Resolution 68
!t~1JLT lOt!
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of th9 City of
Wy1fe, Tp.x8I, fMt In regular !tes!3ton on the 13th day of ''',gust,
1368; that due notice of such meeting was r:tuly given anti said
Mp...tinq \~aq h...lri in tho r!ty 0f \.Iyl ie, T~)f~s, ,-11th" l1uorurn present.
On mot.ion duly m~de by ....a~:..~_Cfq~~. '5pcond-e>d by
(e1ZA~~___-_~<..~_...__. end carried un~"frl1o\J"lly, the
followIng resolutIon \.JA~ adopted:
WHEREAS, it hAS come to the 8ttent Ion ()f t"e r, I ty Cound I
of the City of \-Iylie, Texas, that lome uncertaInty exists as to the
owner!hlp of the followIng described tract of land:
A twenty (10) feet strIp of land lying between the
E~'t I tne of Lots 69 end 68 ftnd the ~.I'-'H line of Lots
60 anti 61 In B oek II of the ~rown anti Burns AddItion
to the City of '-Iyll., Texes, .eld twenty feet extending
South from fJrOlolO StrtlMt tf\ the South II MS of Lot 68
and !c-t 61.
AND I,.JUEREAS, !laid land \"fM d('leded to the r.,yor of Wylie, TmcslS,
to f t!1 thnn record O'.rm~H.~ by deAd datetd flareh 13, 1896, of recont 'n
Vo' lJm8 7l~. ;~ nge 261., Co 111 n County O,-ed Rpcords;
ANt> WHF.HENi, the City of I/yll(!, T"xas, In th~ year 19!i2 adopted
an ordinanc!1 closIng th,~ alley of \."hlc:h tho abo'/e descrtbed ?O feet
was 8 part, said ordinance being of record tn Vol~ne 456. roge 379;
AND WHEREAS, in the yeClr 19';!.f th~ Cit.y of i'yllet Texas, adopted
8 second ordlnilne~ closing the alley of ,,,hieh tlJ~ ilbove des-.;:rlbed 20
f\!'et strip Is ill part, said ordln"ncf~ of record in Volume 48), Page 173..
Collin County Deed ~PGords;
AND WHEflEAS, thE'l tract of lanu hi'lS not heen conveyed by deed
t~ the owner of the above described strip of iand;
NOH THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CIty 6ound) of thl! City
of Wylie, Tp.xas, sittIng In regular session that the liayor of the City
of '..!ylle, execute 8 confirmation df!od for the property conveying any
Interest of the City of '/yl Ie to J. W. Edwards IInd wife, Esther Edwards,
the current owners of said l.n~. and that a copy of this resolution
be atteched to and made 8 part of such
I, On.ide Gall~gher, Secretary of t~e Cfty of Wylie, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the
Resolution passed by the City CouncIl of the City of Wylie, Texas, on
the 13th day of August, 1968, and It Is In full force ~"d effect as of
the date of this certIficate and has not been modified or rescinded.
IN WITNESS WHIREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this the IS t#
day 0' August, 1968.
~~~ ~