06-14-1983 (City Council) Agenda Packet lime postea : b:UU p Date posted : 6-9-83 sbh t G1 LAKE `j ' _ LAVON WYLIE •41 LAKE RAY HUBBARD AGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 14, 1983 7 :00 P.M. 1 . Call to order; invocation. 2. Approve minutes and accounts payable. 3. Consider approval of construction plans for paving Park Street to Second. 4. Consider current status of Media Systems Cable Television Franchise and proposal to transfer ownership to Communications Services, Inc . 5. Consider request by property owners on south side of Stone and west of Thomas for improved water service. 6. Consider resolution recommending relocation of Northeast Texas Library System Headquarters from downtown Dallas to Nicholson Memorial Library, Garland. 7. Consider authorizing mutual fire suppression aid agreement with City of Parker. 8. Consider sale of 1963 fire truck. 9. Departmental reports. 10. Mayor's report and Council discussion. 11 . Citizen participation. 12. Adjourn. 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O.BOX 207,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 AGENDA BRIEF JUNE 14, 1983 Item #3 on the agenda involves approval by Council of construction plans for paving Park Street from the existing pavement to Second Street. Park Street is the north perimeter of Trails Addition, for which the preliminary plat has been approved by Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council , but the construction plans for paving Park have not. Drainage problems prevented prior approval of these plans. Item #4 involves a request by Media Systems Cable Television for permission from the Council to sell their ownership of the Cable TV system to Communications Services, Inc. of Junction City, Kansas, a firm which operates in five states. There has been some dissatisfaction with the manner in which Media Systems, Inc. , has performed under the present franchise, so Council may be reluctant to transfer that franchise to another firm without further guarantees that the new owners will comply with the specific provisions contained in the franchise agreement. Item #5 involves a request by several property owners on the south side of Stone and west of Thomas Street for improved water service. For many years, those homes have been served by a galvanized two inch water line, which probably has corroded internally to the extent that they do not get sufficient water flow to satisfy their needs for lawn watering, etc. A cost estimate and recommendation for replacement of the substandard line will be submitted to the Council for consideration. Item #6 involves consideration of a resolution recommending that the Texas State Library Authority authorize relocation of the Northeast Texas Library System Headquarters from downtown Dallas to Nicholson Memorial Library. This would be to the mutual advantage of the Wylie Library, as well as many other libraries in the northeast Texas area because of much easier access and adequate parking facilities available in Garland. A certified copy of the resolution, if adopted, will be sent to the State Library Authority in Austin. Item #7 involves a request for a mutual aid fire suppression agreement with the City of Parker. The City of Parker operates one pumper and a rescue van with a volunteer fire department manned by thirty members. That community has already executed mutual aid agreements with many of its surrounding neighbors. Item #8 involves a request to purchase the 1963 fire truck by a Dallas firm. Normally, when the City decides to sell surplus equipment, this equipment is sold at auction or by sealed bids. If the Council decides to sell the equipment, a decision will heed to be made as to the method for disposal . LSV/sbh DATE: June 10, 1983 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager I' SUBJECT: Manager's Newsletter City forces are completing paving of Akin Lane this morning. The Collin County road repair crew put down the tack coat on Tuesday; we started paving on Wednesday, and, although the street was barricaded at each end, the traffic never did slow down until we posted a police person at each end of the road, to screen the traffic and keep unautho- rized people out during the paving process. So much traffic was nec- essary to continue the work on Rush Creek Addition that most of the tack coat was picked up by traveling automobile tires, with the final result being that the street probably will not be of the quality you would desire. Naturally, only time will tell as to whether or not the asphaltic concrete will adhere. At times, all three trucks were broken down, plus the paving roller gave problems of various types throughout the process. In short, we recommend that future paving projects be done by contract, or else let us buy some equipment which is dependable. Mayor Squires requested that we provide the Council with a cash flow analysis for the final quarter of our fiscal year. Preliminary indi- cations are that the sanitation department will lose approximately $16,000 to $18,000 this year, and the utility fund is running farther in the red this year than in any year since my arrival in Wylie. If the rain does not let up and let us have some hot, dry weather, the City will be in serious financial difficulties, as far as current cash flow problems are concerned, prior to September 30. We urge that you not require the administration to make further capital improvements, unless you are prepared to borrow the money to pay for them. The unexpected arrival of the County road repair crew necessitating the paving of Akin Lane, instead of next week, has delayed the clean up campaign, which will be continued into next week. Mr. Paul Bassett, Sr. recently advised me that he had sold the Lake- view Apartments to Goodman Homes Incorporated. Closing date for the transaction was May 31. Mr. Boyd Bennett, President, Hardcast, Incorporated is negotiating to purchase the Electro-Extraction building and acreage on the south side of West Kirby to move his operation to Wylie. To insure that he does not bring a bad operation to our Community, Mr. David Stephens, North Texas Muncipal Water District, John Cooper, President of the Chamber of Commerce and I will tour the Hardcast plant Monday morning. If it appears there will be nauseous fumes or odors or there will be a hazard to our wastewater treatment plant, we will probably discourage the move. Otherwise, we will work in cooperation with the necessary authorities to encourage the opening of the new operation. ...... ...... ... . Page 2 It appears we are having a rash of building code violations, as well as weedy lots and fence ordinance violations. We will move quickly to prosecute violators and will publicize the fact, so that others will voluntarily comply with the ordinances. There will probably be a need to reactivate the Condemnation Commission, which served this Community well about four years ago in reducing the number of unsafe dwellings in the City. We continue to receive numerous complaints concerning the mexican aliens living on North Jackson, the unat- tended vacant lot and probably unsafe six unit apartment on Brown just west of Ballard, and on the Martinez property located at the intersection of Oak and Cottonbelt. We will discuss this need during the discussion period at the Tuesday night Council meeting. Rev. M. F. Puckett, Praise and Worship Center, advised me that he wishes to move a sunday school classroom structure from another area to the current church site. We requested Mr. Robert Roddy to inspect the building to make certain it meets all codes, and Rev. Puckett did agree to furnish a site plan and to apply a brick veneer to the entire struc- ture. Beginning Monday, we will install a new work procedure aimed at speeding up trash disposal . Under the present operation, all three crew members ride the trash truck to the Maxwell Creek disposal site and sometimes have to wait for up to an hour for the privilege to dump the trash. To avoid this, we will ask the trash crew to bring each loaded truck to the Kirby Street service center, where one employee will drive the truck\to the landfill site. The trash crew will transfer to another truck and go ahead with their pickups. We must find a way to continue the service with a single trash crew, rather than using two crews every Monday and Tuesday. The delay at the disposal site is longest when the weather is wet. On Wednesdays, we will ask an employee to take the brush truck to Holland Hitch early in the morning, when they can load their refuse on the truck. It will be hauled to the landfill and returned to the regular trash crew for brush pickup service on Wednesday afternoons. On Wednesday mornings, the regular trash crew can pick up the business and industrial trash, after which they can use the brush truck for brush collection. As previously mentioned, I plan to take four days of vacation on June 20-23, during which time I respectfully recommend that Mayor Pro Tem J. W. Akin be named as interim City Manager. sbh CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CALLED MEETING MAY 23, 1983 6:00 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in a special called session at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 23, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Bob Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro-Tem John Atkin, Council Mem- bers Percy Simmons, Cleo Adams, Don Huges, William Martin, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, George Brown, I.W. Santry, Tim Hemingway, Harold Spence, Larry Allen, Lester Gayler, Raymond Cooper. Invocation was given by Mayor Squires. Mayor made note to those present that Items number 5, 6 and 7 had been removed from the agenda. Utility Easement Agreement With St. Louis- Southwestern Railway Company: The utility easement is for Kensington Manor to be allowed to bore under the railroad for the water and sewer lines. Tim Hemingway and Harold Spence made the statement that the insurance policy was ready and everything was ready to go as soon as the easement was signed. The insurance policy will go into effect on June 10, 1983. Motion 11- was made by Mayor Pro-Tem John Akin to accept and sign this ease- ment agreement. Seconded by Councilman Don Hughes. All in favor. Cycle Utility Billing: Two cycles of billing per month, one at the end of the month and the second at the middle of each month. With the growth of the City, this will help level out the work load in the office plus help with Revenue coming into the office over the month instead of the first ten days. Mayor Pro-Tem John Akin made mention that the cards all show the bills are due by the 10th of each month, therefore, there would be a need to have new cards printed for the second cycle billing. The City has employeed an employee by the name of Mr. James Roberts to do all the meter reading for this cycle billing. The first cycle will be billed for-one month and the second-will be billed for 12 months. The Council as a whole, feels there should be notification given to .each -water customer explaining the•:cycle billing . Motion was made by Mayor Pro-Tem John Akin to adopt the two cycle billing with proper notification being given to all customers. Seconded by Councilman William Martin. All in favor. Mayor Squires requested a recess for the on site hearing in the Oaks Addition, Mayor-Pro-Tem John Akin made the motion to recess to the on site hearing, Councilman Don Hughes seconded and all favor. ON SITE HEARING - ANNEXATION OF OAKS RETAIL: Reconvened on Oaks Addition for the on site hearing for annexation of Oaks Retail . Oaks Retail is located east of Impression Center and Old Hwy 78, 4.689 acres. Mr. Harold Spence said there would be access to all buildings from the front and from the rear. Mr. Spence also stated that there would be a six foot high wood fence around the back of the buildings and drive way. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for the public hearing, there being no opposition, the public hearing was closed. ON SITE HEARING - ANNEXATION FOR OAKS III: Oaks III is located at the entrance of Oaks I, it is approximately 1 acre. Oaks III will consist of two lots; one lot will be for a residence and the other will be for retail . Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for the public hearing, there being no opposition, the public hearing was closed. ON SITE HEARING - ANNEXATION FOR OAKS IV: Oaks IV is located east of Oaks I on Old Highway 78, approximately 18.49 acres. Mr Harold Spence pointed out where the street and alley location would be in this addition. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for the public hearing, there being no opposition, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Squires recessed the public hearings and said we would re- convene at 'City Hall in the Council Chambers. Annexation of Oaks Retail : Councilman Don Hughes made the motion to annex Oaks Retail into the City Limits. Councilman Percy Simmons seconded. All in favor. Annexation for Oaks III: Councilman William Martin made motion to annex Oaks III into the City Limits, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem John Akin. All in favor. Annexation for Oaks IV: Mayor Pro Tem John Akin made motion to annex Oaks IV into the City Limits, seconded by Councilman Cleo Adams. All in favor. WEED CONTROL POLICY: The Council has authorized City Manager Vickers to get proposals for a new tractor-mower for the City of Wylie. There was only one proposal received and it came from Trinity Equipment. The proposal was for a new John Deere Model 301A Utility Tractor, complete with 43 Net JP, 152 cu. in. dis- placement, 3 cylinder diesel engine, 8 forward/ 8 reverse speed, reverser transmission, rear exhaust muffler, with a cost of $ 13,500.00. This quote is high, but this is an industrial tractor. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin wanted to know if there has been problems with the way weed control had been handled in the past. The City Manager, Lee Vickers, said to his knowledge there has been no problems. The City Manager, Lee Vickers said he could get from Texas Surplus in due time a farm type tractor at a cost of $ 250.00 to • $300.00 . Mr. Vickers alto said that we now have five (5) contractors who are doing moving for us as weather permits. Due to cost of a new tractor from Trinity Equipment or any other firm, the Council agreed to continue with the present arrangement on weedy lots by contract. IMPROVEMENTS TO OAK STREET: Considering the paving of Oak Street from south side and west edge at Cemetery . to Fifth Street. This is the portion of Oak is from the new pavement coming from Spence Drive in Oaks Addition up to Fifth Street, it is approximately 253 linear feet. Mr. Hemingway said it would cost approximately $ 1. 50 per square foot for concrete plus $.20 per foot for lime stabilization. The cost of asphalt is $ 1.00 per square foot. Mr. Hemingway and Mr. Kreymer are willing to pay their fair share on improving this street since, it does go beside their apartment complex. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin suggested this be sent to our engineer for a study on the cost factors. This would give an overall look at the out of pocket expense for the City of Wylie. The Council tabled with matter until their June 14th meeting. SPEED LIMIT FOR PARK AREA AND THOMAS STREET: Although the Park Board did not have its regular meeting to discuss the speed limit for this area, the City Manager Lee Vickers thought it best to go ahead and present this matter to the City Council . The proposed speed limit for the area is as follows: 15 mph speed limit for Park area 20 mph speed limit for Thomas Street south of alley south of Stone. (this is the entrance to the Park. ) The Council agreed that the speed limit for this area should be set at the above proposed speed. The Council asked City Manager, Vickers to prepare an ordinance to the reflect these speed limits in the Park Area and on Thomas Street for the June 7th meeting. MAYORS REPORT AND COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Squires read a note from the Chamber of Commerce inviting the Council members to a coffee at the Tower Suite in First State Bank on June 16th at 7:00 P.M. This would be a joint coffee with the School Board and the Chamber. It was agreed by the Council that they would like to go to this joint coffee Mayor also requested that copies of a letter from Mr. Bryant Barry be distributed to the Council members. This letter is in regards to a moratorium on Mobile Home Parks in the City of Wylie. Mr. Barry made it very clear in his letter that this has no reflection on the Glenn Knoll Mobile Home Park. Since Mr. Barry made no suggestion as to how long this moratorium should be, Mayor Squires suggested three (3) months. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin feels this would be very good and would give the Council time for some unanswered questions per- taining to Mobile Home Parks. Councilman William Martin would like to see the Mobile Home Ordinance revised to reflect very strict ruling so it would not be as likely to have more Mobile Home Parks submitted for admittance to the City. Mayor Squires pointed out the ruling on 75% masonary for all other home built in the City and that it might be a good ruling to add to the Mobile Home Ordinance. The Council agreed to see that a moratorium on Mobile Home Parks be on the Council next agenda. Councilman Simmons reported a problem with the manhole behind Wood- hollow Court. He said it has caved in and needs to be repaired. Councilman Cleo Adams would like to check the parking on Jackson at. the Post Office. There is head in parking and blocks the view of the cars crossing Jackson Street. This would mean changing the parking near the Post Office back to parallel and would affect about three parking spaces. Councilman William Martin pointed out the new Alley being poured in concrete has some sewer cleanouts and relief valves in the center of it. This could be a problem if there was a sewer stoppage in this area. This brought up a request from Councilman Martin, if possible, for Mr. W.A. Allen to draw up a map of all exiting sewer lines and cleanouts to keep prevent this covering up from happening again and to provide accurate data as to location of sanitary sewer mains. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr. Raymond Cooper spoke on the fact that there was no existing land in Wylie left for industrial building. Mr. Cooper has a small plot of land he would like to present to the Planning and Zoning and City Council if they feel it is feasible to try for an industrial park. This property is located in Abstract 820, S. B. Shelby Survey, Block Tract 11 & 12. Mr. Cooper left a rough drawing of this section of land and asked the Council to look at it in conjuction with the ordinances to see if it is in violation of any of the city ordinances, before Mr. Cooper goes to the engineers for plat work and all the other expenses. Mayor Squires requested a motion to recess into Executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2G, to discuss personnel problems. Motion was made by Councilman William Martin, seconded by Councilman Don Hughes. All in favor. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up to the public after Executive Session, and asked for a motion from the table for appointment of Public Works Director. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin made a motion to appointment Mr. George A. Brown as Public Works Director and that he will have his family moved to the City by the time school starts. Seconded by Councilman William. Martin,- all in. favor. Mayor Squires made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman William Martin. All in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MINUTES OF CALLED CITY COUNCIL AND REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AND WORK SESSION MAY 26,1983 - 6:00 P.M. The City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission of Wylie met in a called meeting and work session. A quorum was present and notice of the meetings has been posted for the time and manner required by law. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Fulgham. Both had a quorum present and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Councilmen Percy Simmons, William Martin, Don Hughes, and Cleo Adams, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Mayor Squires was absent. Those present from Planning and Zoning Commission, Chairman Joe Fulgham, Ken Mauk, Bryant Barry, Art Harris, Sarah Connelly, Judy Brewster and John Seeley. Zoning Board of Adjustment members present were Nancy Conkle, Kent Crane, Richard Hampton, Bill Lecocq & Randal Gaston. Others present were Terry Daniels, Frank Rasor, Harold Spence, George Brown, Don Kreymer, I.W. Santry, Bill Kreymer & T. J. Dunkin. PLANNING & ZONING MINUTES: Bryant Barry made a motion to approve all minutes from previous Planning and Zoning meetings, seconded by Ken Mauk. All in favor. PRELIMINARY PLAT ON OAKS III & IV: Art Harris made a motion to approval the preliminary plat on Oaks III and IV subject to the submittal from Harold Spence. A corrected copy of the plats with correct dimensions. Seconded by Bryant Barry. All in favor. PRELIMINARY PLAT ON OAKS RETAIL: Bryant Barry made the motion to approve preliminary plat on Oaks Retail subject to the submittal from Harold Spence. A corrected copy of the plats with correct dimensions. Seconded by Sarah Connelly. All in favor. FINAL PLAT SOUTH SECOND STREET: Approval of the final plat for South. Second Street was tabled after I. W. Santry made the statement that this plat was not ready. Sarah Connelly made the motion to table this item until a later date. Seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. Planning and Zoning recessed for the City Council meeting. PRELIMINARY PLAT ON OAKS III AND IV: Councilman Don Hughes made the motion to approve preliminary plat on Oaks III and Oaks IV, seconded by Percy Simmons. All in favor. PRELIMINARY PLAT- ON OAKS RETAIL: Councilman Cleo Adams made the motion to approve preliminary plat on Oaks Retail , seconded by Percy Simmons. All in favor. FINAL PLAT FOR SOUTH SECOND STREET: Approval of final plat for South Second Street Addition was tabled after Planning & Zoning recom- mended changes to this plat. Motion was made by Councilman Percy Simmons, seconded by Councilman Don Hughes,all in favor. APPROVAL FOR PAVING PARK STREET: The approval for paving Park Street was removed from the agenda at Mr. Joe George's request. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Mayor Pro Tem John Akin asked for reports from the two councilmen who attended the meeting with the builders and developers, also reports from other who were present at this meeting. Councilman Percy Simmons said the main objection was the Pre-Application conference with the City Manager before going to the Planning and Zoning. It was felt that if the last sentence of Section 4:01 was reworded it would solve the problem. Harolld Spence said the pre-application conference has helped him in setting up the dates and hearings. needed for his Oaks additions. Main objection to this pre application was the builders and developers felt they could be turned away before they were even given a chance to bring a new subdivision into the City limits. Bryant Barry would like to see the last sentence reworded as: "a written record of the discussion and it's conclusions be placed in a file. Would not be binding, just starting a file for the procedures for the new division. " It has also been suggested that the City make up and put together a booklet in a step by step method and procedure of how to annex and start a new subdivision City Manager, Lee Vickers said it was the City's plans to have such a book for anyone that want it. There would be a small charge on this book and we would have approximately 1,000 copies for the builders, developers or anyone interested in reading it. On page six of the subdivision. regulations, Section 4:02 C - should read to sell portion of property therein instead of to sell property. On page seven, Section 4:02 F 5, second paragraph should read all City utilities are installed and approved by the City Staff instead of all utlities are installed and approved by the City. Also on . page seven, Section 4:03,Preliminary Plat, there was, a question brought up about the fifteen day notice being given to the City Secretary before the plats come before the Planning and Zoning. • After a long discussion, the fifteen days stays the same. If it is lowered to 10 days, there is a problem of getting everything done in time for all meetings. Therefore the fifteen days was left in. On page 11 Section 4:04 Final Plat second paragraph should reach filed with the City Secretary instead of City Manager, .Also on the same page, would like to delete the fourth and fifth paragraphs. On page fifteen, section 4:04 R, should be revised to read sub— division within the extra territorial jurisdiction of the City.' On page seventeen, Section 5:02 Alleys, B. Should read when feasible alleys shall be etc. , instead of reading alleys shall be ect. On page twenty, Section 6 6:02, B. 1--- the word adjacent close to the end of the first paragraph needs to be changed or made clearer. The Builders and Developers feel this would mean any street close to the developemnet they were putting in would have to be repaired or paved along with their developement. Paragraph three of Section r 6:02 B-1, the word proctor needs to be added between standard density, so as to read standard proctor density. On page 23, Section 6:02, D. 5, the height of above the gutter should be four (4) inches instead of six (6) inches. Also on this page, Section 6:03 - Sidewalks, the following sentence needs to be added: "Sidewalks will be constructed by the builders and will be included in their building permits. Builders may do the sidewalks after their slabs and driveways have been poured. On page thirty-seven, Section 6:07, D the word feasible should be used instead of the word possible and the word or instead of, alleys or easements. If there is no alley in the subdivision, the sewer should be on the opposite side of the street from the water mains. On page thirty-seven, Section 6:07, H the first and second paragraphs should be combined as follows: Force mains may be ductile iron pipe, miniumum thickness Class 50, with rubber gasket joint, and shall have a cement mortar lining with a seal-coat of bituminour material , or a polyethylene lining. Also, force mains may be constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe as required for water mains described in Section 6:06, Paragraph F.1, and where adequate provisions are made for the adequate embedment of the pipe. • On page forty-two, Section 8 - Maintenance Bond-- the Builders and Developers feel that there should be a choice of a bond or escrow account. If there is an escrow account the developers will be making interest on the money instead of it just sitting in a bond and drawing no interest. This escrow account or bond would be esta- blished for the safety and up keep of the water and sewer mains and paving of the streets in each subdivision. Mr. J. T. Dunkin was present to give a better explanation of the scope of the committee work and duties. The duties of the Zoning Board of Adjustment are there only when there is a hardship brought about or when the Planning and Zoning Commission feels there is a problem and they cannot_ do justice with the plans before them. The purpose of the Board of Adjustments is set up in the frame work of the zoning laws of the state. The Zoning Board of Adjustments may allow a variance for a parcel of land or property which has an odd shape or does not have the required area for the planned use. The Board of Adjustments is independent and does not answer to the Planning and Zoning Commission or to the City Council . Mr. Duncan made the remark that the Zoning Board of Adjustments and the Planning and Zoning is like day to night. Board of Adjustment can do nothing on zoning a property. The Board of Adjustments can interpret, but can not change an ordinance. They can made a recommendation to the City Council , or Planning and Zoning Commission in reference to an ordinance but they do not have any power to change one. Mr. Dunkin pointed out that the Board of Adjustments is there in case of a variance or property needing approval for zoning or building it is a "Quasi-Judicial" body, like a court. The question was also asked of Mr. Dunkin, why does the City have to annex property into the City with Agricultural zoning? The reason is because it was set up and adopted that way in our Zoning Ordinance, Section 4: 101, and it allows the property to continue to be used for agriculture. • Planning and Zoning Commission requested formal approval from the City Council for the Planning and Zoning Guidelines. I. W. Santry requested a work session on the guidelines before adopting them. Planning and Zoning: Bryant Barry made the motion to adjourn Planning & Zoning, seconded by Art Harris, all in favor. City Council Paving of Park Street: Councilman Don Hughes made a motion to table the item number 4 on the agenda until the June 14th meeting. Seconded by Councilman Percy Simmons. All in favor. Councilman Percy Simmons made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Don Hughes, all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary r- EMERGENCY CALLED ,, 1\ I)) COUNCIL MEETING MAY 31, 1983 10:15 P.M. i • he ty Council of Wylie met in an emergency called meeting on May 31, nric:t 10: 15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A quorum was present and of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required \ ► law for an emergency meeting. Mayor Squires called the meeting to order. Those present were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Councilmen Don Hughes, Cleo Adams, Percy Simmons, and William Martin, \ llk City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones and Public Works Director George A. Brown. Mayor asked for a motion to go into executive session. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin made a motion to recess into executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2G, to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Councilman Cleo Adams, all in favor. During the executive session, some personal matters encountered years ago when he was operating his own business were reported by Mr. Brown and discussed with the Council . Mayor Squires called the Council back into open session. Public Works Director George Brown turned in his resignation effective June 3, 1983, due to personal matters and a family decision to go back into business for himself. Mayor Squires asked for Council approval on this resignation and everyone was in favor. Councilman Don Hughes made a motion to adjourn, all was in favor. . • Robert .B. Squire, Mayor - • 041/ 1 i ATTEST: / ( 1 ill'-' ✓/ W1)/1-'L :1--- i 9 di/of- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary i( / 2 vti . ! �J CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CALLED MEETING JUNE 7, 1983 6:00 P.M. The City Council of Wylie met in a called meeting on June 7, 1983 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Mayor Squires called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Those present were Mayor Squires, Councilmen Don Hughes, Percy Simmons, and Cleo Adams, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, I.W. Santry, Harold Spence, John Ray, Don Kreymer, Bill Kreymer, Bryant Barry, Joe George, Harry Carroll , two (2) representatives from The Citizen newspaper. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman William Martin were absent. Public Hearing on Zoning of Oaks Retail . Hearing to zone 4.689 acres east of Impression. Center on Highway 78 from Agricultural to Retail . Mayor Squires opened the floor up to the public. I. W. Santry reported that Planning and Zoning Commission recommended this 4.689 acres be zoned Retail . There being no opposition to this zoning, Mayor Squires closed the public hearing. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to zone 4.689 acres in Oaks Addition east of Impression Center on Highway 78 from Agricultural to Retail , seconded by Don Hughes, all in favor. Public Hearing on Zoning of Oaks III. Hearing to zone one acre located at entrance to Oaks I on Old Highway 78 from Agricultural to SF-2 and Retail . Lot 1 being zoned SF-2 and Lot 2 being zoned Retail . Mayor Squires opened up the public hearing, there being no opposition, public hearing was closed. Councilman Cleo Adams made a motion to zone 1 acre of Oaks III, Lot 1 SF-2, and Lot 2 Retail , seconded by Don Hughes, all in favor. Public Hearing on Zoning of Oaks IV. Hearing to zone 18. 149 acres from Agricultural to SF-2 Single Family Residential located east of Oaks I on Old Highway 78. Mayor Squires opened up the public hearing, there being no opposition, public hearing was closed. Councilman Cleo Adams made a motion to zone 18.149 'acres in Oaks IV to SF-2 Single Family residential , seconded by Don Hughes, all in favor. Speed Limit Ordinance. This ordinance is for Thomas Street and the Wylie Community Park area. Dr. Trimble would like speed bumps put it, but Mr. Vickers feels these are not safe and could cause damage to cars and citizens which the City would be liable for. Mr. Vickers advised Dr. Trimble of this and that the City could put in ridges like those on F.M. 2514 and F.M. 1378 if the Council would approve it. Councilman Simmons feels the speed limit ordinance would be sufficient for this area. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to adopt the speed limit ordinance, twenty miles per hour (20 m.p.h. ) from Stone Road south to the entrance to Wylie Community Park and fifteen miles per hour (15 m.p.h. ) within Wylie Community Park. Seconded by Cleo Adams, all in favor. Approval of Final Plat South Second Street. Consider final approval of plat for South Second Street, the width of street and who will pay for the excess over 27 foot width. I.W. Santry made the statement that Planning and Zoning recommended that the street be 37 feet back to back due to the growth of Wylie. Also, I .W. Santry pointed out that John • Simmons from the School District said the High School would be increasing by 35% to 40% within the next few years. I.W. Santry recommended to the Council that the City go ahead and approve South Second Street with the 37 foot width. Partial paving would only present more problems before the other portion could be paved. In order to put the 37 foot street in, there are three lots in which the owners would have to be approached since there is a need of 10.5 feet from each of these lots. Joe George said he had talked with two of these property owners and they have no problems with this if the street is going to be improved. Councilman Hughes recommended the 37 foot street but feels the three property owners do need to be approached as soon as possible. Joe George said he would donate five (5) more feet if needed in order to get the street put in. Cost of the extra width of the street is also a problem, Mayor Squires feels the City should pay for the excess of the width of the street (difference between 27 feet to 37 feet). The approximate cost for the City will be $15,486.00 plus a portion of the bridge. Approximate cost of the bridge is $11,000.00. The total cost for the City on paving of South Second and the bridge is approximately $27,500.00. This is on .the 37 foot width for the street. Mayor feels lack of funds in the City budget at this time, therefore he would only recommend a 27 foot street. • Councilman Don Hughes made a motion to put in 37 feet back to back on curb for South Second Street, seconded by Percy Simmons, all in favor. Mayor Squires read a letter from Don Kreymer and Joe George in regards to the bridge that will join Second Street across the ditch, requesting the City pay one-third of the cost of the bridge. Councilman Simmons proposed the City would pay only the difference from 27 foot to 37 foot bridge, but he does not feel the City is obligated to do so and does not want this to become a policy for the future. All Council members agreed. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion that the south 280 feet be devel- oped by normal policy (1/3 each), the north most portion to be the responsibility of the developers up to the 27 feet, and the City will pay the difference from 27 feet to 37 feet, City will pay for 10 feet of the bridge, Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to approve the final plat for South Second with the stipulation Don Kreymer get with I.W. Santry and make the adjustments on the plans from 27 foot to 37 foot street. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Councilman Don Hughes made a motion to accept the easement from Joe George on South Second Street, seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Joe George asked that the City accept his dedication of his property for the South Second Street improvements. Motion made by Councilman Simmons that the City accept the dedication of an area of 2541 square feet along the east side of existing South Second Street which consist of a width of 4.47 feet and an average length of 568.57 feet. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Park Street was discussed by the Council but was tabled until June 14, since there is a problem with the drainage from Third Street coming into Park Street. Paving of Oak Street by Village East Apartments. Don Kreymer would like to pave this section of Oak Street which is between Fifth Street and Oaks II Addition. Don is willing to pay his part except he said he was not aware of the drainage problem. The existing drainage in this area now would need an additional culvert at the apartments. If curbs and gutters are put in there will be a need for an outlet box to discharge the drainage. The total cost of paving and additional drainage is approximately $21,173. Don Kreymer at this time said he could only pay $6,000. of the approximate cost. Council and Mayor agree that due to the need for fire safety this section of street does need to be paved. Council and Mayor feel that Don Kreymer and Tim Hemingway should pay 50% of the cost of paving this section. Don Kreymer said he would commit himself for more than the $6,000. Don Kreymer feels he should not have to pay the cost of the drainage. Mayor Squires appointed out that the drainage is part of the streets. Council- man Percy Simmons made a motion to table this item until staff has been given a complete set of plans and commitments. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Final Acceptance of Oaks Addition II . Bill Kreymer and Mr. Vickers are ready for the Council to approve final acceptance of Oaks Addition II providing the "As Built Plans" are submitted to begin the one year maintenance period. Councilman Simmons made the motion to accept final approval for Oaks Addition II with stipulation no certificates of occupancy be issued until the As Built Plans are received, seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Moratorium on Mobile Home Parks. Bryant Barry would like another study of Mobile Home Parks and while this study is being conducted that a Mora- torium be placed on zoning for new Mobile Home Parks. Bryant Barry would like to see Council members and Planning & Zoning members compile this committee to study the future of Mobile Home Parks in the City of Wylie. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to place a ninety day (90) moro- torium on consideration of new Mobile Home Parks and for Mayor Squires to appoint a committee to do this study. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Councilman Hughes asked the Mayor to let Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman William Martin represent the Council on this committee. After a complete study of our existing Mobile Home Park Ordinance has been done, that the committee will report back to the Council with recommendations. Don Kreymer made the statement that Kensington Manor is ready for building and he will be coming to City. Hall with in the next few days for building permits. He wants to keep the Council advised. Mayor requested an Executive Session for personnel matters. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to recess into Executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2g, to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Councilman Don Hughes, all in favor. Council recessed. Mayor opened Council back into open session. Councilman Hughes wanted to point out the problem in the alley between North Jackson and North Ballard. There is a large hole which is holding water and the drainage ditch needs to be cleaned. Councilman Hughes has had several calls about this problem. Councilman Percy Simmons made a motion to adjourn, all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary GENERAL FUND PAIp BILLS 11312 Bill Kreymer $ 60.00 Inspections -u, 4318 North Texas State University 72.50 School 4204 International Converence of Building Officials 676.20 Books 7321 The A T & S F Railroad Company 50.00 P D & Fire D. Rent 8407 Chambers Brothers Const. Co. 168.00 Sand 8508 Chambers Brothers Const. Co. 97.92 Sand 4203 Dallas Times Herald 153.86 Advertising 4203 Garland Dailey News 43.20 Advertising 9316 Hogan & Rasor, Inc. 590.84 engineering 3050 McCreary & Huey & Veselka 176.86 Attorney - Taxes 8407 North Star Paving 472.50 Sand & Hot Mix 5319 P B C C 1 85.00 mailing machine 8504 Sa-So 444.50 parts Var. Texas Power & Light 1 ,799.54 electrical service 9205 U. S. Fire & Safety Inc. 50.00 books Var. Wylie Super Mkt. 109.32 misc. 6404 Z-Com 112.50 radio repairs 9403 George Richardson 168.00 mowing 4319 Xerox Corp. 210.00 copy machine 8508 Century Ready Mix 137.00 concrete Var. Petty Cash 104.54 misc. Var. T. M. L. 1 ,022.89 retirement Var. Employee Retirement 1 ,558.48 Social Security 4322 Gallaghers 450.00 City Council Dinne 12102 CaMille Elloitt 200.00 Municipal Attorney 12102 Robert Beasley 150.00 Municipal Judge 15320 Iona Martin 300.00 Library Rent 5320 Huey Parker - 375.00 City Hall Rent 7120 Lester Gayler 150.00 Fire Marshall 11312 Robert Roddy 800.00 Inspections 8508 Chambers Bros. Cons. 84.00 sand 4316 J. T. Dunkin 100.00 Council meeting 7204 Mickey Foster 230.99 elec. work Var. American United Life Insurance 1 ,139.16 insurance Var. General Telephone Company 92.94 phone service Var. General Telephone Company 349.16 phone service 9328 North Texas Municipal Water District 2,378.00 refuse Var. Pegasus Building 85.00 jantorial services 4201 Plano Office Supply 106.82 supplies 8407 Rushin Lumber 211 .76 supplies 6401 Racal Milgo Information Service 252.00 supplies 4322 Richardson Trophies 123.35 plaques Var. I. W. Santry 1 ,902.19 engineering & lega 8508 Southwestern Lab. 1 ,189.75 test Var. TML Workers Comp. 691 .50 insurance 9406 Thomason Tire 380.88 tires Var. Texas Power & Light 2,417.73 electrical service 4203 Wylie News 72.15 Advertising Var. wylie Pest Control 105.00 exterminating $ 22,701 .03 UTILITY FUND PAID BILLS 26405 Advanced Hydraulies, Inc. $ 147.50 supplies 25207 Certanium Alloys & Reserch 491 .48 parts Var. Mercantile Texas Capitol Corp. 452.67 contract Var. Texas Power & Light 1 ,610.66 electrical service 25509 Trans-Tex Supply Co. 1 ,436.84 supplies Var. U. S. Fire & Safety, Inc. 250.85 books 25407 Wylie Texaco 77.50 misc. 25509 Trans-Tex Supply 182.50 parts. 25509 Bowles & Eden 506.19 parts 21048 Petty Cash 413.00 May finals Var. TML 205.84 Retirement Var. Employees Retirement 665.43 Social Security 27202 Wylie Post Office 400.00 postage meter Var. American United Life Insurance 213.13 insurance 25509 Felix Cave 150.00 sand Var. General Telephone Company 65.19 phone service Var Grays Auto Electric 136.00 mechanic work 25405 Mahanay International 863.21 repairs to backhoe 26327 North Texas Municipal Water District 7,691 .15 Contract Revenue B 26304 North Texas Municipal Water District 3,631 .00 sewer fees 25305 North Texas Municipal Water District 6,179.97 Water Sales Var. I. W. Santry 190.00 engineering & lega Var. TML Workers Comp. 230.50 insurance 25207 Tifco Industries 132.52 elect. term. Var. Texas Power & Light Co. 1 ,370.24 electrical service $ 27,693.37 WYLIE PARK FUND Larry Allen $ 238.00 mowing Watson Electric 185.00 hand dryer Southern Bleachers 3,450.00 3 sets bleachers $3,873.00 • CO-, GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Var. Aratex/Inc. Uniform & Towel $ 125.79 Uniforms 8508 Bowles & Edens Co. 848.08 supplies/water • 8205 C B A Enterprises, Inc. 158.00 Roundup 8508 Chambers Bros. Construction 198.21 curshed rock 5201 Griner Printing Inc. 87.50 business cards 4303 General Telephone Company 272.82 phone service 4201 Hartgraphics 5.62 supplies 15511 The History Book Club 15.80 books 4203 McKinney Courier Gazette 125.10 adv. 8508 North Star Paving 210.00 hot mix asphalt 4206 Phillips Petroleum Company 19.03 gasoline 2,508 Southwestern Laboratories t 233.30 test ___.-- C431 F___ s — e -S u i r Var. '�' fe$'v tzer Te row Products 129.31 oil , filters, ei 6206 Wylie Shamrock 30.29 gasoline Var. Wylie Super Market 136.12 misc. 15511 Glenn Walker 69.68 new books Var. Xerox Corporation 83.30 paper TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 3,247.95 UTILITY FUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Var. Aratex/Ind. Uniform & Towel $ 168.31 uniforms Var. Switzer Petroleum Products 86.20 Oil , filters, et 25509 Texas Meters 594.46 supplies 25207 Texas Surplus Property 56.00 drill TOTAL UTILITY FUND $ 904.97 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council take this means of expressing its desire and recommendation that the headquarters for the Northeast Texas Library System be relocated to the Nicholson Memorial Library, Garland. It appears that this move will benefit all of the partici- pating libraries within the immediate area, because of increase space and adequate parking facilities. Section 2. That a certified copy of this resolution be for- warded to the appropriate authorities immediately upon its adoption. DULY RESOLVED ON THIS, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 1983. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary GENERAL FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 60,322.78 REVENUE DEPOSITS FOR THE MONTH OF May 1983 Tax (Trash Bags) $ 16.24 State Court Cost I 600.00 State Court Cost II 120.00 Trash Bags 428.65 Ad Valorem Tax 424.81 Delinquent Tax 25.39 Penalty & Interest 45.14 Tax Certificates 24.00 Sales Tax 18,555.86 Plat Fees 0 Building Permits 1 ,264.25 Electrical Permits 169.50 Plumbing Permits 141 .00 Other Permits 74.60 Electrical Licenses 11 .15 Other License 0 Garbage Service Fee 7,658.75 Municipal Court Fines 4,690.00 Library Fines 17.95 Library Cost 0 0 Donations - Special Projects 0 Miscellaneous Revenue 140.90 Interest Earned 6.15 Street Paving 0 Utility Franchise 0 TOTAL REVENUE $ 34,414.34 TOTAL BANK FUNDS $ 94,737.12 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 44,358.30 BANK BALANCE AS OF $ 50,378.82 UTILITY FUND MONTHLY REPORT OF MAY 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 16,020.74 Revenue Deposits for the Month of May 1983 Meter Deposits $ 710.00 Donations/Special Projects 0 Water Sales 18,349.17 Water Tap 720.00 Other Water Sales 140.80 Sewer Service Fees 11 ,846.33 Sewer Tap 41 .55 Interest & Penalty 763.02 Turn On/Off 22.50 Miscellaneous Revenue 95.15 TOTAL REVENUE $ 32,688.52 TOTAL BANK FUNDS — $ 48,709.26 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 32,150.97 BANK BALANCE AS OF $ 16,558.29 GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST & SINKING MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 25.031 .95 Revenue Deposits for May 1983 Ad Valorem Tax Total Deposit $ 27•.11 Total Bank Funds $ 25,059.06 Expenditures for May 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ 25,059.06 WATER & SEWER SYSTEMS REVENUE BONDS INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 2,522.93 Revenue Deposits for May 1983 Transfer Interest • Total Deposits $ 40,000.00 Total Bank Funds $ 42,522.93 Expenditures for May 1983 . $ 41 ,409.52 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ - 1 ,113.41 1 g‘"- / REVENUE SHARING FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 13.776.85 Revenue Deposits for May 1983 Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 13,776.85 Expenditures for May 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ 13.776.85 COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION SERIES OF 1974 INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 1 n0 Revenue Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 1 .00 Expenditures for May. 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ 1 .00 1 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BOND IMPROVEMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF Apri1 1983 $ 0 Revenue Deposits for the Month of May 1983 Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 0 Expenditures $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ 0 WYLIE PARK & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR May 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF April 1983 $ 52, 236.96 Revenue Deposits for the Month of May 1983 Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 52,236.96 r-_ Expenditures $ 40,797.21 BANK BALANCE AS OF May 1983 $ 11 ,439.75 • 1982 Tax Collection for May 1983 Riverview Townhomes $ 0 Bostic I 0 Bostic II 0 Bostic III 0 Brown & Burns 0 J M Butler 0 Butler 0 Caldwell 0 Callaway 205.9Q Eldridge 0 Fairview 0 Holiday Terrace I 0 Holiday Terrace II 0 Holiday Terrace III 0 Keller I 0 Keller II 0 Lavon Terrace 0 Railroad 147.33 Russell 0 Southside 9.28 Westwind Meadows 50.45 Wylie Industrial Park 0 Wylwood I 0 'Wylwood II 0 Wylwood III 0 • Wylwood IV 0 Survey 0 Personal Property 0 Mobile Homes 0 TOTALS 412.96 WYLIE PUBLIC LIBRARY 108 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 1240 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-1240 PHONE: 442-2716 June 1 , 1983 MEMO: TO: Lee Vickers, City Manager FROM: Library Director RE: Library Statistics for May, 1983 CIRCULATION: 830 books, average of 26 books per day Adult: 468 Juvenile: 362 Paperbacks: 34 Periodicals: 2 Recordings: 10 Videocassette Movies: 88 Tapes: 0 Large Print: 15 Total Circulation: 979 REGISTRATION: 92 reference questions were answered this month for our patrons. Cards issued: 26 Total to date 3906 ACCESSIONS: 80 books were added Total to date: 13,924 INTERLIBRARY LOAN: 3 books, 0 films were borrowed for use by our patrons. EQUIPMENT LOANED: Respectfully submitted fJ �t NancyJones Librarian NSJ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDERS MAY 1983 MAY MAY WATER DEPARTMENT: 7983 1982 Leaks 9 5 Rereads 21 57 New Meters 23 Finals 5 16 Taps 1 New Accounts 26 17 Bad Meters : 3 Repaired--- 6 Replaced--- 5 Miscellaneous 4 9 71 TOTALS 71 131 SEWER DEPARTMENT: Stoppages 3 5 Taps 1 Miscellanious 3 TOTALS 3 9 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT: Electrical Permits 13 7 6 7 Rough-In Temporary Pole 9 4 Final 8 3 Plumbing Permits 11 4 Rough-In 11 7 — Final 8 5 Building Permits 15 5 Slab Inspects 10 10 Rough-In 7 2 Final Gas Line Inspects 1 Fence Permits 4 Pool Permits 1 TOTALS 104 49 STREET DEPARTMENT: Repairs 10 24 SANITATION DEPARTMENT: Special Pick-ups 8 22 TOTAL WORK ORDERS 196 235 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 1983 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 9 Ordinance Violation • Total 9 ACCIDENTS Major 3 Minor 2 Total 5 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 2 • Dog At Large . 7 Other 3 Dog Bite 1 Total 13 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Sick Calls 14 Police-Related Calls 18 Other 31 63 • Total ALARMS ANSWERED In City 1 Bank Other Business 5 • Residence Out of City 1 Total 7 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 1 Traffic - 1 Other 2 Total 4 • ARRESTS MADE Warrant (City of Wylie) Warrant (out of city) 5 Traffic charge 9 Public Intoxication 6 Other 6 26 Total Rage I BURGLARY CALLS • Residence • 2 Business • —1— Motor Vehicle • -- Coin Operated Machine • 3 Total THEFT CALLS • . Felony ) 2 • Misdemeanor 3 - - 5 Total WRECKER CALLS 2 Accident Police-Related Pull 6 Total 8 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS • Suspicious Person • • Suspicious Vehicle 14 Prowler 1 - • Open Door (Business) 3 Missing Person/Runaway 2 • Deceased Security Check • _.1.— Mental Patient/Commitment Emergency Message Traffic (other than accident) • Funeral Escort Other Escort Criminal Mischief/Vandalism Disturbance 34 Other: Threatening/Harassinq. Phone- Ca11s. 2 . . Bomb Threat . •-i-- Soliciter 2 Misc. • Speak to Officer 19 • • • 122 Total • • CLEARANCES • Felony 2 - Misdemeanor 4 . 8 Total . TRAFFIC STOPS-Total 181 185 TOTAL, ALL CALLS FOR MONTH OF MAY Submitted this 9 day of ; JUKE 19 g- • -40 R. D. ABBOTT, CHEF F POLICE City of Wylie( Texas SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT ACCIDENTS REPORTED: DATE LOCATION INJURIES? 05-02-83 Hwy. 78 & Martinez Ln. Yes , 05-07-83 Hwy. 78 & County Rd. 296 Yes 05-09-83 FM. 544 & 1st St. No 05-15-83 Hwy. 78 & Martinez Ln. Yes 05-18-83 Butler St. & Third St. Yes CLEARANCES: DATE/OFFENSE DATE CLEARED COMPLAINANT/VICTIM CHARGE 05-11-83 05-11-83 Disher,W.A. Missing Person 05-13-83 05-13-83 Melton,Thomas D.W.L.S. 05-22-83 05-23-83 Redden,Betty Aggravated Ass 05-23-83 05-23-83 Moore,Carl Traffic. Offens 05-27-83 . 05-27-83 Parker,James Suicide 05-30-83 06-07-83 McLellard,Mike Theft Under $21 ARRESTS: DATE OFFENSE 05-01-83 Disordly Conduct 05-15-83 . - Public Intoxication 05-01-83 Traffic Discharge Firearm Cit3 05-06-83 C.C.S.O. Warrants 05-17-83 C.C.S.O. Warrants 05-08-83 Tfaffic,Public Intoxication, 05-21-83 Traffic __ C.C.S.O. Warrants 05-22-83 Sachse PD Warrants 05-09-83 Traffic 05-23-83 D.S.O. Warrants 05-13-83 Theft under $5.00 05-23-83 Traffic 05-15-83 Public Intoxication 05-23-83 Public Intoxication SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT ARRESTS: DATE OFFENSE 05-23-83 D.W. I. 05-28-83 Traffic 05-28-83 Public Intoxication 05-28-83 Public Intoxication 05-30-83 Traffic 05-30-83 Traffic 05-31-83 Criminal Mischief $20 to $200.00, Resisting Arrest, Public Intoxication, Disordly Conduct MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY REPORT MAY 1983 Docket Nos. 83-948 thru 83-1072 Total Number of complaints filed: 125 Charges: Speeding 51 No Valid Inspection Certificate 8 Ran Stop Sign 8 Drivers License Violations 7 Registration Violations 11 Speeding, School Zone 2 No Proof/Liability Insurance 4 Equipment Violations 0 Public Intoxication 4 Failure to Appear 18 Improper Passing 2 Consume Alcoholic Bev/Public Place 1 Disorderly Conduct 2 No headgear (MC) 1 Trash Burning 1 Permit Unlic. Driver to Drive 1 Dog At Large 1 Theft Under $5.00 1 Wrong Way/One Way 2 • Court Activity: Pretrial Nolo Contendere (pd) 84 Quashed Complaint 2 Dismissed Complaint 1 Dismissed/Defensive Driving Course —7 Time Served in Lieu of Fine 1 Trial by Judge 1 guilty; 1 not guilty Trial by Jury 0 Bond Forfeitures 36 Warrants Issued 39 Warrants Executed �9 • Collections: 3066 2047 2050 Bond Forfeitures $ 1744.00 $ 1528.00 $ 180.00 $ 36.00 Fines Paid (Cash) $ 3666.00 $ 3162.00 $ 420.00 $ 84 .00 Refunds/Out of City $ 796.00 Total Collections $ 5410.00 $ h690.O0 $ 6013_00 $ 120 00 /31 May 1983 '\ —Elizabeth J. Gray, Qourt Clerk FISCAL REPORT May 1983 BANK ACCOUNT-MUNICIPAL COURT APPEARANCE BONDS • Beginning Bank Balance 1 May 1983 $ 324 .00 • Total Deposits $2537.00 • Disbursements City of Wylie $ 1744.00 Out of City/Bonds Ret/Refunds $ 796.00 Total Disbursements $2540.00 Bank Balance 31 May 1983 $ 321 .00 CASH TRANSACTIONS Total Cash Receipts $3846.32 Disbursements/City of Wylie Account #3066 $ 3162.00 Account #2047 $ 420.00 Account #2050 $ 84.00 Account #3064 (Animal) $ -0- Account #3078 (Report) $ 18 00 Account #22073 (Water) $ 70.80 Account #3029 (Trash Bag Sales) $ 59.8$ Account #3043 $ 10.00 Account #6303 $ 22. 14 Account # $ Total Cash Disbursements $3846.82 Cash on Hand 31 May 1983 $ -0- • TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CITY OF WYLIE - Account No. Cash Bond Forfeitures Total 3066 $ 3162.00 $ 1528.00 $4690.0( 2047. - $ 420.00 $ 180.00 $ 600.0( 2050 $ 84.00 $ 36.00 $ 120.0( 3064 $ 0 - $ -0- 3078 $ 18.00 - $ 18.0( 22073 $ 70.80 - $ 70.8( 3029 $ 59.88 - $ 59.8i 3043 $ 10.00 - $ 10.0( 6303 $ 22. 14 - $ 22. 1J $ - $ Cash Transactions .$ 3846.82 Bond Account Transactions $ 1744.00 Totals $5590.8 31 May 1983 L. 'Elizabeth J. Gray, Court Clerk City of Wylie, Texas MONTHLY ACTIVITY May 1983 FINES AND BONDS Total Bond Forfeitures (Bank Account Transactions) $ 1744.00 Total Fines Collected (Cash Transactions) $3666.00 GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER $5410.00 Credit Account #3066 $ 4690.00 Credit Account #2047 $ 600.00 Credit Account #2050 $ 120.00 MISCELLANEOUS 18.00 Total Report Fees-Account #3078 $ Total Water Receipts-Account #22073 $ 70.80 Total Trash Bag Sales-Account #3029 $ 59.88 Total Animal Fees-Account #3064 $ -0- Total Misc. Credits- $ 32. 14 Account # 3043 $ 10.00 Account # 6303 $ 22. 14 Account # $ GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER $.TJ80.82 GRAND TOTAL-ALL ACCOUNTS-TO CITY TREASURER $5590.82 . DISBURSEMENTS City Treasurer (Cash Bond Account) $1744.00 City Treasurer (Cash Transfer) $3846.82 Out of City/Refunds/Returned Bonds (Cash Bond Account) $ 796.00 GRAND TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $6386.82 BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE 31 May 1983 $ 321 .00 Receipt Nos. J4724 thru 4748; _M4512 thru 4550; M5001 thru M5024; TB 1910-1918 &1920; C5147 thru 5150; C5251 thru C5293; C5295 thru C5300; C5301 thru C5323. Check Nos. 497 thru 507 • 31 May 1983 / lizab6tb J. Gray, Court Clerk \`-->--Lity of Wylie, Texas