01-11-2000 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING Wylie City Council Agenda Ft/1'1 Tuesday, January 11, 2000 7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken Call to Order Invocation,'& Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations & Presentations + Proclamation in recognition of Ms. Shelby Laastad + Introduction&of Carlo the Wylie Police Department crime dog by K-9 Officer Brenda Martin. + Presentation by BFI Citizens Participation Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. I,f discussion is desired that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the Special Called Meetings of December 7 and December 18, 1999 and the Regular Meeting of December 14, 1999. B. Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas,establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL>CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon approval of an Alarm Ordinance,repealing Ordinance 90-6 and providing for the regulation of Alarm Permits, False Alarm Notification, Direct Alarm Monitoring, and Alarm System Installation. 2. Consider and act upon approval of an Ordinance providing for an increase in the Water Hookup Fee for new Single Family Residences amending Sections 1.10 and Section 1.11 of the Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance No. 98-16. 3. Consider and act upon approval of final payment to Randall&Blake,Inc. in the amount of$33,320.35 for completion of Phase I of Founders Park. Staff Reports Work Session Informational Presentation of ISO Rating Process. NOTICE OF MEETING Wylie Cit Council AgendaPit Page of ----- Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken Executive Session In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (Open Meeting Law). Section 551.072;Deliberation Regarding Real Property to deliberate the purchase, exchange,lease,or value of real property. Reconvene into Open Meeting Take any action as a result of Executive Session. Adjournment. Inadditiion to specifically identified Executive Sessions, Council may convene into Executive Session at any point dining the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. Specific sections of the Open Meetings Act will be identified and announced should Council elect to convene Into Executive Session. I certify ' Notice of Meeting was posted this day of 2000 at 5:00 p.m.as required by law' c r ce with Section 551.042 of the T Gov t Code. Th ropriate news media was also notified. • Date Notice Removed 7. Wylie Complex's fair accessible.Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees. Must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972/442-8100 or TDD 972/442 4 1 7 0. MINUTES Wylie City Council Tuesday, December 7, 1999 - 7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas Call to Order Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Tuesday, December 7, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present:Joel Scott,Reta Allen„Merrill Young,and Chris Trout. Council members Jim Swartz and J.C. Worley were absent. Planning and Zoning Chairman, Steve Ahrens called the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to order,Tuesday,December 7, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. with the following Commissioners present: Eric Hogue Julie Schmader, Michael George, Carter Porter and Cecilia Wood. Commission Sharon Dowdy was absent. Staff members present were: Mike Collins, City Manager; Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager; Tobin Maples, Planning Director; Carrie Smith, Administrative Secretary/Development Services; Chris Holsted, Consulting Engineer/Hogan Corporation and Barbara Salinas,City Secretary. Invocation Councilman Scott was asked to give the Invocation. Presentation Mr. Raymond Stanland, Stanland & Associates gave a brief presentation to both the City Council and the Planning&Zoning Commission on the rewrite of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (Attachment) Adjournment The Joint Meeting of the Wylie City Council and the Planning&Zoning Commission was then adjourned. Reconvene After a brief recess, Mayor Mondy called to order the Special Meeting of the Wylie City Council in the Staff Conference Room of the Wylie Municipal Complex. Work Session ♦Wylie Ranch East Estates-Drainage Issues. Mr.Chris Holsted,Consulting Engineer/Hogan Corporation,was present to provide Council information on the Drainage issues surrounding the Wylie Ranch East Estates properties. Mr. Holsted explained that one alternative would be concrete curb and guttering for both Streets for an approximate cost of$700,000 to$800,000. The cost to asphalt or black top the streets was approximately$17,000 to 20,000,plus yearly maintenance. The Mayor asked if the cost provided would include drives and culverts. Mr. Holsted replied that only 13 of the 20 would require drives and or culverts and that not all lots would be effected. Mr. Holsted advised that this solution would not solve the ponding water in the yards of the property owners. Wylie City Council Minutes December 7, 1999 Page 1 It was determined after discussion with the property owners present that grading of the ditches behind existing homes could eliminate some of the drainage issues,provided the City could ensure that they were not filled in and maintained from end to end. There was also some discussion regarding the erosion,specifically on Donna Drive. It was noted that grass was never put in which may have contributed to the erosion. Weather may have been a factor in not seeding this area timely. Mr.Holsted offered a proposal to establish a grade for Callie,Donna and Brown and replace approximately 13 culverts for an approximate cost of$80,000. Property owners were advised that the ditch may not resolve the ponding within the individual yards. Staff advised Council that they would come back next month with a recommendation on the funding for this project. Executive Session In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code,Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated(Open Meeting Law). Section 551.074,Personnel Matters and Section 551.072,Deliberation Regarding Real Property. Reconvene into Open Meeting As a result of Executive Session, a motion was made to authorize the City Manager to purchase the Espinoza property. Adjournment.' With no further business to come before Council,the meeting was then adjourned. John Mondy,Mayor Attest: Barbara A. Salinas,City Secretary Wylie City Council Minutes December 7, 1999 Page 2 Nandoa f #I Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite / Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 1 PURPOSE PROCESS • Introduce team COurmotENMME z)NSG ORM/N 2 REVISION PROCESS • Provide overview of process we will be using to NIMnON 1EEfCNANIOE .w e- ,RaTION to NEW REaunoNeAw oRpNA�ttxt PROCEMREe (RIMMING PROPERTY) rewrite the Wylie Zoning Ordinance. • Outline preliminary issues we will be addressing U nil O '® rOp.CIURE AND •I. IlwlsaeR • ia Gee,,.I OI.c.I I • SUMFORMAT **L • Discuss next steps. •Ownd Mrrinm•Muck. •Paret .Ure• I •Yr4 Let.Spa ea.drds •Straus* I •D.•I•I-aa-lrWaPYy eta lad• • Questions and Discussion f01 MONTHS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 rielaDENnM INTRODUCTION I©M4.n.M Prea.a• •u—Lou,Opa Otr drb 1.Rohr Procedures I I •D..Ip•eR.-I.-�..glnE eu.,,�ar�s • Stanland and Associates MI MONTH" I•&Wed Choy. .I. II ,2•�, I•laad••"p"e R•°la" I I RIPLAr OR SPECIAL mongol 11 •ol•ata Ray Stanland I 1 •Yrd.L..SP.aelndrd. •0.•Rue Slue StaRWrb ntocEDLRAL REQIeEAENiS I 1 Russell Jones MRrwNme I / _I a e9fANTNYREd/REMeTO — '1 I r RInIGRAnON RRO MNs 'I Janet Tharp _ , oRDNANciDRAFT ;, pnenwanON rOucles AND OTRAT EGIEO • WRT POUR WHIM IS MONO Donal Simpson ADOPT NEW WINO ORDNMICE TEXT AND MAMMON PROGRAM I 51141e 1 51618 2 Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite General Structure of a Zoning Ordinance General Provisions WYLIE ZONING ORDINANCE ISSUES •Purpose •Establishment •Adopt Maps 1. Fit with and implements Comprehensive •Interpertations Plan — The Regulatory Content Specifies2. Address issues important to the Community How What What —.-Where —► Much Qualities Yard,Lot, 3. Clean up ordinance inconsistencies— Uses Districts Landscaping Space Standards p g improve format—increase utility t Design Standards ► Sign Regulations 4. Simplification —ease of use—fairness— Parking-Loading Buffering understandability The Procedural Content 5. Completeness •P82 •Subdivision of Land •BOA •Nonconforming Uses 6. Compatibility with State and Federal Law •Site Plan Review •Classification of New Uses •Rezonings •Enforcement Definitions SlIda 3 SlIde 4 Stanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 1. Fit with and implements 2. Address issues important to Comprehensive Plan the Community • Village concepts • Adjacency issues between uses and between • New districts districts • Special districts in corridors • Screening and fencing • Quality of residential development • Higher design and landscape standards • Design standards for residential districts • Landscape ordinance • Tree preservation ordinance slide 5 51Ide 6 Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 3. Clean up ordinance inconsistencies — 4. Simplification — ease of use — improve format — increase utility fairness — understandability • Clear, consistent definition of uses • Use simple, plain English • References to outdated or nonexistent • Use charts,tables and graphics sections removed • Reduce number of districts and uses • Use of charts,tables and graphics to separately defined while still accomplishing summarize and communicate requirements goals of Comp Plan and creation of quality development • Integration of other sections of the City Code which deal with land use and development • Use logical structure of ordinance and minimize related issues use of cross references which require flipping to many sections to find out what is required • Correction of spelling, grammar, and awkward sentences • Use categories and logical grouping of topics to organize code Slide 7 511de 8 Stanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite Wylie Zoning Ordinance Rewrite 5. Completeness - NEXT STEPS • Have ordinance that covers full range of uses and districts that might occur in Wylie • Gather Input from Community Leaders, refine • Insure process for amending ordinance to issues and opportunities accommodate changes can be done with • Define Ordinance Format and Structure minimum impact on basic ordinance structure and intent. • Insure ordinance recognizes current development trends and molds them to QUESTIONS - DISCUSSION Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. 6. Compatibility with State and Federal Law • Recognize latest statutory changes and Judicial rulings 511de 9 51Ide 10 NOTES Stanland and Associates Wallace Roberts&Todd MINUTES Wylie City Council Tuesday, December 14, 1999 - 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas Call to Order Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. with the following Councilmembers present: Joel Scott, Reta Allen, Jim Swartz, J.C. Worley and Chris Trout. Councilman Merrill Young was absent. Staff members present were: Mike Collins, City Manager; Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager; Brady Snellgrove,Finance Director; Tobin Maples,Planning Director and Barbara Salinas,City Secretary. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance Councilman Scott was asked to give the Invocation and Councilman Trout was asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Proclamations and Presentations Presentation Lt.Mike Davis of the Wylie Police Department introduced the newest members of the Wylie Police Department to the Council. Introduced were, Officer Kelly Dennis, Officer Curtis Smith, Dispatcher Lisa Laird, Officer Stuart Joynt,and Officer Tom Walters. Presentation Mr.Bob Hogan,President of the Hogan Corporation was present to address Council. Mr. Hogan addressed the Wylie Ranch Estates drainage issues. Mr.Hogan stated that he had visited the areas yesterday,after the rainfall, and observed major drainage problems. He specifically cited the residence of Ms. Sharon Dowdy where the ponding in her front yard was severe. Mr. Hogan observed that her back yard was higher than her front yard which contributed to the ponding. Mr.Hogan also noted that ditches and pavement must be maintained in order to provide adequate drainage,due to the flat surface. He noted that many driveways are set a different elevations and that many ditches are filled and not maintained. Mr.Hogan stated that his firm was involved in the Kreymer Lane review and sanitary sewer design but was not involved with the street improvements. Mr. Hogan suggested that in order to provide drainage,the ditches must be lowered and maintained as well as driveway replacement. Mr.Hogan concluded by apologizing for any prior misunderstanding about the drainage issues. He further stated that the Hogan Corporation would like to continue evaluation of this situation and come back with a plan of action. He cited several solutions including, lowering ditches and permanent paving with storm sewers. He offered the services of the firm at no cost to the City. Councilman Worley asked for the Minutes from the Town Hall meetings conducted with the property owners , citing decisions made and existing problems with underground utilities. Councilman Worley also asked to see the original contract for the project. Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 1 Mr. Collins advised that the original contract can be provided, however, the Town Hall meetings with the residents were informal meetings and no minutes were kept. He stated that the scope of the work would be detailed within the contract and available for review tomorrow. Proclamation Lt.Mike Davis provided Council with a brief history of the actions of Mr. Zach Fattani. The Amber Alert was activated on November 21, 1999 after a report of a possible child abduction. Mr. Fattani,employee of Northside Convenience Store heard the radio broadcast of the Amber Alert on the morning of November 21, 1999 and noticed a patron matching the description given. He immediately phoned the Wylie Police Department and the suspect was apprehended without incident and the child safely returned to her family. Mayor Mondy read a Proclamation recognizing the actions taken by Mr.Zach Fattani. Citizens Participation Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of November 9 and Special Called Meeting of November 16, 1999. B. Consider and act upon a final plat for the Summit Private School Addition,proposed by Jonvitch, Inc.,for the property generally located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and Rustic Trail and being all of a 4.039 acre tract out of the Samuel B.Shelby Survey,Abstract No.820,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. C. Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Wylie concerning the construction of F.M. 1378. D. Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Wylie concerning the construction of South Ballard Avenue/Sachse Road. E. Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Wylie concerning construction of Stone Road. F. Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution supporting submission of an application for a Texas Preservation Fund Grant. Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, provided the City Secretary research and determine the second to the motion on Page 3 of the November 9, 1999 Minutes. Councilman Swartz seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,6-0. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon and ordinance Annexing all of a certain 4.9455 Acre tract situated in the John W.Mitchell Survey, Abstract No.589,Collin County,Texas. Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 2 Councilman Worley abstained from any discussion and vote on Item No. 1 and completed the appropriate Conflict of Interest Affidavit. Councilman Scott made a motion to approve an ordinance Annexing all of a certain 4.9455 Acre tract situated in the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, Collin County, Texas. Councilman Trout seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Young absent and Councilman Worley abstained. 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Orinda Capital Partners L.P.,for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for a master planned single family residential neighborhood, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road just north of the railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No.849,City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. ZC No.99-08 Mr.Tobin Maples,Planning Director gave an overview of this case citing specific considerations. He stated that the Commission voted 4-2 to favorably recommend, per the staff stipulations. Those voting in opposition, Commissioner Ahrens and George, expressed concerns regarding the proposed density as it relates to the objective so the Comprehensive Plan. Mr.Maples stated that this is the first case to be heard since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan does allow room to work and that they try to work with the developer and applicant, but that this case could set a precedent. The Mayor praised Mr.Defrain for his work on his previous plan,however,the Council is in a situation that they must decide whether to listen to the Commission or ignore the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and approve this case. Mr.Defrain addressed the Council and presented his case. He compared this development to a similar situation that developed in Flower Mound. He emphasized the need to make this entrance into Wylie a strong and vital one and that Council must weigh the Comp Plan,location and surrounding property. He described the property adjacent to the Railroad tracks and explained the reasoning behind placing the fronts of the homes toward the tracks, allowing use of the backyards. Their was discussion on exits to McCreary,to which Mr. Defrain responded that there are three ports of access. Discussion followed regarding collector and thoroughfares in the future. There was discussion regarding the lot size. It was noted that the Comp Plan indicates one acre lots for this area; average lot is 9,700. Mr. Defrain stated that one acre lots would be hard to market and that they would probably pass. The Mayor then opened the public hearing and asked that anyone wishing to speak either in favor of or in opposition of the Zoning Case to please come forward and state their name and address for the record,limiting their comments to three minutes. With no response the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Trout asked Mr.Defrain if he would consider making Tract C lots larger and Tract A smaller. There was some discussion on lot size with tracts and overall effect to the development. Councilman Scott asked if Council could table the case and send it back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Defrain asked whether it could be tabled and come back to City Council, since Planning and Zoning had recommended favorably. Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 3 At 8:00 p.m. the Mayor called for a five minute recess. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Mr.Collins explained that the next formal action would be to approve the Development Plan and Ordinance to adopt the Planned Development. Councilman Swartz made a motion to approve,with the conditions that have been identified this evening. The motion died for a lack of a second. Councilman Trout made a motion to deny. The motion died for a lack of a second. Councilman Scott made a motion to table and make sure all numbers are correct. He stated that in the Spirit of the Comprehensive Plan, he wished to keep as close as possible, citing larger lots. Councilman Scott then withdrew his motion. Councilman Scott then made a motion to table this item until the Special Called meeting of Saturday,December 18, 1999 at 8:00 a.m.to be held in the Council Conference Room of the Wylie Municipal Complex. Councilman Trout seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Young absent and Councilman Worley abstained. 3. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Campbell Wylie Partners, for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to MF(Multi-family),for the property generally located at the northeast corner McCreary Road and McMillen Road and being all of a certain 4.9455 acre tract out of the John W.Mitchell Survey,Abstract No. 589, Collin County,Texas. ZC.No.99-09 Councilman Worley abstained from any discussion and vote on Item No. 3 and completed the appropriate Conflict of Interest Affidavit. Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr. Maples provided Council with a brief history of this case, recommending approval subject to Council approval of annexation. (Item 1) The Mayor then opened the public hearing and asked that anyone wishing to speak either in favor or opposition of this zoning case to come forward,stating their name and address and limiting their comments to three minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the request from Campbell Wylie Partners,for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural)to MF (Multi-family), for the property generally located at the northeast corner McCreary Road and McMillen Road and being all of a certain 4.9455 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey,Abstract No. 589,Collin County,Texas. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,5-0. Councilman Young absent and Councilman Worley abstained. 4. Consider and act upon a Preliminary Plat for the Redwood Mobile Home Estates Phase II addition, proposed by Graphic Engineering for Clayton Homes Inc., generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 23.4775 acre tract and all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M.Price Survey,Abstract No. 1114,City of Wylie,Dallas County, Texas. Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item. Mr. Maples provided a brief history of this item. There was some discussion on street maintenance,which Mr.Maples stated would be the responsibility of the Mobile Home Park. He also added that the lots would be rented,not owned. Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 4 Councilman Worley made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for the Redwood Mobile Home Estates Phase II addition,proposed by Graphic Engineering for Clayton Homes Inc.,generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 23.4775 acre tract and all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M. Price Survey,Abstract No. 1114,City of Wylie,Dallas County,Texas. Councilman Swartz seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,6-0. Councilman Young was absent. 5. Consider and act upon a final plat for Sage Creek Phase V,proposed by Tipton Engineering for Paramount Land Development,for the property generally located at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Spring Creek Parkway just north of the railroad tracks and Lakeside Estates Phase I and being all of a certain 15.3998 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No.849, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. Mr.Tobin Maples,Planning Director addressed this item. Mr. Maples provided Council with a brief history of this case. Councilman Scott made a motion to approve the fmal plat for Sage Creek Phase V, proposed by Tipton Engineering for Paramount Land Development,for the property generally located at the northwest corner of FM 544 and Spring Creek Parkway just north of the railroad tracks and Lakeside Estates Phase I and being all of a certain 15.3998 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 6-0. Councilman Young was absent. 6. Consider and act upon approval of a formal request to the Planning&Zoning Commission to develop a Street Naming Policy recommendation. Ms. Mindy Manson,Assistant to the City Manager addressed this item. Mr. Manson provided Council with a brief explanation of this request. Councilman Trout made a motion to approve the formal request to the Planning & Zoning Commission to develop a Street Naming Policy recommendation. Councilman Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Swartz voted in opposition and Councilman Young was absent. Staff Reports City Manager, Mike Collins reported that staff would be meeting with KCS and TxDOT representatives regarding the FM544/78 intersection on Friday of this week and would Voice Mail and E-mail updates. He also reported that they would be meeting next week with Kirby Street property owners regarding the Kirby Street Project. Mr. Collins and Mr. Brady Snellgrove, Finance Directed updated Council on Y2K preparations and plans for the evening of December 31, 1999. Mr. Collins advised that he, the Assistant City Manager, Ms. Manson and both Police Chief Butters and Fire Chief English would be at the Complex to monitor any Y2K issues. Work Session + Development Services Presentation Mr. Tobin Maples, Planning Director and Ms. Shahla Layendecker, Building Official provided Council with a presentation of all phases of the Development Services operations. A handout was provided that gave detailed information on the goals,objectives and functions of each division. The presentation concluded with a tour of the Development Services Department. Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 5 Adjournment. John Mondy,Mayor Attest: Barbara A. Salinas,City Secretary Wylie City Council Minutes December 14, 1999 Page 6 MINUTES Wylie City Council Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 8:00 a.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North,Wylie Texas Call to Order Mayor Mondy called the City Council Meeting to order, Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 8:00 a.m. with the following Council Members present: Joel Scott, Reta Allen, Jim Swartz, J.C. Worley and Chris Trout. Councilman Merrill Young was absent. Staff members present were: Mike Collins,City Manager and Tobin Maples,Planning Director. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Orinda Capital Partners L.P.,for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for a master planned single family residential neighborhood, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road just north of the railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No.849,City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. ZC No.99-08 A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the request from Orinda Capital Partners L.P., for approval of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to PD(Planned Development)for a master planned single family residential neighborhood, for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road just north of the railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 849,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. Councilman Trout seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,6-0. Councilman Worley abstained. Executive Session The Mayor convened into Executive Session in accordance with Chapter 551,Government Code,Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated(Open Meeting Law). Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. Reconvene into Open Meeting There was no action taken as a result of the Executive Session Adjournment. John Mondy,Mayor Attest: Barbara A. Salinas,City Secretary Wylie City Council Minutes December 18, 1999 Page 1 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. B January 11, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie. Background There are two requirements that must be met for a newspaper to meet the statutory requirements as a newspaper of general circulation. First, the publication must be a"newspaper" as defined by Section 2051.044, Texas Government Code. The section defines the term"newspaper" as: ...any newspaper devoting not less than 25%of its total column lineage to the carrying of items of general interest published not less frequently than once each week,entered as second class postal matter in the county where published and having been published regularly and continuously not less than twelve(12)months prior to the making of any publication... The second issue to consider is whether a particular publication is a newspaper of general circulation. The following area newspapers have been surveyed as to their circulation, times of publication, and advertizing costs for public notifications. Newspaper Publication Advertising Approx. No. Dates Costs Subscribers Wylie News Every Wednesday $ 1.01 cents per line 4,000 Plano Star Courier Wed - Sunday $ 10.50 per col. inch 7,200* Wed 8,500* Sun McKinney Courier Sun-Friday $ .18 cents per word 8,500* McKinney Messenger Every Friday $ 7.65 per col. inch 9,400* Allen American Wed & Sat $ 6.50 per col inch 4,600* Garland News Thurs - Sun $ 3.56 per line 16,600* Legals published on Thurs& Sunday only Dallas Morning News Daily $ 10.90 per line Mon-Sat 570,000* $ 12.13 per line Sunday 800,000* * The Number of Wylie Subscribers who receive this publication was not available. Figures reflect the total number of subscribers. Background-continued The Wylie News meets the criteria for an official publication as provided by the statute. The Wylie News was the official publication for the City in 1999. Financial Consideration Approximately$ 11,600 was spent on advertizing cost for public hearing notices and legal notices during 1999. Other Consideration The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter states in Article 11, Section 2 "The City Council shall declare an official newspaper of general circulation in the city. All ordinances, captions of ordinances, notices and other matters required to be published by this charter, by city ordinances, or by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, shall be published in this official newspaper." Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends naming the Wylie News as the official newspaper. Attachments Resolution r' _ )1\(\ -JAC el/gAiA Pr pared by r Revrf ed by Finan City Manager Approval RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION TO BE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE WHEREAS, Section 52.004, Local Government Code, requires the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") to determine, by ordinance or resolution, a public newspaper to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the Wylie News is a public newspaper of general circulation. NOW,'THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby determines and establishes the Wylie News as the official newspaper for Wylie until the time that another selection is made by the City Council. SECTION 2: That this resolution shall take effective immediately upon its passage. DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, and this the 1 lth day of January, 2000. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Barbara Salinas, City Secretary WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. January 11, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon approval of an Alarm Ordinance, repealing Ordinance 90-6 and providing for the regulation of Alarm Permits, False Alarm Notification, Direct Alarm Monitoring, and Alarm System Installation,' Background The Wylie City Council authorized the purchase of a Direct Alarm Monitoring System during FY 1999. The installation of the monitoring system is nearing completion and required an interface with the CAD system. The City must now adopt an Alarm Ordinance, which will regulate alarm system standards. The City will assume liability when it begins monitoring alarms. The enforcement of alarm system minimum standards will reduce the City's liability exposure and ensure that the City can successfully monitor and respond to an alarm system. The Ordinance standards will apply to everyone in the City of Wylie to ensure the safety of all citizens and provides that all alarm companies or monitoring services are playing by the same rules. The Ordinance establishes specific minimum standards to alarm businesses for the installation, maintenance, repair, and operation of the alarm system. These standards have been generally accepted in the alarm industry for many years. Section 7-2 establishes the requirements and process for obtaining an Alarm Permit. Section 7-3 establishes specific standards and inspections for commercial and residential systems, including UL or ANSI standards and additional local requirements. The issue of fees that would be paid for false alarm notification is addressed in Section 7-4. The remainder of the proposed Alarm Ordinance is similar in substance to an Alarm Ordinance adopted by the City of Wylie in 1990. The adoption of this ordinance will provide for the regulation of Direct Alarm Monitoring. Financial Considerations Inspection of alarm systems by the Police/Fire Departments is required by this Ordinance. Each inspection should take approximately one hour and will be performed by OFF duty officers/firefighters trained in alarm monitoring and hookup inspection. The cost per inspection will be based on the number of Direct Alarm monitoring participants. The initial inspection cost paid to the inspector is anticipated to be $20.00. The residential alarm permit fee is $20.00 per year. Other Considerations N/A Board and Commission Recommendations N/A Staff Recommendations Approval of the proposed Alarm Ordinance. Attachments Draft Alarm Ordinance (final format distributed 1/11/2000) (64h.Hug r pared by Revie by inance City Manager Approval Chapter 7 ALARMS Article I. In General Sec. 7-1. Definitions and terms. Sec. 7-2. Alarm permit required. v Sec. 7-3. General requirements for alarm permit holders. Sec. 7-4. Fees for false alarm notification. v Sec. 7-5. Revocation of alarm permit. Sec. 7-6. Registration of alarm monitoring services. Sec. 7-7. Registration of alarm system installation and maintenance contractors. V Sec. 7-8. Direct alarm monitoring systems monitored by the Police/Fire Department. Sec. 7-9. Inspection of alarm systems monitored by the Police/Fire Department. t Sec. 7-10. Local alarms; limits on operation. Sec. 7-11. Creation of alarms systems inspector designation. Sec. 7-12. Fines. Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 1 of 11 ALARMS ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Section 7-1: Definitions and Terms. The following words and terms, as used herein, shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them as follows: Alarm agent means any person employed by an alarm business whose duties include, but are not limited to, the altering, installing, maintaining, moving, repairing, replacing, selling, leasing, servicing, responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm device. The provisions of this section do not include persons who engage in the manufacture or sale of alarm systems from a fixed location and who neither visit the location where the alarm system is to be installed, nor design the scheme for the physical location of the alarm system in a specific location. Alarm business means any individual, company, partnership, corporation, or proprietorship, along with any of its officers, directors, agents or employees, which alters, installs, leases, maintains, monitors, moves, repairs, replaces, sells, services, or responds to an alarm system, or which causes any of those activities to take place. Alarm notification means a notification intended to summon the Police/Fire Department, which is designed either to be initiated purposely by a person or by an alarm system that responds to a stimulus characteristic of unauthorized intrusion, fire, or medical emergency. 1 Alarm site means a single premises or location (one street address) served by an alarm system or systems that are under the control of an owner. Alarm system means a device or system which transmits a signal intended to summon aid from the Police/Fire Department in case of a robbery, burglary, personal hostage, fire, or medical emergency. The term "alarm system" does not include a system installed on a vehicle or a system designed to alert only the persons within a premises which does not emit a signal visible or audible outside of the premises. Systems commonly referred to as burglar alarm systems, fire alarms, panic/alert systems and medical alert systems are included. Alarm user means any owner or occupant of premises within the City of Wylie where an alarm system is maintained. Annunciator means the instrumentation on an alarm console at the receiving terminal of a signal line which through both visual and audible signals shows when an alarm device at a particular location has been activated or it may also indicate line trouble. ANSI means the American National Standards Institute. Answering service refers to a telephone answering service providing, among other things, the service of receiving, on a continuous basis through trained employees, emergency signals from alarm systems, and thereafter immediately relaying the message by live voice to the Police/Fire Department. Burglar alarm system means an alarm system signaling an entry or attempted entry into an area protected by the system. Central station means an office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected, where operators supervise the circuits and where alarm signals are continuously monitored. Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 2 of 11 Chief means the Chief of Police/Fire for the City of Wylie or an authorized representative. City means the City of Wylie, Texas. City Council means the Mayor and City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, or any part thereof. Digital dialer signaling system means an electronic alarm signaling system attached to an alarm monitoring service or the Police/Fire Department, where appropriate action is taken to respond to and/or investigate such signal. False alarm notification means an alarm notification to the Police/Fire Department when the responding personnel find no evidence of robbery, burglary, personal hostage, fire or medical emergency, or attempted robbery burglary, or personal hostage. False alarm notification includes the activation of an alarm system through mechanical or electronic failure, malfunction, improper installation or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of their employees or agents, except that the following shall not be considered false alarms: 1. Alarms caused by the failure or malfunction of the monitoring equipment located in the Police/Fire Department or its designated site. 2. Alarms occurring on a repeated basis without apparent cause, but where continuous and decided effort, in the sole opinion of the department, is being made jointly by the alarm business used by the alarm user for installation or servicing, and any other concerned person to correct the malfunction expeditiously. 3. Alarms caused by an attempted illegal entry, of which there is visible evidence, illegal entry, or other demonstrable criminal activity. 4. Alarms intentionally caused by a person acting under reasonable belief that a need exists to call the Police/Fire Department. 5. Alarms followed by an immediate call to the Police/Fire Department canceling the alarm by giving the proper code number, such call having been made prior to the arrival of the Police/Fire Department at the alarm site. 6. Alarms resulting from the servicing of an alarm system by an alarm business when, prior to such repair or service, the alarm user or their agent has notified in person the department that the alarm system will be repaired or serviced at the particular date and time coinciding with that alarm. Local Alarm means a signaling system, which when activated causes an audible and/or visual signaling device to be activated in or on the premises within which the alarm system is installed. Modified central station means an office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected, where operators supervise the circuits. Such modified central station is not listed by Underwriter's Laboratories. Operator means any employee of an alarm business whose duties include, but are not limited to, responding to or initiating responses to alarm system signals. Owner means the record title holder(s) of real property. i, Person means any individual, corporation, organization, partnership, association, or any other legal entity. Police/Fire Department or Department means the Wylie Police Department and/or the Wylie Fire Department, including the communications/dispatch center and all authorized agents and employees thereof. Radio Frequency (RF) signaling system means an alarm signaling system which when activated by an alarm device, transmits a signal by radio frequency to a monitoring company Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 3 of 11 or the Police/Fire Department, where appropriate action is taken to respond to and/or investigate such signal. Residence or residence site means a structure intended as a dwelling unit including, but not limited to,one-family dwelling units, apartments, condominiums,townhouses and duplexes. Signal line means the transmission line through which the signal passes from one of the elements of the signal transmission to another. Telephone Company means any utility that furnishes telephone services to the City of Wylie. UL means Underwriters Laboratories. Section 7-2: Alarm Permit Required A. The owner or person in control of an alarm site commits an offense if he/she installs an alarm system or possesses an activated alarm system without first obtaining an alarm permit from the Chief. A separate permit is required for each alarm site. ' B. The application for such alarm permit shall contain the following information: (1) Name, business address, home address, business telephone number and home telephone number of the person who is applying for the permit; and (2) Name, business telephone number, and home telephone number of two (2) persons who are authorized and have agreed to receive notification at any time from responding police or fire personnel to come to the alarm site within thirty (30) minutes after receiving such notification; and (3) Classification of the alarm site as residential, commercial, or banking institution; and (4) Purpose of the alarm (i.e., burglary, robbery, fire or medical assistance, etc., or any combination thereof); and (5) Any other information required by the Chief to insure compliance with all provisions of this Ordinance. C. The permit holder shall notify the Chief of any change in the information contained in the application within five (5) days of such change. Any failure of the alarm user to update any of the information required to obtain an alarm permit as changes occur shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. D. If the application complies with all requirements of this section, the Chief shall issue a permit. E. Any false statement of a material nature made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining a permit shall be grounds for denial of the issuance of the permit, or cancellation of the permit if one has been issued. F. A permit is not assignable or transferable to another person. G. The permit required by this section shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of its issuance, unless revoked by the Chief under the provisions of this Ordinance. The permit shall be renewed annually by the Chief upon payment by the permit holder of the annual renewal fee set forth in this Ordinance provided the permit holder is not in violation of this Ordinance. H. A non-refundable initial fee and an annual renewal fee shall be paid for the permit by the applicant for each alarm system. I. It is the responsibility of each alarm user to obtain an alarm permit before operating their alarm system. If a citizen purchases or occupies a premise that has an alarm system monitored directly by the Police/Fire Department, it is the new owner's/occupant's Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 4 of 11 responsibility to obtain an alarm permit and indicate in writing to continue direct monitoring. If this process is not completed within ten (10) days of taking occupancy of the premise, the new owner/occupant will be mailed a certified letter instructing them to obtain the above permit and indicate in writing if they wish to continue direct alarm monitoring with the department. If the letter is unclaimed by the new owner/occupant and returned to the department, an officer will post the letter on the front door of the residence securely with tape. The officer will fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his actions in this matter. If the new owner/occupant does not respond within ten(10) days after receiving the certified letter, and/or after the letter is posted on the front door of the premises, the alarm system located at the premises will be disconnected from direct alarm monitoring with the City of Wylie. J. The alarm permit contains emergency contact information on the alarm user with necessary information about the alarm system. This permit must be obtained before operating an alarm system. If the alarm system is operated without a valid alarm permit and the system is activated resulting in an emergency response, the officer responding to the alarm will issue a citation in the name of the alarm user for "operating a non-permitted alarm system." If the alarm user is not home at the time of the alarm activation, the citation may be left with any authorized adult person present at the time of the alarm response. If no one is home when the response is made, the officer issuing the citation will keep all copies with him/her and make several attempts to personally deliver the citation. If the citation is not personally delivered after seventy-two (72) hours, the officer will have the citation delivered by certified mail to the alarm user. The court date will be set no sooner than thirty (30) days from the date of the certified letter to allow for proper notice. If the certified letter is unclaimed by the alarm user and returned to the Police/Fire Department, it will be returned to the officer who issued the citation to be posted on the front door of the premises. This will be done by posting the letter to the front door of the residence securely with tape. The officer will then fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his/her actions in this matter. Section 7-3: General Requirements for Alarm Permit Holders A. Standards and Inspections. Except where modified or qualified elsewhere herein, the following standards and inspections are required (a copy of all standards shall be available for public inspection at the Police/Fire Department): (1) All alarm systems installed in commercial establishments on or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall utilize equipment, components, and methods of installation equal to or exceeding the following minimum applicable UL or ANSI standards, as amended: UL 609 (ANSI SE2.1-1972) "Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems"; UL 636 (ANSI SE2.7--1973) "Hold-up Alarm Units and Systems"; UL 681 (ANSI SE2.3--1972) "Installation and Classification of Mercantile and Bank Burglar Alarm Systems." All installations shall be made by an alarm business holding all required and current licenses issued by the State of Texas. (2) All alarm systems installed in residences on or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall utilize equipment and components which shall be equivalent to or exceed the minimum applicable UL Standard 1023 (ANST SE2.4--1972) "Household Burglar Alarm Systems Units," as amended, and such equipment shall be installed in a safe, reliable and professional manner by an alarm business holding all required and current licenses issued by the State of Texas. If the alarm system is to include fire protection, Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 5 of I I then the alarm business, as well as the alarm technician installing the fire alarm system, must be licensed with the Texas Commission on Fire Protection as required in Section 5 of the Texas Insurance Code Article 5.43-2 Fire Detection and Alarm Devices as amended, and the Fire Alarm Rules issued by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, as amended, all alarm systems equipped with fire protection must meet all requirements as set out in the National Fire Alarm Codes as stated in the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) standards, as amended. B. In addition to the requirements set forth by the UL or ANSI Standards, as amended, the following additional requirements shall be met for all alarm systems installed and operated in the City. (1) All alarm systems installed on or after the effective date of this Ordinance and all alarm systems heretofore installed shall have a standby power supply for the control panel and attached equipment. This secondary source of power shall be installed so that if the main source of power fails, the system shall not cause a non-valid alarm. All standby power must be capable of operating the system for a minimum of four(4) continuous hours. All new installations shall have rechargeable power supplies installed at the time of the initial installation of the alarm system. (2) All commercial alarm systems that use the telephone line to transmit a fire alarm signal must be equipped with a Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (ACT) as described in the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA 72), as amended. (3) New alarm systems shall be installed in such a manner that the protective circuits shall indicate whether they are closed prior to being turned on; and (4) All triggering devices utilized in alarm systems within the City shall be adjusted to the degree reasonably possible to suppress non-valid indications of fire or intrusion, so that alarms shall not be activated by natural phenomena, including but not limited to, transient pressure changes in water pipes, short flashes of light, wind noises or exterior pressure change, such as rattling or vibration of windows or sonic booms, and vehicular noise adjacent to the installation. C. In addition to the aforesaid requirements for alarm systems, those alarm systems which connect directly to the Police/Fire Department for monitoring shall meet or exceed the following standards: (1) All alarm systems which are directly connected to the Department shall be installed by a licensed alarm business in accordance with the standard procedures published by the Department, as amended. (2) All alarm systems shall have the standby power sources required in B(1) above installed and operational prior to interconnection to the Police/Fire Department. In the fire alarm condition, local annunciation must be provided until manually reset. In the burglar alarm condition, the panel shall reset after fifteen(15) minutes in alarm status, but shall retain all indication of the prior alarm status until the system is manually disarmed. (3) Fire alarm indications, when transmitted directly to the Police/Fire Department, shall originate from smoke or heat detectors at the alarm site. (4) Levels of communications defined: a. A level one (1) communication is an alarm signal which shall be monitored directly by the Police/Fire Department. Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 6 of 11 b. A level two (2) communication shall consist of a digital dialing device with redundancy, programmed to transmit alarm signals via the residential telephone line and/or radio transmitter to an alarm monitoring station. D. Automatic shutoff required. A local alarm installed after September 1, 1983, shall be designed and maintained to terminate the audible signal within fifteen (15) minutes of activation. A local alarm which sounds for a period in excess of fifteen (15) minutes shall constitute prima facie proof that the permit holder has violated this section. E. Maintenance of system. A permit holder shall maintain the alarm system in such a manner as to assure proper operation and to minimize false alarm notifications. The alarm user shall assure that all batteries utilized as standby power sources in their alarm systems are tested at least once annually and replaced when found to be defective. F. Manual reset required. The alarm permit holder for an alarm system which causes an alarm notification to be sent directly to the City shall adjust the mechanism so that upon activation the system will not transmit another alarm signal without first being manually reset. G. Reporting of alarm signals. A permit holder commits an offense if he allows alarm signals to be reported through a relaying intermediary that is not licensed by the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies. H. Indirect alarm reporting. A person who relays alarm notifications to the City shall communicate such alarm notifications only in a manner and form designated by the Chief. I. Alarm dispatch records. The Chief shall maintain a written record of all alarm notifications, including but not limited to,the following: (1) Name of permit holder; (2) Location of alarm site; (3) Date and time of alarm notification; (4) Name and badge number of the responding police officer or firefighter in charge of the response; (5) Weather conditions; and (6) Whether or not the notification was a false alarm notification. Section 7-4: Fees for False Alarm Notification. A. An alarm user shall pay a fee for each false alarm notification in accordance with the City of Wylie fee schedule adopted by the City Council. Each false alarm notification, other than a false fire alarm notification, is subject to the following conditions, as amended: (1) The Chief, in his sole discretion, may terminate law enforcement responses to a permit holder because of excessive false alarms if the permit holder fails to pay the false alarm fees required by this Ordinance. In order to effect termination, the Chief must issue written notice to the alarm permit holder that the account is past due on false alarm charges. The notice must specify that law enforcement responses will be terminated if the alarm permit holder does not remit payment or make arrangements for payment within a period of time not less than thirty(30) days from the date of the notice provided herein. (2) The Chief may set standards for burglar alarm systems to be permitted and may refuse to permit particular systems which in his sole discretion have a history of unreliability. (3) The City may not consider a false burglary alarm to have occurred unless a response is made by the Police Department within thirty (30) minutes of the alarm notification, and Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 7 of 11 the Police Department determines, in its sole discretion, from an inspection of the interior or exterior of the premises that the alarm was false. Section 7-5: Revocation of Alarm Permit. A. The Chief shall revoke an alarm permit if he/she determines, in his/her sole discretion that: (1) There is a false statement of a material nature in the application for a permit; (2) The permit holder has violated any provisions of this Ordinance; or (3) The permit holder is delinquent in payment of fees for false alarm notifications. B. Appeal from Denial of Issuance, Renewal, or Revocation of Alarm Permit. (1) If the Chief refuses to issue or renew a permit, or revokes a permit, he shall send to the applicant or permit holder by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of his action, the reasons for his action, and a statement of the right to an appeal. The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the Chief to the City Manager by filing with the City Manager a written request for a hearing, setting forth the reasons for the appeal, within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice from the Chief. In the event the appeal is for the revocation of a permit,the filing of an appeal shall allow the permit holder to continue to use the alarm system during the administrative appeal process. If an appeal is not made within such ten(10)day period,the action of the Chief is final. (2) The City Manager shall serve as hearing officer at an appeal and shall consider evidence by any interested person. The formal rules of evidence do not apply at the appeal hearing. The City Manager shall base his decision on a preponderance of the evidence, and may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the Chief. (3) The City Manager shall make his/her decision on the matter and notify the applicant or permit holder of the decision in writing within fifteen (15) days of the hearing. The decision of the City Manager is fmal as to administrative remedies with the City. C. Permit Restoration. If, after an alarm system permit has been revoked, the alarm user has made all necessary repairs or adjustments required by the Department, and has complied with all provisions of this Ordinance, the Department shall restore the alarm system permit. Section 7-6: Registration of Alarm Monitoring Services. All alarm businesses which monitor alarm systems protecting alarm sites within the City shall register with the Department by completing a registration form to be provided by the Department. The registration form shall require the alarm business to provide the following information and documents which include, but is not limited to: (1) The address where monitoring is physically performed by the alarm business, including the street address, city, state and zip code. The alarm business shall state whether their central station, modified central station, or answering service is UL listed; and (2) A copy of all the current licenses if the alarm business holds licenses issued by the State of Texas. Section 7-7: Registration of Alarm System Installation and Maintenance Contractors. A. All alarm businesses conducting any operations (as defined under "Alarm Business") in whole or in part within the City shall, within seven (7) working days prior to the Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 8 of 11 commencement of the said operations, provide the Police/Fire Department a copy of all current licenses issued by the State of Texas which will include the following: (1) A copy of the alarm license issued by the Texas Board of Private Investigators; or (2) A copy of the alarm license issued by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, if applicable to the work to be performed. Both licenses are required if the Alarm Business services both burglar and fire Alarm Systems. B. It is the responsibility of any business and/or employee doing any type of digging or trench work within the utility easements or areas within the City of Wylie to contact the applicable telephone company prior to beginning work and identify the location of any and all telephone cables that may be buried in the work area. If the telephone service is disrupted because the telephone/burglar alarm cable was damaged or cut causing activation of any residential or business burglar/fire alarm system, the Chief will conduct an investigation. If the alarm business responsible for the damage to the telephone cable failed to contact the telephone company to identify the location of buried cable, the alarm business shall be fined a false alarm charge for each alarm signal activated at the Department resulting from the cut or damaged cable. Section 7-8: Direct Alarm Monitoring of Alarm Systems Monitored by the Police/Fire Department. Alarm users may elect to have their alarm systems connected directly to the Police/Fire Department providing the following conditions are met: (1) Their alarm system shall meet such written standards for installation, maintenance and connection set forth by the Department, as amended, and (2) A valid alarm permit has been issued by the Department for that alarm site; and (3) All applicable fees set by the City Council in the Fee Schedule for Direct Alarm Monitoring services, as amended, are timely paid;and (4) The alarm system is maintained by an alarm business currently licensed by the State of Texas. Section 7-9: Inspection of Alarm Systems Monitored by the Police/Fire Department. A. Inspection of alarm systems which are monitored by the Police/Fire Department. (1) For alarm systems which are directly monitored by the Police/Fire Department, the Department shall require inspections of the alarm system to insure compliance with the published standards prior to connecting the alarm system to the Police/Fire Department alarm monitoring terminals. (2) The alarm user of the alarm system which is directly monitored to the Police/Fire Department may request written notice of such inspection. All inspections required under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be completed within thirty (30) days of the alarm user's application for an alarm system permit. In the event that the alarm user cannot make the system available for inspection within a reasonable period of time, the Department shall be authorized to delay granting a permit or temporarily suspend a Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 9 of 11 permit already issued pending verification of compliance with the standards adopted herein. (3) Should such inspection reveal any violations of the provisions of this article, a written report detailing such violation shall be promptly sent to the alarm user. Such report shall require the correction within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written notice from the Department of the violation detected and shall state that a failure to comply may result in a revocation of the alarm user's permit in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance relating to revocation of permits. (4) Written notice from the Department to any alarm user required in any section of this Ordinance shall be posted through the United States mail, certified return receipt requested, to the address stated in their alarm system permit or, at the sole discretion of the Department, hand delivered to the alarm user's address as stated in their alarm system permit application. (5) If an alarm system directly connected to the Police/Fire Department is damaged in any way so as to make it impossible to send alarm signals to the Department, the alarm user will be notified by phone of the problem. It will be the responsibility of the alarm user to have the alarm system repaired to the required standards provided herein where it can again be operational. The repairs must be made within thirty(30) days after notification. If the repairs are not completed within the allotted time period, the alarm user will be notified by certified mail, or by posting the notice on the resident door as provided herein, that they will have ten (10) days to have the system repaired. In the event that alarm user fails to repair the system within the ten (10) days, the Department reserves the right to disconnect alarm user's alarm system from direct monitoring with the Department. If the certified letter is unclaimed by the alarm user and returned to the Police/Fire Department, an officer from the Department will securely post the letter to the front door of the residence with tape. The officer will then fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his actions in this matter. B. Inspection of alarm systems installed on or after the effective date of this Ordinance. All alarm systems installed within the City on or after the effective date of this Ordinance may be inspected by the Department as provided in this Ordinance to assure compliance with its provisions. If an alarm system is found not to be in compliance of this Ordinance, the alarm user will be notified. If the violation is discovered during the time of installation, the problem must be corrected before the inspection can be completed and permit issued. If the violation is discovered after the alarm system is permitted, the alarm user will be given sixty (60) days to bring the system into compliance with this Ordinance or the alarm permit will be revoked. C. Inspection of Existing Alarm Systems. Permits for alarm systems existing before the effective date of this Ordinance will be issued by the Department without inspection unless the alarm user elects to be monitored directly by the Police/Fire Department, or the alarm system permit is revoked under the provisions of this Ordinance, in which case the alarm system will be inspected prior to restoration of the permit. Section 7-10: Local Alarms; Limits on Operation. Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 10 of 11 All Alarm Systems equipped with any exterior sound-producing device, including but not limited to gongs, buzzers, sirens, bells or horns shall be equipped with a time device which limits the operation of such sound-producing device to a continuous fifteen (15) minutes, except that commercial establishments shall be allowed a continuous thirty (30) minutes of operation of the sound-producing devices. Section 7-11: Creation of Alarms Systems Inspector Designation. The Police/Fire Department is authorized to designate City employees to receive special training and perform duties as inspectors to inspect alarm systems for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Department shall set standards for training, conduct and performance for personnel conducting inspections, as amended. Section 7-12: Fines. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances as amended hereby shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the municipal court of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Wylie City Council on this, day of November, 1999. APPROVED: John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Barbara Salinas, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard Abernathy, City Attorney Direct Alarm Monitoring Ordinance—Page 11 of 11 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.90-6 AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF THE USE AND OPERATION OF ALARM SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS,PERMIT REQUIREMENTS OF ALARM USERS,ISSUANCE OF PERMITS, FALSE ALARM NOTIFICATION,REVOCATION OF ALARM PERMIT,REGISTRATION OF ALARM MONITORING SERVICES,REGISTRATION OF ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS, DIRECT ALARM MONITORING OF ALARM SYSTEMS MONITORED BY THE POLICE/FIRE DEPARTMENT,INSPECTION OF ALARM SYSTEMS MONITORED BY THE POLICE/FIRE DEPARTMENT, LOCAL ALARMS LIMITS OF OPERATION, INSPECTOR OF DESIGNATION; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE,A SEVERABILITLY CLAUSE;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Wylie City Council authorized the purchase of a Direct Alarm Monitoring System that necessitated the regulation of alarm system standards to ensure that the City can successfully monitor and respond to an alarm system;and WHEREAS,the Wylie City Council has investigated and determined that it will be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie and its inhabitants to repeal Ordinance No. 90-6 for the purpose of updating and providing regulations for the use and operation of alarm systems herein. WHEREAS,the Wylie City Council has further investigated and determined that it will be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie and its inhabitants to establish regulations for the use and operations of alarm systerms herein;and NOW,THEREFORE,be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,that: SECTION 1. Findings Incorporated. The findings as set forth above are incorporated into the body of this ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2 Ordinance 90-6 Repealed Ordinance No. 90-6 is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Alarm Systems This Ordinance establishes the regulation of the use and operation of alarm systems within the City of Wylie and provides for definitions and terms, permit requirements of alarm users,issuance of permits,false alarm notification,revocation of alarm permit,registration of alarm monitoring services,registration of alarm system installation and maintenance contractors, direct alarm monitoring of alarm systems monitored by the Wylie police/fire departments, inspection of alarm systems monitored by the Wylie police/fire departments, local alarms limits of operation and the creation of Alarms Inspector Designation. Ordinance No. Page 2 A. Definitions and Terms. The following words and terms,as used herein,shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them as follows: 1. Alarm agent means any person employed by an alarm business whose duties include,but are not limited to,the altering, installing,maintaining,moving,repairing,replacing, selling,leasing, servicing,responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm device. The provisions of this section do not include persons who engage in the manufacture or sale of alarm systems from a fixed location and who neither visit the location where the alarm system is to be installed, nor design the scheme for the physical location of the alarm system in a specific location. 2. Alarm business means any individual, company, partnership, corporation, or proprietorship, along with any of its officers,directors,agents or employees,which alters,installs,leases,maintains,monitors,moves,repairs,replaces, sells,services,or responds to an alarm system,or which causes any of those activities to take place. 3. Alarm notification means a notification intended to summon the Police/Fire Department,which is designed either to be initiated purposely by a person or by an alarm system that responds to a stimulus characteristic of unauthorized intrusion,fire,or medical emergency. 4. Alarm site means a single premises or location(one street address)served by an alarm system or systems that are under the control of an owner. 5. Alarm system means a device or system which transmits a signal intended to summon aid from the Police/Fire Department in case of a robbery,burglary,personal hostage,fire,or medical emergency. The term"alarm system"does not include a system installed on a vehicle or a system designed to alert only the persons within a premises which does not emit a signal visible or audible outside of the premises. Systems commonly referred to as burglar alarm systems, fire alarms,panic/alert systems and medical alert systems are included. 6. Alarm user means any owner or occupant of premises within the City of Wylie where an alarm system is maintained. 7. Annunciatormeans the instrumentation on an alarm console at the receiving terminal of a signal line which through both visual and audible signals shows when an alarm device at a particular location has been activated or it may also indicate line trouble. 8. ANSI means the American National Standards Institute. 9 Answering service refers to a telephone answering service providing,among other things,the service of receiving,on a continuous basis through trained employees, emergency signals from alarm systems, and thereafter immediately relaying the message by live voice to the Police/Fire Department. 10. Burglar alarm system means an alarm system signaling an entry or attempted entry into an area protected by the system. 11. Central station means an office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected, where operators supervise the circuits and where alarm signals are continuously monitored. 12. Chief means the Chief of Police/Fire for the City of Wylie or an authorized representative. 13. City means the City of Wylie,Texas. 14. City Council means the Mayor and City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,or any part thereof. 15. Digital dialer signaling system means an electronic alarm signaling system attached to an alarm monitoring service or the Police/Fire Department,where appropriate action is taken to respond to and/or investigate such signal. Ordinance No. Page 3 16. False alarm notification means an alarm notification to the Police/Fire Department when the responding personnel find no evidence of robbery, burglary, personal hostage, fire or medical emergency, or attempted robbery burglary, or personal hostage. False alarm notification includes the activation of an alarm system through mechanical or electronic failure, malfunction, improper installation or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of their employees or agents,except that the following shall not be considered false alarms: Alarms caused by the failure or malfunction of the monitoring equipment located in the Police/Fire Department or its designated site. Alarms occurring on a repeated basis without apparent cause,but where continuous and decided effort,in the sole opinion of the department,is being made jointly by the alarm business used by the alarm user for installation or servicing,and any other concerned person to correct the malfunction expeditiously. Alarms caused by an attempted illegal entry,of which there is visible evidence,illegal entry,or other demonstrable criminal activity. Alarrms intentionally caused by a person acting under reasonable belief that a need exists to call the Police/Fire Department. Alarms followed by an immediate call to the Police/Fire Department canceling the alarm by giving the proper code number,such call having been made prior to the arrival of the Police/Fire Department at the alarm site. Alarmsresulting from the servicing of an alarm system by an alarm business when,prior to such repair or service, the alarm user or their agent has notified in person the department that the alarm system will be repaired or serviced at the particular date and time coinciding with that alarm. 17. Local Alarm means a signaling system,which when activated causes an audible and/or visual signaling device to be activated in or on the premises within which the alarm system is installed. 18. Modified central station means an office to which remote alarm and supervisory signaling devices are connected,where operators supervise the circuits. Such modified central station is not listed by Underwriter's Laboratories. 19. Operator means any employee of an alarm business whose duties include,but are not limited to,responding to or initiating responses to alarm system signals. 20. Owner means the record title holder(s)of real property. 21. Person means any individual,corporation,organization,partnership,association,or any other legal entity. 22. Police/Fire Department or Department means the Wylie Police Department and/or the Wylie Fire Department, including the communications/dispatch center and all authorized agents and employees thereof. 23. Radio Frequency(RP)signaling system means an alarm signaling system which when activated by an alarm device, transmits a signal by radio frequency to a monitoring company or the Police/Fire Department,where appropriate action is taken to respond to and/or investigate such signal. 24. Residence or residence site means a structure intended as a dwelling unit including,but not limited to,one-family dwelling units,apartments,condominiums,townhouses and duplexes. 25. Signal line means the transmission line through which the signal passes from one of the elements of the signal transmission to another. Ordinance No. Page 4 26. Telephone Company means any utility that furnishes telephone services to the City of Wylie. 27. UL means Underwriters Laboratories. B. Alarm Permit Requirements 1. The owner or person in control of an alarm site commits an offense if he/she installs an alarm system or possesses an activated alarm system without first obtaining an alarm permit from the Chief. A separate permit is required for each alarm site. 2. The application for such alarm permit shall contain the following information: a. Name,business address,home address,business telephone number and home telephone number of the person who is applying for the permit;and b. Name,business telephone number,and home telephone number of two(2)persons who are authorized and have agreed to receive notification at any time from responding police or fire personnel to come to the alarm site within thirty(30)minutes after receiving such notification; c. Classification of the alarm site as residential,commercial,or banking institution;and d. Purpose of the alarm(i.e.,burglary,robbery,fire or medical assistance,etc.,or any combination thereof); and e. Any other information required by the Chief to insure compliance with all provisions of this Ordinance. 3. The permit holder shall notify the Chief of any change in the information contained in the application within five (5)days of such change. Any failure of the alarm user to update any of the information required to obtain an alarm permit as changes occur shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. 4. If the application complies with all requirements of this section,the Chief shall issue a permit. 5. Any false statement of a material nature made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining a permit shall be grounds for denial of the issuance of the permit,or cancellation of the permit if one has been issued. 6. A permit is not assignable or transferable to another person. 7. The permit required by this section shall be valid for a period of twelve(12)months from the date of its issuance, unless revoked by the Chief under the provisions of this Ordinance. The permit shall be renewed annually by the Chief upon payment by the permit holder of the annual renewal fee set forth in this Ordinance provided the permit holder is not in violation of this Ordinance. 8. A non-refundable initial fee and an annual renewal fee,as determined by Wylie, shall be paid for the permit by the applicant for each alarm system. Ordinance No. Page 5 9. It is the responsibility of each alarm user to obtain an alarm permit before operating their alarm system. If a citizen purchases or occupies a premise that has an alarm system monitored directly by the Police/Fire Department,it is the new owner's/occupant's responsibility to obtain an alarm permit and indicate in writing to continue direct monitoring. If this process is not completed within ten(10)days of taking occupancy of the premise,the new owner/occupant will be mailed a certified letter instructing them to obtain the above permit and indicate in writing if they wish to continue direct alarm monitoring with the department. If the letter is unclaimed by the new owner/occupant and returned to the department,an officer will post the letter on the front door of the residence securely with tape. The officer will fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his actions in this matter. If the new owner/occupant does not respond within ten(10)days after receiving the certified letter,and/or after the letter is posted on the front door of the premises,the alarm system located at the premises will be disconnected from direct alarm monitoring with the City of Wylie. 10. The alarm permit contains emergency contact information on the alarm user with necessary information about the alarm system. This permit must be obtained before operating an alarm system. If the alarm system is operated without a valid alarm permit and the system is activated resulting in an emergency response,the officer responding to the alarm will issue a citation in the name of the alarm user for"operating a non-permitted alarm system."If the alarm user is not home at the time of the alarm activation,the citation may be left with any authorized adult person present at the time of the alarm response. If no one is home when the response is made,the officer issuing the citation will keep all copies with him/her and make several attempts to personally deliver the citation. If the citation is not personally delivered after seventy-two(72)hours,the officer will have the citation delivered by certified mail to the alarm user. The court date will be set no sooner than thirty(30)days from the date of the certified letter to allow for proper notice. If the certified letter is unclaimed by the alarm user and returned to the Police/Fire Department,it will be returned to the officer who issued the citation to be posted on the front door of the premises. This will be done by posting the letter to the front door of the residence securely with tape. The officer will then fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his/her actions in this matter. C. Standards and Inspections 1. Except where modified or qualified elsewhere herein,the following standards and inspections are required(a copy of all standards shall be available for public inspection at the Wylie Police/Fire Department): a. All alarm systems installed in commercial establishments on or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall utilize equipment, components, and methods of installation equal to or exceeding the following minimum applicable UL or ANSI standards, as amended: UL 609(ANSI SE2.1-1972) "Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems";UL 636 (ANSI SE2.7--1973) "Hold-up Alarm Units and Systems";UL 681 (ANSI SE2.3--1972) "Installation and Classification of Mercantile and Bank Burglar Alarm Systems."All installations shall be made by an alarm business holding all required and current licenses issued by the State of Texas. b. All alarm systems installed in residences on or after the effective date of this Ordinance shall utilize equipment and components which shall be equivalent to or exceed the minimum applicable UL Standard 1023 (ANSI SE2.4--1972)"Household Burglar Alarm Systems Units,"as amended,and such equipment shall be installed in a safe,reliable and professional manner by an alarm business holding all required and current licenses issued by the State of Texas.If the alarm system is to include fire protection,then the alarm business,as well as the alarm technician installing the fire alarm system,must be licensed with the Texas Commission on Fire Protection as required in Section 5 of the Texas Insurance Code Article 5.43-2 Fire Detection and Alarm Devices as amended, and the Fire Alarm Rules issued by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection,as amended, all alarm systems equipped with fire protection must meet all requirements as set out in the National Fire Alarm Codes as stated in the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA)standards,as amended. Ordinance No. Page 6 2. In addition to the requirements set forth by the UL or ANSI Standards, as amended, the following additional requirements shall be met for all alarm systems installed and operated in the City. a. All alarm systems installed on or after the effective date of this Ordinance and all alarm systems heretofore installed shall have a standby power supply for the control panel and attached equipment. This secondary source of power shall be installed so that if the main source of power fails,the system shall not cause a non-valid alarm. All standby power must be capable of operating the system for a minimum of four(4)continuous hours.All new installations shall have rechargeable power supplies installed at the time of the initial installation of the alarm system. b. All commercial alarm systems that use the telephone line to transmit a fire alarm signal must be equipped with a Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter(ACT) as described in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 72),as amended. c. New alarm systems shall be installed in such a manner that the protective circuits shall indicate whether they are closed prior to being turned on;and d. All triggering devices utilized in alarm systems within the City shall be adjusted to the degree reasonably possible to suppress non-valid indications of fire or intrusion,so that alarms shall not be activated by natural phenomena, including but not limited to, transient pressure changes in water pipes, short flashes of light, wind noises or exterior pressure change,such as rattling or vibration of windows or sonic booms,and vehicular noise adjacent to the installation. 3. In addition to the aforesaid requirements for alarm systems, those alarm systems which connect directly to the Police/Fire Department for monitoring shall meet or exceed the following standards: a. All alarm systems which are directly connected to the Department shall be installed by a licensed alarm business in accordance with the standard procedures published by the Department,as amended. b. All alarm systems shall have the standby power sources required in B(1)above installed and operational prior to interconnection to the Police/Fire Department.In the fire alarm condition,local annunciation must be provided until manually reset.In the burglar alarm condition,the panel shall reset after fifteen(15)minutes in alarm status, but shall retain all indication of the prior alarm status until the system is manually disarmed. c. Fire alarm indications,when transmitted directly to the Wylie Police/Fire Department,shall originate from smoke or heat detectors at the alarm site. d. Levels of communications defined: 1) A level one(1)communication is an alarm signal which shall be monitored directly by the Wylie Police/Fire Department. 2) A level two (2)communication shall consist of a digital dialing device with redundancy,programmed to transmit alarm signals via the residential telephone line and/or radio transmitter to an alarm monitoring station. 4. Automatic shutoff required. A local alarm installed after September I, 1983, shall be designed and maintained to terminate the audible signal within fifteen(15)minutes of activation.A local alarm which sounds for a period in excess of fifteen(15)minutes shall constitute prima facie proof that the permit holder has violated this section. 5. Maintenance of system.A permit holder shall maintain the alarm system in such a manner as to assure proper operation and to minimize false alarm notifications.The alarm user shall assure that all batteries utilized as standby power sources in their alarm systems are tested at least once annually and replaced when found to be defective. Ordinance No. Page 7 6. Manual reset required. The alarm permit holder for an alarm system which causes an alarm notification to be sent directly to the City shall adjust the mechanism so that upon activation the system will not transmit another alarm signal without first being manually reset. 7. Reporting of alarm signals. A permit holder commits an offense if he allows alarm signals to be reported through a relaying intermediary that is not licensed by the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies. 8. Indirect alarm reporting.A person who relays alarm notifications to the City shall communicate such alarm notifications only in a manner and form designated by the Chief. 9. Alarm dispatch records. The Chief shall maintain a written record of all alarm notifications,including but not limited to,the following: (a) Name of permit holder; (b) Location of alarm site; (c) Date and time of alarm notification; (d) Name and badge number of the responding police officer or firefighter in charge of the response; (e) Weather conditions;and (f) Whether or not the notification was a false alarm notification. D. Fees for False Alarm Notification. I An alarm user shall pay a fee for each false alarm notification in accordance with the City of Wylie fee schedule adopted by the City Council. Each false alarm notification,other than a false fire alarm notification,is subject to the following conditions,as amended: a. The Chief,in his sole discretion,may terminate law enforcement responses to a permit holder because of excessive false alarms if the permit holder fails to pay the false alarm fees required by this Ordinance. In order to effect termination,the Chief must issue written notice to the alarm permit holder that the account is past due on false alarm charges. The notice must specify that law enforcement responses will be terminated if the alarm permit holder does not remit payment or make arrangements for payment within a period of time not less than thirty(30) days from the date of the notice provided herein. b. The Chief may set standards for burglar alarm systems to be permitted and may refuse to permit particular systems which in his sole discretion have a history of unreliability. c. The City may not consider a false burglary alarm to have occurred unless a response is made by the Police Department within thirty(30)minutes of the alarm notification,and the Police Department determines,in its sole discretion,from an inspection of the interior or exterior of the premises that the alarm was false. E. Revocation of Alarm Permit. 1. The Chief shall revoke an alarm permit if he/she determines,in his/her sole discretion that: a. There is a false statement of a material nature in the application for a permit; b. The permit holder has violated any provisions of this Ordinance;or c. The permit holder is delinquent in payment of fees for false alarm notifications. Ordinance No. Page 8 2. Appeal from Denial of Issuance,Renewal,or Revocation of Alarm Permit. a. If the Chief refuses to issue or renew a permit,or revokes a permit,he shall send to the applicant or permit holder by certified mail,return receipt requested,written notice of his action,the reasons for his action,and a statement of the right to an appeal.The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the Chief to the City Manager by filing with the City Manager a written request for a hearing,setting forth the reasons for the appeal,within ten (10)days after receipt of the notice from the Chief.In the event the appeal is for the revocation of a permit,the filing of an appeal shall allow the permit holder to continue to use the alarm system during the administrative appeal process. If an appeal is not made within such ten(10)day period,the action of the Chief is fmal. b. The City Manager shall serve as hearing officer at an appeal and shall consider evidence by any interested person. The formal rules of evidence do not apply at the appeal hearing. The City Manager shall base his decision on a preponderance of the evidence,and may affirm,reverse,or modify the decision of the Chief c. The City Manager shall make his/her decision on the matter and notify the applicant or permit holder of the decision in writing within fifteen (15) days of the hearing. The decision of the City Manager is fmal as to administrative remedies with the City. 3. Permit Restoration. If,after an alarm system permit has been revoked,the alarm user has made all necessary repairs or adjustments required by the Department,and has complied with all provisions of this Ordinance,the Department shall restore the alarm system permit. F. Registration of Alarm Monitoring Services. 1. All alarm businesses which monitor alarm systems protecting alarm sites within the City shall register with the Department by completing a registration form to be provided by the Department. The registration form shall require the alarm business to provide the following information and documents which include,but is not limited to: a. The address where monitoring is physically performed by the alarm business,including the street address, city, state and zip code. The alarm business shall state whether their central station,modified central station,or answering service is UL listed;and b. A copy of all the current licenses if the alarm business holds licenses issued by the State of Texas. G. Registration of Alarm System Installation and Maintenance Contractors. 1. All alarm businesses conducting any operations(as defined under"Alarm Business")in whole or in part within the City shall,within seven(7)working days prior to the commencement of the said operations,provide the Police/Fire Department a copy of all current licenses issued by the State of Texas which will include the following: a. A copy of the alarm license issued by the Texas Board of Private Investigators;or b. A copy of the alarm license issued by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection,if applicable to the work to be performed. c. Both licenses are required if the Alarm Business services both burglar and fire Alarm Systems. Ordinance No. Page 9 2. It is the responsibility of any business and/or employee doing any type of digging or trench work within the utility easements or areas within the City of Wylie to contact the applicable telephone company prior to beginning work and identify the location of any and all telephone cables that may be buried in the work area. If the telephone service is disrupted because the telephone/burglar alarm cable was damaged or cut causing activation of any residential or business burglar/fire alarm system,the Chief will conduct an investigation. If the alarm business responsible for the damage to the telephone cable failed to contact the telephone company to identify the location of buried cable,the alarm business shall be fined a false alarm charge for each alarm signal activated at the Department resulting from the cut or damaged cable. H. Direct Alarm Monitoring of Alarm Systems Monitored by the Police/Fire Department. 1. Alarm users may elect to have their alarm systems connected directly to the Police/Fire Department providing the following conditions are met: a. Their alarm system shall meet such written standards for installation,maintenance and connection set forth by the Department,as amended,and b. A valid alarm permit has been issued by the Department for that alarm site;and c. All applicable fees set by the City Council in the Fee Schedule for Direct Alarm Monitoring services,as amended,are timely paid;and d. The alarm system is maintained by an alarm business currently licensed by the State of Texas. I. Inspection of Alarm Systems Monitored by the Police/Fire Department. 1. Inspection of alarm systems which are monitored by the Police/Fire Department. a. For alarm systems which are directly monitored by the Police/Fire Department,the Department shall require inspections of the alarm system to insure compliance with the published standards prior to connecting the alarm system to the Police/Fire Department alarm monitoring terminals. b. The alarm user of the alarm system which is directly monitored to the Police/Fire Department may request written notice of such inspection.All inspections required under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be completed within thirty(30)days of the alarm user's application for an alarm system permit. In the event that the alarm user cannot make the system available for inspection within a reasonable period of time, the Department shall be authorized to delay granting a permit or temporarily suspend a permit already issued pending verification of compliance with the standards adopted herein. c. Should such inspection reveal any violations of the provisions of this article,a written report detailing such violation shall be promptly sent to the alarm user. Such report shall require the correction within thirty(30)days after receipt of the written notice from the Department of the violation detected and shall state that a failure to comply may result in a revocation of the alarm user's permit in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance relating to revocation of permits. d. Written notice from the Department to any alarm user required in any section of this Ordinance shall be posted through the United States mail,certified return receipt requested,to the address stated in their alarm system permit or, at the sole discretion of the Department,hand delivered to the alarm user's address as stated in their alarm system permit application. Ordinance No. Page 10 e. If an alarm system directly connected to the Police/Fire Department is damaged in any way so as to make it impossible to send alarm signals to the Department,the alarm user will be notified by phone of the problem.It will be the responsibility of the alarm user to have the alarm system repaired to the required standards provided herein where it can again be operational. The repairs must be made within thirty(30) days after notification.If the repairs are not completed within the allotted time period,the alarm user will be notified by certified mail,or by posting the notice on the resident door as provided herein,that they will have ten(10)days to have the system repaired.In the event that alarm user fails to repair the system within the ten(10)days,the Department reserves the right to disconnect alarm user's alarm system from direct monitoring with the Department. If the certified letter is unclaimed by the alarm user and returned to the Police/Fire Department,an officer from the Department will securely post the letter to the front door of the residence with tape. The officer will then fill out an affidavit of fact concerning his actions in this matter. 2. Inspection of alarm systems installed on or after the effective date of this Ordinance All alarm systems installed within the City on or after the effective date of this Ordinance may be inspected by the Department as provided in this Ordinance to assure compliance with its provisions. If an alarm system is found not to be in compliance of this Ordinance,the alarm user will be notified. If the violation is discovered during the time of installation,the problem must be corrected before the inspection can be completed and permit issued. If the violation is discovered after the alarm system is permitted,the alarm user will be given sixty(60)days to bring the system into compliance with this Ordinance or the alarm permit will be revoked. 3. Inspection of Existing Alarm Systems. Permits for alarm systems existing before the effective date of this Ordinance will be issued by the Department without inspection unless the alarm user elects to be monitored directly by the Police/Fire Department,or the alarm system permit is revoked under the provisions of this Ordinance,in which case the alarm system will be inspected prior to restoration of the permit. J. Local Alarms;Limits on Operation. All Alarm Systems equipped with any exterior sound-producing device,including but not limited to gongs,bu77ers,sirens, bells or horns shall be equipped with a time device which limits the operation of such sound-producing device to a continuous fifteen(15)minutes,except that commercial establishments shall be allowed a continuous thirty(30)minutes of operation of the sound-producing devices. K. Creation of Alarms Systems Inspector Designation. The Police/Fire Department is authorized to designate City employees to receive special training and perform duties as inspectors to inspect alarm systems for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Department shall set standards for training,conduct and performance for personnel conducting inspections,as amended. SECTION 4. Saving and Repealing All provisinon of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they arein conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict;but such epeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance,nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution frombeing comended for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining protions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. Ordinance No. Page 11 SECTION 5 Severability Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection,clause or phrase there of irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentence, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6 Penalty That any person,firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances as amended hereby shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and,upon conviction in the municipal court of the City of Wylie,Texas,shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred($500.00)dollars for each offense,and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 7 Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Wylie City Council on this, day of January,2000. John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara Salinas,City Secretary WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. O January 11, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon approval of an Ordinance providing for an increase in the water'Hookup Fee for new Single Family Residences amending Sections 1.10 and Section 1.11 of the Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance No. 98-16. Background The City Council authorized the purchase of a new meter reading system this past November (see Attachment C). During discussion with Council, the question was raised as to how the City would fund the upgrade of radio-read meter service to new homes. The proposed answer to that question was to increase the Water Hookup Fee (also referred to as the "Water Service Connection Fee" in previous handouts given to Council). The Water Hookup Fee is listed in the new construction section of the Cash Collection Cover Sheet form (Attachment D)used by Development Services. The current Water Hookup Fee for single family home permits is $100. The proposed new fee is $200 and is made up of the following items: 1. New Water Meter- $35 2. Radio Module - $100 3. Labor - $40 4. Misc. Parts - $25 The key points as to why should the City go to a radio-read system include increased productivity of employees, better employee retention, greater safety of readers, reduction in employee injuries and improved customer service. Financial Considerations The proposed new Water Hookup Fee will provide the funding necessary to install a radio-read water meter data collection system at each new single family home. It will generate $200,000 in revenues for 1,000 new homes. Other Considerations The adoption of the proposed increase in the Water Hookup Fee will require that the Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance No. 98-16 be amended. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends the approval of the proposed Water Hookup Fee and the Amendment of the Consolidated Fee and Charges Ordinance No. 98-16. Attachment Attachment A: Summary of Proposed Rate Changes Attachment B: Proposed Ordinance Attachment C: Nov. 9, 1999 Agenda Item#4 -Purchase of meter reading system. Attachment D: CASH COLLECTION COVER SHEET -Development Services i) () / , , A() TYA LL, Cztattia Prepared by Revi d by Finance City Manager Approval ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98-16, SECTIONS 1.10 AND 1.11 OF THE CONSOLIDATED FEE AND CHARGES ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE WATER HOOK UP FEE FOR NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 98-16, Section 1.00 Water and Sewer Rates and Fees, Subsection 1.10 and 1.11 be amended to read as follows: SS 1.10 Water and Sewer Tap Fees and Water Hookup Fee. The following represents the charges the City of Wylie shall require to be paid for tapping a water main and sanitary sewer for service and the extension of that service to the property line. The water hook up fee is charged when it is the responsibility of the developer to install the water tap. All water and sewer service lines on private property are the responsibility of the individual property owner under the current Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie. (a)1. Water taps. The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city water distribution system shall be: Meter Size(inches) Meter and Tap Cost 1"or Smaller $750 Greater than 1" Total cost of meter,materials and labor ja)2. Water hookup fee. The hookup fee is charged when the water tap has been installed by the developer. Meter Size (inches) Meter,Radio Module,Material and Labor 3/4"and 5/8" $200 (b) Water taps. The tapping fee for mater meter connections for multifamily dwellings,mobile home parks, office buildings,etc.,shall be$25.00 per living unit plus the cost of meter,materials and labor. © Sewer Taps. The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city sanitary sewer collection system shall be: Size of Service Line(inches) Cost 4" $160.00 plus cost of materials and labor 6"and over $220.00,plus cost of materials and labor (d) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single sanitary sewer for multifamily dwelling,mobile home parks,office buildings,etc.,shall be$20.00 per living unit or separate place of business plus the cost of materials and labor. Ordinance No. Page 2 (e) Water and Sewer connection inspection fees. The fee for inspecting developer made water and sewer taps shall be$25.00 per connection made. SS 1.11 Resetting Meter Charge. The charge for resetting a water meter at the request of the customer shall be the rate shown in Section 1.10(a)1 hereinabove. SECTION 2. That all Ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. Any person who violating the provisions of the Fee Schedule, or any part thereof, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of the Wylie City Code as set forth in Section 1-9, therein, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended and shall not be allowed the permit, privilege of license to which the fee pertains. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Wylie City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of , 2000. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas, City Secretary Attachment A - Summary of Proposed Changes received after 12:00 noon, and upon payment in advance of a$25.00 special service connection fee, service will be connected by the end of the same working day.Otherwise,all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the following day. § 1.09 Special meter reading charge. A special meter reading charge of$10.00 shall be charged on the existing water bill when requested by a customer if the reading is determined to be correct.No reading charge will be made if it is determined the original reading was not correct. § 1.10 Water and sewer tap fees and water hookup fee. The following represent the charges the City of Wylie shall require to be paid for tapping a water main and sanitary sewer for service and the extension of that service to the property line. The water hookup fee is charged when it is the responsibility of the developer to install the water tap.All water and sewer service lines on private property are the responsibility of the individual property owner under the current Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the city council of the City of Wylie. (a)1.Water taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city water distribution system shall be: Meter Size(inched Meter and Tap Cost 1"or Smaller $750 Greater than 1" Total cost of meter,materials and labor (a)2.Water hookup fee.The hookup fee is charged when the water tap has been installed by the developer. MeterSizz(inchdg) Meter.Radio Module.Materials and Labor 3/4"and 5/8" $200 (b) Water taps.The tapping fee for master meter connections for multifamily dwellings,mobile home parks,office buildings,etc.,shall be$25.00 per living unit plus the cost of meter,materials and labor. (c) Sewer taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city sanitary sewer collection system shall be: Size of Service Line(inches) Cost 4" $160.00,plus cost of materials and labor 6"and over $220.00,plus cost of materials and labor (d) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single sanitary sewer for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, office buildings,etc.,shall be$20.00 per living unit or separate place of business plus the cost of materials and labor. (e) Water and sewer connection inspection fees.The fee for inspecting developer made water and sewer taps shall be $25.00 per connection made. § 1.11 Resetting meter charge. The charge for resetting a water meter at the request of the customer shall be the rate shown in section 1.10(a)l hereinabove. § 1.12 Pro rata water and sewer charges. (a)The city may extend water and sanitary sewer mains in the streets,alleys and utility easements in the City of Wylie in order to permit connections for those persons desiring water and sewer service.The individual,corporation or partnership CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 4 Attachment B CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER RATES AND FEES; CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND FEES; IMPACT FEES; SPECIAL DISTRICT FEES; STREET RECONSTRUCTION FEES PERIMETER STREETS FEE IN LIEU OF CONSTRUCTION; MAINTENANCE BONDS; ZONING AND PLATTING FEES; GARBAGE,TRASH AND BRUSH FEES;PEDDLERS'AND SOLICITORS'FEES; COPYING CHARGES;FINGERPRINTING;TAXICAB FEES;FIRE CODE PERMIT FEES;PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES;ALARM SYSTEM FEES AND CHARGES; ANIMAL FEES;LIBRARY FEES;EXCAVATION PERMIT FEES;COMMUNITY CENTER FEES; MANUFACTURED HOME LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES; SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH PERMIT FEES; WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT PERMIT FEE;CARNIVAL LICENSE FEE;COIN-OPERATED MACHINE TAX;DANCE HALL LICENSE FEES; POOL HALL LICENSE FEES; GARAGE SALE PERMIT FEES; WRECKER SERVICE FEES; MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT AND SERVICE FEES; JUNKYARD AND SALVAGE YARD LICENSE FEES; ANNUAL TAX ON AUCTIONEERS; FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT FOOD STORE PERMIT FEES; GARAGE KEEPER'S ABANDONED VEHICLE REPORT FEE; MUNICIPAL COURT SPECIAL FEES; VEHICLE IMPOUNDING FEES; WASTE HAULING PERMIT FEES; WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION FEE; MOWING AND RUBBISH CLEAN UP CHARGES AND FEES;ATHLETIC FACILITY CHARGES AND FEES; RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT FEE; SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS FEES;MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING SECURITY FEES;AMENDING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,The City Council of the City of Wylie,has determined a need to have a consolidated fees and charges ordinance for the City of Wylie,Texas;and, WHEREAS,The City of Wylie does not have such a consolidated fees and charges ordinance;and, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,THAT: The following fees and charges are adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas for the City and outside the City limits where applicable. SECTION 1.00 WATER AND SEWER RATES AND FEES. § 1.01 Water and sewer service deposit. Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie for water service and sewerage service in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Residential customers: (1) Water service $30.00 (2) Sewer service 30.00 (b)Commercial customers: (1) Water service 62.50 (2) Sewer service 62.50 § 1.02 Water rates. (a) The following monthly water rates shall apply to all residential customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas: (1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption $8.90 (2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons): 1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.92 Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 2.65 (b)The following monthly water rates shall apply to all commercial customers,(other than apartments,mobile home parks and other multi-unit dwellings not individually metered)within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas: (1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption $12.15 (2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons): 1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.02 Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.65 m The following water rates shall apply to all apartments,mobile home parks,and other multi-unit dwellings,not individually metered,within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas: (1) Monthly minimum charge for first 1,000 gallons of metered water consumption $12.15 (2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons): 1,001 to 2,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 2.02 Over 2,000 gallons(per 1,000) 2.65 (3) An additional charge of$4.00 per occupied unit,with occupancy being determined as of the fifth day of the month preceding the billing. (d) The monthly water charge for any customers(residential,commercial,apartment,mobile home park,or other multi- unit dwelling not individually metered)located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas,shall be at the rate of 115 percent of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the city. (e) Any bulk water customer who desires to withdraw water from a hydrant or other source,not metered and charged directly to them,shall fill out a water application form and sign the form in the same manner as a regular metered customer. Bulk water rate charges are to be charged in 25-gallon increments at the same rates as the commercial customers. §1.03 Sewage collection and treatment rates. (a) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all residential customers of the City of Wylie,Texas: (1) Monthly minimum charge(first 1,000 gallons of metered consumption) $10.00 (2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.45 (3) The total charge for any month shall be subject to maximum of 29.57 (b) The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply for all nonresidential customers of the City of Wylie,Texas: (1) Monthly minimum charge(first 1,000[gallons]of metered consumption) $14.00 (2) Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1,000 gallons(per 1,000 gallons) 1.45 m A sewer fee of$18.00 shall be charged for each apartment unit,multiple-family unit,or mobile home space and special areas such as washateria,swimming pools,etc.,where the apartment,multiple-family development or mobile home park is on a master meter for water consumption with the City of Wylie. (d) In addition to the charges listed above for sewage collection and treatment service,a flat rate pass-through charge shall be applied monthly to each customer account in order to recover the projected annual increase in costs related to debt service requirements for expansion of the city's wastewater treatment plant,as follows: (1) For residential customers the fee shall be$2.00 for the first 1,999 gallons and$5.00 for all amounts thereafter for maximum of$5.00 per month. (2) For commercial customers the fee shall be$7.50 per month. (3) For apartments and mobile home parks,and other multi-unit dwellings the fee shall be$5.00 per month per occupied unit,with occupancy being determined as of the fifth of the month preceding the billing. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 2 (e) The monthly water and sewer rate charge for residential and commercial customers located outside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas,shall be at the rate of 115 percent of the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the city,including sewer pass-through fees. (f) All references to gallons and consumption in this section shall mean water usage,which shall be used to determine the sewer rates herein imposed. §1.04 Returned check charge. Each and every check or bank draft,used as payment to the city for services,which is returned for insufficient funds, shall have a charge of$20.00 assessed against the account. § 1.05 Utility account establishment charge. Each time a customer changes his place of occupancy and requests water service or a change in billing address or a new account is established,a charge of$5.00 shall be made. § 1.06 Past due account penalty;restoration charges. (a) The charges for water and/or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a utility charge payable to the City of Wylie.All charges not paid within 16 days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent,except when the 16th day falls on Saturday,Sunday,or a legal holiday under which condition such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m.Central Time,on the next working day following such Saturday,Sunday,or legal holiday. (b) All payments made after the 16th day will bear a late charge or penalty of$1.00 or five percent,whichever is larger, on such monthly charge. (c) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred payment agreement entered into within 26 days from the date of issuance of a bill and if proper notice has been given.Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or hand delivery at least ten days prior to a stated date of disconnection,with the words"termination notice" or similar language prominently displayed on the notice.The information included in the notice shall be provided in English and Spanish as necessary to adequately inform the customer.Attached to or on the face of the termination notice shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with payment of their bill,they may be eligible for alternative payment programs,such as deferred payment plans,and to contact the water department of the City of Wylie for more information.If mailed,the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend,but will be on the next working day after the tenth day. Service may not be discontinued for non-payment of a residential account if a permanent occupant of the residence will become seriously ill as a result of discontinued service.If a customer seeks to avoid termination on this basis, the customer must have the attending physician call or contact the water department within 16 days of the issuance of the bill.A written statement must be received by the water department from the physician within 26 days of the issuance of the bill.The limit on termination shall last 63 days from the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties.The customer who makes such request shall enter into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment of the bill. (d) If it is necessary to terminate water service for nonpayment,a charge of$30.00 shall be paid prior to restoration of the service if the service is restored between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Central Time,on weekdays.At other times,the restoration charge shall be$45.00. (e) If water and sewer service are terminated by customer request,the charge for restoring the service shall be$10.00 which will be added to the next month's bill. §1.07 Temporary connection charge. A fee of$20.00 shall be paid in advance for temporary water service to a utility customer for activities such as cleaning, plumbing checks,remodeling and so forth.This service will be for three working days,excluding the date the fee is paid. § 1.08 Special service connection fee. Upon receipt of an application for service and payment of all required deposits,connection of utility service shall be made by the city. If requested by the customer,and if the application and deposit are received prior to 12:00 noon,all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the same working day.If the application and deposit are CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 3 received after 12:00 noon, and upon payment in advance of a$25.00 special service connection fee, service will be connected by the end of the same working day.Otherwise,all reasonable efforts will be made to connect service by the end of the following day. §1.09 Special meter reading charge. A special meter reading charge of$10.00 shall be charged on the existing water bill when requested by a customer if the reading is determined to be correct.No reading charge will be made if it is determined the original reading was not correct. § 1.10 Water and sewer tap fees and water hookup fee. The following represent the charges the City of Wylie shall require to be paid for tapping a water main and sanitary sewer for service and the extension of that service to the property line. The water hookup fee is charged when it is the responsibility of the developer to install the water tap.All water and sewer service lines on private property are the responsibility of the individual property owner under the current Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the city council of the City of Wylie. (a)1.Water taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city water distribution system shall be: Meter Size(inches) Meter and Tap Cost 1"or Smaller $750 Greater than 1" Total cost of meter,materials and labor (a)2. Water hookup fee. The hookup fee is charged when the water tap has been installed by the developer. Meter Size(inches) )deter.Radio Module.Materials and Labor 3/4"and 5/8" $200 (b) Water taps.The tapping fee for master meter connections for multifamily dwellings,mobile home parks,office buildings,etc.,shall be$25.00 per living unit plus the cost of meter,materials and labor. (c) Sewer taps.The tapping fee for single unit residences and commercial connections with the city sanitary sewer collection system shall be: Size of Service Line(inches) 4" $160.00,plus cost of materials and labor 6"and over $220.00,plus cost of materials and labor (d) Sewer taps. The tapping fee for single sanitary sewer for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, office buildings,etc.,shall be$20.00 per living unit or separate place of business plus the cost of materials and labor. (e) Water and sewer connection inspection fees.The fee for inspecting developer made water and sewer taps shall be $25.00 per connection made. § 1.11 Resetting meter charge. The charge for resetting a water meter at the request of the customer shall be the rate shown in section 1.10(a)1. hereinabove. § 1.12 Pro rata water and sewer charges. (a)The city may extend water and sanitary sewer mains in the streets,alleys and utility easements in the City of Wylie in order to permit connections for those persons desiring water and sewer service.The individual,corporation or partnership CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 4 requesting the service shall pay the city an amount equal to the cost of all materials,labor,equipment and other costs to provide the requested extension.At any time additional connections are made to the water and/or sewer mains,the city shall collect from the individual connecting to the main(s)an amount equal to the proportional amount of footage ofthe connectors land abutting the sewer and repay the same to the original requestors of service or designated recipients. (b)Existing mains adjacent to property other than subdivisions. Where an area,lot or tract of land abuts any existing water or sanitary sewer main,and when such water or sanitary sewer main spans the complete frontage of the area,lot or tract of land,the following charges,known as pro rata shall be made against the owner of the area,lot or tract of land seeking a connection to the water or sanitary sewer main.The charge shall be 50 percent of the total cost for the installation of the water or sanitary sewer main at the time the main was constructed,as determined by the city engineer,based upon the greater amount determined by the front foot method and the acreage method.The cost assessment is to be determined from existing cost records maintained by the city with the total cost(construction,engineering and inspection)distributed for the total length of the project on a linear footage basis and the total service area on an acreage basis.Front foot cost is defined as the total cost of the project divided by the total length of the main extension(i.e.$100,000.00 divided by 1,000 L.F. =$10.00/L.F.).Acreage cost is defined as the total cost of the project divided by the service area of the main extension(i.e.$100,000.00 divided by 100 acreage).In no instance shall the front foot cost be less than$7.50 per front foot nor shall the acreage cost be less than$500.00 per acre. § 1.13 Development/subdivision water charges. All developers or subdivider who are tying into the water and sewer system of the City of Wylie shall pay an initial fee equivalent to the gallon capacity of their water system distribution lines multiplied by a factor of three at the prevailing rate per 1,000 gallons of the lowest rate per 1,000 currently in effect at the time actual usage occurs.The final determination of the amount of gallons to be charged shall be determined by the city engineer.Any water used subsequent to the initial loading and flushing of the installed lines shall be accomplished by the developer or subdivider securing a meter attachment to a fire hydrant.This fee shall be due and payable prior to approval of the fmal plat. §1.14 Charge for replacing meter box. The cost for replacement of any plastic water meter box is$55.00. § 1.15 Charge for replacing sewer clean out caps. The cost for replacement of property line sewer clean out caps is$5.00. §1.16 Meter testing fee. When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly,the customer may make a request to the city for testing of the meter.A field test will be provided for the customer's meter without charge once every two years.If the customer desires a calibration and certification test,then at the time such request is made,the customer shall make a$20.00 deposit with the city.If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption in excess of actual flow by more than two percent,the meter shall be replaced with an accurate one at the expense of the city,and the$20.00 deposit shall be returned to the customer.If the test shows that the meter is registering consumption at less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by two percent or less,the$20.00 deposit shall be retained by the city to defer the cost of such test. SECTION 2.00 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND FEES. §2.01 Project permits. (a) For the purposes of this section a project fee shall mean a permit that encompasses all phases and subphases of construction of a new structure(including single-family, multifamily, commercial and industrial installations), and is inclusive of all building,plumbing,mechanical and electrical installations that are usual and customary to new building erection;but shall not include signage,fences,irrigation systems,fire sprinklers or other installations not customary and usual to typical new structure construction.A project permit for reconstruction and/or extensive remodel or add-on may be issued only with the prior approval of the building official. (b) A non-refundable application processing fee of$50.00 per project shall be paid at the time of submittal. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 5 (c) In addition to the application processing fee the following permit fees shall be imposed: (1) New dwellings,up to four units(per unit) $420.00+$0.10 per square foot (2) Pool or spa 125.00 (3) Temporary buildings 80.00 (4) New commercial,apartments,accessory,additions,remodels,and finish outs/per 1,000 3.00 ($50.00 minimum) (d) A determination of value or valuation under any provision of this section shall be made by the building official.The value to be used in computing the permit fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all finish work,painting,roofing,electrical,plumbing,heating,air conditioning,elevators,fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment. §2.02 Special permits. Special permit fees are as follows: (a) Building(minor) 50.00 (b) Certificate of occupancy 50.00 ® Demolition 35.00 (d) Electrical fixtures: Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 (e) Fence 20.00 (f) Fire sprinkler Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 (g) House moving 50.00 (h) Lawn sprinkler Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 (I) Mechanical Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 (j) Plumbing Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 (k) Sign 50.00 (1) Banner(temporary,30 day) 35.00 (m) Clean and show 35.00 (n) Weekend directional signs(per sign per year) 75.00 §2.03 Inspection,service fees. Service fees for inspections are as follows: (a) Reinspection 50.00 (b) Pre-brick inspection 35.00 (c) Temporary service/construction heat Residential 35.00 Commercial 50.00 §2.04 License and registration fees. License and registration fees are as follows: CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 6 (a) Plumbing contractor(annual registration) $75.00 (b) Electrical contractor(annual registration) 75.00 (c) Fire sprinkler contractor(annual registration) 75.00 (d) Lawn sprinkler contractor(annual registration) 75.00 (e) Mechanical contractor(annual registration) 75.00 (f) Master electrician: New license $100.00 Annual license 75.00 (g) Journeyman electrician(annual license) 25.00 §2.05 Subdivision development inspection fee. A subdivision fee shall be charged each subdivision for inspection in the amount of one percent of the city's estimates of the costs of the public works utilities and streets of new construction which are to be dedicated to the City of Wylie.Such items shall include,but not be limited to,examples such as,street paving,stonn drainage,water and sewer mains and other items designated for conveyance to the city after completion of improvements through the process of public dedication.These fees shall be paid prior to the start of construction. SECTION 3.00 IMPACT FEES. Whenever any such water meter or sewer tap is installed,in addition to the above and foregoing water meter installation or sewer tap charge,there is also imposed an impact fee for all future water and sewerage connections to the city water and sewerage system,in order to defray the impact burden thereof on said water and sewerage system of producing,treating, distributing,transmitting or collecting such water and sewerage. The impact charge imposed shall be calculated on the basis of equivalent residential units,as outlined below. (a) Definitions.For the purpose of this section,the following words shall have the meaning indicated unless their context clearly requires otherwise. Living unit equivalent(LUE). A unit that consumes the amount of water or discharges the amount of wastewater that a standard low density(3.2 D.U.per acre)residential unit would(1.00 LUE per connection). (b) For the purpose of calculating impact charges,the following guidelines apply: (1) Each single-family residence served by the city through a single service and/or master connection shall be considered an LUE. (2) The number of LUE corresponding to a given commercial,industrial,multifamily,mobile home,hospital, nursing home or extended care facility or other establishment,shall be determined on the basis of anticipated annual average daily flow. (c) For each LUE to be served by the water system there shall be a water impact fee of$700.00.For each LUE to be served by the sewerage system,there shall be a sewerage impact fee of$1,412. (d) In developments or lots platted prior to March 19,1997,these impact fees shall be due and payable not later than, or at the time of,the issuance of a building permit,water and/or sewer tap requests,or the request for the provisions for water or sewer service and the actual connection to the existing system according to Section(1).Developments platted after March 19, 1997 will pay impact fees designated in Section©above.These fees may be paid on individual construction projects or by development or phases of development.In the case of extraordinary increased water use or sewer production as determined by a review of the city's consumption records,such calculations shall be referred to as subsequent impact fees and shall be due and payable 30 days after written notification is received from the City of Wylie that said fees are due and an explanation provided to the affected customer. (e) There shall be at least one primary water meter at each site to measure the flow of water,which is delivered to such site that is being serviced by the municipal water system in this city;provided,however,if additional meters are CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 7 installed at any such site at the request of the person,firm or corporation whose water corresponds with such site and if such additional meters are installed to measure the flow of water at said site for irrigational or swimming pool purposes,only one impact fee,based on the total flow from all meters shall be charged but such person,firm or corporation shall be required to pay a separate water meter charge for each such meter in accordance with the fee schedule hereinabove set forth. (f) Water meter installation rates and charges as provided herein shall be reimposed in the event of the discontinuance of the water account where such water meter is located and where the water meter has been removed from the premises.However,an impact fee shall be imposed once only,at the time of the initial connection onto the water and sewerage system of the city,subject to the following qualifications: (1) An additional water impact fee in the amount of$700.00 and an additional sewerage impact fee in the amount of$1,412 shall be imposed against any commercial,industrial,hotel,motel,multifamily dwelling complex, mobile home park,travel trailer or recreational vehicle park,hospital,nursing home,extended care facility, professional office facility,clinic or similar establishment where the same are expanded or otherwise increased in capacity so that the number of LUE's therein are increased beyond the immediately preexisting LUE capacity thereof,as determined by the LUE definition that is set forth in§3.00(axl)hereinabove,and in accordance with the calculation procedure that is stipulated in§3.00(b)(2). (2) Such additional fees shall be referred to as subsequent impact fees,and shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit/sewerage connection permit for any additions to the size and capacity of such building(s), development,park or complex. (3) Subsequent impact fees shall be imposed whether or not a new or replacement water meter is installed due to such expansion,capacity or addition;provided,however,in the event that the customer shall request the replacement of a water meter which shall increase the size of the meter which measures the flow of water into any such building(s),development,park or complex,the cost of such additional or replacement water meter shall be in accordance with the cost schedule that is set forth in this section. (g) All funds received from the impact fee for all future water and sewerage connections,as aforesaid,and all charges thus imposed,heretofore,shall be deposited into the water and sewer system impact fund and shall be expended from that fund only for the purpose of providing for major improvements,debt service,expansion,emergency repairs and extending or constructing new additions or replacements to the water and sewer system of this city which are required and needed because of the impact upon said water and sewer system due to such additional connections or any other lawful purpose authorized by state statute or city Charter. (h) Any person,firm or corporation that is subject to the assessment of a water and sewer impact fee may request that the city consider the award of credits toward the impact fee for improvements,land or etc.which the person,firm or corporation dedicates to the city without charge,for the purposes of improving the overall water distribution and treatment system and/or the sewerage collection and treatment system. In such cases, the person, firm or corporation shall submit for consideration,such proposal in advance of the approval for the preliminary plat and such dedication for credit of impact fees shall have an agreed upon value which is negotiated by the person,firm or corporation and the city staff in advance.Following preliminary agreement between the parties,such proposal will be submitted to the city council of the City of Wylie for their approval,amendment or rejection. (i) An impact fee of$600.00 per service unit or LUE for water supply,treatment and distribution facility is hereby imposed in accordance with the LUE for water set out in Table 10,Exhibit B,and an impact fee of$500.00 per service unit or LUE of new development for wastewater collection and treatment facilities is hereby imposed in accordance with the LUE for wastewater set out in Table 18,Exhibit B.These exhibits are on file in the office of the city secretary. The amount of each impact fee due shall be determined by multiplying the number of LUE generated by the new development by the impact fee due per LUE.If a new development's water or wastewater uses will exceed the LUE's set out in Exhibit B by more than ten percent consumption or flow,the city engineer shall calculate the amount of impact fees for each category based on actual use. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 8 SECTION 4.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FEES. In addition to all other fees,the city council may designate by ordinance,certain special districts.These districts shall be formed in order to collect pro rata fees to offset the cost of capital improvements to the water and sewer system that benefit only a particular section of the city. When such action is deemed appropriate by the city council,said area shall be defined by clearly understood boundaries. Then the fee per unit shall be determined by using the following formula: No.of Units per Total Cost of Project Acres x Acre = No.of Shares = Special District Fee Units existing within the special district prior to the establishment by the city council shall not be charged the determined special district fee unless the parties involved request such service be provided. Rush Creek Lift Station District No. 1 $110.00 per equivalent residential unit. (No less than four units per acre.) Muddy Creek Lift Station District $165.00 per equivalent residential unit. (No less than four units per acre.) For specific details,see Lift Station District Ordinance(section 114-181 et seq.of the Code of Ordinances). SECTION 5.00 STREET RECONSTRUCTION FEES. The fee per square foot for reconstruction materials accomplished by city crews and equipment under the provisions of the city's reconstruction ordinance shall be: (a) For streets which have been improved,i.e.,some base and/or asphalt regardless of existing condition . $0.40 per square foot (b) For streets which are completely unimproved, i.e.,no asphalt or oil base material and little or no rock or paving material $0.50 per square foot (c) Financing costs for repayment by adjacent property owners of their portion of the materials for projects done under provisions of the street reconstruction ordinance,the following interest rates shall apply and shall be calculated on a simple interest basis and billed on the monthly water bill.Said payments shall be subject to the normal provisions for late charge penalties,etc. (1)Ninety-day payout No interest (2)One-year payout Ten percent interest (3)Two-year payout Ten percent interest (4)Three-year payout Ten percent interest SECTION 6.00 PERIMETER STREETS FEE IN LIEU OF CONSTRUCTION. As referenced in the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations,developers may in certain approved circumstances make a payment to the City of Wylie of funds in an appropriate amount to provide for the cost of construction of the required perimeter streets in association with their development.The fee for such payment in lieu of construction shall be as follows: (a) Six-inch thick required street construction(regular and collector streets): $2.00 per square foot x frontage x '/Z width of street pavement,including the integral curb (b) Eight-inch thick required street construction(thoroughfares,State and Federal roads): CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 9 $2.25 per square foot x frontage x one lane of traffic or 12 feet of street paving,including the integral curb SECTION 7.00 MAINTENANCE BONDS. The maintenance bonds required by Wylie's subdivision ordinance to cover the cost of any repairs that may be required during the one-year warranty period to public works improvements and facilities dedicated to the City of Wylie at the time of final plat acceptance shall be in the amount of 100 percent of the total value of all improvements dedicated and shall be delivered to the City of Wylie prior to the council's consideration of final acceptance. SECTION 8.00 ZONING AND PLATTING FEES. (a)Zoning Fees. The following fees shall be paid at the time application for rezoning is made: 0-25 acres = $200,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land. $350 if PD(Planned Development). 26-50 acres = $250,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land. $400 if PD(Planned Development). 51 -75 acres = $300,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land. $450 if PD(Planned Development). 76- 100 acres = $350,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land. $500 if PD(Planned Development). > 100 acres = $400,plus$25 per each type of zoning requested on a tract of land. $550 if PD(Planned Development). (b) Site Plan Fees.The following fees shall be paid at the time of submission of a site plan in accordance with the zoning ordinance: The Site Plan review fee shall be$75.00,plus$10.00 per acre or any part of an acre. (c) Plat Fees. The following fees shall be paid at the time of submission of plats in accordance with the subdivision ordinance: (1) The land study fee shall be$50.00. (2) The preliminary plat fee shall be$125.00,plus$2.00 per lot in the subdivision or$5.00 per acre or any part of an acre,whichever is greater. (3) The final plat fee shall be$150.00,plus$3.00 per lot in the subdivision or$7.00 per acre or any part of an acre,whichever is greater. (4) The replat fee shall be$125.00,plus$2.00 per lot in the subdivision or$5.00 per acre or any part of an acre, whichever is greater. (5) The amended plat fee shall be$50.00. SECTION 9.00 GARBAGE,TRASH AND BRUSH FEES. §9.01 Residential fee;deposits. (a) The collection and removal of garbage,rubbish and brush in one polycart container from residential premises,one times per week shall be made for a fee charge of$9.64 per residential unit for each calendar month. (b) Nonresidential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three months'charges,or a minimum of$30.00. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 10 (c) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex(not master metered)either curbside or alley side service,shall be$9.64 per month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill. (d) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or collection,to wit: Type Charge per Month Duplex,per unit $9.64 per unit Multifamily 9.64 per unit Trailer park 9.64 per unit §9.02 Commercial polycart collection fees. NOTE: Commercial rates are approved by Council but commercial activity is handled exclusively by BFI. No billing or collection is done by the City staff Fee charges for commercial polycart collection: (a) One 90-gallon polycart twice per week $11.20 (b) Each additional polycart collected twice per week 3.92 §9.03 Commercial dumpster charges. Commercial dumpsters shall be provided by lease to customers requiring them and shall be subject to the following charges,to-wit: 2 cubic yards- 1 x $41.44/month;2 x$88.48/month;3 x $117.60/month 3 cubic yards- 1 x 57.12/month;2 x 106.40/month;3 x 164.64/month 4 cubic yards- 1 x 85.12/month;2 x 135.52/month;3 x 191.52/month 6 cubic yards- 1 x 99.68/month;2 x 162.40/month;3 x 240.80/month 8 cubic yards- 1 x 122.08/month;2 x 209.44/month;3 x 278.88/month Extra pickups/dumpster,each request Upon request, extra pickups shall be made of commercial dumpsters and a fee charge made for each request in accordance with the following schedule,to wit: 2 to 4 cubic yards. . . .$31.36 6 to 10 cubic yards. . ..35.84 §9.04 Special Charges: Compactor containers(42 cubic yards),per haul $280.00 Roll-off containers(30 cubic yards),per haul 252.00 Per day rent of roll-off containers 7.00 Delivery and exchange of roll-off containers 75.00 Delivery and exchange of front-end containers 50.00 Return check charge 20.00 Past due service charge (over 25 days from statement due date,commercial dumpsters only),per month 1 5 percent Polycart purchase,each 60.00 Tire collection/disposal,each 5.00 Additional residential cart,per month 2.52 §9.05 Fees for special collection of brush and bulky waste items. Special collection of brush and bulky items will be made available to residents at the rate of$1.50 per minute for time spent on collection,with a minimum charge of$15.00 per collection. §9.06 Denial of service. In the event of nonpayment of charges for the above services,the city shall have the right to deny further service to such nonpaying person or customer. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 11 SECTION 10.00 PEDDLER'S AND SOLICITOR'S FEE. (a) Each itinerant merchant,peddler,itinerant vendor or solicitor taking orders for sale or offering of any items or service must comply with the conditions of chapter 82,article II,of the Code of Ordinances,City of Wylie,Texas,and will pay the fee or fees indicated below and also submit an acceptable surety bond. (b) The fee shall be as follows: (1) An agent fee of$30.00. (2) Each additional agent fee of$15.00. (c) The surety bond to be a minimum of$1,000.00. SECTION 11.00 COPYING CHARGES. The following fees shall be charged for copies made using the City of Wylie machine and paper for any purpose other than City of Wylie business.No discount is allowed for quantity copies. 18"x 24" --24"x 36" $3.00 Map Scale 1"= 1000' 6.00 Map Scale 1"=500'(2 sheets) 15.00 Map Scale 1"=500'(4 sheets) 20.00 Map Scale 1"=200'per sheet 15.00 Computer Generated Color Maps, 1"= 1000' 12.00 Computer Generated Color Maps, 1"=500'(4 sheets) 48.00 SECTION 12.00 FINGERPRINTING FEE. The fee for fingerprinting an adult shall be$5.00 per fingerprinting card. SECTION 13.00 TAXICAB FEES. Taxicab fees are as follows: Street rental charge $25.00 per permit per year SECTION 14.00 FIRE CODE PERMIT FEES ALLOWABLE WITH THE ADOPTION OF SECTION 105 OF THE 1994 UNIFORM FIRE CODE. The following fees shall be charged for fire code permits for the time period specified: (a) Aerosol products storage(annual) $25.00 (b) Flammable and combustible liquids storage(annual) 25.00 (c) Underground tank-install or remove(per job) 50.00 (d) Burn permit(14 days) 25.00 (e) Fruit ripening(annual) 25.00 (f) Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging(annual) 25.00 (g) Hazardous materials storage(annual) 50.00 (h) Hazardous production materials(annual) 25.00 (i) High-piled combustible storage(annual) 25.00 (j) Liquefied petroleum gasses(annual) 25.00 (k) Places of assembly(annual) 25.00 (I) Pyrotechnical special effects material(annual or per event) 25.00 (m) Radioactive material(annual) 25.00 (n) Refrigeration materials(annual) 25.00 CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 12 (o) Spraying or dipping(annual) 25.00 (p) Tents and temporary membrane structures(annual) 25.00 (q) Tire storage(annual) 25.00 (r) Welding and cutting operations(annual) 25.00 (s) Liquid or gas fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings(annual or event) 25.00 (t) Lumber yards(annual) 25.00 (u) Magnesium working(annual) 25.00 (v) Mall,covered(annual or per event) 25.00 (w) Organic coatings(annual) 25.00 (x) Ovens,industrial baking and drying(annual) 25.00 (y) Aircraft refueling vehicles(annual) 25.00 (z) Aircraft repair hangar(annual) 25.00 (aa) Asbestos removal(per job) 25.00 (ab) Automobile wrecking yard(annual) 25.00 (ac) Bowling pin or alley refinishing(per job) 25.00 (ad) Candles and open flames in assembly areas(annual) 25.00 (ae) Carnivals and fairs(duration of event) 25.00 (at) Cellulose nitrate film(annual) 25.00 (ag) Cellulose nitrate storage(annual) 25.00 (ah) Combustible fiber storage(annual) 25.00 (ai) Combustible material storage(annual) 25.00 (aj) Compressed gasses(annual) 25.00 (ak) Commercial rubbish handling operation(annual) 25.00 (al) Cryogens(annual) 25.00 (am) Dry cleaning plants(annual) 25.00 (an) Dust-producing operations(annual) 25.00 (ao) Explosives and blasting agents(annual or per job permit) 25.00 (ap) Fire hydrants and water control valves(per job) 25.00 (aq) Fireworks event(per event) 500.00 SECTION 15.00 PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES. (a) The city may, from time to time, decide to purchase land for parks in or near the area of actual or potential development.If the city does purchase parkland in a park zone,subsequent parkland dedications for that zone shall be in cash only,and calculated to reimburse the city's actual cost of acquisition and development of such land for parks.The fee amount shall be equal to the sum of(1)the average price per acre of such land,and(2)the actual cost of adjacent streets and onsite utilities,or an estimate of such actual cost provided by the city engineer.Once the city has been reimbursed entirely for all such parkland within a park zone,this section shall cease to apply,and the other subsections of this section shall again be applicable. (b)To the extent that paragraph(a)hereinabove is not applicable,the dedication requirement shall be met by a payment in lieu of land at a per acre price set from time to time by resolution by the city council,sufficient to acquire land and provide for adjacent streets and utilities for a neighborhood park to serve the park zone in which such development is located.Unless changed by the city council,such per acre price shall be computed on the basis of$225.00 per dwelling unit.Cash payments may be used only for acquisition or improvement of a neighborhood park located within the same zone as the development. SECTION 16.00 ALARM SYSTEM FEES AND CHARGES. § 16.01 Commercial permit fee. The commercial alarm system permit fee shall be in the amount of$20.00 per year. § 16.02 Residential permit fee. The residential alarm permit fee shall be$20.00 per year. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 13 §16.03 Service charge on false alarms. (a)If after five false burglar alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false burglar alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm. (b)If after two false fire alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false robbery alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$100.00 for such false alarm. (c) If after two false medical assistance alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false medical assistance alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm. (d)If after two false emergency assistance alarms in the 12-month period immediately preceding any false emergency assistance alarm,the permit holder shall be assessed a service fee of$50.00 for such false alarm. §16.04 Charge for direct alarm systems for financial institutions. A signal line directly to the Wylie police department for the purpose of reporting burglaries and robberies shall be limited to financial institutions and an annual,non-refundable fee of$20.00 for each indicator installed shall be charged. SECTION 17.00 ANIMAL FEES AND CHARGES. §17.01 Registration permit fee. For each spayed or neutered canine or feline the registration permit shall be$2.00 per year.Proof of spay or neutering shall rest with the owner of said animal,and for non-spayed or non-neutered canines or felines the registration permit shall be$5.00. § 17.02 Fee for lost permit tag. If a permit tag issued under this section is lost or stolen,it may be replaced by payment of a fee of$1.00 and presentation of the registration permit. §17.03 Impoundment and adoption fees. The owner,keeper or harborer of any animal impounded under this section may redeem same within three days by payment of this impounding fee and boarding fee as follows: Shelter(Impound)Fees All animals First offense $20.00 Second Offense 30.00 Third Offense 40.00 Boarding Fees Daily Rates Dog or Cat $5.00 Other Animals 10.00 Adoption fees shall be no less than$10.00 for all canines and felines. § 17.04 Trap deposits. The deposit fee for traps shall be$60.00. § 17.05 Dangerous dogs. The annual registration fee for a dangerous dog shall be$50.00.The fee for a dangerous dog at a new address shall be $25.00. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 14 SECTION 18.00 LIBRARY FEES. Fines for overdue items shall be assessed as follows: (a) Materials $0.10/day (b) Video cassettes,overhead projectors,and film projectors 1.00/day (c) Lost Books 3.00 processing fee and the cost of the book (d) Damaged Books 3.00 processing fee and the cost of the book (e) Lost Library Cards 1.00 each (f) Copies 0.10 per page (g) Laminating Fee 0.50 per inch SECTION 19.00 EXCAVATION PERMIT FEES. Fees for permits to open or excavate any street within the city shall be as follows: (1) Paved streets:Concrete$2.00;asphalt$1.00 per linear foot of paving cut for a standard trench,with a minimum charge of$5.00 per trench. (2) Dirt or gravel streets:Fitly cents per linear foot of street cut,measured from the property line for a standard trench, with a minimum charge of$5.00 per trench.If the excavation involves both paving and dirt or gravel shoulder,the total cost of the permit will be figured by adding the cost of cutting the pavement and the cost of cutting the dirt or gravel shoulder. SECTION 20.00 RENTAL FOR THE BART PEDDICORD COMMUNITY CENTER. Usage charges for the Bart Peddicord Community Center shall be as follows: Rental Fees Deposit Required Civic groups no charge none Individuals and nonbusiness groups-Wylie Residents $10.00/hour $100.00 Business Uses and Non-Wylie Residents 15.00/hour $100.00 SECTION 21.00 MANUFACTURED HOME LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES. §21.01 Manufactured home permit fee. All applications shall be accompanied by the deposits of a fee of$300.00,plus$50.00 for each manufactured home space. §21.02 Manufactured home park annual inspection fee. Ten dollars per occupied space is payable by the licensee or his or her agent. §21.03 Manufactured home park license fee. All original license applications and license transfers shall be accompanied by a fee of$500.00. SECTION 22.00 SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH PERMIT FEES. Any person desiring a permit required by this section shall at the time of filing an application therefore,pay a fee of $35.00. SECTION 23.00 WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT PERMIT FEE. An annual fee of$100.00 per calendar year shall be paid by all persons,fines or entities required to pay such fee under the city's pretreatment ordinance,as amended. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 15 SECTION 24.00 CARNIVAL LICENSE FEES. As a condition and requirement of the licensing of any carnival to show in the city,the applicant for such license shall pay a license fee in the sum of$250.00. SECTION 25.00 COIN-OPERATED MACHINE TAX. There is hereby levied an annual occupation tax of$7.50 for each and every coin-operated machine as defined herein. SECTION 26.00 DANCE HALL LICENSE FEES. The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a Dance hall within the city shall be$100.00. SECTION 27.00 POOL HALL LICENSE FEES. The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a pool hall within the city shall be$100.00. SECTION 28.00 GARAGE SALE PERMIT FEES. The fee for a garage sale permit shall be$5.00. SECTION 29.00 WRECKER SERVICE FEES. §29.01 Wrecker rotation list fee;renewal fee. (a)An application fee of$10.00 for each wrecker to be operated on the rotation list by the applicant shall accompany each application. (b)Each applicant shall, if he or she desires to continue his or her placement on the wrecker rotation list,make a renewal application and pay a renewal fee of$5.00. §29.02 Wrecker service rate schedule. No applicant,whose application has been approved hereunder and who has been placed on the wrecker rotation list, shall charge any sum in excess of the rates specified in the following schedule: (a) Towing of non-accident vehicles during regular business hours(8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m) $40.00 (b) Nights and weekends 50.00 (c) Vehicles requiring a dolly for reasons other than automatic transmission,additional charge 40.00 (d) Extra time in excess of one hour(not including time spent waiting for officer to complete investigation)per hour 25.00 (e) Charge for diesel right or other heavy equipment per hour with one-hour minimum 175.00 (f) Storage of vehicle per day or fraction thereof 15.00 (g) Wrecked vehicles 60.00 (h) If drive line must be dropped to tow vehicle(additional) 11.00 (i) If necessary to change wheel and tire(additional) 11.00 (j) Rolled over or upset vehicle 60.00 (k) Roll over with dolly tow 70.00 (I) If winch required,additional for each 50 feet of pull 23.00 SECTION 30.00 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT AND SERVICE FEES. §30.01 Massage establishment permit fee. Any person desiring to obtain a license or permit to operate a massage establishment shall make application to the chief of police and pay a non-refundable application fee of$75.00,which said fee shall be used to defray,in part,the costs of the investigation and report. CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 16 §30.02 Fee for sale,transfer or change of name. A fee of$200.00 shall be payable for each such application involving the sale,transfer of any interest in,or the name change of an existing massage establishment. SECTION 31.00 JUNKYARD AND SALVAGE YARD LICENSE FEES. Before any license is issued under the provisions of this section,the applicant shall pay an annual fee of$250.00. SECTION 32.00 ANNUAL TAX ON AUCTIONEERS. An annual tax of$15.00 is hereby levied against every auctioneer selling anything of value for profit within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie,Texas. SECTION 33.00 FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT FOOD STORE PERMIT FEES. A permit fee of$150.00 shall accompany each application,and the permit so issued shall thereafter be renewed by payment of an additional annual fee of$150.00 and meeting any and all other Code provisions applicable to said business. SECTION 34.00 GARAGE KEEPER'S ABANDONED VEHICLE REPORT FEE. A fee of$5.00 shall accompany the report of the garage keeper to the police department. SECTION 35.00 SERVICE FEE FOR SERVING WARRANTS OF ARRESTS. The special expense for serving a warrant of arrest shall be in the amount of$25.00. SECTION 36.00 SPECIAL EXPENSE FEE FOR DISMISSING OFFENSES FOR DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE ATTENDANCE. The municipal court shall also collect a special expense of$10.00 for services performed in cases in which the defendant is discharged by virtue of having attended,subsequent to the date of the alleged offense,a defensive driving course in compliance with the provisions of V.T.C.A.,Transportation Code§543.101 et seq.This special expense shall apply only to offenses committed after September 1, 1987. SECTION 37.00 VEHICLE IMPOUNDING FEES. An impounding fee of$5.00 and a storage fee of$0.50 per day is hereby assessed against,and shall be collected from, the owner or driver of any vehicle impounded by virtue of the provisions of this section before the release of any such vehicle. SECTION 38.00 WASTE HAULING PERMIT FEES. Waste hauling permits shall be issued by the city upon proper application and payment of a$10.00 permit fee.All such permits shall be valid for one year. SECTION 39.00 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION FEE. Major industrial/commercial users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit shall complete and file with the director,an application in the form prescribed by the city.A permit fee of$25.00 shall accompany the application.New major industrial/commercial users shall apply at least 90 days prior to connecting to the sewage system.In support of the application,the major industrial/commercial user shall submit the information requested by the application form. SECTION 40.00 Charges For Mowing and Removing Brush and Unsightly Matter. The expense incurred by the City of Wylie,pursuant to the correcting of conditions as set forth in this section,shall be CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 17 charged to and become a lien on the platted real estate or lot or lots upon which such expense is incurred.Such charges to be levied shall be as follows: (a) A charge of$37.50,plus the city's cost per hour of mowing on per lot basis for each cutting of said weeds and brush shall be levied,assessed and collected against such property each time such cutting of said weeds shall be performed where the area does not exceed 44,000 square feet.On tracts and lots of land exceeding 44,000 square feet,an additional charge of$37.50 shall be levied,assessed and collected for each additional 44,000 square feet or the major portion thereof. In the event that there are obstructions such as rocks, trees, shrubs, bushes, excavations, foundations of demolished structures or other impediments,an additional charge can be levied, assessed and collected from such premises for the actual cost resulting from the additional expenses incurred therefrom. (b) In the event that it becomes necessary for the City of Wylie,Texas,to go upon property and do or cause to be done the work necessary to seek compliance with section 54-114 of the Code of Ordinances, the actual expenses incurred shall be charged,levied,assessed and collected against such property. SECTION 41.00 CHARGES AND FEES FOR USAGE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS §41.01Athletic field reservation usage fee. A fee of$2.00 per person,per sport season,for individuals,organizations or groups will be charged for the use of reserved athletic fields.This fee shall be paid to the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department by the responsible individual,organization or group within 30 days after the start of game play.If field usage fees are not paid within 30 days of the start of game play,an additional charge of ten percent of the original balance due will also be levied.If the original balance due plus the ten percent additional charge is not paid within 45 days of the start of game play,field use privileges are subject to being denied until all monies due are paid in full.Those using fields on a one-time basis shall pay field usage fees before field use. §41.02 Use of athletic fields for tournaments. (a)The price per field reservation fees are as follows: Saturday and Saturday nights/Sunday mornings,8:00 a.m.--1:00 a.m. includes light fee and field marking $100.00 Saturday and Saturday night/Sunday morning, 8:00 a.m. Saturday-6:00 a.m.Sunday includes light fee and field marking 130.00 Saturday,Saturday night/Sunday morning,8:00 a.m.--1:00 a.m.,and Sunday, Sunday night,9:00 a.m.--11:00 p.m.,includes light fee and field marking 160.00 (b)A security deposit of$50.00 per field reserved shall be paid at least seven days in advance of the scheduled tournament.The deposits shall be credited toward any monies due for said tournament,with any remaining monies due payable before scheduled tournament begins.All monies paid will not be refundable unless a field or fields are not playable due to weather conditions,wet field conditions or for necessary maintenance.If a field or fields are not playable due to said conditions,a refund or credit will be given.The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will be the final authority as to athletic field use. §41.03 Athletic field light usage fee. A fee of$4.00 per hour per field will be charged for reservation in which lights are utilized.Reservation sessions vary through the course of a calendar year to coincide with sunset.The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department shall determine the reservation sessions. §41.04 Athletic field marking/chalk usage fees. All fees for athletic marking/chalk usage on any athletic field(s)(except baseball/softball tournament use)will be split 50/50 between the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department and those reserving a field(s).The 1996 fee for standard field marking is as follows: CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 18 Baseball/softball,per field/per marking *$4.00 Soccer,per field/per marking *5.00 Football None (Football marks their field at this time.If they choose for the city to contract out this marking,a price will need to be agreed upon at that time.) Chalk cost,per bag * 1.50 * All above fees already take into account the 40/50 split between the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department and those reserving a field(s).Any special markings above and beyond accepted standard markings will be subject to an additional charge due to extra labor/chalk costs and will need to be agreed upon between the city and those requesting special markings.The 50/50 split will also apply in these instances. SECTION 42.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT FEE. Under state law,cities are precluded from giving property away.Cities must,under V.T.C.A.,Local Government Code §272.001,obtain an appraisal to establish fair market value.The city is then not allowed to convey,sell or exchange that land and those interests for less than the fair market value of the land or interest. SECTION 43.00 SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS. The annual fee for a sexually oriented business license shall be$500.00. SECTION 44.00 MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING SECURITY FEE. The amount of the municipal court building security fee shall be$3.00. SECTION 45.00 PENALTY. Any person violating the provisions of this fee schedule,or any part hereof,commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of the Wylie City Code as set forth in section 1-9,therein,as the same now exists or is hereafter amended and shall not be allowed the permit,privilege or license to which the fee pertains. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,THIS THE DAY OF 2000. John Mondy,Mayor Barbara Salinas,City Secretary CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES ORDINANCE-page 19 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 . November 9, 1999 Issue Consider and act upon a proposal for the purchase and installation of a meter reading system from Datamatic,Inc. of Richardson. -- Background The City currently contracts with TXU Electric for meter reading services. The meter reader reads meters 12 days per month- 5 days each for Cycles 1 and 2, and 2 days for Cycle 3 (Southfork Mobile Home Park). On those days that he reads,he comes to the Utility Billing office to pick up the hand-held meter reading device he will use for that day. The Utility Billing personnel have previously loaded the route information into the hand-held. The reader drives his truck to the beginning of the route, gets out and begins his reading. In order to read a meter, the reader must locate the meter on the property,lift the cast iron or plastic lid,bend down to see the reading and manually enter it into the hand-held device using the keypad on the front and return the lid to its place. Each route is set up in a circular pattern so the meter reader returns to his truck and drives to the beginning address of the next route. The maximum number of meters a reader can read in a day is 350 to 400. The City currently uses hand-held meter reading devices manufactured by Norand and provided to it by the City's financial software vendor, CPS. Two of these devices were purchased in 1993 and a third device was purchased for the City by Southfork Mobile Home Park as part of the agreement between it and the City in 1995. As part of the City's preparation for the year 2000,Norand was contacted about the reliability of these hand-helds after January 1, 2000. Norand responded that this particular model was not going to be tested for year 2000 compatibility. In addition, TXU Electric has notified the City that it will discontinue providing meter reading services to the City as of February 1,2000. TXU will train new City personnel in the route structure and locations of all meters. The City issued a Request for Proposal for a new meter reading system and received responses from a number ofvendors, as detailed in Attachment A. After careful review and evaluation of the responses by Utility Billing and Finance Department personnel, the staff is recommending that the City purchase the system offered by Datamatic, Inc. Datamatic has been producing hand-held meter reading devices since 1977. The company is based in Richardson, Texas, and meter reading solutions is its only business. The devices can be used with any meter the City may choose to install in any location. The system software,RouteSTAR MVP,runs in a windows environment,is PC- based, and provides management reports that are not available to the City with its present system that will help Utility Billing personnel to audit the meter reading process and work more efficiently. The FieldSTAR software provided by Datamatic produces electronic work orders. All the assignments for the City's Meter Technician can be loaded into one ofthe meter reading devices. The Meter Tech goes into the field and completes the work, such as setting new meters,turning water on and off, or checking for leaks,without any cumbersome paperwork When he has completed the acsignment,he enters any information into the meter reading device. All the work is time-stamped. Datamatic already has installations of its systems in other cities using CPS Utility Billing software, so the interface between the two systems has been developed and proven. Background continued If the City decides to upgrade to an automated or radio-read meter reading system,these hand-held devices can still be used along with any water meter the City chooses. The radio-read system produced by Datamatic requires only that the meter have a sweep hand. A meter reader using a radio-read system would leave the office with his meter reading device and drive to the beginning of his first route. He can either get out of his truck and walk his route or drive through the route slowly(20 mph). In either case,he does not need to locate the meter, open the box, or get the reading. A radio signal is sent from the meter box and is picked up by the meter reading device as the meter reader passes by. The system can pick up meter readings from both sides of the street at the same time. A drive-by radio-read system will enable one meter reader to read each cycle in one day, cutting down the meter reading days from the current 12 to 3. The staff believes that with this kind of a system,the City can read meters and perform all other meter-related tacks with only 2 positions until the City's population reaches 45,000. Using a manual system would require 40 mandays of meter reading alone per month. Although the Datamatic radio-read system can be implemented using the City's current meter stock the staff believes that a meter replacement program is a necessary part of this project. Many of the City's water meters are over ten years old. Meters slow down as they age and do not accurately register the water passing through them resulting in a loss of both water and sewer revenue. Financial Considerations Total cost of the manual meter reading system from Datamatic is $10,933. The cost of two hand-held meter reading devices, a four-slot cradle for charging, downloading and uploading, the RouteSTAR Management Software and software licenses is$8,483.00. Training and installation of the system by Datamatic personnel will cost approximately$2,450.00. One year of maintenance is included in the initial price. Ongoing maintenance for all software and hardware will be$1,421.40 per year. For an additional$9,280,the City can upgrade the manual meter reading system to one that will be capable ofradio-read. The on-going maintenance charge would increase by$1,321. In addition,the City will need to purchase a personal computer,monitor and printer at a cost of approximately $2,500 from a third party. If any additional programming is required by CPS to interface with the system,the cost will be at$125 an hour. Funds were budgeted in the Utility Fund for the year 2000 upgrades as part of the year-end budget amendment process. The funds were not expended and the staff will include this item in the mid-year budget amendment process. • Other Considerations N/A Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of a meter reading system from Datamatic, Inc. of Richardson, Texas, at a cost not to exceed$22,000. Attachments Attachment A- List of responses from vendors 111/v. �V pared by Revie d by inance City Mana.1- Approval Attachment A Responses to Request for Proposal for Hand-Held Meter Reading Devices TOUCH READ Datamatic Each Total Atlas Utility Each Total ABB Each Total 2 Roadrunner ES Hand-helds 2,376 4,752 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 5,995 11,990 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 3,450 6,900 1 Four-slot cradle 1,236 1,236 1 Cable 57 57 2 Probes 1,880 3,760 2 Probes 1,841 3,682 1 RouteStar Management SW 1,995 1,995 1 Connect Read Managmt SW 4,995 4,995 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 3,000 3,000 2 RouteStar Software Licenses 250 500 12,243 16,985 13,639 1 Training 2,450 2,450 1 Training 2,995 2,995 1 Training 3,100 3,100 Total Cost 14,693 Total Cost 19,980 Total Cost 16,739 Annual Maintenance 1,851 Annual Maintenance 1,695 Annual Maintenance 2,574 Logicon Each Total C3 Communications Each Total Schlumberger Each Total 2 VT5000T Hand-helds 2,375 4,750 Did not quote 2 DAP PC9800 Hand-helds 4,042 8,084 1 Four-slot cradle 1,550 1,550 1 Master Communication Unit 467 467 2 Probes 1,880 3,760 2 Probes 1,500 3,000 1' RouteManager Software 2,500 2,500 1 RouteMAPS Software 5,000 5,000 12,560 16,551 1 Training 2,850 2,850 1 Training 5,000 5,000 Total Cost 15,410 Total Cost 21,551 Annual Maintenance 1,990 Annual Maintenance 2,470 • 11/3/1999 4:41 PM analysis Atta,.nment A Responses to Request for Proposal for Hand-Held Meter Reading Devices MANUAL READ Datamatic Each Total Atlas Utility Each Total ABB Each Total 2 Roadrunner ES Hand-helds 2,376 4,752 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 4,995 9,990 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 3,450 6,900 1 Four-slot cradle 1,236 1,236 1 Cable 57 57 1 RouteStar Management SW 1,995 1,995 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 2,995 2,995 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 3,000 3,000 2 RouteStar Software Licenses 250 500 8,483 12,985 9,957 1 Training 2,450 2,450 1 Training 4,500 4,500 1 Training 3,100 3,100 Total Cost 10,933 Total Cost 17,485 Total Cost 13,057 Annual Maintenance 1,421 Annual Maintenance 2,352 Annual Maintenance 2,334 Logicon Each Total C3 Communications Each Total Schlumberger Each Total 2 VT5000T Hand-helds 2,375 4,750 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 3,690 7,380 2 DAP PC9800 Hand-helds 4,042 8,084 1 Four-slot cradle 1,550 1,550 1 Cable 60 60 1 Master Communication Unit 467 467 1 RouteManager Software 2,500 2,500 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 5,000 5,000 1 RouteMAPS Software 5,000 5,000 8,800 12,440 13,551 1 Training 2,850 2,850 1 Training 3,500 3,500 1 Training 5,000 5,000 Total Cost 11,650 Total Cost 15,940 Total Cost 18,551 Annual Maintenance 1,560 Annual Maintenance Did not quote Annual Maintenance 1,870 Note:Datamatic's FieldSTAR work order software was not included in the response to the RFP,but is available for an additional$1,000. • 11/3/1999 4:41 PM analysis Atta.;nment A Responses to Request for Proposal for Hand-Held Meter Reading Devices RADIO READ Datamatic Each Total Atlas Utility Each Total ABB Each Total 2 Roadrunner ES Hand-helds 2,376 4,752 2 PI Portable Interrogators 6,495 12,990 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 3,450 6,900 2 Receiving units 1,800 3,600 2 FS3 Upgrades to Radio Read 1,395 2,790 1 Four-slot cradle 1,236 1,236 1 Cable 57 57 1 RouteStar Management SW 1,995 1,995 1 Connect Read Managmt SW 4,995 4,995 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 3,000 3,000 2 RouteStar Software Licenses 250 500 1 Firefly AMR Software 5,000 5,000 1 Programming/Profiling Unit 680 680 17,763 17,985 12,747 1 Training 2,450 2,450 1 Training 2,995 2,995 1 Training 3,100 3,100 Total Cost 20,213 Total Cost 20,980 Total Cost 15,847 • Annual Maintenance 2,741 Annual Maintenance 2,285 Annual Maintenance 1,097 Logicon Each Total C3 Communications Each Total Schlumberger Each Total 2 VT5000T Hand-helds 2,375 4,750 2 FS3 Hand-helds(Itron) 4,490 8,980 Did not quote 2, RAMAR Receivers 1,795 3,590 1 C3 Install Software 5,500 5,500 1 RAMAR Programmer 980 980 1 MV-RS EMR System SW 5,000 5,000 2 Meter Transponders 59 118 1 ReadOne Programmer 2,095 2,095 2 Application Software 1,185 2,370 1 ReadOne Download Base 165 165 11,808 1 Battery Charger 185 185 1 ReadOne Software Link 5,000 5,000 26,925 1 Training 2,200 2,200 1 Training 3,500 3,500 Total Cost 14,008 Total Cost 30,425 Annual Maintenance Did not quote Annual Maintenance Did not quote • 11/3/1999 4:41 PM analysis CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ATTACHMENT "D" Development Services CASH COLLECTION COVER SHEET Name Date Job Site Permit# Square Footage Building Value Process Fee Paid Yes No ❑ New SFD Building Fee(up to 4,mom) 2650 $ 420 per unit+ 10¢ per Sq. Ft. =$ ❑New Commercial Building Fee 2550 $ 3 per$1000 value($50 Min.)_ ❑Water Hooku Fee 4516 $ 1004 ❑ Sewer Hookup Fee 4517 $ 20 ❑ Utility Deposit L910 $ 60 -Residential $ 125 - Commercial Sub-Total $ (Specific Type of Permit) (C.M-) ❑ Process/Plan Review Fee $ 50.00 ❑Water Impact Fee 4561 $ See Schedule ❑ Sewer Impact Fee 4563 $ See Schedule ❑ Electrical Permit 2640 $ 35 - Residential $ 50 - Commercial ❑ Plumbing Permit 2570 $ 35 -Residential $ 50 - Commercial ❑ Mechanical Permit 2660 $ 35 - Residential $ 50- Commercial ❑ Fence Permit 2590 $ 20 ❑ Building Permit 2550 $ 3 per$1000 value($50 Min.)= ❑ Sign Permit 2910 $ See Schedule ❑ Garage Sale Permit 2540 $ 5 ❑ Certificate of Occupancy 2910 . $ 50 ❑ Health Inspection(New/Renewal) 2150 $ 150 ❑ Reinspect Fee 5140 $ 50 ❑ Electrical License- Master only 2110 $ 75 -Renewal $100 - New/After 1/31 ❑ Electrical License- Journeyman only 2110 $ 25 ❑ Contractor Registration (New/Renewal) 2130 $ 75 Reg. # City Exp. Date Address: Phone#: Fax#: Master: ❑ $ ❑ $ ❑ Tax(8.25%) L721 $ TOTAL AMOUNT TO COLLECT I $ r.\CorePOffice7\WPDOCS7\MASrERFORMS\FEESCHEDULE\CASHCVR.WPD Revised 12/8/99 Notes from Development Services Department Cashier's Initials 0 Check# 13 Cash -Date WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 January 11, 2000 Issue Discuss and consider final payment to Randall&Blake Inc. m the amount of$33,320.35 for completion of Phase I of Founder's Park. Background The bid for the construction of Phase I of Founder's Park was awarded to Randall&Blake Inc. in April 1999. Phase I contains the following elements: the construction of two unlighted baseball/softball fields with irrigation, the development of approximately 20 acres of irrigated land for soccer fields, and the construction of access road and parking lot. The design of the soccer fields is such that the entire area will be graded and irrigated. By doing so,there will be complete flexibility in the layout of the fields so that the age groups with the greatest need for fields can be accommodated At the time of the award of bid,the bid amount was$921,865;however,Change Order#1 deducted four items from the base bid: Road Allowance $25,000 Water Lines $37,050 Concrete $93,278 Drainage Pipe $9,000 TOTAL $164,328 The deductions taken from the base bid resulted in an amount of$757,537. Change Order#2 consisted of$40,463 in additions and $31,593 in deductions with a net increase of $8,870. The majority of the additions were the result of the work that was necessary to bring the electrical power to the park The deductions were primarily related to adjustments made in the field with concrete and asphalt paving. Final walk-through for Phase I of Founder's Park was held November 9, 1999. A list of identified items identified at that time is attached. The contractor will be required to come back to the site in April to re-seed some the areas. A$5,000 retainage will be kept to ensure that this follow-up takes place. The warranty period for the earthwork and turf establishment will not begin until final acceptance of those items this spring. Financial Considerations The cost to date for the Founder's Park project that was funded by the issuance of bonds in January 1996 is$1,194,038. The contractor, Randall Blake,has completed the work. The total contract was for$766,407.00. Retainage in the amount of$38,320.35 was held on the contract. Financial Considerations Continued The WISD participated in the cost of construction of one of the parking lots, which will also serve as parking for the future football stadium. The cost to the school district was$103,000. Payment in the amount of$33,320.00 is recommended. This is the retainage of$38,320.35 less $5,000.00. The $5,000 is recommended to be withheld following project close out awaiting final acceptance of the turf Final payment will exhaust the funds in the 4B Capital Projects Fund. Other Considerations The bid solicitation for this project was conducted in accordance with Chapter 252.021 of the Local Government Code,which governs the procedural requirements for certain capital expenditures. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends final payment to Randall&Blake Inc. in the amount of$33,320.00 with a $5,000 retainage. Attachments Change Order#1 Change Order#2 Final Walk Through Summary TY)4-/tIC. C6421,14.4 Prepared by Re ed y Financ City Manager Approval Ilirr- HANGE OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ORDER CONTRACTOR ❑ FIELD ❑ A/A DOCUMENT G701 OTHER ❑ PROJECT: Wylie Central Park CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 (name, address) Wylie,Texas DATE: 6-30-98 TO CONTRACTOR: Randall & Blake Inc. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: Wylie Central (name, address) 821 E. Southlake, Blvd. CONTRACT DATE: April 20, 1998 Southlake, Tx 76092 Park CONTRACT FOR: Improvements The Contract is changed as follows: Concrete parking lot 93,278.00 Roadway Allowance 25,000.00 Water lines 37,050.00 Drainage Pipe 9,000.00 164,328.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original(Contract Sum)(�JUal41Itk,.0 fllur,a„i[\;tee)was $ 921,865.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0 The(Contract Sum)(6k+ r A't "`" )prior to this Change Order was S 921,865.00 The (Contract Sum)( )will be(increased)(decreased) (unchanged)by this Change Order in the amount of $ 164,328.00 The new(Contract Sum)(Guaranteed Maximum Price)including this Change Order will be $ 757,537.00 The Contract Time will be(:.« te064440€Pereel45(unchanged)by ( 0 )days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is Oct 12, 1998 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum,Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Dunkin Sims Stoffels Inc. Randall & Blake Inc. City of Wylie ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER 9876 Plano Rd_ 821 E. Southlake Blvd. 2000 Highway 78 N. Address Address Address D las, Texas 75238 Southlake Texas 76092 Wylie, Texas 75098 BY , BY BY DATE . 6 DATE DATE AIA CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHANGE ORDER • iur EDITION • AIA' • ©I98- • THE AMMERICAN INSTITITE OF ARCHITECTS. 1-35 NEVYORK AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C. 2001K, G701-1987 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. CHANGE OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT El CONTRACTOR ❑ FIELD ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G701 OTHER ❑ PROJECT: Central Park (Founders Park) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Two (name, address) Country Club Drive Wylie, Texas DATE: December 2, 1999 TO CONTRACTOR: Randall & Blake, Inc. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: WY-CENT (name, address) 821 E. Southlake Blvd. CONTRACT DATE: May 26, 1998 Southlake, Texas 76092 CONTRACT FOR: Park Development Construction The Contract is changed as follows: See attached Exhibit 'A' . Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original(Contract Sum)(�aar4at4ar4+4 -Rf-ice)was $ 921,865.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ (164,328.00) The(Contract Sum)(Guaraneed Maxim -Puce)prior to this Change Order was $ 757,537.00 The (Contract Sum)( '.fuarauteed Maixi^u2 i?r-i ) will be(increased)(4ec-Eeascd) (auaclaaaged).by this Change Order in the amount of $ 8,870.00 The new(Contract Sum)(�uaralateedilCaxi+aura.l'rice}including this Change Order will be $ 766,407.00 The Contract Time will be(incre-isPri.)(decreas d)(unchanged)by ( )days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is NOTE This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum. Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized he Construction Change Directive. Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. Randall & Blake, Inc. City of Wylie ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER 9603 White Rock Trail #210 821 E. Southlake Blvd. 2000 Highway 78 N. Address Address Address • . I - / ...:_ WyliP, Texas 75098 BY BY _1211Wilit B DATE. 3 DATE a/0Y I)ATE AIA CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHANGE ORDER • 198- EDITION • AIA • G 198' • THE AN1ERICAN INSTITI'TE. OF ARCHITECTS. 1-35 NEV: YORK AVE, N\X'_. AXASHINGTON. D.C. 300(K, G701-1987 WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. EXHIBIT 'A' Cost Adjustments Central Park Wylie, Texas ADDITIONS Concrete Pavement in lieu of 3,816 sq. ft. of 9,139.00 Asphalt Pavement. Increase strength of concrete within fire 1,538.00 lanes. 230/460 Electrical connection to irrigation 3,625.00 pump. 120 volt electrical to the irrigation pump. 2,350.00 Remote control system for the irrigation 3,866.00 controllers. Construct transformer pad to TXU 1,275.00 specifications. Furnish and install electrical pull box to TXU 4,320.00 specifications. Furnish and install galvanized fittings at 235.00 conduit curves. Modifications to the irrigation vault. 1,205.00 Furnish and install 2-4" SCH. 40 PVC 12,910.00 conduits with pull string. Total Additions $ 40,463.00 DEDUCTIONS Deletion of 3,816 sq. ft. of asphalt 5,000.00 pavement. Reduction of concrete pavement within the 20,593.00 parking lot by 8,545 sq. ft. Drill-seed bermuda grass in lieu of 6,000.00 hydromulching. Total Deductions $ 31,593.00 Net Change-Addition $ 8,870.00 MSV, RD\DSS\WYLIE\CHGORD-EXHIBITA.DOC(12D3199) Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. Landscape Architects/Planners November 11, 1999 Mr. Marvin Jeffery, Jr. Randall & Blake, Inc. 821 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Founder's Park Dear Mr. Jeffery: A walk-through of the Founder's Park construction site was conducted on November 9, 1999. Following is a listing of those items which need to be completed or corrected prior to final acceptance of the project. * Concrete Plaza Area Saw-cut and remove concrete pavement at the plaza's junction with the entry walkway as discussed at the site. Repour concrete to ensure that water will not stand on the surface of the concrete. Complete saw joints through all dugouts to the backstop grade beam. Patch the concrete pavement where the post dented the concrete as discussed on-site. Remove form material from the north edge of the central concrete plaza. Rub all concrete surfaces where spilled/slushed concrete is adhering to the finished surface of the concrete. Saw-cut and remove pavement at the back of the western field's backstop where the concrete has numerous cracks and a dowel is exposed at the surface, as discussed on-site. Repour the concrete within this area in compliance with the plans and specifications. Perform earthwork at the north side of the eastern field to ensure that water will drain away from the field, dugout and the concrete pavement. Remove the silt from the top of the solid sod bermuda around the drop inlet adjacent to the western field. 9603 White Rock Trail Suite 210 Dallas, Texas 75238 214-553-5778 The siltation fence around the aforementioned drop inlet shall be redone as detailed in the plans; it shall be placed at the limits of the solid sod bermuda grass. The surface of the concrete pavement shall be swept clean. * Storm Sewer The City Inspector is concerned about the embedment procedures used on the storm sewer lines; therefore, the City will use their camera to examine the interior of the storm sewer pipes. If crushing, popped joints or other damage to the pipe is noted the contractor shall repair the damaged sections. The contractor shall remove silt from all storm sewer lines as indicated by the camera probe. * Parking Lot Rub all concrete surfaces where spilled/slushed concrete is adhering to the finished surface of the concrete. Rout-out and seal the extensive crack centrally located on the east-west portion of the parking lot and the crack running east and west where the parking lot turns to the north. Remove the existing concrete patches from the chipped areas adjacent to the radius which was enlarged at the 90° turn in the parking lot. These chipped areas shall be cleaned and patched with an epoxy compound; a bonding agent shall be used on the concrete surface for adherence. Several small holes in the surface of the parking lot need to be patched. A 2' to 3' length of the eastern curb at the northern end of the parking lot needs to be removed and repoured, as discussed in the field. Backfill and compact soil into the area which has eroded at the surface outlet located at the beginning of the concrete parking lot. The existing concrete rubble stacked to the north may be placed on the surface of this soil to reduce erosion. The detectable warning strips located at the handicap parking spaces need to be painted in compliance with the plans. The surface of the entire parking lot shall be cleaned. Soil shall be placed and leveled at the perimeter of the parking lot to bring the finished grade flush with the top of the curb. Other areas adjacent to the parking lot shall be leveled to present a smooth consistent slope which will drain, as discussed in the field. MSWOROOSS\W L EWALKTHROUGH.DOC(1.699) * Earthwork The condition of the soil surface within all areas of the site remains rough as described in my letter to Marvin Jeffery dated September 16, 1999. The remedies for these conditions stay as outlined in that letter and shall be performed prior to reseeding of the site in April, 2000 or as soon as optimum soil temperatures for germination are reached thereafter. * Erosion Control The contractor shall clean out the siltation pit upstream from the gabion structure located in the southwest corner of the site. The siltation fences in the southwest corner of the site shall be reinstalled in their current location. They shall be installed as shown in detail B/CD-5 in the construction documents: with wire backing, with post at 2' O.C. spacing embedded a minimum of 3', with the fabric wrapping the bottom and sides of a 6" x 6" trench that is backfilled and compacted (soil is acceptable for backfill of this trench), the wire mesh backing shall extend into the trench. The silt taken from the pit and other site soil shall be distributed on the eroded areas of the swale. Erosion control blanket shall be placed over all the areas coming into the siltation pit which currently exhibits signs of erosion. The erosion control blanket shall be staked/stapled in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendation for high velocity flows. * Turf Establishment The germination and establishment of bermuda grass across Founder's Park is less than desirable and in some areas it is miserable. In those areas with small amounts of grass as delineated on-site by the Owner the contractor shall overseed immediately with a light application of annual rye grass. The entire site shall be reseeded as early in the growing season as possible, but not later than May 15, 2000. The earthwork issues must be addressed prior to the reseeding of the site. Please call me to discuss these items or to contest items that it is felt are not the contractor's responsibility, if any. Sincerely, Bob Stoffels, SLA Principal pc: Mindy Manson Bill Nelson Ray Corey Donnie Hunt MSWORDOSSMTLIE\WAU(THROUGH DOC(1111N99) Your Next ISO RATING Simple Solutions By Larry Stevens 800 595-2600 or Lstev10469@aol.com C 1997 ISO is a registered trademark It's ISO Time! Every 10 to 15 years he's back. The Insurance Services Office guy wants to pay the department a visit real soon. The whole idea of outside independent accreditation entering your organization and telling your mayor or council what kind of job you're doing can be a real nightmare--especially if you don't have your act together. When the rating is completed, the ISO will send the mayor or manager a breakdown of the new rating and, on request, an improvement statement. These could very well list dozens of embarrassing items where no records are on file. Have you fed the elected officials the facts, or are they in for a surprise? I know of several departments this year that bought fully equipped half million dollar ladder trucks to lower their ratings and only got 16% credit for them. I've heard the old, "These two new guys are going to really help lower our rating." In fact, they won't even be noticed. This ISO thing is nothing more than an open book test with three chapters. Communications, water and fire department. Do you have enough phone lines? Is there an automatic start on the backup generator? Do you keep a log book that proves you operate and maintain it? Are there enough operators? Is the communications system supervised? If not, the first 10 points might be wasted. The communications standard is written around the NFPA minimum standards. Have you even made an effort to solve all the water problems the ISO located last visit? Did you set a correction plan in motion? If not, look out! Did you have a say in the size of the new wells or tanks? Do you know what you need? Is the water authority doing its own thing and leaving you out to dry because you don't have a working relationship with the community's best interest in mind? Do you have three years of biannual hydrant test and maintenance records ? Are you installing the correct type of hydrants? If you don't know the answers, check out the 80-page rating schedule. If you don't have much hydrant coverage, what have you done in the way of shuttles or long lays? I know a department that just finished attaining an ISO 4 without hydrants! An ISO 9 is nothing more than a brush truck, a very modest equipment list, and four firefighters. An ISO 8 is the same thing with a 4,000-gallon tanker replacing the brush truck. Place a station every 5 miles and equip it with a brush truck or a tanker and get an 8 or 9 instead of an unprotected 10! There are a lot of departments with 8s and 9s with much larger investments in equipment. The question needs to be why? If you're going to make a larger investment, shoot for a 6 or 7! Set a goal and achieve it! Does your department spend less time training per month than any of the local softball teams? No wonder your getting gigged. You need to average around 24 hours per month per firefighter for full credit. Do you have the training facilities listed in the schedule? Are pre-fire plans something that only exist in the classroom? No wonder command doesn't know they have a fire in building with a basement until it's too late! No wonder stuff stored in the truss space falls and kills firefighters. It has always been there, but no one is looking out for the home team. Do you have enough pumpers and reserves equipped to the schedule with pump capacity to meet the community fire flow requirements? Do you run a properly equipped ladder company or service company and have a reserve or an agreement for a reserve with another agency? Do your stations offer proper coverage of 1 1/2 miles for the first arriving engine and 2 1/2 miles for a truck? Do you conduct yearly pump, aerial and hose testing? Do you record it? If not, don't expect much credit for the apparatus. What about people? Do you average four paid or 12 volunteers per company on actual structure fire calls? If not, your organization is not big enough! In many communities, you're going to need that staffing on two engines and a truck. Twelve paid and 36 volunteers actually responding--not total membership. At the very least, staff your rigs to the max. There is no limit to the number of points you can get for people. I know there is a bunch of useless junk in the schedule like $400 hose jackets ($40 each through W.S. Darley), hose hoists (build your own), lots of pike poles and salvage covers. But having been part of a dinner put on by the U.S. Postal Service honoring a department after a post office fire, I can attest It's ISO Time! Every 10 to 15 years he's back. The Insurance Services Office guy wants to pay the department a visit real soon. The whole idea of outside independent accreditation entering your organization and telling your mayor or council what kind of job you're doing can be a real nightmare--especially if you don't have your act together. When the rating is completed, the ISO will send the mayor or manager a breakdown of the new rating and, on request, an improvement statement. These could very well list dozens of embarrassing items where no records are on file. Have you fed the elected officials the facts, or are they in for a surprise? I know of several departments this year that bought fully equipped half million dollar ladder trucks to lower their ratings and only got 16% credit for them. I've heard the old, "These two new guys are going to really help lower our rating." In fact, they won't even be noticed. This ISO thing is nothing more than an open book test with three chapters. Communications, water and fire department. Do you have enough phone lines? Is there an automatic start on the backup generator? Do you keep a log book that proves you operate and maintain it? Are there enough operators? Is the communications system supervised? If not, the first 10 points might be wasted. The communications standard is written around the NFPA minimum standards. Have you even made an effort to solve all the water problems the ISO located last visit? Did you set a correction plan in motion? If not, look out! Did you have a say in the size of the new wells or tanks? Do you know what you need? Is the water authority doing its own thing and leaving you out to dry because you don't have a working relationship with the community's best interest in mind? Do you have three years of biannual hydrant test and maintenance records ? Are you installing the correct type of hydrants? If you don't know the answers, check out the 80-page rating schedule. that you might just need the last two. We've all heard learned fire professionals tell us they are not driven by the ISO. But there are no good excuses for a bad ISO rating when it is an open book test. I'll let you know how our rating goes. It Doesn't Really Matter? Doing It For the People A lot of people say ISO doesn't matter anymore, but do you know that ISO writes the language on a majority of the fire insurance policies in this country? If you read your policy, it says the fire department can charge up to $500 to the insurance company for suppression costs on a residential fire, but this does not affect homeowner rates. To collect, you will need a policy number, an insurance carrier and a standard form letter. Send the whole works to the carrier, and collect your check. Who says ISO doesn't matter? How many fires did your company respond to last year and not collect money that has been set aside to defer your costs? For fires in businesses, a standard charge of$1,000 to $5,000 will be indicated on the policy. You don't have to take what is put aside for you if your department already has more money than it can use, though! ISO doesn't matter anymore! Try telling that to the businessmen and women in my community who know that a rate reduction of a 7 over an 8 on a $200,000 business is a savings of$760 a year. A drop from an ISO rating of 5 to a 4 is a another $420. Multiply the assessed valuation of the businesses in your town, and you will get a pretty amazing number. If the fire department gets its records in order, conducts flow tests properly, equips to the minimum standard and goes along with the rest of the ISO program its one-time effort and existence for the next 10 to 15 years will ensure savings year after year. ISO doesn't matter anymore! Tell that to the homeowners in my town who talked to their insurance carriers and they told them a drop from their current ISO 9 to a 8 saves them $132 a year on their $100,000 frame home. Or a drop from an ISO 7 to a 6 is another $119 dollar a year savings. Go to your city or county offices and multiply the number of housing units by$132, $119 or both combined ($251 a year) like we have, and see if you get any attention with your $18 to $26 million savings to taxpayers over the rating period. In many communities the fire service is viewed as a bottomless gopher hole that the community pours money down. Isn't it time to prove the value of the organization? Why do so many fire departments have "ISO Class One, Two, or Three Fire Department" in big letters on each side of their apparatus? Even a department the size of Los Angeles City has Class One Fire Department painted on every unit, and it has lasted through dozens of chiefs and elected officials. Why is the ISO rating listed in almost every chamber of commerce community profile brochure? Independent accreditation has value! Isn't it time to take the time to get what is coming to you?