01-16-1996 (WEDC) Agenda Packet Agenda DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. Wylie Chamber of Commerce Board Room 108 W. Marble St., Wylie, Texas 6:00 PM, Tuesday, January 16, 1996 • Call to Order Order of Business 1. Consider approval of minutes of regular meeting held December 19, 1995. 2. Consider approval of minutes of special meeting held January 8, 1996. 3. Consider approval of Treasurer's Report ending December 31, 1995. 4. Report from Executive Director. 5. Consider approval of a payment totaling $86,212.49 to East Texas Construction Co., Inc. For work completed in Premier Industrial Park. 6. Report on financial status,of corporation after 2nd payment on our contract with East Texas Construction Co., Inc. 7. Discuss participation in the resurfacing of Steel Road in Regency Industrial Park. 8. Discuss retirement reception for Executive Director. 9. Citizen Participation. 10. Adjournment • Posted, Thursday, January 11, 1996 at 5:00 PM Minutes DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. Tuesday,December 19, 1995 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. Met in regular session at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, December, 19, 1995, in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 West Marble Street,Wylie,Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, Secretary-Treasurer Marvin Fuller, Directors Irene Messenger, J. C. Worley, Kevin St. John, City Manager Mike Collins, Assistant to the City Manager Mindy Manson, Greg MacLean, P.E. of Hogan Corporation and Executive Director C. C. Womack. . The meeting was called to order by President John Yeager. Item numbers 5 and 6 were taken out of order at the request of City Manager Mike Collins. ITEM NO. 6 - Discuss and Consider a change order totaling $78,000 added to our initial contract with East Texas Construction Co., Inc. For$404,394.65. City Manager Mike Collins explained the change will consist of the extension of 550 feet of paving and other improvements in association with the new Wylie Service Center. The improvements will extend to the west of Premier business Park along Hensley Lane and will connect to the Premier Business Park facilities. Mr. Collins further explained the total cost will be borne by the City and will be only a"pass through" situation for the Development Corporation. Action requested from the DCW is to approve the change order. The City will reimburse DCW for all costs of the change order; $79,032.00. Kevin St. John made the motion to approve the change order as described. Seconded by J. C. Worley. All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 5 - Discuss and Consider approval of first payment request from East Texas Construction Co., Inc. For$61,146.90. J. C. Worley made a motion to approve the payment in the amount of$61,146.90 to East Texas Construction Co., Inc. Seconded by Irene Messenger. All in favor, motion carried: ITEM NO. 1 - Consider approval of minutes from regular meeting held on November 21, 1995. John Yeager noted there was an error in Item 3, date should be corrected to read "October 31". Kevin St. John made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by J. C. Worley. All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 2 - Consider approval of minutes from Special Meeting held December 4, 1995. There being no corrections or additions, a motion was made by Irene Messenger to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by J. C. Worley. All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO.3- Consider approval of Treasurer's Report ending November 30, 1995. A motion was made by Kevin St. John to approve the Treasurer's Report as subitted. Second by J. C. Worley. All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO.4-Report from Executive Director. PAR-PRODUCTS of Garland is looking at the Russell Building on FM544. They are waiting for a permit to operate from the Texas National Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) before they can begin operations. PHYSICIANS REGIONAL HOSPITAL continues to have problems. Presbyterian Hospitals is seriously considering a working arrangement with PRH. SAVAGE PRECISION FABRICATION, INC. is moving to Wylie and has resolved all the obstacles that have arisen. NEW PROSPECT is involved in financing. JON FEW has been delayed in closing of land transaction due to an omission on the survey. They expect to close by the end of February, 1996. THREE-N-ONE SHEET METAL has made no definite decision. ITEM NO. 7 - Citizen Participation -None ITEM NO. 8 -Adjournment John Yeager, President Atte • Bar ara LeCocq, Secreta Minutes DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. January 8, 1996 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in called session at 6:00 PM, Tuesday, January 8, 1996 in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 West Marble Street, Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, Vice-President J. C. Worley, Secretary-Treasurer Marvin Fuller, directors Irene Messenger and Kevin St. John, City Manager Mike Collins, and Asst to the City Manager Mindy Manson. The directors met in this special session for the purpose of reviewing resumes/applications for the position of Executive Director of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. Following the discussion, six candidates were selected to participate in video interviewing to be done by Corporate Interviewing Network, Inc. A motion was made by J. C. Worley, seconded by Marvin Fuller to extend the invitation for a video interview to Linda Z. Johnson of Dallas, Jay Anson Porterfield of Commerce, Shea Burgamy of Austin, J. Mark Flygare of Garland, Fred Guerra of San Marcos and Samuel Satterwhite of Hollywood, Florida. All in favor- motion carried. Interview tapes will be reviewed by the Board of Directors on January 20, 1996. A motion was made for adjournment, motion seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned. President John Yeager Att : Barbara LeCo q, Secreta Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. TREASURER'S REPORT ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1995 • Ending Cash Balance 11/30/95 American National Bank, Wylie 295,197.24 Provident Bank, Wylie 78,587.48 Provident Bank- Petty Cash 187.59 TOTALCASH FUNDS AVAILABLE 11/1/95 373,972.31 AVAIL. FUNDS 12/1/95 PLUS DEPOSITS 373,784.72 Sales Tax Revenue 14,630.34 • Interest Earned on deposits 1,189.33 Government check received 54.59 • Cancelled check#691 (AARP Grp. Ins.) 168.62 Loan repayment(Zan, Ltd.) 10,000.00 AVAILABLE FUNDS DURING MONTH 399,827.60 EXPENSE PAYMENTS DURING MONTH AT&T 5.48 G.T.E. Southwest, Inc. 55.36 • Oakridge Country Club 68.30 Wylie Printing & Office.Supply 5.24 Provident Bank, Wylie (941 tax) 521.32 {- Elizabeth Jones 371.67 C.C. Womack 1,739.34 HARP Group Health Insurance 190.00 East Texas Construction Co., Inc. 61,146.90 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHECKS WRITTEN <64,103.61> PETTY CASH ACTIVITIES Funds Available 12/1/95 187.59 Cash Available 1/1/96 187.59 TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE 1/1/96 335,911.58 RECAP OF FUNDS IN EACH DEPOSITORY American National Bank-Wylie 245,033.40 Provident Bank-Wylie 90.878.18 • TOTAL CORPORATE FUNDS 12/31/95 335,911.58 • Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. Balance Sheet December 31 , 1995 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: American National Bank 245,033.40 Provident Bank, Wylie 90,690.54 Provident Bank, Wylie- Petty Cash 187.59 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 335,911.53 FIXED ASSETS Furniture & Equipment 10,940.05 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 10,940.05 REAL ESTATE 544 Industrial Park Lots 126,901.00 Premier Industrial Park 406,689.10 TOTAL REAL ESTATE 533,590.10 OTHER ASSETS Investment- Physicians Regional Hosp.* 110,000.00 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 110,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 990,441.68 LIABILITIES & NET WORTH LIABILITIES & CAPITAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 941 Payroll Tax Payable 567.86 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 567.86 TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL Corporate Equity 926,318.59 Current Net Earnings 63,555.23 TOTAL CAPITAL 989,873.82 TOTAL CAPITAL & LIABILITIES 990,441.68 * Rutledge Crain & Company, Certified Public Accountants, have mentioned in their 1994 Audit Report which ended 9/30/94, that they were unable to establish a current market value of the stock we own in the name of Physicians Regional Hospital. Since they can establish no value, they recommend this asset be deleted from our investment portfolio. The removal of this investment will reduce the current net capital total to$879,441.68. *Corporation has a contingent liability to East Texas Construction Co., Inc., for$483,426.65. A payment of$61,146.90 has reduced this amount to$422,279.75. 4 • 11 December Summary } Because of the holidays, economic development activity was almost non-existent. There was some interest during the first two weeks but after that the office could have been closed for the remainder of the month. There were some telephone inquiries but there appeared to be very little • substance in any of these calls. One such call was received from a Mr. Conrad Bayer. He was interested in a possible purchase of the old abandoned cement batch plant located on FM 1378. His plan was to build a public rental storage facility. This project would be using ship cargo container trailers placed on a foundation of railroad cross-ties. When told that this property has an environmental problem he soon lost • interest and wanted to know if there were other inexpensive properties available in Wylie. This proposed endeavor didn't sound as if it would be an attractive addition to the local business community so I did not give the caller any encouragement to locate in this community. I did,however, give him the name, address, and telephone number of the present owner. He wanted this information because he thought the property would sell at a depressed price because of the environmental problem. The present owner is anxious to sell because there may be extensive underground seepage from buried fuel tanks. This seepage may have contaminated a residential area and the cost to eliminate this contamination would be enormous. Another call was received from a Mr. Jimmy Sanger, who represented himself as manager of the Tomet Manufacturing Company located in Rockwall. He said management of the company was doing a feasibility study on a possible relocation prospects and was especially interested what tax abatements were available to industry. He was told they might be available but any abatement must be negotiated with each taxing entity. No response has been received from Mr. Anderson. • A subsequent call was made to Mr. Sanger. He acknowledged receiving the packet and voiced his appreciation for our response to his inquiry. He said no decision has been made because they • are waiting responses from other cities in the Metroplex area. An offer was made for a • delegation, composed of public officials and local business executives who would be happy to meet with their decision makers to answer questions or furnish other information that might influence their move to Wylie. A real estate broker called and said he represented a client operating under the name of Fluid Recycling Specialist Company. His client wanted a 2,000 square foot industrial building and wanted to sign a month to month lease. I called Mr. John Fitzpatrick and Mr. Gene Beeler to see if they had a building that might meet the caller's requirements. Mr. Beeler had no vacancy, but • Mr. Fitzpatrick had one that might be available after January 1, 1996. This information was conveyed to the broker and he said that he would look elsewhere to accommodate his client. Mr. Fitzpatrick's building did not become available, so no further conversation has taken place with this prospect. Physicians Regional Hospital Gross revenue billed during the month was reduced some $200,000.00 from the previous month's billing of$900,000.00. This reduction is due to the decrease in the daily census count of December Summary Page 2 • the Geophysch Unit. The decrease was attributed to the Christmas holidays when doctors like to have their patients available to their families during the holiday season. The daily average census declined from 11.5 per day the previous month to a low of 8.6 during December. The Med-Surg Unit accounted for over half of the daily count. This reduction of daily census account will place a financial hardship on the hospital during the next two months. Gross revenue received during the month totaled$513,000.00. This amount is slightly lower than • the previous month but was sufficient to meet current cash needs. They continue to have an acute financial problem but they are hopeful that a Medicare reimbursement check of approximately $350,000.00 will be received within the next few days. This amount should be sufficient to pay all accounts current and put the hospital in excellent financial condition to begin the year of 1996. • A new family practice physician is joining the local staff and will be moving into the medical building. His move is expected to increase the Med-Surg daily census count beginning in February, 1996. Definite plans are being made to find a suitable entity to purchase the hospital and the adjoining property. It is hoped that the purchaser will reduce the monthly lease payment and a satisfactory operating agreement can be negotiated with a well-known respected metroplex hospital. A six-month repayment schedule on a current lawsuit has been negotiated with the plaintiff and this should relieve the hospital of continuing legal expenses. • Savage Precision Fabrication, Inc. Good news has finally arrived during this month. The Gardners have sold their property in Garland and have closed the purchase of the Johnston Building in Wylie. Their purchase and renovation loan has been approved and they have begun their anticipated move to Wylie. • An extensive renovation of the interior of the building will be completed in early January: all floor tile has been replaced, new bath room fixtures, roof repairs, all walls painted; five new doors have been installed; alarm system installed; some offices have been partially papered; all • new heating and cooling equipment installed; new front doors; two new front windows; new overhead doors; improvements to loading dock; installation of new lights in the work area; removal of smoke stack; new employee break room; and other miscellaneous improvements that will upgrade this into a first-class downtown building. They have contracted with a firm to move and install their equipment on the last weekend of January, 1996. This move will be possible if a C.O. is obtained from the city prior to the anticipated moving date. All of their present employees have agreed to follow their move to Wylie. This will make a current work force.of 23 employees and three management personnel. No current plans to add additional employees except they will advertise in the local paper to employ a delivery truck driver. I:: December Summary . Page 3 1 They have opened an account with a local hardware store and much of the renovation has been ' done by local contractors.They appear to be anxious to support local merchants and be a good neighbor in the community. I continue to be optimistic that the relocation of this fine company will provide the added stimulus for the continued economic growth of downtown Wylie. 1 New Prospect Management continues to indicate that his decision to relocate is still possible because they continue to provide financial information as requested from the Bank of America. The bank continues to indicate a desire to approve the loan if sufficient financial information is available. The local accountant of the relocation prospect continues to be optimistic the loan will be • approved and the company continues to desire a relocation site in the Premier Industrial Park. The relocation of this company to Wylie would certainly impact the economic growth of this community. They have a current work force of 68 and this total continues to grow each year. The company provides an excellent fringe benefit package for their employees and this makes for a harmonious workforce. Mr. Jon Few Mr. Few is optimistic the company he represents is serious about a major land purchase in this ' area. They have signed a purchase contract for approximately 202 acres and have made an offer to buy an additional 300 plus acres. The seller of the latter property has not accepted their offer nor has it been rejected. There is still hope the offer will be accepted, but a negative response will not affect their decision on the initial land acquisition. The closing of the land purchase is subject to a satisfactory report after a feasibility and environmental study has been completed. Mr. Few remains optimistic that the land purchase will be approved and closed by no later than April 30, 1996. Three-N-One Sheet Metal, Inc. Management continues to vacillate in their decision to make a definite decision about divorcing their sheet metal operations from their air-conditioning activities. I believe the expense involved in the separation will prohibit an early decision, but I will continue to keep in contact should they decide to make a move. December Summary Page 4 Par Products, Inc. • This company has been located in Garland since 1958. They produce a plug that is used in repairing holes in flat tires. There are three such manufacturers in the United States. Sales are made throughout the world to large wholesale automobile parts distributors. They then package • the product to be sold in retail auto parts houses and retail outlets such as Wal-Mart, Target, K- Mart, and other high volume discount stores. On October 27, 1995, the company's manufacturing building was destroyed by fire due to and electrical short-circuit. They began looking for a replacement building and found 902 West Kirby as a possible location. In their manufacturing process they must have an explosion-proof work area and sprinkler system. This building did have a sprinkler system but has sufficient footage to build a fire-walled work area. After extensive cleanup and other interior renovations, the company has begun to build a fire-proof workroom. They are also making plans to meet the requirements imposed by the Texas Natural Resources Commission before they will issue a permit to operate. • There has been some concern by local citizens about air contaminants and emissions that would be harmful to local citizens. The product``Hexane"that is used in their manufacturing process is non-toxic, odorless, and in no way harmful to the human body. It is highly flammable, and that is the reason for the fire retardant requirements. There were no complaints filed with the N.T.R.C.C. during their 37 years in Garland. • Management has done an excellent job in rehabilitating the building and they appear to be interested in being good neighbors and citizens of the community. I believe the addition of this fine company will improve the economic prosperity of this city. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 2 Owner: The Development Corporation of Wylie,Texas For Period From: December 7, 1995 To: December 31, 1995 Project Name: Premier Business Park Owner's Project No.: Engineer's Project No.: 002-22.42 Contractor: East Texas Construction Co., Inc. Address: P.O.Box 553 Rockwall,TX 75087 CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT TIME Amount of Contract as Awarded: 8404,394.65 Contract Date: October 24, 1995 Change Orders: Start Date: November 27, 1995 #1 Time Allotted: 200 cal.days #2 Time Extensions: 0 cal.days #3 Revised Contract Time: 200 cal.days #4 Elapsed: 34 cal.days #5 % Time Elapsed: 17.00% #6 Remaining: 166 cal.days Total Change Orders: $0.00 Total Adjusted Contract: S404,394.65 ESTIMATE SUMMARY Amount Earned to Date(see attached): $95,791.65 Material on Hand(see attached): $0.00 PROJECT TOTAL TO DATE: 23.69% $95,791.65 Less 10% Retainage: 89,579.17 Less Previous Payments: $0.00 Total Deductions: $9,579.17 ($9,579.171 • TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: $86,212.48 Recommende • Approved: 2 a Yilc • By: By: Date: Date: Engineer Owner 1/4/96 Page 1 Apl-pmt2 • L., .LAN-03-96 WED 11 :58 AM EAST. TEXAS. CONST 214 772 0216 P. 02 EAST TEXAS CONSTRUCTION CO.,INC. P.O.BOX 553 FCC MALL'TEXAS 75067 • MONTHLY ESTIMATE • JOB+F95-000 PRCUECT NAME:PREMIER BUSINESS PARK • TYPE OF WORK:PAVING,DRAINAGE,WATER.AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATE NUMBER: #02 • ESTIMATE PERIOCt CEC.7 THRJ CEC.31,1995 CONTRACT NUMBER: BILL TO:THE CEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF VYYUE CONTRACT DATE: P.O.BOX 1467 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $404,3$4,65 • WYUE,TEXAS 75038 DATE: 03-Jan-88 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF CONTRACT PREY WORK PEFi -OFhSED TOTAL WORN CONTRACT " TOTAL AMOUNT CUE CONTRACT # OF WORK ME ASU FE,OUANTITIE2PERFORMED THIS PERIOD PERFORMED .UNIT PRICE AMCUNT CUE THIS ESTIMATE AMOUNT 1 UNCLASSIFIED C.Y. 4,476.00 $1.85 38,284.3 EXCAVATION 2 REM EXIST LF. 90.00• $3.00 $270.0 CONCFETE CURB . 3 8'INTEGRAL. LF. 3,110.00 $0.90 $2,768Ac CONC CURB 4 8"SIN CObi0 ' Y. 8,302.03 322.03 $144,458.2 PAVING , 5 ASPHALTC CO NC TON 1C0.00 $31.20 $3,120.Cx SURFACE COURSE 6 FEINCONCFETE • LF. 74.00T $8.50 $829.0 STFEETHEADER . 7 6"UME STABILIZ S.Y. 7,237.00 $1.25 $9,048.2 SU BGRACE 8 HYDRATED TON 110.00^ $92.03 $10.120.Cz UME . 9 21'RCP LF. 85.03 65.00 65.00 533.00 $2,145,00 62,145.00 $2,145.0 WLEMBE CME NT 16 -4'FCP LF. 833.00 833.00 833.00' $33.CO $2-Y, :66 S27'489.00 527,-46975 W/EMBE CME NT 1I 36'FCP L F. DELETE W/EMBE Cl 4ENT 12 48"FCP LF. 488.00 488.00 488.03 387.80 $42,946.40 $42,848.40 $42,648.4( W/EMBE CME NT 13 f10CKRUBBLE X. 170.00 S26.00 $4,420.R RIP RAP 14 5'STANDARD EACH 1.00 $1 3C0 C0 31,300.0 CURB INLET • 15 10'STANDARD EACH ' 1.00 $1,75).00- 31750.0 CURB INLET -1-6-1-7-2 0-'S AN 32700.0Y $5,400.0 CURB INLET 17 ' STANDARD TYPE EACH ' CELETE - `Y'INLET 18 S/9 STRUCTURAL EACH t 1.00 050 5 -3I.250.00 - ^32J00� MOOIFX ATIONS 19 CONCPI E--- EACH 5.00 8.00 8.00 3750.00 $4,500.00 34,50040 $3-165-.25 WYES 20 F M I5 C M FROM EACH 1 DIY 1.00 1.00' $503.00, $500.03 Cis $511.0 EXISTING S/s • 21 FEIN CONC FOR C.Y. 5o 2.25 2.25 5565.03 $1,271.25 17251,25 l;3,ib1.s DRAINAGE STRUC 22 STANDARD 4' EACH 8.00 3.03 3.00' 8CC $1,0:50.00 $S:300.063-,150.00 f6.303).0 I MANHOLE 23 6'MANHOLE EACH 1.00 1.00 1.00 31,293.03 $1,293.00 $1,2c,0.0 OVER SEWER MAIN 24 8'PVC SDFr15 LF. 1,820.00 1,820.00 1,820.CU S12.93 323,25161X) 523.293.0 SANITARY SEWER 25 CONNECT TO EACH 1,0 " 1.00 1.00 3750.00 3750.00 $ EXIST S/S MAINS 29 8"GATE VALVES EACH 8.00 • 1#,00 8.00 "=-OT----1a,52p,Cp $5.520.0 27 12'GATE VALVES EACH 3.00' 3.00 3.00 $935.00 $2,8C5.00 - $2,805.0 28 WWATE R MAIN L F. ^ 1,350.03 1,350.03 I,350.00 $11.60 $15,960.co S 15,660.0 W/EM88CMENT 29 STANDARD EACH 7.00 B.Ca 8 I,395.00 ,370.00 $8,370.00 oye6 C FIFE HYDRANTS 30 12'WATER MAIN LT. • 1,485.03 650.CC 150.00 803.C3 523.93 318, ,5 W/EM BE WE NT S I BO I�iNC1UNCER L F. 70.00 $I16,0U $S,i20.0 RAILROAD . • 32 BORING UNCER LF. 145.00 $I18.00 318,^'e&'4.0 HIGHWA'; 0 EAST TEXAS CONSTRUCTION CO.,INC. P.O.BOX 553 ROCKWALL,TEXAS 75087 MONTHLY ESTIMATE JOB#95-000 PROJECT NAME:PREMIER BUSINESS PARK TYPE OF WORK PAVING,DRAINAGE,WATER,AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATE NUMBER: #02 ESTIMATE PERIOD: CEC.7 THRU DEC.31,1995 CONTRACT NUMBER: BILL TO:THE CEVELOPME NT CORPORATION OF WYUE CONTRACT DATE: P.O.BOX 1467 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $404,394.65 WYLIE,TEXAS 75038 . DATE: 03—Jan-96 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF CONTRACT PREV WORK PERFORMED TOTAL WORK CONTRACT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CONTRACT # OF WORK MEASURE QUANTITIES.PERFORMED THIS PERIOD PERFORMED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE AMOUNT 33 CONNECT TO EACH 1.00 $850.00 $8i°0.00 EXIST WTR MAINS 34 BROADCAST S.Y. 4,400.00 $0.85 $3,740.00 GRASS SEEDING EXTA WORK 23A EXTRA DEPTH LF. 3.00 3.00 $200.00 $600.00 $600.00 IN 6'MANHOLE • CONTRACT JAM OUNT $404,394.65 TOTAL AMOUNT CUE FOR WORK PEFORMED $163.732.E PERCENT COMPLETED 40.49% LESS RETAINAGE 10.00°/ $16.373.2 GROSS AMOUNT DUE $95,791.65 AMOUNT PAYABLE ON CONTRACT $147,359 3 RETAINED THIS PERIOD $9,579.17 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS $61,146.9 AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE $86,212 4 APPROVED BY:EAST TEXAS CONSTRUCTION CO.,INC. LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS NET AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE $86,212.4 ' APEX PLASTICS and TOOLING, INC. 22 STEEL RD. WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214/442-1492 • January 9, 1996 John Yeager, President Development Corporation of Wylie P.O. Box 1467 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Yeager: I have had several conversations with Charlie Womack and J.C. Worley concerning the following subject. I am willing to build (or have built) a 10,000 square foot building to expand my business here in Wylie, subject to the following: 1) Steel Road will be completely redone at an approximate cost of S110,000 (figures provided by Mike Collins, City Manager). 2) Local landowners will contribute$1,000 each, for a total of S10,000. 3) The City and the Development Corporation will contribute $50,000 each. As an aside, my business pays approximately$3000 -$5000 per year in property taxes to various local taxing authorities. Additionally, the owner of the building pays another$4000 per year. This expansion should eventually double those figures. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Sincerely, ____( / T. ' ,.ster, Pres' ent I' Apex Plastics & Tooling TSF/pjs • cc: C. C. Womack J.C. Worley ivlike Collins Marvin Fuller