c. Seek competitive bids for new Public Works/Animal Shelter land and/or land and buildings. d. Approve payment of invoice from Frank Dunlop in the amount of $1398.25. e . Approve payment of Engineering Services No. 9167 to Helmberger & Associates in the amount of $3,057 .50 for contour map of the old Wylie Municipal Landfill . f . Approve payment of Engineering Services No. 9161, Helmberger & Associates in the amount of $1121 .25 - Martinez Phase II project . g. Approve payment of Engineering Services No. 9155A, Helmberger & Associates in the amount of $460.00 - review of final plat for Kentucky Fried Chicken. ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS h. Approve payment of Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice No. 03-028901-031 dated August 1991, in the amount of $911 .27 — Services landfill closure process . i• Approve request from Wylie Chamber of Commerce to hold Annual Christmas Parade in downtown Wylie on Saturday, December 7, 1991. 6. 38 Consider approval of contribution to Wylie Christian Care Center and Plano Crisis Center . 7. --77.% J. "n N-Consider approval of Amended Budget for r "'Fiscal Year 1992 . 8. 39-40 Consider approval of bid award for Group Health and Life Insurance for Employees . c')671'/P 9. 41-49 Consider confirmation of Resolution No. 90-2-13-90-3 committing the City to participation in the National Guard Armory project . 10. ---- Discussion and Status report on National Guard Armory project . 11 . ---- Discussion and Status report on Texas Department of Commerce grant application for sanitary sewer renovation. 12. ---- Discussion and Status report on landfill closure . 13. 50-62 Discussion of Financial Report for period ending September 30, 1991. 14. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION In accordance with the Open Meeting Act , the City Council will hear comments of Public Interest from citizens residing within the City Limits of the City of Wylie . Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for future consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chambers and should limit remarks to a maximum of five (5) minutes . 15. ADJOURN ..._.._ 9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 30 , 1991 The City of Wylie City Council met in a workshop session on Tuesday , July 30 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Jim Swartz , William Martin , Don Hughes , Ortie Messenger , Percy Simmons , City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones and City Attorney Steve Deiter . DISCUSS AND FY-91 CITY BUDGET: Councilman Messenger wanted to know how many employees we have . We have 65 full time employees and 5 part time employees . The Library has one full time employee ( the Director) and three part time employees . Nettles money is still being accepted and approved for Wylie . The FY-91 budget had $49 , 300 . 00 budgeted for overtime in all departments . Through the first nine months we have spent $89 , 788 . 02 in overtime and this is a major concern . City Manager stated that the overtime has come from streets and animal control . Most of it is due to all the street and drainage work. Discussed salaries in City Secretary' s Budget - hired more people - approved . Primary Street Fund over $300 , 000 - taken out $45 , 000 for Armory Road . Discussion of $100, 000 transfer to Utility. City Attorney Deiter gave his opinion on using this money . $257 , 000 note payment is due in August . The following is a list of major budgeted/non-budgeted expenditures for FY91 : STREET COST Masters Fifth Hilltop Second Martinez $ 123 , 000 *Keefer 17 , 000 *Cottonbelt 26 , 000 *Akin Lane (Phase I-II ) 80, 000 *Brown Street 40 , 000 *McCreary Road 40 , 000 *Kreymer Lane 51 , 000 Other *Pot Hole Program 65 , 000 *Chip and Seal Program 96 , 000 *Additional Drainage Work 26 , 000 *Comp Time Payment for Departing Employees (Approximate ) 31 , 000 *Southfork Master Meter and Meter Change Out 20 , 000 $532 , 000** *Denotes Non-Budgeted Items **This is a total for the partial list of non-budgeted expenditures ( $532 , 000) . City Manager Dashner said the City Council will receive a revised budget for FY91 on August 27 , 1991 and on August 5 , 1991 the City Council will receive preliminary balanced budget for FY91/92 . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn the meeting . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 13 , 1991 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , August 13 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz and Ortie Messenger , City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones , City Engineer Paul Beaver and City Attorney Steve Dieter . Mayor John Akin was absent . Mayor Pro Tem Davis called the meeting to order and Councilman William Martin gave the invocation which was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE JULY 25 , 1991 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: There being no additions or corrections to the minutes of July 25th , a motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve as submitted and seconded by Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The vote carried with all in favor . CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING PROPOSED ORDINANCE FROM THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS FOR ALL FUTURE COMMERCIAL TYPE DEVELOPMENT: Mayor Pro Tem Davis opened the public hearing and requested those wishing to address the council to come forward at this time and state their name and address for the record . There was no participation from the citizens . Mayor Pro Tem Davis closed the hearing . City Manager Dashner gave a presentation . It was suggested that we add penalties to the ordinance and that a maintenance bond be put up to insure the plants/trees , etc . are maintained and replaced in case they die . City Manager Dashner recommended this go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendations on penalties and maintenance bond . Councilman Simmons made a motion that the ordinance be sent back to Planning and Zoning Commission to have the aforementioned items considered . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FORMAL DEDICATION OF BROWN STREET AND MCCREARY ROAD: A formal dedication ceremony will be held on August 21 , 1991 at 9 : 00 a .m . at the corner of Brown St . and Ballard Street . Anyone wishing to attend is invited . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ADOPTION SCHEDULE OF FY92 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager stated that in the last paragraph of his Budget Message it states that a public hearing should be held prior to adoption of the budget . Councilman Messenger wanted a workshop to discuss a new budget prior to the public hearing . A workshop will be held on Friday, August 23 , 1991 at 7 : 00 p .m. A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to hold a public hearing on September 24 , 1991 . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The vote carried with all in favor . 4 DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FINANCIAL REPORT FROM CITY AUCTION HELD ON AUGUST 6 , 1991 : City Manager Bill Dashner reported that the auction held on August 6 , 1991 to dispose of City property no longer needed by the City had gross sales of $ 11 , 115 . 50 . Auctioneer received $ 1 , 000 of this . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FINANCIAL REPORT FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ON COMMUNITY PARK: City Manager Bill Dashner reported that through July of this year the City of Wylie Park and Recreation Department has generated , in all fees and charges at the Park, a total of $ 10 , 342 . 81 . Field Fees $ 2 , 636 . 00 Tournament Fees 340. 00 Light Fees 1 , 827 . 00 Concession Stand 5 , 539 . 81 $10, 342. 81 DISCUSS AND CONSIDER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC. 'S SEMI ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL: The Development Corporation of Wylie submitted a semi-annual report to the Council which indicated they had sales tax revenue of $ 151 , 989 . 91 and $2 , 382 . 21 in interest and had expenditures of $8 , 589 . 14 . They have turned down one request for assistance which was for a very speculative high risk business venture . They are presently working on tenants for the Johnston building . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER CITY OF WYLIE'S FORMAL OPPOSITION TO EAST FORK WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION CONVERTING TO A SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT BY PETITION TO TEXAS WATER COMMISSION: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that both he and the City Attorney have filed a written protest opposing this Special Utility District for East Fork. Councilman Simmons made a motion that we formally oppose this Special Utility District . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AMENDING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. BYLAWS: The Wylie Development Corporation has made a formal request to amend their bylaws by adding the following : 5 . 06 SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept , at the registered office a record of the minutes of all meetings of the Board and of any committees of the Board . The Secretary shall also file a copy of said Minutes with the City and the same to be given , in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws , or as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act or the Texas Open Records act or other applicable law. The Secretary shall be custodian of the corporate records and seal of the Corporation , and shall keep a register of the mailing address and street address , if different , of each director . Councilman Hughes made a motion that the aforementioned amendment to the Development Corporation's bylaws be added . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING "RESTRICTED PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT" TO EMPLOYEES WITH SERVICE IN TEXAS CITIES THAT ARE NOT A PART OF THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM: This ordinance will allow City employees who have prior service with a non-member city to transfer their service credit to the TMRSsystem with time only credited . There is no money involved and thus , will not cost the City in terms of an increase contribution rate . Councilman Messenger made a motion that we adopt this ordinance . Seconded by Councilman Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER JONES & NEUSE PAY ESTIMATE, INVOICE NO. 03-028901-029 , JUNE 1991 SERVICES , LANDFILL CLOSURE : This is for work done in June at the landfill . All new monitoring wells are in place . Samples have been taken and test results have been analyzed by the Consultants and the Final Report completed . Comments are expected in the near future from the State Health Department . A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to made payment on this invoice in the amount of $5 , 278 . 79 . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER JONES & NEUSE PAY ESTIMATE, INVOICE NO. 03-028902-012 , JUNE 1991 SERVICES , WYLIE SERVICE CENTER: This is for work done in June at the service center . The new monitoring well is in place , the test results have been evaluated by the consultant , and the final report prepared . The Texas Water Commission is currently reviewing the final report and their comments are expected in the near future . The invoice is for $2 , 625 . 57 which exceeds the contract amount of $38 , 150 by $56 . 31 . A motion was made by Council Hughes to make payment to Jones & Neuse in the amount of $2 , 569 . 26 . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER E. L. DALTON FINAL PAY ESTIMATE 37 , NEWPORT HARBOR SANITARY SEWER PROJECT AND ACCEPT PROJECT AS COMPLETE AND ACTIVATE MAINTENANCE BOND FOR ONE YEAR: This invoice is for $36 , 987 . 77 and is the final payment on this contract . The Texas Water Commission has accepted this project as complete and "pump and haul" has been eliminated . These facilities are recommended for acceptance by the City of Wylie and activation of the contractor' s one year maintenance bond beginning August 14 , 1991 . A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to accept this project as complete , activate the maintenance bond and pay the invoice . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS PROPOSED CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE CITY OF MURPHY ON SEWAGE TREATMENT FOR THAT CITY AND TRANSMISSION FEES TO BE CHARGED MURPHY ON TRANSMISSION OF SEWAGE IN CITY LINE (DISCUSSION ONLY - NO ACTION REQUESTED) : There are two ( 2) contracts - one is for the treatment contract and the other is for the transmission fees . NTMWD is reviewing both contracts . A workshop is to be held at the end of the next Council meeting to discuss these contracts and we will ask Carl Riehn from NTMWD to be there for the discussions . Will also add the East Fork Water Supply for discussion . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER MOST RECENT CORRESPONDENCE FROM TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON LANDFILL CLOSURE : City Engineer , Paul Beaver has been in touch with Mr . Smith at the Texas Department of Health - we do not need to test the old wells - Mr . Smith is in the process of finishing up a letter to the City on the closure of the landfill . Mr . Beaver anticipates that we should have the letter in about two weeks . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT FOR THE CITY'S DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM: Mr . Hensley stated the City' s hardware is sufficient for the next five to six years . He suggested that we upgrade several computers - they are very old and need to be upgraded for efficient use . He suggested we make software changes now and get support needed for all personnel . Staff recommends hiring of Mr . Hensley to upgrade and train all employees for entire package , not to exceed $40 , 000 . This does not include any hardware . Mr . Hensley said most companies change every three to four years - software should last the City five to seven years . The City' s software is eleven years old . Councilman Messenger asked about needing to go through the bid process . The City Attorney said he would need to check into this but most likely the software would have to be bid , after all specifications have been done since it will exceed the $5 , 000 limit . Councilman Messenger made a motion that this item be tabled . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ORDINANCE REGULATING BICYCLES AND OTHER DEVICES USED AS RECREATIONAL TYPE TRANSPORTATION: The Park and Recreation Department has recommended that the City Council adopt this ordinance . City Manager Dashner stated that he felt the ordinance would over regulate . Councilman Simmons made a motion that the ordinance be denied . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Pro Tem Davis requested those who had signed up , as their names were called , to come forward and state their name and address for the records , and to confine their comments to within five minutes . Lois Swartz - 506 W. Jefferson addressed the Council on the visual problem - the audience cannot make out the names on the voting board . She also addressed the Council on not being able to hear the speakers or some of the Councilmembers when they are speaking . She also addressed the condition of Birmingham St . - the north side of Highway 78 - needs repair . There being no other items of business for discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: l0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 23 , 1991 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Friday, August 23 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz and Ortie Messenger , City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Councilman William Martin was absent . PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF AVAILABLE SOFTWARE PACKAGES AND THEIR RELATED COSTS: Mr . Dennis Hensley made a presentation on software packages with their related costs which he felt would serve the City's needs . It was recommended that Mr . Hensley be engaged on a contract basis at $ 19 . 00 an hour . The contract agreement between the City and Mr . Hensley will be on the September 10 , 1991 agenda . Authorization to seek bid proposals for software will also be on that same agenda . DISCUSSION OF FY92 CITY BUDGET AS PRESENTED BY THE CITY MANAGER: The engineering department' s capital budget for the FY92 budget - deletes $ 170 , 000 for replacing the lift station at NTMWD. For every $ 1 . 00 taken in , 21% of it goes to pay debt service . We need to relocate utilities along Hwy 78 if and when the highway is widened - the anticipated cost for this is $ 100 , 000 . We need to have another water storage tank in order to alleviate the low pressure problems - cost approximated at $300 , 000 . The $910 , 000 in the Landfill Fund is to close the landfill . The total proposed FY92 budget is $7 , 374 , 000 . $7 , 374 , 000 less the $910 , 000 for the landfill closure brings the figure down to $6 , 464 , 000 which is an increase over last year' s ( FY91 ) budget of $200,000 - $300,000 . The growth in revenues will come from increased sales tax revenue due to Brookshire's . Impact fees are expected to bring in an additional $60 , 000 in the FY92 year . It is anticipated that an additional $80 , 000 in revenues will be received from Southfork Mobile Home Park in water , sewer and sanitation billings . City Manager Bill Dashner stated that if closing of the landfill is more than $910, 000 then we will have to come up with remaining funds . The proposed FY92 budget includes 4 new positions - 3 paid full time firefighters at a base salary of $20 , 000 and a Lieutenant' s position in the police department . The Council recommended that these new positions be funded starting January 1 , 1992 instead of October 1 , 1991 . Revenues , in significant amounts , usually do not start coming in until late December/early January. Another work session for the budget was scheduled for September 10 , 1991 after the regular meeting at which time each Councilmember should bring their list/suggestions for the FY92 Budget . There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn at 9 : 25 p .m. John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 27 , 1991 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday August 27 , 1991 at 7 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Don Hughes , Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger and William Martin . City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones , City Attorney Steve Deiter , City Engineer Paul Beaver and Building Official Rick Herzberger . PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING RECLASSIFICATION OF LAND USE FOR A CAR WASH ESTABLISHMENT FROM B-1 ZONING DISTRICT TO RD - RETAIL DISTRICT: Mayor Akin opened the public hearing and asked those wishing to speak to come forward and state their name and address for the records and to keep their comments within five minutes . There were no comments from the citizens . Mayor Akin closed the public hearing . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 85- 23A, SECTIONS 16 . 1 AND 17 . 2 BY ADDING "CAR WASH" AS ONE OF THE ALLOWABLE USES IN THE "R" - RETAIL DISTRICT AND DELETING "CAR WASH" AS ONE OF THE ALLOWABLE USES IN THE "B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT" PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE , PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: This is a use change only which allows car wash as an allowable use in the retail district and deleting it as an allowable use in the business district . A motion was made by Councilman Don Hughes to approve the Ordinance for Amending Ordinance No . 85-23A. Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FINANCIAL REPORT THROUGH THE FIRST TEN MONTHS OF FY 91 (JULY 31 , 1991 ) : During the month of July 1991 the City has collected in revenues $5 , 263 , 400 and has spent $5 , 079 , 600 for a positive balance of $ 183 , 800 . The General Fund has collected $3 , 354 , 885 and expended $3 , 237 , 620 , the Utility Fund has collected $ 1 , 568 , 695 and expended $ 1 , 539 , 595 , the Sanitation Fund has collected $302 , 280 and expended $268 , 285 and the Impact Fund has collected $37 , 570 and expended $34 , 100 . Over the next two months the City will have to receive in revenue a total of $765 , 676 in order to meet the budget estimate of $6 , 029 , 076 . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE VII CITY CHARTER, TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS AND APPROVE FY91 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE GENERAL AND UTILITY FUND: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that with ten months of the year past we would end FY92 with a carryover . The General Fund budget proposed amendment is to increase it from $3 , 620 , 596 to $3, 671 , 380 which is a $50 , 784 increase . The Utility Fund budget proposed amendment is to decrease it from $2 , 003 , 480 to $ 1 , 860 , 000 which is a decrease of $14 , 400 . A motion was made by Councilman Don Hughes to approve the budget amendments for the FY90/91 budget . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davis . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - against and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with six ( 6) in favor , and one ( 1 ) against . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AGREEING TO AN INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF WYLIE AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON EXTENSION OF SPRINGCREEK PARKWAY AND RAILROAD SIGNALIZATION: The agreement as it stands leaves the City liable for any overruns above the $270 ,000 ( County $ 150 , 000 , City $ 70, 000 and National Guard $50 , 000) . The agreement needs to be sent back to the County stating that if bids received are more than $270 , 000 the overrun will be divided between the three ( 3) parties ( Collin County , City of Wylie , and National Guard) . It was recommended that the County be the project manager . A motion to amend the agreement , Article II , Item 1 and Article V and send back to County was made by Councilman Simmons . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor John Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER REIMBURSEMENT ON OVERPAYMENT OF AD VALOREM TAX TO TWO TAXPAYERS: Alumax Corp . has overpaid by $4 , 538 . 34 and the Department of Housing and Urban Development has overpaid by $616 . 60 . A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to refund the overpayments of ad-valorem tax to these two taxpayers . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor John Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVING KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION AND AMENDING REPLAT OF PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED APPROVED PLAT: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of this replat . A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve this replat but prior to starting construction the previous owner should clean up all trash and debris on the property. Seconded by Percy Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR OAKRIDGE SUBDIVISION AS SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT WHICH IS INVESTORS NETWORK: Dwight Scott of Investors Network requested this item be pulled from the agenda . A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RE-VERIFICATION OF MONITORING AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO LANDFILL CLOSURE ACTION: The Texas Department of Health requires that a date be set no later than September 30 , 1991 to sample monitor wells 2 , 5 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 13 , and 14 and piezometers P-3and P-4 . Texas Department of Health , after reviewing previously submitted reports , believes that there is no confirmed indication of contamination of the shallow ground water at the boundaries of the sites , with the possible exception of extremely low levels of benzene in MW-12 and MW-13 and a very low level of acetone in MW-13 . Discussion item only , no action taken . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COLLECTION PROCEDURE ON FUNDS OWED TO THE CITY BY SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK: Southfork Mobile Home Park still owes the City $21 , 168 . 25 for the master meter , the water loss due to a major leak and removal of 9 individual meters . A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the City Attorney seeking collection of collectible funds . Seconded by Councilman Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FORMAL RECOMMENDATION ON CITY OF WYLIE VS . MINYARD LAWSUIT APPEAL: Councilman Simmons suggested that the City Attorney represent us in this lawsuit . A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to go with the City Attorney's recommendation to retain the firm of Sallinger , Nichols , Jackson , Kirk & Dillard . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilman Simmons against . The motion carried with six ( 6) in favor and one ( 1 ) against . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin stated those wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and state their name and address for the records and to keep their comments within five minutes . In accordance with the Open Meeting Act , the Council will hear comments of public interest , but any discussion shall be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration . Pat Stemple of 10 Glen Knoll addressed the Council on the ribbon cutting ceremony at Brown Street . She also asked the Council when the plaque would be put up for Veterans Courtyard . RECESSED REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AND CONVENED COUNCIL INTO WORK SESSION AT 8: 35 P .M. DISCUSS PROPOSED CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE CITY OF MURPHY ON SEWAGE TREATMENT FOR THE CITY AND TRANSMISSION FEES TO BE CHARGED MURPHY ON TRANSMISSION OF SEWAGE INTO CITY OF WYLIE LINE: Mr . Carl Riehn from NTMWD said the City' s plant is flowing at an average of 800 , 000 gallons per day - if Murphy comes in at maximum of 250 , 000 gallons per day it would still allow Wylie the ability to double capacity. The State will inform you to begin work on a new plant when you reach 75% capacity and at 90% capacity you will need to be under construction . It would be beneficial to have another City with you when you have to undertake another plant . Mr . Riehn also stated it looked like a good arrangement . Murphy is looking at two other alternatives - expanding their existing plant (owned by NTMWD) and the City of Garland has offered Murphy sewer services . We are waiting on formal action from Murphy before taking any action . Council requested the City Manager to send Murphy a letter regarding this agreement . DISCUSS EAST FORK WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION CONVERTING TO A SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT: The City Staff had a meeting with Mr . Gay on this . Eastfork Water Supply has offered an agreement to purchase their water meters inside the City Limits of Wylie . /O There being no other business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn at 9 : 55 P .M . with all in favor . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary / ` • • Office of the mayor (ill tt tJixu rr. s r� WHEREAS , the sophistication of health care in the United States enhances the quality of life for every man , woman , and child ; and , WHEREAS , an integral part of quality health care includes drug therapy which is increasingly more sophisticated ; and , WHEREAS , more than 12 , 000 practicing pharmacists in Texas daily apply their five years or more of training and education to dispense medications , to monitor prescriptions and non—prescription medications for the correct dosages as well as possible allergic and drug interactions ; and , • WHEREAS , these professional pharmacists counsel patients to help assure the maximum benefits of both prescription and non—prescription medications ; and , WHEREAS , public opinion polls consistently rank pharmacists among the most highly respected professionals for their unselfish gifts of time , knowledge , and talent to advise the public on health concerns . NOW, THEREFORE , I , J0HN W. AKIN , MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , do hereby proclaim the week of OCTOBER 20 — 26 , 1991 as PHARMACY WEEK in Wylie , Texas , and urge all citizens to acknowledge and utilize the expertise of pharmacists whose skills , concern , and knowledge contribute to the health and well—being of this community . fin wittitii wI2tTtof /� dill avz Itziiunt0 ut /my Land and caused t/lii leaf to GE affixed. bk. me#11111°116 • rr • t +r JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR A it, 1 V ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ,K ' BATE October 22, 1991 — MEMORANDUM DATE: October 14 , 1991 TO : Mayor & City Council �) FROM: Carolyn Jones , Acting City ManagerW' / RE : Collin County Support Group Mr . Jackie Jones , Public Works Superintendent requested a Certificate of Appreciation be given to the above group for their effort and cooperation in helping our Public Works and Park and Recreation Departments this past year . This group has done a lot of clean up work in the drainage ditches and in and around vacant houses . Sheriff Terry Box is the leader of this group and is aided by Dwayne Miller , Sgt . Jim Moody, Officer Jerry Childress , Officer Bruce Ferguson and Officer Dorothy Pollard . The City Staff would like to show our appreciation through this certificate for the work done by this group . tt ; ; \ 01 Y , ( .. , It, t / � �` -'� a l T ) 1 ' ��„� i 1 t b I s 1 r A{' ' , ( !rh"'. "1 ,M 1 1 is i �} l 4ts 71 (../...'-; 'i',;;;i.l'''!:s . k 1 1 J..I`J 1 41, ' ....;'..71.,..:::.,i,'.. 1 :: TitU Ilf II II U lit 1 i '' fir.: •/ \ r:l .. ,, r-i'...,-;,: •. - Tertifinite .., „..,,,,,... .4.,.,.,. i, .,, . . ,....,,. ,,,,...,... „„„, ,: .._....... , .,,,,!, • ,..,... .,...,...„........,.„„,„ 1 11 ' I� / Ili 1 k t .�. ,....,....,..,..,.„, ,.. ,..,..,,, )31pr'ectatuln ..„, . .• 1,,. ,.,,.. '' .I .., ,.__ . .,.- . .. •... y..„....„ ? !i; i, _ .,..., 1 .►,.,, 1 i ` `` K c?lhts is to certifq that ,�� A `}, 1 r � ��; . , 1, t '' r -s •1 /n/ .... . • (, CCC orb. 9ra m + , , .,. ... .., ,.. .i. s.,,,.„. .,..; p ., t. i I,. ,/:....,:' "H I. f1 { ,''., tl i is tjerebg recognt3to for ,, ) ,r stir art arm Goo era,�to� ti ,...../.. ,,,,:... , ,.: g,,cyt,'T taz Pit a C I Y o r 2�/ I!...,‘.‘,..,1,,,,,:-.,:, .,: / 4., ' : -- . . Park , t roa Lto�v e e t r•:c•••.:•.,:••;,,,... :,..:••••::"...). ;', c/ . .• • ,. t. f Vy • ;i, .,.„.,, .:...,.;.:.. .. 99 `1 1 Ocger ,4 a ; ,. MAYOR John 1( �.Gt'G DATE ��� k f ` § ti U. c� ' 1 s .. ' yt • • • • To: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent ilk' Re: Agenda Items The following items should be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Council meeting: 1. Consider authorization to seek competitive bids for annual motor fuel contract. 2. Consider authorization to seek competitive bids for water and sewer supplies. / � . , PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE CENTER ' The Public Works Service Center located at 800 W. Kirby is not only a health and safety hazard but it also presents a very poor impression concerning the ability of Code Enforcement and the City wide endeavor of all department heads to enhance the City of Wylie in the public view. The City of Wylie is a growing community and Public Works is a major function in not only present day needs but in long range efforts to keep in stride with community growth. It is my belief for this to happen, it becomes necessary to update all phases of Public Works. 1 . Equipment and Vehicles 2. Public Works Maintenance and Service Center 3. Employee Attitude and Pride In addressing article #2, Public Works Maintenance and Service Center, there are a few important factors that are presented on the following pages. We will attempt to address #1 (Equipment and Vehicles) , #3 (Employees attitudes and pride) at a later date. , - ` ` ` ` , - ` . '� ' At present we have a one bay garage facility and one automotive mechanic to maintain the following list of _ equipment, vehicles and minor combustion engine tools: VEHICLES 90 FORD LTD CV 90 FORD LTD CV 91 FORD LTD CV 84 FORD LTD 85 CHEV CAPRICE 83 CHEV CPC CLSC 91 CHEV CAPRICE 91 CHEV CAPRICE 91 CHEVY CAPRICE 83 OLDS DELTA 88 89 CHEVY CAPRICE 88 PLY GRD. FURY 86 CHEV C20 73 FORD 88 PLY GRD FURY 86 JEEP CJ7 90 DODGE DAKOTA 86 JEEP CJ7 87 FORD F250 85 CHEV C20 84 CHEV C20 U. T. 85 CHEV K20 84 FORD P/U 81 FORD DSL P/T 87 CHEV CAPRICE 87 CHEV CAPRICE 85 CHEV C20 82 CHEV C20 81 CHEV C20 86 CHEV CAPRICE 85 DODGE D50 83 CHEV C10 EQUI 85 INT. D/T 78 CHEV C60 P/T 74 503 GAL-ION 79 GRADALL G440 85 BOMAG 100 MPH RECYCLER 84 16 FT. TRAILER IN8RSL RAND A/C 83 JCB B/H 20 FT. FLATBED DOVE TAIL TRAILER JD 2350 TRACTOR JD 2350 TRACTOR 14 ' FLATBED TRAILER 78 CHEV ENG. #2 80 CHEV ENG. #3 83 DECK BOAT CEMENT MIXER ' TRASH PUMP 72 GMC ENG. #1 88 JCB B/H 83 JET MACH. TOTAL AMOUNT OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - 55 ' ' ' . ' ' ` � ^^ � ` �` In view of the preliminary statements and statistics concerning the Service Center and operations, I would like to suggest the immediate and long range provisions for another facility. 1 . No physical and/or environmental problems �. A minimum site size of 3 1/2 to 5 acres All weather access (road & pads) consisting of a minimum of reinforced concrete of 6" 4. Security fencing and lighting of entire perimeter with a minimum of 6 ' security fencing with strand barb wire and security lighting of entire area Fuel storage facilities - fuel storage amounts to be determined at a later date. 1 for regular unleaded 1 for super unleaded 1 for diesel fuel 6. Used motor oil disposal method to meet EPA standards 7. Containment walls for materials such as, a. cold mix b. rock c. sand d. gravel e. sandy loam to avoid washing away or intermingling with other materials. 8. Storage area for compressed gas cylinders of oxygen and acetylene as required by OSHA 1910. 252 9. One heated storage area 360 sq. ft. for Sewer Jet Machine 10. One Warehouse Supply Building with office either masonary or metal building type not less than 5, 000 sq. ft. 11 . One Major Utility Supply Storage area at least 50 x 100 with security fencing around the perimeter, 1 single entrance gate, 1 double entrance gate and covered shelter rack for PVC pipe • • • • 12. Vehicle Storage and Parking area of at least 10, 500 sq. ft. 13. Employee parking area 3,000 sq. ft. 14. Administration and Staff Parking 2, 000 sq. ft. 15. Fleet Maintenance Facilities a. Mechanic office, locker and tool storage b. Vehicle Maintenance Supply Storage Area c. 2 bay work areas (preferable 3 bays) 1 for minor repairs 2 for major repairs Metal constructed with overhead and entrance doors. Heating, utilities and 1 restroom 16. Public Works Administration Office Building Proposed Construction Type Foundation: Concrete slab Exterior Walls: Brick Veneer Interior Walls: Drywall , Paint, Roof: Composition shingles over wood decking. Supported by wood truss framing and bearing walls Floor covering: Carpet, Sheet Vinyl Ceilings: Drywall and acoustic Lighting: Fluorescent Heating &< Cooling: From centralized units. Restrooms: 1 women bath/3 men 's bath Paving: Adequate for access of vehicles and equipment Zoning: Industrial Location: Accessible to all of the major metroplex • • • • . • / 9 . 17. Office arrangements and maintenance shop proximity to offices and employee lockers and break room are - inadequate and constitute a real safety hazard. a. Director 's office b. Superintendent 's office C. Secretary 's office - with desk and computer area - with file area - with storage area - reception area d. Water Operations Foreman 's office e. Wastewater Operations Foreman 's office f. Streets and Drainage Foreman 's office g. One women 's restroom h . Two men 's restrooms i . Paved parking area for office only j . Paved parking area for visitor 's only k. Conference area l . Break area _ ' ` ` - ' � ^ ' MEMORANDUM DATE: October 15 , 1991 TO : Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Jones , Acting City Manage , '' RE: Statement from Frank Dunlop As per Council instructions , staff requested and has received a bill from Mr . Frank Dunlop on the Finance Running System. This invoice is in the amount of $ 1 , 398 . 25 . Staff recommends this invoice be approved for payment . Oct /4,1991 City of Wylie Highway 78 Wylie, Tx. 75098 1 RMCOBOL/85 Network System for Novell with RM/COSTAR and RM/PANELS Total : 1398 . 25 Frank W. Dunlop FMD Consultants l PO Box 1376 //,b /O._ /,> 7/ Wylie, Tx. MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering P 6 DATE: October 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Engineering Services No. 9167 Helmberger Associates Contour Map of Wylie Landfill Attached is the referenced invoice from Helmberger Associates in the amount of $3, 057. 50 for engineering services related to the preparation of a 1 ' contour map of the old Wylie Municipal Landfill . These engineering services were authorized by the previous City Manager. Payment is c7/12 HFI.MITTIC4r0 APJ30(1., WIC. HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES UtVOlC1 1?4 1i0n±•,:i1 ;i ► CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS WYI.IE:. i X 'i Arsil P 0 BASE-86.1251 P I (214)442-7459 1 ,.s II • j\\. II ; . City of Wylie INVOICE NO. : 9167 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9167 P.O. Box 428 DATE : OCTOBER 8, 1991 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Professional services rendered for preparation of a 1 ' con- tour map of the old Wylie Municiapl Landfill. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 10-8-91 Direct Salary Expense: Staff Engineer 15. 00 Hrs. * $57. 50/Hr. = $ 862 . 50 Total Direct Salary Expense $ 862 . 50 Direct Cost: Control Staking $1, 000.00 Aerial Mapping $1. 195.00 Total Direct Cost $2 , 195.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $3,057.50 ) W" .Ar\4J (jk Inv.#916 JEH WHITE- ORIGINAL YELLOW•REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE MEMORANDUM14°46/2 TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: Paul U. Beaver , Director of Planning & Engineering I A DATE: September 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Aerial Photography and Topographic Mapping Wylie Landfill Attached is a proposal from Helmberger Associates in the amount of $3, 775 to provide a topographic map on one foot contours based on aerial photography for the closure plan of the Wylie Landfill . This map will be digitized so that the selected closure plan consultant will be able to utilize this information on a CAD system. I have analyzed the proposed total cost and it appears to be reasonable for this type of work. The spotting of the existing wells and the related mowing of the landfill vegetation is now being accomplished. Approval of this contract is recommended so that aerial photography may be accomplished the week of 9-16 through 9-20. Please contact me if you have any questions . ,/ H HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING September 10, 1991 Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Proposal for services necessary to provide the City of Wylie a Topographic Map with 1 foot contour intervals of the old Municipal Landfill, Alanis Road, Wylie, Texas. Dear Paul, Helmberger Associates, Inc. is pleased to provide this propos- al for the above services. We propose setting horizontal and vertical control using field crews and having the site flown to provide the contours. Past experience has shown that this is the most feasible way to obtain a topographic survey on a site this size. We propose using Metropolitan Aerial of Fort Worth to fly the site. We have worked with them in the past and have great confi- dence in their ability to provide reliable topographic informa- tion. Their data will be downloaded via floppy disk to our CADD machine and we will provide the final product. We propose the following Scope of Work for this project: o Field Survey. Establish horizontal and vertical (H&V) control and coordinate with the City of Wylie and Jones and Neuse to locate and field tie all existing monitor wells. A total of 10 panel points and all wells will be tied horizon- tally and vertically and will be shown on the topographic map. The City will this documentation and field verifica- tion to satisfy State closure requirements. o Aerial Survey. As stated above, Metropolitan Aerial will be used to fly the site and provide topographic information. o Final Topographic Map Preparation 124 HOOPER ROAD • WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 • 214/442-7459 City of Wylie September 10, 1991 Page 2 Helmberger Associates, Inc. proposes the following not-to- exceed budget for the above services: o Field work to establish H&V control - $1, 000. 00 o Aerial work - $1, 195.00 o Prepare 1 - foot interval topographic map - $1, 580.00 TOTAL - $3,775.00 Helmberger Associates, Inc. assumes that the City will mow or otherwise remove the dense vegetation covering the site so that the true ground surface can be accurately plotted from aerial photographs. Services will be billed upon completion and delivery of the topographic map. Direct costs, including printing and reproduc- tion, postage messenger service, etc. will be billed at 1. 15 times the direct cost incurred. If any payment due the Engineer for services and expenses invoiced in accordance with this Agree- ment is not received within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice, the amount due the Engineer will be increased at the rate of 1 . 5% per month for each month beyond the thirty (30) day period. In addition, the Engineer may withhold design drawings and other documents under the terms of this agreement until outstanding invoices are paid. We trust you will find the above satisfactory. We appreciate the opportunity to once again be of service to the City of Wylie and trust that our association on this project will be mutually beneficial. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign and return one copy for our files . Upon receipt of the signed proposal, I will schedule the surveying and we can discuss project time schedules. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. Jos h E. Helmberger, P.E. Vice President c 7 City of Wylie September 10, 1991 Page 3 r APPROVED: CITY OF YLIE BY: TIT E: DATE: ` - l3 " /I LANDSY.PRO cf MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering a DATE: October 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Engineering Services No. 9161 Helmberger Associates Martinez Phase II Project Attached is the referenced invoice from Helmberger Associates in the amount of $1 , 121 . 25 for engineering review of designs related to the construction of Martinez Phase II including the upgraded related Brookshire' s access road (Kirby connection) . This engineering review was authorized by the previous City Manager. Payment is recommended. HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES lII V ©t10E CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS ; 1III MOuTIGP 1 1"'1 I IO'�,'I"1 PD. - ! "'► ;f; 7 ��nr r; (214)442-7459 City of Wylie INVOICE NO. : 9161 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9161 P.O. Box 428 DATE : OCTOBER 8, 1991 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Professional Engineering Services rendered include review of the Construction Drawings for Martinez Phase II Addition. Serv- ices also include meetings with the City of Wylie, Henry Martinez and Roland Foerster, Martinez 's civil engineer on the project. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 10-8-91 Direct Salary Expense Staff Engineer 19. 50 Hrs. * $57. 50/Hr. = $1, 121.25 Amount Due This Invoice $1,121.25 Inv.#9161 JEH • I I � WHITE• ORIGINAL YELLOW•REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE • • • • MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering fl a DATE: October 10, 1991 SUBJECT: Engineering Services No. 9155A Helmberger Associates Kentucky Fried Chicken Attached is the referenced invoice from Helmberger Associates in the amount of $460. 00 for engineering services related to the review of the revised Final Plat and Construction Drawings for the proposed Kentucky Fried Chicken establishment. These engineering services were authorized by the previous City Manager. Payment is recommended. HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES lEi VO011© CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS I iat\Anniorn rs`'oc., INC. P.O. BOX 064351 124 I!!?t?I't f1 11I1• 7b9Q9-t35t • ; (214)442-7459 ' L City of Wylie INVOICE NO. : •'9155A - 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9155 P.O. Box 428 DATE : OCTOBER 8, 1991 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Professional Engineering Services rendered include review of the revised Final Plat and Construction Drawings for the proposed Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Store. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 10-8-91 Direct Salary Expense Staff Engineer 8. 00 Hrs. * $57. 50/Hr. = $ 460.00 Amount Due This Invoice $ 460.00 Inv.#9155A JEH 1, I \i/in • WHITE-ORIGINAL YELLOW•REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE • • MEMORANDUM TO : Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering P DATE: October 11 , 1991 SUBJECT: Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice No. 03-028901-031 August, 1991 Services Landfill Closure Process Attached is the August invoice from Jones & Neuse in the amount of $911. 27 for work on the State required landfill closure process. The initial contract including necessary addenda is virtually complete. Test data has been properly forwarded to the Texas Department of Health. The actual preparation of the closure plan document will be accomplished by the council approved Helmberger Associates contract utilizing this test data. Please place this on the next Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. I. • N )ONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 111-10 East, Suite 275 September 15, 1991 Invoice No. 03-028901-031 • Ilousion, texas 77029 MAW- Phase I P.O. No. 013510 Paul Beaver City Engineer . City of Wylie .. ' • P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX- 75098 __ PM146 Period of Service: August 1, 1991 through August 31, 1991 Labor No Labor Costs Incurred This Billing Period Expenses Task 2 - Phase II H Labor John D. Buchanan 3 . 500 hr @ $ 85. 00/hr = 297 . 50 Laura J. McBryde .750 hr @ $ 30. 00/hr = 22 . 50 John C. Thomas 2 . 000 hr @ $ 80. 00/hr = 160. 00 480. 00 Expenses Overnight Courier 62 .96 Postage 15.98 Photocopies 210. 00 Long Distance Calls 34 . 33 Telefaxing 3 .00 326.27 Task 3 - LANDFILL Labor Laura J. McBryde 2 . 750 hr @ $ 30. 00/hr = 82 . 50 Jessie L. Muller . 750 hr @ $ 30. 00/hr = 22 . 50 105. 00 Expenses No Expenses Incurred This Billing Period Amount Due This Invoice $ 911.27 Budget Estimate 114600. 00 Total Billed To Date Including This Invoice 114974 . 13 Remaining -374 . 13 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash.due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County.Texas A I^„MONTHLY SERVICE CFIARCE 112^^per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. IJ N JONES AND NEUSE, INC. Environmental and Engineering Services STATEMENT OF INVOICES AS OF 09-19-1991 City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Attn: Paul Beaver Invoice # Inv Date Billed Received Net Due 03-028901-029 07-15-1991 5728 .79 5728 .79 . 00 03-028901-030 08-15-1991 1059 . 14 1059 . 14 . 00 03-028902-012 07-15-1991 2569 . 26 2569. 26 . 00 03-028902-013 08-15-1991 117 . 45 . 00 117 .45 TOTAL 9474 . 64 9357 . 19 117 . 45 912 Capital of Texas Highway South, Suite 300 Austin, Texas 78746 512-327-9840 lk II!CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (142°Y ..—� Z / �--- October 15, 1991 Ms. Carolyn Jones Acting City Manager City of Wylie City Council Members P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Tx. 75098 Dear Ms. Jones and Council members: The Wylie Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests permission to conduct the Annual Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 7, 1991, at 10:30 a.m. The parade route will be as follows: formation on Birmingham North of Hwy 78 near Oak to Ballard, North on Ballard to Brown, East on Brown past Hillcrest Manor Nursing Home for disbursement. The chamber respectfully requests that Ballard Street be blocked off between Oak St. and Marble St. beginning at 8:00 A.M. The Chamber would like to thank the City of Wylie for their continued support and co-operation and participation in the staging of this annual event. Sincerely, :.sue Linda Hamar Executive Director 113-A N. Ballard • Wylie, Texas 75098 • 214/442-2804 • irl/§ x�x CHAMBER OF COMMERCE .7 - 1991 CHRISTMAS PARADE JJIIIW "CHRISTMAS DREAMS" """' WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU AND/OR YOUR GROUP TO PARTICIPATE' ft IN THE ANNUAL WYLIE CHRISTMAS PARADE TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY , ` DECEMBER 7, 1991 , AT 10:30 AM IN DOWNTOWN WYLIE. igt emgREm. WE ARE INTERESTED IN HAVING THE WHOLE COMMUNITY REPRESENTED: MUSICAL GROUPS, SCHOOL GROUPS, MERCHANTS, CHURCH GROUPS, �! YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS, ADULT CLUBS, INDIVIDUALS, AS WELL AS Diu 4 ALL INTERESTED AREA ORGANIZATIONS. PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING US FOR THIS YEAR' S PARADE . ��o THE STAGING AREA WILL BE OAK AND BIRMINGHAM NEAR THE rr RAILROAD. UNITS SHOULD START ARRIVING BETWEEN 9:00 AM AND i "J 10:00 AM AND SHOULD BE IN POSITION NO LATER THAN 10: 15 AM. A'I®TMR '� THE PARADE ROUTE FOLLOWS OAK EAST TO BALLARD, NORTH TO BROWN, �� � EAST PAST THE NURSING HOME, THEN DISBURSEMENT. WE REQUEST ;'; v1 THAT YOUR UNIT STAY INTACT AND IN FORMATION UNTIL AFTER YOU • HAVE PASSED THE NURSING HOME.SEVERAL PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED k FOR A VARIETY OF CATEGORIES. %Il ,1447 FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, THE CHAMBER IS REQUESTING THAT NO CANDY 1.064 Tr,,,"''L74 BE THROWN FROM PARADE PARTICIPANTS TO SPECTATORS. IT WILL BE '=` PERMISSIBLE FOR WALKERS TO DISTRIBUTE CANDY. §;"- IN ORDER NOT TO CONFUSE THE CHILDREN, THE CHAMBER WILL I PROVIDE THE "SANTA CLAUS" FOR THE PARADE. ' 1� 1 ITV fi PLEASE FILL OUT THE INFORMATION BELOW, AND RETURN IT TO THE !r CHAMBER OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE U °s RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU :11: •rm ' COMPLETE THIS FORM PROPERLY AND RETURN IT TO US IF YOU PLAN I� TO PARTICIPATE, AS WE WILL ASSIGN A NUMBER TO EACH ENTRY AND kHAVE THE LINEUP STAKED OFF IN THE STAGING AREA. WE WILL ( Yo NOTIFY YOU OF YOUR NUMBER IN THE PARADE LINEUP PRIOR TO THE „'11, � � �� PARADE IN ORDER FOR YOU TO GO RIGHT TO YOUR POSITION. ;'; II) mulgalloc$ WYLIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VIP 1:� y� 113-A N. BALLARD3V.) WYLIE, TX . 75098 • • ° , NAME OF �CP GROUP/INDIVIDUAL %"747 41\ 4'o `III eiQ CONTACT PERSON 'VP r:o PHONE NUMBER-W# H# y MAILING ADDRESS y ,ll ■9 TYPE OF ENTRY C l 1�iy , �; a....0: 1 ��1p", 113-A N. Ballard • Wylie, Texas 75098 . 214/442-2804 \\ 0 37 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 14 , 1991 TO : Mayor and City Council At 0.2 FROM: Acting City Manager / RE: FY92 Budget - Contributions In the City Council budget this year there has been budgeted $10, 000 for contributions . In the FY91 budget there was $5 , 000 for contributions . This $5 , 000 was divided equally between the Wylie Christian Care Center and the Plano Crisis Center . Staff needs to know the division the Council wants to make of this $10, 000 . In reviewing the budget I believe a part of the $ 10 , 000 should be set aside for dues and membership fees . Last year your dues and membership fees totaled $2 , 700 . This needs to be taken into account if we are going to contribute to the Christian Care Center and the Crisis Center . To: Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent Date: October 18, 1991 Re: Proposals for Group Health Insurance Attached is a summary of all proposals submitted in response to the City's RFP for employee's group health insurance. Proposals were solicited for coverage identical to the current Blue Cross group plan with provisions for consideration of alternate proposals, inclu- ding HMO 's. A requirement of our RFP was that rates quoted be guaran- teed for a period of one year. For purposes of evaluation only, I have not included the City's depen- dent coverage contribution in the summary of annual premiums. This amount will not vary from one plan to another and will fluctuate in proportion to the number of employees who opt for dependent coverage. Based upon comparative cost to the City and to the employee, and the relative level of benefits provided, the Cigna HMO plan proposed by Bruce Hicks appears to be most advantageous. Staff recommendation is to award the City's employee group health insurance to Cigna for a period of one year, with an effective date of November 1, or as soon thereafter as possible. • 3� SUMMARY OF GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PROPOSALS Agency/Provider Employee Premium Dependent Premium Annual Premium Med. Dent. Presc. Life/AD&D Med. Dent. Presc. ' (Employees Only) 1. Capps/Acordia ' 146.00 14.20 15.25 .34/1000.00 262.80 43.40 27.45 151,269.84 2. Capps/Golden Rule 132.78 11.41 Incl . . 37/1000.00 256.66 21.87 Incl . 127,598.40 (250 Ded. ) 3. Capps/Ameritas N/A 13.82 N/A N/A N/A 21.04 N/A 10.945.44 4. Hicks/Blue Cross 155.58 17.14 Incl . .38/1000.00 292. 37 25.94 Incl . 150,556.32 5. Hicks/Hartford 148.50 16.23 Incl . .50/1000.00 244.83 28.85 Incl . 148,574.16 (150 Ded.) 6. Hicks/Cigna (HMO) 120.40 10.15 Incl . .45/1000.00 241.51 16.08 Incl . 119,692.80 7. Hicks/Sanus (HMO) 127.99 9.56 Incl . . 34/1000.00 262.39 16.61 Incl . 121,253.04 8. Hicks/Continental 68.56 Incl . Incl . . 33/1000.00 81.07 Incl . Incl . 153,603.36 - (10,000. Max. ) 9. Hicks/Lamar 57.94 Incl . Incl . .33/1000.00 59.11 Incl . Incl . 154,354.92 (10,000. Max. ) \, 10.Hicks/Ameritas N/A 14.95 N/A N/A 23.06 N/A N/A 11,840.40 Nl 11.Hicks/Congress Life N/A N/A 29. 39 Avg. . N/A . N/A N/A 48.22 Avg. 23,276.88 12.Prescription Care N/A N/A Unknown N/A N/A N/A Unknown Unknown Comments: 2. Rates are guaranteed for 6 months only. 3. Dental plan only. 5. Rates are guaranteed for 6 months:onl-y. 8. Self funded plan with $10,000 stop loss. "Premium" above is provider's estimate of annual cost. 9. Self funded plan with $15,000 stop loss. "Premium" above is provider's estimate of annual cost. • • 10. Dental plan only. 11. Prescription plan only. 12. Prescription only. Proposal contains no figures on cost to City or employee. MEMORANDUM TO : Mayor and City Council FROM: Paul Beaver , City Engineer DATE : October 17 , 1991 REF: Spring Creek Parkway Extension (Armory Project ) On October 17 , 1991 , clearing work began on construction of the new Texas National Guard Armory in Wylie , Texas . On the previous day , an engineering coordination meeting was held between the four participants on the Spring Creek Parkway extension which included Centennial Homes , the Texas National Guard , Collin County and the City of Wylie . In regard to the attached Resolution 90-2-13-90-3 , there are still several issues to be resolved regarding financial responsibilities of the respective parties , the key being Centennial Homes' insistance that the second railroad crossing to the north over the old St . Louis & Southwestern RR tracks , now DART, be constructed "at the earliest of any future extension of Spring Creek Parkway or three years from the start of this project " . ( See Centennial Homes letter dated 6/21/91 , item 5 . ) At this time , this portion of the DART track is not used for through railroad traffic due to the railroad tressel being washed out to the east . This track would now be classified similar to a railroad spur and will probably remain as such for some years into the future until the track is abandoned or the tressel repaired . Not knowing DART's design criteria and long term plans for this potential crossing , I can only estimate a minimal cost for a non-signalized crossing of $30 , 000 up to $ 150 , 000 for a fully signalized crossing meeting all engineering requirements . If the City reaffirms the original full intent of Resolution No . 90-2-13-90-3 , then some form of financial planning should be accomplished in order to assure a worst case $ 150 , 000 will be available three ( 3) years from now . 4// Centennial 5120 18J Freeway. Stele 610A Homes. Inc. Dallas, Fe9as 75240 2 t 4/458.99m Nick Servos Vico President June 21, 1991 AdrnInistrauon Bill Dashner City Manager City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Dashner: In response to your letter of June 5, 1991, this is to con- firm telephone discussions with you and Paul Beaver, City Engineer, relating to Centennial's financial commitment to the Springcreek Parkway extension project in the amount of $69, 405 less $19 , 100 (expended for the engineering phase) or $50, 305, subject to the acceptable documentation of the fol- lowing conditions: ]. . Verification that the Texas National Guard has received Federal authorization and funding for the approximate $3 , 000, 000 cost of the Tank Training facility to be constructed on the 10 acres donated to the Texas National Guard by Centennial Homes, Inc. 2 . Verification that Collin County has agreed to be the general contractor for this project as defined in your letter dated June 5 , 1991. 3 . Verification that the City of Wylie, the Texas National Guard and Collin county agree to indemnify Centennial from any cost overruns. We need assurance that our remaining commitment to the project will not exceed $50, 305 . In the event of cost overruns, the aforemen- tioned parties agree in writing that Centennial will not be responsible for any portion of cost overruns in the event the project exceeds the budget. 4 . The establishment of an acceptable escrow arrangement for the receipt and disbursement of project funds. 5. Confirmation by the City of Wylie of their commitment to construct the second railroad crossing over the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad tracks at the earliest of City of Wylie Page 2 any future extension of Springcreek Parkway or three years from the start of construction of this project. Please let us know if you need additional information. Sincerely, N. H. Serris NHS/jn cc; Bill Beaty, Texas National Guard Ruben Delgado, Collin county bcc: Dan I_avetts Tim Doolittle l(I ULU I I Uiv wu. / al /,f 4/4-- RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE LOCATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN WYLIE BY AGREEING TO FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPRINGCREEK PARKWAY RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AND THE EXTENSION OF UTILITIES: WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the location of the National Guard Armory within the City will be a great asset for the citizens of Wylie; and, WHEREAS, The City Council wishes to secure the donation of ten ( 10) acres of land from Centennial Homes, Inc. for the new site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the railroad grade crossings, one of which belongs to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway line and the other belonging to the St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company, is necessary to provide access to the proposed site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the water and sanitary sewer mains must be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway right-of-way in order to service the proposed National Guard Armory Facility; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : SECTION 1 : RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING A grade crossing agreement will be secured from the St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company for the Springcreek Parkway extension. The City will fund up to $140, 000 of the cost of the said railroad grade crossing at the time the agreement is secured. SECTION 2: UTILITY LINES EXTENSION The water and sanitary sewer mains will be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company right-of-way in order to serve the proposed National Guard Armory facility. The City will fund up to $10, 000 of the cost of the said utility lines extension. SECTION 3: CONTINGENCY CLAUSE The St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company grade crossing for Springcreek Parkway Extension will be funded by the City of Wylie, and the City of Wylie will also fund up to $10, 000 for cost of utility line extension contingent upon the National Guard Armory erecting their facility on the ten ( 10) acres being donated to the City of Wylie from Centennial Homes, Inc. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY C NCIL 0 THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 13TH DAY FEBRU , 1990. 4rIC ( Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: 1===1 SEAL Caroly on , Ci '!Y, cretar �. • Court Order No.q — 1 115_n- 1 9 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) • COUNTY OF COLLIN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF WYLIE & COLLIN COUNTY Spring Creek Parkway Extension From the AT&SF Railroad to the St . Louis SW Railroad Texas National Guard Armory WHEREAS , the County of Collin, Texas, hereinafter called "County" , and the City of Wylie, hereinafter called "City" , want to enter into an agreement for the construction of the extension of Spring Creek Parkway, City of Wylie, from and including the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Crossing north for a total project distance of 700 feet , hereinafter called the "Project" - see attached location map; and WHEREAS, Commissioners Court , at the request of the City of Wylie, agreed to allocate $150,000 for the construc- tion of a railroad crossing for the proposed Texas National Guard Armory; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 ( 32c} Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes provides authoriza- tion for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act . NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by County and City upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein: 1 WITNESSET H. Article I The County hereby agrees to provide project management and contract administration for the design and construction of the project . Article II County hereby agrees to provide for the services described above in Article I as follows : 1 . Complete the plans and specifications and advertise for construction bids . 2 . Award the construction contract to the lowest qualified bidder . The City shall review the bids and approve award of the contract . 3 . Provide construction contract administration. 4 . Provide construction inspection jointly with the City. 5 . Provide for geotechnical services required for construction inspection. 2 ARTICLE III City hereby agrees to acquire all the right-of-way and easements necessary for the construction of the project . City agrees that the project shall be advertised for bias only after the right-of-way easements have been acquired . ARTICLE IV County hereby agrees to provide $150 , 000 for the construction of one railroad crossing. ARTICLE V City hereby agrees to provide and bear all project costs in excess of $150,000 including but not limited to construction, engineering, surveying, geotechnical inspec- tion and materials testing, and construction change orders . City hereby agrees to forward to the County all funds to cover costs exceeding $150,000 fourteen ( 14) days prior to construction bid award. ARTICLE VI County hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the City from any claims, demands, costs, or judgments against the City arising out of any negligent act or omission of the County or its agents or contractor(s) in the performance of work and services under this Agreement . 3 Executed this 8th day of October , 19 _9.1 by the County of Collin, pursuant to Commissioners Court Order No . 91-745-09-17 and by City of Wylie pursuant to City Council Resolution • COUNTY 2F,}COLLIN, TEXAS li J /I Ron Harris County Judge CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS •yL�ir-��•' � �1 . Btii IIa-Tinier , Ci ty-Manager 7,71,; e/ 4 COURT ORDER NO. 90- 090-01-29 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ROADS: RAILROADS RAILROAD CROSSING TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY COUNTY OF COLLIN ) PUBLIC WORKS On January 29 , 1990, the Commissioners ' Court of Collin County, Texas , met in special session with the following members present and partici- pating, to wit : William J. Roberts County Judge, Presiding Howard Thornton Commissioner, Precinct 1 Jerry Hoagland Commissioner, Precinct 2 John Witherspoon Commissioner, Precinct 3 Jack Hatchell Commissioner, Precinct 4 During such session, the court considered a request from the City of Wylie to allocate $150 , 000 of 1983 bond funds for construction of a railroad crossing on the grounds of the proposed Texas National Guard Armory Facility in Wylie . Thereupon, a motion was made, seconded and carried with a majority vote of the court to authorize reallocation of $150, 000 from underruns of 1983 bond projects to allow for the construction noted above, and same is hereby approved in accordance with the documentation attached hereto . Ordered and dated this the G " day of January, 1990 . ..A..Art_ /If?....4. 73,71: Wil iam- J. Rdberts, County Judge Collin County, TEXAS ATTEST: .f 14/17 Ni7122 Helen Starnes , Ex-O ficio C erk ,►uulirrrur•,,, Commissioners ' ourt Collin County, EXAS • OJ• �/•`mot, • • } * ` Z./9 CASH BALANCES The following is a list of the uninvested balance • in each fund as of September 30 , 1991 General Fund $ 103, 375. 95 Utility Fund 229, 527 . 19 Utility Refund 81 , 987 . 60** Municipal Court 19. 761 . 78 Payroll 10 , 616. 16 General Interest & Sinking 163, 939 . 37 Utility Interest & Sinking 10, 264 . 86 Perimeter Street 29, 141 . 70 ** Utility Bond Reserve 7 , 016 . 37 ** Impact 13, 994 . 91 State Court 7 , 801 . 53 Community Room 1 , 150 . 00 Sanitation Operating 42, 526. 25 Return Check Fund 645. 95 Street Reconstruction 12, 827 . 25 Police Drug/Crime 14 , 616. 86 Sales Tax 3, 050 . 22 Library 88 . 47 Page--2 Park Contributions 2, 753. 99 Utility Construction 2, 189. 19** Landfill Closure 48, 556 . 32 Service Center/Animal Shelter 1 , 273. 73 Partial Payments Municipal Court 9 . 380. 39 UNINVESTED FUNDS AS OF 08/31/91 $ 816, 486 . 04 TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS $1, 608, 112. 18 TOTAL UNINVESTED FUNDS 816,486.04 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $2,424, 598. 22 ** These funds have Certificates of Deposit CITY INVESTMENTS SEPT. 30 , 1991 INVESTMENTS ANNUAL AMOUNT : MATURED : MATURITY PER FUND INTEREST DEPOSITED AMOUNT DATE RATE PERIMETER : • • STREET • • CD# 017104 5. 25% $97, 760. 62 : : 10/18/91 PROVIDENT BANK : CD# 017105 5. 25% $97, 760 . 62 : : 10/18/91 PROVIDENT BANK : : CD# 017147 5. 25% $98, 443 . 01 : : 10/28/91 PROVIDENT BANK : TOTAL PERIMETER: $293, 964 25 : • • UTILITY DEPOSIT: • • RESERVE • CD# 017149 5. 25% $98, 883. 98 : : 10/28/91 PROVIDENT BANK : : TOTAL UTILITY DEPOSIT RESERVE: $98, 883. 98 : • UTILITY BOND : • • RESERVE FUND • • • CD# 017125 5. 35% $100 , 263. 95 : : 10/28/91 PROVIDENT BANK : 'TOTAL UTILITY BOND RESERVE . __$100, 263 95 : TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS $493, 112 . 18 : • 1990 BOND FUNDS: • • • 3. 5MM • • • • FEDERAL FARM : 5. 205% : $1 , 109, 357 . 63 : 1 , 115, 000. 00 : 10/21/91 CREDIT BANK : TOTAL BOND FUNDS INVESTED : $1 , 109, 357 . 63 : $1 , 115, 000 . 00 : BUDGET SUMMARY 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL OPERATING FUNDS: BUDGET ELAPSED TIME: 100 . 0% PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30 1991 - 12TH MONTH BUDGET REVENUES EXPENDITURES FUND REVISED AMOUNT % RECEIVED AMOUNT BUDGET RECEIVED OF BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENDED GENERAL 3, 671, 380 3, 733, 160 101 . 68% 3, 755, 635 102 . 29% 101-450 UTILITY 1 , 958, 080 2, 047 , 725 104 . 58% 1 , 903, 030 97 . 19% 501-521 SANITATION/OP 360, 000 369, 175 102. 55% 343, 160 95. 32% 651 IMPACT/LIFT 45, 000 48, 195 107 . 10% 40, 970 91 . 04% 901 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS 6, 034 , 460 6, 198 , 255 102. 71% 6, 042, 795 100. 14% *IMPACT FUND AND LIFT STATION FUND HAVE BEEN COMBINED DUE TO NEW ORDINANCE. ACCOUNT FUNDS USED FROM PREVIOUS YEAR TO ACCOUNT FOR DEFICIT FUNDING. ALSO CAUSED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW IMPACT ORDINANCE. DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30, 1991 FUND 10 GENERAL REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 101 COUNCIL 78, 000 74, 075 94 . 97% 102 CITY MANAGER 103, 415 105, 660 102. 17% 103 CITY SECRETARY 102, 190 104 , 545 102 . 30% 104 CITY ATTORNEY 17 , 665 20 , 750 117 . 46% 105 CODE ENFORCEMENT 106, 660 112, 170 105 . 17% 107 ENGINEERING 83, 140 85, 965 103. 40% 110 FINANCIAL SERVICES 278, 000 294, 335 105. 88% 120 MUNICIPAL COURT 46 , 400 44 , 545 96. 00% 130 DEBT SERVICE 692, 500 692, 500 100 . 00% 140 BLDG. SERV. /M. COMPLEX 175, 650 196, 445 111 . 84% 141 BLDG. SERV. /LIBRARY 19, 380 23, 670 122. 14% 142 BLDG. SERV. /FIRE 19, 000 17 , 175 90. 39% 143 BLDG. SERV. /P. WORKS 27 , 200 29, 375 108. 00% 144 BLDG. SERV. /PARKS 11 , 000 12, 465 113. 32% 201 POLICE ADMINISTRATION 81 , 000 81 , 455 100. 56% 202 POLICE PATROL 568, 290 563, 910 99. 23% 203 POLICE INV. 38, 680 39, 710 102 . 66% 204 POLICE REC. /COMMO. 104 , 815 103, 120 .98. 38% 205 METRO WARRANT OFFICER 40 , 500 42, 245 104 . 31% 220 FIRE DEPT. 90 , 000 87 , 275 96. 97% 230 E.M. S. 133, 700 133, 695 100. 00% 301 LIBRARY 69, 270 71 , 995 103. 93% i w 310 PARKS 106, 635 109, 915 103. 08% 420 STREETS/DRAINAGE 590, 000 619, 730 105. 04% 440 GARAGE 39, 500 39, 705 100. 52% 450 ANIMAL CONTROL 48, 790 49, 205 100 . 85% TOTALS 3, 671 , 380 3, 755, 635 102. 29% FIGURES ROUNDED TO NEAREST HIGHEST OR LOWEST NUMBER ON ALL SUMMARIES DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30, 1991 FUND 20 UTILITY REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 501 UTILITY ADMIN. 380 , 560 379, 120 99. 62% 502 WATER 495, 000 489, 405 98. 87% 503 WASTEWATER 428, 210 383, 445 89. 55% 510 UTILITY BILLING 196, 495 192, 965 98. 20% 515 DEBT SERVICE 425, 750 427, 715 100. 46% 520 BLDG. SERV. /M. COMPLEX 11 , 520 10, 855 94 . 23% 521 BLDG. SERV. /P. WORKS 20 , 545 19, 525 95. 04% TOTALS 1 , 958, 080 1 , 903, 030 97. 19% �lp DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30, 1991 FUND 65 SANITATION/OP. REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 651 SANITATION 360 , 000 343, 160 95 . 32% 7 DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30 , 1991 FUND 90 IMPACT/LIFT REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE *901 IMPACT/LIFT 45, 000 37, 580 83. 47% CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS FUND TOTAL AMOUNT % RECEIVED AMOUNT APPROPRIATION RECEIVED OF BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENDED 74 STREET 115, 000 115, 015 100 . 01% 112, 740 98. 03% RECONSTRUCTION 91 UTILITY CONST 650, 000 582, 070 89. 55% 616, 310 94 . 82% ENGINEER 92 SERVICE 300, 000 318, 325 106. 11% 10 , 725 3. 58% CENTER ANIMAL SHELTER TOTAL CAPITAL 1 , 065, 000 1 , 015, 410 95. 34% 739, 775 69. 46% PROJECT BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30, 1991 FUND 74 STREET RECONSTRUCTION REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED BUDGET TO DATE 741 STREET RECONSTRUCTION 115, 000 112, 740 98 . 03% • DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0 - 12TH MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPT. 30 , 1991 FUND 91 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED & ENGINEERING BUDGET TO DATE 911 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 650, 000 616, 310 94 . 82% & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND BUDGET YEAR TIME ELASPED: 100 . 0% - 12TH MONTH THRU SEPT. 30 , 1991 FUND 92 SERVICE CENTER/ REVISED EXPENDITURE % EXPENDED ANIMAL SHELTER BUDGET TO DATE 921 SER CTR/ANIM SHELTER 300, 000 10 , 725 3. 58%