05-21-1987 (City Council) Agenda Packet i ' ' .5705; AGENDA CALLED MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1987 6:30 P.M. RITA & TRUETT SMITH LIBRARY 880 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 Consider authorization for Bike-A-Thou to set up and end route at Southside Fire Station . 2 2 - 8 Consider approval of amendment to Task Order 43 (revised scope of services) by CH2M Hill and authorization for Mayor to sign amendment . 3 9 Consider discussion of Newport Harbor water needs . 4 Recess Regular Meeting 5 10 Convene workshop A. Consider presentation by CH2M Hill report on City' s Utility System/Wastewater Treatment Plant with Staff, First Southwest, and North Texas Municipal Water District . B. Consider review of City Manager selection criteria and role of Selection Committee. 6 Adjourn TO: MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, ACTING CITY MANAGE RE: B I KE-A-THON DATE: MAY 18, 1987 This request is from Dale Fulgham, asking permission for the St. Jude' s Cancer Research Bike-A-Thon to use the parking lot at the Southside Fire Station for an assembly and ending point for the fund raising event. This event would begin at 10:00 a. m. on Saturday, May 30, 1987. The route would procede down South Ballard to County Road 381 to Twin Creek the Development, and back to the Fire Station. Estimated distance - approximately two miles, approximate time - 1 to 1. 5 hours. A police officer has been requested to lead if off in the City. MEMEngineers r Planner ?HILL Economists - Scientists May 18 , 1987 TX 21259 .A1 . 10 Mr. James Johnson Acting City Manager City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Johnson: Subject: Revised Scope of Services For Task Order No. 3 The purpose of this letter is to summarize our proposed amendment to Task Order No. 3 . As requested, we have restated the objectives to correspond to the recent direc- tion given us by the City. The change in scope has become necessary in light of the TWC's letter of May 6, 1987 and their requirements for a new plant, and the City's financial concerns . Before we summarize our proposed amendment, some of the history of the work performed on Task Order No. 3 may help you understand the status of the budget development for our services . Task Order No. 3 was originally established to provide design and construction services for certain improvements to the existing plant. These improvements were intended to be short-term in nature (2 to 3 years) and not significantly expand the plant capacity. The contracted budget for Task Order No. 3 was $62,900, which was comprised of $43,100 for design services and $19,800 for services during construction. We spent approximately $5,400 on the design services through March 20, 1987. At this point, the TWC informed the City that they would prefer that Wylie spend very little money on the existing plant and proceed immediately with plans to construct a new plant. We were requested to stop work on the design improvements at this time and investigate some preliminary design concepts for the new plant. We worked on the preliminary design concepts for the new plant until April 10, 1987, spending approximately $7,400 on CH2M HILL Dallas/Fort Worth Office 5339 Alpha Road,Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75240 214.9802170 Metro:263.9476 Mr. James Johnson Page 2 May 18, 1987 TX21259.A1. 10 this effort. At this time, we were requested to hold off on any more work pending installation of the new Council and key decisions they were facing. We stayed on hold until April 23 , 1987 . At this time, we met with City staff and NTMWD to discuss the Wylie waste- water situation and financial concerns . We agreed to pre- pare cost estimates for a new WWTP and some alternatives to expand and upgrade the existing WWTP for the Council ' s con- sideration at a special meeting on April 30, 1987 . We pre- sented this information to the council at this meeting. During the meeting, it was agreed that the Council needed more information on the cost of wastewater collection system improvements and water system improvements that needed to be addressed in the near future . The Council verbally author- ized CH2M HILL to proceed with this work and you requested that we prepare an amendment to Task Order No. 3 to restate its objectives. In your letter of May 12, 1987, you enclosed a copy of the TWC ' s proposed enforcement order and requested our assistance in responding to the TWC. This response is also addressed in Task Order No. 3. The basic scope of services that we propose to furnish are summarized in the attached "Amendment to Task Order No. 3 Scope of Services. " This scope has been left somewhat unde- fined in some areas because of the uncertainty of what work the City will require in the future. Due to unknown factors such as the City' s financial constraints and the TWC' s reaction to a change in direction, it is very difficult to develop a more specific scope at this time. Therefore, we propose to perform any services necessary and requested by the City under these general guidelines until the fee limit is reached or a new task order and fee can be agreed upon when a specific scope is identified. Table 1 summarizes the revised budgets for Task Order No. 3. As shown, the remaining total budget is about $49, 000 . We anticipate this amount should cover most of the miscellaneous engineering services that may be required; however, we cannot provide a better budget for responding to the TWC proposed enforcement order until the joint meeting with the TWC and City. The overall budget would be expended as authorized by the City and will not be exceeded without the written approval of the City. Please also note that all fees in this task order are essentially time and materials and the City will be billed only for work completed. 3 Mr. James Johnson Page 3 May 18, 1987 TX21259.A1 . 10 If this task order amendment meets with your approval, please sign the enclosed copies and return two copies to this office. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, "-crLot41,,‘ Gordon F. Koblitz , P.E. Dallas Office Manager ACCEPTED BY CITY OF WYLIE By: Title: Date: bam/DFW18/043 Enclosures dl Table 1 SUMMARY OF TASK ORDER NO. 3 BUDGET Amount Anticipated Original Expended Cost To Description of Work Task Budget Amount Thru 4-24-87 Complete Project Management $ 5,000 $ 3,528 $ 1,562 Final Design Drawings and Specifications for Existing WWTP Short-Term Improvements 35,000 1,549 0 Services During Construction for Existing WWTP Short- Term Improvements 17,000 0 0 Miscellaneous WWTP Predesign Services and Regulatory Interface in Response to the TWC Enforcement Order 0 7,137 29,114 Miscellaneous Wastewater Collection System Analyses 0 0 12,500 Miscellaneous Water System Analyses 0 0 1,500 Expenses 5,800 2,804 4,196 TOTAL $62,900 $14,018 $48,882 TOTAL REVISED BUDGET (Amount Expended Plus Anticipated Cost to Complete) $62,900 bam/DFW18//043 AMENDMENT TO TASK ORDER NO. 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services will include the following tasks for preliminary engineering to be performed by the ENGINEER: A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND REG- ULATORY INTERFACE 1 . As requested by the OWNER, the ENGINEER will per- form preliminary design services for the existing or new wastewater treatment plants. These services may include unit process selection and sizing, cost estimates, hydraulic computations, and other analyses that may be necessary. Letter reports summarizing these analyses will be prepared as requested. 2 . The ENGINEER will attend meetings with the City staff or City Council to discuss any wastewater treatment proposed improvements, as requested. 3. The ENGINEER will provide engineering and related professional assistance as requested by the OWNER during preliminary discussions with state and fed- eral regulatory agencies. Assistance may be in the form of consultations, review of documents, attendance at meetings, preparation of correspon- dence or other services as requested. 4 . The ENGINEER will prepare a Sludge Management Report including: a solids balance at the waste- water treatment plant, frequency and methods of solids removal for proper plant performance, the adequacy of the sludge disposal facilities at the plant site and what, if any, additional sludge handling equipment is needed at the plant site. The Report will address sludge management for the existing 0 .8 mgd plant and the proposed new plant. 5. The ENGINEER will determine the necessary size of an additional pump(s) in the existing wastewater treatment plant pump station to provide adequate pumping capacity to minimize bypassing at the influent/effluent control box during high flow conditions. B. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS 1 . The ENGINEER will perform a basic analysis to determine the pending and short-range wastewater -1- 10 collection system needs of the OWNER. The anal- ysis will include preliminary pipeline routings and sizing to serve various locations that are not presently served by the wastewater collection sys- tem and several new subdivisions that will be com- ing online in the near future. Preliminary cost estimates of the collection system pipelines and lift stations necessary to serve these areas in the immediate future will be prepared. 2. A brief analysis of the trunk line sewer system will be performed and order of magnitude cost estimates prepared by the ENGINEER in order to develop an estimate of the existing wastewater collection system infrastructure needs. 3 . A letter report will be prepared by the ENGINEER summarizing the results of the wastewater collec- tion system analysis. 4 . The ENGINEER will attend meetings with the City staff or City Council to discuss the wastewater collection system proposed improvements, as requested. 5 . The ENGINEER will assist the City in preparing and submitting a report to both the Commission' s Cen- tral (Austin) and District 4 (Duncanville) offices which identifies all known sites, not physically connected to the City collection system but where wastewater is held, then transported, by means of vacuum truck hauling, to various points within the collection system for disposal and treatment. 6 . The ENGINEER will assist the City in an evaluation of the City' s spare parts inventory and preventive maintenance program with specific emphasis on spare and replacement parts for equipment (specifically pumps) in use at lift stations within the collec- tion system. Additionally, this assistance will include addressing the adequacy of the City' s spare parts inventory and preventive maintenance program so as to minimize equipment downtime and prevent adverse environmental impact when that downtime occurs. C. WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS 1 . A brief analysis of the cost of water system improvements necessary to meet short-range needs for the City will be prepared and summarized in a letter report. The improvements necessary will be based on input from City staff. -2- 9 D. OTHER SERVICES 1 . The ENGINEER will provide such OTHER SERVICES as the OWNER may request. The detailed scope and fee information will be defined in detail as necessary. DFW18/044 -3- MEMORANDUM DATE: May 18. 1987 n ,i;K TO: James Johnson. Interim City Manager ( ' FROM: Ron Homever, E. I . T. , Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Newport Harbor Water Needs The developer of the above referenced subdivision was promised by past staff members that there would not be any problem with supplying him water. The original commitment was to supply him water through a new delivery Point off of a NTMWD transmission line. The delivery point has been approved by the NTMWD board. but is still 3 to 4 months away from becoming a reality due to the engineering and construction which still needs to be completed. Because of the long time frame involved with the delivery point, the developer has requested that the City extend an 8-inch water line along FM 1T7E: north from Lake Ranch Estates- to his development site. Thi _ water line, in my opinion, will become a permanent part of the City 's distribution system: therefore, tnis appears to be a good investment for the City of Wylie. I have also had an inquiry from one of the property owners along this route for city water service. Estimated costs for line $48,000 -50,000 Estimated Booster Pump & Controls Costs $10,000-12,000 $58,000-62,000 This item is under discussion and analysis by CH2M Hill in their total scope of utility system needs for the city. 9 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, ACTING CITY MANAGE RE: WORKSHOP ITEMS DATE: MAY 18, 1987 (a) A presentation will be made by CH2M Hill representatives regarding their analysis of the City' s wastewater treatment Plant and other City' s utility system needs. Primarily, this report will concentrate on the City' s alternatives and approaches to the June 3, 1987 hearing before the Texas Water Commission, regarding our treatment plant operation and permit. At this time, the report is not finished. I initially thought I' d have a draft for the Council to consider on Tuesday, May 19, for discussion on Thursday evening. However, after talking with Carl Riehn and Bob Morrison (CH2M Hill ) late this afternoon, the report will most likely be brought with them to the meeting on Thursday. A concerted plan/approach for CH2M Hill and staff will need to come out of the meeting for the Texas Water Commission hearing. (b) At the May 12 meeting, the Mayor and several Councilmembers asked for this item to be placed on the agenda so that the selection criteria and questions can be developed for the selection process and the charge given to the Selection Committee as the scope of their responsibilities. /D