08-15-2013 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes ,_____i: Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
August 15, 2013 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Anne Hiney.
Board members present included: Vice Chair Lynn Grimes, Britt Volker, Gaynell Reed, and Lisa Green.
Susan Spurgin and Dee Ann Ross were absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison and Public Information Officer Craig Kelly.
• Discussion regarding a proposed 2014 Spring Art & Jazz Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB
PAAB/Staff Discussion
PAAB members discussed further plans for the 2014 Spring Art & Jazz Festival that was presented to
council during the budget process for FY 2013-2014. PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that three art
organizations had committed to a $500 sponsorship to have 10 of their artists display and sell at the event.
The board also discussed the date for the event noting that the Cottonwood event in Richardson would
more than likely be the week of May 3rd but April 26th was conflicting with the Denton Jazz Festival. The
board directed staff to prepare brochures with the May 3rd date for the event.
The board discussed gourmet food vendors for the event and board member Grimes reported she believed
that there were 5 trucks available and would check with the vendors to see if they were available on May
3rd. Also discussed were other vendor trucks that would be sought for the event.
The local school district had offered to participate in the event and the entertainment committee (Britt
Volker and Anne Hiney) reported the Collin County College had also committed to the event. Anne Hiney
reported the committee was preparing a schedule for entertainment that would include ISD bands and
chorale groups, college students and professional groups. The board directed staff to set the time for the
event for art and jazz from 10:00 am — 8:00 pm.
The board will continue plans at the next regular scheduled meeting.
August 15,2013 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes P a `� c 2
• Discussion regarding updates to the Monthly Art Programs held at the Library.
(C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Report
Vice Chair, Lynn Grimes reported the Wylie Acting Group, Wylie Art Gallery artists and other organizations
were being scheduled for the monthly art programs for the next three months. She noted that once the
schedule was complete she would forward to the board liaison and Public Information Officer Craig Kelly to
market the events. Monthly art programs are scheduled for the first Saturday of the month.
• Discussion regarding updates to the December 7, 2013 Wylie Arts Festival. (C.
Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported there were approximately 39 booths that had been approved for the
upcoming event. Staff will continue to accept applications and refer them to the vendor committee for
• Discussion regarding an art project for the remodeled Public Safety Building. (C.
Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich discussed with the board an opportunity to place art at the newly remodeled Public
Safety Building. She asked for direction regarding a possible budget for the project and direction regarding
the selection process.
Ehrlich reported there was an artist who had submitted for the Community Park Project that was very
anxious to create a bronze sculpture after graduating from UC Davis. She noted there was another artist
that was staffed at Seikilos FX also interested in providing the art. Both artists were willing to provide a life
size sculpture in the $30,000 range to obtain exposure. She noted that they had previous work that could
be reviewed. Ehrlich explained the art fund had possible funding for this project should the board decide to
move forward with art for this location.
Direction from the board was to set a $30,000 budget and contact both artists to see if there was interest in
the project and to report back to the board. Ehrlich explained she would contact Police Chief Duscio and
Fire Chief Corbin to review the possibility of art at the Public Safety Building and to obtain a theme and art
site within the remodeled complex.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes from
July 17, 2013 Regular PAAB meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
August 15,2013 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Regular Meeting Minutes P a e 1 3
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Volker to approve the July 17,
2013 PAAB minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with Ross and Spurgin
A motion was made by Vice Chair Grimes, seconded by board member Volker to adjourn the PAAB
meeting at 8:35 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board member Ross and Spurgin
Anne Hiney, Chair
Car a Ehrlich, S