1963 Ordinance-General Telephone Company of Southwest has Presented Infor that Local Exchange Revenues are Not Adequate c--- ,- ,/ ~ ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the General Telephone Company of the Southwest has presented information indicating that present local exchange revenues at Wylie, Texas, are not adequate, and WHEREAS, application has been made for relief from this condition by an adjustment of its rates for local service, and WHEREAS, under the conditions, said proposed schedule of rates appears to the City Council to be reasonable and just, and necessary to insure con- tinued expansion and improvement of telephone service in the Wylie, Texas, Telephone Exchange, and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the right of the General Telephone Company of the Southwest to earn a fair return on the fair value of its property devoted to the rendition of local exchange telephone service to the customers of the Wylie, Texas, Exchange. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1: That the General Telep~n~Company of the Southwest is hereby authorized to place into effect on its ~ billing date following the passage of this ordinance, the following schedule of rates within the corporate limits of Wylie, Texas, for local telephone service and such other charges and rates for Miscellaneous Services as are included in its Texas General Exchange Tariff, a summary of which is attached: Class of Service MONTHLY RATES BUS INESS : Individual Line Service Extension - f.vf0irfr . / /. :J ,j fljII /,7S- RESIDENCE: Individual Line Service Two Party Line Service ~Four Party Line Service Extension No NEw SI!tr..IIU_t-' ;0 i3e ..J../.-p,zEJ) Section 2: That the ordinance adopted February 9, 1960, and any other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ,s: .s-() Lj.. ,.;.- () y, ,~ ~- /, ;t S- Section 3: That nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as in any manner, now or hereafter, limiting or modifying the right and power of the City Council under the law to regulate the rates charged by the General Telephone Company of the Southwest for its service within the City of Wylie, Texas. Passed and approved this the i~ , 19 t ~ ATTEST: Mayor CJV~U:_dll City Secretary OiJJ~~ (J G,m,mAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF TIlE SOUTHWEST SCIiGDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS RATES AND CHARGES TEXAS SERVICE CONNECTION, MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES Service Connections New Service Instrumen- and Moves to talities in New Premises Place Move Inside Same Premises BUSINESS SERVICES: Main S~ation and Trunks Extensions and PBX Stations: Inside same building as main station or PBX switchboard Outside building in which main station or PBX switchboard is located $7.50 $3.00 $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 RESIDEnCE SERVICES: Main Stations Extensions: Inside same building as main station Outside building in which main station is located 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 * 3.00 * 3.00 * 4.00 3.00 * 3.00 * * No charge will be made for installing or moving residence extensions if installed or moved at the same time as main station. Other Service Charges Restoration of service discontinued for non-payment $2.00 Change of name or change of subscriber where no lapse of service occurs and no final bill is to be issued 2.00 Chrunge of telephone number at subscriber's request when grade of service is not changed 3.00 Effective with exchange rate increases beginning January 1, 1059 (1) GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS RATES AND CHARGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT RATE PER MONTH INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE BUZZER SYSTEMS: A. Push Button 1. Single, each 2. On pad, each $ .15 .15 $ .75 B. Push Button Pad, each .75 C. Buzzer, each .15 .75 CORDS: A. Long Cords 1. Nine (9) ft. Cords, each 2. Thirteen ~13) ft. cords, each 3.50 4.50 B. Retractile Cords 1. Between transmitter-receiver and handset base unit, standard lengths only 1.00 EXTRA DIRECTORY LISTINGS: A. Exchanges under 1,000 stations 1. Business, each 2. Residence, each .35 .25 B. Exchange over 1,000 stations 1. Business, each 2. Residence, each .50 .35 JOINT USER SERVICE: A. Business - Fifty Percent (50%) of one-party business rate, excluding differential charges. Note: This service furnished on one-party business lines, only. Effective with exchange rate increase beginning January 1, 1959 (2) GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST EDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS RATES AND ARGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT KEY TELEPHONE SYSTEMS: A. The following rates and charges are in addition to the regular rates and charges associated with station classes of service (main station, extension station or PBX station). B. Self-Contained Key Telephone Systems 1. Single button key telephone 2. Six-button key telephone (1-3 lines, hold, line lamp signals) C. Key Telephone-Common Equipment Systems 1. Key telephones a. Six-button set b. Call Commander 12-button set c. Call Commander 18-button set 2. Common Equipment a. Economy (1-3 lines, hold, lamp signals) b. Standard (1-3 lines, hold, lamp signals, dial intercom) c. Deluxe (1-4 lines, wink hold, lamp signals, dial intercom) D. Refer to General Exchange Tariff for optional equipment. MILEAGE: A. The following mileage charges apply to individual line and party line services (except rural multiparty ser- vice) furnished to subscribers within the corporate limits but beyond the initial rate area, airline measure- ment per 1/4 mile or fraction thereof 1. One-party stations, PBX and PABX trunks, each 2. Two-party stations, each 3. Four-party stations, each B. Extension lines (between main station or PBX switchboard and extension) 1. Between points in the same bUilding 2. Between points in different buildings but on the same premises per 300' or fraction thereof 3. Between points not in the same building nor on the same premises, per 1/4 mile or fraction thereof RATE PER MONTH $ .35 2.00 4.00 11.50 13.50 4.50 6.00 8.00 .75 .50 .35 .25 1.00 INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE $ 3.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 30.00 Effective with exchange rate increase beginning January 1, 1962 (3) GENERAL TELEPHON'E COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST scrU:DUU: OF MISCELLANEOUS HATES AND CHARGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT lvlC fiT; 1 INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE :ZATE PER MILEAGE: (Cont'd.) C. Tie Lines: 1. Between points in the same building 2. Between points in different buildings on the same premises, per 300' or fraction thereof (minimum monthly charge $3.00) $1.00 $7.50 1.00 7.50 D. Private Lines: 1. Not connected to Central Office switchboard, per 1/4 mile or fraction thereof (minimum monthly charge $4.00) 2. Telephone instruments, each LOO 1.50 7.50 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE: A. Manual Systems: 1. Switchboards - Cordless Type: a. 4 trunks and 10 stations, each b. 5 trunks and 20 stations, each 11.00 15.00 2. Switchboards - Non-Multiple Cord Type: a. 0-40 lines, per position b. 41-60 lines, per position c. 61-80 Lines, per position d. 81 lines and over, per position 20.00 22.50 25.00 35.00 3. Switchboards - Multiple Cord Type: a. Per switchboard position b. Jacks, multiple, in excess of one jack for each station or trlmk line: (1) Per strip of 10 jacks (2) Per strip of 20 jacks 60.00 .40 .60 Effective with exchung~ rate Lncrcasc beginning January 1. 105;) (4) GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS RATES AND CHARGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE: (Cont'd.) 4. Stations, Private Branch Exchange 5. Station Lines, each B. Dial Systems: 1. Switching Equipment - Nonexpandable: a. 3 trunks and 12 stations, each b. 5 trunks and 20 stations, each 2. Switching EqUipment - Expandable: a. b. Line equipments, installed, each Selectors, each Connectors, each Power equipment. Electrical energy to be furnished by customer. (1) Two digit systems (2) Three and four digit systems Dial stations (1) Restrlcted and nonrestricted, each Trunks between mechanical equipment and attendant's cabinet on customer's premises, Attendant's Cabinets: (1) Cordless, each (2) Cord board-floor type (multiple or nonmultiple, per position) (3) Multiple appearance of dial lines and trunk lines, in excess of one jack per line: (a) Per strip of 10 jacks (b) Per strip of 20 jacks c. d. e. f. g. (5) RATE PER MONTH INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE $ 1.75 See Service Connections Moves & Changes 1.25 $3.00 25.00 48.00 .75 4.00 4.00 35.00 70.00 1. 75 See Service Connections Moves & Changes each 1.00 13.00 50.00 .40 .60 Effective with exchange rate increase beginning January 1, 1962 GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS RATES AND CHARGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT RATE PER MONTH INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE: (Cont'd.) h. Tie (1) Line Terminations: Rate per month and installation charges will be based on costs and circlwstances in each case. C. Central Office Trunks: 1. Regular central office trunks, one and one-half times one-party business rate. See Service Connections Moves & Changes SIGNALS: D. Horns, relay operated: 1. Indoor type, each 2. Outdoor_ type, each $ .35 $1.00 .75 1. 50 .75 1. 00 1. 50 1. 50 .75 1. 50 1. 50 2.00 A. Extension bell, each B. Extension gongs, each C. Extension bell, relay operated: 1. Indoor type, each 2. Outdoor type, each SPECIAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENT: A subscriber may have a business one-party service and a residence one-party service with the same line number, provided both service locations are within the same exchange area. Where both locations are within the same central office serving area of an exchange, the one-party rate for each service applies. Where the locations arc within different central office serving areas of the same exchange, the one-party rate for each service applies, plus foreign central office mileage for one of the services as covered in the Foreign Central Office and Foreign Exchange Services section of this General Exchange Tariff. Effective with exchange rate increase beginning January 1, 1962 (6) GENEHAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS HATES AND CHAHGES TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT RATE PER MONTH INSTALLATION OR MOVE CHARGE TELEPJiONE SETS - SPECIAL TYPE: A. Colored Telephone Sets: Colored telephone sets, other than black, including matching retractile handpiece cord and lucite dial, in addition to the charge associated with type of service, each $ .25 Regular charge associated with class of service (7) Effective with exchange rate increase beginning January 1, 1959