02-20-1996 (WEDC) Agenda Packet Agenda
Wylie Chamber of Commerce Board Room
108 W. Marble St., Wylie, TX
6:00 PM, Tuesday, February 20, 1996
Order of Business
1. Consider approval of minutes of regular meeting, January 16, 1996.
2. Consider approval of minutes of special meeting, January 20, 1996.
3. Consider approval of minutes of special meeting, January 24, 1996.
4. Consider approval of minutes of special meeting, January 30, 1996.
5. Consider approval of Treasurer's Report ending January 31, 1996.
6. Report from Executive Director.
7. Consider approval of payment in the amount of $144,460.69 to East Texas
Construction Co., Inc. for work done in Premier Industrial Park.
8. Review January 31, 1996 cost report for Premier Industrial Park.
9. Discuss and Consider payment of invoice in the amount of$1,308.00 to Vail,
Hamilton, Koch & Knox for legal services.
10. Discuss current status of the corporation's participation in the resurfacing of Steel
11. Discuss and Consider plans for recognition/retirement reception for Executive
Director scheduled for February 28, 1996.
12. Discuss and Consider approval of an administrative services agreement with the
City of Wylie.
13. Discuss and Consider job functions with new Executive Director.
14. Citizen Participation.
15. Adjournment.
Posted Friday, Feb. 16, 1996
Tuesday, January 16, 1996
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in regular session at 6:00 PM,
Tuesday,January 16, 1996, in the Chamber of Commerce board Room at 108 West Marble Street,
Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and
manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, VP J. C. Worley, Sec/Treas. Marvin
Fuller, and members Irene Messenger and Kevin St. John; C. C. Womack, Executive Director;Mike
Collins, City Manager;Mindy Manson, Asst. To the CM and Greg McLean representing the Hogan
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President John Yeager. President Yeager stated, in
order to facilitate the agenda, Item#7 would be taken out of order as the first item for discussion.
ITEM NO. 7 - Discuss participation in the resurfacing of Steel Road in Regency Industrial
Park. Scott Foster representing himself and Alex Young spoke on behalf of the property owners
along Steel Road. A proposal was made by Mr. Foster for the property owners to pledge $1000 each
to pay a portion of the cost of resurfacing Steel Road. Greg McLean of Hogan Corporation outlined
three scenarios for"fixing" Steel Road. +2 inch asphalt overlay with an approximate lifespan of 2-4
years cost $63,000; + pulverize existing street,work to 9" thickness with 3-4" asphalt cap creating
virtually a new street with a 7-10 year lifespan, cost $113,000; + concrete, including street and
drainage and engineering costs, $670,00.
ITEM NO. 1 - Consider approval of minutes of regular meeting held on December 19, 1995.
A motion was made by Kevin St. John to approve the minutes as submitted. Second by Marvin
Fuller. All in favor- motion carried.
ITEM NO. 2 - Consider approval of minutes of special meeting held on January 8, 1996. A
motion was made by J. C. Worley to approve the minutes as submitted. Marvin Fuller seconded. All
in favor- motion carried.
ITEM NO. 3 - Consider approval of Treasurer's report ending December 31, 1995. Mr.
Womack noted there had been a$90 error in the November report. The ending balance for 12/31/95
is $335,911.58. A motion was made by Kevin St. John, seconded by J. C. Worley to approve the
treasurer's report as submitted. All in favor- motion carried.
ITEM NO. 4 - Report from Executive Director. There was no discussion. Report submitted in
writing to each board member.
ITEM NO.5-Consider approval of a payment totaling$86,212.49 to East Texas Construction
Co.,Inc.for work completed in Premier Industrial Park. Greg McLean of Hogan Corporation
verified that all work completed to this point has been satisfactory. Motion made by J. C. Worley to
Minutes-Development Corporation of Wylie,Inc.
January 16, 1996
Page 2
approve payment. Second by Marvin Fuller. All in favor- motion carried.
ITEM NO. 6 - Report on financial status of corporation after 2nd payment on our contract
with East Texas Construction Co.,Inc. Mr. Womack reported DCW funds will be short $71,000
on the project unless the county funds become available.
ITEM NO. 8 - Discuss retirement reception for Executive Director C. C. Womack. Will ask
Linda Hamar to organize. Will discuss final details at next regular meeting.
ITEM NO. 9 - Citizen Participation. None
ITEM NO. 10 - Adjournment. A motion was made and seconded for adjournment. Meeting
adjourned by President John Yeager.
John Yeager,President
_ Barb ra LeCocq, Secre ary
Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc.
Saturday, January 20, 1996
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. Met in regular session at 8:00 AM
Saturday, January 20, 1996 in the Council Conference Room, Wylie Municipal Complex at 2000
SH 78 N,Wylie, TX. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the
time and manner required by law. Present were John Yeager, J. C. Worley,Marvin Fuller, Irene
Messenger and Kevin St. John.
The meeting was called to order by President John Yeager.
The open meeting was recessed for the purposed of convening into Executive Session.
The Executive Session was convened under Section 551.074 of the Government Code-Personnel
Open meeting reconvened.
Motion was made and seconded to extend invitations to Sam Satterwhite,Mark Flygare and Shea
Burgamy for personal interviews for the position of Executive Director of the Development
No Citizen participation.
Meeting adjourned by President John Yeager.
John Yeager,President
arb a LeCocq, Se et
Wednesday, January 24, 1996
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in called session at 4:00 PM on
Wednesday,January 24, 1996 in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 W. Marble Street,
Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and
manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, VP J. C. Worley, Sec/Treas Marvin
Fuller,members Irene Messenger and Kevin St. John, City Manager Mike Collins, Asst. to the City
Manager Mindy Manson and Engineer Greg McLean from the Hogan Corporation.
The meeting was called to order by President John Yeager. Item number 2 to be taken out of order
in the interest of facilitating the agenda.
ITEM NO.2-Consider approval of participation in the resurfacing of Steel Road in Regency
Industrial Park. Greg McLean suggested as the property owners are approached about donating
funds toward the resurfacing of Steel Road ask them to dedicate a 30 ft. right-of-way to the City at
the same time. Kevin St. John made a motion to commit up to $50,000 for resurfacing of Steel Road
contingent upon the property owners donating 30 ft. R.O.W., and a total of$10,000; Scott Foster
constructing a building of not less than 9000 sq. Ft. secured by a note from Scott Foster. If
construction on the building has not started within one year, the note is due and payable at 10%
interest. Property owners money to be deposited in escrow in a local bank. Agreement subject to
approval by the City Council. Second by Irene Messenger. All in favor-motion carried.
ITEM NO. 1 - Consider approval of the format and questions for the interviews for the
position of Executive Director of Economic Development. A question No. 14 was added - "When
would you be available for employment?" Motion made by J. C. Worley to approve the format and
questions as amended. Second by Marvin Fuller. All in favor- motion carried.
ITEM NO. 3 - Citizen Participation. None.
ITEM NO. 4 -Adjournment-Motion was made for adjournment by Marvin Fuller, seconded by
J. C. Worley. Meeting adjourned by President John Yeager.
John Yeager, President
Ba ara LeCocq, Secret
Tuesday, January 30, 1996
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in called meeting on Tuesday,
January 30, 1996 in the Council Conference Room in the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78 N,
Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and
manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, VP J. C. Worley, Sec/Treas.
Marvin Fuller, members Irene Messenger and Kevin St. John.
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by President John Yeager.
The open meeting was recessed for the purpose of convening into Executive Session.
The Executive Session was convened under Section 551.074 of the Government Code -Personnel
The open meeting was reconvened to consider appropriate action on item discussed in Executive
A motion was made to offer the position of Executive Director of the Development Corporation
of Wylie, Inc. To Samuel Satterwhite of Hollywood, Florida. Motion was seconded, all in favor-
motion carried.
There being no citizen participation and no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
President John Yeager
Submitted by
ar ara LeCocq, Secret ry