12-15-1998 (City Council) Agenda Packet WYLIE CITY COUNCIL
Tuesday, December 15, 1998
5:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken
Call to Order
Reverend Todd Nivens, Shiloh Baptist Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations & Presentations
Declaring December 22, 1998 as Christopher Michael Ryan Day in Wylie, Texas in
recognition of his achievement of Eagle Scout.
Citizens Participation
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and
will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion
is desired,that item will be removed form the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 27 and November 10, 1998
and the Joint Meeting of November 17, 1998.
Approval of Ordinances
1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Keith
Anderson,containing 2.33 Acres,being out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract as recorded in Volume
158,Page 457,Deed Records,Collin County, Texas.
2. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Conrad
E.Boyer,containing 1.717 Acres out of the L.K. Pegues Survey,Abstract No. 703,being
a portion of a five acre parcel of land described and conveyed by deed recorded in Volume
715,Page 708 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
3. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Charles
Bunting,containing 1.50 Acres,situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract 688,
Collin County,Texas
4. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Mark
Clayton,containing 3.2526 Acres,being all that 3 acre tract and all that.2526 acre tract of
land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688,Collin County,Texas and
being out of a 43.24 acre tract of land conveyed to C. Truett Smith,et al,by Jack Parr,et ux,
as recorded in Volume 484,page 121 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
5. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by C.
Connelly,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being
a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed
dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records of Collin County,
6. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing of property owned by Benny
Coomer, containing 1.57 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292,
about 2 'A miles South of Wylie, and being out of the Southern portion of a tract of 108.5
acres described as First Tract in a deed from John Rogers et al to Rose Rogers,who is now
Mrs. Rose Rogers Coleman, recorded in Vol. 214, Page 602, Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas, said 108.5 acres being the same land described in a deed from M. J. P.
Haymas to George Rogers by deed dated April 6, 1874,and recorded in Vol. W,Page 956,
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
7. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Antonio
Curcio,containing 12.458 Acres,being out of the Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstract No.
688 and being part of a 43.24 acre tract conveyed to C. Truett Smith recorded in Volume
484,Page 121,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
8. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Danny
Justus,containing 1.16 Acres,out of the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860 and the
Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being
out of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.5 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,
9. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
Downs, containing 2.857 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, Collin
County, Texas; and being part of a certain 25.679 acre tract as described in deed to L. D.
Pearce recorded in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
10. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
Downs,containing 1.871 Acres,being a part of a 6 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey,
Abstract No. 696, conveyed to Ray Price and wife, Pauline Price, by Ray Tiller, a single
man,and Mary L.Tiller,a single woman,by Deed recorded in Volume 817,Page 596, Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
11. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Jesus
Espinoza,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, and being
a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed
dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268, Deed Records of Collin County,
12. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Diane E.
Getty,containing 1.413 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,being part
of a 6.327 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 949,Page 634,being the
same 1.414 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 2176,Page 134 of the
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
13. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Don Hoeft,
containing 1.414 Acres,being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,
Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G. C. Kreymer,Archie Kreymer,Clifton
Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949,Page 634 of the Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
14. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Janish,Inc.,
containing 2.5971 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920 situated in the
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being that same property described in substitute
trustee's deed executed by Mark S.Houser recorded in Volume 3851,Page 148 of the Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas,and also being a part of Kinsington Manor Estates Section
Three, Section Four and Section Five,additions to the City of Wylie,Texas as recorded in
Cabinet C,Page 568,Cabinet C,Page 571 and Cabinet C,page 570,respectively,of the Plat
Records of Collin County,Texas.
15. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Charles
Kerin,containing 4.453 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being
part of a called 5.0 acre tract conveyed to John Coomer,et ux as recorded in Volume 618,
Page 312,Deed Records,Collin County, Texas.
16. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Kreymer
Investments,Ltd.,containing 5.571 Acres,being a part of original 30 and 12 acre tracts out
of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media
Kreymer, a widow, by deed recorded in Volume 645, Page 627 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
17. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Vicki S.
Monson,containing 0.197 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and
Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573, Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas.
18. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Vicki S.
Monson,containing 0.483 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and
Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573, Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin
19. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Claude
Montgomery,containing 20.00 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292
and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860,Collin County,Texas, and being a part
of an 85.319 acre tract of land conveyed to Richard D.Nance, Coy Watkins and Thomas
Chambers by David L. Goforth by Deed filed March 10, 1969, Deed Records of Collin
20. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Norma
Motsenbocker, containing 3.93 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No.
292,about 2 1/2 miles South of the Town of Wylie,Texas, and being 3.93 acres of land off
the North end of a 7.93 acre tract surveyed October 8, 1959,By Addison G. Wilson,Jr., said
7.93 acre tract being out of the South corner of a tract of 108.5 acres,described as first tract
in a Deed from John Rogers et al,to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs Rose Rogers Coleman
recorded in Volume 214,Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
21. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas, containing 7.32 Acres, located on Old Highway No. 78, Sachse-Wylie Road in
Collin County, Texas and being a tract out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No.
292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being a part of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.50 acre
tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
22. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas,containing 3.590 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262, and
being a resurvey of a called 3.6 acre tract of land described in a deed from Delaney
Development Corporation to Gary K. Goll,et ux,as recorded in Volume 1184,Page 893,
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
23. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas,containing 2.7624 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262,
and being a part of a called 4.52 acre tract out of a 27.644 acre tract described in a deed from
J.D. Houston to W.W. Housewright as recorded in Volume 773,Page 291,Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
24. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Robert E.
Nolan,containing 0.681 Acres out of the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,conveyed
to L.W. Self and wife, Glenda O. Self by R.H. Wilson and wife,Grace L. Wilson by Deed
recorded in Volume 793,Page 514 of the Collin County Deed Records,and being a part of
a 2.573 acre tract conveyed to L.W. Self and wife,by Robert Leamon Reynolds and wife,
Leta Reynolds by Deed recorded in Volume 803,Page 181 of the Deed Records of Collin
25. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by North
Texas Municipal Water District,containing 7.94 Acres,out of Francisco de la Pina Survey,
Abstract 688,Collin County, Texas. And being out of a 47.5 acre tract of land described in
a Report of Commissioners,by order of probate Court,December 29, 1923, and recorded
in Volume 249,page 346,Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
26. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by North
Texas Municipal Water District, containing 32.078 Acres, being out of Francisco De La
Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a
portion of a called 47.5 acre tract as conveyed to Leonard L. Creel and evidenced by Order
on Report of Commissioners recorded in Volume 249, Page 346 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
27. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by O. V.
Justus,containing 1.003 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and
being a part of a 27.644 acre tract and containing all of a 0.689 acre tract conveyed from
said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County, Texas.
28. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Kenneth
Putman, containing 3.459 Acres, being a part of an original 12 acre first tract out of the
James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920 conveyed to Orville Kreymer, et al, by Media
Kreymer, a widow, by deed recorded in Volume 645, Page 627, of the Deed Records of
Collin County, Texas.
29. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Ivan W.
Stewart, containing 1.0 Acre, being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett
Survey,Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G.C. Kreymer,Archie Kreymer,
Clifton Kreymer, and Billy Kreymer by Deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 634 Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
30. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Melvin St.
John, containing 28.333 Acres, being part of a called 58 acre tract out of the Henry L.
Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292 and the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860,
conveyed to W.O.Houston and John D.Houston by G.H. Drewery and recorded in Volume
339,Page 436 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
31. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Choya
Tapp,containing 3.491 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and
the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas, and being the same
tracts of land described in a Deed from Raymond L. Bass and wife, Helen R. Bass to
William E.Butler and wife,Charlene L.Butler, as recorded in Volume 855,Page 745,Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
32. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Thomas
Brown,containing 4.859 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, and being
a part of a 25.679 acre tract conveyed by C. I.Norton and Lyda P.Norton to L. D. Pearce,
L. G.Pearce and F. W. Pearce, as recorded in Volume 496,page 268,of the Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
33. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Garry
White,containing 1.089 Acres, out of the I. &G.N. Railroad Company Survey,Abstract
No. 1059,Collin County,Texas,and also being part of a 4.00 acre tract as conveyed to Glen
E. Pockrus and wife, Joyce Pockrus, recorded in Volume 1293, Page 84, Deed Records,
Collin County,Texas.
34. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by W.L.
Brown,containing 1.0_Acres out of the William Sachse Survey,Abstract No. 696 of 640
acres,about 14 miles Southeast from McKinney,Collin County,Texas, and being out of that
40 acres of land which is described as First Tract in a Warranty Deed from Jick Housewright
et al to D.R.Moore and Kathleen G.Moore,dated April 15, 1954,recorded in Volume 484,
Page 379,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas_
35. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
F.Young,containing 1.0 Acre being out of the Elliot C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,
being a 1.00 acre tract of land out of a 72.5 acre tract, save and except previous
conveyances, conveyed to J.R. Eaves by deed dated the 9th day of March, 1958, by J.W.
Barnett et ux,of record in Volume 411,page 494,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
36. Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance annexing all of a certain 110 Acre tract out of the J.W.
Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, Collin County, Texas and being the same property
conveyed to Patsy Sue Donihoo by J.O. McWhirter and wife,Pearl A. McWhirter,by deed
as recorded in Volume 942 at Page 488 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
37. Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance Annexing all of a certain .998 Acre tract out of the
Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, Collin County,Texas and being the same
property conveyed to Doyle R.Mitchell and wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell,by deed as recorded
in Volume 2689 at Page 793 and the same tract of land conveyed to Home Town Furniture,
Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2610,Page 702,Land Records,Collin County, Texas.
Approval of Preliminary Plats/Final Plats
38. Consider and Act Upon a preliminary plat for the Winding Creek Estates Addition,proposed
by D.R. Horton Custom Homes for the property generally located in the City of Wylie
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction(ETJ)along the south side of Parker Road west of the FM 1378
and Parker Road intersection, and being all of a 44.531 acre tract out of the Lewis M.
Marshall Survey,Abstract No. 594,Collin County,Texas.
39. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Lakeside Estates Phase I addition,proposed by
Carter and Burgess,Inc.for Vista Oaks Development,generally located along the north side
of the railroad at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway(Marshall Lane),
and being all of a certain 39.529 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No.
849, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
Public Hearings - 7:00 p.m.
40. Consider and Act Upon a request from Gonzalo Cerda for approval of a Specific Use Permit
(SUP)for a private club serving alcoholic beverages (restaurant)for the property generally
located at the northeast corner of Fifth Street and SH 78,and being part of Lots 1 &2,Block
12 of the Railroad Addition,an Addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
41. Consider and Act Upon a request from Mike Douglas for FarmTex Inc.,for approval of a
of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to I(Industrial)for the property generally located at
the northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane,and being all of a certain.998 acre tract
out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No 688, City of Wylie, Collin County,
42. Consider and Act Upon a request from The Kansas City Southern Railway Company and
Tolmak, Inc., for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural); B-1 (Business); SF-A
(Single Family Attached); SF-2& SF-3 (Single Family Residential)to B-1 (Business) and
I (Industrial) for the property generally located at the northeast corner of Spring Creek
Parkway and SH 78 and being all of a certain 202.392 acre tract out of the Francisco De La
Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
Agreements and Appointments
43. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the North Texas Municipal
Water District for the cost sharing and specific financing terms relating to the reconstruction
of South Ballard Street between Butler and Stone and the Stone Road and Ballard Street
intersection and other matters relating thereto,including a reimbursement resolution.
44. Consider and act upon appointing a replacement to the Library Advisory Board for an
unexpired term ending July of 2000.
45. Consider and Act Upon the approval of a formal agreement between Collin County,the City
of Wylie and the Kansas City Southern Railway Company.
46. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a two-year Contract with Foerster Engineering
for an amount not to exceed$96,000.
Staff Reports
Wylie City Council/Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Worksession
Update on the Comprehensive Plan Review
Executive Session
In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes
Annotated(Open Meeting Law). Section 551.071,Discussion with City Attorney on a matter
concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body
under the Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with
this Chapter; and Section 551.075 Conference with City Employees to review information from
employees concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad;and Sections 551.071 Consultation with City
Attorney; and 551.075 Conference with Employees to Discuss Issues Regarding the Future
Development of Spring Creek Parkway.
Reconvene into Open Meeting
Take any action as a result of Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this the I 1 th day of December, 1998 at 5:00 p.m.
as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.
City Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special
assistance for disabled attendees. Must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the
City Secretary's Office at 972/442-8100 or TDD 972/442-8170.
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, October 27, 1998 - 7:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas
Call to Order
Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. with the
following Councilmembers present:Joel Scott,Reta Allen,Lavern Ramsey,Merrill Young,J.C. Worley and Chris
Staff members present were:Mike Collins,City Manager,Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager; Brady
Snellgrove,Finance Director and Barbara Salinas, City Secretary.
The invocation was given by Councilman Scott.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tern Worley.
Mayor Mondy stated that the Proclamation on this evenings agenda was presented by Mayor Pro Tern Worley,
earlier today during the Chamber Luncheon. The proclamation was to Declare the Week of November 9-13 as
Wylie Chamber of Commerce Week in Wylie,Texas.
Mayor Mondy administered the Oath of Office to the Wylie Police Department's two new officers, Officer
Jeffery C. Ward& Officer Vilai Thonginh.
Consent Agenda
Approval of the Minutes from the September 29, October 6 & October 11 Special Called Meetings and the
Regular Meeting of October 13, 1998.
Councilman Young made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 29, October 6 and October 11
Special Called and October 13 Regular Meeting with the following correction to the minutes of the September
29 Special Called Meeting.
Councilman Young clarified his motion of September 29 as to the appointments to the two vacancies on the
Planning&Zoning Commission. Mr.Carter Porter was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Ms. Donna Edge
whose term expires in July of the year 2000; and Mr. Don Hughes was appointed to fill the unexpired term of
Mr. Mark Clark whose term expires in July of 1999. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Items for Individual Consideration
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution Changing Authorized Representative for Local
Government Investment Cooperative(LOGIC).
Wylie City Council Minutes
October 27,1998
Page 1
Mr. Brady Snellgrove addressed this item. Mr. Snellgrove introduced Ms. Judy Klusmann,Assistant Finance
Director to the Council and explained that the Resolution was to accommodate her as the Authorized
Representative for TexPool.
Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the Resolution Changing the Authorized Representative for Local
Government Investment Cooperative(LOGIC). Councilman Young seconded the motion. A vote was taken and
the motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
2. Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for TexPool
(Texas Local Government Investment Pool).
Mr. Snellgrove addressed this item. Mr. Snellgrove stated that this item served the same purpose as Agenda Item
No. 1,only specific for TexPool.
Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for TexPool
(Texas Local Government Investment Pool). Councilman Trout seconded the motion. A vote was taken and
the motion passed unanimously, 7-0.
3. Discuss and consider the adoption of amendments to the water and sewer rates and fees ordinance
allowing a utility customer 60 years of age or older additional days to pay a current utility bill
without penalty; decreasing the number of days before a utility account becomes delinquent; and
discuss and consider the adoption of an amendment to the water works ordinance adding a
confidentiality of billing information clause.
Mr. Brady Snellgrove addressed this item. Mr. Snellgrove explained that this amendment was to allow utility
customers 60 years of age or older additional days to pay a current utility bill without imposing a penalty. He
stated that the amendment also addresses decreasing the number of days before a utility account becomes
delinquent and the addition of a confidentiality clause. Mr. Snellgrove reported that at present, the utility
department has a 2%delinquency rate,which in his opinion was good.
Councilwoman Allen made a motion to adopt the amendments to the water and sewer rates and fees ordinance
allowing a utility customer 60 years of age or older additional days to pay a current utility bill without penalty;
decreasing the number of days before a utility account becomes delinquent; and adding a confidentiality of billing
information clause. Mayor Pro Tem Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed
4. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of.998 Acres out of the Francisco
De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas and being the same property
conveyed to Doyle R. Mitchell and wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell, by deed as recorded in Volume
2689 at Page 793 and the same tract of land conveyed to Home Town Furniture,Inc. by deed
recorded in Volume 2610,Page 702,Land Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr.Maples stated the City of Wylie has received a request for annexation
from Mike Douglas for a.998 acre tract generally located at the northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane
and that the applicant is requesting annexation in order to establish connections to City of Wylie utilities.
Wylie City Council Minutes
October 27,1998
Page 2
Mr.Maples stated that Staff has held preliminary discussions with the applicant regarding the use and zoning
of this property and anticipates a request for rezoning subsequent to Council approval of the annexation request
and that should the City Council approve the annexation request,the property will be temporarily zoned as A
(Agricultural)until permanent zoning is established by the City Council. Mr. Maples stated that the procedure
for establishing permanent zoning on annexed territory shall conform to the procedures established by law for
the adoption of zoning regulations.
Mr.Maples explained to Council that before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings,the governing
body of the municipality must conduct two(2)public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are
given the opportunity to be heard,tonight being the second of two public hearings. As he further explained,staff
prepared a schedule for public hearings and institution. He stated that the two (2)public hearings have been
scheduled for the October 13, 1998,and October 27, 1998,City Council Meetings and the date for the institution
of the annexation proceedings has been scheduled for November 17, 1998.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
5. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of 110 Acres out of the J.W.Mitchell
Survey,Abstract No.589,Collin County,Texas and being the same property conveyed to Patsy
Sue Donihoo by J.O.McWhirter and wife,Pearl A.McWhirter,by deed as recorded in Volume
942 at Page 488 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr. Maples stated that the City of Wylie has received a request for
annexation from Mrs.Patsy Lewis for a 110 acre tract generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road
and McMillan Road and that the applicant is requesting annexation in order to enable development of the
property utilizing City of Wylie utilities and has indicated a contract to develop the property has been issued.
Mr.Maples stated that per the applicants request the City of Murphy,Texas,has released this property from their
extraterritorial jurisdiction(ETJ)due to the fact that Murphy utilities are unavailable at this time. He also stated
that staff has held preliminary discussions with the development community regarding the zoning and
development of this property and anticipate a request for rezoning subsequent to Council approval of the
annexation request and should the City Council approve the annexation request,the property will be temporarily
zoned as A(Agricultural)until permanent zoning is established by the City Council. Mr. Maples stated that the
procedure for establishing permanent zoning on annexed territory shall conform to the procedures established
by law for the adoption of zoning regulations.
Mr.Maples explained to Council that before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings,the governing
body of the municipality must conduct two(2)public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are
given the opportunity to be heard,tonight being the second of two public hearings. As he further explained,staff
prepared a schedule for public hearings and institution. He stated that the two (2) public hearings have been
scheduled for the October 13, 1998,and October 27, 1998,City Council Meetings and the date for the institution
of the annexation proceedings has been scheduled for November 17, 1998.
• Wylie City Council Minutes
October 27,1998
Page 3
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to five
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
6. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Twin Lakes Phase II addition proposed by Corwin
Engineering,Inc., generally located at the northeast corner of South Ballard Street and Alanis
Drive and being all of a certain 34.639 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey,Abstract No.
23,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr. Maples stated that the final plat under consideration is the Twin
Lakes Phase II addition. The applicant is final platting 34.639 acres in order to develop the property with 110
single family lots. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3 (Single
Family Residential)uses.
Mr. Maples stated that staff has reviewed the proposed final plat and found it to be in compliance with the
Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for thoroughfare screening
and block length. Specifically, Section 5.03 of the Subdivision Regulations states that where subdivisions are
platted so that the rear yards of residential lots are adjacent to a dedicated roadway, the owner shall provide
screening at his/her sole expense. The plat under consideration incorporates a note indicating that the required
screening will be accomplished by the construction of a 6-foot high wooden fence(finished side of the fence will
face the thoroughfare)with steel fence posts constructed by the home builder, and maintained by the individual
Mr.Maples stated that when the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this case,the plat
incorporated a wall maintenance easement indicating that the required screening would be a wall. He stated that
the wooden fence element is new and,therefore,requires Council approval. Mr. Maples advised that Staff is
recommending approval of the fence subject to the screening note being revised to indicate that the fence will be
constructed prior to final acceptance of the subdivision. Mr. Maples stated that this change does comply with
the Subdivision Regulations and that the applicant is in agreement.
Mr. Maples stated that Section 5.02 D (2) of the Subdivision Regulations states that the block length in
residential areas shall not exceed 1,200 feet and that the applicant is requesting a variance to this requirement
as the length being proposed for Block H is 1,280 feet. Mr. Maples stated that approval is recommended.
Mr.Maples stated that at the September 21, 1998,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission
voted by 6-0 to favorably recommend this case and that Staff was recommending approval for construction,
subject to the applicant revising the screening note accordingly. Mr. Maples was then available for questions
from Council.
Council had concerns on some issues regarding changes to screening wall; sidewalks and vision problems created
by the future widening of existing road, to which the applicant addressed.
Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the Final Plat for the Twin Lakes Phase II addition proposed by
Corwin Engineering,Inc.,generally located at the northeast corner of South Ballard Street and Alanis Drive and
being all of a certain 34.639 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey,Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin
County,Texas,subject to the applicant revising the screening note accordingly.
Wylie City Council Minutes
October 27,1998
Page 4
Councilman Trout seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 7-0.
Staff Reports
Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager reminded Council that the Annual TML Conference was scheduled
for October 28 through October 31 and that Chief Butters would be in charge during this time.
Brady Snellgrove,Finance Director reported that the finance systems upgrade was progressing and would actually
take a shorter time frame than the two days originally reported.
Citizens Participation
Mr.Henry Garland,Wylie North East Water Supply. Mr. Garland spoke regarding the annexation issues Council
will be considering and his interest in discussing the issues and maintaining an open dialogue.
Executive Session
The Mayor then adjourned into Executive Session In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code,Vernon's
Texas Codes Annotated (Open Meeting Law). Section 551.074, Personnel Matters, Deliberation of
Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board to fill an unexpired term.
Reconvene into Open Meeting
The mayor then reconvened into Open Meeting and as a result of the Executive Session, Councilman Scott made
a motion to appoint Mr. Douglas House to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Kerry Carouthers whose term expires
in July of 1999; and to appoint Mr. Gary Wiseman to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Carter Porter whose term
expires in July of the year 2000. Mayor Pro Tern Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion
As there was no further business to come before the Council,the meeting was adjourned.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara A. Salinas, City Secretary
Wylie City Council Minutes
October 27,1998
Page 5
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, November 10, 1998 - 5:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas
Call to Order
Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Tuesday,November 10, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. with the
following Councilmembers present:Joel Scott,Reta Allen,Lavern Ramsey,Merrill Young,J.C. Worley and Chris
Staff members present were:Mike Collins,City Manager,Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager; Brady
Snellgrove,Finance Director;Tobin Maples,Planning Director; Jack Jones,Public Works Superintendent; Greg
MacLean,Consulting Engineer and Barbara Salinas,City Secretary.
Invocation •
The Invocation was given by Councilman Joel Scott.
The Mayor Proclaimed the week of November 14-22, 1998, as National Children's Book Week in Wylie,Texas.
Ms. Mignon Morse and members of the Horizon Group were present to receive the Proclamation.
The Mayor Proclaimed Wednesday,November 11, 1998 as Student Government Day in Wylie, Texas. Students
from the Wylie High School were present to receive the Proclamation. Mayor Mondy introduced the students
to the audience and asked them to take their places with their previously assigned Councilmembers.
Citizens Participation
All Citizens wishing to address Council were for annexation purposes only, and would be heard individually
during each public hearing.
Items for Individual Consideration
Public Hearings
1. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Keith
Anderson, containing 2.33 Acres, being out of the James Truett Survey, Abstract No.
920, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that tract as recorded in
Volume 158, Page 457, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas.
Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr. Maples stated that this was the first of two Public Hearings in
compliance with state law. Mr.Maples stated that the request for annexation was to ensure the goal of protecting
the quality of life and the provisions of services within the area and that some of the property should be within
the Wylie city limits and should Council chose to annex any of the properties,they would be temporairily zoned
"A"Agriculture. Mr.Maples explained the annexation procedure,schedule for annexation and the service plan.
Mr.Maples stated that his comments would be applicable to all thirty-five(35)annexation cases on this evenings
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 1
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property on the map. (No. 115)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
2. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by
Conrad E. Boyer, containing 1.717 Acres out of the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No.
703, being a portion of a five acre parcel of land described and conveyed by deed
recorded in Volume 715, Page 708 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr. Conrad Boyer,Property Owner.
Mr.Boyer stated his opposition to the annexation of his property. He cited inadequate police protection due to
the numerous vacancies within the police department and problems with the regularity of maintenance,erosion
and drainage problems in the creek area of his property. Mr.Boyer also asked the why the 1995 Council excluded
his property when they annexed the surrounding property. Mr. Maples stated that he could not give an answer.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
3. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by
Charles Bunting, containing 1.50 Acres, situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,
Abstract 688, Collin County, Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 34)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
4. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Mark Clayton,
containing 3.2526 Acres,being all that 3 acre tract and all that.2526 acre tract of land situated
in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, Collin County,Texas and being out of a
43.24 acre tract of land conveyed to C.Truett Smith,et al,by Jack Parr,et ux,as recorded in
Volume 484,page 121 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 2
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 31 & 32)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
5. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by C. Connelly,
containing 5.0 Acres, out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being a part of the
25.679 acre tract conveyed to L.D.Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed dated March 1,
1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 102)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
6. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Benny Coomer,
containing 1.57 Acres, out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292, about 2 1/2 miles
South of Wylie,and being out of the Southern portion of a tract of 108.5 acres described as First
Tract in a deed from John Rogers et al to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs.Rose Rogers Coleman,
recorded in Vol.214,Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,said 108.5 acres being the
same land described in a deed from M.J.P. Haymas to George Rogers by deed dated April 6,
1874,and recorded in Vol.W,Page 956,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 96)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Benny Coomer,2302 Sachse Road.
Mr.Coomer stated his opposition for annexation. He stated that 36 years ago he came before Council and asked
the City for water he was denied. Mr. Coomer stated that he now has his own water system through East Fork
and is provided police and fire protection from the County and solid waste collection by a private company. He
also stated that he did not feel the city could provide adequate street service,citing Jackson Street as an example.
Mr. Coomer stated that he does not need city services.
The Mayor advised Mr. Coomer that his property would not be annexed at this time, however as future
development with Woodbridge progresses,there is a possibility within the next few years to be annexed into the
community. With no futher response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 3
The Mayor then announced for the sake of expedience,that if there were public participants in the Colonial Acres
subdivision,those properties will not be considered for annexation,however,the process requires that we hold
both public hearings,however,no action will be taken at this time. The Mayor restated that as the Woodbridge
properties develope,they may then be considered for annexation. He also stated the same for the property owned
by Mr. Choah Tapp.
Mr. Maples stated that the parcel the Mayor referred to are parcel numbers, 94, 95, 96 and 97, and for clarity
stated that those property owners are Mr. Montgomery,Mr. Tapp,Mr. Coomer and Ms. Motsenbocker.
7. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Antonio Curcio,
containing 12.458 Acres,being out of the Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstract No.688 and being
part of a 43.24 acre tract conveyed to C.Truett Smith recorded in Volume 484,Page 121,Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 30)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Antonio J. Curcio, 1200 Paul Wilson Road.
Mr. Curcio spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Curcio stated he when he purchased the
land he cleared it himself,resulting in his current condition. Mr. Curcio is wheelchair bound. He stated that the
electric company has a five-acre Right of Way and that he has water and newly installed septic tank which he
spent$4000 on in order to meet the state's rigid guidelines. Mr. Curcio stated that he built a new house two years
ago and wants to spend the last of his days there and does not plan on paying taxes with his limited social
security income. Mr. Curcio stated that he has solid waste service, county sheriffs department protection and
there is nothing the city can provide.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
8. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Danny Justus,
containing 1.16 Acres, out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860 and the Henry L.
Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being out of a 4.0 acre
tract and a 4.5 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 91)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 4
Mr.Danny Justus,P.O.Box 1714
Mr. Justus spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Justus stated that he felt that the city
services would not be enough to warrant taxation. He stated that the annexation of his property would have no
benefit to the city other than taxation. Mr. Justus stated that he feels that to be taxed for services he is already
receiving is `robbery' and that if he is annexed and forced to pay taxes,he will remember who placed the taxes
on him (with regard to voting). Mr. Justus then asked that his comments also be recorded for Item No. 27,
property owner O.V. Justus(father).
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing and moved to Item No. 27 on the agenda.
27. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by O. V.Justus,
containing 1.003 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and being a part
of a 27.644 acre tract and containing all of a 0.689 acre tract conveyed from said 27.644 acre tract
in Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Mr. Justus on Item No. 8 also be recorded for Item No. 27. With no
further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
9. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William Downs,
containing 2.857 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,Collin County,Texas;
and being part of a certain 25.679 acre tract as described in deed to L. D.Pearce recorded in
Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 101)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.William Downs,601 Parker Road
Mr. Downs spoke in opposition of the annexation of his property. Mr. Downs advised Council that he did not
challenge their motives,but the wisdom of their decisions. Mr. Downs stated that because he is an American,
he is resistant to a government who tries to impose their will on him. Mr. Downs stated that he was forced into
the city eleven years ago and during that time the Planning& Zoning Commission recommended not to annex
the properties and the same pleas were heard by Council. Mr.Downs stated that the Mayor cast the deciding vote
and was arrogant about his decision. Mr.Downs stated that he paid taxes for five years and received nothing and
was told that sewer services were based on future development,not current,though he would like to have sewer
services. Mr. Downs stated that he does not feel that the city cannot at this time take on additional
responsibilities when they cannot fulfill current responsibilities. He stated that he feels that it is a money issue.
He asked that Council not make he and his neighbors go through the process as they once did before.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 5
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
10. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William Downs,
containing 1.871 Acres,being a part of a 6 acre tract out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.
696, conveyed to Ray Price and wife,Pauline Price, by Ray Tiller, a single man, and Mary L.
Tiller, a single woman, by Deed recorded in Volume 817, Page 596, Deed Records of Collin
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.William Downs,601 Parker Road
Mr. Downs asked that he be allowed to continue with Item No. 10. Mr. Downs stated that the process did not
involve the citizens and it was only through a posting of an October 13 meeting notice did he find out about the
annexation possibility. He stated that a year and a half ago he had conversation with a member of Council
regarding government and was told not to trust it and keep an eye on it. He then asked the Mayor how,unless
he watched the bulletin board every two week,how is he to protect himself,and why have property owners not
been involved? He then asked the Council to leave them alone,they have been through the process once.
The Mayor then asked Mr. Maples for the date and time of the next scheduled meeting for the Comprehensive
Plan Workshop. Mr. Maples stated it would be held this Thursday'evening at 7 p.m. The Mayor invited Mr.
Downs to attend.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
11. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Jesus Espinoza,
containing 5.0 Acres, out of the W. D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,and being a part of the
25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D.Pearce et al by C.L. Horton et ux by deed dated March 1,
1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268, Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (103)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
12. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Diane E. Getty,
containing 1.413 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920,being part of a 6.327
acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 949,Page 634,being the same 1.414 acre
tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 2176,Page 134 of the Deed Records of Collin
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 6
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 17)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms.Diane Stone, 140 Paul Wilson Road.
Ms. Stone spoke in opposition of the annexation of her property. Ms. Stone stated that currently she is provided
services, with the exception of sewer, and would only gain the right to vote. Ms. Stone also stated that she
expected any future development to be with St. Paul,since she believes she is in their ETJ. Mr. Maples clarified
that the properties to the North are either in St. Paul or St. Paul's ETJ. She asked Council with the number of
parcels under consideration,what is the 'big picture' development plan? The Mayor asked that she attend the
Comprehensive Plan meeting on Thursday so that those plans and thoughts could be made clear. She asked
Council if there was any possibilty that her property would also be removed from consideration to annex. The
Mayor stated that it is possible and that is why public hearings are held.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
13. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Don Hoeft,
containing 1.414 Acres, being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,
Abstract No. 920, conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G. C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer, Clifton
Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949,Page 634 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Don Hoeft,302 Paul Wilson Road.
Mr. Hoeft spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Hoeft stated that he did not want city
services nor did he want the city telling him what he could or could not do on his property. Mr. Hoeft strongly
opposes the annexation of his property.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
14. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Janish, Inc.,
containing 2.5971 Acres, out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920 situated in the City
of Wylie, Collin County,Texas and being that same property described in substitute trustee's
deed executed by Mark S.Houser recorded in Volume 3851,Page 148 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas,and also being a part of Kinsington Manor Estates Section Three,Section
Four and Section Five,additions to the City of Wylie,Texas as recorded in Cabinet C,Page 568,
Cabinet C,Page 571 and Cabinet C,page 570, respectively,of the Plat Records of Collin County,
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 7
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr. Charles Janish,President of Janish,Inc.
Mr.Janish spoke in opposition of the annexation of his property. Mr. Janish stated a brief history of surrounding
properties and problems with maintenance and control of Paul Wilson Road. He stated that he would not gain
anything and that it would not be adventageous for him for the city to annex his property. He stated that one-half
of his property is already in the City and gave Council a brief desciption of some sewer problems. He stated that
he has septic sewer system, county law enforcement protection and solid waste pick up. He restated that he
cannot see any advantage to being annexed into the City.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
15. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Charles Kerin,
containing 4.453 Acres, out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being part of a
called 5.0 acre tract conveyed to John Coomer,et ux as recorded in Volume 618,Page 312,Deed
Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 104)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Dr.Charles Kerin,property owner.
Dr.Kerin spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Dr. Kerin stated that he moved his practice to
Wylie in 1984 when said property was then outside the city limits. They were involuntary annexed and had asked
about the city providing him sewer services and was told that it was not possible,unless he was willing to pay
for the cost of a lift station. Dr. Kerin stated that he then decided to install a septic system. After five years and
no services,they were disannexed. Dr. Kerin stated that they are now in the same position as before and could
not see the justification for taking in his property if the city cannot provide water and sewer services at this time.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
16. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kreymer
Investments,Ltd.,containing 5.571 Acres,being a part of original 30 and 12 acre tracts out of the
James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media Kreymer,
a widow,by deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 15)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 8
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
17. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S.Monson,
containing 0.197 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson Survey,
Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl Parsons
by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms. Vicki Monson, 1330 W.Brown Street.
Ms.Monson spoke in opposition to the annexation of her property. Ms. Monson stated that most had stated her
feelings regarding the annexations. Ms. Monson stated that she moved her a year ago so that she would not be
in the city. Ms. Monson stated that she currently has all services and can see no advantage therefore strongly
opposes annexation. Ms. Monson asked that her comments be recorded for Item No. 18 as well.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
18. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S. Monson,
containing 0.483 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson Survey,
Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl Parsons
by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Ms.Monson on Item No. 17 also be recorded for Item No. 18. With no
futher response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
19. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Claude
Montgomery,containing 20.00 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and
the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No.860,Collin County,Texas,and being a part of an 85.319
acre tract of land conveyed to Richard D.Nance,Coy Watkins and Thomas Chambers by David
L. Goforth by Deed filed March 10, 1969,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 9
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map and stated that
Council has previously indicated that this consideration of annexation of this property would be dropped.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Claude Montogmery,2220 Sachse Road
Mr. Montogmery then read into the record a statement that the undersigned ask the City to reject and deny
annexation of our properties. Mr. Montgomery advised Council of all the taxes he now pays and stated that he
is not aware of any additional services the city can provide,only taxation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
20. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings.for the Annexation of property owned by Norma
Motsenbocker, containing 3.93 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292,
about 2'A miles South of the Town of Wylie,Texas,and being 3.93 acres of land off the North end
of a 7.93 acre tract surveyed October 8, 1959,By Addison G.Wilson,Jr., said 7.93 acre tract
being out of the South corner of a tract of 108.5 acres,described as first tract in a Deed from John
Rogers et al,to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs Rose Rogers Coleman recorded in Volume 214,
Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. Mr. Maples stated
that this property is one that Council had previously indicated that it would be dropping from the process. (Tract
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
21. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 7.32 Acres, located on Old Highway No. 78, Sachse-Wylie Road in Collin County,
Texas and being a tract out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and being out of
a 27.644 acre tract and being a part of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.50 acre tract out of said 27.644
acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 10
Ms.Sue Nicklas,1 Goll Road
Ms.Nicklas spoke in opposition the annexation. She stated that her property lies in the middle of 15 acres and
no street or road that goes past their property. She also stated that there is an adjoining strip of property to their
pasture that they were hoping would be taken in as well. She stated that Mr. Maples indicated that it would not
be taken in at this time. She stated that it is unsightly and filled with junked cars,trash,campers and possibly
undocumented workers living in this area. She was hoping that if it were taken in there would be some kind of
control. She stated that for the last 15 years to have the property cleaned up,however, this is in the city and
nothing has been done to clean it up. Ms.Nicklas stated that she currently has all services including, police,fire.
trash, city water, and septic system. She asked that if everyone else south of them has been dropped from
annexation consideration that they also be dropped and reconsidered when the others are taken in. Ms.Nicklas
asked that the same comments be recorded for Item No. 22 and Item No. 23.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
22. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 3.590 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 262, and being a
resurvey of a called 3.6 acre tract of land described in a deed from Delaney Development
Corporation to Gary K. Goll, et ux, as recorded in Volume 1184, Page 893, Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Ms.Nicklas on Item No. 21 also be recorded for Item No. 22. With no
further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
23. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 2.7624 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.262,and being a part
of a called 4.52 acre tract out of a 27.644 acre tract described in a deed from J.D.Houston to
W.W.Housewright as recorded in Volume 773,Page 291,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Ms.Nicklas on Item No. 21 also be recorded for Item No. 23. With no
further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 11
24. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Robert E.Nolan,
'containing 0.681 Acres out of the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,conveyed to L.W.Self
and wife,Glenda O.Self by R.H.Wilson and wife,Grace L.Wilson by Deed recorded in Volume
793,Page 514 of the Collin County Deed Records,and being a part of a 2.573 acre tract conveyed
to L.W. Self and wife,by Robert Leamon Reynolds and wife,Leta Reynolds by Deed recorded
in Volume 803,Page 181 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 6)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Robert Nolan, 1320 W.Brown
Mr. Nolan spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Nolan feels that the reason for the
annexations is only for tax purposes. He is strongly opposed to the annexation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
25. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas
Municipal Water District, containing 7.94 Acres, out of Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract
688, Collin County,Texas. And being out of a 47.5 acre tract of land described in a Report of
Commissioners, by order of probate Court,December 29, 1923, and recorded in Volume 249,
page 346,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 20)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
26. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas
Municipal Water District, containing 32.078 Acres,being out of Francisco De La Pina Survey,
Abstract No.688,in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being a portion of a called 47.5
acre tract as conveyed to Leonard L.Creel and evidenced by Order on Report of Commissioners
recorded in Volume 249,Page 346 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 22)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 12
The public hearing for Item No. 27 was heard previously after Item No. 8.
28. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kenneth Putman,
containing 3.459 Acres, being a part of an original 12 acre first tract out of the James Truett
Survey,Abstract No. 920 conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media Kreymer,a widow,by
deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 14)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
29. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Ivan W.Stewart,
containing 1.0 Acre,being a part of a 6.327'acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract
No.920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G.C.Kreymer,Archie Kreymer,Clifton Kreymer,and
Billy Kreymer by Deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 634 Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms.Carrie Stewart, 102 Paul Wilson Road
Ms. Stewart spoke in opposition the the annexation. Ms. Stewart stated that the city has no services to offer and
she does not want to pay taxes. She stated that there is no room for future development therefore nothing for the
city. She lives next door to the cabinet shop which was annexed 10-11 years ago and to the best of her
knowledge,they do not have sewer services therefore she does not want to pay taxes and not receive services.
With no further response,the Mayor closed the public hearing.
30. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Melvin St.John,
containing 28.333 Acres,being part of a called 58 acre tract out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,
Abstract No.292 and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No.860,conveyed to W. O.Houston
and John D. Houston by G. H. Drewery and recorded in Volume 339, Page 436 of the Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 13
31. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Choya Tapp,
'containing 3.491 Acres, out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and the William
Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tracts of land
described in a Deed from Raymond L.Bass and wife,Helen R.Bass to William E.Butler and wife,
Charlene L.Butler,as recorded in Volume 855,Page 745,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. Mr. Maples stated
that this property is one that Council had previously indicated that it would be dropping from the process. (Tract
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
32. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Thomas Brown,
containing 4.859 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,and being a part of a
25.679 acre tract conveyed by C.I.Norton and Lyda P.Norton to L.D.Pearce,L. G.Pearce and
F.W.Pearce,as recorded in Volume 496,page 268,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 105 & 106)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Thomas Brown, 709 Parker Road
Mr. Brown spoke in opposition to the annexation. Mr. Brown stated that he has resideded at this property for
two years and he purchased his property specifically outside of the city limits. He stated that the city cannot offer
him services that he doesn't already have. He does not want to pay taxes for services he is not going to receive.
Mr. Brown owns a commercial business,specifically auto repair.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
33. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Garry White,
containing 1.089 Acres,out of the I.&G.N.Railroad Company Survey,Abstract No. 1059, Collin
County,Texas,and also being part of a 4.00 acre tract as conveyed to Glen E.Pockrus and wife,
Joyce Pockrus, recorded in Volume 1293,Page 84,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 14
Ms.Shirley White,711 Parker Road
Ms.White spoke in opposition to the annexation. She stated that she is in the same position as Dr. Kerin (Item
No. 15) She stated that she could not see any future development in this area. She stated that the city cannot
provide her with any services they do not already have. She stated that she would only be paying money to the
city of Wylie and would not receive any benefit of services. Ms. White stated that she strongly opposes the
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
34. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by W.L. Brown,
containing 1.0 Acres out of the William Sachse Survey,Abstract No.696 of 640 acres,about 14
miles Southeast from McKinney, Collin County, Texas, and being out of that 40 acres of land
which is described as First Tract in a Warranty Deed from Jick Housewright et al to D.R.Moore
and Kathleen G.Moore,dated April 15, 1954,recorded in Volume 484,Page 379,Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas,
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 1)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Alfred Brown,property owner.
Mr.Brown spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. He asked Council why they have not annexed
him before now and what would his property be zoned. He cited problems with the maintenance of the creek
area. Mr. Maples explained the zoning would be"A"Agriculture and would not effect taxation. The Mayor
clarified Mr.Brown's name for the record. Mr.Brown stated that he does have a warrenty deed for this property.
With no further response,the Mayor closed the public hearing.
35. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William F.
Young,containing 1.0 Acre being out of the Elliot C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266, being
a 1.00 acre tract of land out of a 72.5 acre tract,save and except previous conveyances, conveyed
to J.R. Eaves by deed dated the 9' day of March, 1958, by J.W. Barnett et ux, of record in
Volume 411,page 494,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 9)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 15
Staff Reports
City Manager,Mike Collins gave Council an update on the status of the New Wastewater Treatment Plant and
plans to come before Council in January with the terms of the agreement.
Mr.Collins reported that on Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m staff would be conducting a walk through of the route
for the water transmission main to be installed by the water district. Council is invited. The Mayor asked about
the dirt and agreement to provide dirt to the intermediate school. Greg Maclean stated that the School District
will coordinate with the contractor the excess dirt.
Mr. Collins reported that correspondence has been sent to TCI Cable regarding the status of our current franchise
with them after recent changes with AT&T now being the parent company. Staff will be reevaluating their
response and what opportunity this might represent.
Assistant to the City Manager,Mindy Manson reported status of the construction of the new park by the High
School. She reported that all grading and irrigation is done and concrete for the parking lot has been initiated and
will continue as weather permits. She reported that the fencing contractor will be putting up fencing for the ball
fields next week. The City Manager's office is working with the School District on coordinating a contest to
name the park.
Mr. Greg MacLean reported that in regard to the Thursday morning walk through,that he and Mr. Forester are
working closely with the district to coordinate traffic control. He also reported that work is proceeding on the
preparations for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and they are working closely with the district. Mr. MacLean
reported that they are working on one city project currently and that is the miscellaneous water mains which are
underway and on schedule.
City Secretary,Barbara Salinas reported that tomorrow is Student Government Day at the Complex and that all
the students present this evening would be here tomorrow along with an additional 70 students, for planned
activities. She stated that there would be a brief ceremony in the Courtyard in honor of Veteran's Day and the
public was invited to attend the days events.
Public Works Superintendent,Mr. Jack Jones reported the status of Mardi Gras,Valentine and Memorial. Mr.
Jones reported that Pugsley Construction has nearly completed the area on Mardi Gras Valentine and Memorial.
Mr. Jones reported that some options have been discussed to lower contract time to speed up the process of
getting clean up complete.
The Mayor then adjourned into Executive Session n accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code,Vernon's
Texas Codes Annotated (Open Meeting Law). Section 551.071, Discussion with City Attorney on a matter
concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the
Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with this Chapter; and
Section 551.075 Conference with City Employees to review information from employees concerning Kansas City
Southern Railroad; and Sections 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney; and 551.075 Conference with
Employees to Discuss Issues Regarding the Future Development of Spring Creek Parkway.
Reconvene into Open Meeting
No action was taken as a result of the Executive Session.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 16
As there was no further business to come before the Council,the meeting was adjourned.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara A. Salinas, City Secretary
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 10,1998
Page 17
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, November 17, 1998 - 5:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas
Call to Order
Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Tuesday,November 17, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. with the
following Councilmembers present: Joel Scott, Reta Allen, Lavern Ramsey, J.C. Worley and Chris Trout.
Councilman Young was absent.
Staff members present were:Mike Collins,City Manager,Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager; Brady
Snellgrove,Finance Director; Tobin Maples,Planning Director and Barbara Salinas, City Secretary.
The Invocation was given by Reverend Al Draper,First Baptist Church.
Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Trout led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizens Participation
There was no citizens participation other than those present for the annexation public hearings.
Consent Agenda
A. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Wylie Assisted Living addition,proposed by Cascade
Companies,L.L.C.,generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane and
being all of a certain 6.5 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,City
of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of Lot 1, Block A, of Woodlake Village, an
addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in cabinet G,Page 386,of the Plat records of Collin
B. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for Southfield Estates, proposed by Southfork
Development,Ltd., generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and
being all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M.Price Survey,Abstract No. 1114,City of Wylie,
Dallas County,Texas.
C. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase II addition,proposed
by Ballpen Venture II, L.P., generally located along the east side of Taos Lane between
Cloudcroft Drive and Silvercreek Drive and being all of a 1.9423 acre tract out of the Allen
Atterberry Survey,Abstract No.23,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
D. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Harvest Bend Addition, proposed by
Doupharate and Associates,Inc.,generally located at the southwest corner of FM 2514 and Dog
Drop Road and being all of a certain 16.356 and all of a certain 20.042 acre tract out of the W.D.
Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 1
Mayor Pro Tem Worley made a motion to approve Items A-D on the Consent Agenda. Councilman Scott
'seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,6-0
The Mayor stated that staff has provided a breakdown of the assessed value of an average home in Wylie what
the property taxes are,including WISD, County and City and what portion is spent in the community.
Items for Individual Consideration
Public Hearings
35. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William F.
Young, containing 1.0 Acre being out of the Elliot C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,being
a 1.00 acre tract of land out of a 72.5 acre tract,save and except previous conveyances,conveyed
to J.R. Eaves by deed dated the 9' day of March, 1958, by J.W. Barnett et ux, of record in
Volume 411,page 494,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 9)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes, no one was present at the public hearing on November 10,1998. With no
response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
34. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by W.L.Brown,
containing 1.0 Acres out of the William Sachse Survey,Abstract No.696 of 640 acres,about 14
miles Southeast from McKinney, Collin County,Texas, and being out of that 40 acres of land
which is described as First Tract in a Warranty Deed from Jick Housewright et al to D.R.Moore
and Kathleen G.Moore,dated April 15, 1954,recorded in Volume 484,Page 379,Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas,.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 1)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Sister of Mr.Brown,representing the property owner.
Mr.Brown's sister advised Council that her brother was present at the last public hearing and spoke in opposition
of the annexation. She advised Council that her brother passed away on Thursday. She stated that as his heirs
they do not want annexation either. She requested that Council leave them alone and not consider annexation of
the property.
With no further response,the Mayor closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 2
33. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Garry White,
containing 1.089 Acres,out of the I.&G.N.Railroad Company Survey,Abstract No. 1059,Collin
County,Texas,and also being part of a 4.00 acre tract as conveyed to Glen E.Pockrus and wife,
Joyce Pockrus,recorded in Volume 1293,Page 84,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 107)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms.Shirley White,711 Parker Road
Ms.White spoke in opposition to the annexation. Ms. White restated her comments from the last public hearing
of November 10, 1998. She stated that when the city can furnish water,sewer and city streets then she would
be acceptable to annexation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
32. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Thomas
Brown,containing 4.859 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,and being a part
of a 25.679 acre tract conveyed by C.I.Norton and Lyda P.Norton to L.D.Pearce,L. G.Pearce
and F.W.Pearce,as recorded in Volume 496,page 268, of the Deed Records of Collin County,
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 105 & 106)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Thomas Brown,709 Parker Road
Mr.Brown spoke in opposition to the annexation. Mr. Brown restated his comments from the public hearing of
November 10, 1998. He does not see the city providing services within the four and one half years. He stated
that if the city provides services,he would not object to annexation.
The Mayor stated that the information provided gives a breakdown of all services provided including police,fire,
library,streets,parks and general government and debt service for financing roads and capital investments such
as fire truck,police cars,and water. City Manager Mike Collins clarified that reference was made to the county's
reimbursement to the city for fire calls made. He stated that this is true,the County does reimburse the city at
an amount of$45,while the actual expense of making a fire call,without a structure fire,is $360.
• Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 3
Mr. Brown asked if it was currently in the plan to paving the road and provide sewer services. The Mayor
responded that no,because he is not in the city,we cannot not plan sewer services to an unincorporated area. City
Manager Mike Collins stated that the breakdown provided was to clarify the services provide with tax dollars and
that water and sewer services was a separate issue. Mr. Collins clarified that if you are not receiving sewer
service you are not nor will not pay for those services.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
31. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Choya Tapp,
containing 3.491 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and the William
Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tracts of land
described in a Deed from Raymond L.Bass and wife,Helen R.Bass to William E.Butler and wife,
Charlene L.Butler,as recorded in Volume 855,Page 745,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor asked that the record show that at the last public hearing of November 10,it was determined that this
property is one that Council has indicated that it would be dropping from the process. (Tract 95)Mr. Maples
stated that the public hearing was advertised and a hearing would need to be conducted.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
30. Hold the First of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Melvin St.John,
containing 28.333 Acres,being part of a called 58 acre tract out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,
Abstract No.292 and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No.860,conveyed to W. O.Houston
and John D. Houston by G. H. Drewery and recorded in Volume 339, Page 436 of the Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 93)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes,no one was present at the public hearing on November 10, 1998. With no
response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
29. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Ivan W.
Stewart,containing 1.0 Acre,being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,
Abstract No. 920, conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G.C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer, Clifton
Kreymer,and Billy Kreymer by Deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 634 Deed Records of Collin
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 16)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 4
.The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor closed the public hearing.
28. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kenneth
Putman, containing 3.459 Acres,being a part of an original 12 acre first tract out of the James
Truett Survey,Abstract No.920 conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media Kreymer,a widow,
by deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 14)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms.Diane Stone, 140 Paul Wilson Road
Ms. Stone addressed Council on behalf of Mrs. Putman,who has recently lost her husband. She asked that Ms.
Stone voice her opposition to the annexation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
27. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by O. V.Justus,
containing 1.003 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and being a part
of a 27.644 acre tract and containing all of a 0.689 acre tract conveyed from said 27.644 acre tract
in Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 92)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Danny Justus,P.O.Box 1714
Mr.Justus spoke in opposition to the annexation of his father's property. He asked Council how many Council
members have had property annexed or how many have ever gone through an eminent domain proceeding? Mr.
Justus stated that he had gone through it once with the State,he stated that he does not question the desire of the
city's expansion but his problem is with forcing his individual rights to be suppressed. Mayor Mondy reminded
Mr.Justus that he was to address only Item No.27 at this time. Mr. Justus stated that this property is not within
the city limits adjacent to a field and has been that way since his father has owned it. He feels that it is only to
raise finances and this in the only benefit he can see. He asked Council what the benefit to the city is to annex
his father's property? He stated that he felt that the Council was suppressing his father's individual rights to
not be within the City,as so expressed by many in attendance. He stated that his ancestors fought in many wars
and this country was established not only for independence of other powers,but for individual expression.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 5
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
The Mayor then moved to Item No. 8 on the Agenda.
8. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Danny Justus,
containing 1.16 Acres, out of the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860 and the Henry L.
Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being out of a 4.0 acre
tract and a 4.5 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Danny Justus,P.O.Box 1714
Mr.Justus stated that this property has been in his family for twenty years and has never served any purpose to
the city. He again stated that the only purpose he can see for taxation purposes. He stated that his quote in the
City paper was not accurate and that he did not want to suggest that the city has no right to grow,however,some
purchased property outside the city and do not want to be a part of the city. He stated that he feels that many are
concerned that they are overtaxed.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
26. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas
Municipal Water District, containing 32.078 Acres,being out of Francisco De La Pina Survey,
Abstract No.688,in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being a portion of a called 47.5
acre tract as conveyed to Leonard L.Creel and evidenced by Order on Report of Commissioners
recorded in Volume 249,Page 346 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 22)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes,no one was present at the public hearing on November 10, 1998. With no
response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
25. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas
Municipal Water District, containing 7.94 Acres, out of Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract
688, Collin County,Texas. And being out of a 47.5 acre tract of land described in a Report of
Commissioners,by order of probate Court,December 29, 1923, and recorded in Volume 249,
page 346,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 20)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 6
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes,no one was present at the public hearing on November 10, 1998. With no
response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
24. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Robert E.
Nolan, containing 0.681 Acres out of the E.C. Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,conveyed to
L.W.Self and wife,Glenda O.Self by R.H.Wilson and wife,Grace L.Wilson by Deed recorded
in Volume 793,Page 514 of the Collin County Deed Records, and being a part of a 2.573 acre
tract conveyed to L.W. Self and wife,by Robert Leamon Reynolds and wife,Leta Reynolds by
Deed recorded in Volume 803,Page 181 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 6)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Robert Nolan, 1320 W.Brown
Mr. Nolan spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Nolan restated his comments from the
November 10 public hearing. Mr.Nolan feels that the reason for the annexations is only for tax purposes. He
is strongly opposed to the annexation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
23. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 2.7624 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.262,and being a part
of a called 4.52 acre tract out of a 27.644 acre tract described in a deed from J.D. Houston to
W.W.Housewright as recorded in Volume 773,Page 291,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 87)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Peter Nicklas, 1 Goll Road
Mr. Nicklas wished his comments to be recorded for Item Nos. 22 and 21 as well. Mr. Nicklas stated that
Council mentioned closing donut holes. He stated that by taking in his property,they would create a donut hole
by leaving out a distasteful area that is out of control. He asked that if we take his property,that we also take the
remaining area as well to control both. He asked that until this area is developed or unless the donut hole is also
taken in,that Council not annex his property at this time.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 7
,With nq further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
22. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 3.590 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 262, and being a
resurvey of a called 3.6 acre tract of land described in a deed from Delaney Development
Corporation to Gary K. Goll, et ux, as recorded in Volume 1184, Page 893, Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Mr.Nicklas on Item No. 23 also be recorded for Item No. 22. With no
further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
21. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,
containing 7.32 Acres, located on Old Highway No. 78, Sachse-Wylie Road in Collin County,
Texas and being a tract out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and being out of
a 27.644 acre tract and being a part of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.50 acre tract out of said 27.644
acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
The Mayor asked that the comments by Mr.Nicklas on Item No. 23 also be recorded for Item No. 21. With no
further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
20. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Norma
Motsenbocker, containing 3.93 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292,
about 2'/2 miles South of the Town of Wylie,Texas,and being 3.93 acres of land off the North end
of a 7.93 acre tract surveyed October 8, 1959,By Addison G.Wilson,Jr., said 7.93 acre tract
being out of the South corner of a tract of 108.5 acres,described as first tract in a Deed from John
Rogers et al,to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs Rose Rogers Coleman recorded in Volume 214,
Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. Mr. Maples stated
that this property is one that Council had previously indicated that it would be dropping from the process. (Tract
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 8
19. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Claude
Montgomery,containing 20.00 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and
the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No.860,Collin County,Texas,and being a part of an 85.319
acre tract of land conveyed to Richard D.Nance,Coy Watkins and Thomas Chambers by David
L. Goforth by Deed filed March 10, 1969,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map and stated that
Council has previously indicated that this consideration of annexation of this property would be dropped.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
18. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S.
Monson, containing 0.483 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl
Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 8)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
17. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S.
Monson, containing 0.197 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl
Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 7)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response the Mayor closed the public hearing.
16. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kreymer
Investments,Ltd.,containing 5.571 Acres,being a part of original 30 and 12 acre tracts out of the
James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media Kreymer,
a widow,by deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 15)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 9
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes, no one was present at the public hearing of November 10, 1998. With no
response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
15. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Charles Kerin,
containing 4.453 Acres, out of the W. D. Penny Survey, Abstract No. 696 and being part of a
called 5.0 acre tract conveyed to John Coomer,et ux as recorded in Volume 618,Page 312,Deed
Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 104)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Dr. Charles Kerin,property owner.
Dr.Kerin spoke again in opposition to the annexation of his property. He added that last week Mr. Jack Jones,
Public Works Superintendent,confirmed that a lift station would be required to provide sewer service and connect
to the Pointe North system. He stated that this is the same situation as was ten years ago when his home was built
and this is why he installed a septic sewer system. Dr. Kerin stated that he did attend the Comprehensive Plan
Workshop last Thursday and his property was not in either scenario and felt that his property was not important
enough to be included on a map or workshop yet the city is willing to annex his property for its tax base. He
stated that most of the growth is projected to the go to the south east. He stated that to make the parcel
contiguous,his neighbor Ms. Turner,who is on social security and has no means to pay taxes,may be annexed
as well. He stated that he felt this issue deals with both morals and ethics. He stated that if services were not
provided,you should not be expected to pay for them and that the only reason he could see for annexation was
for tax purposes. He asked Council to carefully consider the annexation,stating that he is happy with the current
services provided and that with no evidence of growth, to annex now would be premature. He stated that
Council's individual votes would be a demonstration of their values to him and those interested.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
14. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Janish,Inc.,
containing 2.5971 Acres, out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920 situated in the City
of Wylie, Collin County,Texas and being that same property described in substitute trustee's
deed executed by Mark S.Houser recorded in Volume 3851,Page 148 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas,and also being a part of Kinsington Manor Estates Section Three,Section
Four and Section Five,additions to the City of Wylie,Texas as recorded in Cabinet C,Page 568,
Cabinet C,Page 571 and Cabinet C,page 570,respectively,of the Plat Records of Collin County,
„_ Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 19)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 10
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Charles Janish,President of Janish,Inc.
Mr. Janish spoke in opposition of the annexation of his property. Mr. Janish restated his comments from the
November 10 public hearing. He further stated that he sees no benefit from the annexation. He reported that this
evening they had vandalism at his property and he was unsure of whom to call, since part of his property is in the
City. He asked that since the city does not maintain Paul Wilson Road,that the city return it to the County and
leave them in the County as well. He stated that he can see no benefit from taxation. Mr. Janish then asked, if
he is annexed,when the taxes would be assessed. He was advised that the taxes would be due at the end of 1999.
The Mayor clarified that he currently has an 8'water line, a TU Electric easement in his backyard, and two septic
systems. Mr. Janish confirmed this was correct.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
13. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Don Hoeft,
containing 1.414 Acres, being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,
Abstract No. 920, conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G. C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer, Clifton
Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949,Page 634 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 18)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.Don Hoeft,302 Paul Wilson Road.
Mr. Hoeft spoke in opposition to the annexation of his property. Mr. Hoeft restated his comments from the
November 10 public hearing. He does not see any advantage of being a part of the city. He stated that this is
taxation without representation,something that this country went to war over. He felt that most cannot afford
additional taxes. Mr. Hoeft strongly opposes the annexation of his property.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
12. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Diane E.
Getty, containing 1.413 Acres, out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920,being part of
a 6.327 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 949,Page 634,being the same
1.414 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 2176,Page 134 of the Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
• Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 11
,Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 17)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Ms.Diane Stone, 140 Paul Wilson Road.
Ms. Stone spoke in opposition of the annexation of her property. Ms. Stone restated her comments from the
November 10 public hearing. She further stated that the city could not provide any additional services. She
restated that she is across from St. Paul with four other properties being considered for annexation. She stated
that her family is on a limited budget and additional taxes present a burden to their family.
With no further response the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
11. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Jesus
Espinoza,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,and being a part
of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L.D.Pearce et al by C.L.Horton et ux by deed dated March
1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268, Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (103)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. For recording purposes, no one attended the November 10 public hearing. With no response, the
Mayor then closed the public hearing.
10. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William
Downs, containing 1.871 Acres, being a part of a 6 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey,
Abstract No.696,conveyed to Ray Price and wife,Pauline Price,by Ray Tiller,a single man,and
Mary L.Tiller, a single woman,by Deed recorded in Volume 817,Page 596, Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.William Downs,601 Parker Road
Mr. Downs asked Council if this is simply about taxation and asked for a response from Council. The Mayor
responded that it was not,in his opinion. Mr. Downs stated that the letter had no explanation for the annexation
and Council's actions to drop several parcels,without explanation,leaves the remaining property owners to only
imagine what the city intend is and asked Council to offer an explanation.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 12
.The Mayor stated that the reason for dropping several parcels was because of the city's inability to provide
services at the most cost effective manner. He stated that this area would be under construction within the next
24 months. Mr.Downs stated that this was difficult for him because they have been through the process before.
He did not feel that morally, this was the correct thing to do. Mr. Downs stated that the outcome of the
annexations will effect the lives of those Council imposes their will on and asked that Council not use the law like
a club.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
9. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William
Downs,containing 2.857 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No.696,Collin County,
Texas; and being part of a certain 25.679 acre tract as described in deed to L.D.Pearce recorded
in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 101)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr.William Downs,601 Parker Road
Mr. Downs continued that this process is a charade and he understood that we are simply following a process.
He asked that Council respond to him,and if this is not about taxes,then what is it about? The Mayor responded
to Mr.Downs stating that if he had been in the city,his neighbor would not be there with a double wide mobile
home. Mr.Downs asked if the Mayor was suggesting that he wants the city to protect him and that he could not
work out his differences with his neighbor. Mr. Downs restated that he did not need or want the city to protect
him from his neighbor,nor did he want to pay the city to protect him but that he would pay the city paper to take
out a quarter page ad to voice his opinion about these kinds of proceedings of using the law like a club. He again
asked that Council respond to his question,and that to be protected from his neighbor is not rational reason to
be annexed into the city. The Mayor stated that approximately six months ago when a developer asked to put
in an apartment complex close to his area,his neighbors came and asked for protection,which the Council gave.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
Item 8 had previously been heard after Item No. 27.
7. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Antonio
Curcio,containing 12.458 Acres,being out of the Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstract No.688
and being part of a 43.24 acre tract conveyed to C.Truett Smith recorded in Volume 484,Page
121,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 30)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 13
Ms.Mary Curcio, 1200 Paul Wilson Road.
Ms. Curcio spoke in opposition to the annexation of her parent's property. Ms. Curcio spoke on behalf of her
parents, her father spoke at the last public hearing of November 10, 1998. She stated that she felt the
annexations are random. She stated that her parents currently have all services required and they had concerns
regarding improvements and maintenance of the road in front of their home. She stated that it appears that
annexation is for tax purposes only. She stated that her parents are senior citizens living on a fixed income. She
stated that they had cleared the land and built their home in hopes of living out their `golden years' and that the
annexation could diminish their quality of life. She asked that Council please omit this property from annexation
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
6. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Benny
Coomer, containing 1.57 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292, about 2
'/2 miles South of Wylie,and being out of the Southern portion of a tract of 108.5 acres described
as First Tract in a deed from John Rogers et al to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs.Rose Rogers
Coleman,recorded in Vol.214,Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,said 108.5 acres
being the same land described in a deed from M.J.P. Haymas to George Rogers by deed dated
April 6, 1874,and recorded in Vol.W,Page 956,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr.Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. Mr. Maples stated
that this property was one that Council had indicated it would be dropping from the process. (Tract 96)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
5. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by C. Connelly,
containing 5.0 Acres, out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being a part of the
25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed dated Mardi 1,
1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 102)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
4. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Mark
Clayton,containing 3.2526 Acres,being all that 3 acre tract and all that.2526 acre tract of land
situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,Collin County,Texas and being out
of a 43.24 acre tract of land conveyed to C.Truett Smith,et al,by Jack Parr,et ux,as recorded
in Volume 484,page 121 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 31 & 32)
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 14
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 31 & 32)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Unidentified Female Participant -property owner Mark Clayton.
The speaker advised Council that she did not attend the first public hearing, however, this should not be an
indication that they approve of the annexation. She stated that she was in favor of city growth,however, she
did not understand why the property across the street was not included and that between the two properties there
is land that is in the city. She wanted to know why the property across the street was not considered and\v by
some parcels were dropped. She stated that she does not wish to be a part of the city since we are not annexing
the property across the street and stated that this would be spot annexation.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
3. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Charles
Bunting,containing 1.50 Acres,situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract 688, Collin
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 34)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing.
2. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Conrad E.
Boyer,containing 1.717 Acres out of the L.K.Pegues Survey,Abstract No. 703,being a portion
of a five acre parcel of land described and conveyed by deed recorded in Volume 715,Page 708
of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property location on the map. (Tract 2)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Mr. Conrad Boyer,Property Owner.
Mr. Boyer stated his opposition to the annexation of his property. He asked that Mr. Justus' and Dr. Kerin's
statements read into his reasons for opposition to the annexation. Mr. Boyer stated that at the last meeting he
asked some questions,one of them being,if anyone knew why his land was excluded from the 1995 annexations.
He asked if anyone had researched his question. He stated that he asked around and found out that the storm
drains the city installed diverted water to the creek on his property and the city did not want to take on the
maintenance of the creek.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 15
He stated that part of him does not mind being a part of the city and he has done business within the Wylie
community . He also stated that he did attend the Comprehensive Plan Workshop and applauded the city's
efforts and vision. However,Mr. Boyer stated that he did not want to be annexed because he does not believe
that the city will not protect his rights on how he uses his land as he would. He cited Hooper Road as an example
and stated that this will change only with development. He asked that the city not take on the expense of creek
and road maintenance and wait for future development to help with the costs and expenses.
With no further response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
1. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Keith
Anderson,containing 2.33 Acres,being out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No.920,City
of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,and being part of that tract as recorded in Volume 158,Page 457,
Deed Records,Collin County,Texas.
Mr. Maples gave a general property description and indicated property on the map. (No. 115)
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing asking that anyone who wished to speak in favor of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then asked that anyone who wished to speak in opposition of the proposed
annexation request to come forward stating their name and address for the record and limit their remarks to three
Marvin Fuller,355 Donna Drive
Mr.Fuller stated that he was asked to speak on behalf of Mr. Anderson. Mr. Fuller stated that Mr. Anderson's
concerns are that his property is next to the railroad tracks and the property south is not being annexed. He is
a tax payer and resident in Wylie. Mr. Maples stated that the property to the south is one that the legal
description research is not complete due to records at the County level,however,the research is ongoing.
With no response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
Approval of a Resolution
36. Consider and act upon a resolution, formally requesting that the Farm-to-Market (FM)
designation for a portion of Ballard Street between Butler and Stone streets be eliminated by the
Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) and establishing the City of Wylie maintenance
responsibility for the same portion.
Mr.Mike Collins addressed this item. Mr. Collins stated that the North Texas Municipal Water District's will
be installing a 72" water main located down South Ballard resulting in a four-lane divided thoroughfare. Mr.
Collins stated Mr.Fuller's efforts on behalf of the water district to encourage the city to look at an alignment to
save the canopy of trees on Ballard. After some discussion between the engineers and North Texas the results
are an alignment saving the trees.
Mr. Collins stated that the Texas Department of Transportatation does not allow any type of facialitis to be
constructed beneath their pavement,therefore a change in the FM designation is neccessary to move forward on
this project. Mr.Collins explained that TxDot would be returning the road to the city in order to be maintained.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 16
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Worley to approve a resolution,formally requesting that the Farm-to-
Market(FM)designation for a portion of Ballard Street between Butler and Stone streets be eliminated by the
Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) and establishing the City of Wylie maintenance responsibility
for the same portion. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 6-0.
Staff Reports
City Manager Mike Collins reported that discussions will continue with the North Texas Municipal Water District
with regard to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and hope to come before Council in late January or early February
with a draft of the agreement.
The Mayor announced that the city has reached an agreement with the County and Kansas City Soutern Railroad.
A press release has been released and information has been provided on the table at the chamber entrance. The
Mayor reported approximatley 9 million has been leveraged to hopefully make the community safer, quieter and
easier to move through. The Mayor stated that all details are not lined out,but the legal teams will come forward
with a timeline and Council hopes to have an agreement on the 15th of December.
Council was then in recess for approximatley 45 minutes to allow the Planning and Zoning Commission to
conduct their scheduled meeting.
Wylie City Council/Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Worksession
Discussion Regarding Residential Zoning Districts and Development Standards.
The Mayor reconvened in Worksession at 8:05 in the Council Conference Room for a joint worksession with the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission held disucssions on the status of the Comprehensive Plan
review and the visions from the community. It was determined that zoning strategies must first be in place in
order to establish a vision and that this is the basis for zoning decisions. It was agreed that the issue of residential
zoning is the primary focus. There was considerable discussion regarding future requests for SF-3 zoning
designation and the time frame in addressing this issue with regard to the Comprehensive Plan Review.
It was decided that the Planning and Zoning Commission would meet again with the Council for another joint
worksession on December 15, 1998.
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 17
'As there was no further business to come before the Council,the meeting was adjourned.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara A. Salinas, City Secretary
Wylie City Council Minutes
November 17,1998
Page 18
December 15, 1998
Item No.
Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance annexing all of a certain 110 Acre tract out of the J.W.
Mitchell Survey,Abstract No. 589, Collin County, Texas and being the same property conveyed to
Patsy Sue Donihoo by J.O. McWhirter and wife, Pearl A. McWhirter, by deed as recorded in
Volume 942 at Page 488 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
The City of Wylie has received a request for annexation from Mrs. Patsy Lewis for a 110 acre tract
generally located at the northeast corner of McCreary Road and McMillan Road. The applicant is
requesting annexation in order to enable development of the property utilizing City of Wylie utilities
and has indicated a contract to develop the property has been issued. Specifically,per the applicant
request the City of Murphy, Texas,has released this property from their extraterritorial jurisdiction
(ETJ) due to the fact that Murphy utilities are unavailable at this time(see attached resolution#
268). Also, staffhas held preliminary discussions with the development community regarding the
zoning and development of this property and anticipate a request for rezoning subsequent to Council
approval of the annexation request. Should the City Council approve the annexation request,the
property will be temporarily zoned as A(Agricultural)until permanent zoning is established by the
City Council. The procedure for establishing permanent zoning on annexed territory shall conform
to the procedures established by law for the adoption of zoning regulations.
Before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality
must conduct two (2)public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the
opportunity to be heard. In compliance with state law, staff has prepared the following public
hearing and institution schedule. As your can see,the two(2)public hearings have been scheduled
for the October 13, 1998, and October 27, 1998, City Council Meetings. The date for the institution
of the annexation proceedings has been scheduled for November 17, 1998.
Notice published for the first public hearing: September 30, 1998
First Public Hearing: October 13, 1998
Notice published for the second public hearing: October 14, 1998
Second Public Hearing: October 27, 1998
Institution date(Adopt Ordinance): December 15, 1998
Individual Consideration
Paae 1
Financial Considerations
According to the Collin County Central Appraisal District,the marketing value of the property is
$363,000 with an accessed taxable valuation of$21,450.
Other Considerations
• Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries.
The City will also be required when the annexation is considered,under Section 43.056 of the
Local Government Code, for provisions of Services to the annexed area and use it as directed in
said statute (see attached service plan).
• Section 43.057 of the Local Government Code, states that if a proposed annexation causes an
area to be entirely surrounded by the annexing municipality but would not include the area within
the municipality, the governing body of the municipality must find,before completing the
annexation,that surrounding the area is in the public interest. Should the Council approve this
annexation, a five(5) acre out parcel in Murphy's extraterritorial jurisdiction(ETJ)will be totally
surrounded by the City of Wylie proper. The five(5) acre out parcel is generally located along
the north side of McMillan Road east of the 110 acre tract requested for annexation(see attached
map). As a result, Council must find that surrounding this area is in the public interest prior to
completing the annexation proceedings. Staff is of the opinion that surrounding this property is
in the public interest due to the fact that the property will no longer be contiguous with the City
of Murphy and based upon Wylie's ability to provide public services to the area. Also,please
note that staff has contacted the City of Murphy in order to initiate a boundary agreement
process and add the out parcel to the City of Wylie extraterritorial jurisdiction(ETJ).
Commission Recommendation
Not applicable
Staff Recommendation
Applicant's letter
Exhibit "A"legal description
Resolution No. 268(Rclease from Murphy ETJ)
City limits boundaries map
Service Plan
Annexation Ordinance
Prepared by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Paae 2
• Mrs. ]Patsy Lerris
8421 Privafe Road#5201
Princeton,Texas 75407
March 5, 1998
Mr. Mike Phillips
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Re: Annexation into the City of Wylie of an approximate 110
acre tract of land located at the northeast corner of
McMillan and McCreary Roads, being situated in the J.M.
Mitchell Survey, Abstract •No. 589, Collin County, Texas,
and being more particularly described on Exhibit "A"
attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes
(the "Property")
Dear Mr. Phillips :
Please accept this letter as my formal request to the City of Wylie
to annex the Property into the jurisdiction of the City of Wylie
promptly upon the disannexation of the Property from within the
jurisdiction of the City of Murphy. Simultaneously with this
annexation request, I have formally requested the City of Murphy to
disannex the Property from within the jurisdiction of the City of
Murphy. If there is anything further that I need to do in order to
expedite the conclusion of this request, please let me know at
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions
with respect to the foregoing or need anything further. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Very truly yours,
Mrs . Patsy Lewis
cc: Mr. Roy Bentle - Mayor
City of Murphy
Route 3, Box 448
Plano, Texas 75094
f-,y\ 1
</I6/f 4•
BEING ell that certain lot, tact of parcel- of land situated in the J. W.
Mitchell Survey, Abstract No: • 589, Collin County, Texas, cnd being the same
property conveyed'.to Patsy Sue Doningo by J. 0. .McWhi o and..wrfe, Purl
Mc`, hirter, by deed as recorded in Volume 942•att Page 468 of the Deed Records of
Collin County, Texas, cafed•110 acres in two tracts' of land end being more
particularly described as 'follows: •
BEGINNING et'a 5/8- iron rod aet.for comer for the Southeast corner of Tract 2
of said Donihoo,.property, said point•being .the Southwest corner of c celled •
5.00 ccro tract of land' conveyed' to. Gene Lewis by deed cs recorded
ord alsoi bol umein
606 et Page 546 of•the Deed Records,of Collin County, Texas,
the old canter of McMillan Road (County Road No. 298), (70 :foot right—of—way,
the North 20 feet .by prc?criptive easement -and the,South 50 feet by
dedication); •
TNENCE North 89' 33' 04'•..West along the South lino•of said Donihoo tract and
following the North line.'of a•called,'120.6•42 ocro tract''described• in. Deed of
Trust as recorded in-Volume, 1915'ct .Fags•654 of:the. Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas, cnd following. the old center of Mc?.!itlon Raid .at 50.0 feet North
of and parcltei to the. North.line of a celled 115.155 acre•trcct conveyed to
Clayton/Combridge 'Joint Venture as •recorded•in•County Clerk'File No. 920045237
of the Deed Records of Coilin'County; Texas, and the South The of Mc?lillan
Road for a distance of. 1818,08 feet:(1815 feet'deed) to e railroad spike set
for the Southwest.corns; of said Donihoo proper•iy; -
' THENCE rth OCT .36' 4.c•East along• the West line of said Donihoo property
end the coiled West line' of•the J. W. 'Mitehci Survey cnd the called East line
of the C. A. ?.lcMilien`Survey, 'Abstract No. • foot and folio following
right—of—way)the erof for c
McCreary Rocd (County•Rood No. 245), ^( p
distance of 2669.91 (eet••(26.40 feet deed). to a railroad spike sot in os hott
for corner, said point being the _North-West corner of the Donihoo 110 acre tract
and the celled Northwest-corner of said J. W. Mitchell Survey end else being
the Southwest corner of 'celled EO acre 'tract conveyed to E. Donihoc by deed cs
re-corded in Volume 549- et Page 461 of the Deed Records of• Collin County, Texas;
THENCE North 89' 33 32' East along the common line of said coiled 110 acre
tract and the 80 acre tract cnd following the called .North di d)e of tee J. ion
Mitchell Survey for a d'rs,ance of 18_1.6 . feet
pipe found for corner, sold point being the Northeast corner of said celled 110
core tract end also being in the West line of McCreary
called .113.40 Liz acre
eFa,ct of
land conveyed to•VIiliicm E. Campbell, Jr. — �Mc�merrY by deed cs recorded in Volume 6.81 at Pcge 802 of the Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas;
THENCE South 00" 40' 53- West along the common gline of the coiled
e 110olacre
tract and the called 113.407 acre tract and following the general the PLACE ld
fence line for a distance of•2698.21 .feet (2640 feet deer) too the of whichO 2.6596
ACRES crc located in' the undedicated 20 foot right—of—way of McMillan ..Rood and
the undedicated' 30.foot right—of—way of },►cCreory Road leaving e net crec of
109.4650 ACRES OF LAND.
24 98 12:O6p p.2
WHEREAS, Patsy Lewis, the owner of a 110 acre tract of land situated in the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the City of Murphy, Texas, has requested that the City release that property from
its extraterritorial jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, Patsy Lewis, desires to have the property annexed into the City of Wylie, Texas;
WHEREAS, the City of Murphy, Texas, is willing to cooperate in the release of the land from
its extraterritorial jurisdiction to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Wylie and consent
to the annexation of said land, conditioned upon the initiation of the annexation proceedings
within six months of the date of this resolution.and the completion of the annexation within
eighteen months of the date of this resolution:
That the 110 acres of land, more particularly described in Exhibit A,-attached hereto and made
a past hereof for all purposes as though fully set out herein, is hereby released from the
extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Murphy, Texas, and the City of Murphy does hereby
consent to the annexation of said property to be annexed by the City of Wylie, Texas;
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, HOWEVER, that this consent and release of the extraterritorial
jurisdiction is valid onlyi f the Cityof Wylie initiates annexation proceedings within six months
of the date of this resolution and completes such proceedings within eighteen months of the date
of this resolution.
ADOV1"ED this 6th day of April _ , 1998.
Roy W. Benue, Mayor
Linda B. Marley, bly Sectietary
�, Je . G ore, City Attorney
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"Exhibit B"
SURVEY, ABSTRACT & COUNTY: J. W. Mitchell Survey
Abstract No. 589
Collin County, Texas
Municipal Services to the acreage described.above shall be furnished by or on behalf of the
City of Wylie, Texas (the "City") at the following levels and in accordance with the following
1. Patrolling, responses to calls and other routine police services, within the limits of
existing personnel and equipment and in a manner consistent with any of the methods
of the City, extends police service to any other area of the municipality, will be
provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient police personnel
and equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of police
services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and
population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and
one-half(4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon
commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later.
3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of police services will be
provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City.
1. Fire protection equipment by the present personnel and the present equipment of the
Fire Department, within the limitations of available water and distances from existing
fire stations, and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends
fire service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided to this area within
sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient fire and
emergency ambulance equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum
level of fire services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization
and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four
and one-half(4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or
upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later.
3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of fire and emergency
ambulance services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City.
1. Enforcement of the City's environmental health ordinances and regulations, including
but not limited to, weed and brush ordinances, junked and abandoned vehicle
ordinances and animal control ordinances, shall be provided within this area sixty (60)
days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. These ordinances and
regulations will be enforced through the use of existing personnel.
Complaints of ordinance or regulation violations within this area will be answered and
investigated within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. Inspection services including the review of building plans, the issuance of permits and
the inspection of all buildings, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work to ensure
compliance with the City codes and ordinances will be provided within sixty (60) days
of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Existing personnel will be used to
provide these services.
3. The City's zoning, subdivision, sign and other ordinances shall be enforced in this area
beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
4. All inspection services furnished by the City, but not mentioned above, will be
provided to this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the
annexed ordinance.
5. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient personnel will be
provided to furnish this area the same level of Environmental Health and Code
Enforcement Services as are furnished throughout the City.
The planning and zoning jurisdiction of the City will extend to this area within sixty (60) days
of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. City planning will thereafter encompass this
property, and it shall be entitled to consideration for zoning in accordance with the City's
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
2 C:Annex.ltr
1. Residents of this property may utilize all existing park and recreational services,
facilities and sites throughout the City, beginning within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. Additional facilities and sites to serve this property and its residents will be acquired,
developed and maintained at locations and times provided by applicable plans for
providing parks and recreation services to the City.
3. Existing parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and other recreational facilities within
this property shall,upon dedication to and acceptance by the City, be maintained and
operated by the City, but not otherwise.
1. Solid waste collection shall be provided to the property in accordance with existing
City policies,beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation
ordinance. Residents of this property utilizing private collection services at the time
of annexation shall continue to do so until it becomes feasible because of increased
density of population to serve the property municipally. Commercial refuse collection
services will be provided to any business located in the annexed area at the same price
as presently provided for any business customer within the City, upon request.
2. As development and construction commence in this property and population density
increases the property level, solid waste collection shall be provided to this property
in accordance with the current policies of the City as to frequency, changes and so
3. Solid waste collection shall begin within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the
annexation ordinance.
1. The City's existing policies with regard to street maintenance, applicable throughout
the entire City, shall apply to this property beginning within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the annexation ordinance. Unless a street within this property has
been constructed or is improved to the City's standards and specifications, that street
will not be maintained by the City.
2. As development, improvement or construction of streets to City standards
commences within this property, the policies of the City with regard to participation
in the costs thereof, acceptance upon completion and maintenance after completion,
shall apply.
3 C:Annex.ltr
3. The same level of maintenance shall be provided to streets within this property which
have been accepted by the City as is provided to City streets throughout the City.
4. Street lighting installed on streets improved to City standards shall be maintained in
accordance with current City policies.
1. Connection to existing City water mains for water service for domestic, commercial
and industrial use within this property will be provided in accordance with existing
City policies. Upon connection to existing mains, water will be provided at rates
established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City.
2. As development and construction commence in this property, water mains of the City
will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and
other applicable ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these
extensions shall be in accordance with the applicable City ordinances and regulations.
Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of
the annexation ordinance and substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2)
years after that date.
3. Water mains installed or improved to City standards which are within the annexed
area and are within approved dedicated easements shall be maintained by the City
beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
4. Private water lines within this property shall be maintained by their owners in
accordance with existing policies applicable throughout the City.
1. Connections to existing City sanitary sewer mains for sanitary sewage service in this
area will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection,
sanitary sewage service will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for
such service throughout the City.
2. Sanitary sewage mains and/or lift stations installed or improved to City standards,
located in approved dedicated easements, and which are within the annexed area and
are connected to City mains will be maintained by the City beginning within sixty (60)
days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
3. As development and construction commence in this area, sanitary sewer mains of the
City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and
other applicable City ordinance and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced
within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and
substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2) years after that date.
4 C:Annex.ltr
1. Any facility or building located within the annexed area and utilized by the City in
providing services to the area will be maintained by the City commencing upon the
date of use or within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance,
whichever occurs later.
2. General municipal administration services of the City shall be available to the annexed
area beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
3. [ADD IF VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION:The parties agree that because of the size
or projected manner of development by the owner and/or developer, it is not
reasonably expected and the parties do not require construction of capital
improvements to be substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2) years.
NOTE: owner will sign Service Plan if the annexation is voluntary.].
4. Notwithstanding anything set forth above, this Service Plan does not require all
municipal services be provided as set forth above if different characteristics of
topography, land use and population density are considered a sufficient basis for
providing different levels of service.
5. The Service Plan is valid for ten (10) years from the effective date of the Ordinance.
Owner i n Signature
5 C:Annex.ltr
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") under the
authority of Section 43.021, Local Government Code and City of Wylie, Texas' ("Wylie") Home
Rule Charter, investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie
and its inhabitants to annex the below-described property(the "Property") to Wylie; and
WHEREAS, prior to conducting the public hearings required under Section 43.052, Local
Government Code, the City Council also investigated and determined that the Property is within
the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Wylie and is adjacent and contiguous to the existing city limits
of Wylie; and
WHEREAS, before the publication of the notice of the first public hearing regarding the
annexation of the Property, the City Council directed the appropriate persons to prepare a service
plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the Property to be annexed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the service plan has been prepared in full
compliance with Section 43.056, Local Government Code, and has been made available for public
inspection and was available for explanation to the inhabitants of the Property at the public
hearings; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the field notes close the boundaries of the
Property being annexed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted at least two (2) public hearings at which
persons interested in the annexation were given an opportunity to be heard regarding the
proposed annexation and the proposed service plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds the public hearings were conducted on or after the
fortieth (40th) day but before the twentieth (20th) day before the date of institution of the
annexation proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it has completed the annexation process within ninety
(90) days after the City Council instituted annexation proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that all legal notices, hearings, procedures and
publishing requirements for annexation have been performed and completed in the manner and
form set forth by law.
SECTION 1: The Property described as follows and all public streets, roadways and
alleyways located within or contiguous to the same is hereby annexed to Wylie, to-wit:
110 Acres out of the J.W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, Collin County,
Texas and being the same property conveyed to Patsy Sue Donihoo by J.O.
McWhirter and wife, Pearl A. McWhirter, by deed as recorded in Volume 942 at
Page 488 deed records, Collin County, Texas.
SECTION 2: The Service Plan for the Property is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and
made a part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 3: That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the Property shall be a
part of Wylie, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of all of
the citizens of Wylie and shall be bound by all of the ordinances and regulations enacted pursuant
to and in conformity with the City Charter and the laws of the State of Texas.
SECTION 4: That the official map and boundaries of Wylie are hereby amended to
include the Property as part of the City of Wylie, Texas, and that a certified copy of this
Ordinance shall be filed in the county clerk's office of Collin County, Texas.
SECTION 5: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make use of the
Property in some manner other than as authorized by this Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to construct on the Property any building that is not in conformity with the
permissible use under this Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any
amendments thereto.
SECTION 6: Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this
Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not exceeding Two
Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($2000.00), and each and every day such violation continues shall
be considered a separate offense; provided, however, such penal provision shall not preclude a
suit to enjoin such violation.
SECTION 7: Should any part or portion of this Ordinance, or the use created herein or
under Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto, be declared
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any
and all remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 8: All ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent they
are in conflict, and any remaining portions of the conflicting ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect.
SECTION 9: The caption of this Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the law
and the City Charter of Wylie and shall be effective immediately upon its passage or as required
by law.
on this day of 1998.
City Secretary
December 15, 1998
Item No.
Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance Annexing all of a certain .998 Acre tract out of the Francisco
De La Pima Survey,Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas and being the same property conveyed
to Doyle R. Mitchell-and wife Nancy-Kaye Mitchell, by deed asrecorded_in Volume 2689 at Page
793 and the same tract of land conveyed to Home Town Furniture, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume
2610, Page 702, Land Records, Collin County, Texas.
The City of Wylie has received a request for annexation from Mike Douglas for a .998 acre tract
generally located at the northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane. The applicant is requesting
annexation in order to establish connections to City of Wylie utilities. Staff has held preliminary
discussions with the applicant regarding the use and zoning of this property and anticipate a request
for rezoning subsequent to Council approval of the annexation request. Should the City Council
approve the annexation request,the property will be temporarily zoned as A(Agricultural)until
permanent zoning is established by the City Council. The procedure for establishing permanent
zoning on annexed territory shall conform to the procedures established by law for the adoption of
zoning regulations.
Before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality
must conduct two (2)public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the
opportunity to be heard. In compliance with state law, staff has prepared the following public
hearing and institution schedule. As your can see, the two (2)public hearings have been scheduled
for the October 13, 1998, and October 27, 1998, City Council Meetings. The date for the institution
of the annexation proceedings has been scheduled for November 17, 1998.
Notice published for the first public hearing: September 30, 1998
First Public Hearing: October 13, 1998
Notice published for the second public hearing: October 14, 1998
Second Public Hearing: October 27, 1998
Institution date(Adopt Ordinance): December 15, 1998
Individual Consideration
Pace I
Financial Considerations
According to the Collin County Central Appraisal District, the accessed taxable valuation of the
property is$335,412.00
Other Considerations
• Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries.
The City will also be required when the annexation is considered,under Section 43.056 of the
Local Government Code, for provisions of Services to the annexed area and use it as directed in
said statute(see attached service plan).
Commission Recommendation
Not applicable
Staff Recommendation
Attachments •
Applicant's letter
Exhibit "A"legal description
City limits boundaries map
Service Plan
Annexation Ordinance
/AAJAAILA.A.44.) 701.4-1te
pared by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Paae 2
FarmTek/ • Sport Timing Specialists
r:armTek, Inc.
5113 Heritage Avenue (972) 495-6529
Sachse,TX 75048 FAX: 530-6103
July 1, 1998
City of Wylie,Texas
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
To Whom It May Concern,
On behalf of FarmTek;Inc., owner of the property and buildings located at 1000 East Highway 78
North (also know as 1001 Easy Highway 78 North), and formally defined in the attached Survey
and Legal Description, I request annexation of said property into the City of Wylie, Texas in the
most expeditious manner possible.
Please contact me with any questions. Thank you.
e Douglas
President, FarmTek, Inc.
Rai) J U N 1 91998
Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, C'ity of
)S'ylie, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Doyle R. Mitchell and
wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell by deed recorded in Volume 2689, Page 793 and the saute tract of land •
conveyed to Home Town Furniture, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2610, Page .702, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a 3/8 inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of the St. Louis and
Southwest Railroad (100'R.O.)).)for the northwest tourer'of a 2.939 acre tract of land conveyed
to Paul C. Merritt and Richard A. Williams by deed recorded in Volume 2070, Page 140, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, S 00'00'00" E, along the west line of said 2.939 acre tract, a distance of 325.98 feet to-
o 112 inch iron rod set in the north.right-of--way line of State Highway No. .78 for the southwest
corner of said 2.939 acre tract and being in a curve to the left having ti radius of 2924.93 feet;
Thence, along said curve to the left, through a central angle of 02° 59' 04", an arc length of
152.35•feet and a chord of S 75° 0.5' 48" )l; 1.52.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
southeast corner of a northerly tract of land described in a deed to A.U. Boyd.Family Trust and
recorded by County Clerk's File No. 94-0059169, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, N 00° 00' 00" F:, along the east line of said Boyd Family Trust Tract, a distance of
265.15 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set in the south right-of-way fine of said Railroad in a curve
to the right having a radius of 5741.78 feet for the northeast corner of said Boyd Family Trust
Thence, along the south right-of-way line of.said Railroad and curve to the right, through a
central angle of O1° 46' 341, an arc leargtlt of 177.98 feet and a chord of N 5. ° 48' 36" E, 177.97
feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 43,492 square feet or 0.998 acres of land.
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"Exhibit B"
SURVEY, ABSTRACT & COUNTY: Francisco De La Pina Survey
Abstract No. 688
Collin County, Texas
Municipal Services to the acreage described above shall be furnished by or on behalf of the
City of Wylie, Texas (the "City") at the following levels and in accordance with the following
1. Patrolling, responses to calls and other routine police services, within the limits of
existing personnel and equipment and in a manner consistent with any of the methods
of the City, extends police service to any other area of the municipality, will be
provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient police personnel
and equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of police
services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and
population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and
one-half(4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon
• commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later.
3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of police services will be
provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City.
1. Fire protection equipment by the present personnel and the present equipment of the
Fire Department,within the limitations of available water and distances from existing
fire stations,and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends
fire service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided to this area within
sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
1 •
2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient fire and
emergency ambulance equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum
level of fire services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization
and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four.
and one-half(4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or
upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later.
3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level .of fire and emergency
ambulance services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City.
1. Enforcement of the City's environmental health ordinances and regulations, including
but not limited to, weed and brush ordinances, junked and abandoned vehicle
ordinances and animal control ordinances, shall be provided within this area sixty(60)
days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. These ordinances and
regulations will be enforced through the use of existing personnel.
Complaints of ordinance or regulation violations within this area will be answered and
investigated within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. Inspection services including the review of building plans, the issuance of permits and
the inspection of all buildings, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work to ensure
compliance with the City codes and ordinances will be provided within sixty(60) days
of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Existing personnel will be used to
provide these services.
3. The City's zoning, subdivision, sign and other ordinances shall be enforced in this area
beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
4. All inspection services furnished by the City; but not mentioned above, will be
provided to this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the
annexed ordinance.
5. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient personnel will be
provided to furnish this area the same level of Environmental Health and Code
Enforcement Services as are furnished throughout the City.
The planning and zoning jurisdiction of the City will extend to this area within sixty(60) days
of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. City planning will thereafter encompass this
property, and it shall be entitled to consideration for zoning in accordance with the City's
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
2 C:Annex.ltr
1. Residents of this property may utilize all existing park and recreational services,
facilities and sites throughout the City, beginning within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the annexation ordinance.
2. Additional facilities and sites to serve this property and its residents will be acquired,
developed and maintained at locations and times provided by applicable plans for
providing parks and recreation services to the City.
3. Existing parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and other recreational facilities within
this property shall,upon dedication to and acceptance by the City, be maintained and
operated by the City,but not otherwise.
1. Solid waste collection shall be provided to the property in accordance with existing
City policies,beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of;the annexation
ordinance. Residents of this property utilizing private collection services at the time
of annexation shall continue to do so until it becomes feasible because of increased
density of population to serve the property municipally. Commercial refuse collection
services will be provided to any business located in the annexed area at the same price
as presently provided for any business customer within the City, upon request.
2. As development and construction commence in this property and population density
increases the property level, solid waste collection shall be provided to this property
in accordance with the current policies of the City as to frequency, changes and so
3. Solid waste collection shall begin within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the
annexation ordinance.
1. The City's existing policies with regard to street maintenance, applicable throughout
the entire City, shall apply to this property beginning within sixty (60) days of the
effective date of the annexation ordinance. Unless a street within this property has
been constructed or is improved to the City's standards and specifications, that street
will not be maintained by the City.
2. As development, improvement or construction of streets to City standards
commences within this property, the policies of the City with regard to participation
in the costs thereof, acceptance upon completion and maintenance after completion,
shall apply.
3 C:Annex.ltr
3. The same level of maintenance shall be provided to streets Within this property which
have been accepted by the City as is provided to City streets throughout the City.
4. Street lighting installed on streets improved to City standards shall be maintained in
accordance with current City policies.
1. Connection to existing City water mains for water service for domestic, commercial
and industrial use within this property will be provided in accordance with existing
City policies. Upon connection to existing mains, water will be provided at rates
established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City.
2. As development and construction commence in this property,water mains of the City
will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and
other applicable ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these
extensions shall be in accordance with the applicable City ordinances and regulations.
Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of
the annexation ordinance and substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2)
years after that date.
3. Water mains installed or improved to City standards which are within the annexed
area and are within approved dedicated easements shall be maintained by the City
beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
4. Private water .lines within this property shall be maintained by their owners in
accordance with existing policies applicable throughout the City.
1. Connections to existing City sanitary sewer mains for sanitary sewage service in this
area will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection,
sanitary sewage service will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for
such service throughout the City.
2. Sanitary sewage mains and/or lift stations installed or improved to City standards,
located in approved dedicated easements, and which are within the annexed area and
are connected to City mains will be maintained by the City beginning within sixty (60)
days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
3. As development and construction commence in this area, sanitary sewer mains of the
City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and
other applicable City ordinance and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced
within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and
substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2)years after that date.
4 C:Annex.ltr
1. Any facility or building located within the annexed area and utilized by the City in
providing services to the area will be maintained by the City commencing upon the
date of use or within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance,
whichever occurs later.
2. General municipal administration services of the City shall be available to the annexed
area beginning within sixty(60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance.
3. [ADD IF VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION:The parties agree that because of the size
or projected manner of development by the owner and/or developer, it is not
reasonably expected and the parties do not require construction of capital
improvements to be substantially completed within four and one-half(4-1/2) years.
NOTE: owner will sign Service Plan if the annexation is voluntary].
4. Notwithstanding anything set forth above, this Service Plan does not require all
municipal services be provided as set forth above if different characteristics of
topography, land use and population density are considered a sufficient basis for
providing different levels of service.
5. The Service Plan is valid for ten (10) years from the effective date of the Ordinance.
- -
weer Signatur 17re5i eit f
5 C:Annex.ltr
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") under the
authority of Section 43.021, Local Government Code and City of Wylie, Texas' ("Wylie") Home
Rule Charter, investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie
and its inhabitants to annex the below-described property(the "Property") to Wylie; and
WHEREAS, prior to conducting the public hearings required under Section 43.052, Local
Government Code, the City Council also investigated and determined that the Property is within
the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Wylie and is adjacent and contiguous to the existing city limits
of Wylie; and
WHEREAS, before the publication of the notice of the first public hearing regarding the
annexation of the Property, the City Council directed the appropriate persons to prepare a service
plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the Property to be annexed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the service plan has been prepared in full
compliance with Section 43.056, Local Government Code, and has been made available for public
inspection and was available for explanation to the inhabitants of the Property at the public
hearings; and
' WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the field notes close the boundaries of the
Property being annexed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted at least two (2) public hearings at which
persons interested in the annexation were given an opportunity to be heard regarding the
proposed annexation and the proposed service plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds the public hearings were conducted on or after the
fortieth (40th) day but before the twentieth (20th) day before the date of institution of the
annexation proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it has completed the annexation process within ninety
(90) days after the City Council instituted annexation proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that all legal notices, hearings, procedures and
publishing requirements for annexation have been performed and completed in the manner and
form set forth by law.
SECTION 1: The Property described as follows and all public streets, roadways and
alleyways located within or contiguous to the same is hereby annexed to Wylie, to-wit:
.998 Acres out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin
County, Texas and being the same property conveyed to Doyle R. Mitchell and
wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell, by deed as recorded in Volume 2689 at Page 793 and
the same tract of land conveyed to Home Town Furniture, Inc. by deed recorded
in Volume 2610, Page 702, Land Records, Collin County, Texas.
SECTION 2: The Service Plan for the Property is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and
made a part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 3: That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, the Property shall be a
part of Wylie, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of all of
the citizens of Wylie and shall be bound by all of the ordinances and regulations enacted pursuant
to and in conformity with the City Charter and the laws of the State of Texas.
SECTION 4: That the official map and boundaries of Wylie are hereby amended to
include the Property as part of the City of Wylie, Texas, and that a certified copy of this
Ordinance shall be filed in the county clerk's office of Collin County, Texas.
SECTION 5: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make use of the
Property in some manner other than as authorized by this Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to construct on the Property any building that is not in conformity with the
permissible use under this Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any
amendments thereto. •
SECTION 6: Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this
Ordinance and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not exceeding Two
Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($2000.00), and each and every day such violation continues shall
be considered a separate offense; provided, however, such penal provision shall not preclude a
suit to enjoin such violation.
SECTION 7: Should any part or portion of this Ordinance, or the use created herein or
under Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 85-23A, and any amendments thereto, be declared
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any
and all remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 8: All ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent they
are in conflict, and any remaining portions of the conflicting ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect.
SECTION 9: The caption of this Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the law
and the City Charter of Wylie and shall be effective immediately upon its passage or as required
by law.
TEXAS on this .day of 1998.
City Secretary
December 15, 1998
Item No. gJ•
Consider and Act Upon a preliminary plat for the Winding Creek Estates Addition,proposed by D.R.Horton
Custom Homes for the property generally located in the City of Wylie Extraterritorial Jurisdiction(ETJ)along
the south side of Parker Road west of the FM 1378 and Parker Road intersection, and being all of a 44.531 acre
tract out of the Lewis M.Marshall Survey,Abstract No. 594,Collin County,Texas.
The preliminary plat under consideration is for the proposed Winding Creek Estates subdivision.
The applicant is preliminary platting 44.531 acres of land in order to develop the property with single
family residential uses. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and located within the City of
Wylie Extraterritorial Jurisdiction(ETJ).
Other Considerations
• Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with the
Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie except for cul-
dec-sac length. Specifically, Section 5.04 B(13)(b) of the Subdivision Regulations states
that no cul-de-sac shall exceed 600 feet in length. The applicant is requesting a variance to
this requirement.
• In order to ensure emergency access to this development the applicant is proposing a divided
entry and two (2) emergency access easements constructed in a manner suitable fore
emergency vehicle traffic, while maintaining the appearance of a pedestrian greenbelt (see
letter from applicant).
• Preliminary water plans indicate water will be provided by Pecan Orchard Water Supply.
Preliminary sewer plans indicate sanitary sewer service will be extended to this property from
McMillen Road(see plat sheet C2).
Financial Considerations
Preliminary plat application fee in the amount of$245.00 - Paid
Commission Recommendation
This case will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their December 15, 1998,regular
business meeting. As a result, staff will provide an update at the City Council meeting should the
Commission take action.
Individual Consideration
Winding Creek Estates
Paae 1
Staff Recommendation
. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Applicant's Letter
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary Plat Application
,/.4:druffiz-k_- etaito
Prepared by Reviewed by Finance CityManager Approval
Individual Consideration
Winding Creek Estates
Paae 2
Kurtz • Bedford Associates, Inc. ZOE
December 6, 1998
Mr. Tobin Maples ..E..
Director of Planning
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Dear Tobin:
Re: Preliminary Plat
44.53 Acres
D.R. Horton Custom Homes
Attached you will find our resubmittal of the preliminary plat for Winding Creek Estates, a 44.53 acre
development by D.R. Horton Custom Homes located on Parker Road in Wylie's ETJ. Per your request,
we are sending you 22 prints (each) of the Preliminary' Plat, the Preliminary Utility Plan, and the
Preliminary Drainage Plan.
The preliminary plat shows two emergency access easements. These easements are intended to provide
access for emergency vehicles only,not access for public vehicles. We would propose to prepare/construct
the emergency access easements in a manner suitable for emergency vehicle traffic,while maintaining the
appearance of a pedestrian greenbelt. We could construct an 8'wide hike& bike trail along the centerline
of the easements. The hike & bike trail would be constructed if 6" reinforced concrete, suitable for
emergency vehicle loads. This would provide the appearance of a pedestrian walkway, while at the same
time providing access for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. We would be willing to dicuss any
alternate method the City might have for cnstruction of the emergency access easements.
We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions, please call.
Jim I urtz, P.E.
4222 ROSEHILL ROAD, SUITE NO.2 GARLAND,TEXAS 75043 (972)240 5999 FAX(972)240-4466
352 CEDAR CREST DRIVE COPPELL,TEXAS 75019 (972)462-7441 FAX(972)462-7661
December 15, 1998
Item No. •
Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Lakeside Estates Phase I addition, proposed by Carter
and Burgess, Inc. for Vista Oaks Development, generally located along the north side of the railroad
at the northwest corner of FM 544and Springwell Parkway(Marshall Lane), and being all of a
certain 39.529 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas.
The final plat under consideration is the Lakeside Estates Phase I addition. The applicant is final
platting 39.529 acres in order to develop the property with 146 single family lots. The development
also incorporates one city park and one community park. The city park will incorporate soccer fields
and off-street parking to be utilized by the general public. The community park incorporates a
cabana, swimming pool, and off-street parking to be utilized and maintained by the Home Owner's
Association(HOA). The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned PD(Planned
Development)for single family uses.
Other Considerations
• Staff has reviewed the proposed final plat and found it to be in compliance with the
Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
• The applicant intends to utilize temporary off-site drainage easement along northern property
line during the construction phase of this development. Staff recommends that the plat be
approved for construction subject to the applicant forwarding copies of said temporary
easements to the Community Development Department. The applicant is aware and has
• When this case was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant had
indicated that temporary off-site drainage easements would also be utilized along the western
property line during the construction phase of this development. However, due to an
inability to acquire said off-site easements, the applicant has incorporated a permanent
drainage easement along the rear property line of Lots 1-12, Block D. Staff does
recommend approval ofthis easement subject to the note on the plat referencing a 6 foot rear
building and fence line being corrected to indicate a 6 foot fence setback only. The zoning
encompassing this property requires a 15 foot rear building line and,therefore, should not
be reduced via the plat.
Individual Consideration
Lakeside Estates
Paae 1
Other Considerations continued
• The applicant has incorporated a landscape and berming plan along the southern property
line parallel to the railroad right-of-way which will be part of the improvements built during
the construction phase of this development. The plans call for a three(3)foot high berm
with shrubs and trees planted in clusters on 100'-120' centers.
• The applicant is aware that the PD (Planned Development) zoning encompassing this
property stipulates that secondary access shall be required for the development at the time
one of the following three events occur:
1. Application for housing permits have been submitted for 50% of the lots within the
Development Plan of Lakeside Estates Phase I or the Development Plan of Sage
Creek Phase I;
2. At the time of submittal of any additional phases within.the Lakeside Estates Concept
Plan, approved by City Council on November 11, 1997.
3. Two calendar years beginning with the date of adoption of the zoning encompassing
this property(January 27, 1998).
Financial Considerations
Impact fees for this development amount to $315,549.81
Commission Recommendation
At the November 3, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission recommended
approval of this case.
Staff Recommendation
Approved for Construction, subject to the applicant providing copies of all applicable off-site
easements and revising the rear yard building line as referenced above.
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Final Plat Application
Final Plat
Berming Plan
)71)4/14-e- etealf4
Prepared by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Lakeside Estates
Paae 2
Ut/Z9/88 )SU\ 15:56 FAA 1z14b365b3z (ARIER & tiltll;t:SS 41ooz
Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie
Date June 29_, 1998
Name of Proposed Development_ lakeside Estates, Phase 1
Name of Property Owner/Developer Vista. Oaks Development -
Address _ 1431 Greenway Drive, .Suite 710 Phone (972)' 751-1499
Irving, TX 75038
Owner of Record Pulte Homes, L.P. *
• Address 1431 Greenway Drive, Suite 710 Phone (972) 518-0177
Irving, IX T5U38
Name of Land Planner Carter & Burgess, Inc.
• Address 7950 Elmbrook Drive, Dallas, TX 75247 Phone (214) 638-0145
Total Acreage 39.110 Current Zoning SF-7
Number of Lots/Units 146
* Signed '� —
2nd Owner; Gehan Homes, Ltd.
1101 N. Union Bower Rd. , Suite 160 •
Irving, TX 75061
The Final Plat shall generally conform to the Preliminary Plat, as approved by the City Council and
shall be drawn legibly to show all data on a scale not smaller than 1" = 100'with a graphic scale
provided. Six sets of direct prints and three Mylars of all originals, plus one on Mylar to be 17-1/2"
x 23-3/4" shalt be submitted. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design
techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City.
The following Final Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision
Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those
Page 2 of 3
December 15, 1998
Item No. 4 0.
Consider and Act Upon a request from Gonzalo Cerda for approval of a Specific Use Permit(SUP)
for a private club serving alcoholic beverages(restaurant)for the property generally located at the
northeast corner of Fifth Street and SH 78, and being part of Lots 1 &2, Block 12 of the Railroad
Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit(SUP) on .04 acres in order to establish a private club
serving alcoholic beverages. Specifically, the applicant intends to open a restaurant in an existing
building and is seeking the City's permission to serve alcoholic beverages to his customers. Currently
the property is part of a strip center zoned R(Retail)and developed accordingly with various retail and
business uses. Please note that approval of the SUP does not authorize other businesses in the strip
center to serve alcoholic beverages. Should the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council
approve the request,the business under consideration will be the only unit in the strip center permitted
to serve alcoholic beverages.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to fifteen(15)property owners within 200 feet of this request.
No Public Comment Forms have been returned.
Other Considerations
• The Comprehensive Plan recommends retail, commercial, and business uses for the property.
The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the
surrounding development.
• Although the City of Wylie is encompassed by a dry designation, state statues allow alcoholic
beverages to be served subject to the issuance of a private club registration permit by the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The applicant has been issued said permit from the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
Financial Considerations
Specific Use Permit application fee in the amount of$225.00 - Paid
Commission Recommendation
At the November 17, 1998,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission voted by 5-2
to recommend approval of the request with the stipulations that the hours of business be from 11:00
am to 10:30 pm and that no open bar exist (service bar only).
Individual Consideration
SUP-Gonzalo Cerda
Paae I
Staff Recommendation
The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Property Owner Notification Map
Property Owner Notification Report
Public Hearing Notice
Zoning Change Application
/04,y0/2_, :uicE 6/0./.444.
Prepared by eviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
• Individual Consideration
SUP-Gonzalo Cerda
Paae 2
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600 N. Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098
Railroad Addition 5924 Stone Meadow
1 12 1 A R-1169-012-001 A-1 Ardano, Inc. Piano, Texas 75093-4616
Railroad Addition 5924 Stone Meadow
2 12 1 B R-1169-012-001 A-1 Ardano, Inc. Plano, Texas 75093-4616
Railroad Addition 5924 Stone Meadow
3 12 2A R-1169-012-001 A-1 Ardano, Inc. Plano, Texas 75093-4616
Railroad Addition 5924 Stone Meadow
4 12 2C , R-1169-012-001 A-1 Ardano, Inc. Plano, Texas 75093-4616
Railroad Addition 310 S. First Street
5 12 2B R-1169-012-002E-1 Virginia Marlow Wylie, Texas 75098
Railroad Addition 5924 Stone Meadow
6 12 3A R-1169-012-001A-1 Ardano, Inc. Plano, Texas 75093-4616
Railroad Addition 412 Dogwood
7 12 3B R-1169-012-003B-1 Lester Gayler, Jr. Wylie, Texas 75098
Railroad Addition 407 Dogwood
8 12 4A R-1169-012-004A-1 Jeffrey Williamson Wylie, Texas 75098
Railroad Addition P.O. Box 1721
9 12 4B R-1169-012-004E-1 Faustina Vega • Wylie, Texas 75098
Oaks Retail 2921 Housley
10 2 1 R-1467-002-0010-1 Fortune Elite, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75228-1707
Oaks Retail P.O. Box 356
11 2 2A R-1467-002-002A-1 Billy R. Green Wylie, Texas 75098 •
Oaks Retail 701 N. Hwy. 78 •
12 2 3C R-1467-002-003C-1 Dave &Dennis Bell Wylie, Texas 75098
Oaks Retail 701 N. Hwy. 78
13 2 3D R-1467-002-003D-1 Dave &Dennis Bell Wylie, Texas 75098
Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 90
14 S.H. 78 Bill Lovil McKGnney, Texas 75069
Applicant 600 N. Highway 78
15 Gonzalo Cerda Wylie, Texas 75098
An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a:
Zoning Case Number: 98-09
Applicant: Gonzalo Cerda
Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Fifth Street and SH 78
Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description)
Present Zoning: R(Retail)
Requested Zoning: SUP(Specific Use Permit)for a private club serving alcoholic beverages
Proposed Restaurant.
This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows:
Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,November.17,1998,7:00 PM
City Council: Tuesday,December 15, 1998,7:00 PM
Each public hearing will be held at the following location:
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last
approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is
not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall
be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the
City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If
you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and
return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if
applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address:
City of Wylie
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public
hearing,state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of
the City Council.
The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For
additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when
requesting information.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or
assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,
or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance.
Being a tract of land situated in the Town of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being part of a
1.502 acre tract of land conveyed to Ardano Inc., a Texas Corporation by deed as recorded under
County Clerk's File No. 94-0094728, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being part of
Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 12 of Railroad Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas by plat recorded in Volume 77, Page 494, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, and being
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8" iron rod found on the southeast right—of—way line of State Highway No. 78
for the northeast corner of aforesaid 1.502 acre tract and the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block
12 of Railroad Addition; Thence, South 02'37'36" West, along the east line of said 1.502 acre
tract and the east line of Block 12, (Basis of Bearing), a distance of 260.18 feet to point for
corner; Thence, North 8722'24" West, a distance of 0.81 feet to the east building corner and
Thence, South 52'17'14" West, along the southeast line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to a
point on the southeast line of building;
Thence, North 3742'46" West, a distance of 45.00 feet to a point on the northwest line of
Thence, North 52'17'14" East, along the northwest line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to
the north building corner;
Thence, South 37'42'46" East, along the northeast line of building, a distance of 45.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,800 square feet of land.
COMMENCING "a/s- 1.11. rn-D.
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Being a tract of land situated in the Town of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being part of a
1.502 acre tract of land conveyed to Ardano Inc., a Texas Corporation by deed as recorded under
County Clerk's File No. 94-0094728, Deed Reoords of Collin County, Texas, and being part of
Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 12 of Railroad Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas by plat recorded in Volume 77, Page 494, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, and being
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8" iron rod found on the southeast right—of—way line of State Highway No. 78
for the northeast corner of aforesaid 1.502 acre tract and the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block
12 of Railroad Addition; Thence, South 02'37'36" West, along the east line of said 1.502 acre
tract and the east line of Block 12, (Basis of Bearing), a distance of 260.18 feet to point for
corner; Thence, North 8722'24" West, a distance of 0.81 feet to the east building corner and
Thence, South 52'17'14" West, along the southeast line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to a
point on the southeast line of building;
ence, North 3742'46" West, a distance of 45.00 feet to a point on the northwest line of
Thence, North 52'17'14" East, along the northwest line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to
the north building corner;
Thence, South 3742'46" East, along the northeast line of building, a distance of 45.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,800 square feet of land.
Page 1 of 2
P.O. BOX 428
WYLIE, TX 75098
Case No. 2 -G 7 SUP Date Submitted
Filing Fee $ . ��
Applicant GONZALO CERDA =.r
Address 600 N. HIGHWAY 78 Phone No. 972-333-8575
Work No. 972-487-6172
1 1
Owner Tenant ✓ Prospective Purchaser
Legal description of property for which Specific Use Permit is requested (if additional
space is needed,the description may be typed legibly on a separate sheet and attached
(000 714 ux4.1?- k) > C01.q i,morels l(� G
bid9 , 0--
I hereby request that a Specific.Use Permit be issued for the above described property
for: .
The current zoning on this property is eb-7 \
These are/are not deed restrictions pertaining to the irrtended use of this property.
I have attached hereto as Exhibit A a plat showing the property which is the subject of
this requested Specific Use Permit and have read the following note concerning the
importance of my submitting to the City a sufficient legal description.
WHEREAS,the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of
Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and
otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property
owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the
opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same
is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter
described property a new zoning classification of R(s), Retail District Classification with a
Specific Use Permit for a private club serving alcoholic beverages, said property being described
in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the
same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the
granting of this zoning classification.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be
subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now
exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be
adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of
this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be
invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance as a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City
Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not
be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor
shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to
accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any
ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 1998.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara Salinas, City Secretary
Being a tract of land situated in the Town of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being part of a
1.502 acre tract of land conveyed to Ardano Inc., a Texas Corporation by deed as recorded under
County Clerk's File No. 94-0094728, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being part of
Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 12 of Railroad Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas by plat recorded in Volume 77, Page 494, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, and being
more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8" iron rod found on the southeast right—of—way line of State Highway No. 78
for the northeast corner of aforesaid 1.502 acre tract and the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block
12 of Railroad Addition; Thence, South 02'37'36' West, along the east line of said 1.502 acre
tract and the east line of Block 12, (Basis of Bearing), a distance of 260.18 feet to point for
corner; Thence, North 8722'24" West, a distance of 0.81 feet to the east building corner and
Thence, South 52'17'14" West, along the southeast line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to a
.point on the southeast line of building;
(hence, North 3742'46" West, a distance of 45.00 feet to a point on the northwest line of
Thence, North 52'17'14" East, along the northwest line of building, a distance of 40.00 feet to
the north building corner;
Thence, South 3742'46" East, along the northeast line of building, a distance of 45.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,800 square feet of land.
December 15, 1998
Item No. 4
Consider and Act Upon a request from Mike Douglas for FarmTex Inc., for approval of a of a zone
change from A(Agricultural)to I(Industrial)for the property generally located at the northwest
corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane, and being all of a certain .998 acre tract out of the Francisco De
La Pina Survey,Abstract No 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The applicant is requesting rezoning on.998 acres in order to utilize the property for business purposes.
Specifically, the applicant intends to utilize the existing structures for his own business and up to four
tenants that may engage in light manufacturing and assembly type uses. Currently the property is in the
process of being annexed into the City. The City Council public hearing for this zoning case has been
scheduled for the same night the City Council votes on the annexation ordinance. The properties to the
north, east, and west are vacant and zoned for I(Industrial)uses. The property to the south is vacant
and zoned for A(Agricultural)uses.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to eight(8)property owners within 200 feet of this request.
One(1)Public Comment Form in support of the request has been returned.
Other Considerations
• At the December 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, a motion to approve the
request for I(Industrial)zoning failed due to a lack of a second. However, the Commission
voted unanimously to recommend approval of rezoning the property B-2 (Business). The
applicant does not have a problem with the B-2 (Business)recommendation.
• The existing structures encompass approximately 8,300 square feet. The B-2 (Business) district
regulations stipulate that structures utilized as light fabrication and assembly process facilities
shall not exceed 8,000 square feet. As a result, and in order to comply with said zoning
regulations, at least 300 square feet must be utilized for something other than light fabrication
and assembly. The applicant is aware and has agreed.
• The Comprehensive Plan recommends retail, commercial, and business uses for the property.
The recommended B-2 (Business)zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
• Individual Consideration
Zone Change-Farm Tex Inc.
Paae 1
Financial Considerations
Application fee in the amount of$225.00 - Paid
Commission Recommendation
At the December 1, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, a motion to approve the
request for I(Industrial)zoning failed due to a lack of a second. However, the Commission voted
unanimously to recommend approval of rezoning the property B-2 (Business). The applicant does
not have a problem with the B-2 (Business)recommendation.
Staff Recommendation
The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Public Comment Form
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Property Owner Notification Map
Property Owner Notification Report
Public Hearing Notice
Zoning Change Application
7Yr-U1-4.& ebege,14'
Prepared by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Zone Change-Farm Tex Inc.
Paae 2
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-12.
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-12.
Date,Location&Time of
Planning&Zoning •.
Commission meeting: Tuesday,December 1, 1998,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 15, 1998,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas
Name: Zeg.1 .1 0L'( T S eIO AwAryiwGc 809� TU$' E-
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Address: 3 (Z it& �octi /L(Q(J(1 Ti41/V .!J Iel Vr
WA-Coj TX 7(7/ a - Scpt(
Wylie Tax Account Number k...(0/ QQ '"J r
(if shown on enclosed map): —OD —0110 — —0 ` 14
Signature: kL •
Date: f(,-30-1 Lp
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APPLICANT: Farmtek, Inc. Mike Douglas APPLICATION FILE # 98-12 •
5113 Heritage Sachse, Texas 75048
P.O. Box 2408
1 Abst. 688-1 Tract 76 R-6688-001-0760-1 North Texas Municipal Water District Wylie, Texas 75098
407 Masters
2 Abst. 688-1 Tract 77A R-6688-001-077A-1 David Marshall Wylie, Texas 75098
Boyd Family Trust 312 Meadow Mountain Drive
3 Abst. 688-1 Tract 77 R-6688-001-0770-1 c/o Dwayne Boyd ,Trustee Waco, Texas 76712-8164
114 W. 11 th Street
4 Abst. 688-1 Tract 83 R-6688-001.0830.1 Kansas City Southern Railway Co. Kansas City, MO 64105-1804
1776 N. Hwy. 78
5 Abst. 688-1 Tract 196 R-6688-001-1960-1 Paul Merritt Wylie, Texas 75098
1776 N. Hwy. 78
6 Abst. 688-1 Tract 203 R-6688-001-2030-1 Paul Merritt Wylie, Texas 75098
Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 90
7 Abst. 688-1 SH 78 Attn: Bill Lovil McKinney, Texas 75069
R-6688-001-0204-1 (Applicant) 5113 Heritage
8 Abst. 688-1 Tracts 204 &209, R-6688-001-0209-1 Mike Douglas Sachse,.Texas 75048
• An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a:
Zoning Case Number: 98-12
Applicant: FarmTek Inc.,Attn:Mike Douglas
Location: Generally located at the northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane
Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description)
Present Zoning: A(Agricultural)
Requested Zoning: I(Industrial)
Proposed light manufacturing and assembly.
This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Wylie,Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows:
Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,December 1,1998,7:00 PM
City Council: Tuesday,December 15,1998,7:00 PM
Each public hearing will be held at the following location:
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last
approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is
not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial,a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall
be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the
City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If
you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and
return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if
applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address:
City of Wylie
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public
hearing,state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of
the City Council.
The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2400 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas. For
additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when
requesting information.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or
assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,
or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance.
ilfx1,L / . !/
Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 588, City of
Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Doyle R. Mitchell and
wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell by deed recorded in Volume 2689, Page 793 and the same tract of land
conveyed to Home Town Furniture, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2610, Page 702, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning 'at a 3/8 inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of the St. Louis and
Southwest Railroad (100'R.O.W.)for the northwest corner of a 2.939 acre tract of land conveyed
to Paul C. Merritt and Richard A. Williams by deed recorded in volume 2070, Page 140, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, S 00°00'00" E, along the west line of said 2.939 acre tract, a distance of 325.98 feet to
a 1/2 inch iron rod set in the north right-of-way line of State Highway No. 78 for the southwest
corner of said 2.939 acre tract and being in a curve to the left having a radius of 2924.93 feet;
Thence, along said curve to the left, through a central angle of 02° 59' 04", an arc length of
152.35 feet and a chord of S 75° 05' 48" W, 152.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
southeast corner of a northerly tract of land described in a deed to A.D. Boyd Family Trust and
recorded by County Clerk's File No. 94-0059169, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, N 00° 00' 00" F, along the east line of said Boyd Family Trust Tract, a distance of
265.15 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set in the south right-of-way line of said Railroad in a curve
to the right having a radius of 5741.78 feet for the northeast corner of said Boyd Family Trust
Thence, along the south right-of-way line of said Railroad and curve to the right, through a
central angle of 01° 46'34", an arc length of 177.98 feet and a chord of N 55° 48'36" E, 177.97
feet to the Point of Beginning and contdining 43,492 square feet or 0.998 acres of land.
Page 1 of 2 (5/S
P.O. BOX 428
WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 RED AUG 2 4 1998
Case No. qs - I a Filing Fee • Date
Applicant Faon1-rek, Inc. / ,'1 tkt Do u /o S Phone No. 074 105--65,2-?
Mailing Address: Work No.
needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto).1
AtccLd 7g ''
y Nor
I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its present zoning which
is f j re c k Jt ura J District Classification to 1 - Snc4 k s f r co. I District Classification
for the following reasons:
(attach separate sheet if necessary)
EYrSirnc, 54utigrc5 W(U Lt. 1.,cft.ivz d 'for -
�ac�r t2nani5 "f�a-� flAc fa a cd rA � l�
inaAIA-G rind Al y .
There (are) tare not) eed restrictions pertaining to the intended use of the property.
Status of Applicant Owner Tenant
Prospective Purchaser
I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the property which is the subject of this
requested zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of my submitting
to the City a sufficient legal description.
Signed r
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of
Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and
otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property
owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the
opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same
is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter
described property a new zoning classification of B-2, Business District Classification, said
property being described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the
same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the
granting of this zoning classification.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be
subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now
exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be
adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of
this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be
invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance as a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City
Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not
be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor
shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to
accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any
ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas,this day of , 1998.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara Salinas, City Secretary
, "f-xl,st;/
Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 588, City of
Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Doyle R. Mitchell and
wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell by deed recorded in Volume 2689, Page 793 and the same tract of land
conveyed to Home Town Furniture, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2610, Page 702, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning 'at a 318 inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of the St. Louis and
Southwest Railroad (100'R.0.W)for the northwest corner of a 2.939 acre tract of land conveyed
to Paul C. Merritt and Richard A. Williams by deed recorded in Volume 2070, Page 140, Land
Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, S 00°00'00" E, along the west line of said 2.939 acre tract, a distance of 325.98 feet to
a 1/2 inch iron rod set in the north right-of-way line of State Highway No. 78 for the southwest
corner of said 2.939 acre tract and being in a curve to the left having a radius of 2924.93 feet;
Thence, along said curve to the left, through a central angle of 02 59' 04", an arc length of
152.35 feet and a chord of S 75° 05' 48" W, 152.34 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the
southeast corner of a northerly tract of laird described in a deed to A.U. Boyd Family Trust and
recorded by County Clerk's File No. 94-0059169, Land Records, Collin County, Texas;
Thence, N 00° 00' 00" E, along the east line of said Boyd Family Trust Tract, a distance of
265.15 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set in the south right-of-way line of said Railroad in a curve
to the right having a radius of 5741.78 feet for the northeast corner of said Boyd Family Trust
Thence, along the south right-of-way line of said Railroad and curve to the right, through a
central angle of 01° 46'34", an arc length of 177.98 feet and a chord of N 55° 48' 36" E, 177.97
feet to the Point of Beginning and contdinirrg 43,492 square feet or 0.998 acres of land.
December 15, 1998
Item No. •
Consider and Act Upon a request from The Kansas City Southern Railway Company and Tolmak,
Inc., for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural);B-1 (Business); SF-A(Single Family
Attached); SF-2 & SF-3 (Single Family Residential)to B-1 (Business) and I(Industrial)for the
property generally located at the northeast corner of Spring Creek Parkway and SH 78 and being all
of a certain 202.392 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, City of
Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The applicant is requesting rezoning on 202.392 acres in order to develop the property with a high
quality, rail-oriented industrial business park. Currently the property is vacant and zoned for A
(Agricultural), B-1 (Business), SF-A (Single Family Attached), and SF-2 & SF-3 (Single Family
Residential) uses. The properties to the north are vacant and zoned for I (Industrial) and A
(Agricultural)uses The properties to the east and northeast are not within the City of Wylie proper.
The properties to the south are zoned for A(Agricultural) and B-1 &B-2 (Business)uses and partially
developed with a variety of uses, both conforming and non-conforming. The property to the west is
vacant and zoned for MF(Multi-Family)uses. The property to the northwest is zoned I(Industrial) and
developed with military uses(Armory).
Public Comment Forms were mailed to twenty-nine (29)property owners within 200 feet of this
request. One(1)Public Comment Form in support of the request has been returned.
Other Considerations
• The Comprehensive Plan recommends industrial, retail, commercial, and business uses for the
property. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with
the surrounding development.
• At the November 17, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the applicant amended his
application to include a request for a B-1 (Business) district zoning buffer along the SH 78
frontage. Specifically,the applicant stated that they would like to rezone the area fronting SH 78
at a depth of 300 feet to B-1 (Business). The request to rezone the remainder of the property I
(Industrial)has not changed.
• The applicant is aware that the property must be platted prior to the issuance of any building
Individual Consideration
PH-KCS/Tolmak Inc.Zone Change
Paae I
Financial Considerations
Application fee in the amount of$425.00 - Paid
Commission Recommendation
At the November 17, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission voted
unanimously to favorably recommend this case per the applicant's request to incorporate a 300 foot
deep buffer of B-1 (Business) district zoning.
Staff Recommendation
The Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this
Public Comment Forms
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Property Owner Notification Map
Property Owner Notification Report
Public Hearing Notice
Zoning Change Application
tiL. 6ig1;3-
Prepared by Reviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
PH-KCS/Tolmak Inc.Zone Change
Paae 2
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-16.
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#98-16.
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,November 17, 1998, 7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas
Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,December 15, 1998,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas
Name: ilex-ly
(please 6rint)
Address: ,cf:343-- UA/L..� C
Wylie Tax Account Number
(if shown on enclosed map): — /d'�Z — 0—tr-0 0-7) 6 S—
Signature: /-7 441
Date: /J/9 —1
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APPLICANT: Kansas City Railway &Tolmak, Inc. APPLICATION FILE # 98-16
1601 Bryan, 30th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #10G
1 Lot 1 R-1182-000-0010-1 IRM Investments Dallas, Texas 75219-4413
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #10G
2 Lot 2 R-1182-000-0020-1 IRM Investments Dallas, Texas 75219-4413
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #10G
3 Lot 3 R-1182-000-0030-1 IRM Investments Dallas, Texas 75219-4413
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #10G
4 Lot 4 R-1182-000-0040-1 IRM Investments Dallas, Texas 75219-4413
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #10G
5 Lot 5 R-1182-000-0050-1 IRM Investments Dallas, Texas 75219-4413
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 315 Callie Court
6 Lot 6 R-1182-000-0060-1 Roy Neely Wylie, Texas 75098
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 315 Callie Court
7 Lot 7 R-1182-000-0070-1 Roy Neely Wylie, Texas 75098
Wylie Ranch East Comm. 315 Callie Court
8 Lot 8 R-1182-000-0080-1 Roy Neely Wylie, Texas 75098
Woodlake Village 7557 Rambler Road #1023
9 B Lot 1 R-2381-OOB-0010-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C. Dallas, Texas 75231-2304
Woodlake Village 7557 Rambler Road #1023
10 C Lot 1 R-2381-00C-0010-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C. Dallas, Texas 75231-2304
5949 Sherry Lane #1225
11 Abst. 688-2 Tract 2 R-6688-002-0020-1 Myran Corporation Dallas, Texas 75225-8008
7557 Rambler Road #1023
12 Abst. 688-2 Tract 50 R-6688-002-0500-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C. Dallas, Texas 75231-2304
114 W. Eleventh
13 Abst. 688-2 Tract 196 R-6688-002-1960-1 Tolmak Inc. Kansas City, MO 64105-1804
7557 Rambler Road #1023
14 Abst. 688-2 Tract 198 R-6688-002-1980-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C. Dallas, Texas 75231-2304
2000 Hwy. 78 North
15 Abst. 688-2 Tract 199 R-6688-002-1990-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098
2000 Hwy. 78 North
16 Abst. 688-2 Tract 200 R-6688-002-2000-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098
7557 Rambler Road #1023
17 Abst. 688-2 Tract 202 R-6688-002-2020-1 Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C. Dallas, Texas 75231-2304
Wylie Highway 78 JV 5949 Sherry Lane #1225
18 Abst. 688-3 Tract 35 R-6688-003-0350-1 c/o Bobby Beilue Dallas, Texas 75225-8008 _
114 W. Eleventh
19 Abst. 688-3 Tract 36 R-6688-003-0360-1 Tolmak Inc. Kansas City, MO 64105-1804
114 W. Eleventh
20 Abst. 688-3 Tract 37 R-6688-003-0370-1 Tolmak Inc. Kansas City, MO 64105-1804
1103 Dodd Drive
21 Abst. 688-3 Tract 41 R-6688-003-0410-1 Amy Parker Wylie, Texas 75098
1103 Dodd Drive
22 Abst. 688-3 Tract 44 R-6688-003-0440-1 Amy Parker Wylie, Texas 75098
23 Abst. 688-3 Tract 187 R-6688-003-1870-1 Arapaho East Inc.
114 W. Eleventh
24 Abst. 688-3 Tract 203 R-6688-003-2030-1 Tolmak Inc. Kansas City, MO 64105-1804
2000 Hwy. 78 North
25 Abst. 688-3 Tract 205 R-6688-003-2050-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098
2000 Hwy. 78 North
26 Abst. 688-3 Tract 206 R-6688-003-2060-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098
Wylie Enterprise Inc. 6206 Royal Lane
27 Abst. 688-3 Tract 208 R-6688-003-2080-1 c/o Robert Alexander Dallas, Texas 75230
Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 90
28 SH 78 Bill Lovil McKinney, Texas 75069
Applicant -Attn:Wm. Boyd 1601 Bryan, 4th Floor
29 KCS Railway Co &Tolmak, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75201
An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a:
Zoning Case Number: 98-16
Applicant: The Kansas City Southern Railway Company and Tolmak, Inc.
Location: Generally located at the northeast corner of Spring Creek Parkway and SH 78
Property Description: (See the attached Exhibit"A"for full legal description)
Present Zoning: A(Agricultural),B-1 (Business), SF-A(Single Family Attached),and SF-2&SF-3 (Single Family
Requested Zoning: I (Industrial)
Proposed rail-oriented industrial business park.
This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Wylie, Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows:
Planning and Zoning Commission: Tuesday,November 17, 1998,7:00 PM
City Council: Tuesday,December 15, 1998,7:00 PM
Each public hearing will be held at the following location:
City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex
2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request,as such ownership appears on the last
approved city tax roll. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a recommendation to the City Council and is
not a final action on the request. If the Commission recommends denial, a three-fourths majority vote by the City Council shall
be required for approval. Zoning districts,amendments and conditions recommended by the Commission for approval by the
City Council may be more restrictive than those described in this notice.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their opinions on the zoning change request. If
you are unable to attend,but wish to have your opinions made a part of the public record,please complete the enclosed form and
return it prior to the public hearing. Please print your name, address of the property you own and the tax account number(if
applicable) on the enclosed form and return it to the following address:
City of Wylie
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,TX 75098
If the property owners of 20%or more of the land within the 200 foot notification area file a written protest prior to the public
hearing,state law provides that approval of the zoning change request shall require an affirmative vote of 3/4 of the members of
the City Council.
The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas. For
additional information,please contact the Planning Department at 972/442-8150. Please reference the zoning case number when
requesting information.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or
assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at(972)442-8103,
or(TDD)(972)442-8170 for assistance.
P.O. BOX 428 REC'D OCT 141998
98 - 16
Case No. Filing Fee $425.000 Date: October , 1998
Applicants: The Kansas City Southern Railway Company Phone No.(214) 979-3000
and Tolmak, Inc. Work No. (214) 979-3000
Mailing Address:
c/o Worsham. Forsythe & Wooldridge, L.L.P.
1601 Bryan, 30th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75201
Attn: Wm. Stephen Boyd
description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto). 1
See attached separate sheet
Applicant hereby requests that the above described Property be changed from its present zoning, which, according
to the City of Wylie zoning map, is variously A. Agricultural: B-1. Business-1; SF-A, Single-Family Attached; SF-2,
Single-Family-2; and SF-3, Single-Family-3 District Classifications to an I. Industrial District Classification for the
following reasons:
(attach separate sheet if necessary)
See attached separate sheet
There is a deed restriction recorded at Volume 620, Page 545 of the Real Property Records of Collin County,
Texas which affects a portion of the Property and involves fencing along The Kansas City Southern Railway
Company right-of-way but which does not, however, pertain to the intended use of the Property. 2
Status of Applicant: Owner V Tenant
Prospective Purchaser
Applicants have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a plat showing the Property which is the subject of this requested
zoning change and have read the following concerning the importance of submitting to the City a sufficient legal
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company
Date #of pages
FAN G 2 By: �f y�+•M�
Fax Note R7 73 Wm. Stephefi Boyd, its atto ney
Fax# .2W 2:1.0 2( •
Tolmak, Inc.
From O�i- /.
Phone# By: 0.72111,
Wm. Steph n Boyd, its att rney
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of
Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and
otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property
owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the
opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same
is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter
described property a new zoning classification of B-1, Business and I, Industrial District
Classification, said property being described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part
hereof for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the
same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the
granting of this zoning classification.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be
subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now
exists or is hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be
adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of
this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be
invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance as a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City
Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not
be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor
shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to
accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any
ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this day of , 1998.
John Mondy, Mayor
Barbara Salinas, City Secretary
The Property to be variously rezoned consists of four(4)contiguous parcels of land situated
in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,Collin County,Texas,generally lying gQUth
of The Kansas City Southern Railway Company mainline and north of State Highway 78 and
generally between Spring Creek Parkway on the west and Skyview Drive on the east,to the extent
that such Property lies within the boundaries of the City of Wylie, Texas, more particularly
described as follows:
Parcel 1
The portion of The Kansas.City Southern Railway Company mainline right of way lying
south of the railroad's mainline tracks,which right of way is described in that certain deed from The
Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway to Tile-Kama Gty Southern Railway Company dated
May 5, 1992 recorded in the Real Property Records of Collin County,Texas on November 23, 1993
as Document Number 93-0102440.
Parcel 2
The parcel of land abutting Parcel 1,The Kansas City Southern Railway Company mainline
right of way,on the north,Parcel 3(and other property)onthe south, and Skyview Drive on the
east, being more particularly described in the deed of said parcel from Bobbie Harris and his wife,
Nellie Harris, to The Kansas City Southern Railway Company recorded in the Real Property
Records of Collin County, Texas and on Attachment 1-2 hereto,containing 8.052 acres of land.
Parcels 3 and 4
The parcels of land variously abutting Parcels 1, 2(and other property)on the north and
State Highway 78 on the south and being more particularly described in that certain deed of said
parcel from Alumet Corporation to Tolmak, Inc,recorded in Volume 3285,Page 956 of the Real
Property Records of Collin County,Texas and on Attachment 1-3 and B-1 hereto,containing in the
aggregate 202.392 acres of land,the northernmost portion of which constitutes Parcel 3 and the
southernmost portion of which constitutes Parcel 4.
Parcel 2(Industrial District)
sEI3U • tract of land situated La the Francisco Do La Pisa Survey, Abstruse No.
588, Collis County. Tasas and being al1 of a ealled 7,12-acts tract of land i. •
conveyed co Bobbie 8.arr!a and wit.. Rollie L. Har is, as evi4gtad La a
+ar:anry Dead recorded in 7oluoe 1013 at rage 3U. of the Official Racores of
Real ?rop.rtf of Coixin County. Texas (0.t.R.p.C.C.t.) and balm more
?arsiculagly described by uca8 and bounds at !ollovs {bearin;s based on :he
Dssd co iltus:et Corperzciaa, recorded in loiuran 3235 at Page 0954
3E017011SG ac a 1/4-tack trod god sac for the nort weal corner of said 7.l2-aces
;race. said L,roet red also being at the intersection of the southerly Lana of
the Acclhisan. Toyaka & Santa re Railroad right-of.sey (200-root vide
right•of-vat at this point) with the vest right-of-vey line of County Road Ito.
384 (Skyviav Drive) (a called 60-font vide eight-of-vay3;
tN 1CI South 0l degree 00 ,iotttaf ii mends Ei1C, alo
l.la-sera Crass and tlto root rtgtte•ot-way dug tilt •County loaed 1No. 3f .said
distanea of 337.00 feat to a 5/8-Lstoh Leon rod sees tee the southeast cornerr of
said 7.12-ants tract. sane being on the north lino of a naffed 12.365-acre
=ant as conveyed to A.D. Boyd as eridancsd in a Dead retarded in Volume 490 ac
Vigo 417 0.A.A.P.C.C.Y.;
THENCE North 86 degrees 03 aimutes 22 entente teat, along the starch line of
said 7.12-ace;e treat and the aortal line of said 82.163.acre crane. passing at a
distance of 140.00 fast the scat northerly ooreS.ast corner of a e:act: of laced
as eosaveyed to R. Scot; Steinbach. 'frusta. as outdated im a Deed snorted La
poluno 30$4 ac tale 0936 Q,&.&.i.G.G.T., canU iin
g said R. Scott Steinbach. Trustee tract, & total distances
esa! S4&$0 R to tkt torch lit* eh.
northvest; oosuer et said R. Scott Steinbach ?rraiosa stags and the eerthease
corner of a trace of Land as aonvsyed to alustee Corps:atlas as evidanead is a
Deed tar-ordad in gobs* 32113 sC tags 0!?i O.R.S.F.C.C.?., fres said point a
found 1-inch it pip. baars Vetch 07 degree, IAaiautes Vast. 4.6 rest
X10E Nor SS dews** 42 motes 23 satomde neat, alarm the starch lima of
said Aluaet tiae r+aot, passing a 1276.$7 teat, the most northerly
ssorchvsst; corner at said Limit corporation crane and the northeast corner of a
ergot: of tend as tenvsyed to Arapaho East, no. as evidenced La a Deed recorded
is Clerk's gala Mabee 434Q17,43 MLA.y.C.C.T., Qo0
tiattag deg the
tine of said Atapah. lase, Lam. watt, a total discaooe of 9.30 !sated S/i.ingh iron rod see he a sorms, en the aforsa•aciane4 soetrssly tine of said
Atchison. Topeka & Santa ?a Ratlread right-of-way (US-foot vide at this point);
?lttGt is a north.aseer)y dLreottoel, along the o.seh tits of the aforementioned
7.12-sore crams and the sourimrly Use of said As:
Le lseed risise•ef-vey, doteU2.vins= eltise� Topeka ` Sages re
Nereh Al dawns* St atausos OS soset de &U , a d#stemte at 839.$4 lest to a
found fence corner post;
:forth 03 degrees 1S minutes 05 seconds oast, along 'a barbed-wire fence, a
distance of 25 .09 feet co a found Pence corner post, said railroad right-of-way'
being 100-feet vide at this point;
North 81 degrees 51 minutes 05 seconds ?.4sc, continuing along said barbed-vire
fence, a distance of 116.5.00 £aat to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING
8.052 acres of land, more or lass.
Parcel 3(Industrial District)
BEING situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,Coffin County,Texas and
being a portion of the property described in a deed to Alumet Corporation recorded in
Volume 3285,Page 956 of the Official Records of Real Property of Coffin County,Texas
(ORRPCCT)and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows(bearings
referenced to said Deed);
CveaENc NG ac the intersection of the east Lime of Spring Creek Parkway (100'
right-of-way) with the north line of State Highway 78 (a variable width
right-of-way) ;
THENCE South 88 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds Easc, along said north Liza of
State Highway 78, a distance of 82.34 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 09 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds FFaat, along an offset in said
north line, a distance of 11.96 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 88 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds East, continuing along said north
line, a distance of 283.64 feet to the_ PLACE OF BEGINNING being on the common
Line between said Alumec Corporation trace and Tract 2 described in a deed to
Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C., recorded in County Clerk's File No. 93-0052880,
THENCE North 01 degree 29 minutes 04 seconds East, along said common line, a
distance of 1587,32 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod sac in a fence line on the
southerly line of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe gw'lroad (IQO' right-of-way);
THENCE :North 76 degrees 23 minutes 11 seconds East. along the southerly line o
said Railroad and along said fence, a distance of 23.72 feet co a 5/8-inch iron
rod sec ac the beginning of a curve co the right;
THENCE in a northeasterly direccioe, along said curve, passing through 'an angle
of 05 degrees 27 minutes 54 seconds, a radius of 8544.37 feet, as arc distance
of 814.98 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod found at the end of said curve;
THENCE North 8.1 degrees 51 mattes O5 seconds East, along the southerly line of
said Railroad, a distance of 741.22 feet to a point for corner be1,ga the common
earner of said Allmon Corporation trace and a tract described in a deed to
Arapaho East Inc. recorded is Collin County Clark's File No. 93-0017643,
ORRCCT, from said point, a fotmd 1/2-inch iron rod bears South 48 degrees 14
minutes East, 0.6 fast;
THENCE South 01. degree 19 einu es 00 seconds Vest, along a common lino between
said Alumec Corporation tract and Arapaho East Inc. tract, a distance of 50.72
feet to a found. 1/2-inch iron rod for corner;
THENCE North 81 degrees SI minutes 05 seconds East, continuing along the Last
mentioned common lint, a distance, of 2047.13 feet to a point for corner in a
wire. fence;
THENCE South 88 degrees 42 minutes 25 seconds East, generally along said wire
fence, a distance of 1276.87 feet to a point on the common line between said
Alumet Corporation and a tract described in a deed conveyed GO a, SCoGt
Steinbach, trustee and recorded in. Volume 3054-, Page 937 of the ORRPCCT, from
said point a found I.-inch iron pipe bears North 07 degrees 16 minutes West, 4.6
THENCE South 03 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East, along the last mentioned
common line, a distance of 1373.00 feet to a found 1/4-inch iron rod at a fence
post on the northerly right-of-way line of Lavon Dam Road;
TKtCE South 48 degrees 24 minutes 4S seconds West .(called South 49 degrees 21
minutes 30 seconds West), along said northerly right-of-way line and along a
wire fence, a distance of 58.00 (called 64.37 fee;) fuc cc a found 5/5.inch
iron rod ac a bois d'art fence post on the common line between said Alumet
Corporation tract and a tract described in a deed to Royce Banks; •
THENCE North 88 degrees 16 minutes 08 seconds West (called North 86 degrees 45
minutes 49 seconds West), along the last mentioned common line and along a wire
fence, a distance of 147.25 (called 141.96 feet) feet to an angle point in said
common line;
THENCE North 89 degrees 09 minutes 49 seconds West, along the last mentioned
common line and along said fence, a distance of 206.00 fear Ea a 5/8-inch iron
rod found for an angle point;
iFtblvt,t. North 88 degrees 34 minutes 49 seconds West, along the common line
between said Alumet Corporation tract and a tract described in a deed to Alton
W. Hensley recorded in Volume 2099, Page 977 and a tract described in a deed co
Jerry L. Hensley recorded in Volume 2099, Page 980 of the ORRPCCT and along
said wire fence, in all a total distance of 577.80 feet co a 5/8-inch iron rod
found for corner:
THENCE South 01 degree 10 minutes 39 seconds West continuing along said wire
fence and, along the common line between said Alumet COrparati0n ti1GC and Said
Jerry L. Hensley tract, a distance of 487.21 feet to a point on the curving .
northerly line of State Highway 78 (a variable width right-of-way), whose ----
center bears North 16 degrees 51. minutes 13 seconds Neat, a464 ers,,,.e of 5729.58
feet from said point, a found 1/2-inch iron rod bears North 15 degrees 30
minutes East, 1.4 fent;
THENCE in a westerly along the last mentioned curving northerly line of State
Highway 78 and along the arc of said curve to. the right having a central angle
of 18 degrees 17 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 5729.58 feet and an arc
distance of 1829.33 feet to a 5./8-inch iron. rod set at the end of said curve;
THENCE North 88 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West, continuing along said
norrharLy Lin., a disco:ice of 643.23 toot co an amgi* potoc in said nor'th.rly
THENCE North 88 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds West,along said northerly line,a distance of
1548.21 feet t4 Um PLACE OF BEGINNING
SAVE AND EXCEPT Parcel 4,hereinafter described.
Parcel 4(B-1 Business District Classification)
BEING situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688,Collin County,Texas and
being a portion of the property described in a deed to Alumet Corporation recorded in Volume
3285,Page 956 of the Official Records of Real Property of Collin County,Texas(ORRPCCT)
and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows(bearings referenced to
said Deed):
COMMENCING at the inte rvetioa of the east line of Spring Creek Parkway(104'right-of-way)
with the north line of State Highway 78(a variable width right-of-way);
THENCE South 88 degrees 31 minutes 13 seconds East,along said north line of State Highway
78,a diatan'e of 8234 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 09 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East,along an offset in said north line,a
distance of 11.96 feet to a point for corner,
THENCE South 88 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds East,continuing along said north line,a
distance of 283.64 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING being on the common line between said
Alumet Corporation tract and Tract 2 described in a deed to Wylie Woodlake Partners L.C.,
recorded in County Clerk's File No.43.0052880,ORRPCCT;
THENCE North 01 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East,along said common line,to a point
lying 300 feet from the northerly line of State Highway 78(a variable width right-of-way)
measured perpendicularly from said northerly line;
THENCE in a generally easterly direction parallel to and at all times 300 feet from the curving
northerly line of State Highway 78(a variable width right-of-way)measured perpendicularly
from said northerly line to a point in the common line between said Alumet Corporation tract and
a tract described in a deed to Jerry L.Hensley recorded in Volume 2099,Page 980 of the
ORRPCCT at a.wire fence for a corner;
THENCE South 01 degrees 10 minutes 39 seconds West along said wire fence and along the
common line between said Alumet Corporation tract and said Jerry L.Hensley tract to a point on
the curving northerly line of State Highway 78(a variable width right-of-way),whose center
bears North 16 degrees 51 minutes 13 seconds West,a distance of 5729.58 feet from said point,a
found 1/2-inch iron rod bears North 15 degrees 30 minutes East, 1.4 feet;
THENCE in a generally westerly direction along the last mentioned curving northerly line of
State Highway 78 and along the arc of said curve to the right having a central.angle of 18 degrees
17 minutes 36 seconds,a radius of 5729.58 feet and an arc distance of 1829.33 feet to a 5/8-inch
iron rod set at the end of said curve;
THENCE North 88 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West,continuing along said northerly line,a
distance of 645.25 feet to an angle point in said northerly line;
THENCE North 88 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds West,along said northerly line,a distance of
1548.21 feet to tha PLACE OF BEGINNING.
December 15, 1998
Item No.
Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the North Texas Municipal Water
District for the cost sharing and specific financing terms relating to the reconstruction of S. Ballard
Street between Butler and Stone and the Stone Rd. and Ballard St. intersection and other matters
relating thereto, including a Reimbursement Resolution.
The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) has awarded a contract for the installation of
a 72-inch water main to be extended from its Wylie Water Treatment Plant to Mesquite and Garland,
Texas. Any street in which the water main will be installed through Wylie will be completely
reconstructed to its original condition, including curb and guttering, driveway approaches and asphalt
paving. The NTMWD will pay the cost of the project.
The NTMWD considered several alignment options. One option would locate the water main from
the Wylie Plant site west on Brown St., south on Second St., crossing S.H. 78 to Butler St.,
continuing south on Second St. to Stone Road. The NTMWD would consider another option at the
City of Wylie's request (Ballard St. route) in which the water main would follow the same alignment
as above, however, the main would be located down Ballard St. between Butler St. and Stone Road.
The City of Wylie also requested, in looking at the Ballard St. route, that the cost of a four lane
divided concrete thoroughfare be issued for bid. A calculation was made for the Second St. route
and compared with the actual bid amount for the Ballard St. route. Second St. would have cost
$448,194 less than the Ballard St. option.
The NTMWD and the City of Wylie have discussed a cost sharing arrangement in which the two
parties would split the cost difference. Specific financing terms will be discussed under Financial
Approximately 2,100 square feet of roadway from one hundred (100) feet north of Butler St. to the
south side of Stone Rd. will be rebuilt as a concrete four lane divided thoroughfare. The installation
of the 72" water line will require the removal of the trees on the west side on the existing Ballard St.
alignment. Several engineers designs were considered in order to save the trees, but no individual
option could guarantee that the trees could be preserved. The current design plan contemplates a
landscape design that will create a healthy, beautiful tree line far into the future. Irrigation systems
will be installed in the newly constructed medians. Conduits will also be installed to accommodate
street lighting and traffic signals.
Item for Individual Consideration
NTMWD Agreement
Page 1
Background -continued
The City's desire for the NTMWD to consider the Ballard St. alignment option was primarily based
on the reality that as a State maintained farm-to-market road (F.M. 544), no funds have been
earmarked for improvements of any kind in the foreseeable future. The NTMWD project represents
the only realistic and affordable opportunity for improvements to be completed on S. Ballard.
The City of Wylie requested that the NTMWD accommodate an additional consideration that an
alternate bid item be included in the Request for Proposal for the reconstruction of the Ballard St.
and Stone Rd. intersection. The City of Wylie would pay the cost of this additional work.
The construction project is expected to be completed in approximately eight months beginning in
January 1999. Installation of the water main would begin first, and would take approximately four
months to reach a location south of Stone Rd. The pavement on the west side of Ballard St. would
begin after the installation of the water main. A traffic control plan that accommodates the
construction sequencing would require Ballard St. to operate one-way north bound for approximately
six months beginning in late January. Birmingham St. between Butler and Kirby, would operate one-
way south.
Financial Considerations
The City of Wylie and the NTMWD will enter into an agreement based on the following terms. The
City of Wylie will make 7 equal payments on or before October 15, in years 1999 through 2004.
The first payment will be made on July 1, 1999. The total amount financed would be $667,764.00
or 7 payments of$95,394.
In order to provide options to the City Council to finance the source of funds used to pay the
NTMWD, staff is recommending that the Council approve a Reimbursement Resolution. This action
would establish the intent to use proceeds from a future bond election, tentatively discussed for May
1999, to finance the S. Ballard reconstruction and the S. Ballard St./Stone Rd. intersection. This
action in no way obligates the City Council or a Citizen's Bond Advisory Committee to use local
bonds to finance the project. The action simply provides an option to finance all or a portion of the
project. Absent any local bond funds being used, the general and utility funds would split the costs
paid to NTMWD.
Summary of Costs
Original Estimate:
Cost estimate for Second Street Route $1,832,952.00
Cost estimate for Ballard Street Route $2.470.471.00
Estimated Cost Difference $ 637,519.00
Actual Cost:
Cost estimate for Second Street Route $1,849,919.00
Cost estimate for Ballard Street Route $2.746.307.00
Actual Cost Difference $ 896,388.00
City Share of Cost Difference: $ 448,194.00
Ballard St./Stone Rd. Intersection: $ 219.570.00
Total cost for Ballard St. and Intersection: $ 667,764.00
Item for Individual Consideration
NTMWD Agreement
Page 2
Other Considerations
The NTMWD and the City of Wylie will host a meeting in which all affected property owners,
business owners and tenants will be invited to attend. Routine communication will take place
throughout the duration of the construction. The NTMWD will be the owner of the project and the
contractor will report directly to the Water District. All inspections will be facilitated by the District
as well.
)4/10. CeLQI‘^t44
Prepared by tteviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Item for Individual Consideration
NTMWD Agreement
Page 3
December 15, 1998
Item No. zA q
Consider and act upon appointing a replacement to the Library Advisory Board for an unexpired term
ending July of 2000.
Kenna Johnson was appointed tot he Library Advisory Board in July 1998. Her term would have ended
in July 2000. Kenna Johnson has missed three consecutive meetings, and she has only attended one
meeting since her appointment in July 1998. Kenna served as the Library Advisory Board's
representative to the Comprehensive Plan Committee.
The role of the Library Advisory Board is a seven member board who reviews long range goals and
approves policies for the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library. The Library Advisory Board has no
budgetary responsibilities or authority regarding the administrative responsibilities of the Library. The
Board meets monthly.
Legal Consideration
Article 8, Section 3(f) of the Wylie Home Rule Charter sets rules and regulations for attendance of
board meetings. The City Charter states that any board member who misses three consecutive
meetings,his/her position will be declared vacant. The Library Advisory Board bylaws support the
Wylie Home Rule Charter.
Financial Consideration
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
epared by eviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Appointment to Library Advisory Board
Paae I
Board and Commission Information & Application PFZ- 71,9g
�oning Board .:.:... 3- :.::......�:::.::::::::.:::::.:.::...;;::.::::.;>;;..;«:::.:>:: ;:<;;:;;•::>:::
Consists of 5:members<a,id 2 alternates who meetonan'as needed"basis to consider applications forvanances to zoning ordinance
regulations qhe board<nears appeals regarding determinations of the Zornng Administrator,and considers action concerning non-
Library Board
Consists of 7 members v;ho meet on the 2nd Monday of every month and advise the Council on library services and programs.
Parks and Recreation Board •
P,7 member boardwhich meets the4th Monday of every month and advises the Council on acquisitions,ma►ntenance,operation and use
Construction Code Board
Consists of 7 members who meet on an"as needed" basis to review building code requirements. Plumbing, contractor, and electrical
experience helpful.
Ambulance Advisory Board
Consists of 3 members wtto meet on an'as needed basis and advise Gouncit Oj ambulance sernces
Planning and Zoning Commission
A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month to review rezoning applications,subdivision plats and site plans, and
advise Council regarding comprehensive planning issues.
Wylie Economic Development Corp Board
Consists•of 5 members vho meet the third Tuesday of each month and recommends to Council funding pnorlies to assist new,prospective
and existing businesses.-
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name: p\€S .L Na�h 6;5 Home Address: 4-O Ji i I flop
City, State,Zip: J,(/y L I fJ -r-o1. "iSD 1 V Home Phone: if tp.2
Business Address: City, State,Zip:
Work Phone: Resident of Wylie for A• Years Are you a qualified voter in the City of Wylie? y 4z n
se>ndicate.::. cur;first:secondand third: reference:forsery ce below::....: :.
btf Planning:and Zoning Commission Zoning Board ofkdjustments Library Boards:> >
_Ambulance Advisory Board `Constructton Code Board: Parks&Recreation Hoard
e o ent::CoE Ile Eeonon .. .. .... ..............................
Please list any special skills or qualifications:
Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
ct / j 7'."AC. �ho� � ess- o f 7 /ic_ CL
ignature Date
Please return completed application to:
Commission Information & A lication 0
Board and pp 107J�
Z+onin Boarci'of.Ad ustments
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who meet on an"as needed'bass to consider applications forvariances to zoning ordinance
regulations The board hears appeals regarding determinations of the Zoning Administrator, and considers action concerning non
Library Board
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd Monday of every month and advise the Council on library services and programs.
Parks and Recreation Baard
A7member boardwhich meets the 4th Monday of every month and advises the Council on acquisitions; maintenance,operation and use
of parksplaygroands,..and.openapaces,:ai:;>: :::«::<>:<:>::.:;:.... . ;:> .:.: :::;. ::.;;:::.:.;........ : _:..:..:... :.. . ..:.... . :...
Construction Code Board
Consists of 7 members who meet on an"as needed"basis to review building code requirements. Plumbing, contractor, and electrical
experience helpful.
Ambulance Advisory Board
Consists;of 3 members,who meet on an;°as needed'basis and advise Gouncrt on ambulance sennces
Planning and Zoning Commission
A7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month to review rezoning applications,subdivision plats and site plans,and
advise Council regarding comprehensive planning issues.
Wylie Economic Development Corp Board
Consists of 5 memberswho meet the third.Tuesday of each month and recommends to Council fun.ding priorities to assist,new,prospective
and existing businesses.:
Boards & Commission Application
v /� Please type or print
Full Name: 4(fl A. `) 1�e'M' Home Address: // lu6jY�i(-61-`)
City, State,Zip: 4t i( fx 7 Z'? Home Phone: '72-
Business Address: �,fj City,State,Zip: /10/Jl fvzt / 7x 77)t(e
2 3 U
Work Phone: Resident of Wylie for 7. 3 Years Are you a qualified voter in the City of Wylie? IC)
Please?ind►gate your first, econd and third preference for sernce below `>
_Planning and Zoning Commission Zoning Board ofAdjustments Library board
Ambulance Advisory Board Construction Code Board' ?( Parks&.Recreation Board
o. ic::Develo meat.Cor ....... .
Wylie Econ:.m:;::::;.. .;>:,::;;.;p .:.
Please list any special skills or qualifications: f'G C?� �V'► C�`�b y fiKs /t2
64( 6.) GG- �-N,gfihi / ,Attic cice%, 4e-e
Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
l fig_
Sic tune Date
Please return completed applicati to:
.. _ . nrinn U..... 70 w1....41.. A IA/..17.. T........ 7Gnno
.___...i,cicu LaC: —.,.. --
room air dryers collect bacteria
CITY OF WYLIE Full Name: by l.t ct5 (ftki N 04 -
Boards & Commission Application Home Address:a� L;' er- br
Please print or type. Return completed City, State, Zip:(,A.)11 11 C TX 1 S Jg8'
application to:
City Secretary's Office Business Address: i93 1-3 C f rL s �
2000 Hwy. 78 North City, State, Zip: -vut.% TX ITC-0 3,
Wylie, Texas 75098 C.Q7z)
Home Phone: 1av7 Work#:`7 i9'atkg
Board or Commission Resident of Wylie for 7' C Years
(indicate first, second, and third choice)
. Are you a quay ied voter of the City of
Wylie? yes ❑ no
(i] Planning and Zoning Commission
Please list an special skills or qualifications:
0 Zoning Board of Adjustments t),t- . L.k l-t
❑ Library Board
Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
❑ Ambulance Advisory Board To ck--6 1- cur -E&L.A.`
(Construction Code Board
a Parks and Recreation Boar g
LI Wylie Economic Dev. Corp. Board Date U
Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Code Board
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who Consists of 7 members who meet on an"as need-
meet on an"as needed"basis to consider appli- ed" basis to review building code requirements.
cations for variances to zoning ordinance regu- Plumbing, contractor, and electrical experience
lations. The board hears appeals regarding helpful.
determinations of the Zoning Administrator,and
considers action concerning non-conforming Ambulance Advisory Board "
uses. Consists of 3 members who meet on an "as
needed"basis and advise Council on ambulance
Planning and Zoning Commission services.
A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd
Monday of every month to review rezoning Wylie Economic Dev. Corp. Board
applications, subdivision plats and site plans, Consists of 5 members who meet the third
and advises Council regarding comprehensive Tuesday of each month and recommends to
planning issues. Council funding priorities to assist new,prospec-
tive and existing businesses.
Library Board
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd Parks and Recreation Board
Monday of every month and advise the Council Consists of 7 members who meet on the 4th
on library services and programs. Monday of every month and advise the Council
on acquisitions, maintenance, operation and use
of parks,playgrounds, and open spaces.
Boards & Commission Application Home Address: jPa, to r>l!A,c.Doci C(,
Please print or type. Return completed City, State, Zip: Li 1 i C I
application to: C
City Secretary's Office Business Address:
2000 Hwy. 78 North City, State, Zip:
Wylie, Texas 75098
Home Phone: S9nWork#:
Board or Commission
Resident of Wylie for Years
(indicate first, second, and third choice)
Are you a ified voter of the City of
Wylie? yes ❑ no
Planning and Zoning Commission
Please list any special skills or qualifications:
❑ Zoning Board of Adjustments atte,n • .2-1h� T,��) c�
❑ Library Board J 4
Why do you desire to serve on these boards?
❑ Ambulance Advisory Board . v 1
❑ Construction Code Board .e.d,2iti/ , /, „ l�
❑ Parks and Recreation Board Sign. s e
❑ Wylie Economic Dev. Corp. Board Dat- 9
Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Code Board
Consists of 5 members and 2 alternates who Consists of 7 members who meet on an"as need-
meet on an "as needed" basis to consider appli- ed" basis to review building code requirements.
cations for variances to zoning ordinance regu- Plumbing, contractor, and electrical experience
lations. The board hears appeals regarding helpful.
determinations of the Zoning Administrator,and
considers action concerning non-conforming Ambulance Advisory Board
uses. Consists of 3 members who meet on an "as
needed"basis and advise Council on n ambulance
Planning and Zoning Commission services.
A 7 member board that meets the 1st and 3rd
Monday of every month to review rezoning Wylie Economic Dev. Corp. Board
applications, subdivision plats and site plans, Consists of 5 members who meet the third
and advises Council regarding comprehensive Tuesday of each month and recommends to
planning issues. Council funding priorities to assist new,prospec-
tive and existing businesses.
Library Board
Consists of 7 members who meet on the 2nd Parks and Recreation Board
Monday of'every month and advise the Council Consists of 7 members who meet on the 4th
on library services and programs. Monday of every month and advise the Council
on acquisitions;maintenance, operation and use
of parks,playgrounds, and open spaces.
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name:O,Qrol 8I ors
Home Address: H() rghrjm Ln.
Mailing Address if Different l i e. 7 Sd 9a
Home Phone: Z iness Phone a-( j O
Business Address: Ls br4y-T.. u 1�tll 0330 1-4/Vietbe) 15
I have been a resident of the.City of Wylie for_8 years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie:Oles ONo
Please indicate your first,second and third preference -
for service below. •
_Planning and Zoning Commission
Zoning Board of Adjustments
Library Board
�( Ambulance Advisory Board
Construction Code Board
Parks &Recreation Board
_Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
0,4giked/Urh o- �I D-I--98
Signature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office 0 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098 -•
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name: ��nEF✓ �l. l,ln�i��l�
Home Address: 46 Try(kit
Mailing Address if Different
Home Phone:41-1-2-26E9 Business Phone:Ti I-1 12B
Business Address: I4O0 "I-30 EAST
12 o041.:2a l I TX
I have been a resident of the City of Wylie for ;3 years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie:E Yes ONo
Please indicate your first,second and third preference.
for service below.
2 Planning and Zoning Commission
Zoning Board of Adjustments
_Library Board
Ambulance Advisory Board
.3 Construction Code Board
Parks&Recreation Board
I Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
?IltifnWc . 99)
Signature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office• 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name:_ A‘ CJ`bu•-s
Home Address: H Co l n r W i n O\et,�
- Mailing Address if Different J
Home Phone:4 -SSA Business Phone:clbc-a1cr
Business Address: �1 OO LO. f Sk' .c)O k
L )TIN —25 0 1S
I have been a resident of the City of Wylie for-1 years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of WyliTliYes ONo
Please indicate your first,second and third preference
for service below.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Zoning.Board of Adjustments
Library Board
Ambulance Advisory Board
Construction Code Board
ks&Recreation Board
y ie Economic Development Corporation Board
ignature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office 0 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Boards & Commission_Application
Please type or print'
Full Name:_ 2u oi(Je I -1`1. iS'�
Home Address: / ( f3i9c/d
Mailing Address if Different
Home Phone: //,1•VP/ Business Phone:y7 'O5 7
Busin s Address: rl i/
/J A/i 15 7,= '7 5_a5;
I have been a resident of the•City of Wylie fore:7 years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie:Q'rLes ONo
Please indicate your first,second and third preference
for service below.
L- fanning and Zoning Commission
Zoning Board of Adjustments
Library Board
6m bulance Advisory Board
3 t/ nstruction Code Board
'7 \"Parks&Recreation Board
Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
Signat re Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office 0 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098 •
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name: C.k.rkbe_A-VA (0 ) 6
Home Address: 22_1 OC..4-14-bc-cro K.- •
Mailing Address if Different
Home Phone:42.C1-q515Business Phone:
Business Address:
I have been a resident of the City of Wylie for / years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie:0YesVNo
Please indicate your first,second and third preference
for service below.
2- Planning and Zoning Commission
Zoning Board of Adjustments
Library Board
Ambulance Advisory Board
Construction Code Board
f Parks&Recreation Board
3 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
II /V 5
Signature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office• 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098 •
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or
Full Name: l�-�''Gt P p_
Home Address: I t € &jell `<14/7
Mailing Address if Different
Home Phone:il g-/f ' Business Phone:
Business Address:
I have been a resident of the City of Wylie for .years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie: Yes ONo
Please indicate your first,second and third p/ref`erence.
for service below.
_Planning and Zoning Commission
_Zoning Board of Adjustments
i Library Board
`q Ambulance Advisory Board
Construction Code Board
'2 Parks&Recreation Board
_Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
A—ttri_tp . )/140-61,064// I1 16—7S'
Signature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office 0 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I Will Yam 1V 141 Fjeycli
c )I� I -2 -1J vlcQ twill k
Boards & Commission Application
Please type or print
Full Name: -�mPS �o,(N�Cj)Atli`/4-C
Home Address: £/o l�c'cZtllac?r (z,D
Mailing Address if Different
Home Phone: ).-S[' 9" Business Phone:
Business Address: 1rd-d-
I have been a resident of the City of Wylie fore- years.
Are you a qualified voter of the City of Wylie:Wes❑No
Please indicate your first,second and third preference
for service below.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Zoning Board of Adjustments
_Library Board
Ambulance Advisory Board
Construction Code Board
Parks& Recreation Board
Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board
irirh • --au&.
Siinature Date
Please return completed application to:
City Secretary's Office• 2000 Hwy.78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Lvoo Id- A:We o 0'0 et
f-tp '�i3? i Z17`ee_
or S6recam. t-e pp.;!^
4 8,c pA.vSc,v, iza: Um.9
cv d,(Ks ; ,v
6-rasis woere.- C, :lzre /1,,z) co
i O d i tt r •V �N e- SL`+^�c�tS D
r SS A mud,
December 15, 1998
Item No. 4
Consider and Act Upon the Approval of a Formal Agreement between Collin County, the City of Wylie
and the Kansas City Southern Railway Company.
There is no back up material for this item.
December 15, 1998
Item No. 46.
Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a two-year Contract with Foerster Engineering for an amount
not to exceed $96,000.
If the agreement between the City of Wylie, Collin County, and the Kansas City Southern Railway
Company is approved by the Wylie City Council on December 15, the community will have the
opportunity to begin planning the expenditures of approximately$10.5 million in capital funds. These
funds are a combination of federal, state, and county funds which total$9.4 million. The receipt of these
funds will require a local match of$1.1 million. The possibility of a County Bond Election in February
1999 would mean an additional$2.75 million in County fiords,which would be matched by a local match
of$1.45 million.
These funds will finance capital projects along S.H. 78,F.M. 544 and the Cottonbelt Rail Corridor which
will impact every major thoroughfare in the City. Because of the multiple jurisdictions providing
funding, a strong and consistent level of coordination will be required. This effective coordination will
result in an engineering and design process that appropriately and cost effectively integrates the capital
projects with one another and the development of a construction sequencing among contractors that
minimizes adverse impacts on the public and affected property owners.
The firm of Stanton Foerster Engineering, Inc. is recommended to provide the professional services of
capital project coordination. The principle of the firm, Stanton Foerster, is a registered professional
engineer with over eight years experience with the Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) and
three years of private consultant experience. While employed with TxDOT, Mr. Foerster worked in the
North Central Expressway Project Office in which he developed and implemented the Traffic Control
Plans for the expressway reconstruction project. Mr. Foerster will bring to the Wylie projects a level
of experience and knowledge to cost effectively and successfully coordinate the planning and
construction of the capital projects expected to be completed during the next five to seven years.
Financial Considerations
The terms of a contract are for a fixed amount for each of the first two years,with a two year extension
option. Changes or modifications may be made at any time during this agreement if mutually agreed
upon by the client and consultant. The contract amount will be paid equally between the General and
Utility Funds. Services provided to the Client by the Consultant will be billed on a flat monthly fee of
• Individual Consideration
Contract-Foerster Engineering
Paae 1
Letter from Foerster Engineering, LLC
Prepared by eviewed by Finance City Manager Approval
Individual Consideration
Contract-Foerster Engineering
Paae 2
To:Mike Collins Paget of Friday,November 20,1998 3.13:04 P;r
PO Box 2492,ROWLETT, TEXAS 75030-2492
(214) 704-4374
November 20, 1998
Mr. Mike Collins
City Manager
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
RE: Engagement of Foerster Engineering, LLC to Provide Engineering Services and Project
Assistance to the City of Wylie
Dear Mr. Collins:
This letter sets forth the terms and will constitute our agreement(the "Agreement"). This
Agreement will outline the nature and limitations of the engineering services and project
assistance Foerster Engineering, LLC (the "Consultant") will provide to the City of Wylie (the
"Client" or"City") in connection with transportation issues, and other related matters, impacting
the Client.
The objective of this Agreement is for the Consultant to provide two items: (i) provide timely
transportation related information to the Client on general matters determined by the Client or
Consultant and(ii) assist the Client's management of design and construction projects, as
identified by the Client. Consultant responsibilities will include: (i) coordination and
communication with City staff, City's consulting engineer, City Attorney, consultants, and
contractors and (ii)maintain communication with other governmental agencies regarding
funding, scheduling, etc.
The Client is authorizing the Consultant to pursue the needs of the Client and communicate with
other public and private entities on the Client's behalf.
Sub-consultants may be employed by the Consultant to assist in this Agreement.
Services provided to the Client by the Consultant will be billed on a flat monthly fee of
$4,000.00. The Consultant will determine the appropriate expenses depending on the type of
services requested, or needed, by the CIient. Time and expense fees will be billed as they occur.
The Consultant's billing statements will reflect the nature of the services provided and any
necessary expense incurred, or advanced, on behalf of the Client. Expenses include, but are not
limited to: telephone charges (cellular, long-distance, etc.); travel; photocopies; faxes;
To:Mike Collins Page 3 of 3 Friday,November 20,1998 3:14:05 P4
Engineering Services and
Project Assistance Agreement
City of Wylie
November 20, 1998
Page 2
schematics; CADD; traffic counts; postage and deliver services; secretarial overtime and word
processing; and sub-consultants and contractors.
The term of this Agreement is two years with two-year extensions. Changes or modifications
may be made at any time during this agreement if mutually agreed upon by the Client and
Confidential information obtained by, and/or supplied to, the Consultant regarding the Client will
not be disclosed to any one other than the Client.
This Agreement shall be governed by and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the
laws of the State of Texas.
Sincerely, •
Stanton Foerster, PE
ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO, effective as of the day of , 199 :
By Mike Collins, By Stanton Foerster, PE
City Manager
Tuesday, December 15, 1998
5:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken
Call to Order
Reverend Todd Nivens, Shiloh Baptist Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Proclamations & Presentations
Declaring December 22, 1998 as Christopher Michael Ryan Day in Wylie, Texas in
recognition of his achievement of Eagle Scout.�`0C 1;;) "1(�,/Yl
Citizens Participation
Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and
will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion
is desired,that item will be removed form the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 27 and November 10, 1998
and the Joint Meeting of November 17, 1998.
Approval of Ordinances
1. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Keith
Anderson,containing 2.33 Acres,being out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,
City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas, and being part of that tract as recorded in Volume
158,Page 457,Deed Records, Collin County,Texas.
2. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Conrad
E.Boyer,containing 1.717 Acres out of the L.K. Pegues Survey,Abstract No. 703,being
a portion of a five acre parcel of land described and conveyed by deed recorded in Volume
,, ,,,n 715,Page 708 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
3. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Charles
-- Bunting,containing 1.50 Acres,situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract 688,
Collin County,Texas
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken
4. Consider and Act Upon Approval of.an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Mark
Clayton,containing 3.2526 Acres,being all that 3 acre tract and all that.2526 acre tract of
land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688,Collin County,Texas and
being out of a 43.24 acre tract of land conveyed to C. Truett Smith,et al,by Jack Parr,et ux,
as recorded in Volume 484,page 121 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
5. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by C.
Connelly,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being
a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed
dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records of Collin County,
6. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing of property owned by Benny
Coomer, containing 1.57 Acres, out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292,
Qdpabout 2 '/2 miles South of Wylie, and being out of the Southern portion of a tract of 108.5
acres described as First Tract in a deed from John Rogers et al to Rose Rogers,who is now
Mrs. Rose Rogers Coleman, recorded in Vol. 214, Page 602, Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas, said 108.5 acres being the same land described in a deed from M. J. P.
Haymas to George Rogers by deed dated April 6, 1874, and recorded in Vol. W,Page 956,
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
ci �A
7. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Antonio
V" Curcio.containing 12.458 Acres,being out of the Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstra&1'lo.
688 and being part of a 43.24 acre tract conveyed to C. Truett Smith recorded in Volume
484,Page 121,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
8. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Danny
Justus,containing 1.16 Acres,out of the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860 and the
CI�`� Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being
out of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.5 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,
. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
Downs, containing 2.857 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, Collin
te) County, Texas; and being part of a certain 25.679 acre tract as described in deed to L. D.
Pearce recorded in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records, Collin County,Texas.
10. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
Downs,containing 1.871 Acres,being a part of a 6 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey,
Abstract No. 696, conveyed to Ray Price and wife, Pauline Price, by Ray Tiller, a single
man,and Mary L.Tiller,a single woman,by Deed recorded in Volume 817,Page 596, Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
11. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Jesus
Espinoza,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696,and being
a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed
if dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268, Deed Records of Collin County,
�V Texas.
.. 12. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Diane E.
Getty,containing 1.413 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,being part
of a 6.327 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 949,Page 634,being the
same 1.414 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 2176,Page 134 of the
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Page of 7
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken
13. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Don Hoeft,
/ ,� containing 1.414 Acres, being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,
.. � �'"" Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G. C. Kreymer,Archie Kreymer, Clifton
Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949,Page 634 of the Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
14. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Janish, Inc.,
",'7 containing 2.5971 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920 situated in the
yi...t " City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas and being that same property described in substitute
trustee's deed executed by Mark S.Houser recorded in Volume 3851,Page 148 of the Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas,and also being a part of Kinsington Manor Estates Section
Three, Section Four and Section Five, additions to the City of Wylie,Texas as recorded in
Cabinet C,Page 568,Cabinet C,Page 571 and Cabinet C,page 570,respectively, of the Plat
Records of Collin County,Texas.
15. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Charles
Kerin,containing 4.453 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being
part of a called 5.0 acre tract conveyed to John Coomer,et ux as recorded in Volume 618,
Page 312,Deed Records, Collin County,Texas.
16. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Kre}mer
Investments,Ltd.,containing 5.571 Acres,being a part of original 30 and 12 acre tracts out
of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al, by Media
Kreymer, a widow, by deed recorded in Volume 645, Page 627 of the Deed Records of
Collin County, Texas.
u. 17. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Vicki S.
Monson,containing 0.197 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and
Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573, Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin
18. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Vicki S.
\ Monson,containing 0.483 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C. Davidson
Survey,Abstract No.266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and
Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573, Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin
19. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Claude
Montgomery,containing 20.00 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292
and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860,Collin County,Texas,and being a part
of an 85.319 acre tract of land conveyed to Richard D. Nance, Coy Watkins and Thomas
Chambers by David L. Goforth by Deed filed March 10, 1969, Deed Records of Collin
20. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Norma
. Motsenbocker, containing 3.93 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No.
292,about 2 '/2 miles South of the Town of Wylie,Texas, and being 3.93 acres of land off
the North end of a 7.93 acre tract surveyed October 8, 1959,By Addison G.Wilson,Jr., said
_ 7.93 acre tract being out of the South corner of a tract of 108.5 acres,described as first tract
in a Deed from John Rogers et al,to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs Rose Rogers Coleman
recorded in Volume 214,Page 602,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
Page 3 of 7
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken
21. Consider and Act Upon Approval of.an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas, containing 7.32 Acres, located on Old Highway No. 78, Sachse-Wylie Road in
Collin County,Texas and being a tract out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No.
292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being a part of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.50 acre
tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
7 22. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas,containing 3.590 Acres,out of the Henry L.Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262, and
being a resurvey of a called 3.6 acre tract of land described in a deed from Delaney
Development Corporation to Gary K. Goll,et ux, as recorded in Volume 1184,Page 893,
Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
23. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Peter
Nicklas,containing 2.7624 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262,
and being a part of a called 4.52 acre tract out of a 27.644 acre tract described in a deed from
J.D. Houston to W.W. Housewright as recorded in Volume 773,Page 291,Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
24. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Robert E.
Nolan,containing 0.681 Acres out of the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,conveyed
to L.W. Self and wife, Glenda O. Self by R.H. Wilson and wife,Grace L. Wilson by Deed
recorded in Volume 793,Page 514 of the Collin County Deed Records, and being a part.of
a 2.573 acre tract conveyed to L.W. Self and wife,by Robert Leamori Reynolds and Wife,
Leta Reynolds by Deed recorded in Volume 803,Page 181 of the Deed Records of Collin
25. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by North
Texas Municipal Water District,containing 7.94 Acres,out of Francisco de la Pina Survey,
Abstract 688,Collin County,Texas. And being out of a 47.5 acre tract of land described in
a Report of Commissioners,by order of probate Court,December 29, 1923, and recorded
in Volume 249,page 346,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
26. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by North
Texas Municipal Water District, containing 32.078 Acres, being out of Francisco De La
Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a
portion of a called 47.5 acre tract as conveyed to Leonard L. Creel and evidenced by Order
on Report of Commissioners recorded in Volume 249, Page 346 of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
27. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by O. V.
Justus,containing 1.003 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and
being a part of a 27.644-acre tract and containing all of a 0.689 acre tract conveyed from
said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas.
S28. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Kenneth
Putman, containing 3.459 Acres,being a part of an original 12 acre first tract out of the
James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920 conveyed to Orville Kreymer, et al, by Media
Kreymer, a widow, by deed recorded in Volume 645, Page 627, of the Deed Records of
Collin County,Texas.
Page of 7
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken _
29. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Ivan W.
Stewart, containing 1.0 Acre, being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett
Survey,Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G.C. Kreymer,Archie Kreymer,
Clifton Kreymer, and Billy Kreymer by Deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 634 Deed
Records of Collin County,Texas.
30. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Melvin St.
John, containing 28.333 Acres, being part of a called 58 acre tract out of the Henry L.
Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292 and the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860,
conveyed to W. O.Houston and John D.Houston by G.H. Drewery and recorded in Volume
339,Page 436 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
31. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Choya
Tapp,containing 3.491 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and
the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, Collin County, Texas, and being the same
tracts of land described in a Deed from Raymond L. Bass and wife, Helen R. Bass to
William E.Butler and wife,Charlene L.Butler, as recorded in Volume 855,Page 745,Deed
Records of Collin County, Texas.
32. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Thomas
Brown,containing 4.859 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, and being
a part of a 25.679 acre tract conveyed by C. I.Norton and Lyda P.Norton to L. D. Pearce,
L. G.Pearce and F. W. Pearce, as recorded in Volume 496,page 268,of the Deed Records
of Collin County,Texas.
33. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by Garry
White,containing 1.089 Acres, out of the I. & G.N. Railroad Company Survey,Abstract
No. 1059,Collin County,Texas,and also being part of a 4.00 acre tract as conveyed to Glen
E. Pockrus and wife, Joyce Pockrus, recorded in Volume 1293, Page 84, Deed Records,
Collin County,Texas.
34. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by W.L.
Brown,containing 1.0_Acres out of the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 696 of 640
acres,about 14 miles Southeast from McKinney,Collin County,Texas, and being out of that
40 acres of land which is described as First.Tract in a Warranty Deed from Jick Housewright
et al to D.R Moore and Kathleen G.Moore,dated April 15, 1954,recorded in Volume 484,
Page 379,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,
35. Consider and Act Upon Approval of an Ordinance Annexing property owned by William
F.Young,containing 1.0 Acre being out of the Elliot C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,
being a 1.00 acre tract of land out of a 72.5 acre tract, save and except previous
conveyances, conveyed to J.R. Eaves by deed dated the 9th day of March, 1958, by J.W.
Barnett et ux,of record in Volume 411,page 494,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
36. Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance annexing all of a certain 110 Acre tract out of the J.W.
Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, Collin County, Texas and being the same property
conveyed to Patsy Sue Donihoo by J.O. McWhirter and wife,Pearl A. McWhirter,by deed
as recorded in Volume 942 at Page 488 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas.
_.. 37. Consider and Act Upon an Ordinance Annexing all of a certain .998 Acre tract out of the
Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, Collin County,Texas and being the same
property conveyed to Doyle R Mitchell and wife Nancy Kaye Mitchell,by deed as recorded
in Volume 2689 at Page 793 and the same tract of land conveyed to Home Town Furniture,
Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2610,Page 702,Land Records,Collin County,Texas.
Page,4 of
Item No. Agenda Item i(1_ ( ` r
W Action Taken
Approval of Preliminary'Plats/Final Plats ��. .,,.y/ COUln1C
insider and Act Upon a preliminary plat for the Winding Creek Estates Addition,proposed
,��4,Y6 D.R. Horton Custom Homes for the property generally located in the City of Wylie
o'` Extraterritorial Jurisdiction(ETJ)along the south side of Parker Road west of the FM 1378
and Parker Road intersection, and being all of a 44.531 acre tract out of the Lewis M.
Marshall Survey,Abstract No. 594,Collin County,Texas.
39. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Lakeside Estates Phase I addition,proposed by
Carter and Burgess,Inc.for Vista Oaks Development,generally located along the north side
of the railroad at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway(Marshall Lane),
and being all of a certain 39.529 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No.
849, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas.
Public Hearings - 7:00 p.m.
40 Consider and Act Upon a request from Gonzalo Cerda for approval of a Specific Use Permit
(SUP)for a private club serving alcoholic beverages(restaurant)for the property generally
located at the northeast corner of Fifth Street and SH 78,and being part of Lots 1 & 2,Block
12 of the Railroad Addition, an Addition to the'City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
K41. Consider and Act Upon a request from Mike Douglas for FarmTex Inc.,for approval of a
of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to I(Industrial)for the property generally located at
the northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane, and being all of a certain .998 acre tract
out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No 688, City of Wylie, Collin County,
42. Consider and Act Upon a request from The Kansas City Southern Railway Company and
Tolmak, Inc., for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural);B-1 (Business); SF-A
/„(jt,& (Single Family Attached); SF-2 & SF-3 (Single Family Residential)to B-1 (Business)and
/ �/" I (Industrial) for the property generally located at the northeast corner of Spring Creek
�(It v Parkway and SH 78 and being all of a certain 202.392 acre tract out of the Francisco De La
` ` Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas.
Agreements and Appointments
C-li43. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the North Texas Municipal
Water District for the cost sharing and specific financing terms relating to the reconstruction
of South Ballard Street between Butler and Stone and the.Stone Road and Ballard Street
intersection and other matters relating thereto,including a reimbursement resolution.
4. Consider and act upon appointing a replacement to the Library Advisory Board for an
4 / v2 unexpired term ending July of 2000.
� `"45. Consider and Act Upon the approval of a formal agreement between Collin County,the Cit
/� ., of Wylie and the Kansas City Southern Railway Company.
/r' �"466. Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a two-year Contract with Foerster Engineering
for an amount not to exceed$96,000.
Staff Reports
Page 6 of 7
Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken _
Wylie City Gouncil/Planning & Zoning Commission Joint or session
Update on the Comprehensive Plan Review
• Executive Session
In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes
Annotated(Open Meeting Law). Section 551.071,Discussion with City Attorney on a matter
concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body
under the Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with
this Chapter; and Section 551.075 Conference with City Employees to review information from
employees concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad;and Sections 551.071 Consultation with City
Attorney; and 551.075 Conference with Employees to Discuss Issues Regarding the Future
Development of Spring Creek Parkway.
Reconvene into Open Meeting
Take any action as a result of Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of M eting was posted on this the 11 th day of December, 1998 at 5:00 p.m.
as re uired by law• ac r ante with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code.
i Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wyhe Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible Sign interpretation or other special
assistance fob disabled attendees Must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the
City Secretary's Office at 972C442 8100 orTDD 972/442 8i74
Page 7 of
City of Wylie
Worksession/Discussion Item
City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission Joint Worksession: December 15, 1998
Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Discussion regarding the status of the Comprehensive
Plan Update - Wallace, Roberts, & Todd
Brief Presentation by Donal Simpson with Wallace, Roberts, & Todd.