06-13-2000 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, June 13, 2000 7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Action Taken CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSt AD ACT UPON A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE RUNOFF EL .'TION OF JIVE 3,2000. OATH OF OFFICE-MAYOR MONDY ISSUEA CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION CITIZENS PARTICIPATION CONSENT AGENDA All n #ers listedunder the €t nda are eans�Abe routine by t itycouncil and wilt' be sty motion. There will not be € discussion red that item wffl be removed A.out the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately A. Approval of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting of May 23,2000. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION AND ACTION 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon approval of an Ordinance adopting the Standards of Care for youth programs established by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department. (Tabled item) 2. Consider and act upon appointments to the Ambulance Board, Construction Code Board,Library Board,Parks and Recreation Board,Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation for those whose terms expire in July of 2000. 3. Consider and act upon approval of an award of bid for the purchase of a PT Cruiser to be utilized by the Wylie Police Department DARE Program. 4. Consider and act upon issues surrounding the adoption of guidelines and criteria for the provision of tax abatements. 5. Hold a public hearing to allow the public presentation of evidence for or against the creation of Reinvestment Zone No.2. 6. Consider and act upon issues surrounding the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 2 and the approval of a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Sanden International(U.S.A.),Inc. 7. Hold a public hearing to allow the public presentation of evidence for or against the creation of Reinvestment Zone No.3. 8. Consider and act upon issues surrounding the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 3 and the approval of a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Moulding Associates,Inc.(MAI). WORM:SESSION Review of Zoning Ordinance Re-write with Ray Stanland with Stanland&Associates EXECUTIVE SESSION In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meeting Law), Section 551.072 deliberation of real property; ROW acquisition; Section 551.074 Personnel Matters,to deliberate the structure and duties of the organization. RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEZTING Take any action as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT. In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Seccion at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda. Specific sections of the Open Meetings Act will be identified and announced should Council elect to convene into Executive Session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this day of ,2000 at 5:00 p.m, as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442- 8170. Page 2 of 2 MINUTES Wylie City Council Tuesday, May 23, 2000 Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North CALL TQ Council Present: Mayor John Mandy, Councilman Joel Scott, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Merrill Young,Councilman J.C. Worley and Councilman Chris Trout Staff Present: Mindy Manson, Interim City Manager, Brady Snellgrove, Finance Director; Chris Halsted, City Engineer, Stanton Forester, Transportation Engineer; Mike Sferra, Public Works Superintendent; Greg Duerr, Development Services/Inspections and Barbara Salinas,City Secretary. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALI.ICIZIANCE Councilman Hogue was asked to give the invocation and Councilman Trout was asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATIONS&PRESENTATIONS Recognition of WISD Star Students The Mayor gave public recognition and certificates of achievement to the WISD Star Students for their demonstration of the Character Trait"Accountability". The following students were present Jenny Lipe,daughter of Mike and Kathy Lipe, representing Birmingham Elementary, Tate Taylor, son of Tom and Tessa Tyler, representing Hartman Elementary; Nichole Young daughter of Merrill and Toni Young, representing Wylie Intermediate School; and Andrew Brittain, son of Brian and Sharon Brittain. Unable to attend, yet recognized were Heath Gibson,son of J.D. and Alecia Gibson,representing Akin Elementary;Katy Griggs daughter of Todd Griggs, representing Dodd Elementary, and Darren Delaney, son of Chris and Danette Delaney, representing Wylie Intermediate School. Katy Griggs provided staff with a letter of regret and appreciation to the Council for recognition that the Mayor read in her absence. The Mayor also recognized that Ms. Nichole Young was recently named as a Disney Millennium Dreamer sponsored by Walt Disney world and McDonalds. Nichole was recognized for her initiation and participation in the collection of aluminum cans for the Christian Care Center over the past three years. CfrIZENSPAILTICIPATIOPI Mr.Patrick Barry,5705 Murphy Road. Mr. Barry expressed his concerns over recent issues he has encountered during the process of relocating his business to the Wylie area. He is in the process of relocating his business from Garland to Wylie and has been advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission would not support his business at the proposed location as it effects the current land usage. Mr.Barry asked for Council's support in his endeavors to relocate his business. Mr.Jeff Hambrice Mr. Hambrice was concerned regarding an item regarding his business, which was not included on this evening consent agenda. Ms. Manson advised Mr. Hambrice that the recently approved site plan would not be on Council's agenda,as it does not require Council's approval. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of the Minutes from the May 9,2000 Regular Meeting. Minutes of May 23,2000 Wylie City Council Page 1 Councilman Scott asked that the minutes of May 9,2000 reflect the following additions. He asked that on page 2, ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM, the minutes reflect that Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion to nominate Councilman Scott as Mayor Pro Tern. Councilman Scott also asked that specific stipulations be added to the motion made to approve item No. 4. Said stipulations were regarding drainage issues and follow up discussions between Centex and Mr. Skip Hynek regarding the extension of sidewalk to Dodd elementary. With no further additions,Councilwoman Allen made a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 9,2000 regular meeting. Councilman Hogue seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,7-0. 1TE1kMS1C RRIN IVMUAL CONSIDERATION AND ACTION 1. Consider and act upon appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill two(2)unexpired terms created by vacancies. Councilman Scott made a motion to appoint Mr. Gary Wiseman to the unexpired term of Mr. Eric Hogue, said term expiring in July of 2000; and to appoint Mr. William Chapman to the unexpired term of Mr. Steve Ahrens, said term expiring in July of 2001. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon a final plat for the South Place Estates Phase III Addition, proposed by R-Delta Engineers,Inc.for Ballpen Venture II,L.P.,for the property generally located at the northeast corner of South Ballard and Cloudcroft Drive, and being all of a certain 0.2703 acres out of the A. Atterberry Survey, Abstract No.23,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas. Ms.Manson addressed this item providing Council with a brief background of the request She noted that on May 2,2000 the Planning and Zoning Commission voted favorably to recommend this plat Councilman Trout made a motion to approve the fmal plat for the South Place Estates Phase III Addition, proposed by R-Delta Engineers, Inc. for Ballpen Venture II, L.P., for the property generally located at the northeast corner of South Ballard and Cloudcroft Drive, and being all of a certain 0.2703 acres out of the A. Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Councilman Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,7-0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of an ordinance adopting the Standard of Care for youth programs established by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department. Ms. Manson addressed this item asking that Council table until the June 13 regular meeting due to incorrect posting She explained that this item was advertised as a Public Hearing and if anyone was present,Council would hear comments regarding Item No. 3. There were no participants on this item. Councilman Scott made a motion to table Item No. 3 until the June 13, 2000 regular meeting. Councilman Hogue seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 7-0. 4. Consider and act upon a Work Order for Hogan Corporation to proceed with Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update. Mr. Chris Hoisted addressed this item. Mr. Hoisted advised Council that the proposed Work Order is for the completion of an update to the City's Master Water and Sewer Plan and the associated 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). He explained that the existing CIP was last updated in 1997 and since that time a significant number of projects have been built as a part of recent development Minutes of May 23,2000 Wylie City Council Page 2 CouncilmanTrout made a motion to approve the Work Order for Hogan Corporation to proceed with Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update in the amount of$18,500. Councilman Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,7-0. 5. Consider and act upon the award of a contract for the Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements. Mr. Chris Hoisted addressed this item. Mr. Hoisted explained that the 1995 Bond identified a 12"water line loop from the Newport Harbor Subdivision to the Pointe North Subdivision to alleviate the low water pressure problems during the peak demands. He stated that when this water line project was attempted in 1997, the line could not be constructed due to the inability to obtain easements and consequently the Newport Harbor pump station was identified to help alleviate the pressure and water demand problems in the area Mr.Hoisted stated that the pump station has been reflected on the City's Water and Sewer Master Plan for several years,with the land for this pump station deeded to the City in 1986. Mr. Hoisted explained that the Pump Station improvements include a 500,000-gallon ground storage tank,a 23' x 58' pump building and related piping and electrical improvements. He noted that approximately $132,000 is eligible for reimbursement from the North Texas Municipal Water District for their improvements in connection to their transmission main and meter controls. He concluded that this is a 4-6 month project and that they should be ready to begin within two to three weeks. Council had questions regarding how the pump station improvements will effect our build out population. Mr. Hoisted stated that this would be adequate to take the City to build out, specifically within our CCN water system and this including business as well as homes. Mr. Hoisted provided a breakdown of the costs as follows. Approximately$225,000 for the tank and foundation; $110,000 for instrumentation; and the probability of piping is combined into one sum of$415,000. Mr. Hoisted also mentioned that references on Triple D,Inc.,low bidder and recommended for award of construction contract, have been favorable. The Mayor suggested that we notify the residents of the ground breaking for this project. Councilman Young made a motion to approve the award of a contract for the Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements. Councilman Worley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed,7-0. WORK SESSION Code Enforcement Related Issues&Update Mr. Mike Sferra, Public Works Superintendent provided Council with a summary of the Summer mowing program. He stated that they face challenges of limited resources and demands. Solutions suggested were, mowing and equipment repair as often and quickly as possible,which may require overtime. Mr. Sferra stated that he and Mr. Snellgrove are looking into subcontracting to get caught up. He stated that they have also advertised for summer help and received only two applicants. Mr. Sferra also mentioned that they have looked into using low risk jail inmates who would be monitored by guards,adding that the liability for injury while working within the City of Wylie would be incurred by the County. The Mayor suggested that Mr. Sferra also look into a Wildflower Program to reduce summer mowing and enhance the community. Mr. Greg Duerr, Development Services, Inspections was also present to provide Council with an overview and update on Code Enforcement Issues. Mr. Duerr provided Council with a summary of the number of complaints received as they relate to the seasons,with spring and summer receiving the highest number of complaints. He provided Council with an explanation of the process, specific to high grass and weeds, stating that much of the notification is required by law,as well as excellent documentation for court,if necessary. Mr.Duerr stated that he has a 99%compliance rate and no citations written. Minutes of May 23,2000 Wylie City Council Page 3 Discussion of the proposed construction of South Ballard alignment Mr. Chris Hoisted and Mr. Stanton Forester were both present to provided Council with a detailed description of the project. He also provided a handout that mapped the project. Mr. Hoisted described the project as it begins from Stone Street. There was some discussion and concerns regarding Wylie Intermediate School turning lanes on Ballard as well as fire safety concerns for truck access on Stoneybrook Mr. Hoisted explained the depth of the turn lane for the Intermediate School and suggested corrections to accommodate any fire trucks that would require access to Stoneybrook Mr. Hoisted stated that the project order for future road construction as Ballard, Stone and Alanis, with the construction of Kirby currently underway. EXECUTIVE-SESSION The Mayor then announced that they would convene into Executive Session under Section 551.072 deliberation regarding Real Property to deliberate the purchase,exchange,lease,or value of real property. RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING No action was taken as a result of the Executive Session. t IN NMENT John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas,City Secretary Minutes of May 23,2000 Wylie City Council Page 4 WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. I , June 13, 2000 Issue Hold a public hearing and consider and act upon approval of an ordinance adopting the Standards of Care for youth programs established by the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department. Background This item was tabled at the May 23 Council Meeting. In compliance with SB 212 legislation the City will become exempt from any licensing from the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services if the standards of care establishes the following: 1. Staff Ratios 2. Minimum Staff Requirements 3. Minimum facility,health, and safety standards 4. Monitoring and enforcement mechanisms for adopted local standards 5. A process to notify parents that the program is not licensed by the State 6. A policy that the program will not be advertised as a childcare facility Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations In order to establish youth programs, it will be necessary for the Wylie City Council to adopt an ordinance establishing a standards of care for youth programs that complies with the 1995 Senate Bill 212. The Senate Bill 212 states the following: Section 42.041 (b)(14) Elementary age(ages 5-13)recreation programs operated by a municipality;provided the governing body of the municipality annually adopts standards of care by ordinance after a public hearing for such programs and that such standards are provided to the parents of each program participant. Such ordinances shall include at a minimum,staff ratios,minimum staff qualification,minimum facility and safety standards,and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards,further,provided that parents be informed the program is not licensed by the state and the program not be advertised as a childcare facility. Board/Commission Recommendation A presentation was made to the Park & Recreation Advisory Board in August, 1999. The Board supports the development of a summer youth program. Staff Recommendation The staff recommends that the Council approve authorizing the establishment of the Standards of Care for Wylie Youth Programs. Attachments Ordinance Attachment"A"to Ordinance- Standards of Care-W ' Yo Programs Prepared by Revie d by Finance City Man er Approval ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE STANDARDS OF CARE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE YOUTH PROGRAMS. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie will be establishing a history of providing youth programs that contribute to the overall well being of Wylie youth and families; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing before the Wylie City Council was set for April 25, 2000, such date being at least 7 days after publication of the notice of such public hearing; said notice appearing in the Wylie News on ;and WHEREAS, the intent of the City is to adopt Standards of Care for its youth programs that fulfill the requirements of Senate Bill 212 as it amends Section 42.041 of the Texas Human Resource Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas that: Section 1. The Wylie Youth Programs' Standards of Care as detailed in Attachment "A"are hereby adopted. PASSED AND A;;;VVED BY T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS,THIS Y OF H,2000. 1 U N�) John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas, City Secretary •Page 2 STANDARDS OF CARE WYLIE YOUTH PROGRAMS The following Standards of Care will be adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas in order to comply with Senate Bill 212 as approved by the Texas Legislature during the 74th legislative session. The Standards of Care are intended to be minimum standards by which the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department will operate the City's Youth Programs. The programs operated by the City are recreational in nature and are not day care programs. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Organization A. The governing body of the City of Wylie Youth Programs is the Wylie City Council. B. Implementation of the Youth Programs Standards of Care is the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Department Managing Director and Departmental employees. C. Youth Programs("Program")to which these Standards of Care will apply is the Wylie Summer Youth School Program. D. Each Youth Program site will have available for public and staff review a current copy of the Standards of Care. E. Parents of participants will be provided a current copy of the Standards of Care during the registration process. F. Criminal background checks will be conducted on prospective Youth Program employees. If results of that criminal check indicate that an applicant has been convicted of any of the following offenses,he or she will not be considered for employment: (1) a felony or a misdemeanor classified as an offense against a person or family; (2) a felony or misdemeanor classified as public indecency; (3) a felony or misdemeanor violation of any law intended to control the possession or distribution of any controlled substance; (4) any offense involving moral turpitude; (5) any offense that would potentially put youth participants or the City of Wylie at risk. 2. Definitions A. City: City of Wylie B. City Council: City Council of the City of Wylie C. Department: Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Wylie D. Youth Programs or Program: City of Wylie Youth Programs consisting of the Wylie Wave Summer Youth Program and future youth programs. E. Program Manual: Notebook of policies, procedures,required forms, and organizational and programming information relevant to Wylie Youth Programs F. Director: City of Wylie Assistant City Manager or his or her disignee. G. Program Coordinator: City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department full-time Community Center Coordinator has been assigned administrative responsibility for a Wylie Youth Program H. Site.Supervisor and Program Leader: City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department part-time employee who have been assigned responsibility to implement the City's Youth Programs I. Program Site: Area and facilities where Wylie Youth Programs are held consisting of aWISD facility(i.e. Wylie Jr. High). J. Participant: A youth whose parent(s)have completed all required registration procedures and determined to be eligible for a Wylie Youth Program K Parent(s): This term will be used to represent one or both parent(s)or adults who have legal custody and authority to enroll their child(ren)in WylieYouth Programs L. Employers): Ternused to describe people whohave been hired to work for the City of Wylie and have been assigned responsibility for managing, administering, or implementing some portions of the Wylie Youth Programs M. Community Center: The Bart Peddicord Community Center located at 100 W. Oak in Wylie, Texas. 3. Inspections/Monitoring/Enforcement A. A monthly inspection report will be initiated by the Coordinator of each Program to confirm the Standards of Care are being adhered to. (1) Inspection reports will be sent to the Director for review and kept on record for at least two years. (2) The Director will review the report and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance with the Standards of Care. B. The Director will make visual inspections of the Program based on the following schedule: The Wylie Summer Youth Program will be inspected twice during its summer schedule. C. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be directed to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will be responsible to take the necessary steps to resolve the problems. Complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care and their resolution will be recorded by the Coordinator. Serious complaints regarding enforcement of the Standards of Care will be addressed by the Director and the complaint and the resolution will be noted. D. The Director will make an annual report to the City Council on the overall status of the Youth Programs and their operation relative to compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. 4. Enrollment A. Before a child can be enrolled, a parent must sign registration forms that contain the child's: (1) name, address,home telephone number; (2) name and address of parents and telephone number during Program hours; (3) the names and telephone numbers of people to whom the child can be released; (4) a statement of the child's special problems or needs; (5) emergency medical authorization; (6) proof of residency when appropriate; and (7) a liability waiver. 5. Suspected Abuse Program employees will report suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with the Texas Family Code. In the case where a City employee is involved in an incident with a child that could be construed as child abuse,the incident must be reported immediately to the Recreation Superintendent. The Superintendent will immediately notify the Police Department and any other agency as may be appropriate. Texas state law requires the staff of these youth programs to report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child to the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or a law enforcement agency. Failure to report suspected abuse is punishable by fines up to$1,000 and/or confinement up to 180 days. Confidential reports may be made by calling 1-800-252-5400. STAFFING-RESPONSIBILITIES AND TRAINING 6. Youth Program Coordinator("Coordinator")Qualifications A. Coordinators will be full-time, professional employees of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department and will be required to have all Program Leader qualifications as outlined in Section 7 of this document. B. Coordinators must be at least 21 years old C. Coordinators must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Acceptable degrees include: (1) Recreation Administration or General Recreation (2) Physical Education (3) Any other comparable degree plan that would lend itself to working in a public recreation environment D. Coordinators must have two years experience planning and implementing recreational activities. E. Coordinators must pass a background investigation including testing for illegal substances. F. Coordinators must have successfully completed a course in first aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. G. Coordinator must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to their employment date. 7. Coordinator's Responsibilities A. Coordinators are responsible to administer the Programs' daily operations in compliance with the adopted Standards of Care. B. Coordinators are responsible to recommend for hire, supervise, and evaluate Leaders. C. Coordinators are responsible to plan, implement, and evaluate programs. 8. Youth Program Leader/Site Supervisor("Leader") Qualifications A. Leaders will be part-time or temporary employees of the Parks and Recreation Department. B. Leaders working with children must be age 16 or older;however, each site will have at least one employee 18 years old or older present at all times. C. Leaders should be able to consistently exhibit competency, good judgement, and self-control when working with children. D. Leaders must relate to children with courtesy, respect,tolerance, and patience. E. Leaders must have successfully completed a course in first aid and CPR based on either American Heart Association or American Red Cross standards. An exception can be made for no more than one staff person at each site, and that person shall successfully complete a first aid and CPR course within four weeks of starting work F. Leaders must pass a background investigation including testing for illegal substances. G. Coordinator must be able to furnish proof of a clear tuberculosis test within 12 months prior to their employment date. 9. Leader Responsibilities A. Leaders will be responsible to provide participants with an environment in which they can feel safe, can enjoy wholesome recreation activities, and can participate in appropriate social opportunities with their peers. B. Leaders will be responsible to know and follow all City, Departmental, and Program standards,policies, and procedures that apply to Wylie Youth Programs. C. Leaders must ensure that participants are released only to a parent or an adult designated by the parent. All Program sites will have a copy of the Department approved plan to verify the identity of a person authorized to pick up a participant if that person is not known to the Leader. 10. Training/Orientation A. The Department is responsible for providing training and orientation to Program employees in working with children and for specific job responsibilities. Coordinators will provide each Leader with a Program manual specific to each Youth Program. B. Program employees must be familiar with the Standards of Care for Youth Program operation as adopted by the City Council. C. Program employees must be familiar with the Program's policies including discipline, guidance, and release of participants as outlined in the Program Manual. D. Program employees will be trained in appropriate procedures to handle emergencies. E. Program employees will be trained in areas including City, Departmental, and Program policies and procedures,provision of recreation activities, safety issues, child psychology, and organization. F. Program employees will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they received the required training. OPERATIONS 11. Staff-Participant Ratio A. In a Wylie Youth Program,the standard ratio of participants to Leaders will be 20 to 1. In the event a Leader is unable to report to the Program site, a replacement will be assigned. B. Each participant shall have a Program employee who is responsible for him or her and who is aware of the participant's habits, interests, and any special problems as identified by the participant's parent(s)during the registration process. 12. Discipline A. Program employees will implement discipline and guidance in a consistent manner based on the best interests of Program participants. B. There must be no cruel or harsh punishment or treatment. C. Program employees may use brief, supervised separation from the group if necessary. D. As necessary, Program employees will initiate discipline reports to the parent(s)of participants. Parents will be asked to sign discipline reports to indicate they have been advised about specific problems or incidents. E. A sufficient number and/or severe nature of discipline reports as detailed in the Program Manual may result in a participant being suspended from the Program. F. In instances where there is a danger to participants or staff; offending participants will be removed from the Program site as soon as possible. 13. Programming A. Program employees will attempt to provide activities for each group according to the participants' ages, interests, and abilities. The activities must be appropriate to participants'health, safety, and well being. The activities also must be flexible and promote the participants' emotional, social, and mental growth. B. Program employees will attempt to provide that indoor and outdoor time periods include: (1) alternating active and passive activities; (2) opportunity for individual and group activities, and (3) outdoor time each day weather permits. C. Program employees will be attentive and considerate of the participants' safety on field trips and during any transportation provided by the Program. (1) During trips, Program employees supervising participants must have immediate access to emergency medical forms and emergency contact information for each participant. (2) Program employees must have a written list of the participants in the group and must check the roll frequently. (3) Program employees must have first aid supplies and a guide to first aid and emergency care available on field trips. 14. Communication A. Each Program site will have a pager/cell phone to allow the site to be contacted by City personnel, and each site will have access to a telephone for use in contacting the City personnel or making emergency calls. B. The Coordinator will post the following telephone numbers adjacent to a telephone accessible to all Program employees at each site: (1) Wylie emergency medical services and police department. (2) Bart Peddicord Community Center. (3) Numbers at which parents may be reached. (4) The telephone number for the site itself. 15. Transportation A. Before a participant may be transported to and from city sponsored activities, a transportation form, completed by the parent of the participant, and must be filed with the Coordinator. B. First aid supplies and a first aid and emergency care guide will be available in all Program vehicles that transport children. C. All Program vehicles used for transporting participants must have available a 6-BC portable fire extinguisher which will be installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle and must be accessible to the adult occupants. FACILITY STANDARDS 16. Safety A. Program employees will inspect Program sites daily to detect sanitation and safety concerns that might affect the health and safety of the participants. A daily inspection report will be completed by Program employees and kept on file by the Coordinator. B. Buildings, grounds, and equipment on the Program site will be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and maintained to protect the health of the participants. C. Program equipment and supplies must be safe for the participants'use. D. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available at each site, during transportation to an off-site activity, and for the duration of any off-site activity. E. Program air conditioners, electric fans, and heaters must be mounted out of participants' reach or have safeguards that keep participants from being injured. F. Program porches and platforms more than 30 inches above the ground must be equipped with railing participants can reach. G. All swing seats at Program sites must be constructed of durable, lightweight,relatively pliable material. H. Program employees must have first aid supplies readily available to staff in a designated location. Program employees must have an immediately accessible guide to first aid and emergency care. 17. Fire A. In case of fire, danger of fire, explosion, or other emergency, Program employees' first priority is to evacuate the participants to a designated safe area. B. The Program site will have an annual fire inspection by the local Fire Marshal, and the resulting report will detail any safety concerns observed. The report will be forwarded to the Director who will review and establish deadlines and criteria for compliance. Information from this report will be included in the Director's annual report to the Council. 1/ C. Each Program site must have at least one fire extinguisher approved by the Fire Marshal readily available to all Program employees. The fire extinguisher is to be inspected monthly by the Program Coordinator, and a monthly report will be forwarded to the Coordinator's supervisor who will keep the report on file for a minimum of two years. All Program employees will be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers. D. Fire drills will be initiated at Program sites based on the following schedule: (1) Wylie Wave Summer Youth Program: A fire drill twice during the session. 18. Health A. Illness or Injury (1) A participant who is considered to be a health or safety concern to other participants or employees will not be admitted to the Program. (2) Illnesses and injuries will be handled in a manner to protect the health of all participants and employees. (3) Program employees will follow plans to provide emergency care for injured participants with symptoms of an acute illness as specified in the Program manual. (4) Program employees will follow the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health concerning the admission or readmission of any participant after a communicable disease. B. Program employees will administer medication only if: (1) Parent(s)complete and sign a medication form that provides authorization for staff to dispense medication with details as to time and dosages. The form will include a hold harmless clause to protect the City. (2) Prescription medications are in the original containers labeled with the child's name, a date, directions, and the physician's name. Program employees will administer the medication only as stated on the label. Program employees will not administer medication after the expiration date. (3) Nonprescription medications are labeled with the child's name and the date the medication was brought to the Program. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container. Program employees will administer it only according to label direction. (4) Medication dispensed will be limited to routine oral ingestion not requiring special knowledge or skills on the part of Program employees. No injections will be administered by the Program employees. (5) Program employees must ensure medications are inaccessible to participants or, if it is necessary to keep medications in the refrigerator(when available), medications will be kept separate from food. C. Toilet Facilities (1) The Program site will have inside toilets located and equipped so children can use them independently and Program staff can supervise as needed. (2) There must be one flush toilet for every 30 children. Urinals may be counted in the ratio of toilets to children,but they must not exceed 50%of the total number of toilets. (3) An appropriate and adequate number of lavatories will be provided. ,/1 D. Sanitation (1) The Program facilities must have adequate light,ventilation, and heat. (2) The Program must have an adequate supply of water meeting the standards of the Texas Department of Health for drinking water and ensure that it will be supplied to the participants in a safe and sanitary manner. (3) Program employees must see that garbage is removed from buildings daily. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. (7i,. June 13, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon appointments to the Ambulance Advisory Board, Construction Code Board, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Board,Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustments and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation for those whose terms expire in July of 2000, Background Article 8, Section IA of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to appoint members to serve on boards, commissions and committees to help carry out the functions and obligations of the City. The City Council has prescribed the purpose, composition, function, duties, accountability and the tenure of each board, commission and committee. City staff began an active campaign to solicit for Board and Commission applications by utilizing the Wylie News, municipal facilities and current board and commission members. This year staff again held a Board and Commission Applicants Reception at the Municipal Complex. An invitation was extended to the community to attend and meet with city staff and council regarding the functions of city boards/commissions. Invitations were mailed to all current members encouraging them to bring prospective members. As a result, a total of 30 applications were received, including those members reapplying for another term. For the fourth year, an interview panel consisting of three council members was formed and applicants were personally contacted to schedule an informal meeting with the Council Interview Panel. Current members were also given an opportunity to visit with Council through the interview process. Council members Joel Scott, Reta Allen and Chris Trout again volunteered to serve on the interview panel and conducted approximately 27 interviews at the conclusion of the process. The Panel met with applicants on Monday, May 15, Tuesday, May 16, and concluded the interviews on Monday, May 22, 2000. Applicants were asked a series of questions developed to understand the applicants philosophy about the Community as well as why they wished appointment to a City Board or Commission. The Council feels that this process is helpful to them in making appointments and offered an opportunity to understand some of the visions the applicants have for the community. Financial Consideration The board, commission and committee members are not compensated by the city as stated in the City Charter under Article 8, Section 3 C. Other Consideration Under Article 8 of the City Charter, the City Council has the right to create, establish or appoint boards, commissions and committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions and obligations of the city. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation The Council Interview Panel has made its recommendations to Council based on the interviews that were conducted May 15, 16, and 22, 2000. Attachments Advertisement for Board & Commission Applicants Reception 2000. Application Form Questionnaire Summary of Board & Commission Expiring Terms& Applicants. 'Pre-par y Rev' ed by Fina ce ity M ager Approval The City of Wylie 1 would like to extend a personal invitation to the members of the Wylie Community to attend our Boards & Commission Applicant's Reception Tuesday, May 9, 2000 • 5.30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Municipal Complex • 2000 State Highway 78 North Our annual Applicant's Reception is an excellent opportu- nity for Wylie citizens to visit informally with City Staff and Council about the functions of our various boards & corn- .missions. If you would like to become an active part of the future of our community, join us on May 9th and learn how your gift as a volunteer can make a difference! Application forms will be available to those interested in applying. The Wylie City Council will be making formal appointments in June to the following Boards & Commissions. 1 Ambulance Board • Construction Code Board • Planning & Zoning Commission • Parks & Recreation Board • Library Board • Zoning Board of Adjustments • The Wylie Economic Development Corporation For additional information on the City of Wylie Board & Commission appointment process, call the City Secretary's Office at 972-442-8100. Boards 8 Commission Application Spring zoo() Name. Please indicate your first,second and third preference below. Plaivnvng and Zonuig Commission Coristruetrai Code Board Zonung Board icaf Adji stnnent Parks&Recreation Board Library Board Wylie Economic development Corporation:Board Ambulance Advisory Boazd <i • Yes, I would be interested in serving on Subcommittees that may be formed Personal nformation Occupational In, ortriatcon Home Address: Business Owner? ❑ Yes ❑ No Telephone: Business Name: Fax: E-mail: Occupation: I have been a Wylie Resident for years Business Address: Registered voter? ❑Yes ❑No Telephone: Fax: Please indicate brie,fl, why you would like to be appointed to a Boara or commission: I am aware of the n ng dates andtunes ofthe board/convtressmn I have applied and if appaan[ed,I agree to serie nn the$oard/eommrsson which Ihave:a#peed}yr svoteld nseder t,s alternateap oetFtmen to a second ar:tletrdsery eepreference Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Received ❑ Attended May 2000 Applicant's Reception ❑ Applicant Interview scheduled: ❑ Appointment made to: Term Expires: ❑ Statement&Oath Complete • O No Appointment made at this time. Retain application until May 2001. Boards 8 Commission Applicant Questionnaire Spring z000 .... . ........... .. ... .... .... .. .. . ............. . . . .. ......... .... ..... ..... .. .. . .... .... ......... .. . ...... ... .. . ... .... ...... . Name: Have you served on a City of Wylie Board or Commission previous to this application? If so,please list the board/commission and when you served What other civic involvement do you currently have in Wylie or may have had in previous communities? How long have you been a resident of the City of Wylie and what was it about Wylie that influenced your decision to make Wylie your home? • -continued on reverse- S Board&Commission Questionnaire-continued Spring 2000 What is your idea of a balanced community? What type of community do you envisio n when you think about Wylie 10 years from today? • What type of commitments do you currently have with your job, travel and/or family that might cause limitations of your time? Do you have your f family's support in this endeavor? What contributions do you hope to make by serving on a boarcllcomnrission? BOARD & COMMISSION MEMBERS LIST & APPLICANT INFORMATION SPRING 2000 APPOINTMENTS AMBULANCE BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Reta Allen 311 Hilltop 442-2535 7/99(r) 7/01 Sharon Trongaard 217 Martin 442-9485 7/99(r) 7/01 Glen Meeks 1514 Schooner Bay 442-9413 7/99 7/01 Warner Washington 621 Stoneybrook 442-0282 7/98 7100 Kenneth Quisenberry 424 Elliott 442-7472 7198(r 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION Reappointments Interviewed W.Washington 5/16/00. K.Quisenberry 5/15/00. CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Frank Spingola 508 Rustic Place 442-6909 7/99 7/01 Jim Chaney P. O. Box 114 442-9905 7/99(r) 7/01 Ty Paul 721 W. A. Allen Blvd. 424-3976 7/99 7/01 Steve Repasky 316 S. 4th Street 442-4301 7/99 7/01 George Ross 331 Hooper 442-3935 7/99 7/01 Dwight Lancaster 1001 SH 78 #102 429-0578 7/99(r) 7/01 APPLICANT INFORMATION New Applicants Preference Interviewed Anthony'McElroy first 5/22 Erick R Gray only 5/22 William Chapman second Appointed to Council 5/23 Greg Zimmerman second 5/16 Phillip Tramell second 5/22 Kathy Spillyards third 5/16 Wayne Norman third 5/22 No terms expiring,however, a seventh members was not appointed during the 1999 proess . _ LIBRARY BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Dan Hendrix 305 Meadow Ct. 442-9035 7/99 7/01 Mary Starnes 1004 Memorial 442.-7229 7/99 7/00 Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth 442-5767 7/99(r) 7/01 Debra Workman 1052 E. Oak Street 442-5178 7198 7/00 Joseph Conely 823 Foxwood Lane 429-0245 7/99(r) 7/01 Gerry'Whitt 820 'Foxwood Lane 442-3144 7198(r} 7/00 Grace Morrison 118 Glen Knoll 442-1689 12/98 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION Reappointments Interviewed Mary Starnes 5/16 Debra Workman Not seeking reappointment Gerry Whitt 5/16 Grace Morrison 5/16 New Applicants Preference Interviewed Peggy Patrick first 5/15 Kathy Spillyards first 5/22 Adrian Sanchez second 5/15 Anne Hiney second 5/15 Rebecca Smith third Application withdrawn 5/22 Ceca Repasky third PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Janice Neely 315 Callie Court 442-2993 7/99(r) 7/01 Daniel Chesnut 200 Piccadilly Circle 442-1375 7/99(r) 7/01 Douglas House 212 Liberty 442-9207 7/99(r) 7/01 Melissa Nichols 1313 Anchor Drive 442-6265 7/98 7/00 Gary Wiseman 112 Westgate Way 442-2833 10/98 7/00* Terry Ayre 515 Kathy Lane 442-2126 7198(r} 7/00 Tim McGlothin 1110 Hughes Court 442-0999 7/98(r) 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION Reappointments Interviewed Gary Wiseman 5/15 -*appointed to P&Z at 5/23/00 meeting Terry Ayre 5/15 Tim McGlothlin Not seeking reappointment Melissa Nichols Not seeking reappointment New Applicants Preference Interviewed Rebecca Smith first )Application withdrawn 5/22 Greg Zimmerman • first /16 Anne Hiney first 5/15 Peggy Patrick second 5/15 Phillip Tramell third 5/22 Ceca Repasky first Adrian Sanchez third 5/15 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION name address phone appointed - expires Shirley Burnett 327 S. Fourth 442-5767 7/99 7/01 Dan Chesnut 200 Picadilly Circle 442-0103 7/99(r) 7/01 Gerry Whit 820 Foxwood Lane 442-3144 7/99 7/00 Chris Trout 408 Kamber 442-2487 7/98 7/00 Joel Scott 507 N. Ballard 442-5014 7/99(r) 7/01 John Mondy 114 Douglas 442-3882 7/98(r) 7/00 J. C. Worley 335 Donna Drive 442-1511 7/98(r) 7/00 Applicant Information Gerry Whit Chris Trout John Mondy J.C. Worley PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD name address phone appointed - expires Eric Hogue 102 Westgate Way 442-6938 7/98(r) 7/00 Julie Schmader 1308 Anchor Drive 442-9973 7/99(r) 7/01 Michael George 202 Liberty Drive 429-9533 7/99 7/01 Steve Ahrens 409 N. Gaston 442-2912 7/99(r) 7/01 Carter Porter 413 N. Gaston Drive 429-1355 9/98 7/00 Cecilia Wood 515 Woodhollow 442-5144 7/98(r) 7/00 Sharon Dowdy 325 Callie Court 442-2471 7/98(r) 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION Reappointments Interviewed Eric Hogue Elected to Council 5/6/00 Carter Porter 5/16 Cecilia Wood Not seeking reappointment Sharon Dowdy 5/15 New Applicants Preference Interviewed William Chapman first Appointed to Council 5/23 Layne LaBaron first 5/22 Phillip Tramell first 5/22 Wayne Morman first 5/22 Mike Phillips, first 5/22 Tony Snider only 5/15 Ted Mumaw only 5/15 Steve Ahrens only 5/22 Anthony'McElroy second , : 5/22 Kathy Spillyards second 5/22 Rebecca Smith second Application withdrawn 5/22 Lisa Williams third 5/15 Greg Zimmerman third 5/16 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS name address phone appointed - exp Marilyn Herrera 503 Dogwood 442-1688 7198(r} 7/00ires Jeff McCoy 205 Browntown 442-7410 7/98(r} 7/00 Gerald Clark 505 Quail Creek 442-6863 7/99(r) 7/01 Derek Green 208 Tanglewood 442-9776 7/99 7/01 Weldon Bullock 1820 McMillen Rd. 442-2859 7/99(r) 7/01 Alternate: Vacant 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION Reappointments Interviewed Marilyn Herrera 5/22 Jeff McCoy', 5/22 New Applicants Preference Interviewed Lisa Williams second 5/15 Layne LeBaron third 5/22 William Chapman third Appointed to Council 5/23/00 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION name address phone appointed - expires Johin Yeager 402 Woodhollow 442-3123 7198(r} 7/00 Gary Bowland 700 Westwind Ln 442-1467 7/99(r) 7/01 Kevin St.' John 202 Cedar Ridge 442-1041 7/98 7/00 Marvin Fuller 355 Donna Drive 442-6565 7/99(r) 7/01 Merrill Young 200 Westgate Way 442-7916 7/99 7/00 APPLICANT INFORMATION' Reappointments: Interviewed John Yeager 5/16 Kevin St.John Merrill Young , New Applicants Preference Interviewed Adrian Sanchez first 5/15 Lisa Williams first 5/15 Layne LeBaron second 5/22 Ceca Repasky second WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. June 13, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon approval of an award of bid for the purchase of a PT Cruiser to be utilized by the Wylie Police Department DARE Program. Background Currently DARE Officer Karen Riley does not have a designated DARE vehicle to utilize during her DARE duties. Officer Riley uses whatever Police vehicle is available on a particular morning. In an attempt to obtain a designated DARE vehicle at minimal cost to the City, Officer Riley and Councilman Young submitted a grant application to Ronald McDonald House for money to go toward the purchase of a DARE vehicle. The Wylie Police Department was awarded a $10,000 matching grant from the Ronald McDonald House. Officer Riley also obtained a $5000 donation from Kansas City Southern Railroad toward the purchase of a DARE vehicle. The City of Wylie is contributing the other $5000 needed to match the Ronald McDonald House Grant. Originally a Chevy Blazer was ordered to use as a DARE vehicle. Subsequent to ordering the Blazer a patrol vehicle was wrecked and totaled, creating a need to replace the totaled squad car. This unfortunate occurrence created an opportunity to utilize the Blazer as a replacement for the wrecked squad car. This decision was prompted by the fact that the Blazer would make an excellent K-9 vehicle, and our current K-9 vehicle is the oldest squad in the patrol fleet. The current K-9 vehicle will then placed back in the squad car rotation until it is replaced,next budget year. A Chrysler PT Cruiser was then selected as the ideal vehicle to purchase as a DARE vehicle. The PT Cruiser will be functional and at the same time draw attention to the Wylie DARE program and generate interest among the children. (See attached likeness)The PT Cruiser will be painted and outfitted to look like a Police car from the 1920's and 1930's era. The City of Wylie received one bid from El dorado Chrysler Plymouth Jeep Dealership in McKinney. The bid is$17,070 for a White 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser. Financial Considerations The money for the purchase of the PT Cruiser is available in the Fleet fund. In order to receive all $10,000 from the Ronald McDonald House we must spend all $20,000 on a vehicle. The Ronald McDonald House will only match one half of what we spend on the vehicle. The remainder of the money will be spent on painting, decal,bubble-gum light, and radio equipment. Other Considerations The solicitation of bids for the proposed vehicle has been performed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code. Board/Commission Recommendations N/A Staff Recommendations Stafrecommends that Council award a contract in the amount of$17070 for the purchase of a Chrysler PT Cruiser to El dorado of McKinney. Attachments 1. Bid from El dorado of McKinney 2. Picture of a Chrysler PT Cruiser Prepared by R ' ed by Fin an e City Man Approval ..'" ......\S' ilik... . 4iiit Pik i" ►-, f; Four air bags**for your safet ri, ,.._. y , .,.. r, --A __„ ,„ Cuatro bolsas de afire"pars Driver su seguridad Side �/, passenger Side t / Lateral Pasajero Conductor ';t• r Lateral •% `// Vier Airbags**fur Ihre Sicherheit Sete 9 Fahrer eeifahrer Seite Three-point rear safety belts a. 'tes , Cinturones de seguridad 41,1111, kid. ► traseros en tres untos ��LV , Drei-Punkt-Sicherheitsgurte Emenic: '� ,146a.f,.`` tk hinten 470.1..VAP—Mrili AO% Infilpitat Roomy pockets in all 4 doors Low-speed traction control* Espaciosos compartimientos ABS'=braking w/control , /T Control de tracclon de baja /► %�\ � � ^ � en las cuatro puertas ABS'=frenos con control velocidad' Grolte Ablagefacher in alien Antiblockiersystem(ABS)* Antischlupfregelung` vier Turen j English Espanol This handy how-to guide is designed to help you get the Esta practice guia le ayudara a aprovechar at rn0ximo s❑ most out or toe new Chrysler PT Cruiser. Just follow the nuevo Chrysler PT Cruiser Solo sign las sencillas matron- simple instructions in this manual and enjoy years of happy clones de este manual y cllsfrute de eats ar-activo funcional motoring with this amazingly fun and functional aehiclel vehiculo duranta muchos ano s ,� .., ...-. i. .-•i`i`l 1. -._'I tl ..'Z_l. ..r'r: �<�?:1t I.LI�S:Ii'? 4'l� - cr ,....MC61NNE ( et zo ' Chrysler Plymouth Jeep Retail Order For Motor Vehicle P.O. Box 8002 ••McKinney, Texas 750708 I ti ', ,....., Sold To CtTy OF WYLtE. CO-IM Hal—COMf3� Res. Phone /-12-- 44f'2-- 81TI Metro (972) 569-0100 • 1-800-853-5498 Address 200 o N. N w Y 78 Bus. Phone NEW 0 DEMO 0 USED 0 City \A/y r—t E State TX Zip Code —7 S O98 Salesman COLOR YEAR MAKE CYL MODEL BODY TYPE IDENTIFICATION NO. LICENSE NO. STOCK NO UNIT SOLD WI-;irE Zoo]. c-t.-tray '4 P T C-Rc4 t S ER- 3C4 Fyy Qt35I T3 tOe,,,9 I IT 3 t o 4„9 1 COLOR YEAR MAKE CYL MODEL BODY TYPE IDENTIFICATION NO. LICENSE NO. STOCK NO. TRADE- IN t.to `-12.A-AE MSRP Total Cash Price of Car I TE 0T 0 0 CO REBATE $ AWB # Trade-In Allowance (AA ) Sub Total - MILES Sales Tax E)(EM f T FRot License, Title &Transfer Fees TAXES. Vehicle Inventory Tax `SOLS. AS 6 R NERED , PER A?T#Ctimolr. Pay Off on Trade In Service Contract Months Miles Cash Down 224 PAtNTtt4C A►vf\ A OTto NAL_ BALANCE 1'7, 070 0(..› &at.ItpMErVT L ))LL gE AN 304 iq t\nt-rtoNAt,.- CHAP E. Credit Life A & H 304 TOTAL FINANCED AMOUNT 205 FINANCE CHARGE Total of Payments DELIVERY DATE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE A DOCUMENTARY FEE IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FEE. A DOCUMENTARY FEE IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW BUT MAY BE CHARGED TO BUYERS FOR HANDLING DOCUMENTS AND PERFORMING SERVICES RELATING TO THE CLOSING OF A SALE. BUYERS MAY AVOID PAYMENT TO THE SELLER BY HANDLING THE DOCUMENTS AND PERFORMING THE SERVICES RELATING TO THE CLOSING OF THE SALE. A DOCUMENTARY FEE MAY NOT EXCEED$50.00. THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. PAY-OFF ON TRADE-IN CUSTOMER FINANCE THIS DEALERSHIP MAKES NO WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATION,OR PROMISES OF ANY TYPE OR KIND,but does perform obligations under the manufacturer's warranties and owner's Balance Due$ Draft$ service policy. SAID DEALERSHIP HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS Pay To: Lien To: ALL WARRANTIES. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR Address: Address: A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Attn.: By affixing my signature hereto,I agree that I have read and do consent to all terms and conditions set forth on front and reverse side hereof as the sole agreement of the Date Good Thru.: Draft Thru.: parties. P I Approved By: Address: Purchaser X L Verified By: Approved By: Accepted By: Date WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 4. June 13 2000 Issue Consider and act upon issues surrounding the adoption of guidelines and criteria for the provision of tax abatements. Background As per the Texas Tax Code Section 312, each taxing unit that wants to consider tax abatement proposals must adopt a resolution indicating its intent to participate in tax abatement. The resolution does not bind the government to grant approval of any proposed agreements. The resolution must be adopted at an open meeting by a simple majority. Furthermore, each taxing unit must adopt tax abatement guidelines and criteria. The guidelines and criteria, as provided as Exhibit "A" to the attached resolution, are a set of conditions that any tax abatement proposal must meet in order to be eligible for tax abatement by the taxing unit. The attached guidelines were originally approved by the Wylie City Council on July 13, 1993. While the requirements proposed continue to meet the economic objectives of the City of Wylie economic development program, the Sunset Provision in place requires a renewal of these guidelines every two years. Financial Consideration N/A Other Consideration N/A Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Wylie City Council approve a resolution adopting guidelines and criteria for the provision of tax abatements. Attachment Resolution Economic Development Incentives Guidelines d Criteria , f416tlittOitt-k, RIA4 Prepared by Revie by Finance City M ger Approval RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR THE PROVISION OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND ANY OTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES, ALL OF WHICH ARE DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY TO TARGET SUCH LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OR OTHER CRITICAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AS SPECIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE BY SPECIFIC AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie is committed to the long term economic growth and vitality of the City of Wylie and desires to promote a balanced property tax base, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie realizes the positive benefits of job creation and economic diversification, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie desires to attract and retain quality business and industry which compliment the quality of life within the community, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie realizes the attraction of long term investment and the establishment of new jobs in the area would enhance the economic base of the City of Wylie, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie may from time to time wish to stimulate economic development within the community through the provision of tax abatements and other economic development incentives, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie realizes the abatement of taxes, when offered, will be an effective method of enhancing and diversifying the local economy through the attraction of new jobs and new wealth from outside the community, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie acknowledges the Texas Tax Code Chapter 312, the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act (the Act) allows taxing units the ability to provide tax abatement for limited periods of time as an inducement for the development or redevelopment of a property and the City of Wylie elects to be eligible to participate in tax abatement, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie acknowledges the Act requires any eligible taxing jurisdiction to establish guidelines and criteria as to eligibility for tax abatement agreements prior to the granting of any future tax abatements and the City of Wylie has established guidelines and criteria attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF WYLIE ELECTS TO CONTINUE TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN TAX ABATEMENT AND DOES HEREBY APPROVE AND ADOPT THESE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A". SPECIFIC TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENTS WILL BE DRAFTED AND APPROVED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS BY THE CITY OF WYLIE CITY COUNCIL. John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas, City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" Economic Development Incentives I. Purpose and Objective The City of Wylie is committed to the promotion of quality development in all parts of the city and to an ongoing improvement in the quality of life for it's residents. In so far as these objectives are generally served by the enhancement and expansion of the local economy. The City of Wylie will, on a case by case basis, give consideration to providing incentives as a stimulation for economic development in Wylie. Nothing herein shall imply or suggest that the City of Wylie is under obligation to provide any incentive to any applicant. All applications shall be considered on a case by case basis. II. Criteria for Economic Development Incentives: The following threshold criteria shall be used to determine whether any Economic Development Incentives shall be granted to new projects: 1.) The proposed project must create at least ten (10) or more jobs by the end of the abatement period. 2.) The proposed project must provide for an invest taxable assets within three (3) years from the commencement of construction. 3.) The project must meet all relevant zoning requirements. 4.) Generally to be eligible, a project must consist of an industrial, commercial, or warehouse use. In addition to the minimum requirements stated above, the following subjective criteria shall be considered prior to granting any economic development incentive. 5.) Is the project consistent with the comprehensive plan with or of the City of Wylie? 6.) What types and costs of public improvements and services (sewer main extensions, streets, alleys, etc.) will be required of the City? What types and values of public improvements if any will be made by the applicant? The City of Wylie recognizes the importance of expansion of the existing business as a key element in the economic development of the City. Therefore, different criteria for incentive eligibility have been developed for business expansion. In or eligible for abatement, an expanding business must meet the following criteria: 1.) The project must create ten (10) or more jobs by the end abatement period. 2.) The project must result in an addition of $500,000 in assessed value within the first year of the abatement. 3.) The project must also meet the criteria as stated previously in this section. III. Types of Incentives It is the intent of the City of Wylie to evaluate the offering of economic development incentives on a case by case basis. This individualized design of a total incentive package is intended to allow a maximum flexibility in addressing the unique concerns of each applicant while enabling the City to better respond to the changing needs of the community. Below is a chart which reflects the percentage amount to be abated: MAXIMUM TAX ABATEMENT NEWLY CREATED VALUE OVER 5 YEAR PERIOD $3 million + 400% $2 million - $2,999,999 300% $1 million - $1,999,999 200% EXPANDED VALUE $2.5 million + 400% $1,500,000 - $2,499,999 300% $500,000 - $1,499,999 200% Abatements may be granted for terms from two to five (2 - 5) years but may be extended to the limits as specified by state law. Abatements of greater than five (5) years may be considered, only if it can be clearly demonstrated that it is economically beneficial to the City to do so. Abatement periods in excess of five (5) years must be approved by a three-quarter vote of the full City Council. The above chart reflects the maximum tax incentive to be eligible for over a period not to exceed five (5) years. No applicant may take a percentage greater than 100% in any given year. For example, the qualified applicant may choose to take the 200% abatement over a two (2) year period at 100% each year; or may extend it to 50% each year for four (4) years. The same method would apply to the 300% and 400% abatement. Please keep in mind that the percentages stated on the right are the maximum amounts. IV. Application Procedures Any person applying for Economic Development Incentives will be required to comply with several application procedures. Once the application has been completed, the application will be forwarded to the joint committee on economic development incentives consisting of elected officials from each of the taxing entities. V. Recapture The City of Wylie will have very specific performance standards that will be measured to ensure that the qualified applicant is adhering to the guidelines, as set forth, and the Economic Development Incentive Policy. In the event that the company or individual fails to keep current on ad-valorem or other taxes, or violates the terms and conditions of the abatement agreement in any fashion; the City of Wylie will have the option along with the other taxing entities,to recoup any tax monies that were abated. VI. Assignment The abatement may be transferred and assigned by the holder to a new owner or lessee of the same facility upon approval of the City Council; subject to the financial capacity of the assignee and provided that all conditions and obligations in the abatement agreement are guaranteed by the execution of a new contractual agreement with the City of Wylie. VII. Sunset Provisions The guidelines and criteria are affective upon the date of their adoption and will remain in force for two (2) years. At which time all reinvestment zones and tax abatement contracts created pursuant to its provisions, will be reviewed by the City Council of Wylie to determine whether the goals of the abatement program has been achieved. Based upon that review, the guidelines and criteria may be modified, renewed or eliminated. VIII. Note • In order for Wylie to have a successful Economic Development Incentive Policy, the City of Wylie must receive cooperation from the other taxing entities, i.e., Wylie ISD, Collin County and Collin County Community College District. Should more than one (1) entity grant tax abatements, it would be my recommendation that a joint committee on tax abatement be established consisting of two (2) elected officials from each of the taxing units to review and consider each applicant. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. June 13, 2000 Issue Hold a public hearing to allow the public presentation of evidence for or against the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 2. Background City of Wylie and Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) staff have been working with Sanden representatives to develop a tax abatement package to assist with existing and future expansion of Sandens' Wylie operations. In order to offer a tax abatement to any business entity, the lead taxing entity (the City of Wylie) must first create a reinvestment zone. A reinvestment zone may be almost any shape or size. However, such zone must be contiguous and must include some portion of the earth's surface. The designation of the reinvestment zone must be preceded by a public hearing to allow any interested person to speak and present evidence for or against the designation of the reinvestment zone. Seven days written notice of the hearing must be given to the presiding officer of each other taxing unit that has taxing jurisdiction over real property within the zone. Notice of the hearing must also be published at least seven days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The above notification requirements have been met. At the public hearing on the reinvestment zone, the City of Wylie City Council must make several findings. First, the City Council must find that the improvements sought are feasible and are of benefit to the zone after the expiration of the subsequent abatement agreement. Additionally, the City Council must find that the designation of the zone is reasonably likely to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment or attract major investment in the zone. If the zone designation is approved, the designation lasts for five years and may be renewed for successive periods of up to five years. The term of the tax abatement agreement may continue for up to ten years, even if the reinvestment zone is not renewed after the initial five year term. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations N/A Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Wylie City Council hold a public hearing to allow for the public presentation of evidence for or against the designation of Reinvest Zone No. 2 in anticipation of consideration of a tax abatement agreement between the City of Wylie and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. Attachment Boundary Survey, Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. Prepared by R ved by Fin an e City ager Approval WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. ( , June 13, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon issues surrounding the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 2 and the approval of a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. Background In November, 1998, City of Wylie and Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) staff met with Mr. Don Raburn, and Mr. Rod Taylor of Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. Expansion plans for the Sanden facility were unveiled and a request for assistance was made to the City of Wylie and WEDC. The City of Wylie was asked to consider a tax abatement package (with no specifics identified) and the WEDC was asked to assist with the construction of a ±$300,000 road to be constructed from Sanden Boulevard to the new die cast facility. Based upon the commitment of a $10 - $15 million investment, City staff conveyed that the City of Wylie would consider assisting in every way possible via a tax abatement package. In February, 2000, Sanden International completed the construction of a 35,000 square foot die cast facility. Construction cost of the real property improvements are $11,110,027 with personal property(machinery and equipment) expenditures of$8,229,233 with a total project cost of$19,339,260 (Primary Installation). As well, 27 additional employees are required to support the new facilities. In 2001, Sanden International will begin the second phase of the existing expansion. Additions to the Die Cast facility will total $584,233. Real property improvements to the primary Sanden facility will be completed to accommodate the new PXF-18 manufacturing line. No additional square footage will be added to the existing 300,000 square foot facility, only internal modifications will be completed. Real property improvements will total $5,000,000 with personal property improvements totaling $23,967,973. Total improvements made in the year 2001 will be $29,552,206 (Secondary Installation)with an additional 120 employees required by 2002. Shown as Exhibit "A" to the Ordinance designating Reinvestment Zone No. 2 is the Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. In summary, Sanden is requesting a two-tiered, six year tax abatement at 40% per year. The City of Wylie Economic Development Incentives guidelines, as provided, allows for a 400% tax abatement over a 5 year period for newly created value in excess of$3,000,000. As indicated above, Sanden is committing to added new value of$19,000,000 in year 1 (Primary Installation)and an additional$29,000,000 in years 2 - 6 (Secondary Installation). Although the Economic Development Incentive guidelines call for a maximum 5 year abatement, "abatement periods in excess of five(5)years can be approved by a three quarter vote of the full City Council" Financial Consideration The City will be foregoing revenue that would have otherwise been collected had an abatement not been considered. Conversely, Sanden International may not have expanded at the current location had the City not had in place an abatement policy and not encouraged Sanden to expand with full City support. The following is an analysis of the revenue which will be abated/generated assuming a 7 year depreciation on personal property and using the 1999 - 2000 tax rates. Sanden International(U.S.A.),Inc. Tax Abatement Analysis Newly Created Value=$48,000,000 Year Additional Taxes Abated Taxes Generated Taxable Value City of Wylie WISD 2001 $19,339,260 $54,150 $81,225 $309,428 2002 47,821,665 133,900 200,851 765,147 2003 42,696,349 119,550 179,325 683,145 2004 38,150,392 106,821 160,231 610,406 2005 33,397,048 93,512 140,268 534,352 2006 28,851,090 80,783 121,175 461,617 Total $588,716 $883,075 $3,364,095 Revenue generated by the Wylie Independent School District was used in this analysis due to the community wide effort made by the City of Wylie and WEDC in their economic development efforts. Other Consideration Following a series of meetings between the WEDC and Sanden representatives, the WEDC met in Regular Session on April 6, 2000 to consider a request for assistance by Sanden officials. As indicated above, an original request for assistance had been made for the amount of±$300,000 to assist with a road to connect the die cast facility with the existing Sanden facility. Sanden presented the WEDC with construction documents detailing construction cost of$330,827 for `concrete paving'. Based upon the commitment to assist with the road, Board members instructed staff to determine if the figures presented represented additional improvements aside from the road itself, ie. parking or fire lanes. Upon further review of the construction documentation, it was determined that the road alone represented $76,339. The WEDC Board of Directors did not believe that the initial WEDC commitment was inclusive of a fire lane which surrounds the die cast facility which constituted a majority of the $330,827 project cost. The WEDC Board of Directors unanimously approved a grant of$76,339 to Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Wylie City Council approve an Ordinance designating Reinvestment Zone No. 2 further approving a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. Attachment Tax Abatement Agreement Development Incentives Guidelines 4.4 404, /44„_ Prepared by R ' ed by Finan e City Manager Approval ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 2; PROVIDING ELIGIBILITY OF THE ZONE FOR INDUSTRIAL TAX ABATEMENT; CONTAINING FINDINGS THAT THE AREA QUALIFIES TO BE DESIGNATED AS A REINVESTMENT ZONE AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SOUGHT ARE FEASIBLE AND PRACTICABLE AND OF BENEFIT TO THE LAND AND THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, has caused notice to be published in a newspaper having general circulation the City of Wylie and has delivered such notice to the presiding officer of the governing body of each taxing unit that includes in its boundaries real property described herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, has conducted a public hearing on the designation of the area described herein as a reinvestment zone; and WHEREAS, the proposed Tax Abatement Agreement by and among the City of Wylie, Texas and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., a Texas Corporation, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," has been presented to the City Council; and the City Council is of the opinion and finds that the terms and conditions thereof should be approved and that the Mayor should be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the area described herein will, if designated as a reinvestment zone, be reasonably likely to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment, or to attract major investment in the zone that will be of benefit to the property and contribute to the economic development of the City. The City Council further finds that the improvements sought are feasible and practicable and would be of benefit to the land to be included in the zone and to the City after the expiration of the tax abatement agreement. SECTION 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 312.201 of the Texas Tax Code, the real property described in the Tax Abatement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof for all purposes is hereby designated as a reinvestment zone and for identification is assigned the name "Reinvestment Zone No. 2." SECTION 3. That the property within Reinvestment Zone No. 2 is eligible for industrial tax abatement effective on January 1, 2000, and for a period of six(6)years. SECTION 4. The Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" having been reviewed by the City Council and found to be acceptable and in the best interest of the City and its citizens, is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas. SECTION 5. That should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance, or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional,the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. That all ordinances of the City of Wylie, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same hereby, repealed; however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Wylie, Texas, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS, ON THIS THE 13th DAY OF JUNE,2000. John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas,City Secretary 06/08/00 16:49 PAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE 16002/014 DRAFT 6/8/00 3:33 PM State of Texas ) City of Wylie ) TAX ABATE ENT AGREEMENT This Tax Abatement Agreement("Agreement")is entered into by and between the City of Wylie, Texas, a home rule city and municipal corporation of Collin County, Texas, duly acting herein by and through its Mayor (the "City"), and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc_, a Texas corporation(the "Owner"). RECITALS: WHEREAS,on ,the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas passed Ordinance No. _. establishing Reinvestment Zone No. 2, City of Wylie, Texas for commercial/industrial tax abatement (the "Ordinance"), as authorized by V.T.C.A. Tax Code, Chapter 312 (the"Act"); WHEREAS, on the day of , ,the City Council of Wylie, Texas agreed to abate an amount of ad valorem taxes on certain real and personal property which is located within Reinvestment Zone No. 2; WHEREAS,the Owner wishes to make improvements and to install personal property within Reinvestment Zone No. 2; WHEREAS, the City has adopted by Resolution No. the City of Wylie Economic Incentive Guidelines and Criteria("Guidelines and Criteria")governing tax abatement agreements to be entered into by the City as contemplated by the Act; WHEREAS,the contemplated improvements to the Property(as hereinafter defined)and any other of the terms set forth herein are consistent with encouraging development of the City of Wylie, SSuSR.3/SP3/71221M105/060S2000 I 06/05/00 16:49 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE 4003/014 Texas in accordance with the purposes for its creation and are in compliance with the Guidelines and Criteria; WHEREAS, the City wishes to maintain and enhance the commercial/industrial economic and employment base of the Wylie area for the long-teen interest and benefit of the City in accordance with the Ordinance and the Act; WHEREAS,the addition of Personal Property on the Premises,as those terms arc hereinafter defined, is consistent with encouraging further development of said Reinvestment Zone No. 2 in accordance with the purposes for its creation and are in compliance with the intent of the Guidelines and Criteria and the Ordinance adopted by the City and all other applicable laws; and NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this Agreement do mutually agree as follows: I. Property (a) The property subject to this Agreement(the"Property")includes(i)the real property within the metes and bounds of Reinvestment Zone No. 2 as described on Exhibit"A"hereto and any improvements thereon (the "Real Property"), and (ii) the personal property (the `Personal Property")that is situated on the Real Property,as set forth on Exhibit"B." The abatement shall be calculated for each year covered by this Agreement to the extent the value of Real Property for that year exceeds the$ value for the tax year in which the Agreement was executed, and for the value of the Personal Property that was not located on the Real Property at any time before the period covered by this Agreement. (b) Tax abatement on the Property is expressly contingent on the Owner improving the Real Property according to the terms of this Section 1(b)and Exhibit"B." As set forth on Exhibit "B,"the Owner will install Personal Property and will make improvements to the Real Property in an amount determined by the Collin County Appraisal District of approximately 19 million dollars ($19,000,000) on or before December 31, 2000, representing the "Primary Installation" and the Owner will make an additional installation of Personal Property and additional improvements to the Real Property, also as set forth on Exhibit "B," in an amount determined by the Collin County Appraisal District of approximately 29 million dollars($29,000,000)on or before 2001,representing 58058631SP3/71223/0105/136082000 2 06/08/00 16:49 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE Lj004/014 the"Secondary Installation,"for a total installation of Personal Property and for total improvements to the Real Property,the combined value of which, as determined by the Collin County Appraisal District, will be an amount approximately equal to 48 million dollars ($48,000,000); provided, however, that the Owner shall have such additional time to complete the installation as may be required if (i) Owner or any affiliate thereof is delayed or prohibited from completing either installation in the event of"force majeure"or(ii)if in the reasonable opinion of the City,the Owner or any affiliate thereof has made substantial progress toward completion of the installation. For purposes of this Agreement, "force majeure" shall mean any contingency or cause beyond the reasonable control of Owner or any affiliate thereof,including,without limitation,acts of God or the public enemy, war, riot, civil commotion, insurrection, governmental or do facto governmental action(unless caused by acts or omissions of Owner or any affiliate thereof),fire,explosion or flood, and strikes. 2. Tax Abatement Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and subject to the rights of holders of any bonds of the City outstanding as of the date of this Agreement, a portion of ad valorem property taxes on the Property that is the subject of this Agreement,and that are otherwise owed to the City will be abated. For the year 2000, said abatement shall be in an amount equal to 40 percent (40%)of the taxes assessed upon the value of the Real Property and upon the value of the Personal Property that is the subject of the Primary Installation; for years 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, the abatement will be in an amount equal to 40 percent(40%)of the taxes assessed upon the value of the Real Property and upon value of the Personal Property that is the subject of the Primary and the Secondary Installation; for the year 2005, the abatement will be in an amount equal to 40 percent (40%) of the taxes assessed upon the value of the Personal Property that is the subject of the Secondary Installation; provided that the Owner shall have the right to protest and/or contest any assessment of the Property and said abatement shall be applied to the amount of taxes finally determined to be due as a result of any such protest and/or contest. The tax abatement will extend for a total period of six(6)years beginning January 1,2000, and ending December 31,2005_ 5A05363/S13/71221/0103/06U 2000 3 06/08/00 16:50 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE L4005i014 3. Owner's Good Faith in Construction The Owner agrees and covenants that it will diligently, faithfully, and in a good and workmanlike manner, pursue the completion of the Primary Installation and the Secondary Installation, as good and valuable consideration for this Agreement. The Owner further covenants and agrees that all construction will be in substantial compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, and regulations or valid waiver thereof. 4. Limitation on Use of the Real Property. During the period of tax abatement,the Owner agrees that its use of the Real Property will be consistent with the development or redevelopment of the Real Property in accordance with its designation as Reinvestment Zone No. 2. 5. Inspection The Owner agrees that the City, its agents and employees, shall have reasonable right of access to inspect the Property in order to ensure that the improvements,construction and/or location of the Property are in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable state and local laws and regulations or valid waiver thereof. After completion of the Primary Installation and the Secondary Installation, the City shall have the continuing right, subject to the Owner's reasonable security requirements, to inspect the Property to ensure that the Real Property and Personal Property are maintained,operated and occupied in accordance with this Agreement. It is also provided that any inspection of the Property by the City shall only occur after prior notification to the Owner and at a time mutually agreed upon by the City and the Owner_ It is further provided that any inspection by the City should attempt to minimize interference with normal business operations of the Owner. 6. Mutual Assistance The City and the Owner shall do all things necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement and to aid and assist each other in carrying out such terms and provisions. 580586.3/S?3,71221/0J05/060 2000 4 06/08/00 16:50 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE [j006/014 • 7- Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,each of which shall constitute an original,but all of which in the aggregate shall constitute one agreement. 8. Invalidity or Illegality of Agreement If any provision contained in this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal,or unenforceable in any respect,such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision. In lieu of each invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision, there shall be added a new provision by agreement of the parties as similar in terms to such invalid,illegal or unenforceable provision as may be possible and yet be valid, legal and enforceable. 9. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the transaction contemplated herein. 10. Amendment This Agreement may only be amended,altered,or revoked by written instrument signed by both the Owner and the City. 11. Default by Owner (a) Specific Default. In the event that the Owner fails to complete the Primary Installation and the Secondary Installation according to the terms set forth in Section 1 of this Agreement (a "Specific Default"), the City shall give the Owner written notice of such Specific Default_ If the Owner has not materially cured such Specific Default within sixty (60) days of written notice,or,if the Specific Default cannot with due diligence be materially cured within a 60- day period and the Owner has not commenced and proceeded diligently to cure the Specific Default, then, as its sole remedy, the City shall (1) terminate this Agreement and (2) receive as liquidated damages all previously abated taxes which otherwise would have been paid to the City without the benefit of tax abatement. The liquidated damages will become a debt to the City and shall be due, owing and paid to the City within sixty (60) days of the expiration of the cure period. In the event that the previously abated taxes are not paid within the time period provided in the previous 530586.3/SP3/71221/0105/00R3000 5 06/08/00 16:51 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE L0007/014 sentence,penalties and interest,at the prevailing prime interest rate at Bank of America,N.A_,or its successor, shall be charged as authorized by the Texas Property Tax Code. (b) General Default. In the event that the Owner defaults in its performance of this Agreement, other than as set forth above in Section 11(a) of this Agreement with respect to a Specific Default,(a"General Default"),the City shall give the Owner written notice of such General Default. If the Owner has not materially cured such General Default within sixty(60)days of written notice, or, if the General Default cannot with due diligence be materially cured within a 60-day period and the Owner has not commenced and proceeded diligently to cure the General Default,then, as its sole remedy, the City may (1) terminate or modify this Agreement and/or (2) receive as liquidated damages all previously abated taxes which otherwise would have been paid to the City without the benefit of abatement. The liquidated damages will become a debt to the City and shall be due,owing and paid to the City within sixty(60)days of the expiration of the cure period. In the event the previously abated taxes are not paid within the time period provided in the previous sentence,penalty and interest, at the prevailing prime interest rate at Bank of America,N.A., or its successor,shall be charged as authorized by the Texas Property Tax Code. 12. Default by City In the event that the City defaults in performance of this Agreement,the Owner shall give the City written notice of default. If the City has not materially cured the default within sixty(60) days written notice,or, if the default cannot with due diligence be materially cured within a 60-day period and the City has not commenced and proceeded diligently to cure the default,then the Owner, as its sole remedy,may either seek specific performance of this Agreement or seek damages resulting from the City's default. 13_ Notice Notices required to be given to any party to this Agreement shall be given personally or by certified mail,return receipt requested,postage prepaid, addressed to the party at its address as set forth below,and,if given by mail, shall be deemed delivered as of the date deposited in the United States mail: 580586 315P3171321i0105/06082000 6 06/08/00 16:51 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE f&08/014 For the City by notice both to the City Attorney and the City Manager: City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 City Attorney City of Wylie P.O. Box 1210 McKinney, Texas 75070 For the Owner by notice to Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc.: Sanden International (U.S.A_), Inc. Attn: 601 South Sanden Boulevard Wylie, Texas 75098 Any party may change the address to which notices arc to be sent by giving the other parties written notice in the manner provided in this paragraph. 14. Applicable Law This Agreement is made, and shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas and venue for any court action relating to this Agreement shall lie in Collin County,Texas. 15. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall vest in Owner and shall be assignable to each new owner of all or a portion of the Premises or any improvements situated thereon so long as such new owner is an Affiliate of Owner(as hereinafter defined), upon written approval of such assignment by the City. Such new owner must expressly assume all of the obligations of the Owner under this Agreement for the balance of the term of this Agreement. Approval of assignment to such Affiliate of Owner shall be promptly considered by the City and shall not be unreasonably withheld. For purposes of 5805X6.3/SP3/71221/0105/06081000 7 06/08/00 16:51 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE IA 009/014 this Agreement, an "Affiliate of Owner" means (a) any entity directly or indirectly holding an ownership interest in or controlling the outstanding securities of the Owner, both by vote and by value; (b) any entity whose ownership interest or outstanding securities arc directly or indirectly controlled by the Owner;and(c)any entity directly or indirectly controlling,controlled by,or under common control or ownership with the Owner. In determining whether the requisite amount of control is present,any entity who owns,either directly or indirectly one hundred percent(100%)of the outstanding securities of or ownership interest in another entity by vote and by value, shall be presumed to control such entity. 16. Certification The Owner shall certify annually,in writing,to the City that the Owner is in compliance with each term of the Agreement. Executed and made effective as of the day of ,2000. ATTEST: CITY OF WYLIE By: Barbara Salinas, City Secretary Mindy Manson, Acting City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: SANDEN INTERNATIONAL(U.S.A.), INC. By: Richard Abernathy,City Attorney Its: 5111)5$ 3/SP3171221/01051U60NZoQ0 8 06/08/00 16:52 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE ( 010/014 EXHIBIT A Description of Real Property [see attached] 51305n 3ISP3l71321/OtQSIO6Us2npq 06/08/00 16:52 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE [Q011/014 • • fit tjiflt4 Iti � tif t ��. iI� is aflU if ti a� ,�� r4IU .114 ,ti ,:` flit[ isqi ti( .. flt :j,r_ r.FL Ppp. t_ iI U [ cf ' ! a ii ill t•7e ill iii—. 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Ili' 11 it a �i 1 i' i 06/0 /00 16:52 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE {14013/0114 rage 1 ,..e.t trw f or re f c ill� :I L.r P✓.TL ~ . t 1 i S 1 1 ii: I L i;e t 1t 0Ia0 i — r - t "J " 11 ' 1 HI Film i $ i 3� 5_ is n to Ii t I; i itti - �,r / 0,41 ti- I r'If, ! it i G i =1.i Jig ;l g it}IIiaig. � � ; . 2 ; 'I: { > _g _ E i 06/08/00 16:53 FAX 214 651 4330 STRASBURGER & PRICE [0014/014 EXHIBIT B Description of Personal Property 1_ Primary Installation Construction of Die Cast Facility and installation of related machinery and equipment. 2. Secondary Installation Final installation of machinery and equipment related to Die Cast Facility and installation of machinery and equipment related to PXF-18 Facility, as well as installation of certain other unrelated machinery and equipment. 58VSS63/SP3 71321/0105r06012Wu WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. June 13, 2000 Issue Hold a public hearing to allow the public presentation of evidence for or against the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 3. Background City of Wylie and Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) staff have been working with Moulding Associates, Inc. (MAI) representatives to develop a tax abatement package to assist with existing expansion of MAI facilities within Premier Business Park. In order to offer a tax abatement to any business entity,the lead taxing entity(the City of Wylie)must first create a reinvestment zone. A reinvestment zone may be almost any shape or size. However, such zone must be contiguous and must include some portion of the earth's surface. The designation of the reinvestment zone must be preceded by a public hearing to allow any interested person to speak and present evidence for or against the designation of the reinvestment zone. Seven days written notice of the hearing must be given to the presiding officer of each other taxing unit that has taxing jurisdiction over real property within the zone. Notice of the hearing must also be published at least seven days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The above notification requirements have been met. At the public hearing on the reinvestment zone, the City of Wylie City Council must make several findings. First, the City Council must find that the improvements sought are feasible and are of benefit to the zone after the expiration of the subsequent abatement agreement. Additionally, the City Council must find that the designation of the zone is reasonably likely to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment or attract major investment in the zone. If the zone designation is approved, the designation lasts for five years and may be renewed for successive periods of up to five years. The term of the tax abatement agreement may continue for up to ten years, even if the reinvestment zone is not renewed after the initial five year term. Financial Considerations N/A Other Considerations N/A Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Wylie City Council hold a public hearing to allow for the public presentation of evidence for or against the designation of Reinvest Zone No. 3 in anticipation of consideration of a tax abatement agreement between the City of Wylie and Moulding Associates, Inc. Attachment Property Description, Moulding Associates C Prepared by Revi ed by Financ City M ger Approval JACKSON & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being a tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey,Abstract No. 841, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a part of a tract of land conveyed to James H. Hale by deed recorded by County Clerk's File Number 92-0008849, Collin County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2"iron rod found on the north right-of-way line of Hensley Lane (60' R.O.W.)for the southeast corner of Lot 1A, Block A, Replat of Premier Industrial Park, by plat thereof recorded in Volume K, Page 170, Map Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE,North 00°00'00"West,along east line of said Lot IA, a distance of 287.00 feetto 1/2" iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 1A; THENCE, South 90°00'00"West, along north line of said Lot 1A, a distance of 165.86 feet to 1/2"iron rod foundforthe northwest corner of said Lot lA and on the east line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie as filed under County Clerk's File Number 95-00123334, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE, North 03°51'03"East, along the east line of said City of Wylie tract, a distance of 216.10 feetto a 1/2"iron rod found for corner; THENCE, North 46°55'31"East, along a southeast right-of-wayline of County Road No. 297, a distance of 43.83 feetto a 1/2"iron rod found for corner; THENCE, North 90°00'00"East, along a south right-of-way line of County Road No. 297, a distance of 454.33 feetto a 1/2"iron rod set for corner; THENCE, South 00°00'00"East, a distance of 532.54 feetto a 1/2"iron rod set for corner on the north right-of-way line of Hensley Lane (60' R.O.W.); THENCE,North 90°00'00"West,along the north right-of-wayline ofHensleyLane(60'R.O.W.), a distance of 335.00 feetto the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 216,648 square feet or 4.974 acres of land. F 2600 W, FM HIGHWAY 544 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (972) 442-4045 r-- • • — . .. _ . . m • I I I • 1 :i _i _ \\:, _I s • . 1 . . _ . . ..,....,„ _ • • 1 r_., =— Z \- i\ \ \\g I N •4. 114 . m 1__ , __ WI c o :.. _ \\ m IA I �\11111111 l l l l l l : I_ .�... I • • i ;" I2 I� RAMPART MOULDING ASSOCIATES ` iii ASSOCIATESMin Mt N., it INCORPORATED J.D.SIMS 60,000 SO.FT.OFFICE/WAREHOUSE - Sanden Internationa► (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub0 Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19991001 BLD0129 003 CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 1,450.31 19990201 BLD124 000 DRY ERASE WALL FOR BPR ROOM 01705200BLDG TXS Wylie 1,708.19 19990201 BLD125 000 DOCK SEALS 01740200BLDG TXS Wylie 5,448.01 19990201 BLD126 000 DOOR/WINDOWS TEST BENCH AREA 01305000BLDG TXS Wylie 5,141.88 19990201 BLD127 000 CONSTRUCTION OF EXEC OFFICES 01260000BLDG TXS Wylie 4,373.30 19990301 BLD128 000 ELECTRICAL RENOVATION 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 2,000.00 19990301 BLD128 001 ELECTRICAL RENOVATION 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 2,000.00 19990301 BLD128 002 ELECTRICAL RENOVATION 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 28,603.98 19990301 BLD128 003 ELECTRICAL RENOVATION 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 7,506.00 19990301 BLD129 000 CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 22,115.48 19990301 BLD129 001 CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 7,550.44 19990301 BLD129 002 CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 5,787.86 19990301 BLD130 000 ELECTRICAL PORTION OF HTERMAL 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 4,438.25 19990301 BLD131 000 MECHANICAL RENOVATION 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 40,000.00 19990301 BLD132 000 INSTALLATION ROOFTOP EXHAUST 01320000BLDG TXS Wylie 20,242.75 19990301 BLD133 000 INSTALL HIGH BAY LIGHTING 01320000BLDG TXS Wylie 13,973.45 19990301 BLD134 000 INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 1,082.50 19990301 BLD135 000 INSTALLATION OF FIRE ALARMS 01740000BLDG TXS Wylie 8,147.81 19990301 BLD136 000 CHECK FIXTURES 01785200BLDG TXS Wylie 11,531.94 19990301 BLD138 000 RELOCATE AND ADD LIGHTING 01320000BLDG TXS Wylie 2,359.00 19990701 BLD1500 000 ENTRY ACCESS CONTROL SYS ENG 01300000BLDG TXS Wylie 20,328.48 19990701 BLD151 000 WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS 01740000BLDG TXS Wylie 12,069.87 19990701 BLD152 000 WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS 01740000BLDG TXS Wylie 1,828.32 19990701 BLD153 000 WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS 01740000BLDG TXS Wylie 11,883.69 Wylie Building Total 241,571.51 19991201 DP0782 001 COM 18.2GB PLUG WIDE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,156.32 19991201 DP0782 002 COM 18.2GB PLUG WIDE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,185.03 19991201 DP0782 003 COMPAQ 18.2-GB PLUGG 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 4,310.49 19990201 DP0893 010 BARCODE INSTALUSERVICE 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 40.99 19990201 DP0893 011 BARCODE INSTALUSERVICE 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 1,150.60 19990301 DP0893 016 CONSULTING FEE FOR BAR CODING 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 69,371.72 19990901 DP0893 017 BAR CODE INSTALL SERVICES 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 11,561.00 19990201 DP1156 001 NETWORK CABLE INSTALLATION 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 8,922.92 19990101 DP1242 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 59836BYP2D038 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 1,419.33 19990101 DP1243 000 15"SVGA MONITOR S/N 58701366YF 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 300.00 19990101 DP1244 000 CANON PRINTER NSN1000069213 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 426.33 19990101 DP1245 000 IBM LAP TOP 1526359AU78WVH56 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 2,812.07 19990101 DP1246 000 MULTI CURRENCY SOFTWARE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 8,118.75 19990101 DP1247 000 CAT 5 PIN DATA CABLE W/FACE PL 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 6,535.59 19990101 DP1248 000 620 8MM TAPE DRIVE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 5,680.55 4/7/00 1 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990101 DP1249 000 SPECTRUM SOFTWARE 01260000DATA TXS Wylie 3,709.35 19990201 DP1250 000 UPS HARDWARE SN SWS9810702921 01250000DATA TXS Wylie 503.64 19990201 DP1251 000 UPS HARDWARE SN SWS9810703027 01796200DATA TXS Wylie 503.63 19990201 DP1252 000 HP SHEET TRAY SN NSN1000043843 01715200DATA TXS Wylie 959.84 19990201 DP1253 000 HP SHEET TRAY SN NSN1000043844 01715200DATA TXS Wylie 959.83 19990201 DP1254 000 HP SHEET TRAY SN NSN1000043845 01715200DATA TXS Wylie 959.83 19990201 DP1255 000 LAP TOP SN S68825362A 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 4,433.16 19990201 DP1256 000 15"SVGA MONITOR SN S8701379YF 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 215.42 19990201 DP1257 000 CANON MULTIPASS NSN1000081926 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 431.21 19990201 DP1258 000 HP LASERJET SN SJPHS177083 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 3,980.00 19990201 DP1259 000 PROXIMA ULTRA LIGHT SN09808768 01254000DATA TXS Wylie 4,168.92 19990201 DP1260 000 BPCS 6.04 INTERFACE SOFTWARE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 5,000.00 19990201 DP1261 000 DELL PENTIUM II SN 207624644 01320000DATA TXS Wylie 2,246.20 19990201 DP1262 000 CATIA SOFTWARE 01310000DATA TXS Wylie 20,735.00 19990201 DP1263 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-1 01775200DATA TXS Wylie 1,119.23 19990201 DP1264 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-2 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 1,119.23 19990201 DP1265 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-3 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 1,119.23 19990201 DP1266 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-4 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 1,119.23 19990201 DP1267 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-5 017552000ATA TXS Wylie 1,119.23 19990201 DP1268 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82471-6 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 1,119.22 19990201 DP1269 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82469-1 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 2,635.89 19990201 DP1270 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82818-1 01210000DATA TXS Wylie 1,090.08 19990201 DP1271 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P82818-2 012100000ATA TXS Wylie 1,090.08 19990201 DP1272 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P83297-1 01527200DATA TXS Wylie 1,090.08 19990201 DP1273 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P83297-2 01527200DATA TXS Wylie 1,090.08 19990201 DP1274 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P83297-3 01527200DATA TXS Wylie 1,090.08 19990201 DP1275 000 INTEL PENTIUM II SN P83297-4 01527200DATA TXS Wylie 1,090.07 19990201 DP1276 000 MINI MARK INK JET PRINTER 01512210DATA TXS Wylie 5,598.75 19990301 DP1277 000 HP LASERJECT S/N JPCB004146 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 8,704.49 19990301 DP1278 000 DATA PRINTER NORBAR S/N RS232 01787200DATA TXS Wylie 2,528.90 19990301 DP1279 000 HP PRINTER-FAX S/N SG85TC7OFB 01050000DATA TXS Wylie 465.53 19990301 DP1280 000 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 3,188.00 19990301 DP1281 000 ELECTRONIC COMUNICATION 01275000DATA TXS Wylie 1,082.49 19990301 DP1283 000 LANIER LASER PRINTER S/N TIM R 01796200DATA TXS Wylie 2,307.24 19990301 DP1284 000 COMPUTER SYS S/N GATEWAY1 01215000DATA TXS Wylie 2,001.28 19990301 DP1285 000 COMPUTER SYS S/N GATEWAY2 01215000DATA TXS Wylie 2,001.28 19990301 DP1286 000 COMPUTER SYS S/N GATEWAY3 01215000DATA TXS Wylie 2,001.28 19990301 DP1287 000 COMPUTER SYS S/N GATEWAY4 01215000DATA TXS Wylie 2,001.28 19990301 DP1288 000 COMPUTER SYS S/N GATEWAYS 01215000DATA TXS Wylie 2,001.28 19990301 DP1289 000 EDI TRANSLATOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 54,365.02 4/7/00 2 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990401 DP1297 000 BPCS 6.04 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 974,143.14 19990701 DP1500 000 HP COLOR LASER PRINTER 01780200DATA TXS Wylie 3,044.00 19990701 DP1501 000 COMPAQ DESKPRO 01780200DATA TXS Wylie 2,363.02 19990701 DP1502 000 HP COLOR LASER JET 45 PRINTER 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 3,254.11 19990701 DP1503 000 HP LASER JET 4000N PRINTER 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 1,570.89 19990701 DP1504 000 HP COLOR LASER JET 45 PRINTER 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 3,388.87 19990701 DP1505 000 IBM TP600 PI1366 01210000DATA TXS Wylie 4,163.78 19990701 DP1507 000 TDZ2000 PENTIUM PROCESSOR 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 4,958.00 19990701 DP1508 000 TDZ2000 PENTIUM PROCESSOR 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 4,958.00 19990701 DP1509 000 INTERGRAPH 21" MONITOR 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 1,518.60 19990701 DP1510 000 INTERGRAPH 21"MONITOR 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 1,518.60 19990701 DP1511 000 HP LASER JET 4000N PRINTER 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 1,591.46 19990701 DP1513 000 COMPAQ 18.2-GB HARD DRIVE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,405.18 19990701 DP1514 000 COMPAQ 18.2-GB HARD DRIVE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,405.18 19990701 DP1515 000 COMPAQ 18.2-GB HARD DRIVE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,405.19 19990701 DP1516 000 HP LASER JET 4000N PRINTER 01755200DATA TXS Wylie 1,591.46 19990701 DP1517 000 CAN PCMCIA CARD TYPE II 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 1,060.00 19990801 DP1517 100 CAN PCMCIA CARD TYPE II TAX 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 87.45 19990701 DP1518 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1519 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1520 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1521 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1522 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1523 000 INTEL PENTIUM 11 CPU 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1524 000 NECD A500 15" MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1525 000 NECD A500 15"MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1526 000 NECD A500 15"MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1527 000 NECD A500 15"MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1528 000 NECD A500 15" MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1529 000 NECD A500 15" MONITOR 01790200DATA TXS Wylie 210.01 19990701 DP1530 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01055000DATA TXS Wylie 837.86 19990701 DP1531 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01055000DATA TXS Wylie 837.85 19990701 DP1532 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01055000DATA TXS Wyli6 210.01 19990701 DP1533 000 HP 4500N COLOR LASER JET PRINT 01055000DATA TXS Wylie 3,008.27 19990701 DP1534 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01255000DATA TXS Wylie 849.76 19990701 DP1535 000 NEC A500 15" MONITOR 01255000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19990701 DP1536 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 846.52 19990701 DP1537 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 955.31 19990701 DP1538 000 VIEWSONIC E771 MONITOR 17" 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 305.81 19990701 DP1539 000 NEC A500 15" MONITOR 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 4/7/00 3 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990701 DP1540 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 205.67 19990701 DP1541 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01740200DATA TXS Wylie 1,093.33 19990701 DP1542 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 841.11 19990701 DP1543 000 INTEL PENTIUM li CPU 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 841.10 19990701 DP1544 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 837.86 19990701 DP1545 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01715200DATA TXS Wylie 837.05 19990701 DP1546 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01756200DATA TXS Wylie 837.04 19990701 DP1547 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01756200DATA TXS Wylie 837.04 19990701 DP1548 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01756200DATA TXS Wylie 837.05 19990701 DP1549 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01756200DATA TXS Wylie 837.05 19990701 DP1550 000 INTEL PENTIUM II CPU 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 851.12 19990701 DP1551 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19990701 DP1552 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19990701 DP1553 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 205.67 19990701 DP1554 000 NEC A500 15"MONITOR 01760200DATA TXS Wylie 205.67 19990701 DP1560 000 500 LPM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,468.71 19990701 DP1561 000 500 LPM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,468.71 19990701 DP1562 000 500 LPM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,468.72 19990701 DP1563 000 500 LPM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,468.72 19990701 DP1564 000 4503 TRI FORM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,622.51 19990701 DP1565 000 4503 TRI FORM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 4,622.50 19990701 DP1566 000 4503 TRI FORM MATRIX PRINTER 01385000DATA TXS Wylie 110.00 19990701 DP1567 000 IBM THINK PAD 01250000DATA TXS Wylie 3,068.46 19990701 DP1568 000 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEM 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 7,277.00 19990701 DP1569 000 ZEBRA 170X1 LABEL PRINTER 01512225DATA TXS Wylie 4,899.76 19990701 DP1570 000 VWIN VIBRATION CONTROLLER 01320000DATA TXS Wylie 25,400.00 19990901 DP1571 000 COMPAQ ARMADA LAPTOP 01750200DATA TXS Wylie 3,075.00 19990901 DP1572 000 HP LASERJET PRINTER 01216000DATA TXS Wylie 2,774.45 19990901 DP1573 000 IBM THINK PAD 01254000DATA TXS Wylie 4,960.33 19990901 DP1574 000 NEC MONITOR 01254000DATA TXS Wylie 443.00 19990901 DP1575 000 NEC MONITOR 01254000DATA TXS Wylie 443.00 19990901 DP1576 000 NEC MONITOR 01254000DATA TXS Wylie 443.00 19990901 DP1577 000 HP LASERJET PRINTER 01260000DATA TXS Wylie 3,138.15 19990901 DP1578 000 HP LASER JET PRINTER 01260000DATA TXS Wylie 3,138.16 19990901 DP1580 000 NETWORK CABLE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,974.04 19990901 DP1581 000 LAPTOP COMPUTER 01705200DATA TXS Wylie 3,118.45 19990901 DP1582 000 UPGRADE SOFTWARE LISCENSE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 7,171.88 19990901 DP1583 000 CISCO ROUTER &EQUIPMENT 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 7,314.02 19990901 DP1584 000 FUTURE THREE(NEW CUSTOMERS) 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 3,068.50 19990901 DP1585 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01050000DATA TXS Wylie 1,299.00 4/7/00 4 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990901 DP1586 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01716200DATA TXS Wylie 1,071.68 19990901 DP1587 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,190.75 19990901 DP1588 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1589 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1590 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1591 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1592 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1593 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1594 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.26 19990901 DP1595 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.27 19990901 DP1596 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.27 19990901 DP1597 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,066.27 19990901 DP1598 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01716200DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19990901 DP1599 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,190.75 19990901 DP1600 000 INTEL PENTIUM II 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,190.75 19990901 DP1601 000 HP 5000 N LASER JET PRINTER 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 2,442.12 19990901 DP1602 000 HP2500 COLOR PRINTER 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 2,004.94 19990901 DP1603 000 MKS SDM IMPLEMENTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 5,121.26 19991001 DP1604 000 HP LASER PRINTER 01300000DATA TXS Wylie 8,704.49 19991001 DP1605 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01210000DATA TXS Wylie 2,160.67 19991001 DP1606 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,381.27 19991001 DP1607 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,381.27 19991001 DP1608 000 LCADER EXPRESS 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 9,496.73 19991001 DP1609 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,081.41 19991201 DP161 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 6,951.82 19991001 DP1610 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,081.42 19991001 DP1611 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,081.42 19991001 DP1612 000 COMPAQ DESK PRO 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,081.42 19991001 DP1613 000 MONITOR 17" 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 416.97 19991001 DP1614 000 MONITOR 17" 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 416.98 19991001 DP1619 000 DELL DIMENSION XPS 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,167.18 19991001 DP1620 000 DELL DIMENSION XPS 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,167.18 19991001 DP1621 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 785.00 19991001 DP1622 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 785.00 19991001 DP1623 000 NEC MONITOR 15" 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 278.56 19991001 DP1624 000 NEC MONITOR 15" 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 278.56 19991001 DP1625 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01757200DATA TXS Wylie 846.52 19991001 DP1626 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 833.53 19991001 DP1627 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 833.53 19991001 DP1628 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 833.52 4/7/00 5 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19991001 DP1629 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 925.54 19991001 DP1630 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 925.54 19991001 DP1631 000 PENTIUM II COMPUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 967.52 19991001 DP1632 000 LABLE PRINTER 01310000DATA TXS Wylie 2,345.94 19991201 DP1633 000 COLOR LASERJECT 4500N 01275000DATA TXS Wylie 3,138.18 19991201 DP1634 000 COMP ARMADA 3500 PII3 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 3,133.63 19991201 DP1635 000 COMP ARMADA 1750 PII3 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,893.33 19991201 DP1636 000 COLOR LASERJECT 4500N 01257000DATA TXS Wylie 3,233.43 19991201 DP1637 000 DUOSCAN T1200 TWINPL 01257000DATA TXS Wylie 649.51 19991201 DP1638 000 MESSENGERPLUS SALE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 3,400.00 19991201 DP1639 000 PENTIUM II 400 MHZ, INTEL 01210000DATA TXS Wylie 1,198.75 19991201 DP1640 000 NEC A500 MONITOR 01210000DATA TXS Wylie 403.68 19991201 DP1641 000 INTEL PENTIUM 111450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1642 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1643 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1644 000 INTEL PETNIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1645 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1646 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1647 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1648 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1649 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,055.44 19991201 DP1650 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,161.55 19991201 DP1652 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,161.52 19991201 DP1653 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,161.52 19991201 DP1654 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,161.52 19991201 DP1655 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,161.52 19991201 DP1656 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,261.11 19991201 DP1657 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,261.11 19991201 DP1658 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,261.11 19991201 DP1659 000 INTEL PENTIUM III 450 MHZ 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,261.11 19991201 DP1660 000 NEC A 500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1661 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1662 000 NEC A500+ 15"MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1663 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1664 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1665 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1666 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1667 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1668 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 19991201 DP1669 000 NEC A500+ 15" MONITOR 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 205.68 4/7/00 6 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19991201 DP1670 000 M-SCROLL PROGRAM 01745200DATA TXS Wylie 36,525.00 19991201 DP1671 000 NETWORK SERVER/MAIL 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 8,069.49 19991201 DP1672 000 NETWORK SERVER/SQL 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 8,069.50 19991201 DP1674 000 CISCO ROUTER 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 2,616.62 19991201 DP1675 000 BAY NETWORK SWITCH 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 10,586.85 19991201 DP1676 000 DELL PIII 600K PC 01255000DATA TXS Wylie 2,027.55 19991201 DP1677 000 MKS SUPPORT CENTER SOFTWARE 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 1,838.00 19991201 DP1678 000 UPS ELECTRONICS& INTERNAL 01256000DATA TXS Wylie 12,538.61 Wylie Data Processing Total 1,625,696.57 19990101 FF0975 000 CUBICLE 01300000FURN TXS Wylie 5,400.27 19990201 FF0976 000 CUBICLES 01305000FURN TXS Wylie 17,663.59 19990301 FF0977 000 COUNTER TOPS 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 16,665.80 19990301 FF0978 000 CUBICLE 01705200FURN TXS Wylie 3,101.47 19990301 FF0979 000 CUBICLES 01790200FURN TXS Wylie 11,628.32 19990701 FF1000 000 CAFETERIA STAINLESS STEEL CAB 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 1,454.53 19990701 FF1001 000 CAFETERIA STAINLESS STEEL CAB 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 1,583.01 19990701 FF1002 000 CUBICLES FOR TECHNICIANS 01796200FURN TXS Wylie 2,000.33 19990701 FF1003 000 CUBICLES FOR TECHNICIANS 01796200FURN TXS Wylie 13,182.85 19990701 FF1004 000 CUBICLES FOR TECHNICIANS 01796200FURN TXS Wylie 366.97 19990701 FF1005 000 CUBICLES FOR TECNICIANS 01796200FURN TXS Wylie 1,008.14 19990701 FF1006 000 CONTINGENCY-DESK WITH CHAIR 01300000FURN TXS Wylie 5,039.04 19990701 FF1007 000 CONTINGENCY-TABLE TOP AND LEGS 01300000FURN TXS Wylie 2,172.79 19990701 FF1008 000 CONTINGENCY-CHAIR 01300000FURN TXS Wylie 7,320.00 19990701 FF1009 000 CUBICLES 01755200FURN TXS Wylie 10,717.40 19990701 FF1010 000 CABINET&WORKBENCH-LABEL AP 01512225FURN TXS Wylie 1,672.90 19990901 FF1011 000 OFFICE CUBICLES 01715200FURN TXS Wylie 14,102.92 19990901 FF1012 000 TABLE AND CHAIRS 01790200FURN TXS Wylie 2,730.06 19991001 FF1013 000 STORAGE EQUIPMENT FOR STORE RM 01725200FURN TXS Wylie 1,354.70 19991001 FF1014 000 DESK AND CHAIR 01757200FURN TXS Wylie 4,090.23 19991201 FF1015 000 FILE, INSUL, 4DRW, LTR, SND 01260000FURN TXS Wylie 1,670.13 19991201 FF1016 000 STORAGE CABINET&DRAWERS 01725200FURN TXS Wylie 999.97 19991201 FF1017 000 STORAGE CABINET&SHELF 01725200FURN TXS Wylie 934.68 19991201 FF1018 000 ICE MAKER, FLAKE STYLE 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 5,960.25 19991201 FF1019 000 STAINLESS STEEL WALL PANEL 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 1,005.47 19991201 FF1020 000 COFFE UM FOR CAFE 01257000FURN TXS Wylie 2,070.90 Wylie Furn& Fixtures Total 135,896.72 19990101 ME2653 000 CRANE TRANSDUCER 01745200MACH TXS Wylie 4,183.07 19990101 ME2654 000 UPGRADE FIRE ALARM 01740000MACH TXS Wylie 30,665.39 19990101 ME2656 000 ENDURA DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 01543225MACH TXS Wylie 2,849.17 19990101 ME2657 000 PARTS CONVEYOR 01544225MACH TXS Wylie 23,734.00 4/7/00 7 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctd. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990201 ME2664 000 ENDURA DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 01543200MACH TXS Wylie 28,920.00 19990301 ME2666 000 CYLINDER BLOCK WASHER 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 126,084.70 19990301 ME2667 000 H &W CHIP CONVEYOR 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 2,860.00 19990301 ME2667 001 H&W CHIP CONVEYOR 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 25,740.00 19990301 ME2668 000 ELECTRICAL CONVEYOR 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 5,840.00 19990301 ME2669 000 NBV 3 8AL INTERNAL BROACH MCHN 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 14,800.00 19990301 ME2669 001 NBV 3 8AL INTERNAL BROACH MCHN 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 161,345.00 19990301 ME2670 000 CONVEYOR SYSTEM 01305000MACH TXS Wylie 5,639.66 19990301 ME2671 000 HYDRAULIC LIFT TABLE 01528205MACH TXS Wylie 7,897.92 19990301 ME2672 000 TORQUE CELL 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 5,196.00 19990301 ME2673 000 PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL FURNACE 01735200MACH TXS Wylie 7,090.38 19990301 ME2681 000 PLANT REORGANIZATION 01770200MACH TXS Wylie 28,550.00 19990301 ME2682 000 PLANT PLATE OSCILLATING G/A 01546200MACH TXS Wylie 11,717.60 19990701 ME2900 000 INSPECTION MACHINE CONVYR MOD 01543200MACH TXS Wylie 9,800.00 19990701 ME2901 000 A LINE WELDERS MACHINE CYCLE 01541200MACH TXS Wylie 2,240.00 19990701 ME2902 000 A LINE WELDERS MACHINE CYCLE 01541200MACH TXS Wylie 1,560.00 19990701 ME2903 000 A LINE WELDERS MACHINE CYCLE 01541200MACH TXS Wylie 1,039.20 19990701 ME2904 000 UPGRADE DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 01528201MACH TXS Wylie 19,355.56 19990701 ME2905 000 COOLANT DHYDRATOR 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 3,534.00 19991001 ME2905 001 INTALL NEW DEHYDRATOR 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 8,178.02 19990701 ME2906 000 THRUST BALL ELEVATOR 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 4,128.88 19990701 ME2907 000 THRUST BALL ELEVATOR 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 1,993.30 19990701 ME2908 000 THRUST BALL ELEVATOR 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 224.46 19990701 ME2909 000 FORK TRUCK 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 16,682.25 19990701 ME2910 000 PORTABLE DATA COLLECTION SYS 01745200MACH TXS Wylie 5,232.67 19990701 ME2912 000 ENDURA DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 01543200MACH TXS Wylie 4,871.25 19990701 ME2913 000 ENDURA DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 01544200MACH TXS Wylie 4,871.25 19990701 ME2914 000 ENDURA CABLING&DATA COLL SYS 01545200MACH TXS Wylie 15,701.42 19990701 ME2915 000 DRAW BAR LOAD CELL 01725200MACH TXS Wylie 1,950.55 19990701 ME2916 000 THERMOGRAPHY CAMERA 01725200MACH TXS Wylie 25,427.93 19990701 ME2917 000 WI&TE FOR TORQUE TRANSDUCER 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 20,000.00 19990701 ME2918 000 IM&TE FOR TORQUE TRANSDUCER 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 18,611.42 19990701 ME2919 000 FLOW THROUGH RACKS 5 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 11,153.01 19990701 ME2920 000 INSTALL DOUBLE CLEANOUTS/IMPRE 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 10,656.13 19990701 ME2921 000 A LINE WELDERS MACHINE CYCLE 01541200MACH TXS Wylie 3,340.16 19990701 ME2922 000 INDEXER CONTROL BOX REMOTES 24 01545200MACH TXS Wylie 2,501.75 19990701 ME2923 000 CALORIMETER MODIFICATION SDV 01790200MACH TXS Wylie 2,482.17 19990701 ME2944 000 INSPECTION MACHINE CONVYR MOD 01543200MACH TXS Wylie 3,833.00 19990601 ME2946 000 KINEFAC MAIN SHAFT THREAD MACH 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 36,074.63 19990601 ME2947 000 TRANSFER LOADER 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 6,035.36 4/7/00 8 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990601 ME2948 000 KOYO CNC-150 6 AXES GRINDING 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 79,311.99 19990601 ME2949 000 KOYO CNC-150 6 AXES GRINDING 01540200MACH TXS Wyiie 79,311.99 19990601 ME2950 000 TECNO-WASHINO SS-8 4 AXES LATH 01540200MACH TXS W.lie 25,225.49 19990601 ME2951 000 MATSUDA SEIKI 3-HEAD LAPPING 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 47,907.03 19990601 ME2952 000 ANDO DENKI QY-5700 SORTER/MARK 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 58,878.57 19990601 ME2953 000 MAZAK SHPER QUICK TURN 15M'S 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 74,633.57 19990601 ME2954 000 SANDEN MAIN SHAFT PRESS FIT 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 22,920.05 19990601 ME2955 000 BROTHER TC321N-PPC&EQUIP 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 61,997.23 19990601 ME2956 000 BROTHER TC321N-PPC&EQUIP 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 30,998.61 19990601 ME2957 000 BROTHER TC321N-PPC&EQUIP 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 30,998.61 19990601 ME2958 000 BROTHER TC321N-PPC&EQUIP 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 29,205.96 19990601 ME2959 000 SANDEN SPIROL PIN PRESS FIT 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 29,205.96 19990601 ME2960 000 BROTHER TC321N-PPC&EQUIP 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 33,693.20 19990601 ME2961 000 MAZAK QUICK TURN 15N'S 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 30,694.85 19990601 ME2962 000 MAZAK QUICK TURN 15N'S 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 44,602.55 19990601 ME2963 000 SANDEN SWASH PLATE ANGLE MACH 01540200MACH TXS Wylie 44,051.61 19990701 ME2964 000 CONVEYOR MODIFICATION 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 25,479.96 19990701 ME2965 000 LORD LABEL APPLICATOR 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 40,917.61 19990701 ME2966 000 PANEL MOUNT PC FOR LABEL APPL 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 5,523.46 19990701 ME2967 000 ORBITING SCROLL IMPROVEMENTS 01543225MACH TXS Wylie 4,230.18 19990701 ME2968 000 SHAFT BRG/SBW ASSY LOADER IMPR 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 44,434.64 19990701 ME2969 000 FH CASING LOADING CONVEYOR 01545200MACH TXS Wylie 63,108.60 19990701 ME2970 000 TR FINISH LINE MODIFICATIONS 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 58,554.41 19990701 ME2971 000 TR MAIN LINE MODIFICATIONS 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 47,500.00 19990701 ME2972 000 TR MAIN LINE MODIFICATIONS 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 68,343.00 19990701 ME2973 000 ROTOR SNAP RING INSTAL MACH 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 66,000.00 19990701 ME2974 000 IMPROVE ARMATURE HEIGHT MEASUR 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 7,758.74 19990701 ME2975 000 ROTOR SNAP RING INSTALL MACH 01511210MACH TXS Wylie 66,000.00 19990701 ME2976 000 LEAK CHECK AUTOMATIC LOADER 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 119,299.59 19990901 ME2976 100 LEAK CHECK AUTOMATIC LOADER 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 42,315.97 19990701 ME2977 000 OIL CHARGING LINE 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 273,389.02 19990701 ME2978 000 PRV TIGHTENING MACHINE 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 58,676.03 19990701 ME2979 000 "A"LINE-ROTOR MACH IMPROV 01528201MACH TXS Wylie 17,885.82 19990701 ME2980 000 SLIDE BUSHING INSERTER MACH 01511210MACH TXS Wylie 96,665.00 19990701 ME2981 000 FRONT HOUSING BOLT MACHINE 01511210MACH TXS Wylie 343,200.00 19990701 ME2982 000 CYL HEAD HOLE INSPECTION MACH 01529210MACH TXS Wylie 108,000.00 19990701 ME2983 000 PALLET SPACERS 01511210MACH TXS Wylie 45,874.19 19990701 ME2984 000 ELECTRONIC FIXED SPINDLE GAGE 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 8,915.00 19990701 ME2985 000 ROBOT MACHINE BASE ASSEMBLY 01527210MACH TXS Wylie 5,624.00 19990701 ME2986 000 PALLET SPACERS 01511210MACH TXS Wylie 46,075.00 4/7/00 9 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990701 ME2987 000 MACHINING FIXTURES-SD7 BLOCK 01527200MACH TXS Wylie 176,195.26 19990701 ME2988 000 PALLET SPACERS, CHUCKS, INSERT 01512210MACH TXS Wylie 116,097.50 19990901 ME2988 100 PALLET SPACERS, CHUCKS, CLAMPS 01512210MACH TXS Wylie 97,020.85 19990701 ME2995 000 TLC-210 GANTRY ROBOT-A LINE 01528201MACH TXS Wylie 104,774.40 19990701 ME2996 000 TCL-210 GANTRY ROBOT 01528205MACH TXS Wylie 104,774.40 19990701 ME2997 000 TCL-210 GANTRY ROBOT 01528245MACH TXS Wylie 104,774.40 19990701 ME2998 000 TCL-210 GANTRY ROBOT 01528255MACH TXS Wylie 104,774.41 19990701 ME2999 000 LIP SEAL VACUUM TEST MACHINE 01511225MACH TXS Wylie 46,903.21 19990901 ME3001 000 AQUAMASTER CB-1000E 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 6,206.25 19990901 ME3006 000 STEEL TURNING CONVEYOR 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 41,037.58 19991201 ME3006 001 CONVEYOR PER ATTACHED QUOTE IN 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 5,141.88 19990901 ME3007 000 CABLE ACCESSORY 01543200MACH TXS Wylie 1,485.06 19990901 ME3011 000 COOLANT DEHYDRATOR 01740200MACH TXS Wylie 48,980.00 19990901 ME3012 000 TORQUE CELL 01320000MACH TXS Wylie 5,196.00 19990901 ME3013 000 ADVANCE LIFT EQUIPMENT 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 2,694.34 19991001 ME3028 000 ENDURA DATA COLLECTION MACHINE 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 5,122.80 19991001 ME3029 000 2ND DECK CONVEYOR 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 20,560.00 19991201 ME3030 000 TOSHIBA 4100XDVD 64M 01715200MACH TXS Wylie 3,005.29 19991201 ME3035 000 BOLT TIGHTENING MATCH IMPROVEN 01512225MACH TXS Wylie 17,260.46 Wylie Machinery&Equipment Total 4,134,002.84 19990101 ME2655 000 GEO MEASURE 3000/SCAN MEASURE 01790200LABE TXS Wylie 17,312.24 19990101 ME2658 000 TEST BENCHES 15%DOWN 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 24,600.00 19990201 ME2658 001 TEST BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 73,800.00 19991001 ME2658 002 TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 744.00 19990101 ME2659 000 TEST BENSHES 01790200LABE TXS Wylie 24,800.00 19990101 ME2660 000 COMPRESSOR NVH ROOM (PHASE II) 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 4,026.18 19990201 ME2661 000 AMPROBE DM2 DETA LOGGER 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 3,133.33 19990201 ME2662 000 SUBMERSIBLE FLOW DISPLAY 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 4,825.13 19990301 ME2674 000 METAL CUTTING BANDSAW 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 7,471.42 19990301 ME2675 000 CIRCULATION BATH 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 2,229.08 19990301 ME2676 000 HEATING ELEMENTS 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 3,748.00 19990301 ME2678 000 NVH ROOM PROJECT 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 195,702.93 19990301 ME2680 000 POWER SUPPLY 01385000LABE TXS Wylie 19,230.00 19990701 ME2924 000 AMPLIFIER SHAKER BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 25,559.00 19990701 ME2925 000 AMPLIFIER SHAKER BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 25,559.00 19990701 ME2926 000 AMPLIFIER SHAKER BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 25,559.00 19990701 ME2927 000 PRESS FOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 4,383.28 19990701 ME2928 000 CIRCULAR GEOMETRY GAGE TOUCH S 01785200LABE TXS Wylie 4,304.61 19990701 ME2929 000 TWO CIRCULATING BATHS TEST 01385000LABE TXS Wylie 3,886.63 19990701 ME2930 000 PRESS FOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 663.38 4/7/00 10 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990701 ME2931 000 UPGRADE DSC CONTROL 01215000LABE TXS Wylie 8,360.00 19990701 ME2932 000 LMS CADA-X SYSTEM 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 112,549.20 19990701 ME2933 000 DATA ACQUISITION 6 BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 219.30 19990701 ME2934 000 DUPLEX H210P ED WATER SOFTNER 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 13,321.13 19990701 ME2935 000 WORK BENCHES OIL DRAIN CHARGE 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 3,256.16 19990701 ME2936 000 TEST BENCH 2 01790200LABE TXS Wylie 28,024.00 19990701 ME2937 000 CONTINGENCY MOVE 3 BENCHES 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 4,500.00 19990701 ME2938 000 CONTINGENCY HOOK UP 3 TEST BEN 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 3,400.00 19990701 ME2939 000 CONTINGENCY DOWN PYMT ELEC MOD 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 1,077.50 19990701 ME2940 000 CONTINGENCY ELECTRICAL MOD 01300000LABE TXS Wylie 10,586.44 19990701 ME2941 000 AMPLIFIER SHAKER BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 6,244.94 19990701 ME2942 000 PLC FOR OLD TEST BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 3,777.93 19990701 ME2943 000 PLC FOR OLD TEST BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 450.00 19990701 ME2945 000 PRESS FOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 2,706.25 19990701 ME2989 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME2990 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME2991 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME2992 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME2993 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME2994 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 62,934.21 19990701 ME3000 000 MODIFY VISTA TEST BENCHES 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 76,656.44 19990901 ME3003 000 TR TEST FIXTURE 01790200LABE TXS Wylie 8,620.00 19990901 ME3005 000 COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE 01787200LABE TXS Wylie 179,820.00 19990901 ME3008 000 BRAKE UNIT AND REGISTER 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 2,913.24 19990901 ME3009 000 TEMPERATURE SENSOR BLOCK 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 5,455.83 19991201 ME3009 001 DATA ACQUISITION HARDWARE 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 3,139.26 19990901 ME3010 000 PHEUMATIC CALIBRATOR 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 7,724.38 19990901 ME3014 000 WORK BENCHE OIL DRAIN 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 32,800.00 19990901 ME3015 000 WORK BENCH OIL DRAIN 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 3,031.00 19990901 ME3016 000 PRESS FOR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 2,706.25 19990901 ME3017 000 SCISSOR LIFT 01310000LABE TXS Wylie 14,926.16 19991001 ME3025 000 VACUUM PUMP 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 3,423.00 19991201 ME3031 000 LIGHT SOURCE ADAPTER 01305000LABE TXS Wylie 4,446.98 19991001 ME3032 000 FORMED AND ROLLED CLUTCH ROTOR 01305000LABE TXS Wylie 96,410.00 19991001 ME3033 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 56,048.00 19991001 ME3034 000 DURABILITY TEST BENCH 01320000LABE TXS Wylie 56,048.00 Wylie Lab Equipment Total 1,601,783.86 19990201 0E0413 000 FAX MACHINE 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 378.88 19990201 0E0414 000 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 01254000OFFE TXS Wylie 860.59 19990301 0E0415 000 ELECTRIC CONVEYER TOASTER 01257000OFFE TXS Wylie 894.90 4/7/00 11 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. FIXED ASSET ADDITIONS r 1/01/99 - 12/31/99 Install Date Asset# Sub# Asset Description Acctq. Loc Phys. Loc. Facility Asset Cost 19990301 0E0416 000 AUTO EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 3,483.95 19990301 0E0417 000 PANASONIC PRINT BOARD 017452000FFE TXS Wylie 1,790.30 19990701 0E0500 000 SAFETY TRAINING EQUIPMENT 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 3,480.76 19990701 0E0501 000 SAFETY TRAINING EQUIPMENT 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 793.21 19990701 0E0502 000 SAFETY TRAINING EQUIPMENT 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 178.48 19990701 0E0503 000 STERILIZATION MACHINE MEDICAL 01260000OFFE TXS Wylie 3,708.13 19990701 0E0504 000 LARGE FORMAT PHOTOCOPIER 017152000FFE TXS Wylie 9,130.09 19990901 0E0505 000 LCD PROJECTOR 017552000FFE TXS Wylie 4,426.60 19990901 0E0506 000 PHONE&VOICE MAIL SYSTEM 01256000OFFE TXS Wylie 16,883.27 Wylie Office Equipment Total 46,009.16 JLA Equipment Lease 444,272.07 Total Wylie Additions 1/99-12/99 8,229,232.73 4/7/00 12 of 12 fixed assets 2000 Wylie.xlsSHEET1 04/04/00 09:16:58 FiYBI Assets (FEA) ..- 1 Asset Acblitims DIE CASTING ONLY Stat PM Tau Install Asset# Slab#Dasatipticn Amounting Phy tr. Serial # Vendor Mrs P.O. # Invoice Project Project# Asset CPT Nb Date Lccaticti Icc 'Able Nlnixr Hite Basis Pa bite:. Salvage Basis Value 01 0 11 0/02/01 ECL155 000 DIE CASrn B(JILDE13 01740300SUD3'D{5 31.5 N/A FAGS N/A VAR DIE CASTING 17067 4,636,145.48 4,636,145.48 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 ffiD155 001 DIE C5T S=- CAPTT 017403008C33 DES 31.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A DIE CASI'Thi3 17067 92,184.40 92,184.40 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3088 000 DIE CAST- SHJT BIAS 01547200MM-1'D{S 7 N/A US FIIIIER SURFACE 511275 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 88,000.00 88,000.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3089 000 DIE CAST- SIPRIUP C 0154720014Q1 TES 7 N/A VARIOUS N/A VAR DIE CAS'iN3 17067 233,237.17 233,237.17 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3090 000 DIE CAST MACH - C7iPI 015472034411 DES 7 N/A VARICU3 N/A VAR DIE CASTIIG 17067 122,197.92 122,197.92 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3091 000 500 TON DIE CAsTR43 0154720CNNQ1 DCS 7 NX5000 LEE MAOME 1 510934 VAR DIE CASTR43 17067 802,500.00 802,500.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3092 000 500 TIN DIE CASTING 0154720M-1 'I 7 NE500C LEE MACHDERY 510934 VAR DIE CASTIIT' 17067 802,500.00 802,500.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3093 000 500 TON DIE(7>,SIN3 M 0154720CM Qi DES 7 N{500C [BE MACHEINV 510934 VAR DIE CAST= 17067 802,500.00 802,500.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3094 000 650'ION DIE C145TIN3 01547200NWCFI'D6 7 NX650C U3E NWQ@EF( 510934 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 907,800.00 907,800.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3095 000 650 TON DIE CASTING 0154720Ct 'I1 7 NK650C U3E WHIM 510934 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 907,800.00 907,800.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3096 000 JET NEI,'IFR FURIACE 01547200MM TXS 7 AL2500 MIN EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 337,032.00 337,032.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3097 000 SCRAP CIN EWER LELI 015472=4434 W 7 WA MMER4 ETJIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTlI13 17067 68,990.00 68,990.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3098 000 HIDING FURNACE 0154720a4 1 DES 7 N/A 4IEI B JIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTE13 17067 45,362.50 45,362.50 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3099 000 HIDIIG FUR 4'cE 0154720Ct?Q4 TES 7 N/A KLERN EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTIN3 17067 45,362.50 45,362.50 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3100 000 BOLDING FURiNCE 01547200W1 DCS 7 N/A MODERN EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 45,362.50 45,362.50 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3101 000 HIDING FINNCE 01547200MACR IXS 7 N/A MODERN EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE C7iSTEG 17067 45,362.50 45,362.50 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3102 000 NELI N MECAL PORTER 015472=1424M 7 WA MIlall EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTIN3 17067 152,870.00 152,870.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3103 000 NELT/NIID FUSFCE 0i54720CM Q4 DES 7 N/A MIIIa1 EXJIP 510994 VAR DIE CAST= 17067 145,000.00 145,000.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3104 000 MaNIA,PURIM SSLSI M 01547200PM DES 7 N/A MIERNJ EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 4,975.00 4,975.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3105 000 C APITALI2 D DIS ALIA 0154720CNPQi TXS 7 N/A MODERN EQUIP 510994 VAR DIE CASTING 17067 149,685.00 149,685.00 .00 01 0 11 0/02/01 NE3106 000 CP,PTTALIZED II'ETALIA 0154720CIAQi DES 7 N/A VARIOUS VAR VAR DIE CASTIN3 17067 675,160.45 675,160.45 .00 04/04/00 09:16:58 Plied Assets (WA) PAM 2 Asset Pc 1itiais DIE CASI1N3 CNLY Stat Btc# Tax Install Asset# 5±#Dascriptico Poccurting 1 iy Daly. Serial it Veil=Mae P.O. # Invoice Project Project# Asset p�II Db Date Iacutirn Lcc Table Nudec Rite Basis Dal:vac. sa1v%e Basis Value TOM11,110,027.42 CUNT 21 TOTAL 11,110,027.42 .00 * * * END OF REPORT * * * WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. 0, June 13, 2000 Issue Consider and act upon issues surrounding the creation of Reinvestment Zone No. 3 and the approval of a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Moulding Associates, Inc. (MAI). Background On January 7, 1998, Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) staff was contacted by Mr. Raford Cade, CEO of MAI to discuss the potential relocation of MAI. Mr. Cade indicated that MAI required ±5 acres for the construction of a 60,000 square foot relocation/expansion. MAI was located in Garland in a 40,000 square foot facility. MAI hired Mr. J.D. Sims of Rampart Associates to facilitate the identification of potential communities to relocate to and incentives which may be available from those communities. Mr. Sims identified six potential communities including Wylie, Terrell, Allen, McKinney, Desoto, and Plano. Following months of negotiations, MAI officials concluded that the Wylie community was the preferred location to relocate their operations. The package being proposed is a 200% abatement over a 5-year period, or a 40% abatement per year for a five year period. MAI entered into an agreement with the WEDC to purchase 5 acres within premier business park. MAI subsequently constructed a 60,000 square foot manufacturing/distribution facility which employs ±50 individuals. The 60,000 square foot facility is valued at $1,250,000 with ±$150,000 in personal property. MAI also carries approximately $1,990,000 in inventory in any given year. As per Section 312.201 of the Texas Tax Code, inventory is not subject to tax abatement. Financial Consideration The City will be foregoing revenue that would have otherwise been collected had an abatement not been considered. On the other hand, WEDC staff believes that MAI would not have relocated without participation by the City of Wylie and WEDC. The following is an analysis of the revenue which will be abated/generated over the period of the proposed tax abatement. Moulding Associates,Inc. Tax Abatement Analysis Newly Created Value=$3,542,097 Value Subject to Abatement=$1,400,000 Year Additional Taxes Abated Taxes Generated Taxable Value City of Wylie WISD 2001 $3,542,097 $3,920 $20,875 $56,674 2002 cc3,920 20,875 56,674 2003 cc3,920 20,875 56,674 2004 cc3,920 20,875 56,674 2005 cc3,920 20,875 56,674 Total $19,600 $104,375 $283,370 Revenue generated by the Wylie Independent School District was used in this analysis due to the community wide effort made by the City of Wylie and WEDC in their economic development efforts. Other Consideration The WEDC initiated an incentive package with MAI to encourage their relocation from Garland to Premier Business Park. Items addressed in the package were site preparation, a land grant, and relocation expenses representing a value of$136,408. Combined with tax abatement, the Wylie community will invest $156,008 in the MAI start-up while generating $387,745 in the period covered by the tax abatement. Board/Commission Recommendation The WEDC Board of Directors approved a Loan Agreement between MAI and the WEDC on October 1, 1998. As per the Agreement, the WEDC committed to recommend to the City, Collin County Community College, and Collin County that MAI be granted a tax abatement. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Wylie City Council approve an Ordinance designating Reinvestment Zone No. 3 further approving a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Wylie and Moulding Associates, Inc. Attachment Tax Abatement Agreement Prepared by R ' ed by Fin ce City M ager Approval ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, DESIGNATING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 3; PROVIDING ELIGIBILITY OF THE ZONE FOR INDUSTRIAL TAX ABATEMENT; CONTAINING FINDINGS THAT THE AREA QUALIFIES TO BE DESIGNATED AS A REINVESTMENT ZONE AND THE IMPROVEMENTS SOUGHT ARE FEASIBLE AND PRACTICABLE AND OF BENEFIT TO THE LAND AND THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, has caused notice to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Wylie and has delivered such notice to the presiding officer of the governing body of each taxing unit that includes in its boundaries real property described herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, has conducted a public hearing on the designation of the area described herein as a reinvestment zone; and WHEREAS, the proposed Tax Abatement Agreement by and among the City of Wylie, Texas and Moulding Associates, Inc., a Texas Corporation, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," has been presented to the City Council; and the City Council is of the opinion and finds that the terms and conditions thereof should be approved and that the Mayor should be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the area described herein will, if designated as a reinvestment zone, be reasonably likely to contribute to the retention or expansion of primary employment, or to attract major investment in the zone that will be of benefit to the property and contribute to the economic development of the City. The City Council further finds that the improvements sought are feasible and practicable and would be of benefit to the land to be included in the zone and to the City after the expiration of the tax abatement agreement. SECTION 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 312.201 of the Texas Tax Code, the real property described in the Tax Abatement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof for all purposes is hereby designated as a reinvestment zone and for identification is assigned the name "Reinvestment Zone No. 3." SECTION 3. That the property within Reinvestment Zone No. 3 is eligible for industrial tax abatement effective on January 1, 2000, and for a period of five(5)years. SECTION 4. The Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" having been reviewed by the City Council and found to be acceptable and in the best interest of the City and its citizens, is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas. SECTION 5. That should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance, or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. That all ordinances of the City of Wylie, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same hereby, repealed; however, that all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Wylie, Texas, and it is accordingly so ordained. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,ON THIS THE 13TH DAY OF JUNE,2000. John Mondy,Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas,City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" STATE OF TEXAS TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT COUNTY OF COLLIN This Tax Abatement Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and among the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City"), a home rule city and municipal corporation of Collin County, Texas, duly acting herein by and through its mayor, and Molding Associates, Inc. ("MAI"), a Texas corporation, duly acting by and through its Chief Executive Officer herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on June 13, 2000 the City Council of the CITY, passed Ordinance No. (the "ORDINANCE") establishing Reinvestment Zone No. 3 (the "ZONE"), for industrial tax abatement, as authorized by the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended (the "ACT"); and WHEREAS, the CITY has adopted by Resolution No. City of Wylie Economic Development Incentives Guidelines and Criteria (the "GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA"), attached hereto as Exhibit "A", governing tax abatement agreements to be entered into by the CITY as contemplated by the ACT, and WHEREAS, the GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA contain appropriate guidelines and criteria governing tax abatement agreements to be entered into by the CITY as contemplated by the ACT; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced-resolution states that the CITY elects to be eligible to participate in tax abatement; and WHEREAS, the CITY wishes maintain and enhance the industrial economic and employment base of the Wylie area for the long-term interest and benefit of the CITY in accordance with the Ordinance and the ACT, and WHEREAS, MAI improvements described herein will create permanent new jobs in the CITY; and WHEREAS, the contemplated use of and improvements to the PREMISES (hereinafter defined), and other terms hereof, are consistent with encouraging development of the ZONE in accordance with the purposes for its creation and in compliance with the GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA, the ORDINANCE and similar guidelines and criteria adopted by the CITY, the ACT and all other applicable laws; and Tax Abatement Agreement - 1 WHEREAS, the contemplated improvements sought are feasible and practicable and will be of benefit to the land to be included in the ZONE and to the CITY after expiration of this AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, a copy of this AGREEMENT has been furnished, in manner prescribed by the ACT, to the presiding officers of the governing bodies of each of the TAXING UNITS in which the PREMISES is located; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to enter into an AGREEMENT with MAI, the owners of Property within the ZONE for the abatement of taxes pursuant to Chapter 312 of the ACT, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this AGREEMENT do mutually agree as follows: GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. MAI purchased from the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (the "WEDC") and MAI represents it is the sole owner of the real property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof for purposes (the "PREMISES"), which PREMISES is located within the city limits of the CITY and within the ZONE. MAI is the owner of tangible personal property that will be located on the PREMISES. TAX ABATEMENT AUTHORIZED 2. This AGREEMENT is authorized by the ACT, and in accordance with the GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA, as approved by resolution of the City Council of the CITY authorizing the execution of this AGREEMENT. 3. Subject to the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, the CITY hereby grants MAI an abatement of ad valorem taxation on the PREMISES and further grants to MAI an abatement of ad valorem taxation for the TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (hereinafter defined) to be located on the PREMISES for a period of five (5) years in accordance with the schedule described below. The actual percentage of taxes subject to abatement for each year of this AGREEMENT will apply only to the portion of TAXABLE VALUE (hereinafter defined) of the real property that exceeds the unimproved property's taxable value for the BASE YEAR 1999 (hereinafter defined). The tax abatement agreement for TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY will only apply to the TAXABLE VALUE of personal property added to the PREMISES after the BASE YEAR 1999. Tax Abatement Agreement - 2 Year Percentage of Abatement 2000 40% 2001 40% 2002 40% 2003 40% 2004 40% 4. The period of tax abatement herein authorized shall be five (5) years, beginning the FIRST YEAR OF TAX ABATEMENT (hereinafter defined). 5. During the period of tax abatement herein authorized, MAI shall be subject to all City taxation not abated, including but not limited to, sales tax and ad valorem taxation on land to the extent not abated hereby. DEFINITIONS 6. Wherever used in this AGREEMENT, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them: A. The PREMISES shall mean the real property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes including any improvements and TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, which is added to the property subsequent to the BASE YEAR; B. The IMPROVEMENTS shall mean the improvements located on the PREMISES and as further described herein, including but not limited to buildings and structures added to the property; C. The BASE YEAR shall mean the year immediately preceding the execution of the Tax Abatement AGREEMENT, or 1999. D. The FIRST YEAR OF TAX ABATEMENT shall begin January 1, 2000. E. TAXABLE VALUE means the appraised value of the PREMISES or the TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, as the case may be, as certified by the Collin County Appraisal District as of January 1 of a given year. F. TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY shall mean tangible personal property, equipment and fixtures (other than inventory or supplies) added to the PREMISES subsequent to the BASE YEAR; G. For purposes hereof, an "Event of Bankruptcy or Insolvency" shall mean the dissolution or termination of MAI existence as a going business, Tax Abatement Agreement - 3 insolvency, appointment of receiver for any part of MAI property and such appointment is not terminated within ninety (90) days after such appointment is initially made, any general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against MAI and such proceeding is not dismissed within ninety (90) days after filing thereof. IMPROVEMENTS 7. MAI owns the real property described in Exhibit "B" and agrees to maintain one (1) office building/warehouse building of approximately sixty-thousand (60,000) square feet (and other ancillary facilities such as reasonably required parking and landscaping more fully described in the construction plans filed by MAI with the CITY for the purpose of obtaining a building permit which plans are made part of this AGREEMENT) (the "IMPROVEMENTS"). The costs of the IMPROVEMENTS exclusive of the land shall be at least One Million Two-Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,250,000). MAI agrees to maintain the PREMISES and occupy the IMPROVEMENTS for a period of ten (10) years and to locate TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY on the PREMISES. Tax Abatement on the PREMISES is expressly contingent on MAI constructing the IMPROVEMENTS on the PREMISES and installing TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY according to the terms of this paragraph. 8. Subject to events of casualty, condemnation, or Force Majeure, MAI agrees to maintain the PREMISES in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes, and regulations for a period of not less than ten (10) years after the date a certificate of occupancy is issued for the IMPROVEMENTS or until the CITY and the TAXING UNITS have received ad valorem taxes from the PREMISES in an amount equal to all the ad valorem taxes abated herein whichever occurs first. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9. MAI shall certify in writing to the CITY the construction cost of the IMPROVEMENTS (including, but not limited to, all architectural and engineering fees, loan fees and other normal and customary soft costs). MAI shall annually certify to the CITY that they are in compliance with each term of the AGREEMENT. 10. The PREMISES constructed thereon at all times shall be used in the manner that is consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance, as amended, and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes and regulations. Tax Abatement Agreement - 4 DEFAULT: RECAPTURE OF TAX REVENUE 11. If MAI fails to (i) construct and complete the IMPROVEMENTS and/or install the TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY in accordance with this AGREEMENT for which an abatement has been granted; (ii) pay in full the real or personal property taxes and State sales taxes owed to the CITY (provided such party retains the right to timely and properly protest and/or contest such taxes or assessments and the tax abatement will be applied to the amount of taxes finally determined to be due as a result of such protest or contest by February 1 following the year in which taxes are assessed); (iii) any "Event of Bankruptcy or Insolvency" occurs; or (iv) MAI breaches any of the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, then MAI shall be in default of this AGREEMENT (an "EVENT OF DEFAULT"). In the EVENT OF DEFAULT, the CITY will give MAI written notice of such default and if MAI has not cured the default with in thirty (30) days of said written notice, this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the CITY. 12. Upon the occurrence of an EVENT OF DEFAULT and after MAI fails of cure the same in accordance herewith, all taxes which otherwise would have been paid to the CITY, shall be due and owing to CITY subject to any and all lawful offsets, settlements, deductions, or credits to which MAI may be entitled. 13. In the event the CITY defaults in performance of this AGREEMENT, MAI shall give CITY written notice of default. If the CITY fails to cure the default within thirty (30) days of said written notice, MAI shall have the right to seek specific performance of this AGREEMENT as its sole and exclusive remedy. ANNUAL APPLICATION FOR TAX EXEMPTION 14. It shall be the responsibility of MAI, pursuant to the TAX CODE, to file an annual exemption application form with the Chief Appraiser for each appraisal district in which the eligible taxable property has situs. A copy of each exemption application shall be submitted to the CITY. ASSIGNMENT 15. The abatement may be transferred and assigned by MAI to a new holder or lessee of the same facility upon approval of the CITY; subject to the financial capacity of the assignee and provided that all conditions and obligations in the abatement agreement are guaranteed by the execution of a new contractual agreement with the CITY. Consideration of the transfer and assignment will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. NOTICE 16. All notices required by this AGREEMENT shall be addressed to the following, or such other party or address as the parties designate in writing, by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery. Any notice required or permitted to Tax Abatement Agreement - 5 be delivered hereunder shall be deemed received three (3) business days after deposited in an official depository under the regular care and custody of the United States Postal Service and sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the party at the address set forth below or on the day actually received in sent by courier or otherwise hand delivered. No notice of change of address shall be effective until ten (10) days following deposit of the same in an official depository under the regular care and custody of the United States Postal Service as aforesaid. 1. CITY Mayor and City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 2. Mr. Richard Abernathy City of Wylie City Attorney 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 P.O. Box 1210 McKinney, Texas 75069-1210 3. MAI Moulding Associates, Inc. 933 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 AUTHORIZATION 17. Each party represents that it has full authority to execute this AGREEMENT. SEVERABILITY 18. In the event any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word herein is held invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, the balance of this AGREEMENT, shall be enforceable and shall be enforced as if the parties intended at all times to delete said invalid section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word; and such invalid, illegal, unconstitutional or unenforceable section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word may be substituted by a section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word as near in substance thereto as may be valid, legal, constitutional and enforceable. APPLICABLE LAW 19. This AGREEMENT shall be construed under the laws of the State of Texas. Venue for any action under this AGREEMENT shall be the State District Court of Collin County, Texas. Tax Abatement Agreement - 6 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 20. This AGREEMENT embodies the complete agreement of the parties hereto, superseding all oral or written previous and contemporary agreements between the parties and relating to the matters in this AGREEMENT, and except as otherwise provided herein cannot be modified without written agreement of the parties to be attached to and made part of this AGREEMENT. 21. The provisions of this AGREEMENT are hereby declared covenants running with the PREMISES and are fully binding on all successors, heirs, and assigns of MAI who acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the PREMISES or any part thereof Any person who acquires any right, title, or interest in or to the PREMISES, or any part hereof, thereby agrees and covenants to abide by and fully perform the provisions of this AGREEMENT with respect to the right, title or interest in such PREMISES. EXHIBITS 22. All exhibits to this AGREEMENT are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes wherever reference is made to the same. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE 23. Time is of the Essence in this AGREEMENT. Tax Abatement Agreement - 7 EXECUTED in duplicate originals this the day of , 2000. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: JOHN MONDY, MAYOR ATTEST: By: BARBARA SALINAS, CITY SECRETARY EXECUTED in duplicate originals this the day of , 2000. MOULDING ASSOCIATES, INC. a Texas Corporation By: RAFORD CADE, CEO Tax Abatement Agreement - 8 EXHIBIT "A" Economic Development Incentives I. Purpose and Objective The City of Wylie is committed to the promotion of quality development in all parts of the city and to an ongoing improvement in the quality of life for it's residents. In so far as these objectives are generally served by the enhancement and expansion of the local economy. The City of Wylie will, on a case by case basis, give consideration to providing incentives as a stimulation for economic development in Wylie. Nothing herein shall imply or suggest that the City of Wylie is under obligation to provide any incentive to any applicant. All applications shall be considered on a case by case basis. II. Criteria for Economic Development Incentives: The following threshold criteria shall be used to determine whether any Economic Development Incentives shall be granted to new projects: 1.) The proposed project must create at least ten (10) or more jobs by the end of the abatement period. 2.) The proposed project must provide for an invest taxable assets within three (3) years from the commencement of construction. 3.) The project must meet all relevant zoning requirements. 4.) Generally to be eligible, a project must consist of an industrial, commercial, or warehouse use. In addition to the minimum requirements stated above, the following subjective criteria shall be considered prior to granting any economic development incentive. 5.) Is the project consistent with the comprehensive plan with or of the City of Wylie? 6.) What types and costs of public improvements and services (sewer main extensions, streets, alleys, etc.) will be required of the City? What types and values of public improvements if any will be made by the applicant? The City of Wylie recognizes the importance of expansion of the existing business as a key element in the economic development of the City. Therefore,. different criteria for incentive eligibility have been developed for business expansion. In or eligible for abatement, an expanding business must meet the following criteria: 1.) The project must create ten (10) or more jobs by the end abatement period. 2.) The project must result in an addition of$500,000 in assessed value within the first year of the abatement. 3.) The project must also meet the criteria as stated previously in this section. III. Types of Incentives • It is the intent of the City of Wylie to evaluate the offering of economic development incentives on a case by case basis. This individualized design of a total incentive package is intended to allow a maximum flexibility in addressing the unique concerns of each applicant while enabling the City to better respond to the changing needs of the community. Below is a chart which reflects the percentage amount to be abated: MAXIMUM TAX ABATEMENT NEWLY CREATED VALUE OVER 5 YEAR PERIOD $3 million + 400% $2 million - $2,999,999 300% $1 million - $1,999,999 200% EXPANDED VALUE $2.5 million + 400% $1,500,000 - $2,499,999 300% $500,000 - $1,499,999 200% Abatements may be granted for terms from two to five (2 - 5) years but may be extended to the limits as specified by state law. Abatements of greater than five (5) years may be considered, only if it can be clearly demonstrated that it is economically beneficial to the City to do so. Abatement periods in excess of five (5) years must be approved by a three-quarter vote of the full City Council. The above chart reflects the maximum tax incentive to be eligible for over a period not to exceed five (5) years. No applicant may take a percentage greater than 100% in any given year. For example, the qualified applicant may choose to take the 200% abatement over a two (2) year period at 100% each year; or may extend it to 50% each year for four (4) years. The same method would apply to the 300% and 400% abatement. Please keep in mind that the percentages stated on the right are the maximum amounts. IV. Application Procedures Any person applying for Economic Development Incentives will be required to comply with several application procedures. Once the application has been completed, the application will be forwarded to the joint committee on economic development incentives consisting of elected officials from each of the taxing entities. V. Recapture The City of Wylie will have very specific performance standards that will be measured to ensure that the qualified applicant is adhering to the guidelines, as set forth, and the Economic Development Incentive Policy. In the event that the company or individual fails to keep current on ad-valorem or other taxes, or violates the terms and conditions of the abatement agreement in any fashion; the City of Wylie will have the option along with the other taxing entities,to recoup any tax monies that were abated. VI. Assignment The abatement may be transferred and assigned by the holder to a new owner or lessee of the same facility upon approval of the City Council; subject to the financial capacity of the assignee and provided that all conditions and obligations in the abatement agreement are guaranteed by the execution of a new contractual agreement with the City of Wylie. VII. Sunset Provisions The guidelines and criteria are affective upon the date of their adoption and will remain in force for two (2) years. At which time all reinvestment zones and tax abatement contracts created pursuant to its provisions, will be reviewed by the City Council of Wylie to determine whether the goals of the abatement program has been achieved. Based upon that review, the guidelines and criteria may be modified, renewed or eliminated. VIII. Note In order for Wylie to have a successful Economic Development Incentive Policy, the City of Wylie must receive cooperation from the other taxing entities, i.e., Wylie ISD, Collin County and Collin County Community College District. Should more than one (1) entity grant tax abatements, it would be my recommendation that a joint committee on tax abatement be established consisting of two (2) elected officials from each of the taxing units to review and consider each applicant. EXHIBIT "B" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being a tract of land situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being all of Lot 2A, Block A, of Premier Industrial Park North, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume K, Page 637, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 1/2" iron rod found on the north right-of-way line of Hensley Lane (60' R.O.W.) for the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block A, Replat of Premier Industrial Park, by plat thereof recorded in Volume K, Page 170, Map Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence, North 00 00'00" West, along the east line of said Lot 2, Block A, a distance of 287.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 2; Thence, South 90 00'00" West, along the north line of said Lot 2, a distance of 165.86 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 2 and on the east line of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Wylie as filed under County Clerk's File Number 95-00123334, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence, North 03 51'03" East, along the east line of said City of Wylie tract, a distance of 216.10 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; Thence, North 46 55'31" East, along a southeast right-of-way line of County Road No. 297, a distance of 43.83 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; Thence, North 90 00'00" East, along a south right-of-way line of County Road 297, a distance of 454.33 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; Thence, South 00 00'00" East, a distance of 532.54 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner on the north right-of-way line of Hensley Lane (60'R.O.W.); Thence, North 90 00'00" West, along the north right-of-way line of Hensley Lane (60' R.O.W.), a distance of 335.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 216,648 square feet or 4.974 acres of land. EXHIBIT "B" Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. Abatement Listing by Year 00 01 Total Die Cast $11,110,027 $584,233 $11,694,260 PXF-18 0 23,967,973 23,967,973 M & E 8,229,233 5,000,000 13,229,233 Total $19,339,260 $29,552,206 $48,891,466 4/7/00 Recap Economic Development Incentives I. Purpose and Objective The City of Wylie is committed to the promotion of quality development in all parts of the city and to an ongoing improvement in the quality of life for it's residents. In so far as these objectives are generally served by the enhancement and expansion of the local economy. The City of Wylie will, on a case by case basis, give consideration to providing incentives as a stimulation for economic development in Wylie. Nothing herein shall imply or suggest that the City of Wylie is under obligation to provide any incentive to any applicant. All applications shall be considered on a case by case basis. II. Criteria for Economic Development Incentives: The following threshold criteria shall be used to determine whether any Economic Development Incentives shall be granted to new projects: 1.) The proposed project must create at least ten (10) or more jobs by the end of the abatement period. 2.) The proposed project must provide for an invest taxable assets within three (3) years from the commencement of construction. 3.) The project must meet all relevant zoning requirements. 4.) Generally to be eligible, a project must consist of an industrial, commercial, or warehouse use. In addition to the minimum requirements stated above, the following subjective criteria shall be considered prior to granting any economic development incentive. 5.) Is the project consistent with the comprehensive plan with or of the City of Wylie? 6.) What types and costs of public improvements and services (sewer main extensions, streets, alleys, etc.) will be required of the City? What types and values of public improvements if any will be made by the applicant? The City of Wylie recognizes the importance of expansion of the existing business as a key element in the economic development of the City. Therefore, different criteria for incentive eligibility have been developed for business expansion. In or r. eligible for abatement, an expanding business must meet the following criteria: 1.) The project must create ten (10) or more jobs by the end abatement period. 2.) The project must result in an addition of$500,000 in assessed value within the first year of the abatement. 3.) The project must also meet the criteria as stated previously in this section. • III. Types of Incentives • It is the intent of the City of Wylie to evaluate the offering of economic development incentives on a case by case basis. This individualized design of a total incentive package is intended to allow a maximum flexibility in addressing the unique concerns of each applicant while enabling the City to better respond to the changing needs of the community. Below is a chart which reflects the percentage amount to be abated: MAXIMUM TAX ABATEMENT NEWLY CREATED VALUE OVER 5 YEAR PERIOD $3 million + 400% $2 million - $2,999,999 300% $1 million - $1,999,999 200% EXPANDED VALUE $2.5 million + 400% $1,500,000 - $2,499,999 300% $500,000 - $1,499,999 200% Abatements may be granted for terms from two to five (2 - 5) years but may be extended to the limits as specified by state law. Abatements of greater than five (5) years may be considered, only if it can be clearly demonstrated that it is economically beneficial to the City to do so. Abatement periods in excess of five (5) years must be approved by a three-quarter vote of the full City Council. The above chart reflects the maximum tax incentive to be eligible for over a period not to exceed five (5) years. No applicant may take a percentage greater than 100% in any given year. For example, the qualified applicant may choose to take the 200% abatement over a two (2) year period at 100% each year; or may extend it to 50% each year for four (4) years. The same method would apply to the 300% and 400% abatement. Please keep in mind that the percentages stated on the right are the maximum amounts. • IV Application Procedures Any person applying for Economic Development Incentives will be required to comply with several application procedures. Once the application has been completed, the application will be forwarded to the joint committee on economic development incentives consisting of elected officials from each of the taxing entities. V. Recapture The City of Wylie will have very specific performance standards that will be measured to ensure that the qualified applicant is adhering to the guidelines, as set forth, and the Economic Development Incentive Policy. In the event that the company or individual fails to keep current on ad-valorem or other taxes, or violates the terms and conditions of the abatement agreement in any fashion; the City of Wylie will have the option along with the other taxing entities, to recoup any tax monies that were abated. VI. Assignment The abatement may be transferred and assigned by the holder to a new owner or lessee of the same facility upon approval of the City Council; subject to the financial capacity of the assignee and provided that all conditions and obligations in the abatement agreement are guaranteed by the execution of a new contractual agreement with the City of Wylie. VII. Sunset Provisions The guidelines and criteria are affective upon the date of their adoption and will remain in force for two (2) years. At which time all reinvestment zones and tax abatement contracts created pursuant to its provisions, will be reviewed by the City Council of Wylie to determine whether the goals of the abatement program has been achieved. Based upon that review, the guidelines and criteria may be modified, renewed or eliminated. VIII. Note In order for Wylie to have a successful Economic Development Incentive Policy, the City of Wylie must receive cooperation from the other taxing entities, i.e., Wylie ISO, Collin County and Collin County Community College District. Should more than one (1) entity grant tax abatements, it would be my recommendation that a joint committee on tax abatement be established consisting of two (2) elected officials from each of the taxing units to review and consider each applicant.