09-21-1987 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 9-18-87 TIME POSTED 8:30 A.M. AGENDA CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET 6 : 30 P. M. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION 40 06Q) ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1987-88 Budget Workshop 2 Adjourn NOTICE OF A CALLED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet in a called session at 6 :30 P. M. on the 21st day of September, 1987 in the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street , in the City of Wylie, for the purpose of the above agenda . Carolyn Jones, City Secretary POSTED THIS THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1987 AT 8 : 30 A. M. 1987-1988 PROPOSED BUDGET TO : MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE : SEPTEMBER 22 , 1987 RE: 1987/88 PROPOSED BUDGET The 1987/88 Operating Budget is presented for your approval . This budget reflects a major shift in direction from previous budgets primarily to respond to the economic condition in the local area. Substantially over estimated revenues left the City of Wylie entering this fiscal year with a General Fund deficit of $174 ,974 . 00 and a Utility Fund deficit of 63 , 234 . 00 . Significant increases in debt , resulting from the General Obligation Bonds for the City Hall , along with the increase in utilities at the new City Hall , have put a substantial burden on the City , and thus an almost certain tax increase . Projected revenues reflected in this report are based on conservative revenues with an anticipated increase in the tax base from $207 ,000 ,000 to $270 ,000 ,000 and a population growth from 8500 to 9500 in 1988 . The budget is balanced and the required ad valorem tax rate is .59 (fifty-nine cents) per hundred dollars valuation up . 10 ( ten cents) from the 1986/87 rate of .49 ( forty-nine cents) . This represents an average increase of $8 .33 per month or $100 .00 per property owner assuming an appraised value of $100 ,000 .00 . This increase is primarily due to new debt and a leveling off of revenues. We are also recommending an increase in senior citizens exemption from $15 ,000 to $30 ,000 . With this increase, 113 senior citizens out of 223 listed on the tax roles will be totally exempted from paying property taxes. The ability to service newly annexed land and a conservative but steady increase in population will continue to strain service levels over the next year. GENERAL FUND The General Fund budget for 1987/88 is up 14 .9% due almost entirely from debt on the new City Hall and the increase in utilities at the new facility. No additional employees are proposed but several changes are necessary to better utilize the employee work force. Major changes in the proposed General Fund include: 1 . Moving the tax function from the City Secretary' s office to the Finance Department . 2 . Contracting for janitorial services in the new City Hall . 3 . Creation of a Personnel Department, by transferring a position from Finance , to conduct a salary survey , and oversee each department' s training budget . 4 . The creation of a Maintenance Department with the addition of a full time mechanic, in charge of all vehicle maintenance . 5 . Five replacement vehicles are proposed : 1 for Code Enforcement, 3 for Police Patrol and 1 for Police Investigation. 6 . Anticipated costs for renovation of the Landfill will be proposed out of newly issued Certificates of Obligation. 7 . The proposed budget reflects a 3% salary pool for upgrading some City employees . Following an extensive salary survey we hope to readjust undercompensated positions on January 1 , 1988 . REVENUES The City of Wylie will end its current budget year with a projected General Fund deficit of $174 , 974 .00 and a Water and Sewer Fund projected deficit of $63,234 .00 . Funds are not available to supply any reserves in the proposed 1987/88 fiscal year . The City of Wylie cannot continue to operate without some reserves. It is important to plan on building some reserves if Wylie hopes to remain attractive in future bond ratings, and be able to take on debt in the future. WATER & SEWER The Binford Study has projected into the recommended rate structure a rate increase of approximately 18% given continued growth of 15% in the City' s utility accounts each year . If this growth falls short or the City experiences an off-year in consumption, there will be a revenue shortfall . The past three months the City' s growth has fallen into the 7 . 5% range. With the issuance of 1987 North Texas Municipal Water District Contract Bonds ($1 ,785, 000) , the City' s first year total payments (paid monthly will be $135 , 000 .00 (P & I , and reserve) towards the retirement of the contract bonds for the wastewater plant renovation. Two new employees are budgeted , both in utility billing , one cashier for the drive through window at the municipal complex and a meter reader/services person so that a person will not have to be continually borrowed from Public Works . A pick-up truck is also budgeted in Utility Billing that will be transferred to Engineering to replace the jeep taken from Engineering and used by the development inspector . The jeep will be used by the additional meter/services person . i /1e4 /— I John Pitstick , City Manager Ja Joh on , Finance Director ************************************************************************************ ********* 1987-1988 OPERATING POSITION OPERATING FUNDS *********************************************************************************** * ****** *** GENERAL UTILITY SANITATION IMPACT LIFT STATION ********************************************************************************************* ESTIMATED BEGINNING -174 , 974 -63 , 234 19 , 500 0 15,000 BALANCE 10/1/87 TOTAL REVENUES 2 ,625 ,000 1 ,450 , 000 275 , 000 175 ,000 150, 000 TRANSFERS 75, 000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL FUNDS AVAIL. 2 , 700 , 000 1 ,450 ,000 275 ,000 175,000 165,000 DEBT SERVICE 241 ,000 235 ,000 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 ,459,000 1 ,215 , 000 275 ,000 150 ,000 32,000 (Excluding Debt) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 ,700, 000 1 , 450 ,000 19 , 500 25 ,000 * 133 , 000 * ESTIMATED ENDING 0 BALANCE 9/30/88 *(Includes Capital Improvements Projects Reserve for Impact and Lift Station) ************************************************************ TAX STRUCTURE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 ************************************************************ ESTIMATED TOTAL ASSESSED 270 , 000,000 VALUATION 1987 TAX RATE . 59/$100 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX LEVY 1 ,593 , 000 ANTICIPATED 95% CURRENT 1 ,513 , 350 TAX COLLECTIONS INTEREST & SINKING FUND 241 ,000 REQUIREMENTS AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR 1 ,272 , 350 GENERAL FUND OPERATIONS ********************************************************************************* * *** ****** ****** PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET ************************************************************************************************* GENERAL UTILITY SANITATION REVENUE IMPACT LIFT TOTAL SHARING 1986-1987 2 ,350,000 2 ,350 ,000 1 , 000 , 000 250 540 ,000 235 ,000 4 , 325,250 PROPOSED 1987-1988 2 ,700 , 000 1 , 450 ,000 275 , 000 0 175 ,000 150 ,000 4 ,750 ,000 ************************************************************* 1987/88 GENERAL FUND BUDGET REVENUES ************************************************************* GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 PROPERTY TAXES 721 , 322 1 ,048 , 324 1 ,588 ,000 SALES TAXES 286 ,417 293 , 125 315 ,000 PERMITS, FINES & FEES 414 ,584 419 , 355 446 , 850 FRANCHISE TAX 257 , 715 252 , 701 275 , 150 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 60 ,000 87 , 500 75 ,000 CASH ON HAND 206 , 774 72 ,000 0 PREVIOUS YEAR DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 0 1 ,550 0 SUB-TOTAL 1 , 959 , 358 2 , 174 ,555 2 ,700 , 000 LINE OF CREDIT 175 ,445 TOTAL 1 ,959 ,358 2 ,350 , 000 2 ,700 ,000 ************************************************************* 1987/88 GENERAL FUND BUDGET EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED DEPARTMENT 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 ************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL 97 ,339 88 , 750 71 , 500 CITY MANAGER 106 ,455 113 , 500 143 ,000 CITY SECRETARY 108 ,701 122 ,000 72 ,000 CODE ENFORCEMENT 84 ,830 94 , 000 107 ,000 PLANNING/ENGINEERING 135 ,955 136 ,000 122 , 000 FINANCE 155 ,062 174 ,000 221 ,000 PERSONNEL 0 0 49 ,000 MUNICIPAL COURT 42 ,960 40 , 000 47 ,000 DEBT SERVICE 0 98 , 250 241 ,000 POLICE ADMINISTRATION 79 ,339 82 ,000 83 ,000 POLICE PATROL 293 ,474 411 , 000 463 ,000 POLICE INVESTIGATION 26 ,671 72 ,500 63 ,000 POLICE COMMUNICATION 81 , 486 108 ,000 129 ,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT 77 ,458 72 ,500 63 ,000 ENERGENCY MEDICAL SVC. 0 88 ,000 101 ,000 FIRE MARSHALL 0 0 13 ,500 LIBRARY 78 ,980 72 ,000 73 ,000 PARKS 133 ,702 164 ,500 131 ,000 STREETS 314 ,643 371 ,000 419 ,000 LANDFILL 0 0 22 ,000 GARAGE 0 0 27 ,000 ANIMAL CONTROL 41 ,596 42 ,000 39,000 TOTAL 1 ,858 ,651 2 ,350 ,000 2 ,700 ,000 SCHEDULE OF TAX BOND INDEBTEDNESS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEAR 1987-1988 CITY HALL 184 ,610 1980 PARK BONDS 21, 350 1986 PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRACT 31 , 825 LINE OF CREDIT INTEREST 2 ,475 PAYING AGENT FEES 740 TOTAL 241 ,000 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT City Council ?101 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 , 96 96 /37 87/88 87 93 SALARIES 10,584 10,650 10,800 CONTRACTUAL 60,428 60,225 54,275 SUPPLIES 9,004 12,475 5,275 CAPITAL 5,L73 150 1, 150 RESERVE 12,050 5,250 TOTAL 97,339 88,750 71,500 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES No major changes from previous year. 1987j1988 BUDGET SUMMARY :DEPARTMENT City Manager ::102 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85;'86 86/87 87;88 87 /88 SALARIES 76, 160 86,580 83,900 CONTRACTUAL 18, 180 18,840 18,275 SUPPLIES 5,334 3,895 2, 725 CAPITAL 6,629 4, 185 600 RESERVE 150 37,500 TOTAL 106,455 113,500 143,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY City Manager 1 1 1 1 Admin. Secretary 1 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES No major changes from previous year. $37, 500 for 3% merit pool to be allocated January 1, 1988. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT City Secretary #103 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/97 87/88 87/88 SALARIES 67,425 84, 150 49,000 CONTRACTUAL 30, 171 32 ,525 16, 785 SUPPLIES 6,638 5,325 4,815 CAPITAL 4,466 -0- 1,400 TOTAL 108, 701 122,000 72,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY City Secretary 1 1 1 Tax Clerk 1 1 Receptionist 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Moving Tax function under Finance Contracting Janitorial Services 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Code Enforcement #105 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87/88 87/88 SALARIES 64,422 72,240 73,500 CONTRACTUAL 9,255 17,735 17,600 SUPPLIES 7,323 4,025 5,550 CAPITAL 3,830 -0- 10, 350 TOTAL 84,830 94,000 107,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Code/Enfor. Officer 1 1 1 Inspector 1 1 1 Permit Clerk 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Replacement Vehicle 35 MM Camera 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Planning/Engineering #107 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85: 86 86/87 87/88 87 /88 SALARIES 63,861 78,600 82,000 CONTRACTUAL 38,981 51,200 34,200 SUPPLIES 7,290 4,050 4,000 CAPITAL 25,823 2, 150 1,800 TOTAL 135,955 136,000 122,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY City Engineer 1 0 0 Asst. City Engineer 1 1 1 Draftsman 1 1 1 Develop Inspector 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES No major changes from previous year. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Finance #110 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 /86 86/87 87;' 88 87/88 SALARIES 101,888 113, 775 140,500 CONTRACTUAL 33,846 45,050 68,575 SUPPLIES 11 ,437 9, 775 9.575 CAPITAL 7,891 5,400 2,350 TOTAL 155,06? 174,000 221,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Finance Director 1 1 1 Cashier/Accountant 2 1 1 Accountant 0 1 1 Payroll Clerk 1 1 Purchasing Agent 0 1 Tax Collector 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Tax Clerk moved from City Secretary 's office Payroll /personnel in separate department Tax Appraisal services funded 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Personnel ?F115 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87. 98 87/88 SALARIES -0- -0- 22,000 CONTRACTUAL -0- -0- 24,400 SUPPLIES -0- -0- 1,800 CAPITAL -0- -0- 800 TOTAL 49,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Personnel Specialist SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES New Department 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Municipal Court #120 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85,'96 86/87 87/88 87/98 SALARIES 22,283 22,010 25,350 CONTRACTUAL 12,522 14,855 18,275 SUPPLIES 2, 129 2,585 2,525 CAPITAL 8,026 550 850 TOTAL 42,960 40,000 47,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY `tunic. Court Clerk 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Court to meet two (2) per month P/T salary for Bailiff for Court Judge's fees increase 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT General Fund Debt Service #130 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 , 86 86/87 87 88 87, 88 SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SUPPLIES CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE 98,250 241,000 TOTAL 98,250 241,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES $184,610 debt payment due on new City Hall 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Police Administration 4201 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85;"86 86/87 87,'88 87/88 SALARIES 61,940 62,525 64,300 CONTRACTUAL 7,987 15,100 14,500 SUPPLIES 3, 169 3,300 3,400 CAPITAL 6,242 1,075 800 TOTAL 79,339 82,000 83,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Chief of Police 1 1 1 Admin. Secretary 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES No significant changes from previous year. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Police Patrol t202 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 /96 86,87 87 %88 87i98 SALARIES 236,027 299,875 333,825 CONTRACTUAL 17,505 37, 100 42,275 SUPPLIES 17,306 22,425 31 ,900 CAPITAL 22,635 51,600 55,000 TOTAL 293,474 411,000 463,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Lieutenant 1 1 1 Sergeant 1 1 1 Patrolman 9 10 10 Crossing Guard 4 4 5 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 3 Police Cars 3 Handheld Radios 3 Light Bars 3 Car Radios-to replace 3 thirteen year-old radios Upgrading uniforms 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Police Investigation :�203 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 35,'86 86 87 87; 38 87 /88 SALARIES 18, 181 50,625 31,385 CONTRACTUAL 2,166 11,275 10,065 SUPPLIES 1,560 2, 150 2,200 CAPITAL 4, 765 8,450 16,850 GRANT RESERVE 2,500 TOTAL 26,672 72,500 63,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Detective 1 2 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1 New Undercover Vehicle 1 Radio for New Undercover Vehicle 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Police Communications & Records Jt204 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87/88 87 , 88 SALARIES 76,975 89, 760 99,425 CONTRACTUAL 3,327 12,245 22,050 SUPPLIES 1 , 184 3, 170 3,825 CAPITAL -0- 2,825 3, 700 TOTAL 81,486 108,000 129,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Chief Dispatcher 1 1 1 Dispatcher 3 3 3 Dispatcher P/T 2 2 2 Records Clerk 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Data Processing equipment 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Fire Department '-220 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85:'86 86/87 87:88 87/88 SALARIES 945 11 ,225 13,325 CONTRACTUAL 44,271 34, 750 21, 125 SUPPLIES 3, 122 4,350 6,350 CAPITAL 15, 159 22, 175 22,000 DEBT SERVICE 13,960 TOTAL 77,458 72,500 63,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Fire Chief(Volunteer) 0 0 1 Firefighters(Volunteer) 26 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Special purpose equipment -Purchase of 1300' of 5" hose - Replacement of 7 air packs 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Emergency Medical Service k230 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87/98 87 /88 SALARIES -0- 60, 125 70. 950 CONTRACTUAL -0- 18,225 22,500 SUPPLIES -0- 9,000 6,200 CAPITAL -0- 650 1,350 TOTAL -0- 88,000 101,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY EMS Supervisor 0 1 1 EMS Attendants 0 1 1 EMS Attendants P/T 0 9 9 EMS Billing Clerk P/T 0 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Fire Marshall :t240 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85.'86 86/87 87/88 87 88 SALARIES -0- -0- -0- CONTRACTUAL -0- -0- 11,300 SUPPLIES -0- -0- 1,900 CAPITAL -0- -0- 300 TOTAL -0- -0- 13,500 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Library 't301 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85; 86 86i87 87 98 87/88 SALARIES 49,360 52,335 52,875 CONTRACTUAL 14,987 16, 115 15,450 SUPPLIES 1,414 2,800 3,475 CAPITAL 13,220 750 1,200 TOTAL 78,980 72,000 73,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Librarian 1 1 1 Librarian Aide 1, 2 P/T 2, 1 P/T 2 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Deleting part-time position 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Parks 1/310 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 '96 86/87 37 38 87i38 SALARIES 35,374 49, 100 60,600 CONTRACTUAL 58, 746 76,925 38,075 SUPPLIES 7,078 18,860 15,625 CAPITAL 13,303 19,615 16,700 DEBT SERVICE 19,000 TOTAL 133, 702 164,500 131,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Parks Workers 2 4 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Funding new baseball complex and soccer field. Funding a Park Master Plan 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Streets & Drainage #420 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 35,'86 86/87 87,'98 87/88 SALARIES 85,253 100, 700 122,075 CONTRACTUAL 137,400 172, 175 172,600 SUPPLIES 82,294 84,675 116,475 CAPITAL 9,695 13,450 7,850 TOTAL 314,643 371,000 419,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Street/Drainage Worker 3 5 5 Street Sweeper 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Increases in surveying, asphalt, and emulsion Purchase of concrete saw, pneumatic tamper 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Landfill 1k1430 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85i86 86/87 87/88 87/88 SALARIES -0- -0- CONTRACTUAL -0- -0- 22,000 SUPPLIES -0- -0- CAPI TAL -0- -0- TOTAL -0- -0- 22,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Will require the issuance of Certificates of Obligation of at least $100,000-350,000 for activities at the Landfill for the next two years. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPAR TMENT Garage 4440 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85;'86 86, 87 87/98 87/88 SALARIES -0- -0- 18, 700 CONTRACTUAL -0- -0- 1,900 SUPPLIES -0- -0- 2,800 CAP I TAL -0- -0- 3,600 TOTAL -0- -0- 27,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Mechanic 0 0 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Purchase of tools and jacks Creation of the Department 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Animal Control 450 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87/88 87;'88 SALARIES 16,234 21,475 19,925 CONTRACTUAL 4,548 13,325 10,440 SUPPLIES 9,337 5,525 4,950 CAPITAL 11 ,477 1 ,675 3,685 TOTAL 41, 596 42,000 39,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Animal Control Officer 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES New cages for animals New container box for truck ***************************************************** *********** 1987/88 WATER AND SEWER FUND REVENUES ***************** ************ ****************** ***************** ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 WATER SALES 480 , 572 581 ,400 826 , 500 SEWER SALES 282 , 803 415 , 200 533 , 000 WATER/ SEWER TAP & 76 ,518 47 ,000 62 , 000 METER FEES CAPITOL REIMBURSEMENT 95 7 , 630 1 , 000 INTEREST 24 , 819 12 ,000 20 , 500 MISC 6 , 185 7 ,800 5 ,750 FUND BALANCE (PRIOR YR) 54 , 398 78 ,970 0 TOTAL 925 , 390 1 ,150 , 000 1 , 450 ,000 ************************************ ************ ************* 1987/88 WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT ************************************************************* ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 501 UTILITY ADMIN . 96 ,054 170 , 000 133 ,000 502 WATER 373 , 212 500 , 000 538 , 500 503 SEWER 149,065 380 ,000 259 , 000 510 UTILITY BILLING 104 , 769 160 , 000 209 ,500 515 DEBT * * 235 , 000 TRANSFERS 60 , 000 12 , 500 75 , 000 TOTAL 783 ,100 1 ,222 , 500 1 ,450 ,000 WATER & SEWER INDEBTEDNESS PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 1971 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds $ 29 , 500 1980 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 35 ,200 1980 North Texas Mun . Water Dist . Bonds 15 ,000 1986 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 18 , 700 1987 North Texas Mun . Water Dist . Contract Bonds 99 , 000 1987 Contract Bonds Reserve 36 , 000 Paying Agent Fees 1 , 600 $235 ,000 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Utility Administration It 501 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 86 86/87 87/98 87/88 SALARIES 66, 207 73,000 112,000 CONTRACTUAL 73,=428 29,000 87,600 SUPPLIES 8, 766 7,500 5,325 CAPITAL 2,496 8, 100 3,075 TOTAL 150,897 117,650 208,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Public Works Director 1 Asst. Publ. Wks. Director 1 Admin. Secretary 2 (1 Secretary functions as Secretary to Engineering and will move to City Hall) SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Asst. Public Works Director's salary shown in full. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Water 't502 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85!86 86/87 87;88 87/88 SALARIES 64, 319 120,000 130,800 CONTRACTUAL 203,269 284,500 307, 150 SUPPLIES 76,230 59,850 60,050 CAPITAL 29,393 36,000 40,500 TOTAL 373,211 500,000 538,500 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Water/Sewer Superintendent 1 1 1 Water Service Foreman 1 1 Water Service Worker 4 4 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Increase in payments to North Texas Municipal Water Ditrict Installment purchase of backhoe 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Sewer ,r503 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85;'86 86/87 87;'88 87/88 SALARIES 47, 140 61,340 74,200 CONTRACTUAL 74, 126 51,585 135,000 SUPPLIES 15,502 41,355 35,000 CAPITAL 12,296 7,000 14,800 TOTAL 149,064 161,280 259,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Foreman 0 1 1 Sewer Service Worker 3 3 3 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES North Texas Municipal Water District operates sewer plant Lease Purchase of new Backhoe 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Utility Billing ,1510 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/ 86 86/87 87/88 87, 88 SALARIES 38,434 67,000 99,800 CONTRACTUAL 21,462 46,400 45,200 SUPPLIES 16,896 44,000 43,325 CAPITAL 27,976 19,000 21, 175 TOTAL 104, 768 176,400 209,500 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Utility Billing Clerk 1 1 1 Utility Cashier 0 0 1 Meter Reader 1 1 1 Meter Service Worker 0 0 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Addition of cashier for new drive-in window New meter service worker to provide meter account service • 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Utility Debt Service t515 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85/86 86/87 87,'88 87i83 SALARIES CONTRACTUAL SUPPLIES CAPITAL DEBT SERVICE 76, 100 97,200 235,000 TOTAL 76, 100 97,200 235,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1987 North Texas Municipal Water District Contract Bonds (1, 785,000) for wastewater treatment plant. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Sanitation ; 651 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85, 86 86 '37 87;'88 87/88 SALARIES 14,412 16,355 17,350 CONTRACTUAL 190,477 181,295 256, 150 SUPPLIES 445 2, 150 1,500 CAPITAL -0- 200 -0- TOTAL 205,334 200,000 275,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Cashier 1 1 1 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Contractual expense to BFI will increase approximately $100,000 due to new rates. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Impact Fund 4901 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 86 86,787 87/88 87;88 SALARIES CONTRACTUAL 92,837 103,000 82,500 SUPPLIES 13 100 -0- CA PI 'TAL 157,594 436,900 92,500 TOTAL 250,444 540,000 175,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES $35,000 Engineering Master Plan - Impact service areas and fees. 1987/1988 BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT Lift Station District q951 ACTUAL BUDGETED PROPOSED APPROVED 85 /86 86 ,87 87; 98 87/88 SALARIES 72,333 81,655 -0- CONTRACTUAL 106, 125 61,875 22, 750 SUPPLIES 28,272 24,900 5,250 CAPITAL 127,411 66,570 122,000 TOTAL 334, 141 235,000 150,000 PERSONNEL SUMMARY SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Capital Improvements Plan Payments on Sewer Pumper Truck per Texas Water Commission Enforcement Order $5,000 Engineering Master Plan - Utilities CITY OF WYLIE 1987/88 PROPOSED INCREASES FOR AVERAGE HOMEOWNERS Assumption: $80 ,000 Home 11 ,000 Gallons per month in water Existing New Rates Annual Increase Taxes $392 .00/yr . $472 .00/yr . $ 80 .00 Water/Sewer $37 .50/mn. $43 .70/mn. $ 74 .00 $ 154 .00 AVERAGE INCREASE PER MONTH Taxes $6 .66 Water/Sewer $6. 16 $12 .82 *Senior citizen exemption will increase from $15,000 to $30 ,000 which totally exempts about 50% of all senior citizens. The remaining senior citizens have an average decrease of $88 per year on taxes.