12-10-2012 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, December 10,2012—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announcing the presence of a Quorum,Board Chairman Matt Rose,called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Board Members present: Dan Chesnut,Jeff Harris,Lisa Ulmer,and Jeremy White. Emmett Jones arrived to the meeting at 6:32 p.m. Jeff Harris left the meeting at 8:03 pm. Jim Ward was absent from the meeting. Staff members present: Director Mike Sferra,Board Liaison and Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and Park Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens addressed the Board. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the October 22,2012 meeting. Board Action: Board Member Harris made a motion,seconded by Board Member Ulmer to approve the minutes from the October 22, 2012. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the parkland dedication for Lewis Ranch (Lewis Tract). Board Action: Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that in consideration that the property has been recently annexed into the City of Wylie the Applicant is seeking approval for the parkland dedication at Lewis Ranch. He stated that the plan is still somewhat conceptual;however,the developer,Jim Douglas with Douglas Properties,brought a lot more detail to this meeting and has moved forward with a more defined plan for the Parks and Recreation Board(PARB)to review. The proposed development has 216 lots on 52.98 acres or 4.07 lots per acre. If the developer chose to submit funds in lieu of land dedication, the amount would be$432,000;however,the developer agreed to dedicate 9.17 acres of land to the City of Wylie as parkland as well as install$372,512 worth of park improvements. This proposed combination of land and improvements exceeds the minimum parkland dedication requirements. The developed park areas will be dedicated to the City of Wylie with maintenance performed by the developer and eventually the home owners association which is a similar approach taken with Kreymer Estates in 2011. Developer Jim Douglas presented the board with a proposal drawn up by Tipton Engineering for park amenities. Park improvements are to include an eight foot hike and bike trail, trail lights,irrigation,a tot lot,pavilion,park benches,picnic tables,dock, fountain with lights and hand clearing of the park land to avoid harming existing trees and environment. This park area will be accessible to the nearby high school as well as the public. Bennett Road will be improved adjacent to the Lewis's land. For lots backing up to park land,uniformly designed wrought iron fencing will be installed by the homebuilder but homeowner could install privacy fencing or landscape screening within their lot if so desired. Wrought iron fencing installation between the school and residential property is a possibility. Existing trees greater than six inch caliper within flood plain will be protected. Open space, drainage/floodway easement,and the public hike/bike trail will be dedicated to the City of Wylie. Lots adjacent to school property will have a six foot masonry rear wall. Park area maintenance will be the responsibility of the home owners association; however,the City of Wylie will perform playground safety inspections as well as pavilion reservation scheduling. All park amenities will be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones to approve the parkland dedication for Lewis Ranch(Lewis Tract). A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of adding Item G,Article V-Section 4 to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. Board Action: The staff recommendation is to consider and act upon approving the adding of Item G, Article V-Section 4 to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. The Board reviewed the modifications to the Board Bylaws at the August 20, 2012 meeting and requested this item to be further amended and brought back for consideration at the next PARB meeting. Once approved, the amended bylaws will then be sent to the City Council for their consideration in the January 2013 meeting. Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member Jones to approve adding Item G, Article V-Section four to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 4. Consider and act upon the approval of the 2013 meeting calendar. Board Action: Staff is bringing the 2013 meeting calendar to the Board for review. The calendar accounts for date • conflicts such as holidays;however,can still be amended after approval if necessary. The August meeting was changed to coordinate with the first day of Wylie Independent School District for the 2013/14 year. Board Member Harris made a motion,seconded by Board Member White to approve the 2013 meeting calendar. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussion regarding utility/restroom costs at Founders and Community Parks using contingency funds from Community Park project. Board Discussion: Director Sferra addressed the board to present Staff information and asked the Board for their input. City Council stipulated that in consideration of available funds, a concession/restroom for football and T-ball be constructed, additional bleachers installed,and a football scoreboard and/or press box be added,in that order. Superintendent Diaz stated that after the completion of the 2005 Park Bond projects,there is approximately$89,800 remaining in the contingency fund,and any PARB recommendations would need City Council approval. During the December PARB meeting the Park Board expressed interest in constructing a restroom/storage building instead of a restroom/concession building. Staff subsequently obtained two recent preliminary estimates from PCM,Inc. for a masonry restroom/storage building. A 30'x18' building with breezeway would cost approximately$80,000 plus engineering fees($7,000)and extension of utilities($10,000- $15,000,material cost only). A 22'x18' building with no breezeway would cost approximately$70,000 plus engineering fees($7,000)and utility extensions($10,000-$15,000, material cost only). Board Member White inquired about land acquisition costs and Director Sferra advised him that there would be no expense for utility extensions due to the fact that the locations of such are all City property and therefore City employees will be providing all labor involved. Board Chairman Rose inquired on the most recent estimate from PCM,Inc. compared to the previous lower estimate presented at the December PARB meeting. Director Sferra note that the previous estimate was for a 12'x24' structure at$48,050, and it included standard wood-frame/brick construction and an asphalt-shingle roof. Director Sferra stated that Minutes December 10, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 the recent estimate presents both buildings complementing the existing structures at Founders Park with block construction, metal studs and a standing seam metal roof. This recent estimate includes a higher grade building with a lot less maintenance for the City. Board Chairman Rose suggested constructing with brick instead of block at Founders and block at Community. Board Member Harris agreed with Superintendent Diaz that constructing with block is a lot lower in maintenance expense. Board Member Chesnut and Board Member Jones agreed that they would like to see staff obtain estimates for two standard restroom buildings with no attached storage. Board Member Harris suggested asking the contractor,PCM, Inc. if using smaller block on the buildings could save some expense. Director Sferra agreed he would proceed to obtain this information from PCM and bring it to the upcoming January 2013 PARB meeting. Superintendent Diaz stated that Wylie Baseball Association(WBA)president,Lance Wallace advised him that the WBA has secured approval for purchase of bleacher covers at Community Park. Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that staff is finalizing purchase of bleachers for Community Park with funding from the A&I budget. Additional bleachers can be purchased using contingency funds if necessary but could also be removed from the possible expenditure list if not needed. Board Member Chestnut inquired on the purpose of the storage building adjacent to the proposed bathroom,to which Superintendent Diaz advised it would be serve as dual purpose storage initially for football with the potential for conversion into a concession stand. Discuss Collin County grant project status. Board Discussion: Director Sferra stated that Parks Manager, Shohn Rodgers was successful in obtaining a$47,000 grant to add a park pavilion, walking trail and trail lighting at Pheasant Creek,planned to begin immediately after City Council approval. Director Sferra obtained a grant in the amount of$215,000 for a concrete trail and bridge connecting Brown Street to FM 1378 by routing the trail behind City Hall. If City Council approves, a consultant for engineering drawings complying with ADA will need to be obtained,then plans can begin to move forward with the$430,000 Municipal Park Trails project. Both projects would likely be completed this fiscal year(2012/2013),possibly by September. Board Chairman Rose asked where the two trail projects will impact the A&I funds. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that staff had been instructed to spend down the A&I funds which currently has$299,000 available for in the west zone (Municipal Trails)and nearly$100,000 in the east zone(Pheasant Creek). Director Sferra advised the Board that the Municipal Trails will start at FM 1378 outside the railroad right of way, winding through the trees behind the back of City Hall,utilizing the existing bridge, going east into the creek with the new proposed bridge, and into the east meadow,ending at Brown Street. Eventually these trails will establish connectivity between Wylie High School,Founders Park,and Birmingham Farms/Brown Street. Discuss possible dates for Board tour of park and recreation facilities in 2013. Board Discussion: Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that a scheduled park tour lasting approximately two hours must be posted because more than a quorum typically attends. He also stated that availability of the Community Center van must be secured. Superintendent Diaz suggested holding the tour on March 23, 2013 after the scheduled art dedication at Community Park since the Parks Board will be requested to attend that event. He also suggested planning two separate tours,concentrating on the east side of town(Community Park)in the spring and a tour on the west side of town(Founders Park)in the fall. Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Jones agreed they preferred the idea of two separate tours,holding the spring tour April 13 or April 20,2013 and the fall tour October 5 or October 12, 2013. Superintendent Diaz suggested that a final decision should be made at the next PARB meeting after obtaining a more detailed timeline of the art dedication. Discuss 4B Fund and budgets. Board Discussion: Superintendent Diaz informed the Board that the 4B Parks and Recreation Sales Tax Fund is divided up as follows: Recreation Fund at 36%, B.P.Community Center at 18%,Parks Operations at 17% (includes four full time salaries)and Debt Service at 29%. Any increase or decrease in these areas will affect the overall 4B Fund. In FY2016 approximately$150,000 in Debt Service will be reduced with the payoff of the 1996 Minutes December 10, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 4B revenue bonds. Refinancing of the remaining Debt Service can be reduced by approximately$25,000 annually($300,000 over the course of the bond term). An increase of 4B sales tax revenues could be possible through City marketing efforts. A decision to sell the Bart Peddicord Community Center could generate funds to pay down debt as well as a decrease in operation expenses by not having that facility to manage. Over time, moving four Parks personnel from the 4B budget to the General Fund will also free up some 4B funds. Board Member Chesnut inquired and Superintendent Diaz confirmed that the Bart Peddicord Community Center would stay open only on an as-needed basis after the proposed Senior Center facility opens. Board Member Harris suggested changing the Community Center's non-profit, no-charge rate to a moderate charge covering the cost of staff salaries during reservations, to which Superintendent Diaz advised an approval for this change would be required from City Council. Board Chairman Rose expressed his concern that approximately$180,000 is needed annually to reach a break-even point in the 4B fund, which risks depletion if changes are not implemented soon. Superintendent Diaz showed the Board that 4B pays for a lot of different things, and capping expenditures is the biggest potential to increasing and maintaining funds. Items to consider in reduction of expenses or increase in revenues for the Wylie Recreation Center include a reduction of the Recreation Center hours, establishment of seasonal hours,capping yearly expenditures,increasing revenues by raising fees, increasing revenues by increased marketing efforts,and looking for sponsorships to offset any expenses. However, Superintendent Diaz points out that all areas receiving 4B funding should be looked at, not just the Recreation Center. Board Chairman Rose inquired and Superintendent Diaz responded that if a positive balance eventually resulted in the 4B fund, that balance could be put toward additional trails or other additional projects and not necessarily reallocated within existing accounts. Board Member Chesnut inquired on items(i.e. medical and janitorial expenses)listed on the itemized spreadsheet of the 2013/2014 fiscal year expense/budget showing large increases from the previous year. Superintendent Diaz stated that this is why expenditure caps are necessary and he agreed to look into the details behind these two increases and report back at the next meeting. Board Chairman Rose and Board Member Chesnut agreed that expenditure caps are necessary to improve the 4B fund Board Member Chesnut stated that he has been questioned by City of Wylie citizens on numerous occasions as to when an aquatics center,additional trails and other city amenities will come to Wylie,to which his response is when funding becomes available. Director Sferra and Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the next step with this item is to further meet with City Manager,Mindy Manson and get her input on the ideas presented at this meeting wherein she can advise as to the ones she feels may be worth pursuing. Director Sferra stated that the best way to obtain changes and improve the 4B fund's evolving picture is by revisiting it every year with the goal of increasing the balance and implementing ideas on how to improve this fund. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board Member Ulmer. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. by unanimous consent. ATTEST: /4-7/ /74711' Janet Nawkes, Park Board Secretary Matt Rose, Park Board Chairman Minutes December 10, 2012 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 4 of 4