Resolution 96 APPOINTMENT OF FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STANDARDS OFFICER (May also act as Section 504 Coordinator) City/County: Address: City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie. TX 75098 Texas Community Development Project Program Contract No. 715879 ***************************************************************************************************** I, Jim Swartz , do hereby appoint Mike Collins as the Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Standards Officer for the City of Wylie The Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Standards Officer shall be responsible for the oversight and compliance of fair housing and equal opportunity activities to be performed by the City of Wylie as required by the Texas Community Development Program. The Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Standards Officer should be familiar with all civil rights laws and regulations pertaining to the Texas Community Development Program, including those described on page 8-3 of this manual and those listed on Exhibit D of the TCDP contract. Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Standards Officer: Mike Collins ...j Check if also acting as Section 504 Coordinator (required if locality employs 15 or more persons). Appointed by: Date: Signature: