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07-09-2013 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda July 9, 2013 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Nathan Scott Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens Place 1 Todd Wintters Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Diane Culver Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. July 9,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the June 25, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2013-17(R) approving an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Wylie and Collin County for GIS Services. (R.Corbin, Fire Chief) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2013-27 of the City of Wylie, amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget) and approving an transfer of funds in the amount of $3,500.00 from the Donation Fund account into the Police Department General Fund expenditure accounts for the acquisition of promotional materials for National Night Out; providing for a repealing, savings and severability clauses, and providing for an effective date of this Ordinance. (J. Duscio, Police Chief) REGULAR AGENDA Tabled Item from June 25, 2013 Motion to remove from the table and consider: 1. Continue a Public Hearing and consider and act upon, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Single Family District for a master planned community consisting of varied density single family dwellings on 292.515 acres. Located west and south of Pleasant Valley Road and south of Sachse Road/South Ballard Ave. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting to establish permanent zoning on approximately 292 acres. There are three separate tracts of land included in this request. Tract 2 is approximately 68 acres and is currently zoned Planned Development 2002-07, Tract 3 is approximately 139 acres, and Tract 4 is approximately 80 acres in size. Tract 1 is currently within Wylie's ETJ, and consists of 62.7846 acres and is the subject of a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie and respective property Owner(s). If the Development Agreement is accepted, a Petition for Annexation will subsequently follow. READING OF ORDINANCES RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: July 9,2013 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 CERTIFICATION I certf that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5th day of July, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 25, 2013 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor pro tern Scott called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilman Keith Stephens, Councilman Bennie Jones, Councilman Todd Wintters, and Councilman Rick White. Mayor Hogue was out of town. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Police Chief, John Duscio; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae 011ie; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Executive Director of WEDC, Sam Satterwhite; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jeff Denton from Waterbrook Bible Church gave the invocation and John Pisquiy, nephew of Mayor pro tern Scott and 2009 graduate of Wylie High School, 2013 Cum Laude graduate of Texas A & M led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation of Outgoing 2012-13 Boards and Commission Members • Proclamation -July as Parks and Recreation Month Wylie Recreation Supervisor Diaz and Parks Supervisor Shohn Rogers and staffs were present to accept a proclamation designating the month of July as Parks and Recreation Month. A short program was performed to interact with the audience by the recreation staff. Minutes June 25, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 1 REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the June 11, 2013 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Wintters to approve the June 11, 2013 Wylie City Council minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent. OATHS OF OFFICE • Judge Terry Douglas to Administer Oaths of Office to 2013-14 Board & Commission Members Collin County Precinct 2 Judge Terry Douglas administered the oath of office to newly and re- appointed City of Wylie Boards and Commission members. Judge Douglas thanked them for their willingness to serve their community. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Dave Andrews, Marcia Rodriquez, Vic Cewan, all residents of the Creekside Estates, spoke against the proposed Wal-Mart to be located on McCreary Road and McMillan. William Whitney III addressed council representing the Smith Public Library Board requesting more hours for the library. CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. B. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for May 31, 2013. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for May 31, 2013. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the WEDC Financial Report for May 31, 2013. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Minutes June 25, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 2 E. Consider, and act upon, the award of bid # W2013-51-B for State Highway 78 Water Distribution Line to Wilson Contractor Services, LLC in the amount of$1,059,599.41, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer& G. Hayes, Purchasing Agent) F. Consider, and act upon, a vendor application from the Wylie Women's League for a craft and vendor fair at Olde City Park on October 19, 2013 (rain date of October 26, 2013). (R, Diaz, Superintendent) G. Consider, and act upon, approval of an Interlocal Agreement for the provision of water service to Woodbridge Phase 16. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) H. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2013-15(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a modification of contractual agreement for ambulance service between East Texas Medical Center (E.T.M.C.) and the Southeast Collin County E.M.S. Coalition consisting of the following communities: City of Wylie, City of Lucas, City of Parker, the Town of St. Paul, City of Lavon and Collin County. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) I. Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution 2013-16(R) requesting that a signal progression study be performed on SH 78 from South Murphy Road to SH 2O5, and on FM 544 from Dublin Road to SH 78 in the cities of Wylie, Sachse, and Murphy. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) J. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2013-25 of the City of Wylie, amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of $77,000.00 from the Federally seized funds account into the Police Department general fund expenditure account for the purpose of acquiring an automated fingerprint identification system; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this Ordinance. (J. Duscio, Police Chief) K. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2013-26 of the City of Wylie, amending Ordinance No. 2009-12 (Comprehensive Fee Ordinance) and Section V (Impounding, Boarding, and Adoption Fees) of Appendix C (Wylie Comprehensive Fee Schedule) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this Ordinance. (J. Duscio, Police Chief) Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman White to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent. REGULAR AGENDA Minutes June 25, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Single Family District for a master planned community consisting of varied density single family dwellings on 292.515 acres. Located west and south of Pleasant Valley Road and south of Sachse Road/South Ballard Ave. ZC 2013-02. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that the applicant is requesting to establish permanent zoning on approximately 292 acres. There are three separate tracts of land included in this request. Tract 2 is approximately 68 acres and is currently zoned Planned Development 2002-07, Tract 3 is approximately 139 acres, and Tract 4 is approximately 80 acres in size. Tract 1 is currently within Wylie's ETJ, and consists of 62.7846 acres and is the subject of a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie and respective property Owner(s). If the Development Agreement is accepted, a Petition for Annexation will subsequently follow. 011ie read a letter receive by staff from the applicant asking that the item be tabled to the July 9th regular council meeting. 011ie noted that because the zoning case had been legally published, council should open the public hearing to allow citizens the opportunity to speak and then continue to the July 9th meeting if that was council's pleasure. Public Hearing Mayor pro tern Scott opened the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. asking anyone present that wished to address council to come forward. Alexis Tapp, residing at 2250 Sachse Road (ETJ), and Betty W. Montgomery, residing at 215 Colonial (ETJ), spoke against the proposed zoning case 2013-02. Mayor pro tern Scott continued the public hearing. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Jones to table zoning case 2013-02 and continue the public hearing to the July 9,2013 regular meeting of the Wylie City Council. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor Hogue absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2013-25 and 2013-26 into the official record. Mayor pro tern Scott adjourned to closed session at 7:07 p.m. reading the caption below. Minutes June 25, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 4 EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision(1). • Discussion regarding issues surrounding a Performance Agreement between the Wylie Economic Development Corporation and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. Mayor pro tern Scott reconvened into Open Session at 7:14 p.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. No action was taken as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Wintters to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes June 25, 2013 Wylie City Council Page 5 `��� OF Ibjt. `-:?.' Wylie City Council aY ° •kl T' AGENDA REPORT `•1887' Br�rP Of Q*fie Meeting Date: July 9, 2013 Item Number: B Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Randy Corbin Account Code: Revenue/ 100-4000-43530 Date Prepared: June 18,2013 Budgeted Amount: $15,500.00 Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2013-17(R) approving an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Wylie and Collin County for GIS Services. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2013-17(R) an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Wylie and Collin County for GIS Services. Discussion The City of Wylie is rapidly growing creating an ever changing map base. Without a full-time GIS person constantly updating maps for emergency responses, it is necessary to contract outside the city for these services. Collin County's GIS Department has over 21 years of experience creating, updating and managing spatial information. The City of Wylie and Collin County currently have a contract for GIS services. The proposed contract is an extension of the preceding contract and includes supplementary services. Collin County GIS proposes to support the City of Wylie by creating, managing and mapping specific spatial layers to aid their constituents. The goal of this effort is to ensure the City of Wylie has the most current geographic information at their disposal. Collin County GIS plans to manage all of the data within their GIS database and provide wall maps, map books and web access to our departments and staff Their proposal meets the basic requirements: • Database Design and Management • Data Package and Availability • Publish GeoData Services • Commercial Building Footprints • Video Camera Locations Pilot • Additional Maintenance Mapping Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-17(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND COLLIN COUNTY FOR GIS SERVICES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, an Interlocal Agreement by and between COLLIN COUNTY and the City of WYLIE, Texas for GIS Services, SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESOLVED THIS THE 9th day of July, 2013. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2013-17(R)—Interlocal Agreement for GIS Services City of Wylie&Collin County Page 1 of 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, is made and entered between City of Wylie, a Texas municipal corporation, of the State of Texas (hereinafter "CITY") and COLLIN COUNTY, TX, a political subdivision of the State of Texas (hereinafter"COUNTY"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, both the CITY and COUNTY have the authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Chapter 791, Texas Government Code and; WHEREAS, it has been determined mutually beneficial to both Parties to execute this agreement which sets forth the parameters under which and; WHEREAS, the County wants to ensure that the City has the most current geographic information at their disposal. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations, terms, and covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby agree as follows: Section 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the parameters under which the County will provide GIS Services to the City to include creating, managing and mapping specific spatial layers to aid in service to the City constituents. Section 2. Effective Date/Term This agreement will become effective immediately upon the latest date of execution by either party through September 30, 2013. ILA between Collin County and the City of 1 Wylie for GIS Services Section 3. Services Rendered Collin County proposes two projects to support WFD in Fiscal Year 2013. We will prepare the Wylie Fire —Rescue Standard Response Districts for existing and potential stations. We will also build and host an interactive map application that will contain all of the Public Safety map book features. A link to this site can be added to any City of Wylie site you see fit. The application will be integrated with the Collin Central Appraisal District ownership dataset in addition to some Bing and Google cloud features. The following projects will be performed: • Data Services for Mobility • Mapping Services Projects o Commercial Building Footprints o Video Camera Locations Pilot o Additional Maintenance Mapping The Collin County GIS staff is confident that we can provide the Wylie Fire Department the expertise necessary to complete these projects. Section 4. Responsibilities and Duties City will provide Collin County the information needed to perform the work described in Section 3 — Services Rendered. Section 5. Maintenance Annual maintenance will be provided by the County for the work stated above and for any previous work provided to the City by the County to include the following: • Twelve (12) months of data updates, • Storage of Data ILA between Collin County and the City of 2 Wylie for GIS Services • Web access & design along with a routine backup & recovery strategy of the work above. • Arc Reader Updates • Web upgrades • Map Book and Wall Map Updates • Additional training and mapping Section 6. Maintenance Fee The fee for annual maintenance is $7,000 per year. This can be paid in whole at the beginning of year or in twelve (12) equal payments of$583.00 per month. Section 7. Consideration 7.1 Fee Schedule Services Hours Price Data Services for Mobility 1. Database Design and Management 40 $2,000 2. Data Package&Availability 3. Publish GeoData Services Mapping Services 1. Commercial Building Footprints 120 $6,000 2. Video Camera Locations Pilot 3. Additional Maintenance Mapping TOTAL Solution 160 $8,000.00 - includes all of the above This quote provides up to 160 hours of development, management and mapping for the Wylie Fire Depai anent. The extent of the work area includes all of the Wylie Fire Boxes and Wylie Police Reporting Grids included within the Wylie Fire District. All of the work listed will be completed within the City's fiscal budget year 2013. Collin County GIS will maintain and update the data created from this project for the duration of the City's fiscal budget year 2013. If additional work is required and authorized, an addendum to the quote will be supplied. ILA between Collin County and the City of 3 Wylie for GIS Services Section 8.Warranty For the duration of fiscal year 2013, Collin County will maintain and update the data created for this project in Section 3 — Services Rendered. Section 9. Breach/Opportunity to Cure The parties hereto expressly covenant and agree that in the event either party is in default of its obligations herein, the party not in default shall provide to the party in default thirty (30) days written notice to cure said default before exercising any of its rights as provided for in this Agreement. Section 10. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause to this Agreement upon ninety(90) days written notice to the other party. Upon termination, Collin County will reimburse any unused maintenance fees paid. Section 11. Notice All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed sufficient to each party when delivered by United States Mail to the following: CITY COUNTY City of Wylie Collin County Randy Corbin Purchasing Agent 2000 N. Highway 78 2300 Bloomdale, Suite 3160 Wylie, TX 75098 McKinney, TX 75071 Section 12. Liability The parties to this Agreement and their respective officers and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions and negligence of the other party. ILA between Collin County and the City of 4 Wylie for GIS Services Section 13. Amendments This Agreement may be amended from time to time by written amendment by both Parties. Section 14. Remedies This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Collin County. No remedy herein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof Section 15. Captions The captions and section designations herein set forth are for convenience only and shall have no substantive meaning. Section 16. Severability In the event that any section,paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. Section 17. Entirety of Agreement This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties, and supersedes all other negotiations, representations, or agreement, either written or oral, relating to this Agreement. ILA between Collin County and the City of 5 Wylie for GIS Services BY: BY: Mindy Manson, City Manager Keith Self, County Judge City of Wylie Collin County ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 2013 by Mindy Manson of Wylie, Texas on behalf of such corporation. Printed Name My Commission expires on the day of , STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 2013 by Judge Keith Self of Collin County, Texas of on behalf of such corporation. Printed Name My Commission expires on the day of , ILA between Collin County and the City of 6 Wylie for GIS Services II . _ Wylie City Council �� :1 AGENDA REPORT -.ire op//,' Meeting Date: July 9, 2013 Item Number: C Department: Police Department (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: John Duscio Account Code: Date Prepared: June 19, 2013 Budgeted Amount: $3,500 Exhibits: Ordinance; Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2013-27 of the City of Wylie, amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012- 2013 Budget) and approving an transfer of funds in the amount of$3,500.00 from the Donation Fund account into the Police Department General Fund expenditure accounts for the acquisition of promotional materials for National Night Out; providing for a repealing, savings and severability clauses, and providing for an effective date of this Ordinance. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2013-27 of the City of Wylie, amending Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget) and approving transfer of funds in the amount of$3,500.00 from the Donation Fund account into the Police Department General Fund expenditure accounts for the acquisition of promotional material for National Night Out; providing for a repealing; providing for a repealing, savings and severability clauses, and providing for an effective date of this Ordinance. Discussion National Night Out is a nationwide program that unites citizens and police department in the fight against crime. Every year the Wylie Police Department has made enhancements to what the program offers and the participation from the community, including citizens and businesses has grown significantly. The Police Department has been recognized for the program the last two years and we wish to have an even better event this year. The challenge putting on this program has been that it required the attention of an officer as a secondary function as we did not have one individual assigned as a Crime Prevention Officer that could focus their duty on this event and other community events. During the course of this FY the department assigned an existing staff position to the role of full time Crime Prevention. There are many programs taking off due to the fact that this position has the ability to focus on these prevention programs. Another challenge is the timing of the event. The event falls on the first week of October which is the beginning of the new fiscal year. Much of the promotional material needed must be ordered and be received prior to the event. The depaitiuent did budget funds for the event but having a full time position organizing the event more funds are needed to achieve the desired results. The department has received donations from businesses and citizens specifically for the National Night Out event. Those funds have been deposited into the city general fund account. We are requesting that those funds be transferred from the donation account to the police department expenditure account and be used as the donators requested and believed the funds would be used for, in order to have the best possible event. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO.2013-27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2012-27 (2012-2013 BUDGET) AND APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,500 FROM THE DONATION ACCOUNT INTO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF AQUIRING PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS FOR NATIONAL NIGHT OUT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it will be beneficial and advantageous to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Ordinance No. 2012-27(2012-2013 Budget) for the purpose of purchasing promotional materials for National Night Out); and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the promotional materials is $3,500, Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars); and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to transfer funds from the Donation Account for the purchase promotional materials for National Night Out. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013Budget). Ordinance No. 2012-27 (2012-2013 Budget) is hereby amended to allow for the following appropriation: Transfer funds the Donation Fund account in the amount of $3,500 into the Police Department expense account 100-5211-52130 for the acquisition of promotional materials for National Night Out SECTION 3: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full Ordinance No.2013-27-Amending Ordinance 2012-27(2012-13 Budget)—$3,500-Donation Account Police Depatlinent General Fund-Promotional Materials For National Night Out Page 1 of 2 force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 9th day of July, 2013. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance No.2013-27-Amending Ordinance 2012-27(2012-13 Budget)—$3,500-Donation Account Police Depai intent General Fund-Promotional Materials For National Night Out Page 2 of 2 (,r__ ...;,.:, fit Wylie City Council , ; -' AGENDA REPORT .1887.", '1Tp op sex► Meeting Date: July 9, 2013 Item Number: 1. Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: June 18, 2013 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 8 Subject Continue a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Single Family District for a master planned community consisting of varied density single family dwellings on 292.515 acres. Located west and south of Pleasant Valley Road and south of Sachse Road/South Ballard Ave. Recommendation Motion to approve, amending the zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development-Single Family District for a master planned community consisting of varied density single family dwellings on 292.515 acres. Located west and south of Pleasant Valley Road and south of Sachse Road/South Ballard Ave. Discussion REQUEST TO REMOVE ITEM FROM TABLE Owner: Groves Farm,LTD.; Wylie—FB,LTD.; Southwest Medical Foundation Applicant: JBI Partners, Inc. The applicant is requesting to establish permanent zoning on approximately 292 acres. There are three separate tracts of land included in this request. Tract 2 is approximately 68 acres and is currently zoned Planned Development 2002-07, Tract 3 is approximately 139 acres, and Tract 4 is approximately 80 acres in size. Tract 1 is currently within Wylie's ETJ, and consists of 62.7846 acres and is the subject of a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie and respective property Owner(s). If the Development Agreement is accepted, a Petition for Annexation will subsequently follow. This request is to develop a master planned multi-generational community where an emphasis on the pedestrian experience is balanced with the conveniences of a suburban lifestyle. The conditions of the Planned Development (Exhibit B) outlay the general standards and design regulations of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Community. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to allow for suburban single family residential neighborhood consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan in preserving natural open spaces and providing pedestrian paths & connections in its design. The southern portion of the property is heavily vegetated with various groups of mid-to large trees and has varying degrees of topography, mostly sloping south. Power line and water easements bi-sect the overall property at various angles, creating a unique layout and establishing some limitations in development. In addition, a 100' Atmos Gas easement runs the length of the property line along S. Ballard as well as along Pleasant Valley Road. The applicant has utilized these easements as an opportunity to create open spaces that add to the character of the overall theme. 22% of the land shall be used as open space. There are 1,050 homes planned for the Dominion of Pleasant Valley, with a maximum density of 2.9 homes per gross acre. This includes a minimum of 10% (105) of Type A lots being 8,400 s.f., Type B lots are a minimum of 7,200 s.f., and a maximum of 60% (630) of Type C lots being 6,000 s.f. Gross acres also include that portion contained in the pending annexation. Dwelling sizes are a minimum of 2,500 s.f. for Type A lots; minimum 2,250 s.f. for Type B lots, and minimum 2,000 s.f. on Type C lots. Other significant features of the development include an amenity center with swimming pool to be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. Open space areas (Exhibit D) shall be dedicated to the City by plat and warranty deed with legal description of each parcel and maintained by the HOA. The amenity center shall be constructed with the first phase of the community and shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any residential dwelling. The exterior of the dwelling units shall be constructed with 100% masonry. Masonry to include brick, stone, masonry stucco, and hardy plank. However, in no instance shall hardy plank comprise more than 20% of any individual façade. Design elements have been established for the community by providing a "sense of arrival" including, but not limited to oversized openings, decorative front door, and/or enhanced landscaping along the primary walkway. (Attachment 2). Streets surrounding open space are within a 50' ROW and proposed to be 27' of pavement. The primary collector connecting the northern portion of the development with the southern portion is within a 60' ROW and a proposed 37' of pavement. (Exhibit F). Planning Commission Discussion Some members of the Commission expressed concern with the 5' side yard requirement and would like to see the separation increased to a minimum of 7 feet. Several residents of the County spoke in opposition to the request. Most stated they wanted to see larger lots along Pleasant Valley. The Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the request. The Commission member voting against the request, stated that she did not want small homes and felt$200,000 were starter homes. The applicant stated that the price point would range from$250,000 to $400,000. Notification/Responses: Ten (10)notifications were mailed, with one (1) written response returned favoring the request and no responses opposing the request at the time of posting. !e 4. ♦♦' 1 111111111111 min, . 7 r : ----- - .11101.7511hT.P.1 * -... ♦% � � al , ■1luu m\l\1VF !•lull ifuI lillliormie; j timiliH/I1 I ��M�■1■■11/ `�� l i \ • O�,.mElr—ps,Iiimrmmun2 11111111,in► ,1 1° u►o` ♦ Gam :%- - 1=r- euiwiiii 'u�rr ���� ‘•+ , • • a. tt►Wtir�+< 0 .. �.``%�Illllil� .._� -_ lill■.1111 M{rr 0 'f 1 , ... illi'zIili�IIII�I�, ,,r,�.. 11111111,..p _ : .., -ir,...__/im � Ii�p .i�i Q� 11111111 �� -4 \ Ii�I� i;1 `��� ,• ,limn fllllliimin •' : 1 1 • i \ I♦,``���,,,�� ,�4• e IIII I1111111I 1 .. i.. !..; !�! $O, III 14 ♦ ►:ft: 7 : 1 i r:�glivi�//i! /ij44, /J1gf1i • 19plin .... / .a / 4\ i . M•$`'� V..V Subject \/- `• ,i Property `�„. , \ co1.i.iNOui 1:' .�� [) \l I .\5- COUNTY - - .•4 ' r I /• " firNIP\...410, '• ,' ^ ,4 A, •• 's ." „" / / i • ,� c • • • LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2013-02 EXHIBIT A BEING a parcel of land located in the City of Wylie, Collin and Dallas County, Texas, a part of the Gaudalupe De Los Santos Survey, Abstract Number 1100 in Collin County and Abstract Number 1384 in Dallas County, Texas, and being all of those parcels of land described in warranty deeds to Wylie-FB, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 5849, Page 1774, Volume 5849, Page 1776, Volume 5849, Page 1778, Volume 5849, Page 1780, Collin County Deed Records, and in Volume 2005024, Page 6359, Dallas County Deed Records, and being all of that parcel of land described as First and Second Tract in deed to Groves Farms Ltd as recorded in Volume 5317, Page 5435, Collin County Deed Records, and being all of a parcel of land described as Tract 1 in deed to Southwestern Medical Foundation as recorded in Volume 93187, Page 4726, Dallas County Deed Records, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at point for corner at the approximate centerline intersection of South Ballard Avenue (a variable width right-of-way) and Pleasant Valley Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 45 degrees 14 minutes 34 seconds East, 1048.83 feet along the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road to a point at the north corner of a tract of land described in deed to Alan and Cheryl Stufft as recorded in Volume 5822, Page 988, Collin County Deed Records; THENCE South 44 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds West, 746.74 feet to a point at the west corner of said Stufft tract; THENCE South 40 degrees 34 minutes 09 seconds East, 173.81 feet to a point at the south corner of said Stufft tract; THENCE North 44 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds East, 762.15 feet to a point at the east corner of said Stufft tract, said point also being in the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE South 45 degrees 04 minutes 06 seconds East, 910.23 feet along the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road to a point at the north corner of a tract of land described in deed to Michael and Dawn Strong as recorded in Volume 4512, Page 2110, Collin County Deed Records; THENCE South 44 degrees 50 minutes 19 seconds West, 2383.56 feet to a point at the west corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Robbins Property Company No. 3, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 2005162, Page 114, Dallas County Deed Records; THENCE South 45 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds East, 1573.94 feet to a point in the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE along the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road as follows: South 45 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, 1013.39 feet to a point for corner; South 43 degrees 38 minutes 27 seconds West, 789.98 feet to a point for corner; South 45 degrees 16 minutes 29 seconds West, 140.61 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 45 degrees 52 minutes 01 seconds West, 1575.81 feet to the north corner of a tract of land described in deed to North Texas Municipal Water District as recorded in Volume 97136, Page 3071, Dallas County Deed Records; THENCE South 44 degrees 50 minutes 19 seconds West, 2279.65 feet to the south corner of said Groves First Tract; THENCE along the southwest line of said Groves First Tract as follows: North 37 degrees 59 minutes 42 seconds West 99.48 feet to a point for corner; North 08 degrees 17 minutes 42 seconds West, 187.81 feet to a point for corner; North 13 degrees 51 minutes 18 seconds East, 132.60 feet to a point for corner; North 11 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, 47.80 feet to a point for corner; North 33 degrees 08 minutes 42 seconds West, 204.37 feet to a point for corner; North 31 degrees 22 minutes 18 seconds East, 65.70 feet to a point for corner; North 07 degrees 23 minutes 18 seconds East, 131.90 feet to a point for corner; North 14 degrees 36 minutes 42 seconds West, 176.00 feet to the west corner of said Groves First Tract; THENCE North 44 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds East, 1923.49 feet to the south corner of said Groves Second Tract; THENCE North 45 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, 254.14 feet to the west corner of said Groves Second Tract; THENCE North 44 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds East, 649.98 feet to the south corner of said Wylie-FB, Ltd. tract; THENCE North 45 degrees 13 minutes 21 seconds West, 1046.66 feet to a point for corner in the approximate centerline of South Ballard Avenue; THENCE North 44 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds East, 3466.99 feet along the approximate centerline of South Ballard Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 12,741,954 square feet or 292.515 acres of land. "This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.23, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared." ( a.rao u. SOP-RC . m ww P.0.B� ZI> rPG.1025a N442S'42•E� 5466.99" \ ¢ atop omt0� Q Q /7/ A phw�m :l c Pot/4 le=, <IES •0.60 Q Q p.. OO-JOOODOODQ9Q 0-QQQQQQ404RQ-0-093, /1 ti PT -otevp• te 3OD AY p^ ED (4\ CP aCYA Q FLOOD PLAIN $ g Pt N € o ' 0 =..s 01 \ mi ''77/1/ i AA . A 2,A P i /017‘\-1 Qt ai pi -.^N M Half 649.'JP v �O \ / a or _ N44'55'28'E _ _ \ \\ O i 'Nil w- — =—c; / // Q^/yry� / // I i r'@oo & to m m mm mm ) 0 .... a cr ME MIPS WIMP we_2oons 9 o..o w:... � \ ----_ ^_.TM , . cc_ `o \o--_ _ Q Amp Pb Ca a� h 544'S0'19•W 22]9.fi5 11 v `.at.. S."V "II N 11001rEN Damn OPLECT Ai E ER PAD WEE MPS NEUPEOPM. N ` PARER MEW ar.oEUa R _ __ _f_ KK EC-WES36 PC oit i 7. \ h\ a'i U" Oiv a. p a, LEQ+END : C-4 0 h SWINE PORTION OF THE DOMINION OF PLEASANT 4 - 06=uWA r VALLEY COMMUNITY CURRENTLY OUTSIDE o OF WYLIE CITY LIMSIS , S45Y6'29•W // I °�°� 4 t• __ -' ate mme as - mum!' state stoat a ote '. rir YIYY TS :a[(YOi0 °IO •-•-�-4 FUTURE AREA TO BE INCORPORATED VY�-(liWORi, 7:4K8 , L: A a "� .=.=.-' INTO DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY V '^ (NOT PART OF ZONING RE4IEST) (VARIABLE E WLd RPW)' DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY -` �� COMMUNITY BOUNDARY WYLIE, TEXAS TUNE 16,2013 ENGNEEWNL,PANNING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCH HDEIH EXHIBIT A-1 FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT`B" DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK Dominion of Pleasant Valley will be a multi-generational community where an emphasis on the pedestrian experience is balanced with the conveniences of a suburban lifestyle. A variety of housing types will be provided to meet the needs of a complete life cycle. This will allow residents to move within the community as changes occur in their lives. In the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community,public and private spaces are given equal importance. Open spaces and common areas are interspersed throughout the community. Also,where possible,the natural features of the property are emphasized to provide for a balance within the community. GENERAL STANDARDS 1. The design and development of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community shall take place in general accordance with the attached Concept Plan(Exhibit C). 2. The maximum density in the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community shall be 2.9 homes/gross acre. (1,050 homes in the planned 361.4 acre community.) 3. Lot Mix: A. A minimum of 10%of the lots shall be"Type A"lots. (105 lots in the planned 361.4 acre community.) B. A maximum of 60% of the lots shall be"Type C"lots. (630 lots in the planned 361.4 acre community.) C. As part of each final plat submittal,a table shall be provided which indicates the number of each Type of lot for that final plat as well as a cumulative total for each Type of lot within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. 4. A minimum of 22%of the land within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community shall be used as open space. The open space shall be owned by the City and maintained by the Homeowners Association with the exception of the swimming pool area at the amenity center. A warranty deed with a legal description of each parcel of open space shall be provided to the City at the time of the ownership transferring from the Developer to the City. The swimming pool area shall be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. With the exception of the swimming pool area,all other open spaces within the community shall be accessible to the public. One element of the open space shall be a community amenity center. The amenity center shall generally be located as shown on the Open Space Plan. The amenity center shall be constructed with the first phase of the community and shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any residential dwelling. Components of the amenity center shall include, at a minimum, a junior Olympic size swimming pool, splash pool,bathrooms,bbq grills,picnic tables, shade structures,playground equipment, and an off-street parking lot. Amenities to be provided in other open spaces identified on the Open Space Plan shall include, at a minimum, 2 gazebos with bbq grills and picnic tables,and 2 sets of playground equipment. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 1 MAY 20,2013 The open space,including the community's amenity center,provided within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community, as generally shown on the Concept Plan, shall be recognized as meeting all of the City of Wylie's acreage and/or parkland dedication fee requirements for public and/or private open space for the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. The Developer shall coordinate with the City on the selection of type, style, location, size, etc. of all open space improvements including but not limited to:plants,trees,turf,mulch,irrigation,benches, tables,pavilions/gazebos, grills playgrounds, etc. The Developer shall adhere to established Park Division equipment standards and all Open Space and Trails Master Plan recommendations. All open spaces shall be sodded, rolled, and irrigated per the City's accepted practices. All trees within the open spaces shall have tree wells and bubbler irrigation. Water meters shall be furnished by the City,while backflow devices shall be furnished by the Developer. Monthly water and electrical charges for open space maintenance shall be paid for by the Homeowners Association. A"cost of improvements"shall be provided by the Developer to the City when the open space ownership transfers from the Developer to the City. RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS Type A Lots Type A lots shall be developed in accordance with the City of Wylie's Zoning Ordinance as it exists or may be amended, except as indicated below. Dimensional Standards 1. Minimum lot area: 8,400 square feet. 2. Minimum lot width: 70'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows, the minimum lot width shall be 60'. The minimum street frontage for all lots at the front property line shall be 30'. 3. Minimum lot depth: 120'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows,the minimum lot depth shall be 100'. 4. Minimum front yard: 25'. An unenclosed porch may encroach into the front setback by a maximum of 10'. 5. Minimum side yard: 5'. The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street shall be 15'. If a garage is accessed from a side street,the minimum setback for the face of the garage shall be 25'. 6. Minimum rear yard: 20' for the primary structure. Accessory structures shall have a minimum rear yard of 3'. 7. Minimum dwelling area: 2,500 square feet. 8. Maximum lot coverage: 45%. 9. Maximum height: 2 1/2 stories or 40' for the main building. 10. A minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each single family lot. Type B Lots Type B lots shall be developed in accordance with the City of Wylie's Zoning Ordinance as it exists or may be amended, except as indicated below. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 2 MAY 20,2013 Dimensional Standards 1. Minimum lot area: 7,200 square feet. 2. Minimum lot width: 60'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows,the minimum lot width shall be 50'. The minimum street frontage for all lots at the front property line shall be 30'. 3. Minimum lot depth: 120'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows,the minimum lot depth shall be 100'. 4. Minimum front yard: 20'. An unenclosed porch may encroach into the front setback by a maximum of 10'. 5. Minimum side yard: 5'. The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street shall be 15'. If a garage is accessed from a side street,the minimum setback for the face of the garage shall be 20'. 6. Minimum rear yard: 25' for the primary structure. Accessory structures shall have a minimum rear yard of 3'. 7. Minimum dwelling area: 2,250 square feet. 8. Maximum lot coverage: 45%. 9. Maximum height: 2 1/2 stories or 40' for the main building. 10. A minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each single family lot. Type C Lots Type C lots shall be developed in accordance with the City of Wylie's Zoning Ordinance as it exists or may be amended, except as indicated below. Dimensional Standards 1. Minimum lot area: 6,000 square feet. 2. Minimum lot width: 50'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows,the minimum lot width shall be 40'. The minimum street frontage for all lots at the front property line shall be 30' 3. Minimum lot depth: 120'. On cul-de-sacs and/or elbows,the minimum lot depth shall be 100'. 4. Minimum front yard: 20'. An unenclosed porch may encroach into the front setback by a maximum of 10'. 5. Minimum side yard: 5'. The minimum side yard on a corner lot adjacent to a street shall be 15'. If a garage is accessed from a side street,the minimum setback for the face of the garage shall be 20'. 6. Minimum rear yard: 25' for the primary structure. Accessory structures shall have a minimum rear yard of 3'. 7. Minimum dwelling area: 2,000 square feet. 8. Maximum lot coverage: 50%. 9. Maximum height: 2 1/2 stories or 40' for the main building. 10. A minimum of 2 off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each single family lot. Residential Architectural Standards 1. Plate heights in houses shall be no less than 9' for the first floor and 8' for the second or higher floor. 2. The front façade of each house shall contain architectural detailing to include at least two of the following: A. A front porch, as defined in No. 7 below. B. Decorative gable feature. Such a feature may be delineated with complimentary building materials or differing laid pattern,or combination thereof. C. Decorative door,window, and/or opening lintels. Such a feature shall be delineated with complementary building materials. D. Complimentary building material wainscoting. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 3 MAY 20,2013 E. Attic windows or dormers. F. Window shutters. The shutters shall be sized to match the window sash. Examples of the above are shown on Attachment 1. 3. A"sense of arrival"shall be created at a house's primary entrance. This can be done with,but not limited to, any two or number of the following: A. A front porch. B. Oversized openings for a recessed front door. C. Complimentary building materials to accent the entryway. D. Decorative front door. E. Enhanced primary walkway paving using earth-tone colored concrete(stain mixed in,not applied after), stamped/pattern concrete, or brick/pave stone. Examples of the above are shown on Attachment 2. 4. Architectural repetition: Homes with the same floor plan and/or elevation shall be prohibited from being located next to each other. Homes with the same elevation shall be prohibited from being located across the street from each other. 5. A minimum of 25% of the home's street façade shall be offset from the remainder of the façade by at least 2'. 6. All of the homes shall have at least one front elevation option which includes a front porch incorporated into the home's front elevation. 7. Front porches: A front porch shall have a minimum depth of 6' and a minimum width of 10' (60 square feet minimum). Front porches shall have railings and columns. The railings and columns shall be architecturally compatible with the house's front façade. 8. A hip roof which faces the street and which comprises greater than 35% of the total width of a house's façade shall be broken up with dormers or other architecturally compatible appurtenances. 9. Lighted house number wall plaques shall be provided on the front of all homes. 10. Exterior façade material: The homes shall be constructed with 100%masonry. Masonry shall include brick, stone,masonry stucco, and hardy plank. In no instance however shall hardy plank comprise more than 20%of any individual façade of the home. 11. Chimneys shall be enclosed with masonry matching the exterior walls. Chimneys shall not be clad in hardy plank unless it can be shown that such material is needed from a structural perspective (chimney extending through a roof) or from an architectural perspective. 12. All trim, siding, ceilings, and garage doors on the front facades shall be painted two contrasting colors to achieve an architecturally enhanced appearance. An example is,trim to be painted one color and side surfaces and garage doors to be painted a second color. 13. Roof pitches shall be minimum 8:12 for main gables and hips. Dormer roofs and roofs over porches may have a lesser pitch. 14. Roofing materials shall be either,architectural grade overlap shingles,tile, or standing seam metal. Wood shingles shall be prohibited. Vents and other roof appurtenances shall be painted to match the roofs color. 15. All of the homes shall have at least one front elevation option which includes two single-car garage doors versus one two-car garage door. 16. Garage doors: Garage doors may face a public street. Garage doors facing the street shall comprise no more than 45%of the total width of a house's façade. 17. Garage doors shall be carriage style in appearance. This shall be accomplished with the following: A. Garage door panels shall be wood clad or have the appearance of wood. B. Decorative hardware shall be attached to the garage doors. Such hardware shall include handles and hinges in a complimentary color. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 4 MAY 20,2013 Examples of the above are shown on Attachment 3. 18. Carports are prohibited for homes with front entry or swing garages. 19. Fencing: Fencing located in the front of a house shall have a maximum height of 4' and shall have a minimum of 50%of the fence face area transparent. Fencing along the side or rear property lines of a lot,including when a side or rear property line is adjacent to a street, shall have a maximum height of 8' and be constructed of wood with metal poles and the fence's rails facing to the inside of the lot. (Pressure treated wood as a fence material shall be prohibited.) 20. Board on board fence construction,with the fence's rails facing to the inside of the lot, shall be done on all corner lots where the fence is adjacent to a street. Additionally,the visible fencing shall be stained to a uniform,neutral brown color,throughout the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. 21. Tubular steel or wrought-iron type fencing shall be required on all single family lots adjacent to open spaces, greenbelts, and parks referenced on the Open Space Plan(Exhibit D). 22. Landscaping: Sodded front yards with a minimum 2 3"caliper trees and 5 shrubs shall be provided for each home. Enhanced landscaping along the home's primary walkway shall also be provided. When automated, subsurface irrigation systems are provided,rain sensors shall be installed and operational. 23. Outdoor lighting: Entrances to homes and garages shall be illuminated. 24. Conservation/Sustainability: All homes shall comply with the Energy component of the Wylie Building Code. COMMUNITY DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Public open space easements: 30' wide buffer with a minimum 8' wide trail to the rear of houses beside the open space and perpendicular from a street. 2. Perimeter screen along Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road shall be provided as generally shown on Exhibit E(Conceptual Perimeter Treatment). More specifically, a minimum 6' tall board-on- board cedar fence shall be provided to screen the adjacent homes from the roadways. The fencing shall have metal poles and masonry columns spaced every 50'. The fence's rails shall face the inside of the lot. Additionally,the fencing shall be stained to a uniform,neutral brown color and be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. In conjunction with the fencing, shrub plantings shall be provided. 3. Perimeter buffer,trails, and landscape: A minimum 40' buffer shall be provided along Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. A mixture of large/shade and small ornamental trees shall be provided within the 40' buffer. The trees shall be planted in natural groupings versus being evenly spaced. A minimum 8' wide concrete trail shall meander through the buffer as generally depicted on Exhibit E (Conceptual Perimeter Treatment). 4. Furnishings along trails: Benches with backs shall be provided and spaced appropriately when adjacent to open space. Decorative paving and cross-walks at street connectors shall also be provided. 5. Curvilinear streets: A minimum of 25% of the streets within the community shall have a curve between 3 and 23 degrees. 6. Entry features and medians: Architectural features on stone screening walls or stone monuments shall be located within a landscaped median to the first cross street. Decorative paving shall be provided in the cross-walk. 7. Signage at community entries: Community identification shall be incorporated into the screening wall or monument located at the community entrances. The sign shall be illuminated by means other than street lights. 8. Sidewalk locations: 5' sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of a street. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 5 MAY 20,2013 9. Mailboxes: Mailboxes shall be paired at the common property line of two lots. They shall be a uniform style, selected by the developer, and shall be stylistically consistent throughout the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. A number plaque shall be provided on the mailbox. 10. Sidewalk lighting: Upgraded decorative street pole lighting shall be provided throughout the community. The poles shall have solar controls and be spaced every 250'-350' and at intersection at mid-block. 11. Alleys: Alleys shall not be required. 12. Community buffer yards, entryway treatments, and landscaping shall be designed, developed,and maintained in accordance with the standards established in the Wylie Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise identified in these requirements. 13. A Landscape Plan shall be provided in conjunction with the preliminary plat. Such a plan shall comprehensively address edge treatments such as perimeter screening and landscaping and primary and secondary community entrances. 14. Community Streets: Streets within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community shall dedicate right- of-way and be built to the paving widths and thicknesses as identified on Exhibit F (Paving and Right-of-Way Dimensions). Roadway Impact Fees shall be paid for the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community's impact on Ballard Avenue and Pleasant Valley Road. No other financial obligations with respect to these roads shall be required. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY PAGE 6 MAY 20,2013 I tallfrnerEl 'MINIM illh ninurrirgliallailltiK _;._',.; ,' L'IgAillesaimmirr-, _ ';441r . - k LW1--- rantalianae • -' '._ ' -: . 411 ;4: :_ltiln.li4 , io dmispnwslir - - w--is.:40eate_44,4-cat-xt Feto ,. ire-sciss al . ., , riiiimmosiimi . iti,% 4. Tolkaanisima ,', _, ,,c ., L iiilliirri ilefSvies giiim i-, - - - - - ,.% Ermorziak- i imarim. • ite,r,-▪ .- f&a.w.itiweimil. ENE ma 1. 1 , NI . moil as._ Nomem 1 — 11111 7M 4ial liim -iimailsziorafflii -i in sim i a i P u a I, '4.', 41. • r) i, --- 1111111F- NRIMPAre. - . ro-‘ iv-,,,-, , -. --- , i 1 .. -.. - : .,. '' . ' • 1 4 RI- • it r . ,.. 1 1 ... . ! Mel ! ri ri- rt- VVI ITTITT- I T. - 7B 1 4- I._ , id% a -l ---7.-- 1 Vs 1 T - - • M - ,- . I , i f- _ 1,411a. . -• DOMINION OF ATTACHMENT 1 PLEASANT VALLEY ocr2404 VVYLIE,TEXAS JB1,1-- ;,,,,,,===,-,,,-------" r . . _ _.. . ..-v- - _Er _.4—...,J ilailiprmiat imiP_ u- ye,,J fir` ,/I f, .II Ili 1 1 Jril . riff- ;-K•:F!' -P , * a ;LIMN 1 Wig•g y..,r� — fit, ^'" . ,Fl. ' '—_: 11,- aii;„. ia al I lir I It " I. nor.: I--_I IIF , +,11,F q • i ill 1 ,;.7.-- , if- _ }� 7 I r.., sir: �� ':Y r!i"Gs --�""_. 00 y —.fir .•• .. _._w... _..-...1****iekrir . DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY ATTACHMENT 2 WYLIE,TEXAS CC 29.N12 EhG:ri LFN:N:r,WWVkG,a1.t7 Lt`r?=:fSt W:o•:nCn.r:L rr.t 1 roR RFN.r�rAlE DEVEW,'Etrt INS • Ill NMIN all IMOM21 -I'- 11r/11 elms 1 MI MN MUM f Ui )) — - fr. -- 0111111011 ism... rrr `" MUM MUM -11101, aimmliww Lr T - ts 1 02111 9 k N rit; .. IN I: \ Aillit' ®! Nialk _4 ..... - .. _ ,_. . jjjjiiiuii : % II* -... ..4.4. .....,.., ... me ma ... ▪: r+r N▪M I Ins NM 1 NI 0 11 MEI PIM III Mil NI r UM 0 OW AC II —. VIM isin IF Ms CC PIM NO IR w MN /II NU DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY ATTACHMENT 3 WYLIE,TEXAS ea n,wu 2,c,, ERUYG,RRrainc.N.0 L.,,,,tLw:o.:Tuns« NOEI54 (OR REM.ESTRIE DE4 11129 i/( . ' ''et''".'lk."-''.t*' 7421 -'J 1----- . • , I 1::,_ ,g. BALLAR04.„. ""1"64% ,,•-. "'..'""--'''''''''A"ii"""". 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' - ---1 ...... ., __ , . .. .. . ... ._._ .__ _. all ,..,- , _,.,---.1e, ...:./ ... . . :.,:__, - - a I.1 Iiiiill lir CONCEPT PLAN DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY WYLIE, TEXAS 0 ,.00 200 400 1."4200' MAY 24,2013 ENGINEERING,PLANNING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HOE15,1 EXHIBIT C FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT JEN PARTNERS 16301 QUORUM DR.SUITE 200 B ADDISON TX 75001 , ,e,, 4 r"Ork '- li ,* 11r. r _ ^C.s1ie,►,,,witom.+ --ry .rwr t0'4.0 +,` E� s gP ': 4 „ R f Y ... IF1---�•- : '` �✓ B�A�LL�iRD<A fg. .. _�•. _ — rww• 101 d— I _ `. _i I 30 /XOS GAS ESM7 I\I1 C 1 / ,-, • _ l 100'ATMO9&+A9 EMT (..., ___ ,II1 i 6, oce, MN NMI MN 11 MIN P;yG f Q �__ f, B WE l' �, I'1.' OP ' �- HIKEBIKEAIL• - ;, ,7.47,,,Av. ,-, - '.,:- i 2,//, / s * ,-.PA,..4t• ' A.:: .1eZ) . 704 ..''' /, --,. •I s yf } / rf W LV.1 "JCS 'N? �t t ,a 4. 4' ' : ,), \ :• F co iPCt • r . 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TOTAL: 98.2 AC+/- f Mr ii r L :a t die _OOO >'=z00� OPEN SPACE PLAN DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY WYLIE, TEXAS MAY 24,2013 EXHIBIT D ENGINEERING,PLANNING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HOE159 FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT JBN PARTNERS 16301 QUORUM DR SUITE 200 B ADDISON TX 75001 NOTE: PERIMETER SCREENING SHALL 40'LANDSCAPE BUFFER BE BOARD-ON-BOARD CEDAR FENCING. '` / R.0.W AREA / THE FENCING SHALL BE AT LEAST 6' 44(4;. o', SHADE TALL AND SHALL BE STAINED WITH A a TREE CONSISTENT COLOR. THE FENCING e rgp' SHALL HAVE METAL POLES. MASONRY `� '$�, 0'4°, ' COLUMNS SHALL BE SPACED EVERY 50'. SHRUBS IN NATURAL STONE COLUMNS 6'HT. BOARD-ON-BOARD , - 4 ORNAMENTAL THE BACK SIDE OF THE FENCE SHALL GROUPINGS @ 50'O.C. CEDAR FENCE vo TREE BE ON THE LOT SIDE. THE FENCE SHALL , b,� : - BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. I.(=—i.....L. , „...,_,_,,,_, __„,_ ____ -if-Vfi.4 •- 41,t`' .. I 40'LANDSCAPE— / •• 7ilafe�jt !!;lf�' •• o ', ! .,' &9•� A N ie• �,d �4 dl �` STONE COLUMN f4 �. ¢h e.,,,,,,,� a;_BUFFER y- \tail .)4.441.0_ i yQ ({ tit�S'�• ! �rj ;,, -{ Leg 4 • 6'HT BOARD-ON-BOARD k; . , CURVILINEAR � k • �• �' �:`:" ., 8'WIDE +r c. -- W CEDAR FENCEt`V 2. `O� �d ,� ,� :, SIDEWALK/TRAIL h1 �r 1 ,. f' --- - — �' '�- ice` r c S 1 _ .. CURVILINEAR 8'WIDE - .:..•' ..,,' :1 , ,..-v„ SIDEWALK/TRAIL ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREE 'pow TREE QPLAN VIEW-TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER °SECTION - TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER p yy,(� SCALE: 1-=20'-0- 2ie ie. C ..-5. ,•y, ° ,. 9 ,0'4^,qb�y �S .S f V C -r.:9 off+ C _-S. •°.. t > �•+d •'. ..$9 d�lyad` ..dn ,Q411 ;-$�` - 1!d" $ Ca ... ;$9 `CA° $� _ t7 I-:1'' SSS C0o°�t,9�v,„. c'4,, .01 °°c�� '.(S, ,11 s ` 1 °°�q9�s t ,t, `�8 ° �s•ik o" v °�08 °tl�s'boo Camp ° 9s. c "98 �sc > r•-- STONE COLUMN ad•"°o '.•, 7 o` " 4,+�'Oo R '' 7, `, t4ei :tom 4';, sf,p' a ` , t, Y o " , `g[to c' 6 . o' " °�po` .,?. ittyo STONE COLUMN c ° �$ g- $ oho @ MIN 50'O.C. A$r ky$� i- ,- Aa , �a¢� l '" <.t $,�{•. .' ¢, ,,fy ,/y a a i� 4,, fy � na¢@ t64".�' o W s �v .lr' @MIN 50'O.C. pra R� `iI°�-/!' IY�A� ; ,•,� (Q. . <.'4l•Wa'�f1:hN.". q_n .y,.y w ,/,cva Wqp� q� ',0:4i .1 : Oj x q 4ar <.'S'4'3 •771A1 y8. ':' „• w cp%w I.y' y�[°.'s �Mw O ('A .41...i '• $c. O7. ,Wb`•W9,,,,,j' [(� M. ' iU GQC cs. -i ' `.i A"W:„�4 •° f �b't" ' oA ' .i " .i 'Q -w: `Y 't` 1, ;`94e5'.•!- <. t ',.. O .. - , 443" .. � a `� T•� .'Vr c• �- '�$' t''; 4 r;�.; 4 � v�h.. :� ^�I '�"2.a 4 r,< .`� '<i2.. - `rt `� �oE"� .;4 �,`F �;° r o Q,b :f '�- a•-• r° 4a.- '" t � . ` ,, �.g1 �' b o �• � _ �" � o$4w � 4- �'a' .� ^° �44.a__- T 41 '� Y '� p a •$ :'� -r - ; . ", c`�7a , pQ�•t,; ,r, '� 'f+� a.. :° dac ., ��.n _ �, o,u c. ti F,� 4 •e f)i. 4�4.i�' _`�4,1 r..� a• C ,S` A.i.'i E.:'�,<. .,CgF�. -_ d _ _ r�. 'dc, .i . a 'Arw �.':?• d:' tk`as 'Sf._?D.-d.•,Q{' c.' 4" d.. C^' � •'�i- Fc. !�� °c` ", -. . *' ,'0. r- .`�. 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I '^• II ' • "�� di I l I 11 I ,:'1 --r 1� ..t .� `: :. .�',i I .■ I y ..maw,e*_ '_d - - :.,_ram _:r .. --:::x. _ ,1,.:= ::: ..1 `` ..,«_'-- .,e014,-, r:,. 1 I, .d� :.I �.! <; !r.. .,:., ;.,:. : •�,. -r 50'MIN O.C. BOARD-ON-BOARD CEDAR SHRUBS IN NATURAL ()ELEVATION-LANDSCAPE BUFFER FENCE GROUPINGS SCALE:114'=1'.0 ° � `, 44 ORNAMENTAL , +':A ° '.. -,. °° :;° ° z,y0,.� TREE `° ° P ,a 9°yw t8 SHADE TREE " a+6ne «9 a °q� ce°p "4 c4v1m° TOWER vGc c 8 "v 4 c,f0- s' s' .1,-,� c „`b t0 °o o y Qo § Z ? v oa t, on ^.54 •, COLUMN 'S'. ':t o°, A$f.'�Cry, a .p 1(.. a.tA ,_ cab.,�d�" y a �a.�� „ �y y :.Npt. -fr. � 'aa" c vat" e,17,+�°` ,,+' "''d ,$5+ of Zt C •..'a +..Al` �M,p`, +, to C .�`"•' ?,a ;,Q�, +,,,s2t e 4 • d g ° U IU ,` ` p ` z "gyp g 4ior 1.'a 1 u __, LV:. 4'.' 4r`•� - +.. s- ��^ oit u a �.:� ���`�y$- `' MASONRY WALL R> a° 09(� .,n $a Fiat .A.-a._ Ae $ a `tP . 4.4e.„4, a, $• 4,y .s, -_ ._`--_ -.TTTI,_.._� 1 4 -I T=-' - v �. L ; f ° y a n r t,v � �,aT DOMINION �. ' ,t"`. ;�, Y. .a • { n `k I OF PLEASANT VALLEY T. X t r t2 .4 :> I ' kC ` ' I 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I i l I 1_• t Ih1 1 1 1 11 I 1 l 1 rl II III III 11 I11 111I II III I III 'ICI 11111 1' 1 11 i ELEVATION-PRIMARY PROJECT ENTRANCE STONE ENTRANCE WALL SIGNAGE \—RAISED PLANTER SCALE 1:.1.=r.0' DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY CONCEPTUAL PERIMETER TREATMENT WYLIE, TEXAS MAY 24,2013 EXHIBIT E ENGINEERING,PLANNING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HOE1S4 FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS 16301 QUORUM DR.SUITE 200 B ADDISON TX 75001 T .fir as Lr'� - 3 - `S ` 1 1 n. 1• XI!. A, 1 �` (,,- e A ..<►°,o a _ 4 ,„....._..•,...... ......O OTOZO O O`�,a: o orororO O OTOZO O O OTO WO' `� l5 3 .wq = ;� f ,•�, a _ JFIr Imo',,- �. ' �- 014 l 1 o -- / Q 4 ' jil\*".14P+ 7 A F6OOD ,ai — "• ,"'F 1 % - (:i 0;" 1 i 1 r�°o q aC O N ... _. t er/ • , .-, • . ,,,, -..-..- . . L, -47 vo4rit ,.....) , c). M� 1 �,`O O Mr1 \ ,' C'''''''`f I ik'41111. 1\ Ste? . — J / 1 -bat. . 411 4,4 4 0 01?,,P - f _ .. .. ... __ . . , . • ‘.%<<, \ Il ►^ ♦ /� ♦ Q ��♦ j o A 0 i a �. • a ♦♦ 4 Q 0 D Lam., p 14110 & 0id �\ 4 \ * . d "_ j =� 1 .4 i' _ � � t��l 4, I ...,„. . __ale oo I e;c�o!o All O IP 111 0. �``" �) cm of wv3� --- eft. .— �' prei -..."-------..gra __ `Mr . . .1 111 1, _ ` u Nui r e� eai • O M . e-_.�_ c° ° 011 • I :5)() . 61(:—.) i 1 i t 1 I r 1'7 j.W o, . _ ._ le ri_____ _ * I. ----r-._ Q .----- 1 .:----.• .4----- - , EN . • •3 t\, 0 \ , i 410 ' -ir EISA, ' i ..47.-ii. . , ., - . 1_ -.. - .... I . 1 o t___• . _ ....,•\.o,\.* =.:::7:76\: -11:\ LEGEND 0 iOQ ,2-23' DIDED ENTRY / 85' ROW / 6" THICK CONCRETE if `_ - — — —1.1 37' PAVEMENT / 60' ROW / 8" THICK CONCRETE �O i�'o s�°mPAVEMENT / SO' ROW / 6" THICK CONCRETE p �O 0 OIO Leib O><o�slt OIOtO bi0i0 !! O7<otd� a(� OIOIrS>e[O O Oi0i0-b[otOiO-0. O O(Q'O ammit.?a,me OIO sow r ,*41 • • • • 27' PAVEMENT / SO' ROW / 6" THICK CONCRETE v ;, � �: - •• PLEAS 9ALLEY'RD ,,0 i .. .._. *NOTE: ALL PAVEMENT lr✓ MEASURED BACK OF CURB i. 'V DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY oo 4e 0 1„=2oo PAV I N G A N D RIGHT—OF—WAY DIMENSIONS WYLI E, TEXAS DUNE 18,2013 EXHIBIT F FORENGINEERING,RPLANNING,AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE HOE159 FOR REALLESTATE DEVELOPMENT JgI PARTNERS 16301 QUORUM DR.SUITE 200 8 ADDISON TX 75001 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Jerry Sylo with JBI Partners, Inc. APPLICATION FILE 2013-02 16301 Quorum Drive#200B Addison Tx 75001 # BLKIABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant-Jerry Sylo 16301 Quorum Drive #200B 1 JBI Partners, Inc. Addison, Texas 75001 800 E. Campbell Road #130 2 Abst 660 Tract 93 R-6660-000-0930-1 Woodbridge XVI, Ltd. Richardson, Texas 75081-1871 Wylie-FB, Ltd. 1129 Dilwort Crescent Row 3 Abst 1 100 Tract 3 R-7100-000-0030-1 Robert Bruner Charlotte, NC 28203-4866 6526 Brook Lake Drive 4 Abst 1 100 Tract 4 R-7100-000-0040-1 Groves Farm, Ltd. Dallas, Texas 75248-3915 800 E. Campbell Road #130 5 Abst 1072 Tract 4 65107282010040000 Woodbridge Properties, LLC Richardson, Texas 75081-1871 Wylie-FB, Ltd. 1129 Dilwort Crescent Row 6 Abst 1384 Tract 3 65138456510030000 Robert Bruner Charlotte, NC 28203-4866 6526 Brook Lake Drive 7 Abst 1384 Tract 4 65138456510040000 Groves Farm, Ltd. Dallas, Texas 75248-3915 3963 Maple Avenue #100 8 Abst 1384 Tract 6 65138456510060000 Southwestern Medical Foundation Dallas, Texas 75219 PO Box 2408 9 Abst 1384 Tract 13 65138456510130000 North Texas Municipal Water District Wylie, Texas 75098 500 Main Street 10 Abst 1384 Tract 13.1 65138456510130100 Dallas County Dallas, Texas 75202 11 12 13 14 0. • -��� ` .• I to-MN `_-1 , 1 ��0 ,* 1111111 /1111111 A '` ' f am ����� ��� ' �VAi I1611111111111111 - • ` I ' • s - vim mraiiiii:ii 5 .. _10, 4-.41\0„...._. _ •„,.:... amp=. U ,., .. • , 4 ......... ... . ,, ., . ....i 00 Illirti, ‘ *Vi MI ii:i Wir Air 0AfIj'��os �j1/11111 i ` '`': , : ‘ ipumikVi,/ ,... j•riT,... 41.41,P, IN s, ...t ' ' e • Sil. j/ ����C �'ta� Y '. 1100 • fr 4_ \.• ,� S ,�0 1 . _ q Ion [ ' rr rr 3 Ate- l3 - 'Y • Tr 41- \ • • I - LL 1T `?,♦ • -Fr. T S. - ♦; ` i , • Tr 13 ,i' • \ ,,•, 13% 5C 4løø.$pii,i,.I,• Iied1111L111 I'I.11:1 • • �' `• `• • • ♦Y. • \ • • OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2013-02 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 XI am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2013-02. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2013-02. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting- Tuesday,June 4,2013,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,June 25,2013,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: GROV ES FARYYL LTp , (please print) RONA4—D . (aROVES, GC—tiG( J — 3N(2 Address: 5807 FO')C C,H JD.?L. 1�L. Il.ag-rt INJ . S 74(0 Signature: Date: OS—l$— 2.013 COMMENTS: IR.E AS G LOT G C-14kLG.C- of tbDS1CcS Dominion of Pleasant Valley REGIONAL CONTEXT r ill V4� ,Il I \ f a :41 f_. ,�� rpm! ,-1= i : k COUNTY vP .. La SAGH5E • ' j .R • :-.1c\ 41010,,, ' i - :.--yr. .• / .-...,.., - :4\ f i 3:• .11 yy How this all started iii ill„v.'''. 1:1il! '''''_'4.it.._,,,... ••'-'''..,..:1,, , . .... je • .y ,`t - . .-4 y r 4- .,. . _ .. . $ . .. '..' . .,. , . i _,.___ .„, „,,..„.... . i . ,y a 'I '• \ r.,.. .. ... .•,:_\ .,..-. .. . , . •..z,..a„.....• -,. .../..____I .Lii.._LJ ... 1- .. t, .,": , i „1 . ,....,. ... . .. .._ ....., , ...„.., . ., . . ,.. ........ ..-. '''',11:-:]..--'1 Irle0%--:'41e....,-'01..7:•,-;) ii. . ,1 _. •••• • . " ...... •'.•--- ''. - j.. ) . ...: , . , : - .\ -..)..._ :,... . w _ . . r-, r.. T... , Oi Cn F � ` • 4:: • ti y 1- r _ _ __ • rW^1 V J W w Z ` }I . C -,l r i 5 PROJECT CONSTRAINTS - ---- - s BALLARD AV5 1.k ' k . 11114111NNVIIIir- d R4.9s l �y co �a • z 100 YR b FLOOD PLAIN yyy g . --.-.- - .. — . �. - rose- r+:a,,,,,„ C� • . .. .. • •• ! .,, . 1 r._ - � • ri , � ` • .....,,,,...t. „ _ .. • .-• - a •� _ _ 4. :.; ao . - - PLEASANT VALLEY i -=4- . --- _ _ S'-'•. •••- - - =: TY L7iVE"L0PM NT STANL7AF2 i7 Lk ' 1 _ l- -_ s h _ .. 111111111111"11111111111111111"1141111(111 .4.40...4.1....._, , •\ .-.... --.... iik -Vit i Vat i I It , ap ..... „,...._.. . f....„....r.4 km, . pr gile titrati_04 /_-_— iirdelordilit• _ --- ' ;,7+ ifk\ 1i . ':- — A; r . . , , ntr riff," r. lik410 POOMISMINF . • . • CDANGE D OPEN TANK pimp ' 1 ' North Texas Municipal Water District /t SITE NO. 310 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL (972) 442--5405 1: +ma L ' • mow r y � r 1111 ,, kt' 4 i 'f? i • ._ _ • '1- . 4; I vm • r1 ,. /;., • trail$`- !! lac • r�t.�, .`r r: {. -I - 1*._ . Q{' r 1111 111 i , -_ al--. .a, vim.. / - + •.++ T - - -- - .. s tg i�.1 rar. N 4 \ . .....-....„,. . -. ..-_. ¢' 0'.'•>;.'in'e./: - :•'.:• —1±-I - - ,, - 1. - ,_, ..:........._ . -,... .. .,. ,. II, - �. - -- - - - - I had a work session with the City Council last fall. A few of the council members at that meeting said they would like to see large lots and large homes. I went back and looked at the market to see if this would be viable. According to Residential Strategies, Inc. (a firm who specializes in single family market research) there was only 1 new house sold at a price over $400,000 in Wylie for each of the past 2 years. In addition, I have a subdivision of 55 lots that are 85' x 185' (15,000 sq ft) in size called Jackson Meadows which is located in Sachse about a mile from the property under consideration. Grand Homes and Coventry Homes are the builders. ( ,. ,. ... ,...... , `. �,3 ilt ...',,..::-•,— -.---.7:11-1.': ' . ' ' -° I ' . _ :- �,y • �y � • l, ....,H,.\ ' - ': a i Viral a ; { " \ . ,....,%i - 6. { .:: .:'.: ;:''::::7.. I ---',.:,.',:•y ' , .3 MGM . . , ,. /�- .,•:•i.-.1,:---'1..: .. :-,..--- - ,vi a • �► -,.. , .. . :„._ . • ....• , ... .•: : ,. ., .•„_,.. . . . ..,.....• _�i . ., " P�� � � ..„ .. r. x Al ' - • Alk. -''''• ' -./•F• L. .< -. Lr ;1. Yf JGCIC60N- l'- •1A' Att. IV f t Iw• S _ ,. " — MEADOWS 9 , • I <¢+a - g-,y, , - � �:: ' :ilia'.• fir,iliI . , FPRE6T .. - / iC s'. 410.; i • ►" _ f f` n 1 / , A:' ."..1j-.-.. .,...- - ... / ....< i 7,4:O.,-wo.-7., ri,:iiIii. ''.''.-7.11/...-!'-'•. • -.:::',,.;;•. 1 r. _..-----,,. — ;,,..., -:::. • . 1 J •IrV •- -—-7.,,., , VP&131' •1,_r_..1.7•-..r.•••••''.'•':-.'...• - -• , ,..: .1• . ,./ / / . , .,,.._ _ ..... ......_,. ..• _v..,. •. • .... .. . ..„ r� 4 _ . ,s� _. ti. tii. aIV. 5 yt1. • • ,.r ._. � . , t\ •..f. .. Ali •;i /'t? ,:•. Grand and Coventry Homes have sold 15 houses between $267,000 to $402,000 over the past 5 years (absorption equals 3 per year). In the City of Wylie there have only been 2 sales of new homes over $400,000 in the past two years. Along with the lack of any significant absorption in Jackson Meadows this tells me there is little to no market for large lots and new homes over $400,000 in the immediate area. Additionally, the Jackson Meadows development is not adjacent to sewage treatment plant nor is it bisected by major power lines like the proposed Dominion of Pleasant Valley. 'A TTPA TUL'SL'aId JO UOTUTuiOQ .TOj _SuTsodoJd DIE' DM TL'LIM ST LIJTLIM 'S,000'00J7$ a44 oT spJpMdn 000'00Z$ pTUz D44 uzo.Tj pa upi /CIIL'pTuT saapd auioLI Ddl •mncj aaan/V sasnoq su saappncj a4} Act }oj qma uo pa}uujd saaa} Z put) ( Jadojanap aq} Aq pa}uqd ssa q 005 nano) Jadojanap aq} Aq u i oid 2ui}uujd as 4 anisua}xd 25 •saaun/Voauzogj a4} jo TuauzAo[ua aq} aoj amds uado put) ••••a}a 'suzoonnucj '}uauzdinba punoa2Aujd 'sa p d aoj suam uouzuzoa 'jood aaauj Ei 2uipnjaui 'ia}uaa A}tuaum }uuamu2Ts seS :2u!MoJToJ Dip. sapnpuT 4uawdoianap JdQ •A4TJ nb 4214 P JO ST Sasno4 alp uo TTp}ap TpinpalppiL' 04T will aas TTTM noA sazTs }op pup asnoq jo aJnTxTui a44 a1TdsaU •Saulo4 006 ATalpu Txoiddp LITTM SazTs asnoq pup SazTs }op jo a.Tni.xTul SL'LI pUL' Sa.TJL' cLZ uo sT uoIsTATpgns JdU •0ITAM UT Apadoid slLp uo padopanap DOS 01 On pInoM 14 4M o4 JpITuzTs ST }uauzdopanap STLIZ (jai) )I00.1i Ja44UE'd JO UOTUTUIOQ SE' UMOU)I AMm opI opTg _SUOIL' pup •px UO4SaJd JO UOT4JaSJa4UT alp JPau XI 'oJST.13 UT padopanap I uoIsTATpgns P 4i >Tooi am 4SagSns o4 4uL'M I ppaLi O4 will. _SUT>IL'J •uoIsTATpgns aTIAM I1JTdA4 alp woiJ apL'i do UP act ppnoM 4T will AL'M L' LIJns uT padopanap ApadoJd slip. aas O4 pa4uL'M AaLi4 will SL'M jpunoj AID aLi4 LITTM pL'q am UOTSSaS >I.TOM L' 4L' pJPaLI I 4L'Lp4 anSST _SUTp!JJanO au Dominion of Panther Creek (Frisco i I I Rtil 1 kr,....Zr.I-:'., • vir.: .. . •_ .. . .. . . 4;44..,k4"...#‘41il. *NV. - -- • is., ......._„,,,,,.../. 44.4.,....,0\,. 44 44. , (-------- .- Strapip , . crl i=,.. 4 • . ,•,' k . .'I•404"-...A..^-' "‘•"4...47 rt.... lrdtO'6'''..,4vr:•"4. 444''''',4?-4°14440.\-41°- IIP#4'.411* ,,.. ,. 6 0.,„,I ,.- ,, „.. #46,,:•.4444\-* \-#0 Igo - 1 , f� le ": , _,.. .,_ . . .. :7, , 1• ....,:, .. . • , .:. • , ... . „. ..,.. .... . ,:".- .,4„,_,....:, , ,,,,>•___________„„.. ..... :_ • • • _ ,, y....,.. . . ... ‘ 11212... • .. . ,war.; "I' j Q' . Y i • • }ngffallit_ x;• + f . `MITI I IT'-r !' -.J 4E TAIL'.. J 1 :'4.;:6'- -- . • - Ati 1WINNIN 11 .f -. - EL.V'A.J A.K!AY - �._�. ._ _. - ' y N tLAND PLAN DOMINION OF PANTHER CREEK FRISCO,TEXAS NOfiN En,RINFRS The area of Frisco north of Eldo- rado Parkway around the Dominion at Panther Creek and Panther Creek , Estates earned a No. 1 ranking for • families with children. ri.k. , . ... owl Iiiiiiiieie -taill . sr f a # ' t ,.. 410: illir, & •• • . .-1 74, : - iii alit .... MP • Ill—� - a r 1 0i W i f , ______ ._ 4 ti - ..:' 11161V -•••••• Ill" 4 _ fir. ;ij t."• • +:.: - r. `- 1mum A . _ .__ _ . ___ _ Matt Strasen/Special Contributor After dismissal at Polly Tadlock Elementary School, the streets flood with students and parents walking home in the Dominion at Panther Creek subdivision in Frisco.In a poll commissioned by The Dallas Morning News, the neighborhood was No.1 for families with children. Main Entryway . ., , 4.5„,„.)... .. .„ , ., .. .. • h Mr flit "{1 Iry • �4 Y .'- • --. -,_ _ .12(4)46/ArFritrOl* at Panther Creek . A A • ��, ti p,,1• --: '9 _'� •1. .. - • Secondary _ . .... • . . .. , . y,V ` .r!y k tY kiet, : c, t ' 1 *4 1�y . r. • . ,r ..... , , Y'A 7....!: � .. _ "�` .�'' _ at Panther Creek _ -- __,_,_ G 4 a e'' . • 1i .. �R wf S K +< y ,�j F w+ = -Il : ,i'• ,':4;4.. • .0,,;,..e: . , .;..k • I — — _ - P • ► A • . N at Panther Creek - -- - Overhead Pow er L ines ,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . II .11111111.1 _ • i ii. _ ,... .....40ei, T__.. ,. 7r• Y/ i 1 .--.. . ...• i • . .,....„ !$::',::-.'-:•7:• •••.,-, ;'";•,P.•:.• ,•,.•'•• • ....--, . , 7"•-"'-;''.-1"I''''- ..,/..4•-•-• , • :. ' '..?••.''•:;e.‘.;... ,. ••-• ',•77-i .. 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Lot size breakdown at DPC: DPC minimum lot sizes were zoned and approved by the City of Frisco as follows: 50% 50' x 115' lots 40% 60' x 115' lots 10% 70' x 115' lots Maximum density allowed was 3.5 units per acre Minimum house size was 1600 sq. ft. and side yards are 5' minimum on all but the largest lots. We ro ose the following: p p Lot size minimums: No more than 60% 6,000 sq ft (typically 50' x 120') No more than 30% 7,200 sq ft (typically 60' x 120') No less than 10% 8,400 sq ft (typically 70' x 120') Considering corner lots and cul-de-sac lots and other over sized lots the average will easy exceed an average of 7200 sq. ft. Maximum density of 2.9 units per acre, compared with 3.5 on DPC. All side yards are to be minimum of 5' except on corner lots where they would be 15' Minimum house square footages (air conditioned space): Minimum 8400 sq. ft. lots will have a minimum house sq. ft. of 2500 Minimum 7200 sq. ft. lots will have a minimum house sq. ft. of 2250 Minimum 6000 sq. ft. lots will have a minimum house sq. ft. of 2000 (This is significantly larger than the Bloomfield project recently approved. 1,800-2,200 sq ft and units per gross acre was 2.8) Amended proposal: b. 8400 sq. ft. lots no more than 50% between 2500 and 3000 sq. ft. and 50% must be greater than 3000 sq. ft. b. 7200 sq. ft. lots no more than 50% between 2250 and 2750 sq. ft. and 50% must be greater than 2750 sq. ft. b. 6000 sq. ft. lots no more than 10% between 1800 and 2000 sq. ft., no more than 40% between 2000 and 2400 sq. ft., and 50% must be greater than 2400 sq. ft. The reason for having the 10% between 1800 and 2000 sq. ft. is to capture the empty nester buyer who is trading down and would rather not have a two story house. This buyer usually puts in lots of upgrades so the house per sq. ft. price is actually quite high, and thus helps bring up the comps to help drive up the home prices throughout the neighborhood. :. 1fillimINi•Ilillilt o . , -••\ - ., . .. 7, '--'.. ."'-''''''- -. Ti"-'7 .. — .. f .i. •• ... -.....__ . „._._.____......_. :1 , ..4. ii.7' i ' i "4.arc, . 1--=' \ ., • -.....,. 6,,,,..-: . mind . . ,... ..... 1 g ,'••-••:::` \•, /i r.,.. %i• ._ •, ,, irl____ .____.... . , 'N : 1.4-41,- 4 itt —r---- _ •-efs--- v _... . , i I / , ; 4ii,....::\1/4.s.ArraIll,: __:_, __ 4,.,.,_. • ... .„-• \\\\" \\„ 1N);k) llassirr- / . . 1 OP JO `,..', 1 hi • 0 g. 1 -,""71•F:w.--- --21.7,-;----- 16, 41, • _ , ft il \\ . LL 1 -34N 1 In • 1 P.' . i I 4,..s...... C OM 1( 1_.:tel . • .._.. 1 :iil .. . ,-,-..,f, -1,1 Ar •--i .7._7"..,i.,Ji. t_A t.NA,F 4 I;;'; 1 . , '../ t.. . .., 1 4 4.1,•;,-7 I rr , . . -0' .iit....Kr:•, it • I it. 7 S- . . 1 i 1 . .1.•1 .."I. '.1 . .. r , ., * , , . _ ,...... .., \,.......„ , A.. ; 1 101. 'it 1— _. . r I 1 L; r ...• . - . .---N.41111 _ • . _. • . awl. .. , • lob • . I Architectural Standards Residential Architectural Standards I. elate heights in houses shall be no less than 9'for the firs)floor and g'for the second or 2 higher floor. facade°leach Muse shall contain archtcelnral detailing to include at least one of `�+Q;Ti�l IMfollowing: Ir®�riat-71..1•111 MEW. (py P • �� A-Afront porchaell plij■�1.�`.'�1f� e &Decorative gable f turc Such a feature may be delineated with complimentary building SOW y y18 differing ;.a- maleralsor laid pattern,m combi nun on thereof. 4 'MT:, _ MI 71 -:��k ll L C.Decorative door,window.and/or opening lintels-suchaf feature shall be delineated with / 1f_ ',MOM.' �MIFMS.1 I �I1�i i r.complementary building materials. ��s'.',t E,AttieCom wmnowsordlmmrs.rain wainscoting. ■�! •��"', t��w E.Attic wind°wserdormem, ���f�y� �'i i931-1� F. Window shutters,The shuners shall he sized to match the window sash. L�� i i� �E Examples efde above are shown on Attachment I. ■�0�4 j��,4 �` t7r4 NM IMMIAlre. ',clip M;s 3, A-sense of arrival"shall be mined eta hnosc:primary entrance.]his can be done with, d! 1; but non limited to its following: V lie! A.Afront porch, • - w��ffiMi B.Ovensind openings feua recessed from door. - _ _ C.Complimenmay building materials to accent Mesmtryway, - ' D.Decorative from door. E.Enhanced primary walkway paving usingtarth-loot colored anaemia(gain mixed in.not applied alter).stampedlpanem concrete,er briekrpave store. F. Fnhannd landwaring along the primary walkway w the home's emrwsce. - --- _ Examples of the aboveshown on Attachment 2. - - -- -__ -._ `_ .i •� am . N .. __- _ • 4, Architectural repetition.E with the same floor plan nedror elevation shall be prohibited ` I I 1 I * - foam being located h he !lames with the same elevation shall be prohibited 1 1 .. - - _ loom being located the tree f h Ili 3 Amm mum of 35% l the li rrif pad shall heoffsetf the remaindernftbe facadebyate 2 Additionally, minimumof60% fde total area of a first floor of a t "j two story name Mall e n�nrcmant - ! i i� r 6. All of the home shall ha I least one from elv+nion option which includes a from porch .- — I HHW�111 Y k 7. Fincorporated into o tbe home's front cleyanon rontposaranA front porch shall ha mdeplhof6'and a minimum Minh oflo" • On square feet minimum).Front porches sh II have railings and columns The railings and _ - a • tduproehnllcharceithesoI)compatible with the house's from f35% 3 H. Alup roofxlniehf lhabro c arxl h n prisvu grumlvo than 33%ofthe tame width ofEIF -fig e beau i facade shell M broken up with dormers or clef arehnueturelly compatible appudcnn 9. Lighted house number wall plat shall he p 'led on Its Anal of all homes, • - tn.Exier er facade material!The homes shall be -trotted Wit 100%masonry Masonry :PIE _ e r dull halals brick.smnu,masonry and hardy plank.In re instance however shall ■ am ' \ " hardy plan:comprise mom dun 0% F any-individualfacade of the home IV 1 aaa aw'.,'[} / \\ 11.Chimneys shall be enclosed withmatching the exterior walls Chimneys shall not !--MIA- ':►f�` --' be clad in handy plank unless it ran he shown that such material is needed from a srnsctnrnl ` perspective(chimney extending through a roof or from an amhNxcluml perspective. - - �� � N.�'' • 12.All 0im.ridin ceilin carts w•de°m an de from facades shall he palmed - - & c gaarc fe .. sawing colommachieye an architecturally enhanced appearance.An example is,trim to � �� bepsmedeMh color ha nd niimum8:12srmain g and ables ipa deaeos and rot /, �R v 13.Roof p pitches have acre minimum 8.12ftmairt gaol and hips.Dormer roofs and roofs°vtt - ponchos may have a tosser pitch. 14.Roofing materials shall be either architectural grade overlap shingles ale or wending seam 'INF - metal Wend Mingles shall be prohibited.Vents and other roof appurtenances dull he MEM -- • pmntcdto match the roof scod_ - IS All of the honors shall have at least one from clewarien option which includes two single.ear wX M_'a garage doors versus one 1......C.,,,AS door. -on - - -. 16.Garage doors:Garage doors may face a public street Canape doors facing its greet shall -' ••� 'if comprise no than43%of the total width of a house's facade. ATTACHMENT I "{. 17.Garage doors alaall be canape style in app wwlcc.This shall be aecompliahcd with the ---- • fallawing .........,.......,.........no,,.....,.............,,, - - , A Garage door panels shall have the appearance of wood, ,� o® - i'''''' - i _ ■ B,Decorative hardware shall be attached to the garage doors Such hardware shall include _,,� _ handles and hinges tin a complimentary color- f - ---- ��� �p ■ G 1 -- • _ Examples of the abase are shown on Attachment _lilt- 4 ��� _ - �■ J•' 18,Carports are prohibited for homes with front entry or swing garages. - 19,Fencing:Fencing located n the front of a house shah have a maximum height of4'and shall -• -- �■ have a minimum of 50%or the fence Ike area transparent.Fencing along the side or rear � %`� • a property lines of a lot shall have height of g'and be constructed of wood with - I, / 2 metal poles and the fence's mil facing the insideof the lot.(Pressure treated wood as a N i. fence material shall be prohibited.) :1 20.Board on board fence construct with the knee's rails facing to the inside oflhe lot.shall r - "�_� he dote on all center lots where the fence is adjacent to a street.Additionally.the visible 7- fencing shall be stained to a uniform.neutral brown color,throughout the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. :r4 - ',t., 21-Tubular steel or wughnimn type fencing shalt be required on all single family lots adjacent n o open spaces,greenbelts,and parks- - 22.landscaping:Sodded front yards with a minimum 2 3"caliper trees and 5 shrubs shall l provided for each home.Enhanced landscaping along the home's primary walkway shall also be-provided.When automated.soh:nrlace irrigation systems am provided.rain aertaare ATTACHMENT 2 shall he installed and operational. 23.Outdoor lighting Entrances to homes and garages shall be illuminated. 24.Corcernalio>USusoainahility:All homes shall comply with the Fuergy compotent of the am+w man .0 110 Wylie Building Code. Home Prices: We are proposing that home prices will start where the current average of new home prices are in the City of Wylie and extend upwards to about $400,000. This is clearly an upgrade from the norm in the City of Wylie ;�. • . ' Community Perimeter Treatment 4s " -'' W. ,vas * i 1' ? 1 b y . , .4(S :* .• big • rEe-� y i' '' ' ii '1.; I .*.1 1114.LL . 1 .':::: '; 'i w x na0.' '�"i7 n T'' . -''-r!,-.' 4 ii'.,.1.:*.:::,„,''.21‘. ' , ' ' - ,,x,' ' - ott.4.1., ' .- ... firy__ r ", v • - }, r - { r •.; ; .'r .. ,..: . . ..r:. .., , , r r AAA �� . --- ' 0ab `4 . v: -4';' ' " • a ''.4 r . /. / u' r l r f i �, s / - --.-,-. ....;'---- ,----...,-., --._ - ----------.., .. .--,..-.. .,-. ‘...-,..'-'--- i 1 77 401 - _ _ ''... —'o., loll . ir i-: , f. ‘,.;..,5.,,,__ .., :,.:. . �r :..:11:..,--, ,,,i, l&kr-„,,,, .., , - I . 111, VIL.; ../ 1 i r f :, 1 IIjjI! W7 .. :, ,.: . .,:.,::?4,.•:--•: - ,-. >L/' f i i 7A :i i-'. 1,4715'' \ \) -----41110.IA. 00,,, 1 . 4114 'j FLnon Py]Ik ��ryJ1 L�S.:,----- _ :-__Iji j 1 ' r R�zi''�@qg !A • • i-i },_: -r -. •.. A HiKr¢ei�w,eu6 „.._-"•0111147 I ,7 II � . rAiwr/zz---Th- ____*,/r\-____.-----7_____..__._.______-_---- ...----:„,_. / -:., .` • I 1 f , .4' ------.--- ...7 , .,ILI ,-` ;•::-.•, -----Th, -..ok • 'ilia '1 ----414 /7,/ _ ,,.1/4ik i. -..-- • rrf • �_-mil rr J --(7 • Irtf, COMMUNkTYQATA . rNr s . rl HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL r. r1\ rr • ® INTERNAL OPEN SPACE(IOP): 27.2 AC+/- - - — • _ -- � � u O PERIMETER OPEN SPACE BUFFER: 6.7 AC+/- O MAJOR EASEMENTS(3): 47.2 AC+/- •-- - -- — .W.: ir�r� �rrti��+r - .,,, O FLOOD PLAIN: 17.1 AC+/-:.=.:ram r yw;.i_ '„ I- .. • -.s,.. _ -` .,.. __ . TOTAL 98.2 AC+/- Park Dedication Requirement 1. 5 acres/100 lots(1 ac120 lots):Approximately 1,000 lots are proposed in the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community which requires 50 acres of park land to be dedicated per the current ordinances. Per Section 78-76 of the Wylie Municipal Code,while 100-year flood plain and easements are generally considered"unsuitable","The city parks and recreation board shall consider the usability of any proposed dedications of land in the 100 year flood plain or in any easement on a case-by-case basis." The 2010 Wylie Parks&Trails Master Plan identifies 1 Neighborhood Park located within the limits of the property. Per the Plan,a neighborhood park should generally be 5-10 acres in size and serve 3,000-4,000 people. The Plan does not propose any additional recreational facilities within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. Dominion of Pleasant Valley Park/Open Space Proposal 1. 36 acres of internal open space,which equates to 1 ac/27 lots. The open spaces are equally distributed throughout the community. Additionally,within the 36 acres,an approximate 5 acre community amenity center site is proposed. 2_ 6.8 acres of perimeter open space buffer with an 8' concrete hike&bike trail. 3. 37.6 acres of"major"easements with an 8'hike&bike concrete trail. 4. 17.1 acres of 100 year flood plain adjacent to Muddy Creek Preserve. 5_ Approximately 3 miles of 8' wide,concrete hike&bike trails. 6. Total amount of open space provided:97.5 acres. The open space shall be owned by the City and maintained by the Homeowners Association with the exception of the swimming pool area at the amenity center. The swimming pool area shall be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. With the exception of the swimming pool area,all other open spaces within the community shall be accessible to the public. One element of the open space shall be a community amenity center. The amenity center shall generally be located as shown on the Open Space Plan. The amenity center shall be constructed with the first phase of the community. Components of the amenity center shall include,at a minimum,a junior Olympic size swimming pool,splash pool, bathrooms,bbq grills,picnic tables,shade structures,outdoor fireplaces/fire pits,playground equipment,and an off-street parking lot. Amenities to be provided in other open spaces identified on the Open Space Plan shall include,at a minimum,2 gazebos with bbq grills and picnic tables,and 2 sets of playground equipment. JBI PARTNERS,INC 16301 QUORUM DRIVE,SUITE 200B ADDISON,TEXAS 75001 Landscape Architect's Opinion Preliminary Cost Estimate-Dominion of Pleasant Valley Date; 1/23/13 Trails and Open Space Prepared By: C.McKinney Wylie,Texas JBI Project No.1JOE154 I. Perimeter Open Space/ ral -�-- MEI Descri I tion Quanti ® Unit Prices Subtotal ME 8'Wide x 6"Thick Hike and Bike Trail 64,088 ® $4.50 $288,396.00 N310Park Benches 8 $1,200.00 $9,600.00 Trash Receptacles 8 $600.00 $4,800.00 Barrier Free Ram's 11 $1,200.00 $13,200.00 Shade Trees-3"Cali+er $300.00 $93,000.00 Site Grassing-Hydromulch 300,000 Egg $0.12 $36,000.00 in Irri ation S stem 300,000 ® $0.50 $150,000.00 Subtotal Section I-Perimeter Open Space I Trail -- $594,996.00 II. Easement Trails -_ MEI Descri i tion Quantity ® Unit Prices Subtotal Ell 8'Wide x 6"Thick Hike and Bike Trail 71,168 ® $4.50 $320,256.00 ®Park Benches 8 EA $1,200.00 $9,600.00 ®Trash Receptacles 8 EA $600.00 $4,800.00 4. Barrier Free Ramps 14 EN $1,200.00 $16,800.00 -Subtotal Section II-Easement Trails _- $351,456.00 III. Open Space -- DM Description Quantity Units Unit Prices Subtotal Nil O'en S'ace Trees-3"Cali i er 800 IZZI $300.00 $240,000.00 Open Space Turf-Hydromulch 1,600,000 ® $0.10 $160,000.00 Irrigation System 1,600,000 ® $0.35 $560,000.00 Playgrounds and Park Sites 3 Ea $100,000.00 $300,000.00 Amenity Center 1 El $750,000.00 $750,000.00 Subtotal Section III-O i•n S'ace -_- $2,010,000.00 Subtotal-Sections I-III -ME $2,956,452.00 '10%Contingency S295,645.20 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST(ALL AREAS) $3,252,097.20 • lam.= ,._.-.-_ --. 4-7 A,CJ- ff L ,-.) ' _ _ AMENITY Cg NTEIt a.9 AC•/- 1. .:V 14909 a a! ! r BMW 1 r r r r ! r L ii _._ r �R�wak t - a •, t; i wbla,c a e 1 mil G.A 'fit � 1 T � � �� lybr.,�+1.r.:iHCei�r I (...„ NWILLI...rt..4-RA)/ .') )1 ''8.'11114/dt,"":,': -' :r .ti .: - . ' *:. _ �_ iapfir: `'- --- _ , - - - __ 1 �_____.z M?r1S ;.aYypruHo 4;5;r".� •• -- - `r s )` f ' o � r} 111%) I 7 0 _-.- ' `I • 1 1\1\ . \ J .... el.. iii • a ' : „, , ,..7.; o/I i \ t \ aro +Ent aft, diluis as rcy-,.,{ 4r* � 1 NOTE:PERIMETER SCREENING SHALL 40'LAHDSCAPE BUFFER BE BOARD-ONBOARD CEDAR FENCING. •.,...x" THE FENCING SHALL BE AT LEAST 6' SHADE TALL AND SHALL BE STAINED WITH A 15 ! TREE CONSISTENT COLOR.THE FENCING SHALL HAVE METAL POLES•MASONRY I� COLUMNS SHALL BE SPACED EVERY 50'. SHRUBS IA NATURAL 31 ' ' ' ' {- STONe COLUMNS e'Hr.BOARD •.y ORNAMENTAL THE BACK SIDE OF THE FENCE SHALL r GROUPINGS r - '�.. �:; p 150'0.C. ■ CEDAR FENCE ��•+ -.Hy,� TREE BE ON THE LOT SIRE.THE FENCE SHALL 1q�e BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOD r . _ �� f Via. , BUFFER • - STONE COLUMN ' - ir • _ _ • 6'HT BOARD•ONBOARD el CURVILINEAR � • I _ CEDAR FENCE �p , 7, TRAI f.. SIUEWALRITRAI �C<lRVILINEAR8'WI�E L ' l1 r� SIDEWALK/TRAIL ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREE - IN _ TREE °PLAN VIEW-TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER v.,` n °SECTION - TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER r �I STONE COLUMN ' s * re - Ar�"z4� .MI r� -s-!•axe•, �' STONE COLUMN `�' i 0MINS9'O.0 1• � F - ,wd I♦ r ',ti k_r MIN 50'O.C- x , . rR' — , <4 w.:..r-'. R n —`• • a .".i s , S•-% 0 ty. T tT ...6., I . +A..' 't• `f a. 4u -CIu Re•- T, 'K. s 2 Hti ' -'''S 'S` d .•C f r,,, 1u- .p*.'%a ./r„�5 ys' r' .cr z- {o £' -so 1••• d ,IS '3' ,:, sP.w ' 1 } Iv F }�S; t yr' .`•. 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HOME TYPES—EMERALD FOREST ,..., . • .. _ ...,.. .8 .... / „.....ii ,..,.,., ...__. .8, e • s' --% -......_ . ..0"`t • ,,,"\ • —..• Tilrf"-"; '711 . •--.... . .....--. 7 / •. . . .... , . ..... ..... ::..‘_'... • ., .., r 5 , ,........ • F, ,, • , . . ,, ... . .. J" •,:• . . , ..r.•e •°-: r.' ••. -. . •. • ..74'• ,.. . . . ,•16 .§-9111, - • , • s..r. .,• ..,• . Ifr' .. - , Ilk- ft... •764.4 , -I.• - " ' • .de.• • ,.. ,.-lt. ' ir. -'- .•.'.•,‘4; . .• . , .. . .,,. . .,- . • --.-..'. • ' • 4 ', ,;:' . .... ..._„ . • . ., 1- -• ••,••• ,..... ••• . , , Ir... '......'..' ...•. k , " . • ._...- . . . .: 1...A.,; ,....?' • II,k , - • \ ,-0PIN . • • • .. •,. ,... .. 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I L __:1 ._...., The reasons I want to hold to the lot size and side yard minimums proposed are as follows: ❖ This case is about Dominion of Pleasant Valley being the highest quality community in Wylie. The issue is not lot size or side yards it is about high quality homes in an overall community complete with amenities, beautiful entryways and outstanding perimeter landscaping. ❖ If we go through another recession or a period of high interest rates I need flexibility to meet the economic challenges so this community keeps on going when the going gets tough. No one needs a community that is not vibrant. Take Bozeman Farms as a case in point. It came to a complete standstill during this last downturn and it still has not recovered . That was not good for the homeowners in Bozeman Farms nor the City of Wylie. ❖ Wider side yards reduce the width of the house. The wider more substantial the house the better the street scape. ❖ Lot sizes and side yards do not attract affluent buyers. What attracts affluent buyers are amenities, grand entryways, heavy and well maintained landscaping, and well-designed quality homes.... . "•'r r K.,H * owiooia■ J aq ..,.:,,,.,:ja.,1.1- 0000094794QD09449a 1 o444.oQQccQQQG9 i„%' - .tlG PLAIN 0 I Il\\ \ . ,.1.:V! 1l1t T. ,_rLair.i l (---------- • 0/ --.-- C*1 till 1 O \' \. , \\ "......„ w ,,c9 11 ., . .../ / I.: � ;�, _ _ _ �� t111 ag �_ Ei 6F- '"-sli i�p~ .liar _ �'•lf -__�r - .p�q 5 ,,,ll]]1 - , eel • i CJ d Eis illi -. )fir- , r o J'7.- �- -"3'"-'"°"IIIII"':*;...."".'""'""'''.".......wn,.- --- TiljEgll/' . ' ... • -9y It zz.-7 „,/ R.T ail �' 4e Q - '_ li _4 r Ij - 4a J,�C7EYp d: .. - Co +1 0j '' 0 0 PGRTtON OG THE DaMITa "oP PL tr- - VALLEY CAMMUNiIY CURRENTLY OU'TBI9E �f 1.\, - 0 OP w+ISE GITY LI M. , 545rt8.49'W - C�0t FUTURE AREA TO EEC INCORPORATED amu:th'' trr to a ui -iamrn eie■e am■n a 0 0T 5 :ta_a-. ,..nMIer 2a1O O'O 1Tat ; 'eie'ete TI-! iRf-Y•5�^i���:V-S'1• =`�R�ila.1'.a■Wri<•Ir .��-INTO PART OF N OF PLHA.6ANT VALLEY Z T Y T' '•' (NOT PART OF LOMCNG REQUEST) [vuaigt wTM R.aw.0• DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY 1..r 1 ,.. COMMUNITY BOUNDARY WYLIE•TEXAS 15, EXHIBIT A-1 I »�: _. _ i 44 ,.. ...._,... . .=..,....w..... .-r..-,....” 1 ._ , iii ; T .____ , : ._....._ : . . __ m_..... .. ... ..... 1 .._4,.. .1 „.,.....„ ,_ ....., _ _..• _ mu ,. . 1 __„0, ,,,:::„. . i'-•-•• 1. , /j /H.- '. - ai '�r. _. ...... . . .... . .... - 1 ihy •---,.., \\\ ../.•4 ..� HIL / •, ..-... -;D 1�1 \\,...„_\\„,:_______,__________:\ ,, \4: /,,.,,,, f____.. 21,1 Ic.......,..:::..?..;,,;;;:' ii. 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[ r.1�^ r 1. - ram ,..4" OPEN SPACE PLAN DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY WYLIE,TEXAS EXHIBIT D BI.,„„FF5 NOTE:PERIMETER SCREENING SHALL 40'LAHDSCAPE BUFFER BE BOARD-ONBOARD CEDAR FENCING. •.,...x" THE FENCING SHALL BE AT LEAST 6' SHADE TALL AND SHALL BE STAINED WITH A 15 ! TREE CONSISTENT COLOR.THE FENCING SHALL HAVE METAL POLES•MASONRY I� COLUMNS SHALL BE SPACED EVERY 50'. SHRUBS IA NATURAL 31 ' ' ' ' {- STONe COLUMNS e'Hr.BOARD •.y ORNAMENTAL THE BACK SIDE OF THE FENCE SHALL r GROUPINGS r - '�.. �:; p 150'0.C. ■ CEDAR FENCE ��•+ -.Hy,� TREE BE ON THE LOT SIRE.THE FENCE SHALL 1q�e BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOD r . _ �� f Via. , BUFFER • - STONE COLUMN ' - ir • _ _ • 6'HT BOARD•ONBOARD el CURVILINEAR � • I _ CEDAR FENCE �p , 7, TRAI f.. SIUEWALRITRAI �C<lRVILINEAR8'WI�E L ' l1 r� SIDEWALK/TRAIL ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREE - IN _ TREE °PLAN VIEW-TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER v.,` n °SECTION - TYPICAL LANDSCAPE BUFFER r �I STONE COLUMN ' s * re - Ar�"z4� .MI r� -s-!•axe•, �' STONE COLUMN `�' i 0MINS9'O.0 1• � F - ,wd I♦ r ',ti k_r MIN 50'O.C- x , . rR' — , <4 w.:..r-'. R n —`• • a .".i s , S•-% 0 ty. T tT ...6., I . +A..' 't• `f a. 4u -CIu Re•- T, 'K. s 2 Hti ' -'''S 'S` d .•C f r,,, 1u- .p*.'%a ./r„�5 ys' r' .cr z- {o £' -so 1••• d ,IS '3' ,:, sP.w ' 1 } Iv F }�S; t yr' .`•. F y:. 7 W.� �,..y°,• y r .►. y z w•.r. .�} Y `- "�a ,� �,9 y, a �y I�r �-`- ��`pppA{'-,7 ,Itj t r -1S -2- - ��,YY 'ty' "a Ad' ;- ii Yl .P [3+e7 � ,`" { :.• �.�VII ' n ����;I,'�f IIIII 41 i1�' .._NEIN: I 4 S ■ '._3 .':�- ,If-, T I f l �S� i ur1 , 1 I:sg I I. �� ' �I II I' it +° I -' 50'MIN O.C- SOARO•C N-BOARD CEDAR SHRUBS IN NATURAL °ELEVATION-LANDSCAPE BUFFER FENCE GROUPINGS ..•,•�..w I. «i -S*i ORNAMENTAL • _ i , c •_ . �'�q- g i TREE a.LI ''- SHADE TREF .''..4. ay► w. °' !.ptf , '. Y „ TOWER I .. - f dd COLUMN �ZSV ` t A .fL•. k. t. MASONRY WALL #-�/ ,' _ '�Y.1.-� _. E•_c q a —�. ,rK' - k` DOMINION ■w lI OF PLEASANT VALLEY y1 I �� I flnMrn °ELEVATION-PRIMARY PROJECT ENTRANCE STONES TRANCE WALL SIGNAGE RAISED PLANTER DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY CONCEPTUAL PERIMETER TREATMENT WYLIE•TEXAS JB! EXHIBIT E . —. - i t . ao70m 70 097 Q Q Illll _I ' „.[� p.o OIOKOIOIdi9 OIO OIOLOIO v OTgTd O 0 . : " ;�' `I' - MI - fie_.. F 14> a. • . . . Imo ► 1 1,,.:. p 1., 1, :,„,'...0...f .. I 1 ....-0"././Q, --7 1--0--:_z_v-* 4p,,,. il I. .,.4/ IA-- ,-,41 d iti .c:....ir f o y iiffr IV Pr7.,/ - '"---- ___,_.,:._ :•-.1 . .., F r, ilk ; +r^ .' _1. i/ ' sir , + gl� uT - _ _ l I i iI- J.,. �, ' i . Q1�.. 2-23'DIVID6D ENTRY/85'RGW/6"THICK CONCRETE b C• pi ,� —M W; j ..L,:.i��- 37'PAVEMENT 16O'ROW 18.THICK CONCRETE 0 J t —P. N �e� 29'PAVEMENT/SO'ROW/6"THICK CONCRETE d '"� ' •i i 5 27 PAVEMENT/50'ROW/6"THICK C4NGRTE iw' Yin . - s ammo dadti+?ao d owed"dm��o u_ 0 O . v_o�':q O_di-� , l.NOTB;A�_PAIMwN7 lq MpilgfJIZSA BACK��CURS w _ ; _ DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY rim ,.. PAVING AND RIGHT-OF-WAY DIMENSIONS WYLIE,TEXAS Br _hF� EXHIBIT F Wylie Thoroughfare Plan ; w: 1 a ,Y i*,' - -Bo* 1 ur#4,/, \E * .- , ,- y. -r �_ -., " — ' ` ! 4.407 i �i cWry� e,q 1 :4416:./. ,. , ' \ .111r a k • F . { ,dry' '. • •`. a y} Q t ' I,J. : I' Ifil nrc: Nk \ r -...._-f_-__..,.„Mt,: „,..i :,... :.2.;._ ., , ... ,.1, ......y , , , :,., , J_ ; :-.,.,EL �' \ 1, .f i ..,_. ' , , . - ""- ,,, ' We suggest that the city employ a traffic engineer to study and make recommendations about what an expert would advise if that were something different than the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan. USABLE BACKYARD A 21% OF LOT BACCAKYYAAERD 11% OF LOT p TYPICAL FRONT ENTRY LOT TYPICAL REAR ENTRY LOT BRADDOCK PLACE ,- ,,. . FIRST TEXAS ___........__ ,.. ,. HOMES - 1_,...54: -,...•i:,...,1:.'" 101 14,, • '-'1 BRADDOCK PLACE -* - ..,,t1, • ''''' 1. • -• i -} '... ." % ' ... . ... • "'AK '-- . .•• LAROU LOTS .•, . ..., , .,_ _ • 1001 X 180' -------- -.• , 4" FROM THE 200's lmIIIIIIA -/\- ., 4,I. it- „ ott YI-1 I 4 41 Ul I •A..0 • '`.4 972.575.8695 gin .,, .., • . . _ . i. i .., _ .,_ • 1 "... . , ."." A • r, 1111111.11111t • tiVit, .4.T.; :44 411: r . 1 -• ''., f•••..., *:.•. I,*, • .X. • .-. 4o ;1* * '' i , . - • , ."."-' • - '',11'„,.4.40W.:',-::4":11' .,_,,„ ''''' '.., ''. .,....:..0- ,i• As. . 447...'"' • . .. . ''''..4:V- ''', •lieleir: It*0 . . 'f''..-7).;•._;i:• 'ives, . 'T.A.'" "' -;-:.' .'i ' •'''" ,41.414 •'..73..;•.''':' . ' .. . . . , -.L. ... • . „ • 7 ' .5-.3 . ' ,• ' . . . 1 Entryways .._1, 1101 Perimeter Landscaping i ah-, . • 41. ••• • Y . , -1 ,