1963 Ordinance-Rules & Regulations by Wylie Volunteer Fire Deptarment for Fees The following rules and regulations shall be complied with by the wylie Volunteer Fire Department and the Volunteer Firemen to qualify for $7.50 per month for each volunteer fireman and those firemen not meeting these rules shall not be allowed this fee. This fee shall be paid by the city of Wylie once each month as a total amount to the wylie Volunteer Fire Department. 1. The Fireman will have to make 90% of all fires 2. Attend all meetings, except when sick or member of his family is sick and during vacation time spent out of town 3. The Wylie Volunteer Fire Department shall file a report each month signed by the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department stating the name of each fireman who is qualified to receive this fee for the month of the report 4. This fee is to be paid for the benefit of the individual fireman and is to be paid in addi- tion to the $2.00 per month, per fireman paid to the wylie Volunteer Fire Department d~;~~~lie (.~~ Fire Department " ~. , i / if! L lj / :'-'. 'J,/A.<' v (.. {_ /....:.:t... '- (.. /' "--,, /.,.,,-,,~" Mayor, City of Wylie