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04-09-2013 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council CITY:FWYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda April 9, 2013 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Kathy Spillyards Mayor ProTem David Goss Place 1 Nathan Scott Place 2 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Diane Culver Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Waterbrook Bible Fellowship —Jeff Denton PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation declaring April 14 - 20, 2013 as "National Public Safety Telecommunications Week" • Swearing in of Officer McIntosh and recognition of his accomplishment on promotion to Sergeant • Proclamation celebrating April 14 - 20, 2013 as "Week of the Young Child" April 9,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 • Proclamation declaring April 2013 as Tornado Awareness Month in the City of Wylie CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 26, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2013-17, an ordinance of the City Council of the City Of Wylie, Texas, creating a new division of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; establishing a Historic Review Commission; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider and act upon, Ordinance No 2013-18 amending Ordinance No. 2013-15 and Section II, (Garbage, Trash and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to correct a clerical error; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption of this ordinance. (J. Butters, Asst. City Mgr.) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Kreymer Estates Phase I consisting of 20.015 acres for 54 single family residential lots and 2 open space lots dedicated to the City of Wylie, generally located west of W.A. Allen Boulevard, south of E. Brown Street. . Zoned PD 2012-04. (PZ 03/19/13; CC 04/09-13) (R. 011ie, Planning Director) E. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Woodbridge Centre Phase II, a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) REGULAR AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 1. 1st PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION: Conduct a Public Hearing for the annexation of an 8.052 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, which is contiguous to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, generally located on County Road 384 (Skyview Court) and north of S.H. 78.. (1st PH 04-09-13; 2nd PH 04/23/13) (R. 011ie, Planning Director) April 9,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 Executive Summary This annexation is at the request of the property owner, Kansas City Southern Railway Company and applicant, Multatech Engineering, Inc. The subject tract is contiguous to and is surrounded by other KCS properties currently within city limits. The request is to allow for the rezoning of said property and the potential development of a KCS Intermodal Facility in Wylie. TABLED ITEM FROM 3-26-2013 Motion to remove from the table and consider: 2. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee in the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lot 7. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary At its March 26,2013 meeting,Council considered and discussed the proposed Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee.At the direction of Council, the applicant was to resubmit plans revising the location of the dumpster and placing additional landscaping around the dumpster enclosure. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions, Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action, as a result of this Executive Session, will be taken and recorded in open session. CERTIFICATION I cert f that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5th day of April 2013 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 26, 2013 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. City Secretary Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Spillyards, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Bennie Jones, Councilman Nathan Scott, and Councilman Rick White. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Police Chief, John Duscio; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae 011ie; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Acting Building Official, Todd White; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Corbin gave the invocation and Police Chief Duscio led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Recognition of the TRAPS State Award for Excellence in Facility Design for the Wylie Recreation Center. Mayor Hogue recognized the following awards presented to the City of Wylie, Wylie Parks and Recreation Department, Holtzman Moss Bottino Architects, and Architecture with Architexas for the design and construction of the Wylie Recreation Center. • Texas Recreation & Park Society - Excellence in Architectural Design — Regional and State Award. • DFW metro Area Park & Recreation Directors Association for Innovation and Facility Design & Construction —City of Wylie, Parks and Recreation Staff Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Presentation of the "Shining the Wylie Way" for 4th 6 Weeks Mayor Hogue and Mayor Pro Tern Spillyards presented medallions to students demonstrating the "Wylie Way." Each six weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as the "Wylie Way Student." CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. DeDe Burke representing the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association passed out the new marketing brochure for the Downtown Merchants and displayed the new logo for the upcoming Bluegrass on Ballard event. She thanked Public Information Officer Kelly for his assistance in designing the materials. Councilwoman Culver recognizing Collin County Community College for being the recipient of the Presidential Award which is the highest honor a college can receive. The college acknowledged the Wylie Animal Shelter and their work as playing a very large part in receiving this honor. Councilwoman Culver stated that the volunteers play a very big part in what the animal shelter provides. Culver praised Wylie Animal Shelter staff and Police Department that oversee the shelter for their dedication to the shelter. Councilman Scott reminded those present of the WASA event scheduled for April 20, 2013. This event will be in Historic Downtown Wylie. Proceeds will continue to fund improvements to the new Wylie Senior Center. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 12, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2013. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for February 28, 2013. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and act upon, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2013. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 2 Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing and consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lots 6, 7 & 8. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the property totals 2.618 acres and consists of three commercial lots. The purpose of the Replat is to reconfigure lots 6, 7, and 8 to allow for a lease space to occupy Lot 7 for a drive-thru & walk-up restaurant (Seattle's Best Coffee Shop). The Replat will also dedicate the necessary access easements to accommodate the development. The corresponding Site Plan for Lot 7 is on the current agenda. The Replat generally complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Access to the lot is via an access drive off F.M. 544 to be established by this Replat and an access drive & Fire Lane off Woodbridge Parkway. Lot 7 does not have 30 feet of direct frontage along a dedicated, improved street as required by the subdivision regulations. However, the lot incorporates 15' of a dedicated 30' access drive to both FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. 011ie reported the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended 6-0 for approval subject to additions and alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Councilman Scott asked Planning Director 011ie how far the variance was off. Planning Director 011ie replied both sides of the property have a platted 15 foot easement and the other 15 feet on each side belongs to the adjacent property owner. Councilwoman Culver stated that she had concerns with the confined development with drive through only causing traffic congestion. Planning Director 011ie replied that it would be the first month the business opened but as the novelty wears off; there should be sufficient space for drive through. One hundred feet of stacking space is available on the site plan which will be the next item on the agenda. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing for the above item at 6:30 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address the Council to come forward. Sam Pena, 777 Main Street, Fort Worth TX, representing Jacobs Architecture addressed the Council stating they were the architects in this design and would be happy to answer any questions. Councilman Scott asked how many designs like the proposed were being built. Mr. Pena replied there were plans for 20 facilities through the metroplex; at this time 14 have been designed. With no other citizens wishing to speak, Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, seconded by Councilman White to approve Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 3 a Replat for the Woodbridge Centre Phase 1 Addition, Block B, Lots 6,7, & 8. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee in the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lot 7. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the applicant is proposing to develop a 550 s.f. commercial/retail establishment on 0.405 acres. The lot is part of an overall planned development established in 2003 with a Final Plat approved in May 2012. Typically Site Plans are approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. However, in accordance with PD 2003-01, all development plans/site plans shall be approved by the Commission and the City Council. 011ie reported the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 for approval of this site plan with the descending vote coming from concerns regarding the dumpster location. Councilman Scott asked how the dumpster would be hidden with screening. 011ie reported there was screening (galvanized metal, painted) and landscaping around the area of the dumpster. Councilman Goss suggested moving the dumpster 5-10 feet to the south and rotate the unit, to allow better screening for the dumpster. Mr. Sam Pena representing the owner addressed Council stating that the dumpster was placed in the plan due to the unusual dimensions of the property and drive thru accommodations but concurred that this suggested move could possibly be accomplished. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Goss to table consideration of the Site Plan for Seattle's Best coffee to the April 9, 2013 Council meeting to allow time for a redesign of the drive through area and location of the dumpster. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider, and act upon, approval for EIFS as an appropriate primary exterior facade, in accordance with Article 4, Section 4.3.F of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, for a restaurant remodel (El Pollo Regio) located at 911 E. FM 544.. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the applicant has completed a remodel of the fast food restaurant. The applicant submitted plans and obtained a remodel permit. The construction plans indicated stucco as the primary exterior material, which is in accordance with current codes. At the lath inspection, the City Building Inspector cancelled the inspection because no plans were on-site and the proper materials were not being installed per permit description and approved plans. Per the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Exterior Insulating Finishing System (EIFS) shall not be considered acceptable primary material and shall not exceed more than 20% of any facade face. As installed, all elevations exceed the required EIFS content. The applicant states that the installed EIFS is durable and meets the intent of the aesthetic appropriateness of the Ordinance. The applicant is seeking a variance from Council to allow the exterior façade to have more than 20% coverage of EIFS. 011ie reported the percentage of EIFS is 80% with stone bottom of 20%. The applicant is asking for an Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 4 80% EIFS variance compared to the 20% EIFS. Councilwoman Culver stated her concern was considering an unapproved material after the construction of that material is installed. She stated that she had a problem with the applicants continued placement of the unapproved material. Mayor Hogue stated that other businesses in Wylie were required to take down unapproved materials due to non- compliance with the current zoning. Cory Laurence, owner and president of Syntex Stucco, 2561 Merrell Rd. Dallas and representing the applicant addressed Council stating that the reasoning behind the use of EFIS was for building integrity and admittedly should have been requested for approval prior to installation. Laurence explained that the confusion was with the application and the material requested on the application of stucco and the EIFS application. He stated the applicant was asking for the variance to open the business with the existing facade and not be required to tear all the material off and redesign the exterior of the building. He stated this process would take months. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to deny EIFS as an appropriate primary exterior façade, in accordance with Article 4 Section 4.3F of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for a restaurant remodel (El Polio Regio) located at 911 E. FM 544. A vote was taken and the motion to deny was passed 5-2 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards, Councilman Jones, Councilman Goss and Councilwoman Culver voting for denial and Councilman White and Councilman Scott voting against denial. 4. Consider and act upon, Resolution No. 2013-09(R), a resolution of the City of Wylie Texas authorizing the filing of an application with the State Energy Conservation Office for the Innovative Energy Demonstration Grant Program; Authorizing the City Manager or her designee to act on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas in all matter related to the application; and pledging that if funding for this project is received the City of Wylie, Texas will comply with all project requirements of the State Energy Conservation Office. (J. Butters, Asst. City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) has submitted a request for applications, for the Innovative Energy Demonstrations Grant Program. Grant awards cover 80% of the costs of the purchase and installation of renewable energy including solar electricity, wind turbine, and solar thermal. Public entities applying for the Grant are responsible for 20% of the cost and installation. The proposed system will generate approximately $8000 per year at today's energy prices and the "payback" would take approximately 5 years. Manson explained that funding could be drawn from the fund balance, which at this time is healthy, to meet the matching funding of$40,000. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to adopt Resolution No. 2013-09(R) authorizing the filing of an application with the State Energy Conservation Office for the Innovative Energy Demonstration Grant Program, authorizing the City Manager or her designee to act on behalf of the City of Wylie in all matters related to the application and pledging that if funding for this project is received, the City of Wylie will comply with all project requirements of the State Energy Conservation Office. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 5 WORK SESSION • Discussion regarding the establishment of a Historic Review Commission. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the intent of this work session is to discuss the creation of a Historic Review Commission. She explained the Commission would be advisory only and would report and recommend to the Wylie City Council. 011ie explained there are many benefits of creating an HRC, including but not limited to participation in the National Historic Preservation Program, providing tax incentives for historical resources, and applying for grants-in-aid by the Secretary of the Interior. It also puts in place a tool whereby we as a City can foster guidelines to preserve landmarks and historical resources that make "Wylie" Wylie. Throughout Wylie's boundaries are properties or buildings that may or may not be landmarks but without doubt contribute to the overall historic character of Wylie. The HRC would be instrumental in overseeing such compliance not only in the Downtown Historic District, but throughout the City in regards to historic properties and landmarks, to insure the orderly, efficient and appropriate growth and development of historic Wylie. Council had some concerns regarding too much oversight by the board to home owners but gave direction to provide an action item for consideration by Council. Mayor Hogue left the meeting for an emergency with a family member. Mayor Pro Tern Spillyards convened into Work Session #2. • Presentation and discussion of the draft Communications Audit Report and Strategic Recommendations by Cooksey Communications. (M. Manson, City Manager) Gayle Cooksey and Colby Walton representing Cooksey Communication addressed Council giving an overview of the survey conducted by the firm and recommendations made by the firm. Some of the areas covered included plan development, situational analysis, target audiences and key messages to those audiences, and objectives to implement the plan. Cooksey strongly recommended bringing in an exterior firm to assist with the implementation. Mr. Walton noted the City was doing well with their plan but needed additional assistance in full implementation for improvements. City Manager Manson recommended bringing Cooksey Communications in on a consulting basis to assist in implementing the plan and possibly assisting with some of the objectives. She asked Council members to contact her directly with any key objectives they wished to include in the initial implementation. Council direction was to move forward with a proposed plan and to consider the assistance of Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 6 Cooksey Communications, once objectives are established for consideration by the Council RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Pro Tem Spillyards convened into Executive Session reading the caption below at 9:24 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§Sec. 551.072.DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. • Discussion regarding property generally located near the intersection of McCreary Rd. and McMillen Rd. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result of Executive Session. Mayor Pro Tern Spillyards reconvened into open session at 9:37 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Goss to purchase a tract of land containing approximately 201,545 square feet of property, out of the John Mitchell Survey in the amount of$425,260. The motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Goss to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes March 26, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 7 g GA • ® Wylie City Council ,` AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 9,2013 Item Number: B (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 1 ,2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon,Ordinance No. 2013-17, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, creating a new division of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; establishing a Historic Review Commission; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Recommendation Motion to approve, Ordinance No. 2013-17, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, creating a new division of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; establishing a Historic Review Commission; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. Discussion Whereas the Downtown Historic District (DTH) has been established and deemed a vital part of Wylie's character and worthy of preservation, a Historic Review Commission (HRC) should exist for the purpose of reviewing and recommending an action to the City Council of proposed new construction or substantial renovation, or other duties as deemed necessary by the Council. There are many benefits of creating an HRC. Among other things, it allows the city to potentially participate in the National Historic Preservation Program, including but not limited to tax incentives, authorizes grants-in-aid by the Secretary of the Interior. It puts in place a tool whereby we as a city can foster guidelines to preserve landmarks and historical resources that make"Wylie"Wylie. Throughout Wylie's city limits, are properties or buildings that may or may not be registered landmarks but without doubt contribute to the overall historic character of Wylie. In an effort to preserve this character, staff proposes that a seven member advisory commission be established to ensure that design and general arrangements are preserved or developed according to existing development guidelines based on cultural, historical, or architectural appeal. Upon appointment to the Commission, the designated members will establish rules and guidelines to be presented to and adopted by Council. Page 1 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2013-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, CREATING A NEW DIVISION OF THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES; ESTABLISHING A HISTORIC REVIEW COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie is renowned for its historic and cultural heritage; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Historic District is within definable geographic boundaries with properties or buildings that may or may not be landmarks but without doubt contribute to the overall historic character of Wylie, and is a valuable resource worthy of preservation; and WHEREAS, cultural and historic resources enhance the quality of life for individuals living in,working in, and visiting the City of Wylie. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth in the ordinance from which this division is derived are incorporated into the body of this division as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this division, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivation shall have the meaning given herein: (a) Commission when used herein shall mean the Historic Review Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas. (b) Commission Member when used herein shall mean the members of the Historic Review Commission. (c) City when used herein shall mean the City of Wylie, Texas. (d) District when used herein shall mean the Historic District boundaries as set forth and amended by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map. (e) Staff Liaison when used herein shall mean the Planning Director of the City of Wylie, Texas, or his designee. Ordinance No.2013-17 Establishing the Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 1 of 4 (f) Substantial renovation means alterations to the exterior of existing buildings that change the placement or design of windows, doors or other exterior features of the building such as coping or pilasters; an increase in the floor area of the building greater than 10 percent; adding new exterior building materials that do not match the existing materials. SECTION 3. Establishment of the Historic Review Commission. There is hereby created and established within the city the Historic Review Commission for the purpose of, among other things, reviewing and recommending an action to the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or City Council for proposed new construction or substantial renovation, revisions to the ordinance, and to consider future amendments and long range goals of the Historic District or Landmarks. The Commission will act in an advisory capacity to the City Council. SECTION 4. Number of Members; Appointment; Terms. The Commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the City Council. The city council shall endeavor, to the extent reasonably available, to appoint at least four citizens at large and the remaining three from the following categories: Member(s) in good standing with the Downtown Merchants Association Member(s) in good standing with the Wylie Historic Society Historian Owner of or resident or tenant in a landmark property Commission members shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of two years; provided, however, that the members of the first Commission to serve shall be appointed so that three (3) members shall serve one (1) year terms and four (4) members shall serve two (2) year terms. Each Commission member shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses approved in advance by the City Council. SECTION 5. Commission Member's Qualifications. Each Commission member shall be a qualified voter and shall not be an employee of the city. Each Commission member shall have any other qualification as the City Council deems necessary and appropriate. SECTION 6. Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least once each month at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Commission by its standing rules, which meetings shall be open to the public. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or by written request sent to the chairperson or vice-chairperson by three members of the Commission. Minutes shall be kept of all such meetings, and any special meetings, with copies of said minutes and any other reports to be Ordinance No.2013-17 Establishing the Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 2 of 4 transmitted to the City Council and the City Manager. The Commission shall have technical and logistical support provided as designated by the City Manager. SECTION 7. Vacancies. When vacancies occur on the Commission, the City Council shall appoint, by majority vote, a replacement to serve the remainder of the term. SECTION 8. Removal. Each Commission member serves at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed at the discretion of the City Council. Commission member absences shall be controlled by Article VIII of the City's Charter. SECTION 9. Quorum; Voting. Four (4) Commission members shall constitute a quorum of the Commission for the purpose of conducting its business, exercising its powers and for all other purposes. No action of the Commission shall be valid or binding unless adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of those Commission members present and voting. SECTION 10. Officers. The Commission shall have a chairperson and vice- chairperson whose terms shall be one year. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected by the Commission members. Neither the chairperson nor vice- chairperson shall serve as an officer for more than two (2) consecutive terms. The chairperson shall preside over meetings and shall be entitled to vote upon each issue. The vice-chairperson shall assist the chairperson in directing the affairs of the Commission. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall assume all duties of the chairperson. SECTION 11. Powers and Duties. (a) The Commission shall act principally in an advisory capacity to the City Council and the city staff in any matter pertaining to development within the Historic District. (b) The Commission shall have the power to: (1) Develop, for City Council approval, a set of bylaws governing rules of procedure for their meetings and operation; (2) Review and recommend an action to the City Council and/or Planning and Zoning Commission for proposed new construction or substantial renovation as it relates to historic preservation; (3) Recommend designation of historic districts and landmarks; (4) The Commission shall advise and make recommendations to the City Council pertaining to, among other things, policies and procedures of the District as identified in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; Ordinance No.2013-17 Establishing the Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 3 of 4 (5) Encourage public outreach/education/awareness programs; (6) Establish criteria to be used in determining whether certain buildings, land, areas, and districts should be designated as heritage resources; (c) All powers and duties prescribed and delegated herein are delegated to the Commission, as a unit, and all action hereunder shall be of the Commission acting as a whole. No action of any individual Commission member is authorized, except through the approval of the Commission or City Council. (d) The Commission shall not have the power to obligate the city for funds and/or expenditures or incur any debt on behalf of the city. (e) The Commission shall have any other power and/or duty as prescribed and authorized by the City Council. SECTION 15. Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 16. Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 17. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and publication as provided by law and the City Charter. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 9th day of April, 2013. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance No.2013-17 Establishing the Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 4 of 4 1,4 of w1i4 O* Wylie City Council �kg°al T- AGENDA REPORT *44 ov tes► Meeting Date: April 9th, 2013 Item Number: C. Department: City Manager Office (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jeff Butters Account Code: Date Prepared: April 3rd, 2013 Budgeted Amount: NA Exhibits: Amending Ordinance Subject Consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2013-18, an ordinance of the City of Wylie, amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2010-20 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) and Section II (Garbage, Trash, and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; Providing for a penalty for the violation of the ordinance; providing for repealing, savings, and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2013-18, amending Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2010-20 (Consolidated Fee Ordinance) and Section II (Garbage, Trash, and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; Providing for a penalty for the violation of the ordinance; providing for repealing, savings, and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Discussion At the February 26th 2013 City Council meeting, Council passed an amendment to the fee schedule raising residential solid waste rates by ten cents per month, in order to raise the Extreme Green fee from thirty cents per month to 40 cents per month, as per our agreement with CWD. The text of the ordinance that was passed contained a typo, in Section II, A (1) residential fees are written as eleven dollars and eighty four cents and numerically it is $11.89. In all other places in the ordinance the correct residential fee is used, $11.89. This ordinance amendment changes the written number to eleven dollars and eighty nine cents. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2013-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2013-15, AND SECTION II. (GARBAGE, TRASH AND BRUSH FEES) OF APPENDIX C (WYLIE COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE) OF THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CORRECT A CLERICAL ERROR; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") that a clerical error was made in Ordinance No. 2013-15 which amended Section II. (Garbage, Trash and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Ordinance No. 2013-15 and Section II. (Garbage, Trash and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to correct the clerical error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amending Ordinance No. 2013-15 and Section II. (Garbage, Trash and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Ordinance No. 2013-15 and Section II. (Garbage, Trash and Brush Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances are hereby amended as identified below: "II. GARBAGE, TRASH AND BRUSH FEES. A. Residential Fee; Deposits. (1) The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in one (1) polycart container from residential premises, one (1) time per week and one recycle polycart one (1) time per week, shall be made for a charge of eleven dollars and eighty nine cents ($11.89)per residential unit for each calendar month. ff Ordinance 2013-18 Amendment to Ordinance No.2013-15 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 3: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity that violates this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) if the violation relates to the public health and sanitation, otherwise the fine shall be a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 9th day of April, 2013. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date to be published in The Wylie News—Wednesday April 16,2013 Ordinance 2013-18 Amendment to Ordinance No.2013-15 Page 2 of 2 A OF Tyke g= • ® Wylie City Council pet AGENDA AGENDA REPORT oiss7•,I "rE op S'E0 Meeting Date: April 9,2013 Item Number: D (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 2,2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Kreymer Estates Phase I consisting of 20.015 acres for 54 single family residential lots and 2 open space lots dedicated to the City of Wylie, generally located west of W.A. Allen Boulevard, south of E. Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Kreymer Estates Phase I consisting of 20.015 acres for 54 single family residential lots and 2 open space lots dedicated to the City of Wylie, generally located west of W.A. Allen Boulevard, south of E. Brown Street. Discussion APPLICANT: Tipton Engineering Inc. OWNER: Bloomfield Homes, L.P. The property totals 20.015 acres and will create fifty-four (54) single-family residential lots and two (2) open space lots for park and recreational purposes. The subject property is part of the overall 35.67 acres of the Kreymer Estates development approved in January 2012 as a Planned Development District. The plat shall also dedicate necessary rights-of-way, utility easements and floodway and drainage easements. The Final Plat complies with the approved Development Plan which was approved with the PD and also served as a Preliminary Plat for all phases of the development. The Planning and Zoning Commission did not act upon this request due to a lack of quorum. In accordance with the Texas Local Government Code Section 212.009, Plats are required to be acted upon within 30 days. Because P&Z failed to act on the Plat within 30 days as required by State law, the Plat is deemed recommended for approval. Therefore the Plat is submitted for final approval by Council, without a recommendation by the Commission. Page 1 of 2 ���, LEGEND DE Drainage Easement a PDE - Private Drainage Easement > o`I LIE Building Line a S.H. No. 78 - Public UtilityEasement v A - House to face this street co Z E. Brown Street 100 50 0 100 200 O _ Indicates Street I ® ® Name Change > m SCALE: 1" = 100' ®- 5/8" Iron pin with a yellow cap .10 �� a Bearings for this plat are based on the bearings stamped Westwood PS o. SUBJECT and monuments found marking the east line of • TRACT OF - 1 2" Ironpin found x•• the subject tract deed recorded in Document # / co' 20112280001399910 (OPRCCT) CM - Control Monument E. Stone Drive \ I y o 1 3R 4 5 p a too EUBANKS W EASTRIDGEADDITION U J Ci LOCATION MAP N.T.S. W IY LANE 1/2"iron pin with on 6 j CAB.F,PG.715 � U U cop stomped RPLS 4613 X 1 10 FL8____JL.9 W Q X Li] Q >/ s- CM `� i I-�- 11 LiiE W DON&MARILYN LIGHT CM G 10 CL 31 19.048ACRES ALLEY , ,,, 97-0094043 , h �1 w0 GARYSIXKILLER O W.A. I i.836 ACRES ALLEN BLVD. 65'ROW _ - _ _ _ _ �_ ` ai 3 m VOL.4229,PG.1388 } w w� �`` ~ I `5' Public Utility �" PLACE OF oaw m.j' BEGINNING Q Easement ❑ma ` Lr1 5 IISTRIDGEADDI ION ss• �- I`5'UE I I a,0).4 80'ROW ,p _ 10 1ST.REVISION o 5'UE w o h --_ ; 50' Block CAB.L,PG.931 15 2 rI I o > I- - QA 5 ,, 6 a 75 26 f 13R Block G I �I I�5'UE O y 1503/nd �a5l8admg 7 r• 8 m. ?t 3 tr a _ f W 4� a awl:t 89 8 to n m• %, r1 . -. ,.: 3 r (.L.i '.�Tr� B m �- 1 :.,lad' g8&f.' g8 ad -8 l5 - �-� 3 a 3 ;c a LT( -- - - - ---- --- 3/8"iron I ry c' 8501a1. :.,ad �t awlaf. /4 w• LL 3 4 - - I C m^ ..- ,.^ C^awl�f. R 96 , •z 9BO0.`d i 1.2.,..i 8 e4a„„m 8 65ind pw�8 5 g 6 a, 7 m a © ; W - pin found I ll455a/. 0 IQ 0'UE �i '�-- - - --- -- i N L ro^ `^� ^'xcq 0 9501ad awJad awrad 8501s1.R 85�a1 850Ja/. asolad who-8 lr• sisad i,•, CM 1 - __i L - - -I r .e.: A s ersesz•w -- -. - -- -� m^ m^ ^ar_ 719' i, • 1 1 lk 97498 LYNDHURST WOVE DRIVE ro'uc 2 m I ��^ 4 14 al • /13286 lip --84d45=--.--- 0UE 59239'42"W 81122' 16698a/. L10 Public Utility `�' 8 �°an i j _ lOVE 69sw• r lo•uE STREET Easement ▪ 'mod *' °`a Parkland oi° a6 26 r - - - - �' °°" E Typical Public Utility Easements 1.3 dam easement 2ssd w iQ STONE GROVE zN 5 01119'r I,o I Pee Po y of Wyse.MaAtarod by the HOA w: ! ^' m' > 1 2sk�„- -I.'a•• - 7 ^ s e7�98•e n990' PHASE 1 in n9a9' a t !!��039 af. �.. =85 d I 24 s 8 ' r. 25 I ra66' CAB.G. PG.173 q kola-a m ra161:d 3 m. W m 2 I-j S JaSnadI --. Mast e. 2J za t�, zJ g i . H K 850/ad �. y ® _ o 8301af. 630iadm RaS°lad :d aadaSpJad J7 (where shown) O s0,...„ O N 025055"£ 633.67' 0° roe. y " "^ d Is II 1 ry1 719.3Y I O9a.00' 12200� ;' 'Q7 7°.84' _ , 7088' 7084'-I. " 0221adr i 3/J -r..(1F ! ❑ I' 8Q00' 7Q84' 7Q84' 7QB4' 7Q84' 70.B4' H J5 / o�F�m��1 as$ 4 7Q84' >' -'-5'UE 9445a/. iZ m 8 r68�d w '6' 851Qa1. a a 3 ; 15.E2n�64' .zaot' *..7r ?^ M°: i ,4. Block GO - =n --, a's 7za6Q' 96dr 8 $ 27m• z6 ze 5d✓ a7asi '*s• .Q. 6j ..li._ Z F,�:, a6•!mw - / \ e•. O asolaf. awr:}^ awrad"8 ,d'• w� 2 a r.��� '1Oaf `�NOl_L 14426' ------------.-----J es \ _o 1 ro^ y- m^ , I6074af. �T7SJ• N0250'417 ,yo o.i `tyw 85' 9881a/. g J/ gc, 64.782e, h>F-c7 oI 1 ♦ 15 2_ `- 2I71'`� N8176'47•w.--. q' / r ' Q�rl O DRIVE X9 ---cc; � ?y z - _ - 1 t - 4' 9349' ' ` // Street / 1- N01V9'42',E T---1 --I---1--- / •��- a GATWICK loVE lJ hOzoo I T-- , -----.-�\ 1 '•.• w w KT50.42rw coURT�UN Q 169.25' I IIII I V1 , 4326"£ 169.76 o'UE4zzer � 10'x10' Street & O1>° ----� I I \ 1 I - - r -- N67�rrw I� Sidewalk Esmt. Clip \ I / m,- .,, 26% moo' ' .`1 Typ. -�-- I I \ 1 / / 850Jad 8 54 p 8 a7 ' $ 157'' 0 8 � I I I I 1 F---- _- \ ,.--850h1 Nb' N 1358'12'W Jr_- _1_ -F---- -1 _ir 1 / / y ^650/al. tt �55' 68.12' I I ; I I ; I "N // / \ © ra6r' 708 7Q64gin. N 02'41'07"W / SOz'S0'i2'W - 2aIJ6' 7 ��/ N 22'08'S6"W 46.64' TIBBALS INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP LTD --_ I I I I I I I / 20'sou Sewn Ord 635T DOCUMENT NO.20060221000229630 1 L-- 1-- j_I-- I I I I I I / -L--1----L---1- / � N637037•W FINAL PLAT 1 - t--J---I---� I - ,044 53.4T i'\ ( t - / ��- -I---1---R -r --T --T-- 1-- / \� / �. P ��1� N 1443'41"E I ; I , , ; -�' -�\ � . i 'eg•°��\, N817149"W KREYMER ESTATES PHASE I I I I I ; I I I I I \ 5.;°tib ' y ss4T BEING 20.5634 ACRES OUT OF THE I II \ * E bs N 5371 'E N 087fi 41'W \ �s�oe�. : ' \\� 3898' 26.20' a,;,,; FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 N 067741'w CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 51.50' 54 RESIDENTIAL LOTS CURVE TABLE MARCH 5, 2013 CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH --• OWNER ^' Ci 50.00' 16525'23" 144.36' N 4259'48" W 99.19' BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. C2 50.00' 290'06'10" 253.16' S 57'56'44"E 57.28' 1050 E. Highway 114 Suite 210 Southlake, Texas 76092 817-416-1572 C3 50.00' 290'06'10" 253.16' S 57'56'44"E 57.28' -'. 5605 North MacArthur Blvd., NOTICE: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and TIPTON ENGINEERING Suite 500 Irving, Texas 75038 C4 250.00' 352'45" 16.93' S 85'12'56"E 16.92' bounds is a violation of City ordinance and state law and ,i a division of Westwood (972) 226-2967 is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building Eng. Firm No. F-11756 1/2 C5 225.00' 352'45" 15.23' S 8572'56"E 15.23' permits. rhovas©tiptoneng.com m31 STATE OF 7EY4S X NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: MINTY OF Opt(p/ X "Recommended for Approval" MINERS� � That, BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P., acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designated therein above described property as KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 1, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date 50310C public use forever the easements and rights-of-way as shown thereon. The easements City of Wylie, Texas Whereas,BLOOMI7ELD HOMES LP.,is the owner of a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688 City Of Wylie, Collin shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purposes as indicated. No buildings, fences, County Texas, according to that Special Warranty Deed recorded in Document Number 2011228001399910 of the Official Public Records of Collin County Texas trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over "Approved for Construction" (OPRCCT), the subject tract being more particularly described as follows; or across the easements and right-of-ways as shown. Said utility easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to BEGINNING at a point on the east line of that 35.8788 acre tract conveyed to,Bloomfield Homes LP(/2011228001399910)and on the south line of East use or using same unless otherwise specified. All and any public utility shall have the full Brown Street(an 80'ROW)and at the southeast comer of that 30 feet wide strip of land conveyed to the City Of Wylie,by the Deed recorded in Document right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Number 20090826001074420(OPRCCT), a 5/8'iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at corner, from which a PK nail bears SO1'12'21'W- other improvements or growth which may in any way endanger or interfere with the 394.85 feet, a 1/2'iron pin found with a cap stomped RPLS 4613 bears S 88'52'45'E, a distance of 18806 feet. (ROW deed CC/20101210001352490= construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement and 188.98 feet for ROW)and another 1/2'iron pin found with a cap stamped RPLS 4613 bears N 69'09'30'E, a distance of 21376 feet. all public utilities shall all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said utility easement for the purposes of removing all or part of its respective "Accepted" THENCE,S 02'50'42'W, along the east line of said Bloomfield Homes,L P. tract and passing along the west line of a tract of land conveyed to Gary systems without the necessity at any time procuring the permission of anyone. P Sixloller,according to the Warranty Deed fifth Vendor's Lien recorded in Document Number 98-0088596(OPRCCT)and proceeding along the west line of East Ridge Addition, 1st.Revision, an addition to the City Of Wylie according to the Final Plot recorded in Cabinet L,Page 931(OPRCCT), a distance of 1,987.07 feet to a point on the north line of Lot 2,Block G of Stone Grove Phase 1, an addition to the City Of Wylie according to the am/Plot recorded in Cabinet G,Page 173(OPRCCT),a 3/8'iron pin found at corner; Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date WITNESS MY HAND this day of , 2013. THENCE,N 88'58'18"W,along the south Ike of said Bloomfield Homes LP(#2011228001399910)tract and a north line of said Stone Grove Phase 1 addition, a distance of 407.51 feet to the southwest corner of said Bloomfield Homes LP(/2011228001399910)tract,said comer being at the approximate The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas,hereby certifies centerline of Housewright Branch; that the foregoing final plat of the DON DYKSTRA subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the THENCE,in a northerly direction along the meanderings of the centerline of Housewright Branch and along the easterly line of a tract of land conveyed to day of 20 , and the Council, by formal action, then and there Tlbbats Investment Partnershp,Ltd according to the Deed recorded in Document Number 20060221000229630(OPRCCT)and the westerly line of said accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and Bloomfield Homes,L P. tract the following; sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized By: the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. N 13'58'12'W, a distance of 6812 feet; Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 20 - N 30'56'48'W, a distance of 155.68 feet; N 02'41'07'W, a distance of 46.64 feet; N 22 oB'Ss"W, a distance of 6a57 feet; THE STATE OF TEXAS X City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas N 63'20'37'W, a distance of 5.147 feet; COUNTY OF TARRANT )( N/4'43'41'E, a distance of 51.60 feet; N 81'21'49'W, o distance of 66.47 feet; name ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DON DYKSTRA whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was N 37 37'05'W,a distance of 117.37 feet; the act of said BLOOMFIELD HOMES, L.P. and that he executed the same as the act of such partnership for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein N 08'26'41'W, a distance of 26.20 feet; stated. N 29'37'28'f a distance of 84.99 feet; N 53'21'52'E, a distance of 3898 feet; GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day of , 2013. N06'17'41'W, a distance of 51.50 feet; N 58'25'54'W, a distance of 50.85 feet; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas THENCE,N 54'27'36'E,leaving the approximate centerline of Housewright Branch, the easterly line of said Tibbals Investment Partnershp,Ltd. tract and the westerly line of said Bloomfield Homes,L.P. tract,a distance of 172.31 feet to a 5/8"iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer, THENCE S 87'09'18"E,a distance of 120.00 feet to a 5/8'iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer; THENCE,N 02'50'42'E, a distance of 76.39 feet to a 5/8"iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer, SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE THENCE,N 06'43'26'E, a distance of 169.76 feet to a 5/8'iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer, I, Gregory A. McCall, Registered Professional Land Surveyor for Tipton Engineering, a division of Westwood, do hereby certify that the plat shown hereon accurately represents the results of an THENCE,N 46'04'56'E, a distance of 229.23 feet to a 5/8"iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer, on-the-ground survey made in February, 2013, under my direction and supervision, and further certify that all corners are as shown thereon, and that said plat has been prepared in THENCE,N 02'50'55'E, a distance of 633.67 feet to a 5/8'iron pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at caner, accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas: THENCE,N 88'50'18'W, a distance of 171.46 feet to a 5/8'iron pin with a yellow cop stamped WestwoodPS set at comer: Date: This the Day of , 2013. THENCE,N 01'09'42'E, a distance of 169.25 feet to a point on the south line of said E.Brown Street(/20090826001074420, (OPRCCT), to a 5/8'ion pin with a yellow cap stamped WestwoodPS set at comer, TIPTON ENGINEERING 1H&CE,S 88'52'45'E, along the said East Brown Street south line, a distance of 46801 feet to the Place of Beginning with the subject tract containing a division of Westwood 895,744 Square Feet or 20.5634 Acres of Land Gregory A. McCall Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4396 FINAL PLAT THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DALLAS )( KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 1 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Gregory A. BEING 20.5634 ACRES OUT OF THE McCall, whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said TIPTON ENGINEERING, a division of Westwood, FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 54 RESIDENTIAL LOTS GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day of , 2013. MARCH 5, 2013 — OWNER — BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 1050 E. Highway 114 " Suite 210 Southlake, Texas 76092 817-416-1572 5605 North MacArthur Blvd., �'= TIPTON ENGINEERING Suite 500 Irving, Texas 75038 a division of Westwood (972)226-2967 Eng. Firm No. F-11756 2/2 rhovas@tiptoneng.com fsoa, OF `+t`L °F 4'ftp rtr Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT "rE op S'E0 Meeting Date: April 9,2013 Item Number: E (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 3,2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Woodbridge Centre Phase II (Wylie Cinema 12), a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Woodbridge Centre Phase II (Wylie Cinema 12), a 10.756 acre tract consisting of four lots for commercial/retail purposes. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway and Wylie High School and south of FM 544. Discussion Owner: Wylie Cinema Company,LLC Applicant: Kimley-Horn & Assoc.,Inc. The Final Plat dedicates the necessary rights-of-way and utility easements and establishes boundary lines for four lots. Lot 1 is 5.7 acres in size and will contain a 57,787 s.f. theater. Lots 2-4 will be outparcels and commercial/retail in nature. Primary ingress and egress will be from a 26' fire lane/access easement from Woodbridge Parkway. An 8' meandering sidewalk will run along Woodbridge Parkway and be placed in a visibility, access, maintenance (VAM) easement. Lot 3 was the subject of a variance approval through the Zoning Board of Adjustments to allow for temporary parking for a twelve (12) month period. At the end of the 12 month period, the owner will either remove the gravel and construct a permanent surface or remove the gravel for development purposes. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is recommended for approval subject to Engineering comments. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 - 0 to recommend approval. Page 1 of 1 I I LOT S / , I I _ - - - ' ' I I VICINITY MAP SCALE:1"=1000' I I I - _ - - - - - - I } �NNtt Wl�}E WOODBRIDGE CENTER PHASE 1 ADDITION 11 LOT 1 BLOCK B LOT 2 BLOCK B INST. NO. 20121720120002080 1 I < i ' C .Q,SLEASEMENT S CAB.Q,SL.551 + , II RAILROAD O.P.R.0 C T• M.R.C.C.T. N I 1544 LOT 9 10.32' (^Q I 10'WATER EASEMENT 518"IRFC , - - - - - - S89°32'00"E 860.21' - t��_ - - - - - 518'IRFC LL O CAB. Q,SL.551 a D_ IS I M.R.C.C.T. c.M.) I 605.54' siir I W/n = in _j SITE I10'S22'UTILITYETBACK • N89'S1.46"E 300.00' 254.67' /35.63' RFC v g O EASEMENT A=90°00100"-N//,/ \\ .�-90°00'00" / I Q C1 4.4229 ACRES ��^ _ I , R=sz.00 sss°51 a6'w 300.00 \ R=52.o0' i m g (TRACT I I) E STEEL \f VARIABLE WIDTH N m ¢ 34.5' I 22.0'I L=61.68' i �` L=81.68 SIDEWALK,LANDSCAPE, I CC ¢ U WYLIE ISD I I CB=N44°51'46"E / 11 C8=S45'08'14"E } ' I I C=73.54' / / .�=90°00•00" \ 1 c=73.5a• DRAINAGE&UTILITY 0 CO > C.C.C.F. # 95-0012336 I z GiJ0 \I U 0 a I L.R.C.C.T. 1 M o 24'FIRELANE& R=28.00' 1 EASEMENT y f a,I o °0,1 A=90°00'00" ACCESS EASEMENT L=43.98' 1 k k (BY THIS PLAT) /�/ o W 92 I / w r\,�Iq- . CB=N45'08'14"W v, BLOCK A r WI b o L 4a.ss LOT 3 c=3s.so' / / 4 S D Z I ? z° I / CAPITOL W GOJ ��� HOOPER T aI CB=N44'S1'46"E 2.115 ACRES W a- 7 BUSINESS PARK ° C=39.60' H /� w ~ I / GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET p _ /O�`���5t CAB. H, SL. 52 Z �I N89°51'46"E tu 92,108 SQ. FT. o o /m, W g o g 0 ��' N26901' eo o /� m J H 6030 60 120 = 42 .C1��o•S. M.R.C.C.T. o o WATER C23 )`/Z LOT 4 Y ¢I m / EXCHANGE �' tis�o'Z'S�`✓• ZONED LI 2011-01 I z EASEMENT /ry ¢ / r_ - 0. �. �� �_ 166.00' -� y 281.25' 1,c�4 L7 / /HIV 1.461 ACRES / /Goo/ I 1" = 60' @ 24X36 VP �`' S , , S89°51'46"W 471.25' X SET 7 1240' • / - - - - - S89°51 46_W 540.76' - - - - - _ xsET /^ / 63,645 SQ. FT. / / I I/cP N89°51'46"E 456.80' Cop / LS / / I I I LOT 11 LOT 100 ,6 �'-C� �/-� �T / 26'FIRE LANE, p/ 167.00' \ L15 207.80' 570 e ACCESS&UTILITY / I L30 / \ n .5, �\ EASEMENT / / L31 L16 36.39' J{ v 10• L=zso' N55°50'32"W J \ \ 26'FIRELANE, n=R=28. 0' L14 / TEXAS POWER& I 15'SAN.SEW. EASEMENT 1\C9 R=28.00' L=30.70• ACCESS&UTILITY 53.13' xSET \ \ / INST. NO.20070605000759070 \\ 10 WATER La3.98' N a EASEMENT SANITARY S .:N. SS"sue 7a / / *` R.O.W. DEDICA ION LIGHT CO. / RIGHT-OF-WAY CB=S45°08'i4"E <. \ss'o? °3�9 \ / (BY THIS PLAT). / VOL. 574, PG. 435 O.P.R.C.C.T. EASEMENT C=39.60' o I SEWER �, 2°y,\3,'• V"�/ V� I w EASEMENT I 77..N. 4'�� �a8,�\ C13 / ti 0.064 ACRES I D.R.C.C.T. G. N. GM / 2,798 SQ. FT. / LOT 1 Q b BLOCK A i g 7' \'16 �� / / 5.797 ACRES N z 10.756 ACRES o `' O. s�zs° / Q� / / / CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE _ _ 26'FIRELANE& 9 2 252,510 SQ. FT. /t',rACCESSEASEMENT 468,535 ,7'\\it / y / / /I' SQ. FT. �o / // �\,� / I 1 NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD NO. BEARING LENGTH I 26'FIRELANE,ACCESS, WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY, LLC C12 \ OO (����G� /I Cl 90°00'00" 52.00' 81.68' N44°51'46"E 73.54' =32°07'20" ///�''A=32°07'20" o / `(� I / L1 S41°20'46"E 0.98' UTILITY&DRAINAGE R=50.00' R=z4.00' INST. NO. 20120501000504300 0 / • Q �o �` I EASEMENT I I L=13.46' O.P.R.C.C.T- IZ / //// P��� �`� / / C2 90°00'00" 28.OD' 43.98' N44°51'46"E 39.60' L2 N41°16'13"W 1.44' N L=28.03' \V: CB=N16°11'S4"1N / J o �p0�QG / I / 1.72 ACRES C=27.67' \ \ C=13.28' I / / • �P��01' / \ / / / C3 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' S44°51'46"W 39.60' L3 S89°51'46"W 2.50' CONRAD E. BOYER I1 a \ ZONED PD 2003-01 / / / \O" C4 48°47'28" 28.00' 23.84' N65°44'30"W 23.13' C.C.C.F.#97-0000192 10'SETBACK M W o=64=34'39" 4=64°14'39" // J \ / `SO / - _ L4 S89°51'46"W 2.50' D.R.C.C.T. I ,,, R=33s3'�y �R=59.83' 4=2°52'20" /// �� \ / _ v L=37.94• I L=670s' R=1050.4T / / I \ C5 19°48'45" 25.00' 8.64' N31°26'24"W 8.60' L5 SOS°OT50"E 19.64' c' CB=SO°08.14"E / I CB=NO°08'14'W y / / I C=63.63' L=52.66' • �/ / C6 15°09'08" 25.00' 6.61' S48°50'47"E 6.59' C=36.98' / // / I / LOT 1, BLOCKA L6 53a°09'28"W 33.95' i . / CB=N46°46'57"E Ix Iab ? / R 32"07'20" C=52.65' /' � // =36°24'19" � - ` WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL C7 48°52'01" 50.00' 42.64' N65°42'14"W 41.36' L7 589°51'46"W 27.63' - I w A=32"07'20"�I / // r g R=50.00' �L-13 6 / / / // R=844.50' / I ADDITION CS 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' S45°DS'14"E 39.60' L=28.03' I L=73.46' • / / / L=536.59' / LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK A LB N00°OS'14"W 18.84' I < 3 CB=Nis°55'26"E L26 // / / EN CB=515C='26"W I C=13.28' / /' // / CB=S32°48'22"W / / / CAB. Q, SLIDE 551 C9 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' Saa°51'a6"W 39.60' L9 555°50'32"E 33.44' Op N N67' I- / C=527.61' / / M.R.C.C.T. C10 34°17'42" 28.00' 16.76' N72°59'23"W 16.51' CO 0 N- �I: / / / / I L10 N00°08'14"W 29.00' rn eo o Z w �I C33 / rb • // SIDEWALK,LANDSCAPE / / I C11 9'53'50" 28.00' 4.84' N50°53'37"W 4.83' w La 10'X10'WATER / G // L11 N00°08'14"W 48.00' &V.A.M. EASEMENT / EASEMENT • / eo I / / // / / / I C12 7°39'34" 20.05' 2.68' N47°01'13"W 2.68' 10'X10'WATER o 0 0 / / // / / _ L12 555'19'31"W 73.37' EASEMENT co o o VARIABLE WIDTH / / / O // / / Eo rn m 10' f DRAINAGE EASEMENT / // / ..-.-/ / I/ / C13 18`26'13" 25.00' 8.04' S65°06'20"E 8.01' L13 S34°40'29"E 2.50' 0 16'X15'WATER o STREET OR ROAD& / / /// ,r } 26'FIRELANE, I // 5 E Y EASEMENT o �j5 ;D� UTILITY DEDICATION DEED / / / / C14 34°17'42" 54.00' 32.32' N72°59'23"W 31.84' L14 S00°08'14"E 10.69' Z I 10' EASEMENT ACCESS&UTILITY ry^� I M -L25 // // G // INST. NO.20070727001036940 / / / �/ I / / C15 90°10'07" 9.98' 15.70' 545°06'08"E 14.13' / o \ 07 I- �,/ / // / / / / / I L15 N00°08'14"W 7.74' 2.97 ACRES FIRELANE& I/4 N. 93.99' ro 16' 57.01' / I L22 / / // / / C16 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' S44°51'46"W 39.60' GEORGE A. ROSS L L \ C6- / / & // / / / I L16 N89°51'46"E 8.98' ACCESS EASEMENT ` L4 S89°51'46'•w 167.00' c e \ \m u- / / 0 // // , / C.C.C.F.#95-0081071 (BY THIS PLAT) Zo w L2 / / ojf' / / C17 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' N44°51'46"E 39.60' D.R.C.C.T. "'i o m x SET C26-- a S89°51'46"W 56.07' __ C7 �, // / / , / , I L17 N55°19'31"E 41.90' N89"51'46"E 170.00' -_227-\ S89°51'46"W 88.25' C36 \ " // / ' / C18 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' N45°08'14"W 39.60' /\ / /7 / / / L18 N55°19'31"E 24.99' \ Z / XSET�� / J // / / / / 1,11',N / n=so°ao'oo" \ o `C?8- N89'Sr46"E 48.25' C4 / O / / / / / I C19 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' 545°08'14"E 39.60' 90"00'00" % L20 N06°00'31"E 19.80' ----- L3r R=28.00' r g / L23��Si-�- / //// /o R-2800L=43.98' IC� WATER J �o-/ •' T / / / / / I C20 90°00'00" 28.00' 43.98' S45°OS'14"E 39.60' L21 N51°00'31"E 31.16' o L�3.98' W / / 0 0l CB=N44°51'46"E CB=N45"08'14"w 14 / EASEMENT �5 % / / / / / o C=39.60' �- / /• / R.O.W. DEDICATION / / C21 90'00'00" 28.00' 43.98' N44°51'46"E 39.60' _ItrWI C=39.60' :1 Co I / /O / / (BY THIS PLAT) /6� ' / / / / / I _ _ L22 N51"00'31"E 118.66' o rol I O nI /' /' J3 / ' / ' / C22 34°17'42" 49.00' 29.33' S17°00'37"W 28.89' L23 S00°00'00"E 14.28' / / 0.069 ACRES / / / / I o NI x SET� I ///// �//-. ` \ 3,024 SQ. FT. ////,�/ / I I C23 34°17'42" 25.00' 14.96' S17°00'37"W 14.74' L24 N51°00'31"E 18.43' �2o S2°20'23"E x SET ti / I / // /p, \ \ N / / /�// // I C24 10°45'29" 844.50' 158.57' S43°17'27"W 158.33' L25 N41°20'46"W 10.05' I �52.04' N89°51'46'E 170.00' C'/^U� /` / % \ \ / / - I - ° - G / / / i \ \ / / d/ / 5.152 ACRES (TRACT TWO) I C25 26°05'26" 93.23' 42.45' N77°05'31"W 42.09' L26 N41°19'38"W 49.50' S89 51'46"W 252.50' / / \ • N I r �/h/ \� \ \ / / // WOODBRIDGE NORTH I, LTD. I C26 26'05'25" 93.23' 42.45' 577°05'31"E 42.09' L29 N00°OS'14"W 7.40' zs' 889°51'46'vv 196.00' -� /�, /`-c1 ��� \ / / / VOL. 5579, PG. 1118 _ _ I"- ,r // '/ / y\ // ,� %' D.R.C.C.T. C27 ` 25°14'32" 67.23' 29.62' N7T30'S8"W 29.38' L30 S89'51'46"W 1.34' 12.0'24'FIRELANE& / / �jy \ / / C28 26°34'07" 119.23' 55.29' S76°51'11"E 54.79' 34.5' 18.0' - / / / / / L31 S89°51'46"W 1.40' -I�►r, ACCESS EASEMENT / / °09% \ / "/ / / C29 7°27'45" 844.50' 109.99' S18°20'05"W 109.91' I `° LOT 2 19 5 '/ r STREET OR ROAD& \ _ _ I`` 1`0/ / ,, / / UTILITY DEDICATION DEED \ //// C30 15°33'22" 286.50' 77.79' 535°03'52"W 77.55' ea N 1.250 ACRES y/G / / INST. NO.20070727001036940 \ / / // Mr. Zo 54,449 SQ. FT. o,,�i1 / / O.P.R.C.C.T. 1 / / / / C31 15'50'45" 844.50' 233.56' S29°59'20"W 232.81'I too �� / % / 15'WATER EASEMENT / / j%// C32 9°41'18" 830.06' 140.36' S32°07'50"W 140.19' ni VARIABLE WIDTH O/ //,3 net / INST. NO. 20060714000978830 / ' DRAINAGE O , /// C33 1°16'O8" 844.50' 18.70' S50°22'27"W 18.70' o 2.39ACRES I °oo /G//� p,1 , O.P.R.C.GT. TOMI SILSBEE Z EASEMENT /,t3P' /', �� , /// - - a C.C.C.F.#95-0059004 I n frr /�hgj/ / / / / //ice/ C34 1°04'11" 844.50' 15.77' S49°12'17"W 15.77' N D.R.C.C.T. ? ,/ C35 17°51'03" 286.50' 89.26' N59°56'03"E 88.90' 5 o I // // % / TEXAS POWER / // , Z N / / , & LIGHT CO. //,/ C36 48°47'28" 41.00' 34.91' N65°44'30"W 33.87' I / // / / RIGHT-OF-WAY / �/ // "' $/ / / / C37 89°43'32" 40.10' 62.79' S44°51'46"W 56.57' II I �/�1,\ ,/ VOL. 575, PG. 224 //// gn Lee / E / D.R.C.C.T. / //// C38 35°47'23" 810.00' 505.96' N33'06'S0"E 497.78' NI \;\ /�L13 // / / ////// CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL C39 16°58'03" 825.00' 244.31' N42°31'30"E 243.42' tor - z ' // j/ /'/ // C40 34°17'42" 37.00' 22.15' N72°59'23"W 21.82' a. NVq„ / ACCESS&UTILITY EASEMENT /// "Recommended for Approval" - I-N j/ / INST. NO. 20070605000759060 //// C41 4°19'00" 307.50' 23.17' N53°10'01"E 23.16' Co 32.89' / / / O.P.R.C.C.T. / /%��//// C43 92°14'26" 28.04' 45.15' N46°01'18"E 40.43' z XF i 5/8"IRFC C44 92°09'07" 28.03' 45.08' N46°14'23"W 40.38' / // Chairman, Planning &Zoning Commission Date m NO"08'14"W / _ - 3 // //// City of Wylie, Texas o P,p g /518"IRFC // /�// "Approved for Construction" • / ICM) A=1°03'06" �/ ///j/ TEXAS POWER&LIGHT CO. / R=875.50' // /.//,../ 0 RIGHT-OF-WAY /sio L=16.07' / f/ / g VOL. 577, PG. 335 / CB=S50°28'58"W // /// // ,/ Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date a D.R.C.C.T. / // / C=16.07' / f/ z // / / "Accepted" It � ' w /'' /...- /',�' FINAL PLAT / //�' / Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II / The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of ; / 4 LOTS WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II, an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the Engineer: day of 2013, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ZONED: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and 12700 Park Central Drive a LINE TYPE LEGEND LEGEND NOTES: upon said plat and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name Suite 1800 BEING 10.756 ACRES SITUATED IN THE F BOUNDARY LINE ❑ BOX OR PEDESTAL C COMMUNICATIONS as hereinabove described. Dallas, Texas 75251 Iw - - - EASEMENT LINE 0 HANDHOLE E ELECTRIC OR POWER 1. Bearings based on Texas State Plane Coordinate System per Tel. No. (972) 770-1300 L.K. PEGUES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 703 H. BUILDING LINE O MANHOLE F FIBER OPTIC the City of Wylie Control Monuments No. 1 and 2. Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2013. Fax No. (972) 239-3820 w W WATER LINE AMARKER SIGN G NATURAL GAS CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS e SS SANITARY SEWER LINE METER P PETROLEUM OR PIPELINE STORM SEWER LINE b MARKER PINFLAG R RAILROAD 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a Contact: Ashley Frysinger r o a;GAS UNDERGROUND GAS NE POLE S SAN.SEWER OR WASTEWATER violation of City Ordinance and State Law and is subject to LI OHP OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE 0 STORAGE TANK D STORM SEWER fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. City Secretary Kimley-Horn UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE 0VALVE(EXCEPT WATER) T TELEPHONE } UGT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE O VAULT TR TRAFFIC City of Wylie,Texas. . > .. - FENCE Q WELL U UNIDENTIFIED 3. M.R.C.C.T. = Map Records, Collin County,Texas aCnd Associates Inc. Co _� l • CONCRETE PAVEMENT TV CABLE TV W WATER D.R.C.C.T. = Deed Records, Collin County, Texas Owner: 7 Tx' A %• ,G A Y ASPHALT PAVEMENT O.P.R.C.C.T. = Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas Wylie Cinema Company, LLC 5750 Genesis Court, Suite 200 Tel. No. (972) 335-3580 0 V.A.M. =Visibility & Maintenance Easement 2101 W. Kansas Frisco, Texas 75034 Fax No. (972) 335-3779 P.O. Box. 129 m Recorded in Cabinet , Page , P.R.C.C.T. Liberty, MO. 64068 Scale Drawn by Checked by Date Project No. Sheet No. 1" =60' SLJ MBM MARCH 2013 064449100 1 OF 2 0 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: STATE OF TEXAS THAT WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY, LLC, acting herein by and through it's duly authorized COUNTY OF COLLIN officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does WHEREAS WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY, LLC, is the owner of a tract of land out of the L.K. hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets and alleys shown Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being all of thereon. The streets and alleys are dedicated for street purposes. The Easements and that tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed to Wylie Cinema Company, LLC, public use areas, as shown are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes recorded in Instrument No. 20120501000504300 of the Official Public Records of Collin indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the Easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in Landscape Easements, if approved by the City BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found in the northwest right-of-way line of of Wylie. In addition, Utility Easements may also be used for the mutual use and Woodbridge Parkway (a variable width right-of-way) for the southwest corner of said Tract 2, accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement same being in the east line of Lot 10, Block A of Hooper Business Park, an addition to the limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet H, Slide 52 of Public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, southeast corner of said lot bears South 00°08'14" East, a distance 3.78 feet; shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said Easements. THENCE departing the said northwest right-of-way line and with the east line of Lots 9 & 10 The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and of said Block A and the west line of said Tract 2, North 00°08'14"West, a distance of 913.82 egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Tract 2, same being the inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of southwest corner of Woodbridge Centre, Phase 1, Lots 1-11, Block B, an addition to the their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument No. 20121720120002080 anyone. of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas; The area or areas shown on the plat as "VAM" (Visibility, Access and Maintenance) THENCE departing the east line of Lots 9 & 10 of said Block A and with the common line of Easement(s) are hereby given and granted to the City, its successors and assigns, as an said Tract 1 and said Woodbridge Centre, Phase 1, Lots 1-11, Block B, South 89°32'00" easement to provide visibility, right of access for maintenance upon and across said VAM East, at a distance of 849.89 feet passing a 5/8" iron rod found for southeast corner of said Easement. The City shall have the right but not the obligation to maintain any and all Woodbridge Centre, Phase 1, Lots 1-11, Block B and continuing for a total distance of landscaping within the VAM Easement. Should the City exercise this maintenance right, 860.21 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found in the said northwest right-of-way line of then it shall be permitted to remove and dispose of any and all landscaping improvements, Woodbridge Parkway at the northeast corner of said Tract 2, and being the beginning of a including without limitation, any trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover and fixtures. The City curve to the right having a radius of 844.50 feet, a central angle of 36°24'19", a chord may withdraw maintenance of the VAM Easement at any time. The ultimate maintenance bearing and distance of South 32°48'22"West, 527.61 feet; responsibility for the VAM Easement shall rest with the owners. No building, fence, shrub, tree or other improvements or growths, which in any way may endanger or interfere with the THENCE with the said northwest right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway, the following visibility, shall be constructed in, on, over or across the VAM Easement. The City shall also courses and distances: have the right but not the obligation to add any landscape improvements to the VAM Easement, to erect any traffic control devices or signs on the VAM Easement and to remove In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 536.59 feet any obstruction thereon. The City, its successors, assigns, or agents shall have the right to a 5/8-iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the end of said curve; and privilege at all times to enter upon the VAM Easement or any part thereof for the South 51°00'31" West, a distance of 720.16 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap purposes and with all rights and privileges set forth herein. found for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 875.50 feet, a central angle of 01°03'06", a chord bearing and distance of South 50°28'58"West, 16.07 feet; This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc length of 16.07 feet to City of Wylie, Texas. the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10.756 acres or 468,536 square feet of land. WITNESS, my hand, this the day of 2013. Bearing based Texas State Plane Coordinate System per the City of Wylie Control WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY, LLC Monuments No. 1 and 2. BY: Bob Bagby STATE OF MISSOURI COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Bob Bagby known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2013. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the STATE OF MISSOURI SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I, Michael B. Marx, R.P.L.S., do hereby declare that this plat was prepared from an actual survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Wylie,Texas. N 0 W Q Michael B. Marx Registered Professional Land Surveyor#5181 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC . a 5750 Genesis Court, Suite 200, Frisco, Texas 75034 (972) 335-3580 0 N STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN z Q BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Michael Marx, W known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein z expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. } Given under my hand and seal of office on this the day of , 2013. W 0 J a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the STATE OF TEXAS U' LL FINAL PLAT WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II 4 LOTS Engineer:Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ZONED: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT El Suite S 1800 Park Central Drive BEING 10.756 ACRES SITUATED IN THE te- Tell No. (972) 770-1300 L.K. PEGUES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 703 Fax No. (972) 239-3820 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS Contact: Ashley Frysinger > > 0 Kimley-Horn } Owner: and Associates, Inc. Wylie Cinema Company, LLC 5750 Genesis Court, Suite 200 Tel. No. (972) 335-3580 0 2101 W. Kansas Frisco, Texas 75034 Fax No. (972) 335-3779 P.O. Box. 129 Lu Recorded in Cabinet , Page , P.R.C.C.T. Liberty, MO. 64068 Scale Drawn by Checked by Date Project No. Sheet No. N/A SLJ MBM MARCH 2013 064449100 2 OF 2 0 A OF Tyke g G • ® Wylie City Council ` AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 9,2013 Item Number: 1. (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 19,2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Conduct a Public Hearing for the annexation of an 8.052 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, which is contiguous to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, generally located on County Road 384 (Skyview Court) and north of S.H. 78. Recommendation Conduct Public Hearing only. No action is necessary. Discussion This annexation is at the request of the property owner, Kansas City Southern Railway Company and applicant, Multatech Engineering, Inc. The subject tract is contiguous to and is surrounded by other KCS properties currently within city limits. The request is to allow for the rezoning of said property and the potential development of a KCS Intermodal Facility in Wylie. Access to the property is currently from County Road 384, with direct access from S.H. 78. Before a municipality may begin annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality must conduct two (2) public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be heard. The notice for each hearing must be published at least once on or after the 20th day but before the 10th day before the date of the hearing and must remain posted on the municipality's website until the date of the hearing. In compliance with state law,the following schedule has been adhered to: Notice published for Public Hearings March 27, 2013 and April 3, 2013 First Public Hearing April 9, 2013 Second Public Hearing April 23,2013 Adoption of Ordinance May 14,2013 Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries. This annexation is being conducted in compliance with Sections 43.052 (h) (2) and 43.063 of the Local Government Code. Page 1 of 1 Annexation Exhibit KCS Wylie, TX Intermodal Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT"A" Property Description BEING AN 8.052 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 688, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND MORE PARTICULARLY, BEING ALL OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (HENCEFORTH, REFERRED TO AS KCS TRACT I) BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 19960719000606400, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of the Kansas City Southern Railway Company right-of-way(a called 100-foot wide right-of-way at this point, henceforth referred to as KCS RR ROW) by instrument recorded in Document Number 19941026000963290, said Official Records and the west right-of-way line of County Road No. 384 (Skyview Court) (a called 60-foot right-of-way, no recording information found),being the Northeast corner of said KCS Tract I; THENCE S 01°00'56" E, along the common line of said KCS Tract I and said County Road No. 384 west right-of-way line, a distance of 357.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said KCS Tract I and the Northeast corner of a tract of land situated in said Pina Survey, conveyed to James C. Harris and wife, Dorris Harris by instrument recorded in Volume 571, Page 577, Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE N 88°03'22" W, departing the common line of said KCS Tract I and said County Road No. 384 west right-of-way line, with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said Harris tract, at a distance of 140 feet, pass the Northwest corner of said Harris tract and the Northeast corner of a tract of land situated in said Pina Survey conveyed to WPA Ministries by instrument recorded in Document Number 20090810001004530, said Official Records, continuing with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said WPA Ministries tract, in all, a total distance of 540.80 feet to the Northwest corner of said WPA Ministries tract and the Northeast corner of a tract of land situated in said Pina Survey, conveyed to Kansas City Southern Railway Company(henceforth referred to as KCS Tract II) by merger recorded in Document Number 20070803001083280, said Official Records (the description of said KCS Tract II being contained within the instrument recorded in Document Number 19960925000829480, said Official Records); Annexation Exhibit KCS Wylie,TX Interrnodal Page 2 of 3 THENCE N 88°42'25" W, with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said KCS Tract II, passing at a distance of 1,276.87 feet the East corner of a tract of land situated in said Pina Survey, conveyed to said Kansas City Southern Railway Company (henceforth referred to as KCS Tract III) by instrument recorded in Document Number 19990521000634300, said Official Records, continuing along the common line of said KCS Tract I and said KCS Tract III, a total distance of 1,429.30 feet to a the intersection of the north line of said KCS Tract III and the south line of said KCS RR ROW for the west corner of said KCS Tract I; THENCE N 81°51'05" E, departing the north line of said KCS Tract IIl, with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said KCS RR ROW, a distance of 839.56 feet; THENCE N 03°15'05"W, continuing with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said KCS RR ROW,a distance of 25.09 feet; THENCE N 81°51'05" E, continuing with the common line of said KCS Tract I and said KCS RR ROW, a distance of 1,145.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 8.052 acres of land,more or less. Note: Bearings based on deed to the Kansas City Southern Railway Company recorded in Document Number 19960719000606400,O.R.O.R.P.C.C.T. Note: Plat to accompany this legal description. Note: All 5/8-inch iron rods set have a yellow cap stamped"SAM INC." Note: This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21,does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey,and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared." PRELIMINARY: . THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT OF BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. co S.. •F f. at S. Kevin Wendell 6,1 �A co, �. F4'' k` Registered Professional Land Surveyor S. KEVIN WENDELL • Texas Registration Number 5500 SS00 aF `O� Dated: February 25, 2013 1S'�,• .fS• • . • t SUR ANNEXATION 300' 150' 0 300'I EXHIBIT IIIIII GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1" • 300' FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 L_____ 9 � lYi 9Y � P.09 z A,. 50UT i D LLI � cr . to- 400. " aoF "o 9•56) O ° 5'05"E 83 ..--•- (N3 15"W I1• ti ° (N61°51'0 ..r25.09') 1 onsR va (N$8 03'22"W �� (N88°42'25"W 1,429.30') 540.80') tix zo THE KANSAS CITY (1,276.87') " ` ` '—'— oN WUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (140.00') $ ~� DOC.NO.19990521000634300 O O.R.O.R.P,C.C.T. THE KqNSA$ CITY JAMS C HARRIS s >-Uo� SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY i go Op602006 1 s 7 4a: DOC. N . 1971906400 b.R.d. . i1 O.R.O.R.P,C.C.T. 0 00 �3z rig rig THE KANSAS CITY WPA MINISTRIES SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY DOC.NO.20090810001004530 BY MERGER RECORDED IN O.R,O.R.P.C.C.7. DOC.NO.20070803010083280 O.R•O.R.P.C.cc (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY BEING CONTAINED WITHIN THE INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN 0OC.NO.19960925000829480 O.R.O.R.P.C.C.T.) LEGEND D.R.C.C.T. DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS O.R.O.R.P.C.C,T.OFFICIAL RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS NOTE 2: THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED UNDER 22 TAC P.0.8. POINT OF BEGINNING §663.21, DOES NOT REFLECT THE RESULTS OF AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY, AND IS NOT TO BE USED TO CONVEY OR ESTABLISH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY EXCEPT THOSE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS IMPLIED OR ESTABLISHED BY THE CREATION OR RECONFIGURATION OF THE BOUNDARY NOTE1: A DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE TO ACCOMPANY TH'S PLAT. OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. • PRNTED ON / SHEET TITLE 1 ' 3,S✓21 W1 ,,'1 p .�`''� ANNEXATION EXHIBIT 7101 ENVOY COURT A Lb'. ,0 •; t • A DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 (214)631-7688 • • ... . ... A' FAX: (214)631-7103 ' '' ' ' ` I'11'4 PROJECT P 1 330 3 IQNI,DGN •: • ' ' KCS WYLIE, TX INTERMODAL PROD NO: 3304 't ,,1�� • SO' Q+7 SCALE: Y'•300' r DATE: z(y /2413 4 S `/ BEARINGS BASED ON DEED TO THE KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN DRAWN BY: JA9 r RAILWAY COMPANY RECORDED IN DOC.NO.19960719000606400 PG. 3 OF 3 CHECKED BY: SKW + Of THE O.R.O.R.P.C.C.T. REVISED DATE: ANNEXATION APPLICATION CITY OF WYLIE PLANNING DEPARTMENT (972) 516-6320 CNy of Wylie Property Description: Survey Name and Abstract No.: Francisco de la Pima Survey.Abstract Number 688 Tract Number(s):KCSTract1 Number of Acres:8.052 Number of People Living on Each Tract of Land (attach an additional sheet if necessary):0 Current Property Submittal Requirements Owner's Application Name:The Kansas City Southern Railway Company Application Fee: $200 Company: Address:427 W 12th St Metes and bounds description of the property with a City, State, Zip:Kansas City,MO 64105 graphic exhibit. The metes and bounds description and the Phone#:816-983-1919 graphic exhibit must contain an original seal and signature of a Fax#: registered professional land surveyor and shall be on an 81/2"x E-Mail Address Ipeek("akcsouthern.com 11"sheet of paper. Owner's 1 Signature: t -r 1,e VackAiSdo C( SouikeM-- itp.1,,,"- Co ,r An exhibit depicting the location of the property in '"'� location to the nearest existing or future major thoroughfare Representative's north, south, east, and west of the property. Name:Paul Padilla _ Company:Multalech Engineering,Inc. Address:2821 W 7th St,Ste 400 City, State, Zip:Fort Worth,TX 76107 Phone#:817-289-2060 Fax#:817-877.4245 E-Mail Address ppndilla@mullatech.com TO BE COMPLETED BY PROPERTY OWNER OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVE: STATE OF TEXAS YY1 i. 00fri q, }{ COUNTY OF Jackson }{ BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Glen Ebeling,AVP Real Estate and Ind.Development of the undersigned applicant, who, under oath, stated the following: "I hereby certify that I am the owner, or duly authorized agent of the owner, for the purposes of this application;that all information submi • herein i d.correct." $9L.4//,, Own-r � .Z..) Qber 4,20A... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, this the 5th day of March --.� 13?. d sit• 4.1,4, 4).;04..„, NOTARY SEAL My Commission expires /� -`f•20. S f;� ..[ v •/�5 Notary Public in &for the State of Texas, • J 0f�,✓q���/ STAB 1.. 4!1 ilr1141�1 OFFICE USE ONLY Location of Property: This application meets the Planning Department's requirements for processing. Case Number: _ Signature Date +t`L OF tyke • ® Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT 1887• "rE op S'E0 Meeting Date: April 9,2013 Item Number: 2 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 03 ,2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval for a Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee in the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B,Lot 7. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee in the Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition, Block B, Lot 7. Subject property generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Woodbridge Parkway. Discussion Owner: Clark Street Development Applicant: Dunaway Associates,LP MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE At its March 26, 2013 meeting Council considered and discussed the proposed Site Plan for Seattle's Best Coffee. At the direction of Council the applicant was to resubmit plans revising the location of the dumpster and placing additional landscaping around the dumpster enclosure. The revised plans shift the dumpster approximately 2 to 3 feet to the east and south to allow for an additional row of Needlepoint Hollies for screening. The applicant is proposing a 6'- 8' high masonry screening wall with split faced CMU, color to match building. The gate is 18 ga. box ribbed metal. The subject proposal is to develop a 519 s.f. commercial/retail establishment on 0.405 acres. The lot is part of an overall planned development established in 2003 with a Final Plat approved in May 2012. The owner is subdividing lots 6, 7 & 8 to establish a smaller lot for Seattle's Best Coffee shop. The proposed use is allowed by right under current zoning as well as the conditions of the Planned Development. There will be no inside or outside seating. Access to the lot is via an access drive off F.M. 544 to be established by the recently approved Replat and an access drive &Fire Lane off Woodbridge Parkway. Article 4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance states that service and loading areas shall not be visible from a public street; developments unable to meet this requirement are required to have masonry screening walls with gates. Although placed approximately 80'south of FM 544,the dumpster would be visible from a public street. Page 1 of 1 .- °" , LEGEND FM HIGHWAY 544 EXISTING DRIVE APRON TO BE CLOSED Ail. I ;g �fi VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) AND RELOCATED BY OTHERS ;4tr1 tini, FUTURE TURN LANE TO BE DESIGNED ( JO Ill pot,t, PROPERTY UNE -- -- SWIMS AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS oh LR'Ph. — — EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE — 0 20 40 PROPOSED SIDEWALK :---Th — — — —Ez-+° a`rof °-°° — — " —ex=ro -- — — — — ����rr� (BROOM FINISH) F FO I I II- — 20„W EX-20"W SCALE: r.,20' Ex-ro tx-FO--~ I �EX-20"W '� EX} i W] / EXISTING LIGHT POLE 1X E �Za^w —1_ — 1 J .—. 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER j�i8q'13"� o _ IX-CHE IX-CNf IX-Ch'E �_ �--- —.._ � d — — _ _ \ 1 ° IX_°ez — IX-c E DRIVE-THRU STACKING SPACE I I v — — UTILITY EASEMENT °^E 7 ` j J L- - - - - J w BY PLAT g / i 25' BUILDING SETBACK I NEW CONCRETE PAVEMENT 0 — I NEW HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE ' 1 : - w ) / PAVEMENT T 10' PROPOSED I I / I o PRIVATE UTILITY 6j j I EASEMENT I ";p_ I I / 6 0 /Z I / NOTES BY SYMBOL Z R=754.00' / L=27.34' m ^p� J CB=N16'46'43"E I w ACCESS ROAD TO BE DESIGNED I O PROPOSED ±519 SF BUILDING. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. o t1 CL=27.34' / AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS / I N n N V Q / 45 VAN ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP PARKING SPACE. m x n ri - D m M e' LL 52,925 sf 13 Zoned PD 2003-01 )-(111S I / © PROPOSED CUSTOMER PARKING. T o a?m © 3 I m3� - t PROPOSED TRASH DUMPSTER LOCATION. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR n / / O SCREENING SPECIFICATIONS- , N.9'19' 1 71-98' I J ` r4 ! I / Q� ID LANDSCAPE AREA. / DRIVE-THRU SERVICE ORDER POINT AND MENU BOARD. SEE DETAIL THIS SET, egor>111 I ��� 0 FOR PLACEMENT DIMENSIONS. ORDER POINT TO BE PLACED NO CLOSER THAN 0 80' FROM PICKUP WINDOW, MEASURED ALONG DRIVEWAY. 5 CcJ I 4jNNN 5> / / Q�2 O DRIVE-THRU SERVICE CLEARANCE BAR. SEE DETAIL, THIS SET, FOR PLACEMENT I �I D) (r� 1,y j DIMENSIONS. 00 / t I C? 43,481 sf Q Q DRIVE-THRU SERVICE PICKUP WINDOW. a 24' PROPOSED< 'CI 30 I , w Zoned AID ®�`.S°-01 / cr NEW PAVEMENT AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL UTILITY LINES. PAVEMENT TO BE Z MUTUAL ACCESS 1 12 I / CO O EQUAL OR BETTER THAN EXISTING CONDITION. EASEMENT L � Q NO CURB ALONG HEAD OF PARKING SPACES. WHEN LOT 8R IS DEVELOPED, LOT I �Q 1 Q SR CONTRACTOR MAY PLACE CURB OR PAVEMENT AGAINST LOT 7R PAVEMENT, I let I. -- l - a / / �� DEPENDANT ON FINAL DESIGN OF LOT 8 LAYOUT. Q I � . I v / AREA DRAINAGE INLET. REFER TO GRADING PLAN, THIS SET. 4 j /// 11 a 1 \._. r III / TRENCH DRAIN. REFER TO GRADING PLAN, THIS SET. 4 / 41, W o�fT / �' `\ SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE. REFER TO ELECTRIC / MEP PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL SI ' r L ! ( i o / / ® INFORMATION. (3 PLACES) r 1 / 1J r LO / / W O / Ell./ ... 101 8 I o w / / SITE PLAN NOTES On H gin 4 a 13 p 6 �_, 1713\ ° / / 1. NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: DO NOT DISTURB EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN d a �'K\ /) / DURING CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 41 © { �`. \ I 2. REFER TO DIMENSION PLAN FOR DIMENSIONS. 4.1}J q� V - ©" ' �" (j I I / 3. ALL PAVING IS CONCRETE, REFER TO SECTION DETAILS. GO v U �Q 10' PROPOSED - -�- --� \ / G ,'"" a nn 74 DRAINAGE EASEMENT �11> _ D) / 4. BENCHMARK: Op �® {(� 1 / CITY OF WYLIE NAD-83 GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENT CM3, LOCATED ON V I I - THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM q a Tw �/ 17,64 / AND NEAR 1HE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOUNDERS PARK SPURTS FIELD, I 15' WATER EASEMENT BEING 31.5 FEET WEST OF 1HE BACK OF CURB, AND APPROXIMATELY 111 n 's / — � / \ tined �� I- �1 I BY PLAT / FEET NORTH OF THE CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND FOUNDERS PARK SPORTS I,� g #`. \ FIELDS. t O 6 _ I \ I / ELEVATION = 520.301 it 1� G� r. /Q°Y / I \ > _ •-- - -- -1 _ g 3 / / lb / ( � w— UTILITY EASEMENT J ✓ x I BY PLAT / / et o lip R=1076.50' I b l L=T1 Z3° 10' BUI DI�I3 SE BACK s3' <0 z CB=N25'18'23"E / 3 3 ctintlittsit N iii4 a Q W CI_=11.03' EX$,.SS — — ASS.... �. = ..---sr-- $',S 21j a — — — — r�~CE r z S89'19 21 W 100.01 r 6..- D r E "W o EX$"W EX$"W o o ¢r= i*: M. WILSON • + 0 77520 -�,; 12.2 acres .�. �'ck<.<i co.- 4 — -Zoned PD 2®03- c r eNs. .G�«.. / IOU 5 ACCESS ROAD TO BE DESIGNED / r '�Z"'(% AND CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS /kJ (DATE: 4o 3, j 3 z/ 1.13 acres v/ Zoned PD 2003-01 JOB No. / B000606 DRAWN BY: / DDP / DESIGNED BY: DDP / CHECKED BY: / KMW DATE: MARCH 21, 2013 SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET: C3.0 , i • 1 i N Bermuda Grass —„. ( I 03 sf) I PLANT SCEDULE Bermuda Grass N / ( I5Ise I TREES MY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CAL. CONT. HT. SPREAD N /.\\ I I 1 N. I I , I SHUMARp RED OAK QUERCUS SHUMARDII 3 G5 GAL 14'-I G' 5'-7' Ns N89° 19'2 I "E 95 . 18' ,..iV v ' Mir �I I I 2 SOUTHERN LIVEOAK QUERCUS VIRGINIANA 3" 65 GAL 7' S' 5'-7'I I N. �. \ I I I SHRUBS OW COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT. HT. SPREAD SPACING z I \ I3 DWF WAX MYRTLE MYRICA CERIFERA 'DON'5 DWARF' 5 GAL 24" - 3G" 24"- 3G" 3G"OC d ILii y 4 DWARF YAUPON ILEX VOMITORIA 'NANA' 5 GAL 20"-24" 20"-24" 3' OC. oz co �Ly 0.1 w \ 4 3 MAIDEN GRA55 MISCANTHUS 51NEN515 'GRACILLIMUS' S GAL 3'-5' 2'-3' 3' OC. cx Southern Live Oak ,� - — — — — — — — ( I ) \ I 51 NEEDLEPOINT HOLLY ILEX CORNUTA 'NEEDLEPOINT' 7 GAL 2.5' 2'-3' 4' OC. a o 1 / 1 I 4 ROSE ROSA X 'KNOCKOUT' TM 5 GAL 30"-3G" 30"- 36" 4' OC. z° Mexican Feathergrass 24' PROPOSED ( I 7) GROUND COVERS MY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT./SPACING HT. SPREAD REMARKS MUTUAL ACCESS / /. Southern Live Oak EASEMENT Mexican Feathergrass / ( I } 1 (3 2) I 144 AUTUMN SAGE SALVIA GREGGII 'WHITE' I GAL@ 18" OC 10"-12" 12" y ro w?a \ / Autumn Sage 1 (3g4} I ° -" Autumn Sae30 SF BERMUDA GRASS CYNODON DACTYLON HYDROMULCH ro m g Iiii — —I 2 3 u / (z ) ���� i��llr I OgliPill �� i �m,il�IMlll ► A lllln�l we § plp��liplllllll,a NW I 'IIIIIIIIIi1 IIInIMPHIV144, ilmuuunum " " " " I�IN +I') 108 MEXICAN FEATHERGRASS NASSELLA TENUISSIMA 'PONY TAILS' I GAL@ 24 OC 18-24 24Ifll�ll inilli� I p. i �IIIIIIIIIIII11n nlllllllll�nn r� IIIiii►tin 1 �IIIIIIa. 4 'VI *v'�� )114.4 �i , �v : aa+'+a► ' I ` OTHER QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT./SPACING HT. SPREAD REMARKS3 • 4 / 1111‘ 1 / ti LI! I I S SF DECOMPOSED GRANITE DECOMPOSED GRANITE WA N/A WA 4"THICK LAYER Needlepoint holly Z ( I I ) � l< '. River Rock `. . ,` `, - 9 5F RIVER ROCK RIVER ROCK COBBLE, I-3" STONES / O III' (9 sf) — �' I--1 / �1 1 - 1 1 I Dwarf Yaupon .. w \ �tl / (7) °� > _ m \ Mexican Feathergrass —�(V 7 I li SITE DATA / ( 1 2) 0 (Bermuda Grass �• :/ , > 10 c sc0 I� ( I ,088 sf) 0 l SITE AREA 1 7 ,646 SF Q �' cnit W ZONING PD 2006-46 ' ' at / CO i •••••-1...1:•.1:."::::1,•-•...c...1. \ (-) U I ADJACENT ZONING PD 2 0 0 6-4 6 a 0 itst / 0 CD 0 ' / I 1 TOTAL SF OF NEW BUILDING 519 SF v gip a v Z I LANDSCAPE REQUIRBVIBVTS: REQUIRE) PROVIDED POINTS i . E Autumn Sage —! I \ \ p? :t U N Bermuda Grass — (33) / • 1 „ a S 10' P �C&POSED (504 sf) —'- Irk \ \ 1 SITE LANDSCAPING o �, Dwf Wax Myrtle 4 o DRAINAGE EASEMENT (7) 1111�II�III / • • \ 1 5 % OF TOTAL SITE TO BE LANDSCAPE 2 ,646 SF 3 ,386 SF 10 a ,j pl�llll " / 17 ,646 SF X . 15 = 2440 SF (1 5%) (1 9%) N �IIIII , �I ` °o� / r 1 5' U N LANDSCAPING IN FRONT YARD YES YES N. Mexican Feathergrass -' ' . — ( I 3) o�onnr / ', BY P LANDSCAPING IN SIDE AND REAR YARD YES YES 10 / —Shumard Red Oak V / Maiden Grass ( I ) \ (3) LANDSCAPING OF PARKING LOTS , / Autumn Sage / • PARKING SPACES SHALL BE 1MTHIN 60 LF OF TREE YES YES ,,.....% / — — ( IG) . / 1 I ;-��p ° / / —Decomposed Granite PARKING SPACES WITHIN 40 LF OF Tf:CC 10 ; , 9RFcysy / / \ (5 sf) / I ai. / \ —Autumn Sage LANDSCAPE ISLAND EVERY 12 SPACES YES YES *f, m /— — — — — \— • • • - - - - PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE AREA 300 SF 300 SF , '� 9r ? +�-' / / I . ' Autumn Sage I (50 SF X 6 SPACES) �: wF �" "im 111111 v'•. . 1111111 ' I' ( I 5) 4/02/13 / minnmioII�Iwl i�a��l�lllllll / •,.. �. ,..�IIIIIIIIIII11llll 1�IIllJIItIIOIm — — — (DATE _ _ LANDSCAPE OF STREET FRONTAGES ___ Dwf Wax Myrtle / LANDSCAPE BUFFER NA NA JOB No. (3) 8000606 1 / // Rose Rose -Li z DRAWN BY JMl ( I ) Z 7 TOTAL REQUIRED POINTS = 25 Dwf Wax Myrtle Mexican Feathergrass Q C w Q PER PD 2003-01 DESIGNED BY: AGB 2 l / / ( ) (28) - _ _ w Q n TOTAL PROVIDED POINTS = 30 J ____.[. _ - - - - ZS89° 19'2 I "W 95 . 18' \ CHECKED BY: AGB , w � o 110 20 30 fees Q m DATE: / E Q I- April 2, 2013 , (-___ 0 / I -- ACCESS DRIVE SCALE 1"= ` �� SCALE 1' =10' ! I I - SHEET: LS1.0 J STAKES PLANTING NOTES EACH TREE MUST 8E PLANTED SUCH THAT THE EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE 1 . ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, I-ILE OF PESTS AND DISEASE TRUNK FLARE I5 VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT '1/ TRUNK FLARE 15 VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLARE IS NOT BALL TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE SHALL BE REJECTED. DO NOT COVER THE ' T R OF SHALL Be BALL WM DO NOT MULCH. 2. ALL PLANTS MUST BE CONTAINER GROWN OR BALLED AND BURLAPPED AS INDICATED IN THE PLANT UST. TOP OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL OR MULCH. i 70P OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL OR MULCH. TOP OF ROOT BALL 2"HIGHER THAN GROUND \ TOP OF ROOT BALL 2"HIGHER THAN GROUND 3. ALL TREES MUST BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED, FULL HEADED AND MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. GRADE. . I itig GRADE. (d / C-0'7-POST(3 PER TREE)WITH 12 GA.WIRE 4 _ �', ; E WI C-0-T-POST(3 PER WI 12 GA. RE! 4. ALL PLANTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE, DURING AND RUBBER HOSE. USE TURNBUCKLE WHEN . ; ,' RUBBER HOSE. USE TURNBUCKLE WHEN NECESSARY. NECESSARY. AI-I EH INSTALLATION. T-POST SHALL BE POUNDED INTO 2'OF T-POST SHALL BE POUNDED INTO 2'OF UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.T-POST SHALL NOT / ' UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE,T-POST SHALL NOT PENETRATE ROOTBALL AND SHALL NOT INTERFERE PENETRATE ROOTBALL AND SHALL NOT INTERFERE 5. ALL TREES MUST BE GUYED OR STAKED AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS. j� WTM BRANCHES. A W TH BRANCHES. z WIDTH OF 1.,! 4'CEDAR MULCH WIDTH Of 4"CEDAR MULCH0tROOT BALL - $ 4' 6'EARTH SAUCER 'k ROOT BALL 1 •. 4'-6 EARTH SAUCER SPE SPE ALL CIFIED.PLANTING AREAS MUST BE COMPLETELY MULCHED AS I v"I ..... ......... .. .. . .....S7. LOCATIONS OF EXISTING BURIED UTILITY ONES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE BASED UPON BESTAVAILABLE0INFORMA11ON AND ARE TO BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE z 0 VARIEri 1 >_ V5- - WIDE ROUGHSIDED HOLE 1I- 1 1 i 1=' SPECFIED TREE PLANTING = _ I 1=1 1 I 1I- SPECIFIED TREEPLANTING MIXTOBE 100% 8. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND w 1 11 -1 II 1 ' I'L_ 1 I I I -I i-' fr ''I-1 1 -II n 1I,. 1 PLANTING MEDIA MIX AS NOTED. 1-1 1 1 1-I i I 1 1 PLANTING MEDIA MIX AS NOTED. UT UTIES AND SHALL AVOID DAMAGE TO AU_ NUWTIES DURING THE COURSE OF THE WORK. THE / V V\� V "Iv 1 " V V d1V V V V V CUT AND REMOVE ALL ROPES,BURLAP AND WIRE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY AND ALL DAMAGE TO THE NUWITES, STRUCTURES, SITE CUR AND REMOVE ALL ROPES,BURLAP AND WIRE FROM TOP I/3 OF ROOTBALL.(BROKEN ROOTBALL w FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL.(BROKEN ROOTBALL FROM TOP I/S o FOOTBALL.O BE (BR) APPURTENANCES, ETC., WHICH OCCURS AS A RESULT OF THE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION. 1- WILL CAUSE TREE TO BE REJECTED) WILL I I.THIS TREE PLANTING DETAIL IS TO BE USED IN 0 I.THISTREE PLANTING DETAIL 15 TO BE USED IN PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL WITHOUT HIGH CONTENT OF CLAY OR HIGH PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL WITHOUT HIGH CONTENT OF CLAY OR HIGH SOIL. 9. ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTENT OF SAND. SOIL. CONTENT OF SAND. COMPACTED SUBGRADE. 2.DO NOT HEAVILY PRUNE THE TREE AT PLANTING. COMPACTED SUBGRADE. COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ALL PLANTING BEDS AT SPACING SHOWN. z P.UN NOT HEAVILYCROSPRUNE THE TREE PLANTING. PRUNE ONLY CROSSOVER LIMBS,CO-DOMINANT UNDISTURBED SOIL(et MCWANE PROPERTY • PRUNE ONLY CROSSOVER ENER LIMBS,CO-DOMINANTNCHESMY UNDISTURBED SOIL M MCWANE PROPERTY LEADERS.AND BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES MAY OVERLAY PER AGREEMENT)(DEPTH VARIES LEADERS,AND BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES MAY ovEREAr PER AGREEMENT)(DEPTH VARIES 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS BEFORE , -. BE PRUNED;HOWEVER,DO NOT REMOVE THE REFERENCE CIVIL PLANS) BE PRUNED;HOWEVER,DO NOT REMOVE THE REFERENCE CIVIL PLANS) PRICING THE WORK. TURMINAL BUDS OF BRANCHES THAT TURMINAL BUDS OF BRANCHES THAT INSPECTION TUBE-4°DIA.PVC PIPE CUT I' S EXTEND TO THE EDGE THE CROWN. INSPECTION TUBE-4"DIA.PVC PIPE CUR I' EXTEND TO THE EDGE THE CROWN. v ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4 CAP WITH 4°DIA. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4 CAP WITH 4'DIA. 0 o DRAIN GRATE COVER DRAIN GRATE COVER 1 1 . THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FULLY MAINTAINING ALL PLANTING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED (CONNECT AS NECESSARY TO STORM DRAIN) en b N M^ (CONNECT AS NECESSARYTO STORM DRAIN) TO: WATERING, MOWING, EDGING, SPRAYING, MULCHING, WEEDING, FERTIUZING, ETC. OF THE PLANTING � � AREAS AND LAWN UNTIL THE WDRK IS ACCEPTED IN TOTAL BY THE OWNER m g I A TREE PLANTING & STAKING DETAIL MULTI-TRUNK TREE PLANTING & STAKING DETAIL 0_‹ ' 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETELY GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS ¢ o°D°0 NOT TO A SCALE LL (1)NOT TO A SCALE BEGINNING ON THE DATE OF TOTAL ACCEPTANCE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY MAKE A b'm REPLACEMENTS BEFORE OR AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. LL 1 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF ALL TREES AND PLANTING BEDS AND M RECEIVE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 111 14. AFTER BEING DUG AT HE NURSERY SOURCE ALL WITS IN LEAF SHALL BE ACCUMATED FOR TVVO WEEKS a RANT UNDER A MIST SYSTEM PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. [n] , CONCRETE EDGE 1 5. ANY ANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES, TURNS BROWN, OR DEFOLIATES PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1� ?of / I' \ WORK SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND REPLACED WITH MAIEWAL OF THE SAME SPECIES, 9 MIN. I QUAINTLY, AND SIZE THE REPLACEMENT MAI EWAL SHALL MEET ALL PLANT UST SPECIFICATIONS. EXPOSE I'OF TOP OF ROOTBALL IN // 1 PLANTING MIX, COVER WITH MULCH. / I I CONCRETE EDGE SEE CIVIL TOP OF ROOT BALL TO BE I"HIGHER / O DRAWINGS 16. STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE"AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK' REPRESENT GUIDEJNE THAN ADJACENT GRADE SPECIFICATIONS ONLY AND SHALL CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MAIERIAL O 4`STABILIZED DECOMPOSED 4'CEDAR MULCH 0 GRANITE PER SPECIFICATIONS 17. SAFE, CLEARLY MARKED PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR ACCESS TO ALL ADJACENT PROI tl<I IES MUST BE p DISTANCE ON PLANT LIST 4"CEDAR MULCH X X / O MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. TRANSITION SLOPE 3 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC; 1 O © 0 TURN UP FABRIC AT EDGE441 y:' "' : " " " 18. DURING THE GROWNG SEASON ALL ANNUALS SHALL REMAIN IN HEALTHY, VITAL CONDITION THROUGHOUT j O COMPACT SUBGR ADE PER CIVIL �3'p .. laill PAVING PLANS THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. =+ -Cr:. F p,a�' � y� K R r CONCRETE CURB + c, / - d a o• 5 12"COMPACTED AGGREGATE 1 9. THE CONTRACTOR I S CAUTIONED THAT LOCAL CITY STANDARDS MAY DIFItK FROM THOSE SHOWN r ! `i + , w iAi + �(:•,'" •-,01, - ''� ~ein �Altars O SUBBASE HEREIN. CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, CITY, STATE OR FEDERAL w - " e O SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS SHOULD BE MORE STRINGENT THAN THOSE RE'RESEVTED HEREIN. ® el ®��� o 0 0 0 o O COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 95% EMI I DIMENSION OF l t' PROCTOR DENSITY PLANT SPACINGISI 1 a�a 2 0. ALL SHRUB, GROUND COVER AND SEASONAL COLOR AND ANNUAL PLANTING BEDS ARE TO BE 1 1 —I MAY VARY -' I- I=1I` l=III=11 H 11 1 E111=11 0 COMPLETELY COVERED WITH MULCH TO A MINIMUM DtrI H OF THREE INCHES. O M WEED BARRIER (SEE PLANT UST) CS I :-1 -I I=III=III I I� I I-I i. 12'OF PLANTING MEDIA C =11 =11" I G 1= (SEE SPECIFICATIONS) iE (SEE PLANT UST) © 21 . S11$EDGING SHALL BE INSTAL I m FOR THE FOLLOWING INTERFACES: 4 0 C> COMPACTED SUBGRADE SHRUB(A5 SPECIFIED) - • TURF t0 SHRUB a is (SEE SPEC.) o • TURF to GROUNDCOVER "b 22. IF LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR DEMONSTRATES THAT ALL KNOWN RESOURCES HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED FOR SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL AND SPACING DIAGRAM DECOMPOSED GRANITE SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIAL AND AVAILABILITY OR QUALITY DOES NOT MEET OR BCCEED CR IEWA, CONTACT o pq +�~'+ o izi C-) D OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR ALTERNATIVE PLANT MA I BAAL POSSIBILITIES. V U NOT TO A SCALE SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" is aln 2 3. PLANT MA I ERIALS E1 tee - Opal ,� a> -PLANTING SOIL Pl . U m. "ACID GRO READY-TO-PLANT' BY SOIL BUILDING SYSTBv1S, INC. (21 4)239 4777 OR APPROVED EQUAL Z ^ 'F"'", -AZALEAS: 0 ILL a r. PLANT 100% PEAT MOSS. PLANT ALL OTHER PLANTINGS IN PLANTING SOIL Lam.+ n p '�""I -MYCORRHIZAL SUPPLEMENT: as p C 'DIEH W ARD-TRANSPLANT," BY HORTICULTURALAANCE, INC. (800)628-6377, II Cl) L•1 WNWV HORTICULTURALAWANCECOM. APPLY TO ALL PLANTINGS DURING THE PLANTING OPERATION AT THE RATES SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALCULATE THE REQUIRE PO AMOUNT OF "DIEHARD TRANSPLANT," FOR THE PROJECT USING THE MANUFACTURERS SPREADSHEET AND SUBMIT THE SPREADSHEET WITH THE PROJECT SUBMITTALS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT RECEIPTS OF THE ACTUAL PURCHASE OF THE"DIEHARD TRANSPLANT," MATERIAL AT TIME OF PROJECT PURCHASE I -MULCH: "FINE CUT HARDWOOD MULCH" BY SOIL BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. (214)239-4777 OR APPROVED EQUAL 'q,D _ z--, WALK / N Z d 1 / PLANTING BED `� PLANTING BED FINISH GRADE PLANT SPACING ' 3"SURFACE MULCH PER PLAN MULGIi\y /i 4"CEDAR MULCH I 4"CEDAR MULCH GRASS SODDI NG/S EEDI NG NOTES: =F •;11,4r CrLS'� it ��'� ���3LAT,‘ FINISH GRADE OF " % j ' 1 . ALL SOD SHALL BE COMMON BERMUDA. CYNODON DACTYLON. r QT 4, m 1 �' �' _ CONCRETE SIDEWALKj �� / T /. /!„� j /��,: o-. t ' �'-/ s., .v,,. ,< APRL 1 ND OVERSFFID ANNUAL RYE ATid - - 2. OVERSI+I)LNG - FOR ANY SOD LAID BETWEEN SEPT. 15 THRJ 5, HA ' i`\\� ,.sue-. ra' y Y L 1 %8"x4"RYER50NSTEELEDGING(GREEN) 10 LBS./1000 S.F. FOR ALL SODDED AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN. ••�0 ?291 Pc0 12 I I II 11 II= \I FINISH GRADE OR APPROVED EQUAL ' 111. O F ���, I I �-III-I I 3. BID SHOULD INCLUDE BOTH STEPS (SODDING AND OVERSEEDING) IF PROJECT POSSESSION DATE .� 1-I I - I III=1 1=1 I- I -I I1=1ISWS III-1I1=1 I-i I-I I- - - - - I-1 i-1 1 OCCURS BEtWE N SEPTA AND APRIL 15. 4/02/13 =1 11=1 II— I I I 1=1 I I-1 I L-I 11=1 1111 111 111 1-1 ±1 I SUBGRADE I a'STEEL STAKE AT 5'0.C.E 11= I I=11 IJ I LEI 11= -1 I=1 11-' _ti) (INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER 4. AU_UNSURFACED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL SOD/SEA, MULCH, AND WATERED (DATE: REQUIREMENTS). I UNTIL HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. c WATER WHEN PLANTING REMOVE EXISTING SOIL TO 12' 2'MIN. PLANTING SOIL JOB No. TO ELIMINATE VOIDS DEPTH, ROTO TILL BOTTOM 2' PER SPECIFICATIONS 5. PROVIDE TEMPORARY IRRIGATION AS NEEDED UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS ESTABUSHED OR B000606 EXISTING 501E INTO PREPARED SOIL UNTIL PERMANENT IRRIGATION IS FUNCTIONAL AFTER EXCAVATION OF BED-TAMP DRAWN BY: JM T TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT NOTE: PLANT GROUNDCOVER IRRIGATION NOTES: USING TRIANGULAR SPACING DESIGNED BY: 1 . ALL PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE WATERED WITH AN UNDERGROUND A G B IRRIGATION SYSTEM. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL STEEL EDGING DETAIL CONTROIIRDWTHA FULLY PROGRAMMABLE ET BASED CONTROIIFRWITH CHECKED BY: AGB , r J RAIN AND FRFF7F SENSORS. NOT TO SCALE � NOT TO SCALE , 2. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION SHALL MEET ALL OF THE DATE: APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY April 2, 2013 J , SCALE: N TS ,. 'SHEET: ,LS2.0 LEGEND FM HIGHWAY 544 ,1l' �;v, y (VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) i, PROPERTY LINE a if, mimP !� ;;;: CThRE SIVA 40 °.,.:.: ..,``: : .,' '-.;: ,.: �\ -�� /moo Fo �- \ Ex-Fo EX 20"W Th^ EX 20"W SCALE: 1":20' EXISTING LIGHT POLE o - EXF "N 7056091.42 \ -_ _ _ --- - EX 20"W �� �d8$'59 E 2559022.21 ` N \ ' " \art 'c- a y_W ` \ 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER` - �� '_ - �- --a- \ UTILITY EASEMENT ( r-Ex NZE T w ....- ----I C- BY PLAT N 7056090.85 g \ \ / a - z - - �� - \ E 2559007.22I\ - \ 25' BUILDING SETBACK - _as 'I I I \ \ S \ \ \s I I \� \ ) I ce {� N� o \ N PRIOVQPOSED I I / I \ \ \ -� �- X/ I // \ N. \ EASEMATE ENTT 532 R ••0 °ZIA 1 I I \ ` / ' o z 1 N 7056033.87 O ( \ i + \ N / \ NOTES BY SYMBOL E 7059033.89 I Z \ R=754.00: \ ( / \ \ / ' \ PROPOSED f519 SF BUILDING. SEE INSET, THIS SHEET, FOR DIMENSIONS IN \ L=27.34 \ / II \ \ O \s C6=N16'46'43"E \ / THIS AREA- REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING d o - CL=27.34' I / ' / DIMENSIONS. ' N \ I ' \ / y OXMLL o .. a N 8.3' N. `66.D, I/ ` I saw \ w, N 7056006.84 N 556007.00 I Ilil \ \ to / / E 2559000.00 \ / E 2558928.03 I / "s3 \ N89'19'21 71.98' / Il \ \ >la i 5t-\_ roo n.o I \ \ �� DIMENSION PLAN NOTES I � / I i --11R3 0' 1-1 / - R \ / IN (� z. 1- ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB- Z 1 co Q 2. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS. za' / / 1 I I \ / Z 24' PROPOSED • o ( I I j Q 4i 3_ BENCHMARK: k -� CITY OF WYLIE NAD-83 GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENT CM3, LOCATED ON MUTUAL ACCESS 6 S /�R�D! \ \ / 0Q THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF WYLE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM EASEMENT �, 1/ AND NEAR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOUNDERS PARK SPORTS FIELD, Q 8.1 13.4' f' 1 Rom- �I \ / / O BEING 31.5 FEET WEST OF THE BACK OF CURB, AND APPROXIMATELY 111 I ' I k \ / .S FEET NORTH OF THE CHAIN UNK FENCE AROUND FOUNDERS PARK SPORTS -INR1.0' ir . / \ \ FlELDS. Z �� m / ELEVATION = 520.307' IcI a / R20.0' s ` / / V.[ 5.s' ii / f k / / �--� / / 46' �' 0 I �I ' 3 \ W to el H ce it co:0 R600. / 1 I = I s�`p / / Cl pl tso / I 2 ate, al ...1 1 ,_____ , , ._ /, .. ..... ..., ..,..., . , q ,,. co j r. 40. I �_ I / - - - 4< I lb w. G q 10' PrcozYOSED / / H \ O V DRAINAGE EASE TT / \ I / I / \ 8.5' .'S.o' . l N �+ n no 15 WATER EASEMENT / ° ! I Q� O i► / / \ ���. / �i� \ PLAT . 9 / ` i 1 4 0 0 I° a I` \ 5.5' /' I \ / / a' e_ • a-- °• / - o..• h 1 1 ��GQ 12b' 133' 24.2' / 13.3 kb: �531� 4 b' \s o I N N 7055945.00 I '{ K) O I UTILITY EASEMENT �_ - , E 2558965.72 i _ `S� / -r �- -J BY PLAT ~ d a N 7055845.85 -` ID /_ /� 7 < 4 E 7055945.19 5894 .19 Ci / / E'2558929.93 R75.D �! RJ5.0' \ I �l <;" �� \ / .tr'aa. I R=1076.50 _ K I b z - - / sect - L='f1,Q3` - / 10' UI DIN S ! K /" Z / / zpw CF10SN7o;8;a7± _ _ N25'18'23"E RS.o' 3 N ¢ ¢W r / ,i` tE,.. ...rf isets EX 8 SS - - �W gfrsi - - - - 11 I89 2�1 10001 N7583706 <_ I /*= • E 2558925.21 / 7 $ 2559025.22w F d.....P i* % E M a / / / *+! 1 � KYLON M. WILSON Q- 77520 ,, - - 0 , . , N. .l . ° E 2558966.11 `d y S,O��` L: ��"� or "\ � d , DA i �` ® , m /4/ / ,/ :4 °: i 4' 3 �2 ) Q4 d /CO Lri p ° .° . . ' a . . F (JOB No. , o/ / • I, B000606 , Up'Z _ 6.1' 15r I / e/ / / 25'/ r / DRAWN BY: DDP / / n / / BUILDING AREA INSET [DESIGNED BY: l DDP CHECKED BY: / KMW DATE: MARCH 21, 2013 SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET: C3.1