08-20-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Discussion and Planning session with Mr. Carl Riehn of North Texas Municipal Water District 2 Adjourn NOTICE OF A CALLED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet for a called session on the 4147 day of 1990 , in the City Council's Conference Room in the Municipal Complex of Wylie at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas for the purpose of considering the above Agenda. Carolyn s y Secretary 1990 , at :Qd/9, M. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager 441°4 SUBJECT: Topics for Discussion with Mr . Carl Riehm, North Texas Municipal Water District DATE: August 17 , 1990 - I Sewer plant operations and future planning for Federal compliance - :32 Regional wastewater planning - 3 Water production and future water costs - Sewer system pre-treatment program and Federal ( compliance - _c Regional solid waste planning - 6 Technical assistance contracts related to water , sewer , and other engineering areas 1990-91 ANNUAL BUDGET SEWER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 13 WYLIE SEWER TREATMENT PLANT 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PERSONAL SERVICES $ 15,778 $ 18,872 $ 21,576 $ 22,974 SUPPLIES 6,323 6,627 7,470 10,474 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 43,930 72,665 93,782 121,536 TOTAL EXPENSE: 66,031 98,164 122,828 154,984 CAPITAL OUTLAY 601 1,449 862 4,958 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES: 66,632 99,613 123,690 159,942 DEBT SERVICE 136,200 257,498 261,976 257,997 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE: 136,200 157,498 261,976 257,997 GRAND TOTAL: $202,832 $357,111 $385,666 $417,939 FUNCTION The Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant is an oxidated ditch plant with sludge drying beds. The plant has a capacity of 2 MGD which serves the City of Wylie. The plant operates under a 10 mg/L BOD5 and 15 mg/L TSS permit limit. The discharge from the plant is into Muddy Creek, thence into Lake Ray Hubbard. PROGRAM The annual budget provides funding for operating and maintenance expense and debt service payments for the expanded plant. This plant utilizes the mobile belt press for the removal of solids. Increased 0 & M expense is required this year primarily due to increased power and chemical cost for the expanded plant. - 36 - 1990-91 ANNUAL BUDGET SEWER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE DETAIL 13 WYLIE SEWER TREATMENT PLANT 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PERSONAL SERVICES: 21-13-00-1010 Supervision $ 4,007 $ 3,976 $ 3,500 $ 4,023 21-13-00-1030 Skilled 11,191 14,234 17,363 18,132 21-13-00-1050 Overtime 580 662 713 819 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES: 15,778 18,872 21,576 22,974 SUPPLIES: 21-13-00-2030 Clothing Supplies 16 19 59 77 21-13-00-2060 Fuel , Oil & Lub. 442 418 506 541 21-13-00-2070 Machine Oil & Lub. 48 52 83 473 21-13-00-2080 Small tools & Equip. 34 21 40 36 21-13-00-2120 Chemical Supplies 5,704 5,952 3,416 5,198 21-13-00-2150 Mechanical Supplies 0 0 3,096 1,750 21-13-00-2190 Vehicle Supplies 79 165 270 299 21-13-00-2300 Other Supplies 0 0 0 2,100 TOTAL SUPPLIES: 6,323 6,627 7,470 10,474 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 21-13-00-3020 Worker's Comp. Ins. 546 547 617 767 21-13-00-3030 Automotive Ins. 140 177 247 247 21-13-00-3060 Hospitalization Ins. 1,716 1,882 1,742 1,705 21-13-00-3070 Life Ins. 15 12 9 9 21-13-00-3071 Retirement 1,478 1,522 1,078 927 21-13-00-3080 Social Security 1,192 1,393 1,630 1,651 21-13-00-3090 General Liab. 159 152 391 391 21-13-00-3091 Unemployment Ins. 22 0 0 0 21-13-00-3100 Telephone and Telegraph 49 139 140 144 21-13-00-3110 Electric Power 14,562 23,727 58,666 69,000 21-13-00-3112 Water Service 0 6,258 722 743 21-13-00-3190 Travel & Training 0 0 0 92 21-13-00-3210 Vehicle Maint. 3 5 11 15 21-13-00-3280 Grounds Maint. 952 952 952 952 21-13-00-3300 Other Contractual Serv. 20 400 0 0 21-13-00-3310 Administration 3,788 3,788 3,788 8,035 21-13-00-3330 Maint. Serv. 12,413 11,680 3,200 3,500 21-13-00-3340 Laboratory Serv. 1,425 2,506 2,556 7,688 21-13-00-3350 Laboratory Serv. Contract 0 0 1,983 7,635 - 37 - 1990-91 ANNUAL BUDGET SEWER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE DETAIL 13 WYLIE SEWER TREATMENT PLANT 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: (con't) 21-13-00-3361 Dewatering press serv. 3,950 3,950 3,950 3,950 21-13-00-3362 Dewatering press exp.chg. 0 8,075 10,000 10,815 21-13-00-3363 Landfill Service Fees 0 0 0 1,170 21-13-00-3390 Permits & Insp. Fees 1,500 5,500 2,100 2,100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 43,930 72,665 93,782 121,536 TOTAL EXPENSE: 66,031 98,164 122,828 154,984 k1 CAPITAL OUTLAY: e 1 21-13-00-4030 Vehicle Equip. 574 1,449 825 1,372 0 21-13-00-4070 Non-Vehicle Equip. 27 14 37 3,586 44 a - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: 601 1,449 862 4,958 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES: 66,632 99,613 123,690 159,942 DEBT SERVICE: 21-13-00-5100 Transfers to I&S Funds 115,438 215,794 219,692 215,713 21-13-00-5500 Transfers to Reserve Fund 20,472 40,944 40,944 40,944 21-13-00-5900 Paying Agent Fees 120 420 1,000 1,000 21-13-00-5910 NTMWD Service Charge 170 340 340 340 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE: 136,200 257,498 261,976 257,997 GRAND TOTAL: $202,832 $357,111 $385,666 $417,939 - 38 -