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01-08-2013 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING fir Regular Meeting Agenda January 8, 2013 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Kathy Spillyards Mayor ProTem David Goss Place 1 Nathan Scott Place 2 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Diane Culver Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Pastor Kathryn Strempke, Wylie United Methodist Church PRESENTATIONS • Presentation regarding Collin County Transportation Priorities. (Collin County Commissioner Cheryl Williams) January 8,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 • Presentation regarding Delinquent Property Tax Collections and Future Services. (Linebarger Goggan Blair& Sampson, LLP) CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the December 11, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2012. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and act upon, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of November 30, 2012. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) E. Approve Ordinance No 2013-01 amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 for the purpose of appropriating funds to an expenditure account to complete the Public Works construction project. (J. Butters, Asst. City Manager) F. Consider, and act upon Resolution No. 2013-01(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the "Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie and further designating a secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) G. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2013-02(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing the Wylie Economic Development Corporation to obtain a $1,400,000 loan from The American National Bank of Texas. (S. Satterwhite, WECD Director) H. Consider and act upon approval of Ordinance No. 2013-02 amending Section 110-89 (Turning at Intersection) of Article III (Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110 (Traffic and Vehicles) of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to establish a right turn only lane for southbound traffic on Westgate Way at the FM 544 intersection during the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 am Monday thru Friday. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) January 8,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development/Single-Family (PD-SF) on approximately 52.631 acres generally located south of S.H. 78, east of Wylie East Drive and north of Wylie East H.S. ZC 2012-10. (R. 011ie, Planning& Zoning Director) Executive Summary The request is to allow a minimum lot size of 5,500 s.f. and to provide innovative design elements and amenities as part of an overall theme for"Lewis Ranch"Subdivision.The current Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot size is 10,000 s.f. and minimum dwelling size is 2,400 s.f.,with a minimum lot width of 75' and lot depth of 100. The proposed zoning case reflects a minimum lot width of 50' and a minimum lot depth of 100'. 2. Consider, an act upon, Resolution No. 2013-03(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas authorizing the application of Mariposa Woodbridge LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Housing Tax Credits Home Funds and support for the development of multi-family residential housing with a target population for adults 55 years of age and older. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary The proposed Senior Living Facilities would be located south of the Target development, east of McCreary Road. The Planned Development District zoning for this property(Ord. 2006-01)includes a retirement housing use which specifies that the head of the household must be 55 years of age or older, and also addresses density, setback and parking requirements. Bonner Carrington LLP is the developer of the proposed project. They have developed five other senior communities in Texas. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding a Wylie Downtown Merchants Association request for funding for July Jubilee Bluegrass Festival. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions, Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action, as a result of this Executive Session, will be taken and recorded in open session. January 8,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION Icertify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 4th day of January 2013 at 6:00p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT ■ Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: B. Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: December 18, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Investment Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2012. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2012. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 12/18/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 City Of Wylie 2012-2013 Investment Report November 30, 2012 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $41,497,293.82 MMA 0.1564% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2_ $15,029,274.32 MMA 0.1720% TexStar 3/15/2011_ NA $56,526,568.14 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 0.16% Money Markets: $56,526,568.14 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 1.00 Certificates of Deposits: $0.00 $56,526,568.14 iLt/1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE A G E N D A REPORT q Meeting Date: January 8, 2012 Item Number: C. Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: December 18, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Revenue and Expenditure Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2012. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2012. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 12/18/2012 City Manager Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT November 30,2012 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 16.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 17,606,880 556,515 808,353 4.59% A FRANCHISE FEES 2,421,700 19,015 19,015 0.79% B LICENSES AND PERMITS 442,000 43,219 100,363 22.71% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 650,000 360 889 0.14% SERVICE FEES 2,805,000 241,569 268,635 9.58% C FINES AND FORFEITURES 307,000 24,284 45,885 14.95% INTEREST INCOME 14,000 1,239 2,757 19.69% D MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 281,500 9,295 14,370 5.10% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,772,297 0 0 0.00% REVENUES 26,300,377 895,496 1,260,267 4.79% USE OF FUND BALANCE 896,040 NA NA NA E USE OF ROLLOVER STREET FUNDS 150,000 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 27,346,417 NA NA NA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 89,411 5,158 16,678 18.65% CITY MANAGER 706,104 74,482 106,863 15.13% CITY SECRETARY 261,684 23,199 34,630 13.23% CITY ATTORNEY 128,000 563 563 0.44% FINANCE 929,128 82,312 127,104 13.68% FACILITIES 535,153 25,876 71,683 13.39% MUNICIPAL COURT 277,667 27,924 39,895 14.37% HUMAN RESOURCES 209,798 26,364 35,494 16.92% PURCHASING 92,242 10,181 15,033 16.30% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 899,050 210,579 234,530 26.09% F POLICE 6,056,532 726,978 1,177,501 19.44% FIRE 5,897,593 634,226 1,028,919 17.45% EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 1,102,783 144,554 195,069 17.69% ANIMAL CONTROL 363,640 30,581 46,688 12.84% PLANNING 483,794 54,078 75,271 15.56% BUILDING INSPECTION 566,707 57,865 83,889 14.80% CODE ENFORCEMENT 262,035 23,360 35,358 13.49% STREETS 1,725,017 82,198 180,108 10.44% PARKS 1,631,349 132,005 275,905 16.91% RECREATION 0 0 0 0.00% LIBRARY 1,444,220 156,937 245,762 17.02% COMBINED SERVICES 3,672,499 180,079 392,351 10.68% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 27,334,406 2,709,499 4,419,294 16.17% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 12,011 -1,814,003 -3,159,027 -11.38% A.Property Tax Collections for FY12-13 as of November 30 are 5.66%,in comparison to FY11-12 for the same time period 3.60%. B.Franchise Fees:The majority of franchise fees are recognized in the third and fourth quarter with electric fees making up the majority. C.Service Fees:Trash fees billed in October are applicable towards FY 2011-12 revenue with the remaining fees coming from other seasonal fees. D.Interest Income: In relation to the last 12 months the current interest is in line with projections. E.Use of Fund Balance:For Replacement/New Fleet and Equipment. F.Due to the timing of technology purchases,expenses have increased;however,these will level out throughout the fiscal year. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT November 30,2012 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 16.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 13,365,000 1,030,517 1,038,443 7.77% G INTEREST INCOME 10,000 1,159 2,396 23.96% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 40,000 3,267 7,222 18.06% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 0 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES 13,415,000 1,034,943 1,048,061 7.81% UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 293,038 54,956 65,497 22.35% H UTILITIES-WATER 1,599,399 137,223 294,254 18.40% CITY ENGINEER 444,882 50,957 69,333 15.58% UTILITIES-SEWER 908,049 47,715 233,157 25.68% I UTILITY BILLING 356,736 35,291 57,204 16.04% COMBINED SERVICES 9,754,477 40,523 993,247 10.18% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13,356,581 366,665 1,712,692 12.82% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 58,419 668,278 -664,631 -5.01% G.Most Utility Fund Revenue billed in October are applicable to FY 2011-12. H.Due to the timing of vehicle and heavy machinery purchases,expenses have increased;however,these will level out throughout the fiscal year. I.Due to the timing of vehicle and heavy machinery purchases,expenses have increased;however,these will level out throughout the fiscal year. � OF W.ftt, a Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT • 8•rss7- Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: D. Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Gerry Harris Account Code: Date Prepared: December 12, 2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of November 30, 2012. Recommendation Motion to approve the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of November 30, 2012. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on December 21, 2012. Approved By Initial Date SS 12-12-12 Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 12-17-2012 09:27 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT. TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 816,631.58 1000-10115 CASH - WEDC - INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK - ESCROW 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS 2,000.00 1000-10198 OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-12810 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE 6,635,022.53 1000-12996 LOAN RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-12998 ACCTS REC - SAVAGE 240,824.58 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND & BUILDINGS 2,824,298.40 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGES 892,943.40 11,411,720.49 TOTAL ASSETS 11,411,720.49 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL. INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE 193.72 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20127 EMP. LEGAL SERVICES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING A 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 0.00 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20201 AP PENDING 5,386.80 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 25,758.71 12-17-2012 09:27 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNTS TITLE 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 892,943.40 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 141,907.38 2000-22275 DEFERRED REV - LEASE PRINCIPAL 5,767,506.88 2000-22280 DEFERRED REVENUE - LEASE INT 863,659.12 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,701,817.99 EQUITY 3000-34110 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 441,944.04 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 3,634,651.42 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 4,076,595.46 TOTAL REVENUE 92,075.42 TOTAL EXPENSES 458,768.38 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ( 366,692.96) TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 3,709,902.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY 6 OVER/(UNDER) 11,411,720.49 12-07-2012 09:40 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT. TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN - WEDC 0.00 1000-16120 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0.00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 0.00 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 48,483.61 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 0.00 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 1,129.76 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS - CURRENT 248,473.40 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 0.00 2000-28235 ANB LOAN 200,798.23 2000-28236 ANB CONSTRUCTION LOAN 4,422,460.20 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN 0.00 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0.00 2000-28260 PRIME KUTS LOAN 0.00 2000-28270 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 0.00 2000-28280 CAPITAL ONE CAZAD LOAN 0.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,921,345.20 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG( 5,131,436.11) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 5,131,436.11) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES ( 210,090.91) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 210,090.91 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 4,921,345.20) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 0.00 12-07-2012 09:37 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 4 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL. ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 1,743,989.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,743,989.00 0.00 INTEREST INCOME 120,462.00 10,225.67 0.00 20,561.17 0.00 99,900.83 17.07 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 100,800.00 4,882.50 0.00 10,429.57 0.00 90,370.43 10.35 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 369,722.00 30,568.95 0.00 61,084.68 0.00 308,637.32 16.52 TOTAL REVENUES 2,334,973.00 45,677.12 0.00 92,075.42 0.00 2,242,897.58 3.94 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,863,747.00 235,344.90 1,194.19 458,768.38 5,471.96 2,399,506.66 16.21 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,663,747.00 235,344.90 ( 1,194.19) 458,768.38 5,471.96 2,399,506.66 16.21 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 528,774.00) ( 189,667.781( 1,194.191( 366,692.961 ( 5,471.96) ( 156,609.08) 70.38 12-07-2012 09:37 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40150 REV IN LEIU OF TAXES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,743,989.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,743,989.00 0.00 TOTAL TAXES 1,743,989.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,743,989.00 0.00 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 2,000.00 112.62 0.00 281.85 0.00 1,718.15 14.09 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46150 INTEREST EARNINGS 118,462.00 10,113.05 0.00 20,279.32 0.00 98,182.68 17.12 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 120,462.00 10,225.67 0.00 20,561.17 0.00 99,900.83 17.07 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 98,400.00 4,700.00 0.00 9,900.00 0.00 88,500.00 10.06 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 2,400.00 182.50 0.00 529.57 0.00 1,870.43 22.07 4000-48430 GAIN/LOSS SALE OF CAP ASSET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 100,800.00 4,882.50 0.00 10,429.57 0.00 90,370.43 10.35 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49550 LEASE PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS (0 369,722.00 30,566.95 0.00 61,084.68 0.00 308,637.32 16.52 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 369,722.00 30,568.95 0.00 61,064.68 0.00 308,637.32 16.52 TOTAL REVENUES 2,334,973.00 45,677.12 0.00 92,075.42 0.00 2,242,897.58 3.94 12-07-2012 09:37 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET I OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 174,809.00 20,170.29 0.00 26,893.72 0.00 147,915.28 15.38 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,253.00 1,156.00 0.00 1,156.00 0.00 97.00 92.26 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 11,320.00 1,306.17 0.00 1,741.56 0.00 9,578.44 15.38 5611-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 3,924.00 0.00 0.00 1,284.09 0.00 2,639.91 32.72 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 22,649.00 3,465.88 0.00 4,491.52 0.00 18,157.48 19.83 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 31,349.00 1,936.73 0.00 3,873.46 0.00 27,475.54 12.36 5611-51415 EXECUTIVE HEALTH PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 603.00 76.44 0.00 114.66 0.00 488.34 19.01 5611-51440 FICA 10,991.00 388.81 0.00 506.70 0.00 10,482.30 4.63 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,571.00 389.89 0.00 503.50 0.00 2,067.50 19.58 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 566.00 0.00 0.00 401.84 0.00 164.16 71.00 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWO) 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 540.00 0.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 260,575.00 28,890.21 0.00 40,969.05 0.00 219,605.95 15.72 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13,750.00 28.42 0.00 28.42 0.00 13,721.58 0.21 5611-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 980.00 8.25 0.00 8.25 41.00 930.75 5.03 5611-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP - UNDER $1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,000.00 402.25 0.00 402.25 172.78 4,424.97 11.50 5611-52990 OTHER 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 24,730.00 438.92 0.00 438.92 213.78 24,077.30 2.64 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 1,289,347.00 93,950.00 0.00 98,950.00 0.00 1,190,397.00 7.67 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 61,720.00 1,279.35 0.00 2,776.85 0.00 58,943.15 4.50 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 43,474.00 4,120.00 0.00 5,385.00 0.00 38,089.00 12.39 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 41,750.00 17,042.83 0.00 18,542.83 0.00 23,207.17 44.41 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,260.00 347.25 0.00 565.73 253.85 3,440.42 19.24 5611-56180 RENTAL 21,600.00 3,388.60 0.00 5,094.90 0.00 16,505.10 23.59 5611-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 31,895.00 57.24 0.00 57.24 1,959.61 29,878.15 6.32 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 9,088.00 0.00 0.00 1,780.00 0.00 7,308.00 19.59 5611-56310 INSURANCE 1,803.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,803.00 0.00 5611-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 22,750.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 21,250.00 6.59 5611-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,800.00 17,200.00 14.00 5611-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 244.72 3,255.28 6.99 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,551,187.00 121,685.27 0.00 134,652.55 5,258.18 1,411,276.27 9.02 12-07-2012 09:37 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 673,755.00 81,658.00 0.00 285,235.36 0.00 388,519.64 42.34 5611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 673,755.00 81,858.00 0.00 285,235.36 0.00 388,519.64 42.34 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 300,000.00 0.00 0.00 395,334.00 0.00 ( 95,334.00) 131.78 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 5611-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,500.00 2,472.50 0.00 2,472.50 0.00 27.50 98.90 5611-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 400,334.00) 0.00 400,334.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 345,500.00 2,472.50 0.00 ( 2,527.50) 0.00 348,027.50 0.73- OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5611-59190 TRANSFER TO THORUGHFARE IMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,863,747.00 235,344.90 0.00 458,768.38 5,471.96 2,399,506.66 16.21 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,863,747.00 235,344.90 0.00 458,768.38 5,471.96 2,399,506.66 16.21 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 528,774.00) ( 189,667.78) 0.00 ( 366,692.96)( 5,471.96) ( 156,609.08) 70.38 ••' END OF REPORT ••• Wylie Economic Development Corporation AVOIDED TAX SUB LEDGER-Ascend Custom Extrusion November 30, 2012 2011 Amt. Received COW Tax WISD Tax 1/5 of July COW 1/5 of July WISD Total Payment Pmt. Date Ck.# August 4,257.03 7,766.75 851.41 1,553.35 14,428.54 September 4,257.03 7,766.75 851.41 1,553.35 14,428.54 October 4,257.03 7,766.75 851.41 1,553.35 14,428.54 November 4,257.03 7,766.75 851.41 1,553.35 14,428.54 December 4,257.03 7,766.75 851.41 1,553.35 14,428.54 1/4/2012 WISD-52923 Total 21,285.15 38,833.75 4,257.05 7,766.75 72,142.70 COW-52915 2012 Amt. Received COW Tax WISD Tax Total Payment January 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 February 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 March 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 April 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 May 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 June 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 July 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 August 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 September 4,257.03 7,766.75 12,023.78 9/21/2012 WISD-57472 Total 38,313.27 69,900.75 108,214.02 COW-57459 2012-2013 October 4,256.23 7,766.75 12,022.98 November 4,257.03 7,766.85 12,023.88 December January February March Total 8,513.26 15,533.60 24,046.86 A 12-05-2012 4:35 PM D ETA I L LISTING PAGE: 1 FUND : 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Oct-2012 THRU Sep-2013 DEPT ACCOUNTS: 2000-20210 THRU 2000-20210 POST DATE TRAN I REFERENCE PACKET-==-==DESCRIPTION-=..="= VEND INV/JE t NOTE =====AMOUNT=== ====BALANCE.==== FUND: 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. BEG INN I N G BALANCE 1,970.36CR 10/08/12 11/09 B33901 MISC100812 09360 JE15204 R/C CHECK 157761 JEI 015204 123.51 1,846.85CR 10/08/12 11/09 B33901 MISC100812 09360 JE15204 R/C CHECK t57762 JEI 015204 135.00 1,711.85CR 10/19/12 10/19 C33509 RCPT 00567866 13940 OCT - CITY OF WYLIE 4,256.23CR 5,968.08CR 10/19/12 10/19 C33509 RCPT 00567866 13940 OCT-WISD 7,766.75CR 13,734.83CR OCTOBER ACTIVITY DB: 258.51 CR: 12,022.98CR 11,764.47CR 11/16/12 11/16 C34024 RCPT 00572278 14101 NOV-WISD 7,766.85CR 21,501.68CR 11/16/12 11/16 C34024 RCPT 00572278 14101 NOV-CITY OF WYLIE 4,257.03CR 25,758.71CR ===________= NOVEMBER ACTIVITY DB: 0.00 CR: 12,023.88CR 12,023.88CR _____m=.. ACCOUNT TOTAL DB: 258.51 CR: 24,046.86CR •-•-'-•-• "-•-•-`-• 000 ERRORS IN THIS REPORT! •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-'-•-•-• "• REPORT TOTALS "• --- DEBITS --- --- CREDITS --- BEGINNING BALANCES: 0.00 1,970.36CR REPORTED ACTIVITY: 258.51 24,046.86CR ENDING BALANCES: 258.51 26,017.22CR Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger November 30, 2012 Notes Payable Date of Rate of Purchase Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Interest Principal Balance November 1, 2012 $4,910,054.17 ANBTX(#25 of 60) 10/28/10 8,200.66 282,429.08 7,485.52 715.14 2.95 274,943.56 ANBTX-ACE (#15 of 180) 8/1/11 36,828.67 4,627,625.09 18,697.37 18,131.30 4.55 ANBTX-ACE (#16 of 180) 8/1/11 36,828.67 4,608,927.72 19,353.15 17,475.52 4.55 4,589,574.57 November 30, 2012 45,536.04 $36,321.96 $4,864,518.13 Note: Principal and Interest payments vary by date of payment. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger November 30, 2012 Inventory- Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements Cost Basis Value Sq. Ft. McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a 202,045.00 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 32,005 3,625 186,934.22 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.491 n/a 200,224.00 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.372 n/a 106,418.50 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.406 n/a 60,207.87 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.5 n/a 127,452.03 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr. 1.089 400,000 8,880 400,334.00 Hughes 7/25/06 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 209,801 10,000 420,361.21 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585.26 Prime Kuts 10/8/07 207 Industrial 0.20 182,223 4,550 229,284.00 R.O.W. 0.11 n/a 77,380.45 Cazad 3/17/08 210 Industrial 0.27 128,083 3,900 200,781.55 Ferrell 9/29/05 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 n/a 239,372.00 Sale of R.O.W 2/14/07 -0.09 -20,094.48 Crossroads 6/12/09 2804 F.M. 544 0.44 24,696 2,800 171,842.02 Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0.65 n/a 25,170.77 Premier Plaza 8/26/05 Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a -639,000.00 Sale to Savage 5/28/08 -3.87 -98,917.20 SAF-Holland 12/14/10 Martinez Lane 1.33 n/a -225,514.65 ACE Martinez Lane 22.44 96,000 Premier Industrial Park 7/12/07 Hensley 3.2 n/a 155,000.00 Total 55.47 976,808 129,755 2,824,298.40 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and therefore not part of the land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was$306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. *Should lease to term and not execute purchase option, WEDC liable to reimburse ACE for Holland property purchase ($112,500). WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2012 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2011 2012 2013 11 VS 12 11 VS 12 DECEMBER $103,687 $112,676 148,500 $35,824 31.79% JANUARY 100,999 118,175 FEBRUARY 158,204 171,759 MARCH 104,670 113,571 APRIL 98,463 115,114 MAY 158,379 154,424 JUNE 116,832 119,326 JULY 119,527 125,555 AUGUST 157,310 155,875 SEPTEMBER 123,153 123,863 OCTOBER 118,827 122,650 NOVEMBER 163,346 172,141 Sub-Total $1,523,400 $1,605,130 $148,500 $35,824 5.37% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $1,523,400 $1,605,130 $148,500 $35,824 5.37% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 - - $140,000 - $120,000 ._. - -v- - $100,000 o2a12 $80,000 - - - - - ■2013 $60,000 - - $40,000 - $20,000 -$0 i i i t E `m Q 4 cr' E 0 E m .0 2 m . a) LL 0. O Z 0 a r .,,1 Wylie City Council - AGENDA REPORT 8•rasp Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: E. Department: City Manager Office (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jeff Butters Account Code: 611-5719-58910 Date Prepared: December 6, 2012 Budgeted Amount: NA Exhibits: Ordinance 2013-01 Subject Consider and act upon, Ordinance No 2013-01 of the City of Wyllie, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of$81,450.00 from the utility fund (Public Works Construction Project) ; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No 2013-01 of the City of Wyllie, Texas, amending ordinance no. 2012-27 (2012-2013 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of$81,450.00 from the utility fund (Public Works Construction Project) ; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Discussion During the 2012-2013 budget process it was believed that the Public Works construction project would be complete during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. NO funds were carried over this account for this fiscal year. The project is within the original budget (3.5 Million), we just need to put money back into this account so we can complete the project. This is the Utility Fund and does not affect the General Fund. The following work is pending the passing of this ordinance: FFE for the garage (tools) $2950.00 Complex finish out, sidewalk required by ADA, site grading, gate and intercom system, numerous punch list items. $25,000 Culverts expansion and clean out on Guy Poole Road. This will improve drainage in the entire area, and the work will be done by our public works crews. 11,500, The items listed above will complete the project, as originally proposed, within budget. Staff is also recommending that additional parking spaces be considered. Additional Parking (20 spaces) on the West side of the Public Works facility. $45,000 This additional parking is beyond the original scope, but will improve parking for this complex as well as provide some overflow parking for Founders Park on the weekends. Note— spending $45,000 on additional parking will put the project approximately $13,000 over the original 3.5 million budgeted. Staff feels like it is a good use of Utility funds to fix this problem at this time. The parking Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 will be designed so that it can be added onto in the future, when Founders Park requires more parking. Currently employee vehicles take up almost all of the spaces in front of the buildings. This lot will West of the new Public Works Building, and near the Park. The additional parking can be used during the week by employees to free up spaces in front of the buildings for visitors. Total= $84,450 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JB 12/08/2012 City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 2013-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2012-27 (2012-2013 BUDGET) AND APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $81,450.00 FOR THE UTILITY FUND (PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT) ; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it will be beneficial and advantageous to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget) for the purpose of completing the Public Works Construction Project, a construction project funded by the Utility Fund. WHEREAS, the estimated cost of completing the Public Works Construction Project is eighty-four thousand four hundred fifty dollars ($84,450.00); and WHEREAS, the construction project has not run over budget, money was not carried over into this fiscal year budget to complete the project as it was believed that it would be complete by the end of last fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget). Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget) is hereby amended to allow for the following appropriation: Eighty-four thousand four hundred fifty dollars ($84,450.00) shall be appropriated to Expense Account 611-5719-58910 of the Utility Fund SECTION 3: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is Ordinance 2013-01 Budget Approval for Public Works Construction Project Amending 2012-13 Budget(Ordinance No.2012-27) Page 1 expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 8th day of January, 2013. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance 2013-01 Budget Approval for Public Works Construction Project Amending 2012-13 Budget(Ordinance No.2012-27) Page 2 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 3, 2013 Item Number: F. Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: N/A Budgeted in individual Date Prepared: January 8, 2013 Budgeted Amount: departments Resolution&Public Cost Exhibits: Summary Subject Consider, and act upon Resolution No. 2013-01(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the "Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie and further designating a secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2013-01(R) establishing the Wylie News as the "Official Newspaper" of the City of Wylie; and further establishing the Dallas Morning News (NeighborsGo-Plano/Murphy/Wylie Edition) as the secondary paper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. Discussion Texas Local Government Code, §52.004 states that at the beginning of each fiscal year, municipalities must designate an official newspaper. This must be done as soon as practicable. The municipality shall contract with the newspaper designated by ordinance or resolution. There are two requirements that must be met for a newspaper to meet the statutory requirements as a newspaper of general circulation. (a)Designating Official Newspaper. The publication must be a newspaper as defined by § 2051.044, Government Code. The section defines the term newspaper as: § 2051.044, (a) (1) any newspaper devoting not less than 25% of its total column lineage to the carrying of items of general interest (2) published not less frequently than once each week, (3) entered as second class postal matter in the county where published (4) Having been published regularly and continuously not less than twelve (12) months prior to the making of any publication... Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 2051.044, (b)Publication of Notice in Newspaper. Where a law which requires or authorizes the publication of a notice in a newspaper by a municipality, and does not specify the manner of the publication, including the number of times that the notice is required to be published and the period during which the notice is required to be published, the above requirements pertain; additionally a municipality shall publish notices in a newspaper that is published in the municipality, and which meets the above requirements and will publish the notice at or below the legal rate. If no newspaper published in the municipality meets these requirements, then the municipality shall publish the notice in a newspaper that is published in the county in which the municipality is located and will charge the legal rate or a lower rate. GC §2051.048. Publication rates for the Wylie News have not varied from last year; the Dallas Morning News has changed from the Zoned Editions (Collin, Dallas Rockwall readers in zip code 75098) to the NeighborsGo- Plano/Murphy/Wylie Edition reaching readers in zip code 75098 in all three counties. (attached map). Some legal notices require that the notice be published in all counties within the incorporated city; in this case the city attorney's office has noted that it is best to publish these notices in the three county edition (NeighborsGo) of the Dallas Morning News as well as the Wylie News. The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter additionally states in Article X1, Section 2; The City Council shall declare an official newspaper of general circulation in the city. All captions of ordinances, notices and other matters required to be published by this charter, by city ordinances, or by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, shall be published in this official newspaper. The Wylie News meets the criteria for official publication as provided by the statute and provides the most cost efficient legal notice fees. The Wylie News has been the official newspaper for the City for many years. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 1/8/13 City Manager RESOLUTION NO. 2013-01(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION TO BE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE. WHEREAS,Section 52.004,Local Government Code,requires the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas("City Council")to determine,by ordinance or resolution,a public newspaper to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Wylie News is a public newspaper of general circulation and: (1) devotes not less than 25%of its total column lineage to general interest items; (2) is published at least once a week; (3) is entered as 2nd class postal matter in the county where published; (4) has been published regularly and continuously for at least 12 months before the governmental entity or representative publishes notice; and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the Wylie News is a publication that meets all of the criteria legally required of an officially designated newspaper for the City of Wylie; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: (1) The Wylie News is designated as the official newspaper for the City of Wylie for Fiscal Year 2013, commencing January 1, 2013; and further designating the Dallas Morning News (NeighborsGo-Plano/Murphy/Wylie Edition) as the secondary newspaper for notices requiring specific legal requirements. (2) This Resolution is effective immediately upon passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas, and this the 8th day of January 2013. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution 2013-01(R) Establishing Official Newspaper 2013 PUBLICATION COST SUMMARY Dallas Morning News Wylie News January 2013 DALLAS MORNING NEWS (COLLIN COUNTY AND METRO EAST SECTION) Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Full Dallas Morning News Open $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Full Dallas Morning News ($3,000/yr) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Classified Rates (Election Notices) Full DMN only $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online With Contract($3,000/yr.) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) Open $2,075.00* (1/4 page-Mon, Tues, Wed) $2,700.00* (1/4 page-Sunday) *These rates will be changing but I will honor the rate for the 2013 budget/tax year NeighborsGo—Plano/Murphy/Wylie Edition Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P&Z) NeighborsGo Classified $1.10 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online NeighborsGo Classified Rates (Election Notices) $1.10 per line or $15.40 per inch /$35 liner-$45 display online Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) Open $745 per edition (1/2 page-Friday only) THE WYLIE NEWS Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Open (no contracts available) $2.41 per line (display online included) Classified Rates (Election Notices) $14.00 per column inch (display online,based on 8 columns per page, included in price) Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) $14.23 per column inch(online not available) CIRCULATION WITHIN THE CITY Dallas Morning News (for zip code 75098) 2, 782 (Mon/Sat paper) 4,258 (Avg. Circulation Sunday) The Wylie News (Wylie) 6,733 (The Wylie News) The Wylie News -Notices are published in the 10,665 (total circulations) Murphy/Sachse/Wylie editions Public notices are also included in Wylie News Online which has almost 70,000 unique visitors per month. 7/8/2011 ■ neighbors • o New Distribution Zones 1 L 76009 76409 � 75424 C 76464 7 75071 l - Denton I 76070 lift 76442 75035 75034 r_r al" 76068 jd .. -.. 75135 761 2I 11ir,41 110Cl1o1-W Ak mrIS � f 75173 � 76022 75029 75067 =U�� 11Pt75°98 • \} ` - ) 186Th 75248 750/9 r 76006 7-:32 76087 76139 lip: 1111611k A 1111$71 Rockw= I -�� �75032 - )! 1M 41 11A1tt la 7so61 * .0 J(Q.��' J...<111,,.i11lror, 76182 y 75 i:4V'' 75211 75208 7, .Y• 76061 76191 75052 75259 f75137 111111414110,11 76104 76115 Distribution Area Dallas 76146 t 0 Best SW/Oak Cliff • Carrollton/Farmers Branch/Addison } xs ❑ Frisco/McKinney/Allen 75154 0 Garland/Mesquite ❑ Irving/Coppell ❑ Lewisville/Flower Mound ❑ Park Cities/North Dallas/Uptown ❑ Plano/Murphy/Wylie ❑ Richardson/Far N.Dallas/Lake Highlands • Rockwall/Rowlett O White Rock/Lakewood/M Streets Communities we serve More readers. More Customers. More Advertising Value. In 2011,neighborsgo offers improved community news coverage with: ' • More local news content than ever before • More staff-written stories illlicAletisk. _ • More reader-submitted stories from the residents in our 77 communities 4r:' .. - • A --.- ' s, lliiii.'11W-1111rL ' Neighborsgo has 11 unique print publications across Dallas, Collin, ��-- Rockwall, and Denton counties.These strategically chosen zones � are based on consumer buying patterns as well as reader id 7,..404 f llW engagement.The zones are: l�ffi,.s - - Best Southwest/Oak Cliff/Grand Prairie (49,155 households) �� ' • • 'kr : ik Carrollton/Farmers Branch/Addison (19,550 households) • Allen/Frisco/McKinney(38,086 households) �illtippo ' �ailli - Garland/Mesquite(38,361 households) Mils NO ` • LrICILIA11111021614 • „, Irving/Coppell (19,411 households) • Lewisville/Flower Mound/Highland Village(26,485 households) 1151401WIL__ lailk Park Cities/North Dallas/Uptown (32,708 households) °'"" .11.111111 },;.:;;C.47.: • ,. ; :,��: • Plano/Murphy/Wylie(48,783 households) ,,,,, • • ;�' Richardson/Far N. Dallas/Lake Highlands(32,151 households) `4 �:•,0 ,_ �.- 'f. ;.� Rockwall/Rowlett(15,945 households) rti' .•••-: -•- _ ••ti4,�- White Rock/East Dallas(21,314 households) These highly targeted zones provide advertisers a no-waste approach to local marketing. Most importantly, neighborsgo is delivered to households that have opted-in to receive the product, either through a paid subscription of The Dallas Morning News or a complimentary subscription of our"busy family" publication called Briefing. neighbors • o neighborsgo.com The Dallas Morning News 508 Young Street Dallas, TX 75202•(877)265-3995 DMNmedia.The marketing solutions group for The Dallas Morning News. ,.i. OF ty�,t ftt, Wylie City Council `'` ' . AGENDA REPORT 8•rss7, Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: G. Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: January 1, 2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2013-02(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing the Wylie Economic Development Corporation to obtain a $1,400,000 loan from The American National Bank of Texas. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution 2013-02(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing the Wylie Economic Development Corporation to obtain a $1,400,000 loan from The American National Bank of Texas. Discussion On December 21, 2012 the WEDC Board of Directors approved Resolution No. 2012-02(R) authorizing the borrowing of an amount not to exceed $1,400,000 to finance the engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements associated with the extension of Woodbridge Parkway. The Wylie City Council via resolution must approve the issuance of debt and pledge of WEDC sales tax receipts to The American National Bank of Texas to secure loan repayment. With an estimated project cost of$2,200,000, the Wylie City Council has pledged bond funds in the amount of $800,000 toward the project. Engineering plans are 95% complete and are scheduled to go out to bid within the next 60 days. The WEDC Board of Directors is requesting formal Council approval. Approved By Initial Date SS 10-16-12 Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-02(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING A RESOLUTION OF THE WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO OBTAIN A $1,400,000 LOAN FROM THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF TEXAS TO THE WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation was established by ordinance of the Wylie City Council subsequent to an election to impose and assess a one-half cent sales tax for economic development within the City of Wylie; WHERAS, one of the purposes for which the Wylie Economic Development Corporation was established is to provide for the creation of jobs and increase the tax base of the City of Wylie; WHEREAS, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation desires to borrow an amount not to exceed the sum of$1,400,000.00 from The American National Bank of Texas, to be secured by a pledge of the Corporation's sales tax receipts to finance the engineering, right- of-way acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements associated with the extension of Woodbridge Parkway(the "Project"); WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation has duly reviewed the Project, as well as the financing of the Project and the Loan Agreement related to indebtedness; WHEREAS, The American Bank of Texas has committed to enter into a Loan Agreement to assist in funding the Project; WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Wylie City Council a resolution of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation approving a loan proposal from The American National Bank of Texas (Exhibit "A"), pursuant to which The American National Bank of Texas will lend to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation an amount to be used to fund the Project; and WHEREAS, Section 501.204 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, requires that the governing body of the City of Wylie approve the resolution of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation providing for the approval of the indebtedness no more than sixty (60) days prior to the execution and delivery of the documents evidencing such debt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: Resolution No.2013-02(R) WEDC to obtain$1,400,000 from American National Bank Section 1. The Wylie City Council approves the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation authorizing the Project and approving a loan in the amount of$1,400,000.00 from The American National Bank of Texas pursuant to the loan proposal and pledging sales tax receipts to the repayment of that loan from The American National Bank of Texas, adopted by the Wylie Economic Development Corporation on December 21, 2012. Section 2. This resolution was approved by the Wylie City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas on January 8, 2013, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ON THE 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 2013. APPROVED: Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2013-02(R) WEDC to obtain$1,400,000 from American National Bank EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 2012-02(R) RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROGRAM AND THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS BY THE WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ENACTING OTHRE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation") has been incorporated and exists and operates as a duly constituted authority and instrumentality of the City of Wylie, (the "City"), pursuant to Chapter 501 of the Texas Local Government Code (the "Development Corporation Act" or"Act"), and governed as a Type A Corporation under the Act and Chapter 501 and 504 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City which is the authorizing unit for the Corporation, as required by Chapter 501 of the Texas Local Government Code, must authorize said program and expenditure of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to borrow an amount not to exceed the sum of $1,400,000.00 from The American National Bank of Texas, to be secured by a pledge of the Corporation's sales tax receipts to finance the engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of roadway improvements associated with the extension Woodbridge Parkway (the "Project"). WHEREAS, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors fords and determines that it is appropriate to approve the Project as an authorized program and expenditure of the Corporation. WEHREAS, President Marvin Fuller is hereby authorized in the name of this Corporation and as its own act to execute the Promissory Note and all other documentation necessary to borrow $1,400,000.00 from The American National Bank of Texas to the Corporation. WHEREAS,that the Secretary of the Corporation is directed to certify the minutes of this meeting and the contents of this Resolution and to deliver the certification in support of the authority of the Director named above to act on behalf of this Corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: SECTION 1: The recitals set forth in the preamble hereof are incorporated herein and shall have the same force and effect as if set forth in this Section. The undertaking of the Projects and the expenditure and pledging of funds of the Corporation in connection therewith are hereby approved. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Directors of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation on this LA l ; day of Deeel-vrig ,2012. Ad7/1/1 Marvin Fuller,President ATTEST TO: _Oevi John Yger, WEDC Secretary Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE A G E N D A REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: H. Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: 12/28/12 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider and act upon approval of Ordinance 2013-02 amending Section 110-89 (Turning at Intersection) of Article III (Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110 (Traffic and Vehicles) of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to establish a right turn only lane for southbound traffic on Westgate Way at the FM 544 intersection during the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 am Monday thru Friday. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance 2013-02 amending Section 110-89 (Turning at Intersection) of Article III (Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110 (Traffic and Vehicles) of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to establish a right turn only lane for southbound traffic on Westgate Way at the FM 544 intersection during the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 am Monday thru Friday. Discussion Traffic counts were completed in October which determined the amount of traffic making a right turn movement from southbound Westgate Way onto westbound FM 544. During the AM peak period the percentage of right turning traffic varies from 60%-80%. Approval of the attached ordinance and the installation of the appropriate signage will establish a right turn only lane on southbound Westgate Way between the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 am. Cost for the flashers and necessary signage is estimated to be $7,500. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 1/2/13 City Manager Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2013-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING SECTION 110-89 (TURNING AT INTERSECTION) OF ARTICLE III (OPERATION OF VEHICLES) OF CHAPTER 110 (TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES) OF PART II OF THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ESTABLISH A RIGHT TURN ONLY LANE FOR SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC ON WESTGATE WAY AT THE WESTGATE AND FM 544 INTERSECTION DURING THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM TO 9:00 AM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY; PROVIDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF THE RIGHT TURN ONLY BY THE INSTALLATION OF SIGNS AND MARKERS TO REGULATE VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON THE DESIGNATED STREET; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS,the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") conducted a peak hour turning movement count at the intersection of Westgate Way and FM 544; and WHEREAS,the count report demonstrates that for the southbound traffic on Westgate Way during the peak period of 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM,there is a large volume of right turning traffic and more specifically, during this Peak Period sixty percent(60%)to eighty percent(80%) of vehicles are turning right; and WHEREAS, during the Peak Period, vehicles in the right lane not wishing to turn right on red cause lengthy backups; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas("City Council')has investigated and determined that the count report indicates that a change is necessary for the southbound right lane; and WHEREAS,pursuant to§545.101 of the Texas Transportation Code,Wylie has the authority to place an official traffic control device in or adjacent to an intersection, and require a course different from that specified in §545.101 for movement by vehicles turning at an intersection; and WHEREAS,the City Council has investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to amend Section 110-89(Turning at Intersection)of Article III(Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110 (Traffic and Vehicles) of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to establish a right turn only lane for the southbound traffic on Westgate Way at the Westgate and FM 544 intersection during the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 am Monday thru Friday. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Ordinance No.2013-02 Westgate Way-Right Turn Only Lane Page 1 SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Section 110-89 (Turning at Intersection) of Article III (Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110 (Traffic and Vehicles) of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Section 110-89 (Turning at Intersection) of Article III (Operation of Vehicles) of Chapter 110(Traffic and Vehicles)of Part II of the Wylie Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: (g) Between the hours of 6:00 am and 9:00 am, Monday thru Friday, the southbound Westgate Way right lane at the intersection of Westgate Way and FM 544 shall be a right turn only lane." SECTION 3: Placement of Signs. Signs indicating the right turn only provided herein shall be placed at the most advantageous points to be conspicuous to approaching vehicular traffic. The signs shall be permanently affixed to a stationary post or installed on permanent buildings or walls or as otherwise approved. The signs shall in no way be obstructed from view,and shall comply with applicable state laws. SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict;but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: Penalty Provision. Any person violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum of not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication as required by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this day of , 2013. Ordinance No.2013-02 Westgate Way-Right Turn Only Lane Page 2 Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY APPROVED AS TO FORM: RECORDED: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Abernathy Roeder Boyd& Joplin P.C. Courtney A. Kuykendall, City Attorneys Date(s)of Publication: January 16,2013, The Wylie News Ordinance No.2013-02 Westgate Way-Right Turn Only Lane Page 3 MEMO TO : Chris Hoisted, City Engineer, City of Wylie FROM : Torn Walton, Consulting Traffic Engineer DATE : 11/8/12 SUBJECT : Traffic Control Southbound Westgate at FM544 A peak hour turning movement count has been completed at the intersection of Westgate Way and FM 544. A copy of the count report is attached. The report shows that for the southbound traffic on Westgate during the peak periods, there is a large volume of right turning traffic. During the PM peak period, the right turns make up 35% of the southbound movement. During the AM peak period the percentage of right turning traffic varies from 60%to 80%. Reports have been received that, during the AM peak hour, thru vehicles in the right lane not wishing to turn Right on Red, cause lengthy backups. The volume information indicates that a change is needed for the southbound right lane. An ordinance is needed to require that the right lane turn right during the period from 6:00AM to 9:00AM. Following passage of the ordinance the following signing changes are needed; • Remove the Lane assignment directional sign from the west side of Westgate Way south of the railroad crossing north of FM 544. • Install a Right Lane Must Turn Right sign (R3-7) with a black on white time plate reading 6:00AM to 9:00AM Weekdays below it and yellow flashing beacons above and below the signs on the west side of Westgate Way 300ft north of its intersection with FM 544. Sign facing north. • Install a Right Lane Must Turn Right sign (R3-7) with a black on white time plate reading 6:00AM to 9:00AM Weekdays below it on the west side of Westgate Way 50ft north of its intersection with FM 544. Sign facing north. • Accurate Counts Traffic Data Collection Services Location:FM 544 @ Westgate (214) 681-6468 File Name : fin 544 at westgate Weather:Warm Site Code : 00000000 Counted By:CP Start Date : 10/30/2012 Page No : 1 Groups Printed-Unshifted WESTGATE WAY FM 544 WESTGATE WAY FM 544 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Righ Peds APP. Left Thru Righ Peds Epp' Left Thru Righ Peds App. Left Thru 1 gh Peds App. h Total t Total t Total t Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 06:00 3 3 63 0 69 3 140 1 0 144 5 0 1 0 6 8 37 6 0 51 270 06:15 5 8 56 0 69 0 204 0 0 204 8 5 0 0 13 4 27 3 0 34 320 06:30 10 23 73 0 106 4 243 1 0 248 8 3 4 0 15 9 65 3 0 77 446 06:45 8 22 105 0 135 5 214 1 0 220 23 7 0 0 30 10 84 13 0 107 492 Total 26 56 297 0 379 I 12 801 3 0 816 44 15 5 0 64 31 213 25 0 269 I 1528 07:00 9 21 92 0 122 0 233 2 0 235 7 7 0 0 14 18 77 11 0 106 477 07:15 13 39 89 0 141 1 248 5 0 254 5 14 2 0 21 25 98 7 0 130 546 07:30 13 34 75 0 122 2 253 9 0 264 10 10 0 0 20 6 99 6 0 111 517 07:45 16 35 75 0 126 4 310 7 0 321 18 15 2 0 35 15 137 7 0 159 641 Total 51 129 331 0 511 7 1044 23 0 1074 40 46 4 0 90 64 411 31 0 506 2181 08:00 19 22 59 0 100 5 272 11 0 288 17 10 2 0 29 16 124 6 0 146 563 08:15 14 18 51 0 83 6 238 8 0 252 12 7 5 0 24 13 90 7 0 110 469 08:30 16 12 49 0 77 3 161 6 0 170 17 6 3 0 26 16 99 3 0 118 391 08:45 19 12 45 0 76 1 204 8 0 213 28 6 4 0 38 27 100 9 0 136 463 Total 68 64 204 0 336 15 875 33 0 923 I 74 29 14 0 117 72 413 25 0 510 1886 16:00 45 13 29 0 87 5 136 25 3 169 34 31 5 0 70 49 235 14 0 298 624 16:15 23 18 25 0 66 6 152 24 1 183 29 22 8 0 59 48 318 15 3 384 692 16:30 19 25 25 0 69 9 173 31 1 214 19 46 7 0 72 75 301 14 0 390 745 16:45 29 11 23 0 63 40 162 31 0 233 26 35 8 0 69 71 354 15 0 440 805 Total 116 67 102 0 285 60 623 111 5 799 108 134 28 0 270 243 1208 58 3 1512 2866 17:00 19 14 26 0 59 53 186 22 0 261 24 39 11 0 74 98 247 4 0 349 743 17:15 37 19 35 0 91 15 143 43 0 201 26 57 11 0 94 70 254 20 0 344 730 17:30 27 23 23 0 73 63 124 18 0 205 21 46 5 0 72 101 306 18 0 425 775 17:45 40 15 27 1 83 11 153 14 0 178 25 41 4 0 70 101 276 12 0 389 720 Total 123 71 111 1 306 142 606 97 0 845 96 183 31 0 310 370 1083 54 0 1507 2968 18:00 25 10 27 1 63 10 154 37 0 201 27 47 7 0 81 90 309 13 0 412 757 18:15 29 29 29 0 87 26 165 30 0 221 23 41 8 0 72 75 237 15 0 327 707 18:30 37 14 25 0 76 7 141 24 0 172 28 42 10 0 80 74 289 8 0 371 699 18:45 27 19 23 0 69 9 136 20 0 165 30 38 8 0 76 85 254 21 0 360 670 Total 118 72 104 1 295 52 596 111 0 759 108 168 33 0 309 324 1089 57 0 1470 2833 Grand Total 502 459 1149 2 2112 288 4545 378 5 5216 470 575 115 0 1160 1104 4417 250 3 5774 14262 Apprch% 23.8 21.7 54.4 0.1 5.5 87.1 7.2 0.1 40.5 49.6 9.9 0.0 19.1 76.5 4.3 0.1 Total% 3.5 3.2 8.1 0.0 14.8 2.0 31.9 2.7 0.0 36.6 3.3 4.0 0.8 0.0 8.1 7.7 31.0 1.8 0.0 40.5 Accurate Counts Traffic Data Collection Services Location:FM 544 @ Westgate (214) 681-6468 File Name : fm 544 at westgate Weather:Warm Site Code : 00000000 Counted By:CP Start Date : 10/30/2012 Page No : 2 WESTGATE WAY FM 544 WESTGATE WAY FM 544 Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Left Thru ugh Peds App' Left Thru Righ Peds App. Left Thru ugh Peds App. Left Thru Righ Peds App. Int. t Total t Total t Total t Total Total Peak Hour From 06:00 to 11:45-Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 07:15 Volume 61 130 298 0 489 12 1083 32 0 1127 50 49 6 0 105 62 458 26 0 546 2267 Percent 12.5 26.6 60.9 0.0 1.1 96.1 2.8 0.0 47.6 46.7 5.7 0.0 11.4 83.9 4.8 0.0 07:45 16 35 75 0 126 4 310 7 0 321 18 15 2 0 35 15 137 7 0 159 641 Volume Peak Factor 0.884 High Int. 07:15 07:45 07:45 07:45 Volume 13 39 89 0 141 4 310 7 0 321 18 15 2 0 35 15 137 7 0 159 Peak Factor 0.867 0.878 0.750 0.858 Peak Hour From 12:00 to 18:45-Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 16:45 Volume 112 67 107 0 286 171 615 114 0 900 97 177 35 0 309 340 1161 57 0 1558 3053 Percent 39.2 23.4 37.4 0.0 19.0 68.3 12.7 0.0 31.4 57.3 11.3 0.0 21.8 74.5 3.7 0.0 16:45 29 11 23 0 63 40 162 31 0 233 26 35 8 0 69 71 354 15 0 440 805 Volume Peak Factor 0.948 High Int. 17:15 17:00 17:15 16:45 Volume 37 19 35 0 91 53 186 22 0 261 26 57 11 0 94 71 354 15 0 440 Peak Factor 0.786 0.862 0.822 0.885 +t`L OF Tyke 41 g • ® Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 8,2013 Item Number: 1. (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: December 19,2012 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Exhibits A,B, C,D,P&X Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development/Single-Family (PD-SF) on approximately 52.631 acres generally located south of S.H. 78, east of Wylie East Drive and north of Wylie East H.S. ZC 2012-10 Recommendation Motion to approve amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development/Single-Family (PD-SF) on approximately 52.631 acres generally located south of S.H. 78, east of Wylie East Drive and north of Wylie East H.S. ZC 2012-10 Discussion Owner: Bill & Donna Lewis Applicant: Jim Douglas with Douglas Properties,Inc. The subject tract was annexed into the city on November 14, 2012 for the purpose of developing a single-family residential community of varied densities. The property totals 52.631 acres. The request is to allow a minimum lot size of 5,500 s.f. and to provide innovative design elements and amenities as part of an overall theme for"Lewis Ranch" Subdivision. The square footage of under roof dwelling sizes will be percentage base: 10% of lots 1,750 25% of lots 1,850 30% of lots 2,000 35% of lots 2,400 The current Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot size is 10,000 s.f. and minimum dwelling size is 2,400 s.f., with a minimum lot width of 75' and lot depth of 100. The proposed zoning case reflects a minimum lot width of 50' and a minimum lot depth of 100'. The Applicant is currently developing Kreymer Estates. The percent of lot breakdown is as follows: 15% of lots 1,800 35% of lots 2,000 50% of lots 2,200 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Current Park dedication standards require that each residential development dedicate a minimum of 5 acres per 100 lots or fees in lieu of. The proposed Lewis Ranch has 216 lots on 52.98 acres or 4.07 lots per acre. The minimum parkland dedication required, in terms of acreage would be 10.8 acres. Corresponding funds in lieu of land would be assessed at $2,000 per lots, for total funds due of $432,000.00. The applicant proposes to dedicate 9.17 acres including but not limited to 3,200 L.F. of hike & bike trails. An 8' wide trail, with a 6' wide trail in front of dwellings will be installed to achieve a link with the city trails system. Open space areas will include a pavilion, tot lot, benches, tables and a fishing dock. The applicant will install $372,512 in park improvements, including engineering cost and clearing. Therefore, the developer's proposed combination of land and improvements exceeds the minimum parkland dedication requirements. Per the conditions of the PD, the amenities will be installed prior to any certificates of occupancy being released. All maintenance of the park and amenities will be the responsibility of the HOA. City responsibilities shall include playground safety inspections and the scheduling of pavilion reservation as typical with any city owned park. Hike and Bike pedestrian trails will connect to Wylie East High School. In addition, a 6' masonry wall will be constructed along the southern property line adjacent to school property. Two points of access from Wylie East Blvd and two points of access from Bennett Road will provide ingress and egress to the development. The Comprehensive Master Plan classifies this tract as Sub-Urban Sector, allowing for residential development of low to medium densities and shall also allow commercial development of very low intensity with the immediate neighborhood as the targeted customer. It also states that the plan shall guide in the development of attractive, inclusive and cohesive residential neighborhoods that offer a mix of opportunities. Seventeen (17) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of December 20, 2012 two responses were received in favor of the request, and none opposing. The Parks Board has reviewed and recommends approval of the Parks Plan(Exhibit "P") for Lewis Ranch by a vote of 6-0. Planning Commission Discussion The applicant presented a presentation to the Commission outlining some of the upgrades that will be a part of the standard interior designs, including but not limited to granite countertops, upgraded garages, and a starting price of $250,000. Bloomfield Homes will be the builder of record for the overall development. The Commission asked the applicant if the open space areas would be irrigated with rain/freeze sensors. The applicant responded yes. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval with the following stipulation being added to Section C.10 Garage Entry: garage doors shall have an upgraded cedar wood grain pattern finish with carriage hardware installed. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 12/19/12 City Manager EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being a 52.631 acre tract of land out of the F. De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; BEGINNING at a WOODEN Right-of-way(R.O.W.) monument found at the intersection of the East Right- of-way line of Wylie East Drive,a variable width Right-of-way, and the South R.O.W. line of State Highway No. 78, being the northwest corner of this tract; THENCE with a curve turning to the left with a radius of 5729.58', a chord bearing of N 70°08'12" E,a chord length of 236.16', a delta angle of 02°21'42",and an arc length of 236.17', to a 3/4" iron rod found (IRF); THENCE S 89°02'30" E a distance of 1135.67' to a capped iron rod set(hereinafter referred to as CIRS); THENCE S 01°08'35" W a distance of 1034.91' to a CIRS; THENCE S 88°51'25" E a distance of 700.91' to a CIRS in the West R.O.W. line of Bennett Road,a variable width R.O.W.; THENCE S 00°05'12" E a distance of 474.45' to a CIRS in the north line of a tract of land conveyed to Wylie East High School according to the deed filed of record in Volume 2008, Page 138 of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas(P.R.C.C.T.); THENCE N 89°01'24" W a distance of 1990.21'to a fence corner post in the East R.O.W. line of Wylie East Drive; THENCE N 00°10'01" W a distance of 1256.12' to a CIRS; THENCE N 14°38'14" W a distance of 177.62' to the POINT OF BEGINNING, having an area of 2,292,592 Square Feet or 52.631 Acres of land, more or less. EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING CASE No. 2012-10 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of May 2011) are hereby replaced with the following: Figure 3-4 -Planned Development— Single Family(PD — SF) Lot Size (Minimum) Lot Area(sq. ft.) 5,500 Lot Width(feet) 50 Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 60 Lot Depth(feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots (feet) 110 Dwelling Regulations (Minimum Square Footage) 10% of the lots 1,750 or greater 25% of the lots 1,850 or greater 30% of the lots 2,000 or greater 35% of the lots 2,400 or greater Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section III Design Conditions Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 20 Side Yard(feet) 5 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots(feet) on key lots 25 Rear Yard(feet) 15 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 20 Lot Coverage 45% Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 40 Accessory Structure (feet) 14 II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Maximum number of residential lots not to exceed 230 lots. 2. Key lots are defined as a corner lot which is backing up to an abutting side yard. 3. Three-tab roofing shall not be permitted. 4. No alleys shall be required within the Planned Development. 5. Lots which back onto park land shall provide a wrought iron fence of uniform design to be installed by the homebuilder, as approved by the Planning Department. 6. The Development Plan attached as Exhibit "C" shall serve as the Preliminary Plat. 7. Existing trees greater than 6 inch caliper within the flood plain shall be protected in accordance with City's Tree Preservation Plan. 8. Open space, drainage & floodway easement, and public hike & bike trail shall be dedicated to the City of Wylie in accordance with City's Subdivision Regulations. 9. All Lots adjacent to the school property will have a 6ft brick masonry rear wall. 10. Maintenance of the Park Area Maintenance of the park area will be the responsibility of the homeowners' association (HOA). A. HOA maintenance and responsibilities of amenities include: a. Clean up and litter removal. b. Landscaping installation, care, and maintenance. c. Trimming, clearing, and removal of unwanted vegetation as determined by the City Park Division. d. Maintain irrigation system and test all backflow devices annually as per City requirements. e. Maintain playground equipment, pavilion, benches, tables, concrete trail, and any other installed improvements, per Exhibit "P". Coordinate with the City Park Department prior to the replacement or removal of any improvement for consistency with City Park standards. f. Maintain slopes and topography to prevent erosion. B. City responsibilities of amenities include: a. Perform playground safety inspections by qualified personnel. b. Schedule pavilion reservations for the public. 11. All Park Amenities as described in Exhibit "P" and as approved by the City Parks Department, shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. III. DESIGN REGULATION CHART: A. Land Design Requirements A. Land Design Requirements (In Accordance with Exhibit "P") ELEMENT a.BASE STANDARD(ALL DEVELOPMENT b. DESIRABLE STANDARD MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL LISTED (THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLES WILL BE BELOW) ACHIEVED THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION) Public Open Space a. Trail shall be constructed to the City's Single-loaded street along open space. standards. b. 6 & 8 ft. hike &bike trail and open space improvements, per Exhibit "P". c. Provide benches per Exhibit "P". Perimeter Walkways and Coordinate with City of Wylie Landscape Lighting and Furnishings along a. Solar-controlled lighting, common a. 4 Benches, 2 Picnic Tables, 1 Pavilion, open space easements and trails throughout and 4 Benches with backs per 1 Tot Lot, 1 Fishing Dock and 1 Lighted Exhibit "P". Water Fountain in Pond, per Exhibit b. Decorative paving and cross-walks at "P". street connections c. 7 ft at interior street connectors. b. 8 ft wide at main entry B. Street and Sidewalk Requirements B. Street and Sidewalk Requirements (For all Residential Districts) ELEMENT BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE STANDARD (ALL DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY (THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLES WILL BE WITH ALL LISTED BELOW) ACHIEVED THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION) Entry Features and Architectural features on stone monument (no Wrought iron accent panels, or 2 or more different Signage at Entries brick) with landscaping and incorporated into type/color of stone (can be synthetic or cultured). open space area and illuminated by means other than street lights. Street Name Signs Including block numbers, incorporated with street lighting coordinated throughout. Pedestrian Crosswalks Connected system of decorative pavers at Trail 8 ft. wide, connected system of decorative pavers at Crossings per Exhibit "P". Trail Crossing at Main Entry. Hike &Bike Trail connection will be provided to School property. Sidewalk Locations 4 ft concrete, both sides of street. Mail Boxes Paired at lot line where applicable. Number Stone same as house exterior trim. plaque, brick same as resident. Sidewalk Lighting Low-illumination with solar controls, on decorative poles every 250' to 350' apart (intersections & mid-block alternating sides). Perimeter Alleys No alleys are required. C. Architectural Requirements C.Architectural Requirements (For all Residential Districts) ELEMENT BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE STANDARD (ALL DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH (THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLES WILL BE ALL LISTED BELOW) ACHIEVED THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION) Building Bulk and Articulation Minimum 25% of street façade offset minimum 2 ft. House Numbers Lighted front stone wall plaque beside main entry. Exterior Façade Material 80% brick or masonry stucco. Porch 140 square feet combined total covered front entry, 50 square feet or larger front entry, or rear entry or side entry. Minimum of 50 s.£ for connected wrap-around two or more sides, or front porch on dwellings with front facing garages. pitched cover incorporated into roof lines of house Chimneys Chimney enclosed with masonry product matching 40% stone to match house accent material for exterior walls and capped houses with Chimneys. Roof Pitch 8:12 minimum roof pitch; with articulation, dormers or hip/gable _ Roof Materials Architectural-grade overlap shingles, tile or standing seam metal, no wood shingles, Paint rooftop accessories to match Roof Eaves No wood fascia or soffit Repetition of floor plan and 7 lots skipped on same side of street before elevation repeating similar floor plan and elevation, 4 lots skipped opposite side of street, and no identical or flipped floor plans side by side or directly across street c.Architectural Requirements Cont. (For all Residential Districts) ELEMENT BASE STANDARD b. DESIRABLE STANDARD (ALL DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY FULLY WITH ALL (THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLES WILL BE LISTED BELOW) ACHIEVED THROUGHOUT THE SUBDIVISION) Garage entry a. Garage doors can be located on the primary street elevation of a single family residential unit with an upgraded insulated door with a cedar wood grain pattern finish with carriage hardware. Garage shall be a minimum of 400 square feet. Dwelling Size Minimum dwelling size exclusive of garages and breezeways Fencing a. Front: 4 ft maximum height, 50% transparent, wood or wrought iron. b. Side/Rear: 8 ft maximum height, wood w/metal posts &rails to inside. c. (No pressure treated wood). d. 6 foot Wrought Iron fence adjacent to the open space. Landscaping Sod front, rear, and side yards and minimum 2 trees Automated, subsurface irrigation system and 5 shrubs in front yard. Outdoor Lighting Front entry and drive/garage illuminated by standard Front façade and drive/garage shall be porch light illuminated by coach lights on each side of the garage and front and side yard activity area illuminated and wired to the interior of the house. Conservation/Sustainability Complies with Energy component of Building Code IV.DESIGN CONDITIONS: A. Land Design Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired Land Design requirements are achieved by projects in accordance with Exhibit "P" and the following criteria: 1. Provision of Public Pathways - Public Open Space a. Base Standard (1) Trail shall be constructed to the City's standards. Open space parkland shall be in accordance with Exhibit "P" as adopted by this ordinance. (a) 8' Hike & Bike Trail, with 6' in front of dwellings, achieving link in city trail system. (b) Open Space Improvements, including 1 Pavilion and 1 Tot Lot, 4 park benches, 2 picnic tables, 1 Fishing Dock and 1 Lighted Water Fountain. (c) Decorative pavers shall be installed at trail crossings. (2) The public pathway system easement(s) shall be connected along existing or planned utility rights-of-way and/or public property lines to any existing or planned public trail system on abutting land. Locate the public open space easement to provide for future connections to be made by others across intervening property to any existing or planned public trail system on land that does not abut the development. Public Access Street i i i Subdivision Development Public Open Space Easement . - "' •. Open Space • ,«•s; k r �. �- t • b. Desirable Design Attributes Single-loaded Street along open space and access per Exhibit "P". 2. Provision of Public Pathway—Perimeter Walkways and Landscape a. Base Standard (1) Per Exhibit "P" and coordinate improvements with the City of Wylie. (2) Landscaping and Tree Preservation shall be in accordance with Exhibit "C". The following trees and shrubs are recommended for landscaping and screening purposes and shall be of a species common or adaptable to this area of Texas: 1. Large Trees: Pecan Red Oak Burr Oak Water Oak Southern Magnolias Live Oak Bald Cypress 2. Small Trees: Yaupon Hollies Crape Myrtle Wax Myrtle Cherry Laurel Red Bud Japanese Black Pine Cedar Elm 3. Evergreen Shrubs: Red Tip Photinia Burford Holly Nellie R. Stevens Chinese Holly Yaupon Holly Clearra Nandinnia Dwarf Crape Myrtle Japanese Ligustrum Waxleaf Ligustrum Abelia Junipers Barberry Asian Jasmine Honeysuckle English Ivy Boston Ivy Liriope Monkey Grass Virginia Creeper Vinca Mondon Grass Ophia Pogon Elaeagnus Purple Sage Pistachio The following trees are discouraged for landscaping and screening purposes: Silver Maple Hackberry Green Ash Arizona Ash Mulberry Cottonwood Mimosa Syberian Elm American Elm Willow Sycamore Bradford Pear b. Desirable Design Attributes None 3. Lighting and Furnishings Along Open Space, Easements and Trails a. Base Standard (1) On open space easements, public walkways and trails provide: Solar- controlled lighting, per Exhibit "P" (2) Benches with backs installed per Exhibit "P" (3) Provide decorative paving and cross-walks at street connectors. (4) 8' wide decorative paving crossing at main entry; 7 ft wide at interior street connectors per Exhibit "P" b. Desirable Design Attributes (1) 4 Benches, 2 Picnic Tables, 1 Pavilion and 1 Tot Lot, per Exhibit "P",to be coordinated with Parks Department. (2) 8' wide decorative paving crossing at main entry; (3) Hike &Bike Trail connection will be provided to school property. (4) 1 Fishing Dock. (5) 1 Lighted Water Fountain in Pond. B. Street and Sidewalk Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired street and sidewalk requirements are achieved in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Street Treatments—Entry Features and Signage at Entries a. Base Standard Architectural features on stone monument (no brick) with landscaping and incorporated into open space area and illuminated by means other than street lights. b. Desirable Design Attributes Wrought iron accent panels or 2 or more different type/color of stone (can be synthetic or cultured). ! J c. gx may... _ , - �r. . - E e• -il • 2. Street Treatments—Street Name Signs a. Base Standard Block numbers shall be incorporated with street lighting that is coordinated throughout the subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Street Treatments—Pedestrian Crosswalks a. Base Standard All crosswalks within a Residential development are to be 7 feet wide at trail crossings and must connect to a pedestrian sidewalk system of decorative pavers with pedestrian ramps complying with the American with Disabilities Act, to provide a clear, continuous pedestrian and circulation system throughout a subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Provide 8 ft. wide, connected system of decorative pavers at Trail Crossing at Main Entry. 4. Pedestrian Sidewalks - Sidewalk Locations a. Base Standard 4 feet wide concrete pedestrian sidewalks shall be located on both sides of the street, in the right-of-way of every internal street. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 5. Mail Boxes a. Base Standard Mail boxes shall be paired at the lot line where applicable and shall provide number plaque and brick to match the resident. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Same stone as house exterior trim to mail boxes. 6. Pedestrian Sidewalks - Sidewalk Lighting a. Base Standard Decorative street lighting shall be provided along residential streets throughout all Residential Developments, providing low illumination with solar controls on decorative poles with spacing ranging from 250 feet to 350 feet between lights placed on alternating sides of the street. A Street Lighting Plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. The City Engineer is authorized to alter the distance requirement if needed in an effort to achieve the best lighting arrangement possible. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 7. Perimeter Alleys a. Base Standard No Alleyways are required for the subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None C. Architectural Standards—New Residential Requirements 1. Building Bulk and Articulation it Iti` il. :• lamayki, I � tt _,,_ , P is.— L .,., ' 1.1w '' kW �rro1 T �+'. ''!'k _. • •; .1:ti z; ,',•, v*k'' 4 lir i I n order to avoid large blank facades, variations in the elevation of residential facades facing a public street shall be provided in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. At least 25 percent of the façade shall be offset a minimum of 2 feet either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the façade. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 2. House Numbers a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have lighted front stone wall plaque with resident address beside the main entry of the dwelling unit. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Exterior Façade Material a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum of eighty (80) percent of the exterior facade composed of kiln-fired clay brick or masonry stucco with the balance being window boxes, gables, architectural shingle and etc., but not 20% siding, excluding windows, doors and other openings. Glazing shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the front elevation of the residence. Dormers, second story walls or other elements supported by the roof structure may be composite masonry materials if approved by the Building Official as having the same durability as masonry or stone and when offset at least six (6) inches from the first floor exterior wall. Wood, vinyl siding and EIFS materials shall not be used for exterior walls. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 4. Exterior Facades—Porch a. Base Standard Each single family residential unit shall have a combined total covered front, side or rear entry of a minimum of 140 total square feet of floor area. To enhance livable outdoor space front porches shall be a minimum of 50 s.f. with railings, columns or other architectural features for all dwellings that have front facing garages with cedar doors. 4144 11 _ . • _ _ b. Desirable Design Attributes: 50 square feet or larger front entry, or connected wrap-around on two or more sides, or pitched cover incorporated into the roof line of the house. 5. Exterior Facades - Chimneys a. Base Standard Chimney flues for fireplace chimneys are to be within a chimney enclosed with masonry product matching exterior walls of the residential unit and capped. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Fireplace chimneys shall incorporate 40 percent stone, matching the accent exterior facade materials of the house for houses with Chimneys. 1212 1012 Minimum Roof Pitch Allowed 8:12 6. Roofs and Roofing - Roof Pitch a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum roof pitch of 8:12, with articulation, dormers or a combination of hip and gable roofing. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 7. Roofs and Roofing - Roofing Materials a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have architectural-grade overlap shingles, tile or standing seam metal. Wood shingles are not permitted. Plumbing vents, attic vents, and other rooftop accessories are to be painted to match the roof shingle color. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 8. Roofs and Roofing - Roof Eaves a. Base Standard No wood fascia or soffits are permitted. te Z. :ice b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 9. Repetition of Residential Unit Designs — Repetition of Floor Plan and Elevation a. Base Standard A minimum of seven (7) platted residential lots must be skipped on the same side and four (4) lots must be skipped on the opposite side of a street before rebuilding the same single family residential unit with an identical (or nearly identical) street elevation design. The same floor plan shall not be repeated on neighboring, side by side lots or directly across the street. L._L_. L .L.1_1. J ._1_. .L-1_i._1_. i- 1--I'T'T'T'T'1-1'T'T'T- r-f 0'T'-1-• - NO 716 3 2 1 3 14 4LOT I I I ED 6OPPOSI I 7 1. I 5 I 4 I I III 1 I 2 I PITE 5`DE OF STREET 111 .1 . ' � 7 T 7'LOTS SKIPPED SAME E SIDE OF S EET T I 7 6 5 . 4 3 . 2 1 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO 1 OK I I I I I 1 1 I OK I 1 1 1 T I I 1 I T' 'T-1 'T'T'T.1-�' 'T'T'-T• T Identical or nearly identical floor plan means that the layout, size and function of the rooms are essentially the same Identical or nearly identical street elevation design means little or no variation in the articulation of the facade, height or width of facade, placement of the primary entrances, porches, number and placement of windows, and other major architectural feature. It does not mean similar colors, materials, or small details. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 10. Garage Entry a. Base Standard Garage doors can be located on the primary street elevation of a single family residential unit with an upgraded insulated door with a cedar wood grain pattern finish with carriage hardware. The primary street would be the addressed street front. Garages may face the street on a corner lot side yard. Each garage shall be a minimum of 400 square feet. Iiii 114 U ilk 111 b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 11. Dwelling Size a. Base Standard The minimum square feet of floor space shall be (10%) of the houses 1,750 s.f or greater, (25%) of the houses 1,850 s.f or greater , (30%) of the houses 2,000 s.f or greater , (35%) of the houses 2,400 s.f or greater measured within the outside dimensions of a residential dwelling unit including each floor level, but excluding carports, garages, and breezeways. 12. Fencing a. Base Standard (1) Front yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 4 feet maximum with 50 percent transparency constructed of wood or wrought iron. (2) Side and rear yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 8 feet maximum and constructed of wood with metal posts and rails to the inside. (3) Pressure treated wood is prohibited. (4) Fences shall be constructed of wrought iron next to open space, and shall be maximum 6 ft in height. b. Desirable Design Attributes None 13. Landscaping a. Base Standard (1) Each residential dwelling shall have sodded front, side, and rear yard with a minimum of 2 trees and 5 shrubs in front yard. (2) All landscaped areas must be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Any plant materials that die during a time of year where it is not feasible to replant shall be replaced as soon as possible. b. Desirable Design Attributes Each residential dwelling unit shall have an automated, subsurface irrigation system. 14. Outdoor Lighting a. Base Standard All residential dwelling units shall have an illuminated standard porch light at the front entry and drive/garage. b. Desirable Design Attributes Front façade and drive/garage shall be illuminated by coach lights on each side of the garage and front and side yard activity area illuminated and wired to the interior of the house. st 15. Conservation/Sustainability a. Base Standard Each residential dwelling unit must comply with the Energy component of the Building Code. b. Desirable Design Attributes None O R 1, 100 50 0 100 200 \` SUBJECT / \ TRACT i SCALE: 1" = 100' ¢' S.H. No. 78 • 8 _ o 1, � m a =27142' ��jv1 P� R=5729.58' \G W.A.JR.PARKER W.A.JR.PARKER TROY RAY ETUX GIBSON 5? E. Brown Street m n 4.425 ACRES 5.4281 ACRES 3.1763 ACRES "> 01 T 11R81' CJ�P� TON W.&JERRY L VOL.1809,PG.832 VOL.1809,PG.832 VOL 2208,PG.826 m L=236.17' HENSLEY L'L=236.116' 0.6792 ACRES JIMMY G.BENNETT w° 4.6069 ACRES Dc 'a VOL 4832,PG.598 VOL 3206,PG.820 C8=N70V8'12'E __ S 89t72'30'E f_13567' __ a 2 r�'7" I I I I I��I _ r�T I I _ E. Stone Drive \ I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I / ' ' \ \ 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 �/ \ \ IL_i_L_L_1-J_ L--1--1--L_1_-1--1--I---I--I----�--.-L�( ----� _--� 7 i---r-T- 1--I--T--r--I---1--T-7--1--� LOCATION MAP N.T.S. N 14.38'14'W \ r'' 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I --- 17762' ,. 1 J _� I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 L L -- I I I I I I I I I I L---_ LEGAL DESCRIPIION 1 I I -L-- -� I ----I _ 11 \--LI-11-JT- i -1- I - 1--1_r_-II--- I I'- I r 1--- I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I T---� 1 _ J 1 __--i I I I I I I I I I I Being a 52.631 acre tract of land out of the F. De La Plno Survey,Abstract 1 -- I 1- I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 --- 0 No. 688, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows° I 1 I r L_ L L 1 _1__L_J__I__L_1_J__J I Q BEGINNING at a WOODEN Right-of-way(R.O.W.)monument found at the L- __ 1 l--- I I L-_ intersection of the East Right-of-way line of Wile East Drivel a variable width I 1 II 1 L--- _ -- 1 CC Right-of-way, and the South R.O.W. line of State Highway No. 78 being the 1 I northwest corner of this tract; I Nt11:1 BILL E.&DONNA C.LEWIS IF___-'IL _ r8035.289 ACRES THENCE with o curve fuming to the left with o rodws of 5729.SB; o chord it1\1 �I �►r MENT I VOL.4676,PG.1819 1 I I / I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L___ 3 co bearing of N 70fl8'11"E, a chord length of 136.16; a delta angle of 0171'4?; J — _ _ _ _ _ _ I CI" and on arc length of 236.17; to a 3/4"iron rod found(IRF); 78/HOOPARES 1 L_--- I---r T - I ----- I 22.7325 ACRES I I I I I ^/,J 1 THENCE S 8971230"E a distance of 1135.67'to a copped iron rod set VOL.5191,PG.1925 1 - I I I 1 w I I 1 I I i-- 0 EUBANKS LIVING TRUST (hereinafter referred to as ORS); -- -11 1 7.9895 ACRES I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z VOL 3206,PG.847 THENCE S 01°0835'W a distance of 1034.91'to a On I I I I-_L-1 _1_--1--L-J--1--L-1-J--1__L__-1--J " 0_ X THENCE S 8851'25'E a distance of 700.91'to a CIRS in the West R.O.W. line of Bennett Rood, a variable width R.O.W.; ___-r--T- - ----1 r T I 7 I-- - \ j J I I I I I I I I THENCE S 00175'12'E a distance of 474.45'to a CIRS in the north line of a /_ I L--- tract of land conveyed to Wylie East High School according to the deed filed of 11 I I I---- 1- I l I 1 LIJ record in volume 2008 Page 138 of the Plot Recrords of Collin County, Texas Itlk 0 L_�-J__ Ir_i I I I THENCE N 89VI24"W a distance of 1990.21'to a fence corner post in the l i L--- I I z East R.O.W.line of Wylie East Drive° U7 - J ~ I HI LC1 THENCE N 0070'OI"W a distance of 1256.12'to a ORS; ® / r I I I ill m THENCE N 1438'14"W a distance of 177.62'to the POINT OF BEGINNING, \ I I having an area of 2,292,592 Square Feet or 52.631 Acres of lane,more or Op;; / less. 19 20 21 •22 �O: ___ \�-^� J I----7 ) I-- I I 1 ---JJ L___ __ 5885125'E-70Q91' REATA 23 DRIVE I -1I I 1 / r—T T--1--r-7--I--7--T--r-1--r-T--I--I- 1 1 1 1 __� // 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 \ / 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 24 I I-----1 OPEN SPACE \ �� � 1 I I I I I I I I I I 9 10 -i 9.17ACREs \ \ // 7— I L 1 1_ I 1_ I 1_ 1_ L_ 25 L_____I T-- I__ -- ____ \\ \< / I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I a EXHIBIT I'C" } 26 I I I------I I T II -1 I `\ ���� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I o I I I I I I - �� `��\ ---1__L_1_1--I--1--L-J-- 1--_L--1---I--1-J___ LEWIS RANCH I / \ 12 11 W -----I L----L-1--1--J---1 1 s� /� a \ ' -T-T I- 7 T I I - T 1- - r 7 I I- S BEING 52.631 ACRE IN THE v- m 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I y SHERIDAN Wmd� // �r�T_-T--r-_I--�-- I 1 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS LANE as I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I//01 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L-J__L_ __1__I__�__1__1__L_J__1__I__1_1_J--_ 216 RESIDENTIAL LOTS _ ---_ -- 1 I -- - 1_ NOVEMBER l4, 2012 34 se d D so N 8917124"W 1990.21' ---�- --� --� U ^ 31 -, , OWNER .. WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL BILL E. 8e DONNA C. LEWIS 32 BLOCK A,LOT 1 7025 Bennett Road ' Wylie, Texas 75098 sy 36 VOL.2008,PG.138 972-422-1658 \ 33 ^ DEVELOPER MONTAGUE DOUGLAS PROPERTIES INC. TRAIL 2309 Avenue K Suite 101 ' Plano, Texas 75074 ss 972-422-1658 37 se 5 ® rI TIPTON ENGINEERING. INC. iENy Blvd.NG"SURYEYGoPexas 75"F-2926 6330 Broadway Blvd.o Suite C o Garland,Texas 75043 o(972)226-2967 rhovasOtiptoneng.com p5031 EXHIBIT A LEWIS ESTATES Wylie, Texas Tipton Engineering, Inc. 09/17/12 Description Unit Qty Price Amount PARK IMPROVEMENTS 8 ' Hike and Bike Trail LF 3,200 32.00 102,400.00 Trail Lights LS 1 12,500.00 12,500.00 Irrigation LS 1 48,900.00 48,900.00 Tot Lot EA 1 41,250.00 41,250.00 Pavilian EA 1 62,250.00 62,250.00 Park Benches EA 4 1,200.00 4,800.00 Picnic Tables EA 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 Dock EA 1 18,000.00 18,000.00 Fountain w/lights EA 1 21,000.00 21,000.00 Hand Clearing of Park Land EA 1 18,500.00 18,500.00 Total Park Improvements $332,600.00 Construction Costs of Improvements $332,600.00 Engineering and Construction Staking $39,912.00 Total Amount of Park Improvements $372,512.00 PARK LAND DEDICATION Park Land Provided 9.17 acres CS5062.xls 6 ? 100 50 0 100 200 \` SUBJECT / \ TRACT SCALE: 1" = 100' ' S.H. No. 78 0 8 o_ O. m a =27142' ��nl P� R=5729.58' ` \G W.A.JR.PARKER W.A.JR.PARKER TROY RAY ETUX GIBSON Z 0? E. Brown Street m C, 4.425 ACRES 5.4281 ACRES 3.1763 ACRES "� o T 11�81' CJ� �� TON W.&JERRY L VOL.1809,PG.832 VOL.1809,PG.832 VOL 2208,PG.826 m L=236.17' HENSLEY C a, L'L=236.116' 0.6792 ACRES JIMMY G.BENNETT d w° 4.6069 ACRES 'a 2 VOL.4832,Pa 598 VOL 3206,PG.820 — CB=N70'D8'12'E __ S 89t72'30'E f_13567' __ a 3 r�7" 1 I I I I��I _ r�T I I _ E. Stone Drive ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I / \ \ 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I // \` 11 \ L_i_L_L_L_1__L--1--1--L-1-1--I--I---1---1--J__,L`‹ y— � �___ , ace ----� ---� 7 i---r-T-7--r-T--r--r--1--r-7--1--� LOCATION MAP N.T.S. N 14 38'14'W t - 1 I I I I I I I I I I L--- 17762' -_ 1 -\ -\ \ I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1- 1---- I I I I I I I I I I I I 1____ 1 -A 11 ___� _ 11 L--LI-1rJT-17-11--Li--17-- -- - --11--- j I'- I r I--- I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 7---- n 1 _iI 1 _--i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 OPEN SPACE 9. 7 ACRES 1 - 1 r- Ir__- 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1---- Q L L L 1 J _L__L_J__I__L_L-J__J II I -- ----I I - --- O 3200 L.F. HIKE & BIKE TRAIL I I I L---� pt.:ANN/Et/ `\\� I I I r _- '"� BILL E.&DONNA C.LEWIS 2 OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMENTS I1 _-- LV Y �r0 ENT 1 1 II O`er 35.28976,PG.ES I� I LILT I 11 I 1 I I I L-__ �3 voL4s7s,Pa.tBts 1 c� ( DENOTES PAVILION) 7822005ARESD. • 1I_=-_-I i iy? w (� —+—_--- 1---- O EUBANKSLIVINGTRUST ( -_- N� DENOTES TOT LOT) voL.5191,Pa 1925 I I I I I 1 1 I I ���1�ti. I p Z 7.9895 ACRES I I I I I I I I I I I LI VOL3206,PG.847 ( o DENOTES PARK BENCH) 1o____i 1 1 - 1--I-_L-L_1---1--L--J_-1--L-1-I1--I--L-1--J 1 --- �" w _--1--T_-I--7----, r-- -1 r-- I 7 ( �I DENOTES PICNIC TABLE) 0 I I I I I I I I 1 (-----« DENOTES DECORATIVE BRICK I I I 1 ___ I ___J L___ I I----� I- I I I Fes- PAVERS) q L-�_J-_J I L l I I 1 1 w ( $,s DENOTES LIGHTED WATER I -1 I----�---I r--- z r----1 I I I 1 I 1 FOUNTAIN) I L I L--- ----I I---- z Q -,-J i i _ i �___ m (� DENOTES 8' HIKE & BIKE TRAIL) ® r i i i i (� DENOTES DOCK) 1--- - 19 20 �' 22 w J ---� J I ( * DENOTES TRAIL LIGHTS) ---7 I I J L_ _ -- S885125-E701a91' I I I --- EXACT LOCATION OF THE HIKE&BIKE TRAIL TO BE I I__-- L-- -1 REATA 1 O � - I I 1� DETERMINED BY THE DEVELOPER AND THE CITY OF WYLIE DRIVE 23 I --- O , I , ,r�r-T-- --r --- 1-- --T--r- (--r-T--I--I- i;:; 1 1 I _,....\ / 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I i 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I i 24 , I 1-----1 OPEN SPACE 1 V 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' 9 10 ' 1 I 9.17AcRES IQ \ \ ,/ >_ I L L 1_ I 1_ I 1_ 1_ L_ 25 1 , �- r 1 7 f—T 1-_-I f ----+- --r-- L____J r- �- -- ____ `\ `< 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I a EXHIBIT Iil 1I } 26 it -----� 1 r 1 1 e `\ ``�-i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 i 44 o I I I I I - �� ` \ --�__L_L_1--1-1--L--1--1-- 1 --1---1--L-J--I- LEWIS RANCH I / 1 lz 11 w L ----I L---- -1--1---J---j 1 o s� m r/ *'i T I I I T I I I T 1- -1 I I I r S BEING 52.631ACRE IN THE SHERIDAN Wmd2 ,� --r"—T--T--r--1--7--T— I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS LANE - as ol i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I wad29 / I I I I I I I L-J__L_J__L__I__1__1__1__L_J__1__I-_L_1_J 2 '� RESIDENTIAL LOTS _ -__ -- 1 1 -- - 1 NOVEMBER 14, 2012 34 36 d D 3D N 8917124"W 1990.21' ---�- --� --� 0 31 -- OWNER ^� WYLIE EAST HIGH SCHOOL BILL E. 8e DONNA C. LEWIS 32 BLOCK A,LOT 1 7025 Bennett Road ,- Wylie, Texas 75098 37 se VOL.2008,PG.138 972-422-1658 33 -- DEVELOPER MONTAGUE DOUGLAS PROPERTIES INC. TRAIL 2309 Avenue K Suite 101 " Plano, Texas 75074 ss 972-422-1658 s7 se 5 ® rI TIPTON ENGINEERING. INC. JEIayBEIIIING C o YNG G.Texas 7 G o F-2926 6330 Broadway Blvd.o Suite C o Wand,Texas 75043 o(972)226-2967 rhovasOtiptoneng.com .son NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT Jim Douglas-Douglas Properties, Inc. APPLICATION FILE 2012-10 2309 Avenue K,N 100 Plano Tx 75074 n BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant-Jim Douglas 2309 Avenue K#100 1 Douglas Properties,Inc. Plano.Texas 75074 Wylie East High School PO Box 490 2 Blk A Lot I R-955I-OOA-0010-1 Wylie 1SD Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 2941 Reata Drive 3 Blk A Lot 21 R-8143-OOA-0210-1 Lauren Neale Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 2943 Reata Drive 4 BIk A Lot 22 R-8143-OOA-0220-1 Michael Reitz Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 8911 N.Capital of Texas Hwy.#3120 5 BIk A 23 R-8143-OOA-0230-1 Whitley Company Austin,Texas 78759 Cimarron Estates 320 Capps Drive 6 BIk A 24 R-8143-OOA-0240-I Tracy Elliott Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 318 Capps Drip c 7 Blk A 25 R-8143-00A-0250-1 Steven Marler Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 1702 Buckthorne Drip e 8 Blk A 26 R-8143-0OA-0260-I Thomas Philip Allen,Texas 75002 Cimarron Estates 314 Capps Drive 9 Blk A 27 R-8143-OOA-0270-1 Jennifer Swartz Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 312 Capps Drive 10 Blk A 28 R-8I43-OOA-0280-1 Julie Moore Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 310 Capps Drive 11 BIk A 29 R-8143-OOA-0290-1 Reynaldo Lopez Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 308 Capps Drive 12 BIk A 30 R-8143-OOA-0300-I Cory Renfro Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 306 Capps Drive 13 _ BIk A 31 R-8143-OOA-0310-I Bernice Wery Wylie,Texas 75098 Cimarron Estates 304 Capps Drive 14 Blk A 32 R-8143-OOA-0320-I Diana Jemes Wylie,Texas 75098 PO Box 802736 0 15 Abst 688 Tract 35 R-6688-003-0350-1 78/1-looper Ltd. Dallas,Texas 75380 PO Box 693 C 16 Abst 688 Tract 47 R-6688-003-0470-I Bill E. Lewis Wy lie,Texas 75098 Vincelee Stevens 6514 Chevy Chase Avenue 17 Abst 688 Tract 208 R-6688-003-2080-I Wiley Enterprises,Inc. Dallas,Texas 75225 18 Q -- Fez X- /1.. -1—1s- ; i i l� rr i L. - _ i r I �� - -- - OtAl r _ 1! I 1 rtr .!, 011r'41111.-- - ! I 7 A 688- 3 Tr 41 I •rr -. i i I , . cil --,-- 0 ...., ,. -,.47,,, , [ r, 0 ,t 1:- 711- 29 30 _________________ TFC 3! -1 1 - i ` - - _ , _ . - liii Lr)_ 111l� c i'� Wylie East High School H a 1° I I t 'T -; OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE # 2012- 10 x J ,,,c_,,o.` sA--- PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-10. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 18, 2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 8, 2013, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Name: I( 0 1-er " 6r,.v " (please print) p�, Address: C� • r56}( OZ- ?-3 to cxI(o,s, (Xc,c, 3- c3S.o Signature: Date: i1 • �jo• COMMENTS: Igo C rp c� .ate co-Le...12 e tS '--Si PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 d I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2012-10. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2012-10. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, December 18, 2012,6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie, Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,January 8, 2013,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: h Yla_ Le co 1 SXe/64-1-:' Address: (please7©rAt� c 9-3 Signature: VZ--, PtiL S Date: T>1")cr 3, t"( COMMENTS: Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE A G E N D A REPORT Meeting Date: January 8, 2013 Item Number: 2. Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: January 3, 2013 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, an act upon, Resolution No. 2013-03(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas authorizing the application of Mariposa Woodbridge LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Housing Tax Credits Home Funds and support for the development of multi-family residential housing with a target population for adults 55 years of age and older. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2013-03(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas authorizing the application of Mariposa Woodbridge LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Housing Tax Credits Home Funds and support for the development of multi-family residential housing with a target population for adults 55 years of age and older. Discussion At the request of the Mayor, this item is being placed on the agenda for reconsideration. The proposed Senior Living Facilities would be located south of the Target development, east of McCreary Road. The Planned Development District zoning for this property (Ord. 2006-01) includes a retirement housing use which specifies that the head of the household must be 55 years of age or older, and also addresses density, setback and parking requirements. Bonner Carrington LLP is the developer of the proposed project. They have developed five other senior communities in Texas. The Council previously approved Resolutions 2010-09 and 2012-08 indicating the City's support of similar projects on the same site. The applicant is proposing to submit for this funding cycle which requires a Resolution from Council. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director MM January 3, 2013 City Manager RESOLUTION NO. 2013-03(R) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION OF MARIPOSA WOODBRIDGE LP, A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR HOUSING TAX CREDITS (HTC), HOME FUNDS AND SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOUSING WITH A TARGET POPULATION FOR ADULTS 55 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER WHEREAS, Mariposa Woodbridge LP, a Texas limited partnership, (the "Applicant") and Bonner Carrington LLC have proposed a development for multi-family residential housing with a target population for adults 55 years of age and over on an approximately 13.122 acre tract located approximately.25 miles South of the intersection of McCreary Road and W. Kirby (aka FM 544), on McCreary Road (east side), named Mariposa Apartment Homes at Woodbridge in the City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Applicant intends to submit an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for Housing Tax Credit Program funds and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)Program funds for"Mariposa Apaituient Homes at Woodbridge;"and WHEREAS, as the population ages, there is a growing need for reasonably priced housing for seniors in the community, and City Council wishes to explore options that could satisfy this need in conjunction with the overall planning goals of the City of Wylie,Texas(the"City"); and WHEREAS, in order to help provide funds and secure necessary financing approvals, Mariposa Woodbridge LP and Bonner Carrington LLC request permission from the City to apply for Housing Tax Credits and HOME funds from TDHCA which requires the consent of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the location (the "Target Location") described on Exhibit "A," attached hereto, is located within the city limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City deems it in the best interest of the citizens to consider the development with the understanding that the developer will work closely with the City to ensure that it meets area needs and the community desired sense of character. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: Section 1. The facts and opinions in the preamble of this resolution are true and correct. Section 2. The City of Wylie, Counties of Collin, Dallas and Rockwall has voted specifically to support the Development. Section 3. The City of Wylie, County of Collin has voted and determined that Mariposa at Woodbridge contributes most significantly to the concerted revitalization efforts of the City. Section 4. This Resolution, related to potential financing, is not a statement of approval for site or building permits as such decision shall be made in due course with a future request. Resolution No.2013-03(R)Multi-Family Residential Housing Mariposa Woodbridge LP Page 1 of 3 Section 5. All resolutions and agreements or portions of resolutions and agreements in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this day of ,2013. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ERIC HOGUE,MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY Resolution No.2013-03(R)Multi-Family Residential Housing Mariposa Woodbridge LP Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT"A"—TARGET LOCATION 1 0 • "•r 'sfr' 11•F -___ ...• • I /-,••rr. a •• P.O.B. I -sar.r -- 110•• ram` L irk imma••� �O>.Fti Wes• .••pI rr •1•-R MCC.L I �SVE Vee4 ••wrr•s. •r•nr•r r r•r...Pima rr N LLIAM S _ r `....2. ...-.............•••••.•............ 13.725 ACRES 0 ammo w. .,�••.=••r.Mmons•r�•fww..rrr., if t'Y•S.0 �1 '.....•nP•�T•�M•Y MO M w w.••M+•w S rr mu.�Y r*•3.1$ .7 .I,*OW•••.a.•w.••••1...me•vs.M rM.m4 -r.•l•v I '4•�IIM DS a. �wYLNe .i. i •r r•i.�1�~r I ar..w t.n \p• s 4•�•»� f_ .�•�.•••O.l�1r�.•I.••••••••••••••••..M••..•••.• S. irn.••2"`ter•-•Mr°ram.".`•ad../MY r•r•.n.. 1 1 .. 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J.1C:is — WM M.d c- t .tom Resolution No.2013-03(R)Multi-Family Residential Housing Mariposa Woodbridge LP Page 3 of 3 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION PERFORMANCE REPORT Prepared for: O O CITY OF WYLIE Th e Cy ofWy - e Txa Presented by: • •'Li_ .bar Goggan B1. `r a Sa pson, LLP 1J` iD'ITNE'YS AT LAW www.Igbs.com • Nancy Primeaux Edward Lopez,Jr. Peggy McCormick Regional Manager Partner Operations Manager January 8, 2013 Sztn son, L LGB&S Background & Local Presence pan,,,•,10,,an 36 Years Experience The Offices of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP 45 Offices Nationwide = • 12 States - 32 Offices in TX • Dallas Office - 29 years S 1,214 Employees • 107 Partners & Attorneys . °a. '�("���� *Fully-Staffed Office • In Dallas Office Meeting with lawyer _ n by appointment only ■ 140 Information Technology Professionals • 305 Collectors — 5 Call Centers (7o Hours/Week) 2,25o Governmental Clients — Collect Approximately $1 Billion Annually ' 497 Cities (Wylie, Sachse, Carrollton, Fairview, Frisco, Lucas, Prosper, Richardson, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio) • 465 School Districts (Dallas ISD, Houston ISD, Fort Worth ISD, San Antonio ISD) • l03 Counties (Dallas, Tarrant, Harris, Bexar) 2 BI ti LS „r`. .son,LLP o . , Program Highlights (July 2001 — Nov 2012) Bl:h` tip♦ ♦i i�: ,..1,1,,an” Program Highlights for the Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP City of Wylie Delinquent Tax Collection Process July 2001 -November 2012 Ma,;g Total Collections: $4,160,902 Pa ments No Response Y Problems Returned Mai Includes base tax,penalty,interest,and attorney fee collections Research • Most Recent Complete Collection Cycle: 1 1 Collectible -vs i: ; 1 July 2011 -June 2012 $302,204 BPP Lawsuit Site Visit or Accounts _s.-14' "` Seizure • 5 Month Update: 1 Mailing July 2012 -November 2012 $197,816 No Response Problems Returned Mai 1 1Every account is reviewed by LGB&S and placed in the collection program. 1 1 1 . Research Every eligible account is targeted for demand mailings,phone collections,site visits, seizures and/or litigation and foreclosure efforts. 1 1 1 Abstr Special Site Visit or Collection/Litigation Activities: Pr Utters Seizure • Lawsuits Filed 286 lawsuits for $574,364 Lawsuits No Response • Lawsuits Disposed 228 lawsuits for $554,800 1 • Site Visits Conducted 427 properties for $410 843 Sale Sale p p Service Setting Judgmenotificatio Property ~ • Demand Mailings 53 mass mailings for 14,160 letters // \ // _ • Bankruptcy Pending 17 accounts for $19,140 4yments ` - - - Payments Next Cycle 3 . c Go�gn ",° ����� ,�I, Five-Month Update (July 2012 — Nov 2012) City of Wylie $197,816 Collected Five Month Collection Comparison During First 5 months of Five Months Current Collection Cycle Collections Increase: (July 2012 — November 2012) $30,343 or 18% $197,816 Mailings: 2 mailings for $Zoo _ $167,473 509 letters Lawsuits: 9 filed for $164,456 9 disposed for $137,743 Site Visits: 24 site visits for $ioo _ $20,259 Bankruptcy: 17 accounts for (as of Dec 2012) $19,140 $o 7/11.11/11 7/12.11/12 , SoundBite: Weekly Campaigns Delinquent Tax Collections targeting 5,000 accounts (Base tax,penalty,interest&attorney fees) 4 �# iogga„ Cityof Wylie Tax Roll Analysis Blair io i,1.IA) Y Y As of November 2012 Tax Roll Analysis by Property Type 2011 Real Real Property Property 17% 40% ' (2010&Prior) Status of Accounts $(132Acounts)58,376(Base �) $13(32Accout,619 seTax> (132 Accounts) (32 Accounts) 2011 Real Property turned over to LGB&S Lawsuit Iti7/1/12 bit $138,086 Bankruptcy (52 Accounts) $ 1u /Accounts) (17 Accountt s) / Uncollectible 41% Mobile Homes per Legal Eligible for $48,432(Base Tax) 25% (143 Accounts) Determination 5% Collections / 14% $1,493 (2010 &Prior) (3 Accounts) $28,345 $28,345 Business Personal Property 4/''--, 2011 Business (49 Accounts) (2010&Prior) Personal Property $83,351(Base Tax) (turned over to LGB&S 4/1/12) (2(2 Accounts) $13,744(Base Tax) 10% (58 Accounts) 0 Past Statute g/° Eligible for Turned over Collections of Limitations to LGB&S Af (2011 tax amount) $34,111 (123 Accounts) 1% 7/1/1 / $40,398 (154 Accounts) / ��� 12 Pmt.Arrngmnt./ 16% Temp.Hold Total Base Tax (2011 & Prior Years) 6/o (4 Accoun5s) Over 65/Exempt/Disabled Address/Other Due as of December 2012: $336,522 $54,349 $19,295 (67 Accounts) (108 Accounts) 5 I.4Goggan Ci of W lie sun,I.[.►' Community Participation * Wylie Chamber of Commerce ... ReachforaStar 4 ' • co . • * Wylie ISD Education fr lr ' 46) ) Foundation Partner Edward Lopez&Attorney Brandon Lane—2012 "Men Who Cook" Event * Boots & Barbeque Gala (WISD EF) A * „, Sachse Chamber of Commerce & .; both its Mayoral Luncheon Featuring ,_ Local Mayors (Wylie, Sachse, Rowlett, Murphy, & Garland) & its "Men Who Cook Event" LGB&S presents check to Jenna Lawson, former Executive Director of Wylie ISD Education Foundation, in support of Boots& Bar-B-Q Gala 6 A COMMITTED PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CITY OF WYLIE Linebarger Goggan Blair o• S4mpson , LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW www. lgbs . com DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS THAT MAXIMIZE YOUR REVENUE J L- -- it. it," UTILITY BILLING _ - _ �= FFE �e SE ..VICES i.-..%.44, 71,H. Prepared for: 74/' . ,LTYYLIE , The City of WylWylie , Texas Presented by: _ L i e r ar Goggan .--_ o air a S. pson, LLP -- 1�� �k_, - ‘AORNE*YS AT LAW ► 4 _� www.lgbs.com = _�- I mour ancy Primeau Edward Lopez,Jr. Sophronia Johnson 10.1100e1Wjijjjjnae1iItner Fines & Fees Project Manager January 8, 2013 B .r° i�', LGB&S Fines & Fees Clients & Background . Court Fines & Fees Clients Nationwide • 213 Clients • 434 individual Municipal, Count & JP Courts • Collect for 156 Texas Cities & Counties of All Sizes o North Texas Suburban Cities — McKinney, Irving, Balch Springs, DeSoto, Lancaster, Arlington, Grapevine, Colleyville, North Richland Hills, Red Oak, Roanoke, Palmer o Large Texas Cities — Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston o Large Texas Counties — Dallas, Tarrant, Harris, Bexar, El Paso Benefits of Using LGB&S • Substantial Name Recognition in Wylie & North Texas Due to Delinquent Tax Collections Presence • A Law Firm, rather than a General Collection Agency — Defendants Perceive Notices & Phone Calls as More Serious than those of Collection Agencies, Yielding Better Results • As a Law Firm, LGB&S Can Offer Legal Advice & Legal Services • Comprehensive Warrant Round-up Enforcement Programs 2 B• a, LLI' Overview of Services & Collection Process __ _____ • Ongoing Demand & Sweep Mailings ACCOUNT REFERRALS& UPDATES (client refers delinquent accounts&makes updates to existing referred accounts) 41 New Address Report & Updates • "Client View" - Online Access to LINEBARGER GOGGAN'S SYSTEM LGB&S System (data loaded&balanced,acknowledgement sent to client) A ti• - to, '" o DATA PROCESSED (information obtained) Account Inquiry v NCOA/CASS tient kw "`warthog Ice "°"` avec.name Last tom.. "`.0 h'" CERTIFICATION COGNITIVE DATA ann., ...AI .• • (initial skip trace) (initial skip trace) ,,,,,• .r Select your search s ,nr.....r•® ('....:I r<w criteria from the '1—.�we,o.. drop-down menu o aw•r••nr•Inv LINEBARGER GOGGAN'S SYSTEM options. •.o..»»«a...,' =.... .Ma.o,.2p,r,i;,yI (accounts updated) C MI i..e.o«°'''.'•' ....►..,...ur.anp.•..w.•a oo•.b..S, w LETTERS MAILED o s."...,.."........ea - TELEPHONE MAIL PROCESSING FORWARDED MAIL RETURN • Advanced Telephone Collection UPDATE&RESEND SKIP-TRACE PROCESSING IN-BOUND OUTBOUND Software for Collection Call BILINGUAL BILINGUAL ELECTRONIC Campaigns •Social Security •Multiples (Name Surname) •Nearbys Nationwide Locator Services (Nearest Address • NCOA from Lexis Nexis CLIENT UPDATES,PAYMENTS AND RESOLUTIONS (unresolved accounts return to top of process) • Lexis Nexis Best Address I • Cognitive Data SUCCESSFUL DISPOSITION OF CLIENT'S OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS • TXDL Database 3 I.l c'f 1 at Goggan Blair,!. ,,on I L I) Warrant Round-uRound-up Efforts LGB&S Spearheaded Media Outreach Campaign During Statewide Great Texas Warrant Round-up ■. l tro Monday, Aupuat 2,2010 •« �Marshals arrest doze, .noutstanding warrants Yt'AFFIC WAF7nANTs? <w A.AMINOt J IMP-41=7-- ' II--OP t 1.,..* �� -- t f1 .ems c. 404.' lima. �, r zsf .?F [, k 3,� .e.Biel, w 151 ps Attend Client ..- ._.. ---:::..:�.....,=-�.«,_..�._�.. .�.�. . ' Press Conferences Media Attention Garnered from Press Releases Billboards TRAFFIC WARRANTS?= y,M,•U t-&A i 7 E T FAN PEG ,„w iir ill, 'r., b=J� Q a - Ir 26 2 C ,Ili,'Je UM tor 1 iota,!word e. G:a=.7=ro:.7.«."..7===== t it} of Maxillae) =� _ e.N. .�-1- = \ ) q Peace Officers '==s. =:;-=_;: Ir ( ( ..: ..m 11111.11 tw Bu'InW Noun -Friday Bd.ten 810 am and 5:00 re \f_ drpeooe, rv�ar a.r,-vo�o w m AW-. `,77,4 . um Forstrtpa,mr'nLn.11rar,Bus Adsatallon nKiwic"n h.^(ht<1.\"ia or%sttr('ard �m P.,onnn. Radio Ads nin,xxx.m<Ainnol win; ......> 1-877-268-6128 Special Mailing Community to Defendants Posters 4 *up an IT Support Coordination with Staff & City's Incode Software • LGB&S' Collection Software Customized to Function with Incode (Smooth Data Transfer Process) • LGB&S Collects for 47 Municipal Courts in Texas that Utilize Incode, including: - Rockwall, Bonham, Balch Springs, Irving, Arlington, Grapevine, North Richland Hills • LGB&S Will Offset up to $2,75 0 of Any Programming Expenses to Make Wylie's Incode Software Compatible with LGB&S 5 L u°Lr•.!t,a oggan Compensation Municipal Court Fines & Fees Utility Billing Cost-Free to City • Accounts prior to June 18, 2003: 40 Based on the Total o% Fee amount of Fees Collected: • Accounts after June 18, 2003 & 30% Fee All Judgments: 30% Fee (add-on) • Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 103.0031 • LGB&S Spearheaded Legislative Efforts • During 77th & 78th Texas Legislatures, LGB&S Partnered with Local Government Clients to Formulate / Pass Legislation • Result: State Law Allowing 3o Percent Add- on Fee to Pay for Delinquent Collection Efforts = Cost-Free to Local Governments 6 LGB&S THANKS You! WE WOULD WELCOME THE PRIVILEGE OF REPRESENTING THE CITY OF WYLIE IN THE COLLECTION OF FINES & FEES .144‘111&' Linebarger Goggan B1air Sampson , LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW www. lgbs . com DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS THAT MAXIMIZE YOUR REVENUE