07-08-2003 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2003 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL Tt3 )ER NVOCATION& P ;E E�.OF ALL �G1AN E.. . CITIZENS PAR`IT c I PAT I Ol ATHOFOFRI • Administer Oath of Office to newly appointed and reappointed Board and Commission members. COS1T: NA :: on t::A cn : ::goOsEdood:t :: : ab:::Ott::C... ::> itio**0 a d .$ «:<::; . : ::wk ::l ::: :. .ki*o ii*osOk� :: :.O.*.w!f # 4h.s .*i*1 00.ko: :ttP� 4tiscr*o*.0.:; rot the Consent Age id ': nd i€ll::b :conside d;:s p ai y: A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 24, 2003. B. Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for the New Hope Christian Church Addition, being all of a certain 12.734 acre tract of land generally located south of Brown Street (F.M. 3412) and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), as recorded in a deed to New Hope Christian Church of Wylie in Volume 5237,Page 3267 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas(DRCCT),and being situated in the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. C. Consider and act upon a Replat of Lot 1R-1, Lot 1R-2 and Lot 1R-3, Block C, Woodlake Village Addition, being a certain 27.37 acre tract of land generally located north of State Highway 78 and west of Spring Creek Parkway,being a Replat of Lot 1,Block C,Woodlake Village Addition,as recorded in Cabinet G, Slide 385 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas (PRCCT), and being situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. I1NDI IllUA CONSIDE AT'If N 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, adopting the Park Boulevard alignment study. Executive Summary The Collin County Engineering Department contracted with NTB Associates,Inc.to perform an alignment study for Park Boulevard. The alignment establishes another east-west route north of FM 544 and connects to Park Boulevard on the east side of Plano. Future improvements to the roadway include reconstruction and realignment to a 6-lane divided concrete section which starts at McCreary road to the west and ties into Spring Creek Parkway to the east as shown on the attached plans. Private developers and the Wylie Independent School District have recently constructed portions of the new alignment and adoption of the alignment will preserve the right-of-way and ensure construction of the roadway as development occurs along the route. A public meeting was held on July 25, 2002 at the City of Wylie to discuss alignment alternatives and to receive input on the options presented. Multiple routes were considered and a few changes were made to the preferred alignment based on the input received, which helped to reduce the number of structures affected. Collin County will be adopting the alignment during an upcoming meeting. WOR SESSION . • Discuss and consider Street Naming Policies AD, QIUI MINT:: " . In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 3rd day of_July,2003 at 5:00 p.m.as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also posted to the City of Wylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170. MINUTES Wylie City Council Tuesday, June 24, 2003 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North CAYLL TO O ET :: Mayor Pro Tern Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Shinn, Councilman Worley, Councilman Trout,and Mayor John Mondy absent. The following staff members were present: City Manager, Biff Johnson; Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson; Police Chief, Jeff Butters; Park Superintendent, Bill Nelson, Planning & Zoning Director, Claude Thompson; Finance Director, Brady Snellgrove; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. Ili'C�OCA I )N'&:PLEDGE..OF LEE I CE Reverend Chuck Hubbard of the Gloria dei Lutheran Church gave the invocation and Councilwoman Allen lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Anne Hiney with the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation will present a proposal for Community Built Playground Equipment. Anne and Bill Hiney were introduced by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue. Mr. Hiney presented the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation and some of the playground projects both underway and completed in Texas. Mr. Hiney explained that the goal of the foundation was to unite and strengthen the community by utilizing volunteer labor to purchase and construct a playground site that could be utilized by the entire city. Mr. Hiney explained to the council that these community built playgrounds were very individual to each community and the volunteers along with the city and other organizations provide the services needed to complete the project. Mr. Hiney commented that the city could donate in kind services, land, or equipment as their portion of the project. Organizations involved in the project would have fund raisers to acquire revenue for the project. He explained that there were Federal and State funds that could also be applied for that are set aside for such programs and projects. Mr. Hiney displayed several completed playgrounds in outlying areas and explained the differences that made each playground unique to that community. He explained that there were three phases to this project, the design phase, the organization phase, and the construction phase. Once the project was complete, volunteers provided by the foundation could maintain the playground. The foundation at that point would turn the playground over to the City. Mr. Hiney closed the presentation by stating that he was very excited to begin the project for the City of Wylie. CI`I' E lS 1."AE. 'IC AT711' N There was no one present to address the council. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 1 +CONSENT AGEND ,t) I paatters bated .deer the Co tt Agenda are considered to he routine by the City Council and will be enacted b ..nee..m ti nai::::: here r n t►l::Vie:separate discus on of these items. if discussiou uF deair `thatittenv villa:be remoi:'frv�oithe.��nsenit A,�eiada:auc� l:one e�nstdered.separa# y.,.:. ,. A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2003 B. Consider and act upon a Final Plat for the Birmingham Farms Phase 14A and including a Replat of Lots 15-23, Block J, Birmingham Farms Phase 2A, being a certain 46.395 acre tract of land generally located south of the proposed Park Boulevard extension and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), and including all of Lots 15-23, Block J of Birmingham Farms Phase 2A, as recorded in Cabinet N, Page 887 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas (PRCCT), and being situated in the Mercer Phalen Survey,Abstract No. 695, the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1021, and the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. C. Consider and act upon a Final Plat for the Birmingham Farms Phase 14B, being a certain 34.488 acre tract of land generally located south of the proposed Park Boulevard extension and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), and being situated in the Mercer Phalen Survey, Abstract No. 695 and the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1021, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Worley, seconded by Councilman Trout to approve the consent agenda. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon a change in zoning for a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Minor Vehicular (Boat) Repair within a Neighborhood Services (NS) District, located at 650 Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), being all of that certain 1.00 acre tract as described in a deed to Ronald J. Johnson, recorded in County Clerk's File No. 02-0077388, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being part of a certain called 14.497 acre tract of land conveyed to Novid Properties, Inc., recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0076788, and being situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-05) Staff Comments Mr. Claude Thompson addressed the Council on this item. He stated that the applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit *(SUP) to operate a Minor Vehicle Repair (boats only) in a vacant retail building. The subject property was previously occupied by the Walker/Roper Fence Company, and is one acre in size. The building is approximately 4,560 sq. ft. faced with masonry on the street front and metal on the sides, as well as associated concrete parking and fenced open space which is partially paved and partially gravel. Plans are to utilize the building for minor repairs of boats and any boat parking and short-term storage will be behind the screen fence. The property has never been plated into an official lot of record. The applicant is aware that the property must be platted prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. At the June 3, 2003 Planning and Zoning meeting,the Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the proposed zoning change with the following stipulations: 1. Masonry enclosure for dumpster to match the building masonry; 2. Landscaping to meet the current code; 3. 4 foot high wainscot of brick with accent Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 2 to match existing building facade on the south side of the building. Mr. Thompson commented that the applicant was not available for the Planning and Zoning Meeting held on June 3, 2003 nor was he present tonight and that staff had not been able to contact him to confirm that he would abide by the stipulations not yet addressed. Staff Discussion Mr. Biff Johnson asked Mr. Thompson what the ramifications would be if the Council approved the Zoning Ordinance and the applicant did not complete all stipulations required both by current zoning requirements and the stipulations set forth by the Planning and Zoning Board pertinent to this zoning issue. Mr. Thompson stated that the permit would be issued but upon final inspection of the property by the building inspector, a Certificate of Occupancy would not be issued and the property would revert back to the base zoning. Council Discussion Councilman Trout asked Mr. Thompson if there had been a Telecommunications company in this building. Mr. Thompson replied that to the best of his research, the only company occupying the building was a fence company. Councilman Trout asked then if any other type of business could be operated out of the building other than a Minor Boat Repair. Mr. Thompson said that only the Minor Boat Repair was approved in the Special Use Permit. Councilman Worley asked Mr. Thompson if the proposed plat had addressed erosion to outlying areas. Mr. Thompson stated that the plat had already been cut out to address those areas to the east and south of the property. Mr. Thompson also stated that the property had been used for this in the past. Councilman Young asked Mr. Thompson about whether or not the resins would be an issue and who would monitor the waste removal. Mr. Biff Johnson stated that the City per se would not monitor this but the Fire Department would be doing general inspections and would address any problems that arise. Mr. Johnson also stated that because the business was a minor boat repair, that resin would not be an issue. Councilman Young also asked Mr. Thompson about outside storage and how close this would be to a residential area. Mr. Thompson stated that the closest residential area was separated by the creek. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue opened the Public Hearing asking any citizen desiring to address the council to come forward. No one was present to address the council. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue closed the Public Hearing. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Worley, seconded by Councilman Trout to approve Ordinance #2003-12 allowing a Special Use Permit for a Minor Boat Repair with all three Planning and Zoning stipulations: 1. Masonry enclosure for dumpster to match the building masonry; 2. Landscaping to meet the current code; and 3. Four foot high wainscot of brick with accent to match existing building facade on the south side of the building met. A vote was taken and passed 5-1 with Councilman Young voting against. 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) and Townhouse (TH) to Planned Development (PD) District for Residential Uses, generally located west of Westgate Way and north of F.M. 544, being all of a certain 53.6 acre tract of land being comprised of parcels of land deeded to Wylie Realty Investments, L.L.C., recorded in Volume 5042, Page 2944 and in Volume 5007, Page 2266, and Tract 1 deeded to L.M.B. Partnership, Ltd. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 3 recorded in Volume 5159, Page 3104 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case 2003-06) Staff Comments The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property in order to permit development of a single- family detached residential neighborhood. The proposal is intended to continue the residential patterns established by the Westgate neighborhood to the north and the townhouse and apartment developments to the east, and to better address the property's adverse adjacency to the active railroad corridor. The Proposed Planned Development District includes a total of 53.6 acres of land, and is currently being consolidated under single ownership. At the June 3, 2003 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the proposed zoning change with some stipulations. Council Discussion Councilman Trout asked Mr. Thompson if other developments along 544 and the railroad tracks had Home Owner Association's that took care of their buffer zones. Mr. Thompson stated that yes they did along with other issues such as mosquito control and flood issues. Councilman Young asked Mr. Thompson to review the units per acre. Mr. Thompson stated that there would be a 3.75 overall density and no more than 200 units built which is less than the 255 maximum units that would be allowed according to the Planned Development District Zoning. Councilman Young asked if it was more expensive for the City to maintain townhouses opposed to residential property. Mr. Johnson stated that there were arguments for and against the cost issues. He stated that on low density property there were higher revenues from water and sewer but in some cases it was more costly to maintain those lines. Mr. Thompson stated that the question the council was presented with applied to the comprehensive plan and our fiduciary responsibility is to deny requests that do not follow that plan but because of the density of the planned development, the Planning & Zoning Board felt it was in the best interest of the city to go forward with this zoning change. Councilman Worley asked Mr. Thompson about the monitoring of the 100% masonry on units backing Westgate Way. Mr. Thompson stated that building officials would monitor these areas for compliance. Applicant/Developer Comments Mr. Rob Adams representing Adam's Development & Engineering and Legacy Homes addressed the Council. Mr. Adams stated that Legacy Homes had been a part of the Planned Development of the City of Wylie for several years now with a distinguished reputation for the quality of their homes. He stated that the issue of low density with concern to town home units conformed to the existing Planned Development (PD) due to the existing developments. Mr. Adams requested that the open space be dedicated as park land and not maintained by the HOA. Mr. Adams opened the floor for questions. Councilman Young asked Mr. Adams for clarification on the point system and repeat of elevation. Mr. Adams stated that the point system was in line with the PD. Councilman Young then asked Mr. Adams what the city was receiving for the zone change. Mr. Johnson asked council if they wanted to plan for the whole property or just the 15.5 acre town homes and wait on the 38 acres of Country Residential Development. He stated that the low density of the town homes was the receiving factor for the city. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 4 Councilman Worley asked Mr. Adams if Legacy Homes was the sole builder of the development. Mr. Adams stated that as far as he knew they were. Councilman Trout asked if the development met zoning code with 75% masonry and if there would be an HOA to maintain the land adjacent to the railroad track. Councilman Trout stated that his main concerns were that the smaller lots would accommodate the size homes proposed without going back to Zoning Board of Adjustments and could all the lots be utilized. Mr. Adams replied that the plan would accommodate the homes proposed and that all lots could be utilized and that they would meet all zoning requirements pertaining to masonry. Mayor Pro Tem opened the Public Hearing and asked any citizens wanting to address the council to come forward. There were no citizens present to address the council. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue closed the Public Hearing. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilwoman Allen to approve Ordinance #2003-13 to include the stipulations required by the Planning and Zoning Board and the Parks and Recreation Board. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. 3. Consider and act upon appointments to the Construction Code Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustments and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation for those whose terms expire in July of 2003. Council Review Board Recommendations Councilman Young and Councilman Shinn presented recommendations for the appointment and reappointment of the 2003 Boards and Commission members as follows: Construction Code Board Mike Phillips, Steve Repasky,Frank Spingola and Jerry Coombs Library Board Pauline Akin, Shirley Burnett, Scott Ames, and Joe Murphy Parks&Recreation Board Daniel Chesnut,Ivan Holmes, and Larry Bowles Parks&Recreation 4B Board Shirley Burnett,Dan Chesnut,Anne Hiney, and Eric Hogue Planning&Zoning Board William Chapman, Michael George, M. G. Red Byboth, and Chris Seely to fill the unexpired term of Jeff Adamcik Wylie Economic Development Board Kevin St. John,John Yeager, and Merrill Young Zoning Board of Adjustments Weldon Bullock,Randle Henry, and Linda Jourdan Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young and Councilman Shinn,seconded by Councilman Worley to approve the recommendations of the 2003 Boards and Commissions for the City of Wylie as presented.A vote was taken and passed 6-0. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 5 Consider and act upon approval of a Park and Park Facilities Naming Policy and a Park Memorial Policy Board. Staff Comments Mr. Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent addressed the council stating that currently the City has no formal policy for the naming of City Parks or the facilities such as fields and pavilions contained within the parks. The park locations generally take on the name of the subdivisions in which they are located. The Park and Recreation Board recommend the adoption of a more formal policy to facilitate the process for existing and future parks and park facilities. Council Discussion Councilman Young asked Mr. Nelson if it was necessary to approve formal policies through City Council Action or if this could be done within the board itself. Mr. Nelson stated that the intent of the council approval was to give the board some direction. Councilman Shinn stated that he felt these policies that Council was approving were guidelines from which the board could base future decisions. Councilwoman Allen asked Mr. Nelson why bronze markers were not included in the Park Memorial Policy as they can withstand adverse conditions better than granite. Mr.Nelson stated that it would not be a problem to include that in the Park Memorial Policy. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Trout, seconded by Councilman Worley to approve the Park and Park Facilities Naming Policy and the Park Memorial Policy with the addition of bronze markers to be included in the Park Memorial Policy. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 5. Consider and act upon a bid for the installation of an irrigation system in the Meadows of Birmingham Park. Staff Comments Mr. Bill Nelson, Park Superintendent addressed the council stating that competitive sealed bids had been solicited for the installation of an automatic irrigation system in the Meadows of Birmingham Park. The scope of the contract will provide for all materials, labor and equipment necessary to install the irrigation system on the 7.8 acre site. The bid invitation includes an alternate bid that would add bubblers to irrigate up to 48 trees in the park. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Worley, seconded by Councilman Trout to accept the low bid of Canyon Creek Irrigation in the amount of$23,785.00. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. Other bids submitted were: New Deal Irrigation in the amount of $24,248.00, Turf-Scapes in the amount of $38,244.00,and America Landscape in the amount of$43.900.00. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 6 6. Consider and act upon a bid for the construction of concrete sidewalks in the Meadows of Birmingham Park. Staff Comments Mr. Bill Nelson addressed the council stating that competitive sealed bids had been solicited for the construction of concrete sidewalks in the Meadows of Birmingham Park. The scope of the contract will provide for all materials, labor and equipment necessary to construct 2,250 linear feet of 8 foot wide sidewalk in the park. Council Discussion Councilman Worley asked Mr. Nelson if all four companies received the same specification in the bid packets because of the wide range in the unit prices submitted for the work. He stated that when bids ranged so far apart, he was concerned. Mr. Johnson stated that he understood the concern but once the bids were opened, the companies were screened for workmanship and reliability and that the company submitting the low bid was a qualified company to complete the work. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Trout, seconded by Councilman Shinn to approve the low bid of Scott Lucas Construction in the amount of $47,250.00. A vote was taken and passed 5-1 with Councilman Worley voting against. 7. Consider and act upon a Resolution modifying the boundary between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Northeast Water Supply. Staff Comments Ms. Mindy Manson addressed the council stating that both the City of Wylie and the Wylie Northeast Water Supply have established areas of jurisdiction for the provision of water service that were established several years ago. The jurisdictional boundaries are identified through the Certificates of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) which are filed with the State. A portion of the WNE jurisdiction falls within the Birmingham Farms Subdivision with a randomly straight line due to the development of that subdivision. Staff has met with representatives of WNE in order to establish a logical split between the jurisdictions that made sense in terms of both service delivery and the development process. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Worley, seconded by Councilwoman Allen to approve Resolution #2003-11R modifying the boundary between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Northeast Water Supply. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 7 8. Consider and act upon the approval of a Resolution suspending the effective date of TXU Gas Distribution's requested rate changes. Staff Comments Ms Mindy Manson addressed the council stating that TXU Gas Distribution, a division of TXU Gas Company, filed a Statement of Intent to change gas rates in all municipalities within the TXU Gas Distribution System. With this filing, the company plans to consolidate the Pipeline and Distribution systems under a single set of rates. As with past rate filings, the City of Wylie has joined with area cities in a coalition in order to consolidate representation on rate cases and cost. Approval of Resolution #2003-12 R suspends the effective date of the proposed new rates, and consolidates the city with joint participation and authorizes intervention on behalf of the cities at the Railroad Commission. She also stated that the cost would be primarily paid by the larger cities which reserve funds for this purpose. Council Discussion Councilman Trout stated that in the past the same issue was addressed with the electric rates and that through the consolidation of representation process, the city ended up saving money once the case was resolved. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Trout, seconded by Councilman Young to approve Resolution #2003-12 R suspending the effective date of TXU Gas Distribution's requested rate changes. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. '''»> �A)qiI1��.:;'t��'::::.QIN�Y1'�I >:::TI'lE :CAPTh€33.'�:::>::::;tk.PF1�L� VI NCI �1.:: :RE :: ::I D::BY:WYLIE iTY.OTARTE .A TICL ll S TIO1 13- ,.:::;:::.; `:``' :...:..:....:::. .....E! City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich read Ordinance#2003-12 &2003-13 into the record. Mayor Pro Tern Hogue recessed the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern opened the Work Session at 7:20 p.m. Brief Work Session—Policy concerning presentation of materials at Public Hearings Mr. Biff Johnson asked council for some direction on a policy concerning presentation of materials by citizens at Public Hearings and on Posted Agenda Items. He stated that the Mayor had requested council to establish a policy for citizens presenting materials to council for not only practical purposes but for security as well. By requesting the information in advance, it could be placed in the council agenda packets and reviewed with other pertinent materials Ms. Manson stated that after speaking with the attorney,his advice was to adopt a policy that required information prior to the meeting. His theory was that if it was important enough for the council to review than it should be submitted ahead of time and placed in the council packets. She stated that during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting anyone could address the council on issues that were not on the agenda in compliance with the Open Meetings Act. Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 8 Councilman Young stated that he felt all materials should first go through city staff and then forwarded to the council via the council packets and the request to submit materials should have clearly on it that it should be submitted to staff first. The consensus of the council was that the staff prepare a policy for their review at the next council meeting. Councilman Young addressed the issue of motions. He asked if after a motion was made and seconded, the City Secretary could repeat the motion allowing every councilmember to be clear on the motion before voting. The City Secretary agreed to the request. There was also council discussion pertaining to the rules and order of business during council meetings that will be addressed at a later date. A motion was made by Councilman Trout, seconded by Councilman Shinn to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 6-0. John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Minutes—June 24,2003 Wylie City Council Page 9 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 . July 8, 2003 Issue Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, adopting the Park Boulevard alignment study. Background The Collin County Engineering Department contracted with NTB Associates, Inc. to perform an alignment study for Park Boulevard. The alignment establishes another east-west route north of FM 544 and connects to Park Boulevard on the east side of Plano. Future improvements to the roadway include reconstruction and realignment to a 6-lane divided concrete section which starts at McCreary road to the west and ties into Spring Creek Parkway to the east as shown on the attached plans. Park Boulevard is shown on the Collin County and the City of Wylie's Thoroughfare Plans. Private developers and the Wylie Independent School District have recently constructed portions of the new alignment and adoption of the alignment will preserve the right- of-way and ensure construction of the roadway as development occurs along the route. A public meeting was held on July 25, 2002 at the City of Wylie to discuss alignment alternatives and to receive input on the options presented. Multiple routes were considered and a few changes were made to the preferred alignment based on the input received, which helped to reduce the number of structures affected. Collin County will be adopting the alignment during an upcoming meeting. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations N/A Board/Commission Recommendations N/A Staff Recommendations Staff recommends adoption of the resolution establishing the Park Boulevard Alignment Attachments Resolution Exhibit 'A' str Prepared y Revi w d b Financ ity pproval RESOLUTION NO. 2003-13 (R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ADOPTING THE PARK BOULEVARD ALIGNMENT STUDY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, Collin County performed an alignment study for Park Boulevard through the Cities of Wylie and St. Paul, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City Council") has investigated and determined that the Park Boulevard Alignment Study performed by Collin County is an essential and necessary element of the development and construction of thoroughfares in the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined that the Park Boulevard Alignment Study should be adopted and reflected as an amendment to Wylie's Master Thoroughfare Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined that it will be in the best interest of Wylie and its citizens to adopt the Park Boulevard Alignment Study as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Adoption of the Park Boulevard Alignment Study. The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby adopts the Park Boulevard Alignment Study, performed by Collin County, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes. The adoption of the Park Boulevard Alignment Study amends Wylie's Master Thoroughfare Plan with regard to Park Boulevard as shown thereon. SECTION 3: Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and execution. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this_8th_day of_July_, 2003. JOHN MONDY, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH City Secretary RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PARK BOULEVARD ALIGNMNET STUDY—Page 1 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 13, July 8, 2003 Issue Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for the New Hope Christian Church Addition,being all of a certain 12.734 acre tract of land generally located south of Brown Street (F.M. 3412) and east of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378), as recorded in a deed to New Hope Christian Church of Wylie in Volume 5237,Page 3267 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas(DRCCT),and being situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Background This Preliminary Plat will create a single 12.734-acre lot for church related uses. The applicant plans to develop a multi-building complex, constructed in several phases. The property was originally zoned Single-Family 3 (SF-3)in 1987, and was to be included as Phase 4 of the Westgate Addition but was never final platted and never developed. The zoning was changed to the current Single-Family 8.5/17 District with the adoption of the revised citywide Zoning Ordinance and Map in 2002. Access to the property is to be primarily from Brown Street (F.M. 3412). The driveway layout to Brown Street has been tentatively approved by TxDOT but is still under review and will be finalized with the Final Plat. Two residential streets (Towngate and Nickelville) dead end into the subject property and will provide continuation of utilities as limited access to parking for future expansion of the church, but will not provide any through access between Brown Street and existing portions of the Westgate Addition to the east and south. The alleys that were constructed along the eastern and southern property lines have stub outs onto the subject property that will be removed and the right-of-way will be swapped by the City of Wylie for additional alley right-of-way to connect the alley along the southern property line to Towngate Drive and extend it to the west property line. Financial Considerations Plat Application Fees—Paid Other Considerations 1. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that"the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipal unless it is disapproved within that time period". 2. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the Site Plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Board/Commission Recommendations On June 17, 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat. Staff Recommendations Approval. Attachments Preliminary Plat Prepared by evie d by inance City Man er proval t a - s$R \ i p \ a \ \ y8i s w 60 0 60 100 160 \ \ E gy Q • Scale 1" = 50' -- -• � �"`�4/0 \ (-` T T _ T1 N UP56'26'•B mm.u' _ - &4, !A $ \.r' o�, � 5 ti o p�lun EAsoIgT Taw pG 3a r"- - TT e u oom 2e w nl.l. $1 -,„,,,\ ‘.. t 7111- YI 0 0 ,,,•-/ \ --i t.^::o ,a) i...,_ ikaplw, s I t c TOWNOATEeirs \DRIVE i/\L .1.7 •.c x oywv_ -- --"----1 / 'G��� .go �'_ (50' R.O.W.) ��- # w w 9iyesa c l �OTSVA w n.47. /V` 'se E y �'\7 \�I\i ra Nj5Y 0 ', \ gg5^ • • • �'a yuy �' S I'3 % t 5 y w ca \\ s ,e"4 =1 Ii LJ / 's w o \ �� 4 I Ern mC N LINE ['REMO DISTANCE CURVE lc 0 R' L' LC' f \\ , \ � \ n\ 1 _� a I I O 111 5 89'190.0 W 10.00' CI 2°39'74. 0904'14'E 120.00 45.36 45.09 • L2 20'43'36"E 50.00' C2 21.39.24" 19.5'46"W 100.00 37.80 37.57 \Ti a Y 6. 13 89'16.."E 17.22' t 40.00 24.1 05'44'25. 00.720"W 190.00 10.0 04'35'." 01'22E1"W 210.00 18.8 0039." 01.22'01"E _190.00 15.2 29'59'60" JSJ9'32"E 90.00 4].12 1911.14" JS1450•'E 190E0 53.88 16'11'14" 78.14'50"W 210.00 59.338032"W 20.09 3000'00" ]d39'32"w 110.00 57.60 56.94 'y\ 111 34'27'51'•W 33.99' C11 os,C28" 0947'20"E 210.00 21.04 21.03 \ \ .1. I,.I N„,�...s.vo 112. L1Be x xe 113 89.59'34"E 15.00' C13 4712'51" 8726'29"E 110.0 ]4.05 79.23 \ 4 ',• 4o m + 15." " w sl3.ea' L13 8559'34'E 15.00' C13 4r12'S5" BT26'29"E 110.00 81.05]9.2J \ uunlr iLdb%C L Otl00'00"W 14 so• ` Al ,4A .1 e s roro'2e"c -en i L15 45'00'00"E 14.50' \ $\ _L' 4w 4 'f 116 69'S9'3 W 48.84'03' \ � ,.I�.F�.'`// s' 1 ,I L19 00'SB34 W 15.00' \ rtw� ary wv-. 11y 5 L20 0000'34"W 14.50' 0.7 \ SE) �� lli i �YYYY��a. L20 855934'E 14.50' {�� L21 45'0000'W )93' $', -� i.L22 0000'26'W J].50' \ \�\` c �' 1��1,9A ere L23 89'59 34'W 12.00' G. ""1"' i 0 1 I L24 00'0028•E 37.50' _ 13 �20'ALLfY 9 00`66'28"i 83896'�es� L25 79'10'28"E 79.16' v 'L '2 \ .1. �4 L26 00.55']8"W 46.98' DENCH&ARE; O o w A 127 79'1028"W ]9.16' meal ON NORTYIBSf CORNER OF CONCNSZL L28 0055'28"E 46.98' IIJ,BY.60'}9DUTH OF THE OP \ ` E Ate' 14 L ' 1_29 89'04'32"E 20.00' F&sia(TEST Imo.smart AND 800't wa. \ /8�' Qt Ey s L30 63'39'JJ"E 18.43' OF THE CCNTCRLI OF 1B TB WAY. \ 9 yp 1, 73c. N a e m 131 90'00'00.E 22.97' ELEVATION 507.62' ^ o_ L32 00'0900.W 13.59 \ \ m 4.C li L33 00'00'00'E 38.36' 1n a L.H 0S]o']]"E T8.13' W. WESTGATE PHASE 3 • L35 63.39'32"E 35.63' . \ 6 \ CAB.N.PC.727 l38 19'49'49"W 500' 603= m L37 790919"E 28.56' \ Rt L38 1'49'35"W 29.02' AN of the above deeciibed property Iles within Zone 60(areas determined to m L39 iS49'35"W S.DD' ulsI.of tn.600-year flood plan)eeonrdl.to fLe Flood In....Rab \ • L. 8S0]'16"W 2384' Sep Community Panel Number 46066.4V0 0,dated January 19,1296. 9 L41 OS3933"E 19.77' L42 6339'30"E 41.68' The SEWED a Wellen of permanent v 2 • 143 54'02.02'E 7.99 well..pools end permaanneent storage building.No fences,06 foune.uons 0 1<mma foundations, PRELIMINARY PLAT L44 36.5903"E 13.59 than 16 Inch.•below final{round line are allowed.A minimum 3.0 feet separation between L45 .02'04"W 23.49 final grade end to of&TIM pipeline anal be required.Items such.driveways,fence." L48 83']9'29"W ]tH8' vptln4ler systems and normal IandsoapinEplan• hate on the NTNED easements ere NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN encroach p.en La OSJB']]"'E 48.68' allowed.However,the NT&WD assumes no responsibility for dem•Ee reeultin9 from the need Ti TAT L46 ]1'26'33.E ..03' to repair or meinlein the NTYwO pipeline.Further,any cost for repair for damage to lne OWNER; NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF ME CHURCH ADDITION pipelines result..from construction by the developer,contractor or owner will be the 701 N.HWY 78,SUITE H 20.'56"E 9.39 responsibility of the developer,.ntnebf or owner- WYLIE.TEXAS 75098 E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 266 Lb Cro4'S4"E 35.6J' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS L51 71'27'00"E 3900' Franc...ut1Uti.are not permitted In NTS21 e.emenu except for croe.nes. SURVEYOR 04040ON 44 ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS.INC. PREPARED: MAY 21, 2003 L52 ]4'2]'S1"E 18.l1 2600 W.F.Y.RD.544 WAR,TOGS 76096 902-.2-4045 REVISED: JUNE 8,2003 • Joe NO.627-03-2300 • DWG No.5772300.0110 SHEET 1 OF 2 011N21Ys CQl2D1GTE SLATE OF TEXAS COLDLY'!OF COWBI WHEREAS,New Hope Christian Church of Wylie,the owner of a called 12.8827 acre tract of land situated In the E.C.Davidson Sung,Abstract No.288,City of Wylie,Can¢County, Sane e0neeyed by deed recorded m Volume 6237,Pnge 3287,Deed Records,Collin County. Texas and befogs portion of two SIP alleys as dedicated by Irr yate Phase 3,an addition to floe City of Wylie,according to the plat thereof rcwrded in Cabinet it Page iZl,Nap Records, Can¢County,Terre and boles more particularly described.follows: Hnglnning eta copped 6/8'has roe found av LDe emth right-of-cony Hve of Rest Brown 9tdet vr.Y.9400 0 R.O.W.)n the e d to Burner P. said deed reo tract and the.401,Page IN a tract of land unmoved to William Young by dead ranordetl in Volume 481. 66.Deed Records.Collin Coun[y,Texas Thence.North 89.69'34'Bast,aloof the south right-of-way line of Vert Brown Street (P.M.3412/(90 RO.W.)and the north N.of stale 12.8827 acre tract at a dletance of 6ee.00 refeet a capped 6/B Don rod found for the northeast corner of said 12.8827 awe tool and the SURVEYOR'S CHRSIPICASE IN northwest(corner said Wenger.Phase 3 and in all a distance IN eor.6e feel to a capped 6/e. %j11.911 Iron rod vet for Oorner. Thence.wumarly.song the east lines of said 12.0887 ewe tract and the weer hit..of said )711 "-. KNOW ell.1�BY THEM PRESENTS; Weelgate phase 3 the following: f. THAT,I.Donald J.Jac...do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate hown South 0036'2IP West.a distance 0l 689.98 feet to a capped 6/8•iron rod set for the _.of person of the hod and that the corder monument.melee thereon were properly pieced radar my beginning of a curve to the left Lochs a central angle of 21.88'24'.a radius of 120.00 feet. el auPer'rlm^o Iv ewoedenw with the Platting Rvlee and WpWallave o!the City IN Wylie,icon. vrfde wnah bean South OP64'14•East.a.mere IN 46.09 feel and an an dhhnve IN ell,,feet to s north d 6/8'troy red se!fan eernar at (6 intersoation d Ue crest Ilns IN a 20' Donald J.Jackson Registered PrafeeelorW Lend Surveyor No.994E ally and the north right-IN-way Tine of Niakeh111a Imo(60' South 89.18'04•Waal.along the north tight-of-way line of NickeM1ille Imo(50'R0.0.),a 95AT8 OP'f811A () di...of 10.00 feet U a capped 6/B'iron rod set for corner. COIIN'IY OF COWHJ () South 20'43'50'PM,a distend of 50.00 feet to a capped 5/8'iron rod met for corner; LOCATION MAP right-of-way (N.T.S.) PRaErF+OmRA 16,eta mderYpied altho.Ny,a Notary PUDBc 1v and for seitl County and 31ete,3,!.0 date Northd 0}B 07•22E0°tteet°tong the south oon rod found forcorner; Nlekenthe Lane(60'R.O.W.),a far grhpetruvun!andlac1m0rrl m0 mew¢t0 t l.c..the Pthe whose v o.pwpnb wars" tar Ue eepEeln edged to me that he executed the same for the crosldereti0n therein exprersed and under oath.feted that the etalmen.In the foregoing certificate South 20.43'68.Best,a distend of 130.00 test to a capped 6/8'Iran rod found for the ere true. southeast corner of sold 12.6827 nod tract and a re-entrant corner of.INd Westgate Phe.3;g GIVEN UNDER I.HAND AND SEAL OF 0.7..1s day 01 EOOs. __ aid We.tgate Pba.e 9 thev7000eleon.Una.of said I2.88E7 acre tract and the northerly lines of South esne'04'West,°distance of 287.38 net to a capped 6/8'Iron rod set for the Notary Public for the state of Tex. to loe eDartl witch D°en 9outLDr60.Og648 Wasl,trs diela 77°.,4ceef and 7IN1r0odtst°2w of My°oat.eelov expires - 97.80 feet to a capped 6/e•non rod eat for the and of sold curve to the right; beSort: nrl0ev0.04;3 2'Wee, Al.tee nceIN 20..feet lelc a capped 6/9' ron rod eel.for tin vroeb been tits 7rh4 et aan rr 'n f: s . 84.11 fee[to a capped 6/8'iron rod me for corny; South ee•1e'04•Wed,a dle.nd of 34.17 feet to a capped 6/e•Iron rod set for corner; 'pre.minary Plat for Review Porpoe.Oen South 44.041.East a distend of 2041 feel to a t/8•iron red found for corner; South 34.27'61"West,a distance of 38.80 feet to a capped 8/8•Iron rod eat for.roar; South 8718'04'West,a distance et 123.73 feel to a 1/2'Iron rod found for corner on the •Redmmmded for Approval" mart ids.-of-way Una of Town..Dine(60....W.): Oats: Nor.BP04'3.Peel,a distend of 60.00 het to a capped 6/0'non rod M for corner on Chelrmm.P1mWvg$ZOWng CmmWov the wall right-ol-way line of Towngale Drive(60'ROW.): City IN Wyhe,Taw distanseutnce of IB.86 feet le�1/0'Iron.e feed tight-of-way forma maroon Drhe(to'R.O.W.),e South 0P18'04•West.a nstan0 of 120.11 feet to a 1/2•Iron rod found for oorner: "Approved for Preparation of Final Plat" North 09.04%'West.a distance of 20.00 feel.a capped 6/8•iron rod found on the east 11ne of s tract of land conveyed to Ralph P.n.by deed re0dded la Volume we.Page 200. _ Data: Deed Records.Conn County,Tex..for the southwest comer of said 12.e827 acre tract end the Mayor_City of Wylie.Teem most westerly nor...corner of mid We...Phu 9; Than..North 00.66'28•East.along the west Une of said 12.e88'l sore tract,the east Ilne of said PWrue tract sad the east One of man Pones tract.a dletenea of 101044 feet to the Point of Beginning and cone...054.710 square Leer or 12.7.aurae of land. NOW.THEREFORE SNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PREM.: That.New Hope Chriellen Church of Wylie.does hereby adopt this plat tlestgnet01 the hewa1Od described property.New Hope Christian Church Addition,an Additive to the City of Wylie.Conn County,Sex..and does hereby dedicate to the public forever the a and right-of-cosy•shown hereon. The rem h shown hereon orhereby reserved for the are.. Indicated. No bu lsl�gess,fence.trine. shrub.,or Der improvements 17 shell be oovetrucled or placed upon. .or the am ma to a d right tic 0w74ey0e shown. Sold¢tang cement 1Mlg heroby resorted[oD mutual and 0n.oder. of all keep removed a Qor pa b e d 0Mg.ma. .R and m puDDO utl1.y.ball have Uu fll rlsht to rumors and keep y way y a ell or pork t.me with the e./node.tion.kW.m�D0,0r other ... t.respective.yet m onto uutilii17 easement end all public uwuthiitiee.ha11 at w time.bbey.lee full of right° Mhttvmof ofgres.and ogre..or from d upon the sold tit *moment for the co.truction. .trurtio0.Inspecting.pre aed adnding to ormoving all or part of Me reep.nuye.yet®:without then sits at any time of procuring the permi...a f anyone. 01TNE28 NY HAND,tit. day of 2003. By STA.or TEAS 0 COUNTY or multi D BEFORE MI,the undersigned.thorny.a Notary Pubh.h and for said County and Stale on Una date pe son.Hy appeared -known to me to be the pert.¢whose name le subscribed to the foregoing instrumant end acknowledged to me that he executed the mane for per...end..nsidwttlene mew expressed. PRELIMINARY PLAT 01VPN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.rem-my of 2003. NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN Notary Public for the State of Ted OWNER NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Or soon CHURCH ADDITION W Comml.0m spire. 701 N.HWY 78.SUITE R E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 266 WYL.I,lasers MOO CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS SURVEYOR JAC®ON 0 A930CIAT®1AND SURVEY°Is PREPARED: MAY 21, 2009 2800 W.F.Y.RD..4 WYLIE,TEXAS 7609E 972-442-1046 REVISED:JUNE 6, 2003 JOB NO.677-03-2900 DWG NO.677.00.0110 SHEET 2 OF 2 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. C . July 8, 2003 Issue Consider and act upon a Replat of Lot 1R-1, Lot 1R-2 and Lot 1R-3, Block C, Woodlake Village Addition, being a certain 27.37 acre tract of land generally located north of State Highway 78 and west of Spring Creek Parkway, being a Replat of Lot 1, Block C, Woodlake Village Addition, as recorded in Cabinet G, Slide 385 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas(PRCCT), and being situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Background The original Woodlake Village Addition Final Plat was approved in 1988 creating 3 lots (Lot 1, Block A;Lot 1, Block B and Lot 1, Block C)totaling 63.295 acres. The current Replat will further subdivide Lot 1, Block C into five lots totaling 27.37 acres. The 18.935-acre Lot 1R-1 will accommodate the new Wal-Mart Supercenter and the 1.065-acre Lot 1R-2 is an out parcel to be developed by Wal-Mart. The remaining 7.373 acres are owned by others and will be developed separately for commercial and retail uses, as Lots 1R-3, 1R-4 and 1R-5. When the original Final Plat was approved,the zoning for this site was Business 2(B-2)District,but was revised to Commercial Corridor (CC) District on November 13, 2001 with the revision to the citywide Zoning Map. The replatting of this tract eliminated all vested rights in earlier code provisions and requires that all future development comply with the requirements of the Commercial Corridor District, as well as other revisions to the code approved since the initial platting. Section 212.005 of the Texas Local Government Code states that "the municipal authority responsible for approving plats must approve a plat that satisfies all applicable regulations". Section 212.009(a) states that"the municipal authority responsible for approving plats shall act upon a plat within 30 days after the date the plat is filed. A plat is considered approved by the municipal authority unless it is disapproved within that time period". Financial Considerations Plat Application Fees—Paid Other Considerations 1. Staff has reviewed the proposed Replat for the Woodlake Village Addition and concludes that it is in compliance with all applicable State subdivision regulations as well as with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent technical ordinances of the City of Wylie. 2. The Plat provides primary access to the Wal-Mart site from State Highway 78 and Spring Creek Parkway. Three common access easements provide cross-access for future development the lots to the west, as the exact location of access to and from SH 78 have not yet been determined. 3. The 90 foot wide drainage easement that traverses the Wal-Mart tract that was established in the original Woodlake Village Final Plat is continued on this Plat to accommodate the on-site storm water as well as the storm water from the natural drainage channel from the west. 4. The owner is aware that the final alignment for the expansion of State Highway 78 is still under review by TxDOT and an additional 10 feet of right-of-way may be required before the Replat is filed and a building permit issued. This additional ROW dedication will not limit the capability of complying with all design elements required by the Zoning Ordinance. Board/Commission Recommendations On June 17, 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Replat. Staff Recommendations Approval. Attachments Replat Prepared by Revie d by Finance City Man r Approval N r-1970A0' \ PW AteL.00,187.ffi :' D.k.Aaen•05.2T].• m,rra CSud tlrA.1- „_,��* med.4 rrnro7a ethee Table ' Cd aarb _ _ p316 } Taco. ,�'� } •ir ' a w ue `" _-„.✓ mp81.31.0 �` 4 ea Ix uyNLLWar 1310/T MINN r-WI4T.All ..Icl r .TCeI.Yr. ,•/ ..�'. .,^, arrrasuasa.aa(.T) awaarrw .l IF!•r rI1',�rF[?Fl♦ .St Man ��'" 11CC.i. GWaaslafa / j VE .1,1]� Vslme Why HT '' TaCGt.�.1i „.✓'�X� •" ! "' I o1cGT. ceste a ''''':,,.';;'1.;,Z. \ tri ,.M,,.���s�^'^� k ! <,.. RWho•1/70.00' OenTa6M .• ✓ ,la jl Ate Length'. I r.F-7I 7t `] ■1T� 1-,-- :ja[ Y.•.,... i i urd�eri'Irlosr. �(��r jai ( >_ff awedLmith-332.16 (7r: ir7C.lY'F :MIIF.�F/r� 3l'E `� ,,1 (fir:. 7f i !♦r '�F r[t♦F li •1T ,1„ae / 0 [� I Chard [?�C: i.TV", �!. �F'�I�r T7� I NI ..-r-- �a �� 'I Ft-�r: .r - �r r�r'rir7 r if !1 ^".. Y .3..3 ,nn [1'�{": ir. 7�FrM(iIFF�[fi� .] 'F T:3�11T-�F F:� NN'( �r ir:7i t_F r:MIF'.r11111101CT:1♦ Er MINN r: it r;roi faIIMME177F?: r.7:' a•i•r: it 1_r r-nisF2:=MiltF:IM NT I "�1 . �r r�F s�rf� c >•c. irr,;,..MEIMIr*rINIF.rw zr11111111111M1 CSaniir:'Fir 7R'4-iiimm@7r F"i.i ? [Tiour:;Ammo Fi._i•Fm.am r(�vr" ].1Yabooa rir•r 7[i:; F4:�F:.SIM=trnillinninin 4p,0.04.1AS L 91L I .,.ter' 11933 Aar 7i ru.aarrs.ra.T.a II "°'. ''. a...Maw.. y t NF.aMrrrrT11.d.l=ag..Veaa♦s1W WA IRVIIRMS i■i aim NMI sew*. 1 nis.af rw•w.Yr..4w.Fl•1.BUM st11.Ma•V.f.�,r Lot 1,Blod(C mre, .`3 $ aarawOWotWi....a.rro...rrf.mwau►lasrwaRat .ra.a.o�.ie. Woodlake Village nr..ae....sraMr r...s..rrr.e. ..1wa Cabinet(}.Slide 383 ;I 4 3.rrm.i••Sia..�ib~r.'a.�e•erra rdl`e.• P3LC.C.T. f .e.44.4 404441.40rrrrr.rwr... €I III ..Wa.w.�•i.r�ia4ar.wr�s.ua.•.r.r.a�ro.r..rrFw La1 AtmIPA ]311 Aar aay..a.u. rn.,m § Vaa M.N. LW star' t a � f """ I�I t ( EC ,I � ri !I i i `, /IT ~"••.4rYb IM=010.1.1 Pae ei M']N1'.Y Ta.CCT. t'.d..•14 L1°361111 3t761` �— hull' Ina1 ,]a.Ila.haYLt) Ib 1_1n2ra—1a 1s�Mg 11 II, Replat y aI ILat . 4- I—"'• .1OSS 1: ; "°" jy 1 f Lot 1R-1,Lot 1R-2&Lot lR-3,Block C v �a'tMua —I I—n- ,a,,.,,,,,,,. Lr 11,1 III II II j1 ;I (` Woodlake Village vr.aa.h•taF I I bdo8arep4t of Lot 1,Block C,W villa8e Pg Ili 111 n•rni. 1.au Am .,,_� .na.aettq u. i� I M li I I w..,r.C.T. I! in additmo to the City oS Wylie,coven County,Tw. `"` 5 I I aaccT. I it# as moiled n Cshioat a,Slide 385&the Plat Beoade of 0) -. I I� catalyse. 1:Ili Collor efts-27.37 Pans-Zooed CC !k'' ..�UY1'. _�_ _. ,,,.._.;<. :,,.,.:': .. �1_ �'_.r�.�n _�4 �,- .1 MIT Pao lof2_looe 2003 — — 00..G iA]}= — — _—r— — — — 44-4— —4---'WAS._ '.'L w7.iL'•' .�_�e o•..m•.alc o.aia...,.: TRTa1ea.R 312RT N11.3107W !� Lr9.62'WY 1 Mot I � usve,v w 'iw11.110 rai na. ..a �90]°31Y2•W Nt1'3l'1]'W rueuwtw..lyrm ninrrnTA=CO P= 3.60' o *water OW. mww ..Qanrm State(w.w-.�i w{'.178 ,.�� •+aanF cvsulIINCOMN Wes enpc erAtR®Irdntrmaeattar .r Cea.ar.a.ta „, �W JPH Land Surveying, Inc. t'.F SoWite,Tam lr ra a., .59n 0 l ?4 i5 I gcl f ° 1 la� liii! t �d tiIs �la °t" ldsI lail , 1a1 - evi1a 1.1 A 11 Pfi' x Ig Id it1l a 1 MIIi as II 1 n8- is hIll ril 3jA a;; a la1 e;� i�� el$ 1111 Ia : D ill tad t�;tasi 11 i �11 iJail .v Ala Ill III 1IF !is Hi iIiI 1l 1 lilt 'I p 1p1; 1 l Iii 1IP aIIIIR' 1 '1 $lint ii ; n 0111 . ail) ; ;� II1111 IIIm g 4 541 1 ill 1 ill i I ill 1 1 I Ittg 1 t A I t tl Di a r i l li ! �11 i 1 1 ! 11 1 11 I !1 ' III1111111111III t 1 r �at_� �� r it ill 1 !MI :uuiii11i } ;1 hi' I1 , C l FCwL^ FErlL: 1� �i giipiiiiii a 1' . j , .l s rI mpg' al riiiiiiiiiiiiiii I II ii ' ' 11111 , �z ; ;1 Mil li I il 111111111111111 iih11 ii k 1111111111A1�111 1 ! ill hll 1, 1