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05-22-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet
DATE POSTED 5-18-90 TIME POSTED 3:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 13 Consider approval of the minutes from the May 8, 1990 Council Meeting 2 Canvass and approve Election returns from May 19, 1990 Run-off election for Mayor and Council Place 6 3 City Secretary will Administer Oath of office to newly elected Mayor and Council Member Place 6 4 Consider appointment of Mayor Pro Tem for a one year term 5 14 - 15 Consider acceptance of letter of resignation from Mr. Bill Burge and Cheri Albin from Parks and Recreation Board 6 16 - 19 Consider appointment of three members to the Park and Recreations Board to replace Bill Burge, Cheri Albin and Bill Emsoff NEW BUSINESS 7 20 - 21 Consider name of new road from Highway 78 to entrance of Lake Lavon (at East Fork Park) 8 22 Consider authorization to staff to seek bids on annual contract for office supplies 9 23 Consider authorization for staff to seek competitive bids for four (4) sets of five (5) row, fifteen (15) ft. all aluminum bleachers for Wylie Community Park as recommended by Park and Recreation Board 10 24 - 41 Consider approval of award of bid for water meters and meter supplies 11 Consider approval of Public Hearing date of June 26, 1990 for Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan and Proposed Impact Fee ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 Citizens Participation 13 Council Discussion 14 Recess open meeting 15 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S., Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matter, and paragraph "e" litigation legal matters a. Bobby Ross Vs City of Wylie b. Report on the employment of new Public Works Director/Engineer c. Discussion of Board Member to North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors d. Reference to 1% Sales Tax Increase 16 Reconvene Council into open session 17 Consider any action necessary from Executive Session 18 Adjourn 99 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 8 , 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , May 8 , 1990 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members John Akin, Ortie Messenger , Pat Stemple, Jim Swartz , Steve Wright, newly elected Council Members Don Hughes and William Martin , City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson and Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Messenger gave the invocation and Councilman Akin led the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR APRIL 24TH COUNCIL MEETING: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of April 24th, a motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF THE REVISED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE EMPLOYEES: City Manager Charles Norwood stated that the Council has discussed these regulations on several occasions . These regulations point out the benefits, the procedures for hiring and firing , the grievance procedure and a substance abuse policy. Staff recommends approval . A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the Personnel Regulations for the City of Wylie Employees contingent upon the City Attonrey' s approval . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . 100 CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda consist of payment request from Shimek , Jacobs , & Finklea in the amount of $6 ,205 .36 , Freeman-Millican in the amount of $490 .00 , Hunter & Assoc. Inc. in the amount of $364 .75 , Jones & Neuse in the amount of $8 ,404 .65 and Pate & Pate for Draw No. 2 in the amount of $109 , 760 . 31 and an easement from Jerry Caldwell for wastewater collection system improvements . Councilman Akin requested that payment request Draw No. 2 for Pate and Pate in the amount of $109 ,760 .31 be explained for the new Council Members . City Manager Charles Norwood said this is the second payment of a contract for improvements to wastewater collection system. This is for the line coming from Southfork. The contractor is running a little behind due to the weather , but feels he can catch up. There is a full time inspector on the job that the City has hired. City Manager Charles Norwood said once we complete this job, we will be out of the pump and haul . Councilman Wright asked if we had received any word from Texas Water Commission . City Manager Charles Norwood said we are in contact with them at all times. A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the consent agenda . Seconded by Councilman Akin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CANVASS AND APPROVE ELECTION RETURNS FROM MAY 5TH MAYOR AND COUNCIL ELECTION: Mayor Trimble read the following results from the May 5th election: Absentee Methodist Southfork Total Church Club House MAYOR Chuck Trimble 31 187 25 243 Bud Naish 23 305 36 364 John Akin 61 410 44 515 PLACE TWO William Martin 72 474 53 599 Jim Swartz 43 410 50 503 PLACE FOUR Don Hughes 70 438 54 562 Ortie Messenger 45 433 48 526 PLACE S I X Chuck Wible 12 157 19 188 Percy Simmons 64 410 42 516 Jim Ferguson 38 310 40 388 101 Mayor Trimble stated from these results ,there will be a run- off election in the Mayor ' s race between Bud Naish and John Akin and in Place Six between Percy Simmons and Jim Ferguson. The new Council Member in Place Two is William Martin and in Place Four is Don Hughes . A motion was made by Councilman Akin to accept the results of the May 5th election as read . Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ELECTION ORDER FOR RUN-OFF ELECTION: The run- off election will be held on Saturday , May 19 , 1990 with absentee voting from 8 : 00 A.M. to 5 : 00 P .M. on May 9th, 10th, llth, 14th and 15th. The run-off election will be for Mayor and Council Place Six and will be held for Precinct 25 at Southfork Mobile Home Park Clubhouse and Precincts 27 , 56 and 83 at First United Methodist Church . A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the election order for a run-off election for Mayor and Council Place Six on Saturday , May 19 , 1990 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . OATH OF OFFICE : City Secretary administered the oath of office to Mr . Don Hughes and Mr . William Martin for Council Place 4 and Place 2 . PRESENTATION FROM FREEMAN-MILLICAN , INC. ON LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN: Mr . Roy Faires stated that the Land Use Assumptions was done with a 7% growth rate , which would double our population within the next ten years . Mr . Terry Millican of Freeman -Millican stated that his firm had been working over the past several months on the land use and capital improvements plan. In accordance with the law you must define the service area for your City Limits , and it does not include your E.T.J . The purpose of the land use assumptions is governed by Chapter 395 (formerly Senate Bill 336) of the Texas Local Government Code. This prescribes the process by which cities in Texas must formulate development impact fees. This will assist the city in determining the need and timing of capital improvements to serve future development , a reasonable estimation of future growth is needed. It is the purpose of this report to document the methodology used for 102 preparing the growth and land use assumptions for City of Wylie' s Impact fee service area . These assumptions will become the basis for the preparation of impact fee capital improvement plans for water and wastewater facilities. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS : The land use same as existing master plan, with 7% population growth rate, compounded annually, with population for 1990 being 9 ,691 and estimated population in 2000 being 18 , 697 . WATER SYSTEM: The existing system is adequate for current population except the city is 250 ,000 gallons short on elevated tank capacity. The Western water system ( (serving Southfork Mobile Home Park) must be connected to main portion of distribution system. Construction required to accommodate ten year growth is 750 ,000 gallon elevated storage reservoir , 5000 ,000 gallon ground storage reservoir at Steel Road Pump Station and add pump to Steel Road Pump Station, and the extension of water lines some 117 ,600 L .F. of 8" through 12" . WASTEWATER SYSTEM : Existing system is adequate for current population provided projects under design/construction are completed . The construction required to accommodate ten year growth is sewer line extensions - 61 , 500 L .F. of 6" through 15" and increase capacity of following life stations: Muddy Creek Lift Station and Rush Creek Lift Station and to build two new lift stations . CONSTRUCTION COST OF NEW FACILITIES PLUS ALLOCATABLE PORTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES : Water System has a total cost of $3 ,473 ,173 . with cost per new Living Unit Equivalent (LUE) $1 ,013 . (with no interest expense) . The wastewater system has a total cost of $2 , 853 ,163 . with cost per New Living Unit Equivalent (LUE) $755 (with no interest expense) . Councilman Hughes wanted to know if this firm had taken into consideration that the City of Wylie crosses over into another water district . Mr . Millican said we did not put in anything to purchase a water district or a factor for your being in another water district . Mr . Keith Reed of Reed and Stowe stated that part of the project was to calculate the cost of keeping up with the 7% growth. Impact fees should take care of what it cost for future growth. In the past the City has collected Impact fees up front from the builder but for future you will need funding up front which will come from bonds, certificates of obligation , etc. Our capital improvements plan shows a bond sale for water system in 1991 for $1 ,325, 758 ; in 1994 for $731 ,743 ; and in 1997 for $1 ,263 ,664 ; and for wastewater system bonds sales in 1991 for $877 , 824 ; in 1994 for $736 ,620 and in 1997 for $205 ,200 . The max on the water impact fee is $1 , 267 and max on wastewater impact fee is 10 $957 . This is the max it does not mean Council has to collect this fee. Growth that is taking place will pay for the debt service on bonds . City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know if this could be put on a ten year payout instead of 20 year . Mr . Reed said yes , it can be computed on 10 years . City Manager Charles Norwood said if the Council does not adopt the max will the utility customers be paying for future growth. Mr . Reed said yes. Mr . Reed stated that the law does not allow for these impact fees to be used for up grading a system or re-laying a old section of line. Impact Fees can be collected for water , wastewater , drainage and streets . This capital improvements plan is for water and wastewater only. Mr . Reed also stated that the advisory committee has to file a written report to the Council every 6 months . If this report shows anything above or below what was projected , then the advisory committee will make a recommendation to Council for increase or decreasing the impact fee. The Council can look at the program every three years to see if it needs to be amended in any way. Mr . Terry Millican stated that the State Law says there are two hearings , both hearings can be held close together . Have a public hearing notice published on May 12th if you want to hold your hearing on June 12th. Also have to have an ordinance and we suggest your attorney write this ordinance. Advisory Committee has to write a letter to the Council with recommendations and this has to be done five days prior to the hearing date. Councilman Hughes wanted to know if this would do away with the old ordinance. City Manager Charles Norwood said do away with the old ordinance and adopt a new ordinance. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JUNE 12 , 1990 FOR LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND PROPOSED IMPACT FEE: A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve June 12 , 1990 as the public hearing date for Land Use Assumption and Capital Improvements Plan and Proposed Impact Fee. Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . S 1 0 /1 UPDATE ON THE RECONSTRUCTION OF BROWN STREET AND MCCREARY ROAD: City Manager Charles Norwood referred to a memo to City Council stating that Collin County had allocated $825 ,000 . to reconstruct Brown St . and McCreary Rd. and the estimated cost has come in at $1 , 184 ,384 . There is a difference of $359 ,384 for the reconstruction of Brown and McCreary. The County has said they will not allocate any more funds to this project . City Manager Charles Norwood said his recommendation to County was to go out for bids and see how the bids come in. If bids are higher than funds allocated , the we will have to make a decision. The staff has cleared the R-O-W for both roads . APPROVAL OF ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS PROPOSAL FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT: City Manager Charles Norwood stated that the Council met with Larry Allen and Steve Bigsbee on an accident sickness policy for the volunteer fireman. The City currently has a workers compensation policy that covers the volunteer firemen and a supplement policy. Both of these policies only pay $140 . 00 per week. This new policy which will be in addition to the two existing policies will provide better coverage and pay if a firemen is injured on duty. The proposed policy has an annual premium of $2 ,840 . 00 based on thirty (30) volunteer firemen. Staff recommends approval of this policy. Councilman Hughes wanted to know how the fire department felt about this policy. City Manager Charles Norwood said the Council met with the fire department and this is the policy they recommended to Council at that meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the accident sickness policy with an annual premium of $2 ,840 .00 for the volunteer fire department. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments to within five minutes. Mark Rumenapp of 334 S. First St . said the flooding problem on First Street had to be addressed . I have been a resident for seven (7) years and it has not come into my house but it has gotten into our vehicles. I would like for something to be done in the near future . Mr . James Johnson said he had taken a look at this after this last rain, and that the dirt has washed away from the concrete. There is something we can do. City Manager Charles Norwood said we are in the process of hiring a new Engineer and this will be his first project . 105 COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin said we need to look into spraying for the mosquitoes, with this record setting rain fall our city as well as other cities are going to have a problem with the mosquitoes. Councilman Akin also said that we need to look at the high weed ordinance and get the plan started . City Manager Charles Norwood said our plan this is year is to have the judge notified that the person has been in court prior to this on high weeds and she will take this into consideration when she set the fine . Councilman Wright said he would like to pull item 18 from the agenda . Councilman Hughes said our ordinance and Charter states we will have a Financial Report on the first of each month. City Manager Charles Norwood said he will have it on the second meeting in order to have the month closed out . Councilman Hughes also suggested a work session with Council to catch the new members up on what is happening and going on. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if we had heard from the National Guard on their cleaning our the ditches in our city. City Manager Charles Norwood said he was waiting on a call from them and as soon as staff has an answer , it will be sent to Council . Councilman Wright wanted to know what happen to the bids for a side mount mower . City Manager Charles Norwood said we are looking at a different type of mower as the side mount did not look like the solution to our problem. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 9: 00 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S . , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - review procedures on selection of Associate Municipal Court Judge. Mayor Trimble reconvened the open meeting at 9 : 20 P .M. WORK SESSION : A motion was made by Councilman Wright to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . There being no other matters for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . 1 06 Chuck Trimble , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 8 PARK BOARD MEETING , MINUTES MAY 9, 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session Wednesday, May 9, 1990 at 7: 00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members B. J . Upshaw, Ronald Braswell , and Bryan Glenn, Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. As per the City Secretary Bill Burge had submitted his resignation from the Park and Recreation Board to the City Manager. Chairman Joanie Zeeb had invited two park board member applicants to attend the meeting. Karen Cane and John Burns were present to participate in discussion. Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE APRIL 5 AND APRIL 26 MEETINGS : Joanie Zeeb corrected the April 5 minutes, page 5, paragraph 7, general discussion, by adding a final sentence to read - Everyone agreed that would be acceptable. Joanie Zeeb corrected the April 26 minutes, page 7, paragraph 5, sentence 2, changed to read - She added that WISD may allow the City to use school property to construct an additional entrance to the park if taken before the school board. Bryan Glenn corrected page 9, paragraph 1 of general discussion, sentence 1 , to read - Bryan Glenn said he had arranged for a radio station to have a remote broadcast here in Wylie at no cost, we will need to submit a formal request. Ronald Braswell motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion seconded by B. J . Upshaw, with all in favor. PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND FINANCIAL UPDATE REPORT: The board reviewed a memo included in the packet from Finance Director James Johnson, stating that a balance of $10, 346. 00 was in the park improvement fund. Bryan Glenn asked if this money could be spent without the Park Bocrd ' s approval . Don White said yes it is to be spent at the direction of City Council and the Park Board may make spending recommendations, but is not necessary. There was some discussion of the cost of the lights for Rudy Rowell ball field being deducted from this fund, which would leave a balance of approximately $7, 000. 00. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR THE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL BLEACHERS FOR COMMUNITY PARK: Don White said that after doing a price comparison they have narrowed it down to an approximate cost of $900. 00 per bleacher. He suggested that bigger bleachers serve the purpose better than smaller ones. The City moves the bleachers for W. S. A. at their request, since we have the proper equipment to relocate them. There was some discussion of how many needed to be purchased and what size would be most appropriate. A priced catalog was distributed, and it appeared to be cheaper to buy two small ones instead of one big one. B. J . Upshaw motioned to recommend that City Council consider the purchase of 4 sets of 5 row, 15 foot all aluminum bleachers for Community Park to accommodate spectators. Motion seconded by Ronald Braswell . Motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF FUND RAISER FOR JUBILEE WEEK: Joe Helmberger said that he did find out that we would not be able to run a softball tournament, but did find out that we could possibly get all concession profits from the tourney. He added that Dale Story has a contract with W. S. A. to operate the concessions at Community Park and that all the equipment inside the building belongs to him. Joe Helmberger volunteered to approach Dale Story about using the facilities and equipment during the softball tournament. Don White said he would check on how we could operate the concessions, and that he would find out sure. Bryan Glenn said he didn' t see any problem with volunteers operating concessions, if Dale Story agrees. Everyone was in agreement to operate the concession building during the softball tournament on July l8th, providing that this was acceptable with Dale Story. COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN STATUS REPORT: Joanie Zeeb stated that the plan was accepted and approved as submitted by City Council . /O Don White addressed B. J . Upshaw regarding the soccer fields we would be putting in at Community Park. Mr. White said excess dirt would be available from the sewer project to use on the soccer fields and that he needed the areas staked off as soon as possible. B. J . Upshaw said that Philip Bounds had the plans of where the eight temporary soccer fields were to be placed. Don White said that he had planned for the fields to be permanently located there. Joe Helmberger questioned the fact that if City Council approved the Master Plan, how can we elect to change that plan without the approval of Council . Don White said that nothing was being added to the plan, just rearranged. B. J . Upshaw stated that temporary fields were needed to accommodate the soccer demand. Don White said that putting in eight fields will make it crowded, but I am in hopes of the Park Board or the City looking into obtaining more park land in the near future. B. J . Upshaw asked why it was necessary for the Park Board to enter in on this. Don White said that the Park Board is created to oversee the Cities interest in the Parks. John Burns said that no one was disagreeing that soccer fields are needed, but the City has plans, and to do it legal you must get any changes to that plan approved. B. J . Upshaw said that he did not mean to bring this up to the Park Board, we need temporary fields only. Don White said that he wanted to put the fields in permanently. B. J . Upshaw said that we needed to go through the proper channels. DISCUSSION OF REQUESTING GRANT FUNDING FOR THE COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN: Joanie Zeeb said what I understand is we can' t apply for a grant until we have matching funds. We need to find out what the priorities are from the questionnaires, then submit a five year plan to City Council for approval , then we apply for the grant. John Burns asked what type of grant source we were looking at. Joe Helmberger said through Texas Parks and Wildlife. John Burns asked if the City had any restrictions on the type of grant that they can apply for . Don White said he didn' t think so. John Burns then explained to the board the different types of grants that can be submitted . He added that funds have to be matched, they cannot be matched through other grants, but can be matched with donations. // Joanie Zeeb asked John Burns if he would prepare a short speech regarding grants to be addressed to the representatives from all the different organizations and clubs at the special meeting on May 23rd, explaining the process to them so that they will know what we are up against. DISCUSSION PLANNING., _ AND NAMING OF THE COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN _ FUND__RA I SER_PROJECT_ : Bryan Glenn said I talked to someone about sponsoring a weekend softball tournament. We need to decide the class and type of tournament to have. I have AAA sanction umpires from Garland, Richardson, and Plano, and I have outside teams willing to play ball . We can include this activity in the October fund raiser. Bryan Glenn agreed to be in charge of planning and organizing the tournament, and advised the board that he would need • assistance. Joanie Zeeb said as soon as we get a price on the cost of making t-shirts I can approach the bank and Sanden about donating the money to purchase them. Bryan Glenn suggested naming the event "Park Fest". Joe Helmberger suggested "Park Fest 1990" and change the year if the event would be held annually. All were in agreement. Everyone was in agreement to set the event day for Saturday, October 13, providing that it did not interfere with any other activities that may already be scheduled for that day. Karen Cane suggested that we -include a basketball tournament for Friday night and Saturday night. Joanie Zeeb said she planned to appoint a committee to plan and coordinate the fund raiser. There was some discussion as to whether or not the Park Board should act as the committee. It was decided that it would be best to appoint four volunteers who were experienced with planning fund raiser and one Park Board Member to delegate the committee. Everyone was in agreement to have Chairman Joanie Zeeb be on the committee. She will report the progress of the fund raiser at each board meeting. The Board Members agreed to personally contact various churches in the community to invite them to the special meeting scheduled for May 23rd. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger requested the minutes to read that he was opposed to building soccer fields without the approval of City Council and that he is not opposed to building temporary soccer fields. /b Don White said that America' s Funniest Home Videos television show was real popular and that maybe they could have a contest for home video entries, select a panel of Judges from the community, and enter the winners video to America ' s Home Video show. Bryan Glenn said that an activity list needed to be devised prior to the May 23rd meeting. Bryan Glenn suggested that we ask the churches to do all of the concessions, with them keeping 20% and donating 80% to the park. Don White said he would check to see if health permits would be required for the event. The board requested that a flip chart and easel be available to use at the next meeting. ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion motion was made by Bryan Glenn to adjourn. Seconded by B. J. Upshaw, the motion carried with all in favor. Joanie Zeeb, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary // Bill Burge 383 Sue Ellen Avenue Wylie , TX 75098 May 8, 1990 Park & Recreation Board City of Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie , TX 75098 Dear Board Members: Due to a change of employment I will be moving immediately. Therefore , I am resigning from my position on the Park Board. I have enjoyed living in and working with the City of Wylie and wish you much success in your future city's growth. Yours truly, Bill Burge March 20, 1990 Mr. Charles Norwood City Manager City of Wylie Wylie , Texas 75098 Re : Parks and Recreation Board Dear Mr. Norwood: I am currently serving on the Parks and Recreation Board; however, due to the upcoming birth of my child and my husband's constant travel connected with his job, I regretfully have to resign. I have enjoyed working with all the members . Sincerely, Cheri n cc: Parks and Recreation Board • /5 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY DATE: MAY 16, 1990 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS TO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD Mrs. Joanie Zeeb has expressed a desire to appoint the following persons to the Park and Recreation Board: Mr . John Burns Dr . Charles David Stetler Miss Karen W. Cain The applications for these three people are attached . APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE NAME:Ms ./Mrs ./ r &RA/ HA/ 11). (please print Last First Middle Address : . TauEy&e.caafc , (.J�yr 7.Sa98 C ty State Zip Telephone Home 99 2 - / 9 y 3 Work g y,2 - .2 3 L/ Age 20 - 35 36+ I,- 60+ Special skills/qualifications �. J /��G��- — Sc^, Gi/)./6V/ AvedeeeelDAAS .J LA.v E^!,Le . c).5*I,CC. e o N 5 u)744 74'J 77eA,.vE- L3oA ez h'rEr+�r G'E.e. - C©//ice! Z • 5,.„,bsrg,ve,c" A-6 4Av J / y 80AAeZ 6 -r,F"/E•4) h1E.D/A 7-4,/2 6-KANr Le. ei Ti,V /A yr- rt�s,dear aF [ ��' . Hobbies and special intdrests i01, liuAJ r Ai RAC�ucTj3ALe. �Of>G�/A15 y u.r/-1 CJ,SA • S0cc £ 08,96kere4LC- LJy//ice L/e i - i,,'�u 6 (wiFE' F /V `/r�r Q/O/ szvvi Which of the following boards would /you be interested in: Planning & Zoning Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Trade Board Library Board i..-- Parks & Recreation Board (Signature Date /7 APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE DK, NAME:Ms ./Mrs ./Mr . S T E I L (please print) Last First Middle Address: 11I0 LT.. - '8 City State Zip Telephone Home 351 -o5-r3 (�' " , ) Work 442- Zsi S 405 s: a'R�' r, , wy1c1 -6D 96 Age 20 - 35 r/ 36+ 60+ Special skills/qualifications R' eV .T3s'(ke er,c0 Po ace- ( n~+Ss eaTho1,C case Dall�s a^n 1 n-121"ts-b cQ n �� 4�ti 1 w o 11/tct in ►`mod C nw,uY i 41 C� Hobbies and special interests . 6-1)&1 nlI 0,,et-ebr, rcrfiiv-h'es _ oIf drvd? iisnor 1 �,.� y� e�J�� �1��- % S AS eijark, - bkkkdrocs, Which of the following boards would you be interested in: Planning & Zoning Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Trade Board Library Board Parks & Recreation Board (Signature) Date APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE NAM :Ms /Mrs ./Mr . 0-a/A / VZire/l ( print) Las t e First Middle Address : 0 � ) 07 /7/9 k) (,t/L/// 7 75 cf City State Zip Telephone Home 4!)- 7K3,5- Work 1-72�7 I`5 O ,P Age 29 - 35 v' 36+ 60+ Special skills/qualifications . �, A a % ,c_zz)o ,(Zi) `612t6 j a,A.d 4-aPt- Hobbies and special interest'- 4,06,4 -866Urd,( t-)1 c at tr/13. 5/6' 1(1.1) rn b() r 1_9--12 0(:Th e- /1. �I)//dr Which of the following boards would you be interested in : Planning & Zoning Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Trade Board Library Board Parks & Recreation Board ()4. (Signature) Date TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CAROLYN JONES , CITY SECRETARY DATE: MAY 16, 1990 SUBJECT: NAMING OF THE NEW ROAD GOING TO EAST FORK PARK The land for this new road was dedicated by Mr . A. D . Boyd and Mr . John F. Pendery. There has been a request from a businessman to name this road Dale Road or East Fork Road. In the past the Council has tried to name roads after the people who have donated the land . Mr . A. D. Boyd has a street named after him in Twin Lakes SubDivision, but as of this date there has been no street name after Mr . Pendery. ao /tAitt DALE- ' 'SKI Q ,moo --SACJf,.TEXAS :011-2. His Honor the Mayor April 20, 1990 City Hall P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mayor Trimble: I would like to be considered in the naming of the new road that has just been completed from Hwy. 78 to the entrance of Lake Lavon reservoir. We have a Boat and Jet Ski rental at East Fork Harbor and would like the new road, which has not yet been named, to be called either Dale Road or East Fork Road. Please let me know if I should be at the City Council meeting for this proposal. Thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, 64 /� yJ Dale R. Swanson DRS/lm 6408 Industrial Lane • Sachse, Texas 75048 • (214) 530-6768 • Dallas Area MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn dories , City Secretary FROM: James Johnson , Finance Directore--2-e-9---e---------- RE: Awenda item - 05/22/90 Authorization to Seek Bids Annual Contract - Office Supplies The staff is requesting authorization to seek sealed, Competitive bids to establish a contract for the purchase of office supplies . Bid specifications will be developed around office supplies usage patterns over the past year. 02 92 CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: MAY 11, 1990 TO: CHARLES NORWOOD - CITY MANAGER FROM: DON WHITE - PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT RE: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM The Park and Recreation Board unanimously recommended that City Council consider purchasing additional bleachers for Community Park to accomodate the spectators. They recommend purchasing 4 sets of 5 row, 15 foot all aluminum bleachers with the park improvement fund monies. Please insure that this item is placed on the next available Council agenda. DW/ lk xc: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary To: James Johnson, Finance director From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent 5 fj Subject: Annual Contract(s) for the Purchase of Water Meters Date: May 16, 1990 In soliciting bids on an annual contract for the purchase of water meters, we invited bids for both new and rebuilt meters with the understanding that the resulting contract(s) could be split between multiple vendors, if that were in the best interest of the City. Bids were- received from Quality Meter, for new and rebuilt units, and from Texas Meter for new units only. A bid tabulation is attached. It is my recommendation that Council award an annual contract to Quality Meter for rebuilt 5/8X3/4 residential meters only. The annual value of this contract, based on past usage, is approxi- mately $16,000.00 ( $2, 150.00 less than the new units bid by Texas Meter ) . I would further recommend that Council award an annual contract to Texas Meter for new 1 inch through 6 inch commercial water meters and all meter flanges and gaskets. The annual value of this contract again based on past usage, is approximately $18, 366.00. This is $7,233.00 less than the same new meters and accessories on the Quality Meter bid and about $500.00 less than the rebuilt units. It should also be noted that availability is frequently a problem with rebuilt meters in the larger commercial sizes. The effective date of both contracts would be June 1, 1990. a 1 1 a BID TABULATION: BID 90-08, WATER METERS May 9,1990 $idde ,Alame; qoAL1 Tl4 /�(vT( R /v �h�T�� New Rebuilt New Rebuilt 5/8X3/4 Meter N b New Rebuilt � 16 3 2 .6 0 j(0.3 o N 10 61-1P !" Meter ND gln 85 -6o - i I 1 1/2" Meter A-10 Ob Z Z S ," Z 11 • `-Lf 1, „ • 2" Meter u2-5-bb 2.5 .°° 311, _ t U 1, „ 2" Compound 11 l t� , ,"° '7 a5 _o o (83g - 2.() i, h 3" Compound 11tj ) 6 ,bt> ) , Idl0 oU ji07Z .;0 li , 4" Compound 2 532 bu 1 ,T)ID.ob i ?`il 2Lf 6" Compound I-I �(o(60 av 3��bb .Pb j1-7, u „ „ 2" Turbine `7?Z.°6 3Z5.bb 3t .Li 3" Turbine (oB�. 0 .C1 °16 ,00 LJ92 . cSD '' �, . 4" Turbine ti3ba ou °) --Ip,Ob Cjl.. .(:,b ,, „ 6" Turbine ZIO1613,°t z11o0 ,60 - Zj136,2.)-I „ ,, 1 1/2 Flange 1 C •Ob 1\'A 9 •LI6 NA Z� �� . 2 Flange ob N)n, I . -) 1 ` 3/4 Gasket , 1_ NIA .bg II 1" Gasket , 114 N 1 t .. i 0 1 1/2 Gasket I , D p Ni R , . 2 " Gasket 1 ,.bb M/A • bC1 CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION TO BID RETURN BII:) TO: PURCHASING AGENT, CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY . 78 N. P. O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TX. 75098 The enclosed INVITATION TO BID and accompanying SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SHEET(S) are for your convenience in bidding the enclosed referenced products and/or services for the City of Wylie, Sealed bids shall be received D_S>__!_atx_ tri; ri;_ _ 2 : U0 P. M. , WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 , ] 990 MARL RV LQPE____ _. 9___y(1_11f _w_A'TE T $ The City appreciates your time and effort in preparing' a bid. Please note that all bids must be received at the designated location by the deadline shown. Bids received after deadline unacceptable . Bids received by the deadline will be publicly opened at the time . Awards should be made approximately two weeks after bid opening date, To obtain results , or if you have any questions , please contact the Purchasing Agent for the City of Wylie, 442-2236 , Ext. 204 . a • INSTRUCTIONS/TERMS OF CONTRACT BID NO. 90--08 Sealed bids will be received for: WATER METERS TO PROVIDE for an annual contract commencing on June 1 , 1990 , and continuing for a twelve month period, with an option to renew the awarded contract for an additional twelve month period at the discretion of the City. Each bid shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope , manually signed in ink by a person having the authority to bind the firm in a contract and marked clearly on the outside as outlined. IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids for any or all products and/or services covered in this bid request and to waive informalities or defects in bids or to accept such bids as it shall deem to be in. the City' s best interest. ALTERING BIDS: Bids cannot be altered or amended after submission deadline. Any interlineation, alteration, or erasure made before opening time must be initialed by the signer of the bid, guaranteeing authenticity. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bid may not be withdrawn or canceled by the bidder for a period. of ninety ( 90 ) days following the date designated for the receipt of bids , and bidder so agrees upon submittal of their bid . SALES TAX: The city is by statute exempt from the State Sales Tax and Federal. Excise Tax; therefore, the bid price shall not include taxes . BID AWARD: The City reserves the right to award bid as unit price or :lump sum as it deems to be in the best interest of the City . CONTRACT: This bid, when properly accepted by the City, shall constitute a contract equally binding between the successful bidder and the City of Wylie . No different or additional terms will become part of this contract with the exception of a. Change Order. 077 • PAGE---2 Bid on Water Meters CHANGE ORDER: No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change , or affect the term, conditions or specifications stated in the resulting contract. All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by the Purchasing Agent. IF DURING the life of the contract, the successful bidder' s net prices to other customers for meters awarded herein are reduced below the contracted price , it is understood and agreed that the benefits of such reduction. shall he extended to the City of Wylie . DELIVERY CHARGES: All prices shall be quoted F. O. B. Wylie (delivered) , DELIVERY TIME: Bids shall show number of days required to deliver meters at. the City' s designated location.. Failure to state delivery time may cause hid to be rejected . Successful bidder shall notify the Purchasing Agent immediately if delivery schedule cannot be met , If delay is foreseen, succful bidder shall give written notice to the Purchasing Agee'; The City has the right to extend delivery time if reason -appears valid . Successful bidder must keep the Purchasing Agent advised at all times of the status of the order. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No public official shall have interested in the contract, in accordance with Vernon' s Texas Codes Annotated, Local Government Code Title 5 , Subtitle C, Chapter 171 , EXCEPTION/SUBSTITUTIONS: All bids meeting the intent of this invitation to bid will be considered for award . Bidders taking exception to the specifications , or offering substitution, shall state these exceptions in the section provided or by attachment as part of the bid . The absence of such a list shall indicate that the bidder has not taken exceptions and shall hold the bidder responsible to perform in. strict accordance with the specifications of the invitation. The City reserves the right to accept any and/or all/none of the exception ( s ) substitution ( s ) deemed. to be in the best interest of the City . • a r PAGE--3 Bid on Water Meters DESCRIPTIONS: Any reference to model an.d/or make/manufacturer used in bid specifications is descriptive, not restrictive. It is used to indicate the type and, quality desired. Bids on. meters of like quality will be considered. ADDENDA: Any interpretations , corrections or changes to this Invitation For Bid and Specifications will be made by addenda. Sole issuing authority of addenda shall be vested in the Purchasing Agent. Addenda. will be mailed to all who are known to have received a copy of this Invitation to Bid. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda . DESIGN, STRENGTH, QUALITY of materials and. workmanship must conform to the highest standards of manufacturing and engineering practice. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RESPONSIBLE PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: A prospective bidder must affirmatively demonstrate bidder' s responsibility. A prospective bidder must meet the following requirements : 1 . have adequate financial resources , or the ability to obtain such resources as required.; 2 . be able to comply with the required or proposed delivery schedule; 3 . have a satisfactory record of performance; 4 . have a satisfactory record of integrity and ethics ; 5 . be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award . The City may request representation and other information sufficient to determine bidder' s ability to meet these minimum standards listed above. REFERENCES: The City requests bidder to supply, with this bid, a list of at least three ( 3 ) references where like services/products have been supplied by their firm. Include name of firm, address, telephone number and name of representative. PAGE---4 Bids on Water Meters • BIDDER SHALL PROVIDE with the bid response, all documentation required. Failure to provide this information may result in rejection of bid. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER SHALL defend, indemnify and save harmless the City of Wylie and all its officers, agents and employees from all suits , actions , or other claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person , persons , or property on account of any negligent act or fault of the successful bidder, or ofany agent, employee, subcontractor or supplier in the execution of , or performance under, any contract which may result from bid award . Successful bidder shall pay any judgment with cost which► may he obtained against the City growing out of such injury or damages . TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: This contract shall remain in effect until contract expires , delivery/completion and. acceptance of products and/or service ordered or terminated by either party with a thirty ( 30 ) days written notice prior to any cancellation. The successful bidder must state therein the reasons for such cancellation. The City of WyL.i.e reserves the right to award canceled contract to next lowest and best bidder as it deems to be in the best, interest of the City . TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: The City reserves the right to enforce the performance of this contract in any manner prescribed by law or deemed to be in the best interest of the City in the event of breach or default of this contract. The City reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately in the event the successful bidder fails to: 1 ) meet delivery or completion schedules , or 2 ) otherwise perform in accordance with these specification. Breach of contract or default authorizes the City to award to another bidder, purchase elsewhere and charge the full increase in cost and handling to the defaulting successful bidder. PAGE--S Bid on Water Meter. RIGHT TO PURCHASE: The City will not actively bids , proposals , solicitquotations or otherwise test the market solely for the purpose of seeking alternative sources ; however, the city reserves the right to purchase elsewhere any and/or all items covered by this contract if available from another source at a price lower than the contract price or if contract term (s ) are not met . TESTING: Testing may be performed at the request of the City, by an agent so designated, without expense to the City. Test samples may be analyzed at any time during the contract period to assure products furnished are in full compliance with specifications . Certified test results shall be available to us within 24 hrs . of request calibration and parts quality test results shall be available within seven work days of request. . PATENTS COPYRIGHTS: The successful bidder agrees to protects the City from claims involving infringements of patents and/or copyrights . PURCHASE ORDER: A purchase order ( s ) shall be generated by the City to the successful bidder. The purchase order number must appear on all itemized invoices and packing slips . The City of Wylie will not be held responsible for any orders placed/delivered without a valid current purchase order number. PACKING SLIPS or other suitable shipping documents shall accompany each shipment and shall show: (a) name and address of successful bidder, (b) name and address of receiving department and/or delivery locations , (a) City of Wylie Purchase Order number, and (d) descriptive information as to the products delivered, including product code, item number, quantity, number of container, etc. PAYMENT will be made upon receipt and acceptance by the City of all products ordered and receipt of a valid invoice, in accordance with the State of Texas Prompt Payment Act, Article 601f ,V . T. C. S. SAMPLES: When requested , samples shall be furnished free of expense to the City. WARRANTY: Successful bidder shall warrant that all products shall conform to the proposed specifications and/or all warranties as stated in the Uniform Commercial Code and he free from .all defects in material , workmanship and title. • V / PAGE---6 Bid for Water Meter REMEDIES: The successful bidder and the City agree that both parties have all rights , duties , and remedies available as stated in the Uniform Commerical Code. VENUE: This agreement will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas . This agreement is performable in Collin County, Texas . ASSIGNMENT: The successful bidder shall not sell , assign, transfer or convey this contract, in whole or in part , without the prior written consent of the City . SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS: The apparent silence c>f these specifications as to any detail or to the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point , shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commerical practices are to prevail . All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on. the basis of this statement . ANY QUESTIONS concerning this Invitation To Bid and Specifications should be directed to the Purchasing Agent, 442-2236 , Ext . 204 . L3P BID 90-08 SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SHEETS It is the intent of the following specifications to describe the City' s minimum requirements for cold water meters in residential , commercial and industrial applications . I . All meters shall he Rockwell or approved equal. , and shall comply with ANSI/AWWA standard C700 , C701. and/or C702 . II . Positive Displacement Meters : A. Materials - Main case and bottom plate shall be water works bronze. Casing bolts and trim shall be corrosion resistant thermoplastic . B. Register shall be permanently hermetically sealed, straight reading type, magnetic drive with low flow indicator and integral tamper-proof locking device. C . Measuring element shall be oscillating piston type. D. Accuracy - 100 t 1 . 5% of actual throughput E. Low flow registration by meter size 1 . 5/8 - 95% at 1 /4 Gal . /Min. 2 . 1 " 95% at 3/4 Gal . /Min. 3 . 1. 1./2" 95% at 1 1./2 Gal . /Min . 4 . 2" 95% at 2 Gal . /Min . F. Registration 1 . 5/8" and 1 " - 10 Gal . /Sweep Hand. Rev. 2 . 1 1/2" and 2" 100 Gal . /Sweep Hand Rev. G. Registration Capacity 1 . 5/8" 1 , 000 , 000 Gal . 2 . 1 " 1.0 , 000 , 000 Gal . 3 . 1 1./2" & 2" 100 , 000 , 000 Gal . 3 PAGE--2 Bid on Water Meter (Spec. ) H . Normal Operating Flow Range ( Intermittent Flow) 1 . 5/8" 1-20 Gal . /Min. 2 . 1 " 3-50 Gal . /Min. 3 . 1 1/2" 5-100 Gal . /Min. 4 . 2" 6-160 Gal . /Min. III . Compound Meters : Meters shall be of the single billing register type. Maincases and appurtenances shall be constructed of water works bronze. The maincase shall be constructed so as contain the turbine chamber, displacement chamber and valve mechanism but as separate units . A 2" test plug must be accessible from the top of the maincase to facilitate meter testing. All external fasteners shall be of stainless steel or nonferrous materials . The register is to be permanently, hermetically sealed. The displacement chamber shall be of the piston. type and the turbine chamber horizontally secured in. the maincase . IV . Turbine Meters: Maincase, register box and lid shall be water works bronze. The register shall be permanently , hermetically sealed and tamperproof . The register shall contain a driver magnet. A three-legged magnetic flux carrier shall accomplish the right angle gearing. The measuring chamber shall be a self-contained measuring device encompassing the measuring element, register and calibration device. V. Rebuilt Meters : Bids will be considered for both new, unused meters and rebuilt/reconditioned meters . Rebuilt meters shall utilize new sealed registers and. shall be warranted for five years or 1 , 000 , 000 gallons , which ever occurs first . Vendor must have manufacturer authorization for certification/recertification of meters . VI . Approximate Annual Usage: The approximate annual usage, as listed on the bid sheet does not constitute an order, but only implies the probable quantity the City will use , based on past experience . The City reserves the right to order meters on an as needed basis . V BID SHEET APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE USAGE NEW REBUILT 500 5/8" X 3/4" Meter -___- 10 l " Meter 5 1 1/2" Meter• --_-- -------- ------ ---------------- 10 2" Meter 5 2" Compound Meter2 3" Compound Meter Unknown 4" Compound Meter 2 6" Compound Meter Unknown 2" Compound Meter -- Unknown 3- Compound Meter Unknown 4" Turbine Meter Unknown 6" Turbine Meter 5 1 1/2" Meter Flange ---_._____-- __.__NJA__—_ 15 2" Meter Flange N/A ..__-- 1 , 500 3/4" Meter Gasket —_----__- ---- A_—__ 20 1 " Meter Gasket. ------_.__-- -----CJ/ __-- 20 1 1/2" Meter Flange Gasket ------___-_— ____NYA_.___ 35 2" Meter Flange Gasket _-- —,-- Specify delivery time after receipt of purchase order: ---_---_------ Days BIDDER NAME/ADDRESS: PHONE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE c BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED. 1 . Article IX Section 5 Personal Financial Interest of the City Charter states in part that "no officer of employee of the City shall have a financial interest . direct or indirect, in any contract with the city, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the city of any land, materials, supplies or service. " 2. Is the bidder or any person having a direct or indirect financial interest in the bidder, an officer or employee of the City? If yes, please identify the person or persons and the exact nature of the interest . 7. Is the bidder or any officer or manager of the bidder related to a Manager of any City department, any employee of the City Purchasing Department , City Manager , or any member of the City Council? If yes, please identify the relationship between the bidder and the City. Signature Title Company Name Address BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED FOF: YOUR B I D TO BE CONSIDEF:ED. • House Bill 620 Municipal Contracts: Non-resident Bidders. New law of the State of Texas 69th Legislative Regular Session prohibits cities and other governmental units from awarding contracts to a non-resident bidder unless the amount of such bid is lower than the lowest bid by the Texas resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders state. In order to make this determination, please answer the following questions: 1 . Give the address and phone number of your principal place of business. C. Sive the name, address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s majority owner. 3. Give the name address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s ultimate parent company. 3 4. If in any of your answers to number 1 , 2, or 7. above, the answer indicated a principal place of business other than within the State of Texas, you are required to provide a copy of all relevant laws applicable to non-resident bidders in the other jurisdiction. Failure to supply this information may result in the rejection of your bid. Signature Title Company Name & Address • 31 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING READ CAREFULLY 1 . INSTRUCTIONS: These instructions apply to all quotations and become a part of terms and conditions of any bid submitted unless bidder takes exception in writing when submitting quotations . 2. FORM: Quotations must be submitted on this form only, in duplicate, unless otherwise stated . 3 . BID RETURNS: Each bid must be sealed in a separate envelope, addressed to the Purchasing Agent , City of Wylie, P.O. Box 428 , Wylie, Texas 75098. 4 . LATE BIDS: Bids must be in the Finance Department' s office prior to the closing date and time. No late bids will be accepted. 5. ACCEPTANCE: The right is reserved to accept or reject all or part of the Quotation, and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City by item or total bid. 6 . ERROR-QUANTITY: Bids must be submitted on units of quantity specified - extend and show total . In the event of discrepancies in extension, the unit prices shall govern. Any suggestions as to quantity to secure a better price are welcome. 7 . F.O.B. - DAMAGE: Quotations shall be bid F.O.B. Delivered, City Hall , 2001 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 and shall include all delivery and packaging costs. The City of Wylie assumes no liability for goods delivered in damaged or unacceptable condition. The successful bidder shall handle all claims with carriers, and in case of damaged goods, shall ship replacement goods immediately upon notification by the City of damage. 8. FIRM PRICES: Bid prices must be firm for a minimum of 90 days from date of bid closing . In the case of Annual Contract Request for Quotations, the prices must remain firm for the period as specified on the bid. "Discount from List" bids are not acceptable unless specifically requested. 9 . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Bids MUST show full firm name and address of bidder , and be manually signed. Failure to do so will disqualify bid. Person signing bid must show title or AUTHORITY TO BIND HIS FIRM IN A CONTRACT. Firm name and authorized signature should appear on each page of a bid consisting of more that one sheet . 10. WITHDRAWAL - ALTERATION OF BIDS: Bids CANNOT be altered or amended after bid closing. Alterations made before bid closing must initiated by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. No bid may be withdrawn after bid closing without acceptable reason in writing and with the approval of the Director of Finance. 11 . INVOICES: Invoices must be submitted by the successful bidder in duplicate to the City of Wylie, Finance Department, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098 . Successful bidder will bill by fund and department and give detailed list of charges by department when invoicing the City in accordance with City requirements. 12 . CASH DISCOUNTS: Normal payment terms are Net 30 . Any discounts available to the City for early payment should be noted . Discounts may be considered in determining low bid. 13. TAXES: The City of Wylie is exempt from Federal Manufacturer' s Excise, and State Sales Taxes. TAX MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN BID. Tax exemption certificates will be executed by the City and furnished upon request . 14 . SPECIFICATIONS - SAMPLES: Any catalogue, brand name, or manufacturer ' s reference in the Request for Quotation is descriptive and NOT restrictive, and is used to indicate type and quality level desired for alternates if unable to bid on items listed . Bid on brands of like nature and quality may be considered unless specifically excluded. If bidding on other than reference or specifications, bid must show manufacturer brand, trade name, catalog and/or lot number, etc. , on article offered, and certify article offered is equivalent to specifications. If other than specified brands of items are offered, specifications, illustrations and complete descriptive literature must be submitted with bid unless previously filed with the Finance Director. Samples, if required shall be furnished free of expense to the City and if not used or destroyed in examination and testing will be returned to the bidder, if requested, at the bidder' s expense. Each sample must be marked with bidder' s name and address and Bid Number reference. SAMPLES SHOULD NOT BE ENCLOSED WITH BID. ,60 15. DELIVERY PROMISE - PENALTIES: Quotations MUST show the number of calendar days required to place the materials in the possession of the City. DO NOT quote shipping dates. Failure to specify delivery item will obligate Bidder to COMPLETE delivery in TWO (2) weeks. A minimum of five days better delivery promise will automatically break a tie bid. Unrealistically short or undue long delivery promises may cause the bid to be disregarded. Consistent failure of a Bidder to meet his delivery promises without valid reason may cause removal from the Bid List. When delivery delay can be foreseen, the bidder shall give prior notice to the Finance Director, who shall have the right to extend the delivery date if reasons for delay appear acceptable. The bidder must keep the Finance Director advised at all times as to the Status of the order . Default in promised delivery, without acceptable reasons, or failure to meet specifications, authorizes the Finance Director to purchase the goods elsewhere, and charge any increase in cost and handling to the defaulting bidder. Every effort will be made by the Finance Department to locate the goods at the same or better price as that originally contracted. 16. PACKAGING: Unless otherwise indicated, items will be new unused and in first class condition in containers suitable for damage-free shipment and storage. 17. DELIVERY TIMES: Deliveries will be acceptable only during normal working hours, ie; 8: 00 A. M. to 5: 00 P.M. , Monday through Friday, at the designated City Municipal Facilities. 18. TIE BIDS: Consistent and continued tie bidding on any commodity could be caused for rejection of all bids by the Finance Director and/or investigation by the . Attorney-General to determine possible Anti-Trust violations. 19. PATENT RIGHTS: The vendor agrees to protect the City from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 20. NO BID: Quotation forms must be returned at once if bidder is unable to quote. 21 . BID EVALUATION: All bids are evaluated for compliance with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specification is primary in determining the best, low bid. InfoRmAL REpoRrs 0 0 LUBB?PCK 25th Annual Institute for Mayors, Counciimembers and Commissioners. June 29-July 1, 1990 (All events will be held at the Lubbock Civic Center unless otherwise noted.) Thursday,June 28 Saturday,June 30 o Institute Golf Tournament,8:00 a.m. o Spouse and Youth Activities,8:30 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Meadowbrook Golf Course o Opening General Session,9:00-10:15 a.m. o TML Board of Directors Meeting, Noon 5:00 p.m. Speaker: U.S.Senator Lloyd Bentsen Friday,June 29 o Concurrent Workshops, 10:30 a.m.-Noon o Institute Registration Opens,9:00 a.m. o Luncheon,Noon-1:30 p.m. Speaker:James Crupi,President, o Lubbock Hospitality Center Opens,9:00 a.m. International Leadership Center,Dallas o Newly Elected Officials Workshop,9:30 a.m.-Noon o Concurrent Workshops,2:00-5:00 p m o Spouse and Youth Activities, 1:30-5:00 p.m. o Sunset Serenade,7:00-11:00 p.m. County Line Restaurant o Concurrent Workshops,2:00 5:00 p.m. Sunday,July 1 o Taste of Texas Welcome to Lubbock.Reception, 6:00-7:30 p.m.,Hosted by the City of Lubbock o.Concurrent Workshops,9:00 a.m.-Noon o Concluding Luncheon,Noon-2:00 p.m. Speaker: U.S.Senator Phil Gramm r _ !l STITyT WORKSHOPS • : The 1990:s will bring more changes and challenges for municipal government. Given the complexity of government on all levels,serving as a mayor or councilmember is no easy job. A truly successful municipal official will prepare for the challenges of tomorrow by learning today. We live in an age of information and service. As our citizens become more aware of the cities in which they live, the demands on city services will increase. You can prepare your community to meet these demands by seeking answers and sharing solutions. The 25th Annual Institute for Mayors, Councilmembers and Commissioners will offer you an opportunity to do just that. Workshops have been designed and speakers have been chosen to help cities of all sizes gain insight into issues that are statewide in nature and local in focus., Listed below are some of the workshops that are planned for the Lubbock meeting. Those sessions marked with an "*" have been designed with the needs of small cities in mind. Al( sessions will be held at the Lubbock Civic Center at 1501 6th Street. How to Reduce Expenses Without Economic Development: Are Our Efforts Reducing Services Helping ... or Hurting? Energy Issues for Municipalities Marketing Your City Foreign Trade Zones: Does Your City Rural Health Care: What Comes Next? * Need One? Bond Ratings and What They Mean For Effective Public Speaking Your City* Media Relations:You Can Be A Winner Cable Television: Federal Regulation and Local Concerns Yes,You Can and Will Be Sued Health Care Costs: What Can Your City Regional Planning for Solid Waste Do? * EPA Landfill Regulations: What Do Federal Grants Availability Subtitle D Regulations Have In Store For Cities? Recycling Programs: How to Get One Started in Your Community Council/Manager Relations Personnel Practices in Small Cities * Small City Grant Applications SMALL CITY DISCU$SLON GROUPS NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS WORKSHOP _During each.of the concurrent workshop time blocks, .,a §rnall :city roundtable A special newly elected,officials workshop_ session;'will be`offered These roundtable;, will be offered at 930 a m�. on Friday, 'June; clisctussion groups will allow= elected 29: This wor4cshop will-highlight'issues`of officials from small cities to share ideas interest to newly ,elected' mayors and and solutions to problems uniqueto they. councilmembers and give-them a better small cities in the state The times and understanding, of their new . roles. topics will be outlined .in the official Institute program 1990 AMCC Spouse Activities Spouses and guests registered to attend the Institute are invited to participate in Institute workshops as well as enjoy special events planned for leisure time. All tours will depart from and return to the Lubbock Civic Center.The spouse registration fee includes admission to Institute workshops, the Friday Welcome to Lubbock Reception, the Saturday Delegates Luncheon, the Saturday evening social at the County Line Restaurant, and the Sunday Delegates Luncheon.Listed below are optional events planned by the City of Lubbock that will require tickets purchased in advance. Tour tickets include transportation, guides and refreshments/meals as noted: Friday, June 29, 2:00-4:30 p.m. Lubbock Lake Landmark and Ranching Heritage Center Tour Put on your walking shoes and enjoy visiting special attractions in Lubbock. The first stop will be a visit to the Lubbock Lake Landmark. This national historic excavation site has uncovered artifacts and tools of the early Clovis and Folsom people from over 12,000 years ago. Other attractions include the remains of a Texas-sized, six foot long armadillo. The second stop on the tour will be the Ranching Heritage Center which is the only one of its kind in America. The Center is an outdoor exhibit depicting the history of ranching in America's West. The exhibit, located on a 12 acre site, includes many restored homes and furnishings of the early ranching era. Refreshments including quiche, sweets and beverages will be served.Ticket price: $20. Friday, June 29, 2:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Irish Acres and Llano Estacado Winery Tour What a special treat we have in store for you! We begin with a visit to the Irish Acres Pecan site where you may purchase shelled and in-shell pecans as well as freshly made pecan candies, pralines and pecan logs. After sampling the sweets,we will depart for a tour of the Llano Estacado Winery. The winery was established in 1976 and produces more wine than any other winery in Texas, including a Gold Medal winning Cabernet Sauvignon Select wine. In 1989,they bottled more than 76,000 bottles of wine and are the only Texas winery that distributes wine to.France. The tour will begin with the crushing of the grapes and end with complimentary wine tasting and refreshments in the winery gift shop. Ticket price: $20. Friday,June 29, 2:00 -5:00 p.m. Saucy Cooking Class Learn to make a variety of,sauces that will compliment your favorite fish, beef or chicken. The Texas Tech restaurant management program will instruct you for the afternoon. Ticket price: $25. Saturday, June 30, 9:00- 11:45 a.m. Lubbock Lake Landmark and Ranching Tour Heritage Center A repeat of the tour on Friday. Please see the tour description as listed above. Ticket price: $20. Saturday, June 30, 9:00-11:30 a.m. Irish Acres and.Llano Estacado Winery Tour A repeat of the tour on Friday. Please see the tour description as listed above. Ticket price:$20. Saturday, June 30, 2:00-4:30 p.m.` Lubbock Shopping Tour Shopping on your own. Have a leisurely afternoon to yourself and shop at Lubbock's shopping malls. The buses will depart from the Lubbock Civic Center and transport you throughout the afternoon to the Kingsgate Mall and South Plains Mall, the largest single level mall.in Texas. The last bus will return to the Lubbock Civic Center at 5:00 p.m. No refreshments included. Ticket price: $7: AMCC Youth Activities The City of Lubbock Recreation Department has planned two fun-filled days of activities for youth attending the AMCC meeting. The tours will depart from and return to the Lubbock Civic Center. Each youth attending will be required to have a parental waiver signed before attending the functions. Friday, June 29 Radical Texas Water Rampage 1:30-5:00 p.m. Don't miss the fun, dudes. Bring your bathing suit, rubber duck, and suntan lotion and have a blast. The water's awesome! Come slide down the giant slides, body surf in the wave tech pool, or just float peacefully on an innertube down a lazy river. Each person gets their very own conference T-shirt. If you want snacks, be sure to bring some change. Ticket price: $20. Saturday, June 30 Lubbock's Excellent Adventure 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. The day's activities begin with breakfast at the World's largest Wendy's -- then on to Lubbock's Lake Landmark and artifacts over 12,000 years old, including an armadillo the size of a Volkswagon! The day continues with a visit to the Lubbock planetarium. Our last stop before lunch will be at the Ranching Heritage Center where we will see 150 years of ranching history. A scavenger hunt will highlight the tour. After lunch at Pistol Pete's Pizza we will visit the Science Spectrum, a hands-on science and technology museum. To complete the afternoon, skating at the United Skates of America. Ticket price: $30. If you register for the Friday and Saturday Youth program, the two-day registration will be $45 per youth. Snacks and the Saturday night event at the County Line are not included in this youth registration. Travel and Hotel Information Travel Today,Inc. Convention Services will be handling all hotel reservations for the 25th Annual Institute for Mayors, Councilmembers and Commissioners. In addition, they will be offering 5% - 40% off American Airlines airfares to Lubbock and assistance with discounted car rentals. The following hotels will be housing Institute delegates in Lubbock. To make hotel reservations or other travel arrangements call 1-800-322- 8881 Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. DO NOT call the individual hotels. They cannot accept reservations. Holiday Inn South Lubbock Plaza Hotel La Quinta Motor Inn 6624 Avenue H 3201 South Loop 289 601 Avenue Q $61.00 single/double $60.50 single/double $40.00 single/$49.00 king Holiday Inn Civic Center Sheraton Hotel Residence Inn 801 Avenue 0 505 Avenue Q 2551 South Loop 289 $61.00 single/double $60.00 single/double $65.00 one bedroom $71.00 Atrium suites $87.00 two bedroom • PRE-REGISTRATION FORM 1990 TML INSTITUTE FOR MAYORS COUNCILMEMBERS&COMMISSIONERS Return completed form,with registration fees, to Texas Municipal League, 211 East Seventh Street, Suite 1020, Austin, Texas 78701-3283. Pre- registration must be POSTMARKED by June 15.Forms postmarked after June 15 will be processed at on-site registration rates. First Name Name or Nickname City Title Organization Mailing Address City/State/Zip Phone * Guest/Spouse(if registering) Name for Badge(if different from above) • • * Children(if registering and age) Name for Badge(if different from above) ❑ Newly.Elected Official (Please check this box if you are a newly elected official and attending your first TML meeting..We want to recognize your attendance. • TYPE OF REGISTRATION Check applicable fee(s)and enter totals in the space provided on the right. 01 $135 TML Member City Official.Includes all workshops,Saturday and Sunday delegates luncheons,and Saturday $ evening social event. 5° $65 Spouse Registration.Includes all workshops,Saturday and Sunday delegates luncheons,and Saturday evening $ social event. TICKETS Please include the number of required tickets in the space on the left and total cost on the right. Optional Spouse Activities Children/Youth Activities 52 $20 Friday,Landmark/Heritage/Museum Tour $ 6! $20 Friday,Youth Program $ 53 $20 Friday,Irish Acres/Winery Tour 62 $30 Saturday,Youth Program j7 $25 Friday CookingClass G3 $10 Saturday,Social Evening Social Event 54 $20 Saturday,Landmark/Heritage/Museum Tour - 55 $20 Saturday,Irish Acres/Winery Tour 56 $7 Saturday,Lubbock Shopping Tour Extra Tickets Please include the number of required tickets in the space on the left and total fees on the right.To avoid duplication,please make sure you FOROFFICE USE ONLY r.' are not buying tickets for specific activities which are already included in the registration fees listed above. Date Rec`d, •` $etch No.'. By: 22 $30 Saturday Evening Social Event $ BusinessCheck 20 $30 Friday,Delegates Luncheon Personal Check $ 2, $30 Saturday,Delegates Luncheon Iota! CANCELLATION POLICY.Cancellations must be made prior to 5:00 p.m.June 15, 1990.Phone cancellations may be made to Sharon Ball at(512) 320-1318 through June 15.Phone cancellations MUST BE CONFIRMED in writing and postmarked by June 20, 1990.There is a 25%cancellation fee on all cancellations made prior to June 15.Refunds are available for registration fees only.There will be no refunds onmeal tickets,tour tickets,or special event tickets.There will be no refund on cancellations after June 15. ON-SITE REGISTRATION INFORMATION.If you are unable to meet the June 15 pre-registration deadline,you may register after you get to Lubbock. There will be an additional$20 registration fee for all on-site registrations. 0 . _1 r- 0 Lubbock Lubbock International Lake Airport Oes\J� T Landmark 0 LOOP 289 \Q P\- Col, t �J�\G C`( > Canyon Lakes ,� OLD Q Q2 A' NORTH GS 90./o Q J 0 > ° P° o - Q >- AO 41. Y z t_ Meadowbrook �JE cy Q rn Golf Course O� J- L Q • > .Prairie �Py Reese A F.R. .,_ Auditorium z FOown Mackenzie QPP� 4TH STREET Coliseum D State Park t Treasure Texas Tech Ranching • Civic Island • ' Medical • Heritage •Center Golf Course School Museum BROADWAY -Chamber Texas Tech 4th STREET of Commerce TO LEVELLAND 19TH STREET University 19TH STREET a i . •Sheraton 6th ST Lubbock Christian w O Le Civic Unive%Pk rsity d S Q Q r]uinta Cliq w w I.; > Holiday Center Elm Grove > > > > a Inn Q 4 Q Q Country Clb 34TH STREET 34TH STREET 0G BROADWAY .- Municipal �s� Garden O cr Q Lii • d Arts ��L 50TH STREET Center 50TH STREET F zyzo;/- °� JScience w Q w To Buffalo (a.- rn Spectrum Q • 4. QSprings Lake South ] QPlains o z itMall — 5D R 327 68TH STREET 0 0 LOOP 289 sA o' • 3 SCq r0 G9 Y 1 ° Y U.S N ROq a t32ND STREET CO• o •ev O II \ - < a r . 0 TO S ~ t.lano Lubbock 1TOnr 1. Lubbock Plaza Estacado Downs 2. Residence Inn Winery 3. Holiday Inn South AMCC/TML Golf Tournament Thursday, June 28;;1990 Meadowbrook Golf Club Lubbock, Texas Delegates and/or spouses are invited to enter the.AMCC/TML Golf Tournament which begins at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 28, 1990. Entry fee is $25 per person which includes green fees, cart rental, tournament fees, time on driving range, prizes, lunch and refreshments. Transportation will not be provided to the golf course. Ample parking is available. Maps will be available at the individual Institute hotels. Four Man Scramble-Progressive Start • Teams,Paired by Resident Golf Pro' The Meadowbrook Golf Club is located in MacKenzie State Park which is part of the historically beautiful Yellowhouse Canyon. Only minutes from downtown Lubbock, the course has thirty six holes of championship golf. The course is 6120 yards long with 'a par of 71. Golfers will enjoy the beauty of the terrain and just enough water hazards to make the course a satisfying golf experience. For a day of great fun and golf, please fill out the registration form below with your check for$25 per golfer and return to Meadowbrook Golf Club by June 20. AMCC/TML,Golf.Tournament -Thursday ',June 28, 1990, 8:00 a.m., Meadowbrook,Golf Club Name Address City/State/Zip Daytime Telephone Number Average Score or Handicap Registration'must be received by,Wednesday June 20, 199Q Make check payable to: Meadowbrook Golf Club P.O.Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 ATTN: SCOTT SNIDER PLEASE RETURN.NO LATER THAN JUNE 20, 1990. 9 May 7 , 1990 Mayor City of Wylie 2000 N. Hwy. 78 Wylie, Tx 75098 Honorable Mayor of Wylie: I have accepted the position of Customer Service Manager with TU Electric in the Terrell operation effective May 11, 1990. This position requires that I live and work in the Terrell area. I hope to complete my transition to work in Terrell within the next two weeks and hope to move prior to the beginning of the next school year. This situation prompts me to resign my seat on the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation. I have thoroughly enjoyed my association with the City of Wylie and have gained both personally and professionally through my association with such a fine city. With much regret do I move on but I do so with many fond memories and experiences. Please accept my resignation and extend my thanks and appreciation to the City Council , City staff and the Economic Development Corporation for their support . S ce ely it /110 Randy rp cc: Wylie City Council Mr. Charles Norwood, City Manager Economic Development Corporation JO MEMORANDUM DATE: May 11 , 1990 TO: Charles Norwood , City Manager FROM: Jim Gilmore, Chief of Police RE: Approval of Drug Task Force Grant Application On Thursday, May 10 , 1990 , members of the North East Areas Drug Interdiction Task Force met at the Rockwall County Sheriffs Office and were informed by Chief Bruce Beaty, Project Director , that our grant application , with a few changes , had been approved by the Governor ' s Office, Criminal Justice Division . The following adjustments were made by the Governor' s Office : 1 . Kaufman County has been included in the grant , which brings the total number of law enforcement agencies involved to eight . 2 . The allocation for funding of a special prosecutor was deleted . 3 . The district attorney of each county involved has to sign an agreement to prosecute without receiving any funds from money seized or from forfeitures of assets . 4 . All money or assets seized has to be used for operation of the drug task force . 5 . The grant amount has been reduced from $332 , 341 .00 to $295 ,752 .00 . The local match has been increased from $81 ,917 .00 to $96 ,943 .00 , which is $12 ,118 .00 per agency. (We had originally estimated approximately $12 ,000 .00 per agency.) 3/ 6 . The number of undercover officers was increased from a total of four to a total of five . The grant is effective June 1 , 1990 , and will run for twelve months , at which time we may reapply. Jim Gilmore Chief of Police JRG/krh MEMORANDUM DATE: May 10 , 1990 TO: Charles Norwood , City Manager FROM: Jim Gilmore, Chief of Police RE: Monthly Report for April 1990 The following is a summary of activities by the Wylie Police Department for the month of April 1990 . PATROL SECTION During the month , the patrol section logged seventeen thousand one hundred eighty-three (17 ,183) miles patrolling the City in response to four hundred nine (409) calls for police service . Average response time for non-emergency calls was four (4) minutes and nine (9) seconds per call . Average response time for emergency calls was two (2) minutes and forty (40) seconds per call . Six (6) accidents were investigated ; four (4) were classified as major which resulted in five (5) injuries . Two (2) minor accidents were reported (no injuries) . No fatal accidents were reported during the month . A total of fifty (50) adult arrests were made; none were arrested for commission of Part I crimes and nineteen (19) for commission of Part II crimes . Thirty-one (31) arrests were made for traffic violations and outstanding warrants for other agencies . Two (2) juveniles were arrested during the month for the commission of Part II crimes . Following is a breakdown on citations issued and warnings given : Moving 106 Non-moving 145 Verbal Warnings 203 Parking 12 Violation City Ordinance 2 Sworn Personnel Available Authorized 15* Actual 14 Vacation 40 hours Comp Leave 11 Holiday 0 Sick 0 Dispatching 48 Court 2 Training 60 * Includes Warrant Officer CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION SECTION The Criminal Investigation Section investigated a total of eighteen (18) Part I Crimes . After initial investigation , nine (9) were cleared by arrest/exception for a clearance rate of fifty percent (50%) . Part I crimes reported by category and clearance disposition for the month are as follows : Number Per cent Crime Actual Cleared Clearance Homicide 1 0 0% Rape 0 0 N/A Robbery 0 0 N/A Aggravated Assault 0 0 N/A Simple Assault* 5 3 60% Burglary 7 7 100% Theft 10 2 20% Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 N/A Arson 0 0 N/A TOTAL 18 9 50% * According to UCR guidelines , Simple Assault is not a Part I offense , however , it is reported as a quality control matter and for an overview of total assault violence. A total of nineteen (19 ) Part II crimes were reported this month . After initial investigation , seven (7) were cleared by arrest/exception , for a clearance rate of thirty-seven percent (37%) . As of April 1990 there were twenty-nine Block Captains in the Neighborhood Watch Program. Jil ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES Training All officers qualified with their on and off-duty firearms Tuesday, April 10 , 1990 . Officer Don McCarter attended a class , "Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation" , sponsored by the Addison Police Department on April 16-20 , 1990 . Chief Gilmore attended a meeting of the Collin County Community College Criminal Justice Advisory Committee in McKinney to discuss plans for a North Texas Training Center , a police and fire academy to be constructed in Princeton , Texas . Chief Gilmore also attended the Police Chiefs Association Training Seminar and Mid-Year Conference in Corpus Christi , April 27-30 , 1990 . Professors from the College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, presented the curriculum of the Law Enforcement Management Institute . The purpose of the institute is to develop the analytical , managerial and executive skills of current and future law enforcement administrators in Texas through studies of public administration , law enforcement management , and advanced technical studies relating to law enforcement . Personnel Transactions Becky Bryan resigned as dispatcher effective April 4 , 1990 . Bill Naylor was hired with the Police Department as a patrol officer April 17 , 1990 . An interview board was held April 24 , 1990 , for applicants interested in the dispatch position . Community Relations Sgt . Holley participated in the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the City Park on April 14 , 1990 . Chief Jim Gilmore received a letter from Mr . Michael Linderman , 28 Lucy Lane, Wylie, Texas . Mr Linderman expressed his appreciation to the Department for outstanding service through the years , which , he stated , really adds to his feeling of security. SC. SERVICES The Communications Section dispatched a total of five hundred thirty-seven (537) calls for service, including four hundred nine (409) patrol calls , three (3) CID calls , thirty-six (36) fire calls , twenty-seven (27) ambulance calls , sixteen (16) animal complaint calls , and fifty (50) 911 disconnects . In addition , Administration received a total of thirty-three (33) calls of a miscellaneous nature . Jim Gilmore Chief of Police .C6 YEAR TO DATE TOTALS PATROL APR YTD Number of miles logged 17 ,183 73 ,618 Number of calls responded to 409 1 ,397 Avg . response time* 4 min 9 sec 5 min 31 sec Number of Accidents 6 40 Major 4 14 Minor 2 28 Fatalities 0 0 Number of Adult arrests 50 184 Number of Juvenile arrests 2 7 Number of citations issued 265 1488 SERVICES Total number calls for service 537 1 ,900 Including: Patrol 409 1 ,397 CID 3 11 Fire 36 174 Ambulance 27 109 Animal complaints 16 63 9-1-1 disconnects 50 172 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION CRIME APR CLRD YTD TOTAL YTD CLRD % CLRD Homicide 1 0 0 0 0% Rape 0 0 1 1 100% Robbery 0 0 0 0 N/A Aggr . Assault 0 0 7 5 71% Simple Assault 5 3 23 21 91% Burglary 7 7 25 10 40% Theft 10 2 48 12 25% Motor Veh.Theft 0 0 4 2 50% Arson 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTALS OF - ~ PART I CRIMES 18 9 86 30 35% *Denotes an average non-emergency response time. 7 TO : MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CHARLES E. NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER DATE : MAY 11 , 1990 SUBJECT: QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROGRAM This report was scheduled to be presented to Council at the first meeting in April , due to Mr . Ron Homeyer leaving the City, it has been submitted to you in writing . �°? -'' /P CITY omri WYL,IE 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Receipt No. P 270 298 173 May 4, 1990 Claudia Chaffin Texas Water Commission 1700 N. Congress Ave. Capitol Station, Texas 78711-3087 Re: Industrial Waste Program Quarterly Status Report Dear Ms . Chaffin: Transmitted herewith is the First Quarter 1990 Status Report of the City of Wylie' s Industrial Waste Program for your review and comment . If you have any questions concerning this report , please feel free to call (214) 442-7588 . S 'ZOUr-- 16() Don White Public Works Superintendent Enclosure cc: Charles Norwood, City Manager J.M. Wagner, TALEM, Inc. ('9 Page 1 1st Quarter 1990 Status Report Industrial Waste Program City of Wylie April 30, 1990 The following report is submitted in response to the quarterly reporting requirement issued by the Texas Water Commission regarding implementation activities of the Industrial Waste Program in the City of Wylie. During the first quarter of 1990, the City began building a database of information on all nonresidential users in the City. The database, when completed, will consists of names, addresses, contacts, and telephone numbers for each nonresidential discharger . It will also contain information as to whether or not the City has made an initial contact, the user has completed an industrial user survey, the user has been inspected, the user has installed a sampling port, and whether or not the user has been permitted. The City will use this information to track the implementation of the Industrial Waste Program. The City was scheduled to turn over ownership of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) in early 1990 . This has not occurred as of the date of this report . According to the contract, the City will retain responsibility for implementation and enforcement of the Industrial Pretreatment Program according to the provisions of NTMWD' s EPA approved Industrial Pretreatment Program. This agreement is forcing the City to review the current Industrial Waste Program and Ordinance in order to bring it into compliance with the agreement . 6 0 Page 2 1st Quarter Report 1990 Minimal progress has been made in this area during the first quarter due to problems in changing of possession of the STP. The City is continuing to develop an Industrial Waste Program Guidance Manual that outlines the duties, responsibilities, and procedures associated with the program. The Enforcement Guidance Section of the City' s Industrial Waste Program Guidelines was completed in January of 1990. The City is continuing its efforts at documenting the procedures and requirements of our Industrial Waste Program. During the first quarter of 1990 there were 6 industrial effluent violations identified at three of the industrial user sites currently permitted by the City: INDUSTRIAL USER NUMBER OF VIOLATIONS 1 . Oklahoma Animal By-Products 4 2 . Extruders 1 3 . Hardcast 4 . Holland Hitch 0 1 At the beginning of the first quarter, Holland Hitch and Oklahoma Animal By-Products were under Administrative Order to correct, on a permanent basis, previous effluent violations . During the first quarter, Holland Hitch completed modifications to their pretreatment system. Oklahoma had modified their operation so as to reduce the discharge of contaminants . Holland Hitch had recurring problems with effluent compliance during the third and fourth quarters of 1989 . A meeting was held in Page 3 1st Quarter Report 1990 October to discuss these problems and to set out the requirements of the Compliance Order which set a deadline of January 15, 1990 for having the problems solved. During the December update. Holland Hitch indicated that installation of new equipment was on schedule and that they should meet the January deadline. January monitoring indicated an oil & grease violation. Holland Hitch ' s documentation indicates that their system was performing satisfactorily. They were at a loss as to an explanation of the violation but continued to investigate. The City took no additional enforcement action since the violation was minor and would not affect the operation of the plant. Subsequent monitoring in February and March indicated no violations . The City has not pursued the matter further. Oklahoma Animal By-Products had informed the City that it was evaluating the problem with their effluent and that they were in the process of installing new equipment and changing their processes to insure that their effluent would be consistently in compliance. Subsequent testing in November and December of 1989 showed no improvement in the condition of their discharge. In addition, Oklahoma Animal By-Products was lax in responding to the City' s request for status reports . Effluent monitoring in January of 1990 indicated additional effluent violations . On February 27, 1990, the City called Oklahoma Animal By-Products into a meeting to discuss the recurring violations . ‘492, Page 4 1st Quarter Report 1990 Oklahoma Animal By-Products was given a deadline of June 1990 to achieve full effluent compliance. The City promised fines and termination of sewer services if errant discharges continued after that date. However, a written order has not been issued mandating compliance and stipulating the penalties . The City will issue this written order in early May. The City identified one effluent violation at Extruders during the first quarter of 1990. The City has required Extruders to provide written documentation as to the reason for the violation and the corrective actions taken by Extruders to insure the problem does not occur again. During the first quarter of 1990, Mr. Ron Homeyer, the City' s Engineer and the person in charge of administering the Industrial Waste Program, left the employment of the City. This accounts for some of the inconsistencies in the implementation of the Industrial Waste Program during the first quarter . The City is currently trying to replace Mr. Homeyer. In the interim, the City has contracted with TALEM, Inc. to continue existing activities associated with the program. In a meeting with Mr . Forrest John of the Texas Water Commission, Region 4 , on April 6, 1990, Mr . J. M. Wagner and Mr. Richard Ranck of TALEM, Inc. , representing the City of Wylie, informed Mr. John of the departure of Mr . Homeyer and of the plans of the City to maintain current activities but to postpone new activities in the Page 5 1st Quarter Report 1990 Industrial Waste Program until Mr. Homeyer could be replaced. Mr . John expressed concerns about postponing new activities and cited Lone Star Circuits ' citation by the EPA for effluent violations as an example of the need to expand the program. He also tied that issue to concerns about high levels heavy metals the TWC found in the City' s STP sludge. Mr. John indicated that the Industrial Waste Program should be trying to find the source of the metals contamination in the plant . Mr. Wagner conveyed that Mr. Homeyer had visited Lone Star Circuits and had reported that Lone Star ' s only connection to the City' s sewage system was for domestic sewage only and that Lone Star ' s industrial discharge was covered by an N. P.D.E.S. permit from the EPA. The City is currently investigating the situation. Finally, Mr . John requested the City to provide full documentation of all Industrial Waste Program activities for all of 1989 and to begin attaching full documentation to the quarterly reports submitted to the Texas Water Commission. This requirement has greatly delayed this first quarter report but should not affect the timeliness with which subsequent quarterly reports are submitted. On April 30, 1990, Mr. Wagner contacted Ms . Claudia Chaffin of the TWC (Austin, Texas) at the request of the City and in response to a telephone inquiry from Ms . Chaffin to inform her of the delay in this report . During that conversation, Mr. Wagner conveyed that the City was not aware of a reporting requirement to the TWC in Austin and that all previous reports had been submitted to the TWC Region 4 Page 6 1st Quarter Report 1990 office. Ms . Chaffin asked that only the summary text of the quarterly reports be forwarded to her office at the TWC in Austin and that the fully documented report required by Mr. John be submitted to the TWC Region 4 office. The City is complying with Mr . John' s and Ms . Chaffin' s requests as of this report . As always , the City welcomes and invites TWC comments and recommendations for the improvement of the Industrial Waste Program. ATTACHMENTS First Quarter 1990 Documentation: Industrial User Monitoring Plan Monthly Status Reports to the City Manager (Jan.- Mar. 1990) Nonresidential User Spreadsheet Industrial User Monitoring Information: Oklahoma Animal By-Products : Monitoring Results Summary Report Notification(s) of Monitoring (Jan.- Mar. ) Notification(s) of Violation (Jan. ) Analytical Reports (Jan. - Mar. ) Notes from meeting 02/27/90 Letter Dated 02/07/90 Holland Hitch: Monitoring Results Summary Report Notification(s) of Monitoring (Jan. - Mar. ) Notification(s) of Violation (Jan. ) Analytical Reports (Jan.- Mar. ) Letter Dated 02/27/90 Extruders : Monitoring Results Summary Report Notification(s) of Monitoring (Jan.- Mar. ) Notification(s) of Violation (Mar. ) Analytical Reports (Jan.- Mar. ) SARA Title III Report Sanden International : Letter Dated 01/26/90 regarding Wastewater Questionaire Letter Dated 03/07/90 and completed Questionaire Co 'plete 1989 Documentation: 1989 Industrial User Monitoring Plan File 1989 Monthly Status Reports to the City Manager File 1989 TWC Correspondence File 1989 City of Wylie Corresondence File 1989 TALEM Correspondence File 1989 NTMWD Correspondence File 1989 Industrial User Files : Lone Star Circuits 1989 Oklahoma Animal By-Products 1989 Chemical Recycling 1989 Hardcast 1989 Holland Hitch 1989 Extruders 1989 Sanden 1989