Resolution 89-General Obligation of Bonds A RESOLUTION approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. WHEREAS, the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty has determined that certificates of obligation under and pursuant to the provisions of Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271, of acquiring land, rights-of-way and easements improvements and extensions and to pay professional services; and of Wyl ie, Texas, should be issued V.T.C.A., Local for the purpose for sewer system contracts for WHEREAS, prior to the issuance of such certificates, the City Council is required to publish notice of its intention to issue the same in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, said notice stating (i) the time and place the Council tentatively proposes to pass the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the certificates, (ii) the maximum amount proposed to be issued, (iii) the purposes for which the certificates are to be issued and (iv) the manner in which the Council proposes to pay the certificates; now, therefore, TEXAS: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, SECTION 1: That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and di rected to cause not ice to be publ i shed of the Counc iI's intention to issue certificates of obligation in the principal amount not to exceed $200,000 for the purpose of acquiring land, rights-of-way and easements for sewer system improvements and extensions and to pay contracts for professional services, such certificates to be payable from ad valorem taxes and a lien on and pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of the Ci ty' s combined Waterworks and Sani tary Sewer System. The notice hereby approved and authorized to be published shall read substantially in the form and content of Exhibit A hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference as a part of this resolution for all purposes. SECTION 2: That the City Secretary shall cause the aforesaid notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, once a week for two consecutive weeks, the date of the first PUblication to be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date stated therein for the passage of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the certificates of obligation. _____I PASSED AND ADOPTED, this the 9t~/of May, 1989. /~. ,- // / / /,/"" // C-///'~ ___-r_,--..' ~ '---"L. '<::..._ ~-Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas (City Seal) 33765 -2- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION TAKE NOTICE that the City Council of the City of_~ylie, Texas)? shall convene at . ?C?J o'clock ~.M. on the J<1!-A:-~ay of ..J.L/e.,,_L" , 1989, at Its regular meetIng place at the CIty H~1Y: 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas, and, during such meeting, the City Council will consider the passage of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the purpose of acquiring land, rights-of-way and easements for sewer system improvements and extensions and to pay contracts for professional services, such certificates to be payable from ad valorem taxes and a lien on and pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of the City's combined Waterworks and Sanitary Sewer System. The certificates are to be issued, and this notice is given, under and pursuant to the provisions of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271. -c / 33775