05-07-2013 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes ttit Wylie Planning and Zoning
Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission
Tuesday May 7,2013—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:33PM. Present with Chairman
Johnston were; Vice-Chairman Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner David Dahl, and
Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko. Commissioner Ron Smith arrived late.
Commissioner F. Darnell Harris, and Commissioner Ruthie Wright were both absent.
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director,and Charles Lee, Senior Planner,Jasen
Haskins, Planner,and Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant.
Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Tamez led the Pledge of
Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the
Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 02, 2013,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to
approve the Minutes from the April 02, 2013 Regular Meeting as presented. A vote was
taken and passed 4 0, with Commissioner Harris, Commissioner Wright, and
Commissioner Smith were all absent.
Regular Agenda
1. Consider and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a
Preliminary Plat for Alanis Crossing Phase l consisting of 29.292 acres for
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52 signal family residential lots and 1 open space lot dedicated for
drainage purposes, generally located west of F.M. 544, south of Alanis
Mr. Lee stated that the Preliminary Plat is Phase 1 of an overall Planned Development
(PD 2006-55). The property consists of 29.292 acres, of the total 61.28 acres. The subject
property is will create fifty-two (52) single-family residential lots and one (1) open space
lot for open space:drainage purposes.
The Preliminary Plat complies with the approved Concept Plan which was approved with
the PD.
Board Discussion
Commissioner Dahl questioned the access. Mr. Lee stated that the second access is part
of another subdivision Braddock PIace. The first access is directly off Alanis Drive.
Commissioner Tamez questioned the drainage issues. Mr. Lee stated that the drainage
issues are still under review by the Engineering Department and the Engineer for the
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko,
to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Alanis
Crossing Phase I consisting of 29.292 acres for 52 single family residential lots and 1
open space lot dedicated for drainage purposes, generally located west of F. M. 544,
south of Alanis Drive. Motion carried 4 0. Commissioner Harris and Commissioner
Wright were both absent. Commissioner Smith arrived after the vote.
Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural (A,30) to Planned
Development Single Family Detached District (PD-SF) to accommodate a
proposed single family residential subdivision on an approximate 28 acre
tract generally located on South Ballard approximately 1000' south of
Alanis. ZC 2013-01
Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting a change in zoning on 28 acre tract of
land to Planned Development Single Family Detached Residential District. The property
is generally located on the east side of South Ballard, and approximately 1000 feet south
of Alanis.
A Planned Development District allows development projects to use design elements that
are not allowed or covered within the Zoning Ordinance, but may be compatible with the
City's Comprehensive Plan. The Zoning Ordinance Map recommends the lot size to be
10,000 square feet with a minimum house size of 2, 400 square feet. There are existing
Planned Development Districts that allow smaller lots or smaller house sizes, and the
proposed Concept Plan recommends smaller lots or equal house size to the surrounding
The Parks Board held a meeting on April 22, 2013 to consider the dedication and
construction of public hike and bike trails and open spaces proposed in the development.
The Parks Board expressed concern of the detention pond and the existing storm sewer
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drainage within the open space area. The item was tabled to the May 20, 2013 meeting.
As a result the applicant and staff are asking for the Commission to table this item until
June 4, 2013 meeting. The Parks Board recommendation and other factors may change
the concept plan slightly.
Eleven notifications were mailed, with no written responses received in favor or not in
favor of the request.
Chairman Johnston questioned the size of the lots. Mr. Haskins stated that the minimum
lot size will vary from 6,000 to 7,500 square foot. The proposed builder is Megatel
Homes. The house size will vary from 1,800 up to 2,600 square foot.
Mr. J.J. Singh, 3501 Therondunn Drive, Plano, Texas, represented the applicant for the
subject property, presented to the Commissioners pictures of homes constructed in a
neighboring community. Mr. Singh stated that the house prices will start at $210,000 to
Board Discussion
Commissioners expressed concern for the detention pond within the open space area. Mr.
Singh stated that the proposed parkland dedication will be city owned and Homeowner's
Association maintained. However, Spiars Engineering Firm is the engineering firm for
the property, and the representative can address the concerns for the open space area.
Mr. Tom Henson, Spiars Engineering, 765 Custer Road., Suite 100, Plano, Texas,
representative of Engineering firm, stated that the southwest corner of the proposed
development has an existing storm sewer. The preliminary analysis study reveals that the
inlet drainage flows to the detention pond. The storm sewer is adequate size for the run
off from the development, but the detention pond was placed there as a precaution in case
it is needed. Commissioners expressed concern of the size, visual, maintenance of
detention pond and location of outlet drainage on the storm sewer and where it ties into
the surrounding existing developments.
Mr. Lee clarified the location of the proposed development, stating that the property to
the south and east are not located within the city limits.
Commissioner Tamez questioned the conditions of the Planned Development compared
to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting a variance to
the lot size, and is exceeding other areas of the Zoning Ordinance Design requirements.
The purpose of a Planned Development is to allow flexibility, by give and take. Mr.
Haskins stated that to be financial feasible, the developer felt that smaller lots and higher
density through a Planned Development would be necessary.
Commissioners questioned the difference from the pictures distributed by the developer
and what is stated within the Planned Development Conditions. Mr. Singh stated that the
floorplans and elevations will be the same as what is currently being built in Bozman
Farms Addition and Woodbridge. Commissioner Smith recommended pictures of floor
layout of the development in agreement with what is stated within the Planned
Development Conditions.
Commissioner Tamez expressed concern for the five foot side yard requirement. Mr.
Singh agreed to revise the Conditions to seven to ten foot side yard requirement.
Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing.
Board Action
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With no other questions or comments, Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to table the
item until June 4, 2013 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl,
and seconded by Commissioner Kopchenko, to table the Public Hearing regarding a
change in zoning from Agricultural (A/30) to Planned Development Single Family
Detached District (PD-SF) to accommodate a proposed single family residential
subdivision on an approximate 28 acre tract generally located on South Ballard
approximately 1000 feet south of Alanis. ZC 2013-01. Motion passed 5 0, with
Commissioners Harris and Commissioner Wright being absent.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Tamez, to
adjourn the meeting at 7:22 PM. A vote was taken and passed 5 0, with Commissioner
Harris, and Commissioner Wright were both absent.
` '
Phillip rston, havilman
Ma Br ley,Administr ive Assistant
Minutes May 7,2013
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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