06-12-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 6-8-90 TIME POSTED 1:30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 14 Consider approval of the minutes from May 22nd council meetings 2 Discussion and approval of news media for Paper of Record for City 3 15 Discussion of appointment to Place One City Council (Placed on agenda by Jesse Vance) 4 16 Consider acceptance of City Manager's letter of resignation 5 Consider appointment of Acting City Manager 6 17 Consider acceptance of resignation from Valerie Wiggins from Rita and Truett Smith Library Board 7 Consider appointment of representative to North Texas Municipal Water District's Board of Directors 8 18 - 51 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. a. Seek Competitive bids on Public Officials Liability Policy b. Seek Competitive bids on Lime materials for Street Program c. Easement from Ronald F. Miller - 0.1983 acres for Wastewater Collection System Improvements d. Dedication Deed - Road R-O-W for Brown Street from Archie Kreymer, Bill Kreymer, Estelle Kreymer and Frances Kreymer ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA (Cont.) e. Payment request from Shimek Jacobs, & Finklea in the amount of $9,699.17 for Phase II Wastewater Collection System Improvements f. Payment request from Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $2,324.39 for landfill closure g. Payment request from Water Tank Service Co., Inc. in the amount of $12,501.00 for rehabilitation and repainting elevated water tank h. Payment request from Freeman Millican in the amount of $1,010.59 for water tower repainting i. Payment request from Freeman-Millican in the amount of $10,000. for Impact Fee Study j. Payment request from Jones & Neuse, Inc. in the amount of $21,484.19 landfill closure k. Payment request from Pate & Pate in the amount of $218,065.04 for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase II Section 1 & 2 1. Payment request fran Hunter & Assoc. in the amount of $512.03 for Muddy Creek Sewer Project NEW BUSINESS 9 52 Consider approval for Annual July Jubilee Celebration - July 14 - 21, 1990 (for closing of Ballard Street for parade and street dance and for parade route and for hanging of banner) 10 Consider approval of Street Reconstruction Program for Summer 1990 11 Consider appointment of Audit Firm to conduct the annual audit 12 53 - 62 Consider approval of Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Rules and Procedures and duties and responsibilities of committee and duties and responsibilities of City Council 13 63 - 68 Discussion and approval of Rules for renting Community Room 14 69 - 82 Consider approval of award of bid for Copier (City Secretary's area) 15 83 - 108 Consider approval of award of bid for Water/Sewer Utility Supplies ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 Citizen participation 17 Council Discussion 18 Recess open meeting 19 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S., Section 2 paragraph "g" - Ross Vs. City of Wylie 20 Reconvene open meeting 21 Consider any action necessary regarding Executive Session 22 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 22, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 22 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Steve Wright, William Martin, Don Hughes, Pat Stemple and John Akin , City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson and Councilman Elect Percy Simmons. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Martin gave the invocation. The pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Akin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 8 , 1990 COUNCIL MEETING: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes submitted , a motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . CANVASS AND APPROVE ELECTION RETURNS FROM MAY 19 , 1990 RUN- OFF ELECTION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL PLACE6: Mayor Trimble read the results of the run-off election held on May 19th as follows: Absentee Methodist Southfork Total Church M. H.P. MAYOR Bud Naish 27 446 34 507 John Akin 79 410 46 535 PLACE 6 Jim Ferguson 24 427 33 484 Percy Simmons 82 422 46 550 Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the canvassing of the election as read. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Hughes - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary Carolyn Jones, gave the oath of office to the newly elected Mayor , John Akin and Councilman Place 6 , Percy Simmons. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM FOR ONE YEAR TERM: A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to appoint Councilman Hughes as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Hughes - abstained , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with five in favor and one abstained . ACCEPTANCE OF LETTERS OF RESIGNATION FROM MR. BILL BURGE AND MRS. CHERI ALBIN FROM PARK AND RECREATION BOARD: A motion was made by Councilman Martin to accept the letters of resignation from Mr . Bill Burge and Mrs . Cheri Albin. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OF THREE MEMBERS TO PARK AND RECREATIONS BOARD: City Manager Charles Norwood stated the Park Board was recommending to Council the following names to serve on their board: John Burns, Karen Cain and Charles Stetler. The Park Board has talked with each of these people and they are willing to serve . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to appoint John Burns, Karen Cain and Charles Stetler to the Park and Recreation Board . Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. NAMING OF THE NEW ROAD FROM HIGHWAY 78 TO ENTRANCE OF LAKE LAVON (AT EAST FORK PARK) : Mayor Pro Tem Hughes asked if it was the policy to name street after person who donated the property and is the road in our City. City Manager Charles Norwood stated that it has been the policy to name the streets after the persons donating the property or after a past Mayor or Council Person. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to table this item until a later date. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor to table. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO SEEK BIDS ON ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES : Mr . Johnson stated that the change in the bid status in state law has forced cities to seek bids on their office supplies . Motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to grant authorization to staff to seek bids on annual contract for office supplies . Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO SEEK BIDS FOR FOUR (4) SETS OF FIVE (5) ROW FIFTEEN (15) FOOT ALL ALUMINUM BLEACHERS: These bleachers will be for the Wylie Community Park located on Thomas Street. City Manager Charles Norwood said that the purchase price of these bleachers will exceed the $5 ,000 .00 . These bleachers will seat approximately 300 people. Park Board recommends purchasing these bleachers from the Special Park Fund has been set up from the $1 .00 donation on the water bills. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to grant staff authorization to seek bids for four sets of aluminum bleachers . Councilman Simmons asked if this was in the budget. City Manager Charles Norwood said no sir , it will come from a special fund where some of the citizens have donated $1 .00 each month on their water bills. Councilman Martin wanted to know if this would put the number of bleachers up to max for the park. City Manager Charles Norwood said this would serve Wylie for a few years . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes motion to seek bids was seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AWARD OF BID FOR WATER METERS AND METER SUPPLIES: Mr. Johnson stated that staff received two bids on these items. One bid was from Quality Meters, a local firm and the other was from Texas Meter out of McKinney. It is staff' s recommendation to award the annual contract to Quality Meter for rebuilt 5/8 X 3/4 residential meters only and 1 inch through 6 inch commercial water meters and all meter flanges and gaskets to Texas Meter. The annual contracts will be approximately $16,000.00 for Quality Meters and $18 ,366.00 for Texas Meter. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes wanted to know how much we would save. Mr. Johnson said approximately $2,000 on residential meters and $7 ,000 on commercial meters. Councilman Martin said at one time cities have pooled together to bid items. Mr . Johnson said we did, but Plano bid higher than Quality Meter on the residential meters. Councilman Wright stated that we have talked about bidding through Houston COG in the past . Mr. Johnson said we have submitted through them on some items in the past. A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the award of bid for residential meters to Quality Meter and for commercial meters to Texas Meter . Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON JUNE 26, 1990 FOR LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND PROPOSED IMPACT FEE: Councilman Wright stated that first of all the city is 250,000 gallons short on water capacity. This affects fire fighting for the city . Second this impact fee helps to pay for development. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the public hearing date of June 26 , 1990 for Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan and Proposed Impact Fee. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mrs. Lois Swartz of 506 W. Jefferson, said the past members of this City Council brought integrity, dignity and pride to the City of Wylie and I challenge this Council to do the same. Cheryl Edwards of 613 Andersonville wanted to know if the Council was aware that Extruders is about to be given a permit to work 24 hours. Are you aware of the pollution they cause. City Manager Charles Norwood said he has not heard of them asking for a 24 hour work permit but they are being monitored by an Engineering Firm. This is done once a week. City Manager Charles Norwood said Texas Air Control is the one to do testing on the air pollution. Cheryl Edwards said it was her opinion that there is not a good handle on this. Cheryl Edwards said we are talking about lung problems, cancer , brain damage and lots of others . This was posted in the Piano paper but not in the Wylie paper regarding their request for 24 hour work permit. Councilman Wright wanted to know if she had evidence of this . Cheryl Edwards said yes. There are stacks of files. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes asked if there is evidence of these symptoms in the files . Cheryl Edwards said that she and her family have been sick since moving into their home on Andersonville. Cheryl Edwards said she ask the State why the City has not been contacted . The State said they do not have to notify the city. Councilman Wright asked what we were monitoring . City Manager Charles Norwood said American Molds, Extruders, Holland Hitch and Oklahoma By Products. City Manager Charles Norwood said he would call Texas Air Control tomorrow. Councilman Martin wanted to know if the reports Cheryl has, show that Extruders exceed the safe standards. Cheryl Edwards said yes they do exceed the safe standards. City Manager Charles Norwood asked Cheryl Edwards who she talked to at Air Control Board. Cheryl Edwards said she talked to a lot of people in Austin and in Ft . Worth. The Executive Director Steve Span, Permit Engineer Paula Day, Eddie Macken in Ft . Worth. Councilman Wright wanted to know if they are given the 24 hour work permit , will this raise their quota . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes said they will have the same quota, they will be given more time to do it in. Councilman Simmons asked if the City had any say in this. City Manager Charles Norwood said with EPA and Water Commission, but not with Air Control . Councilwoman Stemple wanted to know if they exceed their limit, will the Air Control shut them down. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes asked City Manager Charles Norwood to contact George at Extruders , he has always been very co- operative. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Martin wanted to know what the city' s policy was regarding answering the phones after hours . City Manager Charles Norwood said Mr. Don White is called , if he deems it an emergency, the crew is called out S other wise it will wait until morning . Councilman Martin also requested a report on the street equipment and if we have an operator for it. Councilman Wright said the City of Richardson is installing emergency equipment for signal lights. This equipment will change the signal from red to green as soon as a police car or fire truck or ambulance approaches. This is something we should look at. Councilman Wright also acknowledged the warrant officer for his job and also Candi White and Barber Salinas for their work in the court system. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes wanted to know how the city crews located and fixed pot holes. City Manager Charles Norwood said that Mr . White and Mr . Barber patrol the streets and on Friday morning in staff meeting these streets are asigned with work orders to be repaired the next week. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes said there is one on Cooper Drive. City Manager Charles Norwood said this was reported last week and should be fixed this week, but I will check on this. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes also requested that First and Second Street be looked at. Councilwoman Stemple wanted to know if staff was prepared to handle the weed problem. City Manager Charles Norwood said our plan this year is to work with the Judge and when the person is written up more than once, the fine will reflect this. Mayor Akin asked that the Code Enforcement Department contact the City of Plano and see how they are handling high weeds. Councilman Wright wanted to know where we were on the streets Dallas County will be doing for us . City Manager Charles Norwood said several months ago Dallas County sent the City a letter with a Resolution for the Council to pass. The Council past this Resolution which stated which streets we would like for them to fix . I have contacted Mr . Lewis and he says they have gotten into trouble doing streets in Plano and will not be doing our streets. The Commissioner called and she would consider this, but did not feel like Dallas County would be helping us. City Manager Charles Norwood said Council will have to make a decision on Brown St. and McCreary Rd. soon. I have asked the County to go out for bids and then come back to the Council. The staff has acquired all the right-of-way for Brown Street and the gas company is moving their line. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes stated that last meeting there was talk of a work session. City Manager Charles Norwood said the work session will be on Tuesday , May 29th with Planning and Zoning and Council on the Impact Fees. City Manager Charles Norwood also stated there would be a work session on Thursday, May 31st on the direction of the City. After some discussion, it was decided to put the two work session together on Tuesday, May 29th. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes said since we have moved into the building, there has never been a Mayor ' s office. We do need a Mayor' s office. City Manager Charles Norwood said he does not have a problem with it . We can work it out . City Manager Charles Norwood said he was told that the Mayor ' s office was to be where the Judge' s office is now. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes said he felt it was important to have the Mayor an office at City Hall . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes stated he did not know how the rest of the Council felt , but he felt like this should be. Mayor Akin asked if we are using the road counter . Mr . Johnson said yes, it is in the warehouse and there is a log on it where it has been checked out. Mayor Akin also wanted to know when we would be staring the budget . City Manager Charles Norwood said staff will start working on it Thursday. City Manager Charles Norwood said the Council will have two agenda' s for Tuesday, May 29 , one will start at 5 PM and the other at 7 PM with Planning and Zoning . Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 8: 15 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters and paragraph "e" litigation legal matters . The Personnel Matters were regarding Bobby Ross vs City of Wylie case and employment of new Public Works Director/Engineer. The litigation was on 1% sales tax increase. Mayor Akin reconvened Council into open session at 10 P.M. , and Council has no decisions from executive session. A motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 21, 1990 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, May 21, 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney , Bart Peddicord, Cecilia Wood, Bobby Skipwith, Bobby Jennings and Richard Eckman, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Inspector Ed Richie and Carolyn Jones, City Secretary. Mr . Jim Ferguson was not present. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order. Mr . Faires asked Mr . Chaney if he could give a report on the question of Fire Protection at South Fork Mobile Home Park. If you remember at the last meeting, there was a question of the City' s liability at South Fork Mobile Home Park. Mr . Bruce Stockard from the City Attorney' s office has written the following : "The provision of fire services to citizens of a town is a governmental function. As a consequence, any action arising from alleged negligence on the part of the city for failure to provide timely fire service is completely barred from any recovery. Consequently, a distinction in availability and responsiveness of fire service to differently situated citizens within the city limits of a city does not remove the governmental immunity that the city enjoys in providing fire protection to its citizens. In summary, there is no liability of the City because one area of town has different availability and response time of water and fire service. " USES TO BE PERMITTED IN NEW OFFICE CATEGORY: Mr . Faires stated that the survey sheet sent out to each Planning and Zoning member came back with a number of different uses such as dental office, architect, bookkeeping and accounting , engineer, lawyers, office general . Mr . Faires also stated that churches and schools are permitted in any zoning as well as public buildings and libraries. Did the board want professional offices where only personal services are rendered? Chairman Chaney said if we can get a list put together of five to ten uses with low impact and the other uses be put in Retail with Specific Use Permits, then the ordinance can be put together. 8 Mr . Faires named the following as suggested uses with low impact and 50% lot coverage for the new "Professional Office" zoning district : 1 . Architect offices 2. Bookkeeping or accounting 3. Engineering 4. Interior Decor 5. Lawyers 6. Telephone Answering Service 7 . Churches/schools 8. Electrical lines - sub station 9. Business offices - non-profit organization 10. Administrative offices There was some discussion on research offices and laboratories and was decided not to include these in this new zoning district. Mr. Faires stated that there will be an ordinance on the next regular meeting for the board to consider for recommendation to City Council . Mr. Jennings wanted to know about the height restrictions. Mr. Faires said 50 feet height is what we have in Single Family zoning. After some discussion, there was a general consensus to have the height restriction in the new zoning district at 50 feet. Chairman Chaney asked the board to remember when the house comes back for re-zoning, that we are here to zone and or not far or against the Land Board, we are just zoning a piece of property. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Eckman stated that Mr. Espinosa out on FM 544 was still stock piling sand, gravel and rock. Mr . Richie said it is zoned Industrial and can have this storage. Mr . Espinosa can not have the mobile home for an office and has been told this and has been denied electricity. Chairman Chaney stated that there were several terms coming up for re-appointment in July, and his was one of these, but that he would not be seeking re-appointment. Chairman Chaney stated that the other members whose terms would be up in July were Jim Ferguson and Bobby Skipwith. Mr . Peddicord stated that he was in McKinney and picked up a blue print of Collin County Thoroughfares. The only change I can see is on Spring Creek Parkway. I will leave this copy with the Engineering Department here at City Hall . Mrs . Wood said the Special Use Permit for Poole Feed and Seed denies him from parking cars on his lot for sale. The Banks and Parts Plus are doing the same thing and I feel we should contact them. Mr . Faires stated that if the business is under B-2 zoning, you can have cars on your lot for sale. Both of these places are in B-2 zoning . Mr . Skipwith wanted to know what was being done on FM 544 where the board had issued a Special Use Permit. Mr . Faires said it is the new sanitary sewer trunk line. Mr . Peddicord said the area the board issued a special use permit for the Driving Range has a for sale sign with B-2 Zoning listed on it. Mr . Faires said it is B-2 Zoning . There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully submitted. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary /O PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 23, 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in special session Wednesday, May 23, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members B. J . Upshaw, Ronald Braswell , Bryan Glenn, and Charles "Buz" Stetler, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Chairman Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There being no additions, deletions, or corrections Bryan Glenn motioned to approve the May 9th minutes as submitted. Seconded by Ronald Braswell . Motion carried with all in favor. JUBILEE WEEK CONCESSIONS FUND RAISER STATUS REPORT: Joe Helmberger informed the board that they would be operating the concession stand at Community Park during the softball tournament on July 18, 1990. He had gotten approval from Dale Story to use the facility, ice machine, and soft drink dispenser. Joe Helmberger said that we need to see if we can get donations for food and drinks. Don White said he found out that the Park Board/City can operate concessions. Joe Helmberger said the tournament starts at 6:00 p. m. and will last for about three hours, there are only eight teams playing. When asked by Joe Helmberger if something has to be bought for concessions how is that handled. Don White said that there is probably a provision in the city managers budget. If it' s only around $100. 00 I don' t think this will be a problem. Don White said he found out that you do not need a health permit. Bryan Glenn forewarned everyone that it is standard tradition to offer "per team prices" on soft drinks. // SCHEDULE PARKS TOUR: Joanie Zeeb said that other issues concerning parks and recreation needed to be discussed, therefore a tour of the existing parks was necessary to determine exactly what needs to be done and where. We really need to push to get stream corridors and creek run offs, anything like that designated as park land. We need to get with the Corp of Engineers regarding taking over some of the lake parks. We need to look at other areas like ;obtaining more park land. The board agreed to unofficially meet on Saturday June 9, 1990, 8:00 a. m. at McDonalds on SH78 to tour the existing park facilities. DEVISE PARK FEST 1990 EVENT LIST: Joanie Zeeb distributed a suggested events/project list to all present, that included events/activities such as design the t-shirt contest, fun booths, sports and contests, demonstrations and presentations, clowns, dance, talent contest, hot air balloon rides, helicopter rides, boat races at the lake, etc. When Joe Helmberger suggested having a craft show, the board was in agreement. 10x10 spaces could be leased. Craft shows are known to draw big crowds. Bryan Glenn had been in contact with the cowboys, rangers, and sidekicks, stating that they must have in writing requests for players presence. It is expensive. Some of the organizations said they would send us pennants, posters, etc that we could sell or give away as prizes. Joanie Zeeb said she had spoken to city manager Charles Norwood, he said that he would write a letter to WISD regarding the road right of way from Pirate Drive to Community Park. Joanie Zeeb suggested having one board member in charge of each committee. Don White suggested not doing that stating that if you do you will probably end up doing it yourself. B. J. Upshaw said he liked the idea of one of us being on the committee, working with each member and reporting the status back to the board. Bryan Glenn said we can have each committee member report to us the status as needed. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF PARK FEST 1990 ACTIVITIES_ AND EVENTS: The board invited all civic clubs/organizations and churches to attend the meeting. The suggested activity/event list was made available at • the door to everyone. Chairman Zeeb addressed all those present, making sure that they had all gotten a copy of the list. /Q , Representatives were present from The Wylie News, Physicians Regional Hospital , Wylie Extension Homemakers Club, East Fork Lodge, Wylie Womens League, WISD, and the Chamber Of Commerce. Councilman Steve Wright was also present. Chairman Zeeb explained what Park Fest 1990 was and invited anyone present to express their opinions and to make any suggestions they might have. Joanie Zeeb stated that October 13, 1990 was the official date for the Park Fest 1990 extravaganza. Chairman Zeeb asked the representatives if they had talked to their organizations about the possibilities of participating in the fest. • The East Fork Lodge representative stated that due to current taxes they would be unable to serve any food items, but they are willing to do anything asked of them in the way of assistance. Wylie Womens League representative stated that they decided to have a 10K run at Park Fest, Patty Flint is in charge of the event. She added that they can' t give the park all of the proceeds because they have other beneficiaries. The event will be a big draw. Betty Stevens, WISD, said I will be willing to work with you and I feel sure that WISD will allow the use of it' s facilities. When Joanie Zeeb asked for volunteers for the Park Fest 1990 planning/organization committee the majority of those representatives present felt it would be best for the Park Board Members to be on the committee. The Wylie Homemakers Extension Club volunteered to assist with the publicity. APPOINTMENT OF A COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ORGANIZING AND PLANNING THE ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS FOR PARK FEST 1990: There was no one present within the civic clubs and organizations that volunteered to be on the committee. The Park Board decided that each member would be the committee, each person being responsible for various tasks. After some discussion the board assigned various responsibilities and tasks to each Park Board Member. GENERAL DISCUSSION: The Wylie Womens League addressed the board and submitted a certificate of donation for two trees that have been planted at Community Park. /✓ ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion motion was made to adjourn. Motion seconded, with all in favor. • Joanie Zeeb, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary tfe-ez4) 7-de. , /990 e-e/frvitoey (,/z.,2#2_el, as e6-ao.eil .#7,-LawzZ4e4), 0.‘57 "Qt-a Lectic, ,d6-4/' 04 2a x & ez-ei /06c-,exy,ovtizel, i ,-���1' 241990 5 4, Vie CITY OP' WYLIIC 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 May 29, 1990 Mayor and City Council City of Wylie, Texas Dear Mayor and Council : It is with deep regret that I submit my letter of resignation as City Manager for the City of Wylie. In accordance with my Working Agreement with the City, I am giving you a thirty day notice. The thirty days is to begin immediately. I have accrued vacation and comp time which will be due me. Sin r y, Charles E. Norwood, City Manager /6 )i-e'i, A • e "62/r 201 Cliff Barnes Ln. 0. Wylie, Texas. Mr. Charles Norwood, City Manager Wylie, Texas. Dear Sir; I would like to respectfully request to have my name withdrawn as a member of the Smith Public Library, effective upon reciept of this letter. There are so many things going on in my family and career at this time-plus all the past decension and unfair labor practises ( in my opinion) recently I feel I can no longer serve effectively in this position. Y rs truly, ie CITY OP' WYLIM 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Directo ,e_......,____/ RE: Agenda 06/12/90 Authorization to Seek Competitive Bid on Public Officials Liability Policy DATE: 05/29/90 The current policy expires in July 1990. Present coverage - $1,000,000. Last year's premium $5,750. Staff seeking authorization to seek bids on for new policy period. Present carrier - Tudor Insurance Co. ? MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Directo RE: Request Authorization for Staff to Seek Bids on Lime Materials for Street Program DATE: 06/05/90 In the event the City utilizes hydrated lime as part of its street paving and reconstruction program, it will be necessary to seek bids on this item. Don White, P.W. Supt. , estimated a potential use of 300 tons during the program. Last purchase price ( 1988) was $57 . 60 ton X 300 = $17 .280. 00 . Currently the City of Wylie has piggybacked by Collin County Commissioner' s Court change orders on county contracts on the following items: MATERIALS YFNT2OR PRICE 1 ) Hot Mix Asphalt North Star Paving $18. 65 Garland, TX. (per ton) 2) Concrete Lattimore Ready Mix $38. 00 . McKinney, TX. (per yd. ) 3) AC-3 Hot Mix/Cold Gohmann Asphalt $20. 25 Laid Plano, TX. (per ton) 4) Flexible Base Lattimore Materials $ 2 . 50 McKinney, TX. (per ton/ plant site/ + . 0775 per ton for @ mi . Haul charge) 5) Crushed White Metro Stone Co. $ 2. 40 Rock McKinney, TX. (per ton pit location) 6) Emulsified Asphalt Elf Asphalt $ . 527 (Emulsion) Lancaster, TX. (per gal . delivered) 7) Hydrated Lime No Contract Awarded CITY OF WYLIE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT Ronald Franklin Miller, hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of ten dollars ($10. 00) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County, Texas, for use as permanent utility easements upon/or in which water mains, sanitary sewers, or storm sewers may be constructed and being more particularly described as follows : BEING a strip of land for permanent utility easement generally 20. 00 feet in width located in the I . Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, Collin County, Texas, and being over, under and across a 10. 6606-acre tract of land conveyed to Ronald Franklin Miller as recorded in Volume 1383, Page 136 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, centerline of said 20. 00-foot wide permanent utility easement being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the east property line of said Ronald Franklin Miller tract, said point being 35. 00 feet South 2 degrees and 02 minutes East from the northeast corner of said tract, said corner being in the centerline of County Road 297; THENCE North 87 degrees 37 minutes and 10 seconds West, leaving the east property line of said tract, a distance of 432. 0 feet to the west property line of said tract and containing 0. 1983 acres (8, 640. 0 square feet) of land, more or less. Also a temporary construction easement 30. 00 feet in width being south of and another temporary construction easement 20. 00 feet in width being north of , both of which being parallel with and immediately adjacent to the above described permanent utility easement. (EASEMENT EXHIBIT ATTACHED) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described permanent easement, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns ; and GRANTOR hereby binds himself , his successors, assigns, and administrators to warrant and defend the rights and title to said easements unto the said City of Wylie against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand, this the pC day of Q y A, D, , 199D. n// Ronald Franklin Miller 020 4-or" la CITY OF VVYLIE 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 May 22 , 1990 Mr. Ronald F. Miller 334 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr . Miller: This letter is to confirm your agreement with the City of Wylie for a sewer easement and the commitment by the City for the following : 1. City will pay you $2 ,500.00 for the sewer easement 2 . The planned manhole access will be moved 150 feet towards the east property line and will be as close to ground level as possible 3. That no vent will be placed on your property 4. That following construction the surface will be restored to its original condition 5. That no sewer odor will be detectable under normal operating conditions 6. If the fence is disturbed, it will be restored to it' s original condition 7. If the drive way is damaged it will be repaired to it' s original condition 8. There will be a free 4" sewer tap installed This letter will serve as the City' s confirmation that the above items will be taken care of . Sin rely, ar City Manager CEN: cj t\ _ 1 ii i ____ , I I E 0.1983 I RONALD FRA NKLI N MILLER ACRES o V OL.1383 ,PG. 136 7 o I I I . CLIFTON SURVEY f 20' PERMANENT I i ABSTRACT NO. 193 UTI LITY EASEMENT O 30' TEMPORARY � CONSTRUCTION EMT. II ? s 2°02.E _ 38.0' V POINT OF BEGINNING 1 CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT • RONALD FRANKLIN MILLER .SHIMEK,JACOBS is FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS APRI L , (989 STATE OF COUNTY OF ��; J BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for aid o nt and State, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under y hand and seal f office, this the �� day , 19 W. �SE RE��O % W. I &ka.,/ee ae-^t/ *10,4i7 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 . CITY OF WYLIE John Akin , Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • Date A DEDICATION DEED STATE OF TEXAS } } KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN } That Frances Kreymer, Estelle Kreymer, Archie Kreymer and Billy Kreymer , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for an in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($10 ,000 .00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the City of Wylie, Texas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed , does hereby dedicate for public street and public utility purposes all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" , attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, to the City of Wylie, Texas, as Grantee, to have and to hold the described right-of-way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns, and Grantors hereby binds themselves, their successors , heirs and assigns, to warrant and defend the rights and title to said right-of-way unto the said City of Wylie against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof . WITNESS our hands this the C 7 day of , 1990 . ki Frances Kreymerf Estelle reym r Archie Kreymei f L" Bi y , reymer 073 ie CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 April 30, 1990 Mrs . Frances Kreymer, Mrs . Estelle Kreymer, Mr . Archie Kreymer, and Mr . Billy Kreymer This letter is to confirm your agreement with the City of Wylie for the road right-of-way for Brown Street reconstruction through the Dedication Deed and the commitment by the City for the following: 1 . City agrees to move and replace the existing fence back behind the 9. 53 feet of road right-of-way dedication 2. City will provide a lay down curb for access to property at existing gate, which is located in the Southwest portion of the property This letter will serve as the City ' s confirmation that the above items will be taken care of . Sincerely, Charles Norwood, City Manager CEN:cj QI JeuleIIa)ei i, i yU'i *88006 BROWN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY G.C. KREYMER, ARCHIE KREYMER CL I FTON KREYMER, BILLY KREYMER BEING a part of that certain 48.595 acre "Second Tract" conveyed to G.C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer, Clifton Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by Orville Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 638 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, 1n the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, and the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said 48.595 acre tract, said point being on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street (variable width), and being 496.0 feet East from a concrete right-of-way marker at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Brown Street with the East right-of-way line of Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514); THENCE NORTH along the West line of the 48.595 acre tract, 9.53 feet; THENCE NORTH 89° 12'30" East, 962.36 feet to a point on the East line of the 48.595 acre tract; THENCE South 0°40' West along the East line of the 48.595 acre tract, 22.83 feet to its Southeast corner, a point on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street; THENCE WEST along the North right-of-way line of Brown Street, 962.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 15,565 square feet of land, more or less. A/O SCALE 9-07B9 TAMES 7X'UETT 51/A1/EY F;PANC/SCO OE IA A4657 4c r 4/O. 920 P/NA 5 /eve y1 /6s7: N . 68S 3 ,) 6.C, ,tiQe'Y/NER� A,PCN/E Kx•EYME.e CL/FT2A/ A:PLf ife,e, B/LL Y �PEYMER ¢8.595 ,4e. k VOL. 9419, P6. 638 h ,'O/'OSEv wwGer/,N6 - /6 5G5 50. Fr tl 1.9a.o'7'0 ,c ' °/2:70"f 9l02.ea' _ vl B4i'4POAve, \•B66iv cex. WEST 9102,O 5PowN .5Te.Lc&T _ _ _ ,?6 STATE OF TEXAS } I COUNTY OF COLLIN I BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared �0aV01I � 0/ , known to me to be the person whose G name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledge to me that /)61 . executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS Will day 4 of , 1990 .Ior1.) tiA&) iliftk) 7 tt ,, - , VI yJiPublic, State( f Tex ) My Commission expires: Gf* ) ,. ,.,,.,.611.04 BAUND / L / i1°�„,. My Comm. Exp.08-07-03 STATE OF TEXAS I } COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally ri,�-1 appeared f I ik Lit�y►-1 M , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledge to me that 64 executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the ltgy day of ` { ' U , 1990 . - . N ary Public, Stte of as My Commission Expires: 040v^`‘,,b BARBARA ANN SAUNAS Notary Public ' ), STATE OF TEXAS 'PA q t o!04 My Comm. Exp.08-07 D3 2 7 STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared L\ vjvl)(' V-tG4rmo/ , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledge to me that � executed the same in the capacity therein stated.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS IA 1 4/( day of , 1990 . tart' Public, to of Texas My Commission expires: o••'='(4,, BARBARA ANN SAUNAS O b/ b 1/ 9 "Q/ Notary P ublic : o • �� STATE OF TEXAS Mr.,t or` My Comm. ER108-0743 ♦�.-1.1rv�1v111�V�r�1. STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared �yi1,1, ` , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledge to me that i, executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 14714./ day of , I , 1990 . / t ,h11.1 N s gifria).>. y Public, Sta of Texas My Commission Expires: 1 '}�/ 0. �`� BARBARA ANN SAUNAS E o/ I 0 +� r� ��' Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS My Comm. Exp.08-07-03 ♦M vrfh SHIMEK, JACOBS & FIN KLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 To: City of Wylie Date May 18 , 1990 Post Office Box 428 Wylie , Texas 75098 Statement No. 89124 (185) Services through April 30, 1990, in connection with Phase II - Wastewater System General Administration of Construction Time of Personnel $3 , 249.76 Expense: Printing $ 40. 83 Automobile 25. 20 Computer 22 . 74 Telephone . 35 89.12 $3 , 338 . 88 Construction Layout Time of Personnel $6 , 119. 32 Expense: Automobile 240 . 97 _6360_29 $9 , 699. 17 A7e,y7, Vii100 CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR2 7--- DATE: MAY 29, 1990 RE: LEGAL EXPENSES - LANDFILL CLOSURE - $2, 324. 39 COUNCIL AGENDA: 06/12/90 ATTACHED IS THE MOST RECENT BILLING FROM SHIPLEY & INHOFE, THE LEGAL FIRM HANDLING THE LANDFILL CLOSURE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2, 324 . 39. FUND 72 LANDFILL ( 1990 C.O. FUNDS) 72-700-721-02220 LEGAL SERVICE Jo SHIPLEY & INHOFE ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHARLES W.SHIPLEY 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER TELEPHONE(918)582-1720 DOUGLAS L INHOFE TULSA,OKLAHOMA 74103 TELECOPIER(918)584-7681 MARK B.JENNINGS BLAKE K.CHAMPLIN LESLIE C RINN JAMIE TAYLOR BOYD City of Wylie Statement # 1017 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director April 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 Accounts Receivable Balance Forward $4,606.74 Payments Received $4,606.74- Credits or Adjustments $0.00 Re: City Landfill PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 04/02/90 BKC conf w/CWS re NCP issues and Texas DOH; 0.50 52.50 conf w/JTB 04/02/90 CWS t/c w/Norwood; review file and conf 0.75 116.25 w/BKC 04/02/90 JTB requirements for consistency w/NCP; conf 3. 50 280.00 w/BKC re National Resource Damages 04/03/90 BKC review documents 0.25 26.25 04/03/90 JTB research on consistency with NCP; City 2.25 180. 00 treated as State under CERCLA 04/04/90 JTB research; memo on Texas treatment of 3.25 260.00 cities; edit mem on NCP; groundwater as national resource damages 04/06/90 BKC research National Resource Damages 2.00 210. 00 04/06/90 JTB research re consistency w/NCP; research 1.50 120.00 dates of release, etc. 04/10/90 BKC conf w/CWS re status 0. 25 26.25 04/10/90 CWS conf w/BKC 0.25 38.75 04/11/90 BKC conf w/CWS and DLI re document review 3.50 367.50 and scheduling; review documents; t/c w/D. Buckanan re scheduling 04/11/90 CWS review and file Buchanan letter; t/c 0. 50 77. 50 w/Buchanan; conf w/BKC and DLI re Austin trip 04/11/90 DLI conf w/CWS, BKC re scheduling Texas trip 0. 25 38.75 Continued City of Wylie Statement # 1017 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director April 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 04/12/90 CWS t/c w/Gilberg and conf w/JTB re FOIA 0.50 77.50 request 04/12/90 JTB conf w/BKC re FOIA request 0.75 60. 00 04/13/90 CWS review and revise FOIA request; conf 0.25 38.75 w/JTB 04/13/90 JTB FOIA request; t/c for new address; conf 1.75 140.00 w/CWS 04/16/90 JTB FOIA request 0.50 40.00 04/23/90 BKC review documents 1.25 131.25 04/25/90 BKC memo to CWS and DLI re Austin trip 0.25 26.25 Shipley, Charles W. 2.25 348.75 Douglas L. Inhofe 0.25 38.75 Champlin, Blake K. 8.00 840.00 Jamie T. Boyd 13.50 1,080.00 Total Hours 24.00 Total For The Above Services 2,307.50 EXPENSES 04/30/00 Postage 0.50 04/30/90 Photocopies 9.30 04/30/90 Long Distance 7.09 Total Expenses 16.89 Total Statement $2,324.39 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $2,324.39 This statement may not contain all costs incurred for which we have not yet been billed. 1 , 3Q21, MONTHLY PAYMENT ESTIMATE OWNER: City of Wylie ESTIMATE NO: 1 PROJECT: Rehabilitation and Repainting 250,000 Gallon Elevated Tank CONTRACTOR: Water Tank Service Co. , Inc P. 0. Box 340 Red Oak, Texas 75154 ENGINEER: Freeman - Millican, Inc. DATE: FROM: 3-30-90 Dallas, Texas TO: 5-28-90 CONTRACT PERCENT AMOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COMPLETE COMPLETE PIA Repainting 250,000 Gal . Tank 29,000.00 31 8,990.00 P2 Clean 50,000 Gal . Tank 4,900.00 100 4,900.00 P3 Repair Steel 1,000.00 0 0.00 P4 Replace Steel 2,500.00 0 0.00 P5 Repair Welds 1,000.00 0 0.00 P6 Replace Ladder Rungs 180.00 0 0.00 TOTAL $ 38,580.00 $13,890.00 CHANGE ORDERS REVISED TOTAL $ 38,580.00 $13,890.00 l2i Ste.t 35 OWNER: City of Wylie ESTIMATE NO: 1 PROJECT: Rehabilitation & Repainting DATE: FROM: 3-30-90 250,000 Gallon Elevated Tank TO: 5-28-90 Original Contract Amount $ 38,580.00 Total Additions 0.00 Total Deductions 0.00 Contract as Revised to Date 38,580.00 Total Amount of Work Done to Date $ 13,890.00 Materials on Hand 0.00 Total Work and Materials 13,890.00 Amount Retained ( 10% ) Per Cent 1,389.00 Balance $ 12,501.00 Less Previous Payments 0.00 AMOUNT DUE ON CONTRACT ESTIMATE $ 12,501.00 Days Allowed in Contract 120 Days Consumed This Estimate 59 Days Previously Consumed 0 Total Days Consumed to Date 59. Days Remaining in Contract 61. ACCEPT ppw ----<--- --G - --5—: 90 Wat?rili S. rvice Company, Inc. Date fee ` i is , Inc. Date City of Wylie Date -2- V MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director k*,_9 �e-,•----' RE: Agenda Item - 06/12/90 Request for Payment - Freeman-Millican $1 .010 . 59 - Professional Services Water Tower Repaint Total Contract for Services - $3 , 910 . 00 Previous Billings (2) Paid - $1 , 537 . 50 Funding Source - Utility Fund (20) 20-500-502-04220 Budget - $50, 000 ( Including the $38, 580 contract awarded for repainting) Progress billing for contract inspection of work, document preparation and construction administration in the 250 ,000 gal . water tank repainting. Approximately $1, 361 . 90 left unpaid on contract after this payment is made. Jr FREEmAn - mILLIcAn, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LARRY J. FREEMAN, P.E. J. TERRY MILLICAN, P.E. STATEMENT May 23, 1990 Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance 2000 Hwy. 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Professional Services Elevated Tank Repaint April 1990 010604 Principal Engineer 13.0 Hours @ $ 70.00/Hour $ 910.00 Secretary 2.5 25.00 62.50 Printing 1.0 Invoice 38.09 38.09 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 1,010.59 12001 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY SUITE 405 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214)991-1901 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Directoi ----(;) ----- RE: Agenda Item 06/12/90 Request for Payment - 336 Study ( Impact Fee - Study) $10.000 .00 DATE: 06/04/90 Budget: $30,000 . 00 Previous Invoice Paid (4) - $15, 919. 70 After this invoice, a total of $4 , 080 . 20 will be left as an unpaid balance on 336 ( Impact Fee) Study. Invoices paid out of Street Reconstruction Fund. (/.1 Fund; 74-700-741- 02245) . Per Mr. Norwood' s instructions remainder to be paid in July, 1990 after public hearing on June 26, 1990 . Subsequently, I spoke with T. Millican of this process and he consented. � 7 fREEmAn - mILLICAn, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LARRY J. FREEMAN, P.E. J. TERRY MILLICAN, P.E. STATEMENT May 23, 1990 Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance 2000 Hwy. 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Professional Services 336 Study Through April 1990 913704 J Principal Engineer 117.0 Hours @ $ 70.00/Hour $ 8,190.00 J. T. Dunkin 1.0 Inv. 11,500.00 11,500.00 Reed-Stowe 1.0 Inv. 2,320.00 2.320.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 22,010.00 Previous Billings 15,919.70 Total Billable Amount 37,929.70 Contract Amount 30,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 14;080.30 12001 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY SUITE 405 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214)991-1901 s MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director 9"- RE: Agenda 06/12/90 Request for Payment - Jones & Neuse, Inc. Service Center Investigation - $21 ,484 . 19 Previous Invoices Paid ( 1 ) - $6, 772. 67 Two invoices are attached from Jones & Neuse, Inc. , the City' s Engineering Company involved with the landfill closure. This item is related to the landfill closure, i. e. legal, and was approved by the Council in March 1990 . The initial estimate given for this project was $32, 500 . 00 . Fund - 12 Landfill (1990 C.O. proceeds) 72-700-721-02935 39 )ONES AND NEUSE, INC. May 15, 1990 Invoice No. 328902-002 J 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 Wylie Service Center Mr. James Johnson Finance Director City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78N Wylie, TX 75098 PM146 Period of Service: April 1, 1990 through April 30, 1990 Investigation of City Public Works Center - Borings, groundwater monitoring wells, sampling and analysis. Labor Env Specialist V 1.000 hr @ $100.00/hr = 100.00 Env Specialist IV 6.750 hr @ $ 85.00/hr = 573 .75 Env Specialist III 3.000 hr @ $ 75.00/hr = 225.00 Env Specialist II 12.000 hr @ $ 65.00/hr = 780.00 Geologist IV 36.750 hr @ $ 80.00/hr = 2940.00 Technician III 8.000 hr @ $ 40.00/hr = 320.00 Clerk II 7.750 hr @ $ 30.00/hr = 232.50 Clerk I 1.000 hr @ $ 20.00/hr = 20.00 5191.25 Expenses Travel 1917.81 Mail/Shipping 90.40 Telecommunications 76.22 Reproduction 28.00 Subcontracts 1546.75 Equipment 779.55 Material 127.67 JN Geotech 11562.94 16129.34 Amount Due This Invoice $ 21320.59 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1°°MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12^b per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. D J NJ jONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 May 15, 1990 Invoice No. 328901-017 • Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 Phase I James Johnson Finance Director City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 PM146 Period of Service: April 1, 1990 through April 30, 1990 Comment: Travel expenses for meeting concerning the landfill investigation and cost recovery from PRPs. Labor No Labor Costs Incurred This Billing Period Expenses Airfare/Car Rental 158.70 Long Distance Calls 4.90 163.60 Amount Due This Invoice $ 163.60 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS. DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A t MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE 12°C Per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 June 5, 1990 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. I.C.FINKLEA,P.E. JAMES E.LAUGHLIN,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,P.E. Mr. Don White Director of Public Works City of Wylie Post Office Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase IS Sections 1 & 2 Pay Request No. 3 Dear Mr. White: During our telephone conversation earlier today you verified as correct the amount of work completed and material stored on site for the period May 1, 1990 to May 29, 1990. We have therefore signed and dated the enclosed four (4) copies of Pay Request No. 3, by Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. -/) Sincerel (...; 61,2747:- ,- oe R. Carter, P.E. f.. Enclosures CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Pay Request No.: 3 Date: 05 /29 /90 Period From: 05 /01 /90 To: 05 /29 /90 Project: Wylie-Sanitary Sewer Improvements Engineer. Shimek,Jacobs & Finklea Phase II - Sections 1 and 2 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas,Texas 75225 Owner. City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 N. Wylie,Texas 75098 Contractor: Pate& Pate Enterprises, Inc. Bids Received: 11/16/89 Contract Date: 1/23/90 Notice to Proceed: 3/08/90 Contract Amount: $ 905,513.98 Calendar Days: 270 Completion Date: 12/03/90 Adjustments: Extensions: Revised Amount: Revised Days: Revised Date: of lob Status: / $umma rY ubmittedB • & PATE ENTERPRISES , INC Total Work Completed $ 370 , 891 . 32 By: ; �� Name Steve Pate , President Title Material Stored on Site $ o . 0 0 Date: 05 /29 /90 Subtotal $ 370 , R91 32 -)_ Verified By:t I Project :p,/sor Less 5% Retained $ 18 , 544 . 57 By. ,E) Subtotal $ 352 , 346 . 75 Name Date: 6 - 9'0 Less Previous Payments $ 134 , 281 . 71 Amount Due This Period $ 218 , 065 . 04 Reviewed By: 4-1 By: et_ Name Project Engineer Date: 6 ` 0 Appro Pa nt B : C' y of ie By: �G��2� Name i City Man ger Work Completed: 41 % Time 22 % Date: Y6/ ESTIM.;TE FOR PAYMENT PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 1 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHIMEX, JACOBS & FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513,98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description ;Unit; ( Quantities > Unit Price ; Amount 1 Planned ; Prev, Est. ; This Est. ; To Date , , A 001 18" SS W/T➢PE II EMBEDMENT LF 1,704. 0.00 21.64 0.00 0-12' A 002 18" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 275. 0.00 ; 22.79 0.00 12-16' A 003 18" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 650. 0.00 25.33 0.00 16-20' A 004 18" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 740, 0.00 35.17 0.00 > 20' A 005 18" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LF 160. 0.00 57.97 0.00 > 20' A 006 15" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 4,591. 1,833. 1,833,00 19.49 35,725.17 0-12' A 007 15" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LF 190. 130. 130.00 35.67 4,637.10 0-12' A 008 15" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 565. 134. 134.00 22.79 3,053.86 12-16' DEEP A 009 15" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 560. 0.00 24.35 0.00 > 16' A 010 15" SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. LF 50. 0.00 96.25 0.00 A 011 15" SS IN 24" ENCASEMENT PIPE LF 405. 405, 405.00 175.95 71,259.75 A 012 12" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 724. 0.00 16.36 0,00 0-12' A 013 12" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF. 938, 0.00 17.51 0.00 12-16' A 014 12" SS IN 20" ENCASEMENT PIPE LF 100, 0.00 123.10 0.00 BY OTHER THAN O.C. A 015 10" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 968. 0.00 18.06 0.00 0-12' A 016 10" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 1,752. 0.00 19.61 0.00 12-16' If ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE t PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 2 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHINEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description ;Unit; ( Quantities > ; Unit Price ; Amount Planned ; Prev. Est. ; This Est. ; To Date A 017 10" SS IN 18" ENCASEMENT BY LF 140, 0.00 124.00 0.00 OTHER THAN O.C. A 018 8" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 926. 0.00 19.15 0.00 0-12' A 019 8" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 22. 0.00 40.00 0.00 OVER 16' A 020 8" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LF 40. 0.00 27.70 0.00 0-12' A 021 8" SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. LF 25. 0.00 73.33 0.00 A 022 8" SS IN 16" ENCASEMENT PIPE LF 50. 0.00 111.88 0.00 BY OTHER THAN O.C. A 023 5' DIAM STD NH 0-12' BA 8. 0.00 2,219.00 0.00 A 024 5' DIAN TYPE S MH 0-12' BA 17. 5. 5.00 2,273.00 11,365.00 A 025 5' DIAM STD DROP MN 0-12' EA 2. 0.00 2,726.00 0,00 A 026 5' DIAN TYPE S DROP NH 0-12' BA 1. 1, 1.00 2,831.00 2,831.00 A 027 4' DIAN STD NH 0-12' BA 7, 0,00 1,699.00 0.00 A 028 4' DIAN STD DROP NH 0-12' EA 2. 0.00 2,073.00 0.00 A 029 5' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH NH VF 74. 6.75 6.75 99.75 673.31 A 030 4' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH NH VF 16. 0.00 57.95 0.00 A 031 CONNECTING TO EXISTING NH EA 8, 1, 1,00 260.00 260.00 A 032 DROP CONNECTION TO EXISTING NH EA 1, 0.00 839.00 0.00 A 033 REMOVE PAVEMENT OVER EXISTING BA 2. 0.00 685.00 0.00 NH, RAISING NH RING & COVER TO MATCH GRADE A 034 CMT STAB BACKFILL CY 90. 0.00 18.24 0.00 A 035 EXTRA CRUSHED STONE BACKFILL CY 75. 0.00 17.31 0.00 ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 3 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHIMBK, JACOBS & FINXLBA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description ;Unit; ( Quantities ) ; Unit Price ; Amount Planned ; Prev. Est. ; This Est. ; To Date A 036 EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE CY 30. 0.00 47.88 0.00 A 037 BLOCK SODDING LF 2,195. 0.00 6,84 0.00 A 038 SAW CUT LF 10. 0.00 3.71 0.00 A 039 REMOVE & REPLACE CONCRETE LF 10.0 0.00 35.00 0.00 PAVEMENT A 040 REMOVE & REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR LF 1,230. 0.00 8.48 0,00 DRIVE A 041 EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR BA 2. 0.00 200.00 0.00 10" SS A 042 EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR EA 2. 0.00 100.00 0.00 8" SS A 043 TRENCH SAFETY LS 1. 1. 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Sub-Total of SANITARY SEWER 130,805.19 B 001 15" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 4,571. 3,000. 1,787. 4,787.00 17.46 83,581.02 0-12' B 002 15" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT LF 210. 210, 210.00 32.41 6,806.10 0-12' B 003 15" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 457. 457. 457.00 19.61 8,961.77 12-16' B 004 8" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 560. 96, 96,00 19.33 1,855.68 0-12' B 005 8" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 343, 343, 343.00 23.76 8,149.68 12-16' B 006 8" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT LF 779. 779. 779.00 33.50 26,096.50 16-20' B 007 8" SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. LF 82, 82. 82.00 84.33 6,915.06 ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 4 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHINER, JACOBS & FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description :Unit: ( Quantities > ; Unit Price ; Amount Planned ; Prev. Est. ; This Est. ; To Date B 008 12" FORCE MAIN W/TYPE I LF 2,777, 2,777. 2,777.00 19.12 53,096.24 EMBEDMENT B 009 12" FORCE MAIN BY OTHER THAN LF 180. 180. 180.00 79.12 14,241.60 O.C. B 010 5' DIAN STD MH 0-12' BA 1. 1. 1.00 2,291.00 2,291.00 B 011 5' DIAN TYPE S NH 0-12' BA 6, 3. 3. 6.00 2,331.00 13,986.00 B 012 4' DIAM STD NH 0-12' BA 4, I. 2. 3,00 1,848.00 5,544.00 B 013 4' DIAM TYPE S NH 0-12' EA 2. 2. 2.00 1,848.00 3,696.00 B 014 5' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH NH VF 3. 3. 3.00 99.75 299.25 B 015 4' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH NH VF 4. 4. 4.00 57.75 231.00 B 016 CONNECT TO EXISTING NH EA 5. 1, 3. 4.00 349.00 1,396.00 B 017 SS CLBANOUT BA 1. 0.00 264.00 0.00 B 018 CET STAB BACKFILL CY 75. 75, 75.00 18.24 1,368.00 B 019 EXTRA CRUSHED STONE BACKFILL CY 25. 33. 33.00 17.31 571.23 B 020 EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE CY 20. 0.00 47.88 0.00 B 021 SAW CUT LF 205, 0.00 3.50 0.00 B 022 REMOVE l REPLACE CONCRETE LF 205, 0.00 18.81 0,00 PAVEMENT B 023 REMOVE & REPLACE ASPHALT DRIVE LF 90. 0.00 12.96 0.00 B 024 REMOVE & REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR LF 450. 0.00 8.48 0.00 DRIVE B 025 TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION LS 1. 0.00 91,000.00 0.00 B 026 EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR EA 2. 0.00 200.00 0.00 10" SS B 027 EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR BA 2. 0.00 100.00 0.00 8" SS ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE A PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 5 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHIKEK, JACOBS A FINXLEA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 210 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description ;Unit; ( Quantities > ; Unit Price ; Amount Planned ; Prev, Est. ; This Est. ; To Date B 028 TRENCH SAFETY LS 1. 1. 1.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 Sub-Total of STORK SEWER 240,086,13 ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Final Page. IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 3 Date: 05-29-90 Estimate Period 05-01-90 to 05-29-90 Contract Dated : 01-23-90 Owner: SHINEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 03-08-90 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,904,513,98 Revised Contract Total: Item ; Description ;Unit; < Quantities > ; Unit Price ; Amount Planned ; Prev. Est. ; This Est. ; To Date TOTAL SANITARY SEWER 130,805,19 TOTAL STORM SEWER 240,086.13 TOTAL WORK TO DATE 370,891.32 PLUS MATERIAL ON HAND 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO DATE 370,891.32 LESS 5.00% RETAINAGE 18,544.57 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 134,281.71 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 218,065.04 SUBMI BY: PATE & P S INC. - -- Z L- APPROVED BY: /e4 00 CITY OF V�TYLIE 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director -14-9L RE: Agenda Item, 06/12/90 Payment Request for Hunter & Assoc. - $512.03 This invoice falls under the Special Services provision of the contract regarding engineering services provided to the City in the Muddy Creek Sewer Project. 5O Pay This INVOICE HUNTER ASSOC I ATESJ, I NC . Page 1 of 1 I iENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS CALLAS AUST I N Invoice No. 22341 214-388-8171 512-454-8718 Date May 25, 1990 To: City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Your Job No. Wylie, Texas 75098 Our Job No. D 8 9 012 C\C 3 8-MDH For professional and technical services as required for the sanitary sewer trunk main to be constructed in the Muddy Creek drainage basin. The trunk main will commence at a stub-out to the existing lift station located along S.H. 78 and extend northerly to service South Fork Mobile Home Park and Presidential Estates . This work includes the additional staking of the right-of-way. The technical services were supplied during the payroll period as indicated and are part of the Special Services as defined in the Contract for Professional Services executed on July 25, 1989 by Charles Norwood, City Manager. This work was provided in response to right-of-way requirements . PAY PERIOD DESCRIPTION LABOR MATERIALS 3-31-90 Engineer $231 . 00 Mileage $10 . 03 Blueprints 30 . 00 Direct Cost $231 . 00 $40 . 03 Overhead 173 . 25 indirect Cost 57 . 75 10 . 00 TOTAL $462 . 00 $50 . 03 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $512 . 03 Please Return Enclosed Copy With Remittance To: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Total This Invoice $512 . 03 C57 ----Ai CHAMBER OF COMMERCE May 30, 1990 Mr. Charles Norwood, City Manager City of Wylie City Council Members City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Tx. 75098 Dear Mr. Norwood and Council Members: The Wylie Chamber of Commerce respectfully request permission to conduct various events in conjunction with our annual July Jubilee Celebration July 14 - July 21, 1990. The carnival will run from July 16 - July 21 in the lot adjacent to the Lifeline Ambulance Service Building. Wylie merchants wish to hold side- walk sales throughout the week. The parade route will be as follows; formation on Birmingham north of Hwy 78, Birmingham South to Oak, East on Oak to Ballard, North on Bal- lard to Brown, East on Brown past Hillcrest Manor Nursing Home for disbursement. The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 21, and the Chamber respectfully seeks permission from the City of Wylie to block off Ballard Street at Oak to a point just north of Pizza Plaza beginning at 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, July 21. We also seek permission to hang our Jubilee Banner across Ballard be- ginning June 12. On Saturday, July 21 the Chamber and the Wylie Opry request permission to hold a Street Dance beginning at 8:00 P.M. until 12 midnight on Bal- lard between Oak and Marble. We are requesting that the City block off Ballard between Oak and Marble from 4:00 P.M.on July 21 until 1:00 A.M. July 22. The Chamber would like to thank the City of Wylie for their continued support and cooperation and participation in the staging of this annual event. Sincerely, 1990 July Jubilee Advisory Committee eJoh Fitz)atric k . , 4wanDiaz L411 42Ir9 dr inda Ham. 4 4(7?x-1 4-' X-(1.-•( P.O. Box 918 • Wylie, Texas 75098 • 214-442-2804 _ _ „ lv"' FT..4. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RULES AND PROCEDURES I. ORGANIZATION AND OFFICERS A. Organization: The Capital improvements Advisory Committee shall be composed of the seven (7) regular members and one (1) appointed Ad-Hoc member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Advisory Committee shall have at least one member of the real estate, development or building industry. The Advisory Committee shall exercise such powers as prescribed by Chapter 395, Local Government Code, and as granted by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas. B. Officers: The officers of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold like positions on the Advisory Committee. These officers shall be Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Secretary shall be the Code Enforcement Division Secretary. C. Duties: The Advisory Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity and is established by the City Council to perform the following duties: 1. To advise and assist the City in adopting Land Use Assumptions. 2. To review the Capital Improvements Plan and file it's written comments. 3. To monitor and evaluate implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan. 4. To file semi-annual written reports with respect to the progress of the Capital Improvements Plan and to report to the City any perceived inequities in implementing the Plan or imposing the Impact Fee. More frequent reports may be prepared and filed at the discretion of the Advisory Committee or instruction of the City Council. 5. To advise the City of the need to update or revise the Land Use Assumption Plan or Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. 53 Reid-Stowe & Co. DALLAS 2144580205 P. 03 6. Provide other Impact Fee advisory services as directed by the City Council. D. Rules of Order: Roberts Rules of Order, latest revision, shall be the Committee's final authority on all questions of procedure and parliamentary laws not covered by these rules and procedures. The Rules and Procedures of the Advisory Committee shall be adopted and approved by the City Council. Any modification to the adopted Rules and Procedures shall first be submitted to the City Council for formal approval. A certified copy of these Rules and Procedures and any amendments thereto shall be filed in the office of the City Secretary and be made available for public inspection during regular business hours. II. MEETINGS A. Quorum: A quorum shall consist of five (5) members and shall be required to conduct official business and forward recommendations to the City Council. B. Agenda: An agenda shall be prepared for each meeting by the Code Enforcement Officer. The agenda and all reference and statistical material relating to agenda items shall be delivered to each Advisory Committee member prior to each meeting allowing adequate time for review of and familiarization with the agenda items. C. Meetings: I. Calling Meetings: Meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be called and conducted at various times to fulfill the obligations outlined in Chapter 395, Local Government Code and Directives of the City Council. The Chairman shall call meetings and Instruct the Code Enforcement Officer to prepare an agenda and provide any required information, reports or statistics. 2. Place of Meeting: Meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be held in the • Council Chamber of the City Hall unless otherwise directed by the Chairman with the approval of a majority of the Advisory Committee. 3. Time of Meeting: - DRAFT Chairman shall establish a time for each called m The eeting of the Advisory Committee. 4. Public Notice: All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to the public and shall be held in compliance with state law and the Charter and Code of the City of Wylie, Texas. 5. Work Sessions: The Advisory Committee may be convened in work session in order to discussbe conducted at such work session, Fees. business shall nda quorum shall not be required. III. OFFICIAL RECORDS A. Definition: The official records of the Advisory Committee shall consist of these Rules and Procedures, Minutes of all Meetings, supporting documents such as reports, calculations, and all other material used to approve Land Use Assumptions, CIP, prepared written reports to the City Council and supporting documentation for all recommendations. B. Minutes: The minutes of the Advisory Committee meetings shall show the vote of each member, or if absent or abstaining, shall indicate that fact. C. Record Retention: All official records of the Advisory Committee shall be kept for a period of not less than ten (10) years and be made available for public inspection during regular business hours of the City. IV. HEARINGS AND DECISIONS A. Order of Business: • The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside at all meetings and shall decide all points of order or procedure. All letters of transmittal from the Committee to the City Council shall be over the signature of the Chairman. The Chairman shall call the Committee to order, the members present and absent shall be recorded by the Code Enforcement Secretary 55 • vRRr 4 or the designated representative by calling the roll. The minutes of any preceding meeting shall be submitted for approval. The public shall be advised of the procedures to be followed in the meeting. The Code Enforcement Officer shall publicly advise the Committee of any communication received pertaining to any matter pending before the Committee. B. Presentation and Hearing: 1. The Chairman shall call on persons present who wish to speak to the agenda items, and shall direct that they speak in the following order: a. The proponent or his representative. b. Those persons in support. c. Those persons In opposition. Whenever necessary, the Chairman shall direct that all remarks shall be germane to the agenda item. At the Chairman's discretion, he may also impose a specified time limit for each speaker wishing to address a particular item. No rebuttal shall be allowed from either side, unless granted by a majority vote of the Committee. The Committee may direct questions to any speaker in order to clarify statements and facts presented. 2. The Chairman shall then declare the public presentation or hearing closed, as to that agenda item. 3. A motion may be made by any member other than the presiding officer. 4. Any motion may be approved or denied by a simple majority vote of the members present. In the event of a tie vote on any motion, the motion will be considered as being denied and shall be so recorded. S6 I DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Section 7 of The Code outlines the method of appointment, minimum size, background requirements of members and duties and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee during the development, implementation and future administration of Impact Fees. Paragraph (A) of this section prescribes the mandatory requirements of the committee composition. A. Minimum of five members appointed by majority vote of the governing body. B. Not less than 40%of membership shall be representatives of the real estate, development or building industries, - OR - C. The Planning and Zoning Commission may be appointed as the Advisory Committee, in which case one such member shall be a representative of the real estate, development or building industry. Paragraph (B) of this section outlines the specific areas of involvement of the Advisory Committee and are enumerated and discussed as follows: (1) To advise and assist the political subdivision in adopting land use assumptions." This assistance will require the involvement In the Master Plan for the City, and will additionally require coordination of efforts of the Committee, City Planner, Consulting Engineer/Land Planner and other City staff members. (2) "To review the Capital Improvements Plan and file written comments." This involvement will begin only after the Council has approved the Land Use Assumption Plan, and may include technical support from the Director of Public Works,Code Enforcement Officer,Consulting Engineer, City Manager or designated representatives, and Finance Director if so desired. At the conclusion of the preparation of the CIP, the Committee must file its written comments concerning the CIP, and the preparation thereof. These written comments should include any and all perceived problems concerning the preparation of the CIP and/or the validity of the projections Included. These comments !rust be filed with the Council at least five working days prior to the Public Hearing to consider the approval of the CIP and Impact Fees. (3) "Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Capital improvements Plan." This evaluation and monitoring will of necessity be done on an ongoing basis to continually keep the governing body advised as to the adherence to and compliance with the approved CIP and is discussed in the following paragraph. (4) "To file semi-annual reports with respect to the progress of the CIP and to report any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the <57 3 Impact Fee." In order to fulfill the requirements outlined above, the Committee should receive information and periodic reports from the City Staff. These reports should be prepared and presented at least each quarter and more frequent reports may be filed at the discretion of the Advisory Committee or instruction of the City Council, and should Include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Progress of CIP projects. b. Estimated project costs vs. actual costs. c. Estimated project completion date vs. actual completion date. d. Projected growth vs. actual growth. e. Projected Impact Fee revenue vs. actual Impact Fee revenue. f. Unforseen circumstances that bring about inequities in existing fee structure, and recommended corrective action. (5) "To advise the political subdivision of the need to update or revise the Land Use Assumption Plan, CIP, and/or Impact Fees." (C) "The political subdivision shall make available to the Advisory Committee any professional reports with respect to developing and implementing the CIP." In the review/assistance of the Land Use Assumption preparation and the CIP, the Committee shall have available all professional reports prepared, both internal, and external, to serve as a basis for sound management decisions and recommendations. In addition, city staff members should S9 Reed-Stowe & Co. DALLAS 2144580205 P. 09 provide additional Information or clarification as deemed necessary and proper by the Committee. (D) "The governing body of the political subdivision shall adopt procedural rules for the Committee to follow in carrying out it's duties." These rules and procedures will be prepared and approved by the Council during the project. In general, it could be stated that the Advisory Committee is the duly appointed Council representative board charged with the responsibility of advising and informing the Council in matters of Impact Fee development, implementation and ongoing administration. 6o DRAFT CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS .r DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY COUNCIL Section 3, Chapter 395, Local Government Code, (The Code), sets forth the procedural requirements for the preparation and adoption of Impact Fees. The City Council has the duty and responsibility to perform the following tasks: 1. Adopt an ordinance or resolution establishing a public hearing date to consider a Land Use Assumption Plan. 2. No later than the day of adoption of such order, the Council shall appoint an Advisory Committee in accordance with Section 7 of The Code. 3. Provide for public notice of hearing to be conducted on Land Use Assumption Plan and Conduct Public Hearing. 4. Adopt an ordinance or resolution to approve or reject the Land Use Assumption Plan within 30 days from the date of the public hearing. 5. If the governing body approves the Land Use Assumption Plan, it shall provide for a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to be developed in accordance with The Code. -6. Adopt an ordinance or resolution calling a Public Hearing to consider the approval of the CIP. DRAFT 7. Provide for public notice of hearing to be conducted on CIP and Impact Fee imposition, and conduct Public Hearing. 8. The Council must approve or disapprove the adoption of the CIP and Impact Fees within thirty days from the date of Public Hearing. RULES FOR RENTAL OF COMMUNITY ROOM 1 . Must put up a deposit to reserve room ($50 .00 except when food is being served then it is $100.00) All Civic groups must put up a $25.00 deposit 2 . A fee must be paid for the use of the building as follows : Private/non Comm. $ 36.00 6 hours $ 72 .00 12 hours $144 .00 24 hours Commercial $ 72 .00 6 hours $144.00 12 hours $288 .00 24 hours Civic Groups $ 10 .00 2 hours $ 5 .00 each hour after 2 Wylie Sports Association must sign up on Jan. 1st of each year for use of the building and will have 12 days per year without charge Youth Organization will meet at no cost, but must clean up the building. If at any time the building is not cleaned, then the youth organization will have to pay 3. Leasee agrees to be responsible for any damages during term of rental and to return premises to original condition reasonable wear and tear excluded, this includes the cleaning up and that everything is still in working order prior to your deposit being refunded. 4. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT ANY TIME (INSIDE OR OUTSIDE BUILDING) . If persons have alcoholic beverages in or around this building during the time they have it leased, then they will forfeiture all fees and deposits. 5 . Adult supervision must be maintained without interruption during any type of activity. 6 . If the use of special equipment (such as slide and movie projector , tape units, etc) is requested there will be an additional fee of $25.00 . 61 7 . Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to attach anything to the walls or ceiling regardless of the fastener used . 8 . City reserves the right after presentation, review and decision by the City Staff to refuse future rental to any group, organization or individual who exhibits during a rental period a lack of regard for the rules and regulations of the room or the property and fixtures. The above rules have been amended from the rules set forth by the City Council on September 10, 1985 . The above was adopted and approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie on the day of , 1990 . 61i 1989 COSTS FOR OPERATING COMMUNITY ROOM Cleaning Service (started out with three nights $ 1,063. 18 per week - now it is five nights per week plus extra on week-ends) Cleaning Service - matts for entrance 240.75 Heating/Air Conditioning Maint. 80.00 Electric 940.05 Water/Sewer/Refuse 246.00 When the Community Room is rented on Friday and Saturday nights, then there is an extra charge for cleaning prior to the Saturday night activities. This runs between $25.00 and $35.00 on each additional cleaning. 6 INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR COMMUNITY ROOM RENTAL ORDINANCE 1 . Set-up minimum rental times of 6 hours , 12 hours and 24 hours or any multiples thereof . These rental times shall be from key issue to return of key and should include set-up time and clean-up time. 2 . A deposit of $50.00 should be required for clean- up when food is not going to be served. When food is going to be served in any form, more than just cookies and punch , then the deposit should be $100.00. This deposit should be refundable if the room is returned in a clean condition . This deposit , it should be made clear , is a clean-up deposit only and any damage done by the renter , or any of his party during the term of the rental to the building or any of the fixtures and equipment will be directly charged to the renter for the cost of repair or replacement . 3 . The hall should be rented on basically two rate structures and two rate structures only . One for private non-commercial use which would include non-profit organizations , churches , social and fraternal organizations and private business groups who meet for non-profit making reasons . ' The second group should be for commercial ventures which use the room and collect a fee at the door regardless of what the use of the fee is "claimed" to be for . Some examples would include but are not limited to charitable Bingo games , fund- raisers and the like as well as obviously commercial ventures . 4 . I would suggest an initial rate based on $6 .00 per hour to cover the cost of utilities and a minimum to purchase additional equipment and repairs and replace broken and damaged pieces . Such a rate would yield the following rental figures : Private/non com Commercial 6 hrs $36 .00 $72.00 12 hrs 72 .00 144.00 24 hrs 144 .00 288.00 6 5. The basic package reflected in the above rental rates would include for example 200 chairs , 30 tables , one public address system, microphones , the use of an available blackboard with pens , lectern (podium) and restroom supplies . It would also include the use of the kitchen if the renter indicated his use of the kitchen by paying a higher deposit . 6 . Certain other special purpose pieces of equipment would be made available but would require the additional payment of an added fee. For example , slide and movie projector , tape units , etc . might rent for $25.00 on a flat fee basis regardless of the number of hours for which the room was being rented . 7 . In addition , we would need to rent the room on a first come, first served basis and only accept advance bookings one year from the current date and all advance bookings should be subject to the prevailing rate on the day of rental . Advance reservations will require a booking deposit of 25% of the fee for the period desired . This 25% will be based on the rental effective on the day of the advance booking. No renter will be allowed to sub-let his booking . 8 . We also need to form an opinion about whether or ' not to allow the private consumption of alcoholic beverages within and only within the confines of the Community Room itself . We should require that on those occasions when alcoholic beverages are to be consumed , that a Police Officer be in attendance during any period in which alcoholic beverages are served . The consumption of alcoholic beverages without notification of intent to consume at the time of the lease and/or without providing for the Police Officer in attendance should be grounds for immediate termination of the rental upon discovery by any Police Officer or senior staff member . Termination for this cause will result in forfeiture of all fees and rental paid for the period and could result in the disallowing of any future opportunity for rental . People will ask and we should have an answer . 9 . We might also consider adding a sur-charge of $2 .00 per hour when actual preparation of food is involved in the rental . Remember the range , oven and fryers will be electric and cooking will generate increased load on the air-conditioning not to mention increased water and sewer use . 6 7 10. During all periods of rental adult supervision must be maintained without interruption in that supervision for whatever reason . 11 . Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to attach anything to walls or ceiling regardless of the fastener used . Save and except that special provisions may be made for afixing items to certain trim structures when they become available . 12 . That the City reserves the right after presentation , review and decision by the Park Board to refuse future rental to any group , organization or individual who exhibits during a rental period a lack of regard for the rules and regulations of the room , or the property and fixtures . 68 MEMORANDUM TO: James Johnson, Finance Director FROM: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent RE: Copier Bid DATE: June 6, 1990 Attached is a tabulation of bids received for a high volume console copier to replace the old Xerox 1048. I have projected and extended total costs (including maintenance and supplies) for each copier, using 25,000 copies as an average monthly volume. The following is a comparison of annual cost figures and total costs for the term of the lease: MODEL ANNUAL COST TERM OF LEASE 48 Mo. /60 Mo. 48 Mo. /60 Mo. Lanier 6260 6, 180 . 35/5, 759. 51 24 , 721 . 40/28 , 797 . 55 Toshiba 9230 8, 855. 86/8, 315. 86 35, 423 . 44/41 , 579. 30 Xerox 5052 10 , 125. 16/9, 388 . 48 40 , 500 . 64/46, 942. 40 Canon 8580 10 , 867 . 16/10, 087 . 28 43, 468. 64/50 , 436 . 40 Although we experienced a lot of problems with the demo machines that Lanier sent out, I am convinced that this was due to the fact that we were dealing with used equipment which had not been properly serviced. The service tech. stated that those particular machines should not have been sent back into the field. This indicates a lack of communication between their sales and service personnel , not a flaw in the equipment. I have spoken to the appropriate people at the Cities of Allen, Richardson and Irving where the Lanier machines have been in use for some time. All expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the Lanier copiers. It is my recommendation that Council award the bid to Lanier for a 48 month lease at $225. 73 per month. At the end of the lease, the copier becomes the property of the City. 6 � BID TABULATION BID NO./DESCRIPTION: 90-07 Copier Proposal DATE: 4/4/90, 2:00 PM BIDDER MAKE/MODEL PURCHASE LEASE (48/60) COMMENTS 9 0 • QRuE, LAME. R (ALTERr.IATO LAN IER. (921 2 1 1 ,400. 302 -z55 . 3t I Z �o TRUE I�fiE9 4i RATE IN Lobo`h fSu5. MAcit1N ToSI-OSA '1 Z 4 12, 55D .6t 31 6Zgo•°° 1 , b °I, )MPLLGlay IM-re(4,5T RI-rF ij6$ y' XE ReX XER.bX So�Z "1 Dg o c ' o 1 �. � '1 U 6.01 7p TgJk 1 N-r7LRf4k .DAin\miAy eANDNA ,S 3D 201 310 .66 55Z" ,4y F/ a y 1�-1 - t5 ibTRurz Z fNb AnS ND f '�oSN1gA AMkRtGA No qa►`b KbP1 wCRKS Nb gtb • 11-1€ CoP►&R STORE Nb FSt`t-) -Agri - ie CITY OF WY'LIL 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 CITY OF WYLIE COPY MACHINE RFP BID NUMBER: 90-07 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS • COPY MACHINE MINT A . The City of Wylie is accepting sealed proposals to establish a contract for the purchase or I ease/purchase of one ( 1 ) copy machine . The contract will be awarded in accordance with Chapter 252 Subchapter B of the Local Government Code , V . T. C , A. B. Vendor may submit more than one proposal . The City will award a contract, to the vendor which offers the most advantageous deal to the City , based on the evaluation criteria listed below. PEDDOVILIEZilblIZEIQN A. The minimum requirements for this copier are not intended to preclude the acceptance of equipment offered which exceeds the requirements herein- after described as long as it does not increase the overall proposal price. B. Copier must be new equipment, of sound design and construction , attractively enclosed, specifically designed for commercial usage, and shall comply with the following requirements : I . Equipment proposed and installed shall, be new unused latest current production model . Discontinued equipment will not be consi- dered. 2 . New equipment shall be defined as equipment which has never been used previously . Used or reconditioned equipment will not be accep- [-able under any. circumstances . 3 The copier must be produced and distributed by a nationally recognized and. established organization widely experienced in the copy/ duplication field. 701- PAGE--2 Request for Proposals; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 4 . The vendor must have competent and reput- able maintenance/repair service facilities immediately available from local offices . b . The copier must reflect the highest quality of production and operation commensurate to the industry. 6 . The copier must be a standard established production model . III . '4Qf'USAL A. yrali;kh h`'_._l111:6'L'. SUaffiL _O aIa ._ AND 'IEE___aisli . 'Q .A.iL`E) TBE-PuRcliAk-2.111ENT_ PRI2B 19911,_ City staff will recommend one vendor to the Wylie City Council for their award at the Council ' s next regular meeting ( April 24 , 1990 ) B. m __A IAUILD_Si li-LCIk LE ALLML NILTB ILiALL_EDE11 _ Vendors must identify any exceptions to speci- fications in writing. {:. Proposals must be firm for ninety ( 90 ) days to allow for Council consideration . D. Prices quoted are for inside delivery, installed, operational and all packaging removed . Any addi- tional charges not Listed on the Proposal Form MI)1T be identified in the proposal documentation . Quote F. O. B. City of Wylie. E. Identify the Pr..oposa.l rev-l.o lower left- harld .rner_with the _ lowing: PROPOSAL NUMBER SUBJECT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ALL ADDENDA PAGE--3 Request for Proposals; Copy Machine March 22 , 1990 F. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any formality in the pro- posal process and to select the proposal most advantageous to the City. G. Mailing,Physical. address for delivery of pro- posals : CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY. 78N Y. U. BOX 428 WYLIE, TX. 75098 H . All costs directly or indirectly related to pre- paration of a response to the RI{P or any oral presentation required by the City shall he the sole responsibility of and shall be borne by the vendor ( s ) . T . Proposals shal 1. include: 1 . The enclosed proposal forms , with all appl.i.- cable blanks filled and questions answered. NOTE: The City of Wylie will not pay any charges which the vendor fails to disclose fully in the proposal . 2 At least, three ( 3 ) references , including names and phone numbers , from current customers . The City prefers references who are public agencies and who use the same products as those proposed. 3 . Additional information as the vendor feels necessary. IV POST-PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. After opening proposals but prior to award of c2ont.ract , selected vendors may be required to perform complete demonstrations of the equip- ment. proposed. 7 PAGE--_ 4 Request for Proposals; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 1 . Such demonstrations may be conducted at the premises of the City of Wylie for up to a two ( 2 ) month trial period. 2 . The City of Wylie will pay for copies made during the trial period. li. The City will attempt to calculate the total monthly cc>st for each proposal . Vendor may be asked to verify this figure. V . AWARDING 'I'HE CONTRACT l. . The City reserves the option to award a contract based on the criteria described below. 2 . The City reserves the right, subsequent to con- tract award , to be serviced by the successful vendor on any lower pricing plan and describe such plan within ( 10 ) days of Vendor knowledge of said pricing plan. 3 . In accordance with sections 252 . 021 , 252 . 042 and 252 . 043 of the Local Government Code, V . T . C. A. , the City will award this contract to the respon- sible vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the City, taking into consideration the relative importance of the following factors , listed here in order of prior- ity: a. Price . b. Match of features and capacities ( including Features and capacities not mentioned in. this REP) to the needs of the City departments . The machine will he evaluated for minimum operator interaction. c. Track record of the vendor and the copier, including service record and customer satis- faction, 7 PAGE--5 Request for Proposals; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 cl . Terms of the contract with respect to ser- vice, upgrades , etc. Preference wi.1.1 be given to vendors with substantive guarantees on response time, recovery time and/or down- time. Preference also given to vendors who structures the costing and billing in a way that simplifies the City' s payment and accounting procedures . ( That is , the City is desirous of a contract that will enable us to charge accurately all costs back to the user departments on a per-copy basis ) VI . GENERAL A . Copy machine shall be delivered with an initial stock of supplies , set -up and demonstrated for proper performance. Demonstrations shall include, at no additional cost to the City. all operating and maintenance instructions to assure understanding and competence in the use of the machine by pertinent city personnel . B. Contract Incorporation: Vendor should be aware that the contents of this RFP and the successful proposal may become a part of the subsequent contractual document. Failure of the vendor to accept this obligation may result in the cancel- lation. of any award. Any damage occurring to the City as a result of the vendor' s failure to con- tract may be recovered from the vendor. C. Conflict of Terms : In the event of conflict between the RFP ,and any of the terms and condi- tions proposed by a vendor or incorporated in any acknowledgement of contract awarded to the successful vendor, the terms and conditions stated herein shall take precedence unless agreed to in writing by the City. V I I . SERVICE EQUIPMENT A. Vendors are advised that only equipment with a substantial record of minimum downtime will be considered as being responsive to these specifi- cations . Only reliable equipment, with quality output , will meet the City ' s requirements for the copier. • I'AGE--- 6 Request. for Proposals ; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 B. As a condition of a lease/purchase, it shall be understood that should the City experience any excessive down time ( to be determined by the City Secretary ' s Office ) on any copier supplied under the contract, that contractor will be required to replace that copier with a reliable copier of like model , or upgraded model , without additional cost to the City- C. Service agreement must include all preventive maintenance and repair services. D. Down time will be assessed from time service call is placed . ` .III . CONTRACT TERMINATION A. The City of Wylie, as a local government agency, is funded on a fiscal-year basis ; should a lack of funding necessitate termination of the Contract, copier shall be removed 11, 311,21ff.atr. a;lt.y <.r__ ny ..l r_then_.Q.bki ga_t_iszu__t _l t f_Lthh C,.t.y. Section 271 . 005 , Local Government Code, V . T. C. A. specifies that, municipalities may not enter ini:,c, a contract which carries a penalty for "funding out" . B. Contracting may also he terminated by the City of Wylie if the equipment or service does not comply with the terms of the vendor' s proposal , this RFP or the contract . .IX. SPECIFICATIONS Model you are proposing: _._ THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED "MINIMUMS" Copy Speed 55 copies per minute (Speed ) Rated Monthly Volume : 25 , 000 copies (Volume) PAUI,--7 Request for Proposals ; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 Platen: Flat, Stationary (Yes/No) Toner: Dry, Dual Component Yes/No) Automatic Document Feeder/Handler (Specify Spec.ify Type) Size of originals through ADF (Please Specifiy ) : Invoice__-_,-_, Lett.er Legal_--_-_, Ledger Minimum/Maximum Copy Size ( SpecifY )__ Paper capacity: Accommodates 2 cassettes/trays ( including LCT ) ______ ___ ( Number )-- Capacity of removable cassettes ( No. of Sheets ) Large capacity tray, 1500 sheets (Capacity) Sheet Bypass ( Yes/No) Weight of copy paper: 16 -32 pounds ( Yes/No) Cover/sheet insertion (Yes/No)--- Copies onto inserted covers/sheet ( Yes/No) Multiple copies : 1 -999 _---( Yes/No) Zoom: 65% - 154% ( 1% increments ) minimum ( Zoom Range) Reduction : Three presets (No. of presets) PAGE--8 Request for Proposals; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 Enlargement. : Three presets (No. of presets ) Automatic Paper Selection -----( Yes No ) -- Automatic Magnification Selection ( Yes/No) Automatic exposure with manual override ( Yes/No) Photo exposure mode (Yes/No) • Sorter, 20 bins/30 sheets (offset sorter acceptable) ( Yes/No) Fully automatic duplexing ( including 1 : 1 , 2 : 1 , 2 : 2 and book) (Yes/No) Dupiexer paper size: Letter._______, Legal______, Ledger____-• Dual page book copying: ( Yes/No) True edge--to-edge copying ( i . e. no void areas ) : ---( Yes/No) Finisher for on-line stapling capability (Yes/No) ALSO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Warm--up time: ( seconds ) First copy time: _ __ Access control ( type) : (Key, card. or electronic) Does it require a dedicated electrical circuit (Yes/No) PAGE--9 Request for Proposal ; Copy Machine March 22 , 1990 List additional special features: X. COPIER PROPOSAL - PRICING A. Purchase price of proposed copier $ --- - --- B. Specify Warranty C. Full service maintenance agreement: .l . Annual cost (For Yrs . 1- 5 ; if different each year, please specify ) 2 . Copy allowance/ Usage Charge 3 . Attach copy of agreement. D. Lease/Purchase: 1 . Monthly payment a. 48 Mo. lease $ _ (Per Month) h. 60 Mc>. lease $_____________. (Per Month) c. Per copy charge ( if any) 0 P8GE--10 Request for Proposal ; Copy Machine March 23, 1990 2 . Buy-out option( a ) u _______________________ 3. Full service, maintenance cost ( it any) for term of lease E. Supply Costa l . Toner (yield/cost per yield ) 3 . Developer (yield/cost per yield) 3 . Fuser wil (yield/coot per yield) 4 . Drum (yield/cost per yield ) h . Other (yield./cost per yield ) F. Trade- in allowance. :C*r oue. Xerox 1040 copier G. True interest cost disclosure l ease/purohmoe terms PAGE---11 Request for Proposal ; Copy Machine March 22, 1990 COMPANY NAME/ADDRESS: PHONE: (Authorized Signature) _ (Title) MEMORANDUM TO: James Johnson, Finance Director FROM: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent 3z17- RE: Bid Award - Water/Sewer Utility Supplies DATE: June 5, 1990 Attached is a tabulation of bids received on an annual contract for the purchase of water and sewer utility supplies. To facilitate bidding, supply items were divided into groups comprised of like commodities, and bidders were advised that the City reserved the right to award bids by supply group. Total lump sum bids for each group are based on average annual usage. This does not constitute an order, but implies the probable quantity or quantities the City may use. Having reviewed these bids , i.t is my recommendation that Council award contracts as follows: To Industrial International, Inc. Group 1 - Copper Pipe and Fittings Group 2 - PVC Pipe and Fittings Group 3 - Tapping Saddles Group 4 - Repair Clamps Group 5 - Bronze Valves and Fittings Group 6 - Miscellaneous To Texas Meter and Sewer Co. Group 7 - Meter Boxes and Locks At your request, I have obtained copies of the City of Plano' s water supply bids and have attempted to compare them with the bids we received. Unfortunately, an apples to apples comparison is impossible for a number of reasons . Our bid invitation was actually much more extensive than theirs, since I included every inventory item that had shown any movement at all during the past year. Many of the supplies which we use routinely in our water and sewer operations are not included in the Plano bids . Even on bid items of similar nature which appear on both supply lists, the Plano spec. ' s are frequently quite different from ours. PAGE--2 For example, they specified galvanized meter boxes only, whereas our requirements are for predominantly plastic boxes. Where we specify bronze tapping saddles, Plano spec. ' s call for ductile iron. In comparing bid prices on identical items, I found some items (e. g. repair clamps and steel couplings) priced lower on the Plano bid, while others , notably copper and C-900 pipe, were considerably higher. Based on average usage, the total value of the contract awarded to Industrial International would be approximately $11 , 390 . 00 and the meter box contract awarded to Texas Meter would total approximately $2, 227 . 00. A cursory review of the contract prices, versus previous open market purchases, indicates cost reductions of 20 - 30% with the award of these bids. BID TABULATION: BID 90-09, WATER/SEWER SUPPLIES MAY 30, 1990 - 2:00 P.M. BIDDER NAME BID AMOUNT GROUP I GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 GROUP 6 GROUP 7 INpOSTR'AL ZMTERNIATOMAL 1,130l4: 21311 .36: 'l ' 16, 14 .13: 2,950 '�5: Iteri .5z: 2,ZZ1 ' 5 160'6 METER I,0'4,2 2w5i,9s: L116 q" ' I �o3°`1 3120 .C'8: 21111 ,16 r , Z 60U. t UPPL`'l 2,1r/3. Z963 ? • 785 .31 : 2,25 05 3,1Zg y8: 2,956.": 3,3o0O 16 o l,0 I,E S ga o6� 35, y q . ANC Eb��1 I ►9�3� . 2r`181, •. Ir106• . 251t • ": no 5: 2 q1-7,11: 2 74it,. ° r i RAP WATER 5uPPt. < _ N© 611) > • FERCAu5 oNNO 51.1) • • �` ►D "DDt4 N101" INCLo NAR12 CoPP(ft AN`t? CI'CT/ rt(,S 'UCt) 15 f'DtZ 6A1,1)LES No-r `I) aut5L(z. 5-rRRP A5 SPECIr 6t> . CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION TO BID RETURN BID TO: PURCHASING AGENT, CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY. 78 N . P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TX. '15098 The enclosed INVITATION TO BID and accompanying SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SHEET (S) are for your convenience in bidding the enclosed referenced products and/or services for the City of Wylie. Sealed bids shall be received xi.Q_lat than: 2: 00 P.M. , WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 , 1990 MARK ENVELOPE: "BID NO. 90-09 "WATER/SEWER UTILITY SUPPLIE13.2 The City appreciates your time and effort in preparing a bid. Please note that all bids must be received at the designated location by the deadline shown . Bids received after deadline will be returned unopened and shall be considered void and unacceptable. Bids received by the deadline will be publicly opened at that time. Awards should be made approximately two weeks after bid opening date. To obtain results , or if you have any questions, please contact the Purchasing Agent for the City of Wylie, 442-2236, Ext. 204 . 4" INSTRUCTIONS/TERMS OF CONTRACT BID NO. 90-09 Sealed bids will be received for WATER/SEWER UTILITY SUPPLIES TO PROVIDE for art annual contract commencing on June lb , 1990 , and continuing for tcont.rHmiT1fhrP�niacldit.ional with r� option to renew the awarded twelve month period at the discretion of the City. Each. bid shall be placed in pFrsprrhving sealed the authority to manually signed in ink by on the bind the firm in a contract and marked clearly outside as outlined . IT IS UNDERSTOOD that the City reserves tael right produto accept or reject any and/or all bids for services covered in this bndbids11ertt�r�accept waive such bids as informalities or d it shall deem to be in the City' s best interest. .ALTERING BIDS: Bids cannot be altered or amended after submission deadlir►e• Any opening time initialedonv �}`p erasure made before signer of the bid, guaranteeing authenticity . WITHDRAWAL OF BID: A bid may not be it)ldrdawns orflcanceledlle by the bidder for a period of ninety date designated for hefreceipt r hof bids , and bidder so agrees upon submittal SALES TAX: The City isxb statute t.hereftrerthetbi.dapri�e Sales Tax and Federal Excise shall no include taxes . BID AWARD: The City reserveestherrightoup, d�oiawardee bids in in sections, by commodity class or the best interest of the City. CONTRACT: This bid, • when properly accepted by the City, shall constitute a contract equally binding between the successful bidder and the tpart Wfy of lt•his contract different withothe additional terms will b exception of a Change Order. E* 7 PAGE--2 CHANGE ORDERS: No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the term, conditions or specifications stated in the resulting contract . All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by the Purchasing Agent. IF DURING the life of the contract, the successful bidder' s net prices to other customers for supplies awarded herein are reduced below the contracted price, it is understood and agreed. that the benefits of such reduction shall be extended to the City of Wylie . DELIVERY CHARGES: All delivery and freight charges ( FOB storage sites) shall be included in the bid price. DELIVERY TIME: Bids shall show number of days required to deliver supplies at the City' s designated location. Failure to state delivery time may cause bid to be rejected. Successful bidder shall notify the Purchasing Agent immediately if delivery schedule cannot be met. If delay is foreseen , successful bidder shall give written notice to the Purchasing Agent. The City has the right to extend delivery time if reason appears valid . Successful bidder must keep the Purchasing Agent advised at all times of the status of the order. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No public official shall have interest in this contract, in accordance with Vernon' s Texas Codes Annotated, Local Government Code Title 5, Subtitled C, Chapter 171 . EXCEPTION/SUBSTITUTIONS: All bids meeting the intent of this invitation to bid will be considered for award. Bidders taking exception to the specifications, or offering substitutions , shall state these exceptions in the section provided or by attachment as part of the bid. The absence of such a list shall indicate that the bidder has not taken exceptions and shall hold the bidder responsible to perform in strict accordance with the specifications of the invitation. The City reserves the right to accept any and/or all/none of the exception ( s ) substitution ( s ) deemed to be in the best interest of the City . DESCRIPTION: Any reference to model and/or make/manufacturer used in hid specifications is descriptive, not restrictive. It is used to indicate the type and quality desired. PAGE--3 ADDENDA: Any interpretations, corrections or changes to this Invitation For Bid and Specifications will be made by addenda . Sole issuing authority of addenda shall be vested in the Purchasing Agent. Addenda will be mailed to all who are known to have received a copy of this Invitation to Bid . Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda . DESIGN, STRENGTH, QUALITY of materials and workmanship must, conform to the highest standards of manufacturing and engineering practice. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RESPONSIBLE PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: A prospective bidder must affirmatively demonstrate bidder' s responsibility. A prospective bidder must meet, the following requirements: 1 . have adequate financial resources, or the ability to obtain such resources as required; 2 . be able to comply with the required or proposed delivery schedule; 3 . have a satisfactory record of performance; 4 . have a satisfactory record of integrity and ethics; 5 . be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award . The City may request representation and other information sufficient to determine bidder' s ability to meet these minimum standards listed above. REFERENCES: The City requests bidder to supply, with this bid, a list of at least three ( 3) references where like services/products have been supplied by their firm. Include name of firm, address , telephone number and name of representative. BIDDER SHALL PROVIDE with the bid response, all documentation required . Failure to provide this information may result in rejection of bid. E PAGE--4 SUCCESSFUL BIDDER SHALL defr�d�ffidersif�Bentsnd save and employees ess the City of Wylie and all cr other claims of any character, from all suits , actions , name and description brought for or on account, of d by any aryon, persons , or propertyroneaccount ofsarynnegligent act or persons , or employee, fault of the successful bidder, or of any agent, subcontractor or supplier in the weiecutih onres, orfr�>m bid performance under, any contractany judgment with cost award . Successful bidder shall pay which may be obtained against the City growing out of such injury or damage. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: This contract shllremainnnin effect until contract expires , delivery/completion acceptance of products and/or servicer) yorders eddeornotice terminaredr by either party with a thirty to any cancellation. The successful bidder must state f therein the reasons for such cancellation. contract City yto next Wylie reserves the right lowest and best bidder as it deems to be in the best interest of the City . ight TERMINATION OF DEFAULT:e oTfhe thisty cont,racteir,tanyrmanr,ero enforce the performance of prescribed by law or deemed breac}�,be oridefaulbteof thisrcontract. the City in the event The City reserves t�Pvente right thetsuccessful terminate bidder contract to: immediately in theotherwise , 1 ) meetm neaccordance completion theseschedules , cification. Breach of perform in accordance contract or default authorizes crdrgettheofullrincreasetinr bidder, purchase elsewi cost and handling to the defaulting successful bidder. RIGHT TO PURCHASE ELSEWHERE: The City will not actively solicit bid, proposals , quotations or otherwise test the market solely for the. PutPor�sP�VecPth�`grightrtetive Purchase sources; however, th.. City any and/or all items covered price lo wer than contract the contract:.able Price from another source at a or if contract terms ( s) are not met.. he st of TESTING: Testing may be prmed at withouttexpenseeto thetCity. City, by an agent so designed, rin Test samples may be analYzfd at any rnished areeidunfull c}omplianaect period to assure products with specifications . PAGE--5 PATENTS COPYRIGHTS: The successful bidder agrees to protect the City from claims involving infringements of patents and/or copyrights. PURCHASE ORDER: A purchase order ( s) shall be generated by the City to the successful bidder. The purchase order number must appear on all itemized invoices and packing slips . The City of Wylie will not he held responsible for any orders placed/delivered without a valid current purchase order number. PACKING SLIPS or other suitable shipping documents shall accompany each shipment and shall show: (a) name and address of successful bidder, (b) name and address of receiving department and/or delivery location , (c) City of Wylie Purchase Order Number, and (d ) descriptive information as to the item ( s ) delivered , including product code, item number, quantity, number of containers , etc. PAYMENTS will be made upon receipt and acceptance by the City of all supplies ordered and receipt of a valid invoice, in accordance with the State of Texas Prompt Payment. Act, Article 601f V. T. C. S. PRODUCTS supplied under this contract shall be subject to the City' s approval . Supplies not meeting specifications shall be picked up and replaced by the successful bidder within one ( 1 ) week after notification at no expense to the City . If supplies not picked up within one ( 1 ) week after notification, the supplies will become a donation to the City for disposition. SAMPLES: When requested, samples shall be furnished free of expense to the City. WARRANTY: Successful bidder shall warrant that all supplies shall conform to the proposed specifications and/or all warranties as stated in the Uniform Commercial Code and he free from all defects in material , workmanship and title. REMEDIES: The successful bidder and the City agree that both parties have all rights , duties , and remedies available as stated in the Uniform Commercial Code. VENUE: This agreement will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas . This agreement is performable in Collin County, Texas . ASSIGNMENT: The successful bidder shall not sell , assign, transfer or convey this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the City. PAGE--6 SILENCE OF SPECIFICATION: The apparent silence of these specifications as to any detail or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail . All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement.. ANY QUESTIONS concerning this Invitation To Bid and Specifications should be directed to the Purchasing Agent, 442-2236 , ext. 204 . BID NO. 90-09 SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SHEETS It is the intent of the following specifications to describe the City' s minimum requirements for utility supplies to be used in the repair and/or installation of municipal water and sewer systems . All supplies shall be of domestic manufacture and shall meet or exceed applicable ANSI , ASTM and AWWA standards. The approximate annual usage, as listed on the bidsheet, does not constitute an order, but only implies the probable quantity the City will use, based on past experience. The City reserves the right to order supplies on an as needed basis . Bidder must fill in unit price, extension (unit price X usage) and lump sum total for each commodity group. GROUP 1 - COPPER PIPE AND FITTINGS DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Pipe, 3/4" , type K-soft 600 ft. Pipe, 1" , type K-soft 60 ft. _—_—__ Pipe, 1 1/2" , type K-soft 60 ft. Pipe, 2" , type K-soft 100 ft. _________ Pipe, 1 1/2" , type L-Hard 40 ft. Pipe, 2" , type L-Hard 40 ft. Adapter, 3/4" , Female 10 Ea. Adapter, 3/4" , Male 10 Ea . Adapter, 1 " , Female 5 Ea. Adapter, 1 1/2" , Female 5 Ea. _-_--_— _ Adapter, 2" , Female 6 Ea. Adapter, 2" , Male 5 Ea. Coupling, 2" 2 Ea.Coupling, 3/4" , Flare X M. I . P. 5 Ea. Coupling, 1" , Flare X F. I . P. 2 Ea. _________ Ell , 1 1/2" , 90 2 Ea. Ell, 2" 2 Ea. Reducer, 2" X 1" 4 Ea. Tee, 2" 2 Ea. Total : TOTAL: PAGE--2 GROUP 2 - PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS, POLYBUTYLENE PIPE DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Pipe 4" , C -900 , DR-18 100 f t. ___.. __________ Pipe 6" , C -900 , DR-18 60 ft. Pipe 8" , C. -900, DR-18 60 ft. Pipe 10" , C. -900 , DR-18 40 ft. Pipe 12" , C. -900 , DR-18 40 ft . Pipe 3/4" , Sched 40 120 ft. Pipe 2" , Sched 40 40 ft. Pipe 4" , Sched 40 100 ft. Pipe 4" , SDR-35 100 ft. __ _______ Pipe 6" , SDR-35 200 ft. Pipe 8" , SDR-35 20 ft. _~ Pipe 3/4" , Poly 100 ft. Pipe 1" , Poly 100 ft. Adapter, 1/2" Male Sched. 40 6 Ea . Adapter, 3/4" , Female, Sched. 40 35 Ea . Adapter, 3/4" , Male, Sched. 40 10 Ea . Adapter, 1" , Female, Sched. 40 4 Ea . ---~ Adapter, 1" , Male,Sched. 40 8 Ea. Adapter, 1 1/2" , Female, Sched. 40 2 Ea. Adapter, 1 1/2" , Male, Sched. 40 8 Ea. Adapter, 2" , Female, Sched. 40 6 Ea. Adapter, 2" , Male, Soiled . 40 24 Ea. Cap, 3/4" , Gasketed Sol:vent Weld 15 Ea. Cap, 2" , Gasketed Push-on 6 Ea. Cap, 4" , Gasketed Push-on for SDR-35 4 Ea. Cap, 6" , Gasketed Push-on for SDR-35 6 Ea. PAGE--3 (GROUP 2, CONT'D) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Coupling, 3/4" , Sched. 40 Solvent Weld 12 Ea. Coupling, 1" , Sched. 40 Solvent Weld 2 Ea. Coupling, 1 1/2" , Sched. 40 Solvent Weld 2 Ea. Coupling, 2" , Sched. 40 Solvent Weld 30 Ea. Coupling, 4" , Sched. 40 Solvent Weld 12 Ea . Coupling, 3/4" , Sched. 40 Compression 6 Ea. Coupling, 1 " , Sched. 40 Compression 4 Ea. Coupling, 1 1/2" , Sched. 40 Compression 4 Ea . Coupling, 2" , Sched. 40 Compression 12 Ea . Ell , 3/4" , Sched. 40 , 90 30 Ea. Ell , 2" , Sched. 40 24 Ea. Ell , 4" , 22 1/2 , SDR-35 Gasketed 12 Ea. Ell , 4" , 45, Gasketed 12 Ea. Ell , 4" , 90 , Gasketed 2 Ea. Ell , 4" , 45, Solvent Weld 6 Ea. Ell , 6" , 45 , Gasketed 2 Ea. Ell , 4" , 22 1/2 , Spigot X Hub 2 Ea. Ell , 4" , 45, Spigot X Hub 12 Ea. Reducer Bushing, 1 X 3/4" Sched. 40 6 Ea. Reducer, 1 X 1 1/4" , Sched. 40 2 Ea. Reducer, 1 1/2 X 3/4" , Sched. 40 6 Ea. Reducer, 1 1/2 X 1" , Sched. 40 16 Ea. _ Reducer, 2 X 3/4" , Sched. 40 2 Ea. _____ Reducer, 2 X 1" , Sched. 40 2 Ea. PAGE--4 (GROUP 2, CONT' D) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Reducer, 2 X 1" , Sched. 40 2 Ea. ---- --------- Reducer, 2 X 1 1/2" , Sched. 40 4 Ea . Tee, 2" Sched. 40, Compression 2 Ea. Tee, 3/4"Sched. 40 , Solvent Weld 24 Ea. Tee, 1 " Sched. 40, Solvent Weld 12 Ea. Tee, 2" ----- Sched . 40 , Solvent Weld 6 Ea . Tee, 4" Sched. 40 , Solvent Weld 2 Ea . Tee, 4" Sched. 40 , Solvent Weld 2 Ea . Wye, 4" ---- - Sched . 40 , Solvent Weld 8 Ea. Wye, 4" , SDR-35, Gasketed 10 Ea. TOTAL GROUP 3 - TAPPING SADDLES. BRONZE. DOUBLE STRAP. CC THREAD DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION 2" X 3/4" Saddle 3 Ea. 4" X 3/4" Saddle 3 Ea. 4" X 2" Saddle 1 Ea. 6" X 3/4" Saddle 2 Ea. 8" X 3/4" Saddle 7 Ea. 8" X 1" Saddle 4 Ea. ___ 8" X 1 1/2" Saddle 1 Ea. —___— 8" X 2" Saddle 2 Ea. 12" X 3/4" Saddle 1 Ea. TOTAL: PAGE--5 GROUP 4 - REPAIR CLAMPS DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Full Circle Clamps, C-900 O. D. Range, Single Stainless Band/Alloy Bolts, Gridded Gasket 2 X 6 F. C. Clamp 1 Ea. ______'__ 2 X 7 1/2 F. C. Clamp 1 Ea. 2 X 15 F. C. Clamp 1 Ea. 4 .X 15 F. C. Clamp 2 Ea. 6 X 12 1/2 F. C. Clamp 4 Ea. 6 X 15 F. C. Clamp 5 Ea . ___ _ __ 8 X 12 1/2 F. C. Clamp 3 Ea. 8 X 15 F. C. Clamp 5 Ea. 10 X 15 F. C. Clamp 1 Ea. Bell Joint Leak Clamps for Caulked and Push-On Joints, Ductile Iron Body, Alloy Bolts, Rubber Gasket: 4" Bell Joint Clamp 3 Ea . --------- 6" Bell Joint Clamp 2 Ea. M 8" Bell Joint Clamp 2 Ea. Patch Repair Clamps/Stainless/ Waffle Gasket/Plated Bolts (Redi-Clamp) : 1 X 6 Patch Clamp 4 Ea. 2 X 3 Patch Clamp 2 Ea. 2 X 6 Patch Clamp 4 Ea. TOTAL PAGE--6 GROUP 5 - BRONZE VALVES AND FITTINGS (Note: Compression Connections on Stops and Couplings Shall Be Crimp Ring Type Compression) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Coupling, 3/4" , Compression 4 Ea. Coupling, 1 " , Compression 4 Ea. Coupling, 1 1/2" , Compression 2 Ea. Coupling, 2" , Compression 4 Ea. Corporation Stop, 3/4" , Compression X CC. ' 14 Ea. Corporation Stop, 1 " , Compression X CC. 6 Ea. Corporation Stop. 1 1/2" , Compression X CC 2 Ea. Corporation Stop. 2" , Compression X CC: 6 Ea. Meter Adapter, 1 X 1 1/4" , 6 Ea. Meter Coupling, 3/4 X 2 1/2, Straight, I . P. X Swivel Nut 130 Ea. Meter Coupling, 3/4 X 3, Straight, I . P. X Swivel Nut 60 Ea. Meter Coupling, 3/4, Quarter Bend, I .P. X Swivel Nut 10 Ea. Angle Meter Stop, 3/4 F. I . P. X Meter Nut, Lockwing 10 Ea. Angle Meter Stop, 3/4" , Compr. X Meter Nut Lockwing 25 Ea. Angle Meter Stop, 1 " , Compr. X Meter Nut Lockwing 5 Ea. Angle Meter Stop, 1 1/2" , Compr. X Flange Lockwing 6 Ea. Angle Meter Stop, 2" , Compr. X Flange Lockwing 6 Ea. _ PAGE--7 (GROUP 5, CONT'D) Locking Device for 3/4" Meter Stop (J-288 or Equiv. ) 125 Ea. Locking Device for 1" Meter Stop (J--288 or Equiv. ) 10 Ea. Gate Valve, 3/4" , Non-Rising Stem, Solid Wedge, F. I .P. 12 Ea . _________ Curb Stop, 3/4" , F. I . P. X Flare Nut 10 Ea. Gate Valve, 1 " , Non-Rising Stem Solid Wedge F. I . P. 8 Ea. TOTAL faltQUP_E_-_-__IILICELLANESIIIIATERZBEIER_IRLETILIE5 DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Flexible Couplings , Rubber, Stainless Steel Bands : 4" PVC To Clay Coupling 30 Ea. 6" PVC To Clay Coupling 12 Ea. 4" PVC To PVC Coupling 30 Ea . _______,____ 6" PVC To PVC Coupling 6 Ea . 10" PVC To PVC Coupling 2 Ea. 1/2" X 5 Steel Coupling (Dresser) 1 Ea. 3/4" X 5 Steel Coupling (Dresser) 12 Ea. 1" X 5 Steel Coupling (Dresser) 3 Ea . 1 1/2" X Steel Coupling (Dresser) 1 Ea. 2" X 5 Steel Coupling (Dresser) 6 Ea. 6"X 5 Steel Coupling (Dresser) 2 Ea . 8" ( Steel Coupling (Dresser) 1 Ea. PAGE--8 (GROUP 6, CONT'D) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION 3/4" Galv. Coupling, I . I . P. 6 Es. 1" Galv. Coupling, I . I .P. 2 Ea. 1 1/2" Galv. Coupling, I . I .P. 2 Ea. 2" Galv. Coupling I . I .P 2 Ea. 2" Galv. Ell , I . I .P. 4 Ea . _-- 3/4 X 4" Galv. Nipple 10 Ea. 3/4 X 2" Gaiv. Nipple 12 Ea. 1 X 2" Galv. Nipple 4 Ea . 1 X 3" Galv. Nipple 2 Es. 1 X 4" Galv. Nipple 6 Ea. 2" X Close Gaiv. Nipple 6 Ea . 2 X 4" Galv. Nipple 4 Ea . 2 X 6" Galv. Nipple 12 Ea . 3/4 X 1/2" Gaiv. Reducer, Hex Bushing 8 Ea. 1 X 1/2" Galv. Reducer, Hex Bushing 2 Ea. 1 1/2 X 1" Galv. Reducer, Hex Bushing 2 Ea. 2 X 1" Gaiv. Reducer, Hex Bushing 2 Ea . 1" Galv. Street Ell . , 90 2 Ea. 2" Galv. Street Ell . , 90 2 Ea. 3/4" Galv. Tee, I . I . P. 2 Ea. 3/4" Galv. Union 2 Ea. 4" Gland Pac, M.J . 3 Ea. 6" Gland Pac, M.J . 3 Ea. 8" Gland Pac, M. J . 20 Ea. 4" Flanged M.J. Adapter, Ductile Iron w/Access . 2 Ea . 6" Flanged M.J . Adapter, Ductile Iron w/Access. 2 Ea. 8" Flanged M.J . Adapter, Ductile Iron w/Access . 4 Ea. /00 PAGE--9 (GROUP - 6, CONT'D) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Rubberized PVC Sewer Saddle Tee (DFW - 4T or Equivalent) 20 Ea. Plastic Lateral Clean-Out (ATL - 1504 or Equiv. ) 20 Ea. TOTAL GROUP 7 - METER BOXES AND LOCKS DESCRIPTION USAGE UNIT COST EXTENSION Residential Meter Box, Plastic with Reading Lid 75 Ea. Jumbo Meter Box, Plastic with Reading Lid 10 Ea. Reading Lid (Only) For Residential Box 75 Ea. Galvanized Meter Box --- 18 X 14 with Cast Iron Ring and Cover #34A 20 Ea. Barrel Lock for 5/8 X 3/4 Meter (Brooks #8509910 or Equiv. ) 300 Ea. TOTAL • /0/ PAGE--10 LIST MANUFACTURER (S) OF SUPPLIES IN EACH SUPPLY GROUP_ GROUP 1 : GROUP 2: GROUP 3: GROUP 4 : GROUP 5: GROUP 6: GROUP 7 : Deliverty shall be within days after receipt of an order. The City currently has in inventory certain surplus water and sewer utility supplies which the City desires to dispose of . Will the bidder negotiate with the City to issue credit for this unused stock, or purchase same from the City? Bidder Reply: _ • BIDDER NAME AND ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE /61 at BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER FOR YOUR BID TO BE CONSIDERED. 1 . Article IX Section 5 Personal Financial Interest of the City Charter states in part that "no officer of employee of the City shall have a financial interest , direct or indirect, in any contract with the city, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the city of any land, materials, supplies or service. " . Is the bidder or any person having a direct or indirect financial interest in the bidder, an officer or employee of the City? If yes, please identify the person or persons anc the enact nature of the interest. Is the bidder or any officer or manager of the bidder related to a Manager of any City department, any employee of the City Purchasing Department, City Manager, or any member of the City Council ? If yes. please identify the relationship between the bidder and the City. Signature Title Company Name Address 7©3 BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED FOP: YOUR BID TO SE CONSIDERED. House Bill 620 Municipal Contracts: Non-resilient Bidders. New law of the State of Texas 69th Legislative Regular Session prohibits cities and other governmental units from awarding contracts to a non-resident bidder unless the amount of such bid is lower than the lowest bid by the Texas resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders state. In order to make this determination, please answer the following questions: 1 . Give the address and pnone number of your principal place of business. Give the name, address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s majority owner. 3. Give the name address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s ultimate parent company. 4. If in any of your answers to number 1, 2. or 70 above, the answer indicated a principal place of business other than within the State of Texas, you are required to provide a copy of all relevant laws applicable to non-resident bidders in the other jurisdiction. Failure to supply this information may result in the rejection of your bid. Signature Title Company Name & Address 7°C GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING READ CAREFULLY 1. INSTRUCTIONS: These instructions apply to all quotations and become a part of terms and conditions of • any bid submitted unless bidder takes exception in writing when submitting quotations . 2. FORM: Quotations must be submitted on this form only, in duplicate, unless otherwise stated. 3. BID RETURNS: Each bid must be sealed in a separate envelope, addressed to the Purchasing Agent , City of Wylie, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098. 4. LATE BIDS: Bids must be in the Finance Department' s office prior to the closing date and time. No late bids will be accepted. 5. ACCEPTANCE: The right is reserved to accept or reject all or part of the Quotation, and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City by item or total bid. 6. ERROR-QUANTITY: Bids must be submitted on units of quantity specified - extend and show total. In the event of discrepancies in extension, the unit prices shall govern. Any suggestions as to quantity to secure a better price are welcome. 7. F.O.B. - DAMAGE: Quotations shall be bid F.O.B. Delivered, City Hall, 2001 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 and shall include all delivery and packaging costs. The City of Wylie assumes no liability for goods delivered in damaged or unacceptable condition. The successful bidder shall handle all claims with carriers, and in case of damaged goods, shall ship replacement goods immediately upon notification by the City of damage. 8. FIRM PRICES: Bid prices must be firm for a minimum of 90 days from date of bid closing. In the case of Annual Contract Request for Quotations, the prices must remain firm for the period as specified on the bid. "Discount from List" bids are not acceptable unless specifically requested. 9. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Bids MUST show full firm name and address of bidder , and be manually signed. Failure //1.045; to do so will disqualify bid. Person signing bid must show title or AUTHORITY TO BIND HIS FIRM IN A CONTRACT. Firm name and authorised signature should appear on each page of a bid consisting of more that one sheet . 10. WITHDRAWAL - ALTERATION OF BIDS: Bids CANNOT be altered or amended after bid closing. Alterations made before bid closing must initiated by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. No bid may be withdrawn after bid closing without acceptable reason in writing and with the approval of the Director of Finance. 11 . INVOICES: Invoices must be submitted by the successful bidder in duplicate to the City of Wylie, Finance Department, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098. Successful bidder will bill by fund and department and give detailed list of charges by department when invoicing the City in accordance with City requirements. 12. CASH DISCOUNTS: Normal payment terms are Net 30 . Any discounts available to the City for early payment should be noted. Discounts may be considered in determining low bid. 13. TAXES: The City of Wylie is exempt from Federal Manufacturer's ' Excise, and State Sales Taxes. TAX MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN BID. Tax exemption certificates will be executed by the City and furnished upon request. 14. SPECIFICATIONS - SAMPLES: Any catalogue, brand name, or manufacturer' s reference in the Request for Quotation is descriptive and NOT restrictive, and is used to indicate type and quality level desired for alternates if unable to bid on items listed. Bid on brands of like nature and quality may be considered unless specifically excluded. If bidding on other than reference or specifications, bid must show manufacturer brand, trade name, catalog and/or lot number, etc. , on article offered, and certify article offered is equivalent to specifications. If other than specified brands of items are offered, specifications, illustrations and complete descriptive literature must be submitted with bid unless previously filed with the Finance Director. Samples, if required shall be furnished free of expense to the City and if not used or destroyed in examination and testing will be returned to the bidder, if requested, at the bidder's expense. Each sample must be marked with bidder' s name and address and Bid Number reference. SAMPLES SHOULD NOT BE ENCLOSED WITH BID. 497 15. DELIVERY PROMISE - PENALTIES: Quotations MUST show the number of calendar days required to place the materials in the possession of the City. DO NOT quote shipping dates. Failure to specify delivery item will obligate Bidder to COMPLETE delivery in TWO (2) weeks. A minimum of five days better delivery promise will automatically break a tie bid. Unrealistically short or undue long delivery promises may cause the bid to be disregarded. Consistent failure of a Bidder to meet his delivery promises without valid reason may cause removal from the Bid List. When delivery delay can be foreseen, the bidder shall give prior notice to the Finance Director, who shall have the right to extend the delivery date if reasons for delay appear acceptable. The bidder must keep the Finance Director advised at all times as to the Status of the order. Default in promised delivery, without acceptable reasons, or failure to meet specifications, authorises the Finance Director to purchase the goods elsewhere, and charge any increase in cost and handling to the defaulting bidder. Every effort will be made by the Finance Department to locate the goods at the same or better price as that originally contracted. 16. PACKAGING: Unless otherwise indicated, items will be new unused and in first class condition in containers suitable for damage-free shipment and storage. 17. DELIVERY TIMES: Deliveries will be acceptable only during normal working hours, ie; 8:00 A. M. to 5:O0 P.M. , Monday through Friday, at the designated City Municipal Facilities. 18. TIE BIDS: Consistent and continued tie bidding on any commodity could be caused for rejection of all bids by the Finance Director and/or investigation by the Attorney-General to determine possible Anti-Trust violations. 19. PATENT RIGHTS: The vendor agrees to protect the City from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 20. NO BID: Quotation forms must be returned at once if bidder is unable to quote. 21. BID EVALUATION: All bids are evaluated for compliance • with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specification is primary in determining the best, low bid. /OV IflfoRfflRL REpoRrs /0 ? ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1990 TTRIS :CAST :SAME MO. Z. THIS YR. :LAST YR. : X. :MONTH MONTH +/- LAST YR. +1- TO DATE :TO DATE +/- TOTAL CALLS 122 96 862 ANIMALS PICKED UP LIVE 31 44 375 (IMPOUNDED) ANIMALS DIED IN KENNEL 1 0 12 ANIMALS PICKED UP DEAD 13 8 80 • ANIMAL BITE REPORTS 2 2 12 ANIMAL OBSERVATIONS 1 0 9 ANIMALS TAKEN TO GARLAND HUMANE SOCIETY 46 19 270 NN ANIMALS CLAIMED BY OWNER 3 10 49 O ANIMALS ADOPTED CASH RECEIPTS 502.00 359.00 4,307.00 REGISTRATIONS 57 11 137 CITATIONS ISSUED CITATION $ AMOUNT (RPPX. ): : 0 p 240 MILES TRAVELED : 900 : 800 : 4,705 ANIMALS EUTHRNIZED ; 0 - 2 - - - - 10 - - PREPARED BY: KEVIN MATHEWS DATE: MAY 31, 1990 DATE: May 15, 1990 TO: CHARLES NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROSANNE BURGESS, LIBRARY DIRECTOR RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1990 CIRCULATION: ADULT 837 JUVENILE 1413 LARGE PRINT 14 PAPERBACKS 51 CASSETTES 96 VIDEOS 1138 7 DAY REFERENCE 12 INTERLIBRARY LOAN 28 MAGAZINES 10 CAMERAS 2 TOTAL 3601 REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUED 163 CARDS TO DATE 8439 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 157 /// DATE: June 1, 1990 TO: CHARLES NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROSANNE BURGESS, LIBRARY DIRECTOR RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1990 CIRCULATION: ADULT 907 JUVENILE 1176 LARGE PRINT 19 PAPERBACKS 61 CASSETTES 70 VIDEOS 1029 7-DAY REFERENCE 20 TYPEWRITER 1 INTERLIBRARY LOAN 62 MAGAZINES 7 TOTAL 3352 (Average 135 per day) REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUED 149 CARDS ISSUED TO DATE 8588 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 143 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, (11/10AA.A.0_,a ROSANNE BURGESS, DIRECTOR // 2 V ill" pie CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, FINANCE DIRECTO DATE: MAY 25, 1990 RE: LITIGATION STATUS OF DELINQUENT TAX AND BANKRUPTCY THE FOLLOWING PAGES DELINEATE THE STATUS OF THE SEVENTY-ONE (71 ) CASES INVOLVING 126 ACCOUNTS REGARDING DELINQUENT TAX SUITS TOTALING (BASE AMOUNT ONLY) $78, 635. 07. ADDITIONALLY, THERE ARE CURRENTLY EIGHTEEN ( 18) CASES IN SOME FORM OF THE BANKRUPTCY PROCESS INVOLVING THIRTY-TWO (32) ACCOUNTS TOTALING (BASE AMOUNT ONLY) $17, 843. 07 . BASE AMOUNTS EXCLUDE PENALTIES, INTEREST AND LEGAL COLLECTION COSTS. TOTAL AMOUNT IN LITIGATION (BASE AMOUNT ONLY) $96, 478. 14 . /73 • CITY OF WYLIE DELINQUENT TAX INFORMATION LITIGATION STATUS REPORT 5;18;90 DEFENDANT DCAD ACCOUNT NO. CASE NO. BASE AMOUNT STATUS ARMSTRONG, GARY 684900003701 366-2448-89 PAID � i i Suit filed 1�, 19, 89. Defendant served 1989-$1, 646.52 1;11;90 . Amended petition to include 1989 taxes only. Letter to collect taxes and court costs . BAMBICO, EDWARD D. 503000041801 366-1442-89 1988-$71. 52 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90. BENNETT, DALE 502000009401 296-913-89 1985-$103.93 Suit filed 6;22;89 . Installment payment .,k 1986-$97. 69 agreement completed 4;2;90. 1989 taxes 1987-$91.21 and court costs paid. Motion and Order 1988-89.13 for Dimissal submitted. Dismissal granted 4;9;90. Close out 4;17;90 . BUCKLEY, CAROL GAMBOTH 502000002301 366-150-90 1983-$31.31 Suit filed 1;31;90. Defendant located 1984-$30 .71 and in process of being served. 1985-$38.49 1986-$35.00 1987-$30 . 36 1988-$25. 36 1989-$18.12 C B A ENTERPRISES R602200000601 219-2312-89 1988-$1, 936. 18 Suit filed 11;29;89. Amended petition INCORPORATED 1989-$2, 092 .84 filed to include second account. Morrow R602200000691 1988-$15. 60 served. Service defective. Petition 1989-$16 . 89 amended second time to serve Bobby Abbott. Mr. Abbott contacted by phone; he will make payment in full in June. CLARK, GERALD R205200G00401 296-2313-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served 1989-$588.46 12;16;89. Answer filed. Letter sent to collect court costs and 1989 taxes. DANIELS, KEVIN M502000007121 219-825-89 1985-$109 .25 Intervention filed 12;19;89. Trying to locate. DUNN, GEORGE K. DBA GALAXY 900028506151 296-153-90 1985-$122 .50 Suit filed 1;31;90. Non-suit submitted. SATELLITE SYSTEMS EHRICH, TOM DBA WYLIE TV & CB P900028332951 296-185-88 1983-$196 .00 Suit filed 1;28;88. Defendant served. Partial payment of tax by new owner. Affidavit for hearing sent to Wylie. First Amended Petition submitted to include another account. Judgment signed 4;25;89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;19;89. Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc Li\ signed. Sent A.J. recorded and Writ sent to Constable. MICHAEL D. FLORENCE, INC. DBA P900027032961 219-105-89 1985-$110.25 Suit filed 1;30;89. Served 3;1;89. WYLIE SPORTS CENTER Judgment signed 4/25/89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;19;89. Requested corrected Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution. FORRESTER, RICK 443200001101 366-1382-89 1986-$120.05 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90. 1987-$110 .25 FRANK, RAYMOND L. R118100001401 219-2316-89 1988-$801.92 Suit filed 11,29;89. Defendant served 12;16;89. Letter to collect court costs and taxes. FUSLER, ROBERT M503000057401 219-872-89 1987-$83.08 Intervention filed 12;28,89. Letter 1988-$81.19 to collect court costs and taxes. GREEN BILL DBA CIRCLE W 900028602011 199-155-90 1986-$98. 00 Suit filed 1;31;90. AUTOMOTIVE & BILL GREEN DBA WYLIE AUTOMOTIVE 900027023131 1985-$49.00 HAND, BARRY 503000011701 366-1946-89 1987-$86. 95 Plea of Intervention filed 366-1946-89. 1988-$84 .55 Judgment submitted 5;16;90. . HEMINGWAY, TIMOTHY R118000100701 296-101-89 PAID Suit filed 1;30;89. Defendant served R118000101401 PAID 3;29;89. Title search ordered. Letter and statement to N.C.N.B. for payment of court costs and title search fees. Title search fees only outstanding costs. JACOBSON, RAY 503000034201 366-1446-89 1987-$133 .47 Intervention filed 4;2;90. Letter sent 1988-$118 . 34 for court costs and taxes. 1989-$121.91 JOHNSON, LINDA 502000010301 219-00148-90 1985-$94 .67 Suit filed 1;31;90. 1986-$88.99 KANE, STEPHEN 503000068701 366-1486-89 1987-$93 .37 Intervention filed 4;2;90 . 1988-$90.79 1989-$93 . 01 KENNEDY, MARCI 503000029101 366-1425-89 1987-$104 .79 Intention filed 4;6;90. Judgment 1988-$102 .84 submitted 5;16;90. 1989-$106. 42 KITTS, LAWRENCE 503000009301 366-1737-89 1987-$98. 80 Intervention filed 3;28;90. Judgment submitted 5;16;90 . N3NKREYMER, DONALD P. R1169005009B1 219-123-89 PAID Statements sent to American Title Co. 1987-$66 .96 Sale not closed. Amended petition to 1988-$83.01 include Banc One, Inwood National Bank, 1989-$87 . 62 and Willow Bend National Bank. Bank One served 4;6;90 . R116600800901 1984-$67 . 35 Title search ordered. Statements sent to 1987-$64 .93 American Title. Sale not closed and 1988-$87 .05 petition amended to include lienholders, 1989-$92 .75 Bank One and Centennial . R167500100401 PAID Paid by TCB. 1989-$1, 087 .07 R167500200401 1987-$322 .15 Petition amended to include Willow 1988-$330 .20 Bend National Bank, lienholder. 1989-$357 .59 KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100700401 296-121-89 1987-PAID Sold to Richard Elisha. Statement sent 1989-PAID 3;9;90 . Paid by Danny Holley 5;90. R190100101401 PAID Richard Eckman current owner. 1989-$510 .90 R190100200901 1987-$90 .00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988-$92 . 25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 R190100201401 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988-$92 .25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100301401 296-102-89 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 366-1904-89 1988-$92 .25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 .90 Inc., and Willow Bend National Bank. Set for hearing 6;19;90. \v R190100301601 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 .25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301701 1987-$90 . 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301801 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 .25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 .90 Inc. and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301901 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 . 90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100100401 219-100-89 1987-$90 . 00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92 .25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-'$99 . 90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and • Stancraft Homes Inc. Willow Bend served. R190100100701 1987-$90.00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92 .25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. R190100100801 1987-$90.00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$99.90 Inc . , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. D. KREYMER INC. R11660020R101 219-120-89 • 1986-$35.20 Amended petition to 1987-$540.47 Holtwick, First State nBank eWylie, Bank 1988-$635.98 One, and Willow Bend National Bank on 1989-$688.72 3;27;90. Willow Bend served. R128200101101 PAID Paid by First 1989-$111.00 on 1!31,i90 State Bank, Wylie, R167500200101 1988-$382.48 Stewart Title paid 1986 and 1 1989-$414.20 Petition amended to include Bank•One. Bank One served 4;4;90. R1156012070A1 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie 1989-$111.00 on 1;31;90 . DON KREYMER INTEREST INC. R668800419701 199-119-89 1984-$17 .15 Petition amended to include onlyone 1987-$17 .50 property. 1988-$17 .94 1989-$19 .43 DON KREYMER DBA DON KREYMER P900027032221 296-118-89 REAL ESTATE, INC. 1987-$15.00 Judgment submitted 1;29;90. Abstract of 1988-$29.21 Judgment and Writ ordered. Writ sent to Constable and Abstract of Judgment filed 3;22;90. D. KREYMER INC. R224900B00201 219-1992-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. R224900B00301 PAID Order granted 4 �, 2, 90. Close out 4;17;90. D. KREYMER INC. R224900F00101 219-1996-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion R224900F00201 Order for Non-Suit submitted 3/27/90. PAID Order granted 4;2;90. Close out 4 i DONALD P. KREYMER , 17, 90 . R626600002191 219-1995-89 1988-$482 . 47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a statement has been sent for taxes. R626600002101 1983-$45.47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a 1984-$272 .56 statement has been sent for taxes. 1986-$57.40 1988-$223.25 1989-$2, 315. 50 R684100001001 - PAID Singletary Corp. 1989-PAID g � 9 current owner. Taxes paid 4, 2,'90. R1156008039D1 1988-$125.15 1989-$131.61 R129200103501 1988-$82 .00 1989-$88. 80 R116400201201 1985-$230. 31 1986-$238.42 1987-$272.58 1988-$276. 62 1989-$269. 95 D. KREYMER INC. R224900D00601 366-1994-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. ' Motion R224900E00501 and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. PAID Non-Suit 3;28!90. Close-out 4 i 13, 90. D. KREYMER INC. R224900I00101 296-1993-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion R224900I00201 and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. PAID Order granting Non-Suit 3/29/90. Close-out 4;2;90. CANTING, JERRY J. R211400A00101 366-2314-89 PAID Suit filed. Defendant served 12;18;89. • • 1989-$924 .72 Petition amended to include 1989. MAR-PAM I INC. 662900000801 296-42-90 1986-$3, 146.19 Suit filed 1; i 1987-$3 210.40 2i � 11, 90. Defendant served , 22, 90. Statement to Dale McCullough, 1988-$3,290.66 current owner. Petition amended to 1989-$3, 118.10 include two other accounts. 662900000101 1986-$734.61 1987-$749.60 1988-$713.48 1989-$579.49 605600001701. 1986-$1.49 1987-$152 .00 1988-$113.90 1989-$92 .51 MOOREHEAD, CHARLES 503000064201 366-1485-89 1987-$121.37 Plea of Intervention filed i 3, -vim Judgment submitted 5/16!90. 28'90. MURPHY, ROBERT 503000039401 366-1441-89 1987-$104 .79 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90. Judgment submitted 5/16;90. MYCO READY MIX INC. , DBA R602200000501 219-132-89 1987-$1, 836.41 filed i i MYCO CONCRETE ET AL Intervention12, 2 8, 8 9. P900028600181 1988-$2, 125.42 1987-$2, 740.00 1988-$2, 808. 50 1989-$2, 418.69 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700000501 366-2306-89 1987-580.53 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R205700000601 1988-$82. 54 12,/27/89. Defendant filed answer 1987-$76.50 12,/28,/89. R205700000701 1988-$78.41 1987-$76.50 R205700000801 1988-$78.41 1987-$76.50 R205700000901 1988-$78.41 1987-$78.41 R205700001001 1988-$82.25 R2057000011A1 1988-$128.13 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700002501 219-2300-89 1988-$82 .00 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R205700002601 1988-$82.00 12;18;89. R205700002701 1988-$82 .00 R205700002801 1988-$82 .00 R205700002901 1988-$82 .00 R205700003001 1988-$82.00 R205700003101 1988-$82 .00 R205700003201 1988-$82 .00 R205700003301 1988-$84 . 38 R205700003401 1988-$721.10 MYRAN CORPORATION R2057000012A1 199-2307-89 1988-$128.13 Suit filed 11;29;89 . Defendant served R205700001401 1988-$128.13 12;18;89 . R205700001501 1988-$128 .13 R205700001601 1988-$76. 88 R205700001901 1988-$82 .00 R205700002001 1988-$82 .00 R205700002101 1988-$82 .00 MYRAN CORPORATION R668800219201 219-2308-89 1988-$384.84 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R668800219301 1988-$460 .48 12;18;89. R668800200201 1988-$2, 504 .81 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H022B1 296-2301-89 1988-$61 . 50 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R208400H023A1 1988-$61. 50 12;18;89 . R208400I002A1 1988-$61 .50 R208400I002B1 1988-$61. 50 R208400I003A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400I005A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400I005B1 1988-$61. 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400E01701 199-2303-89 1988-$82 .50 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R208400H012A1 1988-$61. 50 12;18;89. R208400H012B1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H014A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H014B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H015A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H015B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H017B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018B1 1988-$61.50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H019A1 219-2304-89 1988-$61. 50 Suit filed 11;29;89 . Defendant served R208400H019B1 1988-$61.50 12;27;89. Defendant filed answer R208400H020A1 1988-$61.50 12;28;89. R208400H020B1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H021A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H021B1 1988-$61.50 NARLOCK, TOD 503000026201 366-1994-89 1987-$76.60 Intervention filed 3;28;90 . Judgment 1988-$74.27 submitted 5/16/90. N\ PAYNE, BILLY JACK DBA BILLY P900027031711 296-190-88 1983-$122. 50 Suit filed 1;28;88. Citation returned JACK AUTO SALES unexecuted. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 1;6;89. V Defendant served by certiied mail 1/28/89. Petition amended to include another account. Judgment signed 4;25;89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;2 5;8 9. POWELL, HAROLD 503000044101 366-1747-89 1987-$126.56 Suit filed 4;2;90 . Judgment submitted 1988-$112.91 5;16;90. 1989-$116.84 REECE, JOHN 502000005501 199-914-89 1982-$43 .82 Suit filed 6;22;89. Tax year 1982 has 366-1459-89 1985-$102.69 been paid in full and an installment 1986-$98.32 payment agreement beginning 8;31;89 has 1987-$91.41 been arranged for payment of balance. 1988-$89.12 Defendant defaulted on agreement. 1989-$103 .93 Petition amended to update amounts and case set for hearing 5;16;90. Tax and court costs paid. Dismissal submitted. 1 RODRIGUEZ, TONY M502000003601 296-1003-88 1986-$74 . 29 1987-$67 Suit filed 7;18;88. Citation returned .14 unexecuted, q Re uested court to reissue citation and serve at new address. Defen- dant served 2;24;89. Information about repossession requested from F.D.I.C. Neither F.D.I.C. nor Royal National Bank, successor to American Bank of Palestine, can find any record of mobile home repossessed by bank. Tax and 1982 for this account haveys norname81 listed. Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 show Roberts as owner. Affidavit to Wylie for tax ROSE, JOHNNY years 1986 and 1987. 502000007911 199-147-90 1985-$66. 35 Suit filed 1/ i 1986-$62 .07 . 31, 90 . SMITH, JOHN 1987-$56.79 502000009101 199-151-90 1985-$103. 93 Suit filed 1;31;90• STATEN, RONNIE R. 1986'$97.69 M502000003011 199-1007-88 1983-$60.94 Suit filed 7i18�� 1984-$62.05 88• Citation returned W 1985-$81.41 unexecuted. Defendant located, but says he rented and did not own mobile home. 198 -$77. 63 1987-$56. 03 Current owner of mobile home says he home from Staten and is forwarding contracted of sale. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 2;7;89. Defendant served 3;10;89. Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. Judgment signed 7;28!89. Abstract of Judgment filed. Writ sent to Constable. agreement set upPayment for TAYLOR, GLORIA 443200007501 Staten. First payment received. 219-152-90 1987-$111 .75 1988-$99 .29 Sui i filed 1;31;90 . Defendant served 3, 2, 90. Payment agreement to begin 4!15;90. First and second payments received. THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301502501 366-2310-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301502601 PAID 1/5/90. R227301502701 PAID R227301502801 PAID R227301502901 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301201001 199-2311-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301201101 PAID 1/5/90. R227301201201 PAID R227301201301 PAID R227301201401 PAID R227301201501 PAID R227301201601 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301100101 296-2309-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89 . Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301100201 PAID 1;5;90. R662900001301 1988-$65. 60 Beckham says this property sold to Stanley Moussa. C.C.A.D. shows 1989 in name of Dale McCullough. Statement to McCullough 3;26;90. THOMAS, JOHN 503000066301 366-1484-89 1987-$140.15 Intervention filed 3/28/90. THOMPSON, CHARLES 503000059601 366-1483-89 1987-$88. 62 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90. 1988-$86.61 TUCKER, DAVID 443200006101 199-911-89 1986-$132 .43 Suit filed 6;22;89. Installment payments 366-1458-89 1987-$121.62 being made. Defendant defaulted on 1988-$108.29 agreement and case set for hearing 5;16;90. 1989-$111.82 Judgment submitted 5!16;90. TUNNELL, MARTHA 503000044301 366-1444-89 PAID Intervention filed 3;28;90. Mortgage company paid. U-NAME-IT FLOORS 900028507411 296-149-90 1985-$171. 50 Suit filed 1;31/90. 1986-$49.00 UPTHAGROVE, KEITH 443200004501 366-1729-89 1987-$117 .45 1988-$115.03 1989-$118.78 WALKER, GREG 443200011501 219-915-89 1986-$132 .43 Suit filed 6;22;89. 1987-$121.6.2 WILSON, JACK M503000016101 219-831-89 1987-$107 .16 Intervention filed. 1988-$104 .72 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 1 626600002401 366-1736-89 1986-$1, 696.88 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1987-$1, 805.56 1988-$1, 850.70 1989-$1, 150.24 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 2 626600002301 366-1420-89 1986-$1, 897 .52 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1987-$1,790.32 1988-$1, 835.07 • 1989-$1, 140.53 WYLIE OPRY, GEORGE RILEY & P900028509831 199-104-89 1985-$24 .50 Suit filed 1/30/89. Statement of tax and CLARA RILEY 1986-$24.50 court costs due sent to Defendant . 1987-$25.00 Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. 1988-$25.63 Set for hearing 6;30;89. Hearing for .aV Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc set 9;17;89. Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution received. Writ sent to Constable. CITY OF WYLIE BANKRUPTCY CASES 5;18;90 DEBTOR CASE NO. ACCOUNT NO. COMMENTS CHARLES S. & DEBRA K. 389-37905-RCM-13 229100000101 1988-$505.40 Proof of Claim - 1/31;90. ANDERHUB 1989-$802. 39 THOMAS & THERESA BURRIS 88-40271-13 502000008711 1986-$94 .93 Amended Proof of Claim - 8;24;88 1987-$87 .42 Installment payments being made 1988-$84 .76 by debtor directly to city. CONNER HOME SALES 87-01708-MO4 503000027801 1987-$92.74 Proof of Claim - 5/4/89 . CORPORATION Chapter 7 503000034901 1987-PAID No discharge as of 3;1;90 . 1988-$104 .72 NCUSTOM BUILDING 89-40318-7 900028506171 1987-$375.00 Proof of Claim - 3;22;89. SUPPLY INC. 1988-$384 . 38 No discharge as of 3;1;90. RICHARD MAX DUNCAN, II 388-36464-HCA-7 205200F01601 1987-$125.00 Proof of Claim - 3;16;89. D,'B;A MACKEY/DUNCAN HOMES 205200E00901 1987-$120.00 Bankruptcy closed. AND DEANNA LAVONNE DUNCAN A;K;A DEANNA LAVONNE WICKHAM A;K;A DEANNA LAVONNE ROBSON EDWARD ELLIOTT AND 387-36437-SAF-13 503000053501 1987-$161.82 Claim for Administrative Expense LOU ANN ELLIOTT 1988-$126.75 filed 3;22;89. JOSEPH L GEORGE 87-01296-7 127500200701 PAID Discharge letter sent 4/24/89 for three outstanding accounts. JOHNSTON, INC. , DBA 89-41137-11 116900700601 1988-$3,248.00 Proof of Claim - 8;21;89 JOHNSTON'S FASHION FOR 116900700101 1988-$192.19 CHILDREN THE LIGHTING CENTER, INC. 388-31360-HCA-11 P900028421781 1986-$375.79 Proof of Claim - 5;5;88 1987-$383.46 Converted to Chapter 7 . q ELLIS MERWORTH AND WIFE 388-33025-HCA-7 P900028507541 PAID SUSAN MERWORTH Debts have been discharged. MINERAL WOOL INSULATION 385-30709-F-11 MANUFACTURING CO Sales & U proof of claim. 4;16;86. STANLEY A MOUSSA 387-31820-HCA-11 662900000101 1986-$734 .61 Proof of claim 8;19;87. 1987-$749.60 Claim for Administrative Expense 1988-$713.48 filed 5;8;89 for 1988 taxes. 1169011001C1 1986-$117.65 1169011001A1 1986-$721 . 38 116600500901 PAID 115600200501 1986-$1, 380. 84 PAID 605600001701 1986-$1.49 1987-$152 .00 1988-$113.90 CNN BUILDING CO INC 87-00309-BKC-HA No discharge as of 3;1;90. Chapter 7 150301101701 1985-$22. 05 Account now listed Larry Seal. 150301101501 1986-$73. 50PAID 150300401601 PAID 150300401501 PAID 150300401401 PAID 150300401301 PAID 150300401201 PAID 150200601601 PAID 150200601401 1985-$73 . 50 Account now listed Leonard E. 187801300401 PAID Muller Inc. 187801301101 PAID 187801300301 1986-PAID Account now listed Robert J. Nix. 1987-PAID 187801300201 1986-PAID 187801300101 PAID 187801202801 PAID 187801202401 PAID 187801202201 PAID 187801202001 PAID 187801201901 PAID 187801201801 PAID 187801201601 PAID 187800902801 PAID 187800902601 PAID 187800902301 PAID 187800902201 PAID 187800901701 PAID 187800801001 PAID 187800202501 PAID MICHAEL MURRY 88-42153-7 187800903001 1987-$90.00 Proof of Claim - 3;24;89 . 1988-$92 .25 No discharge as of 3;1;90 . JOAN E. REYNOLDS 388-36404-RCM-13 503000049201 1987-$132 .66 No Proof of Claim filed 1988-$112 .91 Account included in Chapter 13 Plan. $59.93 received 1987 paid and Proof of Claim submitted ; \` $118.64 due for balance of 1988 taxes. Proof of Claim - 9;28;89 tk1GARY LEIGHTON RODDY D;B,/A 388-37960-RCM-11 127500100901 PAID Proof of Claim - 2/28/89 . RODDY REALTORS AND RWM Case closed. PROPERTIES AND JUDITH ANNE RODDY D;B;A RODDY & WHIT INVESTMENTS 116200003001 1987-$106.26 AND RM INVESTMENTS 1988-$107 .49 1275001009B1 PAID 115400202401 1987-$270 .66 900027032571 1987-$20.00 1988-$20.50 602300003301 PAID HAROLD SPENCE, GLORIA 88-41706-7 P900028503381 1986-$1, 225 .00 Proof of Claim - 10;14;88 SPENCE DBA SUPER FRESH 1987-$1, 250 .00 Amended Proof of Claim - 5/5/89 FOODS, DBA SPENCE 1988-$1, 383 .75 CONSTRUCTION, DBA HAROLD R146700200201 PAID Claim for Administrative Expense - 5/5/89 SPENCE BUILDING CORP. P900028601891 1987-$30.78 No discharge as of 3/l,90. 1988-$31. 54 R143600200901 1987-$85.00 1988-$87 .13 R143600300101 1987-$67.50 1988-$69.19 R143600300201 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R143600300301 1987-$85.00 1988-$87. 13 R143600300401 1987-$85.00 1988-$87 .13 R1239000001C1 1987-$12 .50 1988-$12 .81 JOHN CLINTON WORLEY 89-40090-7 187801000701 PAID Proof of Claim - 3;29;89