06-20-2013 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes __Itti Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
June 20, 2013 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Jim Lenox. Board
members present included: Vice Chair, Anne Hiney and board members Gaynell Reed, Lynn Grimes,
DeeAnn Ross and Lisa Green. Board member Susan Spurgin was absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison and newly appointed board member Britt Volker
who will take his seat at the July meeting.
• Discussion regarding a proposed 2014 Spring Art & Jazz Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that discussion regarding the funding of this proposed event would take place during
the budget process. If the funding of$15,000 was approved it would cover the cost of staging and audio and other
logistic items needed for the event. Local and regional jazz groups would be asked to participate along with the
school districts in the area and community colleges. However funding would not be available to pay for the
Board members discussed have a meeting to determine planning and process that could be used to organize the
event. Board chair Lenox noted that a committee would be put in place during the business items and that
committee could meet to further discuss plans and report back to the board.
• Discussion regarding updates to the Monthly Art Programs held at the Library.
(C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
Committee Chair Grimes reported that there would be no program in July due to the Bluegrass on Ballard. The MAP
would start back in August and tentative scheduling was progress; she noted she would be reporting back to the
board once confirmed.
June 20,2013 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Special Board Meeting Minutes I' a LI c 1 2
• Discussion regarding the Bluegrass on Ballard Event and vendor space. (C. Ehrlich,
PAAB Liaison).
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported there had been 40 hand mad craft and food vendors acdepted into the event at this
time. The board opted by consensus to allow vendors to set up in the park starting at 8:00 am but must be completed
and ready to open by 9:30 am. Those volunteering to assist included Lisa Green, Lynm Grimes, Gaynell Reed, and
Carole Ehrlich. Ehrlich reported that she would try and acquire some additional volunteers.
• Update on the Community Park CIP Art Project. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison).
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported the completion of the "Batterpillar vs Octopitcher" "Up your Game" sculpture
project. She noted that Mr. Johnny Edwards had received his final check. She noted this would complete the art
projects planned during the past three years.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from May
16, 2013. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Grimes, seconded by Vice Chair Hiney to approve the PAAB
minutes from May 16, 2013 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board
member Spurgin absent.
Tabled from 5-16-2013
A motion to remove from the table and consider"
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Hiney, seconded by board member Grimes to remove Item #2 from the
table and consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spurgin absent.
2. Consider and act upon the appointment of a committee to oversee the new JAZZarts
event to be held April 26, 2014 at the Municipal Complex. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Executive Summary
Board liaison Ehrlich reminded board members that during the April 18th PAAB meeting it was suggested that a
committee be appointed to oversee the new event proposed for April 26, 2014 at the Municipal Complex. The
committee will oversee the scheduling of booths, group performances and food vendors for the event. They will work
closely with staff in marketing and logistics. Committee members will report back to the board regarding proposed
plans. Staff member may be included as committee members to attend meetings and collaborate with the board for
June 20,2013 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Special Board Meeting Minutes I' a g c 1 3
planning purposes. PAAB members tabled this item at their May 16, 2013 board meeting so all members could be
present for the discussion.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Hiney, seconded by board member Grimes to appoint Anne Hiney,
Gaynell Reed, Jim Lenox, Lisa Green, Britt Volker, Carole Ehrlich, and Craig Kelly to the JazzArts Festival
Planning Committee. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spurgin absent.
A motion was made by board member Green, seconded by board member Reed to adjourn the PAAB
meeting at 7:25 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with board member Spurgin absent.
Anne Hiney, Vice Chair
Carole Ehrlich, ecretary