04-25-2000 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING
Tuesday, April 25, 2000
7:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Action Taken
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A. Approval of the Minutes from the April 11,2000 Regular Meeting.
B. Consider and act upon a preliminary plat for the Quail Meadow Addition,
proposed by Carter & Burgess for Centex Homes, for the property generally
located along east side of FM1378 immediately south of the Newport Harbor
development and being all of a certain 56.45 acre tract situated in the James
Mculmurry survey,Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
1. Consider and act upon appointment of a board of director to the North Texas
Municipal Water District Board.
2. Consider and act upon a Resolution acknowledging the city limits of the City of 01
Garland and supporting the City of Garland's landfill.
3. Consider and act upon award of bid to JDJ Construction Company of
Richardson, Texas to replace an existing 8" clay sewer line and construct
concrete alley between Hilltop/Briarwood from Butler to Park Street.
4. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Tipton
Engineering, Inc., for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD
(Planned Development)for a master planned single family neighborhood for the
property generally located along the south side of McMillen road and east of the
Southfork Mobile Home Development and being all of a certain 50.7752 acre
tract out of the John W.Mitchell Survey,Abstract No. 589,City of Wylie, Collin
County,Texas. ZC.No.99-10:
5. Consider and act upon a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for McCreary
Estates, proposed by Orinda Capital Partners LP., for the property generally
located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road just north of the
railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses
Sparks Survey,Abstract No.849,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas.
Action Taken
Captial Projects Update
In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open
Meeting Law), Section 551.074 Personnel Matters, appointment of a new city manager and
551.072 Real Property.
Take any action as a result of Executive Session.
In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Session at any
point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. Specific sections of the Open Meetings
Act will be identified and announced should Council elect to convene into Executive Session.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this_day of ,2000 at 5:00 p.m.
as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the
appropriate news media contacted.
City Secretary Date Notice Removed
The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-
Page 2 of 2
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, April 11, 2000
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Council Present: Mayor John Mondy, Councilman Joel Scott, Councilwoman Reta Allen,Councilman Merrill
Young and Councilman J.C. Worley. Councilman Trout was absent.
Staff Present: Mindy Manson,Acting City Manager;Brady Snellgrove,Finance Director;Tobin Maples,Planning
Director;Barbara Salinas,City Secretary.
Councilman Scott gave the Invocation&Councilman Worley was asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
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The Mayor gave public recognition and certificates of achievement to the WISD Star Students for their
demonstration of the Character Traits "Integrity" and "Honesty". The following students were present:
Representing Akin Elementary: Hanna Barton, Second Grader and daughter of Glenn and Helen Barton; Jenna
Star, third grader and daughter of Richard and Terri Star. Representing Birmingham Elementary: Colby Carroll,
fourth grader and son of Mike and Denise Carroll;Representing Dodd Elementary: David Brubaker, third grader
and son of Dennis and Janice Brubaker; Representing Hartman Elementary: Dwight Watson, second grader and
son of William and Vivian Watson; Representing the Wylie Intermediate School: Nichouls Taylor, sixth grader
and son of William and Ysleta Taylor and Shannon Watson, fifth grader and daughter of William and Vivian
Watson; Representing the Wylie Junior High: Nicholas Stopak, eighth grader and son of Darren and Robin
Mr. Jim Swartz, 506 W.Jefferson
Mr. Swartz expressed his concerns regarding the property on Jackson. He stated that it is in need of cleaning and
asked if city staff could take care of this.
Mr. Helen Barton, 801 Oakbrook Drive
Ms. Barton expressed concerns over work that was recently done near her home a few weeks ago. She stated that
a tractor was in the ditch behind her home and that with recent rains the debris is washed up on her property. Ms.
Manson stated that there were Public Works crews doing some clean out and that they would look into her
situation. Ms. Barton also expressed concern regarding a fence within her subdivision that appears to be blocking
the view of oncoming traffic. She asked about set back requirements citing safety as her main concern. Ms.
Manson stated she would forward to our Code Enforcement Officer for follow up.
Mr. William Taylor,no address provided
Mr. Taylor asked if the city would consider moving Clean Up Green Up to a time of year that rain would not be a
factor. Ms. Manson stated that it is actually a Keep Wylie Beautiful Project and that it was originally scheduled
around Arbor Day or Earth Day.
Mr. Glenn Barton,801 Oakbrook Drive
Mr. Barton asked if the Acting City Manager would introduce herself and tell a little about her background. Ms.
Manson formally introduced herself to those present and provided her Municipal Government background.
Minutes of April 11,2000
Wylie City Council
Page 1
A. Approval of the Minutes from the March 28,2000 Regular Meeting.
B. Consider and act upon approval of a resolution to authorize the negotiation and execution
of an agreement to provide supplemental police patrol to the Lake Lavon Project in 2000.
Councilman Scott asked for Item A to be removed for corrections. Councilman Scott asked that "Mr" Rebecca
Brewer be changed to "Ms" and that the action taken after the executive session reflect that it was Council's
request that more information was to be provided, in the form of a proposal, from Mr. Hartung of the Waters
Group before retaining in the search for a new city manager.
With no further corrections, Councilman Scott made a motion to approve Items A and B on the Consent Agenda.
Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Trout
absent and Place 3 vacant.
1. Consider and act upon a final plat for the Sage Creek Amenity Center,proposed by Tipton
Engineering for Paramount Land Development, for the property generally located at the
southeast corner of Springwell Parkway and Riverway Lane and being all of a certain 2.96
acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey,Abstract No. 849,City of Wylie,Collin County,
Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item by providing a brief background. Councilman Worley made a motion to
approve the final plat for the Sage Creek Amenity Center, proposed by Tipton Engineering for Paramount Land
Development,for the property generally located at the southeast corner of Springwell Parkway and Riverway Lane
and being all of a certain 2.96 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas. Councilman Scott seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0.
Councilman Trout absent and Place 3 vacant.
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon a request from Laurence DeBerry, for
approval of a zone change from SF-3 (Single Family Residential) to 2F (Two Family
Duplex) for the property generally located at the northeast corner of Birmingham Street
and Kirby and being all of Lots 24 & 25A,Block 0, of Southside Addition, City of Wylie,
Collin County,Texas. ZC 200-01
Mr. Tobin Maples addressed this item providing a brief background on the request. The applicant was present to
address any questions from Council. Mr. DeBerry stated that the request is consistent to the existing uses
surrounding this property. He stated that he plans a duplex similar to existing duplex with a lot size of 8,500 sq. ft
and building size of 1,950 sq.ft of living area.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing and asked that anyone who wished to speak in favor or in opposition
of the request to come forward and state their name and address for the record and to limit their comments to three
minutes. With no response,the Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Worley made a motion to approve the request from Laurence DeBerry, for approval of a zone change
from SF-3 (Single Family Residential) to 2F (Two Family Duplex) for the property generally located at the
northeast corner of Birmingham Street and Kirby and being all of Lots 24&25A,Block 0, of Southside Addition,
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the
motion passed,5-0. Councilman Trout absent and Place 3 vacant.
Minutes of April 11,2000
Wylie City Council
Page 2
3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon a request from Tipton Engineering, Inc.,
for approval of a zone change from A (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) for a
master planned single family neighborhood for the property generally located along the
south side of McMillian road and east of the Southfork Mobile Home Development and
being all of a certain 50.7752 acre tract out of the John W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No.
589,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. ZC 99-10.
Mr. Tobin Maples,Planning Director addressed this item providing a brief background on the request. Mr.Maples
concluded by stating that the applicant may be requesting an extension before Council's consideration. Mr.
Maples stated that the applicant was present to address Council.
Mr.Ken Mitchel,Paramount Land Development,3839 Shady Hill,Dallas,Texas.
The applicant asked to provide a brief summary of their request, but would ask that Council take no action until
they could revise their presentation to address the engineering details. He stated that there are concerns of
property owner, Mr. Bob Thurman, 2500 McMillian with regard to drainage, road improvements and his
driveway. He stated that these issues can be resolved and they intend to be good neighbors therefore they wish to
delay any action until they can provide Council with a full presentation. They requested that the request be tabled
until the regular meeting of April 25,2000.
The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing and asked that anyone who wished to speak in favor or in opposition
of the request to come forward and state their name and address for the record and to limit their comments to three
Mr.Bob Thurman 2500 McMillian Road
Mr.Thurman stated that he does have concerns regarding drainage issues. He stated that there has been no formal
agreement with the developer but is willing to address the issues and hopes that an agreement will be forthcoming.
He stated that he is supportive of the development,but a formal agreement needs to be in place.
The Mayor then closed the Public Hearing.
Councilman Scott made a motion to table item 3, then after clarification from the Planning Director, amended his
motion to Table Item 3 specifically to the next regular meeting of April 25, 2000. Councilman Young seconded
the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Trout absent,Place 3 vacant.
3. Consider and act upon approval of a change to Work Order No. WYL-38 authorizing 4D
Construction Company to proceed with the relocation of a sewer line servicing Universal
Mr. Jack Jones, Capital Projects, addressed this item. Mr. Jones stated that the agreement with KCS necessitated
the sale of the old annex site to the railway company and the relocation and construction of a new 30" sewer line
that runs through the property. Currently, he stated, the sewer line servicing Universal Transformer is still
connected to the abandoned 15" line on said property and the city's public works department crews are pumping
discharge from the abandoned manhole to the new 30" line. Mr. Jones stated that a new line needs to be
constructed that will run north from the Universal Transformer site approximately 400 feet to connect to an
existing manhole which will connect to the new 30"line.
Mr. Jones stated that the Council previously awarded a contract to 4D for the construction of a new water and
sewer line in thealley between 3'd and 4th streets and that 4D has a crew that can begin work immediately on his
project. They have bid $29,258.75 to relocate and construct the new sewer line to service Universal Transformer
and abandon the service line on the old annex property. Mr. Jones noted that the abandonment of the old service
line will eliminate an inflow and infiltration problem the city had previously identified.
Ms. Manson stated that this was identified during the inflow and infiltration study and that there was funding for
miscellaneous expenses related to those problems identified.
Minutes of April 11,2000
Wylie City Council
Page 3
Councilman Worley made a motion to approve the approval of a change to Work Order No. WYL-38 authorizing
4D Construction Company to proceed with the relocation of a sewer line servicing Universal Transformer.
Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 5-0. Councilman Trout
absent and Place 3 vacant.
The Mayor then announced that Council would convene into Executive Session in accordance with Chapter 551,
Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meeting Law), Section 551.074 Personnel Matters,
appointment of a new city manager and 551.072 Real Property.
No action was taken as a result of the Executive Session.
John Mondy,Mayor
Barbara A Salinas,City Secretary
Minutes of April 11,2000
Wylie City Council
Page 4
April 25, 2000
Consider and act upon a preliminary plat for the Quail Meadow Addition,proposed by Carter&Burgess
for Centex Homes,for the property generally located along east side of FM 1378 immediately south of
the Newport Harbor development, and being all of a certain 56.45 acre tract situated in the James
Mculmurry Survey,Abstract No. 629, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The preliminary plat under consideration is for the Quail Meadow Addition. The applicant is preliminary
platting 56.45 acres of land in order to develop the property with single family residential and public park
uses. Specifically,the applicant is proposing to develop the property with 184 single family homes and
a 2.8 acre city park. The property is currently vacant and zoned for SF-1 (Single Family Residential),
SF-2 (Single Family Residential), and SF-A(Single Family Attached)uses.
• Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for the Quail Meadow Addition and found it to be in
compliance with the Subdivision regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie.
This plat also complies with all applicable state subdivision laws.
• The applicant is aware that final plat approval by the Commission and Council will be required prior
to the installation of improvements and issuance of building permits.
• The applicant has stated that they intend to construct the 12"water line loop for this area by
obtaining off-site easements through the Birmingham tract. This may help alleviate some of
the water pressure issues associated with this area. The applicant is aware that final plat
construction plans shall include all off-site improvements.
• The applicant is aware that all applicable water flow calculations must be approved by the
City prior to scheduling a final plat for consideration(Applicant's responsibility to provide
• The Parks Board reviewed this case at their March 27, 2000,meeting and is recommending
approval(See attached memorandum).
Financial Considerations
Plat application fee- Paid
Board/Commission Recommendation
At the April 18, 2000, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted to
recommended approval of this case. Commissioner's Schmader and Wood were absent.
Staff Recommendation
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this
Preliminary Plat
Preliminary Plat Application
er4 4.
Prepared by Reviewe Finance City Mana Approval
City of Wylie
To: Tobin Maples, Development Services Director
From: Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager Ir\1��
Date: 04/13/00
Re: Quail Meadow Subdivision
During their March 27 meeting, the Park Board reviewed the proposed Quail
Meadow Subdivision with regard to the parkland dedication. The Park voted to
recommend approval of the dedication of the 2.8 acres of parkland with the provision
of parking adjacent to the proposed White Ibis Way. The Board also instructed staff
to begin discussion with the applicant regarding the possible acquisition of the 2
acres adjacent to the west of the proposed park.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
•Page 1
April 25, 2000
Consider and act upon appointment of a board of director to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board.
The Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District is a policy making body similar in nature to the City
Council. The Board is responsible to both the State of Texas and to the member cities for assuring that NTMWD
operations occur in accordance with law, in alignment with NTMWD policy,and in the best interests of the cities
receiving services.
NTMWD's existing Board (18 member cities) is comprised of individuals who have worked to represent their
communities in other capacities and who have a solid understanding of municipal concerns to share with other
Directors. Historically, Directors have dedicated from 10 to 30 years of service to the Board, thereby gaining
experience and contributing the necessary leadership. This provides the maximum benefit in order to assure the
city's needs are met in the most effective manner.
All NTMWD programs provide service based on cost to serve,with all cities provided equal treatment. Therefore,
NTMWD policy established by the Board of Directors affects cost,performance and quality of service.
The City of Wylie has two board members on the NTMWD Board. Mr. Harry Tibbals,whose term expires May 31,
2001 and, Mr.Marvin Fuller whose term expires May 31,2000. Mr. Fuller has stated that he would be willing to
serve another two years. The City Council will need to make this appointment before the term expires May 31,2000.
Financial Considerations
Other Considerations
In accordance with the statue creating the District,(Article 8280-141),the qualifications of a Director include the
following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the City from which he is appointed. No
member of a governing body of a City, and no employee of a City,shall be appointed as a Director." Under other
State Law,no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed.
Board/Commission Recommendation
Staff Recommendation
Correspondence from NTMWD
dared bb Revie irby Finance City M er Approval
Regional Service Through Uiity
March 23, 2000
Mr. Mike Collins, City Manager
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
Dear Mr. Collins:
This is your official notification that Mr. Marvin Fuller's term of office as an NTMWD
Board Member expires May 31, 2000. The City Council, by a majority vote, should
reappoint Mr. Fuller or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 2000 to
May 31, 2002.
In accordance with the statute creating the District (Article 8280-141), the qualifications
of a Director include the following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he
resides in the city from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a
city and no employee of a city shall be appointed as a Director." Under other state law,
no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed.
The cities served by the NTMWD appreciate the work and effort expended by the
appointed Directors. It is my practice to visit with new Directors in an orientation
session prior to their first meeting; therefore, please notify my office in writing when
the City Council has appointed a Director for the new term. Should you have any
questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
_ cutive Director
cc: Mr. Marvin Fuller
505 E.Brown St.,P.O.Box 2408,Wylie,Texas 75098-2408 Telephone:972/442-5405 Fax:972/442-5405
April 25 ,2000
Consider and act upon a Resolution acknowledging the city limits of the City of Garland and supporting
the City of Garland's landfill
The developer of the Woodbridge Subdivision approached the City of Wylie regarding the provision of
sewer service to the residential portion of Woodbridge that falls within the Wylie city limits. In
evaluating the area, it was determined that sewer service could not logically or cost effectively be
provided until the completion of the planned Wastewater Treatment Plant. As was the case with the
Woodbridge Clubhouse and golf course, the City of Sachse was approached to temporarily provide
sewer service to the area through their agreement with the City of Garland,which provides wastewater
treatment to Sachse.
The City of Garland has used this circumstance as an opportunity to settle two outstanding issues with
the City of Wylie in exchange for providing sewer service to Woodbridge. The first is a request for
Wylie to indicate its support of the Raney Landfill. Several years ago, Wylie adopted a Resolution in
opposition to the landfill Garland is requesting that Wylie withdraw its opposition and support the
operation of the Raney Landfill and any applications for permits or amendments to permits related to that
The second issue is the acknowledgement by Wylie of the portion of Garland's city limits which extend
to the Olinger Power Plant on Lake Lavon. Beginning as early as 1970, Garland annexed a staip of land
following the transmission line to the plant. Over the years, the line has been adjusted to its current
configuration which comes northeast out of Garland near Redwood on the lake and follows the shoreline
of Lake Ray Hubbard. On the east side of Lake Ray Hubbard, the line extends east of the Lavon
community up to the power plant. Garland's city limits predate Wylie's jurisdiction in the areas;
however, Garland has agreed to release any claim to its extra-territorial jurisdiction(ETJ). With this
Resolution,Wylie is acknowledging Garland's city limits and the fact that Garland desires to give and
release portions of its ETJ to Wylie.
The City of Garland will agree to provide the sewer service which will enable the residential portion of
Woodbridge in Wylie to develop. The City of Garland will also approve a Resolution releasing its ETJ
to Wylie and stating its support for the future Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Financial Consideration-
Other Considerations
Article 2, Section 1 (c) of the Home Rule Charter allows Council to cooperate with the government of
any county, city, or political subdivision for the lawful purpose for advancement of the interest, safety,
convenience and welfare of its inhabitants.
Board/Commission Recommendations
Staff Recommendations
Prepare by Review by ` nance / City M ager Approval
WHEREAS, the City of Garland is the owner of the Ray Olinger Electric Power Plant
located on Lake Lavon in Collin County, Texas;and
WHEREAS, the Ray Olinger Electric Power Plant lies within the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the City of Garland by reason of an extension of the city limits of the City
of Garland to a place near the Ray Olinger Electric Power Plant (see attachment); and
WHEREAS, The City of Wylie and the City of Garland are adjacent, neighboring cities;
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie desires to gain control over certain areas located within
the City of Garland's extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the City of Garland desires to give
and release those portions of its extraterritorial jurisdiction to the City of Wylie so that
the City of Wylie may exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction over those areas and so that
the City of Wylie may annex those areas into the City of Wylie; and
WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Wylie benefit from the cooperation between the
City of Wylie and the City of Garland in providing municipal services to area residents;
WHEREAS, the City of Garland has been granted Permit No. MSW - 1895A by the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission ("TNRCC") to operate the Raney
Landfill, that will serve as a regional landfill and which is located adjacent to and east of
Elm Grove Road and south of Pleasant Valley Road(see attachment for boundaries); and
WHEREAS, most of the area within one mile of the Randy Landfill is zoned for
agricultural uses; and
WHEREAS,the location of the Raney Landfill does not conflict with the City of Wylie's
long term land use planning and development patterns; and
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie recognizes that the operation of the Raney Landfill along
with associated facilities is necessary to provide basic services to the citizens in the
region and of individual municipalities within the region;and
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie supports the operation of the Raney Landfill and any
applications for permits or amendments to permits relating to the operation;
Section 1
That the City of Wylie:
1) Acknowledges and approves the extension of the city limits of the City of Garland to
the Ray Olinger Electric Power Plan and the annexation of the City of Garland's
Raney Landfill accomplished through or amended by various City of Garland
ordinances including, but not limited to, Ordinance No. 1754, Ordinance 2131,
Ordinance No. 2167, Ordinance No. 2516, Ordinance No. 2525, Ordinance No. 3964,
Ordinance No. 4213, Ordinance No. 4251, Ordinance No. 4864, Ordinance No. 4971,
and Ordinance No. 5156;
2) Acknowledges that the city limits of Garland as described above have been duly and
validly created and extended and that the ordinances enacted by the City of Garland
have been validated by various acts of the Texas Legislature;
3) Agrees that the City of Wylie does not and will not contest or dispute the validity of
the ordinances described above through legal proceedings or otherwise.
Section 2
That the City of Wylie fmds that the operation of the municipal solid waste landfill
known as the Raney Landfill, TNRCC Permit No. MSW - 1895A, is compatible with the
existing land uses and growth patterns in the City of Wylie within a one-mile radius of
the Raney Landfill.
Section 3
That the City of Wylie supports the operation of the City of Garland's Raney Landfill and
any applications for permits or amendments to permits relating to that operation.
Section 4
That this Resolution may be accepted by the TNRCC as evidence of the City of Wylie's
support of the City of Garland's operation of the Raney Landfill.
Section 5
That this Resolution shall be and become effective immediately upon and after its
passage and approval.
PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 2000.
City Secretary
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April 25th, 2000
Consider and act upon award of bid to J D J Construction Company of Richardson, Texas to replace an
existing 8"clay sewer line and construct concrete alley between Hilltop/Briarwood from Butler to Park
The replacement of the existing 8"clay sewer line was budgeted in 1998— 1999 Utility Fund Budget.
This line is approximately 40 years old with numerous low areas which constricts gravity flow causing
back ups.
As a part of recent annexations, staff evaluated this sewer line in conjunction with other possible sewer
line projects(Parker Rd. area,Paul Wilson Rd. area and North Winding Oaks area)with the intent being
to bid several projects together. However, the Parker Road sewer line was installed during Harvest
Bend Subdivision construction and the Paul Wilson Road and North Winding Oaks area projects were
deleted as a result of the area not being annexed and refusal from property owners to gain access upon
private property for surveying. As a result,the 1998— 1999 budget expired before funds were utilized
for IlilltopBriarwood sewer line replacement. This project will be included as a mid-year budget
Along with the 8"sewer line replacement is the 1999 Bond project of the construction of a concrete
alley between Hilltop/Briarwood from Butler to Park Street. This paving finishes out a four year
program reconstructing all alleys in and around the Dogwood,Woodhollow and Briarwood areas. This
alley consists of approximately 600' of replacement and 600' of rock alley for concrete paving. Total
paving is around 1200'.
Financial Considerations
A mid-year budget amendment of$47,750.00 will be needed to replace existing 8"clay sewer line.
The 10 feet wide concrete alley was approved in the 1999 Bond Program under P7(Miscellaneous Alley
Improvements). Cost for this paving project is$84,201.00. These(2)projects were bid together with
a combined total of$131,951.00.
Other Consideration
Staff Recommendations
Staffrecommends City Council approval to Authorize J D J Construction Co. to install 8"sewer line and
10' wide concrete alley paving for contract price of$131,951.00.
Bid Summary
Location Map
Background Material
epared by eview y Finance City Manage pproval
MAR-31-00 FRI 11 :38 DARNELL AND DICKSON CONS FAX NO. 9156585324 P. 01
City of University Park-Airline/Danlel Connection $999,520.75 7/00 Randy Fleming 214-987-5405
City of San Angelo-Lake Nasworthy South Concho
Drive-Sewer $707,000.00 10/29/99 Clinton Bailey 915-657-4203
City of San Angelo-1999 Water Line
Improvements Project $964,497.47 6/2/00 Clinton Bailey 915-657-4203
City of San Angelo-- 1999 Sewer Improvements
Project $407,900.00 7/00 Clinton Bailey 915-657-4203
TOCFWSD#21USDA-Rural Devel/Water Fac.Imp $595,311.00 5/99
City of Eldorado-Street Paving $139,042.60 3/99
City of Sterling City-Water System Improvements $146,900.00 7/99
Sutton Co 4-H Civic Center,Sonora $579,000.00 4/99
McCulloch County Water Supply Improvements $178,662.50 3/99
City of Melvin Water Utility&Street Paving $125,391.00 4/99
City of Lohn-Water Facility Project $85,732.00 3/99
ASU Softball Fields $205,444.74 2/99
City of San Angelo-Lake Nasworthy Grp 14&15- $243,717.26 1/99
City of Big Lake 1st St Infrastructure Improvement $343,267.53 10/98
TGCWCID#1 Tailwater Recirculation System $170,041.88 10/98
City of Mertzon-Wastewater System Impr. $98,559.04 5/98
City of Eden-Infrastructure Impr $733,975.80 5/98
City of Menard-Water Facility Inpr.Phase I $199,005.90 8/97
City of Menard-Phase II $130,722.50 2/98
ULRMWD-Comanche $415,179.00 8/97
City of Eldorado-Wastewater Trutt Plant $470,000.00 5/97
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Engineers • Planners • Consultants
April 17, 2000
Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
City of Wylie
2000 Hwy. 78 North
Wylie, TX 75098
ATTN: Ms. Mindy Manson, Acting City Manager
RE: Paving & Sewer Improvements in the Alley between Hilltop and Briarwood
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
On April 13, 2000, bids were received at the office of the City Manager and then publicly opened and
read aloud for the construction of the above referenced project. During the process of the bid opening,
the bid bonds or cashier's checks included with each bidder's proposal were reviewed, and all appeared
to be acceptable.
The proposals submitted for this project have been thoroughly reviewed in our office. A summation error
was found in the apparent low bid, however, no errors were found that would alter the position of the
bidders. Nine (9) bids were received, and JDJ Construction Company submitted the apparent low bid in
the amount of$131,951.00. A detailed bid tabulation of all of the bidders is attached for your reference.
The Hogan Corporation has received and reviewed the information and references provided by JDJ
Construction Company. We have contacted several of the references provided and all have indicated
they would use JDJ Construction Company again. Based on this information, we have no hesitancy in
recommending award of the construction contract to JDJ Construction Company in the amount of the
base bid of$131,951.00.
Should you agree with our recommendation, please notify this office and we will proceed with preparation
of the Contract Documents.
Yours very truly,
n ? y
/ ff
J. Chris Hoisted, P.E.
011 Member, Consulting Engineers Council of Texas 18333 Preston Road, Suite 455
1 Member, American Consulting Engineers Council Dallas, Texas 75252
TEL: (972) 380-4646
FAX: (972) 380-4633
City of Wylie
Paving and Drainage Improvements Alley Be'
JDJ Construction Ed A.Wilson,Inc. McMahon Contracting BC'Utility Construction UUS Inc.
Item Est.
# Oty. Unit Description Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Price Amount
Base Bid Items
1 523 C.V.Perform unclassified street excavation $15.00 $7,845.00 $22.50 $11,767.50 $17.00 $8,891.00 $20.00 $10,460.00 $10.00 $5,230.00
2 1,857 S.Y.For constructing)6-inch lime stabilized subgrade $2.00 $3,714.00 $4.80 $8,913.60 $4.00 $7,428.00 $4.00 $7,428.00 $3.00 $5,571.00
3 40 TON Furnish hydrated lime $105.00 $4,200.00 $115.00 $4,600.00 $105.00 $4,200.00 $117.00 $4,680.00 $100.00 $4,000.00
4 1,570 S.Y.For constructing 6"reinforced concrete $38.00 $59,660.00 $26.00 $40,820.00 $38.00 $59,660.00 $40.00 $62,800.00 $36.00 $56,520.00
5 31 S.V.Furnish and install 6"3500 psi reinforced $32.00 $992.00 $38.50 $1,193.50 $39.00 $1,209.00 $45.00 $1,395.00 $50.00 $1,550.00
concrete driveway
6 1,128 S.V.For removal and disposal of existing concrete $5.00 $5,640.00 $4.50 $5,078.00 $8.50 $9,588.00 $10.00 $11,280.00 $11.50 $12,972.00
7 1,200 L.F. Furnish and install 8'PVC SDR 35 sewer pipe $22.00 $26,400.00 $28.00 $33,600.00 $39.52 $47,424.00 $45.00 $54,000.00 $52.12 i:i::$S 644;$:
at depths,including embedment and removal of
existing sewer as required
8 4 Ea. Furnish and install 4.0'diameter manhole $2,200.00 $8,800.00 $3,000.00 $12,000.00 $2,400.00 $9,600.00 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 $2,082.00 $8,328.00
including removal of existing manhole as
9 1 Ea. For removal of existing manhole $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $800.00 $350.00 $350.00 $400.00 $400.00
10 29 Ea. For disconnecting and reconnecting existing 4" $350.00 $10,150.00 $425.00 $12,325.00 $500.00 $14,500.00 $200.00 $5,800.00 $605.00 $17,545.00
sewer service,including locating existing
service lateral,wye to main,service lead,
cleanout at property line,and connection to
private sewer
11 5 Ea. For adjusting existing 3/4"water service $350.00 $1,750.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $475.00 $2,375.00
12 20 S.Y.Forsawcutt,removal and replacement of $20.00 $400.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $45.00 $900.00 $15.00 $300.00 $105.00 $2,100.00
existing asphalt pavement
13 1200 L.F.For fumishing and maintaining trench safety $1.00 $1,200.00 $2.00 $2,400.00 $0.50 $600.00 $2.00 $2,400.00 $1.27 $1,524.00
Total-Base Bid Amount is 1$1$'t;4o: $136,695.60 $166,050.00 $168,893.00 ':::::$il$6j656i i
THC 002.49.20
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....,. t,
. „...., 4 s• ':. NI,:t,„ . ,-: Nii...t..A.7"7:, '1. '
° + •
r ' CLIENTS .` Dedicated to competitive and timely ;R ,, ° "�`• "' '
J AT&T 4 . pricing, completing projects on time, ,,, J D J
tx . ;t City of Abilene ; r., ,' xy/ cost saving analysis, plus establish- .„fi ��. 'I I �.
i" ';' .; City of Big Lake :''i . ing strong working relationships with ," ` 4 ' �c t 7.CONSTRUCTION
,K;4 ...'` City of Big Spring ;0 Via' all customers. ; ' 0,. ,^ £+{:4
;., City of Brownwood % '' �, COMPANY
• City of Junction 4^ '''$ ,.. os; . `.,
.' City of Midland '':, �, ' , < ; ' • ` '
i` ' City of San Angelo ,r `
P^ �:
City of Stamford ,- 44
City of Throckmorton SERVICES �` ' 'a
�,I ,''GTE . r
4. ti• Lone Star Gas " -i. CONCRETE PAVING: highway-light -.. y , .` _ , br�r. A Full Service
TXU • , sub-division; airport; municipalities. ,
West Texas Utilities Pavin ,
4, v Upper Leon River Authority : ti41` UTILITY: water-new and rehab; : -� "rt t.: � z g
Upper Colorado River Authoritif .1y A, 'r ' 4 sewer-new and rehab; bursting old 4'4. , ` "`
. 4 lines; televising old lines; point ,Y e ,, .: Utility,
repairs. '" A 4,...„,vit
.: and Drainage
)t Hibbs & Todd Engineering • ":q STRUCTURES: new and old lines ;;>� '1 y `''
} i,40,: t Jacob & Martin Engineering Contractor
installed; box culverts; headwalls;
�'<4' `''' Gutierrez, Smouse & Wilmouth _. .► ''• inlets; weir structures. fib
�, RMT/Jones & Neuse Engineers ' 44 + � ''i
1,' , " SK Engineering , '`� ti ". T � ,s°..
`'' Freese & Nichols "4,
.4 '`, '' Nobe &Associates ,� `✓ 4- �' • ' ".•
,.; - . ,1 fi Oiler Engineering ... - .,-,
,A ;- Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. 7, `: f* - PO Box 833187 ? JDJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
A_ ? PO Box 833187
v� �1'' Randolph, Gilreath &Associates, Inc '� i\,),•'‘'l Richardson, Texas 75083-3187 ;t ; Richardson,TX 75083 3187
• i ` (972)664-1220 , - 972-664-1220 Fax 972-664-0296
' t. �� Fax(972) 664-0296 '` `'
- r ,,- Zi- Mobile 214 728 8990
E-mail:jeff@jdj-co.com ; e-mail:jeff@jdj-co.com
"` '' Web site: www.d co.com IX
• "i,;...
4�� - `'l'�' JEFF DAWSON
' ��' r' '�' ` � ,' Vice President
(`.,'• . < z - r 6
Dallas Operations
JDJ Construction Company is a Ya DAVID DARNELL k °-" -- Banking Relationships:
' President and co-founder of Darnell
D.B.A. of Darnell and Dickson Home Office:
4 - Construction, Inc. of San Angelo, z and Dickson Construction, Inc. Over r. 4 x Bill McMannus
' '.- Texas, which was started in 1979. 30 years of experience in utilities " 4 First National Bank of Mertzon
4 r .r ,,� construction. I ,,, 230 W. Twohig
the years Darnell and ; . ... g 9
\� .ems-
1 .;: r: Dickson has completed the JIMMY DICKSON San Angelo, TX 76903
°�•�.: 4" • .' • , 915-657-0116
_ •,, following types of projects: :1 , ' Vice-President and co-founder of ,r , _`
a1* � '•` - .` Darnell and Dickson Construction, Inc. `' ` ``''�•' Dallas Operations:
x5 , TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION & y Over 30 years of experience in utilities w "' i Mark Kinsella
MAINTENANCE: Water&sewer plants
N '+, ', . t : construction. �;:
complete with lift stations, man holes, and �,• `„ Bank One Texas, NA
'; computer RUD. 780 E. Campbell Road
�' : = s -'mot "-n` ' . Richardson, TX 75081
ti �` r WATER/SEWER CONSTRUCTION & �� s JEFF DAWSON �+i• '` • t"j` 972-699-0300
,, MAINTENANCE: New construction; c,A:,°`; Vice-President-Dallas Operations �:-.4r`
f, :w { Replacement; All sizes of pipe. ,"{ 4.. " CPA Firm:
;.4 1995-1999 local Construction ' �t r Michael Rivers, CPA
STORM DRAINAGE ,N› %'°<" .-' Companies r �� j 110 E. Polk Street
' "' • R Concrete Foreman Concrete . Richardson Texas 75081
EXCAVATION/SITE WORK /: . f Superintendent, Estimator, Project :• • 972.238-1300
% • Manager, Superintendent. �w °
' " '. 4 1988-1995 local Concrete Company .:" ,� :' Bonding:
';`•-� , TRENCHLESS PIPE REHABILITATION *< �?•'"_ `. Lanny Land
,,,•- ,1" kR:: . :` Owner. Project management of wide 7,..1., . '= Statewide Surety
• ;, GENERAL UTILITIES .,K range of projects, including highway '�yiv' 1825 Market Center Blvd.
,, #' paving, airports, municipal r
Dallas, Texas 75207
` ELECTRICAL/CABLE INSTALLATION: subdivisions. Clients: Gilbert Texas;
�. �� `" , . 214-746-2901
ikS •.- - Standard underground installation; New Duininck Brothers; H. B. Zachery; Fox es �'""
' construction; Replacement. ,. `*: & Jacobs; Yorktown Development, ''
. r Consultant &Advisor:
y ' 4Es1;4 d -K and Turner Construction. r x Wayne J. Reiter
> '` ` W#;t'� Reiter, Inc.
Standard underground installation; Fiber 3', ::�''•- 1985-1988 local Concrete Company ,p ; % ' 110 E. Polk Street
r. ` optic installation; New construction ". Estimator, project g s y`.4: _ , >r .5., E ro ect manager, — Richardson, Texas 75081
/' GAS DISTRIBUTION: New construction %" M�{ purchasing agent, extensive AP/AR, ,'} 972_238-1300
to 12" lines; New subdivisions to 12° subcontract negotiations. t' �`*:.. F
/°="�t._ lines; Leak repair and replacements'/"to 4., , ' ,w:., •• '
•4 ,,•,� : 12" lines. ,5- 3 1983 BS Construction Management , ; 2,
, �, .. `' Oklahoma State University --. , /
gar .fit I . ,. t.. �.+Ke • _.
April 25, 2000
Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Tipton Engineering, Inc., for approval
of a zone change from A(Agricultural)to PD(Planned Development)for a master planned single family
neighborhood for the property generally located along the south side of McMillen road and east of the
Southfork Mobile Home Development and being all of a certain 50.7752 acre tract out of the John W.
Mitchell Survey,Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. ZC. No. 99-10:
The conceptual plan under consideration is for the proposed Sage Creek North Addition. The applicant
is requesting rezoning on 50.7865 acres in order to develop the property with a master planned single
family residential community. The property to the north is vacant and zoned for PD (Planned
Development) single family, retail and multi-family uses. The properties to the east and southeast are
undeveloped and zoned for A(Agricultural)uses. The property to the southwest is zoned PD(Planned
Development)for single family uses. The property to the west is zoned MH Manufactured Home and
is developed accordingly.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to eighty-three(83)property owners within 200 feet of this request.
Two(2) Public Comment Form in opposition and one(1)Public Comment Form in support have been
• The Comprehensive Plan recommends Country Residential(1 acre single family)uses and Suburban
Residential (8,500 sq. foot lots) for the property. The proposed land use is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan only in terms of the single family residential aspect. Specifically,the applicant
is proposing a density of 3.05 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is also proposing 4.2 acres of
dedicated parkland and 3.6 acres of H.O.A. open space. Staff is of the opinion that the proposed
zoning does not meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to density and preservation
of open space. However, density associated with this case is consistent with previous zoning cases
approved subsequent to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan.
• When this case was reviewed and denied by the Commission in January,the applicant was proposing
161 lots with a density of 3.17 dwelling units per acre(seventy-two 6,000 sq. ft. lots&eighty-nine
8,500 sq. ft. lots).
• The applicant is filing this PD in order to ensure a quality development, request an amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan, and propose a few minor variances. The following tables provide a
summary of the development standards being proposed.
Proposed Tract A
proposedTract-A Required for SF 2
Lot Area 8,500 sq.ft.minimum 8,500 sq.ft.
(9,296 sq.ft. average)
Frout Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard 20 ft. 25 ft
Side Yard 10 ft. separation between Not less than 7 ft.on each
structures& 15 ft.for side side of the lot and 20 ft.
yards adjacent to a side for side yards adjacent to a
street. side street.
li 110 ft. 100 ft.
IkSthnum Lot 60 ft. 60 ft.
Roof pi eh 6:12 pitch with 180 lbs. None required
House Elevation Same house elevation can No regulations
not be constructed
adjacent to each other
Landscaping 1 (3")Tree None required
10(2)gallon shrubs
FY sod
Extei404- 75%brick,tiles,cement, 75%masonry
Materild concrete,stone or similar
Alanimunt dwelling 1,800 sq.ft. 1,500 sq.ft.
Proposed Tract-B
Proposed Tract—II Required for SF-3
Lot Area 7,200 sq.ft.minimum 7,200 sq.ft.
(8,450 sq.ft. average)
Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard 15 ft. 25 ft
Side Yard 10 ft. separation between Not less than 6 ft. on each
structures& 15 ft.for side side of the lot and 20 ft.
yards adjacent to a side for side yards adjacent to a
street. side street.
Afitthinan 110ft. 100ft.
Depth 90 ft.for cul-de-sac
Lot 60 ft. 60 ft.
Roof pitch 6:12 pitch with 180 lbs. None required
Rouse Elevation Same house elevation can No regulations
not be constructed
adjacent to each other
Landscaping 1 (21/2")tree None required
10(2)gallon shrubs
FY sod
Exterior Wail 75%brick,tiles,cement, 75%masonry
Material concrete,stone or similar
1,600 sq.ft. 1,100 sq.ft.
Proposed Tract-C
Proposed Tract-C Required for SF-1
Lot Area 10,000 sq.ft.minimum 7,200 sq.ft.
(11,456 sq.ft. average)
Front Yard 20 ft. 25 ft.
Rear Yard 20 ft. 25 ft
Side Yard 16 ft. separation between Not less than 8 ft. on each
structures&20 ft.for side side of the lot and 25 ft.
yards adjacent to a side for side yards adjacent to a
street. side street.
mum Lot 110 ft. 100 ft.
Depth. 90 ft.for cul-de-sac
ASIMIIM Let 70 ft. 60 ft.
Roof pitch 6:12 pitch with 180 lbs. None required
flouseElevaiion Same house elevation can No regulations
not be constructed
adjacent to each other
Lance 1 (3")Tree None required
10(2)gallon shrubs
FY sod
Exterior Wall 75%brick,tiles,cement, 75%masonry
Material concrete,stone or similar
Arniiinnin dwelling 2,000 sq.ft. 1,800 sq.ft.
• The applicant is incorporating approximately 3.6 acres of H.O.A. open space and 4.2 acres of
dedicated public park(public park to include the extension of a hike&bike trail). The H.O.A. open
space includes a pond system to be utilized for flood control and drainage.
• The applicant is proposing a divided entry way to McMillen Road.
• In order to determine the developmental impact on the roadway system,the applicant authorized the
firm of Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. to complete an updated traffic impact study(TIS)
for the proposed development including impacts associate with the Lakeside Estates/Sage Creek
development to the south and the proposed Creekside Estates development to the north.
• In order to verify the findings of the applicant's TIS, staff authorized the City's traffic consultant
Stanton Foerster(Foerster Engineering, LLC), to review the Innovative Transportation Solutions
TIS. Please note that Mr. Foerster has reviewed the study and is recommending approval of their
findings(staff will provide copies of the study at the meeting for City Council review).
• The applicant is aware that a development plan,preliminary plat and final plat must be approved prior
to the issuance of building permits.
Financial Considerations
Rezoning application fee in the amount of - Paid
Board/Commission Recommendation
Per the applicant's request at the April 11, 2000, City Council meeting,the Council voted to table this
to the April 25, 2000,meeting. Specifically,the applicant requested additional time in order to solidify
development issues with the property owner to the east.
Board/Commission Recommendation
At the April 4, 2000,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission voted to recommended
approval of this case.
Staff Recommendation
Approval, due to the fact that the proposed density is consistent with previous zoning cases
approved within the area and subject to the following item:
1. City approval of a traffic impact study.
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this
Location Map
Area Zoning Map
Property Owner Notification Map
Property Owner Notification Report
Public Comment Forms
Public Hearing Notice
Proposed Land Data
Conceptual Plan
,f- grli" r cvvri,
Prepared by Revie by Finance City Man Approval
April 25, 2000
Consider and act upon a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat for McCreary Estates,proposed by Orinda Capital
Partners L.P.,for the property generally located at the northeast corner of FM 544 and McCreary Road
just north of the railroad tracks and being all of a certain 100.5989 acre tract out of the Moses Sparks
Survey,Abstract No. 849, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas.
The preliminary plat/development plan under consideration is for the McCreary Estates Addition. The
applicant is filing this preliminary plat/development plan on 100.5989 acres in order to develop the
property with a master planned single family residential community(310 lots). The development plan
aspect of this case is the final step associated with establishing the PD(Planned Development) zoning
requested. In order to establish a PD(Planned Development), the developer must follow a two-step
process which includes submitting for approval a Conceptual Plan and a Development Plan.
The developer must first submit for approval a Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan must show the
applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed development in a graphic manner as
required by Stag and be supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for
development. The Conceptual Plan must also show thoroughfares,preliminary lotting arrangements and
other pertinent development data deemed necessary.
Once Staff has determined that the applicant has provided sufficient information, a Public Hearing must
be held at which the Conceptual Plan will be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission to
consider recommending approval or denial of the Conceptual Plan to the City Council. Once the
Planning and Zoning Commission has taken action,the City Council will call a Public Hearing at which
the Conceptual Plan will be submitted for approval.
The Second phase of establishing a PD District is submitting for approval a Development Plan. The
Development Plan shall set forth the final plans for the PD District and shall conform to the data
presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. The Development Plan is a complete site inventory
analysis of what is to be developed. The ordinance establishing the PD District will not be approved
until a Development Plan has been approved.
Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat/development plan for the McCreary Estates Addition
and found it to be in general compliance(the applicant has incorporated a few minor changes)with the
approved conceptual plan. This preliminary plat/development plan also complies with the Subdivision
regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Minor changes to the approved
conceptual plan are as follows:
1. In an effort to increase the amount of open space,the applicant incorporated a minor modification to
the internal traffic circulation. Specifically,the applicant shifted two of the ingress/egress points and
eliminated a portion of the through street that runs parallel to McCreary Road(please refer to the
conceptual plan within your packet-the pink roads reflect the new configuration). The police and fire
departments have reviewed the changes and are receding approval(see attached memorandums).
2. In an effort to address potential drainage issues,the applicant has incorporated a few detention ponds
(please refer to the enclosed landscape plan). Specifically,the applicant has not completed their final
engineering work and,therefore,does not know if the drainage system associated with the Lakeside
Estate development will be able to handle the drainage flows from the subject development(this is
typically done at the time of final plat). As a result,the applicant has shown the ponds in an effort to
keep the Commission informed of potential issues that may arise at the time of final platting. The
applicant is aware that a change of this magnitude would require Planning and Zoning Commission and
City Council approval.
• The applicant is aware that their participation in cost of installing traffic signals will be required per
the approved traffic impact study.
• The applicant is aware that a final plat must be approved prior to the issuance of any building
Financial Considerations
Plat application fee-Paid
Board/Commission Recommendation
At the April 4, 2000,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting,the Commission voted to recommended
approval of this case subject to the following conditions.
1. Commissioner Schmader requested that the community center parking be relocated 55'to the south
away from the intersection;and
2. The Commission stated that the applicant needed to bring the entire PD (Planned Development)
back for their review should the engineering plans call for detention ponds.
Staff Recommendation
The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Development Services concur with this
Preliminary Plat/Development Plan
Conceptual Plan
Landscape Plan
4, liv1-471-4`
Prepared by Revie by mance City Man er Approva