12-10-1996 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA
Wylie Municipal Complex
December 10, 1996
7:00 p.m.
INVOCATION - Deacon Warner Washington
Presentation by Wylie Police Department- Chaplain Program
Presentation of the Woodbridge Conceptual Plan
Presentation by Wylie Economic Development Corporation - 1996-1997 Action Plan
1. Consider Approval of Minutes for November 11 and November 12, 1996
2. Consider Approval of Wylie Economic Development Corporation 1996-1997 Action Plan
3. Consider Setting Date for Public Hearing on January 28, 1997 to Consider Land Use
Assumptions Related to Impact Fee
4. Consider Acceptance and Final Payment for Phase I on Service Center to Rogers Blair
5. Discuss and Consider Issuing Change Order No. 1 and Final Acceptance of the
Construction of the Alleys in the Butler/Dogwood Area and Authorize Final Payment to
McMahon Contracting, Inc. in the Amount of$13,784.46
6. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Layout of the City of Wylie/Wylie Independent
School District Joint Use Park
7. Hold Public Hearing and Consider Approval of Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Sign
Regulations, Section 27.17(c.1)
8. Hold Public Hearing and Consider Approval of an Ordinance Requesting Zone Change
from "A" Agriculture to "B-2" Business District Located on the South Side of FM 544,
East of Regency Drive, Lots 2 and 3, Block B of Jacobs Addition, Requested by Roy
9. Discuss and Consider Appointing a Replacement to the Planning & Zoning Board to
Complete the Term Expiring July, 1997
Hold Executive Session Under Section 551.072 Deliberations about Real Property
10. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Resolution Supporting the Acquisition of Park Land
and Authorize the City Manager to Enter Into an Open Space Use Agreement with
Dallas County
11. Discuss Bid Specifications For Construction of Phase li of the Service Center
Posted on this the 6th day of December, 1996 at 5:00 p.m.
lip City Council #1
g+ ndo Communication for December 10, 1996
Minutes for November 'i and HoVombar 12, 1996
wyHHe City Council #2
Hgcnda Communication'for December 10, 1996
Wylie Economic Development Corporation Fiscal Year 1996-1997 fiction Plan
Discuss and consider the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Fiscal Year 1996-1997
Action Plan.
The Action Plan is an effective tool in maintaining the lines of communication between the WEDC
Board and the City Council, the plan is to allow staff, at the direction of the Board to focus the efforts of the
WEDC. The Action Plan identifies the minimum objectives the WEDC Board of Directors believe must be
met by staff. In meeting these objectives, it is the Board's belief that the overall goal of increasing
employment levels and expanding the assessed taxable value within the City of Wylie will be accomplished.
Executive Summary -The primary goals are: 1) F.M. 544 Widening; 2) Premier Business Park; 3) Texas
Enterprise Zone Designation; 4) Property Inventory; 5) Marketing; and 6) WEDC staff.
Board Recommendations
The WEDC hasn't approved the Action Plan.
Financial Considerations
All activities within the FY 1996-1997 Action Plan will be financed by the 4A, 1/2 cent sales tax. The
WEDC F 1996-1997 Budget is attached for review.
Legal Considerations
Section IV, 4a of the WEDC By-Laws states the Board shall make a detailed report to the City Council
once a year. The report shall include the following: 1) a review of all expenditures made by the Board in
connection with their activities involving direct economic development, together with a report of all other
expenditures made by the Board; 2) a review of the accomplishments of the Board in the area of direct
economic development; 3) the policies and strategy followed by the Board in relation to direct economic
development together with any proposed changes in such activities; and 4) a review of the activities of the
Board in areas of endeavor other than direct economic development together with any proposed changes
in such activities.
1996-1997 Action Plan
c 'linCol� ��U-�" /J/J : l I4M4,
Prepared By Rev ed by Fin nce City Mgr. Approval
OCTOBER 1, 1996
As required in the by-laws of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC),
the Board of Directors must submit "the policies and strategy followed by the Board in
relation to direct economic development" on an annual basis to the Wylie City Council.
While this Action Plan is an effective tool in maintaining the lines of communication
between this Board and the City Council, an equally important function of this document
is to allow staff, at the direction of the Board, to focus the efforts of the WEDC.
Although much of the activities of the WEDC are dictated by the requests of the
brokerage and business community, a slate of activities will allow staff to determine
minimum accomplishments expected by the Board of Directors throughout the year.
The following tasks are viewed by the WEDC Board of Directors as having a direct
impact on increasing employment levels and expanding the assessed taxable value
within the City of Wylie. These two objectives are the core of economic development
and are what this organization will ultimately be judged by. Each of the ensuing areas
of activity will be prioritized by the WEDC Board of Directors and evaluated on a
monthly basis so as to judge the productivity of staff and determine the effectiveness of
each area of activity.
F.M. 544 Widening:
In 1994, business owners, the Wylie City Council, the WEDC Board of Directors, City
staff and concerned citizens met with the Cornerstone Group to evaluate the existing
and future economic climate of the City of Wylie. The most critical issue facing the
economic development of Wylie, as determined by 45% of the participants, is
In order to influence the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the City of Wylie
must become extremely involved in the process of determining projects which will
receive funding in a particular year. As with many State of Texas programs, need is not
necessarily the number one reason for funding a project.
In an attempt to affect the process, the Wylie Chamber of Commerce Economic
Development Committee, chaired by Dr. John Fuller, will begin to educate themselves
on the TIP process and form a group of concerned business and elected officials. The
initial committee will consist of representatives from the City of Wylie, WEDC, Wylie
Independent School District (WISD) and Sanden International. From that core group, a
strategy will be formulated and the individuals most capable of implementing that
strategy will be encouraged to participate. Personal monitoring of TIP activities in
Austin will begin soon thereafter and a City of Wylie presence in Austin will be
Premier Business Park:
The need to conceptualize or recognize the capabilities or limitations of Premier
Business Park is paramount to WEDC marketing activities and negotiations with
expansion/relocation prospects. A unified vision by the WEDC Board of Directors of
what the goals and objectives are in developing Premier will facilitate and even dictate
the development process. Once this unified vision has been established, criteria for
use of WEDC owned property can be established.
A strategy for determining this vision will be to allow a professional land planner to
consult the WEDC Board of Directors in the areas of land development. This
individual/organization will aid the WEDC in determining the capabilities of Premier
followed by the creation of development standards which will protect the integrity of the
Park. These standards will consist of landscaping, building materials, building coverage
area and parking requirements. While the City of Wylie has in place ordinances which
direct developers in these areas, the WEDC may impose standards which exceed City
requirements (i.e. increase landscaping requirements).
In addition to maintaining the aesthetic appeal of Premier, the WEDC Board of Directors
believes that the issues surrounding the soil conservation easement on the southwest
corner of the Park must be finalized. Being that this easement area encompasses
approximately five (5) acres the outcome of this issue will be vital to the development of
the south side of Premier.
Texas Enterprise Zone Designation:
The Texas Department of Commerce defines the goal of the Texas Enterprise Zone
(EZ) Program as being the encouragement of job creation and capital investment in
economically distressed areas of Texas. The goal of the Texas EZ Program in Wylie,
Texas will be to increase the capability of the City of Wylie and WEDC to attract
corporate relocation's and encourage existing businesses to expand. An EZ is a
contiguous area within a city, designated by the City Council, which affords businesses
operating within the zone the ability to access state tax and regulatory benefits and
local incentives. These incentives consist of state sales and use tax and state
franchise tax refunds, priority for state programs, reductions in electric and gas utility
rates, and specified local incentives to be determined by the WEDC Board of Directors
and Wylie City Council.
In order for a community to receive an EZ designation, certain criteria must be met.
These criteria are detailed in the attached `Enterprise Zone Identification Process'
produced by the Texas Department of Commerce. For the Primary Criteria, staff will
locate the area within the community with the highest unemployment levels. The
strategy for meeting the Secondary Criteria will be to establish a `substantial loss of
businesses or jobs' within the proposed zone. This classification can be achieved by
using the closing of Physicians Regional Hospital and the loss of 125 jobs associated
with that closing.
Once an application for zone designation has been submitted to Commerce, the
approval process takes approximately 75 days. To reach the point of submitting an
application staff will require approximately 45 days to research the proposed zone.
Upon successful designation and assuming the existing hospital facility will be located
within the EZ, Presbyterian will have the ability to access the benefits associated with
the EZ Program upon qualifying as an EZ Project.
City of Wylie Property Inventory:
WEDC staff must have the ability to access accurate profiles of all commercial and
industrial property within the City of Wylie and WISD taxing jurisdictions. To date, the
WEDC has information on approximately 50% of these properties. A database must be
created and maintained so that brokers and members of the business community can
have access to this information on a moments notice. Information in this data base will
consist of property location, size, zoning, physical attributes, contact name/telephone
number, and asking price. Staff proposes that in addition to a database, a document
also be created to present to interested individuals.
This activity will take a high priority in the FY 1996-97 Action Plan because of the dual
purpose it will serve. While updating our own records, the community/property
inventory created by TU Electric will also be updated. As the City of Wylie and WEDC
have seen in the past, TU Electric is a valuable ally in the economic development field
and must be treated and utilized as such.
As represented in the FY 1996-97 WEDC Budget, the WEDC Board of Directors have
placed a greater emphasis on marketing efforts than any past Board. The following
marketing activities will be a direct response to the identity, or lack there of, the City of
Wylie has throughout the Metroplex. The end result of the WEDC marketing efforts will
be to begin creating an image of the Wylie community which portrays strong community
values, a school district second to none, an aggressive economic development
program, a cooperative city government, a location with easy access to the Metroplex, a
highly educated and trained labor force, and an abundance of reasonably priced
property ready to develop.
Direct advertising via print media will consist of six ads in the Dallas Business Journal
and two ads in Inside Collin County Business. This coverage will saturate the Dallas/Ft.
Worth market and also allow WEDC staff to promote the Corporation and the
community through articles written primarily by staff. When an ad is placed in these
publications, there is an unwritten agreement that a positive article will be placed in that
issue as well. Dallas Business Journal ads will be placed quarterly, with two `Special
Publication' layouts. Inside Collin County Business ads will be placed every six-
Although the WEDC has created the '1996 Community Profile' and will update the same
in 1997, a brochure must be created to send to prospects and take to trade shows to
complement the Community Profile. The focus of this brochure will be the WEDC,
access, Premier Business Park, an accommodating development process through the
City of Wylie, the WISD and an excellent quality of life. Special attention will be given to
the design and layout of this brochure so that the first impression of the reader gives an
impression of quality and dedication.
During the process of creating marketing material necessary to effectively represent the
City of Wylie and WEDC at national trade shows, staff will present the WEDC Board
with a detailed analysis of all trade shows attended by Lone Star Gas and TU Electric.
At the direction of the Board, one or two trade shows will be identified which staff and a
Board/Council representative will attend. The identification process will be tied directly
to markets Wylie is attempting to attract.
While appealing to the brokerage executives and businesses outside the community,
special attention must be paid to the image of the WEDC locally. Following an article
reviewing the FY 1996-97 Action Plan, The Wylie News will run a quarterly article
highlighting the activities of the WEDC. To achieve the same result, the City of Wylie
has agreed to allow the WEDC to have a permanent presence in the City of Wylie
Newsletter and WEDC staff will prepare materials to place in the Wylie Chamber of
Commerce Newsletter as well.
WEDC Staff:
Under the direction of the WEDC Board of Directors, a part-time, 30-hour per week
administrative assistant position has been approved. Staff is currently searching for an
individual to fill this position. The successful candidate for this position should have a
background in city government/economic development with preference given for a
desire to make a career of the same. Responsibilities of this individual will include
research and development of an enterprise zone designation, research of
commercial/industrial property inventory and assisting the Executive Director in the
daily operation of the WEDC office.
Summary of Activities
I. 544 Widening Committee
II. Premier Business Park
A. Determine Goals & Objectives
B. Develop Criteria for Land Grant
C. Create Development Standards
D. Removal of Soil Conservation Easement
III. Texas Enterprise Zone Designation
IV. Commercial/Industrial Property Inventory
A. Create Database
B. Produce Document to be Distributed
C. Update TU Electric Community/Property Inventory
V. Marketing
A. Dallas Business Journal
B. Inside Collin County Business
C. Update Community Profile
D. Develop Marketing Brochure
E. Identify and Attend Trade Show(s)
F. Quarterly WEDC Update in The Wylie News
G. Quarterly City of Wylie Newsletter
H. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
VI. WEDC Staff
# ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97
51110 Salaries 27,690 33,400 42,100 50,260
51120 Merit Bonus 0 0 0 3,700
51140 Longevity Pay 0 0 0 50
51210 Car Allowance 0 400 500 450
51260 Moving Allowance 0 0 1,000 0
51310 TMRS 0 0 1,780 2,570
51410 Hospital and Life Insurance 2,032 2,050 2,280 2,800
51440 FICA 2,255 2,000 2,630 3,120
51450 Medicare 0 480 600 730
51470 Workers Compensation Prem. 0 100 0 170
51480 Unemployment Compensation(TEC) 0 270 250 290
PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 31,977 38,700 51,140 64,140
52010 Office Supplies 870 3,000 1,000 3,520
52040 Postage 219 500 280 830
52070 Computer Software 0 0 580 0
52160 Tools&Equipment(Over$50.00) 0 1,000 100 420
52630 Audio Visual 0 0 10 0
52810 Food Supplies 0 1,900 1,800 1,100
52990 Other 276 0 100 0
SUPPLIES TOTAL 1,365 6,400 3,870 5,870
54630 Tools&Euqipment 0 580 500 0
56040 Special Services 0 25,000 15,000 7,000
56050 Incentives 0 0 0 137,790
56080 Advertising 8,905 17,000 6,750 17,920
56110 Communications 916 800 1,790 4,350
56150 Lab Analysis 0 0 60 0
56180 Rental 0 0 300 3,680
56210 Travel and Training 1,550 1,600 1,700 5,150
56220 Professional Training 3,301 0 0 0
56250 Dues 1,108 2,600 1,900 2,740
56310 Insurance 1,057 4,500 1,500 4,500
56510 Audit&Legal Services 4,751 4,800 4,800 6,990
56520 Penalties&Finance Charges 50 0 10 0
56570 Engineering/Architectural Services 0 0 1,000 15,000
56610 Utilities-Electric 0 0 500 1,800
56630 Utilities-Water 0 0 20 0
56810 Mowing Services 0 550 1,700 2,200
56990 Other 402 0 100 3,000
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 22,040 56,850 37,130 212,120
58110 Land-Purchase Price 0 0 147,860 0
58150 Land-Betterments 0 0 144,460 0
LAND TOTAL 0 0 292,320 0
58210 Streets and Alleys 0 598,230 143,080 0
58810 Computer Hardware&Software 3,259 750 0 0
TOTAL EQUIPMENT 3,259 598,980 143,080 0
CAPITAL TOTAL 3,259 598,980 435,400 0
DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL 58,641 701,510 528,040 282,130
- 1
Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc.
1996-97 Budget Detail
August 1, 1996
Office Supplies
Maps & Photography $300
Industrial Luncheon Invitations 100
Demographics '97 2,164
Copy Paper 190
Misc 500
Dallas Business Journal 66
Miscellaneous 200
Total Office Supplies $3,520
Postage & Freight
Courier Services $21 @ 1.5/month 378
Stamps for Industrial Luncheon 52
Misc 400
Total Postage & Freight 830
Food Supplies
Industrial Luncheon, 75 @ $10 750
12 monthly meetings @ $20/mtg. 240
2 biannual meetings, 6 @ $9 each 110
Total Food Supplies 1,100
Special Services (Art Design & Production)
1 quarterly ad, DBJ 1,750
2 special publications, DBJ 3,500
Inside Collin County 1,750
Total Special Services 7,000
Infrastructure Improvements 25,000
Moving Expenses 25,000
Direct Grant 30,000
Employee Training Assistance 25,000
Landscape Participation 15,000
Existing Business Loan Pool 17,790
Total Incentives 137,790
Dallas Business Journal (6X rate)
Quarterly Commercial Real Estate Special Pub. (4)
($1,505 each, '/2 page) 6,020
Corporate Expansion& Relo. Guide (1)
(Island Layout) 2,055
Best Real Estate Deals Special Pub. (1)
(Full Page) 2,734
4-color Separation (6 @ $400) 2,400
Guaranteed Placement Charges (15%)
.15x $2,730 410
.15 x $2,055 308
.15 x $1,505 x 4 903
Sub-Total Dallas Business Journal 14,826
Inside Collin County Business
Full Page Ads @ $1,200 each 2,400
Guaranteed Placement Charges
.10 x $2,400 240
4-color Separation (2 @ $225) 450
Sub-Total Inside Collin County Business 3,090
Total Advertising 17,920
Telephone Service (12 @ $172.50) 2,070
Long Distance (12 @ $30) 360
Mobile Telephone (12 @ $150) 1,800
Pager (12 @ $10) 120
Total Communications 4,350
Office Rental (12 @$300) 3,600
Industrial Luncheon 80
Total Rental 3,680
Travel & Training
DAEDA Quarterly Dinners (4 @ $20) 80
Chamber of Commerce Luncheons (12 @ $10) 120
TEDC Conference
Mid-Year 295
Annual 295
Travel 398
Meals & Lodging 690
State of Texas Economic Development Conference
Registration 85
Meals & Lodging 140
Travel 99
Misc. Travel to Austin(2) 198
Prospect Recruitment 2,750
Total Travel & Training 5,150
Dallas Area Economic Development Association 35
Texas Economic Development Council 95
Rotary Club ($90 quarterly) 360
Lions Club 330
The Shores Country Club (12 @ $160) 1,920
Total Dues 2,740
Mowing Services
Industrial Lots 700
Premier Business Park 1,500
Total Mowing Services 2,200
r City
Council #3
lganda'Communication for December 101996
Set Date for Public Nearing for Land Use assumptions
Discuss and set a date of January 28, 1997 for the Public Hearing to consider Land Use Assumptions
recommended by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee.
The review process necessary for updating the Impact Fees has resulted in the appointment of the Impact
Fees Advisory Committee (IFAC). This committee, in its first two meetings, will review the Land Use
Assumptions which are necessary to establish the needs for the 10 year Water/Sewer Master Plan.
According to State Law, there must be a Public Hearing established to consider the Land Use Assumptions
within the designated service area that will be used to develop the Capital Improvement Plan and
subsequent Impact Fees. The Public Hearing must be published more than 30 days prior to the Hearing
and must be published for three (3) consecutive weeks.
The Impact Fee Update Procedure gives a time line by which the IFAC and City Council will meet and act
on various steps in the process for updating the Impact Fees. The IFAC will have determined what the Land
Use Assumptions will be and will have recommendations for City Council at the Public Hearing which will
be scheduled for the January 28th City Council meeting. The IFAC will meet at least twice between now and
the December 17th initial publish date to review and agree on the Land Use Assumptions which will be
recommended to the City Council. These Assumptions will be provided to the City Council and made
available to the public on or before the first date of publication of the notice of hearing on the Land Use
These Land Use Assumptions will be used to help formulate the Capital Improvements Plan. They will assist
in determining the anticipated growth of the City and the future needs of the City in relation to water and
sewer infrastructure requirements. The anticipated cost of these infrastructure improvements will be the
basis for the calculation of the Impact Fees, which will be proposed at the conclusion of the Impact Fee
Advisory Committee's work in January 1997. The recommendations of the IFAC will be forwarded to Council
for public hearing and consideration for adoption on March 11, 1997.
Board Recommendations
The Impact Fee Advisory Committee will meet in November and December and bring forth
recommendations on Land Use Assumptions prior to December 17, 1996.
Financial Considerations
Impact fees are charged for all future water and sewerage connections to the city system in order to defray
the impact burden on said water and sewage systems of producing, treating, distributing, transmitting or
collecting and maintaining all facilities pertaining to said systems. Explained simply, the impact fee is
calculated as follows. Based on land use assumptions, or the density and type of development projected
for the ultimate build-out of land, the total demand for water and wastewater consumption can be
determined. This Living Unit Equivalent or L.U.E. means a unit that consumes the amount of water or
discharges the amount of wastewater equal to that of a standard low density residential unit. In theory,
based on land use assumptions, the water and wastewater system could only be built-out to support a finite
number of LUE's. A cost is calculated to support each LUE for water and wastewater facilities.
Legal Considerations
Local Government Code, Chapter 395 establishes the city's authority to appoint an Impact Fee Advisory
Committee to evaluate and make recommendations on impact fees.
The notice of public hearing may not be in the part of the paper in which legal notices and classified ads
appear and may not be smaller than one-quarter page of a standard-size or tabloid-size newspaper, and
the headline on the notice must be in 18-point or larger type. The notice must contain: (1) A headline to
POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES"; (2) the time, date, and location of the hearing; (3) a statement
that the purpose of the hearing is to consider the land use assumptions that will be used to develop a capital
improvements plan under which an impact fee may be imposed; (4) an easily understandable map of the
service area to which the land use assumptions apply; and (5) a statement that any member of the public
has the right to appear at the hearing.
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends to set date for Public Hearing on Land Use Assumptions on January 28, 1997.
Impact Fee Update Procedure schedule
JAL. Ceet6Ai4-'
Prepared By R i ed by inane City Mgr. Approval
City of Wylie
Impact Fee Update Procedure
Critical Path Related Activities
November 12th Council Appoints Impact Fee
Advisory Committee(IFAC)
Last Week in
November First IFAC meeting. Orientation and
presentation of Land Use
Assumptions and Water/Sewer
Master Plan.
First Week in IFAC meeting to complete review of
December Land Use Assumptions
December 10th Council sets a date for the Public Prepare"Draft" 10-year Capitol
Hearing to consider Land Use Improvements Program(CIP).
Assumptions. (Needs to be advertised
12-17-96 for 1-28-97 Hearing).
December 17th Advertise"Notice of Public Hearing"to Second or Third Third IFAC meeting to review CIP.
consider Land Use Assumptions on 1-28-97. Week in
Documents must be ready for public review. December
January 14th Council Adopts Water/Sewer Master Plan January Engineer prepares Final
CIP and Update Calculates Impact Fees
By Jan.21, 1997 Fourth IFAC meeting to review
Impact Fees and develop
recommendation to
January 28th Public Hearing to consider Land Use
City Council adopts Land Use Assumptions
City Council sets date for public hearing to
Consider CIP and Impact Fees. (Advertise
February 4, 1997 for March 1 lth public
February 4th Advertise"Notice of Public Hearing"to
consider Impact Fees and CIP. Documents
Must be ready for public review.
March 11th Public hearing to Consider Impact Fees and
City Council adopts Impact Fees and CIP.
Wylie City Council #4
ogQnda'Communication for Dacombor 10, 1996
Find Payment on Phase I of Service Cantor
Discuss and consider approval for Final Payment to Rogers—Blair Contractors for Phase I of City of Wylie
Service Center.
On November 11, 1996, City Staff including Wayne Morman, Inspector and Project Manager, Jim Holcomb,
Purchasing Agent, Rick Daddio, Foreman of Public Works, and Jack Jones, Superintendent of Public Works
met with Mike Blair and Michael Johnson of Rogers—Blair Contractor to perform a Final Walk-Through for
Phase I of the Service Center so that the Final Payment process could be initiated. Upon Final Walk-
Through, two (2) items were found that had not been completed: (1)The tile floor transition from lunchroom
to restroom area needed to be sealed with silicone, and; (2)The exterior west wall needed to be patched
where heavy rain and standing water had made a small portion of the texture come loose from the bottom
side of the building. These items have been completed as of this date.
Board Recommendations
Financial Considerations
BUILDING 457,530.00
SITEWORK 55,700.00
ENGINEERS 8,000.00
TOTAL 610,225.00
Original contract was issued for $448,002.00. Change Orders of $9,527.61 were added to the original
contract and are listed below. Completion of Phase I brings the total to $457,529.61. Payments made to
date total $434,653.13 leaving a balance of $22,876.48 for Current and Final Payment,
Change Orders: When the Scope of Work had been defined under this contract, it was agreed that Rogers
Blair, General Contractors, Inc., was not responsible for any of the underground and/or utility work to service
the building. Rogers-Blair and the trade sub-contractors(plumbers and electricians) were only to install
stubouts to a point of 5' outside the building line to accommodate future connections by others.
Change Order#1 ($2,843.50): This change order was for the installation of underground electrical conduit
to service the light pole bases and the pedestal sign for future installation by the City of Wylie. This was not
part of the original contract. It was determined this be done before the paving was placed in order to prevent
the City from having to spend many more times this amount of money to bore under the paving to install the
lighting for the parking lot at a later time.
Change Order#2 ($3730.00): This was to install underground conduits to facilitate telephone service to the
building. This was not a part of the original contract. It was a total of 2,800 linear feet, with pull strings
Change Order #3 ($869.40): This was for the conversion of the HVAC equipment and water heater from
natural gas to LP gas, due to Lone Star Gas estimating a cost of approximately $37,500.00 to run their
service to our building.
Change Order#4 ($2095.00): This was an adjusted amount between City of Wylie and Rogers-Blair from
an original amount of $4,189.21 that was caused due to dimensional inaccuracies of the concrete tiltup
panels by the architect.
Legal Considerations
Staff Recommendations
Staff considers that Rogers-Blair Contractors has fulfilled all aspects of this contract and recommends that
final payment be approved and issued.
')/avittk, (440.
Prepared By Revi d by in nce City Mgr. Approval
VN [ e City Council
Agenda Communication fur December 10. 1996
Change Order Mu. 1 B final Acceptance - Butler/Dogwood Allays
Discuss and Consider issuing Change Order No. 1 and final acceptance of the construction of the
alleys in the Butler/Dogwood area and provide authorization for final payment to McMahon Contracting, Inc.
in the amount of $13,784.46, and accept the project as complete.
McMahon Contracting, Inc. was awarded the contract for the construction of the alleys in the
Butler/Dogwood area at the August 13, 1996 City Council Meeting. The original bid proposal was
$79,525.85. The original construction budget for the City was approximately $100,000. Due to the favorable
bid, Staffs understanding of the City Council's intent was to increase the scope of the project on a unit price
basis to include an additional 200 feet of alley improvements and remain within the project budget. This
additional 200 feet was not included in the original scope because it was not known at the time that the bids
would be this favorable. The portion of the alley that was added was in as poor condition as the alleys in
the original bid. The improvements to the remainder of the alleys in this vicinity have already been
scheduled for completion in this current year's budget. Change Order No. 1 represents the cost of
expanding the project based on the unit price's bid of$19,961.55. No new items were added to the bid form,
only contract quantities were adjusted.
Construction began on August 26, 1996, and was substantially completed within the allotted contract
time. A final walk through was conducted by City Staff and members of The Hogan Corporation on
November 20, 1996.
Change Order No. 1 is required to adjust the contract quantities to reflect the actual quantities
installed on the project. An itemized list, including costs, was submitted by the contractor and is attached.
Acceptance will initiate the one-year warranty period in which the contractor is liable for any repairs
which may be required in that time period. A provision in the contract provides that the warranty period
begins on the date of final acceptance by the City.
Board Recommendations
Financial Considerations
The original Construction budget for this project was approximately $100,000 and the bid price on
the project was $79,525.85. The actual total cost for the project, including over and underruns in quantities
and Change Order No. 1 is $99,487.40.
This project was financed through funds from the Department of Public Works 1996 Street Budget;
approximately one half of the amount came from the General Fund and the remaining portion came from
the Capital Improvements Fund.
Legal Considerations
City policies require that the City Council approve any change order in the amount of$10,000 or more
and Change Order No. 1 is in excess of that amount. Policy also requires that the City Council also approve
final acceptance of any major Capital Improvement and authorize final payment on that project. As stated
above, the date of Council approval of final acceptance and final payment becomes the date on which the
contractor's one-year warranty on the project begins.
Staff Recommendations
Staff recommends final acceptance of the project and final payment to McMahon Contracting Inc.
The contractor has satisfactorily fulfilled the terms of the contract.
Change Order No. 1, final pay estimate and recommendation letter from the Hogan Corporation.
(4k, r-A,L co_atte
Prepared By Revi by Fin ce City Mgr. Approval
11/27/96 10:29 ' 214 490 7183 — THE HOGAN CORP. 444 WYLIE-PRICE l001/008
Engineers • Planners • Consultants
November 25. 1996
Mr. Mike Collins
City Manager
City of Wylie
2000 Hwy 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
RE: Butler Street Concrete Alley Reconstruction
ATTN: Lisa Price, Project Coordinator
Dear Mr. Collins:.
We are submitting herewith for your review four(4) copies of the Final Progress
Estimate for the construction work completed by McMahon Contracting, Inc., for the
period from November 1, through November 18, 1996, on the above referenced
project, along with Change Order No. 1.
Change Order No. 1 is comprised of the additional quantities of materials required to
extend the project approximately 200 feet_ Due to the favorable bid received,the City
elected to extend the project, on a unit price basis,to approach the$100,000 project
budget. Change Order No. 1 adds$19,961.55 to the original contract amount of
$79,525.85, bringing the new contract amount to$99,487.40.
The items included in this month's pay request have been reviewed and found to
conform with the work actually performed. The Contractor has submitted a"Consent of
Surety°from the bonding company as well as an"Affidavit of All Bills Paid.- Copies of
these documents are attached for your reference. Approval of the Final Pay Request
and acceptance of the project will initiate the one year warranty period.
With your approval of this Final Progress Estimate, please execute all copies, retain
two (2) copies for your files, return one (1) copy to this office, and send on•(1) copy to
McMahon Contracting, Inc., P.O. Box 153086, Irving, TX 75015, along with your
remittance in the amount of$13,784.46.
Yours very truly,
9:1402 - ck;
Greg , MacLean, P.E.
Vice President
tvlernbef./FARIMER Engineers Council of Texas 12900 Preston Road at L.B.J.Suite 620
:gar Member, American Consulting Engineers Council North Dallas Sank Tower
Dallas,Texas 75230
11/27/96 10:30 11214 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORP. -*4-4 WYLIE-PRICE Q 002/006
No. 1
PROJECT: Butler Street Alley Reconstruction DATE OF ISSUANCE: November 25. 1996
OWNER: City of Wylie OWNER%Project No, 002.21.04
200 Hwy 78 North
Wylie, TX 75098
CONTRACTOR: McMahon Contracting, Inc_ ENGINEER. The Hogan Corporation
P.O. Box 153085 12900 Preston Road,Suite 620
Irving,TX 75015-3085 Dallas,Texas 75230
ENGINEER's Project No. THC No. Q02-22.42
Description: Extend project approximately 200 linear feet. Adjust contract quantities only.
Attachments: see Final Pay Request
Original Contract Price Original Contract Time
79.525-85 g_algatt§U 2stantiait
cat days fr►a1
days or date
Previous Change Ostlers No._to No._ Net change from previous Change Orders
ao o
Contract-Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time-Prior 10 this Change Order
3 79,525.05 50 Cal days Substantial/90 C I days final
days or date
Net Increase(decrease)of this Change Order Net Increase(decrease)of this Change Order
$ 19.981.55 a
Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Time with all approved Change Orders
$ 09.487.40 80 cal days substantiat/90 cat days final
days or date
by _�_# ". by by
Gregory S. Ma ean, P.E. Mike Collins, City Manager McMahon Construction, inc.
The Hogan C ration City of Wylie
11/27/96 10:30 13214 490 7163 rtiE HOGAN CORP. -►-» WYLIE—PRICE _ 1003/006
Application for Payment Anal
- Butler Street Alleys
Owner: City of Wylie Far Period From: November 1. 1996
To: November 18, 1996
Pre1 .1 lery e: Burlier 5'treat Alley Raeanetruetisn
Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: 002-21.04
Contractor: McMahon Contracting,Inc.
Address; P.D.60tt 163086
trying.TX 78016-308B
." Part A
Amount of Contract as Awarded: 379.525.85 Centred Date; August 26,1999
SKIMS Qrder6; Start Date: August 26, 1996
Al 618.961.65 'Time Allotted! 90 eat.days
A2 Time Extensions: 0 cal.days
;13 Rearmed Contract Time; 90 cal.days
24 Illatread: 64 cat.doyx
A5 96 Time Elapsed: 92.33%
W8 Remaining: 8 cal.days
Total Change Orders; t ,Sii
Total Arcuated Convect; $91&.417.40
!)Amount Completed to Oate(See Attached): $99.487,40
Material on Hand(Sea Attached►:
PROJECT TOTAL TO DATE: 100.00% 699.487.40
Lass 0% itetainapa: $0.00
Lase Prruioue Payments: $96,763.94
Total Deduction. 05.702,94 (S95.702.941
Reco emended: Approved:
By: /j �y By:
Dm: r� ,��.. Cate:
I t — -. Engineer i I City of Wylie
i1l26/96 Pegs 1
Contractor:McMahon Contractfng,inc Estknate No: FINAL
Adirws:P.O.Box 1530$0,Irving,Tows 750154085
Estimate Period: From: November i,1996 to: November 18,1996
Dale: November 18, 1996
1 C.Y.Unciusifiad Street EXQevedoe 1 $12.2t5 �.00 $4,52o.23 38940 44,520.25,E 0.00 101Ai
2 S.Y.Rentval of erdstfiio carkxete'I,sy p�mant $7.75 13e4.00 $10,725.00 I.935.551 $15.001.72_ I4.10 730.gs 14T'%
0. 10$%
$ L.S. eetott a manhole to wads $200.00 k 2.00 $500.00 200 S50 .00 QO
4 j S.Y.CanatnictIno 8'Urno Stabbed Subgrede 17% 4,2*a r 1_'.a21,40 $SASS.50 1,730 00 ' M� 0.00 114%
S TON Fumieldnq Hydra Lime _ $125.00 33.00 $41123.00__ 34.72 $4,340.05 0.00 105%
0 8.Y, for Conotttxlim R+inroneed Concrete AIt Pavement $35.40 1384,00 $4B1111 .E0 1 A90.57 552,970.58 90,77 3.531.05 115%
7 S.Y. For oonRrustint Retforced Concrete Or*.wey%vemedR $12.25 130.30 14,192.50 325.81 $10,507.37 0,00 251%
$95225.49 $4,251.91
Lest Regattas $0.522.55 $420.10
DOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT i78,535 85 $3.0�'.77
P EVENT COM PL♦;rE 125.1 C%
tESS 10%RETA1t+i4GE Si1,O+i8.74
N •
11/27/96 10:31 tt214 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORP._.4i-* WYLIE-PRICE 1J 005/006
Personally,before me the undersigned authority,on this day appeared Shawl
McMahon("Affidavit"),who,after being by me duly sworn,deposes and says that he
is president of McMahon Contracting Inc a(corporation)of Dallas County, Texas,
("The Contractor"),which said Contractor was awarded the contract dated the y$th
day of Augur . I and that the contract for the construction of the project, designated
as+ oY►_ c Ails t,nst t can(Betwee B1it : treet and hts�urec�d ve, of
Wylie, T has been satisfactorily completed and that all bills for materials, apparatus,
fixture,machinery and labor used in connection with the construction of this project have,
to the best of my knowledge and belief,been y -d.
President —
Sworn to and subscribed before me this lAth day of November , 1996.
,r'et c;�, r�r^��.�tr-►�''°�y 11A �illlld.ikt,t.-+
c& 0df6T
Dallas County, Texas
11/27/96 10:32 ft214 490 7163 THE HOGAN CORP. WYLIE-PRICE ft 006/006
vov-16-9E.1 04: 27P McMahon Contracting , Inc 2143139564 ++3 P .02
PROJECT: Concrete Alley Reconstruction(Between Butler Street and Dogwood Drive)
City of Wylie, Texas
TO: City of Wylie
P.O. Box 200 Hwy 78 N
Wylie,Texas 75098
Contract Date:August 28, 1996
Contractor: McMahon Contracting, Inc.
In accordance with the proyi o s of th�e Contract. between the Owner and the Contractor
as indicated above,the FIDELITY & DEPOSIT CO OF MARYLAND
Surety Company, on bond of PIC'MAWD1 CUNTKAVTINU, INV.
Contractor, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor,and agrees that$nai
payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations
to the City of Wylie,P.O. Sax 200 Hwy 78 N,Wylie, Texas 75098,Owner, as set forth
in the said Surety Company's Bond.
the surety Company has hereunto its hand this 1 gill day of NOVEMBER 106
Surety Company
MIaturg AEL a uth. . • ' at ive
11/18/98 17:33 TX/RX NO.0188 P.002 1111
iiQ City Council #6
Agenda Communication for December 10, 1996
Design for the Hew Park/Athletic Field Complex
Discuss and consider approval of the design for the new Park/Athletic Field Complex.
A considerable amount of discussion and planning has taken place with the City Council, the Park
and Recreation Advisory Board and the Wylie Independent School District (WISD) for the development
of the new Park/Athletic Field Complex. Beginning with the purchase of land in conjunction with the
WISD, the intent has been to plan for the development of the Park without regard to the property line
which bisects the acreage. The placement of the individual facilities within the Park were designed to be
that which was the most logical in terms of economics, of phasing the Park, and of creating opportunity
for shared costs in such areas as the construction of shared parking lots and concession/restroom
Much of the discussion has centered around the ultimate placement of the proposed football
stadium. Both the Park Board and the WISD desired for the stadium to be placed as close to the High
School as possible. Dennis Sims, of Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. has prepared a design which addresses
the interests of both the City and the WISD, working within the constraints of two (2) easements and a
This plan has been presented to the Park Board, who indicated their support of the design. The
plan has also been submitted for review by the WISD. The joint Planning Committee appointed by the
City Council and the WISD will need to meet in order to approve the design of the Park and to establish
the funding commitments from each entity, as well as the method and timing of those commitments.
Attached you will find the letter sent to the WISD, along with suggested goals for the Planning
Committee to discuss for the joint use of the Park.
On October 29, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement for Phase II of the
development of the Park which is for the purpose of preparing the construction documents, and
overseeing the bidding and construction of the complex.
Financial Considerations
On January 9, 1996, the Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation authorized the
issuance of $1.7 million in bonds for the purpose of funding the development of the first phase of Central
Park as well as the expansion of the Smith Public Library and the renovation of the new Community
Center. $1,000,000 is designated for the Park, and application has been made to the State Parks and
Wildlife Commission for a $500,000 grant. The decision on the award of the grant is expected in
Legal Considerations
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
' Th 112., Cki6
Prepar by Revi d by Fin ce City Manager Approval
"Ai • •
November 6, 1996 ... r..;. _ . 1e.
' -,. rT
Dr. John Fuller
Wylie Independent School District
P.O. Box 490
Wylie, Texas 75098
Dear Dr. Fuller:
On October 29, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. for the purpose of preparing the construction documents, and overseeing the bidding
and construction of the new Park and Athletic Field Complex. In order,to start on the
construction documents, we need to finalize the design of the Park. Please find enclosed two
items for your review; a redesign of the placement of the facilities within the Park based on comments received from the Park Board and the jointly appointed Planning Committee, and
suggested goals that we have formulated to be addressed by the Committee.
We believe that this design will satisfy the various issues identified in previous meetings, as well
as providing a logical placement for shared parking, restroom and concession facilities. At your
earliest possible convenience,we would like to call a meeting of the Planning Committee in order
to secure approval of the layout. At that time, we would ask that the Committee also establish
the funding commitments from each entity as well as the method and timing of those
During future meetings, the Committee can address any issues regarding the programming and
maintenance of the facilities at the Park. As you know, there are many opportunities for the
shared programming, maintenance and construction of the Park which will mutually benefit the
WISD and the City, as well as provide the greatest savings to our taxpayers.
Please let me know a convenient time for your members of the Planning Committee so that we
may establish a date and time for the meeting. I look forward to hearing from you.
nk " ' Itt\aymciutit5/„..
Mindy Manson
Assistant to the City Manager
Enclosures (2)
2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie.Texas 75098•(2141442-8100•Fax(214)442-4302 _
Joint Use/Athletic Field Complex
Several progressive steps have been taken to affirm the working partnership between the City of
Wylie (City) and the Wylie Independent School District (WISD). The approval of a Joint
Resolution between the City and the WISD declared, by policy, a partnership and established an
Action Plan which enacted certain goals of that partnership. These goals included securing the
relationship between the (WISD) and the City by formalizing present and new policies and
programs, and providing for the continuous improvement of services to the community that help
fulfill the missions of both organizations.
Within the specific context of the development of the Central Park/Athletic Field Complex, the
approval of a Joint Use Agreement reaffirmed the relationship and acknowledged the need for a
cooperative effort in order to provide higher quality services at lower costs to the citizens of
Wylie. In addition, a Planning Committee, which is composed of representatives from the WISD
and the City, has been appointed. The purpose of the Planning Committee will be to continue the
process of identifying the specific location for each facility within the acreage designated for the
Park, and to identify the method and source of funding for the construction and maintenance of
the facilities. The following are identified goals which need to be met within the course of the
planning, design, and implementation of the Park.
Planning, Design & Implementation
GOAL: Approve jointly the final design for the Park, which includes the location of each
specific facility.
GOAL: Identify opportunities for shared infrastructure development, such as the joint
development of concession and restroom facilities and parking lots.
GOAL: Identify the specific sources of funding for the construction of the various elements
and phases of the Park.
GOAL: Identify opportunities for the shared use of the facilities.
GOAL: Identify the scheduling and coordination responsibilities with regard to the use of
the facilities.
GOAL: Identify areas of responsibility regarding the maintenance of the grounds,
equipment and facilities.
GOAL: Explore options concerning the manner of maintenance which will provide the
greatest savings to the taxpayer.
Financial Agreements
GOAL: Identify the method of proportionate payments by each entity for the funding of
jointly used facilities.
GOAL: Develop a procedure for the consent and approval of both entities for all future
capital expenditures.
Wylie City Council
Agenda Communication for December 10, 1996
Public (awing for Sign Ordinance amendment
Hold a Public Hearing and Consider Approval of a Sign Ordinance amendment to increase the
maximum allowable square footage of a wall sign.
City Council will be considering a recommendation for a Zoning Ordinance amendment by making
certain changes in the text of the Sign Regulations, specifically section 27.17(c.1). This section defines wall
sign standards. The proposed change concerns increasing the maximum allowable square footage of the
sign from the current specifications. The current requirements are as follows:
"Wall signs shall not exceed forty (40) square feet or the product of two (2) times the lineal footage
of the wall area available to such signs or store frontage for which such signs are intended, whichever is
The proposed change in the text would amend the requirements as follows:
"Wall signs shall not exceed forty (40) square feet or the product of two (2) times the lineal footage
of the wall area available to such signs or store frontage for which such signs are intended, whichever is
The City of Wylie adopted its official Zoning Ordinance on May 7, 1985. The Sign Regulations are
contained within the Zoning Ordinance. On April 13, 1993, the City Council amended the Zoning Ordinance
by replacing the original sign regulations with a new revised section (Ordinance No. 93-22). Signs are
recognized as an integral and specific land use in a community and as such should have specific standards
to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and its residents.
Contained within the sign regulations section are definitions defining the types of signs referenced
throughout the section. There is an administration section which states the procedural steps one must follow
when establishing a sign (permits, inspections, appeals, etc.). Sign limitations are also a part of the
regulations, and it is within this section where the proposed change in text would occur. Prohibited signs
and sign uses are listed as well.
The occurrence that brought this maximum allowable square footage issue to light was a request by
Prima Care medical facility for a variance from the adopted sign regulations which limited them by its design
standards to a forty (40) square foot sign. Prima Care felt that a forty (40) square foot sign was too small
for the size and location of their building.
Prima Care representatives stated that they were an emergency care facility and as such needed a
sign that could be easily seen from Highway 78 and that a 40 square foot sign did not meet that criteria. The
any hardship proven by the applicant. A variance to a provision of the Zoning Ordinance may be granted
if the applicant proves due to special conditions, literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in
unnecessary hardship.
Board Recommendations
The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Monday, December 2, 1996. Staff will inform
Council of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation concerning this amendment prior to
Council action regarding this request.
Financial Considerations
Legal Considerations
Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the Planning and Zoning
Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and amendments regarding planning and
zoning changes.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the change in text (lesser to greater) of section 27.17(c.1). The text
that is currently present in this section is intended to protect the City of Wylie from large, overbearing and
aesthetically unpleasing signs. It is staffs position that although the intent is understood and warranted, the
"40 square foot or 2 times the lineal square footage of the wall area available, whichever is lesser"
requirement is too restrictive for a viable business sign. The reality of this restriction is that if the building
which the sign is to be located on is more than 20 feet in width ( which is most likely), the maximum
allowable total square footage of the sign will always be 40 square feet.
The original ordinance (Plano's sign ordinance) that was used to formulate these regulations has
"greater" as its qualifying text. There are other checks and balances within this section which protect against
the types of signs that these regulations are meant to prevent. They are as follows:
"Such signs shall not have a vertical height of more than six (6) feet , nor exceed seventy-five (75)
percent of the width of the available wall area or store frontage."
"In the case where two (2) or more wall signs are installed in a single wall area, the gross surface
area may not exceed two (2) times the lineal width of the wall area available to such signs. Such signs shall
not be arranged as to have a vertical height of more than six (6) feet. The combination of the sign widths,
when placed side by side, shall not exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the width of the wall available to
such signs."
Taking into consideration the intent of the regulations and satisfied with the design mechanisms that
are in place providing additional guidelines, staff recommends approval of this amendment.
Public Hearing Notice, Sign Regulations, Sign Examples
Amended Ordinance
Prepared By Revi d by Fin nce City Mgr. Approval
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public Hearing on
Monday, December 2, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal
Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North. If action is taken, the City Council will hold a meeting
on Tuesday, December 10,1996, at 7:00 p.m. at the same location mentined above. This hearing is
to consider approval of a proposed change in the text of the sign regulations contained within the
City of Wylie's adopted Ordinance
" , 3) Exterior walls construction for all residential 26.2 In other districts, an accessory building is a
nses in districts where permitted other than subordinate building,the of which is incidental
fisted above shall meet the requirements of this to and used only in conjunction with the main
section. building.
4) Where more than 60%of existing number 26.3 An accessory building is restricted in height to
of residential structure along both sides of a fifteen feet (15') or the height of the main
street and lying between the two nearest structure,whichever is less.
intersecting streets do not meet the above
minimum standards,the Building Official may 26.4 Area Regulations for Accessory Buildings in
allow new construction to be equal to that Residential and Apartment Districts:
majority existing, but in no case less than -
required by the Uniform Building Code. 1),Size of Yards:
a) Front Yard: Attached front
25.7.2 Non Residential Exterior Wall Standards: accessory building shall have a front
1) Minimum exterior wall standards for non yard not less than the main building or
residential structures shall be of at least 75% as specified in the particular district.
brick, stone brick veneer, custom treated tilt . Accessory buildings and carports
wall, decorative concrete block, glass. These shall be located in the area defined as
standards shall apply to any wall or portion of the rear yard.
wall fronting, siding or backing upon a
thoroughfare,and on all walls facing or abutting b) Side Yard: There shall be a side
residential zoned districts. yard not less than five feet(5')from
• any side lot line, alley line, or
2) This construction standards shall apply to easement line;except that adjacent to
the following districts: - a side street,the side yard shall never
be less than twenty feet(20').
R • •
B-1 -- - _ c) Rear Yard: -There shall be a rear •
B-2 • - yard not less than three feet(3')from
I . - - any lot line, alley line, or easement
3) The minimum exterior wall standards for
Planned Development and Specific Use Permit - (d) Attached rear yard garage and
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction as carports shall meet all code
• specified by the amending ordinance. requirements for fire resistant
separation from the main building as
25.7.3 Exterior fire resistant construction as herein well as required rear yard setbacks.
specified for residential structures shall consist Detached rear garages and carports
• of the designated percentage of the total exterior shall be no closer than five feet(5')to
wall surface exclusive of windows and doors. the main building. Detached garage F
shall have a twenty feet (20') rear',
setback. Detached carport'shall have
SECTION 26 a fifteen feet(15')rear setback.
ACCESSORY BUILDING (e) All accessory buildings shall be a•
REGULATIONS minimum of five feet (5') from the
main building.
26.1 In a residence or apartment district, an (2) Area of Building: The maximum square
accessory building is a subordinate building . foot area for any accessory building shall be six
exceeding one hundred twenty(120)square feet hundred feet(600')or less.
of floor area,attached to or detached from the
main building,without separate bath or kitchen (3) The area regulations as specified in this
facilities,not used for commercial purposes and section shall be an exception to the size of yards
not rented. requirements as set out and established in any
particular district in which an accessory
Page 33 •
Suppi. No. 1
building is subject to the specific provisions of under normal viewing conditions.
this section and not the area regulations of such
particular district. (f) Where the sign or its elements are not in
• compliance with the requirements of the National
Electrical Code and/or Uniform Building code currently
SECTION 27 adopted by the City.
Erect. The term"erect"shall be meant to build,
This section has been deleted and updated by construct,attach,hand,place,suspend or affix,and shall
Ordinance No.93-22. also include the painting of signs on the exterior surface
of a building or structure.
27.1 Definitions: For purposes of this section, the
following definitions shall apply,unless clearly Flag. A piece of cloth,canvas,or other light
indicated to the contrary: fabric, usually rectangular in shape, containing a
distinctive design or message which is used as a symbol •
Awning. An architectural projection which or to signal or attract attention.
provide weather protection,identity and decoration,and is supported by the building to which it is attached. It is Facing or Surface. The word "facing" or
• composed of a lightweight rigid or retractable skeleton "surface"shall mean the surface of the sign upon,against
structure over which a thin cover is attached which may or through which the message is displayed or illustrated
be of fabric or other materials,and may be illuminated. on the sign.
'Banner. A temporary sign made of cloth, Gross Surface Area of Sign. The "gross
canvas'or other light fabric. surface area of a sign"is the actual area of a face of the
sign,unless the sign is not of a regular(square,rectangle,
Canopy. A canopy is a roof-like structure triangle,circle)shape. In the case of an irregular shaped
which shelters a use such as, but not restricted to, a sign,the entire area within a single continuous perimeter
gasoline pump island,and is supported by either one or forming the most applicable single_ regular shape'
more columns or by the building to which it is accessory enclosing the extreme limits of each sign shall be the
and is open on two or more sides. "gross surface area". In the event two(2)or more signs
share a single structure, each sign or panel may
considered separately for square footage purposes,except
that the combined footage of such signs cannot exceed
Dilapidated or Deteriorated Condition.
Dilapidated or deteriorated condition shall mean any the total square footage allowed for the sign.
• sign: Illuminated Sign. The term"illuminated sign"
(a) Where elements of the surface or shall mean any sign which has characters,letters,figures,
background can be seen as viewed from the normal or designs illuminated by electric lights,luminous tubes
viewing distance (intended viewing distance), to•have or other mean's that are specifically placed to draw •
portions of the finished material or paint flaked, broken attention to, or to provide nighttime viewing or, the
off,or missing,or otherwise not in harmony-with the rest subject matter on the sign face. r,.;
of the surface;or
Incombustible Material. The term
(b) Where the structural support or frame "incombustible material"shall mean any material which
members are visibly bent,broken,dented,or torn;or will not ignite at or below a temperature of twelve
- hundred (1,200) degrees Fahrenheit, and will not
(c) Where the panel is visibly cracked or in the continue to burn or glow at that temperature.
case of wood and similar products,splintered in such a
way as to constitute an unsightly or harmful condition;or ego A"logo"is any design or insignia of a
company or product which is commonly used in
(d) Where the sign,or its elements are twisted advertising to identify that company or product.
or leaning or at angles other than those at which it was
originally erected(such as may result from being blown Non-structural Trim. The term "non-
or the failure of a structural support);or structural trim"shall mean the retainer,battens,cappings,
nailing strips,latticing and platforms which are attached
(e) Where the message or wording can no to the sign structure.
longer be clearly read by a person with normal eyesight
Page 34
Suppl. No. 1
Penn ant. Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or any temporary,on-site promotional sign pertaining to the
other material,whether or not containing a message of development of land or construction of buildings. In
any kind,suspended from a rope,wire or string,usually residential districts, the intent of the sign shall be to
in a series,designed to move in the wind. promote the subdivision and shall not display the name of
any builder.
Premise. Any parcel of real property,together
with all buildings and structures thereon. Sign,Directory. A"directory sign"is any sign
listing the occupants within shopping centers,industrial
Searchlight. An apparatus capable of sites, retail districts, office districts, and commercial
projecting a beam or beams of light in excess of two(2) sites.
million peak candlepower or 250,000 lumen.
Sign,Garage Sale. A"garage sale sign" is any
Sign. A "sign" is any medium, including its temporary, on-site promotional sign for the sale of
structure and component parts,which is used or intended personal household goods in a residential zoning district
to be used to attract attention to the subject matter. A or on the property of a non-profit organization.
sign may include but is not limited to any device,display,
flag,banner, pennant,beacon, insignia,name,number, Sign,General Business. 'A"general business
identification,illuminated translucent panel,or any other sign" is any sign which is used to identify a business,
medium which is determined to be a sign. profession,service,product or activity conducted,sold or
offered on the premises where such sign is located.
Sign, Advertising. An "advertising sign" is
any sign which promotes or advertises commodities or Sign, Ground (Temporary). A "temporary
services not limited to being offered on the premises on - ground sign" is any sign which has a display surface
which signs are located. Advertising signs may be comprised of non-permanent letters which allows a'
designed to provide a changeable copy area. change of copy by adding or removing letters and is
temporarily fixed to a vertical framework consisting of
Sign,Agricultural. An"agricultural sign" is uprights and which is designed to be readily moved from `
any sign advertising options,features, or conveniences ` site to site.
offered by a business and installed in a manner
considered temporary by the enforcing authority. Sign,Identification. An"identification sign"-
is any sign which is used to identify shopping centers,
Sign,Amenity. An"amenity sign"is any sign industrial sites,retail districts and commercial sites.
advertising options,features,or conveniences offered by
a business and installed in a manner considered Sign,Inflatable. An "inflatable sign" is any
temporary by the enforcing authority. hollow sign expanded or enlarged by the use of air or gas.
Sign,Apartment. An"apartment sign"is any Sign,Institutional. An "institutional sign"is
sign is any awning displaying a business name or logo. any sign used to identity schools,churches,hospitals and
similar public or quasi-public institutions. '
Sign,Awning. An"awning sign"is any awning
displaying a business name or logo. Sign, Marquee. A "marquee sign".is any ,''
permanent structure which is attached to and supported
Sign,Billboard. A"billboard sign" is any pole by a building and which projects outward from the
sign having a face exceeding one hundred(100)square building.
feet, and which promotes or advertises commodities or
services available at a location other than where the sign Sign,Monument. A"monument sign" is any
is located and shall include those signs whose message sign mounted to a solid base support at ground level.
space is available or lease,rent or hire.
Sign,Multi-Purpose. A"multi-purpose sign"
Sign,Construction. A"construction sign" is is an identification sign combined with either of the
any temporary sign identifying the property owner, following:
architect, contractor, engineer, landscape architect,
decorator or mortgagee engaged in the design, (a) a directory sign
construction or improvement of the premises on which and/or
the sign is located. (b) a reader board sign
Sign,Development. A"development sign"is Sign,Model Home. A"Model home sign"is
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any temporary sign identifying a new home, either form of a V,when seen from above, with a maximum
furnished or unfurnished, as being the builder or angle between the panels of forty-five(45)degrees.
contractor's model open to the public for inspection.
Sign,Wall. A"wall sign" is any sign erected
Sign, Municipally Owned. A "municipally flat against an exterior wall,supported by the wall,and
owned" sign is any sign which identifies a park,entrance having the sign face parallel to and not more than twelve
to the City,place of interest within the City, and City- (12)inches from the wall surface. Neon tubing attached
sponsored event, or any municipally owned facility.A directly to a wall surface shall be considered a"wall sign"
municipally owned sign does not include traffic or street when forming a border for the subject matter,or when
identification signs. directing attention to the subject matter or when forming
letters,logos,or pictorial designs.
. Sign,Obsolete. An"obsolete sign"is any sign
which no longer serves a bona fide use or purpose. Sign,Window. A"window sign"is any sign,
banner,poster,or display located on the internal surface
Sign,Pole. A"pole sign"is any sign which is_ of the window of any establishment or which announces
erected on a vertical framework consisting of one(1)or opening of said establishment.
more uprights supported by the ground. '
.. , Sign Setback. Sign setback shall be the
Sign,PoliticaL A"political sign" is any sign horizontal distance between a sign and the front or side _
promoting a political issue or a particular candidate for _ property line, as measured from that part of the sign,
public office. including its extremities and supports, nearest to any
point on any imaginary vertical plane projecting
.,-. Sign,Portable. A"portable sign" is any sign vertically from the front or side property line.
which is not permanently attached or affixed to the .
ground, a building or other fixed structure or object.` Sight Visibility Triangle. Where one street
Portable signs include those signs installed on wheels, intersects with another, the "sight visibility triangle" is
trailers,skids and similar mobile structures. the triangular area formed by extending two curb lines a
distance of forty-five (45) feet from their point of
Sign,Projecting. A "projecting sign" is any intersection, and connecting these points with an
sign,except an awning,which projects perpendicularly imaginary line,thereby making a triangle. If there are no`
from a building and which has one end attached to a curbs existing, the triangular area shall be formed by
building or other permanent structure. extending property lines a distance of thirty (30) feet
from their point of intersection, and connecting these
Sign,Reader Board. A"reader board sign"is points with an imaginary line,thereby making a triangle. '
any sign comprised of changeable letters which allows a Where a street intersects with an alley or driveway,the
change of sign copy of adding or removing letter. The "sight visibility triangle"is the triangular area formed by
sign copy shall conform to the category use of the sign measuring eight (8) feet to a point along the property
allowed by this Ordinance. lines and joining said points to form the hypotenuse of
• the triangle. .
Sign,Real Estate. A "real estate sign"is any
temporary sign pertaining to the sale or rental of property
and advertising property only for the use for which it is ADMINISTRATION
legally zoned.
27.2 Sign Permit Required: It shall be unlawful
Sign,Roof. A"roof sign" is any sign erected for any person to erect,replace,alter or relocate .
upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure. • any sign within the City without first
obtaining a permit to do so from the Building
Sign,Subdivision Entry. A"subdivision entry Official,except as may be hereinafter
sign" is any free-standing sign identifying a residential provided.
subdivision and located on site.
27.3 Nonconforming Existing Signs: Every sign
Sign, Subdivision Wall Plaque. A lawfully in existence on the date of passage of
"subdivision wall plaque" is any sign attached to an this Ordinance may be repaired without
approved masonry screening wall. applying for a permit hereunder,but no such
sign or sign facing shall be altered or moved
Sign,V-Shaped. A "V-shaped sign" is any unless a permit be issued pursuant to the
free standing sign constructed of two (2) panels in the provisions of this Ordinance. In the case
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where a sign facing is being replaced for the feet in area for public,charitable or
same business,a permit is not required. religious organizations when the same are
Temporary permits granted prior to the located on the premises of the institutions.
passage of this Ordinance shall be renewed
only if the applicant complies with all e) Temporary construction signs,not
provisions of this Ordinance. exceeding sixteen(16)square feet in area,
denoting the architect,engineer or
27.4 Application for Sign Permit: Application for contractor,when placed upon premises
a permit required by this Ordinance shall be under construction.
made upon forms provided by the Building
Official,and shall contain or have attached f) Occupational signs,not exceeding two(2)
thereto the following information: square feet in area,denoting only the name
and profession of an occupant in a
a) Sign use classification commercial building or public institutional
b) Name,Address and telephone number
of the applicant. g) Memorial signs or tablets,names of
buildings and date of erection,when cut
c) Name,address and telephone number into any masonry surface or when
of owner. constructed of bronze or other
incombustible materials.
d) Name,address and telephone number
or person or firm erecting the sign. h) Flags,emblems and insignia of any
governmental body and decorative displays
e) A plan drawn to scale showing the for holidays or public demonstrations which
location of the building,structure or do not contain advertising and are not used as
tract to which or upon which the sign is such. In addition,a single flag which shows
to be attached or erected. an emblem or logo of a firm or corporation is
allowed when it is erected on a freestanding
f) Position the sign in relation to nearby flagpole with a minimum setback of eight(8)
buildings or structures or other related feet behind the property line.
i) On-site,directional signs are not exceeding
g) Such other information as the Building eight(8)square feet,provided such
Official may require to show full directional signs do not contain advertising
compliance with this Ordinance and all and are not used as such. When such signs
other laws and Ordinances of the City and are illuminated,a permit must be obtained for
State. the electrical components of the installation.
27.5 Exemptions from Permit Requirements: A j) Traffic or street signs,legal notices,
permit shall not be required for the following railroad crossing signs,danger,and such , •
signs,provided however,such signs shall emergency,temporary or non-advertising
otherwise comply with all other applicable signs as may be approved by the City Council
sections of this Ordinance: or the City Manager or his authorized
a) Signs not exceeding eight(8)square feet
in area,which advertise the sale,rental or k) Signs located inside a building and which
lease of the premises on which such signs are not displayed so as to be visible from
are located. outside the building. Signs located in covered
mall buildings shall comply with the current
b) Nameplates not exceeding one(1)square Building Code and Electrical Code.
foot in area.
I) Window signs,provided all other
c) Temporary political signs on private requirements are met.
property. m) Garage sale signs,maximum of eight(8)
d) Signs not exceeding thirty-two(32)square square feet in area,and located on the
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property where the garage sales is being held. 27.10 Permit Valid Only for One Hundred and Eighty
(180)Days: If the work authorized by a permit
n) Copy change only for previously permitted issued under this Ordinance has not been
Advertising signs designed to provide a commenced within one hundred and eighty 1
changeable copy area. (180) days after of issuance, the permit shall
become null and void.
27.6 Signs Requiring Electrical Inspection: The
primary alternating current wiring on all signs 27.11 Permit Revocable: The Building Official may
shall comply with the National Electrical suspend or revoke any permit issued under the
Code Specification. All secondary provisions of this Ordinance whenever he shall
transformer power shall be self-contained determine that the permit is issued in error or
within the sign structure. Individual lighted on the basis of incorrect or false information
letters not containing secondary wiring and supplied,or whenever such permit be issued in
components shall be contained within the violation of any of the provisions of this
common metal channel. Ordinance or any other Ordinance of this City
of laws of this State or the Federal Government.
Both channel and letters must contain weep Such suspension or revocation shall be effective
holes to drain water,each hole shall not be when communicated in writing to the person to
.. larger than one-half(1/2)inch,nor smaller whom the permit is upon which the sign is
than one-fourth(1/4)inch. No combustible located. Any signs installed under a revoked
materials other than approved plastics shall be permit shall be removed by the permit holder,
used in the construction of any sign containing sign owner,or property owner within ten(10)
' electrical wiring. days of written notice of the revocation.
27.7 Jssuance of Permit: Providing that the 27.12 Inspection: The Building Official may inspect
. f applicant has complied with all provisions of annually, or at such other times as he deems
•this Ordinance,and that the proposed sign necessary, each sign regulated by this
complies with all provisions of this Ordinance for the purpose of ascertaining
Ordinance,the Building Official shall issue whether the same is secure or insecure,whether
the sign permit to the applicant. it still serves a useful purpose and whether it is
in need of removal or repair.
27.8 Not to Issue to Persons Previously Failing to
)'ay Fees: The Building Official shall not 27.13 Removal of Obsolete Signs: Any sign which
issue a permit under the provisions of this the Building Official determines no longer
• Ordinance to any person who has previously serves a bona fide use or does not conform to
failed or refused to pay any fees or costs this Ordinance shall be removed by the owner,
assessed against him under the provisions of agent or person having the beneficial use of the
this Ordinance. land,buildings or structure upon which sign is
• located within ten (10) days after written
27.9 Investigation Fee: Work Without a Permit: notification to do so from the Building Official.
a) Investigation. Whenever any work for 27.14 Removal or Repair of Dilapidated or
which a permit is required by this Ordinance Deteriorated Signs: If the Building Official
has been commenced without first obtaining a shall determine that any signs exists in a
permit,a special investigation shall be made dilapidated or deteriorated condition, or is a ..
before a permit may be issued for such work. menace to the public, he shall give written
notice to the person or persons responsible for
b) Fee. An investigation fee,in addition to the such sign. The permit holder,owner,agent or
permit fee,shall be collected whether or not a person having the beneficial use of the premises
permit is then or subsequently issued. The shall remove or repair the sign within ten(10)
investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of days after such notice. The Building Official
the permit fee required by this Ordinance. The may cause any sign which is an immediate peril
payment of such investigation fee shall not to persons or property to be removed
exempt any person from compliance with all summarily and without notice.
other provisions of this Ordinance nor from any
penalty prescribed by law. 27.15 Removal Expenses: Any sign described under
Sections 27.10, 27.12, or 27.13 shall be
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removed be the permittee, sign owner, or a) Projecting Signs: The horizontal portion of
property owner within ten (10) days after any projecting sign shall not be more than six
written notification to do so by the Building (6)feet in length,not to exceed 12 square feet,
l Official. Upon failure to comply with such measured from the building face and shall not
notice, the Building Official is hereby be closer than two(2)feet from the back of the
authorized to enter upon the property upon curb line. The height of the sign shall not
which sign is located,and to cause the removal exceed two (2) feet. Such signs shall be an
of such sign. The owner of the land,building or integral part of the architectural design of the
structure to which sign is attached and upon building. Vertical clearance shall be subject to
which it is erected and the owner of such sign the requirements of subsections(d) and(e)of
and the sign permittee are jointly and severably this section.
liable for any expense incident to removal.
b) Marquee Signs: Marquee Signs shall be
27.16 Appeals: Appeals to the provisions of this built as an integral part of the marquee and
Ordinance shall be heard by the Board of shall be constructed of incombustible material.
Adjustments as described in the Zoning Such signs shall not exceed forty (40) square
Ordinance in accordance with the following: feet or the product of two(2) times the lineal
The Board shall consider as criteria for granting footage of the building or store frontage for
•a variance such factors as the type of sign,the which such sign is intended, whichever is
location,existence of signs in the general area, greater. Such signs shall not have a vertical
and such other factors as they deem pertinent. height of more than six (6) feet nor exceed
No variance shall be granted by the Board if the seventy-five(75)percent of the width of such
same conflicts with the spirit of this ordinance, building or store frontage. Marquee signs shall
which is one of providing public safety, not extend above the wall to which they are
adequate lighting provisions, open space and attached. Vertical clearance shall be subject to
air,conservation of land,protection of property the requirements of subsections(d) and(e)of
values, and encouraging the highest and best this section. Marquee signs may be
use of the land. illuminated.
In considering the request for variation to c) Wall Signs:
requirements of this Ordinance, the Board of 1) Wall signs shall not exceed forty
Adjustments shall consider,but not be limited (40)square feet of the product of two
to, the degree of variance, the reason for (2)times the lineal footage of the wall
variance requested,the locations of the variance area available to such signs or store
request,the duration of the requested variance, frontage for which such signs are
the effect on public safety, protection of intended, whichever is lesser. Such
neighborhood property,the degree of hardship signs shall not have a vertical height
or injustice involved, and the effect of the of more than six(6) feet,nor exceed
variance on the general plan of regulating signs seventy-five(75)percent of the width
with the City. The decision of the Board of of the available wall area or store
Adjustment shall be final. A variance from this frontage. Vertical clearance shall be , -
Ordinance is valid only if a permit is secured subject to the requirements of
within ninety (90) days from the date of the subsections(d)of this section. Wall
decision. signs shall not extend above the wall
to which they are attached. Wall signs ;
When considering an appeal to this Ordinance, shall be limited to the following
members of the Board of Adjustment shall categories: Advertising, Apartment,
constitute a quorum. A concurring vote of a Construction, General Business,
majority of those present shall be necessary to Identification, Institution, and Real
render a decision in favor of the appellant,or to Estate signs.
overrule any interpretation of this Ordinance by
the Building Official. 2) In the case where two(2)or more
wall signs are installed in a single wall
area, the gross surface area may not
SPECIFIC LIMITATION PROVISIONS exceed two(2)times the lineal width
of the wall area available to such
27.17 Requirements for Wall Signs: signs. Such signs shall not be
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arranged as to have a vertical height g) Subdivision Wall Signs or Plaques:
of more than six (6) feet. The Subdivision wall signs or plaques are limited to
combination of the sign widths,when residential zoning districts and shall not exceed
placed side by side,shall not exceed thirty(30)square feet. Subdivision wall signs
seventy-five(75)percent of the width or plaques are limited to two (2) per
of the wall available to such signs. subdivision entry and may be illuminated by
means of spot-lighting only. Subdivision wall
3) General business wall signs must signs or plaques shall only be allowed in the
be located over the business for which absence of a free-standing subdivision entry
they are intended. Wall signs may sign.
illuminated, however, illuminated
wall signs on rear building facades h) Window Signs: Window signs are
shall be prohibited unless facing a permitted. The total area of all window signs
non-residential zoning district. on an elevation of a building may not exceed
- twenty-five(25)percent of the window area of
d) Projection Over Private Property: that elevation.
1. Projections other than awning or canopy signs 27.18 Requirements for Free-Standing Signs:
over private property shall be allowed over
pedestrian sidewalks,walkways and corridors, a) Advertising Signs: Advertising Signs shall
but not to exceed the following: be erected in districts zoned B-1,B-2 and I,and
shall not exceed one hundred(100)square feet.
Vertical Clearance Maximum Projection Maximum height of an advertising sign shall be
twenty (20) feet with a required setback of
7.1 7 feet or less 3 inches thirty(30)feet from the front and side property
t; 7 or 8 feet 12 inches lines. Spacing between signs shall be a
8 feet or more 4 feet minimum of sixty(60)feet.
e) Awning Signs: An awning sign may extend b) Agricultural Signs: Agricultural signs,
the full length of the wall of the building to limited to advertising produce crops or animals
which it is attached and shall be no more than on a farm,may be erected in any Agricultural
six (67)feet in height and shall not be placed (A) zoning district, and shall not exceed fifty
less than seven (7) feet above the walking (50) square feet. Maximum height of an
surface below it. Art work or copy on awning agricultural sign shall be fifteen(15)feet with
signs shall be limited to a business name and/or a required setback of thirty(30)feet from the
• logo and shall not exceed twenty(20)percent front and side property lines. Spacing between
of the area of the awning and shall extend for no signs shall be a minimum of two hundred(200)
more than fifty(50)percent of the length of the feet.
• c) Apartment Signs: Apartment signs may be
f) Canopy Signs: A "canopy sign" may be erected in any residential zoning district, and
placed on or be an integral part of the face a shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet. , '•
canopy. The sign may consist of only the name Maximum height of au apartment sign shall be
and/or logo of the business at the location of the ten (10)feet for a monument sign and twelve
canopy and may be no greater in size than ten (12)feet for a pole sign,with a required setback
(10)percent of the face of the canopy of which of fifteen(15)feet from the front property line.
it is a part of or to which it is attached, or a • Apartment signs are limited to one (1) per
maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet, street front.
whichever is greater. An illuminated stripe
may be incorporated into a canopy. The stripe d) General Business Signs:
may extend along the entire length of the face of 1) General Business signs may be
the canopy. The width or thickness of the stripe erected in non-residential zoning
shall be limited to one-third(1/3)of the vertical districts, and shall not exceed ninety
dimension of the face of the canopy. The (90) square feet for monument signs
internal illumination of a canopy is limited to and sixty (60) square feet for pole
the portions of the canopy face on which a sign signs. Maximum height of a general
or stripe is permitted. business sign shall be ten(10)feet for
a monument sign and twenty(20)feet
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for pole signs. Required setback portion shall not exceed seventy(70)
shall be eight (8)feet from the front square feet and the reader board
property line and shall be located a portion shall not exceed thirty (30)
minimum of six (6) feet from square feet. Multi-purpose signs may
adjoining private property lines and a have any combination of directory and
minimum of sixty(60)feet from any reader board area.
other free-standing sign.
2) The total area of pole multi-
2) General Business signs shall be purpose signs shall not exceed one
constructed of materials that are not hundred and fifty (150) square feet.
subject to deterioration when exposed In the case of monument multi-
to the weather. Internally illuminated purpose signs,the maximum overall
general business signs must be area shall be two hundred and twenty-
constructed of incombustible material five (225) square feet, however, the
or approved plastics. copy area shall be limited to one
hundred and fifty (150) square feet
e) Identification Signs: leaving a base area of seventy-five
1) An identification sign may be (75)square feet.
erected in non-residential zoning
districts, and shall not exceed one 3) Multi-purpose signs may be
hundred and fifty(150)square feet for erected in non-residential zoning
monument signs and one hundred districts only.
(100) square feet for pole signs.
Maximum height of an identification •4) Maximum height shall be ten(10)
sign shall be ten (10) feet for a feet for multi-purpose monument
monument sign and twenty(20)feet signs and twenty(20)feet for multi-
for pole signs. Required setback shall purpose pole signs.
be eight (8) feet from the front
property line and six (6) feet from 5) Required setback for multi-
adjoining private property lines, and purpose signs shall be thirty(30)feet
the sign shall be located a minimum from front and adjoining private
of sixty(60)feet from any other free- property liners. Multi-purpose signs
standing sign. are limited to one(1)per street front
and a minimum spacing of sixty(60)
2) Identification signs shall be feet from any other free-standing sign
constructed of materials that arc not must he maintained.
subject to deterioration when exposed
to the weather. Such signs, when 6) Multi-purpose signs shall be
• • internally illuminated, must be constructed of materials not subject to
constructed of incombustible deterioration when exposed to the
materials or approved plastics. weather and when internally , •
illuminated must be constructed of
f) Institution Signs: Institution signs may be incombustible materials or approved
erected in non-residential and residential zoning plastic.
districts, and shall not exceed thirty-two (32)
square feet with a maximum height of ten(10) h) Municipally Owned Signs: Municipally
feet,except that monument type signs in non- owned signs may be erected in any zoning
residential zoning districts may be ninety(90) district and, if exceeding one hundred (100)
square feet with a maximum height of ten(10) square feet,shall be reviewed by the Building
feet. Required setback shall be fifteen(15)feet Official for specific approval. Municipally
from the front property line and institution signs owned signs shall not be placed in any sight
are limited to one(1)per street front. visibility triangle and shall be located at least
twenty-five(25)feet from any privately owned
g) Multi-Purpose Signs: parcel of land. Maximum height of monument
1) The identification portion of a styled municipally owned signs shall not exceed
multi-purpose sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet and pole signs shall not exceed
fifty (50) square feet. The directory twenty(20)feet in overall height.
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i) Subdivision Entry Signs: Subdivision entry (32) square feet with a maximum height of
signs may be erected in residential zoning fifteen (15) feet. Required setback shall be
districts and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) twenty (20) feet from front property line and
square feet with a maximum height of two(2) signs are limited to one per street front. A
feet,six(6)inches. Required setback shall be construction sign shall be removed prior to the
three(3)feet from the front property line and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or in the
signs are limited to two (2) per subdivision case of dwelling prior to the final building
entryway. Free-standing subdivision entry inspection. Construction signs at sales offices
signs shall only be allowed in the absence of in residential subdivisions may remain until the
subdivision wall signs or plaques. Certificate of Occupancy for the office is
j) Projections or Overhangs on Free-standing
. Signs: Any projecting or overhanging portion c) Development Signs: Development signs
of a free-standing sign must be a minimum of may be erected in non-residential and
ten (10)feet above any walkway and fourteen residential zoning districts,and shall not exceed
(14)feet above driveways. one hundred (100) square feet. Such signs
must he related only to the property on which
k) No advertising matter shall be displayed on they are located. Maximum height of a
or attached to any free-standing sign. No guys, development sign shall be twenty (20) feet.
braces,attachments,banners,flags,balloons,or Required setback for a development sign shall
similar devices shall be attached to any sign. be thirty(30)feet or the required building line
if less than thirty(30)feet. Each development
1) Wheel or Bumper Guard Protection for Free- may have one(1)such sign or one(1)for each
, standing Signs: Free-standing signs shall be filly(50)acres. A development sign must be
protected by wheel or bumper guards when removed when the project is ninety(90)percent
required by the Building Official. complete. In the case of a commercial project,
ninety (90) percent complete means when a
27.19 Illumination: Certificate of Occupancy is issued for a shell
a) A sign in a residential district, where building. For a residential project,ninety(90)
allowed by this Ordinance,may be illuminated. percent complete means when ninety (90)
Any illumination shall be located so as not to percent of the subdivision is permitted.
produce intense glare or direct illumination
across the bounding property line. Internal d) Model Home Signs: Model home signs may
illumination shall not exceed 40 watts per every be erected in residential zoning districts and
twenty-five (25) square feet or any portion shall not exceed sixteen(16)square feet with a
thereof of the sign face. maximum height of six (6) feet. Required
setback shall be fifty (50) percent of the
b) Only a sign which has illumination that is distance between the front property line and
• turned on and off at a rate equivalent to,or less , building,but no less than ten(10)feet from the
than twice and hour, excluding time and front property line. Model home signs are
temperature,is permitted. limited to one(1)per premise. Each builder in
subdivision may have one(I)model home'sign
27.20 Temporary Signs: and the permit for such sign shall be granted for
a) Banners: A temporary banner is allowed a period of time to coincide with the validity of
and shall be securely attached to the front or the model home's Certificate of Occupancy.
side of a building structure. The total number
of banners per business shall not exceed two(2) e) Political Signs: Political signs are allowed
per calendar year, and a banner shall not be on private property and shall be prohibited on
displayed for more than one (1) consecutive rights-of-way, or any other public property.
thirty(30)day period during the calendar year. Political signs may be placed no more than
Banners shall be kept in good repair and remain fifteen (15) days after the election has taken
firmly anchored or secured. Banners are place. Political signs placed on property which
prohibited in single-family residential districts. is zoned residential may be no greater than
thirty-two (32) square feet in area. Political
b) Construction Signs: Construction signs may signs placed with the rights-of-way or upon
be erected in non-residential and residential public property may be removed and disposed
zoning districts and shall not exceed thirty-two of by City of Wylie personnel.
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f) Real Estate Signs: Real estate signs may be subparagraph (2) below is allowedfor two (2), two week periods each
erected mnon-residential and residential zoning calendar year per legal business. A
districts and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) two week period will commence on
square feet with a maximum height of fifteen the first day promotional signage is
(1 5)feet. Required setback shall be eight(8) displayed. The two,two week periods
feet from front property line and signs are shall not occur in the same or
limited to one per street front. A real estate consecutive mouths. A legal business
sign shall be removed upon the sale of the shall include any commercial,
property. . industrial, or institutional use for
which the Building Inspection
. g) Searchli is: Searchlights may be permitted Department has issued a Certificate of
• in accordance with any applicable regulations.
A permit for use of an advertising searchlight Occupancy. In the case of a specialpromotion for a grand opening
may be granted under the following additional •celebration, one (1) period may be
regulations: extended to a three week period
provided the promotion commences
1) A searchlight shall be located a within the firstthree(3)months of the
minimum distance of fifty (50) feet date. of issuance of a Certificate of
from a public right-of-way and Occupancy and the grand opening is
positioned so as to project all beams limited to the address noted on the
at a minimum angle of thirty (30) Certificate of Occupancy.
degrees from grade level.
2) The maximum light
intensity2) Promotional signage may include
banners, flags, pennants, streamers,
generated by searchlights on any balloons, inflatable signs, and any
premise may not exceed a total of one legal signs allowed by these
thousand six hundred(1,600)million provisions. A searchlight may be
. ,•; ..:candlefoot power. No more than four from used provided it complies with all
beams other provisions of this Article. Any
any premise.
mise.light may be projected device described as promotional
3) All searchlights must he designed . signage shall but exceed an overall
and maintained so as to prevent beam
height of thirty-five(35)feet.
rays of light from being directed at 3) A separate permit is required for
any portion of the travelled ways or each two week period promotional
adjoining property, and no light shall signage will be used. If any device
be of such intensity or brilliance to described as promotional signage in
cause glare to or impair the vision of subparagaph (2) above is installed •
• the driver of any vehicle. prior to issuance of a permit, an
4) No advertising searchlight may be investigate fee will be assessed in ,
operated between the hours of 11:00
addition to the permit fee.
p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 4) Promotional signage shall be
contained on the property of the legal
5) No advertising searchlight may be business and shall not extend into the
operated on a premise for more than City right-of-way. signage shall not
seven (7) consecutive days. No
be located in any sight visibility
permit for an advertising searchlight triangle nor shall any combustible
may be issued for any business entity materials be placed in contact with
for which a permit has been issued lighted signs or any electrical fixtures.fora searchlight on the same premise
within the last six (6) months
preceding the date of the permit 27.21 General a) FreeRscetand geslgn' shall not be placed in
application. any sight visibility triangle.
h) Promotional Sienatie: b)
In the case of a multiple faced sign, the
I) Promotional signage described in
Page 43 1
Suppl• No.
gross surface area of each face shall not exceed 27.29 Mobile or Portable Signs:
two (2) times the allowable square footage a) IT shall be unlawful to attach any sign to a
divided by the number of sign faces. trailer,skid,or similar mobile structure,where
the primary use of such structure is to provide
27.22 Wind Pressure and Dead Load Requirements: a base for such sign or constitute the sign itself.
All signs shall be designed and constructed to This provision does not restrict the
withstand a wind pressure of not less than identification signs on vehicles used for any
thirty(30)pounds per square foot of area,and bona fide business activity when said vehicle is
shall be constructed to receive dead loads as legally licensed for use in public streets.
required by the building code of the City of
• Wylie. b) Signs attached to or upon any vehicle shall
be prohibited where any such vehicle is allowed
27.23 Maintenance of Signs: All signs and supports to remain parked in the same location,or in the
shall be maintained so as not to create a same vicinity, at frequent or extended periods
dilapidated or deteriorated condition. of time,where the intent is apparent to be one
of using the vehicle and signs for purposes of
27.24 Construction Types: Monument and pole advertising an establishment, service or
construction types may be used for any free- product. Vehicles operating under a city
standing signs. Monument signs are limited to franchise shall be excluded from this provision.
a maximum height of ten(10)feet.
c) A-frame signs and sandwich board signs are
prohibited and unlawful.
• 27.30 Advertising Matter Placed on or Suspended
27.25 Obscene, Indecent and Immoral Material: It from Buildings, Light Fixtures. Poles,
shall be unlawful for any person to display any Sidewalks.etc.:
obscene material upon any sign,as defined by a) No person shall place on or suspend from
Federal,State and Local Statutes or Ordinances. any building, light fixture, pole, structure,
sidewalk,parkway,driveway or parking area,
27.26.. Obstructing Doors.Windows,or Fire Escapes: any goods, wares, merchandise or other
It shall be unlawful to erect, relocate, or advertising object or structure for the purpose
maintain a sign to prevent free ingress to or of advertising such items other than a sign,as
egress from any door,window or fire escape. defined, regulated and prescribed by this
Ordinance, except as otherwise allowed by
27.27 Attachment of Standpipe or Fire Escape: It Ordinance.
shall be unlawful to attach any sign to a
standpipe or fire escape. b) Suspending from or placing signs on a light
fixture shall be prohibited.
27.28 Interference with Traffic: It shall be unlawful
to erect,relocate or maintain any sign in such a 27.31 Painting, Marking, etc., Streets, Sidewalks,
manner as to obstruct free and clear vision at Utility Poles,etc.: No person shall attach any,
any location whereby, by reason of position, sign,paper or other material, or paint,stencil
size,movement,shape,color,flashing,manner or write any name, number (except house
or intensity of illumination, such sign may numbers)or otherwise mark on any sidewalk,
interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic. curb,gutter,street,utility pole,public building,
Further,it shall be unlawful to erect or maintain • fence or structure except as otherwise allowed
any sign in such a manner as to interfere with, by Ordinance.
obstruct the view of or be confused with any
authorized traffic sign, signal or device. 27.32 Attaching Advertising Matter to Fences,Utility
Accordingly, no sign shall make use of the Poles,etc.and Scattering Advertising Matter on
words "Stop", "Go", "Look", "Slow", Streets and Sidewalks:
"Danger", or any other similar word, phrase, a) No person,firm,corporation or association
symbol or character or employ in any red, of persons, shall paste„ stick, tack, nail or
yellow,orange,green or other colored lamp or otherwise place any advertisement, handbill,
light in such a manner as to cause confusion to placard, printed, pictured or written matter or
or otherwise interfere with, vehicular or thing for political advertising or other
pedestrian traffic. advertising purposes upon any fence, railing,
Page 44
Suppl. No. I
sidewalk or public telephone,electric or other 27.36 Roof Signs: Roof signs are prohibited and
utility pole, or any other public property, unlawful.
including tees thereon or to knowingly cause or
to permit the same to be done for his benefit. 27.37 Billboard Sips: Billboard signs are prohibited
Signs or other printed or written matter in and unlawful.
violation of this section may be impounded and
disposed of by the City. 27.38 Off Premise Signs: Signs advertising or
promoting businesses, offices, retail,
b) It shall also be unlawful for any person to commercial,or any other use permitted by this
scatter or throw handbills,circulars,cards,tear ordinance,located at a place other than where
sheets or any other advertising device of any the sign is physically located is prohibited.
description, along or upon any street or
sidewalk in the City of Wylie.
27.33 Signs Prohibited on or Over Public Property: PLATTING PROPERTY NOT
No portion of any sign shall be erected on or PERMANENTLY ZONED
over public property,or in the right-of-way of
any thoroughfare within the City, unless the -
same be erected by the City, or with the §.'28.1 The planning and zoning commission of
permission of the City, for public purposes. the City of Wylie shall not approve any plat of
Any sign in violation of this section may be any subdivision within the city limits of the City
impounded and disposed of by the City. of Wylie until the area covered by the proposed
plat shall have been permanently zoned by the city
Exception. Signs attached to the face of any
council of the City of Wylie.
building located in the Downtown District may § 28.2 The planning and zoning commission of
be erected over the public sidewalk provided the City of Wylie shall not approve any plat or
the sign projects no more than the width of the any subdivision within any area where a petition or
sidewalk minus one (1) foot and provided the ordinance for annexation or a recommendation for
clearance between the bottom of the sign and annexation to the City of Wylie is pending before
1 the sidewalk below is a minimum of eight(8) the city council unless and until such annexation
feet. shall have been approved by resolution by the city
27.34 Certain Signs Prohibited:
a) No sign shall he illuminated to such an § 28.3 In the event the planning and zoning
a hearingr
intensity or in such a manner, as to cause a commission holds' on po posed
glare or brightness to a degree that it constitutes annexation, it may, at its discretion at the same
a hazard or nuisance. Moving, flashing, time hold a hearing upon the permanent zoning
intermittently lighted,changing color,beacons, that is to be given to the area or tract to be
revolving or similarly constructed signs shall annexed, and make a recommendation.on both
not be allowed. Alternating electronic data matters to the city council so that the city council
can, if it desires, act on the matter of permanent .
control components showing time and
zoning and annexation at the same time. 1..
temperature may be allowed.
h) No lighted sign shall be erected within one
hundred and fifty (150) feet of a residential SECTION 29
district unless it meets the illumination criteria CLASSIFICATION OF NEW
list in subparagraph(c)below. �fDnAND UNLISTED . USES
27.35 Balloons. Flags,Pennants and Other Floating 44 614c 'Oar, ,ev!e.tO Orck q a 7
Devices Used for Advertising Purposes: No § 29.1 It is recognized that new types of land
person shall erect, maintain or permit the use will develop and forms of land use not
erection of, for advertising purposes, any anticipated may seek to locate in the City of
balloons. flags, pennants or other floating or . Wylie. In order to provide for such changes and
inflatable device permanently anchored to the contingencies,a determination as to the appropriate
ground or to any other structure within the City classification of any new or unlisted form of land
of Wylie except as approved under promotional use shall be made as follows:
Page 45
Suppl. No. 1
(1) The building inspector shall refer the
question concerning any new or unlisted
use to the planning and zoning § 30.1 No permit for the construction of a
commission requesting an interpretation building or buildings upon any tract or plot shall
as to the zoning classification into which be issued until a building site, building tract, or
such use should be placed. The referral building lot has been created by compliance with
of'the use interpretation question shall be one of the following conditions:
accompanied by a statement of facts
listing the nature of the use and whether (1) The lot or tract is part of a plat of record,
it involves dwelling activity, sales, properly approved by the planning and
processing. type of product, storage and zoning commission,and filed in the plat -
amount, and nature thereof, enclosed or records of Collin County,Texas.
open storage, anticipated employment,
transportation requirements, the amount (2) The plot, tract or lot faces upon a
of noise, odor, fumes, dust, toxic • dedicated street and was separately owned
material and vibration likely to be prior to the effective date of this
generated and the general requirements for • ordinance or prior to annexation to the
•public utilities such as water and sanitary City of Wylie whichever is applicable,
sewer. in which event a building permit for
only one main building conforming to
(2) The planning and zoning commission
shall consider the nature and described all the requirements of this ordinance
performance of the proposed use and its may be issued on each such original
compatibility with the uses permitted in separately owned parcel without first
thecomplying with paragraph(1)preceding.
various districts and determine the
zoning district or districts within which (3) The plot or tract is all or part of a site
such use should be permitted. plan officially approved by the planning )
and zoning commission and compliance
(3) The planning and zoning commission
has been made with provisions and
shall transmit its findings and
improvements approved on such site
recommendations to the city council as
plan for all utility and drainage
to the classification proposed for any
new or unlisted use. The city council easements, dedication of streets, alleys
shall, by resolution, approve the and other public improvements required
to meet the standards established for the
recommendation of the planning and
zoning commission or make such platting of land.
determination concerning the (4) Any and all plots, tracts or lots must be
classification of such use as is provided access via a public street or
determined appropriate based upon its drive.
findings. •
(4) Standards for new and unlisted uses may SECTION 31
be interpreted as those of a similar use. NON-CONFORMING USES
When determination of the minimum AND STRUCTURES
requirements cannot be readily
ascertained, the same process outlined in
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) above shall
be followed. § 31.1 A non-conforming status shall exist
under the following provisions of this ordinance:
(1) When a use or structure which does not
conform to the regulations prescribed in
the district in which such use or structure
is located was in existence and lawfully
operating prior to the adoption of the
previous zoning ordinance and has been '
operating since without discontinuance.
Page 46 Suppl. No. 1
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WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to amend the City's Zoning
Ordinance, under section 35.2 thereof; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, after first having all requisite
hearings, has made recommendations concerning enactment of the hereinafter specified
amendments to the Zoning Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing with respect to all of the
proposed changes, after first giving all requisite notice thereof; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed changes are in
keeping with the stated policy of the City's Zoning Regulations and are otherwise in the
best interest of the community;
OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows:
That the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, as set forth in Exhibit A to
Section 1 of Chapter 12 of the Wylie City Code be, and hereby is, further amended by
changing the text contained within Section 27.17 (c.1) of the Sign Regulations from:
"Wall signs shall not exceed forty(40) square feet or the product of two (2)times
the lineal footage of the wall area available to such signs or store frontage for
which such signs are intended, whichever is lesser."
To the following:
"Wall signs shall not exceed forty(40) square feet or the product of two (2)times
the lineal footage of the wall area available to such signs or store frontage for
which such signs are intended, whichever is greater."
Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, or any part hereof, shall be
guilty of committing an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions
of the Wylie Zoning Ordinance, City Code as set forth in Section 38 thereof, as the same
now exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this
ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not
affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than
the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the
City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such
That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of any such conflict or consistency and all other provisions of the
Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect.
The repeal of any ordinance, of parts thereof, by the enactment of this ordinance,
shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such
ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any
penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any
section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 1996.
James D. Swartz
Susan Shuler
City Secretary
City Attorney
Wylie City•
tY Council #8
Agenda Communication for December f0, 1996
Public Jkkaring Zone Change from Roy Jacobs
Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council a request
from Roy Jacobs (Jimmie Ray Jacobs, P.O.A.) for approval of a zone change from "A"
Agriculture to "B-2" Business District for property located on the south side of FM 544 just
east of FM 544 and Regency Drive and more particularly described as lots 2 and 3, Block
B of Jacobs Addition.
The brother of the property owner, Jimmie Ray Jacobs, by Power of Attorney is
requesting to have the above mentioned property's zoning classification changed from "A"
Agricultural to "B-2" Business District so that it will legally accommodate the type of
businesses that are inquiring about possible lease agreements for the use of the property.
Most of the Regency Park area was changed from agricultural zoning to industrial
and commercial zoning in 1984 and 1985. Said lots 2 and 3 were annexed into the Wylie
city limits in December, 1995 as part of the 544 annexation and are the only remaining lots
in the Regency Park area that are still zoned as agricultural land. The industrial and
commercial zoning districts located here are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan's land use classification for this area.
Board Recommendations
The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Monday, December 2, 1996.
Staff will inform Council of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation
concerning this zone change request prior to Council action regarding this request.
Financial Considerations
Legal Considerations
Under Article 9, Section 2 (B2) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter, it states that the
Planning and Zoning Commission will recommend to Council proposed ordinances and
amendments regarding planning and zoning changes.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the zone change request. Re-zoning of this property
to "B-2" Business District is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's land use designation
for this area. It is staff's position that "B-2" Business District designation for this property
is desirable so as to provide a buffer between the industrial property behind it and FM 544.
This property is surrounded by industrial/commercial zoned property and as such
would not present any conflict with surrounding land uses. With the Zoning Ordinance
having been officially adopted and in effect, this property will have to conform to all zoning
and building regulations (building set-backs, screening, site plan review, etc.). This is not
the case with some of the other developed lots in this area where non-conforming uses
Property zone change notifications were sent out to all persons owning property
within 200 feet of said property and to date no responses have been received.
Zone Change Application, Public Hearing Notice, Property Owners Notification List
and Responses, Location Map, Area Zoning Map and Ordinance.
Prepared By Rev. ed by F nance City Mgr. Approval
Page 1 of 2 (5/93)
P.O. BOX 428
0° /O( ?/5 7 Case No. Filing Fee ,��� • Date- �
Applicant Av \_locces6s Phone No. 4'2 3 —
Mailing Addres : Work No.
4/- / (719 / C'Ee
needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1
/OTC a VI 3 B/ c 3 o �%s
I herety request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which
is " >(G. District Classification to District Classification
for the, ollowing reasons:
(attach separate sheet if necessary)
There (are) (are not eed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property.
2 _
Status of Applicant Owne Tenant
Prospective Purchaser
I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this
requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting
to the City a sufficient legal description.
4 1
Page 2 of 2
The legal description is used to publish notice of the required hearing and in the preparation of
the final ordinance granting the zoning change. The description must be sufficient so as to allow
a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the ground. Each
applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal
description. Failure to do so by the applicant may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance
or the ordinance being declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficient legal
If the applicant is someone other than the owner, written acknowledgement by the owner.of the
zoning request must also be submitted.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie, Texas will hold a Public
Hearing on Monday, December 2, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in
the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North. If action is taken, the
City Council will hold a meeting on Tuesday, December 10,1996, at 7:00 p.m. at the
same location mentined above to consider approval of a zone change from "A"
Agriculture to "B-2" Business District for Roy M. Jacobs for his property located on the
south side of FM 544 just east of FM 544 and Regency Drive and more particularly
described as follows:
Lots 2 and 3 of Block B, out of the Jacobs Addition
As an interested property owner, you are encouraged to attend this meeting or notify
the Commission of your feelings regarding this matter in writing by returning the form
RE: PZ/CC - Jacobs
Return this form to : Kelley Shaw, Planner
2000 Hwy. 78 N, Wylie, Texas 75098
❑ I am in favor of the request for the reasons listed below
❑ I am opposed to the request for the reasons listed below
Printed Name
Name &Address
Name &Address
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WHEREAS, the zoning of the property hereinafter described is presently zoned
as "A" Agriculture; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the property has properly filed a request with the City
of Wylie to change the classification from "A" Agriculture to "B-2" Business
District; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, after having given all
requisite notices, by publication and otherwise, and conducting all requisite
hearings thereon, recommend to the City Council that the request be amended
to change the classification from "A" Agriculture to "B-2" Business District; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore conducted a public hearing on the
proposed change and determined that the change should be granted; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined, in its legislative capacity, that the
proposed change is appropriate and in the best interest of the orderly
development of the City in that it is based on recognition of changed or changing
conditions or circumstances in the locality and/or recognizes changes in
technology, the style of living, or manner of doing business, as required by
Section 35.1 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and therefore not in
derogation of any of the purposes therein expressed;
OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as codified by Section 1, of Chapter
12 of the Wylie City Code, be, and hereby is, amended by amending the Zoning
District Map, as the same currently exists, so as to change the zoning
classification on the following property, commonly described as Block B, Lots 2
and 3 in the Jacobs Addition, Wylie, Texas, "A" Agriculture to "B-2" Business
That the property herein described shall be used only in the manner and for the
purposes authorized by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Wylie as amended.
Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, or any part hereof,
commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of
Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter
Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this
ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same
shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision
thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the
City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter
provide in such cases.
That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other
provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full
force and effect.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this
ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under
or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing,
abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting
any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances
at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
. Texas, this day of , 1996.
James D. Swartz, Mayor
Susan Shuler, City Secretary
WyI City Cou nt #9
Agenda Communication for December 10, 1996
Appoint Replacement to Planning & Zoning Commission
Discuss and consider appointing a replacement to the Planning and Zoning Commission for an
unexpired term ending 7/97.
John Crowe and his family will be moving outside the city limits of Wylie and will no longer be eligible
to serve on the commission. Mr. Crowe submitted his resignation letter on November 5, 1996. Mr. Crowe's
term expires 7/97.
Notice was placed in the paper to accept any additional applications. Only one application was
received. James Smith, currently serving on the Zoning Board of Adjustments requested consideration to
the Planning &Zoning Commission. Matthew Conte, who had previously submitted his application, stated
that he is still interested in serving. Mr. Conte has not served on any board. Two applicants who had
previously submitted applications could not be reached for additional information.
Board Recommendations
Financial Considerations
Legal Considerations
Article 9, Section 2(A1 and A2) set out the qualifications for members of the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Members of the P&Z Commission must be a resident of the City of Wylie for at least 12
months preceding the date of appointment; be knowledgeable in the affairs of the city and be knowledgeable
in the functions and activities of the commission. Also vacancies shall be filled by the City Council within
thirty (30) days from the date of resignation for the remainder of the term.
Staff Recommendations
Applications for Consideration
If ,
Prepared By evie by Finance City Mgr. Approval
1 1 C7J % 11:i 2 HO 1 112 AP y 4424 22 NO. `21 1? 1
HO 1/ 1 12t n ARMORED Pei,J I d Ni
7t)6 N. SPR ItNu CREEK P .VJ'v
WYLIE, TExA'S. 7! )9 i-6uL::
C 72 i 442-A679
j NOVENBER 1'996
MEMORANDUM T HF.0 Code Enforcement , Hwy 7E N. , Wylie, Te°,ta !5098--b() ':_.
FOR CITY of WYL.IE. City of WV' le 20!)0 Hwy 8 N. , Wylie, Teas 75o9E--t,QQ:_.
SUBJECT: Resignation of JOHN M. CROWE
1 . As of the above date of 5 November 1996 I am submitting my letter of
resignation *rob The Planning and Zoning Board of tne City of wylie for
the following reasons.
2. I rave been dealing with ongoing mecicai problems since May of 1996,
these problems fortunately have been relatively minor, now_ver they have
caused major lifestyle changes. These problems are e.:pected to continue
for at least 6 months.
7. In addition, I have purchased a new home outside the city limits of
Wylie, in tne town of St . Paul .
4. I would like to taNe this opportunity to thank the of Wilk And
the City Council +or the opportunity to serve the citizens of Wylie. I
would also li e to thank the current hoard of Planning and Zoning for
:.heir -cssistanoe end st_tpoort durind my tenure. Most especially , I want to
t_nan the code enforcement department for their true professionalism and
assistance tnat I have received tnrougnout tne past _ years.
;. It is witn these reasons in mind tnat regretfully reouest that my
letter of resignation is e. cepteo by the City of Wylie.
F`Z. Board
City of Wylie
CITY OF WYLIE Full Name:.JA iS ARrrni2 Soy*/
Boards & Commission Application Home Address: //2 MARr/N 2 Z
Please print or type, return completed City, State,Zip: Gv yh/E 7 X 752)98
application, before June 13, 1996,to:
Business Address: &MGO SovER.E/6N Rom
City Secretary's Office
2000 Hwy. 78 North City, State,Zip: .DAGt4S 1 < 76-ZQ7
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board or Commission Home Phone: c/1/237Sd Work#:2/el 9S/-79oo
(indicate first,second, and third choice) Resident of Wylie for 4i Years
�-:E Planning and Zoning Board Please list any special skills or qualifications:
1/idE G,fl4IRmA#/•Z40/Nl14 .844.ez. Awasri clrs
26+ Rs exPER/�3uec mac//LD/w16 wD4sTRy
❑ Zoning Board of Adjustments /l96g LdR4E Mf . Corn, I y
❑ Library Board Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
/.?b SERVE 7 /E G7j/of
2.?b M vE A ,4(4wa .A/ ?we canoe-
El Ambulance Advisory Board .D/RET/o.J I V/sioa oP OWZ Cory
2. E Construction Code Board Si ature
❑ Parks and Recreation Board Date
Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Code Board
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who meet Consists of 7 members who meet on an "as
on an "as needed" basis to consider applications needed" basis to review building code
for variances to zoning ordinance regulations. The requirements. Plumbing, contractor,and electrical
board hears appeals regarding determinations of experience helpful.
the Zoning Administrator, and considers action
concerning non-conforming uses.
Ambulance Advisory Board
Library Board Consists of 3 members who meet on an "as
needed" basis and advise Council on ambulance
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd services.
Monday of every month and advise the Council on
library services and programs.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Parks and Recreation Board A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd
Monday of every month to review rezoning
A 7 member board which meets the 4th Monday of applications, subdivision plats and site plans, and
every month and advises the Council on advise Council regarding comprehensive planning
acquisitions, maintenance, operation and use of issues.
parks, playgrounds, and open spaces.
CITY OF WYLIE Full Name: Mk 11 tA.. ClcI�T�
Boards & Commission Application Home Address:006-ThIA-I-t--c-
Please print or type, return completed City, State,Zip: Li LS TX 7S0 9 8
application, before June 13, 1996,to: ,
Business Address:a y3S /3• Cc.:AISTR_ FX J AJti
City Secretary's Office ''ll,-,-�
2000 Hwy. 78 North City, State,Zip: 11C.11�( 2 .
56ny .- )( -519 8
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board or Commission Home Phone:tN Z?A(Work#:L8`l a L9
(indicate first,second, and third choice) Resident of Wylie for 3T2 Years
Z. aci Planning and Zoning Board Please list any spe ial skills or qualifications:
F,ve(5) kniz rt,,4 r f i.46 %C -c-TEIS
a'Zoning Board of Adjustments FACtL►rirro/L Tam s1Aer -,i)o,tT 1-
❑ Library Board Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
— %usiac35 skAkfic1.
❑ ` ou�x c 5 yr s i� Tel,a4MMwJ WA-NW W. •
Ambulance Advisory Board E tr�w���I n ',v W� �s Cipac+- ,J M
'Wu ez.4 meNi-r .
❑ Construction Code Board Signature
2 BParks and Recreation Board Date
Matthew J.Conte
Senior Manager
Zoning Board of Adjustments Constru Wireless Network Solutions
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who meet Consists Northern Telecom N ART E L
on an "as needed" basis to consider applications needed" 2435 N.Central Expressway
re uiremi " ° ° ' " e ° " e ` ° "
for variances to zoning ordinance regulations. The q Richardson,TX 75080-2799
board hears appeals regarding determinations of experieni p p.Box 833805
the Zoning Administrator, and considers action Richardson,TX 75083-3805
concerning non-conforming uses. Tel 214 684-2169
Fax 214 684-3300,QuickMail:Matt Conte
Library Board Consists of 3 members who meet on an "as
needed" basis and advise Council on ambulance
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd services.
Monday of every month and advise the Council on
library services and programs.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Parks and Recreation Board A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd
Monday of every month to review rezoning
A 7 member board which meets the 4th Monday of applications, subdivision plats and site plans, and
every month and advises the Council on advise Council regarding comprehensive planning
acquisitions, maintenance, operation and use of issues.
parks, playgrounds, and open spaces.
CITY OF WYLIE Full Name: ,4L'4/.464 67. / 7f -
Boards & Commission Application Home Address: (OR J11 Aver/N
Please print or type, return completed City, State,Zip: 61 (.%-i �,5 7 7 ?t
application, before June 13, 1996,to:
Business Address:
City Secretary's Office
2000 Hwy. 78 North City, State, Zip:
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board or Commission
Home Phone:4' 3083 Work#: 2.-4ci'�
(indicate first, second, and third choice) Resident of Wylie for. Years
d1 Planning and Zoning Board Please list any special skills or qualifications:
❑ Zoning Board of Adjustments
❑ Library Board Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
❑ Ambulance Advisory Board / ,
❑ Construction Code Board alum
"Parks and Recreation Board Date
Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Code Board
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who meet Consists of 7 members who meet on an "as
on an "as needed" basis to consider applications needed" basis to review building code
for variances to zoning ordinance regulations. The requirements. Plumbing, contractor, and electrical
board hears appeals regarding determinations of experience helpful.
the Zoning Administrator, and considers action
concerning non-conforming uses.
Ambulance Advisory Board
Library Board Consists of 3 members who meet on an "as
needed" basis and advise Council on ambulance
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd services.
Monday of every month and advise the Council on
library services and programs.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Parks and Recreation Board A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd
Monday of every month to review rezoning
A 7 member board which meets the 4th Monday of applications, subdivision plats and site plans, and
every month and advises the Council on advise Council regarding comprehensive planning
acquisitions, maintenance, operation and use of issues.
parks, playgrounds, and open spaces.
City. of Wylie f=
} Now accepting applicatipr<is
for Boards and Commissions
Process for Selection
Board members are selected for two year terms by the City Council in June. Terms are
usually staggered whereby at least half of the membership has board experience.
,� • Applicants will be notified of acceptance by mail. Because vacancies do arise during
iY t� -k' the year all applications are kept on file for one year.
` `"`
Boards and Commissions
`TM Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Code Board
%A •Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates. 'Consists of 4 members.
.•-,.. •Meets on an"as needed"basis. «
'-' . 'Meets on an as needed"basis.
?AFA •Considers applications for variances to zoning 'Reviews building code requirements.
ordinance regulation,hears appeals regarding
k determinations of the Zoning Administrator, Ambulance Advisory Board
and considers action concerning 'Consists of 3 members.
non-conforming uses. •Meets on an"as needed"basis.
'Advises Council on Ambulance Service.
Parks and Recreation Board
•Consists of 7 members. Library Board
•Meets fourth Monday of every month. 'Consists of 7 members.
'Advises on acquisitions,maintenance, •Meets on an "as needed"basis.
operation and use of parks,playgrounds "Meets second Monday of every month.
and open spaces. 'Advises the Council on library service and pro-
Development Corporation
of Wylie P & Z Commission
'Consists of 5 members -Consists of 7 members. s`
'Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of 'Meets first&third Monday of every month
every month. 'Reviews rezoning applications subdivision plats i3
'Recommends to Council funding priorities to and site plans,and advises Council regarding t , s. •
assist new,prospective and existing businesses. comprehensive planning issues. 'A. t=
City of Wylie Board & Commission Application ,'
Please print or type. Return completed application before June 15 to: ; 4 �a•
CitySecretary's Office, 2000 H ,
YHwy. 78 N., Wylie, Texas 75098
Board or Commission of first,second, and third choice: '
Planning and Zoning Board Resident of Wylie for /, j years. a `r f
—Zoning Board '} k 'l Td,rts 4- e e. Please list any special skills or ualifications: k*4
a„Library Board J.-- hoer- r.AQrker 1 c c&c- t,,
Ambulance AdvisoryBoard fr
' i n" Mete 1 ►54-1 C 3 P tc- I
I Development Corporation of Wylie �� •�,
_Construction Code Board ',-.7,.';.::,;
�n � '
�; M4tg�y',.S
Full Name:-1)0RA m t,?LuE Why do you desire to serve on these boards? ;4 ,,, Y
Home Address '-i i'7 L 1i-Rot_tr�(L) �P •Tr' c_Inci 1 t1ce -1-r) bcoprvir_ ,,t L,
City,State,Zip COy1'El I �C -7.'i-n9g ,nc-ar-� tt-,4oIVert to'We_ Ccu1M1,ts ;. , ,'
Business Address:(�11 S• 7$ x, �tF j r
9y a jv,,2 - / -ft 2l
Home Phone 4L)2-7C40Bus.Ph.4iy. -3oAdSignature .
ate ,��+ t 5 k`
Wylie City Council
agenda Communication for December 10, 1996 #�Q
Resolution for Acquisition of Land for Park Land
Discuss and Consider approval of a Resolution Supporting the Acquisition of Land By Dallas County
For Park Land and to Authorize the City Manager to Enter Into an Open Space Use Agreement with Dallas
In 1993, the City of Wylie and the City of Sachse jointly approved a Resolution supporting the efforts
of the Dallas County Open Space Program to acquire land to develop as a natural preserve and walking
path. At that time, the County was planning to pursue the purchase of flood plain land along Muddy Creek
from Garland, through Sachse and into Wylie to the County line. The intent was to develop the Muddy
Creek Preserve as a nature area with a walking path. The funding source would be through Dallas County
bond programs, and state and federal grant programs.
Since that time, Dallas County has been working on the purchase of the individual parcels of land
and, to date, has not been able to secure all of the land necessary for the Sachse/Wylie connection.
However, there is a tract of land at the southern most portion of the Wylie city limits where Pleasant Valley
crosses Muddy Creek that the County has been able to secure. Due to the amount of time that has passed,
the County has asked if the City still wishes to participate in the program.
The Open Space Program operates in the following manner. The land is purchased by Dallas
County, who then secures the additional funding through County funds or grants for any improvements to
the land, i.e. parking lots and walking paths. The City and the County would enter into an Open Space
Agreement in which the County would lease the land to the City for a period of 99 years. The City would
agree to keep the land for open space and a natural park area. The City would also agree to maintain the
property free of litter and overgrown vegetation, and to provide normal police and fire protection.
The City of Wylie Parks and Open Space Master Plan, adopted in January of this year, indicates a
Major Trail in the flood plain areas along Muddy Creek which would extend from this tract, north through the
new Park/Athletic Field Complex and ultimately to areas northwest of the existing City limits.
Financial Considerations
Because the land will have to be purchased incrementally, officials from Dallas County indicate that
a grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will not be pursued until more land is available. The
officials indicated that the County would provide the funding for a parking lot and would then possibly work
with volunteer groups to begin to clear the area for the nature trail. Improvements would not be constructed
until this time next year, at the earliest. The City's obligations would be to periodically clean the area, which
can be accommodated by existing staff and equipment. Police and fire services are already in place.
Legal Considerations
Chapter 331.008 - Municipal and County Cooperation states that a municipality and county may act
in cooperation with each other in the exercise of authority.
Board/Commission Recommendation
The Park Board reviewed this proposal during their November 25 meeting. The Board indicated their
support and view the proposal as an opportunity to begin development of a nature trail that is in line with the
Parks Master Plan with very little financial burden being placed on the City or its staff.
Staff Recommendation
1993 Resolution
Sample Open Space Agreement
Map of the Proposed Acreage
Excerpt from the Parks and Open Space Master Plan
Prepay y Re ' ed by F. anc City Manager Approval
Oct- 17-96 05:05P Dallas Co . Budget Office 214-653-6517 P . 03
WHEREAS, Dallas County has conducted the Dallas County Open Space
Program since 1977 through bond programs, state and federal
grant funds, and private funds; and,
WHEREAS, the goals of the Open Space Program include the
acquiring and preserving or biological , topographical,
wildlife habitat resources, and the restriction of natural
open space areas suitable for passive, low-intensity
recreation, nature observation, education, and
interpretation; and,
WHEREAS, there currently exists a tract of land in the cities of
Wylie and Sachse which meets the Dallas County Open Space
Plan criteria; and,
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Wylie and the City of
Sachse to work with Dallas County in partnership to plan and
preserve an overall open space program around which the
future urban development of these two cities can relate,
That , the tract of land designated on attachment A of this
resolution be considered by Dallas County as a candidate open
space acquisition site for use as a preserve for wildlife,
passive, low-intensity recreation, nature observation, education,
and interpretation as set forth in the Dallas County Open Space
Plan; and,
That, once developed by Dallas County the Cities of Wylie and
Sachse hereby Jointly commit to the maintenance and operation of
such preserve.
Approved and passed by The City Council of The City of Wylie on
this ola-caQ Day of March, 1993 and by The City of Sachse on
this Day of March, 1993.
ATTEST)711-41 YO , ITY OF ji
Oct-17-96 05:05P Dallas Co . Budget Office 214-653-6517 P .04
This Open Space Use Agreement is entered into this day of
, 1996 by and between the County of Dallas (herein the
"County") and the City of ***, Texas, a Texas municipal corporation, (herein the "City").
WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to promote the preservation of open space areas
and natural park lands for the use and benefit of the public and future generations; and
WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to allocate by mutual agreement the
responsibilities for governmental functions and services which are or may become necessary
for the best use of acquired open space areas in accordance with the Adopted Policy of the
Dallas County Park and Open Space Board, and pursuant to the Texas Interlocal
Cooperation Act, Tex, Gov't. Code #791.001 (formerly Texas Revised Civil Statutes Article
4413 (32c).
NOW, THEREFORE for and in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and for and in
consideration of the mutual agreements, covenants, conditions and provisions contained
herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The County and the City agree that the open space property, more fully described as being
*** acres, more or less, situated in the *** Survey. Abstract No. ***, City of ***, executed
by *"to COUNTY OF DALLAS, TEXAS, and recorded in Volume ***. Page *** of the
Real Property Records of Dallas County,Texas,being more particularly described in Exhibit
'A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby leased to the City for ninety-nine
(99) years, beginning with the date of execution hereof, subject to the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth, and which shall be renewable by mutual consent of both parties.
The County represents that the land for open space is owned by the County in fee simple.
Oct- 17-96 05:06P Dallas Co . Budget Office 214-653-6517 P .05
The County agrees that the City, acting through its Park and Recreation Board, may develop
the property for public outdoor recreation uses in accordance with the Adopted Policy of
the Dallas County Park and Open Space Board, (a copy of which is attached and
incorporated by reference) if such developments are authorized by the Open Space Board
and approved by the County. Conversation of this property to any use other than a public
outdoor recreation use is not intended, except under the terms of the Land and Water
Conservation Fund Project Agreement between the County and the United States
Government. The parties further agree to comply with the public hearing requirements of
Texas Parks & Wildlife § Code 26.001, et.seq.
The City agrees to maintain the property reasonably free of litter, dumping wastes,
overgrown vegetation, and other natural or manmade conditions which would diminish the
natural qualities of the property. Maintenance activities may be conducted as appropriate
and necessary for the particular requirements of the property.
The City agrees to provide normal police and fire protection for the property at all times,
and shall take reasonable precautions to guard the property from abuse through vandalism
or wanton destruction.
The City agrees to pay for the performance of governmental functions or services in
connection with the property, excluding emergency assistance from the County, from the
City's current, available revenues.
The City and the County shall perform and exercise all rights, duties, functions and services
in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
If the City fails to fulfill any condition or term of this Agreement, then upon ninety (90)
days written notice to the City, the County may take any corrective action reasonable and
necessary to effect such conditions or terms; for which, the City shall bear all costs.
Furthermore, the County may require the City to remove any or all unauthorized
improvements, fixtures, or other unauthorized alterations to the property prior to date of
termination, for which the City shall bear all costs.
Oct- 17-96 05 :06P Dallas Co . Budget Office 214-653-6517 P .06
This Agreement may be terminated by the mutual consent of both the City and the County.
Upon termination, the County agrees to provide the City reasonable time to remove
portable equipment or facilities and the County agrees to purchase all duly authorized
permanent improvements erected by the City on the property at a price that shall represent
the original cost of such improvements minus depreciation.
The City agrees to save, protect, defend and hold harmless the County from any and all
suits, claims, or causes or action which may arise out of or in any manner be connected with
the operation of recreation or development programs or the negligence of City employees,
agents, or servants, to the extent provided by law; provided, however, that this Indemnity
Agreement does not cover or include:
(a) any liability or obligation of the County arising under or from the breach of
any contract or agreement to which the City is not a party; and
(b) any tort claim or liability arising from the negligence of the County or its
agents, servants or employees.
The County agrees to save, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City from any and all
suits, claims, causes of action or public liability which may arise out of County operations
or programs, to the extent provided by law; however, that this indemnity agreement does not
cover or include:
(a) any liability or obligation of the City arising under or from the breach of any
contract or agreement to which the County is not a party; and
(b) any tort claim or liability arising from the negligence of the City or its agents,
servants or employees.
Nothing herein shall be deemed in any manner to constitute a waiver of any immunity or
affirmative defense which may be asserted by the County or the City pursuant to law. Nor
shall this provision be in any manner construed to create a cause of action for the benefit
of any person not a party to this Agreement, or to create any rights for the benefit of any
person not a party to this Agreement not otherwise existing at law.
This Agreement shall not become effective until approved by City Council Resolution and
Commissioners Court Order and signed by both parties.
Oct- 17-96 05 :06P Dallas Co . Budget Office 214-653-6517 P .07
SIGNED AND AGREED by and between the County and the City on this day
of , 1996.
City Secretary City Manager
City Controller Assistant City Attorney
Lee F. Jackson Assistant District Attorney
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Vllyl CityCouncil #11
agenda Communication for December 10, 1996
Worksess on - Phase 11 of Municipal Service Center Bid Specifications
Discuss bid solicitations for Phase II of the Municipal Service Center capital construction project. No
formal action is required.
The Phase I of the Municipal Service Center included construction of a 3,700 square foot
office/warehouse building and perimeter fencing which was reduced by 500 linear feet. Deleted entirely were
the 2,600 square foot garage, lockers, flag poles and entry signs. The Phase II bid could consist of the
addition of the fleet maintenance garage. Bids could be solicited on a metal shop building, similar in square
footage to the original tilt wall design, with two drive-through bays. The height of the proposed building would
be reduced to 20 feet, as opposed to the 24 foot roof line of the original design. The overall dimensions of
the proposed building could be 54 feet wide by 48 feet deep by 20 feet high. An alternate bid could be
included for a smaller structure having only one drive-through bay. The width and height of this alternate
design would be identical to the base bid, with a reduction of approximately 1,100 square feet in depth
resulting from the deletion of the second bay. The overall dimensions of the alternate building could be 54
feet wide by 28 feet deep by 20 feet high. Additional alternate bids could be considered in order to identify
all possible cost reductions. Provided herewith are attachments outlining the proposed basic specifications
and rudimentary schematic drawings of the base bid design.
The proposed Phase II site work consists of two components. A practical necessity is the concrete
paving required to provide access to the proposed garage addition and the existing warehouse area on the
east side of the building. The other section of concrete flatwork to be included in the bid is the lot west of
the building (approximately 120 feet by 165 feet in the original site plan) which is designed for the staging
of heavy equipment and storage of bulk aggregate materials (Please see attached illustration of site work).
The west lot will provide eight (8) defined parking spaces and approximately sixteen (16) to twenty four (24)
spaces for heavy equipment and vehicles. The bid solicitation will require unit pricing of bid items and will
be structured to allow for reductions in the amount of paving if funding is not adequate. Due to the prevailing
budgetary constraints, staff anticipates that reductions in the proposed site work are likely. The concrete
site paving for Phase I included one driveway, a 4,800 square foot parking lot for employees (20 vehicles)
and a smaller paved parking area for three (3) vehicles adjacent to the west wall of the building. Total
staffing at this location is eighteen (18) full-time and five (5) seasonal workers for a total of twenty three (23).
Phase I currently has a total of twenty three (23) parking spaces available for City vehicles, heavy
equipment, staff parking, and the public.
Phase I of the Service Center Complex was completed in November 16, 1996 for a total cost of
$641,525. The following represents a narrative summary of the activities leading up to the completion of
Phase I. At the beginning of FY 1996 Budget no preliminary architectural or engineering design work had
yet been completed. Competitive bids were solicited in March of 1996 for the construction of the Service
Center facility (with fencing and other appurtenances) and the concrete site work required for access to the
building/warehouse, parking, and materials storage. The initial construction plans were identified as Phase
I of the project, with additional parking and possible building expansion envisioned for the future (Please see
attached copy of original Phase I site plan). Six bids were received for construction of the building and eight
for the concrete site work. Upon receipt of the bids, it became apparent that the overall cost of the project,
including the extension of Hensley Lane, architectural/engineering fees and other related expenses, would
exceed the architect's original estimate by 35 per cent. The low bids for the building and site work exceeded
the architect's estimates by 42 per cent and 53 per cent, respectively. With the bids considerably higher than
the preliminary estimates, it was necessary to make severe reductions in the scope of Phase I of the project.
The proposed Phase II construction would address some of the more utilitarian features of the project that
were deleted from Phase I.
Financial Considerations
The operating budget approved by Council for fiscal 1997 includes an allocation of$150,000.00 to
the Service Center Capital Project Fund to finance the proposed Phase II construction outlined above.
Legal Considerations
The proposed bid solicitations for both the building and site work must be conducted in compliance
with the competitive sealed bid process required by the Local Government Code. Other statutory
requirements are the provision of performance and payment bonds by the successful bidder(s) and the
services of a registered engineer for M.E.P. design and review. Another consideration is that the
Architectural Act requires that new buildings in excess of$100,000 must be designed by an architect. Each
of these legal requirements are dictated by the estimated cost of the project.
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
Phase I Site Plan, Garage Specifications, Schematic Drawings of Garage Addition, Site Work Plan,
Phase I Summary, User Needs Justification.
Prepa d by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Appr.
11/20/1995 00:03 9729322432 JIMHOMEFAX PAGE 04
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Wylie Service Center - Phase One Archtl ts, In
HCA #93040 September 9, 1995 suits 310 to s Ave
Dafas TX 75231
11/20/96 01:14 TX/RX NO.3500 P.004II
Construction Method: Pre-Manufactured/Engineered Commercial Steel Building.
Approximate Dimensions: 54 ft. wide by 48 ft. deep.
Drive-Through Bays: 2 bays with insulated commercial overhead doors having windows and exhaust
ports. One set of bay doors to be 14 ft. wide by 16 ft. high to accomodate fire apparatus (in particular
the Quint engine)and other heavy equipment. Second set of bay doors to be 12 ft. wide by 12 ft. high
to accommodate light duty trucks and passenger cars.
Building Height: 20 ft., with 12-18 inch slope front-to-back for drainage.
Concrete Slab: Minimum 8 inch lime stabilized slab, with trench drain plumbed for exterior "gray
water" drainage.
Interior Finish-Out:
One office, approximately 8'X10'w/window and locking 3.0' metal door.
One work/drum storage area, approximately 10'X33' w/elevated mezzanine parts storage.
One 3.0' locking metal or solid core wood entry door connecting to existing building. Doorway to
be saw-cut in existing concrete tilt wall panel, reinforced and framed.
One ceiling mounted gas(propane) fired heater.
Wall and ceiling insulation R-factor rated for maximum energy efficiency.
Plumbing to include water supply line for ice machine and emergency shower/eye-wash.
Minimum 200 amp electrical service.
Lighting: Adequate explosion-proof flourescent fixtures, skylights for additional natural light.
Exterior security flood lights.
Exterior: Metal shell to be painted to match existing building. City building code requires minumum
75 per cent masonry(or screening) for east wall.
Front (south) metal wall to consist of a 6 ft. kneewall attached to top of existing concrete tilt wall
panel which forms rear(north) exterior wall of existing building.
Concrete-filled pipe bollards on each side of bay doors to prevent damage to exterior shell.
The following alternate bids will be considered:
Alternate 1: Same as above, except: Approximate dimensions: 54 ft. wide by 28 ft. deep. One drive-
through bay with doors to be 14 ft. wide by 16 ft. high.
Alternate 2 (add-on): Masonry on all sides to enhance appearance (in particular, view from new
community park).
Alternate 3 (deduct): Bidder will state cost reduction to delete overhead door insulation.
General Notes on Specifications:
Pre-manufactured steel building is assumed to be least expensive construction method.
Dimensions are based on adequate width to accomodate drive-through bay for larger equipment and
adequate depth to accomodate two bays and minimal office/work areas. Width approximately
matches existing rear wall.
Two bays will optimize productivity by allowing other vehicles/equipment to be brought in for
maintenance when one bay is occupied by an inoperative unit waiting for repair parts. The two bay
design will also facilitate temporary storage of equipment (e.g. garaging of jet machine during
freezing weather).
The 16 ft. height of at least one set of bay doors is dictated by the minimum requirements to
accomodate the Quint engine (per Fire Chief English).
Building height of at least 20 ft. is dictated by the minimum requirements for a 16 ft. overhead door.
The interior height would also allow certain maintenance functions to be performed on the backhoes
and dump trucks.
The minimum spec for concrete slab is based on recommendation of the City's consulting engineer
and would be required for any commercial development of its kind.
An enclosed office area is required for use by the fleet mechanic in order to process work order paper
work and reporting documents,maintain adequate filing/record storage and to secure the mechanic's
small hand tools.
An adequate work area, separate from the vehicle maintenance bays, is necessary to accomodate large
equipment and bulk automotive fluids which cannot be left to clutter or impede the bays (e.g., wheel
balancer, tire changing machine, hydraulic jacks and oil drums).
An elevated storage mezzanine for frequently used auto parts, located above the aforementioned
work area, provides ready availability of needed parts and efficient space utilization.
Emergency shower/eyewash is required by ANSI standards and recommended by the City's insurance
provider, and is consistent with the City's overall safety standards.
11/20/1996 00:03 9729322432 JIMHOMEFAX PAGE 07
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Fiscal 1990- Service Center Capital Project Fund is created using approximately
$300,000.00 in revenue from 1990 bond issues. No design or needs
assessment has been done.
July, 1993- After interviewing several architectural firms, the City accepts a
proposal from Hatfield Crookless Architects to provide "conceptual
and limited services" relating to the design and construction of a new
Municipal Service Center.
The project is subsequently postponed, pending selection and
acquisition of an appropriate site for the facility.
February, 1995- The City purchases 80 acres of land and designates fifteen (15) acres
of the tract as the future site of the Municipal Service Center. The cost
of the Service Center site is $87,825.00.
August, 1995- An additional $50,100.00 in bond revenue is transferred to the
Service Center Fund from the Landfill Closure Fund. Total allocation
to date is $350,100.00.
Preliminary schematic designs are submitted by Hatfield Crookless
for review by City staff. No estimates of construction cost have been
September, 1995- Hatfield Crookless submits construction cost estimates based on
revised schematic design: Building w/Fence and Gate- 317,000.00,
Concrete Site Work- 102,000.00, Extension of Hensley Lane-
31,200.00, Architect's Fees- 33,520.00, Site Utilities, Landscaping
and Contingency- 65,000.00. Architect's total cost estimate-
$548,720.00. The architect's estimate for the building is subsequently
increased to $379,900.00, bringing the total cost estimate to
City executes agreement with Hatfield Crookless for architectural
services to include completion of the project from schematic design
through bidding and construction phases.
Service Center Fund balance at close of fiscal '95 is $317,900.00.
October, 1995- Fiscal '96 budget includes transfer of $150,000.00 to Service Center
Fund from General and Utility Funds, bringing project fund total to
March, 1996- Hatfield Crookless delivers final plans and bid documents. Hogan
Corporation has assumed responsibility for site work bid and
construction phase. Bid invitations are advertised.
Extension of Hensley Lane is completed at a cost of$79,000.00. Work
is performed under a change order to an existing contract with East
Texas Construction.
Of six bids received on the building and eight bids received on the site
work, the lowest responsive bids are as follows:
Building- $537,240.00 from Rogers Blair General Contractors
Sitework- $156,133.00 from East Texas Construction
With actual bids, project cost projections now total $830,660.00,
exceeding the architect's estimate by 35 per cent.
City staff spends the next four weeks working with contractors,
architect and consulting engineer to identify possible cost reductions
through value engineered construction methods, delays or deletions
of some project components.
The City's contract with Hatfield Crookless Architects is terminated.
Total fees paid for architectural services amount to $31,000.00. No
fees are paid for services related to the construction phase of the
project or bid phase of the site work.
April, 1996- Council authorizes City Manager to negotiate contracts with total
construction budget not to exceed $600,000.00.
Change order is issued on East Texas Construction contract reducing
amount of concrete site work to a total cost of$55,900.00.
An amended contract is executed with Rogers Blair for the scaled
down Phase I building construction in the amount of $448,000.00.
Phase I now consists of the 3,700 square foot tilt-wall
office/warehouse building and perimeter fencing which has been
reduced by 500 linear feet. Deleted entirely are the 2,600 square foot
garage, security gate, lockers and entry signs.
June, 1996- An additional sum of$127,000.00 is transferred to the Service Center
budget from Perimeter Street Fund and interest earnings from Street
and Utility Construction bond monies.
October, 1996- $150,000.00 is budgeted in fiscal '97 for Phase II construction to
include he proposed addition of the fleet garage and additional
concrete paving necessary to access the garage and warehouse and
to provide heavy equipment parking and bulk material storage.
Council rejects approval of an proposed change order to Rogers Blair
which would add the garage construction to the existing contract,
using the original tilt wall design, at a cost of$69,150.00.
Phase I construction is completed. Total project costs are as follows:
Building- $457,530.00
Sitework- $ 55,900.00
Road Ext- $ 79,000.00
Arch.Fee- $ 31,100.00
Engineer- $ 8,000.00
Misc.Exp- $ 9.995.00
Total - $641,525.00
To facilitate the daily operations of the Public works and Parks departments, the personnel
and equipment need to be located in one central location. The new parking space
included in the Service Center Phase II specifications should be enough to allow Parks
and Public Works to bring their equipment to the central location. The centralizing of the
equipment would provide more positive controls over storage and maintenance for both
departments. Communication problems occur when the equipment is scattered around in
several storage areas (Community Park, Service Center Annex, New Service Center),
which results in lost man-hours and extra costs. With the new fleet maintenance facilities
and the majority of the equipment working out of the same location, our fleet maintenance
mechanic will be able to give better service to all departments.
Listed below are the justifications and uses of the proposed drive-thru bays One and Two.
Bay One - Heavy Duty and Regular Maintenance
Bay One is designed as a heavy equipment drive-thru work area with 14 foot wide by 16
foot high bay doors. This bay will have the necessary height and width to perform
maintenance and repairs on Public Works heavy equipment as well as the Fire
Department's major fire fighting apparatus. When repairs on heavy equipment are
needed, the bays can often be tied up for long periods while the parts are ordered,
delivered, and installed. The possibility of delays with having only one bay suggests that
having two bays would be more preferable so that maintenance on cars and trucks will not
be delayed. The heavy equipment bay will also be utilized for welding, oil changes,
lubrication, as well as any other necessary repairs. This bay can also be used for routine
maintenance and repairs on other city vehicles. Engine short and long block repairs will
also be performed in this drive-thru bay. The equipment listed below is classified as heavy
equipment by the user departments.
1. Quint 1
2. Engines 2 and 3
3. Warrior
4. Attack 1 and 2
1. 2 Backhoes
2. 1 Rubber Tired loader
3. 2 Dump trucks
4. 1 Pump truck
5. 1 Transport trailer
6. 1 Asphalt roller
7. Wastewater jet machine
8. 2 Heavy duty (step) vans
9. 2 John Deere tractors
10. 2 Heavy duty mowers
Bay Two - Regular Maintenance
Bay Two is designed as a non-heavy equipment drive-thru work area with 12 foot wide by
12 foot high bay doors. The primary use of this bay will be to service and repair all of the
City's pickups, cars and vans. Light maintenance work performed in this bay will typically
include electrical, inspections, brakes, tire changes and balancing, lights, tune-ups and
oil changes. A total of 35 vehicles (cars, vans, pickups) will utilize this drive-thru bay. In
the future, Bay Two is expected to have a 7 foot floor hi-lift installed. This new lift will
increase the mechanic's efficiency in performing lubrication, drive-train inspections, oil
changes and brake repairs on non-heavy duty equipment.
Having two drive-thru bays will make it easier for Public Works personnel to provide
service during severe winter weather (32 degrees or less). It would be ideal to have the
capacity to store one backhoe, one dump truck and the jet machine for emergency call-out
procedures. In extreme winter conditions the diesel engines in heavy equipment are very
hard to crank due to thickening of the motor oil. The jet machine must be stored in a
heated area to avoid expensive damage to the high pressure pump from freezing. The jet
machine also stores internally 600 gallons of water to be used for emergency call-outs of
backed sewer mains. During severe winter weather, Public Works will need 3 of the 4 bay
areas included in Bay One and Bay Two drive-thrus.